HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250113VEO to Staff 81 Attachment 1.pdf Procurement Procedure
Procedure No : PC 213
Revision No : 1.0
Effective Date : 01 Nov 2021
This procedure applies to all Veolia North America (VNA) personnel who travel for company-related
business more than once per calendar year and are subsequently eligible to apply for a corporate Travel
& Expense (T&E) credit card.
This procedure details the requirements and responsibilities of individuals applying for and having been
issued a company credit card for travel and expenses in a manner consistent with the VNA Travel and
Expense Policy.
VNA employees are responsible for complying with this procedure at all times when applying for and
utilizing a company T&E card.
Managers are responsible for procedure implementation and compliance for their direct reports.
• VNA Travel & Expense Policy
• VNA Travel Intranet Page
• Travel and Expense Procurement Procedures
Click here for definitions of the terms that are key to understanding this procedure.
JPMorgan is currently VNA's provider of corporate T&E cards.
6.1 Requesting a Travel & Expense (T&E)Card
T&E corporate credit cards are available for both individual and group/department use. Only full-time
employees who travel more than once per year are eligible for an individual T&E corporate card.
Department T&E corporate cards are intended for employees who routinely arrange travel for 2 or more
individuals and who will also be responsible for reconciling the travel expenses for those individuals.
In order to request a T&E card, the employee must submit a Corporate Card Application and Cardholder
Agreement Form. Every card will have a designated monthly spend limit based on the expected frequency
of use and types of expenses that will be incurred on the card. The following criteria are utilized when
establishing T&E card limits:
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• Frequency of travel (average number of days traveling per month)
• Modes of transportation used during travel (airplane, rental car,and/or company vehicle)
• Frequency of entertaining customers or clients
• Frequency of hosting internal meetings
Based on the information listed above, the employee's card use will be assigned to one of the following
card spend levels and corresponding monthly T&E card limits:
Spend Level Individual T&E Card Limit Individual T&E Card Limit
Low $1,000 $2,000
Medium $2,500 $5,000
High $5,000 $10,000
Once the Corporate Card Application has been approved by an individual with the appropriate level of
DOA, employees will receive their T&E corporate card directly from VNA's approved provider. Once a T&E
corporate card is received, the employee can activate the card by calling the instructions on the label on
the front of the card.
If an employee's travel and/or expense needs change after the T&E card is issued, the employee can
request an update to their card limits by submitting a Corporate Card Maintenance Form.
6.2 T&E Corporate Card for Business Purposes Only
T&E corporate cards must be used only for business travel expenses only and not for any personal
expenses. In the event a ME corporate card is used in error, VNA must be reimbursed by the
employee via a check or payroll deduction. Please refer to Procurement intranet for details.
6.3 Security of T&E Corporate Card
The T&E corporate card should be kept in an accessible, but secure location.
• NEVER post your T&E corporate card number around your work area.
• NEVER give your T&E corporate card number to someone else.
• NO ONE but the cardholder should place an order using his/her T&E corporate card number.
• REMEMBER you are responsible for everything charged to your T&E corporate card.
6.4 Cancellation of T&E Program Privileges
The Corporate Card Administrator is authorized to close an account for the following reasons:
• A cardholder's employment is terminated.
• A cardholder transfers to a new position which does not require a T&E corporate card.
• The T&E corporate card is used for personal or unauthorized purposes.
• The cardholder allows the card to be used by another individual.
• The cardholder splits a purchase to circumvent the purchase credit limit of the travel expense
unless in an emergency situation and justification is provided and approved by VNA Chief
Procurement Officer.Justification must be included within the completed expense report.
• The cardholder uses another cardholder's card.
• The cardholder fails to provide receipts for all transactions.
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• The cardholder fails to submit expense reports on time.
• The cardholder does not use the card within a one-year period.
• The cardholder fails to provide,when requested, information about any specific purchase.
• The cardholder accepts a cash refund in lieu of credit to the T&E corporate card account.
• The cardholder does not adhere to this policy.
• The cardholder is on leave of absence (LOA).
• For any other reason VNA deems appropriate.
The manager shall be held accountable for ensuring the employee uses the T&E corporate card in
compliance with this policy and procedure. Depending on the severity of the violation mentioned above,
if an employee is making purchases for which the T&E corporate card is not intended,the cardholder and
the cardholder's manager will be notified of the infraction. The cardholder will be advised to "cease and
desist" using the T&E corporate card for purchases that fall outside of this policy. Depending on the
severity of the infraction,the T&E corporate card may be cancelled immediately or the cardholder will be
advised of T&E corporate card cancellation if further violations occur and appropriate disciplinary action
will be taken.
If fraud is detected,the following steps will be taken:
• Immediate cancellation of the T&E corporate card.
• Removal of the cardholder's buying authority.
• Possible termination of employment.
• Possible criminal charges.
• VNA will pursue all legal means necessary to seek reimbursement of fraudulent charges.
Quarterly reviews will be performed by the Corporate Card Administrator to ensure only active associates
are current cardholders. Any terminated associate's account will be immediately closed. Associates who
are considered inactive will have their accounts set to a suspended status.
Semi-annual reviews will be performed by the Corporate Card Administrator for limit adjustments and
frequency of use. Limits may be adjusted down based on purchase history and cards that are unused for
12 months may be subject to cancellation.
Cards will be automatically suspended/deactivated for employees who are on leave of absence (LOA).
When the employee returns from LOA, they or their manager may request that the card be reactivated
by emailing corporatecardprograms@veolia.com.
6.5 Cancellation of T&E corporate card
All Card cancellation requests should be emailed to corporatecardprograms@veolia.com. Once received,
the Corporate Card Manager will submit a request cancellation to the card provider.
6.6 Disputes
A dispute is filed when the cardholder notices a singular transaction, which does not appear to be a
legitimate purchase from the cardholder. Multiple transactions, which do not appear to be the
cardholder's,should be treated as a lost/stolen card even if the card is in your possession.See Section 6.9
Lost or Stolen Card below for further details.
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If there is a problem or dispute with a purchased item or billing resulting from the use of the T&E corporate
card, the cardholder should review the following before filing a dispute:
• The charge appears to be more on the statement than the original receipt/invoice, contact
the Vendor with the information from your receipt/invoice.
• If the charge is not legitimate, request a credit from the Vendor. Credit will appear on the
following month's statement.
• The charge on the statement is not yours; check the charge against your receipts.The vendor
may be billing under a parent company or initials (e.g., Brand Equity Marketing — BEM or
Graphtech/Regent = ColorGraphics). If the amount and date matches, then the charge may
be legitimate. Cardholders should document details concerning the dispute and track the
resolution for audit purposes.
The Cardholder has thirty(30)days after the billing cycle closes to dispute an item.lf the dispute is resolved
in the cardholder's favor,the disputed transaction will be credited back to the cardholder.
Cardholders must select the Fraudulent Charge checkbox in Coupa for all disputed charges. Click here for
additional information on the fraudulent charge reporting process.
6.7 Declined Transactions
If your T&E corporate card is declined for a legitimate purchase, contact the Corporate Card
Administrator by emailing corporatecardprograms@veolia.com and request a "Merchant Category
Code (MCC) override". DO NOT contact the VNA-approved card provider; only your Corporate
Card Administrator can inquire and override your decline.
6.8 Credits
Confirm that the Vendor will issue the credit to your T&E corporate card. When the credit is posted to
your account,you will process it in Coupa to the statement cycle that the credit falls.
6.9 Lost or Stolen Card
Your T&E corporate card number may be compromised even if the card is in your possession. If you have
multiple charges which do not appear to be your purchases on the billing statement, contact JPMorgan
Customer Service at 1-800-270-7760 to replace the card.
All travel records are maintained by AMEX GBT.
Employee Group Affected: Communication Method:
All VNA Travelers Email and/or Company Intranet Posting
The Company reserves the right to amend or rescind, in whole or in part, this policy at any time and
without notice. This policy does not constitute a contract of employment or a promise of benefits or
continued employment.
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Reviewed by: Shirley Ta
Title: Purchasing Agent
Date: 9-28-2021
Reviewed by: Cindy Solomon
Title: Director, Procurement Operations
Date: 10/1/2021
Approved by: Courtney Wright
Title: Chief Procurement Officer
Date: 10/4/2021
Revision No. Summary of changes Issue Date Effective Date
1.0 Initial issuance 15 Oct 2021 01 Nov 2021
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Company confidential and for internal use only. Issued by Veolia North America.
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