HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250116Comment_1.pdf The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Robert Ferrell
Submission Time:Jan 15 2025 10:45PM
Email: rdoublef@aol.com
Telephone: 512-751-1868
Address: 1913 S Scharelant Ln
Coeur d' Alene, ID 83814
Name of Utility Company: Syringa Water Co.
Case ID: SWI-W-24-02
Comment: "I submit this comment on behalf of the Syringa Grove and Syringa Heights-Addition 5-9
HOA's. As we have been informed by PUC emails within the past couple of days, the Public Workshop
scheduled for January 21st at 6pm in Coeur d' Alene is for the sole purpose to "meet and greet" the
public and to explain the PUC procedures and regulations in a "transparent" manner, but its purpose is
NOT to discuss the rate investigation.The customer base as a whole is not that interested in PUC
procedures and regulations per-se,they want to discuss why their water bills are so high (in some cases
outrageously so), how were the rates and the tiered rate structure determined, and what cost were used
as a basis.
We believe that the findings of the investigation (including Syringa Water Co. cost figures) along with the
calculated method of determining fair and reasonable rates, and the document that outlines Staff's
recommendation, should be furnished to the HOA's in advance of a public workshop and before any
Decision Memo is sent to the Commission in order for us to review and prepare meaningful questions
that will then provide answers relative to the rates and method of calculations.This would address the
REAL concerns of the public and give every customer a chance to hear for themselves the answer to
"why is my water bill so high". It would also give the HOA's an opportunity to satisfy ourselves that all
previous concerns that have been submitted were taken into consideration and give us the chance to ask
for explanations on specific items if necessary.This would meet the definition of transparent. In addition,
it might enlighten the staff to some criteria that they failed to consider or bring to light some incorrect
information furnished by SWC, that would possibly have an effect on the rates themselves.This could be
a "win-win"for PUC and the public rather than just a feel-good meeting for the benefit of PUC.
Therefore, our HOA's object to this premature workshop on January 21st and request on the official
record that the workshop be postponed for the reasons and timing as mentioned above."