HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250116Staff Comments.pdf RECEIVED Thursday, January 16, 2025 12:07:33 PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION MICHAEL DUVAL DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0320 IDAHO BAR NO. 11714 Street Address for Express Mail: 11331 W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 201-A BOISE, ID 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN UTILITY ) CASE NO. ROC-W-24-01 COMPANY, INC. TO AMEND ITS ) CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE ) AND NECESSITY ) COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMMISSION STAFF ("STAFF") OF the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"), by and through its Attorney of record, Michael Duval, Deputy Attorney General, submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On August 23, 2024, Rocky Mountain Utility Co., LLC d.b.a. Rocky Mountain Utility Co., Inc.1 ("Company") applied for approval to amend its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPCN"), CPCN No. 481, which would allow it to expand its service territory to include a newly created subdivision("Application"). The Company has submitted several attachments relevant to its request. ' The Idaho Secretary of State's website lists the Company's official name as "Rocky Mountain Utility Company, Inc."The Company's Application states that this is the name which the Company is doing business under. STAFF COMMENTS 1 JANUARY 16, 2025 On October 10, 2024, the Commission issued a Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure establishing comment dates. Order No. 36346. On November 4, 2024, the Commission vacated the previously established comment deadlines and ordered the Company amend its Application to provide a more complete description of its requested service area within 30 days. Order No. 36380. The Company filed a more complete description on November 22, 2024. Staff reviewed the filing and believed that it complied with the Commission's directive in Order No. 36380. STAFF ANALYSIS In response to the Company's request, Staff comments address the following issues: (1) whether the legal description and maps accurately represent the amended service territory; (2) whether the expanded service territory encroaches upon the territories of other water utilities; (3) whether the capacity of the water system and the means to meet water quality requirements is sufficient to provide safe and reliable service to the expanded area; and (4) whether the water rights are sufficient to cover the water supply needed. Based on the analyses of these issues, Staff believes that the reliability of the water system will be adequate to serve the expanded service territory and that the Company will have sufficient water rights. However, in reviewing the Company's request to amend its service territory, Staff discovered that the Company is serving customers that may not fall within either the authorized service territory or the requested expanded service territory. Staff recommends that the Commission approve the service territory expansion including Divisions 2 and 3 of Pepperwood Crossing subdivision as well as the territory that includes commercial customers the Company is currently serving. Expanded Service Territory The service territory in a CPCN identifies the geographic area within which a regulated utility is obligated to serve in exchange to operate as a monopoly. Because there are no other water systems or utilities serving the area the Company seeks to add to its certificated area, the Commission should authorize the amended service territory of the Company's CPCN to include the addition of Divisions 2 and 3 of the Pepperwood Crossing subdivision and the area that includes 11 commercial customers currently served by the Company. The legal descriptions and STAFF COMMENTS 2 JANUARY 16, 2025 maps of each division of Pepperwood Crossing subdivision and the territory that includes the 11 commercial customers are included as Attachment A and Attachment B, respectively, to these comments. Staff reviewed the area already included in CPCN No. 481 and the area the Company proposes to add to its CPCN. The Company initially requested amending CPCN No. 481 by expanding the service territory to include Division 3 of Pepperwood Crossing subdivision. However, Staff discovered that only Division 1 of Pepperwood Crossing subdivision was authorized in CPCN No. 481 and the Company had been serving customers in Division 2 for several years without amending the CPCN to include it. Staff informed the Company of this and requested that the Company be required to amend its Application to include Division 2. The Commission directed the Company to file through Order No. 36380. Staff also discovered that the Company is currently serving 11 commercial customers that are outside of the Pepperwood Crossing subdivision. In Order No. 30703 granting the Company's original CPCN, the Commission limited the Company's CPCN to the existing improved residential and commercial areas in Division 1 Pepperwood Crossing subdivision. In that case, it was represented that 13 commercial lots were included within the boundaries of Division 1. However, the maps reviewed by Staff in this case indicate that the commercial properties are outside of the Division 1 boundaries. For additional clarity, Staff recommends the Company's CPCN be expanded to explicitly include the commercial properties currently being served. Staff reviewed the legal description and maps for all three divisions of Pepperwood Crossing subdivision and the area that includes the 11 commercial customers and determined that they accurately represent the service territory of all customers the Company is or plans to serve. Additionally, Staff verified that there are no other water systems that presently overlap the service territory of the Company's water system and will likely not be impacted by any expansion of municipal systems in the future. Staff s review included a review of wells within one mile of the amended service territory. Reliability Analysis STAFF COMMENTS 3 JANUARY 16, 2025 To provide safe and reliable water to service its customers, Staff believes it is important to determine whether the Company's water system will be able to reliably meet the needs of the proposed expanded service territory. Staff investigated the reliability of the water system in terms of(1) capacity, (2) water quality deficiency, and(3) water rights. Staff verified that the water system has sufficient capacity and water rights to align with relevant rules and future water demand. Water System Capacity Staff reviewed potential demand in the proposed territory and water system's capacity to provide water to the expanded areas. Staff believes that the water system has sufficient capacity to meet future water demand and can meet Idaho Department of Environmental Quality ("IDEQ") capacity requirements. The Company's water system currently provides water to 108 residential and 11 commercial customers. If the Application is approved and all lots are developed, the Company will provide water service for up to 254 customers. Staff recalculated current water demand, adding the Company's commercial water demand. Using water demand per capita, and factors that the Company provided, average and peak hour water demand are calculated as shown in Table No. 1. Table No.l: Current and Future Water Demand Current Future Category Total (Division 1 and 2) (Division 3) Total Customer Counts 119 (108+11) 135 254 (243 + l l) Average Water Demand(gpm) 99 128 227 Peak Hour Water Demand(gpm) 347 401 748 The total capacity of operating wells is 885 gpm, which is greater than the total peak hour water demand of 748 gpm, if the entire development is built out. However, IDEQ's rule for public drinking water systems 501.17 requires that under normal operating conditions, if one source is offline, the remaining source(s)must be capable of meeting"either the peak hour demand of the [public water system] or a minimum of the maximum day demand plus STAFF COMMENTS 4 JANUARY 16, 2025 equalization storage." IDAPA With the addition of Well No. 3, which has a capacity of 500 gpm, the Company will be able to pump a minimum of 885 gpm of water from any two wells to cover the total peak hour water demand of 748 gpm. Therefore, the Company can meet the demand required by the expanded service territory while complying with the IDEQ rule for groundwater source redundancy. Water Quality Deficiencies Reliability of the Company's water system includes the ability to meet water quality standards. Although compliance is primarily the jurisdiction of the IDEQ, the Commission still ensures investments are made so water quality can be met, and the Company provides adequate service. See Idaho Code 61-302. Through Staff s review of the latest IDEQ sanitary survey report from April 2024, Staff did not find any major deficiencies that were not eventually resolved. Overall, Staff believes the system is being maintained and has no critical deficiencies in providing safe and sufficient water service. Water Right Analysis For the Company to provide reliable service to its customers, the Company has to secure water rights that allows an adequate water supply. Staff reviewed the ownership,place of use, and diversion rate of water rights. Based on the review, Staff concludes that the Company has sufficient authorized water rights to provide water to the customers in the proposed territories to be added to its CPCN. Regarding water right ownership, the Company provided the quitclaim deed for the water right ownership transfer that shows the transfer was completed on Oct. 10, 2024. The Company can pump a total of 2.05 cubic feet per second which is the same as 920 gpm. See response to Production Request No. 6. This amount exceeds the total peak hour water demand of 748 gpm Staff calculated in Table No. 1. The water rights are located consistently with the approved and proposed service territories of the Pepperwood Crossing subdivision and commercial area. Thus, Staff verified that the Company owns the water rights sufficient to provide water to the residential and commercial customers in the service territory as proposed. STAFF COMMENTS 5 JANUARY 16, 2025 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission approve the service territory expansion for CPCN No. 481 to include Divisions 2 and 3 of Pepperwood Crossing subdivision, and the area that includes the 11 commercial customers the Company is currently serving. Respectfully submitted this 16th day of January 2025. 'D� Iq Dayn Ardie for Michael Duval Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff. Seungjae Lee Travis Culbertson Jon Kruck James Chandler I:\Utility\UMISC\COMMENTS\ROC-W-24-01 Comments..docx STAFF COMMENTS 6 JANUARY 16, 2025 Attachment A: Legal Description of Service Territory Approved Service Territory, Division 1 in CPCN No 481. A Parcel of Land Situated in Jefferson County, State of Idaho, Township 4 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Merdian, Section 36. More Particularly Described as Follows: Beginning at the Southeast Corner of Section 36, Township 4 North, Range 38 East, B.M. Thence S89°26'39"W along the South line of Section 36 for a Distance of 551.14 feet to the True Point of Beginning; Thence S89°26'39"W along the South line for a Distance of 1416.82 feet; Thence N00°03'25"W for a Distance of 617.61 feet; Thence N87°45'18"E for a Distance of 221.93 feet to the beginning of a Curve Right, Delta = 00°58'15"Radius= 2965.41 feet Arc = 50.25'Tangent=25.12'for a Chord Distance of 50.25 feet and a Chord Bearing of NO2°27'54"E; Thence S85°22'44"E for a Distance of 292.38 feet; Thence N89°26'58"E for a Distance of 580.00 feet; Thence N37°04'24"E for a Distance of 609.34 feet; Thence N89°29'16"E for a Distance of 40.71 feet; Thence N00°08'58"W for a Distance of 190.01 feet; Thence N89°29'15"E for a Distance of 462.19 feet to the East line of Section 36; Thence S00°08'58"E along said line for a Distance of 272.01 feet; Thence S89°29'15"W for a Distance of 210.00 feet; Thence S00°08'58"E for a Distance of 439.32 feet; Thence N89°29'15"E for a Distance of 210.00 feet to the East line of Section 36; Thence S00°08'58"E along said line for a Distance of 200.00 feet; Thence S89°51'02"W for a Distance of 55 1.13 feet; Thence S00°08'58"E for a Distance of 412.69 feet to the True Point of Beginning, Containing 31.53 Acres More or Less. Addition of Division 2 to the Service Territory A Parcel of Land Situated in Jefferson County, State of Idaho, Township 4 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, Section 36. More Particularly Described as Follows: Beginning at the Southeast Corner of Section 36, Township 4 North, Range 38 East, B.M. Thence N00°08'58"W along the East line of Section 36 for a Distance of 1320.10 feet to the Northeast Comer of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter(S 1/2 SE '/4); Thence S89°29'15"W along the North line of said South Half(S 1/2) for a Distance of 462.19 feet to the True Point of Beginning; Thence S00°08'58"E for a Distance of 190.01 feet; Thence S89°29'16"W for a Distance of 40.71 feet; Thence S37°04'24"W for a Distance of 609.34 feet; Thence Attachment A Case No. ROC-W-24-01 Staff Comments January 16, 2025 S89°26'58"W for a Distance of 580.00 feet; Thence N85°22'44"W for a Distance of 292.38 feet to the beginning of a Curve Left, Delta=00°58'15"Radius=2965.41 feet Arc= 50.25'Tangent= 25.12' for a Chord Distance of 50.25 feet and a Chord Bearing of S02°27'54"W; Thence S87°45'18"W for a Distance of 221.93 feet; Thence N00°03'25"W for a Distance of 704.00 feet to the Northwest Comer of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter(S 1/2 SE'/4); Thence N89°29'15"E along the North line of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter(S 1/2 SE '/4)fora Distance of 1503.63 feet to the True Point of Beginning, Containing 20.80 Acres More or Less. Addition of Division 3 to the Service Territory A Parcel of Land Situated in Jefferson County, State of Idaho, Township 4 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, Section 36. More Particularly Described as Follows: Beginning at the Southeast Corner of Section 36, Township 4 North, Range 38 East, B.M. Thence N00°08'58"W along the Bast line of Section 36 for a Distance of 1555.60 feet to the True Point of Beginning; Thence S89°29'15"W for a Distance of 185.00 feet; Thence S00°08'58"E for a Distance of 235.50 feet to the Northwest Corner of Lot 1, Block 5 of Pepperwood Crossing Subdivision, Division No. 1, Jefferson County, Idaho; Thence S89°29'15"W along the North Line of said Subdivision for a Distance of 1780.82 feet to the Northwest Corner of Pepperwood Crossing Subdivision Division No. 2; Thence N00°03'25"W for a Distance of 1321.62 feet to the North line of the North Half(N 1/2) of the South East Quarter (SE '/4) of Section 36; Thence N89°31'52"E along said North Line of said North Half(N '/2) for a Distance of 1963.67 feet to the East Line of Section 36; Thence S00°08'58"E along said East line for a Distance of 1084.60 feet to the True Point of Beginning, Containing 58.58 Acres More or Less. Addition of County Line Commercial Park to the Service Territory Lot I Block 2 COUNTY LINE COMMERCIAL PARK#1 Section 36, Township 4 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian. and Lot 2 Block 2 COUNTY LINE COMMERCIAL PARK#1 Section 36, Township 4 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian. Attachment A Case No. ROC-W-24-01 Staff Comments January 16, 2025 and Lot 3 Block 2 COUNTY LINE COMMERCIAL PARK#1 Section 36, Township 4 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian. and Lot 4 Block 2 COUNTY LINE COMMERCIAL PARK#1 Section 36, Township 4 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian. and Lot 1 Block 3 COUNTY LINE COMMERCIAL PARK#1 Section 36, Township 4 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian. and Lot 2 Block 3 COUNTY LINE COMMERCIAL PARK#1 Section 36, Township 4 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian. and Lot 3 Block 3 COUNTY LINE COMMERCIAL PARK#1 Section 36, Township 4 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian. and Lot 4 Block 3 COUNTY LINE COMMERCIAL PARK#1 Section 36, Township 4 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian. and Lot 6 & 7 Block 1 COUNTY LINE COMMERCIAL PARK 1 ST AMENDED Section 36, Township 4 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian. and Lot 8A Block 1 COUNTY LINE COMMERCIAL PARK#1 2ND AMENDED Section 36, Township 4 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian. and Lot 9A Block 1 COUNTY LINE COMMERCIAL PARK#1 2ND AMENDED Section 36, Township 4 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian. Attachment A Case No. ROC-W-24-01 Staff Comments January 16, 2025 Attachment B: Map of Service Territory --r— 4as°ft -Wale t & LLLtLLLU Wal ut W B (y Ac e: • - • • E Pe erwood Ln • Pep nv db ro si ' • . x ity Lln Comme clal Par 2 A3 • z _ • o • S • z n ' A . • • • . . • • m _ E Hemloc n • . !� I • •, • �• • 7 • . • • • & . . • . • s Ln • . • • • Line omme Ial P rk rd Am epp� _ • • • • EEmin • Co ty Ine mmerc altar Ine om ed I I Park 1 2nd Am Pepperwood s 1 • • • •& . • • q Une merclAk / Os• � 41 Red Line:Approved Service Territory(Division 1 Pepperwood Crossing subdivision) Blue Line: Proposed Service Territory(Division 2 and 3 Pepperwood Crossing subdivision) Black Line: Proposed Service Territory (Commercial customers) Attachment B Case No. ROC-W-24-01 Staff Comments January 16, 2025 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS DAY OF JANUARY 2025, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF , IN CASE NO. ROC-W-24-01, BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWING: JIM BERNARD ROCKY MOUNTAIN UTILITY CO, INC. 2 N LANDMARK LANE STE 4 RIGBY ID 83442 E-MAIL: rockymountainutility(a�gmail.com PA RICIA JORDA , SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE