HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250106Comments_6.pdf The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Grace Jackson
Submission Time:Jan 6 2025 7:55PM
Email: grace.mackson22@outlook.com
Telephone: 208-477-7069
Address: 24142 Davenport Ln
Caldwell, ID 83607
Name of Utility Company:Timberline Development
Case ID: BPI-W-24-01
Comment: "The water in the Meadows subdivision in Donnelly has two wells that are public utilities run
by Timberline Development.The water bill has doubled in the past 4-5 years. However, the water quality
has not improved.The water is not drinkable, it is rust-colored and has a strong chlorine smell.The water
shortens the life of all the appliances.The water quality has not improved since I purchased it in 2010."
Name: Brandon Yallaly
Submission Time:Jan 6 2025 8:15PM
Email: byallaly@carollo.com
Telephone: 208-891-0289
Address: 125 E. Hearthstone Drive
Boise, ID 83702
Name of Utility Company: Buckskin Properties, Inc.
Case ID: BPI-W-24-01
Comment: "I've been a homeowner in the Meadows at West Mountain since 2010.The developer who
built the Meadows has been negligent in their responsibility to fulfill their obligations to the
neighborhood.Their refusal to properly close out the development has forced our HOA to take legal
action with respect to turning over common areas per the CC&Rs, and, as reported to us by our property
manager, have refused to make the upgrades required by IDUC to keep our water system in compliance
with regulations, while continuing to collect monthly fees. Rate increases typically accompany system
capital improvements, but in our case,they simply seem to be a revenue stream for the developer. I
respectfullyr request that you deny any further rate increase requests until Timberline/Buckskin
Properties fulfills their obligations to the Meadows homeowners."
Name: Kathryn Whitney
Submission Time:Jan 6 2025 8:24PM
Email: katymwhitney@gmail.com
Telephone: 480-678-5308
Address: 17 Charters Drive
Donnelly, ID 83615
Name of Utility Company: Meadows Water LLC
Case ID: BPI-W-24-01
Comment: "As a homeowner who relies on the water that is supplied by Meadows Water LLC
(Timberline Development LLC), I believe it is negligent that the company,which services over 200
connections, has failed to test back flow devices, connect backup power to the system, or upgrade the
controls that monitor and treat the water. Even still,they continue to raise our prices.
From a practical stand point this means that whenever there is a power outage our community loses it's
water source for several days.This is especially concerning in the summer months,when loss of power is
a very real danger during fire season. Idaho Power has warned us that in the summer months they may
have to institute blackouts to prevent fires. We lose water not only when the power is out, but because
the back flow is untested,we have to wait until Meadows Water LLC(Timberline Development LLC) has a
third party confirm that the well was not contaminated. These problems could be mitigated if Meadows
Water LLC (Timberline Development LLC) committed to upgrading and maintaining this public water
source from which they profit.These are not outrageous requests, but are commonly instituted for the
safety of the public who are provided water through a community well. If Meadows Water LLC
(Timberline Development LLC) is unable to use it's resources (over$140,000 in fees collected by our
community just in 2024, and increasing every year)to ensure public safety then, for the sake of the many
families relying on this utility, they should be regulated by a more conscientious authority than
Name: Conner Hall
Submission Time:Jan 6 2025 9:43PM
Email: connerkimhall@outlook.com
Telephone: 208-630-4005
Address: 15 Charters dr.
Donnelly, ID 83615
Name of Utility Company:Timberline developments
Case ID: BPI-W-24-01
Comment: "Hello, I own a house on charters drive.There has been numerous issues with the water due
to it being outdated with an underdeveloped water system. It's causing a lot of problems, especially
when our neighborhood loses power it shuts down everything and we're not able to have drinking water
or use our toilets. We have had to buy our own water to be able to withstand the days without power
due to not having a backup generator. Not only that but they continue to raise the interest rate even
after all this negligence for the water system. It's very concerning that they continue to raise rates while
nothing is being done about this. It also seems the water company is unable to properly treat the water,
which causes stains on toilets, showers, and sinks. "
Name:Thomas Christenson
Submission Time:Jan 6 2025 10:35PM
Email: tkchrist@hotmail.com
Telephone: 208-949-3967
Address: 44 CHARTERS DR
Donnelly, ID 83615
Name of Utility Company: Buckskin Properties Inc
Case ID: BPI-W-24-01
Comment: "I have owned and lived in the West Mountain subdivision since 10/09.The water quality has
always been the same substandard poor quality with very high mineral content. Installing a water
softener helped but I still taste and see the effects of poor water quality every day. I know the problems
can be fixed as I lived in unincorporated Ada Co with the exact same high mineral, poor quality water
from a private company. Boise annexed our subdivision and United Water bought the water company
and the water improved immediately. Buckskin Properties Inc hasn't provided power backup that would
remove (greatly decrease) boil orders, they haven't tested any/my back flow preventers that they were
obliged to do under the purchase agreement of my property.The water hasn't improved what so ever,
like they're pumping it straight from Cascade Lake.There doesn't seem to be any oversite nor feedback
system to address any of these issues, I really hope the IPUC and the DEQ can do something before
someone, possibly our whole neighborhood, is adversely affected. Now they want another increase in
monthly rates!"
From: Alexis McCarley
To: secretary
Subject: Case BPI-W-24-01
Date: Monday,January 6,2025 7:07:28 PM
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As a homeowner in the West Mountain community, and a member of the community for
almost 8 years now, I would love to add an official comment on the horrific state of our water
In addition to yearly price hikes, we don't have a generator for our well. So when the power
goes out- and this is the mountains, blizzards knock the power out in the winter and wind and
rain storms knock it out in the summer-we're all told we can't safely drink water. We can't
boil it because of the mineral composition of our water either.
I have children and pets and have spent a decent amount of money every single time the power
goes out to ensure everyone has water to drink, to brush their teeth with and so on. Ive reached
out personally to the water company AND the DEQ and have been given platitudes at best.
And no offer to reimburse for the many years and many jugs of water have been made either.
Warren Drake is taking as good of care of us on this front as possible, but he's forced to do it
with bubble gum and bandaids. How they can pocket hundreds of thousands of dollars a year
and aren't providing the service we pay them for, and have the audacity to constantly raise
prices is beyond me but it feels criminal and I hope someone finally gets them to do the right
Thank you for your time,
Alexis McCarley
McCarley Landscaping and Irrigation