HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250113VEO to Staff 79 Attachment.pdf (i) VEOLIA Procurement Procedure Procedure No : PC 238 Revision No : 1.0 Effective Date : 28 May 2021 SUBJECT: VEHICLE DISPOSITION TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 SCOPE 2.0 PURPOSE 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.0 REFERENCES AND FORMS 5.0 DEFINITIONS 6.0 PROCEDURE 7.0 RECORDS 8.0 COMMUNICATION METHODOLOGY 9.0 COMPANY RIGHTS 10.0 REVIEW AND APPROVAL 11.0 CHANGE HISTORY 1.0 SCOPE This procedure applies to all Veolia North America (VNA) company-provided (owned, leased or rented) and client-provided vehicles. 2.0 PURPOSE This procedure details the process to replace, sell, transfer and dispose of fleet vehicles in a manner consistent with the VNA Vehicle Management Policy and the VNA Fixed Asset Policy. 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES The Procurement Fleet Manager is responsible for maintaining this procedure. Managers are responsible for procedure implementation and compliance at all sites and for all vehicles for which they have oversight and responsibility. Page 1 of 8 Controlled document. Uncontrolled copies may not be up-to-date. Information contained herein is Company confidential and for internal use only. Issued by Veolia North America. VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 79 Attachment Page 1 of 8 SUBJECT: VEHICLE DISPOSITION 4.0 REFERENCES AND FORMS VNA Policies: • Vehicle Management • Purchasing Cycle and Requisition Process • VNA Fixed Asset Policy Fleet Forms can be found on the VNA Fleet Management page. Fixed Asset forms can be found on the VNA Forms page under Section 9 eForms. For US Operations, refer to the VNA Transportation page for Transportation Policies related to compliance with US Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations. For Canadian Operations, contact the Transportation Coordinator or your local EHS resource for information related to compliance with Transport Canada (TC) Regulations. 5.0 DEFINITIONS Click here for definitions of the terms that are key to understanding the policy. 6.0 PROCEDURE 6.1 Vehicle Replacement Parameters Routine vehicle replacements are essential to managing overall vehicle cost. The recommended fleet vehicle replacement frequencies are shown in the chart at the end of this section. Note that in many cases, the recommended replacement frequency is longer than the vehicle lease duration. When a leased vehicle is retained beyond the expiration of the lease, a monthly small administrative fee will be required to keep the vehicle enrolled in the Holman maintenance and fuel card programs. Managers and business leaders should use this information for business planning and budgeting purposes. While there may be business-related reasons, such as capital funding constraints, to delay a vehicle replacement, managers should note that this will increase the operating costs associated with maintaining the vehicle in a safe and reliable condition. When ordering a new vehicle (excluding heavy-duty vehicles), managers should typically plan 3-4 months in advance for a vehicle replacement, although non-standard, special order vehicles may take 5 months or more to receive. If the vehicle being replaced will be sold after the new vehicle is received, it's recommended to order the new vehicle in Page 2 of 8 Controlled document. Uncontrolled copies may not be up-to-date. Information contained herein is Company confidential and for internal use only. Issued by Veolia North America. VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 79 Attachment Page 2 of 8 SUBJECT: VEHICLE DISPOSITION January for a spring delivery or in late summer for a fall delivery. This allows the replaced vehicle to be sold during peak remarketing months. Recommended Vehicle Replacement Frequencies Vehicle Description Mileage/Years Automobiles 8 years Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs) 8 years Light Duty Trucks 8 years Vans 8 years Service Trucks and Vans (Gas) 8 years Service Trucks and Vans (Diesel) 8 years Trucks< 19,000 lbs. GVWR (Diesel) 8 years Trucks> 19,000 lbs. GVWR (Diesel) 250,000 miles Tractors 600,000 miles Trailers 20 years 6.2 Vehicle Transfers If a vehicle is no longer needed, but the age of the vehicle is less than the recommended replacement frequency, the vehicle can be transferred to another location that has a need for a vehicle. If a site is unable to find a location within their business that is in need of a vehicle, please contact the Fleet Manager for assistance. VNA is required to maintain an accurate inventory of all company vehicles for financial, fleet management, insurance and DOT/TC compliance purposes. While transfer of vehicles is encouraged to meet changing vehicle requirements, it is absolutely necessary that notice of the transfer be provided. Prior to transferring a vehicle, a Vehicle Transfer Form must be submitted for all vehicles (owned or leased). For company owned vehicles, an Asset Transfer Request Form may also be required by Finance. On the Vehicle Transfer Form there is a checkbox to note whether or not the site will be physically moving the vehicle or if Holman should make the arrangements. Regardless of who is moving the vehicle,this form must be completed so the fleet inventory and billing Page 3 of 8 Controlled document. Uncontrolled copies may not be up-to-date. Information contained herein is Company confidential and for internal use only. Issued by Veolia North America. VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 79 Attachment Page 3 of 8 SUBJECT: VEHICLE DISPOSITION information are kept current. If the vehicle is moved to another state/province, Holman will make arrangements for a state/provincial transfer for the registration and new license plates. In addition, please notify the VNA Corporate Transportation Department or Canadian Transportation Coordinator regarding the transfer of any ESS IL IRP-registered DOT vehicle. (For non-Holman leased vehicles, please complete the same form and note the leasing company.) Please refer to the VNA Fixed Asset Policy for additional information about the Asset Change Request Form process. Before the vehicle is physically transferred to the new location,the originating site must ensure that all documentation, such as registration and insurance cards, are current and that all required items are in the glove box as specified in section 6.4 of the Vehicle Ordering Procedure. In addition, the originating site must prepare the vehicle for the new site's use by ensuring that all required maintenance has been performed, any body damage has been repaired, and the vehicle has been cleaned both inside and out. The receiving site has the responsibility to inspect the vehicle upon receipt and to notify the originating site manager of any problems. If problems arise and agreement cannot be reached between the two sites, the parties will request the assistance of the Fleet Manager to reach a resolution. 6.3 Selling a Vehicle Before any VNA vehicle (leased or owned) can be sold, it must be determined that it is not needed at its current site, within its business, or anywhere else within VNA. (The exception would be old vehicles that have outlived their usefulness, inoperable vehicles, or vehicles requiring excessive safety, mechanical, or exterior/interior repairs.) If the site was not able to locate a need elsewhere, they can submit a Vehicle Sale and Disposal form, which will be reviewed by the Fleet Manager. If the vehicle is in good condition, the Fleet Manager will review the fleet inventory to see if the vehicle can be used to replace an older vehicle at another site. 6.3.1. Selling a Leased Vehicle Leased vehicles are owned by the company that is leasing the vehicle to VNA. The leasing company is usually Holman, but in some cases could be another company such as Donlen, Element, or Enterprise. To begin the process of selling a leased vehicle that is no longer needed,the site will need to: • Complete the Vehicle Sale/Disposal form • Check off that Holman (or other leasing company)will be managing the sale • Attach pictures of the vehicle to the form and submit for approval and routing to Holman. • Note: If Holman is selling the vehicle,they will automatically terminate the fleet management services and update the Insights database. If another company is Page 4 of 8 Controlled document. Uncontrolled copies may not be up-to-date. Information contained herein is Company confidential and for internal use only. Issued by Veolia North America. VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 79 Attachment Page 4 of 8 SUBJECT: VEHICLE DISPOSITION selling the vehicle, Holman must be notified to terminate services and update the Insights database. If the site wants the leasing company to sell the vehicle to a specified person or outside business, this should be noted on the Vehicle Sale/Disposal form. The leasing company will then work directly with the buyer. There is a selling fee ($75-$100) charged to the buyer. If there is no buyer specified,the leasing company will contact the site to arrange for pickup of the vehicle. If needed, Holman can arrange for a short-term rental if a vehicle is sold prior to the new vehicle being delivered. 6.3.2. Selling a Company-Owned Vehicle It is recommended that sites utilize Holman to manage company-owned vehicle sales. There is a selling fee associated with this service that will be charged to the buyer. However, if a site chooses to sell the Veolia-owned vehicle directly to an employee or local buyer, they may do so, provided the sale is completed in a manner consistent with the VNA Fixed Asset Policy and with appropriate segregation of duties (i.e., the individual coordinating the sale of the vehicle should not be the buyer, the sole person approving the request or the person receiving the payment). For the US,the steps for selling a company-owned vehicle are as follows: 1. An Asset Disposal Request Form may be required per the VNA Fixed Asset Policy. Contact Finance for additional information. 2. Determine the value of the vehicle. Complete/submit the Fair Market Value Request form. Holman will provide the wholesale fair market value from an independent source and return the quote to the Requester. 3. Upon receipt of the FMV, the site should complete the Vehicle Sale/Disposal form and note that the site will be selling the vehicle. (The form requires the proper authority e-signature.) 4. Complete the bidding process to determine the vehicle buyer 5. Payment must be in the form of a cashier's check or money order made out to Veolia North America. Upon receipt of payment, the site will need to complete the Bill of Sale form approved/signed by the Site/Branch Manager (provided that they are not the person who completed the paperwork) and will need to sign over the Title to the Buyer. Note: VNA should not sign the Bill of Sale or the Title until the check or money order is in their possession, and the Buyer should not sign the Title until they are at the Registry and in front of the Registry representative. Page 5 of 8 Controlled document. Uncontrolled copies may not be up-to-date. Information contained herein is Company confidential and for internal use only. Issued by Veolia North America. VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 79 Attachment Page 5 of 8 SUBJECT: VEHICLE DISPOSITION 6. The check and copies of the paperwork should be sent to the VNA Lock Box with the coding of where the funds should be applied. Copies of all the paperwork and the check should be uploaded as an attachment with the Bill of Sale form. Upon submission, the form and attachment will be forwarded to the next line manager for review and approval before being routed to Holman. Holman will mark the vehicle as "sold" and store the documents with the vehicle data. Copies of the check, Bill of Sale, and coding should also be sent to the Finance team supporting the Business. 6.3.3. Employees Purchasing Company Vehicles In the US, it is permissible to offer vehicles to employees for purchase when the vehicle is being replaced. If the vehicle is assigned to a driver (versus the site), the driver has the first option to purchase the vehicle at the fair market value if it is not needed elsewhere at VNA. This rule applies to vehicles that are personally assigned vehicles only. Since this value represents a wholesale amount,there is no negotiation on the price. Depending on whether the vehicle is owned or leased, one of the two processes stated in Section 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 will be followed. In certain cases where the fair market value is less than the remaining book value, the Manager has the option of attempting to sell the vehicle at a retail amount. If the vehicle's currently assigned employee is not interested in its purchase, but other employees are, the vehicle will then be offered for sale based on a sealed bid process open for 5 business days.The vehicle's fair market value will be posted and the local Manager will accept sealed bids for a period of one week. At the end of the 5-business days the employee submitting the highest bid over the fair market value will have the opportunity to purchase the vehicle. If no bids are received over the fair market value, the Manager will complete a Vehicle Sale or Disposal Request form and Holman will arrange for the Vehicle to be picked up and sold. 6.3.4 Sale of Vehicles to Non-Employees Sites are also permitted to find buyers for company-owned vehicles that are no longer needed. In most cases, these vehicles will have no remaining Book Value (amount due) and can be sold for as much as possible. Follow the same processes for Selling a Company-Owned Vehicle. This is the main practice in Quebec. 6.3.5 License Plate and Decal Removal Page 6 of 8 Controlled document. Uncontrolled copies may not be up-to-date. Information contained herein is Company confidential and for internal use only. Issued by Veolia North America. VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 79 Attachment Page 6 of 8 SUBJECT: VEHICLE DISPOSITION In the US, if a vehicle is being sold by the leasing company, license plates should stay on the vehicle. For company-owned vehicles, license plates will remain the vehicle only if the vehicle is registered in one of the following states: AK, CA, DE, HI, KY, LA, MN, OK, OR, SD, TX, WA. In all other states, the license plates and registration documents must be removed and returned to the state's Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Any decals displaying the company's name, address, telephone number, and DOT number must be removed from all vehicles (leased or owned) prior to being sold. Other graphics, including stripes or waves, can remain on the vehicle. For Canada, please contact the Transportation Coordinator or your local EHS resource for guidance on license plate and decal removal requirements prior to vehicle sale. 7.0 RECORDS All vehicle records are maintained in Holman Insights. 8.0 COMMUNICATION METHODOLOGY Employee Group Affected: Communication Method: All VNA Employees Email, Company Intranet Posting, On-site Printed Document Posting 9.0 COMPANY RIGHTS The Company reserves the right to amend or rescind, in whole or in part, this policy at any time and without notice. This policy does not constitute a contract of employment or a promise of benefits or continued employment. 10.0 REVIEW AND APPROVAL Reviewed by: Paula Antonelli Title: VNA Fleet Manager Date: 30 April 2021 Reviewed by: Bryan Hines Title: Director, Direct Sourcing Date: 30 April 2021 Page 7 of 8 Controlled document. Uncontrolled copies may not be up-to-date. Information contained herein is Company confidential and for internal use only. Issued by Veolia North America. VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 79 Attachment Page 7 of 8 SUBJECT: VEHICLE DISPOSITION Approved by: Courtney Wright Title: Chief Procurement Officer Date: 30 April 2021 11.0 CHANGE HISTORY Revision No. Summary of changes Issue Date Effective Date 1.0 Initial issuance 28 May 2021 28 May 2021 Page 8 of 8 Controlled document. Uncontrolled copies may not be up-to-date. Information contained herein is Company confidential and for internal use only. Issued by Veolia North America. VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 79 Attachment Page 8 of 8