HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250108Comment_3.pdf The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Shirley Hicks
Submission Time:Jan 7 2025 2:27PM
Email: shirleyinmccall@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-315-4591
Address: 49 Charters Dr.
Donnelly, ID 83615-5004
Name of Utility Company: Buckskin Properties, Inc.
Case ID: BPI-W-24-01
Comment: "On 9/11/24 The Meadows Water Company/The Meadows at West Mountain experienced a
loss of pressure due to a power outage. Being new home owners,we just assumed when the power was
restored that it would be ok to drink the water. On 9/13/24 two days later we received a notice telling us
to not drink the water. For two days we had been drinking, bathing, and using the water as normal. It
was almost a week before we received notice that the water was ok to drink. This is unacceptable to me,
that this company does not have a backup, battery system to run the well and keep our water flowing.
Also, the notice said that contamination could enter the distribution system through the backflow, by
backpressure, or back-siphonage. Why is this even an issue,why does this company not have a backflow
system that works,why are we paying for water, when we are subject to contamination that could cause
illness for those of us who drank the water. The notice also said that we were not supposed to boil the
water,that with the contaminates that might be in the water, boiling would only make the contaminates
more harmful. I would love to see this company investigated and the system looked at to make sure it is
up to date with equipment needed to assure myself and the other homeowners that the water is safe to
Thank you."
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Christopher Renfro
Submission Time:Jan 8 2025 9:47AM
Email: ccrenfro.59@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-408-9150
Address: 44 Buckskin Drive
Donnelly, ID 83615
Name of Utility Company: Meadows Water LLC
Case ID: BPI-W-24-01
Comment: " My name is Chris Renfro and I am a homeowner in The Meadows at West Mountain
subdivision that is served by the well owned by Buckskin Properties, Inc. and I am writing to file a formal
complaint against Meadows Water.LLC.
I am also the HOA manager for our community as well as serving on the Board of Directors for North
Lake Recreational Sewer&Water District. I tell you this to let you know that I am very aware of what
happens in our community as it relates to water service.
When an event occurs with our water system such as a power outage and loss of pressure, most of the
calls are directed to myself as the HOA manager or to the NLRSWD as customers mistakenly believe our
system is either owned and operated by the HOA or the District. When the power goes out,they have
failed to properly notify their customers but rather rely on me to send out the notices for them.
I have repeatedly heard when I tell customers to call the number on their bill for Meadows Water LLC,
they reach a CPA firm who tells them that they are not the water company but only collect for them.
They are not given a contact number or contact information for anyone to speak with regarding their
water service issues.
In my estimation Meadows Water LLC collected over$140,000 in 2024 from their customers and have
done nothing to address the citations they have received from DEQ, not the least of which is the failure
to install a backup generator that has not worked since at least 2019 that I know of. Where has all the
money gone?They have not tested the backflow devices connected to their system for over five years
and I have seen the report last time it was done and know that the ones that failed were never fixed.
We need someone to hold them accountable for their lack of transparency and failure to reinvest in
their water system to assure that their many customers have a safe and reliable source of water.That is
what we pay for! How can they even consider raising rates when there is no accountability regarding
their financial position. Why aren't the needed repairs and upgrades being done? Do they have any
funds held in reserve or have they spent everything?
If you cannot help us please direct us to someone who can since the wheels seem to move way too
slowly with DEQ. Our only other option seems to be a very expensive class action lawsuit against
Buckskin Properties, Inc..
I welcome any questions you may have for me and look forward to seeing some positive action
resulting from your investigation."
From: Christopher Renfro<ccrenfro.59@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday,January 8, 2025 9:43 AM
Subject: BPI-W-24-01
Hello Travis,
My name is Chris Renfro and I am a homeowner in The Meadows at West Mountain
subdivision that is served by the well owned by Buckskin Properties, Inc. and I am writing to
file a formal complaint against Meadows Water.LLC.
I am also the HOA manager for our community as well as serving on the Board of
Directors for North Lake Recreational Sewer&Water District. I tell you this to let you know
that I am very aware of what happens in our community as it relates to water service.
When an event occurs with our water system such as a power outage and loss of
pressure, most of the calls are directed to myself as the HOA manager or to the
NLRSWD as customers mistakenly believe our system is either owned and operated by the
HOA or the District.When the power goes out, they have failed to properly notify
their customers but rather rely on me to send out the notices for them.
I have repeatedly heard when I tell customers to call the number on their bill for
Meadows Water LLC, they reach a CPA firm who tells them that they are not the water
company but only collect for them. They are not given a contact number or contact
information for anyone to speak with regarding their water service issues.
In my estimation Meadows Water LLC collected over$140,000 in 2024 from their
customers and have done nothing to address the citations they have received from DEQ,
not the least of which is the failure to install a backup generator that has not worked since
at least 2019 that I know of.Where has all the money gone?They have not tested the
backflow devices connected to their system for over five years and I have seen the report
Last time it was done and know that the ones that failed were never fixed.
We need someone to hold them accountable for their lack of transparency and failure to
reinvest in their water system to assure that their many customers have a safe and reliable
source of water. That is what we pay for! How can they even consider raising rates when
there is no accountability regarding their financial position.Why aren't the needed repairs
and upgrades being done? Do they have any funds held in reserve or have they spent
If you cannot help us please direct us to someone who can since the wheels seem to
move way too slowly with DEQ. Our only other option seems to be a very expensive class
action lawsuit against Buckskin Properties, Inc..
I welcome any questions you may have for me and look forward to seeing some positive
action resulting from your investigation.
I will also file this message on your website to make sure it is entered in the public record.
Chris Renfro Buckskin Drive
Donnelly, ID 83615
(208) 408-9150
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Karianne Fallow
Submission Time:Jan 8 2025 4:28PM
Email: karianne cole@hotmail.com
Telephone: 208-280-2444
Address: 29 Buckskin Dr.
Donnelly, ID 83615
Name of Utility Company: Meadows Water LLC
Case ID: BPI-W-24-01
Comment: "Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074
January 8, 2025
RE: Case#BPI-W-24-01 via public comment website
Dear Honorable Commissioners-
I write to express my strong opposition to the rate increase requested by Meadows Water LLC, which
services my neighborhood in Donnelly.
The original developer,Timberline Development, has consistently neglected its responsibility to make
necessary repairs and upgrades to the well system.This failure to act has resulted in numerous violations
cited by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality(DEQ),yet Timberline Development has made
no discernible effort to address these issues. Specifically,their neglect is evidenced by:
• Failing to reconnect the backup power generator.
• Failing to test backflow prevention devices.
• Failing to upgrade the controls that monitor and treat our water supply.
In 2024,Timberline Development collected $141,900 from the West Mountain Homeowners, including
my neighbors and me. Despite these funds, the developer has failed to make even the most basic
improvements necessary to ensure the safety and reliability of our public water system.
Currently,Timberline Development is under investigation by your agency for its operation of a public
utility.Additionally, the DEQ has issued serious citations, including one requiring a backup power source
for the well—a critical safety measure for our community. In rural Idaho, where power outages are
frequent, this failure leaves us vulnerable.Alarmingly,Timberline Development also neglects to provide
safe, bottled drinking water during outages, further jeopardizing the health and well-being of our
While I want to commend our well operator for his professionalism and genuine care for our community
under these challenging circumstances, it is clear that Timberline Development has shirked its
Given the lack of effort by Timberline Development to fulfill its obligations, maintain its infrastructure,
and ensure the safety of our water system, I urge the Commission to deny the requested rate increase.
Furthermore, I encourage you to hold Timberline Development accountable for its longstanding
commitments to our community.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I am available to provide additional information or answer
any questions you may have.
Karianne Fallow"