HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificate No. 556.pdf BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION INVESTIGATION INTO DRY CREEK ) CASE NO. DRY-W-24-01 WATER COMPANY, LLC, OWNER OF A ) WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION ) SYSTEM ) CERTIFICATE NO. 556 IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the Public Convenience and Necessity requires Dry Creek Water Company,LLC and its successors and assigns to hold,construct or otherwise acquire, to maintain and to operate a water system and provide a potable water supply to customers in Dry Creek Ranch in or near Ada County, Idaho, more specifically: See attached as Attachment 1 - Service Territory Legal Description See attached as Attachment 2 - Service Territory Map This Certificate is for such purpose to own, hold, construct or otherwise acquire and to maintain and operate within said territory water wells, reservoirs, tanks, towers, stand pipes collectors, settling basins, galleries and other works and structures, and also to lay,take up,repair, renew, extend, alter, maintain, and operate water mains, pipes, conduits, aqueducts hydrants and other appliances, equipment and facilities, in, upon, over, under, along, through and across all streets, avenues, alleys, streams, highways, roads, and other public places in said territory as the same now exists or may hereafter be extended, laid out or established, and to exercise the rights and privileges granted, or to which hereafter may be granted to Dry Creek Water Company, LLC, its successors or assigns, by any franchise conferred by the State of Idaho or any political subdivision thereof. This Certificate is predicated upon and issued pursuant to the findings and conclusions of Order No. 36430 in Case No. DRY-W-24-01 to which reference is hereby made. CERTIFICATE NO. 1 DATED at Boise, Idaho this 31 st day of December 2024. ERIC ANDERSON, PRESIDENT R. HAMMOND JR., COMMISSIONER G EDWARD LODGE, C ISSIONER ATTEST: Of i aB i S c Commission Secre I:\Legal\WATER\DRY-W-24-01\orders\DRY W2401_Cert=.dou CERTIFICATE NO. 2 Legal Description of the Property The South 1/2 of the NE 1/4, the SE 1/4, and that portion of the SW 1/4 lying southeasterly of Brookside Lyne in Section 25;the North 1/2, the SE 1/4, and the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 36; the East 1/2 of Section 35 lying east of State Highway 55, and the East 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Section 35 lying southeasterly of State Highway 55, T.5N., ME., B,M.; and Government Lot 4 of Section 1, Government Lots I, 2, and 3 of Section 2, TAN., R.IE., B.M.; and the "West 23 acres" of Government Lot 4 of Section 30, T.5N.,R2E., H.M., Ada County, Idaho, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the corner common to Sections 25, 26, 35, and 36, T.5N., R.1E., B.M., thence N00°06521113,25.46 feet to the apparent center of Brookside Lane; Thence along the center of said Lane 888110'32"E,414.96 feet; Thence N84°26'48"E, 277.62 feet; Thence 321.30 feet along the are of a curve to the left, having a radius of 260.00 feet, a central angle of 70°48'16", and a long chord bearing N49°02'40"E, 301.24 feet; Thence N 13'3 8`31" E, 128635 feet; Thence 81.82 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, having a radius of 70.00 feet, a central angle of 66°58'28", and a long chord bearing N47°07'45"E, 77.25 feet; (continues on following pages) AFFIDAVIT OF LEGAL INTEREST Attachment 1 to CPCN No. 556 DRY-W-24-01 Page 1 of 5 Thence N80°37'00"E, 181.40 feet; Thence N69°10'10"E, 415.26 feet; Thence N66°37'43"E, 384.36 feet; Thence 60.97 feet along the are of a curve to the left, having a radius of 100.00 feet, a central angle of 341S6'01", and a long chord bearing N49°09'42"E, 60.03 feet; Thence N31°41'42"E, 130.05 feet; Thence 68.84 feet along the are of a curve to the right, leaving a radius of 80.00 feet, a central angle of 4.9°18'14", and a long chord bearing N56°20'49"E, 66.74 feet; Thence N80°59'55"E, 314.34 feet to a point on the north-south mid-section line of said Section 25; Thence departing said center of Brookside Lane along said mid-section line and the cast boundaries of Spring Creek Estates and Spring Creek Estates Subdivision No. 3, as same are recorded in Book 26 of Plats at page 1638, and Book 78 of Plats at page 8270, respectively, records of Ada County, Idaho, N00°31'05"E, 740.09 feet to the northeast corner of said Spring Creek Estates; Thence continuing along said mid-section line N00°46'19"E, 546.81 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 11, Block 3 of said Spring Creek Estates Subdivision No. 3; Thence continuing and along the east line of said Lot N04°33'02"E, 536.09 feet to the C-N 1116 corner; Thence along the north line of the South 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 25, common to the south line of said Spring Creek Estates Subdivision No. 3, S89019'47"E, 417.16 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 4, Block 3 of Spring Creek Estates No. 2, as same is recorded in book 36 of plats at page 3070, records of Ada County, Idaho; Thence continuing and along the south line of said Spring Creek Estates No. 2 888°47'29"E, 2244.49 feet to the southeast corner of said Spring Creek Estates No. 2, common to the northeast corner of the South 1/2 of the NE 1/4 df said Section 25; AFFIDAVIT or LEGAL INTEREST Attachment 1 to CPCN No. 556 DRY-W-24-01 Page 2 of 5 Thence S00°2444"W, 1334.19 feet to the 1/4 corner common to said Sections 25 and 30; Thence S00°38'53"W, 1302.17 feet to the northwest comer of Government Lot 4 of said Section 30; Thence along the north fine of said Lot S881 15'28"E, 782.14 feet; Thence S00°38'53"W, 1302.59 feet to a point on the south line of said lot 4; Thence along said line N88°1TO1"W, 782.13 feet to the corner common to said Sections 25, 30, 31, and 36; Thence S00109'29"W, 2700,96 feet to the 1/4 comer common to said Sections 36 and 31; Thence S00°22'41"W, 2612,62 feet to the southeast corner of said Section 36, Thence N89020155"W, 2632.43 feet to the 1/4 corner common to said Section I and 36; Thence N00°02'04"W, 1317.63 feet to the C-S 1/16 corner of said Section 36; Thence N89°06'13"W, 1319.24 feet to the SW 1/16 corner of said Section 36; Thence N00°09'52"W, 1323,24 feet to the C-W 1/16 corner of said Section 36; Thence N88151'46"W, 1322.34 feet to the 1/4 comer common to said Section 35 and 36; Thence S00°17'36"E, 2657.71 feet to the corner common to said Scction 1, 2, 35, and 36; Thence S89°20'44"E, 1316.16 feet to the northeast corner of Government Lot 4 of said Section 1; Thence 800101'4.0"E, 1335.45 feet to the NW 1/16 corner of said Section 1; Thence N89"28'42"W, 1319.47 feet to the north 1116 corner common to said Sections l and 2; AFFIDAVIT OF LEGAL INTEREST Attachment 1 to CPCN No. 556 DRY-W-24-01 Page 3 of 5 Thence along the south line of Lots 1 and 2 of said Section 2 N89°16'39"W, 2630.92 feet to a found 5/8" iron pin marking the C-N 1/16 corner of said Section 2; Thence along the south line of Government Lot 3 N88°12'56"W, 1335.70 feet to a found 1/2" iron pin marking the southeast corner of Mary Glen Subdivision No. 2, as same is recorded in Book 30 of plats at page 1880, records of Ada County, Idaho, said point accepted as the southwest corner of said Government Lot 3; Thence along the west line of said Lot 3 and the west line of the East 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of said Section 35 as established by the east lines of said Maryglen Subdivision No. 2, and Maryglen Subdivision No. 1, as same is recorded in Book 29 of Plats at page 1781, records of Ada County, Idaho, N00°14'1 l"W, 305.44 feet to a found 1/2" iron pin; Thence N00°09'48"W, 652.45 feet to a found 1/2" iron pin; Thence N00°14'28"W, 2467.41 feet to a point on the southeasterly right-of-way of State Highway 55, said point common to the most northerly comer of Lot 1, Block 2 of said Maryglen Subdivision No. 1; Thence along said right-of-way N54128'08"E, 854.51 feet; Thence 46.40 feet along the are of a curve to the left, having a radius of 1697.02 feet, a central angle of 1133'59", and a long chord bearing, N53°41'08"E, 46.40 feet to a point on the west mid-section line of said Section 35; Thence departing said right-of-way along said tine S89°30'17"E, 592,76 feet to the center of said Section 35; Thence along the north-south mid-section line N00121'27"W, 682.59 feet; Thence 258.12 feet along the are of a non-tangent curve to left, having a radius of 858.60 feet, a central angle of 17°1329", and a long chord bearing N9°10'33"E, 257.15 feet; Thence N00°33'58"E, 39.68 feet; Thence 369.18 feet along the are of a non-tangent curve to the left, having a radius of 1697.02 feet, a central angle of 12°27'52", and a long chord bearing N6047'55"E, 368.45 feet; AFFIDAVIT OF LEGAL INME EST Attachment 1 to CPCN No. 556 DRY-W-24-01 Page 4 of 5 Thence N00°33'58"E, 1324.59 feet to a point on the north line of the NE 1/4 of said section 35, said point bears S890 19'03"E, 110.50 feet from the north 1/4 corner of said Section 35; Thence along said north line S89°19'03"E, 2532.31 feet to the Point of Beginning, wn w. 1 #. -. _. .--.-•.—",r`. ..{ '7 1.. ,4 AFFIDAVIT OF LEGAL INTFRFST Attachment 1 to CPCN No. 556 DRY-W-24-01 Page 5 of 5 a r . 1 _ � a , f ,o M r' ,f it •� / � �� �` '1 +I • t ' ; h { Dry Creek Ranch 4 1*0 ✓✓ y x a rt F9 1� . t ' nt 2 to CPCN o. 6 A * DRY-W-24- Google Ea P of N Ira�ag, Airbus a 1 fill