HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250113VEO to Staff 81 Attachment 2.pdf (i) VEOLIA Procurement Procedure PP No : PC_201 Revision No : 2.0 Effective Date : 01 May 2022 SUBJECT: PURCHASING CARD (P-CARD) PROGRAM TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 SCOPE 2.0 PURPOSE 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.0 REFERENCES AND FORMS 5.0 DEFINITIONS 6.0 PROCEDURE 7.0 RECORDS 8.0 COMMUNICATION METHODOLOGY 9.0 COMPANY RIGHTS 10.0 REVIEW AND APPROVAL 11.0 CHANGE HISTORY 1.0 SCOPE This procedure applies to all employees of Veolia North America (VNA), including its North American affiliated entities who purchase goods and services on behalf of the company and in some instances may pay for these purchases using a corporate credit card. With regard to companies over which the group has either joint control or a significant influence, the policy shall apply whenever management is entrusted in agreement with the partners, to Veolia North America or to one of its subsidiaries. 2.0 PURPOSE This procedure details the requirements and responsibilities of individuals applying for and having been issued a company Purchasing Card (P-card) in order to make purchases on behalf of the Company in a manner consistent with the VNA Purchasing Policy. The objective is to establish standard guidelines for consistent management, usage, timely reconciliation and proper internal controls over the P-card program. 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES VNA employees are responsible for complying with this procedure at all times when applying for and utilizing a company P-card. Managers are responsible for procedure implementation and compliance for their direct reports. Page 1 of 11 Controlled document. Uncontrolled copies may not be up-to-date. Information contained herein is Company confidential and for internal use only. Issued by Veolia North America. VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 81 Attachment 2 Page 1 of 11 SUBJECT: PURCHASING CARD (P-CARD) PROGRAM VNA Procurement has responsibility for administering the company card program, which will be managed by the designated Corporate Card Administrator. The Corporate Card Administrator, who can be contacted by email at corporatecardprograms(@veolia.com, serves as the main program contact for VNA and is responsible for managing all aspects of the Purchasing Card Program, including • Cardholder enrollment, termination and changes with the company-approved card provider • Cardholder and Manager training • Program compliance, policies and procedures and program enhancement • Maintaining cardholder records including account number,transaction limits and monthly limits 4.0 REFERENCES AND FORMS • VNA Purchasing Policy • Procurement Procedures • P-card Application and Maintenance Form (EN, FIR) • IC 102—Delegation of Authority(DOA) Policy • SAP Concur User Guide • SAP Concur One to One page 5.0 DEFINITIONS Approving Manager: The first person in the approval chain responsible for reviewing the P-Card Report submitted by the cardholder. Corporate Program Manager: The individual in Procurement responsible for day-to-day oversight of corporate P-Cards and expense reporting. Cardholder: VNA employee who must adhere to the responsibilities outlined in Section 3.0 of this policy & procedure. Expense Reporting System of Record: The system used to reconcile P-card expenses (i.e., Concur Expense). P-Card Proxy or Delegate: A person assigned on behalf of the cardholder to code expense transactions should the Cardholder be unable to do so. A Proxy has identical responsibilities when coding transactions for the Cardholder. However, the Cardholder is solely responsible for all entries on all expense reports. P-Card Report:The corresponding Report Type for all P-Card-related charges processed in Coupa. Purchasing Card (P-Card): A company-liable credit card to be used for the purchase of certain goods and services directly from suppliers without using the usual procurement process through a purchase requisition in Ariba, Maximo, OWAM, VAMS or SAP S/4HANA. The P-Card is issued with both Veolia's and employee's name on it. It works like a regular credit card; purchases can be completed with suppliers over internet, phone/fax or in person. Supplier: An approved vendor that accepts a P-Card as a form of payment. Page 2 of 11 Controlled document. Uncontrolled copies may not be up-to-date. Information contained herein is Company confidential and for internal use only. Issued by Veolia North America. VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 81 Attachment 2 Page 2 of 11 SUBJECT: PURCHASING CARD (P-CARD) PROGRAM Travel and Expense (T&E) Card: A corporate credit card issued to VNA Employees for travel-related expenses only. Refer to PC_213 T&E Card Program for additional information. Utility P-Card: A Purchasing Card issued to VNA Employees to be used for utility payments. These cards may require greater limits than normal P-Cards. Vendor: VNA-approved company card provider. Veolia North America (VNA): VNA means the collective business of Veolia in North America, including those businesses engaged in the Municipal & Commercial (M&C) and Industrial Business Lines. For clarity, VNA does not include the business of the Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies family of companies, which shall continue to be separately managed. 6.0 PROCEDURE Request Pu rch,sing Issue Purchasing order&Pay Receive Goods/ Submit Expense Monitor Activity Cancel Account Card Card Expenses Services Report 6.1 Requesting a Purchasing Card A Purchasing Card (P-card) is a corporate liability credit card that may be used for acquiring goods and services on behalf of the Company.JPMorgan is currently VNA's provider of corporate P-cards. The P-card program is designed to cut costs and improve control in the area of non-strategic business purchases by consolidating Supplier invoices. For items required on a PO or that must be on a Purchasing Card, please refer to VNA's Purchasing Policy(PC 100). Full-time employees who are tasked with making non-travel related credit card purchases on behalf of the company may request a P-Card by completing a Purchasing Card Application and Maintenance Form (EN, FR). After the Requester submits the form, it will automatically be routed for approval. Every card will have a monthly limit that will be Manager defined and approved per the table below. Limits can be changed by request via the Purchasing Card Maintenance Form. Single transaction limits can be assigned per card at Manager's discretion, as well. The limits will be spelled out on the Purchasing Card Maintenance Form and completed when requested. The following monthly spend limit dual approval levels have been established: Credit Limit Functional Approval: Finance Approval: Up to$5K Business Line Head of Finance Up to$50K Line Manager with adequate DOA Business Line Head of Finance Up to$125K CFO Page 3 of 11 Controlled document. Uncontrolled copies may not be up-to-date. Information contained herein is Company confidential and for internal use only. Issued by Veolia North America. VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 81 Attachment 2 Page 3 of 11 SUBJECT: PURCHASING CARD (P-CARD) PROGRAM Over$125K CFO These approvals are also required for any subsequent request for limit increases. 6.2 Issuance of Purchasing Card Once the Purchasing Card Application has been fully approved, employees will receive their P-card directly from VNA's approved provider. Once a Purchasing Card is received, employees must activate by calling the instructions on the label on the front of the card. The P-card should be kept in an accessible, but secure location. • NEVER post your P-card number around your work area. • NEVER give your P-card corporate card number to someone else. • NO ONE but the cardholder should place an order using his/her P-card. • REMEMBER you are responsible for everything charged to your P-card. 6.3 Ordering and Payment of Expenses Once activated, a P-Card can be used to place orders for permitted items phone, fax, internet or in person. See Appendix A for lists of commonly allowable P-card purchases and prohibited items that should not be purchased using the P-Card. Note that Appendix A is an illustrative list not exhaustive. If there is any question as to whether a transaction is allowable, the Cardholder should contact the Corporate Program Manager in advance of the purchase. Remember that P-cards must be used only for business-related purchases and not for any personal expenses. In the event a P-card is used in error, VNA must be reimbursed by the employee via a check or payroll deduction. Please refer to the SAP Concur User Guide on the SAP Concur One to One page for more information. 6.3.1 Returns and Credits If you need to return a purchase, do the following: • Call Supplier immediately. Promptness is important. o Be sure to have the PO and Confirmation Number/Packing Slip Number available • Obtain Supplier's Return Authorization Number(i.e., approval to return) • Return the item as directed by the Supplier All refunds and credits must be issued back to the P-card used for payment. When the credit is posted to your account, you will be able to process it in the expense reporting system. 6.3.2 Disputes A dispute is filed when the Cardholder notices a singular transaction, which does not appear to be a legitimate purchase from the Cardholder. Multiple transactions, which do not appear to be the Cardholder's, should be treated as a lost/stolen card even if the card is in your possession. See Lost/Stolen Section 6.7 below for further details. Page 4 of 11 Controlled document. Uncontrolled copies may not be up-to-date. Information contained herein is Company confidential and for internal use only. Issued by Veolia North America. VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 81 Attachment 2 Page 4 of 11 SUBJECT: PURCHASING CARD (P-CARD) PROGRAM If there is a problem or dispute with a purchased item or billing resulting from the use of the Purchasing Card,the Cardholder should review the following before filing a dispute: • The charge appears to be more on the statement than the original receipt/invoice, contact the Supplier with the information from your receipt/invoice. • If the charge is not legitimate, request a credit from the Supplier. Credit will appear on the following month's statement. • The charge on the statement is not yours; check the charge against your receipts. The vendor may be billing under a parent company or initials (e.g., Brand Equity Marketing — BEM or Graphtech/Regent = ColorGraphics). If the amount and date matches, then the charge may be legitimate. Cardholder should document details concerning the dispute and track the resolution for audit purposes. You have thirty (30) days after the billing cycle closes to dispute an item. If the dispute is resolved in the Cardholder's favor, the disputed transaction will be credited back to the P-card. The Cardholder must select the "External Fraud" check box in the expense reporting system for all disputed charges as described here. 6.3.3 Declined Transactions If your Purchasing Card is declined for a legitimate purchase, contact the Corporate Card Administrator by emailing corl2oratecardprograms(@veolia.com to request a "Merchant Category Code (MCC) override". DO NOT contact the VNA-approved card provider; only the Corporate Card Program Administrator can inquire about and override declined charges. 6.4 Receipt of Goods/Services A receipt is required for all purchases, regardless of the dollar amount of the transaction. Receipts should be itemized including a list of individual items purchased,the unit price and the quantity purchased. Here are some acceptable examples of receipts: • Store/cash register receipt • Supplier invoice with total paid amount • Packing slip • Internet receipt A credit receipt that shows only the payment total is not acceptable. If you lose a receipt, first attempt to contact the Supplier to request a duplicate copy. If a copy cannot be obtained, complete a Missing/Lost Receipt Form. Electronic copies of receipts must be attached within the Expense Reporting System of Record. Page 5 of 11 Controlled document. Uncontrolled copies may not be up-to-date. Information contained herein is Company confidential and for internal use only. Issued by Veolia North America. VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 81 Attachment 2 Page 5 of 11 SUBJECT: PURCHASING CARD (P-CARD) PROGRAM 6.5 Submission and Approval of Expense Report All employees who are issued a Corporate Purchasing Card must use the expense reporting system (i.e. SAP Concur) to submit expense reports as described in Procurement Procedure PC 212 Expense Reporting Procedure. P-Card transactions are automatically uploaded into the expense reporting system through a bank feed and systematically recorded in SAP S/4 HANA following submission and approval of the reconciling expense report. A P-Card Expense Report must be submitted through the system 10 days following the statement cut-off (e.g. if the statement ends on the 18", the report should be submitted no later than the 28") Cardholder or assigned Proxy verifies and reconciles transactions automatically populated in the expense reporting system to the monthly card statement: • One expense report submitted per statement cycle. • Transactions not listed in the card statement (i.e. processed after the statement cut-off date) but showing up on the P-Card Expense Report for the given month must be pushed to the report corresponding to the next card statement. • Accumulated receipts and other supporting documentation to the expense report must be attached in the expense reporting system by the Cardholder or Proxy prior to submitting for approval. Any report prepared by a Proxy must be submitted by the Cardholder. If the P-Card Expense Report is not submitted within 10 days of the statement cut-off, a two (2) week warning will be issued. If the expense report is not submitted within four (4) weeks of the due date, the Purchasing Card will be suspended and loss of privileges in the Purchasing Card Program will occur. Once submitted, P-Card Reports will be reviewed, approved, and paid according to procedures and workflow set by the internal controls, procurement, and finance groups. No Cardholder is authorized to approve their own expense report, and no Cardholder will be authorized to approve the expense report of a peer or supervisor. Refer to PC 212 Expense Reporting Procedure for additional information. 6.6 Monitoring and Controlling To ensure the continued success of the Purchasing Card,the Cardholder's Manager must ensure that items billed to the Purchasing Card have been received and that procedures are being followed as stated in this document. Any violations should be immediately reported to the Corporate Program Manager. This information will be reviewed and appropriate actions taken, which may include temporary suspension of Purchasing Card privileges, permanent revocation of the Purchasing Card or dismissal. Program compliance will be reviewed and evaluated on a monthly basis by the Corporate Program Manager and Operations Finance employees with guidance from Internal Control. Page 6 of 11 Controlled document. Uncontrolled copies may not be up-to-date. Information contained herein is Company confidential and for internal use only. Issued by Veolia North America. VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 81 Attachment 2 Page 6 of 11 SUBJECT: PURCHASING CARD (P-CARD) PROGRAM Compliance reviews will include, but not be limited to, reviews of monthly Cardholder activity, exception analysis and regular audits. An audit may entail requests for further supporting documentation or explanation. If an audit determines that an expense does not meet Company policy, the employee may be responsible for repayment of the expense and/or may be subject to discipline for violation of this policy. 6.7 Lost or Stolen Card Your Purchasing Card number may be compromised even if the card is in your possession. If you have multiple charges which do not appear to be your purchases on the billing statement: • Contact JPMorgan Customer Service at 1-800-270-7760. JPMorgan will initiate a new Purchasing Card. • Contact your Corporate Program Manager. Once you receive your new Purchasing Card, contact all Suppliers who automatically bill your Purchasing Card each month and give them the new number. 6.8 Cancellation of Purchasing Card All Card cancellation requests should be emailed to corporatecardprograms@veolia.com. Once received, the Corporate Card Administrator will request cancellation from the Company-approved card provider. Cards will be automatically suspended/deactivated for employees who are on leave of absence (LOA). When the employee returns from LOA, they or their manager may request that the card be reactivated by emailing corporatecardproerams@veolia.com. Quarterly reviews will be performed by the Corporate Program Manager to ensure only active associates are current Cardholders. Any terminated associate's account will be immediately closed. Associates who are considered inactive will have their accounts set to a suspense status. Annual reviews will be performed by the Corporate Program Manager for limit adjustments and frequency of use. Limits may be adjusted down based on purchase history and cards that are unused for 12 months may be subject to cancellation. 6.9 Cancellation of Purchasing Card Program Privileges The Corporate Program Manager is authorized to close an account for the following reasons: • A Cardholder's employment is terminated • A Cardholder transfers to a new position which does not require a Purchasing Card • The Purchasing Card is used for personal or unauthorized purposes • The Purchasing Card is used to purchase any substance, material, or service, which violates an internal policy or external law or regulation to which VNA must adhere • The Cardholder allows the card to be used by another individual • The Cardholder splits a purchase to circumvent the purchase credit limit of the Purchasing Card unless in an emergency situation and justification is provided and Page 7 of 11 Controlled document. Uncontrolled copies may not be up-to-date. Information contained herein is Company confidential and for internal use only. Issued by Veolia North America. VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 81 Attachment 2 Page 7 of 11 SUBJECT: PURCHASING CARD (P-CARD) PROGRAM approved by VNA Chief Procurement Officer. Justification must be included within the completed expense report. • The Cardholder uses another Cardholder's card • The Cardholder fails to provide receipts for all transactions • The Cardholder fails to submit expense reports on time or forward statements each month to Accounts Payable • The Cardholder fails to provide, when requested, information about any specific purchase • The Cardholder accepts a cash refund in lieu of credit to the Purchasing Card account • The Cardholder does not adhere to this procedure • For any other reason the Company deems appropriate The Manager/Supervisor shall be held accountable for ensuring the employee uses the Purchasing Card in compliance with this procedure. Depending on the severity of the violation mentioned above if an employee is making purchases for which the Purchasing Card is not intended, such as any prohibited purchases listed in Appendix A or fails to provide receipts or statements,the following actions may be taken: First Offense: Cardholder and Cardholder's Manager will be notified of the infraction. The Cardholder will be advised to "cease and desist" using the Purchasing Card for purchases that fall outside of this policy. The Cardholder will also be advised of Purchasing Card cancellation if further violations occur and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. Second Offense: permanent cancellation of the Purchasing Card will occur and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. If fraud is detected,the following steps will be taken: • Immediate cancellation of the T&E corporate card. • Removal of the cardholder's buying authority. • Possible termination of employment. • Possible criminal charges. • VNA will pursue all legal means necessary to seek reimbursement of fraudulent charges. 7.0 RECORDS Documents should be retained by the appropriate functional area in conjunction with the applicable records retention policy. All receipts should be retained in the Expense Reporting System of Record. 8.0 COMMUNICATION METHODOLOGY Employee Group Affected: Communication Method: All VNA Employees Email and/or Company Intranet Posting Page 8 of 11 Controlled document. Uncontrolled copies may not be up-to-date. Information contained herein is Company confidential and for internal use only. Issued by Veolia North America. VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 81 Attachment 2 Page 8 of 11 SUBJECT: PURCHASING CARD (P-CARD) PROGRAM 9.0 COMPANY RIGHTS The Company reserves the right to amend or rescind, in whole or in part, this policy at any time and without notice. This policy does not constitute a contract of employment or a promise of benefits or continued employment. 10.0 REVIEW AND APPROVAL Reviewed by: ShirleyTa Title: Purchasing Agent Date: 4/18/22 Reviewed by: Cindy Solomon Title: Director, Procurement Operations Date: 4/18/22 Approved by: Courtney Wright Title: Chief Procurement Officer Date: 4/18/22 11.0 CHANGE HISTORY Revision No. Summary of changes Issue Date Effective Date 1.0 Initial issuance 28 Aug 2015 4 Sep 2015 1.1 Revision for clarification of automobile 22 Sep 2015 22 Sep 2015 maintenance (Section 6.2 &Appendix A) 1.2 Revision for change in expense report filing 6 Dec 2018 6 Dec 2018 deadline from the 10th of the subsequent month to 10 days following the statement cut-off(Section 7.5) 2.0 Changed from policy to procedure and 18 April 2022 1 May 2022 updated to reflect current practices Page 9 of 11 Controlled document. Uncontrolled copies may not be up-to-date. Information contained herein is Company confidential and for internal use only. Issued by Veolia North America. VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 81 Attachment 2 Page 9 of 11 SUBJECT: PURCHASING CARD (P-CARD) PROGRAM Appendix A: This is an illustrative list not exhaustive. If there is any question as to whether a transaction is allowable, the Cardholder should contact the Corporate Program Manager in advance of the purchase. Allowable P-Card Transactions: • Copier Leases • Dues (professional organization) • Emergency Purchases • Fuel (bulk on-site stored fuel including diesel,gasoline or fuel oil) • Incidental Purchases • Lab Analysis Testing • Meals and Entertainment—On-site only • Vehicles not enrolled in 3rd party fleet maintenance programs • Office Supplies • One-time, non-strategic purchases with vendors that are not established in Coupa/Ariba or SAP S/4HANA • Physical Exams/Drug and Alcohol Testing • Non-recurring purchases under$2,500.00 • Rx Safety Glasses • Safety Shoes • Shipping(FedEx, UPS, DHL) • Trade Show Fees • Uniform (rental and purchase) • Utilities (electricity, natural gas, internet services,trash service, landline phones) Prohibited P-Card Transactions: • Alcoholic Beverages • Automotive Purchases for Leased or Veolia Owned Vehicles enrolled in 3rd party fleet maintenance programs • Capital Purchases (unless pre-approved by Finance) • Cash Advances/Reimbursements • Cell phone &tablet accessories • Cell phone,tablet, data card and associated monthly service fees • Client-Related Expenses not in alignment with the VNA Gifts and Entertainment Policy CP 103 • Computer Hardware and Software • Contributions and sponsorships • Electronic Payment Methods - eBay, PayPal, etc. (unless pre-approved by Corporate Program Manager) • Employee Gifts not in alignment with the VNA Gifts and Entertainment Policy(CP 103) • Employee Relocation Expenses • Gift Cards and Certificates • Intellectual services and consulting purchases • Meals and Entertainment—Off-site Page 10 of 11 Controlled document. Uncontrolled copies may not be up-to-date. Information contained herein is Company confidential and for internal use only. Issued by Veolia North America. VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 81 Attachment 2 Page 10 of 11 SUBJECT: PURCHASING CARD (P-CARD) PROGRAM • Sub-contracting services purchases (non-emergency) • Personal Purchases • Property Rental Payments • Travel and Entertainment(use T&E card instead -see PC 101) • Wholesale Club Memberships (e.g. Costco&Sam's Club) • Workers Compensation Claims Page 11 of 11 Controlled document. Uncontrolled copies may not be up-to-date. Information contained herein is Company confidential and for internal use only. Issued by Veolia North America. VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 81 Attachment 2 Page 11 of 11