HomeMy WebLinkAbout20250106VPI to Staff 2.pdf Sov�'h RECEIVED ' January 6, 2025 ` IDAHO PUBLIC,,.,( UTILITIES COMMt6 IONS Instrument# 953774 .-- Bonner County,Sandpoint,Idaho `/'-1 02/28/2020 08:54:50 AM No.of Pages:2 Recorded for.NORTH IDAHO TITLE COMPANY-COEUR Michael W.Rosedale Fee:$15.00 Ex-OtHcio Recorder Deputy cbrannon r �- Indox to:QUITCLAIM DEED Order Number:N-50178 QUITCLAIM DEED •�; J FOR VALUE RECEIVE©Griffin 13orlin,spouse of Darroli does hereby convey,release, reralse and forever quitclaim a tt Sarreill Davis, a arriedtman, ash is solo and s crate pro arty, hereinafter referred to as"GraM-64';VA16se address is: the fallowing(ends and property,together with all inPrWp rents sated thereon, lying in the County of Bonner. State of Idaho, to-wit: See attached Exhibit"A" �' `` TO HAVE AND.TO HOLD same unto Grantee`;,an d unto Grantees' assigns forever, with all a Rurtenances,thereunto belonging and Including after acquired title. 20 CrifFIn a IFl• - } trf STATE OF COUNTY OF 012� � ,lz� ' )ss. On this4� � � a Notary Public �'�Ifrdfia'reaid State, person t a �� before me, .� Y appeared known or iddritl8ed+cl me to be the person(s)whose name Istare subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowtedgedtq-vTe that he/she/they executed the same. MAIREN L7TA ,'•Notary`in,�rld for sat � ounty and State ��'��'""°� Residing at:- �2-� c c r �t. ( ,try � �vorn��vFuat Commt5StOn Exp.: Oq / drJE ;--~._....:. _ _. .. COMMISSCOMM. EXrB—Q4"im DoW Instrument#953774 � 02/28/2020 08:54:50 AM Page 2 of 2 �Qv v Order Number: N-50178 EXHIBIT"A„ LEGAL DESCRIPTION ,• v A tract of land located in a portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 36,Township 58Narth, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian, Bonner County, Idaho, more particularly described as follows: _- Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Sectiorr'36;Ther'ce,South 899 36'03" East 60.37 feet(record=South 89'37'09" East, 59.55 feet)to the Westerly right of way of.Berry Drive (shown as Olympic Drive on the Plat of the Second Addition to Hidden Lakes);thence along said right of-V94yfor the following four (4) courses; r` /r"<;' 1. South 27°04'48" East,299.95 feet(record-South 27°06'40" East, 300.83 feet); 2. North 62°55' 12" East, 60.00 feet(record=North 62°53'20" East, 60.00 feet); 3. North 27°04'48"West, 125.34 feet(record- North 27°06'40" West, 125.34 feet);f f 4.Thence on a curve to the right having a central angle of 79`01'27"and a radius of 8.00 feet;"- fbr an arc distance of 34.48 feet(chord=North 12' 25'55" East,31.81 feet-record- North 12'24'03" East,3,t&,feet) to a point on the Southerly right of way of Fairway View Drive,as shown on the Plat of First Additffon`•.to Hidden Lakes; Thence along said right of way for the following eight(8)courses: , 1. North 51'56'39" East, 74.67 feet(record-North 51'54'47" East, 74.67 feet};` .- ` . 2.Thence on a curve to the right having a central angle of 99'26' 33" and,-,a_radius'af 70.00 feet,for an arc distance of 121.49 feet(chord-South 78° 20'05" East, 106.81 feet-record=South 78--21'-57" East, 106.81 feet); 3.Thence South 28°36'48" East, 154.03 feet(record=South 28°38'40"_East,`154.03 feet); 4.Thence on a curve to the right having a central angle of 55°41' 27"and a radius of 90.00 feet for an arc distance of 87.48 feet(chord=South 000 46'05" East, 84.08 feet-record=South,OiX 47' 56'" East,84.08 feet); 5.Thence South 27°04' 39" West, 170.14 feet; -- 6.Thence on a curve to the left having a central angle of 710 37'1:1"and'a radius of 60.0 feet,for an arc distance of 75.00 feet(chord=South 08'43'57" East, 70.21 feet); f 7.Thence South 44°32'32" East,50.94 feet; 8.Thence on a curve to the right having a central angle o-fW- 10'.'i6_ and a radius of 25.00 feet,for an arc distance of 30.18 feet(chord-South 09°57'24" East,28.38 feet.-`record=South 11'23'51" East, 30.18 feet)to a point on the West right of way of Lower Pack River Road; Thence Southerly along said right of way for the followingfqur,(4)'courses: 1 .on a non-tangential curve to the right having a central ang(e,of 04'15' 19"and a radius of 1180.00 feet for an arc distance of 87.69 feet(chord=South 22°30'38" West,87.67 feet); 2.Thence South 20'22'44"West, 114.57 feet; 3.Thence on a curve to the left having a central an e..of 22°29'50"and a radius of 502,65 feet,for an arc distance of 197.36 feet (chord=South 09°07'49" West, 196.10 feef); 4.Thence South 02'07'06" East, 157.81 feet to tihe",Northerly right of way of State Highway No. 200; Thence along the highway right of i '*,South i7J 4:2''28"West, 72.14 feet(record=South 780 15' 06" West,71.11 feet); Thence continuing along the Highway i'&of way;South 69°44'57"West, 262,22 feet(record=South 69'43' 16" West, 261.65 feet)to the West line of-the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 36; Thence along the West line of the Southwest;quarter of the Southeast quarter, North 00'08'19" East, 1223.36 feet (record=North 00°07' 13"-E?st, 1223.17 feet)to the point of beginning. l . �� j Y� FOY('zj Instrument#969349 Bonner County Sandpoint,Idaho 06/19/2020 08:14:38 AM No.of Pages:3 Recorded for:NORTH IDAHO TITLE COMPANY-COEUR IY ALENE-RW/—I`, Michael W.Rosedale Fee:$16,00 Ex-Officio Recorder Deputy cbrannon Index to;WARRANTY DEEO "�. . 1`SCrf)W No.: N-51689 WARRANTY DEED FOR VAWE RECEIVED, Gary L. Hoesel and Susan R. Hoesel husband ansl wife,as community property with right of survivorship, Hereinafter called Grantor, does hereby grant, bargain, sell ano.conv y unto Nicholas K.Johnson and Briana S.Johnson, husband and wife,as community property with right of survivorship, Grantee, i Whose address is: 396 Gold Creek Rd,Sandp€iint,ID 8386.4 the following described premises, COUnty of Bonner, Slate of Idaho to-wilt: A tract of land in the East half of the Northeak'quarter of the Southwest quarter and the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 36,Township 58 North, Rangel West of the Boise Meridian; Bonner County,Idaho, more particularly described as follows: / Beginning at the Southeast cohief of'the Fast half of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of said_Section 36; Thence along the South line of tliie East half of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter, North 89° 61 27"West,661.51.feet(record = North 890 37' 10" West, 661,57 feed Wthe Southwest corner of the Fast half of the Northeast quarter of the Souihwe�rt quarter; Thence along the'.West line of the East hair of the Northeastt quarter of the Southwest quarter, North 001110'22" East 856,45 feet(record = forth 000 09'25" East, 856.45 feet);Thence North 89® 10'53"East, 30.21 feet(record = Bast, 29.58 feet)to the,Westerly right of way of Berry Drive (shown as Olympic Drive on the Second Addition Plat to Hidden Lakes); Thence Southeasterly along said right of way the following six(6)courses; 1. On'a pion.-tangential curve to the left(radial bearing= North 87'39`13"East) ,.`having a cent al angle of 36°44'06"and a radius of 131.00 feet for an arc distance `,of.53.99 feet:(record = "54 feet)(chord = South 200 42'50" East:, 82.56 feet- record - South 201D 37` 27" East,83.08 feet); <r 2. Thence South 391D04'53"East,419.67 feet(record = South 390 06'45"East, 419.68 feet; Page 1 of 3-6/1612020 Ill--W:.wV Deoi Instrument#959349 06/19/2020 08:14:38 AM rage 2 of 3 3= Thence on a curve to the left hawing a central angle of 110 42'4V and'a radii s of 530.00 feet for an arc distaLice of 108.34 feet(chord = South 4V 56',16"`East, 108.15 feet-record = South 440 58'tl8"l astX108.16 feet). �,' ..-_. 4. Thence South 5011 47'39"Easy 69.68 feet(record = South 500 49'33'R=� 69.68 feet); S.Thence on a curve to the right having a central angle o€23*4 ''St' land a radius Of 97t3.tiO feet,for an arc distance Of 401.47 feet(chord =--South 380 56'14"Mast, 398.61 feet-record = South 3811 58'0 s" East 398.61 feet); 6.Whence South 270 04"48" East,31.65 feet tO the South line'•,of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter(record = South 270'OW 4Q';East,30.77 feet); Thence leaving said right of way North 89°36`G3"_Wes►60.37 feet(record = North 89° 37'09"West,59.55 feet) to the point of beginning TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises, "With with their appurtenances unto the said Grantee(s), his/her/their heirs and assigns forever. And the said.Grantor(s) does(do) hereby covenant to and with the said Grantee(s), that heJshe/they islare the owner(s) in fee simple of said premises; that they are free from all encumbrances EXCEPT those to which this conveyance is expressly made subject to those made,suffered or done by the Grantee(s); current taxes, levies, assessments, easements, reservalians and rights of way of view and covenants, conditions, restrictions, easetrents,,`reservations, Medications, rights of way and agreements of record and that he/she/they will warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever. %,FDA D. June 16, 20-20 . 3q r f gary oesef. ' , Susan R. Hoesel 1 �` �✓ Page 2 of 3-611612020 M—Nz.:=Y Aced Instrument#959349 06/1912020 08:14:38 AM Page 3 of 3 ERIKA r a r No pUb1rC MC A Indiana STATE OF ) ;SEAL;"= Johnson county RTY COUNTY OF }ss• : ." :* commission;f 7T0290 {`)�„1 {jf( N ti " " AAy'ComrhisMon Expires y'0 r 2026 On this_ day of.TUNE, 2C32Q�,before me,a Notary Public_ in aft dfor said State, Personally appeared GARY L HQESEL AND SUSAN R.HQESEL known or identified to me to be the person(s)whose name Ware subscrtbet Abel°t-Nwithin instrument and acknowledged to me that helshelthey executed she same. Notary in and forte id County and State Residing at \� Commission Exp.. fi '4 J Page 3 of e 6116j2020 iU-9Jat7�yDx1 DaCI4 CIE d-'s �8f Instrument# 971816 �,- Bonner County,Sandpoint, Idaho 12/0812020 03:08:27 PM No.of Pages:2 Recorded for:TITLEONE \ Michael W.Rosedale Fee:S15.00 Ex-Offlclo Recorder Deputy cbrannon � T i t_l e O n e intlox to:WARRANTY DEED \ `, a ritlr &escrow CO. Order Number:20391326 Aarran t For value received, Inland Northwest Land Trust,a Washington Non-Profit Corp'oration the grantor does hereby grant,bargain,sell,and convey unto Timothy J.Manning and Malissa R.Manngg;,Trusfees of the Timothy and Malissa Manning Trust dated October 14,2016 whose current address is P.Q.Box 627.5taytop;:OR 97383 the grantee, the following described prekiiges,in Bonner County, Idaho,to wit: That kart of the Southeast qusrc"'the Northeast quarter lying Forth and Test of Fairway View Drive of Section 36,TownWo 58 North;Range 1 West of the Boise Meridian,Bonner County,Idaho. To have and to bold the said premises,with their appurtenances unto the said Grantee, its heirs and assigns forever. And the said,Grantor does hereby covenant to and with the said Grantee,that Grantor is the owner in fee simple of said premises;that they are free from all encumbrances except those to which this conveyance is expressly made subject and those made,suffered or done by the Grantee;and subject to all existing patent reservations, easements, right(s)of way,protective covenants,zoning ordinances, and applicable building codes, laws and regulations, general taxes and assessments,including irrigation and utility assessments(if any)for the current year,which are not due and payable,and that Grantor will warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever. Whenever the context so'requires,the singular number includes the plural. Order Number.20391326 Warranty Deed-Page 1 of 2 Instrument#971816 12/08/2020 03:08:27 PM Page 2 of 2 Dated: 12/07/2020 Inland Northwest Land Trust , 7Dv�� L-4-.-tWTV( President =r khert Lindsay,President State of Texas ,County of Bexar ss. On this . `• _ _day of December in the year of 2020, before me,the undersigri4-.,"'Notary Public in and for said State,personally appeared Robert Lindsay,known or identified to me to be-the President of Inland Northwest Land?rust of the Limited Liability Company that executed the instrument i3r the person who executed the instrument on behalf of said Limited Liability Company,and acknowledged to me that.such Limi#ed Liability Company executed the same. Notary Public r Residing In: My Commission Expires:07/12/2023 { (seal) ; tiol�� Vifit=i AA �h PhiYiia loran ?�'J�o•441-.,{' CCMW3LUN LtniPts / � -- .NT:lii_:::Afha Notarized online using audio-video communication .Ct ` el Order Number.20391326 Warranty Deed- Page 2 of 2 CL too C) ul —n� in. Ul ec cl IL CD U') —id