HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250109Technical Hearing 1-9-2025.pdf 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 2 3 IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN ) 4 POWER' S APPLICATION FOR ) CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) 5 AND CHARGES IN IDAHO ) 6 ) 7 8 9 BEFORE 10 COMMISSIONER EDWARD LODGE (Presiding) COMMISSIONER ERIC ANDERSON 11 COMMISSIONER JOHN HAMMOND 12 13 14 PLACE : Commission Hearing Room 15 11331 West Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A 16 Boise, Idaho 17 18 19 DATE : January 21, 2025 20 21 VOLUME I - Pages 1 - 77 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 1 COLLOQUY 208 . 890 . 5198 1 A P P E A R A N C E S 2 3 For the Staff: Adam Triplett Deputy Attorney General 4 IPUC 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. , 5 Bldg. No . 8, Suite 201-A PO Box 83720 6 Boise, ID 83720-0074 7 For Rocky Mountain Power: Joseph Dallas 8 PacifiCorp/Rocky Mountain 825 NE Multnomah 9 Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 10 11 For Idaho Irrigation Eric L. Olsen Pumpers Association: Echo Hawk & Olsen PLLC 12 505 Pershing Avenue Suite 100 13 PO Box 6119 Pocatello, Idaho 83205 14 15 For PacifiCorp Idaho Ronald Williams Industrial Customers : Hawley Troxell Ennis 16 & Hawley LLP PO Box 1617 17 Boise, Idaho 83701 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 2 APPEARANCES 208 . 890 . 5198 1 I N D E X 2 3 WITNESS EXAMINATION BY PAGE 4 Joelle Steward Mr. Dallas (Direct) 8 (Rocky Mountain) Prefiled Direct Testimony 10 5 6 Lance Kaufman Mr. Olsen (Direct) 40 (IIPA) Prefiled Direct Testimony 43 7 8 Donn English Mr. Triplett (Direct) 52 (Staff) Prefiled Direct Testimony 55 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 3 INDEX 208 . 890 . 5198 1 E X H I B I T S 2 3 NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE 4 FOR PACIFICORP/DBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER: 5 61 . Tariff Sheets - 77 pages Prefiled 6 Admitted 76 7 8 FOR THE STAFF: 9 101 . Professional Qualifications Prefiled of Donn English Admitted 76 10 11 FOR THE IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION: 12 201 . Professional Qualifications Prefiled 13 of Lance Kaufman Admitted 76 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 4 EXHIBITS 208 . 890 . 5198 I BOISE, IDAHO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 2025, 10 : 00 A. M. 2 3 4 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Good morning, 5 everyone . This is the time and place for a technical 6 hearing in Case No . PAC-E-24-04, further identified as in 7 the matter of Rocky Mountain Power' s application for 8 authority to increase its rates in the State of Idaho . 9 This hearing is taking place to consider 10 the general rate case filed with the Commission on 11 May 31st, 2024, seeking authority to increase Rocky 12 Mountain Power' s general rates for electrical service in 13 Idaho . 14 My name is Edward Lodge . I 'm the Chair of 15 today' s proceedings . I 'm joined by Commissioner Eric 16 Anderson and Commissioner John Hammond. We comprise the 17 Commission and we will collectively make a final decision 18 in these matters . 19 For today' s proceedings, we have Connie 20 Bucy serving as our court reporter, so I am reminded to 21 talk slowly, clearly, and into the microphone for the 22 benefit of the record. 23 By way of background, on October 21st and 24 at several subsequent meetings, the Company, all 25 intervenors, and Staff participated in settlement CSB REPORTING 5 COLLOQUY 208 . 890 . 5198 1 negotiations which resulted in a proposed settlement . 2 On December 6, 2024, the Company filed a 3 stipulation settlement and a motion for approval of the 4 stipulation settlement . The proposed settlement was 5 signed by Staff, the Company, and all intervenors . 6 We ' ll begin this morning by taking the 7 appearance of the parties and let ' s begin with the 8 Applicant Rocky Mountain Power. 9 MR. DALLAS : Yes, good morning, Joe Dallas 10 for Rocky Mountain Power. 11 COMMISSIONER LODGE : And for the 12 Irrigation Pumpers Association. 13 MR. OLSEN: Eric Olsen for Idaho 14 Irrigation Pumpers Association. 15 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Thank you. 16 PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers . 17 MR. WILLIAMS : Ron Williams on behalf of 18 the PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers . 19 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Thank you. For 20 Bayer? And for Commission Staff. 21 MR. TRIPLETT : Deputy Attorney General 22 Adam Triplett on behalf of Commission Staff. 23 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Great, thank you very 24 much. Are there any parties that we 've missed for 25 purposes of identification for the record? CSB REPORTING 6 COLLOQUY 208 . 890 . 5198 I Hearing none, are there any preliminary 2 matters that need to come before the Commission? 3 MR. DALLAS : Yes, Chair. 4 COMMISSIONER LODGE : You bet . 5 MR. DALLAS : In preparation for today' s 6 hearing, we did notice an inadvertent error in Exhibit 61 7 that accompanies the testimony in support of the 8 stipulation by Joelle Steward. In particular, that 9 exhibit did not include Electric Service Schedule 74, 10 which is the renewable energy credit option program; 11 however, the schedule is already on the record as Exhibit 12 46 to the testimony of Craig Eller. 13 The Company proposes to include a complete 14 tariff index, which includes Electric Service Schedule 74 15 in a tariff compliance filing if the Commission approves 16 the settlement today. 17 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Thank you. Do we 18 need to have any -- okay, perfect . Thank you very much. 19 I appreciate that . 20 Any other preliminary matters? Thank you. 21 Before calling the first witness, do 22 parties intend to present direct and/or rebuttal 23 testimony to spread upon the record? 24 All right, thank you, and with that, we ' re 25 ready to start the first witness . Let ' s begin with Rocky CSB REPORTING 7 COLLOQUY 208 . 890 . 5198 1 Mountain Power. 2 MR. DALLAS : Yes, Rocky Mountain Power 3 calls Joelle Steward. 4 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Great, thank you. We 5 will have you come up here and Commissioner Hammond will 6 swear you in. 7 8 JOELLE STEWARD, 9 produced as a witness at the instance of Rocky Mountain 10 Power, having been first duly sworn to tell the truth, 11 was examined and testified as follows : 12 13 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Mr. Dallas . 14 15 DIRECT EXAMINATION 16 17 BY MR. DALLAS : 18 Q Good morning, Ms . Steward. 19 A Good morning. 20 Q Can you please state and spell your last 21 name for the record? 22 A My name is Joelle Steward. It ' s 23 J-o-e-1-1-e S-t-e-w-a-r-d. 24 Q And Ms . Steward, what is your position at 25 Rocky Mountain Power? CSB REPORTING 8 STEWARD (Di) 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 A I 'm the senior vice president of 2 regulation. 3 Q And did you prepare and file testimony and 4 exhibits in support of the stipulation filed in the 5 record? 6 A I did. 7 Q And besides the correction that I 8 mentioned during the preliminary matters portion of the 9 hearing, are there any other corrections you'd like to 10 make to either your testimony or exhibits? 11 A No . 12 Q And if I asked you the questions that are 13 contained in your testimony that you prefiled today, 14 would your answers be the same? 15 A Yes . 16 MR. DALLAS : Thank you, and I move to 17 admit Ms . Steward' s testimony in support of the 18 stipulation that was filed on December 19th, 2024, into 19 the record and to have that testimony displayed within 20 the transcript . 21 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Great . Without 22 objection, we will spread the testimony across the record 23 as if read. Thank you. 24 (The following prefiled direct testimony 25 of Ms . Joelle Steward is spread upon the record. ) CSB REPORTING 9 STEWARD (Di) 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 I . INTRODUCTION AND QUALIFICATIONS 2 Q. Please state your name, business address, and 3 present position with PacifiCorp, d/b/a Rocky Mountain 4 Power ("Rocky Mountain Power" or the "Company") . 5 A. My name is Joelle R. Steward. My business 6 address is 1407 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 7 84116 . My present position is Senior Vice President, 8 Regulation. 9 Q. Please summarize your education and business 10 experience . 11 A. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political 12 Science from the University of Oregon and an M.A. in 13 Public Affairs from the Hubert Humphrey Institute of 14 Public Policy at the University of Minnesota. Between 15 1999 and March 2007, I was employed as a Regulatory 16 Analyst with the Washington Utilities and Transportation 17 Commission. I joined the Company in March 2007 as a 18 Regulatory Manager, responsible for all regulatory 19 filings and proceedings in Oregon. On February 14, 2012, 20 I assumed responsibilities overseeing cost of service and 21 pricing for PacifiCorp. In May 2015, I assumed broader 22 oversight over regulatory affairs in addition to the cost 23 of service and pricing responsibilities . In 2017, I 24 assumed the role as Vice President, Regulation for Rocky 25 Mountain Power; in November 2021, I assumed my current CSB REPORTING 10 Steward, STIP 1 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 role as Senior Vice President, Regulation for Rocky 2 Mountain Power. 3 / 4 5 / 6 7 / 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 11 Steward, STIP 1a 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Q. Have you appeared as a witness in previous 2 regulatory proceedings? 3 A. Yes . I have testified on various matters in the 4 states of Idaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. 5 II . PURPOSE OF TESTIMONY 6 Q. What is the purpose of your testimony? 7 A. The purpose of my testimony is to present and 8 support the Stipulation reached in Case No . PAC-E-24-04 9 PacifiCorp' s General Rate Case, ("2024 GRC") , entered 10 into by Rocky Mountain Power ("Company") ; Staff for the 11 Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff") ; the Idaho 12 Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. ("IIPA") ; P4 13 Production, L. L.0 an affiliate of Bayer Corporation 14 ("Bayer") ; and PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers 15 ("PIIC") ; collectively referred to in my testimony as the 16 Parties . 17 My testimony provides background on the 18 Company' s 2024 GRC and explains the terms and conditions 19 of the Stipulation reached between the Parties . I present 20 the Stipulation and describe how it represents a fair, 21 just, and reasonable compromise of the issues in this 22 proceeding that are in the public interest . My testimony 23 supports the Parties ' recommendation that the Idaho 24 Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") approve the 25 Stipulation and all of its terms and conditions . CSB REPORTING 12 Steward, STIP 2 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 III . BACKGROUND 2 Q. Please summarize the procedural background of 3 the 2024 GRC. 4 A. On May 31, 2024, the Company filed its 2024 GRC 5 with the Commission requesting authorization to increase 6 rates by $92 . 4 million, or approximately 26 . 8 percent. 7 The Company also requested approval to mitigate the rate 8 increase by phasing in the base net power cost increase 9 over two years . The Company proposed the first increase 10 of $66 . 7 million or 19 . 4 percent to take effect January 11 1, 2025, and a second increase of $25 . 7 million or 7 . 4 12 percent to take effect on January 1, 2026, for a total 13 increase of $92 . 4 million or 26 . 8 percent . 14 On October 24, 2024, the Parties began 15 negotiations with the Company. After the initial meeting 16 the Parties met several more times continuing to 17 negotiate the terms of the settlement . 18 On November 21, 2024, the Parties agreed to 19 draft terms of a Stipulated Settlement Agreement, 20 ("Stipulation") . On December 6, 2024, the Company filed a 21 Stipulation, signed by all the Parties to the 2024 GRC, 22 with the Commission with the intent of resolving all the 23 issues of the case . 24 IV. SETTLEMENT STIPULATION 25 Q. Please summarize the terms of the Stipulation. CSB REPORTING 13 Steward, STIP 3 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power I A. The Parties agree to an overall base rate 2 increase of 3 / 4 5 / 6 7 / 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 14 Steward, STIP 3a 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 $57 . 94 million or 16 . 8 percent effective January 1, 2025, 2 as set forth in Attachments A and B to the Stipulation. 3 The Parties also agree to mitigating the impacts of the 4 overall base increase by extending the recovery the 5 Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism ("ECAM") deferral 6 balances as explained later in my testimony, which 7 reduces the impact of the overall rate increase by $32 . 5 8 million. Thus, the net rate change effective January 1, 9 2025 is $25 . 44 or 7 . 4 percent . The Parties agree that 10 this Stipulation represents a compromise among competing 11 interests and a resolution of the contested issues in 12 this proceeding. Any adjustment to PacifiCorp' s Initial 13 Filing on May 31, 2024 not incorporated into the 14 Stipulation directly or by reference would be resolved 15 without an adjustment or recommendation for the purposes 16 of this proceeding. 17 Q. Please describe the rate mitigation agreed to 18 by the Parties to address the overall rate increase . 19 A. The Parties agreed to mitigate the impacts of 20 the overall increase by extending the recovery the ECAM 21 deferral balances as follows : 22 the ECAM rates on Schedule 94 for recovery 23 of the 2023 deferred costs (Case No . 24 PAC-E-24-051) , will be reduced 25 / CSB REPORTING 15 Steward, STIP 4 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 / 2 3 / 4 5 / 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power's Application for Approval of $62.4 Million ECAM Deferral, Case No. PAC-E-24-05, Order No. 36207 24 (May 31, 2024) ; Order No 36367 on reconsideration (Oct. 18, 2024) . The Company filed a notice of appeal on November 27, 2024. 25 CSB REPORTING 16 Steward, STIP 4a 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 by 50 percent, effective January 1, 2025 (or 2 rate effective date of this proceeding) with 3 the remaining balance as of June 1, 2025, to be 4 recovered over two years with the costs 5 deferred in 2024; and 6 The costs approved for recovery in the 2025 7 ECAM filing (for costs deferred in 2024 and 8 including the remaining balance from the 2024 9 ECAM filing) will be recovered over two years, 10 beginning June 1, 2025 . 11 Q. Does the Stipulation include an attachment to 12 show the agreed-upon calculation of the base rate change 13 and rate mitigation? 14 A. Yes . Attachment A to the Stipulation reflects 15 these calculations . As shown in Attachment A, the Parties 16 agree that the proposed total $57 . 94 million increase 17 reflects specific updates and adjustments to the 18 Company' s filed case, as well as an additional 19 non-specific adjustment related to a compromise of issues 20 on which resolution could not be reached. 21 Q. Please explain the Parties ' agreement on a 22 non-specific adjustment to PacifiCorp' s proposed revenue 23 requirement . 24 A. To resolve all outstanding revenue requirement 25 items not specifically addressed in the Stipulation, the CSB REPORTING 17 Steward, STIP 5 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Parties agreed to a $7 . 3 million reduction to the 2 Company' s revenue requirement . This adjustment fully 3 resolves all contested 4 / 5 6 / 7 8 / 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 18 Steward, STIP 5a 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power I revenue requirement items in this case not addressed in 2 an issue-specific settlement . 3 Q. Did the Parties agree on when the rate changes 4 reflected in the Stipulation will become effective? 5 A. Yes . The rate change attributable to the base 6 revenue requirement increase will be effective for 7 service on and after January 1, 2025 . 8 A. Rate of Return 9 Q. Please describe the Parties ' agreement on rate 10 of return. 11 A. The Parties agree to a rate of return of 7 . 25 12 percent, based on unspecified assumptions for capital 13 structure costs and components . 14 B. Capital Additions 15 Q. Please describe the Parties ' agreement on 16 capital additions . 17 A. The Parties agree with the inclusion of the 18 Company' s capital additions as set forth in its initial 19 filing on May 31, 2024, including the recovery of the 20 Gateway South and Gateway West Transmission projects, as 21 well as the Rock River I, Foot Creek II-IV, and Rock 22 Creek I wind projects, subject to the following: 23 PacifiCorp will file an attestation that 24 Gateway South and Gateway West Transmission 25 projects are in service prior to the rate effective date; CSB REPORTING 19 Steward, STIP 6 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Suspended/cancelled projects are removed from 2 rate base, reducing the revenue requirement by 3 $700 thousand; and 4 Parties reserve the right to review and provide 5 recommendations to the Commission in the 6 Company' s next general rate case on the 7 recovery of capital costs associated with the 8 transmission level line extension for Project 9 Specialized (Oregon) . 10 C. NPC and the ECAM 11 Q. Does the Stipulation specify the base amounts 12 for the SCAM? 13 A. Yes . The Parties recommend as part of the 14 overall Stipulation that the Commission approve the 15 following base ECAM amounts : 16 Net Power Costs - $2, 228, 403, 177 or $36 . 66/MWh 17 total-company, $128, 240, 000 or $36 . 91 18 Idaho-allocated. 19 Base Production Tax Credits - are equal to the 20 amount filed in the application at ($4 . 31) /MWh. 21 Base Load Change Adjustment Revenue ("LCAR") - 22 $6 .29/MWh. 23 As shown in Attachment A to the Stipulation, 24 Parties agreed to three adjustments to NPC as reflected 25 in the Company' s initial filing. First, an adjustment is CSB REPORTING 20 Steward, STIP 7 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 made for emergency purchases . Second, an adjustment is 2 made to remove the Washington Climate Commitment Act 3 allowance costs consistent with the Commission' s decision 4 in 5 / 6 7 / 8 9 / 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 21 Steward, STIP 7a 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Case No . PAC-E-24-05 . Finally, NPC has been updated for 2 the September 2024 Official Forward Price Curve . 3 Q. Did the Parties agree upon the sharing bands 4 for the SCAM? 5 A. Yes . The ECAM sharing band will remain at 90 6 percent customer/10 percent company. The Parties agree to 7 host workshops to evaluate the sharing band in the ECAM 8 and explore alternative risk sharing/incentive mechanisms 9 prior to the Company' s next general rate case . 10 Q. Did the Parties agree upon the treatment of 11 wheeling revenues? 12 A. Yes . Beginning with 2025, the ECAM will include 13 a true-up for Open Access Transmission Tariff ("OATT") 14 wheeling revenues . The amount of wheeling revenues in 15 base rates is $188, 219, 298 total company, $10, 331, 275 16 ($2 . 97/MWh) Idaho allocated. The wheeling revenue true-up 17 will be subject to the ECAM sharing band. 18 D. Catastrophic Fire Fund, Excess Liability Premium 19 Costs , and the Insurance Cost Adjustment 20 Q. Did the Stipulation address the Catastrophic 21 Fire Fund, excess liability insurance premium costs, and 22 the Company' s proposed Insurance Cost Adjustment ("ICA") ? 23 A. Yes . With respect to the Catastrophic Fire 24 Fund, the Company has agreed to withdraw this proposal 25 but reserves the right to propose the fund in a future CSB REPORTING 22 Steward, STIP 8 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 proceeding. With respect to the excess liability 2 insurance premium costs, 3 / 4 5 / 6 7 / 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 23 Steward, STIP 8a 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 the Parties agree that these costs are set at $9, 806, 312 2 (Idaho allocated) . Excess liability insurance premium 3 costs above or below the amount in base rates will be 4 tracked separately and prudently incurred insurance costs 5 above the amount in base rates will be amortized in the 6 Company' s next general rate case . The deferral will be 7 reevaluated when the Company files its next rate case in 8 conjunction with any potential insurance mechanism. 9 Finally, with respect to the ICA, excess liability 10 insurance premium costs of $9, 806, 312 and amortization of 11 $2, 605, 627 of annual deferred premium amortization 12 ($12, 411, 639 in total) will be recovered through the ICA 13 but the surcharge will not be a separate line item on 14 customer bills . Beginning January 1, 2025, the ICA clause 15 revenues will be spread in the manner proposed in the 16 Company' s initial filing, based on a percentage of 17 overall revenues . 18 E. Voluntary Renewable Energy Credit Option Tariff 19 Q. Did the Parties reach agreement on the 20 Company' s proposed Voluntary Renewable Energy Credit 21 Option Tariff ("REC Program") ? 22 A. Yes . The Parties agree to the implementation of 23 the Voluntary Renewable Energy Credit Option Tariff 24 provided that future changes to the Renewable Energy 25 Credit Option Program Percentage, as defined in the Direct Testimony of CSB REPORTING 24 Steward, STIP 9 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Company witness Craig M. Eller, be approved by the 2 Commission. The Company will also include its annual 3 generation from hydro, wind, solar, geothermal, biogas, 4 and biomass as a percentage of total system generation in 5 its annual RRA filing. Finally, REC revenues being held 6 for return to non-participants will be held in a deferral 7 account earning the Commission approved customer deposit 8 rate . 9 F. Pricing and Cost of Service 10 Q. Does the Stipulation include a comprehensive 11 agreement on pricing and cost of service issues among the 12 Parties? 13 A. Yes . The Parties have agreed on pricing and 14 cost of service parameters for the stipulated revenue 15 requirement, which are described below. The estimated 16 rate spread and rates calculated using these parameters 17 are reflected in Attachment B to the Stipulation. 18 Q. Please describe the Parties ' agreement on rate 19 spread for the overall net rate increase. 20 A. Parties agree that rate spread will be 21 established using the Company' s proposed class cost of 22 service study included in its initial filing on May 31, 23 2024, subject to a cap of 110 percent of the overall 24 average base rate increase with a floor of zero percent 25 price change for all classes . The cap and floor CSB REPORTING 25 Steward, STIP 10 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 percentage allocations will be applied to the base rate 2 increase prior to the application of the ICA 3 / 4 5 / 6 7 / 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 26 Steward, STIP 10a 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 and ECAM rate changes identified above . 2 Q. Have the Parties reached an agreement on 3 residential rate design? 4 A. Yes . The Parties resolved all issues on residential 5 rate design by agreeing to the following: 6 Parties agree that the Schedule 1 and Schedule 7 36 Customer Service Charges will continue to 8 increase according to the timing specified in 9 the Residential Rate Modernization Plan (Case 10 No . PAC-E-22-15) with commensurate decreases in 11 Energy Charges on June 1 each year of the plan; 12 and 13 Parties agree that Schedule 1 Energy Charges 14 will maintain the present 17 percent 15 differential in tiers in both seasons . 16 Q. Did the Parties also resolve rate design issues 17 for non-residential customers? 18 A. Yes . The Parties agreed to the following 19 changes from PacifiCorp' s filed case for rate design for 20 non-residential rate schedules : 21 The Company' s proposed rate design will be used 22 for rate schedules other than Schedule 1 and 23 Schedule 36; 24 The Company' s proposal to update time of use 25 periods and replace demand charges with CSB REPORTING 27 Steward, STIP 11 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 time-varying seasonal energy charges will apply 2 to Schedules 35 and 35A; 3 Schedule 24 should be eliminated; and 4 / 5 6 / 7 8 / 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 28 Steward, STIP 11a 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 A 30, 000 kW load limit will apply for Schedules 2 6, 6A, 23, and 23A. 3 Q. Did Parties agree to tariff rule changes? 4 A. Yes . The Parties agree that the Company' s 5 proposed tariff rule changes as described in the Direct 6 Testimony of Company witness Robert M. Meredith be 7 approved, specifically: 8 The additional language, as shown on page 74 of 9 Exhibit No . 58 attached to the Direct Testimony 10 of Company witness Meredith, to the Rule 3 - 11 Electric Service Agreements tariff to clarify 12 that Customers assume contract minimum bills as 13 a condition of service when assuming an 14 existing point of delivery; and 15 The revisions, as shown on pages 75 through 77 16 of Exhibit No . 58 attached to the Direct 17 Testimony of Company witness Meredith, to the 18 Rule 12 - Line Extension tariff to change the 19 Company' s definition of extension Limits, and 20 require that customers requiring more than 21 1, 000 kilovolt-amperes ("kVA") must pay their 22 line extension advance prior to the start of 23 construction. 24 G. Stay-Out Provision 25 Q. Did the Company agree to a rate case stay out CSB REPORTING 29 Steward, STIP 12a 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 provision? 2 A. Yes . The Company will not file a general rate 3 case with new rates effective before January 1, 2027 . 4 However, as part of this agreement, Parties have agreed 5 that in lieu 6 / 7 8 / 9 10 / 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 30 Steward, STIP 12a 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power I of filing a general rate case in 2025, PacifiCorp will be 2 allowed to record as a regulatory asset the depreciation 3 expense and return on for Rock Creek II wind facility 4 until the next general rate case . 5 Q. What is the Rock Creek II wind project? 6 A. Rock Creek II is a 400 megawatt wind project 7 selected as a build-transfer agreement in the 2020 8 All-Source Request for Proposals and is in construction 9 by Invenergy with an expected in-service date in 10 September 2025 . 11 As provided in the agreement, PacifiCorp will 12 be allowed to defer the depreciation expense and return 13 on Rock Creek II wind facility in a regulatory asset 14 account, with recovery and amortization to be determined 15 in the Company' s next general rate case filing. During 16 the deferral period NPC and production tax credit 17 benefits will flow through ECAM but will be tracked and 18 subject to offset any disallowances on recovery of the 19 Rock Creek II deferral . Calculation of the NPC benefits 20 can be addressed at the time PacifiCorp seeks recovery of 21 the deferral . 22 H. Additional Terms 23 Q. Did the Parties reach agreement regarding 24 certain costs as part of the Stipulation? 25 A. Yes . The Parties agreed that Western Resource CSB REPORTING 31 Steward, STIP 13 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Adequacy Costs/Committee of State Regulatory costs will 2 be deferred for later recovery once benefits are 3 realized. The Parties 4 / 5 6 / 7 8 / 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 32 Steward, STIP 13a 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 also agreed that the Intervenor funding balance will be 2 amortized over four years at $10, 000 per year. 3 Q. Did Parties reach agreement on holding 4 workshops prior to the next filed general rate case? 5 A. Yes . Specifically, the Parties agreed that 6 prior to the next general rate case : 7 The Company and interested parties will hold 8 workshops on the Company' s risk 9 management/hedging practices; and 10 The Company will hold a workshop with Staff and 11 other interested parties to evaluate weather 12 normalization methods of consumption. 13 Q. Did the Company agree to perform a study as 14 part of the Stipulation? 15 A. Yes . The Company will perform a study, prior to 16 filing the next general rate case, on the costs and 17 revenues associated with transmission level voltage line 18 extensions serving very large individual customers who 19 signed agreements (in 2020 or later) with the Company for 20 a load request of 25 megawatts or greater. The study 21 should review FERC rules, state tariffs and Company 22 policies that govern how costs and revenues are situs 23 assigned or system allocated; analyze how those rules 24 were applied to existing projects; and analyze how costs 25 and revenues might shift under different allocation principles . CSB REPORTING 33 Steward, STIP 14 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Q. Finally, did the Company agree to allow 2 representatives of PIIC and IIPA to attend its ongoing 3 workshops addressing wildfire risk regulatory mechanisms? 4 A. Yes . Since September 2023, the Company has been 5 holding workshops with stakeholders across its six 6 jurisdictions to discuss the impacts of wildfire risks on 7 costs, including insurance, and the mechanisms that can 8 address the adverse impacts of these costs on the Company 9 and its customers . PIIC and IIPA will be allowed to have 10 representation in the Wildfire Insurance Working Group 11 subject to executing the Wildfire Insurance Working Group 12 nondisclosure agreement . 13 I . General Terms 14 Q. If the Commission rejects any part of the 15 Stipulation, are the Parties entitled to reconsider their 16 participation in the Stipulation? 17 A. Yes . The Parties have negotiated the 18 Stipulation as an integrated document. If the Commission 19 rejects all or any material portion of the Stipulation or 20 imposes additional material conditions, any of the 21 Parties are entitled to withdraw from the Stipulation. 22 Q. Are the agreements reflected in the Stipulation 23 binding on the Parties in future proceedings? 24 A. No . The Parties agree that by entering into the 25 Stipulation, no Party approved, admitted, or consented to CSB REPORTING 34 Steward, STIP 15 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 the facts, principles, methods, or theories employed by 2 any other Party in arriving at the terms of this 3 Stipulation, other than those specifically identified and 4 resolved in the body of the Stipulation. The Stipulation 5 addresses the reasonableness of the costs in rates for 6 the test period and the Parties agree that no provision 7 of the Stipulation is appropriate for resolving issues 8 for future periods or proceedings, except as specifically 9 identified in the Stipulation. 10 V. REASONABLENESS OF THE STIPULATION 11 Q. What is the basis for the Stipulation? 12 A. The Stipulation is the culmination of extensive 13 work by all Parties to review the Application, submit 14 discovery, evaluate positions, and participate in 15 intensive settlement discussions . Parties had multiple 16 settlement conferences and resolved their differences 17 incrementally through dialogue and negotiations . 18 Q. Why should the Commission adopt the 19 Stipulation? 20 A. The Stipulation represents a reasonable 21 compromise of the numerous and complex issues raised in 22 this case for many reasons, including, but not limited to 23 the fact that the Stipulation: 24 an overall base rate increase of $57 . 94 million 25 or 16 . 8 percent, a reduction from the 26 . 8 percent increase PacifiCorp initially sought; CSB REPORTING 35 Steward, STIP 16 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 mitigates the impacts of the overall base 2 increase with extending the recovery the ECAM 3 deferral balances as I have explained above, 4 which reduces the impact of the overall rate 5 increase by $32 . 5 million . The net rate change 6 effective January 1, 2025 is $25 . 44 or 7 . 4 7 percent; 8 resolves pricing and cost of service issues in 9 a manner that is fair to all customer classes; 10 permits development of additional information 11 and analysis to inform decisions on issues 12 relevant to this case in future filings; 13 outlines a collaborative process to review 14 potential changes to the ECAM; and 15 imposes a rate-case stay-out that will provide 16 price stability for customers by precluding 17 another general rate change before January 1, 18 2027 . 19 While the above list is not an exhaustive 20 description of every term in the Stipulation, the 21 compromises on the remaining issues are fair, just and 22 reasonable . 23 VI . RECOMMENDATION 24 Q. Please summarize the Company' s recommendation. 25 A. The Stipulation is a compromise of the disputed CSB REPORTING 36 Steward, STIP 17 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 claims and positions of the Parties on all issues in this 2 proceeding and represents a fair, just, and reasonable 3 compromise of these issues . Based on this representation 4 I respectfully 5 / 6 7 / 8 9 / 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 37 Steward, STIP 17a 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 request that the Commission issue an order approving an 2 increase to base rates of $57 . 94 million or 16 . 8 percent 3 effective January 1, 2025, adopting all other terms and 4 conditions of the Stipulation as filed and approve the 5 compliance tariff sheets provided as Exhibit No . 61 to my 6 testimony. 7 Q. Does this conclude your testimony? 8 A. Yes . 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 38 Steward, STIP 18 208 . 890 . 5198 Rocky Mountain Power 1 (The following proceedings were had in 2 open hearing. ) 3 4 MR. DALLAS : Thank you, and that concludes 5 my questions and Ms . Steward is available for any 6 cross-examination or questions from the Bench. 7 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Great, thank you, 8 Mr. Dallas . 9 We will start with Mr. Olsen, any 10 questions? 11 MR. OLSEN: No questions . 12 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Mr. Williams . 13 MR. WILLIAMS : No questions . 14 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Thank you. 15 Mr. Triplett . 16 MR. TRIPLETT : No questions . 17 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Questions from the 18 Commission? Okay, hearing none, we really appreciate 19 your time here . Thank you for coming. 20 THE WITNESS : Thank you. 21 COMMISSIONER LODGE : You bet . 22 (The witness left the stand) . 23 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Back to you, 24 Mr. Dallas, any further witnesses? 25 MR. DALLAS : That concludes the Company' s CSB REPORTING 39 STEWARD 208 . 890 . 5198 1 witnesses . 2 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Great, thank you. I 3 will next the floor turn it over to Mr. Olsen from the 4 Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association. 5 MR. OLSEN: Thank you, Chair Lodge . We 6 would like to call Lance Kaufman remotely to the stand. 7 Lance, if you could show yourself and 8 unmute . 9 MR. KAUFMAN: Okay, I 'm here . 10 11 LANCE KAUFMAN, 12 produced as a witness at the instance of the Idaho 13 Irrigation Pumpers Association, having been first duly 14 sworn to tell the truth, was examined and testified as 15 follows : 16 17 DIRECT EXAMINATION 18 19 BY MR. OLSEN: 20 Q Mr. Kaufman, could you please state and 21 spell your name for the record? 22 A My name is Lance Kaufman, K-a-u-f-m-a-n. 23 Q And what position do you testify at this 24 hearing? 25 A I am a principal of Western Economics and CSB REPORTING 40 KAUFMAN (Di) 208 . 890 . 5198 IIPA 1 I 'm consulting as an expert witness on behalf of IIPA. 2 Q And you mean by IIPA the Idaho Irrigation 3 Pumpers Association? 4 A Yes . 5 Q Thank you. Did you prepare testimony that 6 was filed with the Commission dated December 12th, 2024, 7 in support of -- 8 A I did. 9 Q I apologize -- in support of the 10 stipulation that the Commission is considering? 11 A Yes, I did. 12 Q Are there any corrections or additions 13 that need to be made to that testimony? 14 A No . 15 Q If I were to ask you the same questions 16 that were asked in your prefiled testimony, would your 17 answers still be the same? 18 A Yes . 19 MR. OLSEN: Mr. Lodge, we would move to 20 admit the prefiled testimony of Lance E . Kaufman into the 21 record and have it spread as if read. 22 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Thank you, and 23 without objection, we will spread the testimony across 24 the record as if read. Thank you. 25 CSB REPORTING 41 KAUFMAN (Di) 208 . 890 . 5198 IIPA 1 (The following prefiled direct testimony 2 of Mr. Lance Kaufman is spread upon the record. ) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 42 KAUFMAN (Di) 208 . 890 . 5198 IIPA 1 I . INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY 2 Q PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME AND OCCUPATION. 3 A My name is Lance D. Kaufman. I am a 4 consultant representing utility customers before state 5 public utility commissions in the Northwest and 6 Intermountain West . My witness qualification statement 7 can be found at Exhibit 201 . 8 Q PLEASE IDENTIFY THE PARTY ON WHOSE BEHALF 9 YOU ARE TESTIFYING. 10 A I am testifying on behalf of the Idaho 11 Irrigation Pumper' s Associates, Inc . ("IIPA") . IIPA is a 12 non-profit trade association whose members are large 13 energy users in the Idaho, including customers receiving 14 electric services from PacifiCorp ("PAC" or "Company") . 15 Q WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF YOUR TESTIMONY? 16 A I provide testimony on the following 17 items : 18 The proposed settlement . 19 Q PLEASE SUMMARIZE YOUR RECOMMENDATIONS . 20 A I make the following recommendations : 21 Find the proposed settlement results in fair, 22 just, and reasonable rates . 23 II . SUMMARY OF IIPA PARTICIPATION IN THIS CASE 24 Q PLEASE SUMMARIZE IIPA' S PARTICIPATION, 25 ANALYSIS, AND FINDINGS IN THIS CASE . Case No . PAC-E-24-04 43 Kaufman, L Di 1 12/12/2024 IIPA 1 A IIPA reviewed the opening testimony and 2 workpapers of all company witnesses, issued discovery on 3 cost of capital, test year expenses, and cost of service, 4 and developed positions on potentially appropriate 5 adjustments to the Company' s filed case . Prior to 6 participation in settlement discussions IIPA identified 7 and quantified potential adjustments related to the 8 following issues : 9 / 10 11 / 12 13 / 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Case No . PAC-E-24-04 44 Kaufman, L Di 1a 12/12/2024 IIPA 1 1 . Cost of capital . 2 2 . Rate base . 3 3 . Expenses . 4 4 . Cost of service, and 5 5 . Rate spread. 6 IIPA participated in multiple settlement discussions 7 in October and November, 2024 regarding this case . 8 During these discussions all issues considered by IIPA 9 were raised and discussed by the parties, including PAC. 10 PAC offered reasonable responses to many of the issues 11 and concerns raised by the parties . Between settlement 12 discussion IIPA met with members and other intervening 13 parties to discuss issues in the case . IIPA proposed 14 several of the compromises that led to the final 15 settlement proposal and finds the final proposal contains 16 terms and conditions that are acceptable to the IIPA, 17 provides an appropriate balance between the participating 18 parties, and will likely result in fair, just and 19 reasonable rates . 20 Q PLEASE DESCRIBE YOUR ANALYSIS OF PAC' S 21 COST OF CAPITAL. 22 A IIPA submitted discovery and performed 23 analysis of PAC ' s cost of capital, including estimates of 24 cost of equity and evaluation of capital structure and 25 cost of debt . IIPA evaluated cost of capital using Case No . PAC-E-24-04 45 Kaufman, L Di 2 12/12/2024 IIPA 1 discounted cash flow and capital pricing asset models . 2 The cost of equity agreed to in the stipulation was 3 contained within the range of estimates of IIPA' s cost of 4 equity analysis . IIPA reviewed the company' s credit 5 position, debt coverage, debt issuances, and historical 6 changes in capital structure . IIPA identified capital 7 structure as a potential area of contention, with the 8 Company' s requested capital structure containing an 9 equity ratio exceeding its actual 10 / 11 12 / 13 14 / 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Case No . PAC-E-24-04 46 Kaufman, L Di 2a 12/12/2024 IIPA 1 equity ratio . The settled return on rate base is 2 consistent with a return on equity, cost of debt, and 3 capital structure within the range that IIPA' s analysis 4 indicates is reasonable . 5 Q PLEASE DESCRIBE YOUR REVIEW OF PAC ' S RATE 6 BASE . 7 A IIPA investigated the annualization and 8 prudence of major plant additions included as pro-forma 9 adjustments and historic plant additions related to 10 wildfire restoration. 11 Q PLEASE DESCRIBE YOUR REVIEW OF PAC' S 12 EXPENSES . 13 A IIPA reviewed PAC' s base year expense 14 ledgers and test year adjustments . IIPA identified 15 potential issues with executive compensation, bonuses, 16 injuries and damages, outside services, and catastrophic 17 fire fund. 18 Q PLEASE DESCRIBE YOUR REVIEW OF PAC' S COST 19 OF SERVICE MODEL. 20 A IIPA identified several potential changes 21 to PAC ' s cost of service model . These changes generally 22 reduced the cost of demand in summer months . 23 Q PLEASE DESCRIBE YOUR REVIEW OF PAC ' S RATE 24 SPREAD. 25 A IIPA' s revised cost of service model Case No . PAC-E-24-04 47 Kaufman, L Di 3 12/12/2024 IIPA 1 indicated that the Company' s filed study allocated 2 excessive costs to Irrigation Schedule 10 . The 3 stipulated rate spread results in a rate increase for 4 Schedule 10 that is in between the rate increase 5 indicated by IIPA' s study and that indicated by PAC ' s 6 study, and is a reasonable compromise among parties . 7 Q PLEASE DESCRIBE YOUR REVIEW OF PAC ' S RATE 8 DESIGN. 9 A PAC proposed rate design for Irrigation 10 Schedule 10 increased fixed charges, demand charges, and 11 energy charges by equal percentages . IIPA consulted with 12 IIPA members to confirm that this design is acceptable to 13 Schedule 10 customers . 14 / 15 16 / 17 18 / 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Case No . PAC-E-24-04 48 Kaufman, L Di 3a 12/12/2024 IIPA 1 Q ARE ALL OF IIPA' S CONCERNS ADDRESSED IN 2 THE PROPOSED SETTLEMENT? 3 A Yes, all of IIPA' s concerns are addressed 4 in the proposed settlement through changes to revenue 5 requirement and rate spread, or indirectly through 6 agreement for ongoing collaboration. IIPA recommends 7 that the commission find the proposed settlement to be g fair, just, and reasonable and in the public interest . 9 Q HOW DOES THE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT ADDRESS 10 IIPA' S CONCERNS? 11 A The agreed rate of return on rate base is 12 consistent with IIPA' s models . The non-specific revenue 13 requirement adjustments is sufficiently large to address 14 IIPA expense and rate base issues . With the exception of 15 the items explicitly called out in Paragraph 11, the 16 stipulation is worded in a manner that preserves IIPA' s 17 ability to continue to address disputed plant in future 18 rate cases . The rate spread is a fair compromise between 19 IIPA' s cost of service model and PAC' s cost of service 20 model . 21 Q WHAT IS YOUR RECOMMENDATION REGARDING THE 22 STIPULATION? 23 A IIPA recommends that the Commission find 24 the proposed settlement to be fair, just, and reasonable 25 and in the public interest . Case No . PAC-E-24-04 49 Kaufman, L Di 4 12/12/2024 IIPA 1 Q DOES THIS CONCLUDE YOUR TESTIMONY 2 SUPPORTING THE STIPULATION? 3 A Yes . 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Case No . PAC-E-24-04 50 Kaufman, L Di 4a 12/12/2024 IIPA 1 (The following proceedings were had in 2 open hearing. ) 3 4 MR. OLSEN: We now tender the witness, 5 Mr. Kaufman, for any questions or cross-examination . 6 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Thank you. 7 Mr. Dallas . 8 MR. DALLAS : No questions from the 9 Company. 10 COMMISSIONER LODGE : You bet . 11 Mr. Williams . 12 MR. WILLIAMS : No questions . 13 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Mr. Triplett . 14 MR. TRIPLETT : No questions . 15 COMMISSIONER LODGE : From the Commission. 16 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: No questions . 17 COMMISSIONER LODGE : All right, thank you, 18 sir. I appreciate your time . You' re excused, thank you. 19 THE WITNESS : Thank you. 20 (The witness left the stand. ) 21 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Mr. Williams, do you 22 have any witnesses for us today? 23 MR. WILLIAMS : Commissioner Lodge, no, I 24 do not . What PIIC did, PIIC, is file three pages of 25 comments on December 19 . They are part of the record CSB REPORTING 51 KAUFMAN 208 . 890 . 5198 1 already and PacifiCorp Industrial Customers are General 2 Service High Voltage Customer Schedule 9 that shows up on 3 the schedules, and our customer groups support the 4 settlement stipulation and recommend that the Commission 5 find that the stipulation is in the public interest . 6 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Thank you. Are there 7 questions of Mr. Williams? 8 From the Commission? 9 Great, thank you, sir. 10 Next we will go to our Commission Staff, 11 Mr. Triplett . 12 MR. TRIPLETT : Commission Staff would call 13 its witness Mr. Donn English to the stand. 14 15 DONN ENGLISH, 16 produced as a witness at the instance of the Staff, 17 having been first duly sworn to tell the truth, was 18 examined and testified as follows : 19 20 DIRECT EXAMINATION 21 22 BY MR. TRIPLETT : 23 Q Mr. English, could you please state your 24 name for the record and spell your last name? 25 A My name is Donn English, E-n-g-l-i-s-h. CSB REPORTING 52 ENGLISH (Di) 208 . 890 . 5198 Staff 1 Q And could you please describe your current 2 employment? 3 A I am the program manager overseeing the 4 audit department within the utilities division at the 5 Commission. 6 Q Are you the same Donn English who 7 previously filed testimony in support of the stipulation 8 consisting of about 15 pages and Exhibit 101 on 9 December 18th, 2024? 10 A Yes, I am. 11 Q Does Exhibit 101 accurately reflect your 12 work experience and employment history? 13 A Yes, it does . 14 Q Turning to that direct testimony, if I 15 asked you the same questions that appear in that direct 16 testimony, would your answers still be the same? 17 A Yes, they would. 18 Q Is there anything that you would like to 19 add to that direct testimony you previously filed? 20 A No, there is not . 21 MR. TRIPLETT : Thank you, Mr. English. 22 Mr. Chair, I would move to admit 23 Mr. English' s direct testimony and to spread that 24 testimony on the record and then open Mr. English to 25 cross-examination by the Commission or other parties . CSB REPORTING 53 ENGLISH (Di) 208 . 890 . 5198 Staff 1 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Great, thank you, and 2 without objection, we will spread Mr. English' s 3 testimony, direct testimony, across the record as if 4 read. 5 (The following prefiled direct testimony 6 of Mr. Donn English is spread upon the record. ) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 54 ENGLISH (Di) 208 . 890 . 5198 Staff 1 Q. Please state your name and business address? 2 A. My name is Donn English. My business address 3 is 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. , BLDG 8, STE 201-A, Boise, 4 Idaho 83714 . 5 Q. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? 6 A. I am employed by the Idaho Public Utilities 7 Commission ("Commission") as a Program Manager overseeing 8 the Accounting and Finance Department in the Utilities 9 Division. 10 Q. Please describe your educational background and 11 professional experience . 12 A. I was hired by the Commission in 2003 and I 13 have provided testimony and recommendations in numerous 14 proceedings . My educational background and professional 15 experiences are provided in Exhibit No . 101 . 16 Q. What is the purpose of your testimony in this 17 proceeding? 18 A. The purpose of my testimony is to describe 19 Rocky Mountain Power' s ("Rocky Mountain" or "Company") 20 Application to increase its rates and charges for 21 electric service in Idaho, describe the proposed 22 Settlement Stipulation ("Settlement") reached by the 23 parties in this case, and explain Staff' s support for the 24 proposed Settlement . 25 Q. How is your testimony organized? CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 55 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 1 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 A. My testimony is organized under the following 2 headings : 3 Background Page 2 4 Staff Investigation Page 4 5 Settlement Evaluation Page 6 6 Settlement Overview Page 7 7 Background 8 Q. Please describe Rocky Mountain' s Application. 9 A. Rocky Mountain made its original filing with 10 the Idaho Public Utilities Commission on May 31, 2024, 11 requesting authority to increase its revenue by $92 . 4 12 million, or approximately 26 . 8 percent . The Company 13 requested to mitigate the proposed increase by phasing in 14 the base net power cost increase over two years . The 15 first-year increase of $66 . 7 million, or 19 . 4 percent, 16 would be effective on January 1, 2025, while a second 17 increase of $25 . 7 million, or 7 . 4 percent, would take 18 effect on January 1, 2026 . The Company' s proposed 19 increase was based on a historical twelve-month period 20 ending December 31, 2023, adjusted for known and 21 measurable changes through December 31, 2024 . The 22 Company proposed a hypothetical capital structure with 23 50 . 0 percent equity and a return on equity of 10 . 3 24 percent, for an overall weighted average cost of capital 25 of 7 . 69 percent . The Company' s Application reflected net power CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 56 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 2 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 costs ("NPC") of $2 . 382 billion on a total-Company basis 2 and $136 . 7 million on an Idaho jurisdictional basis . The 3 Company also requested a modification to the sharing band 4 in the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism ("ECAM") so that 5 95 percent of the NPC variances will be passed through 6 the mechanism and the remaining five percent of the NPC 7 variances will be excluded. Additionally, the Company 8 proposed to remove the REC revenue adjustment from the 9 ECAM calculation and instead offer a new voluntary 10 renewable energy credit option tariff and new REC revenue 11 adjustment tariff. 12 Finally, the Company requested approval of two 13 proposals it claimed would help position itself to 14 respond to financial risk posed by the increasing 15 frequency and severity of wildfires impacting its service 16 territory. The first proposal was for an Insurance Cost 17 Adjustment ("ICA") to recover the costs for excess 18 liability insurance through a separate surcharge . The 19 second proposal was to begin recovery of a Catastrophic 20 Fire Fund to create a multi-state risk pool for potential 21 catastrophic events where third-party liabilities are in 22 excess of the Company' s insurance coverage . 23 Q. How was the case processed after the Company' s 24 Application was received? 25 A. The Commission issued a combined Notice of CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 57 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 3 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 Application and Notice of Intervention Deadline on June 2 20, 2024 . The Notice established an Intervention 3 Deadline of July 11, 2024 . Intervenor status was 4 subsequently granted to the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers 5 Association, Inc. ("IIPA") , P4 Production L. L.C. an 6 affiliation of Bayer Corporation ("Bayer") , and 7 Pacificorp Idaho Industrial Customers ("PIIC") . The 8 Idaho Conservation League also intervened, but later 9 withdrew from the case . 10 The Company, Staff, IIPA, Bayer, and PIIC 11 (collectively the "Parties") participated in two 12 in-person settlement conferences and several virtual 13 meetings, and on December 6, 2024, a comprehensive 14 Settlement Stipulation was filed with the Commission, 15 signed by all parties . 16 Staff Investigation 17 Q. What type of investigation did Staff conduct to 18 evaluate the Company' s rate increase request? 19 A. Staff' s approach in any general rate case is to 20 extensively review the Company' s Application and 21 associated testimony, attachments, exhibits, and 22 workpapers; identify adjustments to its revenue 23 requirement, revenue normalization, rate spread, and rate 24 design; and prepare to file testimony for a fully 25 litigated proceeding. There were 18 Staff members CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 58 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 4 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 analyzing this case, including auditors, engineers, 2 utility analysts, and consumer investigators, and 3 supervisors . Staff auditors reviewed 4 / 5 6 / 7 8 / 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 59 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 4a 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 the Company' s 2023 results of operations, 2024 capital 2 budgets, capital spending trends, operations and 3 maintenance ("0&M") expenses and trends and verified all 4 of the Company' s calculations and assumptions regarding 5 the overall revenue requirement . The auditors reviewed 6 thousands of transactions, selected samples, and 7 performed transaction testing in accordance with standard 8 audit practices . Staff reviewed the Company' s labor 9 expense, incentive plans, and employee benefits to ensure 10 the appropriate level of expenditures are included in 11 rates . 12 Staff reviewed both completed and proposed 13 Company investments to determine the prudence of capital 14 additions . Expenditures including pension expense, 15 salaries, and 0&M expense were also examined. 16 Additionally, Staff evaluated the Company' s cost of 17 capital, capital structure, class cost of service, rate 18 spread, and revenue normalization. In total, Staff 19 propounded 286 production requests, performed onsite 20 audits in Portland and Salt Lake City, and held several 21 virtual meetings with Company personnel as a part of its 22 comprehensive investigation. Staff also reviewed the 23 Company' s responses to 198 production requests submitted 24 by intervening parties . Based on its investigation, 25 Staff was prepared to defend over 81 proposed adjustments CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 60 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 5 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 to the Company' s revenue requirement in testimony and at 2 hearing. 3 / 4 5 / 6 7 / 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 61 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 5a 12/18/2024 STAFF I Settlement Evaluation 2 Q. How did Staff determine that the overall 3 Settlement was reasonable? 4 A. In every settlement evaluation, Staff and other 5 parties must examine the risks of losing positions at 6 hearing and determine if the settlement agreement is a 7 better overall outcome . Staff must evaluate each 8 individual adjustment and determine the likelihood of the 9 Commission accepting or rejecting Staff' s rationale for 10 the adjustment . Ultimately, Staff' s intent in every 11 settlement conference is to negotiate the best possible 12 outcome for customers . 13 Q. Does Staff support the proposed Settlement as 14 reasonable? 15 A. Yes . After a comprehensive review of the 16 Company' s Application, thorough audit of the Company' s 17 books and records, and extensive negotiations with the 18 Parties to the case, Staff supports the proposed 19 Settlement . The proposed settlement is the result of 20 extensive negotiations with and compromises by of all the 21 Parties who often have conflicting interests . The 22 proposed Settlement offers a reasonable balance between 23 the Company' s opportunity to earn a reasonable return on 24 its investment and affordable rates for customers . Staff 25 believes the proposed Settlement, supported by the CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 62 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 6 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 Parties, is in the public interest; fair, just, and 2 reasonable; and should be approved by the Commission. 3 Settlement Overview 4 Revenue Requirement 5 Q. Would you please describe the terms of the 6 proposed Settlement? 7 A. The proposed Settlement provides a reduction in 8 the Company' s requested revenue requirement . Instead of 9 the Company' s proposed base rate increase of $92 . 4 10 million, or 26 . 8 percent, over two years, Idaho base 11 rates would increase by $57 . 94 million, or 16 . 8 percent, 12 effective January 1, 2025, with no additional base rate 13 increase for 2026 . Additionally, the Parties agree to an 14 estimated $32 . 5 million reduction to the Company' s 15 recovery of deferred power costs in the ECAM effective 16 simultaneously with the base rate increase, for a net 17 increase of $25 . 44 million, or 7 . 4 percent . 18 Q. How was the final revenue requirement 19 determined? 20 A. The final revenue requirement was agreed upon 21 through intense negotiations with the Parties . The 22 derivation of the final revenue requirement is shown 23 below: 24 25 CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 63 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 7 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 2 (millions) 3 4 Requested Increase per Application $ 92 . 40 5 Change to Rate of Return - 7 . 250 $ (6 . 90) 6 Remove Catastrophic Fire Fund $ (11 . 10) 7 Reduce Net Power Costs $ (8 . 46) 8 Remove Susp. /Cancelled Projects $ (0 . 70) 9 Unspecified Adjustment $ (7 . 30) 10 Total Adjustments $ (34 . 46) 11 Total Revenue Requirement Change $ 57 . 94 12 Reduction to ECAM Recovery (est. ) $ (32 . 50) 13 Net Rate Change Jan 1 , 2025 (est. ) $ 25 . 44 14 15 Q. Please describe how the Settlement treats the 16 Company' s capital structure and rate of return. 17 A. The Settlement reduces the Company' s overall 18 rate of return from the proposed 7 . 69 percent to 7 .25 19 percent . The capital structure, cost of debt, and return 20 on equity are not specified in the Settlement . This 21 adjustment reduces the Company' s Application by $6 . 9 22 million. 23 Q. Please describe the provisions in the 24 Settlement as they relate to the Company' s rate base . 25 A. The Parties agree that the revenue increase in CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 64 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 8 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 the Settlement does not represent agreement or acceptance 2 by any Party on any specific revenue requirement 3 methodology. The Settlement is explicitly silent on the 4 / 5 6 / 7 8 / 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 65 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 8a 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 use of an average rate base methodology or a terminal 2 (year-end) methodology. 3 With regards to specific capital projects 4 included in the Settlement revenue requirement, the 5 Parties agree that the base rate includes recovery of the 6 Gateway South and Gateway West transmission projects, as 7 well as the Rock River I, Foot Creek II-IV, and Rock 8 Creek I wind projects . The Company agrees to file an 9 attestation that the transmission projects are in service 10 prior to the rate effective date . The Parties also agree 11 that the Company' s revenue requirement should be reduced 12 by approximately $700, 000 for projects included in the 13 Company' s Application that were either suspended or 14 cancelled during 2024 . 15 The Parties reserve the right to review and 16 provide recommendations to the Commission in the 17 Company' s next general rate case on the recovery of 18 capital costs associated with a large transmission level 19 line extension in Oregon (Project Specialized) . 20 Lastly, the Parties agree to reduce the revenue 21 requirement proposed in the Company' s Application by $7 . 3 22 million for an unspecified ("black box") adjustment to 23 account for remaining issues in which no agreement was 24 explicitly reached, but rather as a compromise for all 25 Parties to accept the Settlement . Q. Please describe the adjustment for the CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 66 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 9 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 Catastrophic Fire Fund and any provisions in the 2 Settlement for Insurance Premiums? 3 A. In its application, the Company included $11 . 10 4 million for recovery through a surcharge for Idaho ' s 5 participation in a proposed Catastrophic Fire Fund. The 6 Catastrophic Fire Fund would assist the Company with the 7 growing risk of wildfire liability and would be available 8 for the Company to pay large claims that exceed the 9 Company' s insurance coverage . In the Settlement, the 10 Company withdrew its proposal, and the stipulated revenue 11 requirement removes the $11 . 10 million from the Company' s 12 Application. However, the Company reserves the right to 13 propose the mechanism in a future proceeding. 14 Although there is no specific revenue 15 requirement adjustment for insurance premiums in the 16 Settlement, the Settlement creates an Insurance Cost 17 Adjustment which will allow the Company to recover the 18 costs for excess liability insurance . The Company will 19 begin recovery of approximately $9 . 8 million of excess 20 liability insurance premium costs and an additional $2 . 6 21 million of annual deferred insurance premium amortization 22 through the ICA. 23 Q. Please explain the adjustment to the Company' s 24 NPC. 25 A. The Company' s Application included total Net Power Costs of $1 . 382 billion on a total system basis, or CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 67 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 10 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 approximately $136 . 7 million on an Idaho-allocated basis, 2 which represents an increase of $1 . 015 billion, or 74 3 percent, compared to the NPC currently embedded in rates . 4 The NPC included in the Settlement updates the Company' s 5 total NPC based on the September 2024 Official Forward 6 Price Curve and completely removes costs associated with 7 the Washington Climate Commitment Act ("CCA") from base 8 rates . During the Company' s next ECAM filing, Staff will 9 review the SCAM deferral balance to ensure that Idaho 10 customers will not pay increased rates encumbered by the 11 CCA. 12 The total NPC agreed upon in the Settlement is 13 approximately $2 .228 billion on a system basis or $128 .24 14 million allocated to Idaho, which is a reduction to the 15 Company' s case of $8 . 46 million. 16 Q. Please explain the Reduction to ECAM Recovery 17 used to offset the base rate increase . 18 A. The Parties agree that the Company will reduce 19 the recovery of 2023 deferred ECAM balance approved in 20 Order No . 36207, Case No . PAC-E-24-05, by 50 percent to 21 offset the base rate increase in this case . The 22 remaining balance as of June 1, 2025, will be included 23 with the 2024 SCAM balance and amortized and recovered 24 over two years, beginning June 1, 2025 . 25 Rate Spread and Rate Design CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 68 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 11 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 Q. Please explain the rate spread and rate design 2 contained in the Settlement . 3 A. The Parties agreed to the rate spread provided 4 in Attachment B to the Settlement . The Parties agreed to 5 use the Company' s proposed class cost of service study, 6 with a cap of 110 percent and a floor of zero percent 7 applied to the base rate increase prior to the 8 application of the ICA and ECAM rate changes . No class 9 of customer will see an increase greater than 110 percent 10 of the overall average base rate increase, and no 11 customer class will see a decrease . 12 Q. Why does Staff support the proposed cap and 13 floor in the Settlement? 14 A. The Settlement was a compromise amongst all 15 Parties . The proposed cap and floor in the Settlement 16 provide for gradual movement towards cost of service 17 while also maintaining the balance necessary to achieve 18 buy in from all Parties . While other Parties may have 19 been more supportive of a uniform percentage increase, it 20 was important to Staff that rates move towards cost of 21 service, and the Settlement provides that movement . 22 Q. Are there any rate design issues in the 23 Settlement that you would like to discuss? 24 A. The Settlement accepts the Company' s proposed 25 rate design for all Schedules except Schedule 1 CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 69 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 12 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 (Residential) and Schedule 36 (Residential Optional Time 2 of Day) . Because the monthly Customer Service Charges 3 are subject to the Residential Rate Modernization Plan 4 approved in Order No . 35802, Case No . PAC-E-22-15, no 5 additional changes are proposed in the Settlement . The 6 residential monthly service charge will increase on June 7 1 each year of the plan with commensurate decreases in 8 Energy Charges . 9 Additional Settlement Terms 10 Q. Will you please describe the provisions 11 contained in the Settlement for the Rock Creek II wind 12 project? 13 A. The Settlement provides a deferral for the 14 revenue requirement of the 400 MW Rock Creek II wind 15 project expected to be completed in September 2025 . In 16 lieu of filing a general rate case in 2025, the Parties 17 agree to allow the Company to defer into a regulatory 18 asset for later recovery the depreciation expense and 19 return on the project . The Rock Creek II project will 20 create production tax credits ("PTC") that will flow 21 through the SCAM to benefit customers . However, the 22 Company will track the PTCs associated with the project 23 so they can offset any potential disallowance on recovery 24 of the deferral in a future general rate case . 25 Q. Are there any other provisions in the CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 70 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 13 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 Settlement you would like to discuss? 2 A. While the Settlement contains many provisions 3 / 4 5 / 6 7 / 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 71 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 13a 12/18/2024 STAFF I that I did not discuss in detail, the Parties worked 2 collaboratively to pave a way forward on several 3 outstanding issues, including modifications to the SCAM, 4 the Company' s current hedging practices, and the 5 treatment of transmission level voltage line extensions . 6 The Company proposed to modify the ECAM sharing 7 band in its Application. While the Settlement maintains 8 the current 90/10 percent sharing band, the Parties agree 9 to host workshops to evaluate and explore alternative 10 risk sharing and incentive mechanisms . 11 The Company will also hold workshops with Staff 12 and other interested parties on the Company' s risk 13 management and hedging practices prior to the Company' s 14 next general rate case . Additionally, the Company will 15 perform a study on the costs and revenues associated with 16 transmission level voltage line extensions serving large 17 individual customers . Staff is concerned that 18 transmission level voltage lines used to serve individual 19 customers or pockets of customers are system-allocated 20 when those line function as distribution lines . The 21 proposed study will help inform Staff positions in future 22 rate cases . 23 Q. Do you have any other comments on the proposed 24 Settlement? 25 A. Yes . Staff has reviewed Attachments A and B CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 72 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 14 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 to the Settlement and verified they are consistent with 2 the 3 / 4 5 / 6 7 / 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 73 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 14a 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 agreement . The agreed upon rate design will offer the 2 Company a reasonable opportunity to recover the proposed 3 revenue requirement . As implied throughout this 4 testimony, the Settlement represents a fair, just, and 5 reasonable compromise of the positions put forth by all 6 Parties and is in the public interest. Therefore, Staff 7 recommends the Commission approve the Settlement without 8 material changes or modifications . 9 Q. Does this conclude your testimony? 10 A. Yes, it does . 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 74 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 15 12/18/2024 STAFF I (The following proceedings were had in 2 open hearing. ) 3 4 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Questions, 5 Mr. Dallas? 6 MR. DALLAS : No questions . 7 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Great, thank you. 8 Mr. Olsen? 9 MR. OLSEN: No questions . 10 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Mr. Williams? 11 MR. WILLIAMS : No questions . 12 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Are there questions 13 from the Commission? 14 Okay, seeing as there ' s no questions, 15 Mr. English, we appreciate you and your time . You' re 16 excused. 17 (The witness left the stand. ) 18 COMMISSIONER LODGE : I want to make sure, 19 I believe this exhausts the witness list . 20 Yes, Mr. Triplett . 21 MR. TRIPLETT : No other witnesses from 22 Staff. 23 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Okay. Are there any 24 witnesses that I have missed for today' s proceedings? 25 Are there any further issues or items that CSB REPORTING 75 ENGLISH 208 . 890 . 5198 1 need to come before the Commission today? 2 Posthearing briefings or closing 3 statements? 4 If I have overlooked the admission of any 5 additional exhibits previously identified in this matter, 6 they are now hereby admitted. 7 (All exhibits previously marked for 8 identification were admitted into evidence . ) 9 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Intervenor funding 10 requests Rule 164 allows 14 days to apply for intervenor 11 funding. Does anyone anticipate needing intervenor 12 funding? 13 MR. OLSEN: Yeah, Irrigators will file a 14 petition for intervenor funding. 15 COMMISSIONER LODGE : Thank you, sir. 16 Anyone else? 17 I appreciate everyone ' s attendance and 18 courteous conduct here today. We really appreciate it. 19 The Commission will consider this record fully developed. 20 We will deliberate privately and render a decision as 21 soon as possible . 22 With that, we are adjourned. Thank you 23 very much. 24 (The Hearing adjourned at 10 : 14 a.m. ) 25 CSB REPORTING 76 COLLOQUY 208 . 890 . 5198 1 A U T H E N T I C A T I O N 2 3 4 This is to certify that the foregoing 5 proceedings held in the matter of Rocky Mountain Power' s 6 application for authority to increase its rates and 7 charges in the State of Idaho, commencing at 10 : 00 a.m. , 8 on Thursday, January 9, 2025, at the Commission Hearing 9 Room, 11331 West Chinden Blvd. , Building 8, Suite 201-A, 10 Boise, Idaho, is a true and correct transcript of said 11 proceedings and the original thereof for the file of the 12 Commission. 13 Accuracy of all prefiled testimony as 14 originally submitted to the Reporter and incorporated 15 herein at the direction of the Commission is the sole 16 responsibility of the submitting parties . 17 18 19 20 CONSTANCE S . BUCY 21 Certified Shorthand Reporter #187 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 77 AUTHENTICATION 208 . 890 . 5198