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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20241231Appeal of ISC Opinion.pdf Electronically Filed 12/31/2024 6:28 PM Idaho Supreme Court Melanie Gagnepain,Clerk of the Court By:Melanie Gagnepain,Clerk Attorney for Respondent PacifiCorp d/b/a Sherry Cole Rocky Mountain Power Company Petitioner Pro Se Joseph Dallas, senior Attorney Rocky Mountain Power, 350 S 12th W.#14 Saint Anthony 825 NE Multnomah, STE 2000, Portland, OR 97232 Idaho 83345 Attorney for respondent IPUC Raul Labrador,Idaho AG Michael Duval ISB# 11714, Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A,Boise Idaho 83704 Idaho Supreme Court Sherry Cole V Rocky MountainPower, IPUC Appeal in the matter of case number: 51148-2023 decided 12/20/2024 From Idaho Public Utilities Commission Tribunal PAC-E-2023-12, Final decision made August 22.2023 ........... ........ ..... 1 Pugs TABLE OF CONTENTS 1:Table of authorities pg 3 2:Issues presented on appeal pg 4-6 3: Concluding remarks pg 7 4:Certificate of Service 8-9 .. _ : ....... .......... . ....... 2 Page Table of Authorities l;Clause 39 of the Magna Carta in 1215 2: Idaho Constitution Article I Sections I(Protecting property) 3: Idaho Constitution Article 1 section 13(Due Process Clause) 4:Idaho Constitution Article 1 Sections 7 (Trial by Jury)(The right of trial by.Jury shall remain inviolate.) 5:SEC&Exch.Comm. V Jarkesy Exch.Comm.34,4th,446[2022] 6:Sec.&Exch.Comm.v Jarkesy 603 U.S.[2024] 7:U.S. Constitution 5Amendment(Due Process clause) 8:U.SConstitution 7 Arnendment(Trial by Jury clause) 9:U.S, Constitution 14Amendment(Due Process clause) ...................................................:................_.........................................................................................................................................................................:........................................:..........,.......:.......... ............. ..:................:..:.......... 3 Page Comes now Sherry Cole ,petitioner to appeal the recent decision by this court ,reference case #51148-2023. The reasons will be on constitutional deprivations concerning the 5th and 14th Constitutional Amendments, which entrust the petitioner the right to a trial of her peers, when the property in question is in excess of the amount of 20.00, as stated within the 7th US Constitutional Amendment. The Idaho Supreme Court rightly points out that the Idaho Public Commission(Commission) does not have the Jurisdiction to adjudicate constitutional matters[pp5,opinion] and therefore the decision of the Idaho Supreme Court to defer to that commission's findings ,without regard to petitioners Private rights, must be held in error as the due process clause is an inherent protection of the People, and was not afforded petitioner in case at bar. This protection is also found within the 14th amendment of The United States Constitution as well. as in Article 1 Sections 7 of the Idaho Constitution.In addition, as in Article l section 1 of the Idaho Constitution. It explicitly states that the protection of ones property is an inalienable right, far be it from this Court to deny petitioner all potential avenues to utilize. The Court's decision which was based on the merits, is NOT the issue here. However, stipulated factual evidence must be adhered too. So I can point out the deprivations of petitioners private rights, including the prescribed proper adjudication process so recognized within the 7th amendment of the US Constitution . ......... ._...... ........... . . ... 4 Page 1.RMP(Rocky Mountain Power)did in fact admit the meters were crossed ,in writing, which was Produced into evidence, but not mentioned in the opinion of this court. 2.RMP did in fact give the petitioner a credit amount far exceeding the 20.00 minimum limit as per the 7th amendment,as shown on the subsequent power bill. 3.Without any written notice RMP did take/withdraw/confiscate which money previously credited to petitioners account Without affording petitioner."due process of law". As stated within the 5th and 14th amendments (Due process of law clause) Amendments of the U.S Constitution, as well as the Idaho Constitution(Article 1 section 13) It is the inherent solemn duty of the justices to see that Constitutional deprivations do not occur in any circumstances, but in this case,it seems this Court has justified the violating said aforementioned rights because of Petitioner's lack of ability to cite supporting case law, authority. Petitioner, being a pro se litigant ,believes that the justices are well aware of the Constitutions and relevant amendments and sections concerning Case at bar Petitioner will now provide the court by citing two recent cases. First the term, due process,must be fleshed out .What does it really mean? Due process is a course of legal action designed to protect an individual's' private rights'. From ` within Clause 39 of the Magna Carta in 1215 under King John,"judgment by one's peers" has . . - 5 Page been the hallmark protection people could rely upon to thwart the will of an oppressive government or a rogue judiciary. In keeping with that tradition our founders in 1791 enshrined the"due process Clause" within the 5th amendment of the US Constitution, in our present day national constitution, and again in 1868 the `due process clause" was ingrained within the 14th amendment Next let's turn our attention to supporting case law: A 5th circuit case lays the groundwork, SEC.Exch. V Jarkesy Exch.Comm.3 4,4th,446[2022] ,while instructive as to the right of a Trial by jury. Chief Justice Roberts in Sec.& Exch.Comm.v Jarkesy 603 U.S.[2024] is more specific and within paragraph 2,pp6 of the opinion of the Court states that"it is well established that common law claims must be heard by a jury' Petitioner believes she has such a claim and is entitled to judgment by her peers ,and not an in House biased tribunal which is incapable of taking up constitutional claims as stated in this Courts opinion concerning the case at bar. . .......... ...... ............................................................................. ....... 6] Pa g e In conclusion, Petitioner asks this court to remand the case to a lower Court whereby , "due process" of law in regards to, "judgment of her peers" ,as prescribed in both the Idaho and the United States Constitution, can be obtained and resolve this issue ,once and for all! ................. ......... ........ ........ ......... . ......... 7 Page CERTIFICATE of SERVICE I certify that on the /+O- day of , 20v I served true and accurate copies of the foregoing document on the following persons, either by deposit in the U.S. Mail, addressed as follows and with the correct first-class postage affixed thereto, or be deposit in the. designated courthouse mailbox, or by hand-delivery,as indicated below. Name: Michael Duval Served by: [ ] Eland-delivery [ ] Deposit in the designated courthouse mailbox [ ] By deposit in the U.S. Mail addressed as follows: [�] Electronic submission via Icourt portal file and serve [ ] email Name: Joseph Dallas Served by: [ Hand-delivery [ J Deposit in the designated courthouse mailbox [ ] By deposit in the U.S. Mail addressed as follows: ] Electronic submission via Icourt portal file and serve ....................:.......................................................................................................:...........:.._..................................................................:......................_........................._........:.,..,......,...........:................ 8 JP a g'e [ ] email Name: Raul Labrador Served by: [ ] Hand-delivery - [ ] Deposit in the designated courthouse mailbox [ ] By deposit in the U.S. Mail addressed as follows: [ ] Electronic submission via Icourt portal file and serve [�(] email Name: Idaho Supreme Court Served by: [ ] Hand-delivery [ ] Deposit in the designated courthouse mailbox [ ] By deposit in the U.S. Mail addressed as follows: p�J Electronic submission via Icourt portal file and serve- [ } email ......... .......... . ............................................. ............... .... . 9 €gage