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Wednesday, September 25, 2024
IDAHO PUBLIC Syringa Water
Customer Charge:
$60.00 per Month Company, Inc.
Emergency Contacts:
Tier Gallons Used
Level Rate Level 1 0 to 20,000 Bob Hamilton—Owner
$60 plus$2.50 per thousand 208-661-0408
Level 2 20,001 to 40,000 John Shields-Water Master
$110 plus$4 per thousand over 208-659-3425 This is a summary of the rules as
20,000 John Ahan-Assistant Water Master
Level 3 40,001 to 80,000 208-277-8541 determined by Idaho Public Utilities
$110 plus$6 per thousand over Commission ("IPUC"). These rules
Level 80,001 to 120,000 cover the rights and responsibilities of
$110 plus$12 per thousand over
20,000 the customer and the utility. An
Level 5 120,001 and over explanation of rate schedules has also
$110 plus$14 per thousand over
20,000 been included.
Questions concerning this information may be
directed to:
See the Company's Tariff for details on charges,
fees,and rates at https://puc.idaho.gov/ Syringa Water Company, Inc.
P 0 Box 3064
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816
The IPUC rules allow utilities to ask for deposits or Syringawatercda@gmail.com
payment guarantees under specific conditions. At this OR
time,the Company does not require deposits or
payment guarantees. Idaho Public Utilities Commission
Consumer Assistance
PO Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0074
TERMINATION RULES 2. At least twenty-four(24)hours before the service is Termination of service is prohibited while a complaint is
Summary Of Rules And Regulations of the Idaho terminated,another attempt shall be made to pending with the Commission or with a court in the
Public Utilities Commission(IPUC)Governing contact the customer in person or by telephone. State of Idaho.
Customer Relations Of Natural Gas,Electric And (Final Notice)
Water Public Utilities 3. If service is not terminated within twenty-one(21) The Commission's Utility Customer Relation Rules are
A utility may terminate service to a customer without calendar days after the proposed termination date, available on the IPUC's website.
his/her permission after adequate notice for the following another initial and final notice are required. IMPORTANT REMINDERS
4. No additional notice is required if, upon receipt of a
reasons: termination notice,the customer makes a payment It is the customer's responsibility to repair any
1. Failure to pay an undisputed past due bill,or when arrangement and fails to keep it,or when payment is water leaks or damage to the service line from the
payment is made with a dishonored check or electronic payment. made with a dishonored check or electronic meter to the home, in the home,or on the
2. Failure to make security deposit where it is required. payment.
customer's premises. Preventing lines from
3. Failure to abide by terms of a payment WHEN TERMINATION IS NOT ALLOWED freezing and making prompt repairs,if necessary,
arrangement. 1. The unpaid bill totals less than fifty dollars($50)or result in lower bills and conserves water.
4. Customer or applicant misrepresented their identity two(2)months service,whichever is less. Make sure you know where the main water shutoff
for the purpose of obtaining utility service. 2. The unpaid bill is for service to another customer. valve in your house is located in case you have a
5. Customer or applicant denied or prevented the 3. The unpaid bill results from the purchase of non- plumbing emergency.
utility's access to the meter. utility goods or services. Fire Hydrant
6. Willful waste of service through improper equipment 4. Terminations are not allowed on Friday, Saturday, Any customer with a hydrant located on their
or otherwise. Sunday,legal holidays recognized by the State of property is responsible to make sure that access to
7. Customer or applicant is a minor not competent to Idaho,the day preceding legal holidays,or at any the hydrant is not blocked by landscaping,trees,
contract as defined by Idaho Code. time when the company is not open for business. shrubs,or fences. Fire department personnel
8. Customer or applicant owes money on an existing MEDICAL EMERGENCY must be able to reach all sides of a hydrant.
account or from a previous account for service If the customer or a member of the customer's family is • Meter Access
provided within the past four years. seriously ill or has a medical emergency,the utility will Company personnel must be able to reach all
A utility may deny or terminate service without prior postpone termination of service for thirty(30)days if a sides of a meter easily. The customer must make
notice to the customer or applicant and without his/her written certificate signed by a licensed physician or public sure that access to the meter is not blocked by
permission for one or more of the following reasons: landscaping,trees,shrubs,or fences. Typically,
P 9 health official is received,
1. li situation exists that is immediately dangerous to the meter cover is located near where the water
PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS line enters the property.
life,physical safety,or property. The Company may assist you b making 2. The utility is ordered to terminate service by any p Y Y Y Y g payment • 811 —Before You Dig
court,the Commission or other duly authorized arrangements not requiring immediate payment in full. Please Idaho Code, Chapter 22, Sections 55-2201 to
public authority. contact us prior to the Final Date to arrange such a payment 55-2210 requires anyone digging, including
3. The service is obtained,diverted,or used without plan. homeowners,to contact Digline 2 to 10 business
the authorization or knowledge of the utility. COMPLAINT PROCEDURE days before starting work.
4. The utility has made a diligent attempt to notify the An informal or formal complaint concerning the Call 811 or 800-428-4950
customer of termination, but has been unable to termination of service, policies and practices,or any (https://www.kootenaicounty8l l.com/)
make contact. other matter may be filed directly with the utility. If the NOTE: No one,except an authorized agent of Syringa
NOTIFICATION customer is dissatisfied with the proposed resolution of Water Company,shall tamper with,interfere with,
1. A billing may be considered past due thirty(30)days the complaint,they may contact the Consumer
Assistance staff at: repair,connect to,or replace any of the Company's
after the billing date. A written notice of termination property. Any damage to the meter or the Company's
must be mailed at least seven(7)days before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission equipment by the Customer will be the financial
proposed termination date. (Initial Notice) PO Box 83720 responsibility of the Customer.
Boise,ID 83720-0074
800-432.0369(toll free)or 208.334-0369