HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250109VEO to Staff 23 - Attachment 4 Eagle 2024 and one-off Property Tax bills.pdf ADA COUNTY TREASURER TAX YEAR Phone: 208-287-6800 P.O. BOX 2868 Email: taxinfo@adacounty.id.gov BOISE, ID 83701 2024 https://adacounty.id.gov/treasurer Property Description: BACK OF BILL INCLUDES PARCEL NUMBER: S0515315100 PAR n5100 C E SIDE NE4 SW4 IMPORTANT DETAILS 2024 Bill Number: 4627623 SEC 15 4N I E RS8777 ?14900-5 Property Type; REAL Tax Roll: PROPERTY Code Area: 05-6 Property Address: 2427 E RIVERSIDE DR Urban Renewal Agency; EAGLE DOWNTOWN/EAST END ADA COUNTY BILLS PROPERTY TAX,CERTIFICATIONS,AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR THE TAXING DISTRICTS BELOW AND COMMON , QUESTIONS DISTRIBUTES REVENUE IN THE AMOUNT INDICATED.LEVY SHEETS ARE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC.THE EXPIRATION DATE OF ANY BOND AND VOTER-APPROVED LEVY IS AVAILABLE AT https://adacounty.id.gov/treasurer WHAT DATE WAS MY BILL PRINTED? TAXING DISTRICT PHONE DISTRICT LEVY TAX AMOUNT Certifications and special assessments. November 15,2024 DRAINAGE DIST#2 208-629-7447 7.00 WHAT IS MY CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE? TAX ADJUSTMENT: 0.00 TOTAL ASSESSED VALUE: SO CURRENT YEAR TAX: $0.00 PREPAYMENTS RECEIVED: HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION: so "HOMEOWNER PROPERTY TAX RELIEF CREDIT: TOTAL TAXABLE VALUE: SO STATE PROPERTY TAX REDUCTION: TOTAL DUE: $7.00 WHO DO I CONTACT ABOUT THE ASSESSED VALUE OF MY PROPERTY? ASSESSOR'S OFFICE,208-287-7200 WHAT WAS THE PRIOR YEAR TAX? PRIOR YEAR TAX: S0.00 **SCHOOL DISTRICT FACILITIES FUND SAVINGS: S0.00 "Tax relief appropriated by the Idaho State Legislature IMPORTANTMESSAGE WHEN ANY PORTION OF PROPERTY TAX BECOMES DELINQUENT,A 2%LATE CHARGE WILL BE APPLIED.INTEREST ON THE DELINQUENT BALANCE ACCRUES AT 1%PER MONTH FROM JANUARY 1 ST(IDAHO CODE 63-903&63-1001).WHEN PAYING DELINQUENT BALANCES,PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE FOR THE PAYOFF AMOUNT INCLUDING LATE CHARGE AND INTEREST. PAYMENT OPTIONS Mail Bill Pay. Online Phone In Person P.O.Box 2868 Contact your bank for adacounty.id.gov/treasurer 1-844-471-7324 Courthouse:200 W.Front St. Boise,ID 83701 options E-check:$3.00 flat fee E-check:$3.00 flat fee M-F 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Debit card:$3.95 flat fee Debit card:$3.95 flat fee USPS postmark by due date Allow 7-10 days for Credit card:2.4%fee Credit card:2.4%fee Public Admin Bldg:182 N.Cloverdale processing M-F 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Use coupon and envelope Have your bill number ready Nov.18-Dec.20 ONLY provided SECURE DROP BOXES AVAILABLE See our website for locations _______________________________________________________________________________. USE BLUE OR BLACK INK ONLY ON WRITTEN CHECKS. PLEASE DO NOT STAPLE,TAPE, PAPERCLIP, OR GLUE YOUR PAYMENT. I PAY TO: ADA COUNTY ADA COUNTY TREASURER P.O. BOXBOISE, ID 83701 P.O. BOX 2868 PLEASE WRITE THE PARCEL NUMBER ON YOUR CHECK BOISE, ID 83701 ❑Check here if mailing address has changed and indicate correction(s)on back of payment coupon. Please check payment option: ❑ HALF PAYMENT $ 3.50 ❑ FULL PAYMENT $ 7.00 ❑ OTHER PAYMENT $ SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC 8248 W VICTORY RD PARCEL NUMBER: S0515315100 BOISE ID 83709 DUE DATE: DECEMBER 20, 2024 VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 4 Page 1 of 14 Page 5of5 8348534953514953494848004627623000000000035000000000007002 PROPERTY TAX WF©RMA 0 N TAX ROLL DEFINITION TAX BILL SENT DUE DATE Property Roll Property assessed between January 1 st and the 4th Monday in May. November December 20th Subsequent Roll Property assessed between 4th Monday in May and October 31 st. January February Missed Roll Property assessed between November 1 st and December 31 st. February March All Rolls-2nd half Real property taxes may be paid in full or in two(2)halves by the due See each roll above June 20th date.If the first half is paid timely,the second half is due by June 20th. PROPERTY TYPE DEFINITION DELINQUENCY PROCESS Real Property Land and/or improvements. Tax Deed Personal Property Furniture and/or equipment used in business. Warrant of Distraint Manufactured Home Manufactured housing,not on a permanent foundation Warrant of Distraint and declared by recorded document as real property. COPY BILL:A copy bill is mailed to a property owner if an escrow PAYMENT ON TAX DELINQUENCY: Payments are first applied company has requested the original bill to pay on the owner's to the oldest delinquency.Call our office for payoff balances. behalf. If escrow arrangements have changed,be sure to contact the party responsible for payment or our office. Reminder notices TAX DEED: If real property on which there is delinquency is not for 2nd half payments are not mailed for escrow-coded redeemed within 3 years,the county tax collector must make,in properties. favor of the county,a tax deed for such property. Property taken by tax deed must be offered for sale at public auction to recover FAILURE TO RECEIVE TAX NOTICE: Failure to mail or receive tax taxes and costs of collection. notice does not excuse timely payment of taxes.(Idaho Code 63- 902) WARRANT OF DISTRAINT:Thirty(30)days after any portion of a personal property or manufactured home tax becomes DATE EFFECTIVE OF MAILED PAYMENTS:A U.S. Postal Service delinquent,a warrant of distraint is issued to the Sheriff for cancellation mark stamped on the envelope is deemed the collection.The Sheriff may seize and sell any personal property payment date.(Idaho Code 63-217)NOTE:A postage meter stamp found, if necessary, in order to collect payment in full. is not an acceptable post office cancellation. RELOCATION OR SALE OF MANUFACTURED HOME OR CHECK PAYMENTS:Under Federal Reserve Board guidelines, PERSONAL PROPERTY:Sale or relocation of business personal submitting a check to us as payment authorizes us to use the property and manufactured homes requires payment in full of information from the check to make a one-time electronic fund all taxes due and prepayment of current year estimated taxes transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check prior to moving or destruction.Call our office for payoff transaction. Funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon balances.(Idaho Code 63-904,63-1012&63-1014) as the same day you make your payment.You will not receive your check back from your financial institution. Payments are NEW CONSTRUCTION:New construction is pro-rated from the subject to bank clearance. date first occupied through December 31 st of the occupancy year. If assessed after the 4th Monday in May,taxes on new PARTIAL PAYMENTS: Partial payments are accepted and applied construction may be billed on the subsequent tax roll or the to the oldest delinquency,then to the current balance. missed tax roll. Prepayments for taxes not yet billed are accepted. SUBSEQUENT TAX(OCCUPANCY)ROLL:If construction is DELINQUENT TAX,LATE CHARGE,&INTEREST:If property tax is completed after the property roll assessment deadline in May, not paid when due, Idaho law requires a late charge of 2%of the you will receive a bill for the improvement or structure on the delinquency and interest of 1%per month beginning January 1 st subsequent tax roll.This bill may be in addition to a bill for the following the year the tax lien attached. property tax roll. MANUFACTURED HOME&PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX MISSED TAX ROLL:If property is reassessed between the date EXTENSION: If you are unable to pay the first half personal of ownership change and December 31 st,you will receive a bill property or manufactured home taxes by December 20th,you for the missed tax roll.This bill may be in addition to a bill for may apply for a 4-month extension with the Board of County property tax roll and the subsequent tax roll.Once ownership Commissioners.Any extension prevents the issuance of a warrant changes,any prior developer's exemption no longer applies. of distraint. Late charge and interest will not be waived.Call 208- 287-6800 to request an application before December 20th. IF YOUR MAILING ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT THAN SHOWN ON THE BILL,PLEASE PROVIDE UPDATED INFORMATION: NAME ADDRESS ADA COUNTY TREASURER P.O. BOX 2868 PHONE NO. BOISE, ID 8370'�P ���� VEO-W-24-01 23 Attachment 4 PARCEL NO. Page 2 of 14 OnuceRTIWeloffeRMo .,, ADA COUNTY TREASURER Phone: 208-287-6800 TAX YEAR f P.O.BOX 2868 Email: taxinfo@adacounty.id.gov BOISE, ID 83701 2024 https:Hadacounty.id.gov/treasurer Property Description: BACK OF BILL INCLUDES PARCEL NUMBER: R7476540115 PAR#0115LOT I BLK2 IMPORTANT DETAILS 2024 Bill Number: 4626288 RIVERSTONE TOWNHOUSES Property Type: REAL ,0110B Tax Roll: PROPERTY Code Area: 05-1 Property Address: 600 N EAGLE RD Urban Renewal Agency: ADA COUNTY BILLS PROPERTY TAX,CERTIFICATIONS,AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR THE TAXING DISTRICTS BELOW AND COMMONQUESTIONS DISTRIBUTES REVENUE IN THE AMOUNT INDICATED.LEVY SHEETS ARE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC.THE EXPIRATION DATE OF ANY BOND AND VOTER-APPROVED LEVY IS AVAILABLE AT https:"adacounty.id.gov/treasurer WHAT DATE WAS MY BILL PRINTED? TAXING DISTRICT PHONE DISTRICT LEVY TAX AMOUNT ADA COUNTY 208-287-7000 .001544150 November 15,2024 EAGLE FIRE 208-939-6463 .001015337 ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY 208-387-6100 .000495404 WHAT IS MY CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE? EAGLE CITY 208-489-8762 .000465337 TOTAL ASSESSED VALUE: SO SCHOOL#2 OTHER 208-350-5038 .000011164 SCHOOL#2 SUPPLMNT 208-350.5038 000034492 HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION: SO SCHOOL#2 PLNT FACILITY 208-350-5038 .000286090 TOTAL TAXABLE VALUE: SO SCHOOL#2 JUDGMENT IC 63-1305 208-3%5038 .000000086 COLLEGE OF WESTERN IDAHO 208-562-3291 .000085194 WHO DO I CONTACT ABOUT THE ASSESSED EMERGENCY MEDICAL 208-287-2975 .000084684 VALUE OF MY PROPERTY? DRY CREEK CEMETERY 208-853-1940 .000020371 EAGLE SEWER 208-939-0132 .000015242 ASSESSOR'S OFFICE,208-287-7200 MOSQUITO ABATEMENT 208-577-4646 .000015041 SUBTOTAL: .004072592 0.00 WHAT WAS THE PRIOR YEAR TAX? Certifications and special assessments. PRIOR YEAR TAX: S0.00 DRAINAGE DIST#2 208-629-7447 7.00 "SCHOOL DISTRICT FACILITIES FUND TAX ADJ USTM ENT: 0.00 SAVINGS: CURRENT YEAR TAX: $0.00 PREPAYMENTS RECEIVED: —HOMEOWNER PROPERTY TAX RELIEF CREDIT: S0.00 STATE PROPERTY TAX REDUCTION: TOTAL DUE: $7.00 Tax relief appropriated by the Idaho State -- Legislature -WIMPORTANT MESSAGE HEN ANY PORTION OF PROPERTY TAX BECOMES DELINQUENT,A 2%LATE CHARGE WILL BE APPLIED.INTEREST ON THE DELINQUENT BALANCE ACCRUES AT 1%PER MONTH FROM JANUARY 1 ST(IDAHO CODE 63-903&63-1001).WHEN PAYING DELINQUENT BALANCES,PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE FOR THE PAYOFF AMOUNT INCLUDING LATE CHARGE AND INTEREST. PAYMENT OPTIONS ® ItID I © r Mail Bill Pay Online Phone In Person P.O.Box 2868 Contact your bank for adacounty.id.gov/treasurer 1-844-471-7324 Courthouse:200 W.Front St. Boise,ID 83701 options E-check:$3.00 Flat fee E-check:$3.00 flat fee M-F 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Debit card:$3.95 Flat fee Debit card:$3.95 flat fee USPS postmark by due date Allow 7-10 days for Credit card:2.4%fee Credit card:2.4%fee Public Admin Bldg:182 N.Cloverdale processing M-F 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Use coupon and envelope Have your bill number ready Nov.18-Dec.20 ONLY provided SECURE DROP BOXES AVAILABLE See our website for locations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USE BLUE OR BLACK INK ONLY ON WRITTEN CHECKS. PLEASE DO NOT STAPLE,TAPE, PAPERCLIP, OR GLUE YOUR PAYMENT. I PAY • ADA COUNTY ADA COUNTY TREASURER P.O. BOX 2868, BOISE, P.O. BOX 2868 PLEASE WRITE THE PARCEL NUMBER ON YOUR CHECK BOISE, ID 83701 ❑Check here if mailing address has changed and indicate correction(s)on back of payment coupon. Please check payment option: HALF PAYMENT $ 3.50 FULL PAYMENT $ 7.00 ❑ OTHER PAYMENT $ 9`3-2386... """"""""'AUTO"5-DIGIT 83709 PARCEL NUMBER: R7476540115 VEOLIA WATER IDAHO INC DUE DATE: DECEMBER 20, 2024 8248 W VICTORY RD 01 BOISE ID 83709-4165 VE t4 IPUC DR 23 Attachment Page 3 of 14 Page 1of2 8255525554535248494953004626288000000000035000000000007008 PROPERTY TAX DU FOR M AMN TAX ROLL DEFINITION TAX BILL SENT DUE DATE Property Roll Property assessed between January 1 st and the 4th Monday in May. November December 20th Subsequent Roll Property assessed between 4th Monday in May and October 31 st. January February Missed Roll Property assessed between November 1 st and December 31 st. February March Real property taxes may be paid in full or in two(2)halves by the due See each roll above June 20th All Rolls �nc:i half date. If the first half is paid timely,the second half is due by June 20th. PROPERTY TYPE DEFINITION DELINQUENCY PROCESS Real Property Land and/or improvements. Tax Deed Personal Property Furniture and/or equipment used in business. Warrant of Distraint Manufactured Home Manufactured housing, not on a permanent foundation Warrant of Distraint and declared by recorded document as real property. COPY BILL:A copy bill is mailed to a property owner if an escrow PAYMENT ON TAX DELINQUENCY:Payments are first applied company has requested the original bill to pay on the owner's to the oldest delinquency. Call our office for payoff balances. behalf. If escrow arrangements have changed, be sure to contact the party responsible for payment or our office. Reminder notices TAX DEED:If real property on which there is delinquency is not for 2nd half payments are not mailed for escrow-coded redeemed within 3 years,the county tax collector must make,in properties. favor of the county,a tax deed for such property. Property taken by tax deed must be offered for sale at public auction to recover FAILURE TO RECEIVE TAX NOTICE: Failure to rnail or receive tax taxes and costs of collection. notice does not excuse timely payment of taxes.(Idaho Code 63- 902) WARRANT OF DISTRAINT:Thirty(30)days after any portion of a personal property or manufactured home tax becomes DATE EFFECTIVE OF MAILED PAYMENTS:A U.S. Postal Service delinquent,a warrant of distraint is issued to the Sheriff for cancellation rnark stamped on the envelope is deemed the collection.The Sheriff may seize and sell any personal property payment date.(Idaho Code 63-217)NOTE:A postage meter stamp found, if necessary, in order to collect payment in full. is not an acceptable post office cancellation. RELOCATION OR SALE OF MANUFACTURED HOME OR CHECK PAYMENTS: Under Federal Reserve Board guidelines, PERSONAL PROPERTY:Sale or relocation of business personal submitting a check to us as payment authorizes us to use the property and manufactured homes requires payment in full of irUormatron from the check to make a one-time electronic fund all taxes due and prepayment of current year estimated taxes transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check prior to moving or destruction.Call our office for payoff transaction. Funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon balances.(Idaho Code 63-904, 63-1012&63- 1014) as the same day you make your payment.You will not receive your check back from your financial institution. Payments are NEW CONSTRUCTION: New construction is pro-rated from the subject to bank clearance. date first occupied through December 31 st of the occupancy year. If assessed after the 4th Monday in May,taxes on new PARTIAL PAYMENTS:Partial payments are accepted and applied construction may be billed on the subsequent tax roll or the to the oldest delinquency,then to the current balance. missed tax roll. Prepayments for taxes not yet billed are accepted. SUBSEQUENT TAX(OCCUPANCY)ROLL:If construction is DELINQUENT TAX, LATE CHARGE, & INTEREST:If property tax is completed after the property roll assessment deadline in May, not paid when due, Idaho law requires a late charge of 2%of the you will receive a bill for the improvement or structure on the delinquency and interest of 1%per month beginning January 1 st subsequent tax roll.This bill may be in addition to a bill for the following the year the tax lien attached. property tax roll. MANUFACTURED HOME&PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX MISSED TAX ROLL:If property is reassessed between the date EXTENSION: If you are unable to pay the first half personal of ownership change and December 31 st,you will receive a bill property or manufactured home taxes by December 20th,you for the missed tax roll.This bill may be in addition to a bill for may apply for a 4-month extension with the Board of County property tax roll and the subsequent tax roll.Once ownership Commissioners.Any extension prevents the issuance of a warrant changes,any prior developer's exemption no longer applies. of distraint. Late charge and interest will not be waived. Call 208- 287-6800 to request an application before December 20th. IF YOUR MAILING ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT THAN SHOWN ON THE BILL, PLEASE PROVIDE UPDATED INFORMATION: NAME ADDRESS ADA COUNTY TREASURER PHONE NO. P.O. BOX 2868 4-01 BOISE, ID 83701?A Attachment I 23 Attachment 4 PARCEL NO. Page 4 of 14 ... ADA COUNTY TREASURER TAX YEAR Phone: 208-287-6800 P.O. BOX 2868 Email: taxinfo@adacounty.id.gov BOISE, ID 83701 2024 https://adacounty.id.gov/treasurer Property Description: BACK OF BILL INCLUDES PARCEL NUMBER: S1104110330 PAR 990330 OF NE4NE4 IMPORTANT DETAILS 2024 Bill Number: 4616912 SEC 4 3N lE Property Type: REAL #110311-S#110320-S Tax Roll: PROPERTY Code Area: 02-24 Property Address: 2949 N CLOVERDALE RD Urban Renewal Agency: ADA COUNTY BILLS PROPERTY TAX,CERTIFICATIONS,AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR THE TAXING DISTRICTS BELOW AND COMMON , QUESTIONS DISTRIBUTES REVENUE IN THE AMOUNT INDICATED.LEVY SHEETS ARE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC.THE EXPIRATION DATE OF ANY BOND AND VOTER-APPROVED LEVY IS AVAILABLE AT https:"adacounty.1d.gov/treasurer WHAT DATE WAS MY BILL PRINTED? TAXING DISTRICT PHONE DISTRICT LEVY TAX AMOUNT BOISE CITY 208-972-8147 .004052902 1,152.65 November 15,2024 ADA COUNTY 208-287-7000 .001544150 439.16 ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY 208-387-6100 .000495404 140.89 WHAT IS MY CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE? SCHOOL#2 OTHER 208-350-5038 .000011164 3.18 TOTAL ASSESSED VALUE: S284,400 SCHOOL#2 SUPPLMNT 208-350-5038 .000034492 9.81 SCHOOL#2 PLNT FACILITY 208-350-5038 0002B6090 81.36 HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION: so SCHOOL#2 JUDGMENT IC 63-1305 208-350-5038 .000000086 .02 TOTAL TAXABLE VALUE: S284,400 COLLEGE OF WESTERN IDAHO 208-562-3291 .000085194 24.23 EMERGENCY MEDICAL 208.287-2975 .000084684 24.08 WHO DO I CONTACT ABOUT THE ASSESSED MERIDIAN CEMETERY 208-888-5705 .000030167 8.58 VALUE OF MY PROPERTY? MOSQUITO ABATEMENT 208-577-4646 .000015041 4.28 SUBTOTAL: .006639374 1.888.24 ASSESSOR'S OFFICE,208-287-7200 TAX ADJUSTMENT: 0.00 CURRENT YEAR TAX: $1,888.24 WHAT WAS THE PRIOR YEAR TAX? PREPAYMENTS RECEIVED: PRIOR YEAR TAX: S2,114.22 "HOMEOWNER PROPERTY TAX RELIEF CREDIT: STATE PROPERTY TAX REDUCTION: **SCHOOL DISTRICT FACILITIES FUND TOTAL DUE: $1,888.24 SAVINGS: S 101.31 •"Tax relief appropriated by the Idaho State Legislature IMPORTANT MESSAGE WHEN ANY PORTION OF PROPERTY TAX BECOMES DELINQUENT,A 2%LATE CHARGE WILL BE APPLIED.INTEREST ON THE DELINQUENT BALANCE ACCRUES AT 1%PER MONTH FROM JANUARY 1 ST(IDAHO CODE 63-903&63-1001).WHEN PAYING DELINQUENT BALANCES,PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE FOR THE PAYOFF AMOUNT INCLUDING LATE CHARGE AND INTEREST. PAYMENT OPTIONS Mail Bill Pay Online Phone In Person P.O.Box 2868 Contact your bank for adacounty.id.gov/treasurer 1-844-471-7324 Courthouse:200 W.Front St. Boise,ID 83701 options E-check:$3.00 flat fee E-check:$3.00 flat fee M-F 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Debit card:$3.95 flat fee Debit card:$3.95 flat fee USPS postmark by due date Allow 7-10 days for Credit card:2.4%fee Credit card:2.4%fee Public Admin Bldg:182 N.Cloverdale processing M-F 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Use coupon and envelope Have your bill number ready Nov.18-Dec.20 ONLY provided SECURE DROP BOXES AVAILABLE See our website for locations USE BLUE OR BLACK INK ONLY ON WRITTEN CHECKS. PLEASE DO NOT STAPLE,TAPE PAPERCLIP, OR GLUE YOUR PAYMENT PAY • ADA COUNTY ADA COUNTY TREASURER P.O. BOX 2868, BOISE, ID 83701 P.O. BOX 2868 PLEASE WRITE THE PARCEL NUMBER ON YOUR CHECK BOISE,ID 83701 ❑Check here if mailing address has changed and indicate correction(s)on back of payment coupon. Please check payment option: ❑ HALF PAYMENT $ 944.12 ❑ FULL PAYMENT $ 1,888.24 OTHER PAYMENT $ VEOLIA WATER IDAHO INC 8248 W VICTORY RD PARCEL NUMBER: S1104110330 BOISE ID 83709 DUE DATE: DECEMBER 20, 2024 VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 4 Page 5 of 14 Page 2of2 8349494852494948515148004616912000000009441200000001888243 PROPERTY TAX NFORMAMN TAX ROLL DEFINITION TAX BILL SENT DUE DATE Property Roll Property assessed between January 1 st and the 4th Monday in May. November December 20th Subsequent Roll Property assessed between 4th Monday in May and October 31 st. January February Missed Roll Property assessed between November 1 st and December 31 st. February March Real property taxes may be paid in full or in two(2)halves by the due See each roll above June 20th All Rolls-2nd half date. If the first half is paid timely,the second half is due by June 20th. PROPERTY TYPE DEFINITION DELINQUENCY PROCESS Real Property Land and/or improvements. Tax Deed Personal Property Furniture and/or equipment used in business. Warrant of Distraint Manufactured Home Manufactured housing, not on a permanent foundation Warrant of Distraint and declared by recorded document as real property. COPY BILL:A copy bill is mailed to a property owner if an escrow PAYMENT ON TAX DELINQUENCY:Payments are first applied company has requested the original bill to pay on the owner's to the oldest delinquency.Call our office for payoff balances. behalf. If escrow arrangements have changed, be sure to contact the party responsible for payment or our office. Reminder notices TAX DEED: If real property on which there is delinquency is not for 2nd half payments are not mailed for escrow-coded redeemed within 3 years,the county tax collector must make,in properties. favor of the county,a tax deed for such property. Property taken by tax deed must be offered for sale at public auction to recover FAILURE TO RECEIVE TAX NOTICE: Failure to mail or receive tax taxes and costs of collection. notice does not excuse timely payment of taxes.(Idaho Code 63- 902) WARRANT OF DISTRAINT:Thirty(30)days after any portion of a personal property or manufactured home tar,becomes DATE EFFECTIVE OF MAILED PAYMENTS:A U.S. Postal Service delinquent,a warrant of distraint is issued to the Sheriff for cancellation mark stamped on the envelope is deemed the collection.The Sheriff may seize and sell any personal property payment date.(Idaho Code 63-217)NOTE:A postage meter stamp found,if necessary, in order to collect payment in full. is not an acceptable post office cancellation. RELOCATION OR SALE OF MANUFACTURED HOME OR CHECK PAYMENTS: Under Federal Reserve Board guidelines, PERSONAL PROPERTY:Sale or relocation of business personal submitting a check to us as payment authorizes us to use the property and manufactured homes requires payment in full of information from the check to make a one-time electronic fund all taxes due and prepayment of current year estimated taxes transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check prior to moving or destruction.Call our office for payoff transaction. Funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon balances.(Idaho Code 63-904,63-1012 &63- 1014) as the same day you make your payment.You will not receive your check back from your financial institution. Payments are NEW CONSTRUCTION: New construction is pro-rated from the subject to bank clearance. date first occupied through December 31 st of the occupancy year. If assessed after the 4th Monday in May,taxes on new PARTIAL PAYMENTS: Partial payments are accepted and applied construction may be billed on the subsequent tax roll or the to the oldest delinquency,then to the current balance. missed tax roll. Prepayments for taxes not yet billed are accepted. SUBSEQUENT TAX(OCCUPANCY)ROLL: If construction is DELINQUENT TAX, LATE CHARGE,&INTEREST: If property tax is completed after the property roll assessment deadline in May, not paid when due, Idaho law requires a late charge of 2%of the you will receive a bill for the improvement or structure on the delinquency and interest of 1%per month beginning January 1 st subsequent tax roll.This bill may be in addition to a bill for the following the year the tax lien attached. property tax roll. MANUFACTURED HOME& PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX MISSED TAX ROLL: If property is reassessed between the date EXTENSION: If you are unable to pay the first half personal of ownership change and December 31 st,you will receive a bill property or manufactured home taxes by December 20th,you for the missed tax roll.This bill may be in addition to a bill for may apply for a 4-month extension with the Board of County property tax roll and the subsequent tax roll.Once ownership Commissioners.Any extension prevents the issuance of a warrant changes,any prior developer's exemption no longer applies. of distraint. Late charge and interest will not be waived. Call 208- 287-6800 to request an application before December 20th. IF YOUR MAILING ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT THAN SHOWN ON THE BILL, PLEASE PROVIDE UPDATED INFORMATION: NAME ADDRESS ADA COUNTY TREASURER P.O. BOX 2868 PHONE NO. BOISE, ID 83701 I�6# VEO-W-24-01 23 Attachment 4 PARCEL NO. Page 6 of 14 .. ADA COUNTY TREASURER TAX YEAR Phone: 208-287-6800 * " P.O. BOX 2868 Email: taxinfo@adacounty.id.gov BOISE, ID 83701 2024 https://adacounty.id.gov/treasurer Property Description: BACK OF BILL INCLUDES PARCEL NUMBER: R2024150995 LOT 22 HLK 3 IMPORTANT DETAILS 2024 Bill Number: 4624401 EAGLE HILLS WEST NO 1 Property Type: REAL #8417274 Tax Roll: PROPERTY Code Area: 05-1 Property Address: 1384 E CERRAN AR CT Urban Renewal Agency: ADA COUNTY BILLS PROPERTY TAX,CERTIFICATIONS,AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR THE TAXING DISTRICTS BELOW AND COMMON , QUESTIONS DISTRIBUTES REVENUE IN THE AMOUNT INDICATED.LEVY SHEETS ARE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC.THE EXPIRATION DATE OF ANY BOND AND VOTER-APPROVED LEVY IS AVAILABLE AT https://adacounty.id.gov/treasurer WHAT DATE WAS MY BILL PRINTED? TAXING DISTRICT PHONE DISTRICT LEVY TAX AMOUNT ADA COUNTY 208-287-7000 .001544150 November 15,2024 EAGLE FIRE 208-939-6463 .001015337 ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY 208-387-6100 .000495404 WHAT IS MY CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE? EAGLE CITY 208-489-8762 .000465337 TOTAL ASSESSED VALUE: SO SCHOOL#2 OTHER 208-350-5038 .000011164 SCHOOL#2 SUPPLMNT 208-350-5038 000034492 HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION: SO SCHOOL#2 PLNT FACILITY 208-350-5038 .000286090 TOTAL TAXABLE VALUE: SO SCHOOL#2 JUDGMENT IC 63-1305 208-350-5038 .000000086 COLLEGE OF WESTERN IDAHO 208-562-3291 .000085194 WHO DO I CONTACT ABOUT THE ASSESSED EMERGENCY MEDICAL 208-287-2975 .000084684 VALUE OF MY PROPERTY? DRY CREEK CEMETERY 208-853-1940 .000020371 EAGLE SEWER 208-939.0132 .000015242 ASSESSOR'S OFFICE,208-287-7200 MOSQUITO ABATEMENT 208-577-4646 .000015041 SUBTOTAL: .004072592 0.00 WHAT WAS THE PRIOR YEAR TAX? Certifications and special assessments. PRIOR YEAR TAX: S0.00 DRAINAGE DIST#2 208.629-7447 7.00 **SCHOOL DISTRICT FACILITIES FUND TAX ADJUSTMENT: 0.00 SAVINGS: CURRENT YEAR TAX: $0.00 PREPAYMENTS RECEIVED: "HOMEOWNER PROPERTY TAX RELIEF CREDIT: S0.00 STATE PROPERTY TAX REDUCTION: TOTAL DUE: $7.00 "'Tax relief appropriated by the Idaho State Legislature IMPORTANT MESSAGE WHEN ANY PORTION OF PROPERTY TAX BECOMES DELINQUENT,A 2%LATE CHARGE WILL BE APPLIED.INTEREST ON THE DELINQUENT BALANCE ACCRUES AT 1%PER MONTH FROM JANUARY 1 ST(IDAHO CODE 63-903&63-1001).WHEN PAYING DELINQUENT BALANCES,PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE FOR THE PAYOFF AMOUNT INCLUDING LATE CHARGE AND INTEREST. PAYMENT OPTIONS 40 Mail Bill Pay Online Phone In Person P.O.Box 2868 Contact your bank for adacounty.id.gov/treasurer 1-844-471-7324 Courthouse:200 W.Front St. Boise,ID 83701 options E-check:$3.00 Flat fee E-check:$3.00 Flat fee M-F 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Debit card:$3.95 flat fee Debit card:$3.95 flat fee USPS postmark by due date Allow 7-10 days for Credit card:2.4%fee Credit card:2.4%fee Public Admin Bldg:182 N.Cloverdale processing M-F 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Use coupon and envelope Have your bill number ready Nov.18-Dec.20 ONLY provided SECURE DROP BOXES AVAILABLE See our website for locations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USE BLUE OR BLACK INK ONLY ON WRITTEN CHECKS. PLEASE DO NOT STAPLE,TAPE, PAPERCLIP, OR GLUE YOUR PAYMENT. PAY • ADA COUNTY ADA COUNTY TREASURER P.O. BOXBOISE, ID 83701 P.O. BOX 2868 PLEASE WRITE THE PARCEL NUMBER ON YOUR CHECK BOISE, ID 83701 ❑Check here if mailing address has changed and indicate correction(s)on back of payment coupon. Please check payment option: ❑ HALF PAYMENT $ 3.50 ❑ FULL PAYMENT $ 7.00 ❑ OTHER PAYMENT $ 8*1*1890********'************AUTO**5-DIGIT 83709 I��I�I�II���I�III��IIIIII�IIII��'III�'lll'I�I��II"II'll'����'�I� PARCEL NUMBER: R2024150995 ,l SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC DUE DATE: DECEMBER 20, 2024 8248 W VICTORY RD BOISE ID 83709-4165 VE IPUC DR 23 Attachment 4 Page 7 of 14 Page 1of5 8250485052495348575753004624401000000000035000000000007002 PROPERTY TAX NFORMAMN TAX ROLL DEFINITION TAX BILL SENT DUE DATE Property Roll Property assessed between January list and the 4th Monday in May. November December 20th Subsequent Roll Property assessed between 4th Monday in May and October 31 st. January February Missed Roll Property assessed between November 1st and December 31 st. February March All Rolls-2nd half Real property taxes may be paid in full or in two(2)halves by the due See each roll above June 20th date.If the first half is paid timely,the second half is due by June 20th. PROPERTY TYPE DEFINITION DELINQUENCY PROCESS Real Property Land and/or improvements. Tax Deed Personal Property Furniture and/or equipment used in business. Warrant of Distraint Manufactured Home Manufactured housing,not on a permanent oun ation , Warrant of Distraint and declared by recorded document as real property. COPY BILL:A copy bill is mailed to a property owner if an escrow PAYMENT ON TAX DELINQUENCY:Payments are first applied company has requested the original bill to pay on the owner's to the oldest delinquency.Call our office for payoff balances. behalf.If escrow arrangements have changed, be sure to contact the party responsible for payment or our office. Reminder notices TAX DEED:If real property on which there is delinquency is not for 2nd half payments are not mailed for escrow-coded redeemed within 3 years,the county tax collector must make,in properties. favor of the county,a tax deed for such property. Property taken by tax deed must be offered for sale at public auction to recover FAILURE TO RECEIVE TAX NOTICE: Failure to mail or receive tax taxes and costs of collection. notice does not excuse timely payment of taxes,(Idaho Code 63- 902) WARRANT OF DISTRAINT:Thirty(30)days after any portion of a personal property or manufactured home tax becomes DATE EFFECTIVE OF MAILED PAYMENTS:A U.S. Postal Service delinquent,a warrant.of distraint is issued to the Sheriff for cancellation mark stamped on the envelope is deemed the collection.The Sheriff may seize and sell any personal property payment date.(Idaho Code 63-217)NOTE:A postage meter stamp found, if necessary, in order to collect payment in full. is not an acceptable post office cancellation. RELOCATION OR SALE OF MANUFACTURED HOME OR CHECK PAYMENTS:Under Federal Reserve Board guidelines, PERSONAL PROPERTY:Sale or relocation of business personal submitting a check to us as payment authorizes us to use the property and manufactured homes requires payment in full of information from the check to make a one-time electronic fund all taxes due and prepayment of current year estimated taxes transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check prior to moving or destruction.Call our office for payoff transaction. Funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon balances.(Idaho Code 63-904, 63-1012&63- 1014) as the same day you make your payment.You will not receive your check back from your financial institution.Payments are NEW CONSTRUCTION:New construction is pro-rated from the subject to bank clearance. date first occupied through December 31 st of the occupancy year. If assessed after the 4th Monday in May,taxes on new PARTIAL PAYMENTS:Partial payments are accepted and applied construction may be billed on the subsequent tax roll or the to the oldest delinquency,then to the current balance. missed tax roll. Prepayments for taxes not yet billed are accepted. SUBSEQUENT TAX(OCCUPANCY) ROLL:If construction is DELINQUENT TAX, LATE CHARGE,&INTEREST:If property tax is completed after the property roll assessment deadline in May, not paid when due, Idaho law requires a late charge of 2%of the you will receive a bill for the improvement or structure on the delinquency and interest of 1% per month beginning January 1 st subsequent tax roll.This bill may be in addition to a bill for the following the year the tax lien attached, property tax roll. MANUFACTURED HOME&PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX MISSED TAX ROLL:If property is reassessed between the date EXTENSION:If you are unable to pay the first half personal of ownership change and December 31 st,you will receive a bill property or manufactured home taxes by December 20th,you for the missed tax roll.This bill may be in addition to a bill for may apply for a 4-month extension with the Board of County property tax roll and the subsequent tax roll.Once ownership Commissioners.Any extension prevents the issuance of a warrant changes,any prior developer's exemption no longer applies. of distraint. Late charge and interest will not be waived.Call 208- 287-6800 to request an application before December 20th. IF YOUR MAILING ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT THAN SHOWN ON THE BILL, PLEASE PROVIDE UPDATED INFORMATION: NAME ADDRESS ADA COUNTY TREASURER PHONE NO. P.O. BOX 2868 BOISE, ID 83701-2868 VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 4 PARCEL NO. Page 8 of 14 ADA COUNTY CONSOLIDATED PROPERTY TAX BILL ADA COUNTY TREASURER TAX YEAR Phone: 208-287-6800 P.O. BOX 2868 Email: taxinfo@adacounty.id.gov BOISE, ID 83701 2024 https://adacounty.id.gov/treasurer Property Description: BACK OF BILL INCLUDES PARCEL NUMBER: R8956260200 LOT 2 BLK 2 IMPORTANT DETAILS 2024 Bill Number: 4627264 VAN ENGELEN ESTATES SUB#2 Property Type: REAL Tax Roll: PROPERTY Code Area: 05-35 Property Address: 42 S PAYETTE PL Urban Renewal Agency: ADA COUNTY BILLS PROPERTY TAX,CERTIFICATIONS,AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR THE TAXING DISTRICTS BELOW AND COMMON , QUESTIONS DISTRIBUTES REVENUE IN THE AMOUNT INDICATED.LEVY SHEETS ARE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC.THE EXPIRATION DATE OF ANY BOND AND VOTER-APPROVED LEVY IS AVAILABLE AT https://adacounty.id.gov/treasurer WHAT DATE WAS MY BILL PRINTED? TAXING DISTRICT PHONE DISTRICT LEVY TAX AMOUNT ADA COUNTY 208-287-7000 .001544150 November 15,2024 EAGLE FIRE 208-939-6463 .001015337 ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY 208-387-6100 .000495404 WHAT IS MY CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE? EAGLE CITY 208-489-8762 .000465337 TOTAL ASSESSED VALUE: SO SCHOOL#2 OTHER 208-350-5038 .000011164 SCHOOL#2 SUPPLMNT 208-350.5036 000034492 HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION: SO SCHOOL#2 PLNT FACILITY 208-350-5038 .000286090 TOTAL TAXABLE VALUE: SO SCHOOL#2 JUDGMENT IC 63-1305 208-350-5038 .000000086 COLLEGE OF WESTERN IDAHO 208-562-3291 .000085194 WHO DO I CONTACT ABOUT THE ASSESSED EM E RG EN CY M EDI CAL 208.287-2975 .000084684 VALUE OF MY PROPERTY? FLOOD DISTRICT#10 20M61-2766 .000068291 DRY CREEK CEMETERY 208-853-1940 .000020371 ASSESSOR'S OFFICE,208-287-7200 EAGLE SEWER 208-939-0132 .000015242 MOSQUITO ABATEMENT 208-577-4646 .000015041 WHAT WAS THE PRIOR YEAR TAX? SUBTOTAL: .004140883 0.00 PRIOR YEAR TAX: S0.00 Certifications and special assessments. **SCHOOL DISTRICT FACILITIES FUND DRAINAGE DIST#2 208-629-7447 7.00 SAVINGS: TAX ADJUSTMENT: 0.00 CURRENT YEAR TAX: $0.00 PREPAYMENTS RECEIVED: S0.00 "HOMEOWNER PROPERTYTAX RELIEF CREDIT: STATE PROPERTY TAX REDUCTION: "Tax relief appropriated by the Idaho State TOTAL DUE: $7.00 Legislature WHEN ANY PORTION OF PROPERTY TAX BECOMES DELINQUENT,A 2%LATE CHARGE WILL BE APPLIED.INTEREST ON THE DELINQUENT BALANCE ACCRUES AT 1%PER MONTH FROM JANUARY 1 ST(IDAHO CODE 63-903&63-1001).WHEN PAYING DELINQUENT BALANCES,PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE FOR THE PAYOFF AMOUNT INCLUDING LATE CHARGE AND INTEREST. PAYMENT ® fft E] ® r Mail Bill Pay Online Phone In Person P.O.Box 2868 Contact your bank for adacounty.id.gov/treasurer 1-844-471-7324 Courthouse:200 W.Front St. Boise,ID 83701 options E-check:$3.00 flat fee E-check:$3.00 flat fee M-F 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Debit card:$3.95 flat fee Debit card:$3.95 flat fee USPS postmark by due date Allow 7-10 days for Credit card:2.4%fee Credit card:2.4%fee Public Admin Bldg:182 N.Cloverdale processing M-F 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Use coupon and envelope Have your bill number ready Nov.18-Dec.20 ONLY provided SECURE DROP BOXES AVAILABLE See our website for locations _______________________________________________________________________________- USE BLUE OR BLACK INK ONLY ON WRITTEN CHECKS. PLEASE DO NOT STAPLE,TAPE, PAPERCLIP, OR GLUE YOUR PAYMENT. PAY TO: ADA COUNTY ADA COUNTY TREASURER P.O. BOXBOISE, ID 83701 P.O. BOX 2868 PLEASE WRITE THE PARCEL NUMBER ON YOUR CHECK BOISE,ID 83701 ❑Check here if mailing address has changed and indicate correction(s)on back of payment coupon. Please check payment option: ❑ HALF PAYMENT $ 3.50 ❑ FULL PAYMENT $ 7.00 ❑ OTHER PAYMENT $ SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC 8248 W VICTORY RD PARCEL NUMBER: R8956260200 BOISE ID 83709 DUE DATE: DECEMBER 20, 2024 VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 4 Page 9 of 14 Page 2of5 825657535450544850484800462726400000O000035000000000007000 PROPERTY TAX W FO RMAT 0 N TAX ROLL DEFINITION TAX BILL SENT DUE DATE Property Roll Property assessed between January 1st and the 4th Monday in May. November- December 20th Subsequent Roll Property assessed between 4th Monday in May and October 31 st. January February Missed Roll Property assessed between November 1 st and December 31 st. February March All Rolls-2nd half Real property taxes may be paid in full or in two(2)halves by the due see each roll above June 20th date.If the first half is paid timely,the second half is due byJune 20th. PROPERTYTYPE DEFINITION DELINQUENCY PROCESS Real Property Land and/or improvements. Tax Deed Personal Property Furniture and/or equipment used in business. Warrant of Distraint Manufactured Home Manufactured housing, not on a permanent foundation I Warrant of Distraint and declared by recorded document as real property. COPY BILL:A copy bill is mailed to a property owner if an escrow PAYMENT ON TAX DELINQUENCY:Payments are first applied company has requested the original bill to pay on the owner's to the oldest delinquency.Call our office for payoff balances. behalf. If escrow arrangements have changed, be sure to contact the party responsible for payment or our office. Reminder notices TAX DEED:If real property on which there is delinquency is not for 2nd half payments are not mailed for escrow-coded redeemed within 3 years,the county tax collector must make, in properties. favor of the county,a tax deed for such property.Property taken by tax deed must be offered for sale at public auction to recover FAILURE TO RECEIVE TAX NOTICE: Failure to mail or receive tax taxes and costs of collection. notice does not excuse timely payment of taxes.(Idaho Code 63- 902) WARRANT OF DISTRAINT:Thirty(30)days after any portion of a personal property or manufactured home tax becomes DATE EFFECTIVE OF MAILED PAYMENTS:A U.S. Postal Service delinquent,a warrant of distraint is issued to the Sheriff for cancellation mark stamped on the envelope is deemed the collection.The Sheriff may seize and sell any personal property payment date.(Idaho Code 63-217)NOTE:A postage meter stamp found,if necessary, in order to collect payment in full. is not an acceptable post office cancellation. RELOCATION OR SALE OF MANUFACTURED HOME OR CHECK PAYMENTS: Under Federal Reserve Board guidelines, PERSONAL PROPERTY:Sale or relocation of business personal submitting a check to us as payment authorizes us to use the property and manufactured homes requires payment in full of information from the check to make a one-time electronic fund all taxes due and prepayment of current year estimated taxes transfer from your account or to process-the payment as a-check- prior to moving or destruction.Call our office for payoff transaction. Funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon balances.(Idaho Code 63-904,63-1012&63-1014) as the same day you make your payment.You will not receive your check back from your financial institution. Payments are NEW CONSTRUCTION: New construction is pro-rated from the subject to bank clearance. date first occupied through December 31 st of the occupancy year. If assessed after the 4th Monday in May,taxes on new PARTIAL PAYMENTS:Partial payments are accepted and applied construction may be billed on the subsequent tax roll or the to the oldest delinquency,then to the current balance. missed tax roll. Prepayments for taxes not yet billed are accepted. SUBSEQUENT TAX(OCCUPANCY)ROLL:If construction is DELINQUENT TAX, LATE CHARGE,&INTEREST: If property tax is completed after the property roll assessment deadline in May, not paid when due, Idaho law requires a late charge of 2%of the you will receive a bill for the improvement or structure on the delinquency and interest of 1%per month beginning January 1st subsequent tax roll.This bill may be in addition to a bill for the following the year the tax lien attached. property tax roll. MANUFACTURED HOME&PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX MISSED TAX ROLL:If property is reassessed between the date EXTENSION: If you are unable to pay the first half personal of ownership change and December 31 st,you will receive a bill property or manufactured home taxes by December 20th,you for the missed tax roll.This bill may be in addition to a bill for may apply for a 4-month extension with the Board of County property tax roll and the subsequent tax roll.Once ownership Commissioners.Any extension prevents the issuance of a warrant changes,any prior developer's exemption no longer applies. of distraint.Late charge and interest will not be waived. Call 208- 287-6800 to request an application before December 20th. IF YOUR MAILING ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT THAN SHOWN ON THE BILL, PLEASE PROVIDE UPDATED INFORMATION: NAME ADDRESS ADA COUNTY TREASURER P.O. BOX 2868 PHONE NO. BOISE, ID 83701-2868 VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 4 PARCEL NO. Page 10 of 14 ADA COUNTY TREASURER TAX YEAR Phone: 208-287-6800 .." P.O. BOX 2868 Email: taxinfo@adacounty.id.gov BOISE,ID 83701 2024 https://adacounty.id.gov/treasurer Property Description: BACK OF BILL INCLUDES PARCEL NUMBER: S0515223256 PAR#3256 NEAR CTR OF IMPORTANT DETAILS 2024 Bill Number: 4627621 \1V4\-W4 SEC 15 4N IE Property Type: REAL Tax Roll: PROPERTY #223252-S Code Area: 05-1 Property Address: 1750 E STATE ST Urban Renewal Agency: EAGLE DOWNTOWN I EAST END ADA COUNTY BILLS PROPERTY TAX,CERTIFICATIONS,AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR THE TAXING DISTRICTS BELOW AND COMMON , QUESTIONS DISTRIBUTES REVENUE IN THE AMOUNT INDICATED.LEVY SHEETS ARE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC.THE EXPIRATION DATE OF ANY BOND AND VOTER-APPROVED LEVY IS AVAILABLE AT https://adacounty.id.gov/treasurer WHAT DATE WAS MY BILL PRINTED? TAXING DISTRICT PHONE DISTRICT LEVY TAX AMOUNT Certifications and special assessments. November 15,2024 DRAINAGE DIST#2 208-629-7447 7.00 WHAT IS MY CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE? TAX ADJUSTMENT: 0.00 TOTAL ASSESSED VALUE: SO CURRENT YEAR TAX: $0.00 PREPAYMENTS RECEIVED: HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION: SO —HOMEOWNER PROPERTY TAX RELIEF CREDIT: TOTAL TAXABLE VALUE: SO STATE PROPERTY TAX REDUCTION: TOTAL DUE: $7.00 WHO DO I CONTACT ABOUT THE ASSESSED VALUE OF MY PROPERTY? ASSESSOR'S OFFICE,208-287-7200 WHAT WAS THE PRIOR YEAR TAX? PRIOR YEAR TAX: S0.00 "SCHOOL DISTRICT FACILITIES FUND SAVINGS: SO.00 Tax relief appropriated by the Idaho State Legislature IMPORTANT MESSAGE WHEN ANY PORTION OF PROPERTY TAX BECOMES DELINQUENT,A 2%LATE CHARGE WILL BE APPLIED.INTEREST ON THE DELINQUENT BALANCE ACCRUES AT 1%PER MONTH FROM JANUARY 1 ST(IDAHO CODE 63-903&63-1001).WHEN PAYING DELINQUENT BALANCES,PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE FOR THE PAYOFF AMOUNT INCLUDING LATE CHARGE AND INTEREST. PAYMENT OPTIONS ® E] © r Mail Bill Pay Online Phone In Person P.O.Box 2868 Contact your bank for adacounty.id.gov/treasurer 1-844-471-7324 Courthouse:200 W.Front St. Boise,ID 83701 options E-check:$3.00 flat fee E-check:$3.00 flat fee M-F 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Debit card:$3.95 flat fee Debit card:$3.95 flat fee Y USPS postmark by due date Allow 7.10 days for Credit card:2.4%fee Credit card:2.4%fee Public Admin Bldg:182 N.Cloverdale processing M-F 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Use coupon and envelope Have your bill number ready Nov.18-Dec.20 ONLY provided SECURE DROP BOXES AVAILABLE See our website for locations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USE BLUE OR BLACK INK ONLY ON WRITTEN CHECKS. PLEASE DO NOT STAPLE,TAPE, PAPERCLIP,OR GLUE YOUR PAYMENT. • ' • ADA COUNTY ADA COUNTY TREASURER P.O. BOXBOISE, ID 837011 P.O. BOX 2868 PLEASE WRITE THE PARCEL NUMBER ON YOUR CHECK BOISE, ID 83701 ❑Check here if mailing address has changed and indicate correction(s)on back of payment coupon. Please check payment option: ❑ HALF PAYMENT $ 3.50 ❑ FULL PAYMENT $ 7.00 ❑ OTHER PAYMENT $ SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC 8248 W VICTORY RD PARCEL NUMBER: S0515223256 BOISE ID 83709 DUE DATE: DECEMBER 20, 2024 VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 4 Page 11 of 14 Page 3of5 8348534953505051505354004627621000000000035000000000007004 IPPROPC RTY TAX 011`CI+ FORMA N TAX ROLL DEFINITION TAX BILL SENT DUE DATE Property Roll Property assessed between January 1 st and the 4th Monday in May. November December 20th Subsequent Roll Property assessed between 4th Monday in May and October 31 st. January February Missed Roll Property assessed between November 1 stand December 31 st. February March All Rolls-2nd half Real property taxes may be paid in full or in two(2)halves by the due See each roll above June 20th date.If the first half is paid timely,the second half is due by June 20th. PROPERTY TYPE DEFINITION DELINQUENCY PROCESS Real Property Land and/or improvements. Tax Deed Personal Property Furniture and/or equipment used in business. Warrant of Distraint Manufactured Home Manufactured housing,not on a permanent foundation Warrant of Distraint and declared by recorded document as real property. COPY BILL:A copy bill is mailed to a property owner if an escrow PAYMENT ON TAX DELINQUENCY:Payments are first applied company has requested the original bill to pay on the owner's to the oldest delinquency.Call our office for payoff balances. behalf. If escrow arrangements have changed, be sure to contact the party responsible for payment or our office.Reminder notices TAX DEED:If real property on which there is delinquency is not for 2nd half payments are not mailed for escrow-coded redeemed within 3 years,the county tax collector must make,in properties. favor of the county,a tax deed for such property.Property taken by tax deed must be offered for sale at public auction to recover FAILURE TO RECEIVE TAX NOTICE: Failure to mail or receive tax taxes and costs of collection. notice does not excuse timely payment of taxes.(Idaho Code 63- 902) WARRANT OF DISTRAINT:Thirty(30)days after any portion of a personal property or manufactured home tax becomes DATE EFFECTIVE OF MAILED PAYMENTS:A U.S.Postal Service delinquent,a warrant of distraint is issued to the Sheriff for cancellation mark stamped on the envelope is deemed the collection.The Sheriff may seize and sell any personal property payment date.(Idaho Code 63-217)NOTE:A postage meter stamp found, if necessary, in order to collect payment in full. is not an acceptable post office cancellation. RELOCATION OR SALE OF MANUFACTURED HOME OR CHECK PAYMENTS:Under Federal Reserve Board guidelines, PERSONAL PROPERTY:Sale or relocation of business personal submitting a check to us as payment authorizes us to use the property and manufactured homes requires payment in full of information from the check to make a one-time electronic fund all taxes due and prepayment of current year estimated taxes transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check prior to moving or destruction.Call our office for payoff transaction.Funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon balances.(Idaho Code 63-904,63-1012&63-1014) as the same day you make your payment.You will not receive your check back from your financial institution. Payments are NEW CONSTRUCTION:New construction is pro-rated from the subject to bank clearance. date first occupied through December 31 st of the occupancy year.if assessed after the 4th Monday in May,taxes on new PARTIAL PAYMENTS: Partial payments are accepted and applied construction may be billed on the subsequent tax roll or the to the oldest delinquency,then to the current balance. missed tax roll. Prepayments for taxes not yet billed are accepted. SUBSEQUENT TAX(OCCUPANCY)ROLL: If construction is DELINQUENT TAX, LATE CHARGE,&INTEREST:if property tax is completed after the property roll assessment deadline in May, not paid when due,Idaho law requires a late charge of 2%of the you will receive a bill for the improvement or structure on the delinquency and interest of 1%per month beginning January 1 st subsequent tax roll.This bill may be in addition to a bill for the following the year the tax lien attached. property tax roll. MANUFACTURED HOME&PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX MISSED TAX ROLL:If property is reassessed between the date EXTENSION:If you are unable to pay the first half personal of ownership change and December 31 st,you will receive a bill property or manufactured home taxes by December 20th,you for the missed tax roll.This bill may be in addition to a bill for may apply for a 4-month extension with the Board of County property tax roll and the subsequent tax roll.Once ownership Commissioners.Any extension prevents the issuance of a warrant changes,any prior developer's exemption no longer applies. of distraint.Late charge and interest will not be waived.Call 208- 287-6800 to request an application before December 20th. IF YOUR MAILING ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT THAN SHOWN ON THE BILL,PLEASE PROVIDE UPDATED INFORMATION: NAME ADDRESS ADA COUNTY TREASURER P.O. BOX 2868 PHONE NO. BOISE, ID 8370'�-P���� VEO-W-24-01 23 Attachment 4 PARCEL NO. Page 12 of 14 ADA COUNTY CONSOLIDATED PROPERTY TAX BILL " . ADA COUNTY TREASURER TAX YEAR Phone: 208-287-6800 „• �` P.O. BOX 2868 Email: taxinfo@adacounty.id.gov BOISE, ID 83701 2024 https:Hadacounty.id.gov/treasurer Property Description: BACK OF BILL INCLUDES PARCEL NUMBER: S0515314950 PAR#4950OF NE4 SW4 IMPORTANT DETAILS 2024 Bill Number: 4627622 SEC 15 4N lE Property Type: REAL R,W 8470 PROPERTY Tax Roll: #314900-5 Code Area: 05-6 Property Address: 1230 S STELLAR COVE L Urban Renewal Agency: EAGLE DOWNTOWN i EAST END ADA COUNTY BILLS PROPERTY TAX,CERTIFICATIONS,AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR THE TAXING DISTRICTS BELOW AND COMMON , QUESTIONS DISTRIBUTES REVENUE IN THE AMOUNT INDICATED.LEVY SHEETS ARE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC.THE EXPIRATION DATE OF ANY BOND AND VOTER-APPROVED LEVY IS AVAILABLE AT https://adacounty.id.gov/treasurer WHAT DATE WAS MY BILL PRINTED? TAXING DISTRICT PHONE DISTRICT LEVY TAX AMOUNT Certifications and special assessments. November 15,2024 DRAINAGE DIST#2 208-629-7447 7.00 WHAT IS MY CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE? TAX ADJUSTMENT: 0.00 TOTAL ASSESSED VALUE: SO CURRENT YEAR TAX: $0.00 PREPAYMENTS RECEIVED: HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION: SO "HOMEOWNER PROPERTY TAX RELIEF CREDIT: TOTAL TAXABLE VALUE: SO STATE PROPERTY TAX REDUCTION: TOTAL DUE: $7.00 WHO DO I CONTACT ABOUT THE ASSESSED VALUE OF MY PROPERTY? ASSESSOR'S OFFICE,208-287-7200 WHAT WAS THE PRIOR YEAR TAX? PRIOR YEAR TAX: S0.00 **SCHOOL DISTRICT FACILITIES FUND SAVINGS: S0.00 ••Tax relief appropriated by the Idaho State Legislature IMPORTANTMESSAGE WHEN ANY PORTION OF PROPERTY TAX BECOMES DELINQUENT,A 2%LATE CHARGE WILL BE APPLIED.INTEREST ON THE DELINQUENT BALANCE ACCRUES AT 1%PER MONTH FROM JANUARY 1 ST(IDAHO CODE 63-903&63-1001).WHEN PAYING DELINQUENT BALANCES,PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE FOR THE PAYOFF AMOUNT INCLUDING LATE CHARGE AND INTEREST. PAYMENT OPTIONS Mail Bill Pay. Online Phone In Person P.O.Box 2868 Contact your bank for adacounty.id.gov/treasurer 1-844-471-7324 Courthouse:200 W.Front St. Boise, ID 83701 options E-check:$3.00 flat fee E-check:$3.00 flat fee M-F 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Debit card:$3.95 Flat fee Debit card:$3.95 Flat fee USPS postmark by due date Allow 7-10 days for Credit card:2.4%fee Credit card:2.4%fee Public Admin Bldg:182 N.Cloverdale processing M-F 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Use coupon and envelope Have your bill number ready Nov.18-Dec.20 ONLY provided SECURE DROP BOXES AVAILABLE See our website for locations _______________________________________________________________________________- USE BLUE OR BLACK INK ONLY ON WRITTEN CHECKS. PLEASE DO NOT STAPLE,TAPE, PAPERCLIP, OR GLUE YOUR PAYMENT. I PAY • ADA COUNTY TREASURER ADA COUNTY TREASURER P.O. BOXBOISE, ID 83701 P.O. BOX 2868 PLEASE WRITE THE PARCEL NUMBER ON YOUR CHECK BOISE, ID 83701 ❑Check here if mailing address has changed and indicate correction(s)on back of payment coupon. Please check payment option: HALF PAYMENT $ 3.50 FULL PAYMENT $ 7.00 7 OTHER PAYMENT $ SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC 8248 W VICTORY RD PARCEL NUMBER: S0515314950 BOISE ID 83709 DUE DATE: DECEMBER 20, 2024 VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 4 Page 13 of 14 Page 4of5 8348534953514952575348004627622000000000035000000000007006 PROPERTY TM N FORMAMN TAX ROLL DEFINITION TAX BILL SENT DUE DATE Property Roll Property assessed between January 1 st and the 4th Monday in May. November December 20th Subsequent Roll Property assessed between 4th Monday in May and October 31 st. January February Missed Roll Property assessed between November 1 st and December 31 st. February March All Rolls-2nd half Real property taxes may be paid in full or in two(2)halves by the due See each roll above June 20th date.If the first half is paid timely,the second half is due by June 20th. PROPERTY TYPE DEFINITION DELINQUENCY PROCESS Real Property Land and/or improvements. Tax Deed Personal Property Furniture and/or equipment used in business. Warrant of Distraint Manufactured Home Manufactured housing,not on a permanent foundation and declared by recorded document as real property. Warrant of Distraint COPY BILL:A copy bill is mailed to a property owner if an escrow PAYMENT ON TAX DELINQUENCY:Payments are first applied company has requested the original bill to pay on the owner's to the oldest delinquency.Call our office for payoff balances. behalf. If escrow arrangements have changed, be sure to contact the party responsible for payment or our office.Reminder notices TAX DEED: If real property on which there is delinquency is not for 2nd half payments are not mailed for escrow-coded redeemed within 3 years,the county tax collector must make, in properties. favor of the county,a tax deed for such property.Property taken by tax deed must be offered for sale at public auction to recover FAILURE TO RECEIVE TAX NOTICE: Failure to mail or receive tax taxes and costs of collection. notice does not excuse timely payment of taxes.(Idaho Code 63- 902) WARRANT OF DISTRAINT:Thirty(30)days after any portion of a personal property or manufactured home tax becomes DATE EFFECTIVE OF MAILED PAYMENTS:A U.S.Postal Service delinquent,a warrant of distraint is issued to the Sheriff for cancellation mark stamped on the envelope is deemed the collection.The Sheriff may seize and sell any personal property payment date.(Idaho Code 63-217)NOTE:A postage meter stamp found,if necessary,in order to collect payment in full. is not an acceptable post office cancellation. RELOCATION OR SALE OF MANUFACTURED HOME OR CHECK PAYMENTS:Under Federal Reserve Board guidelines, PERSONAL PROPERTY:Sale or relocation of business personal submitting a check to us as payment authorizes us to use the property and manufactured homes requires payment in full of information from the check to make a one-time electronic fund all taxes due and prepayment of current year estimated taxes transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check prior to moving or destruction.Call our office for payoff transaction. Funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon balances.(Idaho Code 63-904,63-1012&63- 1014) as the same day you make your payment.You will not receive your check back from your financial institution. Payments are NEW CONSTRUCTION:New construction is pro-rated from the subject to bank clearance. date first occupied through December 31 st of the occupancy year. If assessed after the 4th Monday in May,taxes on new PARTIAL PAYMENTS:Partial payments are accepted and applied construction may be billed on the subsequent tax roll or the to the oldest delinquency,then to the current balance. missed tax roll. Prepayments for taxes not yet billed are accepted. SUBSEQUENT TAX(OCCUPANCY)ROLL:If construction is DELINQUENT TAX, LATE CHARGE,&INTEREST:If property tax is completed after the property roll assessment deadline in May, not paid when due, Idaho law requires a late charge of 2%of the you will receive a bill for the improvement or structure on the delinquency and interest of 1%per month beginning January 1 st subsequent tax roll.This bill may be in addition to a bill for the following the year the tax lien attached. property tax roll. MANUFACTURED HOME&PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX MISSED TAX ROLL:If property is reassessed between the date EXTENSION:If you are unable to pay the first half personal of ownership change and December 31 st,you will receive a bill property or manufactured home taxes by December 20th,you for the missed tax roll.This bill may be in addition to a bill for may apply for a 4-month extension with the Board of County property tax roll and the subsequent tax roll.Once ownership Commissioners.Any extension prevents the issuance of a warrant changes,any prior developer's exemption no longer applies. of distraint. Late charge and interest will not be waived.Call 208- 287-6800 to request an application before December 20th. IF YOUR MAILING ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT THAN SHOWN ON THE BILL, PLEASE PROVIDE UPDATED INFORMATION: NAME ADDRESS ADA COUNTY TREASURER PHONE NO. P.O. BOX 2868 BOISE, ID 83701-2868 VEO-W-24-01 IPUC DR 23 Attachment 4 PARCEL NO. Page 14 of 14