HomeMy WebLinkAbout20241231CL_2025 IRP Vol 1_Vol 2.pdf RECEIVED December 31, 2024 IDAHO PUBLIC IWZ ROCKY MOUNTAIN UTILITIES COMMISSION POWER:: 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP December 31, 2024 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W Chinden Blvd Building 8 Suite 201A Boise, Idaho, 83714 RE: CASE NO. PAC-E-24-13 -PacifiCorp's DRAFT 2025 Integrated Resource Plan Attention: Commission Secretary Please find enclosed PacifiCorp's (the "Company") DRAFT 2025 Integrated Resource Plan ("Draft 2025 IRP"). The Company is providing the Draft 2025 IRP as a courtesy to its state public service commissions to provide transparency prior to filing the final 2025 IRP. PacifiCorp will make the Draft 2025 IRP publicly available on December 31, 2024 and will be publishing supporting workpapers on January 8, 2025 at the following website https://www.pacificop2.com/energy/integrated-resource-plan.html. The Draft 2025 IRP contains the following draft sections that are available as of the date of this letter: • Volume I o Chapter 1 —(Executive Summary) o Chapter 2—(Introduction) o Chapter 3 —(Planning Environment) o Chapter 4—(Transmission) o Chapter 6 (Load and Resource Balance) o Chapter 7 (Resource Options) o Chapter 8 (Modeling and Portfolio Evaluation) o Chapter 9 (Modeling and Portfolio Selection Results) o Chapter 10 (Action Plan) • Volume II o Appendix A—(Load Forecast) o Appendix B—(Regulatory Compliance) o Appendix C—(Public Input Process) o Appendix D—(Demand-Side Management) o Appendix E—(Grid Enhancement) o Appendix F—(Flexible Reserve Study) o Appendix G—(Plant Water Consumption Study) o Appendix I—(Capacity Expansion Results) Idaho Public Utilities Commission December 31, 2024 Page 2 o Appendix L—(Distributed Generation Study) o Appendix M—(Stakeholder Feedback Forms) o Appendix P—(Acronyms) PacifiCorp began development of its 2025 IRP in January 2024 with a series of public-input meetings, which addressed a range of topics describing PacifiCorp's modeling methodology and inputs and assumptions for the 2025 IRP. Agenda items covered topics including, but not limited to,resource cost-and-performance assumptions,load forecast,price-policy scenarios,market price assumptions, and transmission options that will be considered as part of the 2025 IRP. All public- input meeting materials along with responses to stakeholder feedback forms are included in Appendix C. Because the Draft 2025 IRP is in draft form and the Company is still working to finalize the 2025 IRP results,PacifiCorp requests the Idaho Public Utilities Commission("Commission")postpone issuing a public notice and setting scheduled deadlines until the final 2025 IRP is filed on March 31, 2025. PacifiCorp also requests that all Commission Staff information requests regarding the Draft 2025 IRP be provided through the Company's public stakeholder feedback form process to ensure transparency to the public input process. The public stakeholder feedback form can be found at the following website: https:Hcsapps.pacificpower.net/public/stakeholder-feedback-form PacifiCorp will continue the IRP process with the following public input meetings where the Company anticipates discussing the draft IRP along with feedback received: • January 22-23, 2025 —General Public Input Meeting 8; and • February 26-27, 2025 —General Public Input Meeting 9. The Company will be filing the final 2025 IRP that includes a preferred portfolio with an action plan by March 31, 2025. Please direct informal questions related to this Draft 2025 IRP to Mark Alder, Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager, at(801) 220-2313. Sincerely, t 4- Jana L. Saba Director, Regulation Enclosures Idaho Public Utilities Commission December 31, 2024 Page 3 cc: Jamie Neill, Idaho Governor's Office Richard Stover, Idaho Governor's Office Brad Heusinkveld, Idaho Conservation League Mitch Colburn, Idaho Power Company Chris McEwan, Idaho Public Utilities Commission staff Thomas J. Budge, Bayer Nancy Kelly, Western Resource Advocates Eric Olsen, Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association 1 _ �,►�\ pr kin 2025 Integrated Resource Plan _ t _ (Draft) Volume I - December 31 , 2024 $27 - • PACIFICORP i This 2025 Draft Integrated Resource Plan is based upon the best available information at the time of preparation. The 2025 Integrated Resource Plan is anticipated to be distributed March 31, 2025. For more information, contact: PacifiCorp Resource Planning 825 N.E. Multnomah, Suite 600 Portland, Oregon 97232 irp@pacificorp.com www.pacificorp.com PACIFICORP—2025 IRP TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS - VOLUME I TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................i TABLEOF TABLES................................................................................viii TABLE OF FIGURES ............................................................................... xi CHAPTER 1 - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MAINTAINING CUSTOMER FOCUS....................................................................................................................1 ROADMAP..................................................................................................................................................................1 CHANGES TO OUR PORTFOLIO...................................................................................................................................2 PACIFICORP'S INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN APPROACH.....................................................................2 PREFERRED PORTFOLIO HIGHLIGHTS...........................................................................................................4 NEWSOLAR RESOURCES...........................................................................................................................................6 NEWWIND RESOURCES.............................................................................................................................................7 NEWSTORAGE RESOURCES.......................................................................................................................................7 NEWNUCLEAR RESOURCES......................................................................................................................................7 DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT..................................................................................................................................8 COAL AND GAS EXITS,RETIREMENTS,AND GAS CONVERSIONS...............................................................................8 ACTIONPLAN.........................................................................................................................................................11 CHAPTER 2 - INTRODUCTION 2025 INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN COMPONENTS.................................................................................18 THE ROLE OF PACIFICORP'S INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLANNING....................................................19 PUBLICINPUT PROCESS.....................................................................................................................................19 CHAPTER 3 - PLANNING ENVIRONMENT INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................................22 WHOLESALE ELECTRICITY MARKETS.........................................................................................................22 POWERMARKET PRICES..........................................................................................................................................25 POWER MARKET DYNAMICS...................................................................................................................................27 Non-CAISO WECC Generation and Capacity Mix............................................................................................27 Emissions and Environment...............................................................................................................................31 Non-CAISO WECC Demand Forecast...............................................................................................................31 ForwardInfluence of the IRA............................................................................................................................32 NATURALGAS PRICES.............................................................................................................................................32 2022 Summary...................................................................................................................................................32 2023 Summary...................................................................................................................................................34 2024 Summary...................................................................................................................................................35 2025-2032 Forward View..................................................................................................................................36 Conclusion.........................................................................................................................................................37 PACIFICORP'S MULTI-STATE PROCESS....................................................................................................................37 1 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP TABLE OF CONTENTS ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION.....................................................................................................................38 FEDERALPOLICY UPDATE................................................................................................................................39 NATIONAL ELECTRIC VEHICLE INFRASTRUCTURE FORMULA PROGRAM.................................................................39 NEW CREDITS AND CONSIDERATIONS FOR NON-EMITTING RESOURCES—INFLATION REDUCTION ACT..................39 NEW CREDITS AND CONSIDERATIONS FOR CUSTOMER RESOURCES—INFLATION REDUCTION ACT..........................40 NEW SOURCE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR CARBON EMISSIONS FROM NEW AND EXISTING SOURCES—CLEAN AIRACT§ 111(B)AND(D).......................................................................................................................................41 CREDIT FOR CARBON OXIDE SEQUESTRATION—INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE§45Q............................................42 CLEAN AIR ACT CRITERIA POLLUTANTS—NATIONAL AMBIENT AIR QUALITY STANDARDS..................................42 OzoneNAAQS....................................................................................................................................................42 ParticulateMatter NAAQS................................................................................................................................44 REGIONALHAZE......................................................................................................................................................44 UtahRegional Haze...........................................................................................................................................45 WyomingRegional Haze....................................................................................................................................46 ColoradoRegional Haze....................................................................................................................................48 MERCURY AND HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANTS.......................................................................................................49 COALCOMBUSTION RESIDUALS..............................................................................................................................50 WATER QUALITY STANDARDS................................................................................................................................51 Cooling Water Intake Structures........................................................................................................................51 EffluentLimit Guidelines...................................................................................................................................52 RENEWABLE GENERATION REGULATORY FRAMEWORK..........................................................................................53 TAX EXTENDER LEGISLATION.................................................................................................................................54 STATEPOLICY UPDATE......................................................................................................................................54 CALIFORNIA............................................................................................................................................................54 ID A H O......................................................................................................................................................................55 OREGON..................................................................................................................................................................55 WASHINGTON..........................................................................................................................................................56 UTAH.......................................................................................................................................................................57 WYOMING...............................................................................................................................................................58 GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSION PERFORMANCE STANDARDS .....................................................................................59 RENEWABLE PORTFOLIO STANDARDS.........................................................................................................60 CALIFORNIA............................................................................................................................................................60 OREGON..................................................................................................................................................................62 UTAH.......................................................................................................................................................................64 WASHINGTON..........................................................................................................................................................65 REC MANAGEMENT PRACTICES..............................................................................................................................65 CLEANENERGY STANDARDS............................................................................................................................66 WASHINGTON..........................................................................................................................................................66 OREGON..................................................................................................................................................................66 CALIFORNIA............................................................................................................................................................66 WYOMING...............................................................................................................................................................67 TRANSPORTATION ELECTRIFICATION.........................................................................................................67 HYDROELECTRIC RELICENSING.....................................................................................................................68 POTENTIALIMPACT.................................................................................................................................................69 TREATMENTIN THE IRP..........................................................................................................................................70 PACIFICORP'S APPROACH TO HYDROELECTRIC RELICENSING................................................................................70 RATEDESIGN..........................................................................................................................................................70 RESIDENTIAL RATE DESIGN....................................................................................................................................70 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL RATE DESIGN........................................................................................................71 11 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP TABLE OF CONTENTS IRRIGATION RATE DESIGN.......................................................................................................................................71 ELECTRICITY MARKET DEVELOPMENT UPDATE.....................................................................................71 RECENT RESOURCE PROCUREMENT ACTIVITIES....................................................................................73 2022 ALL-SOURCE RFP...........................................................................................................................................74 2024 UTAH RENEWABLES COMMUNITY RFP..........................................................................................................74 2025 ALL-SOURCE RFP...........................................................................................................................................75 CHAPTER 4 - TRANSMISSION INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................................77 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................................................78 OPEN ACCESS TRANSMISSION TARIFF.....................................................................................................................78 RELIABILITYSTANDARDS........................................................................................................................................79 GENERATION INTERCONNECTION STUDY METHODOLOGY CHANGES......................................................................80 AEOLUS TO MONA/CLOVER(GATEWAY SOUTH—SEGMENT F)...............................................................................80 WINDSTAR-POPULUS(GATEWAY WEST—SEGMENT D)..........................................................................................80 POPULUS-HEMINGWAY(GATEWAY WEST-SEGMENT E)........................................................................................81 PLAN TO CONTINUE PERMITTING—GATEWAY WEST..............................................................................................81 BOARDMAN-HEMINGWAY(SEGMENT H)................................................................................................................81 SPANISH FORK—MERCER 345-KV LINE..................................................................................................................82 OTHER TRANSMISSION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS....................................................................................................83 ENERGY GATEWAY TRANSMISSION EXPANSION PLAN..........................................................................83 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................83 BACKGROUND.........................................................................................................................................................83 PLANNINGINITIATIVES............................................................................................................................................83 - Rocky Mountain Area Transmission Study...............................................................................................84 ENERGY GATEWAY CONFIGURATION......................................................................................................................85 ENERGY GATEWAY'S CONTINUED EVOLUTION.......................................................................................................86 EFFORTS TO MAXIMIZE EXISTING SYSTEM CAPABILITY......................................................................90 TRANSMISSION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PLACED IN-SERVICE SINCE THE 2023 IRP..............................................91 PLANNED TRANSMISSION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS................................................................................................92 CHAPTER 5 - RELIABILITY AND RESILIENCY INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................................97 SUPPLY-BASED RELIABILITY............................................................................................................................97 REGIONAL RESOURCE ADEQUACY..........................................................................................................................97 WECC WESTERN ASSESSMENT OF RESOURCE ADEQUACY REPORT.......................................................................98 NERC LONG-TERM RELIABILITY ASSESSMENT(LTRA)........................................................................................99 Resources...........................................................................................................................................................99 WECCSubregions............................................................................................................................................100 LTRAWECCAssessment.................................................................................................................................100 PACIFIC NORTHWEST POWER SUPPLY ADEQUACY ASSESSMENT..........................................................................101 WESTERN RESOURCE ADEQUACY PROGRAM(WRAP)..........................................................................................102 RELIABLE SERVICE THROUGH UNPREDICTABLE WEATHER AND CHALLENGING MARKET LIQUIDITY...................103 PLANNING FOR LOAD CHANGES AS A RESULT OF CLIMATE CHANGE....................................................................104 WEATHER-RELATED IMPACTS TO VARIABLE GENERATION...................................................................................104 WildfireImpacts...............................................................................................................................................105 ExtremeWeather Impacts................................................................................................................................105 111 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP TABLE OF CONTENTS Impacts on wind and solar energy...................................................................................................................106 WILDFIRE RISK MITIGATION.........................................................................................................................107 TRANSMISSION-BASED RELIABILITY..........................................................................................................108 FEDERAL RELIABILITY STANDARDS......................................................................................................................109 POWER FLOW ANALYSES AND PLANNING FOR GENERATOR RETIREMENTS...........................................................110 CHAPTER 6 - LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................................111 SYSTEM COINCIDENT PEAK LOAD FORECAST.........................................................................................112 EXISTING RESOURCES......................................................................................................................................112 THERMALPLANTS.................................................................................................................................................112 RENEWABLERESOURCES......................................................................................................................................114 Wind.................................................................................................................................................................114 Solar.................................................................................................................................................................116 Geothermal......................................................................................................................................................119 Biomass/Biogas................................................................................................................................................120 Distributed Generation Resources...................................................................................................................120 ENERGYSTORAGE.................................................................................................................................................120 HYDROELECTRIC GENERATION.............................................................................................................................120 DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT/DISTRIBUTED GENERATION..................................................................................122 DISTRIBUTED GENERATION FORECAST..................................................................................................................124 POWER-PURCHASE AGREEMENTS..........................................................................................................................125 CAPACITY LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE.............................................................................................126 CAPACITY BALANCE OVERVIEW...........................................................................................................................126 LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE COMPONENTS....................................................................................................127 Obligation........................................................................................................................................................128 Position............................................................................................................................................................128 CAPACITY BALANCE DETERMINATION..................................................................................................................129 Methodology....................................................................................................................................................129 CapacityBalance Results.................................................................................................................................129 CHAPTER 7 - RESOURCE OPTIONS INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................................139 SUPPLY-SIDE RESOURCES(SSR).....................................................................................................................139 DERIVATION OF RESOURCE ATTRIBUTES...............................................................................................................141 WIND AND SOLAR GENERATION PROFILES............................................................................................................143 RESOURCE OPTIONS AND ATTRIBUTES..................................................................................................................144 RESOURCE OPTION DESCRIPTIONS........................................................................................................................158 LOCATIONAL MODIFIERS AND SELECTED COST FORECASTS.................................................................................163 PVCost Forecast History................................................................................................................................163 WindCost Forecast History.............................................................................................................................164 EnergyStorage.................................................................................................................................................165 DEMAND-SIDE RESOURCES.............................................................................................................................167 RESOURCE OPTIONS AND ATTRIBUTES..................................................................................................................167 Source of Demand-Side Management Resource Data.....................................................................................167 TRANSMISSION RESOURCES...........................................................................................................................173 1V PACIFICORP—2025 IRP TABLE OF CONTENTS MARKETPURCHASES........................................................................................................................................173 CHAPTER 8 - MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................................176 MODELING AND EVALUATION STEPS..........................................................................................................176 OVERVIEW OF STEPS IN AN ITERATIVE PHASE.......................................................................................................177 Step1................................................................................................................................................................177 Step2................................................................................................................................................................177 Step3................................................................................................................................................................178 Step4................................................................................................................................................................178 Step5................................................................................................................................................................178 Step6................................................................................................................................................................178 GRANULARITY ADJUSTMENT DETAIL....................................................................................................................178 RELIABILITY ADJUSTMENT DETAIL.......................................................................................................................179 RESOURCE PORTFOLIO DEVELOPMENT....................................................................................................180 LONG-TERM(LT)CAPACITY EXPANSION MODEL.................................................................................................181 TransmissionSystem........................................................................................................................................182 TransmissionOptions......................................................................................................................................183 TransmissionCosts..........................................................................................................................................185 ResourceAdequacy..........................................................................................................................................185 Granularity and Reliability Adjustments..........................................................................................................185 ThermalResource Options...............................................................................................................................186 NewResource Options.....................................................................................................................................187 CapitalCosts....................................................................................................................................................189 GeneralAssumptions.......................................................................................................................................189 COSTAND RISK ANALYSIS...............................................................................................................................192 SHORT-TERM(ST)SCHEDULE MODEL..................................................................................................................192 Reliability Assessment and System Cost...........................................................................................................193 STOCHASTIC MODELING........................................................................................................................................194 Stochastic Portfolio Performance Measures....................................................................................................195 Forward Price Curve Scenarios......................................................................................................................197 Other PLEXOS Modeling Methods and Assumptions......................................................................................197 OTHER COST AND RISK CONSIDERATIONS.............................................................................................................197 FuelSource Diversity.......................................................................................................................................197 CustomerRate Impacts....................................................................................................................................198 MarketReliance...............................................................................................................................................198 PORTFOLIOSELECTION...................................................................................................................................198 FINAL EVALUATION AND PREFERRED PORTFOLIO SELECTION.......................................................198 CASEDEFINITIONS.............................................................................................................................................199 INITIALPORTFOLIOS..............................................................................................................................................199 INTEGRATED PORTFOLIOS.....................................................................................................................................202 WASHINGTON PORTFOLIOS ...................................................................................................................................203 SENSITIVITY CASE DEFINITIONS............................................................................................................................204 BusinessPlan Sensitivity..................................................................................................................................207 V PACIFICORP—2025 IRP TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 9 - MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................................210 INITIAL PORTFOLIO DEVELOPMENT..........................................................................................................210 JURISDICTIONAL PORTFOLIOS......................................................................................................................211 JURISDICTIONAL SHARES PRIOR TO INTEGRATION.................................................................................................213 FULL JURISDICTIONAL PORTFOLIOS ......................................................................................................................214 THE 2025 IRP PREFERRED PORTFOLIO........................................................................................................219 NEWSOLAR RESOURCES.......................................................................................................................................220 NEWWIND RESOURCES.........................................................................................................................................220 NEW STORAGE RESOURCES...................................................................................................................................221 NEWNUCLEAR RESOURCES..................................................................................................................................221 DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT..............................................................................................................................222 WHOLESALE POWER MARKET PRICES AND PURCHASES........................................................................................223 COAL AND GAS RETIREMENTS/GAS CONVERSIONS...............................................................................................224 CARBON DIOXIDE EQUIVALENT EMISSIONS..........................................................................................................225 RENEWABLE PORTFOLIO STANDARDS...................................................................................................................228 OREGON HB2021 COMPLIANCE............................................................................................................................231 Greenhouse gas emissions methodology..........................................................................................................231 CAPACITYAND ENERGY........................................................................................................................................232 DETAILED PREFERRED PORTFOLIO........................................................................................................................234 INTEGRATED PORTFOLIO RESOURCE COMPARISONS BY TECHNOLOGY AND YEAR...............................................241 PREFERRED PORTFOLIO VARIANTS............................................................................................................247 VARIANT STUDY ANALYSIS..................................................................................................................................249 ADDITIONAL SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS..........................................................................................................254 WASHINGTON SCENARIOS...............................................................................................................................255 CHAPTER 10 - ACTION PLAN INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................................257 THE 2025 IRP ACTION PLAN.............................................................................................................................258 PROGRESS ON 2023 ACTION PLAN.................................................................................................................263 ACQUISITION PATH ANALYSIS.......................................................................................................................273 RESOURCE AND COMPLIANCE STRATEGIES...........................................................................................................273 ACQUISITION PATH DECISION MECHANISM...........................................................................................................273 PROCUREMENTDELAYS..................................................................................................................................274 IRP ACTION PLAN LINKAGE TO BUSINESS PLANNING...........................................................................274 RESOURCE PROCUREMENT STRATEGY......................................................................................................275 RENEWABLE RESOURCES,STORAGE RESOURCES,AND DISPATCHABLE RESOURCES............................................275 RENEWABLE ENERGY CREDITS.............................................................................................................................275 DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT..............................................................................................................................275 SMALL SCALE RENEWABLE ENERGY SUPPLY........................................................................................................276 ASSESSMENT OF OWNING ASSETS VERSUS PURCHASING POWER....................................................276 Vi PACIFICORP-2025 IRP TABLE OF CONTENTS MANAGING CARBON RISK FOR EXISTING PLANTS.................................................................................276 PURPOSEOF HEDGING......................................................................................................................................277 TREATMENT OF CUSTOMER AND INVESTOR RISKS...............................................................................279 STOCHASTIC RISK ASSESSMENT............................................................................................................................279 CAPITALCOST RISKS............................................................................................................................................279 SCENARIORISK ASSESSMENT................................................................................................................................279 VII PACIFICORP-2025 IRP TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF TABLES - VOLUME I CHAPTER 1 -EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TABLE 1.1-TRANSMISSION PROJECTS INCLUDED IN THE 2025 IRP PREFERRED PORTFOLIO 1,2.....................................6 TABLE 1.2-2025 IRP COAL RESOURCE RESULTS SUMMARY.....................................................................................10 TABLE1.3-2025 IRP ACTION PLAN...........................................................................................................................11 CHAPTER 2 -INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 3 -PLANNING ENVIRONMENT TABLE 3.1-2023 AND 2024 MONTHLY AVERAGE ON-PEAK SPOT PRICES($/MWH)..................................................25 TABLE 3.2-2025-2027 FORWARD PRICE SPREAD($/MWH)........................................................................................27 TABLE 3.3-STATE RPS REQUIREMENTS.....................................................................................................................60 TABLE 3.4-CALIFORNIA COMPLIANCE PERIOD REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................61 TABLE 3.5-CALIFORNIA BALANCED PORTFOLIO REQUIREMENTS..............................................................................62 TABLE 3.6-PACIFICORP'S REQUESTS FOR PROPOSAL ACTIVITY................................................................................74 CHAPTER 4 - TRANSMISSION TABLE 4.1-ENERGY GATEWAY TRANSMISSION EXPANSION PLAN.............................................................................90 CHAPTER 5 -RELIABILITY AND RESILIENCY TABLE 5.1-WARA DEMAND-AT-RISK SUMMARY.....................................................................................................98 TABLE 5.2-WECC SUBREGION DESCRIPTIONS........................................................................................................100 TABLE 5.3-NERC LTRA FOR SELECTED WECC SUBREGIONS................................................................................101 TABLE 5.4-NORTHWEST POWER AND CONSERVATION COUNCIL 2029 ADEQUACY ASSESSMENT............................102 CHAPTER 6 -LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE TABLE 6.1-FORECASTED SYSTEM SUMMER COINCIDENT PEAK LOAD IN MEGAWATTS,BEFORE ENERGY EFFICIENCY (MW)................................................................................................................................................................112 TABLE6.2-COAL-FIRED PLANTS..............................................................................................................................113 TABLE 6.3-NATURAL GAS-FIRED PLANTS...............................................................................................................114 TABLE 6.4-OWNED WIND RESOURCES.....................................................................................................................115 TABLE 6.5-NON-OWNED WIND RESOURCES............................................................................................................115 TABLE 6.6-SOLAR POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENTS...............................................................................................117 TABLE 6.7-SOLAR QUALIFYING FACILITIES,OREGON.............................................................................................118 TABLE 6.8-SOLAR QUALIFYING FACILITIES,UTAH..................................................................................................119 TABLE 6.9-SOLAR QUALIFYING FACILITIES,WYOMING..........................................................................................119 TABLE 6.10-DISTRIBUTED GENERATION CUSTOMERS AND CAPACITY.....................................................................120 TABLE 6.11-STORAGE RESOURCES..........................................................................................................................120 TABLE 6.12-PACIFICORP HYDROELECTRIC GENERATION FACILITIES......................................................................121 TABLE 6.13-ExISTING DSM RESOURCE SUMMARY.................................................................................................124 TABLE 6.14--SUMMER PEAK-SYSTEM CAPACITY LOADS AND RESOURCES WITHOUT RESOURCE ADDITIONS .......130 TABLE 6.15-WINTER PEAK SYSTEM CAPACITY LOADS AND RESOURCES WITHOUT.................................................132 VIII PACIFICORP-2025 IRP TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 7-RESOURCE OPTIONS TABLE 7.1-SUPPLY-SIDE RESOURCE OPTION TABLES..............................................................................................145 TABLE 7.2-2025 THERMAL SUPPLY-SIDE RESOURCES,CHARACTERISTICS AND COSTS(2024$).............................146 TABLE 7.3-2025 NON-THERMAL SUPPLY-SIDE RESOURCES,CHARACTERISTICS AND COSTS(2024$).....................147 TABLE 7.4-2025 THERMAL SUPPLY-SIDE RESOURCES,OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS AND ENVIRONMENTAL DATA (2024$).............................................................................................................................................................148 TABLE 7.5-2025 NON-THERMAL SUPPLY-SIDE RESOURCES,OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS AND ENVIRONMENTAL DATA(2024$)...................................................................................................................................................149 TABLE 7.6-2025 IRP THERMAL SUPPLY-SIDE RESOURCES,ADDITIONAL ATTRIBUTES AND FIXED O&M..............150 TABLE 7.7-2025 IRP NON-THERMAL SUPPLY-SIDE RESOURCES,ADDITIONAL ATTRIBUTES AND FIXED O&M......151 TABLE 7.8-2025 IRP STORAGE SUPPLY-SIDE RESOURCES,ADDITIONAL ATTRIBUTES AND FIXED O&M...............152 TABLE 7.9-2025 IRP THERMAL SUPPLY-SIDE RESOURCES,VARIABLE O&M,TOTAL COST AND CREDITS.............153 TABLE 7.10-2025 IRP NON-THERMAL SUPPLY-SIDE RESOURCES,VARIABLE O&M,TOTAL COST AND CREDITS..154 TABLE 7.11-2025 IRP STORAGE SUPPLY-SIDE RESOURCES,VARIABLE O&M,TOTAL COST AND CREDITS............155 TABLE 7.12-GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED IN THE SUPPLY-SIDE RESOURCE TABLES..................................................156 TABLE 7.13-GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS USED IN THE SUPPLY-SIDE RESOURCE TABLES..........................................157 TABLE 7.14-DEMAND RESPONSE EXISTING AND PLANNED PROGRAMS...................................................................168 TABLE 7.15-DEMAND RESPONSE PROGRAM ATTRIBUTES WEST CONTROL AREA,*................................................168 TABLE 7.16-DEMAND RESPONSE PROGRAM ATTRIBUTES EAST CONTROL AREA,*.................................................169 TABLE 7.17- 2045 TOTAL CUMULATIVE ENERGY EFFICIENCY POTENTIAL BY.........................................................172 TABLE 7.18-STATE-SPECIFIC TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION CREDITS(2024$)................................................172 CHAPTER 8 -MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION TABLE 8.1-MAJORITY-OWNED COAL GENERATOR RESOURCE OPTIONS..................................................................186 TABLE 8.2-MINORITY-OWNED COAL GENERATOR RESOURCE OPTIONS..................................................................187 TABLE 8.3-NATURAL GAS GENERATOR RESOURCE OPTIONS...................................................................................187 TABLE 8.4-PRICE-POLICY CASE DEFINITIONS..........................................................................................................200 TABLE8.5-PORTFOLIO VARIANTS............................................................................................................................200 TABLE 8.6-PORTFOLIO INTEGRATION RESOURCE EXAMPLE....................................................................................203 TABLE 8.7-SENSITIVITY CASE DEFINITIONS.............................................................................................................205 CHAPTER 9 -MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS TABLE 9.1-ITERATIVE PHASES OF UTAH,IDAHO,WYOMING AND CALIFORNIA MN PORTFOLIO..............................211 TABLE 9.2-OREGON INITIAL SHARE.........................................................................................................................213 TABLE 9.3-WASHINGTON INITIAL SHARE................................................................................................................213 TABLE 9.4-UTAH,IDAHO,WYOMING AND CALIFORNIA INITIAL SHARE..................................................................214 TABLE 9.5-OREGON FULL JURISDICTIONAL PORTFOLIO..........................................................................................215 TABLE 9.6-WASHINGTON FULL JURISDICTIONAL PORTFOLIO .................................................................................216 TABLE 9.7-UTAH,IDAHO,WYOMING,CALIFORNIA(UIWC)FULL JURISDICTIONAL PORTFOLIO............................217 TABLE 9.8-TRANSMISSION PROJECTS INCLUDED IN THE 2025 IRP PREFERRED PORTFOLIO 1,2.................................220 TABLE 9.9-2025 IRP COAL RESOURCE RESULTS.....................................................................................................225 TABLE 9.10-PACIFICORP'S 2025 IRP PREFERRED PORTFOLIO.................................................................................235 TABLE 9.11-PREFERRED PORTFOLIO SUMMER CAPACITY LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE(2025-2034)...............237 TABLE 9.12-PREFERRED PORTFOLIO SUMMER CAPACITY LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE(2036-2045)...............238 TABLE 9.13-PREFERRED PORTFOLIO WINTER CAPACITY LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE(2025-2034)................239 TABLE 9.14-PREFERRED PORTFOLIO WINTER CAPACITY LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE(2035-2045)................240 TABLE9.15-NEW GAS ............................................................................................................................................241 TABLE9.16-NUCLEAR'.............................................................................................................................................241 TABLE 9.17-RENEWABLE PEAKING' ........................................................................................................................242 TABLE 9.18-DSM-ENERGY EFFICIENCY................................................................................................................242 TABLE 9.19-DSM-DEMAND RESPONSE.................................................................................................................242 1X PACIFICORP-2025 IRP TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE 9.20-UTILITY SCALE WIND..........................................................................................................................243 TABLE 9.21-SMALL SCALE WIND'...........................................................................................................................243 TABLE9.22-UTILITY SOLAR....................................................................................................................................243 TABLE 9.23-SMALL SCALE SOLAR' .........................................................................................................................244 TABLE 9.24-BATTERY STORAGE.............................................................................................................................244 TABLE 9.25-LONG DURATION STORAGE.................................................................................................................244 TABLE 9.26-MAJORITY OWNED COAL RETIREMENTS1.............................................................................................245 TABLE 9.27-CARBON CAPTURE AND SEQUESTRATION SELECTIONS........................................................................245 TABLE 9.28-COAL TO GAS CONVERSION SELECTIONS.............................................................................................245 TABLE 9.29-PREFERRED PORTFOLIO VARIANT STUDIES..........................................................................................247 TABLE 9.30-INITIAL AND VARIANT CASES UNDER MEDIUM GAS/ZERO CO2..........................................................247 TABLE 9.31-INITIAL AND VARIANT CASES UNDER LOW GAS/ZERO CO2................................................................248 TABLE 9.32-INITIAL AND VARIANT CASES UNDER HIGH GAS/HIGH CO2...............................................................248 TABLE 9.33 INITIAL AND VARIANT CASES UNDER MEDIUM GAS/SOCIAL COST OF CO2........................................249 CHAPTER 10 -ACTION PLAN TABLE 10.1-2025 IRP ACTION PLAN.......................................................................................................................259 TABLE 10.2-2023 IRP ACTION PLAN STATUS UPDATE............................................................................................263 X PACIFICORP-2025 IRP TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF FIGURES - VOLUME I CHAPTER 1 -EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FIGURE 1.1-KEY ELEMENTS OF PACIFICORP'S 2025 IRP APPROACH...........................................................................4 FIGURE 1.2-2025 IRP PREFERRED PORTFOLIO(EXISTING AND PLANNED RESOURCES)*.............................................5 FIGURE 1.3-2025 IRP PREFERRED PORTFOLIO NEW SOLAR CAPACITY.......................................................................6 FIGURE 1.4-2025 IRP PREFERRED PORTFOLIO NEW WIND CAPACITY.........................................................................7 FIGURE 1.5-2025 IRP PREFERRED PORTFOLIO NEW STORAGE CAPACITYI°2................................................................7 FIGURE1.6-2025 IRP NEW NUCLEAR..........................................................................................................................8 FIGURE 1.7-2025 IRP PREFERRED PORTFOLIO THERMAL RESOURCES.........................................................................9 CHAPTER 2 -INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 3 -PLANNING ENVIRONMENT FIGURE 3.1 -FORWARD PRICES AT WECC MAJOR TRADING HUBS.............................................................................26 FIGURE 3.2-NATIONAL RPS TARGETS........................................................................................................................28 FIGURE 3.3-STATES WITH CO2 REDUCTION TARGETS................................................................................................28 FIGURE 3.4-NON-CAISO WECC GENERATED ENERGY(TWH).................................................................................29 FIGURE 3.5-NoN-CAISO WECC CAPACITY ADDITION(GW)...................................................................................30 FIGURE 3.6-NON-CAISO WECC CAPACITY RETIREMENT(GW)...............................................................................31 FIGURE 3.7-NON-CAISO WECC CAPACITY RETIREMENT(GW)...............................................................................32 FIGURE 3.8-DAILY 2022 HENRY HUB SPOT PRICES(USD/MMBTu).........................................................................33 FIGURE 3.9-ANNUAL 2022-2023 CHANGE IN US NATURAL GAS PRODUCTION BY REGION(BCF/D)..........................34 FIGURE 3.10-LOWER 48 WEEKLY WORKING GAS IN UNDERGROUND STORAGE(BCF/D)..........................................35 FIGURE 3.11-HENRY HUB FUTURES...........................................................................................................................37 FIGURE 3.12-WESTERN ENERGY IMBALANCE MARKET EXPANSION..........................................................................72 CHAPTER 4 - TRANSMISSION FIGURE4.1 -SEGMENT D.............................................................................................................................................80 FIGURE4.2-SEGMENT E..............................................................................................................................................81 FIGURE 4.3-ENERGY GATEWAY TRANSMISSION EXPANSION PLAN...........................................................................89 CHAPTER 5 -RELIABILITY AND RESILIENCY CHAPTER 6 - LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE FIGURE 6.1-CUMULATIVE HISTORICAL AND NEW CAPACITY INSTALLED BY...........................................................125 FIGURE 6.2-CONTRACT CAPACITY IN THE 2025 IRP SUMMER LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE.............................126 FIGURE 6.3-ENERGY EFFICIENCY PEAK CONTRIBUTION IN SUMMER CAPACITY LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE (REDUCTION TO LOAD,IN MW) .......................................................................................................................128 FIGURE 6.4-SUMMER SYSTEM CAPACITY POSITION TREND ....................................................................................134 FIGURE 6.5-WINTER SYSTEM CAPACITY POSITION TREND......................................................................................135 FIGURE 6.6-EAST SUMMER CAPACITY POSITION TREND..........................................................................................136 FIGURE 6.7 -WEST SUMMER CAPACITY POSITION TREND........................................................................................137 XI PACIFICORP-2025 IRP TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 7-RESOURCE OPTIONS FIGURE 7.1-HISTORY OF SSR PV COST&FORECAST..............................................................................................164 FIGURE 7.2-HISTORY OF SSR WIND COSTS&FORECAST........................................................................................165 FIGURE 7.3-HISTORY OF SSR BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM COSTS&FORECAST......................................166 CHAPTER 8 -MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION FIGURE 8.1-PORTFOLIO EVALUATION STEPS WITHIN THE IRP PROCESS..................................................................177 FIGURE 8.2-GRANULARITY ADJUSTMENT DETERMINATION....................................................................................179 FIGURE 8.3-TRANSMISSION SYSTEM MODEL TOPOLOGY WITH MAJOR OPTIONS.....................................................183 FIGURE 8.4-CO2 PRICES MODELED BY PRICE-POLICY SCENARIO............................................................................191 FIGURE 8.5-NOMINAL WHOLESALE ELECTRICITY AND NATURAL GAS PRICE SCENARIOS......................................192 CHAPTER 9 -MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS FIGURE 9.1-2025 IRP PREFERRED PORTFOLIO(ALL RESOURCES)...........................................................................219 FIGURE 9.2-2025 IRP PREFERRED PORTFOLIO NEW SOLAR CAPACITY...................................................................220 FIGURE 9.3-2025 IRP PREFERRED PORTFOLIO NEW WIND CAPACITY.....................................................................221 FIGURE 9.4-2025 IRP PREFERRED PORTFOLIO NEW STORAGE CAPACITY1..............................................................221 FIGURE 9.5-2025 IRP NEW NUCLEAR......................................................................................................................222 FIGURE 9.6-LOAD FORECAST COMPARISON BETWEEN RECENT IRPS(BEFORE INCREMENTAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY SAVINGS)..........................................................................................................................................................222 FIGURE 9.7-2025 IRP PREFERRED PORTFOLIO ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND DEMAND RESPONSE CAPACITY..............223 FIGURE 9.8-COMPARISON OF POWER PRICES AND NATURAL GAS PRICES IN RECENT IRPS.....................................224 FIGURE 9.9-2025 IRP PREFERRED PORTFOLIO THERMAL RESOURCES.....................................................................224 FIGURE 9.10-2025 IRP PREFERRED PORTFOLIO CO2 EMISSIONS AND PACIFICORP CO2 EQUIVALENT EMISSIONS TRAJECTORY1 ...................................................................................................................................................227 FIGURE 9.11-ANNUAL STATE RPS COMPLIANCE FORECAST...................................................................................230 FIGURE 9.12-OREGON ALLOCATED EMISSION REDUCTION RELATIVE TO HB 2021 TARGET...................................232 FIGURE 9.13-PROJECTED ENERGY MIX WITH PREFERRED PORTFOLIO RESOURCES.................................................233 FIGURE 9.14-PROJECTED CAPACITY MIX WITH PREFERRED PORTFOLIO RESOURCES..............................................233 FIGURE 9.15-INCREASE/(DECREASE IN PROXY RESOURCES WITH NO CCS.............................................................250 FIGURE 9.16-INCREASE/(DECREASE IN SYSTEM COSTS WITH NO CCS ...................................................................250 FIGURE 9.17-INCREASE/(DECREASE IN PROXY RESOURCES WITH NO NUCLEAR.....................................................251 FIGURE 9.18-INCREASE/(DECREASE IN SYSTEM COSTS WITH NO NUCLEAR...........................................................251 FIGURE 9.19-INCREASE/(DECREASE IN PROXY RESOURCES WITH NO COAL POST 2032.........................................252 FIGURE 9.20-INCREASE/(DECREASE IN SYSTEM COSTS WITH NO COAL POST 2032................................................252 FIGURE 9.21 -INCREASE/(DECREASE IN PROXY RESOURCES WITH OFFSHORE WIND...............................................253 FIGURE 9.22-INCREASE/(DECREASE IN SYSTEM COSTS WITH OFFSHORE WIND......................................................254 CHAPTER 10 -ACTION PLAN xii PACIFICORP-2025 IU CHAPTER I-EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CHAPTER I - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Maintaining customer focus Our draft 2025 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) is a roadmap for continual progress in safely, reliably and affordably serving over 2 million customers across six states. This roadmap continues to deliver on PacifiCorp's commitments to the diverse communities in which it operates. Roadmap Two significant transmission projects have been placed in-service since the 2023 IRP, and are therefore included in the 2025 IRP as given accomplishments: • The Energy Gateway South transmission line—a new 416-mile,high-voltage 500-kilovolt (kV) transmission line and associated infrastructure running from the Aeolus substation near Medicine Bow, Wyoming, to the Clover substation near Mona, Utah. This transmission line was placed in service in the fourth quarter of 2024. • The Energy Gateway West Subsegment D1 project—a new high-voltage 230-kV transmission line and a rebuild of an existing 230 kV transmission line from the Shirley Basin substation in southeastern Wyoming to the Windstar substation near Glenrock, Wyoming. These lines were placed in service in fourth quarter of 2024. These projects laid the groundwork for long-term affordability and reliability and helping build a more resilient grid. • The following resources are added in the draft 2025 IRP: 0 6,379 megawatts of new wind resources 0 7,668 megawatts of storage resources, including four-hour, eight-hour, and 100-hour durations 0 5,492 megawatts of new solar resources 0 500 megawatts of advanced nuclear(NatriumTM reactor demonstration project) Customer Programs • 5,149 megawatts of capacity saved through energy efficiency programs • 1,052 megawatts of capacity saved through direct load control programs Transmission • Various upgrades to increase the transfer capability from southern Utah to the major load center in the Wasatch Front • New transmission from the Walla Walla substation near Walla Walla, Washington to the Wine Country substation near Sunnyside, Washington 1 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER I-EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • 120 miles of new transmission from the Fry substation near Albany, Oregon to a new substation in Deschutes County, Oregon • New transmission, including lines from the Fry substation near Albany, Oregon and from the Dixonville substation near Roseburg, Oregon, each connecting to a substation near Lebanon, Oregon • A second 416-mile transmission line from the Aeolus substation near Medicine Bow, Wyoming, to the Clover substation near Mona, Utah (Energy Gateway South 2) • Additional local transmission upgrades to connect clean resources to the transmission system in southern Utah, southern and central Oregon, the Willamette Valley in Oregon, and in Yakima and Walla Walla, Washington Changes to our Portfolio • Continue to work with co-owners to develop the most cost-effective path toward an exit from the Colstrip project in Montana by 2030 • Continue to evaluate carbon capture and sequestration options for Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 in Rock Springs, Wyoming, for completion by 2030 • Continue the process of coal-to-gas conversion of Naughton Units 1 and 2 in Kemmerer, Wyoming, for completion by 2026 • Continue to evaluate coal-to-gas conversion of Dave Johnston Units 1 and 2 in Glenrock, Wyoming, for completion by 2029 • Retire Dave Johnston Unit 3 in Glenrock, Wyoming, in 2027 rce Plan Approach In the 2025 IRP,PacifiCorp presents a preferred portfolio that builds on its vision to deliver energy affordably, reliably and responsibly through near-term investments in transmission infrastructure that will facilitate continued growth in new renewable resource capacity while maintaining substantial investment in energy efficiency and demand response programs. At the same time, the preferred portfolio is responsive to the rapidly expanding arena of new state and federal regulatory requirements. The 2025 IRP preferred portfolio demonstrates that reliable service will require investment in transmission infrastructure, new wind and solar resources, the conversion of four coal units to natural gas peaking units, significant demand response and energy efficiency programs, the addition of carbon capture technology on identified coal resources, the addition of an advanced nuclear resource,and the addition of energy storage resources.As discussed in Chapter 8,the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio includes resources necessary for individual state policy compliance and assumes those resources are allocated to the state whose policy necessitated the addition. 2 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 1—EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The primary objective of the IRP is to identify the best mix of proxy resources to serve customers in the future.' Building upon developments initiated in the 2023 IRP Update, PacifiCorp recognizes that the basis for identifying a least-cost, least-risk portfolio varies across its jurisdictions, so the 2025 IRP assesses the cost-effectiveness of individual resources in light of the requirements specific to each jurisdiction. For the 2025 IRP, three distinct sets of jurisdictional requirements were represented: • Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and California o Cost-effective resources o Compliance with Western Resource Adequacy Program (WRAP) capacity requirements for Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and California load • Oregon o Compliance with energy and emissions requirements from House Bill 2021 (HB2021) o Compliance with WRAP capacity requirements for Oregon load o Compliance with small-scale renewable capacity standard • Washington o Compliance with clean energy requirements from the Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA) o Compliance with WRAP capacity requirements for Washington load Resources identified under each jurisdictional view are brought together into an "integrated" portfolio and only allocated to those jurisdictions in which they were identified as cost effective. For each jurisdiction, the best combination of resources is determined through analysis that measures cost and risk. Beyond the costs and risks quantified through modeling, the least-cost, least-risk resource portfolio is the portfolio that can be delivered through specific action items at a reasonable cost and with manageable risks while considering customer demand for clean energy and ensuring compliance with state and federal regulatory obligations. The full planning process is completed every two years, with a review and update completed in the off years. Consequently, these plans, particularly their longer-range elements, can and do change over time. PacifiCorp's 2025 IRP was developed through an open and extensive public process, with input from an active and diverse group of stakeholders, including customer advocacy groups, community members,regulatory staff,and other interested parties. The public-input process began with the first public input meeting in January 2024,representing the earliest IRP cycle kick-off for PacifiCorp. For the first time, in the 2025 IRP process PacifiCorp developed a full draft document and distributed it to stakeholders on December 31, 2024. The timing and requirements of this draft necessitated coverage of IRP topics in the public input meeting series occur three months earlier than in past planning cycles,reducing the number of public meetings, but also increasing meeting 1 Proxy resources are not actual projects but indicative projects,with estimated costs,technology,timing and location. Actual project data is evaluated in downstream processes.One key example of such a downstream process is a request for proposals,in which bids are solicited on real-world projects where the costs,technology,timing and location can be known and are subject to negotiation. 2 While California has a number of policy requirements,PacifiCorp is currently required to demonstrate compliance using system-wide portfolio results. 3 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER I—EXECUTIVE SUMMARY length and accelerating the timing of the coverage of all topics. Following the kick-off,PacifiCorp hosted stakeholders in seven online public input meetings, with an additional two meetings scheduled to take place after the distribution of the draft. Throughout this effort, PacifiCorp received valuable input from stakeholders and presented findings from a broad range of studies and technical analyses that shaped and informed the 2025 IRP. In the 2025 IRP, PacifiCorp also enhanced the connections between stakeholder input and IRP development by providing footnotes which reference stakeholder feedback the company received over the course of this IRP cycle. Links to each publicly available stakeholder feedback form and PacifiCorp response are provided in these footnotes and are provided in Appendix M (Stakeholder Feedback Forms). As depicted in Figure 1.1, PacifiCorp's 2025 IRP was developed by working through five fundamental planning steps that began with development of key inputs and assumptions to inform the modeling and portfolio development process. The portfolio development process is where PacifiCorp produced a range of different resource portfolios that meet projected gaps in the load and resource balance, each uniquely characterized by the size, type, timing and location of new resources in PacifiCorp's system. The resource portfolios produced for the 2025 IRP were created considering a wide range of potential coal and natural gas retirement dates, options for certain coal units to convert to gas or to retrofit for carbon capture sequestration, and other planning uncertainties. PacifiCorp then developed variants of the top performing resource portfolio to further analyze impacts of specific resource actions relative to the top performing portfolio. In the resource portfolio analysis step, PacifiCorp conducted targeted reliability analysis to ensure portfolios had sufficient flexible capacity resources to meet reliability requirements. PacifiCorp then analyzed these different resource portfolios to measure comparative cost, risk, reliability and emissions levels. This resource portfolio analysis informed selection of the least-cost and least-risk portfolio, the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio, and development of the associated near-term resource action plan. Throughout this process, PacifiCorp considered a wide range of factors to develop key planning assumptions and to identify key planning uncertainties, with input from its stakeholder group. Supplemental studies were also analyzed to produce specific modeling assumptions. Figure 1.1 —Key Elements of PacifiCorp's 2025 IRP Approach Inputsand Action Assumptions - I H Plan Preferred Portfolio Highlights PacifiCorp's selection of the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio is supported by comprehensive data analysis and an extensive public input process, described in the chapters that follow. Figure 1.2 shows that PacifiCorp's 2025 preferred portfolio continues to include substantial new renewables, demand-side management (DSM) resources, storage resources, advanced nuclear, and non- emitting peaking resources facilitated by incremental transmission investments. The 2025 IRP preferred portfolio is in addition to previously contracted resources, some of which have not yet achieved commercial operation, including: 1,564 megawatts (MW) of wind, 1,736 4 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 1—EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MW of solar additions, and 1,072 MW of battery storage capacity. These resources will come online in the 2025 to 2026 timeframe. The 2025 IRP preferred portfolio includes the advanced nuclear Natrium'demonstration project, anticipated to achieve online status by the end of 2030. By the end of 2032,the preferred portfolio includes 2,801 MW of energy storage resources, including 844 MW of iron-air batteries with 100- hour storage capability. Advancement of these technologies will be critical to meeting growing loads and achieving environmental compliance requirements. Over the 20-year planning horizon, the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio includes 6,379 MW of new wind and 5,492 MW of new solar. Figure 1.2—2025 IRP Preferred Portfolio (Existing and Planned Resources)* 45000 Cumulative Portfolio 40000 ■ 35000 30000 b 25000 , 20000 — 15000 � .��--.■■■■� 10000 I111111 IIII Noll 5000 No No �o �o No No No �o No No No No �o No No No No No ryo No No ■Coal ■Converted Gas ■Gas ■Hydrogen Storage Peaker ■Renewable Peaking ■QF ■Hydro z Nuclear ■Hydro Storage ■Battery ■Solar ■Wind ■Geothermal ■Energy Efficiency ■Demand Response L 0 MW selected * Technologies highlighted in gray were available for selection in IRP modeling but are not part of PacifiCorp's existing resource mix and were not selected for the preferred portfolio. The 2025 IRP preferred portfolio includes a second 416-mile transmission line from the new Aeolus substation near Medicine Bow, Wyoming, to the Clover substation near Mona, Utah, known as Energy Gateway South 2, planned to come online in 2036. Smaller upgrades increase transfer capability between southern Utah and the Wasatch Front, between Walla Walla and Yakima in Washington, and between the Willamette Valley and Deschutes County in Oregon. Many of the transmission upgrades and interconnection options modeled for the 2025 IRP reflect the results of PacifiCorp's "cluster study" process for evaluating proposed resource additions. Since 2020,PacifiCorp has been evaluating all newly proposed resource additions in an area at the same time, using a cluster study process that identifies collective solutions that can allow projects that are ready to move forward to do so in a timely fashion. Table 1.1 summarizes the incremental transmission projects in the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio. Note, at this time, the Boardman-to- Hemingway transmission line (B2H) is not included in the preferred portfolio. PacifiCorp is reevaluating the timing and needs analysis underlying B2H because of factors such as changed native load growth and a lack of capacity available on neighboring transmission systems to deliver to load pockets. 5 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER I—EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Table 1.1 —Transmission Projects Included in the 2025 IRP Preferred Portfolio I,z Build Export Import Interconnect Investment Build (MW) (MW) (MW) N From To 2026 Rebuild existing Cameron-Sigurd 138 kV 250 250 250 30 100% Utah South Wasatch Front 2027 Cluster 1 Area 11-Willamette Valley 0 0 199 13 100% n/a n/a Serial queue-Central Oregon 0 0 152 3 100% n/a n/a 2028 Cluster 2 Area 23-Willamette Valley 0 0 393 2 100% n/a n/a 2030 Cluster 1/2/3-Walla Walla 0 0 628 66 100% n/a n/a 2031 Cluster 1/2/3-Walla Walla 0 0 393 348 100% n/a n/a Walla Walla-Wine Country 230 kV 400 400 400 145 100% n/a n/a 2032 Cluster 1 Area 14-Summer Lake 400 400 400 120 100% Summer Lake Hemingway Cluster 2/3-Willamette Valley-Fry-Full Circle 230 kV 450 450 450 413 100% Willamette Valley Central OR 2036 Gateway South 2:Aeolus Clover#2 500 kV 1,500 1,500 1,990 1,810 100% Wyoming East Clover Huntington—Clover 345 kV 800 800 800 264 100% Utah South Wasatch Front Spanish Fork-Mercer 345 kV 300 300 300 153 100% Utah South Wasatch Front West Cedar-Three Peaks 138 kV 200 200 200 14 100%1 Utah South Wasatch Front S.Lebanon-Dixonville 500 kV,Dbl-Ckt Fry-S.Lebanon 230 kV 1,500 1,500 665 1,117 100%1 Willamette Valley Southern OR 2041 Serial through Cluster 1 Area 13-Southern Oregon 0 0 231 52 100% n/a n/a Grand Total I 5,800 1 5,800 7A51 4,551 'Export and import values represent total transfer capability.The scope and cost of transmission upgrades are planning estimates.Actual scope and costs will vary depending upon the interconnection queue,the transmission service queue,the specific location of any given generating resource and the type of equipment proposed for any given generating resource. 2 Transmission upgrades frequently include primarily all-or-nothing components, though the cluster study process allows for project-specific timing and some costs are project-specific. In Volume I,Chapter 9—Modeling and Portfolio Selection Results,a sensitivity analysis evaluates the impacts of significant new loads coming online in the 2033 timeframe and supports continuing with permitting Energy Gateway segments, as well as initiating preliminary permitting and development activities for future transmission investments not currently included in the preferred portfolio. These future transmission projects can include development of additional transmission expansion segments and exploration of new routes that have connections to other regions (i.e., connecting southern Oregon to the east with connections to the desert southwest). New Solar Resources The 2025 IRP draft preferred portfolio includes 245 MW of new solar by the end of 2027, 1,275 MW by the end of 2030, and 5,492 MW by the end of 2045, as shown in Figure 1.3. Figure 1.3—2025 IRP Preferred Portfolio New Solar Capacity 9,000 8,000 _7,000 N 6,000 ' 5,000 T 4,000 E 3,000 D 2,000 ------ �� --- U 1,000 ��� 0 �P�f�m 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 251RP =251RPOR =251RPWA =251RPUIWC ---2023 1 RP Update ---23IRP 6 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 1—EXECUTIVE SUMMARY New Wind Resources As shown in Figure 1.4,PacifiCorp's 2025 IRP draft preferred portfolio includes 486 MW of new wind generation by the end of 2028, 2,175 MW by the end of 2030, and 6,379MW of cumulative new wind by the end of 2045. Figure 1.4—2025 IRP Preferred Portfolio New Wind Capacity 10,000 -------------- 8,000 -saa.....�• j 6,000 4,000 E -�♦ 0 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 �251RP =25 IRP OR =25 IRP WA =- 25 IRP UIWC ---2023 IRP Update ---23IRP New Storage Resources New storage resources in the 2025 IRP draft preferred portfolio are summarized in Figure 1.5. The 2025 IRP draft preferred portfolio includes 1,818 MW of new storage resources by the end of 20272 including both 4- and 8-hour lithium-ion storage. By year-end 2030, the 2025 draft IRP includes 2,716 MW of storage which includes nearly 656 MW of 100-hour iron air storage, and by year-end 2045, the 2025 IRP draft preferred portfolio includes 7,668 MW of new storage. Figure 1.5—2025 IRP Preferred Portfolio New Storage Capacity1,2 10,000 8,000 --------- --------- -------------- j 6,000 nz ' 4,000 - E _ � 2,000 0 - 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 251RP =251RPOR =251RPWA =251RPUIWC ---2023 1 RP Update ---231RP 'The 2023 IRP Update includes 400 MW of PVS battery (Green River solar+storage) in 2026 that has since been signed and thus is not included as new storage capacity in the 2025 IRP. 2 The 1,818 MW of new storage resources by the end of 2027 includes 520 MW of signed battery storage contracts that have been committed since the filing of the 2023 IRP Update. New Nuclear Resources The 2025 IRP draft includes advanced nuclear as part of its least-cost,least-risk preferred portfolio. As shown in Figure 1.6, the 500 MW advanced nuclear Natrium' demonstration project is currently scheduled to come online by the end of 2030. 7 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER I—EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Figure 1.6—2025 I" New Nuclear 1,600 -------------------------- 1,400 1,200 1,000 - �♦ 800 - 7 600 ♦♦ U 200 �Pap 0 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 �251RP =251RPOR =251RPWA 325 IRP UIWC ---2023 IRP Update ---23IRP Demand-Side Management PacifiCorp evaluates new demand-side management (DSM) opportunities, which includes both energy efficiency and demand response programs,as a resource that competes with traditional new generation and wholesale power market purchases when developing resource portfolios for the IRP. The optimal determination of DSM resources therefore results in the selection of all cost- effective DSM as a core function of IRP modeling. Consequently, the load forecast used as an input to the IRP does not reflect any incremental investment in new energy efficiency programs; rather, the load forecast is reduced by the selected additions of energy efficiency resources in the IRP. PacifiCorp's load forecast before incremental energy efficiency savings has decreased relative to projected loads used in the 2023 IRP. On average, forecasted system load is down 3.9 percent and forecasted coincident system peak is down 0.6 percent when compared to the 2023 IRP. Over the planning horizon, the average annual growth rate, before accounting for incremental energy efficiency improvements, is 2.03 percent for load and 1.91 percent for peak. Changes to PacifiCorp's load forecast are driven by lower projected demand from new large customers, who are expected to provide or pay for their necessary resources and transmission. Energy efficiency and demand response programs are important tools for meeting customers' future energy needs. Our innovative approach moves beyond management based on peak loads and focuses on turning demand-response resources into dynamic operating reserves. That's why we're expanding existing demand-response programs and introducing new solutions for customers,particularly as more interconnected technologies enter the market. These programs will reduce our need to buy reserve power on the market and create greater customer benefits. • In the near-term years of 2025 through 2028, our ongoing conservation and cost-effective demand-response initiatives will seek to deliver: 0 678 megawatts of energy efficiency between 2025 and 2028 0 213 megawatts of demand response between 2025 and 2028 Coal and Gas Exits, Retirements, and Gas Conversions Coal resources have been an important resource in PacifiCorp's resource portfolio for many years. However,there have been material changes in how PacifiCorp has been operating these assets(i.e., by lowering operating minimums and optimizing dispatch through the WEIM) that has enabled 8 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 1—EXECUTIVE SUMMARY the company to reduce fuel consumption and associated costs and emissions, and instead buy increasingly low-cost,zero-emissions renewable energy from market participants across the West, which is accessed by our expansive transmission grid. PacifiCorp's coal resources will continue to play a pivotal role in following fluctuations in renewable energy. New for the 2025 IRP, coal- fired units that do not have an enforceable environmental compliance requirement have the option to continue coal-fired operation through the end of the study horizon. Where natural gas supply is expected to be available, an option to convert to natural gas was modeled, and is required for continued operations at units that are required to cease coal-fired operation. As shown in Figure 1.7, the 2025 IRP converts 562 MW of coal fueled generation to natural gas fueled, and exits PacifiCorp's share in 386 MW of minority-owned coal, and also retires 220 MW of majority- owned coal at Dave Johnston by the end of the study horizon. The balance of the coal units continue to operate through the end of the study horizon, with 700 MW at Jim Bridger 3 and 4 converting to carbon capture in 2030. Figure 1.7—2025 IRP Preferred Portfolio Thermal Resources 9,000 8,000 ———— 7�..■ --- 7,000 al 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 7 2,000 U 1,000 0 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 Coal �Coal-CCUS �Gas-Steam �Gas-CT/CCCT ---2023 1 RP Update ---23 IRP A summary of the coal unit exits,retirements, and conversions in the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio and the 2023 IRP Update preferred portfolio is shown in Table 1.2. In addition to these coal unit exits,retirements, and conversions,the preferred portfolio continues to operate all existing natural gas units through the end of the study horizon. 9 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 1—EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Table 1.2 —2025 IRP Coal Resource Results Summary Majority-Owned Coal 2023 IRP Update Retirement Year 2025 IRP Retirement Year Unit As Selected As Selected Dave Johnston 1 &2 2028(Coal ash compliance) Not retired(Gas conversion 2029) Dave Johnston 3 2027(Clean air compliance) 2027(Clean air compliance) Dave Johnston 4 2039(Assumed end of life) Not retired Hunter 1-3 2042(Assumed end of life) Not retired Huntington 1 &2 2036(Assumed end of life) Not retired Jim Bridger 1 &2 2037(Gas conversion 2024/Assumed end of life) Not retired(Gas conversion 2024) Jun Bridger 3 &4 2039(CCS/Assumed end of life) Not retired(CCS) Naughton 1 &2 2036(Gas conversion 2026/Assumed end of life) Not retired(Gas conversion 2026) )A odak 2039 (.Assumed end of life) Not retired(Coal) Minorite-Owned oa 2023 IRP Update Retirement Year 2025 IRP Retirement Year L"tilt As Input As Input Colstrip 2025 (Transfer capacity to wilt 4) 2025 (Transfer capacity to unit 4) Colstrip 4 2029(PacifiCorp exit) 2029(PacifiCorp exit) Craig 1 2025 (Assumed end of life) 2025 (Assumed end of life) Craig 2 2028(Assumed end of life) 2028(Assumed end of life) Hayden 1 2028(Assumed end of life) 2028(Assumed end of life) Hayden 2 2027(Assumed end of life) 2027(Assumed end of life) 10 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER I-EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Action Plan The 2025 IRP action plan identifies specific actions PacifiCorp will take primarily over the next 2-4 years to deliver its preferred portfolio. Action items are based on the size, type and timing of resources in the preferred portfolio, findings from analysis completed over the course of portfolio modeling, and feedback received by stakeholders in the 2025 IRP public-input process. Table 1.3 details specific 2025 IRP action items by resource category. Table 1.3 —2025 IRP Action Plan Action 1. Existing Resource Actions Item M M Colstrip Units 3 and 4: la • PacifiCorp will continue to work with co-owners to develop the most cost-effective path toward an exit from the Colstrip project in Montana by 2030. Craig Unit 1: lb • PacifiCorp will continue to work closely with co-owners to seek the most cost-effective path forward toward the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio target exit date of December 31, 2025. Naughton Units 1 and 2: • PacifiCorp will continue the process of converting Naughton Units 1 and 2 to natural gas as initiated in Q2 2023, including lc obtaining all required regulatory notices and filings. Natural gas operations are anticipated to commence spring of 2026. • PacifiCorp will initiate the closure of the Naughton South Ash Pond no later than the end of December 2025 when coal operations cease, and will complete closure by October 17, 2028, as required under its pond closure extension submission. Carbon Capture and Storage/Low Carbon Portfolio Standard: ld • PacifiCorp will continue to evaluate the economic and technical feasibility of carbon capture technology on Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 to comply with Wyoming's low carbon portfolio standard. Regional Haze Compliance: • Following the resolution of first planning period regional haze compliance disputes, and the EPA's determination of the states' le second planning period regional haze state implementation plans, PacifiCorp will evaluate and model any emission control retrofits, emission limitations, or utilization reductions that are required for coal units. • PacifiCorp will continue to engage with the EPA, state agencies, and stakeholders to achieve second planning period regional haze compliance outcomes that improve Class I visibility, provide environmental benefits, and are cost effective. 11 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 1-EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Action Item 1. Existing ctions (continued) NatriumTM Demonstration Proiect: • By the end of 2025, PacifiCorp expects to finalize a commercial off-take agreement for the NatriumTM project. PacifiCorp if will continue to monitor key TerraPower development milestones and will make regulatory filings, as applicable, including, but not limited to, a request for the Oregon Public Utility Commission to explicitly acknowledge an alternative acquisition method consistent with OAR 860-089-0100(3)(c), and a request for a waiver of a solicitation for a significant energy resource decision consistent with Utah statute 54-17-501. Ozone Transport Rule Compliance: • EPA finalized its approval of Wyoming's cross-state ozone state plan on December 19, 2023. This approval means PacifiCorp facilities in Wyoming are not subject to the federal ozone plan requirements. 1g • The Tenth Circuit granted a motion to stay EPA's disapproval of Utah's state ozone plan. Utah is not subject to federal ozone requirements while the stay is in place. The Utah ozone case was transferred to the D.C. Circuit in February of 2024, for adjudication of the merits, leaving the stay in place. PacifiCorp will continue to monitor developments in the Utah ozone case and adjust its plans accordingly in response to developments. Natural Gas Emissions Compliance Strateeies • The 2025 IRP indicates that changes in accounting and/or dispatch of existing natural gas resources may be a beneficial element 1h of Oregon's HB 2021 compliance strategy and to align with evolving state policies.A range of implementation strategies exist, with intertwined implications on resource allocation,market participation, and compliance requirements. PacifiCorp will meet with impacted parties, program administrators, and regulators to enable a refined analysis of the available options to prepare for implementation no later than the start of 2030. 12 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 1—EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Action t2. New Resource Actions Item Customer Preference Request for Proposals: • PacifiCorp is continuously receiving and evaluating requests for voluntary customer programs in Utah and Oregon. PacifiCorp may use the marginal resources from future request for proposals to fulfill customer need. In some cases, 2a customer preference may necessitate issuance of a request for proposals to procure resources within the action plan window. • Consistent with Utah Community Renewable Energy Act, PacifiCorp will continue to work with eligible communities to develop program to achieve goal of being net 100 percent renewable by 2030; PacifiCorp filed an application for approval of a resource solicitation process for the program with the Utah Public Service Commission in November 2024. PacifiCorp plans to file an application for the remainder of the program during Q 12025. 2025 All-Source Request for Proposals: • PacifiCorp will issue as appropriate by jurisdiction need, one or more all-source Request for Proposals (RFP) to procure 2b resources aligned with the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio that can achieve commercial operations by the end of December 2029.3 • In light of the differentiated resource needs by jurisdiction identified in the 2025 IRP, scope and targeted resource needs may vary by jurisdiction. Action Item 3. Transmission Action Items 4M 1 Local Reinforcement Proiects 3a Initiate local reinforcement projects as identified with the addition of new resources per the preferred portfolio, and follow-on requests for proposal successful bids. Gateway West Support Continue permitting support for Gateway West segments D.3 and E. Initiate preliminary permitting and development activities 3b for future transmission investments not currently included in the preferred portfolio. These future transmission projects can include development of additional Energy Gateway segments and exploration of new routes that have connections to other regions (i.e., connecting southern Oregon to the east with connections to the desert southwest). These activities will enable PacifiCorp to prepare for potential growth in new large loads seeking new service over the next decade. 3 Procurement strategy was a frequent topic during the 2025 IRP public input meeting process and stakeholder feedback. See Appendix M, stakeholder feedback form#17(Oregon Public Utilities Commission) 13 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 1-EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Action Item 4. Demand-Side Management (DSM) Actions Enemy Efficiency Targets: • PacifiCorp will acquire cost-effective energy efficiency resources targeting annual system energy and capacity selections from the preferred portfolio. PacifiCorp's state-specific processes for planning for DSM acquisitions is provided in 4a Appendix D in Volume II of the 2025 IRP. • PacifiCorp will pursue cost-effective energy efficiency resources. • PacifiCorp will pursue cost-effective demand response resources targeting annual system capacity selections from the preferred portfolio. Capacity impacts for demand response include both summer and winter impacts within a year. Action Item 5. Market Purchases Market Purchases: • PacifiCorp will acquire short-term firm market purchases for on-peak delivery from 2025-2027 consistent with the Risk Management Policy and Energy Supply Management Front Office Procedures and Practices. These short-term firm market 5a purchases will be acquired through multiple means: o Balance of month and day-ahead brokered transactions in which the broker provides a competitive price. o Balance of month, day-ahead, and hour-ahead transactions executed through an exchange, such as the Intercontinental Exchange, in which the exchange provides a competitive price. o Prompt-month,balance-of-month, day-ahead, and hour-ahead non-brokered bi-lateral transactions. Action Item 6. Renewable Energy Credit (REC)Actions Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS): • PacifiCorp will pursue unbundled REC RFPs and purchases to meet its state RPS compliance requirements. 6a 0 PacifiCorp will issue RFPs seeking unbundled RECs that will qualify in meeting California RPS targets through 2026 and future compliance periods, as needed. 14 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 1-EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6b Renewable Energy Credit Sales: • Maximize the sale of RECs that are not required to meet state RPS compliance obligations. 15 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 1-EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 16 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 2—INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2 - INTRODUCTION PacifiCorp files an Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) on a biennial basis with the state utility commissions of Utah, Oregon,Washington,Wyoming, Idaho, and California. This IRP fulfills the company's commitment to develop a long-term resource plan that considers cost,risk,uncertainty, and the long-run public interest. Regulatory staff, advocacy groups, and other interested parties influence the development of the IRP through a collaborative public input process. As the owner of the IRP and its action plan, all policy judgments and decisions concerning the IRP are made by PacifiCorp considering its obligations to its customers, regulators, and shareholders. In recent integrated resource planning cycles, there has been increased focus on individual state jurisdictional outcomes aligned with both stakeholder and regulatory interest, and state legislation and rulemaking. In an effort to recognize and respect this trend, PacifiCorp's 2025 IRP enhances jurisdictional portfolio development and reporting leading to the integration of results into the preferred portfolio. Chapter 8 (Modeling and Portfolio Evaluation) describes the fundamental methodologies used to arrive at state-level initial portfolios and how they are subsequently integrated to form a single coherent plan. PacifiCorp's selection of the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio is supported by comprehensive data analysis and an extensive public input process, described in the chapters that follow. Chapter 9 (Modeling and Portfolio Selection Results), shows that PacifiCorp's 2025 preferred portfolio continues to include substantial new renewables, facilitated by incremental transmission investments, demand-side management(DSM)resources, significant storage resources (including iron-air technology with 100- hour storage duration), and advanced nuclear.' The 2025 IRP preferred portfolio is in addition to contracted resources,many of which are located in Utah. The 100 MW Hornshadow I Solar and 200 MW Hornshadow Solar II facilities are set to come online in 2025, while two facilities combining solar and storage are set to come online in 2025 and 2026: Faraday with 525 MW solar and 150 MW storage and Green River with 400 MW solar and 400 MW storage. Finally, Oregon's Community Solar Program has ten small-scale solar facilities scheduled to come online in 2025 and 2026, totaling approximately 18 MW. The 2025 IRP preferred portfolio includes the 500 MW advanced nuclear NatriumTM demonstration project, anticipated to achieve online status by summer 2030. Over the 21-year planning horizon, the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio includes 6,379 MW of new wind, 5,492 MW of new solar and 7,668 MW of new storage resources. New storage includes five battery facilities totaling 520 MW are projected to come online ahead of the peak summer season in 2026: Dominguez BESS (200 MW), Enterprise BESS (80 MW), Escalante BESS (80 MW), Granite Mountain BESS (80 MW) and Iron Springs BESS (80 MW). These signed battery storage contracts were committed since the filing of the 2023 IRP update. To facilitate the delivery of new renewable energy resources to PacifiCorp customers across the West, the preferred portfolio includes additional transmission projects which are described in ' See Chapter 7(Resource Options) 17 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 2-INTRODUCTION Volume I, Chapter 1 (Executive Summary), Chapter 4 (Transmission), and Chapter 9 (Modeling and Portfolio Selection Results). Other significant analysis to support the 2025 IRP includes: • An updated demand-side management resource conservation potential assessment • A distributed generation study for PacifiCorp's service territory • A flexible reserve study • An updated plant water consumption study • An energy storage potential evaluation • An assessment of grid enhancement technologies • Historic weather years • An updated load and resource balance This chapter outlines the components of the 2025 IRP, summarizes the role of the IRP, and provides an overview of the public input process. 025 Integrated Resource Plan Components The basic components of PacifiCorp's 2025 IRP include: • Assessment of the planning environment, market trends and fundamentals, legislative and regulatory developments, and current procurement activities; Volume I, Chapter 3 (Planning Environment) • Description of PacifiCorp's transmission planning efforts and activities;Volume I,Chapter 4 (Transmission) • Regional resource adequacy assessments, wildfire mitigation planning and the role of transmission in system reliability and incident recovery; Volume I, Chapter 5 (Reliability and Resiliency) • Load and resource balance on a capacity and energy basis and determination of the load and energy positions for the front ten years of the twenty-year planning horizon; Volume I, Chapter 6 (Load and Resource Balance) • Profile of resource options considered for addressing future capacity and energy needs; Volume I, Chapter 7 (Resource Options) • Description of IRP modeling,including a description of the portfolio development process, cost and risk analysis, and preferred portfolio selection process; Chapter 8 (Modeling and Portfolio Evaluation) • Presentation of IRP modeling results and selection of PacifiCorp's preferred portfolio; Volume I, Chapter 9 (Modeling and Portfolio Selection Results) • Presentation of PacifiCorp's 2025 IRP action plan linking the company's preferred portfolio with specific implementation actions, including an accompanying resource acquisition path analysis and discussion of resource procurement risks; Volume I, Chapter 10 (Action Plan) The IRP appendices, included as Volume II, contain the items listed below: • Load Forecast (Volume II, Appendix A) • Regulatory Compliance (Volume II, Appendix B) 18 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 2—INTRODUCTION • Public Input(Volume II, Appendix C) • Demand-Side Management(Volume II, Appendix D) • Grid Enhancement(Volume II, Appendix E) • Flexible Reserve Study (Volume II,Appendix F) • Plant Water Consumption Study (Volume II, Appendix G) • Capacity Expansion Results (Volume II, Appendix I) • Distributed Generation Study (Volume II, Appendix L) • Stakeholder Feedback Forms (Volume II, Appendix M) • Washington Clean Energy Action Plan(Volume II, Appendix O) • Acronyms (Volume II, Appendix P) PacifiCorp is also providing data disks for the 2025 IRP. These electronically provided materials support and provide additional details for the analysis described within the document. Data disks are generated for public, confidential, and highly confidential data to be provided as appropriate to each recipient.' Confidential and highly confidential data access are provided separately under non-disclosure agreements, or specific protective orders in docketed proceedings. The "Highly Confidential" data disk category, adopted in the prior 2023 IRP planning cycle, allows the company to provide the maximum amount of access to parties who are not participants in commercial developments or those who have direct conflicts of interest regarding commercially sensitive information. The Role of PacifiCorp's Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp's IRP establishes a proxy resource plan capable delivering adequate and reliable electricity supply at a reasonable cost and in a manner "consistent with the long-run public interest."3 In this way,the IRP serves as a roadmap for determining and implementing PacifiCorp's long-term resource strategy. In doing so, it accounts for state commission IRP requirements, the current view of the planning environment,corporate business goals, and uncertainty.As a business planning tool, it supports informed decision-making on resource procurement by providing an analytical framework for assessing resource investment tradeoffs,including supporting request for proposal bid evaluation efforts.As an external communications tool,the IRP engages stakeholders in the planning process and guides them through the key decision points leading to PacifiCorp's preferred portfolio of generation, demand-side, and transmission resources. Public input Process The IRP standards and guidelines for certain states require PacifiCorp to have a public input process allowing stakeholder involvement in all phases of plan development. PacifiCorp organized held seven public input meetings, spanning one or two days each,to facilitate information sharing, collaboration, and expectations for the 2025 IRP. The topics covered all facets of the IRP process, ranging from specific input assumptions to the portfolio modeling and risk analysis strategies employed. 2 The Draft 2025 IRP is supported by a public data disk only. s The Public Utility Commission of Oregon and Public Service Commission of Utah cite"long-run public interest"as part of their definition of integrated resource planning.Public interest pertains to adequately quantifying and capturing for resource evaluation any resource costs external to the utility and its ratepayers. For example, the Public Service Commission of Utah cites the risk of future internalization of environmental costs as a public interest issue that should be factored into the resource portfolio decision-making process. 19 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 2-INTRODUCTION In addition to the public input meetings, PacifiCorp used other channels to facilitate resource planning-related information sharing and stakeholder input throughout the IRP process. The IRP webpage is accessible using the following link: www.pacificop2.com/energy/integrated-resource-plan.html Messages relevant to PacifiCorp's IRP can sent to the following email address: irpnpacificorp.com Additionally, a stakeholder feedback form provides opportunities for stakeholders to submit additional input and ask questions throughout the 2025 IRP public input process. The submitted forms, as well as PacifiCorp's responses to these feedback forms are located on the PacifiCorp's IRP website: www.pacificorp.c om/energy/inte grated-resource-plan/comments.html Summaries of stakeholder feedback forms received, and company responses were provided throughout the public input meeting series and are also available in Appendix M (Stakeholder Feedback Forms). In the 2025 IRP, links to stakeholder feedback forms are provided in footnotes to further tie together stakeholder feedback with the development of the filed IRP. Appendix C (Public Input Process) reports additional details regarding engagement for the 2025 IRP. 20 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT CHAPTER 3 - PLANNING ENVIRONMENT CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS • Federal and state tax credits continue to encourage the procurement of wind and solar resources, which will likely dominate U.S. capacity additions for the next decade. Flexible generation,transmission,new storage technologies,and market design changes will be need to better integrate these resources into the grid. • The Federal Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was enacted on August 16, 2022, creating technology specific tax credits for projects placed in service after December 31, 2021, and technology neutral tax credits for projects placed in service after December 31, 2024. Eligible resources include any technology that generates electricity and does not emit greenhouse gases. The IRA is modeled in all 2025 IRP studies. As of December 2024, the future of some provisions of the IRA remains unknown under the new administration. • 2024 saw significant new environmental regulation with potential impacts to PacifiCorp's generation resources. These included Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission standards for existing coal-fired and new gas-fired plants, Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) revisions, Effluent Limitations Guidelines revisions, Coal Combustion Residuals legacy rule, and the NEPA Phase 2 rule. • In 2019, the Washington Legislature approved the Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA), which requires that 100% of electricity sales in Washington be 100% renewable and non-emitting by 2045.PacifiCorp filed its inaugural Clean Energy Implementation Plan (CEIP) in December 2021, and expects to file its second CEIP in October 2025, detailing the company's action plan for the next four-year period. • In 2021, Washington passed the Climate Commitment Act, which establishes a cap-and- invest program that was implemented through the regulatory rulemaking process in 2022 and came into effect January 1, 2023. The Climate Commitment Act does not modify any of PacifiCorp's obligations under CETA,and utilities that are subject to CETA are allocated allowances commensurate with emissions associated with Washington retail load at no cost. The legislation allows — but does not require — linkage with cap-and-trade programs in jurisdictions outside of Washington State. • In 2021, Oregon passed House Bill 2021, which directs utilities to reduce emissions levels below 2010-2012 baseline levels by 80% by 2030, 90% by 2035, and 100% by 2040. Utilities will also convene a Community Benefits and Impacts Advisory Group. The 2025 IRP includes modeling to support House Bill 2021 which will be expanded upon in PacifiCorp's Oregon Clean Energy Plan submission to be filed within 180 days of the 2025 IRP. PacifiCorp and the California Independent System Operator Corporation(CAISO)launched the voluntary western energy imbalance market (WEIM) November 1, 2014, the first western energy market outside of California. Since inception, The WEIM's footprint has grown significantly, generating $3.4 billion in monetary benefits to customers of participating entities. ($1.42 billion total footprint-wide benefits as of August 2, 2021). A significant contributor to EIM benefits is transfers across balancing authority areas, providing access to lower-cost supply, while factoring in the cost of compliance with 21 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT greenhouse gas emissions regulations when energy is transferred into the CAISO balancing authority area. Building on the success of WEIM, in 2022 PacifiCorp, along with CAISO and other stakeholders, collaborated to develop a market design for an extended day ahead market(EDAM) that CAISO plans to launch in 2025. Introduction This chapter profiles the major external influences that affect PacifiCorp's long-term resource planning and recent procurement activities. External influences include events and trends affecting the economy, wholesale power and natural gas prices, and public policy and regulatory initiatives that influence the environment in which PacifiCorp operates. Major issues in the power industry include resource adequacy and associated standards for the Western Electricity Coordinating Council(WECC).Future natural gas prices,the role of gas-fired generation, the role of emerging technologies, and the net costs of renewables and battery technologies also factor into the selection of the portfolio that best achieves least-cost, least-risk planning objectives. On the government policy and regulatory front, a further significant issue in the power industry and facing PacifiCorp continues to be planning for eventual, but highly uncertain, climate change policies. This chapter provides discussion on climate change policies as well as a review of significant policy developments for currently regulated pollutants. This chapter also provides updates on the status of renewable portfolio standards and resource procurement activities. sale Electricity PacifiCorp's system operates in conjunction with a multifaceted market. Operations and costs are tied to a larger electric system known as the Western Interconnection which functions, on a day- to-day basis, as a geographically dispersed marketplace. Each month, millions of megawatt-hours of energy are traded in the wholesale electricity market. These transactions yield economic efficiency by ensuring that resources with the lowest operating cost are serving demand throughout the region and by providing reliability benefits that arise from a larger portfolio of resources. PacifiCorp actively participates in the wholesale market by making purchases and sales to minimize costs and to keep its supply portfolio in balance with customers' expectations. This interaction with the market takes place on time scales ranging from sub-hourly to years in advance. Without the wholesale market, PacifiCorp — or any other load serving entity — would need to construct or own an unnecessarily large margin of supplies that would go unused in all but the most unusual circumstances and would substantially diminish its capability to cost effectively match delivery patterns to the profile of customer demand. The benefits of access to an integrated wholesale market have grown with the increased penetration of intermittent generation such as solar and wind. Intermittent generation can come online and go offline abruptly in congruence with changing weather conditions. Federal and state (where applicable) tax credits and improved technology performance have continued to place wind and solar energy generators"in the money"in areas of high resource potential.As such,wind and solar will continue to play a dominant role in power supply options over the next decade. To better 22 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 3—PLANNING ENVIRONMENT integrate these resources into the larger grid requires more flexible generation, transmission, evolving storage technologies, and market design changes. Regarding transmission, there are long-haul, renewable-driven transmission projects in advanced development in the U.S. WECC. These transmission lines ultimately connect areas of high renewable energy potential and low population density to areas of high population density with less renewable potential. This includes PacifiCorp's 416-mile high-voltage 500-kilovolt (kV) Gateway South project and the 59-mile high-voltage 230-kV Gateway West Segment D.1 project, brought in-service in late 2024. These transmission projects will provide greater system-wide flexibility transferring energy from Wyoming to load centers located in Utah. The intermittency of renewable generation has also given rise to a greater need for fast-responding and long-duration storage, which is essential for grid stability and resiliency. Pumped storage has been the traditional storage option and there are multiple projects being developed throughout the West. Of remaining mechanical, thermal, and chemical storage options, lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries have shown the most promise in terms of cost and performance. In 2013, the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) required investor-owned utilities to procure 1,325 MW of storage by 2020; that requirement has been satisfied. As of 2022, nine states had implemented energy storage targets or mandates, with action being considered in at least one other.' In California, the Elkhorn Battery project became fully operational for Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) in April of 2022. The Moss Landing project in Monterey County includes 182.5 MW of Tesla Megapack energy storage.2 Hybrid co-located solar photovoltaic (SPV) and battery systems are now in Utah, Hawaii, Arizona,Nevada, California, and Texas. In 2018, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) directed regional transmission organizations (RTO) and independent system operators (ISO) to develop market rules for the participation of energy storage in wholesale energy, capacity,and ancillary services markets'. The FERC gave operators nine months to file tariffs and another year to implement — essentially opening wholesale markets to energy storage. Operators' proposed tariffs have varied substantially among regions with PJM requiring a 10-hour continuous discharge capability while New England requires a continuous 2-hour capability. Later, in May 2019, the FERC issued an order generally affirming the earlier order to establish reforms to remove barriers to the participation of electric storage resources in certain organized wholesale markets.PacifiCorp continues to evaluate the cost effectiveness of several energy storage systems, including pumped storage, stand-alone Li-ion batteries, flow batteries, iron-air storage and other long-duration storage, as well as energy storage co-located with generating resources. Increased renewable generation has also contributed to the need for balancing sub-hourly demand and supply across a broader and more diverse market. For balancing purposes, PacifiCorp combined its resources with those of the CAISO through the creation of the Energy Imbalance 1 California,New Jersey,New York,Massachusetts,Oregon,Nevada,Virginia,Connecticut,and Maine have either mandated or set energy storage targets,while Arizona is considering the implementation of targets. 2 In addition to Elkhorn,PG&E has contracts for more than 3,330 MW of battery storage being deployed statewide through 2024,more than 900 MW of which has been connected to California's electric grid.The Mercury News, March 8,2023;PG&E ushers in landmark Tesla battery energy storage system at Moss Landing(mercurynews.com) 3162 FERC¶61,127 United States of American Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 18 CFR Part 35 [Docket Nos.RM16-23-000;AD16-20-000;Order No. 841]Electric Storage Participation in Markets Operated by Regional Transmission;Organizations and Independent System Operator(Issued February 15,2018) 23 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 3—PLANNING ENVIRONMENT Market (EIM). The EIM became operational November 1, 2014, and since that time has seen NV Energy, Puget Sound Energy, Arizona Public Service, Portland General Electric, Powerex, Idaho Power, Balancing Authority of Northern California, Salt River Project, Seattle City Light, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Northwestern Energy, and Public Service Company of New Mexico, Avista Utilities, Tucson Electric Power, Turlock Irrigation District, Tacoma Power, Bonneville Power Administration, Avangrid Renewables, El Paso Electric, and Western Area Power Administration join the EIM. Black Hills Power plans to join the EIM in 2026. The multi- service area footprint brings greater resource and geographical diversity allowing for increased reliability and cost savings in balancing generation with demand using 15-minute interchange scheduling and five-minute dispatch. CAISO's role is limited to the sub-hourly scheduling and dispatching of participating EIM generators. CAISO does not have any other grid operator responsibilities for PacifiCorp's service areas. As part of other EIM participating entities, PacifiCorp is also participating in the CAISO stakeholder process to establish an Extended Day- Ahead Market(EDAM),which is currently in the phase of implementation activities and expected to onboard participants in 2026. As with all markets,electricity markets face a wide range of uncertainties.In February 2021,winter storm Uri caused an unprecedented 24.1% decline in marketed natural gas production in Texas, a drop of 186.7 billion cubic feet(Bcf) compared to the previous month. This decline contributed to the largest monthly decline in natural gas production on record in the Lower 48 states.This weather event caused widespread disruptions in energy supply and demand, including extended electric power blackouts in Texas. The Western United States experienced an excessive heat event during the first week of September 2022. As a result, record temperatures were recorded on September 4th through September 7t', reaching as high as 1140 F in Sacramento, California, 1100 F in Burbank, California, and 1070 F in Salt Lake City, Utah. With these record setting temperatures, the West saw a widespread surge in electricity demand and correspondingly tight supply conditions. Maintaining reliability across the region during this period was a testament to the benefits of energy markets, geographic diversity across the West, and conservation efforts during extreme heat events. Market participants routinely study demand uncertainties driven by weather and overall economic conditions. The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) publishes an annual assessment of regional power reliability, and any number of data services are available that track the status of new resource additions4. In NERC's latest release, the WECC region was classified as "elevated risk", in which shortfalls may occur in extreme conditions. The Western Resource Adequacy Program(WRAP)5 will also provide market participants insight into potential supply constraints and give participants some assurance that sufficient resources have been procured for the program to maintain a 1-in-10-year loss of load expectancy standard. In addition to binding load and resource showings for the upcoming season, the WRAP will conduct advisory two- and five-year resource adequacy assessments for the footprint that will allow participants to better plan for the future needs of their systems. The Forward Showing program will ensure participants procure sufficient resources to meet a footprint wide reliability 4 2020 Long-term Reliability Assessment,December 2020,North American Electric Reliability Assessment 5 https://www.westernpowerpool.org/about/programs/western-resource-adequacy-program 24 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT standard, and the Ops Program will facilitate transfers between entities in a resource deficit and those with excess resources. In addition to reliability planning,there are externalities that can heavily influence the direction of future prices. One such uncertainty is the evolution of natural gas prices over the course of the IRP planning horizon. Natural gas-fired generation and gas prices have been a critical determinant of western electricity prices, and this is expected to continue over the term of this plan's decision horizon. While the share of natural gas in the resource western resource mix is expected to fall by the end of the horizon because of increasing renewable resource buildout, natural gas will remain on the margin in many hours,particularly critical hours when renewable resource output is limited. Another critical uncertainty that weighs heavily on the 2025 IRP,as in past IRPs,is the uncertainty surrounding future greenhouse gas policies,both federal and/or state.PacifiCorp's official forward price curve (OFPC) does not assume a federal carbon dioxide (CO2) policy, but other price scenarios developed for the IRP consider impacts of potential future federal and state policies which drive additional costs and restrictions of emissions. However, PacifiCorp's OFPC does include enforceable state climate programs that have been signed into law'. Power Market Prices Mild weather, strong production, and limited exports caused high storage levels in the fossil gas market, resulting in low gas prices throughout 2024. Low fuel prices coupled with mild demand led to an annually averaged 34% decrease in on-peak spot prices across the Non-CAISO WECC trading hubs in 2024, as seen in Table 3.1. Table 3.1 - 2023 and 2024 Monthly Average On-Peak Spot Prices ($/MWh) Jan 135.23 137.27 2.05 2% Feb 84.41 41.95 -42.46 -50% Mar 76.51 25.05 -51.46 -67% Apr 79.53 18.57 -60.97 -77% May 21.60 20.48 -1.13 -5% Jun 38.87 31.13 -7.74 -20% Ju 1 93.02 67.88 -25.13 -27% Aug 88.59 48.50 -40.09 -45% Sep 51.76 52.55 0.78 2% Oct 78.57 46.24 -32.33 -41% Nov 70.90 35.19 -35.71 -50% Dec 52.12 47.50 -4.62 -9% Annual 72.59 47.69 -24.90 -34% *As of December 16, 2024 6 California and Washington carbon allowance price forecasts are applied when appropriate. Washington allowance prices assumed the forecast published by Vivid Economics,commissioned by Washington Department of Ecology as part of its CCA Regulatory Impact Analysis for WAC 173-446,which was the best available information at the time of modeling. Available at hitps:Hgpps.ecology.wa.gov/publications/documents/2202047,gdf, 25 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 3—PLANNING ENVIRONMENT Source: SNL Barring major geo-political disruptions or other sustained economic drivers, forecasted wholesale power prices are expected to increase slightly relative to 2024 peaks and will follow seasonal weather trends with higher prices over the summer months. Broker price spreads indicate August 2025 On-Peak power prices at Palo Verde,Mead,Four Corners, and Mid-Columbia are all trading around$1054120 per MWh. Fi ure 3.1 -Forward Prices at WECC Major Trading Hubs $160.00 $140.00 $120.00 — /� $100.00 $80.00 �♦ ♦ - $60.00 ARM . - i r / v $20.00 / aw ♦♦ / N w Ln N N w Ln N N w U1 N \ \ \ \ \ N \ \ \ \ \ N \ \ \ \ \ N N N N N \ N N N N N \ N N N N N \ O O O O O N O O O O O N O O O O O N N N N N N O N N N N N O N N N N N O Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln N M M Q1 Ol a) V �I N Ui 61 V PV On-Peak ——— PV Off-Peak —Mead On-Peak ——— Mead Off-Peak 4C On-Peak ——— 4C Off-Peak —MidC On-Peak ——— MidC Off-Peak Source: OTC, Siemens PTI 26 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT Table 3.2 reports the quarterly on-peak and off-peak price spread across the major WECC hubs, driving the peaks and valleys observed in Figure 3.1 above. Table 3.2 - 2025-2027 Forward Price Spread ($/MWh) Date On-Peak_ Off-Peak On-Peak Off-Peak On-Peak Off-Peak On-Peak Off-Peak IJ112025 $ 44.57 $ 44.53 $ 49.32 $ 49.35 $ 55.87 $ 60.23 $ 72.60 $ 57.25 ----- ----- -- ---------------- ---------------•_-------------- ---------------•-------------- ---------•--------------- 5/1/2025 $ 18.04 $ 27.62 $ 21.12 ? $ 30.62 $ 17.05 1 $ 34.20 $ 26.81 $ 17.02 --------------- ------------------------------- ---------------7--------------- ---------------T-------------- --------------T-------------- 8/1/2025 $104.89 ; $ 60.81 $120.14 $ 67.85 $111.56 $ 77.93 $103.20 $ 53.99 ........ 11/1/2025 $ 42.14 i $ 47.94 $ 46.28 ; $ 51.86 $ 43.55 : $ 54.89 $ 59.08 ; $ 47.28 --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------I-- --- - -- ---------- --- ------ ---- - --t--------------- 1/1/2026 $ 63.81 i $ 73.32 $ 68.41 i $ 85.12 $ 79.99 i $ 99.17 $100.52 i $ 92.19 ------------ - ------ -- _------------------------- 5/1/2026 $ 17.98 $ 37.62 $ 16.18 $ 39.84 $ 17.00 1 $ 46.59 $ 27.99 i $ 23.71 --- -------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- 8/1/2026 $107.13 $ 71.57 $125.96 ? $ 59.86 $113.94 $ 91.72 $113.74 $ 56.61 ---------------- ---------------•-------------- ---------------•--------------- ---------------•--------- --------------•--------------- 11/1/2026 $ 45.38 $ 57.92 $ 46.83 ? $ 68.32 $ 46.89 $ 66.32 $ 75.27 $ 67.37 _______________7--------------- ___---_-__--_-_ --------------- -----------------____--------_ -----_-..-.-_ -------------- 1/1/2027 $ 71.36 $ 83.56 $ 70.01 $ 88.44 $ 89.44 $113.02 $102.48 $ 91.87 ----------------- --------------- ------ 5/1/2027 $ 19.80 : $ 35.40 $ 9.73 : $ 35.70 $ 18.71 i $ 43.83 $ 34.07 i $ 34.10 --------------- ---------------i--- - ---------------e--------------- --------------a--------------- --------------a--------------- 8/1/2027 $114.63 : $ 80.80 $134.58_: $ 81.71 $121.91 : $103.55 $125.72 i $ 55.51 -- -- - - - - -- - - - - 11/1/2027 $ 41.95 i $ 57.62 $ 54.19 $ 70.41 $ 43.35 i $ 65.97 1 $ 82.83 $ 78.10 Source: OTC Power Market Dynamics Non-CAISO WECC Generation and Capacity Mix The generation mix in the non-CAISO WECC region reflects the influence of individual state RPS and emissions policies. In 2023,natural gas resources provided about 3 1% of generated energy followed by hydro at 22%, coal at 18%, and wind at 12%. Natural gas and coal share is expected to decrease slightly, with non-hydro renewables expected to replace this energy throughout 2030. 27 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 3—PLANNING ENVIRONMENT Figure 3.2 - National RPS Targets NH- 24.8%by 2025 � VT:75% ME:100%by by 2032 2050 1 2030 2035 1 1 CT:40%by 1 NJ:50%by 2030 :I, 1 �1 1'1, • 1 DE:25%by 1 1 ' 2025 SC:2%by MD:50%by 2021 2030 DC:100% HI:100%by by 2032 2045 ■State RPS ■State Goal Figure 3.3 - States with CO2 Reduction Targets MN.March 2019 WI:Aug 2019 Governor calls Executive Order NY:June 2019 ME:June 2019 WA:May 2019 for 80 for new agency IL:Legislation passed net zero 100 RPS by zero carbon reduction by to ensure zero requiring zero carbon by 2040. 2050 enacted.generation by 2050 carbon carbon also RGGI also RGGI 2045 enacted generation by generation by participant artici ant 2050. 2030 in P OR:2021 Zero development I carbon generation Northeast and by 2o4o enacted Mid Atlantic state carbon trading under NV:Zero RGGI carbon by G (NJ joins RGGI e Jan.2020.VA has advanced efforts to join) DC:100% RPS by CA:Active 2032 carbon trading AB32,and zero carbon by 2045 NM.Zero carbon by 2045 for IOUS.2050 Hr 100`b for coops RPS by 2045 ®Active Carbon Trading ■Zero Carbon Generation Requirement LJCarbon Trading Developing Zero Carbon Generation Requirements Developing Source: Siemens PTI 28 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 3—PLANNING ENVIRONMENT Figure 3.4 -Non-CAISO WECC Generated Energy(TWh) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 ■ "oal Natural Gas ■Nuclear ■Hydro ■ Solar ■Wind ■Other Source: IHS Markit, SNL, Siemens PTI 29 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 3—PLANNING ENVIRONMENT In 2023, 3.5 GW of solar resources and 600 MW of wind were added in the non-CAISO WECC, with similar quantities coming online through October 2024. Into 2025, Siemens expects approximately 3.6 GW of wind and 2.1 GW of solar to come online based on activity in regional interconnection queues. Storage capacity additions have also been significant, with 1.4 GW of storage capacity brought online in 2022 and 1.9 GW online through October 2024. Minimal fossil fuel capacity came online in 2023 and that trend may continue through 2030 if carbon reduction goals continue to drive renewable additions. Figure 3.5-Non-CAISO WECC Capacity Addition(GW) 14 12 10 8 ■ 6 4 2 0 202S 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 ■Storage ■ Natural Gas ■Other ■Solar ■Wind Source:IHS Markit, SNL, Siemens PTI 30 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 3—PLANNING ENVIRONMENT Figure 3.6 -Non-CAISO WECC Capacity Retirement (GW) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 ■Coal ■Hydro ■Gas ■Oil Source:IHS Markit, SNL, Siemens PTI Emissions and Environment Cool weather and low natural gas prices in 2023 led to decreased emissions and low demand for allowances. In addition, the finalization of the Good Neighbor Plan in March 2023 contributed to an 18%NOx emission reduction within the 10 implemented states. On April 25, 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)unveiled its final rule to regulate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from power plants under Section 111 of the Clean Air Act. The updated rule mandates that coal-fired baseload units achieve 90% carbon capture and storage (CCS)by 2032. It also provides an option for plants scheduled for retirement by 2039 to co-fire up to 40% natural gas as a transitional measure to reduce emissions. Non-CAISO WECC Demand Forecast After years of relatively stagnant demand nationwide, recent additions of loads—such as data centers, manufacturing facilities, and electrification initiatives—have caused load forecast projections to surge. According to regional outlooks, the non-CAISO WECC region is anticipated to experience a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 1.8% from 2024 to 2030. Recent Integrated Resource Plans (IRPs) from utilities across the region, including Nevada Energy, Arizona Public Service, show higher-than-usual load growth expectations, largely due to significant new load additions expected to come online in the coming years. 31 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 3—PLANNING ENVIRONMENT Figure 3.7 -Non-CAISO WECC Capacity Retirement (GW) 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Source: Siemens PTI Forward Influence of the IRA In August 2022, the US Congress Passed the Inflation Reduction Act ("IRA"). The notable near- term impacts of the IRA are to allow all non-carbon emitting resources and energy storage resources to select either production tax credits and investment tax credits. Production tax credits are expected to provide greater benefits for wind, solar, and many other generation technologies and may contribute to suppressed market prices during periods of renewable resource oversupply as generators may be willing to accept negative attempt to avoid losing production tax credits. As of November 2024, the future of some provisions of the IRA remains uncertain under the new administration.While a repeal of the IRA is unlikely as that would require congressional approval, the Trump administration could slow the payment of grants and loans or rescind or modify regulations and guidance issued to date on how to implement provisions of the IRA. This action would make it difficult for companies and individuals to plan with certainty with respect to claiming tax credits for investments in new renewable and non-emitting technologies including EVs and offshore wind. A US policy movement away from federal climate initiatives could also enhance China's global dominance in clean energy industries such as solar panels and EVs,while potential new import tariffs could hinder the deployment of energy generation and other technologies supported by the IRA. 32 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 3—PLANNING ENVIRONMENT Natural Gas Prices 2022 Summary In the first quarter of 2022, demand for natural gas surpassed production in the US due to well freeze-offs in January and February.High withdrawals of natural gas from storage during this time caused prices to increase. Continued demand for U.S. liquified natural gas (LNG) exports into Europe due to Russia's war on Ukraine, as well as increasing weather-driven demand, caused upward price pressure. In the second quarter, starting in May, weather-related demand for natural gas for electric generation as well as uncertainty around storage injections led to an increase in natural gas prices. The Henry Hub spot prices, as you can see in Figure 3.7, rose to over$9/MMBtu. However, in late June, the second largest LNG export terminal in the US, accounting for 17% of total LNG export capacity, suffered a tragic explosion which took it offline. As such prices fell to below $6/MMBtu. For the first half of 2022, the U.S. was the largest exporter of LNG in the world, and over two-thirds of the cargoes headed to Europe. Figure 3.8 -Daily 2022 Henry Hub Spot Prices (USD/MMBtu) 10.00 Weather related demand and LNG -�—� &00 exports outpaces production \4 1 6.00 / Above normal summer temperature Freeport LNG drives record demand }}} 4.00 R export terminal for power generation / \ explosion / Well freezeoffs reduces demand Z pp Below normal winter reduces temperature drives record production demand for heating 0.00 Jan-22 Feb22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22 Jd-22 Aug-22 Aug-22 Oct-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-n Source:S&P Global, Siemens PTI The price of natural gas quickly rebounded in July and August, because of a heat wave in many parts of The U.S.,which resulted in record high demand for power generation. The Western States of the U.S. were particularly affected by this not only due to higher demand for power but also from reduced supply of hydro resources due to continuing drought. Despite these challenges, US Lower 48 supply surpassed pre-pandemic levels in the first half of 2022, led by gas production growth as higher prices spurred increased rig activity. Rig activity was more pronounced in low-cost basins such as Permian (Texas/New Mexico) and Haynesville (Louisiana) as they have better infrastructure to access demand areas. Production growth slowed over the second half of 2022 as inflation, labor, and materials shortages, and service sector constraints continued to impact producers, keeping overall domestic production hovering around 100 Bcf/d. Natural gas delivery in the US is complex due to the number of supply sources and pipelines that transport gas to various hubs around the country. As such prices at Henry Hub do impact prices in the West as the same source that supplies the gulf coast region can also supply the Western states. 33 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 3—PLANNING ENVIRONMENT However, there may be regional differences in price due to pipeline constraints. For instance, in December 2022 and January 2023, while most of the country had above-normal temperatures, California experienced wet and below-normal cold temperatures that significantly increased demand for natural gas. This higher demand, the constraint on pipelines, and reduce storage levels contributed to significantly higher prices that the west is currently experiencing. 2023 Summary In 2023, U.S. natural gas prices saw a significant drop compared to the previous year, with the benchmark Henry Hub price averaging $2.57 per million British thermal units (MMBtu), a steep 62% decline from 2022. This price decline was largely driven by record-high production levels, which reached an average of 104 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d), 4% higher than the previous year. This production increase was particularly notable in key regions like the Permian, Haynesville, and Appalachia, where technological advancements and strong oil prices supported higher outputs. Figure 3.9—Annual 2022-2023 Change in US Natural Gas Production by Region (bcf/d) Permian 1 Haynesville Appalachia Eagle Ford 0. Bakken Anadarkteulf of Mexico 0 Niobrara -0.5 -1 -1.5 Rest of US Source: EIA, Siemens PTI Weather played a critical role in shaping the market. Warmer-than-average winter temperatures in January and February significantly reduced demand for natural gas in residential and commercial heating, particularly in the Midwest and Northeast, where natural gas is a primary heating source for most households. These mild conditions led to the lowest winter consumption levels in seven years and kept storage inventories above the five-year average for much of the year, further pressuring prices downward. 34 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 3—PLANNING ENVIRONMENT Figure 3.10—Lower 48 Weekly Working Gas in Underground Storage (Bcf/d) 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 1� 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec -2021 2022 -2023 2024 Source: EIA, Siemens PTI On the West Coast, natural gas prices were influenced by unique regional factors. Severe winter storms early in the year disrupted supply chains and increased demand for heating in California and surrounding areas, creating temporary price spikes in localized markets. However, as weather conditions stabilized and milder temperatures returned, these pressures eased, and West Coast prices aligned more closely with the broader national trend of declining natural gas costs. While domestic demand for natural gas remained relatively flat overall, there were notable increases in liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports,which rose by 12%, and pipeline exports, which increased by 9%. These exports helped offset some of the impact of reduced residential and commercial consumption. Despite this,the overall supply-demand balance remained tilted toward oversupply, with storage levels high and production continuing at record rates. Adding to the dynamics was the gradual recovery of the Freeport LNG facility, which had been offline due to an outage in 2022 and returned to full operation in 2023.While this increased export capacity, it did not significantly alter the broader market trajectory, as domestic production remained the dominant factor. Prices remained under $3.00/MMBtu for most of the year, with May marking the lowest monthly average at $2.19/MMBtu, illustrating how robust supply and subdued demand combined to create one of the least volatile years for natural gas in recent history. 35 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT 2024 Summary In 2024, U.S. natural gas prices remained relatively low, with the Henry Hub averaging under $3.00 per MMBtu through November. Production levels, while slightly reduced compared to the previous year, remained robust at an average of 103.3 Bcf/d according to EIA. This marked the first annual production decline since 2020, driven by lower drilling activity as a result of subdued spot prices. Despite this,overall supply continued to outpace domestic demand,keeping inventories above the five- year average. In the Permian Basin of western Texas and southeastern New Mexico,natural gas production,primarily as associated gas from oil wells,increased this year alongside rising oil production driven by oil prices, with expanding pipeline takeaway capacity, such as the Matterhorn pipeline, continuing to support higher production levels despite some volatility caused by periodic pipeline maintenance affecting Permian supply On the demand side, residential and commercial consumption increased due to a colder winter compared to 2023, reversing the trend of reduced heating needs observed in the prior year. LNG exports reached a record 12.1 Bcf/d as global demand for U.S.natural gas grew,particularly in Europe, where efforts to diversify energy sources remained a priority. However, higher exports were offset by stable industrial demand and moderate consumption for power generation, resulting in a balanced domestic market. Regional pricing saw temporary variations,particularly in the West,where localized weather events, including early-season storms, increased heating demand briefly. Despite these regional factors,the national market reflected a stable supply-demand balance with minimal volatility. This relative stability was further supported by the continued high storage levels, maintaining downward pressure on prices throughout the year. 2025-2032 Forward View As we consider the 2025 to 2030 timeframe, our fundamental forecast for natural gas spot prices at Henry Hub indicates a steady upward trend, with prices expected to average in the mid- $4/MMBtu range in real terms by 2027. Total natural gas demand is projected to reach 122 Bcf/d by 2029, a 13% increase from 2023 levels, driven primarily by rising LNG exports and pipeline deliveries to Mexico. LNG exports are anticipated to double by 2027, as several terminals reach final investment decisions and expand capacity. Similarly,pipeline exports to Mexico are expected to grow significantly, fueled by increased demand for power generation and industrial use. To meet this growing demand, U.S. natural gas production is expected to expand significantly, particularly from low-cost basins such as the Permian,Eagle Ford,and Haynesville. These regions are well-positioned to serve both domestic and export markets, benefiting from their proximity to demand centers and the development of new takeaway capacity through ongoing pipeline expansion projects. While the market may experience tightness through the middle of the decade due to accelerating LNG export growth, the combination of increased production and strategic infrastructure investments is expected to stabilize supply and support a balanced market by 2032. 36 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT Figure 3.11 —Henry Hub Futures $7.00 $6.00 $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 $0.00 V C.C) CD r- 00 M O N CO � Cn CD h 00 O O N M � LO (D n CO M O N N N N N N CO M CO CO M M M M M M 1 � � � � � � � � LO O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Q4 2024 Source: Siemens PTl, GPCM Conclusion In summary, the natural gas market is poised for significant growth through the 2025-2030 timeframe, driven by surging export demand and supported by robust production from key basins and expanding infrastructure. While domestic demand shifts modestly, the market's stability will hinge on the alignment of production growth with expanding export capacity. Despite periods of tightness mid-decade, strategic investments and rising supply will position the market for long- term equilibrium, with Henry Hub prices reflecting this balance. PacifiCorp's Multi-State Process PacifiCorp is a multi-state utility that provides retail electric service to over 2 million customers across six states. The costs of providing this retail electric service to customers is recovered through retail rates established in regulatory proceedings in each state. To ensure states receive the appropriate allocation of costs and benefits from PacifiCorp's integrated system,the collaborative multi-state process(MSP)has been used to develop an allocation methodology. This collaborative process has led to the development and adoption of PacifiCorp's current inter jurisdictional cost- allocation method. The underlying principle of each of the historical inter jurisdictional cost-allocation methods has been the use of PacifiCorp's system as a single whole. Except for distribution, all states are served from a common portfolio of generation and transmission assets, which enables the company to leverage economies of scale and take advantage of load diversity to plan and operate in a way that results in cost savings for all customers. Recently, state energy policies across the states served by the company have challenged this principle. For example, requirements to remove coal-fired generation from rates in certain states will necessarily result in some states being allocated the 37 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT costs and benefits of coal-fired generation while other states are not. Similarly, diverging state polices related to implementation of the Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act of 1978, retail choice, private generation, and incorporation of societal externalities in resource planning challenge the long-standing practice of planning for a single, integrated system. In December 2019, PacifiCorp filed the most recent inter jurisdictional cost-allocation methodology, known as the 2020 PacifiCorp Inter jurisdictional Allocation Protocol (2020 Protocol). Under the 2020 Protocol, five of PacifiCorp's six retail states would continue sharing all system resources, while Washington, which had previously only recognized resources in PacifiCorp's west Balancing Authority Area, would share in all system transmission and non- emitting resources. Signatories to the 2020 Protocol had been discussing the development of a future allocation methodology that would address all states' energy policy, while maintaining the benefits of PacifiCorp's system. In 2024, PacifiCorp determined that a negotiated agreement was unlikely given the differences in state energy policies and data limitations for parties to compare alternatives. PacifiCorp will file a new allocation methodology for approval by all six state commissions and implementation in 2026. PacifiCorp's guiding principles in the development of the new allocation methodology will continue to be: 1. Provide a long-term, durable solution; 2. Follow cost-causation principles; 3. Minimize rate impacts at implementation; 4. Allow for state autonomy for new resource portfolio selection; 5. Maintain and optimize system-wide benefits and joint dispatch to the extent possible; 6. Enable compliance with state policies; 7. Ensure credit-supportive financial outcome; and 8. Provide the company with a reasonable opportunity to recover its costs. Environmental Regulatio The upcoming administration change featuring Republican control of the House, Senate, and presidency, sets the stage for significant shifts in federal energy policy that could influence PacifiCorp's portfolio selection process used in the development of future IRPs. PacifiCorp recognizes the potential for new legislative and regulatory priorities to impact the energy sector and resource planning. The company actively monitors federal legislative and regulatory developments and participates in rulemaking processes by submitting comments, engaging in hearings, and providing policy assessments to ensure alignment with evolving requirements. Suggested upcoming legislative priorities under the new administration include changes to the Inflation Reduction Act and a reconciliation bill with energy as a focal point that could directly impact PacifiCorp's existing and potential generation portfolio. 38 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT Federal Policy Update National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program - $5 billion FY 2022-2026 The U.S.Department of Transportation's(DOT)Federal Highway Administration(FHWA)NEVI Formula Program will provide funding to states to strategically deploy electric vehicle (EV) charging stations and to establish an interconnected network to facilitate data collection, access, and reliability. Funding is available for up to 80% of eligible project costs, including: • The acquisition, installation, and network connection of EV charging stations to facilitate data collection, access, and reliability; • Proper operation and maintenance of EV charging stations; and, • Long-term EV charging station data sharing. Section 11401 Grants for Charging and Fueling Infrastructure - $2.5 billion for FY 2022—2026. Competitive grant program to strategically deploy publicly accessible electric vehicle charging infrastructure and other alternative fueling infrastructure along designated alternative fuel corridors. At least 50 percent of this funding must be used for a community grant program where priority is given to projects that expand access to EV charging and alternative fueling infrastructure within rural areas, low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, and communities with a low ratio of private parking spaces New Credits and Considerations for Non-emitting Resources — Inflation Reduction Act The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) is a comprehensive set of clean energy legislation signed into law in August 2022 by President Biden. Substantive details of how the legislation will be implemented are still being fleshed out in the form or regulations and other guidance. The IRA contains newly structured technology-specific and technology-neutral tax credits for electric generating facilities and other clean energy incentives such as credits for Energy Storage Technology, Carbon Capture Use and Sequestration (CCUS), and hydrogen production. Furthermore, the IRA contains incentives that may affect demand, such as tax credits for electric vehicles. Features of the IRA include: • The bill directs $437b in spending towards climate and healthcare investments with over $300b dedicated to deficit reduction. • The bill extends existing and creates new energy investment and production tax credits and institutes a new technology-neutral zero emission generation tax credit in 2025, supplanting the extended generation-specific credits. Eligibility expires upon meeting economy-wide emissions reduction targets. The bill also establishes a new 15% corporate minimum book tax and a new 1% excise tax on corporate stock buybacks. • Key Energy Provisions: o Extends wind, geothermal, and solar investment and production tax credits at full value through December 31, 2024. Solar projects are newly eligible to apply the production tax credit to energy generated. Additional 10% bonus credits each are available for both locating projects in communities with retired coal operations and 39 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT meeting certain domestic content requirements; achieving full credit value is also conditioned on meeting wage and apprenticeship requirements. o Establishes new tax credits for clean hydrogen, microgrids, electric vehicle purchases, existing nuclear generation, and the domestic manufacture of solar, wind,and battery components.Value and eligibility for existing carbon capture and sequestration credits are also enhanced and expanded. o Institutes a new technology-neutral, zero emission generation tax credit in 2025, supplanting the extended technology-specific credits. The technology-neutral credits phase down upon meeting economy-wide emissions reduction targets. In the 2025 IRP,resources in designated areas are assumed to receive the 10%Energy Community bonus, resulting in a 110%PTC (wind, solar, other energy resources) or 40%ITC (energy storage and peaking resources) New Credits and Considerations for Customer Resources—Inflation Reduction Act Beginning January 1,2023,the Clean Vehicle Credit(CVC)provisions remove manufacturer sales caps, expand the scope of eligible vehicles to include both EVs and FCEVs, and require a traction battery that has at least seven kilowatt-hours (kWh). An available tax credit under the CVC may be limited by the vehicle's MSRP and the buyer's modified adjusted gross income Once the Treasury Department issues the critical mineral and battery component guidance, vehicles that meet the critical mineral requirements are eligible for$3,750 tax credit, and vehicles that meet the battery component requirements are eligible for a$3,750 tax credit.Vehicles meeting both the critical mineral and the battery component requirements are eligible for a total tax credit of$7,500. The IRA also extends the federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) for small scale solar systems through 2034 and expands the credit to include standalone energy storage systems as well. Since the passage of the IRA,the ITC has been extended beyond its original expiration date for ten years. For facilities beginning construction before January 1, 2025, the bill will extend the ITC for up to 30 percent of the cost of installed equipment for ten years and will then step down to 26 percent in 2033 and 22 percent in 2034. For projects beginning construction after 2019 that are placed in service before January 1, 2022, the ITC is set at 26 percent. In addition to the new federal ITC schedule for generating facilities, the updated ITC includes credits for standalone energy storage with a capacity of at least 3 kWh for residential customers and 5 kWh for non-residential customers. The IRA funds multiple programs and tax incentives to improve the energy efficiency for residential and non-residential buildings and equipment. For non-residential buildings, the IRA provides tax deductions of$0.50-5.00 per square foot (/sf) of floor area to owners of new and improved energy-saving commercial buildings depending on the percentage of energy savings and whether the contractor pays prevailing wages. Even larger broad greenhouse gas emission reduction programs under the IRA could be used to reduce emissions from commercial buildings. The IRA also provides more than$25 billion for programs and tax incentives to improve the energy efficiency of existing and new homes. In addition to program funding, the IRA enhances the 25C Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit. This long-standing federal tax credit applies to home energy improvements such as insulation,windows, heat pumps, and furnaces. Starting in 2023, IRA increases the credit to 30% of cost,with an annual cap of$1,200 along with 40 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT smaller limits for most items, but it also allows up to $2,000 for a heat pump (in 2022 the credit is under the old rules, with lower amounts and a lifetime cap of$500). New Source Performance Standards for Carbon Emissions from New and Existing Sources — Clean Air Act § 111(b) and (d) New Source Performance Standards are established under the Clean Air Act for certain industrial sources of emissions determined to endanger public health and welfare, including thermal electric generating units. After two previous iterations, in April 2024, the EPA finalized new rules addressing greenhouse gas emissions from new and reconstructed natural gas-fueled combustion turbines (Clean Air Act Section I I I(b) rule) and existing coal- and gas- or oil-fueled steam units (Clean Air Act Section I I I(d) rule). For new combustion turbines, the final rule establishes three subcategories based on operating intensity as measured by capacity factor. I. Base load turbines (operating above 40% of maximum annual capacity factor) must initially meet a standard reflective of an efficient combined cycle design and also achieve 90% carbon capture by January 1, 2032. 2. Intermediate load turbines (operating between 20%and 40% of capacity factor)must meet a standard reflective of an efficient simple cycle design. 3. Low load turbines (operating below 20% capacity factor) must meet a standard based on using low-emitting fuels. For existing coal-fired electric generating units (EGUs), the final rule subcategorizes plants based on the units intended operational timeline. 1. Long-term units (operating beyond January 1, 2039) must meet emission limits based on 90% carbon capture and storage (CCS)by January 1, 2032. 2. Medium-term units (retiring by January 1, 2039) must meet limits by January 1, 2030, using 40%natural gas co-firing. 3. Near-term units (closing before January 1, 2032)have no emission reduction obligations. For existing gas- or oil-fueled steam units, the final rule subcategories units based on capacity factor. I. Base load units(annual capacity factor greater than or equal to 45%)must maintain routine operations and maintenance, with no increase in emission rate (1,400 lb/MWh) 2. Intermediate load units (annual capacity factor between 8% and 45%) must maintain routine operations and maintenance, with no increase in emission rate (1,600 lb/MWh) 3. Low load units (annual capacity factor less than 8%) must meet a standard based on using low-emitting fuels. States are required to submit implementation plans within two years of the rule's publication. These plans must show meaningful engagement with stakeholders, including affected communities and reliability authorities. States also have flexibility to consider factors like Remaining Useful Life, allow for emissions trading and averaging, and provide one-year compliance extensions for delays beyond an operator's control. The rule has been challenged by multiple parties and is currently awaiting a decision from the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. 41 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 3—PLANNING ENVIRONMENT Credit for Carbon Oxide Sequestration — Internal Revenue Service § 45Q In 2008, the Internal Revenue Service issued a tax credit for carbon oxide sequestration under section 45Q to incentivize carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) investments. The tax credit is computed per metric ton (tonne) of qualified carbon oxide captured and sequestered.' Carbon oxide can either be permanently disposed of in secure geological storage or the carbon oxide can be utilized—typically as a tertiary injectant in enhanced oil recovery(EOR). The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 reformed 45Q for carbon capture equipment that is placed in service on or after February 9,2018, increasing the credit amount from$10/tonne to $35/tonne for utilization and from $20/tonne to $50/tonne for storage.' This Act also removed the limit on the amount of tax credits that could be awarded for CCS, and, instead,requires a minimum amount of carbon oxide to be capture annually (500,000 tonnes per year for an electric generating facility) and is available for 12 years from the date the carbon capture equipment is originally placed into service. The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 extended the date construction must begin to receive the tax credits by two years, from January 1, 2024 to January 1, 2026. The Inflation Reduction Act made considerable changes to the 45Q tax credit in 2022. The tax credit amount increased to $60/tonne (use) and $85/tonne (storage), the construction window was extended to January 1, 2033, the minimum capture thresholds were lowered (18,750 tonnes per year for electric generating facilities) and the Act now requires 75% of a generating units CO2 production to be captured, among other requirements. Clean Air Act Criteria Pollutants — National Ambient Air Quality Standards The Clean Air Act requires EPA to set National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for six criteria pollutants that have the potential of harming human health or the environment. The NAAQS are rigorously vetted by the scientific community, industry, public interest groups, and the general public, and establish the maximum allowable concentration allowed for each"criteria" pollutant in outdoor air. The six pollutants are carbon monoxide, lead, ground-level ozone, nitrogen dioxide (NOx), particulate matter (PM), and sulfur dioxide (S02). The standards are set at a level that protects public health with an adequate margin of safety. If an area is determinedto be out of compliance with an established NAAQS standard,the state is required to develop a state implementation plan to bring that area into compliance, and that plan must be approved by EPA. The plan is developed so that once implemented, the NAAQS for the pollutant of concern will be achieved. Ozone NAAQS In October 2015, EPA issued a final rule modifying the standards for ground-level ozone from 75 parts per billion(ppb)to 70 ppb. In addition to meeting the ozone NAAQS for areas within a state, states must also conduct an analysis of cross-state air pollution to determine whether emissions from the state have a significant impact on neighboring states attaining or maintaining the ozone NAAQS. On April 6, 2022,EPA proposed its"Good Neighbor Rule"for the 2015 ozone NAAQS (the "Ozone Transport Rule" or "OTR"), which contained a federal implementation plan (FIP) with proposed revisions to the existing Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) framework. The 7 Before February 9,2018,the tax credit was strictly for CO2. 8 The tax credit reaches$35/tonne and$50/tonne in 2026. 42 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT CSAPR FIP is intended to address cross-state ozone transport for the 2015 ozone NAAQS through uniform federal requirements and jurisdiction. EPA's proposed FIP focused on reducing NOx, which are precursors to ozone formation. The proposed rule covered 26 states, including four western states included in the cross-state program for the first time—Wyoming,Utah,Nevada and California. Utah and Wyoming would be included in the program based on alleged significant impacts on ozone levels in Colorado. On May 24, 2022, the EPA proposed to disapprove the cross-state ozone transport state implementation plans (CSAPR SIPS) of numerous states to mitigate interstate ozone transport, including plans by Utah and Wyoming. Disapproval of the SIPs is a necessary prerequisite before EPA can finalize the expanded CSAPR FIP to federally regulate the western states for the first time. The proposed SIP disapprovals were made as part of a settlement agreement with environmental groups. For both Utah and Wyoming, the agency determined that, among other failings, the states should have used a 1% threshold instead of the one ppb threshold previously suggested by EPA that the states used to determine downwind impacts. Final disapproval of the SIPs would subject the states to the proposed CSAPR FIP for the 2015 ozone standard. On January 31, 2023, EPA delayed final action on Wyoming's CSAPR SIP until December of 2023 and indicated a supplemental SIP decision may be necessary. Until a final disapproval of Wyoming's SIP,Wyoming would not be subject to the CSAPR FIP. EPA finalized disapproval of Utah's CSAPR SIP along with 18 other states and issued a partial disapproval for two additional states. EPA finalized the CSAPR FIP March 15, 2023, with some updates and timeline changes from the proposed rule but included the stringent NOx emission reduction and control equipment requirements of the proposed rule. Numerous states and industries challenged certain provisions of the CSAPR SIP disapprovals and the final CSAPR FIP, including PacifiCorp. The state of Utah and PacifiCorp filed petitions and motions for stay of EPA's denial of the Utah state plan with EPA and the U.S. Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals (Tenth Circuit), and the motion for stay was granted by the Tenth Circuit on July 27, 2023. The stay will remain in place while the case is litigated, or until further order of the court. The court held that the agency may not enforce the CSAPR FIP while the stay remains in place. The EPA also issued several interim final rules stating that the federal rule will not take effect in states in which the SIP disapprovals have been deferred or stayed. The EPA finalized approval of Wyoming's interstate CSAPR SIP on December 19, 2023. Given the approval of the Wyoming SIP,PacifiCorp facilities in Wyoming are not subject to the CSAPR FIP. Given the court stay of the Utah SIP disapproval, PacifiCorp was not subject to the CSAPR FIP requirements during the 2023 ozone season. The Utah ozone case was transferred to the D.C. Circuit on February 16, 2024, for adjudication of the merits, leaving the stay in place. Requirements for the 2024 ozone season and beyond will depend on the outcome of litigation. In granting the stay,the court indicated that PacifiCorp and the other petitioners are likely to succeed on the merits. In addition to litigation over SIP disapprovals, numerous appeals of the final CSAPR FIP were filed in four different circuit courts, and at least four motions to stay the final rule have been filed in those courts. On September 25, 2023, the D.C. Circuit denied the motion to stay the CSAPR FIP filed by several state and industry parties. The denial means that states that do not have stays on their SIP disapprovals are subject to the CSAPR FIP requirements. The states of Ohio, Indiana 43 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT and West Virginia filed a request for an emergency stay of the CSAPR FIP Rule with the U.S. Supreme Court on October 13, 2023. Several industry groups representing utilities as well as pipeline, paper, cement and other industries affected by the rule filed supportive requests for stay on the same day. The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the emergency stay requests February 21, 2024, and granted a stay on the federal implementation plan on June 27, 2024. Particulate Matter NAAQS In April 2017, the EPA Administrator signed a final action to reclassify the Salt Lake City and Provo PM2.5 nonattainment areas from moderate to serious. PacifiCorp's Lake Side and Gadsby facilities were identified as major sources subject to Utah's serious nonattainment area SIP for PM2.5 and PM2.5 precursors. On April 27, 2017, PacifiCorp submitted a Best Available Control Technology (BACT) analysis for Lake Side and Gadsby to the Utah Division of Air Quality for review. On January 2, 2019, the Utah Air Quality Board adopted source specific emission limits and operating practices in the SIP which incorporated the current emission and operating limits for the Lake Side and Gadsby facilities. In November of 2020, the EPA proposed to redesignate the Salt Lake City and Provo PM2.5 nonattainment areas to attainment. EPA received adverse comments on the proposed re- designation. EPA and the Utah Division of Air Quality working to address the comments. Re- designation to attainment would have no effect on current emissions and operating limits for the Lake Side and Gadsby facilities. Regional Haze EPA's regional haze rule, finalized in 1999, requires states to develop and implement plans to improve visibility,by 2064, in certain national park and wilderness areas. Many of these areas are in the western United States where PacifiCorp owns and operates several coal-fired generating units (Utah, Wyoming, Colorado and Montana). The states are required to update their regional haze rule plans approximately every ten years, with second planning period revisions due in August of 2023. Litigation over the first planning period requirements for both Utah and Wyoming are mostly concluded. On June 15, 2005, EPA issued final amendments to its regional haze rule to require emission controls known as BART for industrial facilities meeting certain regulatory criteria with emissions that have the potential to affect visibility. The regulated pollutants include fine PM, NOx, S02, certain VOCs, and ammonia. The 2005 amendments included final guidelines, known as BART guidelines, for states to use in determining which facilities must install controls and the type of controls the facilities must use. States were given until December 2007 to develop their implementation plans, in which states were responsible for identifying the facilities that would have to reduce emissions under BART guidelines, as well as establishing BART emissions limits for those facilities. On August 20,2019,EPA issued a final guidance document on the technical aspects of developing regional haze SIPS for the second implementation period of the regional haze program. EPA issued additional guidance through a memorandum on July 8, 2021, that emphasizes the 4-factor reasonable progress analysis for the second planning period and the reduced weight of visibility as a factor in the second planning period. 44 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT Utah Regional Haze In May 2011, the state of Utah issued a regional haze SIP requiring the installation of S02, NOx and PM controls on Hunter Units 1 and 2 and Huntington Units 1 and 2. In December 2012, the EPA approved the S02 portion of the Utah regional haze SIP and disapproved the NOx and PM portions. EPA's approval of the S02 SIP was appealed by environmental advocacy groups to the Tenth Circuit. In addition, PacifiCorp and the state of Utah appealed EPA's disapproval of the NOx and PM SIP. PacifiCorp and the state's appeals were dismissed, and the S02 appeal was denied by the Tenth Circuit. In June 2015, the state of Utah submitted a revised SIP to EPA for approval with an alternative BART NOx analysis incorporating a requirement for PacifiCorp to retire Carbon Units 1 and 2, crediting NOx controls previously installed on Hunter Unit 3, and concluding that no incremental controls (beyond those included in the May 2011 SIP and already installed) were required at the Hunter and Huntington units. On June 1, 2016, EPA issued a final rule to partially approve and partially disapprove Utah's regional haze SIP and propose a FIP. The FIP required the installation of SCR controls by August 4, 2021, at four of PacifiCorp's units in Utah, including Hunter Units 1 and 2 and Huntington Units 1 and 2. On September 2, 2016, the state of Utah and PacifiCorp filed petitions for administrative and judicial review of EPA's final rule, followed by a motion to stay the effective date of the final rule. On June 30, 2017, Utah and PacifiCorp provided new information to EPA, again requesting reconsideration. EPA responded on July 14, 2017, indicating its intent to reconsider its FIP. EPA also filed a motion with the Tenth Circuit to stay EPA's FIP and hold the litigation in abeyance pending the rule's reconsideration. On September 11, 2017, the Tenth Circuit granted the petition for stay and the request for abatement. The compliance deadline of the FIP and the litigation were stayed pending EPA's reconsideration, and EPA was required to file periodic status reports with the court. Utah and PacifiCorp worked with EPA to develop a revised Utah regional haze SIP,based on new CAMx modeling. The Utah Air Quality Board approved the revised SIP on June 24,2019, and the SIP revision was submitted to EPA for review on July 3, 2019. On December 3, 2019, Utah submitted a supplement to EPA with a minor SIP revision relating to PM2.5. On January 10, 2020, the EPA published its proposed approval of the Utah SIP revision and withdrawal of the FIP requirements for the Hunter and Huntington plants to install SCR on Hunter Units 1 and 2 and Huntington Units 1 and 2. After receiving public comments and holding a public hearing in the Price area on February 12,2020,EPA issued final approval of the Utah SIP revision and FIP withdrawal on November 27, 2020. The final rule credits existing NOx emission controls at the Hunter and Huntington plants as well as NOx and PM emission reductions provided by the closure of the Carbon plant in 2015. Based on the newly approved plan, EPA also withdrew the 2016 FIP requirements to install SCR control technology on Hunter Units 1 and 2 and Huntington Units 1 and 2. On January 11, 2021,the Tenth Circuit granted Utah,PacifiCorp and EPA's motion to dismiss the Utah regional haze petitions. Environmental advocacy groups filed a petition for review in the Tenth Circuit on January 19, 2021,objecting to the revised Utah regional haze SIP.After holding the case in abeyance at EPA's request, the Tenth Circuit lifted the abeyance and granted PacifiCorp and Hunter co-owners and Utah's pending motions to intervene. Briefing concluded on June 16, 2022, with EPA, Utah, PacifiCorp and the Hunter co-owners supporting Utah and EPA's determinations to approve the SIP. The Tenth Circuit set the date for oral argument on March 21, 2023. PacifiCorp is 45 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT coordinating oral argument with EPA and the state of Utah. Utah Regional Haze Second Planning Period — On April 21, 2020, PacifiCorp submitted a Regional Haze Reasonable Progress Analysis for the second planning period to the Utah Department of Environmental Quality for PacifiCorp's Huntington and Hunter plants.The analysis was requested by the state as part of its second planning period SIP development process. PacifiCorp's analysis included a proposal to implement reasonable progress emission limits for NOx and S02 at the Hunter and Huntington units to meet second planning period requirements. The Utah Air Quality Division proposed, and the Utah Air Quality Board approved, final adoption of a SIP for the regional haze second planning period on July 6, 2022. The SIP differs from PacifiCorp's initial submission and requires updated mass-based NOx limits as well as a S02 rate- based limit for the Hunter and Huntington plants. EPA notified Utah on August 22, 2022, that its SIP submittal was complete. On December 2, 2024, EPA issued a final partial approval and disapproval for Utah's regional haze state implementation plan for the second planning period without simultaneously issuing a federal implementation plan. Specifically,the EPA disapproved the long-term strategy,reasonable further progress goals, and federal land management consultation components of the state plan. EPA's disapproval of Utah's long-term strategy is based in part on the rejection of SCR for Hunter and Huntington. In addition to disapproving the State's long-term strategy, the EPA disapproved Utah's reasonable progress goals and its consultation with Federal Land Managers, as compliance with these requirements is dependent on compliance with the long-term strategy provisions. There are no new compliance obligations for PacifiCorp at this time, as the disapprovals did not include a simultaneously proposed federal plan. Wyoming Regional Haze On January 10, 2014, EPA issued a final rule partially approving and partially disapproving the Wyoming regional haze SIP. The 2014 final rule required installation of the following NOx and PM controls at PacifiCorp facilities for regional haze first planning period: • Naughton Units 1 and 2: BART is LNB/over-fired air(OFA) • Naughton Unit 3 by December 31, 2014: SCR equipment and a baghouse • Jim Bridger Unit 3 by December 31, 2015: SCR equipment • Jim Bridger Unit 4 by December 31, 2016: SCR equipment • Jim Bridger Unit 2 by December 31, 2021: SCR equipment • Jim Bridger Unit 1 by December 31, 2022: SCR equipment • Dave Johnston Unit 3: SCR within five years or a commitment to shut down in 2027 • Wyodak: SCR equipment within five years Naughton—In its 2014 rule, EPA approved Wyoming's determination that BART for Units 1 and 2 was low-nitrous oxide burners (LNB) and over-fired air(OFA). EPA also indicated support for the conversion of the Naughton Unit 3 to natural gas in lieu of retrofitting the unit with SCR and stated that it would expedite consideration of the gas conversion once the state of Wyoming submitted the requisite SIP amendment. Wyoming submitted its regional haze SIP amendment regarding Naughton Unit 3 to EPA on November 28, 2017. On March 7, 2017, Wyoming issued PacifiCorp a permit for Unit 3's conversion to natural gas, which allowed operation of Unit 3 on coal through January 30, 2019. PacifiCorp ceased coal operation on Unit 3 on January 30, 2019, 46 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT as required by the permit.EPA's final rule approval of Wyoming's SIP revision for Naughton Unit 3 gas conversion was published in the Federal Register on March 21, 2019,with an effective date of April 22, 2019. Naughton Unit 3 currently operates on natural gas. Environmental groups petitioned EPA's approval of LNB/OFA as BART for Units 1 and 2 in the Tenth Circuit. On August 15, 2023, the court determined EPA properly approved Wyoming's Naughton determination and denied environmental groups'petition. Jim Bridger— In its 2014 rule, EPA approved Wyoming's SIP determination that BART for Jim Bridger Units 1 through 4 was LNB/OFA, with SCR required over staggered years under long- term strategy requirements. SCR was installed on Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 by the dates required by the Wyoming SIP. On February 5, 2019, PacifiCorp submitted to Wyoming an application and proposed SIP revision instituting plant-wide variable average monthly-block pound per hour NOx and SO2 emission limits, in addition to an annual combined NOx and SO2 limit, on all four Jim Bridger boilers in lieu of the requirement to install SCR on Units 1 and 2. The proposed SIP revision demonstrated that the proposed limits were more cost effective while leading to better modeled visibility than the SCR installation on Units 1 and 2.Wyoming submitted a regional haze SIP revision to the EPA on May 14, 2020,that incorporated PacifiCorp's proposed emission limits in lieu of the requirement to install SCR systems on Jim Bridger Units 1 and 2. While EPA communicated that it would issue a proposed approval of Wyoming's Jim Bridger SIP, the proposal was not issued before the administration change in 2021. When EPA failed to issue a determination by the statutory deadline in November 2021, the Governor of Wyoming issued a temporary emergency order on December 27, 2021, using authority granted by the Clean Air Act, suspending the existing SIP requirement for Jim Bridger Unit 2 to install SCR by December 31, 2021. The suspension was issued for four months due to the EPA's failure to act on the SIP revision submitted by Wyoming in 2020. EPA published a proposed disapproval of the Jim Bridger SIP revision in the Federal Register on January 18, 2022. However, PacifiCorp negotiated a consent decree with Wyoming and an administrative consent order with EPA and the disapproval was not finalized. Under the Wyoming consent decree and EPA administrative consent order, PacifiCorp is required to comply with a compliance plan that allows continued operation of Jim Bridger Units 1 and 2 under the emission limits established by Wyoming in 2020 until they are converted to natural gas in 2024. The consent decree committed Wyoming to processing a SIP revision requiring the conversion and imposing post-conversion emission limits. On December 30, 2022,Wyoming submitted a state-approved revised regional haze SIP requiring natural gas conversion of Jim Bridger Units 1 and 2 to EPA for approval. The SIP conversion replaces the previous requirement for SCR at the units. Wyoming also issued an air permit for the natural gas conversion of Jim Bridger Units 1 and 2 on December 28, 2022. EPA is reviewing the submission and is expected to conduct a separate federal public comment process on the plan during the summer of 2023. On March 9, 2023, PacifiCorp submitted a notice of compliance and request for termination of the EPA order. The Wyoming consent decree remains in effect. The conversion process is complete. Dave Johnston—Under regional haze, the Dave Johnston plant was required to either install SCR on Dave Johnston Unit 3 or retire the unit by the end of 2027. PacifiCorp has committed to close Unit 3 by the end of 2027. 47 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT Wyodak—PacifiCorp and the state of Wyoming petitioned EPA's FIP requiring SCR at Wyodak in the Tenth Circuit. PacifiCorp and other parties successfully requested a stay of EPA's final rule relating to EPAs FIP pending court resolution of the petition. PacifiCorp subsequently submitted a request for reconsideration to EPA and engaged in a settlement process with EPA and Wyoming. The EPA, state of Wyoming and PacifiCorp signed a Settlement Agreement for Wyodak on December 16, 2020. EPA published the Settlement Agreement in the Federal Register requesting public comment on January 4,2021. PacifiCorp submitted formal comments to the EPA on March 5, 2021, in support of the Wyodak Settlement Agreement. However, EPA did not proceed with final approval of the Settlement Agreement and re-engaged with Wyoming and PacifiCorp in mediation through the Tenth Circuit regarding paths for resolution. Litigation for the Wyodak case recommenced when the mediation process was not successful. PacifiCorp and Wyoming challenged EPA's denial of the Wyoming SIP and imposition of a FIP requiring Wyodak to install SCR equipment. On August 15, 2023, the Tenth Circuit found EPA's disapproval of Wyoming's SIP for Wyodak unlawful and remanded the SIP to EPA for further review in accordance with the requirements of the Clean Air Act. Wyoming Regional Haze Second Planning Period— On March 31, 2020, PacifiCorp submitted a four-factor reasonable progress analysis to Wyoming which analyzed PacifiCorp's Naughton, Jim Bridger, Dave Johnston, and Wyodak plants. The four-factor analyses was used by the state in its development of the SIP for the regional haze second planning period. Wyoming required emission limits and recognized planned unit retirements during the second planning period but did not require new controls to make reasonable progress. Wyoming submitted the state's regional haze SIP for the second planning period to the EPA before the August 15,2022, statutory deadline.EPA notified Wyoming that its submittal was complete in August of 2022. PacifiCorp supports the state plan as it meets regional haze requirements. The EPA issued a final partial approval and disapproval for Wyoming's regional haze state implementation plan for the second planning period. Specifically, the EPA disapproved the long- term strategy, reasonable further progress goals, and federal land management consultation components of the state plan. EPA's disapproval of Wyoming's long-term strategy is based in part on the state's decision to forego a full four-factor analysis for units at Jim Bridger,Naughton,Dave Johnston, and Wyodak. In addition to disapproving the State's long-term strategy, the EPA disapproved Wyoming's reasonable progress goals and its consultation with Federal Land Managers, as compliance with these requirements is dependent on compliance with the long-term strategy provisions. There are no new compliance obligations for PacifiCorp at this time, as the disapprovals did not include a simultaneously proposed federal plan. Colorado Regional Haze The Colorado regional haze SIP required SCR controls at Craig Unit 2 and Hayden Units 1 and 2. In addition, the SIP required the installation of selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) technology at Craig Unit 1 by 2018. Environmental groups appealed EPA's action, and PacifiCorp intervened in support of EPA. In July 2014, parties to the litigation other than PacifiCorp entered into a settlement agreement that requires installation of SCR equipment at Craig Unit 1 in 2021. In February 2015, Colorado submitted a revised SIP to EPA for approval. As part of a further agreement between the owners of Craig Unit 1, state and federal agencies, and parties to previous settlements, the owners of Craig agreed to retire Unit 1 by December 31, 2025, or, to convert the unit to natural gas by August 31, 2023. The Colorado Air Quality Board approved the agreement 48 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT on December 15, 2016. Colorado submitted the corresponding SIP amendment to EPA Region 8 on May 17, 2017. EPA approved the SIP on July 5,2018. Colorado Regional Haze Second Planning Period — Colorado's regional haze SIP for the second planning period was adopted in phases in 2020 and 2021 by the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission. The SIP includes retirements of Craig Units 1 and 2 by 2025 and 2028,respectively, and Hayden Units 1 and 2 by 2028 and 2027,respectively. Colorado submitted its second planning period regional haze SIP to EPA. However, EPA has not yet acted on the Colorado SIP. The Colorado SIP is part of the deadline suit filed by environmental advocacy groups in the federal D.C. District Court. Mercury and Hazardous Air Pollutants The Mercury and Air Toxics Standards(MATS)became effective April 16,2012. The MATS rule required that new and existing coal-fueled facilities achieve emission standards for mercury, acid gases and other non-mercury hazardous air pollutants. Existing sources were required to comply with the new standards by April 16, 2015. However, individual sources may have been granted up to one additional year, at the discretion of the Title V permitting authority,to complete installation of controls or for transmission system reliability reasons. By April 2015, PacifiCorp had taken the required actions to comply with MATS across its generation facilities. On April 25,2016,the EPA published a Supplemental Finding that determined that it is appropriate and necessary to regulate under the MATS rule which addressed a Supreme Court decision requiring consideration of costs. On February 7, 2019, the EPA published a reconsideration of the Supplemental Finding in which it proposed to find that it is not appropriate and necessary to regulate hazardous air pollutants, reversing the Agency's prior determination. In May 2020,the EPA published its decision to repeal the appropriate and necessary findings in the MATS rule regarding regulation of electric utility steam generating units, and to retain the rule's current emission standards. The rule took effect in July 2020. Several petitions for review were filed in the D.C. Circuit by parties challenging and supporting the EPA's decision to rescind the appropriate and necessary finding. The court granted EPA's motion to hold the cases in abeyance while the agency reviewed the 2020 repeal. On February 9,2022,EPA published a rule proposing to rescind the 2020 revocation of the appropriate and necessary finding and to reinstate the finding. EPA also solicited information on the performance and cost of new or improved technologies to control hazardous air pollutants (HAP) emissions, improved methods of operation, and risk-related information for the required review of the MATS rule and the risk and technology review. EPA published its decision on March 6, 2023, to revoke the May 2020 finding, concluding that it is appropriate and necessary to regulate coal and oil-fired electric generation units under section 112 of the Clean Air Act. PacifiCorp plants are in compliance with the MATS standards, so the reinstatement of the finding has no immediate practical effect. However, PacifiCorp is monitoring potential legal proceedings that may be restarted based on this decision. On April 25, 2024, EPA finalized revisions to the MATS rule following the agency's review of the 2020 Residual Risk and Technology Review. The final rule, effective July 8, 2024, tightens the standard for emissions of mercury from lignite-fired units and sets a more stringent standard for emissions of filterable particulate matter from all existing units. The rule also requires that continuous emissions monitoring be used to demonstrate compliance with the filterable particulate matter standard. 49 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT Coal Combustion Residuals In May 2010, the EPA released a proposed rule to regulate the management and disposal of coal combustion byproducts under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The final rule became effective October 19, 2015. The final rule regulates coal combustion byproducts as non-hazardous waste under RCRA Subtitle D and establishes minimum nationwide standards for the disposal of coal combustion residuals (CCR). Under the final rule, surface impoundments and landfills utilized for coal combustion byproducts may need to be closed unless they can meet the more stringent regulatory requirements. The final rule requires regulated entities to post annual groundwater monitoring and corrective action reports. The first of these reports was posted to PacifiCorp's CCR compliance data and information websites in March 2018. Based on the results in those reports, additional action was required under the rule. At the time the rule was published in April 2015, PacifiCorp operated 18 surface impoundments and seven landfills that contained CCR. Before the effective date in October 2015, nine surface impoundments and three landfills were either closed or repurposed to no longer receive CCR, and hence are not subject to the final rule. Multiple parties filed challenges over various aspects of the final rule in 2015, resulting in settlement of some of the issues and subsequent regulatory action by the EPA,including subjecting inactive surface impoundments to regulation. In response to legal challenges and court actions, EPA, in March 2018, issued a proposal to address provisions of the final CCR rule that were remanded back to the agency. The proposal included provisions that establish alternative performance standards for owners and operators of CCR units located in states that have approved permit programs or are otherwise subject to oversight through a permit program administered by the EPA. The first phase of the CCR rule amendments was made effective in August 2018 (the "Phase 1, Part I rule"). In addition to adopting alternative performance standards and revising groundwater performance standards for certain constituents, the EPA extended the deadline by which facilities must initiate closure of unlined ash ponds exceeding a groundwater protection standard and impoundments that do not meet the rule's aquifer location restrictions to October 2020. Following the March 2019 submittal of competing motions from environmental groups, EPA finalized its Holistic Approach to Closure: Part A rule("Part A rule") in September 2020. The rule reclassified compacted-soil lined surface impoundments from "lined" to "unlined," established a deadline of April 11, 2021, by which all unlined surface impoundments must initiate closure, and revised the alternative closure provisions to grant facilities additional time to initiate closure in order to manage CCR and non-CCR waste streams either due to a lack of alternative capacity or due to a commitment to close the coal-fueled operating unit and complete closure of unlined impoundments by a date certain.The Part A rule also revised certain requirements regarding annual groundwater monitoring and corrective action reports and publicly accessible CCR internet sites. A provision in Part A allows demonstrations to be submitted to the EPA allowing for operation of unlined CCR ponds beyond the April 11, 2021, deadline for initiation of closure. PacifiCorp has submitted alternative closure demonstrations for the Naughton South Ash Pond and the Jim Bridger flue gas desulfurization (FGD) Pond 2. On October 12, 2023, Jim Bridger FGD Pond 2 ceased receiving waste and the newly constructed FGD Pond 3 was placed into service. EPA was notified on October 12, 2023, of PacifiCorp's withdrawal of its pending Part A alternative storage capacity demonstration request. 50 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT On October 16, 2020,the EPA released the pre-publication version of the final Holistic Approach to Closure: Part B rule ("Part B rule"). The Part B rule finalizes a two-step process, as set forth in the March 2020 proposal, allowing facilities to request approval to continue operating an existing unlined CCR surface impoundment with an alternate liner system. The other provisions that were contained in the Part B proposal, including (1) options to use CCR during closure of a CCR unit, (2) an additional closure-by-removal option and(3) new requirements for annual closure progress reports, were not finalized with the Part B rule. These options will be addressed by the EPA in a subsequent rulemaking action. In addition to the Part A and Part B rules, the EPA has proposed the Phase II rule, the federal CCR permit program rule, and the advanced notice of proposed rulemaking for legacy impoundments. Until the proposals are finalized and fully litigated, PacifiCorp cannot determine whether additional action may be required. Separately,on August 10,2017,the EPA issued proposed permitting guidance on how states' CCR permit programs should comply with the requirements of the final rule as authorized under the December 2016 Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act. To date, of the states in which PacifiCorp operates, only Wyoming has submitted an application to the EPA for approval of state permitting authority. EPA rejected Wyoming's application due to concerns about the state's ability to meet federal standards for the safe management of coal ash. The state of Utah adopted the federal final rule in September 2016, and issued the final permit for Huntington Power Plant CCR Landfill on March 21, 2023, and for Hunter Power Plant CCR Landfill on May 15, 2024. It is anticipated that the state of Utah will submit an application to EPA for approval of its CCR permit program but the timing of the submission remains uncertain. The EPA finalized the legacy surface impoundments rule to extend federal CCR regulatory requirements to (1) inactive CCR surface impoundments at inactive utilities and (2) CCR management units (CCRMU) at active facilities, including CCR impoundments and landfills that closed prior to the effective date of the 2015 CCR Rule, inactive CCR landfills, and other areas where CCR is managed directly on the land. The final rule was published in the Federal Register on May 8, 2024, and became effective on November 8, 2024. The final rule includes exemptions and establishes new categories where regulation is deferred for applicable units, including CCRMU containing less than 1,000 tons of CCR, CCRMU located beneath critical infrastructure or large buildings or structures vital to the continuation of current site activities, and CCRMU that were closed prior to the effective date of the new rule. Affected facilities must conduct a facility evaluation and report to determine the presence of CCRMUs and/or legacy surface impoundments. Because the facility evaluation and report requirement will determine the magnitude of compliance obligations, the relevant registrants cannot assess the full impacts of the rule at this time. Water Quality Standards Cooling Water Intake Structures The federal Water Pollution Control Act (Clean Water Act) establishes the framework for maintaining and improving water quality in the United States through a program that regulates, among other things,discharges to and withdrawals from waterways. The Clean Water Act requires that cooling water intake structures reflect the "best technology available for minimizing adverse environmental impact" to aquatic organisms. In May 2014, EPA issued a final rule, effective October 2014, under § 316(b) of the Clean Water Act to regulate cooling water intakes at existing facilities. The final rule established requirements for electric generating facilities that withdraw more than two million gallons per day,based on total design intake capacity, of water from Waters 51 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT of the United States (WOTUS) and use at least 25 percent of the withdrawn water exclusively for cooling purposes.PacifiCorp's Dave Johnston generating facility withdraws more than two million gallons per day of water from WOTUS for once-through cooling applications. Jim Bridger, Naughton, Gadsby, Hunter, and Huntington generating facilities currently use closed-cycle cooling towers and withdraw more than two million, but less than 125 million, gallons of water per day. The rule includes impingement (i.e., when fish and other aquatic organisms are trapped against screens when water is drawn into a facility's cooling system) mortality standards and entrainment (i.e., when organisms are drawn into the facility) standards. The standards will be set on a case-by-case basis to be determined through site-specific studies and will be incorporated into each facility's discharge permit. Rule-required permit application requirements (PARs) have been submitted to the appropriate permitting authorities for the Jim Bridger, Naughton, Gadsby, Hunter and Huntington plants. As the five facilities utilize closed-cycle recirculating cooling water systems (cooling towers) exclusively for equipment cooling, it is expected that state agencies will require no further action from PacifiCorp to comply with the rule-required standards. Because Dave Johnston utilizes once-through cooling with withdrawal rates greater than 125 million gallons per day,the facility has been required to conduct more rigorous PARs. Effluent Limit Guidelines In November 2015,the EPA published final effluent limitation guidelines and standards(ELG)for the steam electric power generating sector which, among other things, regulate the discharge of bottom ash transport water,fly ash transport water,combustion residual leachate and non-chemical metal cleaning wastes. These guidelines, which had not been revised since 1982, were revised in response to the EPA's concerns that the addition of controls for air emissions has changed the effluent discharged from coal- and natural gas-fueled generating facilities. Under the originally promulgated guidelines, permitting authorities were required to include the new limits in each impacted facility's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit upon renewal with the new limits to be met as soon as possible,beginning November 1, 2018, and fully implemented by December 31, 2023. On April 5, 2017, a request for reconsideration and administrative stay of the guidelines was filed with the EPA. EPA granted the request for reconsideration and extended certain compliance dates for FGD wastewater and bottom ash transport water limits until November 1,2020. On November 22, 2019, EPA proposed updates to the 2015 rule, specifically addressing FGD wastewater and bottom ash transport water. Those proposals were formalized in rule when the EPA administrator signed the Reconsideration Rule,and it was published in the Federal Register on October 13,2020. The rule eases selenium limits on FGD wastewater, eases the zero-discharge requirements on bottom ash transport water associated with blowdown of ash handling systems, allows a two-year time extension to meet FGD wastewater requirements and includes additional subcategories to both wastewater categories. On April 25, 2024, EPA finalized the Supplemental ELG and Standards for the Steam Electric Generating Point Source Category(2024 ELG Rule or Final Rule),which maintains the 2020 ELG Rule Cessation of Coal Subcategory and includes a new subcategory for units that will retire/repower by December 31, 2034. The 2024 ELG Rule also imposes a zero liquid discharge 52 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT requirement at coal-based generating units for bottom ash transport water, flue gas desulfurization wastewater, and coal combustion residual leachate. Most of the issues raised by the 2024 ELG Rule are already being addressed at PacifiCorp facilities through compliance with the CCR rule and will not impose significant additional requirements on the facilities.The Dave Johnston plant submitted a notice of planned participation in October 2021 for subcategorization for units ceasing coal combustion by December 31, 2028. Participation in the subcategory allows continued management of bottom ash transport water using impoundments and discharge of the waste stream.,The plant requested that the option to transfer to the installation and operation of a bottom ash recycle system be included in the new NPDES permit. Renewable Generation Regulatory Framework Regulatory and permitting requirements for renewable energy projects are addressed at federal, state, and local levels. All wind projects in the United States must comply with federal regulations for wildlife impacts, aviation safety, clean water, communication systems, and Department of Defense impacts. Eagle Incidental Take Permits (EITPs), including associated surveys, monitoring, and compensatory mitigation, are necessary for wind projects that may result in take of bald or golden eagles. State and county regulations often address localized topics such as road and traffic concerns, community economic impacts, viewshed requirements, sage-grouse stipulations, wind turbine location guidelines, and land use and zoning restrictions. Solar projects must comply with federal and state regulations that restrict disturbance of certain flora and fauna and are subject to local planning and zoning regulations for land use. Storm water pollution prevention plans for renewable projects are usually required on a state level to control sediment runoff during construction and all renewable projects must comply with the Clean Water Act rules which are controlled at the federal level. Renewable energy projects located on federally managed lands or that receive federal funding are subject to National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review, which may include cultural and biological resource surveys, assessment of potential impacts, public comment periods, and avoidance/minimization/mitigation efforts. Power lines associated with renewable energy projects, including collector lines at the project site and grid- connecting transmission lines, may also be subject to environmental regulations, review, stipulations, or permits. The wind projects (TB Flats, Ekola Flats, and Cedar Springs) constructed as part of PacifiCorp's Energy Vision 2020 initiative, for example, were required to obtain permits from the State of Wyoming's Industrial Siting Division, which required extensive studies of the conditions of the site, coordination with state agencies in the development process, and forecast of impacts from the project. Renewable energy projects in the State of Wyoming that meet the Industrial Siting Division's size or capital thresholds must obtain approval before they can begin construction.Most wind project developers coordinate with federal and/or state authorities to evaluate and mitigate potential impacts to birds or other wildlife species, particularly eagles, migratory birds, and bats, during the wind turbine siting process to minimize wildlife impacts and potential operational risks. Greater sage-grouse are currently managed by the states, and renewable energy projects and associated transmission lines require state agency review; stipulations or mitigation requirements vary by state and project impacts.Because the generation capabilities of renewable energy projects are site specific and can vary greatly between different sites, understanding the specific permit requirements for each site is critical to developing a successful project. 53 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT Tax Extender Legislation The 2021 IRP included a description of the Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Relief Act of 2020. Among other things, the bill extended and expanded certain alternative energy tax credits. Extensions to this legislation have been subordinated by the Inflation Reduction Act, described above. Late Policy Update California Under the authority of the Global Warming Solutions Act, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) adopted a greenhouse gas cap-and-trade program in October 2011,with an effective date of January 1, 2012; compliance obligations were imposed on regulated entities beginning in 2013. The first auction of greenhouse gas allowances was held in California in November 2012, andthe second auction in February 2013. PacifiCorp is required to sell, through the auction process, its directly allocated allowances and purchase the required allowances necessary to meet its compliance obligations. In May 2014, CARB approved the first update to the Assembly Bill (AB) 32 Climate Change scoping plan, which defined California's climate change priorities for the next five years and set the groundwork for post-2020 climate goals. In April 2015, Governor Brown issued an executive order to establish a mid-term reduction target for California of 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030. CARB has subsequently been directed to update the AB 32 scoping plan to reflect the new interim 2030 target and previously established 2050 target. CARB's 2022 Scoping Plan was adopted laying out a path to achieve targets for carbon neutrality and reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions by 85 percent below 1990 levels no later than 2045, as directed by Assembly Bill 1279,passed in 2022. CARB adopted the Advanced Clean Cars II Rule in August of 2022. The rulemaking establishes that by 2035 all new passenger cars, trucks and SUVs sold in California will be zero emissions. The Advanced Clean Cars II regulations take the state's already growing zero-emission vehicle market and robust motor vehicle emission control rules and augments them to meet more aggressive tailpipe emissions standards and ramp up to 100%zero-emission vehicles. In 2002, California established a RPS requiring investor-owned utilities to increase procurement from eligible renewable energy resources. California's RPS requirements have been accelerated and expanded a number of times since its inception. In September 2018, Governor Jerry Brown signed into law the 100 Percent Clean Energy Act of 2018, Senate Bill (SB) 100, which requires utilities to procure 60 percent of their electricity from renewables by 2030 and enabled all the state's agencies to work toward a longer-term planning target for 100 percent of California's electricity to come from renewable and zero-carbon resources by December 31, 2045. Interim targets for the carbon-free target were subsequently adopted by SB 1020 in 2022. 54 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT Idaho In 2007, Idaho released its State Energy Plan, focusing on developing of a broad range of power generation options, improving energy efficiency, diversifying the state's energy portfolio, and reducing dependency on fossil fuels. The plan outlined strategies for energy conservation, the development of renewable energy sources,and improvements to transmission infrastructure within the state, aiming to balance growth with environmental stewardship and promote both economic development and sustainable energy practices. In 2012, Idaho updated its 2007 plan to address new energy challenges and opportunities, emphasizing five core objectives: 1) a secure and stable energy system for Idaho's citizens and businesses, 2) maintaining Idaho's low-cost energy supply, 3) protecting public health and conserving natural resources, 4) promoting economic growth, job creation, and rural economic development, and 5) ensuring Idaho's energy policy can adapt to changing circumstances. In October of 2020, Governor Brad Little issued Executive Order 2020-17, continuing the role of the Office of Energy and Mineral Resources(OEMR)as the central coordinator for Idaho's energy policy. The OEMR manages energy production, conservation, and policy alignment, ensuring the state's energy resources remain stable and cost-effective. Oregon In 2007, the Oregon Legislature passed House Bill (HB) 3543 —Global Warming Actions, which establishes greenhouse gas reduction goals for the state that: (1) end the growth of Oregon greenhouse gas emissions by 2010; (2) reduce greenhouse gas levels to ten percent below 1990 levels by 2020; and (3) reduce greenhouse gas levels to at least 75 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. In 2009, the legislature passed SB 101, which requires the Public Utility Commission of Oregon (OPUC) to submit a report to the legislature before November 1 of each even-numbered year regarding the estimated rate impacts for Oregon's regulated electric and natural gas companies of meeting the greenhouse gas reduction goals of ten percent below 1990 levels by 2020 and 15 percent below 2005 levels by 2020. The OPUC submitted its most recent report November 1, 2014. In 2007, Oregon enacted Senate Bill (SB) 838 establishing an RPS requirement in Oregon. Under SB 838,utilities are required to deliver 25 percent of their electricity from renewable resources by 2025. On March 8,2016, Governor Kate Brown signed SB 1547-13,the Clean Electricity and Coal Transition Plan, into law. SB 1547-B extends and expands the Oregon RPS requirement to 50 percent of electricity from renewable resources by 2040 and requires that coal-fueled resources are eliminated from Oregon's allocation of electricity by January 1, 2030. The increase in the RPS requirements under SB 1547-B is staged27 percent by 2025, 35 percent by 2030, 45 percentby 2035, and 50 percent by 2040. The bill changes the renewable energy certificate(REC) life to five years, while allowing RECs generated from the effective date of the bill passage until the end of 2022 from new long-term renewable projects to have unlimited life. The bill also includes provisions to create a community solar program in Oregon and encourage greater reliance on electricity for transportation. On March 10, 2020, Oregon Governor Kate Brown issued Executive Order 20-04 (EO 20-04), which directs state agencies to take actions to reduce and regulate greenhouse gas emissions. 55 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT EO 20-04 establishes emissions reduction goals for Oregon and directs certain state agencies to take specific actions to reduce emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change. EO 20-04 also provides overarching direction to state agencies to exercise their statutory authority to help achieve Oregon's climate goals. In 2021, Oregon passed House Bill 2021, which directs utilities to reduce emissions levels below 2010-2012 baseline levels by 80% by 2030, 90% by 2035, and 100% by 2040. HB 2021 also expanded the capacity standard for Small Scale Renewables from 8%to 10%. PacifiCorp filed its first Clean Energy Plan (CEP) on May 31, 2023, which included possible pathways towards compliance with HB 2021 emissions reduction goals, inclusive of the Small-Scale Renewable (SSR) targets and with emphasis on community-based actions. As also directed by HB 2021, PacifiCorp convened a Community Benefits and Impacts Advisory Group in the fall of 2022. A Oregon Tribal Nations Clean Energy-specific engagement series was started in March of 2023 after six months of direct outreach. The engagement series was formatted by informed feedback from outreach to Oregon Tribal Nations members with whom PacifiCorp had an existing relationship and through new Tribal Nations relationship building In December 2022, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality adopted the Advanced Clean Cars II Rulemaking on Low and Zero Emission Vehicles which requires 100% of new light-duty vehicles (LDVs)be zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs)or PHEVs by 2035,ramping up from an initial requirement that 35% of new LDVs be ZEVs in 2026 this follows the CARB rulemaking. In Jan of 2022, HB 2165 passed requiring that all electricity companies (with>25,000 retail customers) recover the cost of prudent infrastructure investments in transportation electrification. Furthermore, in November 2021, Oregon adopted California's emission standards for HMDV via the Advanced Clean Truck Rules 2021, paving the way for Oregon to adopt a target of 100% of new MHDV sales being ZEVs by 2050. Washington In November 2006, Washington voters approved Initiative 937 (I-937), the Washington Energy Independence Act, which imposes targets for energy conservation and the use of eligible renewable resources on electric utilities. Under I-937, utilities must supply 15 percent of their energy from renewable resources by 2020. Utilities must also set and meet energy conservation targets starting in 2010. In 2008, the Washington Legislature approved the Climate Change Framework E2SHB 2815, which establishes the following state greenhouse gas emissions reduction limits: (1) reduce emissions to 1990 levels by 2020; (2) reduce emissions to 25 percent below 1990 levels by 2035; and (3) by 2050, reduce emissions to 50 percent below 1990 levels or 70 percent below Washington's forecasted emissions in 2050. In July 2015, Governor Inslee released an executive order that directed the Washington Department of Ecology to develop new rules to reduce carbon emissions in the state. In December 2017, Washington's Superior Court concluded that the Department of Ecology did not have the authority to impose the Clean Air Rule without legislative approval. As a result, the Department of Ecology has suspended the rule's compliance requirements. 56 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 3—PLANNING ENVIRONMENT In 2019, the Washington Legislature approved the Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA) which requires utilities to eliminate coal-fired resources from Washington rates by December 31, 2025,be carbon neutral by January 1,2030,and establishes a target of 100 percent of its electricity from renewable and non-emitting resources by 2045. PacifiCorp submitted its inaugural Clean Energy Implementation Plan on December 30, 2023, establishing a trajectory towards CETA compliance both for the current CEIP period, 2022—2025, and across the next two decades. In 2021, Washington passed the Climate Commitment Act, which establishes a cap-and-invest program that was implemented through the regulatory rulemaking process and came into effect January 1, 2023. The Climate Commitment Act does not modify any of PacifiCorp's obligations under CETA, and utilities that are subject to CETA are allocated allowances within the cap-and- trade program at no cost, for emissions associated with Washington retail load. The legislation allows — but does not require — linkage with cap-and-trade programs in jurisdictions outside of Washington State. In December 2022, Department of Ecology adopted the Advanced Clean Cars II Rulemaking on Low and Zero Emission Vehicles which requires 100%of new light-duty vehicles(LDVs)be zero- emission vehicles (ZEVs) or PHEVs by 2035, ramping up from an initial requirement that 35%of new LDVs be ZEVs in 2026 this follows the CARB rulemaking. Furthermore, in December 2021, Washington adopted California's emission standards for HMDV via the Advanced Clean Truck Rules 2021. In 2022, Department of Ecology passed the Clean Fuel Standard law requires fuel suppliers to gradually reduce the carbon intensity of transportation fuels to 20%below 2017 levels by 2034. There are several ways for fuel suppliers to achieve these reductions, including: • Improving the efficiency of their fuel production processes • Producing and/or blending low-carbon biofuels into the fuel they sell • Purchasing credits generated by low-carbon fuel providers, including electric vehicle charging providers Utah' In March 2008, Utah enacted the Energy Resource and Carbon Emission Reduction Initiative, which includes provisions to require utilities to pursue renewable energy to the extent that it is cost effective. It sets out a goal for utilities to use eligible renewable resources to account for 20 percent of their 2025 adjusted retail electric sales. In April 2019,the Utah Legislature passed HB 411, Community Renewable Program,that allowed cities and municipalities in Utah to elect to participate on behalf of their residents. The Community Renewable Program is an opt-out program with the goal of being 100% net renewable by 2030. Customers within a participating community may opt out of the program and maintain existing 9 Significant Utah legislative activity gathered interest in the 2025 IRP public input meeting series and stakeholder feedback.Regarding Utah SB-224,see Appendix M, stakeholder feedback form#13 (Emma Verhamme). Portfolio planning is currently not directly impacted by Utah SB-224,however variant and sensitivity studies may reflect this potential,such as the Low Cost Renewables case and the No Coal 2032 case.Additional discussion of Utah activity is addressed in Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#37(Utah Citizens Advocating Renewable Energy). 57 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT rates. The legislation prohibits cost shifting to non-participating customers. By the end of 2019, 23 Utah communities passed a resolution as required by the legislation to participate in the program. Program design efforts are underway and ongoing. On March 11,2020,the Utah Legislature passed HB 396,Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Amendments, that enables PacifiCorp to create an Electrical Vehicle Infrastructure Program,with a maximum funding from customers of$50 million for all costs and expenses. The legislation allows PacifiCorp to own and operate electric vehicle charging stations and to provide investments in make-ready infrastructure to interested customers. The Public Service Commission of Utah approved the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program on December 20, 2021 for implementation on January 1, 2022. The program construct will undergo regulatory review every three years through 2032. In March of 2024, the Utah Legislature passed SB 224, Energy Independence Amendments, that modifies the factors the Public Service Commission must consider when evaluating certain proposed energy resource decisions, establishes parameters for an affected electrical utility's recovery of costs associated with proven dispatchable generation resources located within the state, and encourages the commission to evaluate the purchase of excess proven dispatchable generation capacity. In March of 2024, the Utah Legislature passed HB 191, Electrical Energy Amendments, that requires the Public Service Commission to act in accordance with the state energy policy and make certain determinations before authorizing the early retirement of an electrical generation facility. Wyoming On March 8, 2019, Wyoming Senate File 0159 (SF 159) was passed into law. SF 159 limits the recovery costs for the retirement of coal fired electric generation facilities, provides a process for the sale of an otherwise retiring coal fired electric generation facility, exempts a person purchasing an otherwise retiring coal fired electric generation facility from regulation as a public utility; requires purchase of electricity generated from purchased retiring coal fired electric generation facility(as specified in final bill); and provides an effective date. Cost recovery associated with electric generation built to replace a retiring coal fired generation facility shall not be allowed by the Wyoming Public Service Commission unless the Commission has determined that the public utility made a good faith effort to sell the facility to another person prior to its retirement and that the public utility did not refuse a reasonable offer to purchase the facility or the Commission determines that, if a reasonable offer was received, the sale was not completed for a reason beyond the reasonable control of the public utility. Under SF 159 electric public utilities, other than cooperative electric utilities, shall be obligated to purchase electricity generated from a coal fired electric generation facility purchased under agreement approved by the Commission, provided the otherwise retiring coal fired electric generation facility offers to sell some or all of the electricity from the facility to an electric public utility, the electricity is sold at a price that is no greater than the purchasing electric utility's avoided cost, the electricity is sold under a power purchase agreement, and the Commission approves a 100 percent cost recovery in rates for the cost of the power purchase agreement and the 58 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT agreement is 100 percent allocated to the public utility's Wyoming customers unless otherwise agreed to by the public utility. In March 2020, the Wyoming legislature passed House Bill 200 (HB 200), Reliable and Dispatchable Low-Carbon Energy Standards. HB 200 required the Wyoming Public Service Commission to put in place astandard for each public utility specifying a percentage of electricity to be generated from coal-fired generation utilizing carbon capture technology by 2030. The requirement applies to generation allocated to Wyoming customers. HB 200 requires each public utility to demonstrate in its IRP the steps taken to achieve the electricity generation standard established by the Commission and will allow rate recovery of costs incurred by a public utility that utilizes coal-fired generation with carbon capture technology installed. The Wyoming Public Service Commission implemented new administrative rules Low-Carbon Energy Portfolio Standards that went into effect in January 2022 requiring public utilities to file an initial plan to establish intermediate standards and requirements no later than March 31,2022. A final plan must be filed by March 31, 2023 and include a low-carbon energy portfolio standard of no less than 20 percent unless it is not economically or technically feasible. During the 2024 legislative session the Reliable and Dispatchable Low-Carbon Energy Standard statute was amended through SF 42, which extended the deadline for compliance with the Low-Carbon Energy Standards from July 1, 2030 to July 1, 2033. In 2024, the Wyoming legislature passed SF 0023 Public Utilities-Energy Resource Procurement (SF 23) and SF 0024 Public Service Commission-Integrated Resource Plans (SF 24). SF 23 requires public utilities to conduct a solicitation process that is approved by the Wyoming Public Service Commission in order to acquire or construct a significant energy resource after July 1, 2024. A significant energy resource consists of 100 megawatts or more of new utility-owned generating capacity or utility-contracted generating capacity that has a dependable life or contract term of 10 or more years. SF 24 requires the Wyoming Public Service Commission to engage in long-range planning regarding public utility regulatory policy to facilitate the well-planned development and conservation of utility resources and requires the Commission to adopt rules providing a process for the review and acknowledgement of an action plan within an IRP. Greenhouse Gas Emission Performance Standards California, Oregon and Washington have greenhouse gas emission performance standards applicable to all electricity generated in the state or delivered from outside the statethat is no higher than the greenhouse gas emission levels of a state-of-the-art combined cycle natural gas generation facility. The standards for Oregon and California are currently set at 1,100 lb CO2/MWh,which is defined as a metric measure used to compare the emissions from various greenhouse gases based on their global warming potential. In September 2018, the Washington Department of Commerce issued a new rule lowering the emissions performance standard to 925 lb CO2/MWh. The Washington Department of Commerce issued a proposal to lower the emission performance standard to 863 lb CO2/MWh in October 2024. However, Chehalis was purchased by PacifiCorp in 2008.The change in ownership is the act that triggered the applicability of the standard. Because the EPS was 1,100 lb GHG/MWh during the time of triggered applicability, that is the standard that Chehalis complies with. It isn't until Chehalis undergoes a change in ownership, upgrade, or new or renewed long-term financial commitment with anyone other than Bonneville Power Administration that applicability to the lowered standard would be triggered. 59 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 3—PLANNING ENVIRONMENT Renewable Portfolio Standards An RPS requires a retail seller of electricity to include in its resource portfolio a certain amount of electricity from renewable energy resources, such as wind, geothermal and solar energy. The retailer can satisfy this obligation by using renewable energy from its own facilities, purchasing renewable energy from another supplier's facilities, using Renewable Energy Credits (RECs)that certify renewable energy has been generated, or a combination of all of these. RPS policies are currently implemented at the state level and vary considerably in their renewable targets (percentages), target dates, resource/technology eligibility, applicability of existing plants and contracts, arrangements for enforcement and penalties, and use of RECs. In PacifiCorp's service territory, California, Oregon, and Washington have each adopted a mandatory RPS, and Utah has adopted a RPS goal. Each of these states' legislation and requirements are summarized in Table 3.3, with additional discussion below. Table 3.3 —State RPS Requirements California Oregon Washington Utah Legislation • Senate Bill 1078(2002) • Senate Bill 838 Oregon • Initiative Measure No. • Senate Bill 202(2008) • Assembly Bill 200(2005) Renewable Energy Act 937(2006) • Senate Bill 107(2006) (2007) • SB 5400(2013) • Senate Bill 2 First Extraordinary • House Bill 3039(2009) Session(2011) • House Bill 1547-B(2016) • Senate Bill 350(2015) • Senate Bill 100(2018) Requirement • 20%by December 31,2013 • 5%by December 31,2011 • 3%by January 1,2012 • Goal of 20%by 2025 or Goal • 25%by December 31,2016 • 15%by December 31,2015 • 9%by January 1,2016 (must be cost • 33%by December 31,2020 • 20%by December 31,2020 • 15%by January 1, effective) • 44%by December 31,2024 • 27%by December 31,2025 2020 and beyond • Annual targets are • 52%by December 31,2027 • 35%by December 31,2030 *Annual targets are based on the • 60%by December 31,2030 • 45%by December 31,2035 based on the average of adjusted10 retail sales and beyond • 50%by December 31,2040 the utility's load for the for the calendar year • Planning target of 100% *Based on the retail load for previous two years 36 months before the renewable and zero-carbon that year target year by 2045 La *Based on the retail load for a three-year compliance period California California originally established its RPS program with passage of SB 1078 in 2002. Several bills have since been passed into law to amend the program. In the 2011 First Extraordinary Special Session, the California Legislature passed SB 2 (1X) to increase California's RPS to 33 percent by 2020.II SB 2 (1X) also expanded the RPS requirements to all retail sellers of electricity and publicly owned utilities.In October 2015, SB 350, the Clean Energy and Pollution Reduction Act, 10 Adjustments for generated or purchased from qualifying zero carbon emissions and carbon capture storage and DSM. " www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/1 1-12/bill/sen/sb 0001-0050/sbxl 2 bill 20110412 chaptered.pdf 60 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 3—PLANNING ENVIRONMENT was signed into law.12 SB 350 established a greenhouse gas reduction target of 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030 and 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050 and expanded the state's renewables portfolio standard to 50 percent by 2030. In September 2018, the signing of SB 100, the Clean Energy Act of 2018, further expanded and accelerated the California RPS to 60 percent by 2030 and directed the state's agencies to plan for a longer-term goal of 100 percent of total retail sales of electricity in California to come from eligible renewable and zero-carbon resources by December 31, 2045. SB 2 (1X) created multi-year RPS compliance periods, which were expanded by SB 100. The California Public Utilities Commission approved compliance periods and corresponding RPS procurement requirements, which are shown in Table 3.4 below. Table 3.4—California Compliance Period Requirements Compliance Period Procurement Quantity Requirement Calculation (20% *2011 Retail Sales)+(20% * 2012 Retail Sales) Compliance Period 1 (2011-2013) +(20%*2013 Retail Sales) (21.7%*2014 Retail Sales)+(23.3%*2015 Retail Sales) Compliance Period 2(2014-2016) +(25%*2016 Retail Sales) (27% *2017 Retail Sales)+(29%*2018 Retail Sales) Compliance Period 3 (2017-2020) +(31%*2019 Retail Sales)+(33%*2020 Retail Sales) Compliance Period 4(2021-2024) (35.75%0** /0 021 Retail Sales)+(38.5%*2022 Retail Sales) +(41.25/0 2023 Retail Sales)+(44 2024 Retail Sales) Compliance Period 5 (2025-2027) *(46.677%*2025 Retail Sales)+(49.33%*2026 Retail Sales) /0 +(52 2027 Retail Sales) Compliance Period 6(2028-2030) *(54.677% *2028 Retail Sales)+(57.33%*2029 Retail Sales) /0 +(60 2030 Retail Sales) SB 2 (1X) established new"portfolio content categories" for RPS procurement, which delineated the type of renewable product that may be used for compliance and also set minimum and maximum limits on certain procurement content categories that can be used for compliance. Portfolio Content Category 1 includes eligible renewable energy and RECs that meet either of the following criteria: Have a first point of interconnection with a California balancing authority,have a first point of interconnection with distribution facilities used to serve end users within a California balancing authority area, or are scheduled from the eligible renewable energy resource into a California balancing authority without substituting electricity from another source;or Have an agreement to dynamically transfer electricity to a California balancing authority. Portfolio Content Category 2 includes firmed and shaped eligible renewable energy resource electricity products providing incremental electricity and scheduled into a California balancing authority. 12leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/bilINavClient.xhtml?bill id=201520160SB350 61 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 3—PLANNING ENVIRONMENT Portfolio Content Category 3 includes eligible renewable energy resource electricity products, or any fraction of the electricity, including unbundled renewable energy credits that do not qualify under the criteria of Portfolio Content Category 1 or Portfolio Content Category 2.13 Additionally, the CPUC established the balanced portfolio requirements for contracts executed after June 1, 2010. The balanced portfolio requirements set minimum and maximum levels for the Procurement Content Category products that may be used in each compliance period as shown in Table 3.5. Table 3.5—California Balanced Portfolio Requirements California RPS Compliance Period E Balanced Portfolio Requirement Compliance Period 1 (2011-2013) Category 1 —Minimum of 50%of Requirement Category 3 —Maximum of 25%of Requirement Compliance Period 2 (2014-2016) Category 1 —Minimum of 65%of Requirement Category 3 —Maximum of 15%of Requirement Compliance Period 3 (2017-2020) Compliance Period 4(2021-2024) Category 1 —Minimum of 75%of Requirement Compliance Period 5(2025-2027) Category 3 —Maximum of 10%of Requirement Compliance Period 6(2028-2030) In December 2011, the CPUC confirmed that multi jurisdictional utilities, such as PacifiCorp, are not subject to the percentage limits in the three portfolio content categories. PacifiCorp is required to file annual compliance reports with the CPUC and annual procurement reports with the California Energy Commission (CEC). Neither SB 350 nor SB 100 changed the portfolio content categories for eligible renewable energy resources or the portfolio balancing requirements exemption provided to PacifiCorp. For utilities subject to the portfolio balancing requirements,the CPUC extended the compliance period 3 requirements through 2030. The full California RPS statute is listed under Public Utilities Code Section 399.11-399.32. Additional information on the California RPS can be found on the CPUC and CEC websites. Qualifying renewable resources include solar thermal electric, photovoltaic, landfill gas, wind, biomass, geothermal, municipal solid waste, energy storage, anaerobic digestion, small hydroelectric, tidal energy, wave energy, ocean thermal,biodiesel, and fuel cells using renewable fuels. Renewable resources must be certified as eligible for the California RPS by the CEC and tracked in the Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System (WREGIS). Oregon In June of 2007, Oregon established a comprehensive renewable energy policy, including RPS, with the passage of SB 838, the Oregon Renewable Energy Act. 14 Subject to certain exemptions and cost limitations established in the Oregon Renewable Energy Act, PacifiCorp and other qualifying electric utilities must meet a target of at least 25 percent renewable energy by 2025. In March 2016,the Legislature passed SB 1547,15 also referred to as Oregon's Clean Electricity and 13 A REC can be sold either"bundled"with the underlying energy or"unbundled"as a separate commodity from the energy itself into a separate REC trading market. 14 www.leg.state.or.us/07reg/measpdf/sbO800.dir/sbO838.en.pdf 15 olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2016R1/Downloads/MeasureDocument/SB1547/Enrolled 62 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 3—PLANNING ENVIRONMENT Coal Transition Act. In addition to requiring Oregon to transition off coal by 2030, the new law doubled Oregon's RPS requirements, which are set at 27 percent by 2025, 35 percent by 2030, 45 percent by 2035, and 50 percent by 2040 and beyond. Other components of SB 1547 include: - Development of a community solar program with at least 10 percent of the program capacity reserved for low-income customers. - A requirement that by 2025, at least eight percent of the aggregate electric capacity of the state's investor-owned utilities must come from small-scale renewable projects under 20 megawatts. - Creates new eligibility for pre-1995 biomass plants and associated thermal co- generation. Under the previous law,pre-1995 biomass was not eligible until 2026. - Direction to the state's investor-owned utilities to propose plans encouraging greater reliance on electricity in all modes of transportation, to reduce carbon emissions. - Removal of the Oregon Solar Initiative mandate.I6 SB 1547 also modified the Oregon REC banking rules as follows: - RECs generated before March 8, 2016, have an unlimited life. - RECs generated during the first five years for long-term projects coming online between March 8, 2016, and December 31, 2022, have an unlimited life. - RECs generated on or after March 8, 2016, from resources that came online before March 8, 2016, expire five years beyond the year the REC was generated. - RECs generated beyond the first five years for long-term projects coming online between March 8, 2016, and December 31, 2022, expire five years beyond the year the REC is generated. - RECs generated from projects coming online after December 31, 2022, expire five years beyond the year the REC is generated. - Banked RECs can be surrendered in any compliance year regardless ofvintage(eliminates the "first-in, first-out"provision under SB 838). To qualify as eligible, the RECs must be from a resource certified as Oregon RPS eligible by the Oregon Department of Energy and tracked in WREGIS. Qualifying renewable energy sources can be located anywhere in the United States portion of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council geographic area, and a limited amount of unbundled renewable energy credits can be used toward the annual compliance obligation. Eligible renewable resources include electricity generated from wind, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, wave, tidal, ocean thermal, geothermal, certain types of biomass and biogas, municipal solid waste, and hydrogen power stations using anhydrous ammonia. Electricity generated by a hydroelectric facility is eligible if the facility is not located in any federally protected areas designated by the Pacific Northwest Electric Power and Conservation Planning Council as of July 23, 1999, or any area protected under the federal Wild and Scenic Rivers Act,P.L. 90-542, or the Oregon Scenic Waterways Act, ORS 390.805 to 390.925; or if the 16 In 2009,Oregon passed House Bill 3039,also called the Oregon Solar Initiative,requiring that on or before January 1,2020,the total solar photovoltaic generating nameplate capacity must be at least 20 megawatts from all electric companies in the state. The Public Utility Commission of Oregon determined that PacifiCorp's share of the Oregon Solar Initiative was 8.7 megawatts. 63 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 3—PLANNING ENVIRONMENT electricity is attributable to efficiency upgrades made to the facility on or after January 1, 1995, and up to 50 average megawatts of electricity per year generated by a certified low-impact hydroelectric facility owned by an electric utility and up to 40 average megawatts of electricity per year generated by certified low-impact hydroelectric facilities not owned by electric utilities. PacifiCorp files an annual RPS compliance report by June 1 of every year. In addition, ORS 469A.075 now aligns the filing of the Renewable Portfolio Implementation Plan (or RPIP) with the filing of the IRP. These compliance reports and implementation plans are available on PacifiCorp's website.17 The full Oregon RPS statute is listed in Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) Chapter 469A and the solar capacity standard is listed in ORS Chapter 757. The Public Utility Commission of Oregon rules are in Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) Chapter 860 Division 083 for the RPS and OAR Chapter 860 Division 084 for the solar photovoltaic program. The Oregon Department of Energy rules are under OAR Chapter 330 Division 160. Utah In March 2008, Utah's governor signed Utah SB 202, the Energy Resource and Carbon Emission Reduction Initiative, later codified in Utah Code Title 54 Chapter 17.18 This law provides that, beginning in the year 2025, 20 percent of adjusted retail electric sales of all Utah utilities be supplied by renewable energy if it is cost effective. Retail electric sales will be adjusted by deducting the amount of generation from sources that produce zero or reduced carbon emissions and for sales avoided because of energy efficiency and demand side management programs. Qualifying renewable energy sources can be located anywhere in the Western Electricity Coordinating Council areas, and unbundled renewable energy credits can be used for up to 20 percent of the annual qualifying electricity target. Eligible renewable resources include electricity from a facility or upgrade that becomes operational on or after January 1, 1995,that derives its energy from wind, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal electric, wave, tidal or ocean thermal, certain types of biomass and biomass products, landfill gas or municipal solid waste, geothermal, waste gas and waste heat capture or recovery, and efficiency upgrades to hydroelectric facilities if the upgrade occurred after January 1, 1995. Up to 50 average megawatts from a certified low-impact hydro facility and in-state geothermal and hydro generation without regard to operational online date may also be used toward the target. To assist solar development in Utah, solar facilities located in Utah receive credit for 2.4 kilowatt- hours of qualifying electricity for each kWh of generation. Under the Carbon Reduction Initiative,PacifiCorp is required to file a progress report by January 1 of each of the years 2010, 2015, 2020 and 2024. PacifiCorp filed its most recent progress report on December 29, 2023. This report showed that the company is positioned to meet its 20 percent target requirement of approximately 5.0 million megawatt-hours of renewable energy in 2025 from existing company-owned and contracted renewable energy sources. 17 www.pacificpower.net/ORrps "le.utah.gov/-2008/bills/sbillenr/sbO2O2.pdf 64 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 3—PLANNING ENVIRONMENT In 2027, the legislation requires a commission report to the Utah Legislature, which may contain any recommendation for penalties or other action for failure to meet the 2025 target. The legislation requires that any recommendation for a penalty must provide that the penalty funds be used for demand side management programs for the customers of the utility paying the penalty. Washington In November 2006, Washington voters approved I-937, a ballot measure establishing the Energy Independence Act, which is an RPS and energy efficiency requirement applied to qualifying electric utilities, including PacifiCorp.19 The law requires that qualifying utilities procure at least three percent of retail sales from eligible renewable resources or RECs by January 1,2012 through 2015; nine percent of retail sales by January 1, 2016 through 2019; and 15 percent of retail sales by January 1, 2020, and every year thereafter. Eligible renewable resources include electricity produced from water, wind, solar energy, geothermal energy, landfill gas,wave, ocean, or tidal power, gas from sewage treatment facilities, biodiesel fuel with limitation, and biomass energy based on organic byproducts of the pulp and wood manufacturing process, animal waste, solid organic fuels from wood, forest, or field residues, or dedicated energy crops. Qualifying renewable energy sources must be located in the Pacific Northwest or delivered into Washington on a real-time basis without shaping, storage, or integration services. The only hydroelectric resource eligible for compliance is electricity associated with efficiency upgrades to hydroelectric facilities.Utilities may use eligible renewable resources, RECs, or a combination of to meet the RPS requirement. PacifiCorp is required to file an annual RPS compliance report by June 1 of every year with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) demonstrating compliance with the Energy Independence Act. PacifiCorp's compliance reports are available on PacifiCorp's website.20 The WUTC adopted final rules to implement the initiative;the rules are listed in the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 19.285 and the Washington Administrative Code (WAC)480-109. REC Management Practices PacifiCorp provides the following summary of REC management practices in compliance with Order 20-186 in Oregon.The company intends to maximize the value of RECs for customers either through retirement for compliance purposes or monetization through sales. As a multi-state utility, PacifiCorp has Renewable Portfolio Standards in Washington, Oregon, and California, and a Renewable Portfolio Goal in 2025 in Utah. PacifiCorp generally retains and retires RECs allocated to Washington,Oregon,and California for compliance purposes,but requests flexibility to manage its RECs based on opportunities it sees in the market, which may include selling RECs at a favorable price and acquiring RECs at a lower price. The company maximizes the sale of RECs allocated to Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming and allocates the revenue from those sales to those states. One exception to REC sales is a special contract for one industrial customer where the customer foregoes REC sales revenue in exchange for a REC retirement to maintain renewable claims for 19 www.secstate.wa.gov/elections/initiatives/text/1937.pdf 20 www.pacificpower.net/report 65 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT corporate sustainability goals. An expansion of this program is currently under development to be offered under a new tariff in Utah, Idaho and Wyoming. Clean Energy Standards Washington In 2019, Governor Jay Inslee signed into law Senate Bill 5116, the Clean Energy Transformation Act. Under the law, Washington utilities are required to be carbon neutral by January 1, 2030,and institute a planning target of 100 percent clean electricity by 2045. The bill establishes four-year compliance periods beginning January 1, 2030, and requires utilities to use electricity from renewable resources and non-emitting electric generation in an amount equal to 100 percent of the retail electric load over each compliance period. Through December 31, 2044, an electric utility may satisfy up to 20 percent of its compliance obligation with an alternative compliance option such as the purchase of unbundled RECs. Oregon As noted under State Policy Updates, above, in July 2021, Oregon Governor Kate Brown signed into law House Bill 2021, which set emissions reduction targets for utilities and electricity providers. Under the law, retail electricity providers shall reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent below baseline emissions levels by 2030,by 90 percent below baseline emissions level by 2035, and by 100 percent below baseline emissions levels by 2040. California In 2018, California passed Senate Bill 100—known as the "100 percent Clean Energy Act of 2018,"which sets a 2045 goal of powering all retail electricity sold in California with renewable and zero-carbon resources. The law also updates the state's Renewables Portfolio Standard to ensure that by 2030 at least 60 percent of California's electricity is renewable. In 2022, California passed Senate Bill 1020, the Clean Energy, Jobs, and Affordability Act of 2022. This bill established interim targets to the previously-established SB 100. It requires that eligible renewable energy resources and zero-carbon resources supply: • 90% of all retail sales of electricity to California end-use customers by December 31, 2035 • 95% of all retail sales of electricity to California end-use customers by December 31, 2040 • 100% of all retail sales of electricity to California end-use customers by December 31, 2045 • 100% of electricity procured to serve all state agencies by December 31, 2030 In 2022, California passed Senate Bill 1158. This bill requires the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission to adopt guidelines for the reporting and disclosure of electricity sources by the hour. The bill includes hourly power source reporting as a new set of reporting requirements at the Energy Commission and allows for the commission to modify those requirements for small entities with under 60,000 customers in California, like Pacific Power. The Energy Commission issued proposed rules October 1, 2024, that would exempt the company from the hourly reporting requirement. The Energy Commission will likely adopt a final rule in early 2025. 66 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 3—PLANNING ENVIRONMENT Wyoming In July 2020,House Bill 200 (HB 200),Reliable and Dispatchable Low-Carbon Energy Standards went into effect requiring the Wyoming Public Service Commission to put in place a standard for each public utility specifying a percentage of electricity to be generated from coal-fired generation utilizing carbon capture technology by 2030. The Wyoming Public Service Commission implemented rules for Low-Carbon Energy Portfolio Standards that went into effect in January 2022 requiring public utilities to file an initial plan to establish intermediate standards and requirements no later than March 31, 2022. A final plan must be filed by March 31, 2023 and include a final low-carbon energy portfolio standard of no less than 20 percent unless it is not economically or technically feasible. The Company requested an extension and filed the final plan on March 29,2024 that included a proposal to: conduct additional technical and economic analyses for an Allam Fetvedt Cycle Project at either the Dave Johnston or Wyodak facilities by conducting a pre-FEED study in conjunction with SK and 8 Rivers;conduct additional technical and economic analyses by conducting a front-end engineering and design (FEED) study at the Jim Bridger facility; and no determination of a low-carbon portfolio standard at this time since CCUS continues to be evaluated for its technical and economic feasibility. The Commission approved the Company's final plan in public deliberations held on September 19, 2024. The statute also allows electric utilities to implement a surcharge not to exceed 2% of customer bills to recover costs to comply with the standard. Transportation Electrification The electric transportation market continues to strengthen since 2022. Overall, light duty battery electric vehicle sales have grown since 2022 resulting in a market share of about 9% in the United States21. PacifiCorp states, especially west coast states continue to outpace the US market share percentage, California is number one, with Oregon and Washington close behind 22. By 2030 EVs (LDV) are expected to reach 7.7 million or 46%of sales 21. EV sales still comprise a small portion of overall sales,however this will shift as medium-duty/heavy-duty(MD/HD)customers continue to expand. PacifiCorp also hosts major interstates and traffic corridors that will see continued electrification through policies discussed above. Furthermore, many businesses are moving to electrify their fleets from port authorities,transit agencies, etc.which will increase load over time. This rapidly evolving market represents a potential driver of future load growth and those impacts managed proactively,provide an opportunity to increase the efficiency of the electrical system and provide benefits for all PacifiCorp customers. In addition, increased adoption of electric transportation has the ability to improve air quality, reduce noise pollution,reduce greenhouse gas emissions,improve public health and safety,and create financial benefits for drivers,which can be a particular benefit for low- and moderate-income populations. Current EV adoption numbers indicate that there is still an enormous opportunity for growth in the EV market. To develop a prospective forecast of EV adoption, PacifiCorp developed a model to assess trends for light duty vehicles (LDVs) and medium-duty and heavy-duty vehicles (MD/HDVs). To inform a future vehicle adoption curve,the Company reviewed three national EV 21 October 2024 auto sales volume to hold steady in the US I S&P Global 22 Electric vehicle market and policy developments in U.S. states,2023 -International Council on Clean Transportation 21 Electric Vehicle Sales and the Charging-Infrastructure-Required Through 2035 67 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT forecasts, each representing varying degrees of aggressiveness. While these forecasts represent national trends, the adoption curves themselves are quite different and can be adjusted to reflect state-specific parameters such as current market conditions, light duty truck saturation, and EV policies adopted in the state. PacifiCorp monitors vehicle adoption in each state on an annual basis and adjusts forecasts accordingly as new data is made available. To help manage and understand the potential future load growth impacts of electric transportation PacifiCorp is investing to support EV fast chargers along key corridors, develop commercial and residential charging programs,research new rate designs and implement time-of-use pricing programs and managed charging pilots, create partnerships for smart mobility programs and develop opportunities for customers in our rural communities. In California, Pacific Power's Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Rule 24 will pay for and coordinate the design and deployment of service extensions from our electrical distribution line facilities to the service delivery point for separately metered electric vehicle charging stations.24 Pacific Power continues to provide programs funded by the Oregon Clean Fuels program as well as the recent HB 2165 legislation passed that created a transportation electrification benefits charge to support infrastructure development in the state of Oregon. As of November 2022, the Washington Utility and Transportation Commission approved Pacific Power's Transportation Electrification Plan which sets out an estimated spend of $3.5 million over the next five years to support TE in Washington state. In Utah, PacifiCorp is implementing the $50 million Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program that has four core components: Company-owned public fast chargers, customer incentives, innovative projects, and outreach and education efforts. In June 2024,the first four locations with Company- owned public direct current fast chargers (DCFC) became operational. It is anticipated that there will be roughly 20 locations with an estimated 100 DCFC stations throughout Utah by the end of the program. As of the end of 2023, PacifiCorp had supported installation of over 4,800 EV ports throughout the territory. Electric vehicle load is reflected in the Company's load forecast. PacifiCorp continues to actively engage with local,regional, and national stakeholders and participate in state regulatory processes that can inform future planning and load forecasting efforts for electric vehicles. Hydroelectric Relice The issues involved in relicensing hydroelectric facilities are multifaceted.They involve numerous federal and state environmental laws and regulations, and the participation of numerous stakeholders including agencies, Native American tribes, non-governmental organizations, and local communities and governments. The value of relicensing hydroelectric facilities is continued availability of energy, capacity, and ancillary services associated with hydroelectric generation. Hydroelectric projects can often provide unique operational flexibility because they can be called upon to meet peak customer demands almost instantaneously and back up intermittent renewable resources such as wind and solar with carbon-free generation. In addition to operational flexibility, hydroelectric generation "Califomia Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Line Extensions(uacificuowennetl 68 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT does not have the emissions concerns of thermal generation. Hydroelectric projects can also often provide important ancillary services, such as spinning reserve and voltage support,to enhance the reliability of the transmission system. As of December 31, 2024, PacifiCorp has 15 FERC licensed hydroelectric projects. Each license may contain a single or multiple hydro developments (e.g., dams and powerhouses). PacifiCorp is currently seeking new licenses for the Cutler (30 MW) and Ashton (7.85 MW) hydroelectric projects. A new license for Cutler is expected in 2025, and a new license for Ashton in 2027. The next project to undergo the FERC relicensing process is the Bear River hydroelectric project (77 MW). That project's FERC license expires in 2033. The FERC hydroelectric relicensing process can be extremely political and often controversial. The process itself requires that the project's impacts on the surrounding environment and natural resources, such as fish and wildlife, be scientifically evaluated, followed by development of proposals and alternatives to mitigate those impacts. Tribal and interested party consultation is conducted throughout the process. If resolution of issues cannot be reached in this process, litigation often ensues, which can be costly and time-consuming. The usual alternative to relicensing is decommissioning. Both choices, however, can involve significant costs. FERC has sole jurisdiction under the Federal Power Act to issue new operating licenses for non- federal hydroelectric projects on navigable waterways, federal lands, and under other criteria. FERC must find that the project is in the broad public interest. This requires weighing,with"equal consideration," the impacts of the project on fish and wildlife, cultural resources, recreation, land use, and aesthetics against the project's energy production benefits. Because some of the responsible state and federal agencies have the ability to place mandatory conditions in the license, FERC is not always in a position to balance the energy and environmental equation. For example, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries agency and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have the authority in the relicensing process to require installation of fish passage facilities (fish ladders and screens) and to specify their design. This is often the largest single capital investment that will be considered in relicensing and can significantly impact project economics. Also, because a myriad of other state and federal laws come into play in relicensing, most notably the Endangered Species Act and the Clean Water Act, agencies' interests may compete or conflict with each other, leading to potentially contrary or additive licensing requirements. PacifiCorp has generally taken a proactive approach towards achieving the best possible relicensing outcome for its customers by engaging in negotiations with stakeholders to resolve complex relicensing issues. In some cases, settlement agreements are achieved which are submitted to FERC for incorporation into a new license. FERC welcomes license applications that reflect broad involvement or that incorporate measures agreed upon through multi- party settlement agreements. History demonstrates that with such support, FERC generally accepts proposed new license terms and conditions reflected in settlement agreements. Potential Impact Relicensing hydroelectric facilities involves significant process costs. The FERC relicensing process takes a minimum of five years and may take longer, depending on the characteristics of the project, the number of stakeholders, and issues that arise during the process. As of December 31, 2023, PacifiCorp had incurred approximately $33 million in costs for license implementation and ongoing hydroelectric relicensing, which are included in construction work-in-progress on 69 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT PacifiCorp's Consolidated Balance Sheet. As current or upcoming relicensing and settlement efforts continue for the Cutler, Ashton and other hydroelectric projects, additional process costs are being or will be incurred that will need to be recovered from customers. Hydroelectric relicensing costs have and will continue to have a significant impact on overall hydroelectric generation cost. Such costs include capital investments and related operations and maintenance costs associated with fish passage facilities,recreational facilities,wildlife protection,water quality, cultural and flood management measures. Project operational and flow-related changes, such as increased in-stream flow requirements to protect aquatic resources, can also directly result in lost generation. Much of these relicensing implementation and settlement costs relate to PacifiCorp's two largest hydroelectric projects: Lewis River and North Umpqua. Treatment in the IRP The known or expected operational impacts related to FERC orders and settlement commitments are incorporated in the projection of existing hydroelectric resources discussed in Chapter 7. PacifiCorp's Approach to Hydroelectric Relicensing PacifiCorp continues to manage the hydroelectric relicensing process by pursuing interest-based resolutions or negotiated settlements as part of relicensing. PacifiCorp believes this proactive approach, which involves meeting Tribal, agency and others' interests through creative solutions, is the best way to achieve environmental and social improvements while balancing customer costs and risks. PacifiCorp also has reached agreements to decommission projects where that has been the most cost-effective outcome for customers. Rate Desi n Current rate designs in Utah have evolved over time based on orders and direction from the Public Service Commission of Utah and settlement agreements between parties during general rate cases. Most recently, current rates and rate design changes were adopted in Docket No 20-035-04 The goals for rate design are(generally)to reflect the cost to serve customers and to provide price signals to encourage economically efficient usage. This is consistent with resource planning goals that balance consideration of costs, risk, and long-run public policy goals. PacifiCorp currently has a number of rate design elements that take into consideration these objectives, in particular,rate designs that reflect cost differences for energy or demand during different time periods and that support the goals of acquiring cost-effective energy efficiency. Residential Rate Design Residential rates in Utah are comprised of a customer charge and energy charges. The customer charge is a monthly charge that provides limited recovery of customer-related costs incurred to serve customers regardless of usage and is broken into separate charges for residential customers who live in single family and multi-family dwellings All other remaining costs are recovered through volumetric- based energy charges. Energy charges for residential customers are designed with an inclining-tier rate structure so high usage during a billing month is charged a higher rate. Additionally, energy charges are differentiated by season with higher rates in the summer when the costs to serve are higher.Residential customers also have an option for time-of-day rates. Time-of- 70 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT day rates have a surcharge for usage during the on-peak periods and a credit for usage during the off-peak periods. This rate structure provides an additional price signal to encourage customers to use less energy during the daily on-peak periods when energy costs are higher. As of December 2023, , less than one percent of customers have opted to participate in the time-of-day rate option. . As part of the STEP legislation enacted in SB 115, the company developed a pilot time-of-use program to encourage off-peak charging of electric vehicles for residential customers. The results of this pilot may inform future rate design offerings. Any changes in standard residential rate design or institution of optional rate options to support energy efficiency or time-differentiated usage should be balanced with the recovery of fixed costs to ensure price signals are economically efficient and do not unduly shift costs to other customers. Commercial and Industrial Rate Design Commercial and industrial rates in Utah include customer charges, facilities charges, power charges (for usage over 15 kW) and energy charges. As with residential rates, customer charges and facilities charges are generally intended to recover costs that do not vary with energy usage. Power charges are applied to a customer's monthly demand on a kW basis and are intended to recover the costs associated with demand or capacity needs. Energy charges are applied to the customer's metered usage on a kWh basis. All commercial and industrial rates employ seasonal variations in power and/or energy charges with higher rates in the summer months to reflect the higher costs to serve during the summer peak period. Additionally, for customers with load 1,000 kW or more, rates are further differentiated by on-peak and off-peak periods for both power and energy charges. For commercial and industrial customers with load less than 1,000 kW, the company offers an optional time-of-day rates—one that differentiates energy rates for on- and off- peak usage, Irrigation Rate Design Irrigation rates in Utah are comprised of an annual customer charge, a monthly customer charge, a seasonal power charge, and energy charges. The annual and monthly customer charges provide some recovery of customer-related costs incurred to serve customers regardless of usage.All other remaining costs are recovered through a seasonal power charge and energy charges. The power charge is for the irrigation season only and is designed to recover demand-related costs and to encourage irrigation customers to control and reduce power consumption. Energy charges for irrigation customers are designed with two options. One is a time-of-day program with higher rates for on-peak consumption than for off-peak consumption. Irrigation customers also have an option to participate in a third-party operated Irrigation Load Control Program. Customers are offered a financial incentive to participate in the program and give the company the right to interrupt service to the participating customers when energy costs are higher. Electricity Market Development Updat PacifiCorp and the CAISO launched the Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM) on November 1, 2014. The WEIM is a voluntary market and the first western energy market outside of California. NV Energy (NVE) began participating in December 2015, Arizona Public Service 71 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 3—PLANNING ENVIRONMENT (APS) and Puget Sound Energy(PSE)began participating in October 2016, and Portland General Electric(PGE)began participating in October 2017.Idaho Power and Powerex began participating in April 2018, and the Balancing Authority of Northern California(BANC)i began participating in April 2019. Seattle City Light (SCL) and Salt River Project (SRP) began participating in April 2020, and 2021 saw the addition of NorthWestern Energy, Los Angeles Department of Water & Power(LADWP),Public Service Company of New Mexico(PNM),and Turlock Irrigation District (TID). Avista Utilities, Tucson Electric Power (TEP), Tacoma Power and Bonneville Power Administration(BPA) officially became a participant in the EIM in 2022. El Paso Electric (EPE), Western Area Power Administration Desert Southwest (WAPA DSW) and Avangrid (AVR) entered in April 2023. In 2026, Black Hills Montana and Berkshire Hathaway Energy Montana (BHE Montana) have planned entry into the WEIM. The WEIM footprint now includes portions of Arizona, California,Idaho,Nevada, Oregon,Texas, New Mexico, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and British Columbia which make up almost eighty percent of the Western Energy Coordinating Council (WECC) load and will expand to include Montana in 2026. PacifiCorp continues to work with the CAISO, existing and prospective WEIM entities, and stakeholders to enhance market functionality and support market growth. Figure 3.12—Western Energy Imbalance Market Expansion Puget Sound power Energy Seattle City light Tacoma �BHE Montana Power 4 T Avangrld' North W Black Hills Portland &qnn Enor Energy Power General� Administration Electric Ida as Pac i 6 Corp P NV Energy 1 Turloc I n igat Dishid Ca I Los Dept..An Public of ice Water$Power Public Service Solt River WAPA Proled Noenwlptsrt�y4 Soulhwrf Tucson Electric Power El Paso Electric Active participant Planned WEIM entry 2026 72 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT The WEIM has produced approximately $5.8513 in monetary benefits since inception for participating utilities,quantified in the following categories: (1)more efficient dispatch,both inter- and intra-regional, by automating dispatch every fifteen and five minutes within and across the WEIM footprint based on the most economical solution; (2)reduced renewable energy curtailment by allowing balancing authority areas to export or reduce imports of renewable generation that would otherwise need to be curtailed; and (3) reduced need for flexible reserves in all WEIM balancing authority areas which reduces cost by aggregating load, wind, and solar variability and forecast errors of the WEIM footprint. A significant contributor to WEIM benefits is transfers across balancing authority areas,providing access to lower-cost supply, while factoring in the cost of compliance with greenhouse gas emissions regulations that exist in states with a price on carbon (i.e., California and Washington). Generally, transfer quantities are based on transmission and interchange rights between participating balancing authority areas. After development and expansion of the WEIM in the west, a natural next question was—are there continued opportunities to increase economic efficiency and renewable integration beyond the scope of WEIM but short of a full regional transmission organization? PacifiCorp believes the answer is `yes'. Over the duration of 2022, the CAISO held a robust stakeholder process to develop the market design of the Extended Day-Ahead Market(EDAM). With stakeholder feedback,the final EDAM proposal was released in early December 2022. On December 8th, PacifiCorp announced that it intends to join EDAM. The final EDAM design was approved by the CAISO Board of Governors and WEIM Governing Body in early February 2023, and received FERC approval on December 28, 2023. EDAM is scheduled to go live on May 1, 2026, and to date, PacifiCorp and Portland General Electric have signed their EDAM implementation agreements. The Southwest Power Pool (SPP) has also been developing a day-ahead market offering, called Markets+. Markets+ introduces a potential risk to WEIM benefits through a shrinking WEIM footprint as stakeholders who want to participate in Markets+ would need to exit WEIM. In addition to a smaller WEIM footprint, day-ahead markets with different design elements and requirements for participation exacerbate the seams issue which already exist throughout the west. SPP and stakeholders filed their tariff with FERC on March 29, 2024 and received a deficiency letter on July 31, 2024 that SPP is currently working through to remedy FERC's clarification and additional information request due at the end of November 2024. SPP does not believe the SPP Markets+timeline will be impacted for their projected spring 2027 go-live target and stakeholders must be vigilant to ensure the markets work as cohesively as possible. Recent Resource Procurement Activities PacifiCorp issued and will issue multiple requests for proposals (RFP) to secure resources or transact on various energy and environmental attribute products.Table 3.6 summarizes recent RFP activities. 73 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 3—PLANNING ENVIRONMENT Table 3.6—PacifiCorp's Requests for Proposal Activity RFPis RFP Objective ME Status Issued Completed Renewable energy Excess system RECs Ongoing Based on specific Ongoing credits(Purchase) need Renewable energy Oregon compliance needs Ongoing Based on specific Ongoing credits(Purchase) need Renewable energy Washington compliance needs Ongoing Based on specific Ongoing credits(Purchase) need Renewable energy California compliance needs Ongoing Based on specific Ongoing credits(Purchase) need Short-term sMarket System balancing Ongoing Based on specific Ongoing Seeking resources consistent to Expected 2024 Utah Renewables the Community Clean Energy Expected November Community RFP Act(Utah Code 54-17-901 to- Ongoing 2024 October 9 2025 09 Seeking resources consistent Expected 2025 All-Source RFP with the 2025 IRP's least cost Ongoing Expected 2025 in Q4 resource portfolio 2025 2022 All-Source RFP On April 1, 2024, PacifiCorp published the company's 2023 Integrated Resource Plan Update. The 2023 IRP Update preferred portfolio demonstrated that with limited procurement of battery resources in the near-term,which can be achieved outside of a request for proposals process,there is material customer benefit to scaling down and delaying resource acquisition until after 2030. As such, the 2022 All-Source Request for Proposals was terminated. PacifiCorp's 2025 IRP will inform the next steps for incremental resource acquisition. 2024 Utah Renewables Community RFP The 2024 Utah Renewable Communities' Request for Proposals for renewable energy resources (2024 URC RFP), is administered by the Community Renewable Energy Agency (Agency) on behalf of customers that participate in the Community Clean Energy Program (Program). The 2024 URC RFP is seeking cost-competitive bids for energy produced by wind, photovoltaic (PV) solar, geothermal, or hydroelectric resources and interconnecting with PacifiCorp's transmission system. The Agency is seeking to purchase energy from renewable resources pursuant to the Community Clean Energy Act(Act(Utah Code 54-17-901 to-909))and in support of the Program created by the Act and the Utah Public Service Commission(Commission). The 2024 URC RFP is planned to be released in late November 2024. 74 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 3—PLANNING ENVIRONMENT 2025 All-Source RFP PacifiCorp will seek to file the 2025 All Source RFP ("2025AS RFP")based on results identified in the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio. Further updates on the status and schedule of the 2025AS RFP will be provided as they become available. Recent Resource Procurement/DSM Procurement In 2023,PacifiCorp issued a Request for Proposals to re-procure program delivery services for the Home Energy Savings and Wattsmart Business energy efficiency programs in Washington and California. As a result of the re-procurement, new contracts for Washington and California were signed in 2024. For Washington specifically, PacifiCorp followed its Competitive Procurement Framework,25 including seeking Washington DSM Advisory Group input and posting a notice on the Company website prior to releasing the Request for Proposals. In 2024, PacifiCorp issued a Request for Proposals to re-procure program delivery services for Wattsmart Business in Utah, Idaho and Wyoming, and contracting is underway. In 2024, PacifiCorp also issued an RFP for energy efficiency implementation services for a commercial new construction program in its Utah service area. The procurement and subsequent contracting steps are still underway. 25 2022-2023 Biennial Conservation Plan,Appendix 6(Docket UE-201830) The current Competitive Procurement Framework for Washington Conservation and Efficiency Resources is available in Appendix 6 to the 2024-2025 Biennial Conservation Plan(Docket UE-230904). 75 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 3-PLANNING ENVIRONMENT 76 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 4—TRANSMISSION CHAPTER 4 - TRANSMISSION CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS • PacifiCorp's planned transmission projects help facilitate a transitioning resource portfolio and comply with reliability requirements, while providing sufficient flexibility necessary to ensure existing and future resources can meet customer demand cost effectively and reliably. • Given the long lead time needed to site, permit, and construct new transmission lines, these projects need to be planned well in advance of resource additions. • PacifiCorp's transmission planning and benefits evaluation efforts adhere to regulatory and compliance requirements and respond to commission and stakeholder requests for a robust evaluation process and clear criteria for evaluating transmission additions. • The 2025 IRP preferred portfolio includes the following notable transmission upgrades:' o A series of upgrades to increase transfer capability between southern Utah and the Wasatch Front,projected to come online between 2026 and 2036. o New transmission from the Walla Walla substation near Walla Walla, Washington to the Wine Country substation near Sunnyside, Washington, projected to come online in 2031. 0 120 miles of new transmission from the Fry substation near Albany, Oregon to a new substation in Deschutes County, Oregon, projected to come online in 2032. o New transmission including lines from the Fry substation near Albany, Oregon and from the Dixonville substation near Roseburg, Oregon, each connecting to a substation near Lebanon, Oregon,projected to come online in 2036. o A second 416-mile transmission line from the Aeolus substation near Medicine Bow,Wyoming,to the Clover substation near Mona,Utah(Energy Gateway South 2),projected to come online in 2036. • Further, the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio includes near-term transmission upgrades across PacifiCorp's transmission system including investment in infrastructure in Oregon, Utah, and Washington that will facilitate continued and long-term growth in new resources needed to serve PacifiCorp's customers. Introduction PacifiCorp's bulk transmission network is a high-value asset that is designed to reliably transport electric energy from a broad array of generation resources (owned or contracted generation including market purchases) to load centers. There are many benefits associated with a robust transmission network, some of which are set forth below: 1 Two significant transmission projects have been placed in-service since the 2023 IRP,and are therefore included in the 2025 IRP base modeling: • The Energy Gateway South transmission line-a new 416-mile,high-voltage 500—kilovolt(kV)transmission line and associated infrastructure running from the Aeolus substation near Medicine Bow,Wyoming,to the Clover substation near Mona,Utah.This transmission line was placed in service in Q4-2024. • The Energy Gateway West Subsegment D1 project-a new high-voltage 230-kilovolt transmission line and a rebuild of an existing 230 kV transmission line from the Shirley Basin substation in southeastern Wyoming to the Windstar substation near Glenrock,Wyoming.These lines were placed in service in Q4- 2024. 77 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 4-TRANSMISSION 1. Reliable delivery of diverse energy supply to continuously changing customer demands under a wide variety of system operating conditions. 2. Ability to always meet aggregate electrical demand and customers' energy requirements, considering scheduled outages and the ability to maintain reliability during unscheduled outages. 3. Ability to meet changing regulatory requirements as states move towards a carbon free energy future. 4. Economic dispatch of resources within PacifiCorp's diverse system. 5. Economic transfer of electric power to and from other systems as facilitated by the company's participation in the market, which reduces net power costs and provides opportunities to maintain resource adequacy at a reasonable cost. 6. Access to some of the nation's best wind and solar resources,which provides opportunities to develop geographically diverse low-cost renewable assets. 7. Resiliency to protect against system and market disruptions where limited transmission can otherwise constrain energy supply. 8. Ability to meet obligations and requirements of PacifiCorp's Open Access Transmission Tariff(OATT). PacifiCorp's transmission network is highly integrated with other transmission systems in the west and provides the critical infrastructure needed to serve our customers cost effectively and reliably. Consequently, PacifiCorp's transmission network is a critical component of the IRP process. PacifiCorp has a long history of providing reliable service in meeting the bulk transmission needs of the region. This valued asset will become even more critical as the regional resource mix transitions to accommodate increasing levels of variable generation from renewable resources that will be used to serve the growing energy needs of our customers. This chapter provides: • An overview of PacifiCorp's regulatory requirements including recent updates to PacifiCorp's generation interconnection procedures. • Support for PacifiCorp's plan to continue permitting the balance of Gateway West; • Key background information on the evolution of the Energy Gateway Transmission Expansion Plan; and • An overview of PacifiCorp's investments in recent short-term system improvements that have improved reliability, helped to maximize efficient use of the existing system, and enabled the company to defer the need to invest in larger-scale transmission infrastructure. Open Access Transmission Tariff Consistent with the requirements of its GATT, approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission(FERC),PacifiCorp plans and builds its transmission system based on two customer- type agreements—network customer or point-to-point transmission service. For network customers,PacifiCorp uses ten-year load-and-resource (L&R) forecasts supplied by the customer, as well as network transmission service requests to facilitate development of transmission plans. Each year, PacifiCorp solicits L&R data from each of its network customers to determine future L&R requirements for all transmission network customers. The bulk of PacifiCorp's network customer needs comes from the company's Energy Supply Management (ESM) function, which 78 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 4—TRANSMISSION supplies energy and capacity for PacifiCorp's retail customers. Other network customers include Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems, Utah Municipal Power Agency, Deseret Power Electric Cooperative (including Moon Lake Electric Association), Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Tri-State Generation & Transmission, the United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation, and the Western Area Power Administration. PacifiCorp uses its customers' L&R forecasts and best available information, including transmission service and generation interconnection requests, as factors to determine the need and timing for investments in the transmission system.If customer L&R forecasts change significantly, PacifiCorp may consider alternative deployment scenarios or schedules for transmission system investments, as appropriate. In accordance with FERC guidelines, PacifiCorp is able to reserve transmission network capacity based on this data. PacifiCorp's experience, however, is that the lengthy planning,permitting and construction timeline required to deliver significant transmission investments, as well as the typical useful life of these facilities, is well beyond the 10-year timeframe of L&R forecasts.2 A 20-year planning horizon and ability to reserve transmission capacity to meet existing and forecasted need over that timeframe is more consistent with the time required to plan for and build large-scale transmission projects, and PacifiCorp supports clear regulatory acknowledgement of this reality and corresponding policy guidance. For point-to-point transmission service,the OATT requires PacifiCorp to grant service on existing transmission infrastructure using existing capacity or to build transmission system infrastructure as required to provide the service. The required action is determined with each point-to-point transmission service request through FERC-approved study processes that identify the transmission need. Reliability Standards PacifiCorp is required to meet mandatory FERC,North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), and Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) reliability standards and planning requirements. The operation of PacifiCorp's transmission system also responds to requests issued by California Independent System Operator (CAISO) RC West as the NERC reliability coordinator. The company conducts annual system assessments to confirm minimum levels of system performance during a wide range of operating conditions,from serving loads with all system elements in service to extreme conditions where portions of the system are out of service. Factored into these assessments are load growth forecasts, operating history, seasonal performance, resource additions or removals, new transmission asset additions, and the largest transmission and generation contingencies. Based on these analyses, PacifiCorp identifies any potential system deficiencies and determines the infrastructure improvements needed to reliably meet customer loads. NERC planning standards define reliability of the interconnected bulk electric system in terms of adequacy and security. Adequacy is the electric system's ability to always meet aggregate electrical demand for customers. Security is the electric system's ability to withstand sudden disturbances or unanticipated loss of system elements. Increasing transmission capacity often requires redundant facilities to meet NERC reliability criteria. z For example,PacifiCorp's application to begin the Environmental Impact Statement process for the Gateway West segment of its Energy Gateway Transmission Expansion Project was filed with the Bureau of Land Management in 2007.A partial Record of Decision(ROD)was received in late April 2013,and a supplemental ROD was received in January 2017. 79 PACIFICORP-2025 IU CHAPTER 4-TRANSMISSION Generation Interconnection Study Methodology Changes In 2022 PacifiCorp filed a request with FERC to modify its large generator interconnection procedure to allow PacifiCorp to study new standalone storage resources as not discharging during high generation of other resources in the region. The request was approved by FERC in March 2022 and the new assumptions were implemented into generation interconnection studies starting with Cluster 2.The new operating assumptions have allowed PacifiCorp to use more realistic study assumptions for storage resources which in some circumstances should alleviate the need for additional network upgrades to interconnect new resources. In 2023 FERC released Order 2023 which required modifications of all transmission provider's including PacifiCorp's, generator interconnection procedures. Several notable changes were included in Order 2023. First, FERC required all transmission providers to move to a first ready, first serve cluster study process which PacifiCorp had already transitioned to in 2020. Second, FERC required all transmission providers to use a distribution factor analysis to assign cost responsibility to specific interconnection customer requests driving the need for network upgrades. This change to PacifiCorp's procedures will allow for projects sited in locations that have smaller impacts on the transmission system, avoiding cost responsibility for upgrades in the region that its project does not cause. Other aspects of the Order 2023 include requiring 100 percent of site control for proposed generating facilities with the initial application and substantial withdrawal penalties at the facilities study stage both of which should disincentivize speculative projects. PacifiCorp will implement a transition process in which existing interconnection requests that have not yet proceeded far enough in the study process will have the opportunity to be studied in a transition cluster study or be withdrawn. PacifiCorp's next application window for new generation interconnection requests will open in 2026. Aeolus to Mona/Clover (Gateway South — Segment F) The Energy Gateway South transmission line is a new 416-mile,high-voltage 500-kV transmission line and associated infrastructure running from the Aeolus substation near Medicine Bow, Wyoming, to the Clover substation near Mona, Utah. The transmission line is currently under construction and scheduled to come online by the end of 2024. Windstar-Populus (Gateway West — Segment D) The Windstar-to-Populus transmission project consists of three key sub-segments: • DI- Recently placed in service, a Figure 4.1 - Segment D single-circuit 230-kV line running �/�/ Y O M I N G approximately 59 miles between the existing Windstar and Aeolus substations while looping in and out of •Windstar Shirley Basin substation in eastern 0 Shirley Basin Br - 0.1 Aeolus Wyoming; _ Anticline o� ,, • D2—A single-circuit 500-kV line completed October 2020 and energized November 2020 and • D3—A single-circuit 500-kV line running approximately 200 miles between the new Anticline substation and the Populus substation in southeast Idaho. 80 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 4—TRANSMISSION Populus-Hemingway (Gateway West - Segment E) The Populus-to-Hemingway transmission project consists of two single-circuit 500-kV lines that run approximately 500 miles between the Populus substation in eastern Idaho to the Hemingway substation in western Idaho. While PacifiCorp is not requesting acknowledgement of a plan to construct these segments in this IRP, the company will continue to permit the projects specifically transmission segment between Midpoint-to-Hemingway portion of Segment E. Figure 4.2 - Segment E N I D A H 0 The Gateway West Segment E project would enable Hemingway GA ` *A V w PacifiCorp to more efficiently dispatch system resources, Midpoint improve performance of the transmission system (i.e., E sore►, reduce line losses), improve reliability, and enable access coder Hil Pcpulus to a diverse range of new resource alternatives over the o long term. Plan to Continue Permitting — Gateway West The Gateway West transmission projects continue to offer benefits under multiple,future resource scenarios. To ensure the company is well positioned to advance the projects, it is prudent for PacifiCorp to continue to permit the balance of Gateway West transmission projects. The record of decision(ROD) and right-of-way grants contain many conditions and stipulations that must be met and accepted before a project can move to construction. PacifiCorp will continue the work necessary to meet these requirements and will continue to meet regularly with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to review progress. Boardman-Hemingway (Segment H) Boardman-to-Hemingway(B2H) is an approximately 290-mile high-voltage 500-kV transmission line capable of coming online in 2027. PacifiCorp is continuing to coordinate with regional transmission providers and retail customers to evaluate options for this project. PacifiCorp continues to participate in the project under the Joint Funding Permitting Agreement with Idaho Power. In accordance with this agreement,PacifiCorp is responsible for its share of the costs associated with federal and state permitting activities and other pre-construction activities agreed to in the updated agreement. Idaho Power's 2023 IRP identified the B2H as a preferred resource to meet its capacity needs, reflecting a need for the project in 2026 to avoid a deficit in load-serving capability in peak-load periods. Given the status of ongoing permitting activities and the construction period,Idaho Power expects the in-service date for the transmission line to be in 2027 or beyond. The BLM released its record of decision ROD for B2H on November 17, 2017. The ROD allows BLM to grant right-of-way to Idaho Power for the construction, operation,and maintenance of the 81 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 4-TRANSMISSION B2H Project on BLM-administered land. The BLM right-of-way grant was executed on January 9, 2018. The U.S. Forest Service (USFS) issued a separate ROD on November 9, 2018, for lands administered by the USFS based on the analysis in the final environmental impact statement. The USFS ROD approves the issuance of a special-use authorization for a portion of the project that crosses the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest. The U.S. Department of the Navy issued a ROD on September 25, 2019, in support of construction of a portion of the B2H project on 7.1-miles of the Naval Weapons Systems Training Facility in Boardman, Oregon. On September 27, 2022, Oregon's Energy Facility Siting Council approved the Oregon site certificate completing Oregon's permit actions that provide for the construction of the project across private lands in Oregon. Following this action an appeal was made to the Oregon Supreme court challenging the approval. On March 8, 2023, the court affirmed the site certificate which finalized the site certificate. In January of 2022 Idaho Power, BPA and PacifiCorp agreed in a non-binding term sheet to negotiate Bonneville's exit of the project with Idaho Power acquiring Bonneville's share responsibility of the project. This will provide Idaho Power with a 45 percent share of the project and retain PacifiCorp's 55 percent share. Additional terms under negotiations include changes in transmission service between PacifiCorp and BPA; between BPA and Idaho Power, as well as the purchase and sale of certain assets between Idaho Power and PacifiCorp. The Boardman to Hemingway amended Permit Funding Agreement removing Bonneville and updating the agreement to capture additional pre-construction tasks was executed on March 23, 2023. The Joint Purchase and Sale agreement between Idaho Power and PacifiCorp provides Idaho Power with certain assets allowing service to BPA customers in southeast Idaho via the B2H line, and capacity from the Four Corners substation in New Mexico to the Populus substation in southern Idaho. Associated with the term sheet is the Hemingway project construction agreement, construction agreements for upgrades that provide PacifiCorp additional capacity across Idaho Power's transmission system and a construction agreement that provides PacifiCorp additional capacity to serve central Oregon loads. These agreements were all executed on March 23, 2023. Idaho Power has applied for Certificates of Public Convenance and Necessity (CPCN) in Oregon and Idaho. Issuance of both certificates were received in June of 2023. PacifiCorp received a CPCN in Idaho in June 2023 and in Wyoming in August 2023. The current project schedule includes projected completion in 2027. At this time, PacifiCorp is reevaluating the timing and needs analysis underlying B2H because of factors such as changed native load growth and a lack of capacity available on neighboring transmission systems to deliver to load pockets. Spanish Fork—Mercer 345-kV line The 2025 preferred portfolio includes the construction of a new, approximately 50-mile, 345-kV transmission line between Spanish Fork Substation and Mercer substation in Utah, with an identified in-service date of 2036, based on projected interconnection requirements. Load-service and reliability requirements may bring this date forward, as could accelerated generator 82 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 4-TRANSMISSION interconnection demand. PacifiCorp has begun the permitting process for this new transmission line and is currently targeting an in-service date of 2027 for the line. Other Transmission System Improvements The 2025 IRP preferred portfolio also includes near-term transmission upgrades across its transmission system. Ongoing investment in transmission infrastructure in Idaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming will facilitate continued and long-term growth in new renewable resources and increased reliability for its customers. Energy Gateway Transmission Expansion PlanZ Introduction Given the long—lead time required to successfully site, permit, and construct major new transmission lines, these projects need to be planned well in advance. The Energy Gateway Transmission Expansion Plan is the result of several robust local and regional transmission planning efforts that are ongoing and have been conducted multiple times over a period of several years. The purpose of this section is to provide important background information on the transmission planning efforts that led to PacifiCorp's proposal of the Energy Gateway Transmission Expansion Plan. Background Until PacifiCorp's announcement of Energy Gateway in 2007, its transmission planning efforts traditionally centered on new resource additions identified in the IRP. With timelines of seven to ten years or more required to site,permit,and build transmission,this traditional planning approach was proving to be problematic, leading to a perpetual state of transmission planning and new transmission capacity not being available in time to be viable for meeting customer needs. The existing transmission system has been at capacity for several years,and new capability is necessary to enable new resource development. The Energy Gateway Transmission Expansion Plan, formally announced in May 2007,has origins in numerous local and regional transmission planning efforts discussed further below. Energy Gateway was designed to ensure a reliable, adequate system capable of meeting current and future customer needs. Importantly, given the changing resource picture, its design supports multiple future resource scenarios by connecting resource-rich areas and major load centers across PacifiCorp's multi-state service area. In addition,the ability to use these resource-rich areas helps position PacifiCorp to meet current state renewable portfolio requirements and other state-specific policy goals. Energy Gateway has since been included in all relevant local, regional and interconnection-wide transmission studies. Planning Initiatives Energy Gateway is the result of robust local and regional transmission planning efforts. PacifiCorp has participated in numerous transmission planning initiatives,both leading up to and since Energy Gateway's announcement. Stakeholder involvement has played an important role in each of these initiatives, including participation from state and federal regulators, government agencies,private and public energy providers, independent developers, consumer advocates, renewable energy 83 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 4—TRANSMISSION groups,policy think tanks, environmental groups, and elected officials. These studies have shown a critical need to alleviate transmission congestion and move constrained energy resources to regional load centers throughout the west, and include: • Rocky Mountain Area Transmission Study Recommended transmission expansions overlap significantly with Energy Gateway presented configuration, including: PF Report o Bridger system expansion is similar i, considered transmission to Gateway West. upgrades, capable of giving LSEs o Southeast Idaho to southwest Utah generationgreater ccess to lower cost • and enhancing fuel expansion akin to Gateway Central, diversity, are - for Segment B, Segment C and Sigurd to consumers underof Red Butte (in service 2015). reasonable assumptions 11 about o Improved east-west connectivity natural gas prices. similar to Energy Gateway Segment H alternatives. • Western Governors' Association Transmission Task Force Report Examined the transmission needed to PIV deliver the largely remote generation - observes resources contemplated by the Clean anF transmission d stments Diversified Energy Advisory Committee. continue network' ' ' '_ value even as This effort built upon the transmission conditions change. For example, previously modeled by the Seams Steering transmission originally Group-Western Interconnection and Li the site of a now obsolete included transmission necessary to support a IF power plant continues to be range of resource scenarios, including high used since a newpower plant is efficiency, high renewables and high often constructed at the same conventional resource scenarios. Again, for " PacifiCorp's system, the transmission expansion that supported these scenarios closely resembled Energy Gateway's configuration. • NorthernGrid Regional Transmission Plan Reports In the 2020-2021 NorthernGrid Regional Transmission Plan, sub segments of Energy r(Aft_ analyzing perf _ _ __•stressed of Gateway (both Gateway West and cas_ Gateway South) were listed as necessary tos, a rigorous contingencyconc provide acceptable system performance. c cirri m enc-. The study also established that the amount of new Wyoming wind generation that is added over time can impact the would be needed to meet the transmission system reliability west of Wyoming. Additionally, three interregional L_ - - projects were included in the study: the Southwest Inter-tie Project(SWIP North), Cross Tie and TransWest Express, which showed that all three projects relied on Energy Gateway to attain their full transfer capability rating. 84 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 4—TRANSMISSION The NorthernGrid 2022-2023 Regional Transmission Plan identified the regional combination consisting of Gateway West (Segment D.3 and Segment E) and B2H as the most efficient and cost-effective set of projects for the NorthernGrid 10-year planning horizon. Gateway South was considered as an in-service project in all cases, including the selected regional combination. • WECC/Reliability Assessment Committee (RAC)Annual Reports and Western Interconnection Transmission Path Utilization Studies These analyses measure the historical use of transmission paths in the west to provide ••- • insight into where congestion is occurring and •••-• ' in the ath is assess the cost of that congestion. The EnergyUsage of _'_ _' th Gateway segments were included in the analysescurrentl numberhigh _ • _ • that support these studies, alleviating several sts • transmission service to move points of significant congestion on the system, renewable power to the West including Path 19 (Bridger West) and Path 20 from the Wyoming area." (Path Q. Energy Gateway Configuration To address constraints identified on PacifiCorp's transmission system, as well as meeting system reliability requirements discussed further below, the recommended bulk electric transmission additions took on a consistent footprint,which is now known as Energy Gateway. This expansion plan establishes a triangle of reliability that spans Utah, Idaho and Wyoming with paths extending into Oregon and Washington. This plan contemplates geographically diverse resource locations based on environmental constraints, economic generation resources, and federal and state energy policies. Since Energy Gateway's initial announcement in 2007, this series of projects has continued to be vetted through multiple public transmission planning forums at the local, regional and Western Interconnection level. In accordance with the local planning requirements in PacifiCorp's GATT, Attachment K, PacifiCorp has conducted numerous public meetings on Energy Gateway and transmission planning in general. Meeting notices and materials are posted publicly on PacifiCorp's Attachment K Open Access Same-time Information System(OASIS)site.PacifiCorp is also a member of NorthernGrid regional planning organization and WECC's Reliability Assessment Committee and was formally a member of Northern Tier Transmission Group(NTTG) regional planning organization. These groups continually evaluate PacifiCorp's transmission plan in their efforts to develop and refine the optimal regional and interconnection-wide plans. Please refer to PacifiCorp's OASIS site for information and materials related to these public processes.3 Additionally, an extensive 18-month stakeholder process on Gateway West and Gateway South was conducted. This stakeholder process was conducted in accordance with WECC Regional Planning Project Review guidelines and FERC OATT planning principles, and was used to 3 http://www.oatioasis.com/ppw/index.html 85 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 4-TRANSMISSION establish need, assess benefits to the region,vet alternatives, and eliminate duplication of projects. Meeting materials and related reports can be found on PacifiCorp's Energy Gateway OASIS site. Energy Gateway's Continued Evolution The Energy Gateway Transmission Expansion Plan is the product of years of ongoing local and regional transmission planning efforts with significant customer and stakeholder involvement. Since its announcement in May 2007,Energy Gateway's scope and scale have continued to evolve to meet the future needs of PacifiCorp customers and the requirements of mandatory transmission planning standards and criteria. Additionally, PacifiCorp has improved its ability to meet near- term customer needs through a limited number of smaller-scale investments that maximize efficient use of the current system and help defer, to some degree, the need for larger capital investments like Energy Gateway (see the following section titled "Efforts to Maximize Existing System Capability"). The IRP process, as compared to transmission planning, can result in frequent changes in the least-cost, least-risk resource plan driven by changes in the planning environment (i.e., market conditions, cost and performance of new resource technologies, etc.). Near-term fluctuations in the resource plan do not always support the longer-term development needs of transmission infrastructure, or the ability to invest in transmission assets in time to meet customer needs. Together, however, the IRP and transmission planning processes complement each other by helping PacifiCorp optimize the timing of its transmission and resource investments to deliver cost-effective and reliable energy to our customers. While the core tenets for Energy Gateway's design have not changed, the project configuration and timing continue to be reviewed and modified to coincide with the latest mandatory transmission system reliability standards and performance requirements, annual system reliability assessments, input from several years of federal and state permitting processes, and changes in generation resource planning and our customers' forecasted demand for energy. As originally announced in May 2007, Energy Gateway consisted of a combination of single- and double-circuit 230 kV, 345 kV and 500 kV lines connecting Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Oregon and Nevada. In response to regulatory and industry input regarding potential regional benefits of "upsizing" the project capacity (for example, maximized use of energy corridors, reduced environmental impacts and improved economies of scale), PacifiCorp included in its original plan the potential for doubling the project's capacity to accommodate third-party and equity partnership interests.During late 2007 and early 2008,PacifiCorp received in excess of 6,000 MW of requests for incremental transmission service across the Energy Gateway footprint, which supported the upsized configuration. PacifiCorp identified the costs required for this upsized system and offered transmission service contracts to queue customers. These queue customers, however,were unable to commit due to the upfront costs and lack of firm contracts with end-use customers to take delivery of future generation and withdrew their requests. In parallel, PacifiCorp pursued several potential partnerships with other transmission developers and entities with transmission proposals in the Intermountain Region. Due to the significant upfront costs inherent in transmission investments,firm partnership commitments also failed to materialize,leading PacifiCorp to pursue the current configuration with the intent of only developing system capacity sufficient to meet the long-term needs of its customers. In 2010, PacifiCorp entered into memorandums of understanding (MOU) to explore potential joint-development opportunities with Idaho Power Company on its Boardman-to-Hemingway (132H)project and with Portland General Electric Company(PGE)on its Cascade Crossing project. One of the key purposes of Energy Gateway is to better integrate PacifiCorp's east and west 86 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 4-TRANSMISSION balancing authority areas, and Gateway Segment H from western Idaho into southern Oregon was originally proposed to satisfy this need. However, recognizing the potential mutual benefits and value for customers of jointly developing transmission, PacifiCorp has pursued these potential partnership opportunities as a potential lower-cost alternative. In 2011,PacifiCorp announced the indefinite postponement of the Gateway South 500 kV segment between the Mona substation in central Utah and Crystal substation in Nevada. This extension of Gateway South, like the double-circuit configuration discussed above, was a component of the upsized system to address regional needs if supported by queue customers or partnerships. However, despite significant third-party interest in the Gateway South segment to Nevada, there was a lack of financial commitment needed to support the upsized configuration. In 2012, PacifiCorp determined that one new 230 kV line between the Windstar and Aeolus substations and a rebuild of the existing 230 kV line were feasible, and that the second new proposed 230 kV line and proposed 500 kV line planned between Windstar and Aeolus would be eliminated. This decision resulted from PacifiCorp's ongoing focus on meeting customer needs, taking stakeholder feedback and land-use limitations into consideration, and finding the best balance between cost and risk for customers. In January 2012, PacifiCorp signed the B2H Permitting Agreement with Idaho Power Company and BPA that provides for PacifiCorp's participation through the permitting phase of the project. The B2H project was pursued as an alternative to PacifiCorp's originally proposed transmission segment from eastern Idaho into southern Oregon (Hemingway to Captain Jack). Idaho Power leads the permitting efforts on the B2H project, and PacifiCorp continues to support these activities under the conditions of the B2H Transmission Project Joint Permit Funding Agreement. The proposed line provides additional connectivity between PacifiCorp's west and east balancing authority areas and supports the full projected line rating for the Gateway projects at full build out. PacifiCorp plans to continue to support the project under the Permit Funding Agreement and will assess next steps post-permitting based on customer need and possible benefits. In January 2013, PacifiCorp began discussions with PGE regarding changes to its Cascade Crossing transmission project and potential opportunities for joint development or firm capacity rights on PacifiCorp's Oregon system. PacifiCorp further notes that it had a memorandum of understanding with PGE for the development of Cascade Crossing that was terminated by its own terms. PacifiCorp had continued to evaluate potential partnership opportunities with PGE once it announced its intention to pursue Cascade Crossing with BPA. However,because PGE decided to end discussions with BPA and instead pursue other options, PacifiCorp is not actively pursuing this opportunity. PacifiCorp continues to look to partner with third parties on transmission development as opportunities arise. In May 2013, PacifiCorp completed and placed in service the Mona-to-Oquirrh project. In November 2013,the BLM issued a partial ROD providing a right-of-way grant for all of Segment D and most of Segment E of Energy Gateway. The agency chose to defer its decision on the western-most portion of Segment E of the project located in Idaho in order to perform additional review of the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey Conservation Area. Specifically, the sections of Gateway West that were deferred for a later ROD include the sections of Segment E from Midpoint to Hemingway and Cedar Hill to Hemingway. In May 2015, the Sigurd-to-Red Butte project was completed and placed in service. In December 2016,the BLM issued its ROD and right-of-way grant for the Gateway South project. 87 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 4-TRANSMISSION In January 2017, the BLM issued its ROD and right-of-way grant, previously deferred as part of the November 2013 partial ROD, for the sections of Segment E from Midpoint to Hemingway and Cedar Hill to Hemingway. In October 2020, Segment D2 of Gateway West, from Aeolus to Jim Bridger was placed into service which included a new 500 kV substation at Aeolus, and a new 345 kV substation at Anticline. In October 2020, a portion of Gateway West Segment D1, the 230 kV line between Aeolus and Shirley Basin was also constructed and completed in 2020. The remaining portion of Gateway West, Segment DI, consisting of a new 230 kV line between Shirley Basin and Windstar substations and a rebuild of an existing 230 kV line between Shirley Basin and Dave Johnston substations is under construction with an expected completion date of both lines in December 2024. Gateway Segment F, referred to as Gateway South, a 416-mile 500 kV line from Aeolus substation in Wyoming to Mona/Clover substation in central Utah is under construction with an expected completion date of December 2024. Other Gateway segments, including Gateway West Segment D3 from Bridger substation in Wyoming to Populus substation in Idaho and Gateway West Segment E from Populus to Hemingway, in Idaho, are in pre-construction activities to address requirements as defined in their permitting Record of Decision and right-of-way grants issued by the BLM. PacifiCorp will continue to adjust the timing and configuration of its proposed transmission investments based on its ongoing assessment of the system's ability to meet customer needs, its compliance with mandatory reliability standards, and the stipulations in its project permits. 88 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 4—TRANSMISSION Figure 4.3—Energy Gateway Transmission Expansion Plan Energy Gateway W A S H I N (7 T O N M O N TA N A McNary Boardman Walk,la •\`'"y _ Y iOGON IDA i0 HelTwngway Tom"'Y w E s T W Y O M I N G Midpoint Captain JaMO Borah p, •Windstar SNtley Basin cedar Hill Populus mine ice ! Q Aeolus i 03 A tt 3 m I Terminal CALIFORNIA I—z OgWrrh So`� o u l F py EJI NEVADA M `w•t COLORADO PacihCorp retail service area New transmission lines: G U T A H — 500 kV minimum voltage Red Butte — 345 kV minimum voltage 230 kV minimum voltage e Existing substation O New substation A R I Z 0 N A NEW MEXICO This map is for general reference only and reflects current plans. It may not reflect the final routes,construction sequence or exact line configuration. PacifiCorp is reevaluating the timing and needs analysis underlying 1321-1 because of factors such as changed native load growth and a lack of capacity available on neighboring transmission systems to deliver to load pockets. 89 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 4—TRANSMISSION Table 4.1 —Ener Gateway Transmission Expansion Plan Approximate Segment&Name Description Mileage Status and Scheduled In-Service (A) 230 kV,single circuit 30 mi • Status: completed Wallula-McNary • Placed in-service:January 2019 (B) 345 kV double circuit 135 mi • Status: completed Populus-Terminal . Placed in-service:November 2010 (C) 500 kV single circuit 100 mi • Status: completed Mona-Oquirrh 345 kV double circuit e Placed in-service:May 2013 Oquirrh-Terminal 345 kV double circuit 14 mi • Status:right-of-way acquisition underway • Scheduled in-service:2024 (DI) New 230 kV single circuit . Status:permitting underway Windstar-Aeolus Re-built 230 kV single 59 mi • circuit Scheduled in-service:December 2024 (D2) • Status: completed Aeolus- 500 kV single circuit 140 mi • Placed in-service:November 2020 Bridger/Anticline (D3) • Status:permitting underway Bridger/Anticline- 500 kV single circuit 200 mi . Scheduled in-service:2034 earliest Populus (E) 500 kV single circuit 500 mi • Status:permitting underway Populus-Hemingway • Scheduled in service:2036 earliest (F) 500 kV single circuit 416 mi • Status:permitting underway Aeolus-Mona • Scheduled in-service:December 2024 (G) 345 kV single circuit 170 mi • Status: completed Sigurd-Red Butte . Placed in-service:May 2015 (H) • Status:pre-construction activities in progress Boardman- 500 kV single circuit 290 mi . Scheduled in-service:2027 Hemingway [Efforts to Maximize Existing System In addition to investing in the Energy Gateway transmission projects, PacifiCorp continues to make other system improvements that have helped maximize efficient use of the existing transmission system and defer the need for larger-scale, longer-term infrastructure investment. Despite limited new transmission capacity being added to the system over the last 20 to 30 years, PacifiCorp has maintained system reliability and maximized system efficiency through other smaller-scale, incremental projects. System-wide, PacifiCorp has instituted more than 130 grid operating procedures and 20 remedial action schemes (RAS) to maximize the existing system capability while managing system risk. In addition, PacifiCorp has been an active participant in the Energy Imbalance Market(EIM) since November 2014. As of April 2023, 22 participants have joined the EIM. By broadening the pool of lower-cost resources that can be accessed to balance load system requirements, enhances reliability and reduces costs across the entire EIM Area. In addition, the automated system can identify and use available transmission capacity to transfer the dispatched resources, enabling more efficient use of the available transmission system. To secure further benefits from market-based resource dispatch, PacifiCorp announced in December 2022 that it expects to participate in the Extended Day-Ahead Market (EDAM) being 90 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 4—TRANSMISSION developed by the California Independent System Operator(CAISO).4 While the EIM makes full use of resource flexibility within the hour and will continue to do so, the EDAM will provide economic, reliability, and environmental benefits by optimizing the pool of resources that are made available to EIM in light of forecasted requirements for the entire market footprint over the following several days, well beyond the end of the current hour. This includes coordination of generator starts and shutdowns and the charging and discharging of energy storage resources. Transmission System Improvements Placed In-Service Since the 2023 IRP PacifiCorp East (PACE) Control Area 1. Central Wyoming Area • Installs a 345 kV, 200-MVAr switched shunt reactor at Mona substation o Project driver was to address the high voltage conditions experienced during steady state operations under light load and light transfer conditions o Benefits include more effective high voltage control and safe and more reliable power for the Utah area by reducing lines taken out of service and preservation of substation equipment life, particularly circuit breakers which are exposed to frequent switching, reduced probability of mis operation and increased maintenance costs. 2. Northern Utah/Southeast Idaho Area • Constructed a new 345 kV yard adjacent to the existing Bridgerland 138 kV substation. Looped in the existing Populus—Terminal 345 kV line into Bridgerland and Ben Lomond substations. o Project driver was to resolve System Operating Limit on Path C. o Benefits include the ability to maintain the WECC Path C rating to 1600 MW southbound and 1250 MW northbound. 3. Salt Lake City Utah area • Install two capacitor banks at Magna Substation and rebuild the Tooele—Pine Canyon 138 kV transmission line o Project driver was to correct N-1 contingency overload and low voltage issues at Magna substation and on the Tooele — Pine Canyon 138 kV line from consistent load growth and new block loads. o Benefits included mitigating the risk of thermal overloads and low voltage issues,adding additional capacity to address projected load growth and improve transmission reliability 4. Southern Utah area • Reconductor 2.57-miles of the St. George-Purgatory Flat 138 kV transmission line. o Project driver was to increase the thermal rating of the line which loaded to 95 percent of its continuous summer thermal rating summer 2022. o Benefits included the increases of the transmission line summer continuous rating by 63 MVA. a http://www.caiso.com/Documents/EDAM-Fact-Sheet.pdf 91 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 4-TRANSMISSION PacifiCorp West (PACW) Control Area 1. Klamath Falls Oregon Area • Constructed a second 230 kV transmission line from Snow Goose to Klamath Falls substation. o Project driver was to resolve NERC Standard TPL-001-5 Category P6 (N-1-1) for a double contingencies on the 230-kV system serving Yreka, Klamath Falls and La Pine area for the loss of the Klamath Falls-Snow Goose 230 kV line and either the Lone Pine-Copco 230 kV line or Bonneville Power Administration's (BPA) Pilot Butte-La Pine 230 kV line can cause a voltage collapse affecting a large region of the southern Oregon and northern California system. o Benefits included reinforcing 230 kV system between in Klamath Falls area to cover TPL-001-5 category P6(N-1-1)contingencies during all operating conditions on the existing system and minimize risk of a large-scale outage to customers throughout the Klamath Falls and Yreka areas. 2. Prineville Oregon Area • Construct a second 115 kV line between Houston Lake and Ponderosa substations. o Project driver was to eliminates potential N-1 overloads of the Prineville 115 kV system associated with increased load, changing generation mix, and grid flow conditions in the area. o Benefits included the elimination of a NERC Standard TPL-001-5 Category P1 contingency event for a fault on the 115 kV line between Baldwin Road and Ponderosa substation or a fault on the 115 kV line between Houston Lake and Stearns Butte. Planned Transmission System Improvements PacifiCorp East (PACE) Control Area 1. Central Utah Area • Upgrade the 345-138 kV 167-MVA transformer at Camp Williams substation to a 345-138 kV 700-MVA transformer o Project driver is to correct NERC Standard TPL-001-5 Category P6 deficiencies during peak summer loading conditions for the N-1-1 event of losing both Spanish Fork substation 345-138 kV transformers that would cause thermal overloads to the Camp Williams 345-138 kV transformer and the Clover—Nebo 138 kV line. o Benefits include mitigating the NERC Standard TPL-001-5 Category P6 deficiencies.Provides additional 345 kV source to northern Utah Valley and Jordan Valley as well as increase system reliability • Install a second 345-138 kV 700 MVA transformer at Oquirrh substation o Project driver is to correct N-1 contingency overload issues in the South Jordan area. 92 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 4-TRANSMISSION o Benefits include increasing capacity on the 138 kV network serving the Salt Lake Valley. • Construct a new 345 kV line between Spanish Fork and Mercer 345 kV substations o Project driver is to eliminate the need for the Lakeside II Remedial Action Scheme (RAS) and prevent generation shedding during contingencies. Once flows across the Wasatch Front South boundary exceed 5,562 MW, the Lakeside RAS is no longer effective and cannot be modified to accommodate more flow. o Benefits include the increase of path limit to 6,300 MW and allow 1,000 MW additional generation to be interconnected in southern Utah 2. Utah, Idaho &Wyoming -Upgrade Program—Replace Over-dutied Circuit Breakers • Replaced breakers identified as over-dutied with higher-capability breakers in various substations located in Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming o Project driver was to correct NERC Standard TPL-001-5 Requirement R2.3 deficiencies identified in PacifiCorp's 2015-2018 NERC TPL Assessment resulting in the identification of 12 substations to be addressed as required per R2.8. o Benefits include eliminating the risk of over-dutied breakers failing under fault interruption conditions that pose safety and reliability risks, and the resolution of the NERC TPL-001-5 Requirement R2.3 deficiencies and as required per R2.8. 3. Salt Lake City,Utah Area • Convert North Salt Lake Substation to 138-kV o Project driver is to correct N-1 contingency overload issues in the North Salt Lake area. o Converting to 138 kV at North Salt Lake substation increases the capacity in the area while mitigating the contingency overloads, reduces the burden on the 46 kV system, and brings better reliability to the customers in the area. • Loop the 90th South—Terminal 345 kV line into and out of the Midvalley 345 kV yard o Project Driver is to eliminate identified overloading of the 90th South—Midvalley 345 kV #1 line under heavy transfer conditions across the Wasatch Front South boundary. o Benefits include increasing the transfer capability across the Wasatch Front South boundary by 45-MW, improving operating flexibility, and allowing additional transfers from Clover/Mona as well as from southern Utah to the Wasatch Front. • Construct a new 230-46 kV substation near Eden,Utah. o Project driver is to provide a transmission loop to the area to facilitate aline rebuild through Ogden Canyon. o Benefits include improved future reliability and area capacity. 4. Southeast Idaho Area • Install a 25 MVAR shunt capacitor bank at the Franklin 138 kV substation. o Project driver is to correct NERC Standard TPL-001-5 Category PI (N-1) contingency events for the loss of the Treasureton—Franklin 138 kV line. 93 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 4-TRANSMISSION o Benefits include resolving the NERC Standard TPL-001-5 Category P1 voltage issues PacifiCorp West (PACW) Control Area 1. Eastern Oregon Area • Replace the entire Burns 500 kV reactive station, including the series capacitor bank, bypass breakers, shunt reactors, and all switches and circuit switchers. o Project driver is to replace obsolete and degrading assets to prevent equipment failure which would result in a substantial financial impact and limiting Jim Bridger and Wyoming wind generation for an extended time. o Benefits include replacement of obsolete equipment with modern SCADA- operable equipment (reducing operational labor), reduces the risk of failure, and improves recovery time. 2. Portland Oregon Area • Reconfigure and convert the existing Bonneville Power Administration's (BPA) St. Johns—Columbia and PacifiCorp's(PAC)Columbia—Knott 57 kV lines,and a portion of the idle 69 kV line north of Albina to 115 kV o Project driver is to correct NERC Standard TPL-001-5 Category P6 (N-1-1) deficiencies for load loss of up to 62-MW in the urban northeast Portland core area and Category P6 (N-1-1) deficiencies for voltage issues on the 57 kV system. o Benefits include resolution of NERC Standard TPL-001-5 Category P6 (N-1-1) deficiencies, elimination of the 57 kV system voltage in the North Portland and creates a third 115 kV path between the St. Johns/Rivergate and the Knott/Albina area. 3. Roseburg Oregon Area • Convert the 69 kV transmission Lines 30 and 65 to 115 kV,along with four distribution substations and construct a new 115 kV tie from Roberts Creek to the converted Green substation. o Project driver is to resolve multiple capacity limitations in the area; notably the Roberts Creek 115-69 kV transformer,the Winchester 115-69 kV transformer,Line 66 between Dixonville and Sutherlin and Line 65 between Dixonville and Southgate. 12 system problems were identified as being affected by these limitations. o Benefits include improvement of operability of the system to increase reliability during outages and maintenance and gives the system enough excess capacity to accommodate 20 years of growth at a 1.3 percent per year rate. • Replace the existing 230-115 kV transformer at Dixonville substation with a new 280 MVA transformer. o Project driver is to resolve excess voltage on the 115 kV bus. The current transformer steady state voltage sits at 10.4 percent above nominal in the North Umpqua Hydroelectric System and is nearly 8.7 percent above nominal at Dixonville substation. o Benefit includes bringing the 115 kV bus voltage at Dixonville to operate within an acceptable range and avoids excessive voltage throughout the Roseburg and North 94 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 4-TRANSMISSION Umpqua areas extending the life of the transformers as well as all the downstream equipment. 4. Medford Oregon Area • Construct a 230-kV transmission line between Lone Pine and Whetstone substations o Project driver is to correct NERC Standard TPL-001-5 Category P1 (N-1) and P6 (N-1-1)outage combinations including loss of the two Meridian-Lone Pine 230-kV lines(N-1),N-1-1 loss of the Meridian-Whetstone and Dixonville-Grants Pass 230- kV lines, or N-1-1 loss of Sams Valley 500-230 kV source and either the Meridian- Whetstone 230-kV line or Dixonville-Grants Pass 230-kV line. o Benefits include resolving the NERC Standard TPL-001-5 Category P1 and P6 issues as well as preventing reverse flow across the Medford 115 kV system to support the 230 kV system and allows operating the Medford 115 kV system radial. • Construct one new 500-230 kV substation called Sams Valley o Project driver is to correct NERC Standard TPL-001-5 deficiencies for the loss of a single 230 kV line and for N-1-1 and N-2 outages to 230 kV lines that were initially identified in PacifiCorp's 2010 NERC TPL Assessment and supported through subsequent NERC TPL Assessments, and to provide a second 500 kV source to address load growth in the Southern Oregon region. o Benefits include adding a second source of 500 kV capacity, adding a new 230-kV line, improving reliability of the 230 kV network, mitigates the risk of thermal overloads and low voltage,mitigates the risk of shedding load in preparation of the second contingency for N-1-1 outages, and resolves the NERC TPL-001-5 deficiencies. These investments help maximize the existing system's capability, improve PacifiCorp's ability to serve growing customer loads, improve reliability, increase transfer capacity across WECC Paths, reduce the risk of voltage collapse and maintain compliance with North American Electric Reliability Corporation and Western Electricity Coordinating Council reliability standards. 95 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 4-TRANSMISSION 96 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 5-RELIABILITY AND RESILIENCY CHAPTER 5 - RELIABILITY AND RESILIENCY CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS • Regional resource adequacy assessments highlight that there are resource adequacy risks through the mid-2020s. In conditions of increased demand and resource variability, higher summer temperatures reduce excess energy supply, in turn tightening supply from the market. • PacifiCorp's wildfire mitigation plans, which outline a risk-based, balanced, and integrated approach, contain six critical focus areas of planning and execution for a reliable and resilient energy future: (1) Risk analysis and drivers, (2) Situational awareness, (3) Inspection and correction, (4)Vegetation management, (5) System hardening, and(6) Operational practices. • The 2025 IRP preferred portfolio includes the Energy Gateway South (GWS) and Energy Gateway West segment D.1, which are currently operational. The preferred portfolio also includes future transmission upgrades that support the transition to renewable energy by providing access to low-cost, location-specific renewable resources, and additional transfer capability,which enables greater use of low-cost resource options and relieves stress on current assets. Introduction Serving reliably(i.e.,keeping the lights on for customers),as well as planning for a resilient system (i.e., operating through and recovering from a major disruption) is a primary focus for PacifiCorp. With the increasing retirement of thermal baseload resources, the incorporation of increasing numbers of intermittent renewable resources, and the impacts of climate change, planning for a reliable and resilient energy future is more crucial, and more complex, than ever. PacifiCorp continues to build on a strong track record of serving its customers safely,reliably, and affordably. The focus on reliability and resiliency spans across several areas of the company: PacifiCorp's resource planning and energy supply teams work closely with regional partners and ensure that there is sufficient supply to serve customers, while transmission and distribution teams work to mitigate the destructive impact of wildfire risk throughout the west to ensure that PacifiCorp can deliver power safely to customers now and in the future. Supply-Based Reliability Regional Resource Adequacy As part of its 2025 IRP, PacifiCorp has conducted a review and evaluation of western resource adequacy studies and information,. In December 2024 the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) published the Western Assessment of Resource Adequacy(WARA),which serves as an interconnection-wide assessment of resource adequacy as discussed below. PacifiCorp also reviewed the 2020 North American Electric Reliability Council(NERC)Long-Term Reliability Assessment and the status of resource adequacy assessments prepared for the Pacific Northwest by the Pacific Northwest Resource Adequacy Forum. 97 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 5—RELIABILITY AND RESILIENCY WECC Western Assessment of Resource Adequacy Report The WECC WARA was published in December 2024 and was developed based on data collected from balancing authorities describing their own demand and supply projections over the next 10 years.' The analysis is probabilistic and represents an hourly assessment of resource adequacy over the study period. A key driver of the results is the forecasted growth in load across the west,which is projected to increase by over 20.4%in the next ten years (on an energy basis),more than double the 9.6% growth forecast from the 2022 WARA. PacifiCorp's loads are located in the NW- Northwest and NW-Central regions evaluated as part of the WARA. Peak demand in the NW- Northwest region is forecasted to grow by 13.5% in the next ten years, while the NW-Central region is forecasted to grow by 8.5% over the same time period. While significant, these are both lower than the growth of the Western Interconnection as whole, where growth is projected at 17.2%, driven by increases in California and the Desert Southwest. Resource plans have identified a vast quantity of resources to meet this demand, 172 GW of new generation resources, which is more than double the generation capacity added in the last ten years. Plans include 68 GW of solar capacity additions in the next ten years, while will nearly triple the 35 GW in operation in 2023,plus 40 GW of wind capacity additions in the next ten years, relative to 37 GW in operation in 2023. Similarly,battery storage is projected to grow by 37 GW. The WARA highlights concerns that planned resources will not be brought online in a timely manner and includes four scenarios evaluating various levels of resource build out. In the All Additions scenario, which includes all planned resources, the WARA identifies risks in the NW-Northwest region, primarily in the winter, and primarily in 2029 and later. Risks increase and appear in other regions if lower levels of planned resources are achieved, as summarized in Table 5.1. Table 5.1 —WARA Demand-at-Risk Summary2 Month 55%Resource Additions Scenario Region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 California - - - - - - - - - - - - Desert Southwest Medium Medium Low NW-Northwest High High Medium Low Low Medium Medium High High High NW-Northeast Low Low Medium NW-Central - Low Medium Medium Medium - - - Month 85%Resource Additions Scenario Region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 California - - - - - - - - - - - - Desert Southwest NW-Northwest f,1edi.mi Medium Low Medium Low Medium NW-Northeast Low Low NW-Central Low Low Low Medium Risk reflects the count of hours in each month that exceed a one-day-in-ten-years threshold by 2034. High >50 hours Mediurn 10-49 hours Low <10 hours The NW-Northwest and NW-Central regions which include PacifiCorp's load both have hours at risk. In the NW-Northwest region, significant risk exists in both the summer and winter 1 WECC.Western Assessment of Resource Adequacy 2024.Available online: https://feature.wecc.or;;/wara/ (accessed 12/18/2024) 2 WECC.WARA 2024 Demand-at-Risk Hours by Subregion.Available online at:https://www.wecc.or;4/wecc- document/17071 (Accessed 12/18/2024) 98 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 5—RELIABILITY AND RESILIENCY seasons. While PacifiCorp has significant transfer capability into the NW-Northwest and proportionately lower dependence on hydropower than the NW-Northwest region as a whole, regional capacity limitations would result in less margin for error. In the NW-Central region, risks are somewhat lower, and concentrated in the summer, but still indicate that incremental resources are necessary to serve growing loads. The results shown assume import capability between sub-regions—in the absence of imports, risks are high in the NW-Northwest and NW- Central regions even if all planned new resources are built. The WARA characterizes four risks that impact planned resource additions: supply chain disruptions, interconnection queue, siting delays, and increased costs. Some of the impacts are reduced as a result of PacifiCorp's particular circumstances. PacifiCorp's relatively large portfolio and geographic footprint create a wider range of opportunities than are available to many other utilities, increasing the likelihood that some new projects will be able to proceed. This is bolstered by PacifiCorp's implementation of a cluster study interconnection process in 2020, which has enabled large numbers of interconnection requests to be processed more quickly than was possible in the past, increasing the likelihood that projects will be available in desired timeframes. After cost-effective projects are identified, PacifiCorp's relatively large demand allows it to contract with multiple developers for multiple sites, reducing the impact if any single developer or site falls through or is delayed. That said, substantial risks remain for any resource additions. The WARA also characterizes risks associated with several other factors: resource variability, transmission considerations, energy policy, and extreme weather. The limitations of wind, solar, and energy-limited resources like energy storage are different from those of baseload or dispatchable resources, and those limitations become more restrictive as the share of these resources increases. Given the expected tripling of solar capacity and doubling of wind capacity, variability is expected to increasing significantly. The variability and operational requirements of that future resource mix is not fully characterized, and could be impacted further by extreme weather events. The other risk factors cover a range of planning and policy considerations, and the process through which resource and transmission build outs are implemented. Utility planning and procurement takes time, and the build out of resources and transmission is reliant upon a range of state and federal processes and requirements. NERC Long-Term Reliability Assessment (LTRA) Resources As part of the regional reliability assessment to support the 2025 IRP, PacifiCorp reviewed and incorporated learnings from the NERC LTRA, published in December 2024.3 The NERC LTRA s NERC.2024 Long-Term Reliability Assessment.December 2024.Available online at: https://www.nerc.coM/pa/RAPA/ra/Reliability%20Assessments%20DL/NERC Long%20Term%2OReliability%20 Assessment 2024.pdf(accessed 12/18/2024) 99 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 5-RELIABILITY AND RESILIENCY organizes prospective resources into three broad capacity supply categories in its 10-year WECC region reliability assessment: • Tier 1: resources under construction, or with signed contracts. • Tier 2: resources with completed interconnection studies. • Tier 3: resources in an interconnection queue that do not meet the Tier 2 requirement. Planning Reserve Margin The LTRA defines "planning reserve margin" as the difference between resources and demand, divided by demand, expressed as a percentile. Comparing the anticipated resource-based reserve margin to the reference planning margin yields one of three risk determinations: • High Risk: shortfalls may occur at normal peak conditions • Elevated Risk: shortfalls may occur in extreme conditions • Normal Risk: low likelihood of electricity supply shortfall WECC Subregions Table 5.2 presents the WECC subregions used for the NERC LTRA. In the data that follows, the two subregions in Canada are not considered. Table 5.2 —WECC Subregion Descriptions Designation Subregio Country Peak NW The rest of WECC,beyond the exceptions listed below United States Summer SW Primarily Arizona and New Mexico United States Summer CA/MX California/Mexico United States Summer AB Alberta Canada Winter BC British Columbia Canada Winter LTRA WECC Assessment Table 5.3 presents the WECC LTRA assessments for the three WECC subregions that include the United States. Anticipated Reserve Margin is based on existing resources, firm transfers, and Tier 1 additions, less confirmed retirements. Prospective Reserve Margin adds existing resources without firm transmission, or with other potential limitations, likely transfers, and Tier 2 capacity additions, less unconfirmed retirements. Values that fall below the reference margin level (i.e. planning target) are highlighted. 100 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 5-RELIABILITY AND RESILIENCY Table 5.3 -NERC LTRA for Selected WECC Subregions WECC-NW 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 Anticipated Reserve Margin(%) 38.7% 37.7% 34.1% 29.3% 23.3'! 17.00% 79% L79i 4.6 Prospective Reserve Margin(%) 39.9% 40.6% 37.8% 34.2% 30.051 25.7% 20.4% 18.4% 15.7% 13.95' Reference Margin Level(%) 16.3% 15.8% 15.9% 15.4% 14.71-b 14.54/0 14.3% 14.2% 14.4% 13.8% WECC-SW 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 Anticipated Reserve Margin(%) 36.9% 35.6% 31.8% 24.2% 17.4% 11.3%t 7.7% 0.2% -4.7% -8.7�E Prospective Reserve Margin(%) 38.6% 40.1% 38.2% 31.1% 26.7% 20.4% 16.80/c 9.2% 4.9% 0.09: Reference Margin Level(9�) 11.0% 10.8% 12.0% 11.7% 10.2% 10.1% 9.9% 9.7c46 10.8", 9 WECC-CA/MX 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 Anticipated Reserve Margin(%) 45.8% 45.2% 38.4% 43.15-- 28.8% 29.6% 23.3% 25.0% 15.2% Prospective Reserve Margin(%) 51.8% 55.1% 48.2% 62.5% 45.6% 57.9% 51.0% 59.0% 50.2% 47.3% Reference Margin Level(9�) 17.4% 17.4% 16.4% 17.4% 16.6% 16.4% 16.1% 16.3% 14.9% 15.3% As shown, the WECC-NW subregion that includes PacifiCorp's load meets the reference margin with anticipated resources through 2030, and with prospective resources through the ten year horizon. The WECC-SW subregion also meets the reference margin with anticipated resources through 2030,but only has sufficient prospective resources through 2031. The WECC- CA/MX region meets the reference margin with anticipated resources through 2033, and with prospective resources through the ten year horizon. While this presents a relatively favorable view of supply and demand, the LTRA definition of Tier 1 resources includes everything with an interconnection agreement and/or power purchase agreement. Not all such resources will ultimately be brought online in a timely manner. The factors identified the WECC WARA(supply chain disruptions, interconnection queue, siting delays, and increased costs) can all derail projects that are otherwise feasible. Pacific Northwest Power Supply Adequacy Assessment The Northwest Power and Conservation Council released its 2029 Adequacy Assessment in August 2024.4 Starting in 2011, an annual loss-of-load-probability of up to five percent was deemed adequate. Starting with the 2023 assessment a multi-metric framework of shortfall frequency, duration, and magnitude was used. These metrics include: • Loss of load events(LOLEV): limits the expected frequency of shortfall events to protect against frequent use of emergency measures. • Duration Value at Risk: limits shortfall duration to protect against tail-end (extreme) duration use of emergency measures. • Peak Value at Risk: limits maximum hour capacity shortfall to protect against tail-end (extreme) magnitude of emergency measures. • Energy Value at Risk: limits total annual energy shortfall to protect against tail-end (extreme) annual aggregate use of emergency measures. An adequate system must meet all of these metrics. The 2029 Adequacy Assessment is based on the 2021 Northwest Power Plan, discussed below, with updates for expected changes through 4 Northwest Power and Conservation Council.Pacific Northwest Power Supply Adequacy Assessment for 2029. August 2024.Available online at:https://www.nwcouncil.org/fs/18853/2024-4.pdf(accessed 12/18/2024) 101 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 5-RELIABILITY AND RESILIENCY 2029, including load growth, resource development, and transmission. Based on updated results for adequacy in year 2029,the 2029 Adequacy Assessment concludes that power supply would be adequate under reference conditions. This conclusion is in part based on coal plants changing to natural gas, rather than retiring (including Jim Bridger 1 and 2, which were converted in 2024). The 2029 Adequacy Assessment identifies two scenarios that could lead to reliability shortfalls. First, if energy efficiency savings only meet the low end of the targeted quantity, shortfall risks increase in the winter. Second, higher data center loads in the absence of commensurate resource supply could lead to reliability shortfalls in both the winter and the summer.An additional potential risk is related to the Boardman-to-Hemingway project which the 2029 Adequacy Assessment assumes is operational by 2029, increasing transfer capability between Idaho and the Pacific Northwest, as this upgrade is not part of PacifiCorp's 2025 IRP preferred portfolio. The metric results from the 2029 Adequacy Assessment are provided in Table 5.4, with shortfalls highlighted in orange. Table 5.4—Northwest Power and Conservation Council 2029 Adequacy Assessment Type Metric Threshold Reference Low End EE Higher Data Center Frequency Winter LOLEV 0.1 0.022 0.35 1.294 Frequency Summer LOLEV 0.1 0.017 0.033 0.3 Duration Duration VaR 97.5 8 hours 0 1.5 20.6 Magnitude Peak VaR 97.5 1200 MW 0 1,567 3,076 Magnitude Energy Va R 97.5 9600MWh 0 4,196 196,324 Western Resource Adequacy Program (WRAP) The WRAP is a regional reliability planning and compliance program, intended to help facilitate region-wide resource adequacy, and initiated on behalf of the utilities that are part of the Western Power Pool (formerly the Northwest Power Pool). WRAP allows for coordination and visibility of resource needs and supply among the participants,taking advantage of the diversity and sharing from pooling resources. WRAP begins with regional analysis,as the program sets regional reliability metrics for upcoming seasons, including planning reserve margins that are applied to loads and qualifying capacity contributions that apply to resources. With those values in hand, utilities must secure resources and, seven months prior to the start of a winter or summer season,must submit a forward showing demonstrating they have resources and transmission to cover their load and planning reserve margin requirements. Some time is provided to cover shortfalls before the season begins. Within the season,an operational component allows those participants with a day-ahead resource shortfall to call upon the program and receive incremental resources from participants who have a surplus. WRAP is based on two seasons: summer(June through September)and winter(November through March). Planning reserve margins vary by month, and also by region, as WRAP covers two regions: the Pacific Northwest (primarily Oregon and Washington and British Columbia, with parts of northern Idaho and Montana) and the Desert Southwest, including the remainder of Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada, and Arizona. Similarly, monthly qualifying capacity contributions are calculated for each resource, and capture technology type, regional variations, 102 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 5-RELIABILITY AND RESILIENCY and resource-specific performance. For example, wind and solar contributions incorporate a resource's output during capacity critical hours(the highest load hours after netting out wind,solar, and run of river hydro generation). As of September 2024, the Western Power Pool Board of Directors has approved updates to the WRAP tariff along with seven business practice manuals detailing of the program will operate. WRAP is currently operational with non-binding requirements and has plans in place to enable fully binding operations in Summer 2027 for participants that provide notice of their intent by January 2026.All participants will be binding for Winter 2027-2028(i.e. starting November 2027). PacifiCorp is currently participating in WRAP and is working with the Western Power Pool to address a number of outstanding issues,including the interaction between WRAP and the CAISO's Enhanced Day-Ahead Market(EDAM)and complexity from PacifiCorp's footprint spanning both WRAP regions. While some issues remain, PacifiCorp's 2025 IRP includes modeling to capture WRAP compliance requirements starting in 2028 and continuing through the study horizon. While proxy resource selections within the 2025 IRP can only begin on January 1st of each year, actual resource procurement could be targeted to the November 2027 start date to the extent necessary, or short-term products could be used to address unmet requirements, if any. Reliable Service through Unpredictable Weather and Challenging Market Liquidity PacifiCorp,other utilities, and power marketers who own and operate generation engage in market purchases and sales of electricity on an ongoing basis to balance the system and maximize the economic efficiency of power system operations. In addition to reflecting spot market purchase activity and existing long-term purchase contracts in the IRP portfolio analysis, PacifiCorp previous IRP modeling has included front office transactions (FOT). FOTs are proxy resources, assumed to be firm,that represent procurement activity made on an on-going forward basis to help PacifiCorp cover short positions. However, market transactions that are not based on a specified source do not provide qualifying capacity for WRAP compliance.While other short-term products exist, such as slices of hydropower projects on the Mid-Columbia or tolling agreements for merchant-owned natural gas plants, there are relatively few such opportunities and there may be significant competition for such products given rising demand and stricter resource adequacy requirements under WRAP. With that in mind, for the 2025 IRP,PacifiCorp is not including short- term market products as options for WRAP compliance. WRAP compliance does not guarantee reliability, in particular a monthly qualifying capacity contribution value does not ensure resources will be available to meet hourly requirements such as the hourly balancing test in the EDAM. At the same time, PacifiCorp recognizes that increasing coordination of spot market transactions through EIM, EDAM, and WRAP is likely to provide significant economic benefits. To balance the limitations of market transactions for capacity and reliability requirements and the benefits of market transactions for regional dispatch,the 2025 IRP does not allow market purchases in certain key periods,but otherwise allows market purchases up to transmission limits. During the summer WRAP season (June through September), market purchases are not allowed from 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. on PacifiCorp's top five load days in each month. Similarly, in the winter WRAP season (November through March), market purchases are not allowed from 4:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. as well as 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m., again on PacifiCorp's top five load days in each month. For the 2025 IRP,PacifiCorp is also differentiating market prices 103 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 5-RELIABILITY AND RESILIENCY within each month,to reflect historical patterns on the days used to derive the chaotic normal load forecast and reflecting the same weather conditions used to develop wind and solar generation profiles. In general, market prices are higher when load is high and wind and solar output is relatively low, though market prices reflect region-wide conditions of PacifiCorp's supply and demand is only a part. Market prices in EIM and EDAM will reflect the balance of supply-and- demand, and surplus supply from PacifiCorp is likely to result in lower market clearing prices. While this effect is not captured in PacifiCorp's hourly market price forecast, market sales for the 2025 IRP have been capped at historical average levels, since large surpluses would impact pricing. Aligned with review of the regional studies discussed above, and the historical market purchases and transactions,the company will continue to refine its assessments of market depth and liquidity for transactions to quantify the risk associated with the level of market reliance. Additional description is provided in Volume I, Chapter 7 (Resource Options); also, see the sensitivities discussion in Volume I, Chapter 8 (Modeling and Portfolio Evaluation) and Chapter 9 (Modeling and Portfolio Selection Results). Planning for Load Changes as a Result of Climate Change Recent weather-based reliability events throughout the United States have underscored the need for utilities to consider the potential for increasingly extreme weather and the underlying reliability challenges that may be caused as part of its planning process.PacifiCorp has accounted for climate change within the 2025 IRP to assess the ways in which climate change may impact planning assumptions. The Company's load forecast is based on historical actual weather adjusted for expectations and impacts from climate change. The historical weather is defined by the 20-year period of 2004 through 2023. The climate change weather uses the data from the historical period and adjusts the percentile of the data to achieve the expected target average annual temperature and calculate the HDD and CDD impacts and peak producing weather impacts within the energy forecast and peak forecast, respectively. These temperature changes lead to higher summer peaks and lower winter peaks, with increasing impacts across the study horizon. See Appendix A for additional detail regarding how climate change is incorporated into the load forecast. Weather-Related Impacts to Variable Generation New for the 2025 IRP, all wind and solar generation profiles are based on historical weather conditions on the same historical day underlying the load forecast. This captures the relationship between load, wind, and solar that happened in recent history. Each month of the Company's chaotic normal load forecast reflects the range of weather conditions experienced in the most typical month from 2013-2022,while stochastic analysis for the 2025 IRP will reflect the range of weather conditions experienced in every year from 2006-2023. The effect of extreme weather events associated with climate change is an evolving area of research that is growing in importance as renewable, intermittent resources dependent upon wind, solar, and hydrologic conditions comprise an increasing proportion of utility resource portfolios. For the 2025 IRP, PacifiCorp is not projecting specific climate impacts on wind and solar generation, but notes that recent history may be more representative of future conditions than earlier conditions. As a result,reliability and 104 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 5-RELIABILITY AND RESILIENCY system cost risks identified using inputs derived from recent historical years may be of greater concern as an indicator of future risk. Wildfire Impacts Increased wildfire frequency associated with climate change is expected to have a range of impacts to intermittent generation sources, including wind, solar, and hydro resources. Wind generation sites in PacifiCorp's system are most likely to be subjected to fast moving range fires.Impacts at wind generation sites from range fires are likely to be limited and short in duration, as turbines and collector substations are surrounded by gravel surfaces that are fire resistant. Sensitive turbine equipment is located far above the ground away from damaging heat sources. Impacts to transmission lines and aboveground collector lines from range fires at wind generation sites is also anticipated to be minor due to the limited fuels available to cause ignition to wooden poles. Outage durations are likely to be short when operations staff is required to evacuate a site in advance of a fire and to curtail generation as a precautionary measure. Climate change also poses fire risks at solar generation sites, which are also likely to manifest as range fires given solar projects are typically sited well away from substantial tree stands that could block solar panels. Impacts could be significant depending on the amount of vegetation at a site, as generating equipment is close to the ground close to potential fuel sources. If a range fire creates sufficient heat to impact equipment, resumption of generation will be dependent on the ability to obtain and install necessary replacement equipment. Fire impacts at hydro generation sites will be driven primarily by impacts to transmission lines. Hydro generation sites are typically in heavily forested terrain and serviced by only one or two transmission lines. An intense forest fire can damage miles of transmission lines that can take weeks to months to restore to service. If a fire threatens a hydro generation site, the site will be proactively evacuated with generation units typically taken offline and the facility put into spill to avoid potential instream flow impacts that could occur with an unplanned unit shutdown resulting from impacts to local transmission lines. Generation units would be restarted as soon as possible when conditions permit safe re-entry to provide generation locally until transmission service, if interrupted, is restored. Fire damage to dams, water conveyance structures, and generating plants is expected to be minimal. Some damage to local distribution lines and communication infrastructure upon which hydro generation sources rely is also possible, which could impact generation restoration timelines. PacifiCorp outlines its wildfire mitigation strategies later in this document. Extreme Weather Impacts Climate change also has the potential to result in increased frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events. Such changes can result in more frequent and intense precipitation events and flooding, which could impact hydropower generation and change historic operating practices to maintain flood control capabilities at projects where flood control benefits are part of project operations. Like wildfire events, increased flooding has the potential to impact access to remote hydro facilities. Increased precipitation and reduced snow water equivalent have the potential to modify runoff patterns impacting hydro generation but is not expected to impact dam safety at 105 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 5—RELIABILITY AND RESILIENCY PacifiCorp hydro facilities, which are subject to FERC dam safety requirements that ensure they are able to safely pass probable maximum flood events. Increases in extreme weather that results in more frequent flood events has the potential to increase debris loading in river systems and reservoirs, potentially increasing generation downtime to remove debris that may reduce inflows to hydro units or reduce flows through fish screens. Changes to wind patterns and wind speeds, and changes in extreme high and low air temperatures have the potential to impact wind and solar generation. Extreme high temperatures can raise ground temperatures, which has the potential to impact collector system capacities at wind and solar projects and reduce collector system carrying capacity, limiting output, similar to high temperature impacts to high voltage transmission lines. However,these impacts are not anticipated to be significant on wind energy resources given peak output is typically observed outside of summer months. Increasing air temperatures result in lower air densities, which could negatively impact wind energy output even if wind speeds are unchanged. Lower wind speeds in the summer relative to historic experience because of extreme high temperatures is also possible.Wind turbines in PacifiCorp's fleet generally are protected from extreme low temperatures given the conditions in which they currently operate,and low temperature protection features are installed in PacifiCorp turbines where weather conditions warrant their inclusion. There is limited research on site-specific impacts from extreme weather events and thus how to plan to improve the resiliency of intermittent generation resources. Resiliency will be enhanced as planning to ensure site access occurs in response to observed changes in extreme weather events and as more research is available to locally forecast impacts of climate change and extreme weather so those impacts can be factored into the resource planning process. Impacts on wind and solar energy The impact on renewable energy generation due to extreme weather events and climate change is an evolving topic. For conclusive trends of climate change impact, data collection specific to geographic locations is critical. Climate impacts both the demand and supply side of energy. Due to daily or seasonal changes the demand for energy patterns is changing. On the supply side due to increasing temperatures and variability in climate parameters it impacts estimated energy outputs of projects as well as operational costs. However, there are limited studies in the North American region that quantitatively document the impact of a climate parameter on the future of wind and solar energy.' Some broad impacts anticipated from climate change are noted below:' Wind Energy • Changes to wind speed: could impact energy assessments • Changes in temperature: with increased temperatures the air density could reduce energy outputs • Changes in seasonal or daily wind: could disrupt correlation between wind energy and grid load demand • Rising sea levels: could damage offshore wind farm infrastructure s Climate change impacts on the energy system:a review of trends and gaps.Cronin,J.,Anandarajah,G.&Dessens, O. Climatic Change volume 151,August 2018. 6 Climate change impacts on renewable energy generation.A review of quantitative projections.Kepa Solaun, Emilio Cerda.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 106 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 5—RELIABILITY AND RESILIENCY Solar Energy • Changes in mean temperatures: increased global temperatures could reduce cell efficiency • Changes in solar irradiation, dirt, snow,precipitation etc.: increase in these variables could reduce energy output Integration of energy storage with wind and solar projects is a way to help make use of generated energy more efficiently. Wildfire Risk Mitigation PacifiCorp's Wildfire Mitigation Plans (WMPs) are designed to meet regulatory requirements while delivering safe and reliable power. These plans focus on enhancing situational awareness, implementing robust operational practices, and hardening the power system to mitigate wildfire risks while balancing customer and community impacts.' PacifiCorp Wildfire Mitigation Plan Regulatory Compliance PacifiCorp meets regulatory requirements through the submittal of Wildfire Mitigation Plans (WMPs) with the specific regulatory alignments for each state stated below: 1. California: The WMP complies with California Senate Bill 901 and the California Public Utilities Commission(CPUC)provisions under Section 8386. 2. Idaho: The WMP was submitted in accordance with Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 36045. 3. Utah: The WMP adheres to Utah Administrative Code R746-315-2, effective June 1, 2023, and complies with Subsection 54-24-201. 4. Oregon: The WMP meets the requirements set forth in Oregon Administrative Rule 860- 300-0040. 5. Washington: The WMP was submitted on October 31, 2024, and compliance with statutory requirements was confirmed by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission as complying with the Revised Code of Washington(RCW) 80.28.440. Although Wyoming does not have regulatory requirements for a wildfire mitigation plan, PacifiCorp has proactively filed one in conjunction with the general rate case. Core Principles All WMPs are publicly accessible via the PacifiCorp Wildfire Mitigation Plan website (linked here). These plans detail the investments and strategies for constructing, maintaining, and operating electrical lines and equipment for wildfire mitigation projects and programs. While there Wildfire mitigation and impacts were discussed in the 2025 IRP public input meeting series and stakeholder feedback. See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#18(Wyoming Office of Consumer Advocate). 107 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 5-RELIABILITY AND RESILIENCY are state-specific requirements,the core strategy across all six states remains consistent,guided by the following principles: • Situational Awareness and Operational Readiness: Implementing systems that enhance situational awareness, and operational readiness is crucial for mitigating fire risks and their impacts. • Operational Practices: Minimizing the impact of fault events through rapid isolation using advanced equipment and trained personnel. • System Hardening: Reducing the frequency of ignition events by engineering more resilient systems that experience fewer faults. Balancing Mitigation and Community Impact PacifiCorp is committed to balancing wildfire risk mitigation with the needs of customers and communities. Adjustments to power system operations, such as modifying protective device settings and testing protocols, are carefully considered to reduce wildfire risks. These measures are applied selectively to avoid unnecessary disruptions to the power supply. The wildfire mitigation program approach includes deploying advanced technologies like fault indicators and assessing outages to inform short-term mitigation projects. These efforts are designed to enhance safety while maintaining reliable service. PacifiCorp's Wildfire Mitigation Plans (WMPs) reflect the Company's dedication to balancing costs,benefits, operational impacts, and risk mitigation with the goal to provide safe,reliable, and affordable electric service,prioritizing the well-being of customers and communities. Transmission-Based Reliability PacifiCorp is required to meet mandatory FERC, NERC, and WECC reliability standards and planning requirements. The operation of PacifiCorp's transmission system also responds to requests issued by California Independent System Operator (CAISO) RC West as the NERC Reliability Coordinator for PacifiCorp. The company conducts annual system assessments to confirm minimum levels of system performance during a wide range of operating conditions, from serving loads with all system elements in service to extreme conditions where portions of the system are out of service. Factored into these assessments are load growth forecasts, operating history, seasonal performance, resource additions or removals, new transmission asset additions, and the largest transmission and generation contingencies. Based on these analyses, PacifiCorp identifies any potential system deficiencies and determines the infrastructure improvements needed to reliably meet customer loads. NERC planning standards define reliability of the interconnected bulk electric system in terms of adequacy and security. Adequacy is the electric system's ability to meet aggregate electrical demand for customers at all times. Security is the electric system's ability to withstand sudden disturbances or unanticipated loss of system elements. Increasing transmission capacity often requires redundant facilities to meet NERC reliability criteria. 108 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 5-RELIABILITY AND RESILIENCY With the increasing number of variable resources added to the grid throughout the west, PacifiCorp's ability to meet federal reliability directives depends increasingly on an interconnected transmission system across the western states and on the ability to move electricity throughout the six states served by the company. PacifiCorp's planning process ensures that the company is developing a portfolio that balances sufficient supply to serve all PacifiCorp customers with sufficient resources and transmission to ensure that electricity can be moved from generation sources to the communities served. PacifiCorp's interconnection to other balancing authority areas and participation in the Energy Imbalance Market provide access to markets and promote affordable and reliable service to PacifiCorp's customers. Further, PacifiCorp's transmission capacity provides benefits to customers by increasing reliability and allowing additional generation to interconnect to serve customer load, as well as allowing PacifiCorp flexibility in designating generating resources for reserve capacity to comply with mandatory reliability standards. Federal Reliability Standards The Energy Policy Act of 2005 included expanded reliability-related elements of the federal regulatory structure and directed the FERC to institute mandatory reliability standards that all users of the bulk electric system(BES)must follow. FERC delegated the authority to NERC to develop reliability standards to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the BES in the United States under a variety of operating conditions. These standards are a federal requirement and are subject to oversight and enforcement by the WECC, NERC, and FERC. PacifiCorp is subject to compliance audits every three years and may be required to prove compliance during other reliability initiatives or investigations. The transmission planning standards (TPL Standards), found within the NERC transmission reliability standards, specify transmission system planning performance requirements to develop a BES that will operate reliably over a broad spectrum of system conditions. They also require study of a wide range of probable contingencies in short-term (1-2 years), medium term (5 years) and long-term(10-20 years)scenarios to ensure system reliability.Together with regional planning criteria, such as those established by the NERC/WECC, and utility-specific planning criteria, the TPL Standards define the minimum transmission system requirements to safely and reliably serve customers. In addition to the TPL Standards, PacifiCorp is also required to comply with FERC Order 1000 as detailed in Attachment K of the Open Access Transmission Tariff (GATT) which requires PacifiCorp to participate in regional transmission planning processes that satisfy the transmission planning principles of FERC Order 890 and produce a regional transmission plan. To meet this requirement PacifiCorp is a member of the NorthernGrid regional planning association. The development of the regional transmission plan ensures the regional reliability is maintained and/or enhanced with the addition of new planned generation and transmission projects while reliably serving PacifiCorp customers. In 2024, FERC issued Order 1920 which will further expand regional planning processes, including a requirement for a long-term (20 year) regional plan. PacifiCorp is working with NorthernGrid members to draft tariff revisions to outline the expanded process in preparation for the FERC required compliance filing in August 2025. 109 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 5-RELIABILITY AND RESILIENCY Power Flow Analyses and Planning for Generator Retirements PacifiCorp transmission planning has performed various coal unit retirement assessments analyzing potential impacts to the transmission system. These studies are performed outside of the IRP process under PacifiCorp's OATT processes which includes either 1) a customer request to perform a consulting study; or 2) a customer request to un-designate a network resource which then triggers a system impact and facilities study if the study determines that mitigations are required due to retirement. Past studies have found that a number of factors are critical in determining transmission system impacts and necessary mitigation, if any. These factors include: 1) location of the unit(s) to be retired, 2) the number of units being retired, 3) the size of the units being retired, 4) year of retirement, and 5) location, size, and type of replacement resources, if any. Based on the location, number of units, and size of the retired unit/s, studies can identify if the retirement results in either thermal or voltage issues on the transmission system. A retirement of a coal unit may result in voltage issues due to lack of reactive support that was previously provided by the retired unit/s. A retirement may also result in thermal overload of the transmission system due to changes in the flows post unit retirement. As such, until official notification to PacifiCorp transmission of coal unit designation/retirement is received, all such coal retirement analysis is considered preliminary. 110 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 6-LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE CHAPTER 6 - LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS • New for the 2025 IRP, PacifiCorp is calculating its capacity position based on Western Resource Adequacy Program(WRAP)compliance requirements,with binding operations under the program expected to begin by 2028. WRAP participants with projected resource shortfalls on a day-ahead basis will be able to purchase from WRAP participants with excess supply. • Every resource has a qualifying capacity contribution (QCC) for each month of the summer (June-September) and winter (November-March) seasons. These values are calculated by WRAP based on resource-specific historical performance and are based on the loads and resource mix of the regional participants. These values are updated by WRAP ahead of each compliance season. • Seven months prior to the start of each season, WRAP participants must make a forward showing, demonstrating that the QCC for their resources is sufficient to meet their peak load plus a monthly planning reserve margin determined by WRAP. • While WRAP is projected to enhance reliability by providing priority access to supply from other participants, the monthly QCC values do not ensure a utility will be reliable or have sufficient resources to meet its requirements from hour to hour, so hourly analysis of the load and resource balance is also necessary. • On both a capacity and energy basis, PacifiCorp calculates load and resource balances from existing resources, forecasted loads and sales, and reserve requirements. • The company's load obligation is calculated based on projected load less distributed generation, energy efficiency savings, and demand response, including interruptible load. • A distributed generation study prepared by DNV produced estimates on distributed generation penetration levels specific to PacifiCorp's six-state territory. The study provided expected penetration levels by resource type, along with high and low penetration sensitivities. PacifiCorp's 2025 IRP load and resource balance reflects base case distributed generation penetration levels as a reduction in load. • Relative to WRAP compliance requirements, PacifiCorp's system is capacity deficient (before adding proxy resources other than energy efficiency, and without considering short-term capacity procurement, i.e. market purchases) in the summer beginning in 2026, and the winter peaks throughout the planning horizon. • The uncertainty in the company's load and resource balance is increasing as PacifiCorp's resource portfolio and customer demand evolve over time. PacifiCorp's 2025 IRP reflects renewable resource generation profiles based on the same patterns of historical weather conditions used to develop its load forecasts, both on a normalized basis and for stochastic analysis. While adjustments to account for climate change are included in the base forecast, customer demand may be further influenced by climate change directly as well as indirectly through electrification, with uncertain impacts on future demand. These resources and load relationships ultimately drive the frequency and characteristics of the relatively extreme conditions that are most likely to trigger reliability shortfalls. This chapter presents PacifiCorp's assessment of its load and resource balance. PacifiCorp's long- term load forecasts (both energy and coincident peak load) for each state and the system are 111 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 6—LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE summarized in Volume II, Appendix A (Load Forecast Details). The summary-level system coincident peak is presented first, followed by a profile of PacifiCorp's existing resources.Finally, load and resource balances for capacity are presented. These balances are composed of a year-by- year comparison of projected loads against the existing resource base, assumed coal unit retirements and incremental new energy efficiency savings from the preferred portfolio, before adding new generating resources. System Coincident Peak Load Forecast System Coincident Peak Load Forecast The system coincident peak load is the annual maximum hourly load on the system. The 2025 IRP relies on PacifiCorp's May 2024 load forecast. Table 6.1 shows the annual summer coincident peak load stated in megawatts (MW) as reported in the capacity load and resource balance before any load reductions from energy efficiency. The system summer peak load grows at a compound growth rate (CAGR) of 1.91 percent over the period 2025 through 2044. Table 6.1—Forecasted System Summer Coincident Peak Load in Megawatts,Before Energy Efficient (MW) 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 203 System 11,374 11,410 11,708 12,085 12,303 12,501 12,824 12,961 13,156 13,358 2035 2036 037 2038 1, 2039 h 2040 2041 2042 n& 2043 2044 System 13,603 13,919 14,190 14,479 14,764 15,065 15,368 15,785 16,026 16,307 Existing Thermal Plants Table 6.2 lists PacifiCorp's existing coal-fueled plants and Table 6.3 lists existing natural-gas- fueled plants.The"End of Coal-fired Operation"reflects the year a resource must retire or converts to natural gas (if option is available) as reflected in modeling inputs. 112 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 6-LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE Table 6.2 — Coal-Fired Plants PacifiCorp Nameplate Plant Percentage State Capacity End of Coal-fired Operation Share(a/o) (AINV) Colstrip 3 10 Montana 74 2025 (Transfer capacity to unit 4) trip Cols4 10* Montana 74 2029(PacifiCorp exit) Craig 1 19 Colorado 82 2025 (Assumed end of life) Craig 2 19 Colorado 79 2028 (Assumed end of life) Dave Johnston 1 100 Wyoming 99 2028 (Gas conversion option) Dave Johnston 2 100 Wyoming 106 2028 (Gas conversion option) Dave Johnston 3 100 Wyonnung 220 2027(Retire: Clean air compliance) Dave Johnston 4 100 Wyoming 330 Hayden 1 24 Colorado 44 2028 (Assumed end of life) Hayden 2 13 Colorado 33 2027(Assumed end of life) Hunter 1 94 Utah 418 Hunter 2 60 Utah 269 Hunter 3 100 Utah 471 Huntington 1 100 Utah 459 Huntington 2 100 Utah 450 Jim Bridger 3 67 Wyoming 349 Jinn Bridger 4 67 Wyoming 351 Naughton 1 100 Wyoming 156 2025 (Gas conversion option) Naughton 2 100 Wyoming 201 2025 (Gas conversion option) Wyodak 8o Wyoming 268 TOTAL-Coal 4,533 113 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 6-LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE *PacifiCorp's share of Colstrip 4 is projected to include its current ownership of Colstrip 3 starting in 2026. Table 6.3 —Natural Gas-Fired Plants PacifiCorp Nameplate Plant Percentage tate Capacity Share (%) Chehalis 100 Washington 500 Currant Creek 100 Utah 540 Gadsby 1 100 Utah 64 Gadsby 2 100 Utah 69 Gadsby 3 100 Utah 105 Gadsby 4 100 Utah 40 Gadsby 5 100 Utah 40 Gadsby 6 100 Utah 40 Hermiston 100 Oregon 237 Jim Bridger 1 67 Wyoming 354 Jim Bridger 2 67 Wyoming 359 Lake Side 100 Utah 580 Lake Side 2 100 Utah 677 Naughton 3 100 Wyoming 247 TOTAL — Natural Gas 3,852 Renewable Resources Wind PacifiCorp either owns or purchases under contract 5,154 MW of wind resources. Table 6.4 shows existing (or under construction) wind facilities owned by PacifiCorp, while Table 6.5 shows existing wind power-purchase agreements (PPAs). 114 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 6—LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE Table 6.4—Owned Wind Resources Utility-Owned Wind Projects State Capacity(MW) Goodnoe Hills East WA 94 Leaning Juniper WA 101 Marengo I WA 156 Marengo II WA 78 Cedar Springs 2 WY 199 Dunlap 1 WY 111 Ekola Flats 1 WY 250 Foote Creek I WY 41 Glenrock I WY 99 Glenrock III WY 39 High Plains WY 99 McFadden Ridge 1 WY 29 Pryor Mountain WY 240 Rolling Hills WY 99 Seven Mile Hill WY 99 Seven Mile Hill II WY 20 TB Flats 1-2 WY 500 Foote Creek II-IV WY 43 Rock Creek I WY 190 Rock Creek II WY 400 Rock River WY 50 TOTAL—Owned Wind 2,937 Table 6.5—Non-Owned Wind Resources Power Purchase Agreements State PPA or QF Capacity(MW) Wolverine Creek ID PPA 65 Chopin-Schumann WA QF 8 Cedar Springs I WY PPA 199 Cedar Springs III WY PPA 133 Three Buttes Power WY PPA 99 Top of the World WY PPA 200 Meadow Creek Project Five Pine ID QF 40 Meadow Creek Project North Point ID QF 80 Latigo UT QF 60 Mountain Wind I UT QF 61 Mountain Wind 11 UT QF 80 Power County Park North UT QF 23 Power County Park South UT QF 23 Spanish Fork Park 2 UT QF 19 115 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 6—LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE Tooele 1 and 2 UT QF 3 Big Top WA QF 2 Butter Creek Power WA QF 5 Chopin WA QF 10 Four Corners WA QF 8 Four Mile Canyon WA QF 10 Orchard 1 WA QF 10 Orchard 2 WA QF 10 Orchard 3 WA QF 10 Orchard 4 WA QF 10 Oregon Trail WA QF 10 Pacific Canyon WA QF 8 Sand Ranch WA QF 10 Three Mile Canyon WA QF 8 Wagon Trail WA QF 3 Ward Butte WA QF 7 BLM Rawlins WY QF 0.1 Pioneer Park I WY QF 80 Cedar Creek ID PPA 152 Anticline Wy PPA 101 Boswell Wy PPA 320 Cedar Springs IV WY PPA 350 TOTAL—Purchased Wind 2217 Solar PacifiCorp has a total of 97 solar projects under contract representing 3,615 MW of nameplate capacity. Of these, two recently signed solar resources also include a total of 550 MW of battery storage. Table 6.6 list solar power purchase agreements, and through Table 6.7 through Table 6.9 list solar qualifying facilities for each relevant state. 116 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 6—LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE Table 6.6—Solar Power Purchase Agreements Power Purchase Agreements Resource State Solar Capacity Storage Capacity M M Black Cap OR 2 - Millican OR 60 - Old Mill OR 5 - Oregon Solar Incentive Project OR 9 - Prineville OR 40 - Appaloosa Solar IA UT 120 - Appaloosa Solar IB UT 80 - Castle Solar(Retail 1) UT 20 - Castle Solar(Retail 2) UT 20 - Cove Mountain UT 58 - Cove Mountain II UT 122 - Elektron Solar 20Yr UT 10 - Elektron Solar 25Yr UT 70 - Faraday UT 525 150 Graphite UT 80 - Green River UT 400 400 Hornshadow Solar I UT 100 - Hornshadow Solar II UT 200 - Horseshoe UT 75 - Hunter UT 100 - Milford UT 99 - Pavant III UT 20 - Rocket UT 80 - Sigurd UT 80 - TOTAL—Power Purchase Agreements 2375 550 117 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 6—LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE Table 6.7— Solar Qualifying Facilities, Oregon Oregon Qualifying Facilities Resource Solar Capacity(MW) Storage Capacity(MW) 7 Mile Solar 1 - Adams 10 - Antelope Creek Solar 2 - Bear Creek 10 - Black Cap II 8 - Blackwell Creek Solar* 1 - Bly 8 - Buckaroo Solar 1* 3 - Buckaroo Solar 2* 3 - Canyonville Solar I* 1 - Can onville Solar 2* 2 - Chapman Creek Solar* 3 - Cherry Creek Solar* 0.4 - CHoquin Solar 10 - Elbe 10 - Goodling Corimmmity Solar* 1 - Green Solar* 3 - Hay Creek Solar* 0.6 - Klamath Falls Solar 1 0.8 - Klamath Falls Solar 2 3 - Linkville Solar* 3 - Mernll 10 - Norwest Energy 2(Neff) 10 - Norwest Energy 4(Bonanza) 6 - Norwest Energy 7(Eagle Point) 10 - Norwest Energy 9 Pendleton 6 - OR Solar 2,LLC(Agate Bay) 10 - OR Solar 3,LLC(Turkey MR) 10 - OR Solar 6,LLC(Lakeview) 10 - OR Solar 8,LLC(Dairy) 10 - Orchard Knob Solar 2 - OSLH Collier 10 - Pilot Rock Solar 1* 3 - Pilot Rock Solar 2* 3 - Pine Grove Solar 1 - Round Lake Solar 1 - Skysol 55 - Solorize Rogue* 0.1 - Sunset Ride Solar 2 - Tumbleweed 10 - Tutuilla Solar* 2 - Waffowa County* 0.4 - Whisky Creek Solar* 0.2 - Wocus Marsh Solar* 0.9 - Wood River Solar* 0.4 - Woodline Solar 8 - TOTAL—Oregon Solar QF Resources 264 0 *New project added in 2025 IRP 118 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 6—LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE Table 6.8—Solar Qualifying Facilities, Utah Utah Qualifying Facilities Resource Solar Capacity(MW) Storage Capacity(MW) Beryl 3 - Buckhorn 3 - CedarValle 3 - Enterprise 80 - Escalante I 80 - Escalante II 80 - Escalante III 80 - Ewauna 1 - Ewauna II 3 - Granite Mountain-East 80 - Granite Mountain-West 50 - GranitePeak 3 - Greenville 2 - Iron Springs 80 - Laho 3 - Mflford 2 3 - Milford Flat 3 - Pavant 50 - Pavant II 50 - Quichapa I 3 - Quicha a II 3 - Quichapa III 3 - Red Hill 80 - South Mflford 3 - SunEl 3 - SunE2 3 - SunE3 3 - Three Peaks 80 - TOTAL—Utah Solar QF Resources 838 0 Table 6.9— Solar Qualifying Facilities, Wyoming Wyoming Qualifying Facilities Resource Solar Capacity(MW) Storage Capacity(MW) *Sae 20 - Sage II 20 - Sage I1I 18 - Sweetwater 80 - TOTAL—Wyoming Solar QF Resources 138 0 Geothermal PacifiCorp owns and operates the Blundell geothermal plant in Utah,which uses naturally created steam to generate electricity. The plant has a net generation capacity of 34 MW. Blundell is a fully renewable, zero-discharge facility. The bottoming cycle, which increased the output by 11 MW, 119 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 6—LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE was completed at the end of 2007. The Oregon Institute of Technology has a new small qualifying facility (QF) using geothermal technologies to produce renewable power for the campus that is rated at 0.28 MW. PacifiCorp also has a power purchase agreement with the 20 MW Soda Lake geothermal project located in Nevada, which became operational in November 2019. BiomassBiogas PacifiCorp has biomass/biogas agreements with 12 projects totaling approximately 80 MW of nameplate capacity. Distributed Generation Resources Table 6.10 provides a breakdown of distributed generation capacity and customer counts from data collected as of March 31, 2024. In addition to resources, PacifiCorp's customers also have over 60 MW of battery storage capacity. For forecasted growth in distributed generation and storage, please refer to Volume II, Appendix L (Distributed Generation Study). Table 6.10—Distributed generation Customers and Ca aci Fuel Solar Wind Gas' Hydro Mixed' Nameplate(kW) 772,160 847 784 96S 1,233 Capacity(percentage of total) 99.51% 0.11% 0.10% 0.12% 0.16 Number of customers 86,449 192 1 21 63 Customer(percentage of total) 99.68% 0.22% 0.00% 0.02% 0.07 'Gas includes:biofuel,waste gas,and fuel cells 'Mixed includes projects with multiple technologies, one project is solar and biogas and the others are solar and wind Energy Storage In addition to the battery storage contracted with solar resources listed in Table 6.6 PacifiCorp has existing or committed battery storage projects totaling approximately 523 MW of nameplate capacity, as shown in Table 6.11. Table 6.11 —Storage Resources Power Purchase Agreements/ State Technology Capacity(MW) Exchanges Domin uez Storage* UT Battery 200 Enterprise* UT Battery 80 Escalante* UT Battery 80 Granite Mountain* UT Battery 80 Iron Springs* UT Battery 80 Pan itch UT Battery 1 Oregon Institute of Technology OIT OR Battery 2 TOTAL—Purchased Battery 523 *New project added in 2025 IRP Hydroelectric Generation PacifiCorp owns or purchases over 1,200 MW of hydroelectric generation capacity. In addition to being non-emitting generation sources hydro resources provide various operational benefits that can include flexible generation, spinning reserves, and voltage control. PacifiCorp-owned 120 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 6—LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE hydroelectric plants are located in California, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming, and Utah. The amount of electricity available from hydroelectric plants is dependent upon a number of factors, including the water content of snowpack accumulations in the mountains upstream of its hydroelectric facilities and the amount of precipitation that falls in its watershed. Operational limitations of the hydroelectric facilities are affected by varying water levels, licensing requirements for fish and aquatic habitat, and flood control. Table 6.12 —PacifiCorp Hydroelectric Generation Facilities Plant River System I State Capacity M East-Owned Cutler Bear UT 29 Grace Bear UT 33 Oneida Bear UT 27.9 Soda Bear UT 14 Small East 1 Other UT 20.5 West-Owned Bend Other OR 1 Big Fork Other MT 4.6 Swift 1 21 Lewis WA 263.6 Yale Lewis WA 163.6 Merwin Lewis WA 151 Clearwater 1 N. Umpqua OR 17.9 Clearwater 2 N. Umpqua OR 31 Fish Creek N. Umpqua OR 10.4 Lemolo 1 N. Umpqua OR 32 Lemolo 2 N. Umpqua OR 38.5 Slide Creek N. Umpqua OR 18 Soda Springs N. Umpqua OR 11.6 Toketee N. Umpqua OR 45 Eagle Point Rogue OR 2.8 Pros ect 1 Rogue OR 4.6 Prospect 2 Rogue OR 36 Prospect 3 Rogue OR 7.7 Prospect 4 Rogue OR 0.9 Fall Creek Other OR 2 Wallowa Falls Other OR 1.1 Total Owned 968 Qualifying Facilities F Q F Various CA 9.4 QF Various ID 22.7 F Various OR 40 F Various UT 2.2 F Various WA 2.9 Mid-Columbia Columbia WA 170 Total QF 247 Total Hydroelectric 1215 11 Includes Ashton,Paris,Pioneer,Weber, Stairs,Granite,Veyo, Sand Cove,Viva Naughton,and Gunlock. 21 Cowlitz County PUD owns Swift No. 2, and is operated in coordination with other Lewis River projects by PacifiCorp. 121 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 6-LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE Demand-Side Management/Distributed Generation For resource planning purposes, PacifiCorp classifies demand-side management(DSM)resources into four categories, or"classes." These resources are captured through programmatic efforts that promote efficient electricity use through various intervention strategies, aimed at changing energy use during peak periods(load control),timing(price response and load shifting), intensity (energy efficiency), or behaviors (education and information). The four categories include: • Demand Response—Resources from fully dispatchable or scheduled firm capacity product offerings/programs: Demand response programs are those for which capacity savings occur because of active company control or advanced scheduling. Once customers agree to participate in these programs, the timing and persistence of the load reduction is involuntary on their part within the agreed upon limits and parameters of the program. Modeling includes program drop-opt rate and event non-performance rate assumptions to account for program parameters. Program examples include residential and small commercial central air conditioner load control programs that are dispatchable, and irrigation load management and interruptible or curtailment programs (which may be dispatchable or scheduled firm, depending on the particular program design or event noticing requirements). Savings are typically only sustained for the duration of the event and there may also be return energy associated with the program. These are considered Class 1 DSM resources. • Energy Efficiency—Resources from non-dispatchable, firm energy and capacity product offerings/programs: Energy efficiency programs are energy and related capacity savings which are achieved through facilitation of technological advancements in equipment, appliances, structures, or repeatable and predictable voluntary actions on a customer's part to manage the energy use at their business or home. These programs generally provide financial incentives or services to customers to improve the efficiency of existing or new residential or commercial buildings through: (1) the installation of more efficient equipment, such as lighting,motors,air conditioners,or appliances; (2)increasing building efficiency, such as improved insulation levels or windows; or (3) behavioral modifications, such as strategic energy management efforts at businesses. The savings are considered firm over the life of the improvement or customer action. These are considered Class 2 DSM resources. • Price Response and Load Shifting—Resources from price-responsive energy and capacity product offerings/programs: Price response and load shifting programs seek to achieve short-duration (hour by hour) energy and capacity savings from actions taken by customers voluntarily,based on a financial incentive or signal.As a result of their voluntary nature, participation tends to be low and savings are less predictable, making these resources less suitable to incorporate into resource planning, at least until their size and customer behavior profile provide sufficient information needed to model and plan for a reliable and predictable impact. The impacts of these resources may not be explicitly considered in the resource planning process; however, they are captured naturally in long- term load growth patterns and forecasts. Program examples include time-of-use pricing plans, critical peak pricing plans, and inverted block tariff designs. Savings are typically only sustained for the duration of the incentive offering and, in many cases, loads tend to be shifted rather than being avoided. These are considered Class 3 DSM resources. 122 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 6—LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE • Education and Information—Non-incented behavioral-based savings achieved through broad energy education and communication efforts: Education and information programs promote reductions in energy or capacity usage through broad-based energy education and communication efforts.The program objectives are to help customers better understand how to manage their energy usage through no-cost actions such as conservative thermostat settings and turning off appliances, equipment, and lights when not in use. These programs are also used to increase customer awareness of additional actions they might take to save energy and the service and financial tools available to assist them. These programs help foster an understanding and appreciation of why utilities seek customer participation in other programs. Similar to price response and load shifting resources, the impacts of these programs may not be explicitly considered in the resource planning process; however, they are captured naturally in long-term load growth patterns and forecasts. Program examples include company brochures with energy savings tips, customer newsletters focusing on energy efficiency, case studies of customer energy efficiency projects, and public education and awareness programs. These are considered Class 4 DSM resources. PacifiCorp has been operating successful DSM programs since the late 1970s. Over time, PacifiCorp's DSM acquisition has grown in investment levels, state presence, breadth of DSM resources pursued and resource planning considerations.Work continues on the expansion of cost- effective program portfolios and savings opportunities in all states while at the same time adapting programs and measure baselines to reflect the impacts of advancing state and federal energy codes and standards. In Oregon, PaciflCorp continues to work closely with the Energy Trust of Oregon to help identify additional resource opportunities, improve delivery and communication coordination, ensure adequate funding, and provide company support in pursuit of DSM resource targets. Table 6.13 summarizes PacifiCorp's existing DSM programs,their assumed impact, and how they are treated for purposes of incremental resource planning. Note that since incremental energy efficiency is determined as an outcome of resource portfolio modeling and is characterized as a new resource in the preferred portfolio,existing energy efficiency in Table 6.13 is shown as having zero MW.I Similarly, demand response resources available to the preferred portfolio, are characterized as incremental to Table 6.13. For a summary of current DSM program offerings in each state, refer to Volume II, Appendix D (Demand-Side Management Resources). 1 The historical effects of previous energy efficiency savings are captured in the load forecast before the modeling for new energy efficiency. 123 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 6—LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE Table 6.13 —Ex sting DSM Resource Summary as Program Energy Savings or Included Description Capacity at Generator Existing Resources for 2025-2045 Period Residential/small commercial air 135 MW summer'/ Yes. conditioner load control Irrigation load 200 MW summer Yes. Demand management Response Interruptible 136 MW summer Yes. contracts Wattsmart® 32 MW summer Yes. Batteries Wattsmart® 45 MW summer Yes. Business PacifiCorp and No.Energy efficiency programs are Energy modeled as resource options in the Efficiency Energy Trust of 0 MW portfolio development process and Oregon programs included in the preferred portfolio. Energy and capacity impacts are not No.Historical savings from customer Time-based pricing available/measured responses to pricing signals are reflected Price Response in the load forecast. and Load Shifting Energy and capacity Inverted rate impacts are not No.Historical savings from customer response to pricing structure is reflected pricing available/measured in load forecast. Education and Energy and capacity No.Historical savings from customer Information Energy education impacts are not participation are reflected in the load available/measured forecast. 1 A/C load control is based on long duration event characterization which assumes 50%cycling of ACs.A faster event(<1 hr)is characterized as 270 MW within the model. Distributed Generation Forecast For the 2025 IRP, PacifiCorp contracted with DNV to update the assessment of distributed generation (DG)2 penetration with new market, policy, and incentive developments.3°4 The study provided a forecast of adoption of non-utility owned, behind-the-meter (BTM) customer generation resources in each of the six states served by PacifiCorp. Specific technologies studied included solar photovoltaic, photovoltaic solar coupled with battery storage, small-scale wind, small-scale hydro, and combined heat and power(CHP)for both reciprocating engines and micro- turbines. 2 In the 2023 IRP,this study was referred to as the"Private Generation"assessment. 3 See Appendix L(Distributed Generation Study). 4 PacifiCorp's and DNV's decisions in the development of the DG study were topics of discussion in the 2025 IRP public input meeting series and stakeholder feedback. See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#6(Renewable Northwest). See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#17(Oregon Public Utility Commission). See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#26(Vote Solar). 124 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 6—LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE DNV estimates approximately 4.18 gigawatts (GW) of DG capacity will be installed in PacifiCorp's service area by 2043 in the base case scenario. As shown in Figure 6.1, the low and high scenarios project a cumulative installed capacity of 3.12 GW and 4.87 GW by 2043, respectively. The main drivers between the different scenarios include variation in technology costs, system performance, and electricity rate assumptions. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) extends tax credits for distributed generation that creates favorable economics for adoption and is incorporated into each case. The DNV study identifies expected levels of customer-sited DG, which is applied as a reduction to PacifiCorp's forecasted load for IRP modeling purposes and informs customer cited demand response battery potential for the conservation potential assessment(CPA). See Appendix L for the full DNV Distributed Generation report. Figure 6.1 —Cumulative Historical and New Capacity Installed by Scenario (MW-AC), 2024-2043 5,000 4,500 4,000 i i 3,500 dop i � � y Q 3,000 — 00 i 2,500 i 2,000 �6 i 1,500 E v 1,000 500 0 �Oo �C 0C l^ lI l5 ti� l� l�O ti� l� l°' 3Z 1` 3I 3� g� �� 3� gA 3� �°' �� R� �l .5 �O if 1 O 1 O 10 �O 1 O 1 O �O �O 1 O �O �O 1 O LO �O �O �O 'O 4O 4O 'O rO �O �O rO — — 2022 Study Historical Low Base —High Power-Purchase Agreements PacifiCorp also meets capacity and energy requirements through long-term firm contracts. Figure 6.2 presents the contract capacity in place for 2025 through 2045. As shown, major capacity reductions in solar purchases, wind purchases, and QF contracts occur. For planning purposes, PacifiCorp assumes interruptible load contracts and demand response are extended through the end of the IRP study period. After their current contract terms, QF contracts are extended at a reduced level that reflects the historical renewal rate of 75%. All contracts are shown at their peak capacity contribution levels. 125 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 6-LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE Figure 6.2—Contract Capacity in the 2025 IRP Summer Load and Resource Balance 2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 400 - - - - - - - - 200 - - 0 oti 'o oy^ oti� oti� o'�o e"' o'�a ' ' oeb o$^ o' of o°ole**" o°ti o°" o°`°` o", ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti —Sale Purchase Qualifying Facilities mHydro Wind Solar Demand Response Net Position Capacity Load and Resource alanc Capacity Balance Overview The purpose of the load and resource balance is to compare annual obligations to the annual capability of PacifiCorp's existing resources after retirements and future energy efficiency savings from the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio, and without new generating resource additions. The capacity balance compares generating capability to load obligations across both summer and winter.For the 2025 IRP,the load and resource balance reflects values from the Western Resource Adequacy Program (WRAP). WRAP calculates project-specific qualifying capacity contribution values for all existing and contracted resources, and those values are used where data is available. WRAP also provides the average contribution for wind, solar, energy storage and run of river hydro in different geographic areas, and these estimates are used for proxy resources in the 2025 IRP. WRAP will update the capacity contributions for resources ahead of each season, reflecting the current resource mix of the WRAP footprint through time. WRAP has also provided projections for future years and different resource penetration levels —as the penetration of wind, solar,and storage increases, contributions are expected to decline. Significant uncertainty remains, due to resource mix and timing, along with indirect factors like climate impacts on load and hydro. To better reflect future WRAP compliance requirements,PacifiCorp used the projections provided by WRAP to estimate contributions in 2045 based on the regional resource mix developed as part of the forward price curve used in the 2025 IRP. Because PacifiCorp is a relatively small portion of the regional resource mix, the calculation is static and does not vary with PacifiCorp's specific portfolio selections. WRAP contributions fall linearly from the current values for 2025 to the projected values for 2045. Additional detail is provided in Appendix K(Capacity Contribution). 126 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 6-LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE Note— While Appendix K(Capacity Contribution) has not been completed for the Dec 31 distribution of the Draft 2025 IRP, the modeled WRAP contributions through time are available from postings for the IRP public input process: https.11www.pacificorp.comlcontent✓damlpcorp/documentslenlpacificorp/energylintegrated- resource planl2025-irp/PacifiCorp 2025 IRP PIM September 25 2024 Supplemental pdf For reporting purposes, the capacity balance summarized in this chapter is developed by first reducing the hourly system load by hourly distributed generation projections to determine the net system coincident peak load for each of the first ten years (2025-2034) of the planning horizon. Then the annual firm capacity availability of the existing resources, reflecting assumed coal unit retirements from the preferred portfolio, is determined. Interruptible load programs, existing load reduction DSM programs, and new load reduction DSM programs from the preferred portfolio at the time of the net system coincident peak are included as part of the existing resources. The annual resource deficit or surplus is then computed by multiplying the obligation by the planning reserve margin (14.4% for the 2025 IRP, reflecting the WRAP value for the month of July) and then subtracting the result from existing resources. This view is presented both without and with uncommitted Market purchases. The economics of adding resources to the system to meet both capacity and energy needs are addressed during the resource portfolio development process described in Chapter 8 (Modeling and Portfolio Evaluation Approach). Load and Resource Balance Components The main component categories consist of the following: resources, obligation, reserves,position, and available market purchases. Under the calculations, there are negative values in the table in both the resource and obligation sections. This is consistent with how resource categories are represented in portfolio modeling. The resource categories include resources by type—coal, gas, hydroelectric, wind, solar, other renewables, storage, QFs, demand response, and purchases. Categories in the obligation section include load, distributed generation, and energy efficiency from the preferred portfolio. Demand Response Existing demand response program capacity is categorized as a resource. Under WRAP, demand response must be designated as either a load reduction, where any impacts are captured in peak loads, or as a resource,based on its availability and duration during peak conditions. For the 2025 IRP, demand response is used for operating reserves and dispatched within the PLEXOS model based on economics and need, and is not targeted to reduce summer-time peak loads which often occur during solar generation hours when net demand is lower. As a result,treatment as a resource provides a larger capacity benefit at this time. PacifiCorp expects to continue evaluating this as the WRAP gets underway, as some demand response programs may be suitable for peak load reduction. Also included in the demand response category are interruptible contracts. PacifiCorp has had interruptible contracts with large load customers for many years. These contracts are a key aspect of the retail service provided to the associated customers, and absent these contracts their demand would likely be different from that included in the load forecast. To maintain an 127 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 6-LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE alignment with the load forecast, these contracts are assumed to continue indefinitely under their current structure. Obligation The obligation is the total electricity demand that PacifiCorp must serve, consisting of forecasted retail load less distributed generation, energy efficiency from the preferred portfolio,. The following are descriptions of each of these components: Load Net of Distributed generation The largest component of the obligation is retail load. In the 2025 IRP, the hourly retail load at a location is first reduced by hourly distributed generation at the same location. The system coincident peak is determined by summing the net loads for all locations (topology bubbles with loads) and then finding the highest hourly system load by year and season. Loads reported by east and west BAAS thus reflect loads at the time of PacifiCorp's coincident system summer and winter peaks. Energy Efficiency An adjustment is made to load to remove the projected embedded energy efficiency as a reduction to load. Due to timing issues with the vintage of the load forecast, there is a level of 2024 energy efficiency that is not incorporated in the forecast. The 2024 energy efficiency forecast has been added to the energy efficiency line along with the energy efficiency selected in the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio. Figure 6.3 shows the energy efficiency for the east and west control areas in the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio. Figure 6.3—Energy Efficiency Peak Contribution in Summer Capacity Load and Resource Balance (reduction to load, in MW) (500) (1,000) (1,500) (2,000) — (2,500) �o2s �026 �02� �02� 2029 zoo 20�1 zo�2 �o�� �o�A �o�s 20�6 zo�� 20�� �0�9 2OFo 2�r 2OFa ��� 2OFQ 2�s ■East ■West Planning Reserve Margin Planning reserve margin (PRM) represents an incremental capacity requirement, applied as an increase to the obligation to ensure that there will be sufficient capacity available on the system to manage uncertain events(i.e.,weather,outages)and known requirements(i.e.,operating reserves). Position The position is the resource surplus or deficit after subtracting obligation plus required reserves from total resources. 128 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 6—LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE Capacity Balance Determination Methodology The capacity balance is developed by first determining the system coincident peak load for each of the first ten years of the planning horizon. Then the annual firm-capacity availability of the existing resources is determined for each of these annual system summer and winter peak periods, as applicable, and summed as follows: Existing Resources = Coal + Gas + Hydro + Renewable + Storage + Firm Purchases + Qualifying Facilities+Demand Response The peak load, distributed generation, energy efficiency (from the preferred portfolio) are netted together for each of the annual system summer and winter peaks, as applicable, to compute the annual peak obligation: Obligation=Load—Distributed generation—Energy Efficiency The level of reserves to be added to the obligation is then calculated. This is accomplished by taking the net system obligation calculated above multiplied by the 14.4 percent PRM for July and 16.8 percent PRM for December adopted from WRAP for the 2025 IRP. The formula for this calculation is: Planning Reserves = Obligation x PRM Finally,the annual capacity position is derived by adding the computed reserves to the obligation, and then subtracting this amount from existing resources, including available Market purchases, as shown in the following formula: Capacity Position = (Existing Resources + Available Market purchases) — (Obligation + Planning Reserves) Capacity Balance Results Table 6.14 and Table 6.15 show the annual capacity balances and component line items for the summer peak and winter peak,respectively,using a target PRM of 14.4 percent in the summer and 16.8 percent in the winter to calculate the planning reserve amount.5 Balances for PacifiCorp's system as well as the east and west control areas are shown. While east and west control area balances are broken out separately, the PacifiCorp system is planned for and dispatched on a system basis up to the limits of the transfer capability between the two areas. Also note that QF wind and solar projects listed earlier in the chapter are reported under the QF line item rather than the renewables line item. 5 PacifiCorp acknowledged errors in its 2023 IRP load and resource balance,which have been addressed in the 2025 IRP. See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form 412(Utah Association of Energy Users). 129 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 6-LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE Table 6.14 -- Summer Peak-System Capacity Loads and Resources without Resource Additions MW 2030 2031 Coal 3,959 3,567 3,567 3,375 3,090 2,926 2,926 2,926 2,926 2,926 Gas 2,984 3,294 3,294 3,295 3,469 3,470 3,470 3,470 3,470 3,470 Hydroelectric 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 Wind 246 224 218 211 205 189 168 162 157 151 Solar 342 499 488 476 464 453 441 429 418 406 Other Renewable 46 45 44 42 41 40 38 37 36 34 Storage 1 939 925 909 894 879 865 849 834 819 Purchase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qualifying Facilities 413 404 395 386 377 368 359 348 334 323 Demand Response 305 300 295 290 286 281 276 271 266 262 Sale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers 0 (639) (685) (308) 0 0 0 0 0 0 East Existing Resources 8,373 8,710 8,617 8,753 8,902 8,681 8,619 8,570 8,517 8,468 Load 7,734 7,947 7,952 8,230 8,667 8,855 9,050 9,335 9,335 9,284 Distributed Generation (157) (143) (186) (234) (285) (341) (400) (458) (515) (354) Energy Efficiency (92) (191) (234) (346) (457) (566) (561) (852) (880) (996) East Total obligation 7,485 7,613 7,532 7,651 7,924 7,948 89089 8,025 7,940 7,934 Planning Reserve Margin(14.4%) 1,078 1,096 1,085 1,102 1,141 1,144 1,165 1,156 1,143 1,142 East Obligation+Reserves 8,563 8,710 8,617 8,753 9,065 9,092 9,254 9,180 9,083 9,076 East Position (190) 0 0 0 (164) (412) (635) (610) (566) (608) Available Market Purchases 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 0 0 Coal 140 133 133 133 133 0 0 0 0 0 Gas 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 Hydroelectric 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 Wind 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Solar 69 67 65 62 60 58 52 50 48 46 Other Renewable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Purchase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qualifying Facilities 229 224 212 207 198 194 188 178 174 170 Demand Response 60 59 58 58 57 56 55 55 54 53 Sale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers 0 639 685 308 0 0 0 0 0 0 West Existing Resources 1,927 2,551 2,583 2,197 1,877 1,737 1,724 1,712 1,704 1,696 Load 3,672 3,826 3,938 4,121 4,271 4,482 4,609 4,828 4,946 4,887 Distributed Generation (49) (54) (75) (99) (124) (152) (182) (213) (244) (148) Energy Efficiency (63) (41) (123) (157) (191) (227) (231) (229) (334) (364) West Total obligation 3,560 3,731 3,740 3,866 3,955 4,102 4,195 4,386 4,368 4,376 Planning Reserve Margin(14.4"/u) 513 537 539 557 570 591 604 632 629 630 West Obligation+Reserves 4,072 4,269 4,278 4,423 4,525 4,693 4,799 5,017 4,998 5,006 West Position (2,145) (1,718) (1,695) (2,226) (2,648) (2,956) (3,075) (3,306) (3,293) (3,309) Available Market Purchases 2,603 2,603 2,603 2,603 2,603 0 0 0 0 0 Total Resources 10,300 11,260 11,200 10,950 10,779 10,417 10,343 10,281 10,221 10,164 Obligation 11,045 11,345 11,272 11,517 11,879 12,050 12,284 12,410 12,308 12,310 Planning Reserves(14.4%) 1,590 1,634 1,623 1,658 1,711 1,735 1,769 1,787 1,772 1,773 Obligation+Reserves 12,635 12,978 12,895 13,175 13,590 13,785 14,053 14,197 14,081 14,082 System Position (2,335) (1,718) (1,695) (2,226) (2,811) (3,368) (3,710) (3,916) (3,859) (3,918) Available Market Purchases 3,103 3,103 3,103 3,103 3,103 0 0 0 0 0 Uncommitted FOTs to meet remaining Need 2,335 1,718 1,695 2,226 2,811 0 0 0 0 0 Net Surplus/(Deficit) 0 0 0 0 0 (3,368) (3,710) (3,916) (3,859) (3,918) 130 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 6-LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE Table 6.14 (cont.)-Summer Peak System Capacity Loads and Resources without Resource Additions Coal 2,926 2,926 2,926 2,926 2,926 2,926 2,926 2,926 2,926 2,926 2,926 Gas 3,470 3,470 3,470 3,470 3,470 3,470 3,470 3,470 3,470 3,470 3,470 Hydroelectric 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 Wind 145 140 134 128 122 117 81 77 73 69 65 Solar 395 383 343 332 322 311 300 290 279 246 236 Other Renewable 33 32 30 11 11 10 9 9 8 8 0 Storage 804 788 773 759 744 728 714 699 684 668 654 Purchase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qualifying Facilities 314 302 240 231 223 211 204 196 189 182 176 Demand Response 257 252 247 243 238 233 228 223 218 214 209 Sale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 East Existing Resources 8,420 8,370 8,240 8,177 8,131 8,083 8,009 7,966 7,924 7,860 7,812 Load 9,411 9,557 9,767 9,935 10,083 10,201 10,339 10,480 10,664 10,745 10,883 Distributed Generation (385) (415) (445) (474) (503) (529) (557) (584) (609) (635) (660) Energy Efficiency (1,110) (1,151) (1,024) (1,333) (1,462) (1,515) (1,580) (1,315) (1,562) (1,583) (1,613) East Total obligation 7,916 7,990 8,298 8,129 8,118 8,156 8,202 8,581 8,492 8,528 8,610 Planning Reserve Margin(14.4%) 1,140 1,151 1,195 1,171 1,169 1,175 1,181 1,236 1,223 1,228 1,240 East Obligation+Reserves 9,056 9,141 9,493 9,299 9,287 9,331 9,383 9,817 9,715 9,756 9,850 East Position (636) (771) (1,253) (1,122) (1,156) (1,248) (1,374) (1,851) (1,791) (1,896) (2,038) Available Market Purchases 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Coal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gas 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 Hydroelectric 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 Wind 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Solar 45 43 41 39 37 35 13 12 11 11 10 Other Renewable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Purchase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qualifying Facilities 165 160 143 138 133 129 125 121 100 96 94 Demand Response 52 52 51 50 49 49 48 47 46 46 45 Sale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 West Existing Resources 1,689 1,681 1,662 1,655 1,647 1,640 1,613 1,608 1,585 1,580 1,576 Load 4,944 5,009 5,082 5,189 5,258 5,330 5,397 5,473 5,660 5,651 5,730 Distributed Generation (163) (177) (192) (206) (221) (234) (249) (263) (277) (290) (304) New Energy Efficiency (394) (426) (378) (502) (457) (461) (475) (399) (473) (463) (471) West Total obligation 4,388 4,406 4,512 4,481 4,581 4,635 4,674 4,812 4,910 4,897 4,955 Planning Reserve Margin(14.4%) 632 634 650 645 660 667 673 693 707 705 713 West Obligation+Reserves 5,020 5,040 5,161 5,127 5,240 5,303 5,347 5,505 5,618 5,603 5,668 West Position (3,330) (3,359) (3,499) (3,472) (3,594) (3,662) (3,734) (3,897) (4,032) (4,023) (4,092) Available Market Purchases 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Resources 10,109 10,051 9,902 9,831 9,778 9,723 9,622 9,574 9,509 9,439 9,388 Obligation 12,304 12,396 12,810 12,610 12,699 12,791 12,876 13,393 13,403 13,425 13,564 Planning Reserves(14.4%) 1,772 1,785 1,845 1,816 1,829 1,842 1,854 1,929 1,930 1,933 1,953 Obligation+Reserves 14,076 14,181 14,654 14,426 14,528 14,633 14,730 15,321 15,333 15,358 15,518 System Position (3,967) (4,130) (4,752) (4,594) (4,750) (4,910) (5,108) (5,748) (5,824) (5,919) (6,129) Available Market Purchases 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Uncommitted FOTs to meet remaining Need 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Net Surplus/(Deficit) (3,967) (4,130) (4,752) (4,594) (4,750) (4,910) (5,108) (5,748) (5,824) (5,919) (6,129) 131 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 6-LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE Table 6.15-Winter Peak System Capacity Loads and Resources without Resource Additions Coal 4,147 3,733 3,733 3,498 3,184 3,014 3,014 3,015 3,015 3,015 Gas 3,003 3,334 3,334 3,335 3,526 3,527 3,527 3,527 3,527 3,527 Hydroelectric 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 Wind 2,037 1,929 1,836 1,748 1,616 1,456 1,377 1,300 1,226 1,154 Solar 77 104 101 98 95 92 89 86 83 80 Other Renewable 41 39 38 37 35 34 33 31 30 28 Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Purchase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qualifying Facilities 186 181 177 171 167 162 155 150 130 125 Demand Response 139 135 132 129 125 122 119 116 112 109 Sale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers (1,600) (1,600) (1,600) (1,600) (1,256) (1,075) (803) (530) (445) (255) East Existing Resources 8,062 7,890 7,785 7,449 79525 7,366 7,544 7,728 79711 7,817 Load 5,724 6,099 6,174 6,448 6,759 6,698 6,869 7,153 7,223 7,397 Distributed Generation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Energy Efficiency (63) (116) (174) (243) (311) (385) (403) (528) (613) (695) East Total obligation 5,659 5,981 5,997 6,201 6,443 6,306 6,459 6,617 69601 6,693 Planning Reserve Margin(16.8%) 951 1,005 1,007 1,042 1,082 1,059 1,085 1,112 1,109 1,124 East Obligation+Reserves 6,610 6,986 7,004 7,242 7,525 7,366 7,544 7,728 7,711 7,817 East Position 1,452 904 781 206 0 0 0 0 0 0 Available Market Purchases 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 0 0 Coal 147 147 147 147 147 0 0 0 0 0 Gas 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 Hydroelectric 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 Wind 64 61 59 57 54 52 50 47 45 43 Solar 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Other Renewable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Purchase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qualifying Facilities 68 68 60 60 57 56 56 55 55 55 Demand Response 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,256 1,075 803 530 445 255 West Existing Resources 3,341 3,339 3,329 3,326 2,978 2,645 2,370 2,094 2,007 1,814 Load 3,711 3,577 3,676 3,859 4,025 4,478 4,541 4,421 4,477 4,526 Distributed Generation (0) (0) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) Energy Efficiency (45) (79) (118) (157) (199) (246) (236) (328) (370) (407) West Total obligation 3,665 3,498 3,558 3,701 3,825 4,230 49303 4,091 49105 4,117 Planning Reserve Margin(16.8% 616 588 598 622 643 711 723 687 690 692 West Obligation+Reserves 4,281 4,086 4,156 4,322 4,467 4,941 5,026 4,778 4,794 4,809 West Position (939) (747) (827) (996) (1,490) (2,296) (2,656) (2,684) (2,788) (2,995) Available Market Purchases 2,603 2,603 2,603 2,603 2,603 0 0 0 0 0 Total Resources 11,404 11,229 11,114 10,775 10,503 10,011 9,914 9,822 9,717 9,631 Obligation 9,324 9,479 9,555 9,902 10,268 10,537 10,762 10,708 10,706 10,810 Planning Reserves(16.8%) 1,343 1,365 1,376 1,426 1,479 1,517 1,550 1,542 1,542 1,557 Obligation+Reserves 10,667 10,844 10,931 11,327 11,746 12,054 12,312 12,250 12,248 12,366 System Position 737 384 183 (552) (1,243) (2,043) (2,398) (2,427) (2,531) (2,735) Available Market Purchases 3,103 3,103 3,103 3,103 3,103 0 0 0 0 0 Uncommitted FOTs to meet remaining Need 0 0 0 552 1,243 0 0 0 0 0 Net Surplus/(Deficit) 737 384 183 0 0 (2,043) (2,398) (2,427) (2,531) (2,735) 132 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 6-LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE Table 6.15 (coot.)-Winter Peak System Capacity Loads and Resources without Resource Additions Coal 3,015 3,015 3,015 3,015 3,015 3,015 3,015 3,015 3,015 3,015 3,015 Gas 3,527 3,527 3,527 3,527 3,527 3,527 3,527 3,527 3,527 3,527 3,527 Hydroelectric 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 Wind 1,082 1,014 948 883 820 674 621 570 522 474 429 Solar 77 74 71 68 66 63 60 57 46 44 41 Other Renewable 27 26 24 8 8 8 7 6 6 0 0 Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Purchase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qualifying Facilities 121 103 98 95 91 87 83 79 75 72 68 Demand Response 106 103 99 96 93 89 86 83 80 76 73 Sale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers East Existing Resources 7,988 7,896 7,816 7,725 7,652 7,496 7,431 7,370 7,304 7,240 7,186 Load 7,321 7,508 7,595 7,732 7,856 7,991 8,169 8,340 8,450 8,525 8,664 Distributed Generation (11) (11) (12) (13) (13) (14) (14) (14) (15) (15) (16) Energy Efficiency (580) (891) (834) (824) (879) (926) (1,042) (979) (1,305) (1,268) (1,195) East Total obligation 6,730 6,606 6,749 6,896 6,964 7,052 7,113 7,347 7,131 7,242 7,453 Planning Reserve Margin(16.88/6) 969 951 972 993 1,003 1,015 1,024 1,058 1,027 1,043 1,073 East Obligation+Reserves 7,699 7,557 7,721 7,889 7,966 8,067 8,137 8,405 8,158 8,285 8,526 East Position 289 338 95 (164) (314) (571) (706) (1,035) (854) (1,045) (1,340) Available Market Purchases 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Coal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gas 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 Hydroelectric 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 Wind 41 39 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 Solar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Renewable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Purchase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qualifying Facilities 55 53 53 52 51 51 50 50 49 49 49 Demand Response 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 West Existing Resources 1,556 1,552 1,550 1,547 1,544 1,542 1,539 1,536 1,534 1,532 1,529 Load 4,773 4,920 4,989 4,941 5,062 5,136 5,276 5,289 5,398 5,345 5,467 Distributed Generation (2) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (4) (4) (4) (4) Energy Efficiency (642) (543) (439) (755) (796) (837) (919) (614) (645) (538) (658) West Total obligation 4,128 4,374 4,548 4,183 4,263 4,297 4,353 4,671 4,749 4,803 4,805 Planning Reserve Margin(16.8%) 694 735 764 703 716 722 731 785 798 807 807 West Obligation+Reserves 4,822 5,109 5,312 4,886 4,979 5,018 5,085 5,456 5,547 5,610 5,613 West Position (3,265) (3,557) (3,762) (3,338) (3,435) (3,477) (3,546) (3,920) (4,013) (4,079) (4,083) Available Market Purchases 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Resources 9,545 9,448 9,366 9,272 9,196 9,038 8,970 8,907 8,838 8,772 8,716 Obligation 10,858 10,980 11,297 11,079 11,227 11,348 11,466 12,018 11,880 12,045 12,258 Planning Reserves(16.81/6) 1,564 1,581 1,627 1,595 1,617 1,634 1,651 1,731 1,711 1,735 1,765 Obligation+Reserves 12,422 12,561 12,924 12,674 12,843 12,983 13,117 13,749 13,591 13,780 14,023 System Position (2,877) (3,113) (3,558) (3,402) (3,647) (3,945) (4,148) (4,842) (4,753) (5,008) (5,308) Available Market Purchases 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Uncommitted FOTs to meet remaining Need 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NetSurplus/(Deficit) (2,877) (3,113) (3,558) (3,402) (3,647) (3,945) (4,148) (4,842) (4,753) (5,008) (5,308) 133 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 6-LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE Figure 6.4 through Figure 6.7 are graphic representations of the above tables for annual capacity position for the summer system, winter system, east control area, and west control area. Also shown in the system capacity position graph are available Market purchases,which can be used to meet capacity needs. The market availability assumptions used for portfolio modeling are discussed further in Chapter 7. Figure 6.4 — Summer System Capacity Position Trend 16,000 14,000 • eseles 12,000 10,000 R � 8,000 d East Existing Resources 6,000 4,000 West Existing Remorees 2,000 0 vo,�'� v�,yb voyn ryoti4 rya v0,�0 v0,�1 ry�,�'L vp,�'S vO,�A West Existing Resources East Existing Resources Uncommitted FOTs to meet remaining Need �Obligatian+Reserves — Obligation 134 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 6-LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE Figure 6.5—Winter System Capacity Position Trend 16,000 14,000 12,000 16.8%Reserves 10,000 Z+ R R 8,000 t>D East Existing Resources 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 ti�ry� ti�vb ti�ry^ ti�v� ti�vQ ti��o ti��, ti��� tiM b��p aa�West Existing Resources East Existing Resources Uncommitted FOTs to meet remaining Need tObligation+Reserves —Obligation 135 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 6—LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE Figure 6.6—East Summer Capacity Position Trend 10,000 8,000 6,000 bW0 d East Existing Resources 4,000 2,000 0 *11 ti�ryb *1 ti�ry� ti�ry� 4+1 ti� ti��v ti��1 aa�East Existing Resources East-Uncommitted FOTs to meet remaining Need tEast Obligation+Reserves — East Total obligation 136 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 6—LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE Figure 6.7 —West Summer Capacity Position Trend 10,000 8,000 6,000 bW0 d East Existing Resources 4,000 2,000 0 *11 ti�ryb *1 ti�ry� ti�ry� 4+1 ti� ti��v ti��1 aa�East Existing Resources East-Uncommitted FOTs to meet remaining Need tEast Obligation+Reserves — East Total obligation 137 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 6-LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE 138 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 7—RESOURCE OPTIONS CHAPTER 7 - RESOURCE OPTIONS CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS • PacifiCorp's resource attributes and costs for future generation resource options reflect updated information, based on assumptions from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's 2024 Annual Technology Baseline to the extent data was available.' • In addition to utility-scale resources (generally 200 megawatts (MW) or more), the 2025 IRP includes small-scale(20 MW)wind, solar, and biodiesel peaking options. These small- scale resource options are assumed to be sited in relative proximity to load, such that they do not require significant transmission system upgrades. • Renewable resource generation profiles have been updated and expanded to include more proxy resource locations as well as distinct profiles for utility-scale and small-scale wind resources, rather than one generation profile per state as in the 2023 IRP. This update extends to online and contracted resources, as well as proxy resource options, and also includes expanded historical data for use with stochastic analysis. • Options for utility-scale lithium-ion batteries (20 MW and 200 MW options), gravity energy storage systems,pumped hydro energy storage(PHES),thermal energy storage,one- hundred-hour iron-air storage, and adiabatic compressed air energy storage are included in this IRP.In a change from prior IRPs,hydrogen peaking resources are also treated as storage resources (rather than using pipelines and a market price for hydrogen). Hydrogen is electrolyzed using excess generation output and stored in either high-pressure tanks or underground caverns. • The Plexos model endogenously models transmission upgrades, allowing for increases to transfer limits and resource interconnection. Where applicable,upgrades are restricted until all pre-requisites are in place. • PacifiCorp continues to apply cost reduction credits to energy efficiency, reflecting risk mitigation benefits, transmission and distribution investment deferral benefits, and a ten percent market price credit for Washington and Oregon as allowed by the Northwest Power Act. Introduction This chapter provides background information on the various resources considered in the IRP for meeting future capacity and energy needs. Organized by major category, these resources consist of utility-scale supply-side generation, demand-side management (DSM) programs, transmission resources and market purchases. For each resource category, the chapter discusses the criteria for resource selection, presents the options and associated attributes, and describes the various technologies. In addition, for supply-side resources, the chapter describes how PacifiCorp addressed long-term cost trends and uncertainty in deriving cost figures. Jply-Side Resoles (SSR) The list of supply-side resource options reflects the expected realities evidenced through external studies, internally generated studies, permitting, regulatory requirements, and stakeholder input. The process began with the list of major generating resources from the 2023 IRP. This resource 'https://atb.nrel.gov/electricity/2024/index 139 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 7—RESOURCE OPTIONS list was reviewed and modified to reflect stakeholder input, new technology developments, environmental factors, cost dynamics and anticipated permitting requirements. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Annual Technology Baseline (ATB)2 was used as much as possible to maintain consistency. Some of the terminology used in this chapter is from the ATB. A glossary of some of the terminology is provided below in Table 7.12 and a list of acronyms is provided in Table 7.13. The SSR options include the following technologies grouped by energy source. More information about each technology is provided in the "Resource Option Descriptions" section of this chapter. The terminology here matches that used in the SSR Table,although some may have been shortened per the acronym list in Table 7.13. • Natural Gas o Internal Combustion Engines o SCCT, Aero, &F-Frame o CCCT, lxl, &2x1 ■ Adjustments for 95% Carbon Capture ■ Adjustments for Brownfield Construction ■ Adjustments for advanced technology innovation scenario ("Innovations far from market-ready today are successful and become widespread in the market. New technology architectures could look different from those observed today. Public and private R&D investment increases. For biopower technologies, technology cost designations appearing in ATB tables and figures refer to technology assumptions and the range of fuel price projections as described on their respective technology pages.") • Hydrogen o Adjustments for 100% Hydrogen burning capability o Adjustments for Hydrogen Storage o Electrolyzer • Coal, Carbon Capture Retrofits at existing plants.Note that although the common abbreviation for carbon capture and storage (CCS) is used, data for these resources does not include sequestration. • Energy Storage o Lithium-Ion Batteries (20 MW, 200 MW, and 1,000 MW all with 4-hour duration) ■ Adjustments for double duration(i.e., 8-hour duration) ■ Adjustments for co-location with other generating resources ■ Adjustments for advanced technology innovation scenario o Gravity Batteries o Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage (ACAES) 0 100-Hour Iron Air Batteries o PHES (single and double reservoirs) o Pumped Thermal • Solar o Adjustments for advanced technology innovation scenario • Wind (various on-shore wind classes and off-shore class 12, as appropriate for PacifiCorp's service area) 2 https://atb.nrel.gov/electricity/2024/definitions#scenarios 3 https://atb.nrel.gov/electricity/2024/definitions#scenarios 140 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 7—RESOURCE OPTIONS o Adjustments for advanced technology innovation scenario • Nuclea? o Small Modular Reactor ■ Adjustments for adding thermal energy storage o Large Light Water Reactor ■ Adjustments for advanced technology innovation scenario (in addition to the earlier definition: "for nuclear technologies, technology cost designations appearing in ATB tables and figures refer to technology assumptions and the range of fuel price projections as described on their respective technology pages.") • Geothermal (near field enhanced geothermal system, binary) o Adjustments for advanced technology innovation scenario Derivation of Resource Attributes Once a basic list of resources was determined, the cost-and-performance attributes for each resource were estimated. The information sources used are listed below, followed by a brief description on how they were used in the development of the SSR tables ,which is used to develop inputs for IRP modeling: • Annual Technology Baseline (ATB) prepared by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)5 • U.S. Energy Information Administration(EIA) "Capital Cost and Performance Characteristics for Utility-Scale Electric Power Generating Technologies" (`EIA Report", both the 20246 and 2020' editions)prepared by Sargent and Lundy • Original equipment manufacturers capital and operation and maintenance estimates • Developer cost and performance estimates • Publicly available cost and performance estimates • Actual PacifiCorp or electric utility industry installations,providing current construction/maintenance costs and performance data with similar resource attributes • Projected PacifiCorp or electric utility industry installations,providing projected construction/maintenance costs and performance data of similar or identical resource options • Additional references are provided in the Resource Option Descriptions section of this chapter Most of the supply-side resource options rely on the ATB and EIA reports. Some resources contained in the SSR tables are not listed in the ATB, but were developed through other reports, 4 Nuclear technology is intentionally limited to years outside the 2-4 year action plan window.Nuclear resource assumptions were discussed in the 2025 IRP public input meeting series and stakeholder feedback, See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#1 (Peter Gross). See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#41 (Nathan Strain). 5 https:Hatb.nrel.gov/electricty/2024/index. 6 Capital Cost and Performance Characteristic Estimates for Utility Scale Electric Power Generating Technologies, December 6,2023,Sargent&Lundy,prepared for the U.S.Energy Information Administration's Capital Cost and Performance Characteristics for Utility Scale Electric Power Generating Technologies,January 2024 https://www.eia.gov/analysis/studies/powerplants/capitalcost/pdf/capital_cost_AE02025.pdf. Cost and Performance Estimates for New Utility-Scale Electric Power Generating Technologies,December 2019, Sargent&Lundy,prepared for the U.S.Energy Information Administration's Capital Cost and Performance Characteristic Estimates for Utility Scale Electric Power Generating Technologies,February 2020 https://www.eia.gov/analysis/studies/powerplants/capitalcost/archive/2020/pdf/capital—cost AE0202O.pdf 141 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 7—RESOURCE OPTIONS conversations with industry experts, developers and original equipment manufacturers (OEM's). The 2024 ATB with its numerous references and the 2024 EIA Report was used for: • Natural Gas o SCCT (Aero) o CCCT (lxl & 2xl) ■ Adjustments for 95% Carbon Capture ■ Adjustments for advanced technology innovation scenario • Energy Storage o Lithium-Ion Batteries (20 MW, 200 MW, and 1,000 MW, 4-hour duration) ■ Adjustments for double duration ■ Adjustments for co-location ■ Adjustments for advanced technology innovation scenario o PHES (single and double reservoirs) • Solar o Adjustments for advanced technology innovation scenario • Wind o Adjustments for advanced technology innovation scenario • Nuclear o Small Modular Reactor o Large Light Water Reactor o Adjustments for advanced technology innovation scenario • Geothermal (near field enhanced geothermal system, binary) o Adjustments for advanced technology innovation scenario The 2020 EIA Report provided the Internal Combustion Engines(ICE)data because no ICE option was included in the 2024 EIA report.The ICE option was included to address Oregon requirements for small-scale resources under 20 MW. Although the ICE option consists of 4 x 5.6 MW engines at ISO conditions, it is assumed that the engines, if not derated due to altitude or other factors, can be curtailed to meet the 20 MW threshold. The brownfield cost adjustment was developed based on prior IRP estimates. Hydrogen capable resource data is based on the following:8 • Adjustments for 100% hydrogen burning capability are based on conversations with OEMs and industry experts and the report "Exploring the competitiveness of hydrogen-fueled gas turbines in future energy systems."9 A 15% cost adder for new gas turbines indicated by Table 3 in the report was corroborated by OEMs and other industry experts. • Adjustments for hydrogen storage are based on information in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)reports: "Pathways to Commercial Liftoff. Clean Hydrogen"10(Clean Hydrogen Liftoff a The option of hydrogen as an alternative fuel,including electrolyzer cost and performance,was discussed in the course of the 2025 IRP public input meeting series.For specific recommendations and PacifiCorp's response,see Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#23 (NP Energy,LLQ 9 Simon Oberg,Mikael Odenberger,Filip Johnsson"Exploring the competitiveness of hydrogen-fueled gas turbines in future energy systems,"Division of Energy Technology,Chalmers University of Technology,412 96, Gothenburg, Sweden,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360319921039768 10 https:Hliftoff.energy.gov/ 142 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 7—RESOURCE OPTIONS report), "2022 Grid Energy Storage Technology Cost and Performance Assessment,"" and the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office's "Multi-Year Program Plan. ,12 • Electrolyzer costs are based on the DOE report "Hydrogen Production Cost from PEM Electrolysis—2019,"13 and the NREL report"Updated Manufactured Cost Analysis for Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers." Data for "Carbon Capture Retrofits at existing coal plants" is based on adjustments made to incorporate capital and operational costs of emission control technologies (SCR and FGD)needed to scrub flue gas prior to the carbon capture technology, and adjustments made to account for economies of scale. Gravity Batteries costs were escalated from the 2023 IRP. Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage(ACAES)were originally escalated from the 2023 IRP which used data provided by Renewable Energy Storage Company (RESC), but later updated based on input from Hydrostor. 100-Hour Iron Air Battery data is based on information provided by Form Energy. Pumped Thermal energy storage is based on integrated thermal storage for nuclear, but with a resistive heater for energy storage. Data for "Adjustments for adding thermal energy storage to nuclear plants" represents thermal energy storage and only stores energy from the heat of the reactor, not from a resistive heater. The following costs were excluded from the cost estimates provided by the referenced sources,but were added by the Company as appropriate, using confidential data specific to the Company's business practices:I4 • Allowance for Funds Used During Construction(AFUDC) • Capital Surcharge • Escalation • Property taxes Interconnection costs and sales tax are included in the PLEXOS modeling depending on the locational node in which each technology is being considered. Wind and Solar Generation Profiles For the 2025 IRP, PacifiCorp has updated the wind and solar generation profiles for both existing resources and proxy resource options. PacifiCorp provided the location and expected generation levels for existing and contracted resources to a consultant,Hendrickson Renewables,and received 11 https://www.energy.gov/sites/default/files/2022- 09/2022%20Grid%20Energy%20Storage%20Technology%20Cost%20and%20Performance%20Assessment.pdf 12 https://www.energy.gov/sites/default/files/2024-05/hfto-mypp-2024.pdf 13 https://www.hydrogen.energy.gov/docs/hydrogenprogramlibraries/pdfs/l 9009_h2_production_Cost_pem_electrolysi s_2019.pdf?Status=Master 14 Additional cost considerations were the subject of discussion and feedback during the 2025 IRP public input meeting series. See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#24(NP Energy,LLQ. 143 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 7—RESOURCE OPTIONS back an hourly generation profile for 2006-2023 that reflects expected performance under historical weather conditions. For existing resources, results were tuned to recent historical actual generation levels, while resources that are not yet operating were tuned to forecasted output. For wind, hourly generation is based on hourly wind speeds and air density from the ERAS reanalysis dataset,with scaling and adjustments to represent project-specific power curves and expected Output.15 For solar, hourly solar irradiance and weather data was extracted from a Vaisala satellite irradiance dataset16 and configured in a PVsyst model17 that was tuned to correspond to actual or forecasted output. For proxy resources, PacifiCorp identified locations across its system, and Hendrickson Renewables determined the expected output of the equipment represented in NREL's ATB,which was used to develop cost inputs. In the 2023 IRP, PacifiCorp used one wind and solar profile for each of its five largest state jurisdictions (excluding California). For the 2025 IRP, wind and solar profiles have been developed which to correspond to thirteen different transmission areas spread across PacifiCorp's system. To account for technological differences that impact generation output, generation profiles were also developed for five small-scale wind profiles for the west side of the system, along with an off-shore wind profile for the potential lease area near Brookings)8 For many years, PacifiCorp has used a chaotic normal load forecast to account for the range of load conditions experienced. For each month of the year, the chaotic normal load forecast is derived from the most representative historical month from recent history (currently 2013-2022). The pattern of load in each of the selected months from history is reflected in every year of the forecast, with adjustments to account for the rotation of calendar days and weekdays from year to year, as well as for forecasted changes in load over time. As a result, every day of PacifiCorp's load forecast is tied to a specific day in history. For the 2025 IRP, the normalized wind and solar output modeled in Plexos is drawn from the same historical day as the load forecast. The result is a generation profile specific to each of the years of the IRP forecast (2025-2045) that inherently represents the correlation between renewable generation and load. The expanded historical generation data set developed for the 2025 IRP also enables stochastic analysis that captures the relationship between renewable generation and load in each of the historical years (2006-2023). Resource Options and Attributes Table 7.2 through Table 7.11 report characteristics, attributes and costs for resource options considered in the 2025 IRP. Unlike previous IRP's the SSR Table does not list multiple versions of the same technology for various altitudes. Instead, the location adjustments from Appendix A and B of the 2024 EIA19 report are applied in PLEXOS. Total resource cost attributes for supply- "European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.https://www.ecmwfint/en/forecasts/dataset/ecmwf- reanalysis-v5 16 Vaisala.https://www.vaisala.com/ 17 PVsyst•https://www.pvsyst.com/ 'g Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.https://www.boem.gov/renewable-energy/state-activities/Oregon 19 https://www.eia.gov/analysis/studies/powerplants/capitalcost/pdf/capital cost AE02025.pdf 144 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 7—RESOURCE OPTIONS side resource options are based on estimates of the first-year, real-levelized costs for resources, stated in June 2024 dollars.20,2I Table 7.1 provides a listing of these ten tables for convenience. Table 7.1 —Supply-Side Resource Option Tables Operating Characteristics and Characteristics and Costs Environmental Data Thermal Table 7.2 Table 7.4 Non-Thermal and Storage Table 7.3 Table 7.5 Additional Attributes and Variable O&M,Total Cost and d O&M Credits Thermal Table 7.6 Table 7.9 Non-Thermal Table 7.7 Table 7.10 Storage Table 7.8 Table 7.11 A Glossary of Terms and a Glossary of Acronyms from the SSR is summarized in Table 7.12 and Table 7.13. 21 Supply-side resource attributes were discussed throughout the 2025 public input meeting series and generated stakeholder feedback forms inquiries.2028 was determined to be the appropriate earliest commercial online year for most proxy resource options.However,PacifiCorp does not preclude the possibility of achieving specific(non- proxy)projects on an earlier timeline outside of the IRP. See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#7(Renewable Northwest). See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#36(Sierra Club). 21 The supply-side resource table was made publicly available during the 2025 IRP public input meeting series and discussed extensively as it developed.IRP Support&Studies 145 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 7-RESOURCE OPTIONS Table 7.2 - 2025 Thermal Supply-Side Resources, Characteristics and Costs (20245) Characteristics Costs Fraction Var O&M Adlusted Net Resource Total Commercial Asset Base Fraction by Fiwed Fraction Demolitio Elevation Capacity Availability Implementation Operation Life Capital Vat O&M Vat O&M Capacity O&M Fixed O&M n Cost Fuel Resource Descri tion [AFSL) (MW) Year Time(yrs) Year (yrs) ($IkW) [$IMWh1 Capitalized Changes ($IkW-yr) Capitalized ($IkW) BI„fuJ Internal Combustion Engine,renewable biofuel,with SCR&24-hout fuel tank 0 20 2025 2.5 2027 30 $2,131 $6.33 74% 91% $42.82 3*/ $14.59 Natural Gas SCCT Aero,with SCR 0 50 2025 3.5 2028 40 $2,613 € $7.40 87% 38% i $12.42 3% $32.46 Natural Gas SCCT Aero x4,with SCR 0 211 2025 3.5 2028 40 $1,789 € $5.32 87% 98% $9.93 i 3/. $32.46 Natural Gas SCCT Ram*"I"'A,with SCR 0 233 I 2025 I 5.0 2030 40 $1,387 i $7.75 100/ 99% $27.32 3/. I $12.13 Natural Gas CCCT Dry"H",1X1,DF,with SCR 0 649 2025 5.0 2030 40 $1,839 € $2.70 0% 100/ i $42.44 0/. $12.08 Natural Gas CCCT Div"H",2X1,DF,with SCR 0 1,227 2025 5.0 2030 40 1 $1,553 € $2.28 0% 100% $35.18 0/. $11.69 Natural Gas CCCT Dry"H",1X1,DF,with SCR+a for adding 95%CCS to new CCCT 1x1 0 565 2025 5.0 2030 i +40 $3,429 € $5.32 0% 100% i $77.07 0/. $65.28 Natural Gas CCCT Dr "H",2X1,OF,with SCR+a for adding 35%CCS to new CCCT 20 0 1085 2025 5.0 2030 i +40 $2,846 i $4.83 0% 100% i $62.99 0*/ $65.08 Natural Gas Internal Combustion Engine,renewable bicfuel,with SCR&24-hour fuel tank+afor CT Brownfield construction 0 { 20 I 2025 i 2.5 2027 i 30 $1,310 I $6.24 74% ; 91% $42.82 ! 3/. i $14.53 Natural Gas SCCT Aero,with SCR+afor CT Brownfield construction 0 50 2025 3.5 2028 40 $2,352 $6.66 87% 98% $12.42 3% $32.46 Natural Gas SCCT Aero x4,with SCR+afor CT Brownfield construction 0 211 2025 3.5 2028 40 $1,610 € $5.33 87% 38% $3.33 3'/. $32.46 Natural Gas SCCT Frame"F"xl,with SCR+efor CT Brownfield construction 0 233 2025 5.0 2030 40 $1,248 € $6.38 100% 99% i $27.32 3% $12.13 Natural Gas CCCT Dry"H",1X1,OF,with SCR+a For CT Brownfield construction 0 649 2025 5.0 2030 40 $1,655 € $2.43 0% 100% i $42.44 D'/. $12.08 Natural Gas CCCT Dr "H"2X1,OF,with SCR+afor CT Brownfield construction 0 1,227 2025 5.0 2030 40 $1,398 i S2.05 0% 100% $35.18 0*/ $11.89 Natural Gas CCCT Dry"H",1X1,OF,with SCR+a for adding 35%CCS to new CCCT 1xl+a For CT Brownfield construction 0 555 2025 5.0 2030 40 $3,086 $4.78 0% 100% i $77.07 fP/. $65.28 Natural Gas CCCT Dr "H",2X1,OF,with SCR+a for addina 95%CCS to new CCCT 2xl+a for CT Brownfield construction 0 i 1,085 2025 5.0 2030 40 $2561 i $4.34 0% 100% i $62.33 0'/. $65.08 Hydrogen SCCT Frame"F"xl,with SCR+efor 100%Hydrogen burning capability 0 233 2025 5.0 2030 40 $1,595 € $8.91 100% 33% i $27.92 3/. $13.35 Hydrogen CCCT Dry"H",1X1,OF,with SCR+efor 100%Hydrogen burning capability 0 649 2025 5.0 2030 40 $2,115 $3.11 0% 100% i $42.44 0/. $13.89 Hvdroaen CCCT Dr "H",2X1,OF,with SCR+a For 100%H dro en burning capability 0 1,227 2025 5.0 2030 40 $1,786 1 $2.62 0% 100% $35.18 0/. $13.67 Hydrogen SCCT Frame"F"xl,with SCR+afor Hydrogen storage,cavern,806ar,24 hour 0 233 2025 I 5.0 2030 40 $2,506 $8.10 100% j SS/ $35.12 3/. $27.13 Hydrogen CCCT Dry"H",1X1,DF,with SCR+e for Hydrogen storage,cavern,80 bar,24 hour 0 649 2025 5.0 2030 40 $3,038 € $3.13 0% 100/ $43.64 0% 527.08 H dro en CCCT Or "H",2X1,OF,with SCR+e for Hydrogen storage,cavern,806ar,24 hour 0 1,227 2025 5.0 2030 40 $2,752 € $2.70 0% 100% i $42.38 0/. $26.89 Hydrogen SCCT Frame"F"xl,with SCR+efor Hydrogen storage,tanks,SOO bar,24 hour 0 233 2025 5.0 2030 40 $2,098 € $8.32 100% 33% i $40.78 3% $27.13 Hydrogen CCCT Dry"H",1X1,OF,with SCR+afar Hydrogen storage tanks,SOO bar,24 hour 0 649 2025 5.0 2030 40 $2,550 $3.27 0% 100% i $55.30 0'/. $27.08 Hydrogen CCCT Dr "H"2X1,OF,with SCR+a forHydrogen storage,tanks,500 bar,24 hour 0 1227 2025 5.0 2030 40 $2264 85 0% 00% $48.04 ! 0% $26.89 Natural Gas CCCT Dry"H",1X1,OF,with SCR,Advanced Technology Case+a advanced technology case,CCCT 1x1 0 649 2025 5.0 2030 +40 $1,832 $2.68 0% 100% $41.33 0% $12.08 Natural Gas CCCT Dr "H",2X1,DF,with SCR,Advanced Technology Case+a advanced technology case,CCCT 20 0 1227 r 2025 5.0 2030 +40 $1,518 € $2.23 0% 100% i $34.07 0/. $11.89 Natural Gas CCCT Dry"H",1X1,OF,with SCR,Advanced Technology Case+a advanced technology case,CCCT 10 with 35%CCS 0 565 1 2025 5.0 2030 i +40 $3,261 € $5.03 0% 100% i $72.60 0/. $65.28 Natural Gas CCCT Dr "H",2X1,OF,with SCR,Advanced Technology Case+a advanced technology case,CCCT 2xl with 35%CCS 0 1085 2025 5.0 2030 i +40 $2637 $4.49 0% 100% i $57.74 D% $65.08 Hydrogen Electrol zer,Proton Exchange Membrane lPEM),50,000k Ida 0 -119 2025 5.0 2030 40 $561 $23.31 +0% 0.00 $10.28 i 100'/. $32.46 Coal CCS Dave Johnston 4(costs on post retrofit basis) 5,541 -55 2027 5.0 I 2032 30 $3,501 511.40 0% 0% $277.68 0% 553.20 Coal CCS Hunter 1-3(costs on post retrofit basis) 6,429 -237 2027 5.0 2032 30 $2,951 $9.73 0% 0% i $235.36 0% $53.20 Coal CCS Huntington 1&2(costs on post retrofit basis) 6,933 -233 2027 5.0 2032 30 $2,951 $9.63 0% 0% i $242.12 D/. $53.20 Coal CCS Jim Bridget 3&4(costs on post retrofit basis) 7,513 -174 2025 5.0 2030 30 $2,598 1 $10.57 0% 0% i $254.91 0/. $53.20 Coal CCS W odak(costs on post retrofit basis) 4,448 -63 2027 5.0 2032 30 $3504 i $11.63 0% 0% i $303.51 i 0'/. $53.20 Nuclear Small Modular Reactor or Advanced Reactor,Moderate Technology Case NIA 600 2030 5.0 2035 60 $3,662 $3.74 0% 0% $37.42 0% i $17.00 Nuclear Small Modular Reactor or Advanced Reactor,Advanced TechnologyCase NIA 600 2030 4.0 2034 so $6,368 $8.74 0% 0% $84.53 0'/. 512.00 Nuclear Small Modular Reactor or Advanced Reactor,Moderate Technology Case+a for nuclear integrated thermal storage NIA 750 2030 5.0 2035 60 $10,628 € $10.72 0% 0% i 5707.16 0%. $17.00 Nuclear Small Modular Reactor or Advanced Reactor,Advanced Technology Case+a for nuclear integrated thermal storage NIA 750 2030 4.0 2034 60 $7 005 i $9.61 0% 0% i 152.98 i D/. $12.00 Nuclear Large Light Water Reactor,Moderate Technology Case NIA 2,000 i 2030 7.0 2037 60 $7,563 i $3.38 0% 0% i $125.36 D'/. $10.00 Nuclear Large Light Water Reactor,Advanced Technology Case NIA 2,000 i 2030 5.0 2035 60 $6 265 $7.88 Geothermal Near Field Enhanhanced Geothermal System(NF-EGS)Binar NIA 707 2025 3.0 2028 30 $7,593 included in FOM % 5794.00 % i 5125.09 Geothermal Near Field Enhanhanced Geothermal System(NF-EGSI Binary+e Advanced Geothermal Technology Case NIA 707 2025 3.0 2028 1 30included in FOM 13/ 146 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 7-RESOURCE OPTIONS Table 7.3 -2025 Non-Thermal Supply-Side Resources, Characteristics and Costs (2024$) Characteristics Costs Var O&M Adjusted Net Resource Total Commercial Asset Bas Fraction by Fixed Fraction Demolitio Elevation Capacity Availability Implementation Operation Life Capital Var O&M Var O&M Capacity O&M Fixed O&M n Cost Fuel ResourceDescription (APSE) (MW) Year Time(yrs) Year [yrs) ($IkW) (SIIr1Wh) Capitalized Changes [$IkW-yrl Capitalized (SIkW) Storage' Li-Ion,4-hour,20 MW NIA 20 2025 1.0 2026 20 81,746 nduded in FOM 0% 0% $45.05 D% $29.94 Storage' Li-Ion,4-hour,200 MW NIA 200 2025 2.0 2027 20 $1,498 included in FOM! W. W. ! 538.77 OY. $25.66 Storage' Li-Ion,4-hour,200 MW+a Double Duration,Li-lon,4-hour,200MW NIA 200 2025 2.0 € 2027 20 52,557 ;includedin FOM 0% 0%% $0.78 DY. S46.13 Storage Li-lon,4-hour,1000 MW NIA 1,000 2025 3.0 2028 20 $1,459 included in FOM 0% I fJ'/. $36.32 0% $25.66 Storage Gravity Battery,4-hour,1000 MW NIA 1,000 2025 3.0 2028 50 $2,021 included FOM! O% OY. ! $50.51 0% $0.13 Stara a Gravity Batter,4-hour,1000 MW+a Double Duration,Gravit,4-hour,1000MW NIA 1,000 2025 3.0 2028 50 $3006 !included in FOM! O% OY. $90.92 DY. $0.35 Storage Adiabatic CAES,500 MW,4000 MWh NIA 500 2025 3.0 2028 50 $3,754 $2.60 50% O% ! $19.20 42/. $49.31 Stara a 100-hourlron Air NIA 200 2030 2.0 2032 20 22730 ;includedin FOM! 0' S21.04 S171.06 Storage Pumped Hydro,Two New Reservoirs,4-hour NIA 400 2025 5.0 2030 100 22,984 ! 20.58 0% 0% 520.20 45% $143.21 Storage Pumped Hydro,Two New Reservoirs,l0-hour NIA 400 2025 5.0 2030 ! 100 $4,159 ! $0.58 O% OY. ! $20.20 45% ! $207.35 Storage Pumped Hydro,One New Reservoir,4-hour NIA 400 2025 5.0 2030 i 100 $2,883 ! $0.58 O% OY. ! $20.20 45% ! $144.16 Storage Pumped Hydro,One New Reservoir,10-hour NIA 400 2025 5.0 2030 i 100 $3,537 ! $0.58 O% 01/ ! $20.20 45% ! $176.87 Storage Pumped Thermal Energy Storage,10-hour NIA 100 2026 5.0 2031 60 $6,174 $0.70 AG W. $2.00 0;4 $60.00 Stara a Pum ed Thermal EnergyStorage,24-hour NIA 50 1 2026 I 5.0 2031 60 $11525 20.70 ! 2. ! 1 $1.00 4" $60.00 Solar PV,20 MW,Class 1-10 by location ! 20 1 2025 3.0 2028 25 57,965 !includedin FOM! O% OY. $78.16 12/. $39.29 Solar PV,200 MW,Class 1-10 by location i 200 2025 3.0 2028 25 $7,217 included in FOM O% OY. ! $20.52 12/. $24.33 Solar PV,20 MW,Class 1-10+a Advanced Solar Technology Case by location ! 20 2025 3.0 2028 25 $1,832 included in FOM! 0% OY. ! S17.24 12/. $37.33 Solar PV,200 MW,Class 1-10+a Advanced Solar Technology Case by location 200 5 1 V 115 included in FOM! Wind Wind Class 1-10,20 MW by location 20 2025 3.0 IN 30 52,555 included in FOM! 0% I/. S38.T9 35% $63.57 Wind Wind Class 1-6,200 MW by location 200 2025 5.0 2030 30 $ 7,421 included in FOM O% OY. M65 ! 35% $63.57 Wind Wind Class7,200MW by location ! 200 2025 5.0 2030 30 $1,432 ;includedin FOM! O% OY. ! $3165 35% $63.57 Wind Offshore,Wind Class 12 1 0 200 2027 5.0 2032 30 $8,341 ;includedin FOM! Me i 01/ $69.26 ! 35% $163.16 Wind Wind Class l-10,20 MW+a Advanced Onshore Wind Technology Case bylocation 20 2025 3 2028 30 $2,434 included in FOM 0% 0% S34.87 35% I $60.58 Wind Wind Class l-6,200 MW+a Advanced Onshore Wind Technology Case bylocation 200 1 2025 I 5 2030 30 57,354 :includedin FOM 0% I 0'/. $28.45 ': 35% ! 560.58 Wind Wind Class 7,200MW+a Advanced Onshore Wind Technology Case by location 1 200 1 2025 5 2030 € 30 $1,422 included in FOM! O% $28.45 35% $60.58 Wind Offshore,Wind Class 12+a Advanced Offshore Wind Technology Case a 200 2027 5 2032 3171 $6,011 !includedin FOM! 'Assumed co-located 147 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 7-RESOURCE OPTIONS Table 7.4-2025 Thermal Supply-Side Resources, Operating Characteristics and Environmental Data (2024$) Operating Characteristics Environmental Data Average Full Load Heat Water Rate(HHV Consumed 302 NOx Hg CO2 Fuel Resource Description Btu1KWh) Efficiency EFOR M) POR(%) (GaIIMWh) (lbsIMMBtu) (lbsIMMBtu) (lbsITBTu) (lbsIMMBtu) Biofuel Internal Combustion Engine,renew able biofuel,with SCR&24-hour fuel tank 8,235 41.13% 2.50% 5.0% 27.1 0.00152 0.02000 0.000 117 Natural Gas SCCT Aero,with SCR 3,447 36.12% 2.90% 3.3% 27.0 0.00150 1 0,00750 0.000 117 Natural Gas SCCT Aero x4,with SCR 9,447 36.12% 2.90'/. 3.3% 27.0 i 0.00150 0.00750 0.000 117 Natural Gas SCCT Frame"F"xl,with SCR 3,717 35.12% 2.70% 3.9% 28.4 i 0.00150 0.00750 0.000 117 Natural Gas CCCT Dry"H",1X1,OF,with SCR 6,040 56.49% 2.50% 3.8% 210.0 i 0.00150 0.00750 0.000 117 Natural Gas CCCT Dr "H",2X1,DF,with SCR 6,122 55.74% 2.50% 3.8% 210.0 0.00150 0.00750 0.000 117 Natural Gas CCCT Dry"H",1X1,DF,with SCR+a for adding 35%CCS to new CCCT 1x1 6,743 53.17% 2.50% 3.8% 323.4 0.00150 0.00563 0.000 6 Natural Gas CCCT Dr "H",2X1,OF,with SCR+p for adding 35%CCS to new CCCT 20 6,843 52.46% 2.50% 3.8% 323.4 0.00150 0.00563 0.000 6 Natural Gas Internal Combustion Engine,renewable biofuel,with SCR&24-hour fuel tank+a for CT Brownfield construction 8,235 41.13% 2.50% 5.0% 27.1 0.00152 0.02131 0.000 117 Natural Gas SCCT Aero,with SCR+n for CT Brownfield construction 3,447 36.12% 2.90% 3.3% 27.0 0.00150 0.00733 0.000 117 Natural Gas SCCT Aero x4,with SCR+a for CT Brownfield construction 9,447 36.12% 2.30% 3.9% 27.0 0.00150 0.00799 0.000 117 Natural Gas SCCT Frame"F"xl,with SCR+p for CT Brownfield construction 9,717 35.12% 2.70% 1 3.3% 28.4 0.00150 0.00799 0.000 117 Natural Gas CCCT Dry"H",1X1,DF,with SCR+p for CT Brownfield construction 6,040 56.49% 2.50% 3.8% 210.0 0.00150 1 0.00799 0.000 117 Natural Gas CCCT Dr "H",2X1,DF,with SCR+c for CT Brownfield construction 6,122 55.74% 2.50% 3.8% 210.0 0.00150 0.00733 0.000 117 Natural Gas CCCT Dry"H",1X1,OF,with SCR+p For adding 95%CCS to new CCCT 10+p for CT Brownfield construction 6,743 53.17% 2.50% 3.8% 323.4 0.00150 0.00593 0.000 6 Natural Gas CCCT Dr "H",2X1,DF,with SCR+p for adding 95%CCS to new CCCT 20 for CT Brownfield construction 6,843 52.46% 2.50% T 3.8% 323.4 0.00150 0.00599 0.000 6 Hydrogen SCCT Frame"F"xl,with SCR+p for 100%Hydrogen burning capability 9,717 35.12% 2.70% 3.90% 28.4 0.00000 0.00750 0.000 0 Hydrogen CCCT Dry"H",1X1,DF,with SCR+a for 100%Hydrogen burning capability 6,040 56.49% 2.50% 1 3.80% 210.0 0.00000 0.00750 0.000 0 Hydrogen CCCT Or "H",2X1,OF,with SCR+p for 100%Hydrogen burning capability 6,122 55.74% 2.SO1 3.80% 210.0 0.00000 0.00750 0.000 0 Hydrogen SCCT Frame"F"x1,with SCR+p for Hydrogen storage,cavern,80 bar,24 hour 3,717 35.12% 2.75% 3.90% 28.4 0.00196 0.00946 0.002 0 Hydrogen CCCT Dry"H",1X1,DF,with SCR+a for Hydrogen storage,cavern,80 bar,24 hour 6,040 56.43% 2.55% 3.80% 210.0 0.00196 0.00346 0.002 0 H dro en CCCT Or "H",2X1,OF,with SCR+p for Hydrogen storage,cavern,80 bar,24 hour 6,122 55.74% 2.55% 3.80% 210.0 0.00196 0.00346 0.002 0 Hydrogen SCCT Frame"F"x1,with SCR+a for Hydrogen storage,tanks,500 bar,24 hour 3,717 35.12% 2.75% 3.90% 28.4 0.00196 0.00946 0.002 1 0 Hydrogen CCCT Dry"H",1X1,OF,with SCR+o for Hydrogen storage,tanks,500 bar,24 hour 6,040 56.49% 2.55% 3.80% 210.0 0.00136 0.00346 0.002 0 Hydro en CCCT Dr "H",2X1,OF,with SCR+❑for Hydrogen storage,tanks,500 bar,24 hour 6,122 55.74% 2.55% 3.80% 210.0 0.00136 0.00946 0.002 0 Natural Gas CCCT Dry"H",1X1,OF,with SCR,Advanced Technology Case+a advanced technology case,CCCT 10 6,040 56.49% 2.50% 3.8% 210.0 0.00150 0.00750 0.000 117 Natural Gas CCCT Dr "H",2X1,OF,with SCR,Advanced Technology Case+-a advanced technology case,CCCT 20 6,122 55.74% 2.50% 3.8% 210.0 0.00150 0.00750 0.000 117 Natural Gas CCCT Dry"H",1X1,DF,with SCR,Advanced Technology Case+a advanced technology case,CCCT 10 with 95%CCS 6,743 53.17% 2.50% 3.8% 323.4 0.00150 0.00563 0.000 6 Natural Gas CCCT Dr "H",2X1,OF,with SCR,Advanced Technology Case+ advanced technology case,CCCT 20 with 95%CCS 6,843 52.46% 2.501 3.8% 323.4 0.00150 0.00563 0.000 6 H dro en Electrol zer,Proton Exchange Membrane(PEM).50,000 kgfday NIA 79.13% 1.50% 1.5% 45.7 0.00000 0.00000 0.000 0 Coal CCS Dave Johnston 4(costs on post retrofit basis) 14,795 23.06% 7.50% 7.50% 186.0 10.00000 0.07100 0.304 10 Coal CCS Hunter 1-3(costs on post retrofit basis) 14,011 24.35% 7.50% 7.50% 186.0 10.00000 0.07100 0.304 10 Coal CCS Huntington 1&2(costs on post retrofit basis) 13,662 24.38% 7.50% 7.50% 186.0 10.00000 0.07100 0.304 10 Coal CCS Jim Bridget 3&4(costs on post retrofit basis) 14,483 23.56% 7.50% 7.50% 186.0 10.00000 0.07100 0.304 10 Coal CCS W odak(costs on post retrofit basis) 16,653 20.49% 7.50% 7.50% 186.0 10.00000 0.07100 0.304 10 Nuclear Small Modular Reactor or Advanced Reactor,Moderate Technology Case 9,180 37% 2% 5% 720.0 0.00000 0.00000 0.000 0 Nuclear Small Modular Reactor or Advanced Reactor,Advanced Technology Case 9,180 37% 2% 5% 720.0 0.00000 0.00000 0.000 0 Nuclear Small Modular Reactor or Advanced Reactor,Moderate Technology Case+p for nuclear integrated thermal storage 12,626 37.17% 2.00% i5.0% 720.0 0.00000 0.00000 0.000 0 Nuclear Small Modular Reactor or Advanced Reactor,Advanced Technology Case+p for nuclear integrated thermal storage 12,626 37.17% 2.00% i .0% 720.0 0.00000 0.00000 0.000 0 Nuclear Large Light Water Reactor,Moderate Technology Case 10,497 33% 2% 5% 720.0 0.00000 0.00000 0.000 0 Nuclear Lar a Light Water Reactor,Advanced Technology Case 10 497 1 33% 2% 5% 720.0 0.00000 0.00000 0.000 0 Geothermal Near Field Enhanhanced Geothermal System(NF-EGS)BinaryNIA NIA 10% 10% 510.0 nfa nfa nfa n1a Geothermal Near Field Enhanhanced Geothermal System[NF-EGS)Binary+a Advanced Geothermal TechnologyCase NIA NIA 1 10.00% 10.00% 510.0 nfa nfa nfa nla 148 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 7-RESOURCE OPTIONS Table 7.5-2025 Non-Thermal Supply-Side Resources, Operating Characteristics and Environmental Data (2024$) Operating Characteristics Environmental Data Average Full Load Heat Water Rate(HHV Consumed 302 NOx Hg CO2 Resource Description BtulKWh1 Efficiency EFOR(%) POR(%) (GaI1MWhl (lbsIMMBtu) (lbsIMMBtu) (IbsITBTu) (lbsIMMBtu) Storage' Li-Ion,4-hour,20 MW nfa 85% 1.0% included in CF nfa 0.00000 0.00000 0.000 0 Storage' Li-Ion,4-hour,200MW nfa 85% 1% included in CF nfa 0.00000 0.00000 0.000 0 Storage' Li-Ion,4-hour,200 MW+a Double Duration,Li-Ion,4-hour,20OMW nfa 85.00% 1.00% included in CF nfa i 0.00000 0.00000 0.000 0 Storage Li-Ion,4-hour,1000 MW nfa 85% 1.0% included in CF nfa 0.00000 0.00000 0.000 0 Storage Gravity Battery,4-hour,1000 MW nfa 83% 1 1.0% i included in CF nfa 0.00000 a00000 0.000 0 Storage Gravity Battery,4-hour,1000 MW+a Double Duration,Gravity,4-hour,1000MW nfa 83.00% 1 1.00% i included in CF nfa I 0.00000 0.00000 0.000 0 Storage Adiabatic CAES,500 MW,4000 MWh nfa 63% 1.1% 1.1% nfa 0.00000 1 0.00000 0.000 0 Storage 100-hour Iron Air nfa 43% 1.0% [ included in CF 0.0 0.00000 0.00000 0.000 0 Storage Pumped Hydro,Two New Reservoirs,4-hour nfa 80% 2.0% 4.0% nfa 0.00000 0.00000 0.000 0 Storage Pumped Hydro,Two New Reservoirs,l0-hour nfa 80% 2.0% 1 4.0% nfa 0.00000 0.00000 0.000 0 Storage Pumped Hydro,One New Reservoir,4-hour nfa 80% 2.0% I4.0% War 0.00000 0.00000 0.000 0 Storage Pumped Hydro,One New Reservoir,l0-hour, nfa 80% 2.0% 4.0% nfa 0.00000 0.00000 0.000 0 Storage Pumped Thermal Energy Storage,10-hour nfa 55% 2.0% 3.0% nfa 0.00000 0.00000 1 0.000 0 Stora a Pumped Thermal Energy Storage,24-hour nfa 55% 2.0% 3.0% nfa 0.00000 0.00000 0.000 0 Solar PV,20 MW,Class 1-10 NIA i by location i Included with CF i Included with CF nfa nfa nfa nfa i n1a Solar PV,200 MW,Class 1-10 NIA by location €Included with CF;Included with CF nfa nfa nfa nfa Solar PV,20 MW,Class 1-10+a Advanced Solar Technology Case NIA € by location i Included with CF i Included with CF nfa nfa nfa nfa nfa Solar PV,200 MW,Class 1-10+a Advanced Solar TechnologyCase NIA ` by location iIncluded with CFi nfa nfa nfa I nfa - Wind Wind Class l-10,20MW NIA i by location €Included with CF'iIncluded with CF nfa nfa nfa I nfa nfa Wind Wind Class 1-6,200 MW NIA by location ;Included with CF:Included with CF nfa nfa nfa Infa nfa Wind Wind Class 7,200 MW NIA i by location i Included with CF;;Included with CF nfa nfa nfa nfa nfa Wind Offshore,Wind Class 12 NIA 1 max CF:47% Included withCF;Included w ith CFInfa nfa nfa nfa nfa Wind Wind Class 1-10,20 MW+a Advanced Onshore Wind Technology Case NIA i by location €Included with CF i Included with CF nfa nfa nfa nfa nfa Wind Wind Class 1-6,200 MW+a Advanced Onshore Wind Technology Case NIA bylocation ;Included with CF i Included with CF nfa nfa nfa nfa nfa Wind Wind Class 7,200 MW+a Advanced Onshore Wind Technology Case NIA i by location i Included with CF;Included with CF nfa nfa nfa nfa nfa Wind Offshore,Wind Class 12+a Advanced Offshore Wind TechnologyCase NIA mam CF:47%i Included with CF i nfa nfa nfa nfa nfa Assumed co-located 149 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 7-RESOURCE OPTIONS Table 7.6-2025 IRP Thermal Supply-Side Resources, Additional Attributes and Fixed O&M Additional Attributes Fixed O&M Total Total Total Fixed Total Annual O&M Gas Fixed Fixed Cost Modeled Elevation Capital Demolition Pas t Payment Capaciq Storage O&M Ca alized Capitalized Transport OkM Cost Converted Resource Description IRP (AFSL) Cost F ($fkV-Yr) Factor EFFicienq ($fkV-Yr) m [$lkV-Yr) [slkV-Yr) [$fkV-Yr) $fkV-Yr $fMVh Internal Combustion Engine.renewable biofuel,with SCR a 24 hour fuel rank Yes i 0 i $ 2.130.94 i$ 14.59 6.890'/. $14Z83 1 41.13% 0% $42.82 1 2.62% $t12 $0.00 i $43.94 $191.77 i $53.22 SCCT Aero,with SCR No i 0 i$ 2.612.801$ 32.46 i 6.101% $161.39 36.12% 0% $12.42 2.62'/. i $0.32 i $0.00 i $12.74 $174.13 $55.03 SCCT Aero x4,with SCR No 1 0 1$ 1.789.35 i$ 32.46 i 6.104% $111.20 36.12% 0% $9.93 2.62% 1 $0.26 i $0.00 $10.19 $121.40 $38.37 SCCT Frame"F"x1,with SCR No 1 0 i$ 1,366.92 i$ 12.13€ 6.100'/. $85.34 35.12'/. 0% $27.92 2.62% $0.73 $0.00 $28.65 $114.00 $37.06 CCCT Dry"H",1X1,OF,with SCR No 0 $ 1,839.00 $ 12.08' 6.233% $115.38 56.49'/ 0% $42.44 2.62'/ $1.11 $0.00 $43.55 $158.93 $32.12 Goshen Yes 2,814 $ 1,857.39 i$ 12.08[ 6233% $116.52 56.49'/. 0% 542.44 2.62% $1.11 $60.34 $103.89 $220.41 $44.54 Wasatch Front Yes 4,225 E 1,820.61 $ 12.08€ 6233% $114.23 56.49% € 0% $42.44 2.62% $1.11 $9.25 $52.81 $167.04 $33.75 W omin East Yes 6,130 i$ 1,820.61 $ 12.08€ 6.233% $114.23 56.49'i 0% $42.44 2.62'/. $1.11 $16.33 i $59.88 $174.11 $35.18 CCCT Dry"H",2X1,OF.with SCR No 1 0 $ 1.553.28 i$ 11.89€ 6234% $97.57 55.74% 0% $35.18 2.62% $0.92 $0.00 $36.10 $133.67 $27.38 Goshen Yes 2,814 E 1,568.79 j$ 11.891 6234% $98.54 55.74/ [ 0% $35.18 2.62% $0.92 $61.16 $97.28 $195.80 $40.10 Wasatch Front Yes 4.225 $ 1,537.73 $ 11.89€ 6.234% $96.60 55.74% [ 0% $35.18 2.62'/. i $0.92 1 $9.38 $45.48 $142.08 $29.10 W omin East Yes 6130 1537.73 i$ 11.89€ 6234% $96.60 55.74% 0% $35.18 2.62% $0.92 $16.55 $52.65 $149.26 $30.57 CCCT Dr"H",1X1,OF,with SCR.a for adding 95%CCS to new CCCT 1x1 No 0 i$3,429.38 i$ 65.28€ 6239% $218.03 53.17/ 0% $77.07 5.54% $4.27 $0.00 $81.34 $299.37 $64.28 CCCT Or"H",2X1,DF,with SCR•e for addin 95'/.CCS to new CCCT 2x1 No 0 i$2,846.02 i$ 65.08€ 6.24t/. $181.68 52.46'/. 0'/. $62.99 5.54'/. $3.49 $0.00 $66.48 $248.16 $54.00 Internal Combustion En ine,renewable biofuel,with SCR•e for CT Brownfield construction No 0 i$ 1.917.851$ 14.59 i 6.891% $133.16 41.13% 0% $42.82 2.62% $1.12 $0.00 $43.94 $177.10 $49.15 SCCT Aero,with SCR•a For CT Brownfield construction No 1 0 1$ 2.351.521$ 32.46i 6.102'/. $145.47 36.12% 0% $12.42 2.62% $0.32 1 $0.00 i $12.74 $158.21 $50.00 SCCT Aero 0,with SCR•a For CT Brownfield construction No i 0 i$ 1.610.42i$ 32.461 6.105% $100.30 36.12'% r 0% $9.93 2.62'/. $0.26 1 $0.00 $10.19 $110.49 1 $34.92 SCCT Frame"F"x1.with SCR-e for CT Brownfield construction No 1 0 $ 1,248.23 i$ 12.13€ 6.100% $76.88 35.12% 0% $27.92 2.62% $0.73 $0.00 $28.65 $105.53 $34.31 Goshen-Brownfield Yes 2.814 $ 1.260.71 $ 12.13€ 6.100'/. $77.64 35.12% 0% $27.92 1 2.62% $0.73 $96.20 $124.85 $202.50 $65.83 Wasatch Front-Brownfield Yes 4,225 1$ 1,235.75 $ 12.13€ 6.100% $76.12 35.12/. 0% $27.92 2.62'/. $0.73 $14.72 $43.38 $119.50 $38.85 W omin East-Brownfield Yes 6,130 i$ 1,235.75 i$ 12.13€ 6.100% $76.12 35.12% 0% $27.92 2.62% $0.73 $25.80 $54.45 $130.57 $42.45 CCCT Dry"H",1X1,OF,with SCR.a For CT Brownfield construction No 0 $ 1.655.10 $ 12.08€ 6234% $103.93 56.49% 0% $42.44 2.62% $1.11 $0.00 $43.55 $147.48 $29.80 Goshen-Brownfield Yes 2.814 $ 1,671.65 $ 12.08 6234'/. $104.96 56.49% 0% $42.44 2.62% $1.11 $60.34 $103.89 $208.85 $42.20 Wasatch Front-Brownfield Yes 4,225 $ 1.638.55 i$ 12.08 6234% $102.90 56.49% 0% $42.44 2.62% $1.11 $9.25 $52.81 $155.71 $31.46 W omin East-Brownfield Yes 1 6.130 i$ 1.638.55 i$ 12.08 i 6234% $102.90 1 56.49% 0% $42.44 i 2.62% 1 $1.11 i $16.33 $59.88 $162.78 $32.89 CCCT Or"H",2X1,OF. with SCR For CT Brownfield construction No 0 i$ 1,397.93 1$ 11.89 i 6234% $87.89 55.74% 1 0% $35.16 2.62% $0.92 $0.00 $36.10 $123.99 i $25.40 CCCT Or"H",1X1,DF,with SCR•n for adding 95'/.CCS to new CCCT 181.e for CT Brownfield construction No 0 i$3,086.44 i$ 65.28? 6.240% $196.67 53.17'/. 0% $77.07 5.54% $4.27 $0.00 $81.34 $278.00 $59.69 CCCT Dr"H",2X1,OF.with SCR-e for adding95%CCS to new CCCT 2x1-a For CT Brownfield construction No i 0 i$ 2.561.42 i$ 65.08 i 6242% $163.95 52.46% i 0% $62.99 1 5.54% i $3.49 i $0.00 i $66.48 $230.43 i $50.14 SCCT Frame"F"x1,with SCR.e for 100'/.H dro en burningcapability No 0 i$ 1,594.96 i$ 13.95 i 5.605'/. $90.18 35.12'/. 0'/. $27.92 2.6Y/. $0.73 $0.00 $28.65 $118.83 $38.63 CCCT Or"H",1X1,DF,with SCR•n for 100'/.H dro en burnin ca abilit No 0 i$ 2,114.85 I$ 13.89' 5.604'/. $119.29 56.49% 0% $42.44 2.62% $1.11 $0.00 $43.55 $182.85 i $32.91 CCCT Dr"H",2X1,OF.with SCR•a for 100%H dro en burnin ca abilit No 0 i$ 1,786.25 i$ 13.67 i 5.604% $100.87 55.74% i 0% $35.18 2.62% $0.92 $0.00 $36.10 $136.97 i $28.05 SCCT Frame"F"x1,with SCR.e for Hydrogen storage,cavern,80 bar,24 hour No 0 i$2,565.93 i$ 27.13 i 9.27t/. $242.26 i 35.12'/. 0'/. $35.12 $0.92 $0.00 $36.04 $278.30 i $90.47 CCCT Dr e,"H",1X1,OF,with SCR•n For Hydrogen en stora cavern,80 bar.24 hour No 0 i$ 3.038.01 i$ 27.08€ 9.254% $283.64 56.49% 0% $49.64 22.62'/..62'/. 1 $1.3 i $0.00 $50.94 $334.59 $67.61 CCCT Dr"H",2X1,OF.with SCR•a for Hydrogen storage.cavern,80 bar,24 hour No 1 0 i$2.752.27 i$ 26.89 i 9263% $257.43 i 55.74% i 0% $42.38 2.62% $1.11 $0.00 $43.49 $300.93 i $61.63 SCCT Frame"F"x1,with SCR•a For Hydrogen storage,tanks,500 bar,24 hour No 0 i$2,097.84 i$ 27.13 i 9.255'/. $198.67 35.12Y 0% $40.78 1 2.62% 1 $1.07 $0.00 1 $41.85 $238.51 i $77.54 CCCT Dr"H",1X1,OF,with SCR-n For Hydrogen storage,tanks,500 bar.24 hour No 0 i$ 2,549.91 i$ 27.08€ 9.245% $238.24 56.49% 0% $55.30 2.62% $1.45 $0.00 $56.75 $294.99 i $59.61 CCCT Or"H",2X1,OF,with SCR-e for Hydrogen storage.tanks,500 bar,24 hour No 0 i$ 2,264.18 i$ 26.89 i 9250% $211.22 55.74% i 0% $48.04 2.62% $1.26 $0.00 $49.30 $261.22 i $53.50 CCCT Or"H",1X1,DF,with SCR,Advanced Technology Case-a advanced technollogg case.CCCT 1x1 No 1 0 i$ 63 i$ 12.08 i 6233'/. $114.92 56.49% i 0% $41.33 2.62% $1.08 $0.00 i $42.41 $157.33 i $31.79 CCCT Dr"H",2X1,OF,with SCR,Advanced Technology Case•a advanced technology case,CCCT 2x1 Noi 0 i$ 1,1,831.517.84 $ 11.891 6.234% $95.36 55.74% 0'/. $34.07 2.62'/. $0.89 $0.00 i $34.96 $130.32 i $26.69 CCCT Or"H",1X1,OF,with SCR,Advanced Technology Case.e advanced technology case.CCCT 1x1,95%CCS No i 0 i$3,260.883$ 65.28i 6233% $207.32 53.17% 0% $72.80 1 5.54% i $4.02 i $0.00 i $76.62 $283.94 i $60.97 CCCT Dr"H",2X1,OF,with SCR,Advanced Technology Case•a advanced technology case.CCCT 2x1,95Y CCS No 1 0 1$ 2.637.12 1$ 85.08 i 6234'/. $168.46 52.46% i 0% $57.74 1 5.54% 1 $3.20 1 $0.00 i $60.94 $229.40 i $4F92 Electrol zer,Proton Exchange Membrane PEM),50,000 kg1day Yes 0 i$ 560.99 i$ 32.46 i 6.628% $33.40 79.13'% f 0% $10.28 i 0.00'% i $0.00 $0.00 1 $10.28 $43.68 $6.30 CCS Dave Johnston 4 costs on post retrofit basis No 1 5541 i$3.500.78 i$ 53.20 i 6.447% $229.12 23.06% :, 0% $277.68 i 5.54% 1 $15.38 i $0.00 i $293.06 $522.19 i $258.46 CCS Hunter 1-3 costs on post retrofit basis No i 6,429 i$ 2,951.20 i$ 53.20 i 6.451% $193.81 24.35% i 0% $235.36 1 5.54% 1 $13.04 1 $0.00 i $248.39 $442.21 i $207.29 CCS Huntin ton 1&2 costs on post retrofit basis No 6,933 i$ 2,951.40 $ 53.20€ 6.451'/. $193.83 24.98'/. 0'/. $242.12 5.54'/. $13.41 $0.00 i $255.53 $449.36 i $205.39 CCS Jim Brid er 3h4 costs on ost retrofit basis No 7513 i$2598.38i 53.20i 6.454% $171.13 23.56% 0% 254.91 5.54% $14.12 $0.00 1 $289.03 $440.16 i $213.28 CCS W odak costs on post retrofit basis No 1 4.448 1$3.504.25 i$ 53.20 i 6.447% $229.35 ? 20.49% i 0% $309.51 1 5.54% 1 $17.15 i $0.00 i $326.65 $556.00 i $309.76 Small Modular Reactor or Advanced Reactor,Moderate Technology Case Yes NIA i$9,662.09 i$ 17.00 i 3.919'/. $379.32 i 37.17'/. 0% $97.42 9.42% $9.18 $0.00 i $106.60 $485.92 i $149.24 Goshen Yes 2.814 $9.855.33 i$ 17.00 i 3.919i $388.90 i 37.17% 0% $97.42 9.42% $9.18 $0.00 i $106.60 $493.50 i $151.56 Wasatch Front Yes 4,225 $9,855.33 j$ 17.00 i 3.545% $349.97 i 37.17% 0% $97.42 9.42% $9.18 $0.00 $106.60 $456.57 i $140.22 W omin East Yes 6.130 1$9,565.47 1$ 17.00 i 3.545% $339.70 i 37.17% 0% $97.42 9.42'% $9.18 $0.00 i $106.60 $446.30 i $137.07 Small Modular Reactor or Advanced Reactor,Advanced TechnologyCase No NIA i$6,368.23 i$ 12.00 3.919'r. $250.04 i 37.17% 0% $84.53 9.42% $7.97 $0.00 i $92.49 $342.53 [ $105.20 Small Modular Reactor or Advanced Reactor,Moderate Technolo Case•e for nuclear inte rated thermal stora a No NIA $10,628.30 i$ 17.00 i 3.919/. $417.19 37.17% 0% $107.16 9.42% $10.10 $0.00 i $117.28 $534.45 i $164.14 Small Modular Reactor or Advanced Reactor,Advanced Technology Case•e for nuclear integrated thermal storage No i NIA 1$7,005.05 i$ 12.00 3.918'/. $275.00 i 37.17% 0% $92.98 1 9.42'% $8.76 $0.00 i $101.74 $376.74 i $115.70 Large Li ht Water Reactor,Moderate Technology Case No NIA i$7,562.871$ 10.00 i 3.919r/ $296.78 32.51/. 0% $125.36 1 9.42% i $11.81 i $0.00 i $137.17 $433.95 i $152.40 Large Li ht Water Reactor,Advanced Technology Case No NIA 1$6,265.251$ 9.00 i 3.919% $245.89 i 32.51% 0% $90.26 1 0.87% 1 $0.79 i $0.00 i $91.04 $336.93 i $118.32 Near Field Enhanhanced Geothermal System(NF-EGS)Binary Yes i NIA i$7,593.08 i$ 125.09 i 5.178/. $399.65 i 90.00'/. 0% $194.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 i $194.00 $593.65 i $75.30 Southern OR Yes 497 $8.883.88 i$ 125.09€ 5.178'. $466.48 90.00% 0% $194.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 i $194.00 $660.48 i $83.78 Wasatch Front Ves 4.225 1$7.593.06 i$ 125.09 i 4.817% $371.78 90.00% 0% $194.00 0.87% $1.69 $0.00 1 $195.69 $567.47 i $71.98 150 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 7-RESOURCE OPTIONS Table 7.7- 2025 IRP Non-Thermal Supply-Side Resources, Additional Attributes and Fixed O&M Additional Attributes Fixed Ohm Total Total Total Fixed Total Annual Ohm Gas Fixed Fixed Cost Modeled Elevation Capital Demolition Payment Payment Capacity Storage D&M Capitalized Capitalized Transport O&M Cost Converted Resource Description IRP (AFSL) 2M Cost Factor _MNI&LFactor Efficiency. (SfkV-Yr) Premium [=fkV-Yr) (sfkV-Yr) [sfkV-Yr] jfkV-Yr =fmvh PV,20 MW,Class 1-10 Yes by location $ 1,964.64 $ 39.29 6.861'/. $137.49 by location 0'/. $18.18 1.37/. 1 $0.25 $0A0 $18.41 $155.90 $0.00 Portland North Coast Yes 19 $ 2.082.51 $ 39.291 6.861% $145.58 24.49% i 0% $18.16 1.37% $0.25 $0.00 $18.41 $163.99 '. $76.45 Southern OR Yes 497 $ 2,180.75 $ 39.29 6.861% $152.32 29.29% 0% $18.16 1.37Y. $0.25 $0.00 $18.41 $170.73 i $66.54 Walla Walla Yes 2.353 $2.003.93 $ 3929' 6.86P/. $140.19 25.96% ! 0% $18.16 1.37% $0.25 $0.00 $18.41 $158.60 $69.74 Goshen Yes 1 Z814 $ 1.984.28::$ 39.29[ 6.86P/, V38.84 27.79% i 0% $18.16 1.37% $0.25 $0.00 $18.41 $157.25 i $64.59 Wasatch Front Yes 4.225 $ 1,964.64 $ 39291 8.861% $137.49 29.00% ': 0% $18.16 1.37% $0.25 $0.00 $18.41 $155.90 i $81.38 Wuornina East Yes 6,130 $ 1,964.64[$ 3929? 8.861% $137.49 27.47% ! 0% $18.18 1.37% $0.25 $0.00 $18.41 L$% 0 $64.79 PV,200 MW,Class 1.10 Yes by location $ 1,216.55'$ 24.33 6.861% $85.14 by location 0'/. $20.52 1.37% $0.28 $0.00 $20.803 i $0.00 Portland North Coast Yes 19 $ 1,289.55 i$ 24.33': 6.861% $90.15 24.49% ': 0% $20.52 1.37Y. 50.28 $0.00 $20.804 $51.72 Southern OR Yes 497 $ 1.350.37 $ 24.33 6.86P/. $94.32 29.29% � 0% $20.52 1.37% $0.28 $0.00 $20.802 $44.87 Walla Walla Yes 2.353 i$ 1.240.88 $ 24.33 6.861% $86.81 25.96% 0'/. $20.52 1.37% $0.28 $0.00 $20.800 $47.32 Goshen Yes 1 2,814 $ 1,228.72 $ 24.33 6.861% $85.97 27.79% ': 0% $20.52 1.37Y. $0.28 $0.00 $20.807 i $43.86 Wasatch Front Yes 4,225 $ 1,216.55 $ 24.33[ 6.861'/. $85.14 29.00'/. i 0% $20.52 1.37Y. $0.28 $0.00 $20.803 i $41.71 W omin East Yes 8.130 $ 1,218.55 $ 24.33€ 6.861% $85.14 27.47% 0% $20.52 1.37% $0.20 $0.00 $20.8093 $44.02 PV,20 MW,Class l-10.e Advanced Solar TechnologyCase No b location;$ 1.832.22 i$ 37.33 i 8.862% $128.29 b location i 0% $17.24 1.37% $0.24 $0.00 $17.4876 $0.00PV,200 MW,Classl-10a AdvancedSolar Technolo Case No b location:$ 1,13456 $ 23.11i 6.862'/. $79.44 b location i 0'/. $19.47 1.37% $0.27 $0.00 $19.74 .8 $0.00 Wind Class 1-10,20 MW Yes by location $2,554.58 $ 63.57 6.292% $164.73 by location 0% $38.79 4.39% $1.70 $0.00 $40.49 $205.22 i $0.00 Portland North Coast Yes 19 $2,835.59?$ 63.57[ 8.292% $182.42 24.91% 0% $38.79 4.39% $1.70 $0.00 $40.49 $222.90 $102.14 Southern OR Yes 497 $ 3,014.41 $ 63.57 6.292% $193.67 25.18% 0% $38.79 4.39'/. $1.70 $0.00 $40.49 $234.15 i $106.14 Walla Walla Yes 2,353 $2,656.77 $ 63.57 i 6292% $171.16 23.13% 0% $38.79 4.39% $1.70 $0.00 $40.49 $211.85 VO4.46 Goshen Yes 2.814 $2.605.88[$ 93.57 6292% $167.95 #NIA 0% $38.79 4.39% $1.70 $0.00 $40.49 $208.44 $0.00 Wasatch Front Yes 4.225 $ 2.580.13 $ 63.57 6.292% $166.34 #NIA j 0% $38.79 4.39% $1.70 $0.00 $40.49 $206.83 i $0.00 Wuomina East Yes 6.130 $2,503.49 $ 63.57 i 6292% $161.52 #NIA 0% $38.79 4.39% $1.70 $0.00 $40.49 $202.01 1 $0.00 Wind Class 1-6.200 MW Yes ?by location $ U21.10'.S 63.57[ 8.318% $93.77 1 by location i 0'/. $31.65 4.39% $1.39 $0.00 $33.04 $126.81 $0.00 Portland North Coast Yes 19 i$ 1.577.43 $ 63.57 6.316% $103.65 37.62% 0'/. $31.65 4.39'/. $1.39 $0.00 $33.04 $136.68 $41.47 Southern OR Yes 497 $ 1,676.90 S 63.57 6.316% SI09.93 34.06% 0% $31.65 4.39% $1.39 $0.00 $33.04 $142.97 i $47.92 Walla Walla Yes 2,353 $ 1,477.95'.$ 63.57 6.316'/. $97.36 32.59'/. i 0% $31.65 4.39'/. $1.39 $0.00 $33.04 $130.40 i $45.68 Goshen Yes 2.814 $ 1.449.53 $ 63.57 6.316% $95.57 30.28% 0% $31.65 1 4.39% $1.39 $0.00 $33.04 $128.61 $48.49 Wasatch Front Yes 4,225 $ 1,435.32 S 63.57[ 6.316% $94.67 30.42% 0% $31.65 4.39% $1.39 $0.00 $33.04 $127.71 $47.93 W omin East Yes 6,130 $ 1.392.68 $ 63.57€ 6.316'/. $91.98 41.25% 0% $31.65 4.39% $1.39 $0.00 $33.04 $125.02 i $34.60 Wind Class 7.200 MW No b location $ 1,491.78 $ 63.57 i 6.313i $98.19 b location i 0% $31.65 4.39% $1.39 $0.00 $33.04 $131.23 $0.00 Offshore,Wind Class 12 Yes 0 $8.340.57[S 169.16€ 6286% $534.92 #NIA 0'/. $89.26 4.39% $3.04 $0.00 $72.30 $607.22 i $0.00 Wind Class 1-10,20 MW•e Advanced Onshore Wind TechnologyCase No b location:$2,434.26 $ 60.581 6.292'/. $156.98 b location i 0'/. $34.87 4.39'/. $1.53 $0.00 $36.40 $193.37 i $0.00 Wind Class 1-6.200 MW.a Advanced Onshore Wind TechnologyCase No b location $ 1.354.17 S 80.58i 8.316% $89.36 b location i 0% $28.45 4.39% $1.25 $0.00 $29.70 $119.06 $0.00 Wind Class 7.200 MW-a Advanced Onshore Wind TechnologyCase No b location:$ 1,421.51[S 60.58i 6.313Y. $93.56 b location i 0'/. $28.45 4.39% $1.25 $0.00 $29.70 1 $123.27 $0.00 Offshore,Wind Class 12•e Advanced Offshore Wind Technology Case No 0 i$ 6.011.05 i$ 121.921 6.286'% 1 $385.52 #N1A 0'/. $63.21 4.39% $2.78 $0.00 i $65.99 1 $451.51 $0.00 151 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 7-RESOURCE OPTIONS Table 7.8-2025 IRP Storage Supply-Side Resources, Additional Attributes and Fixed O&M Additional Attributes Fixed O&M Total Total Total Fixed Total Annual O&M Gas Fixed Fixed Cast Modeled Elevation Capital Demolition Payment Payment Capaciq Storage D&M Capitalized Capitalized Transport D&M Cost Converted Resource Description IRP (AFSL) Cost Cost Factor ($IkV-Yr) Factor Efficiency ($IkV-Yr) Premium ($IkV-Yr) ($IkV-Yr) ($IkV-YFJ $IkV-Yr) j$1MVh Li-Ion,4-hour,20 MW' No NIA i$ 1,747.61 i$ 29.94 5.354% $95.17 16.67% 85% $45.05 i Uo% i $0.00 i $0.00 1 $45.05 $140.22 $96.04 Li-lon,4-hour,200 MW' No NIA $ 1.497.89 i$ 25.66 5.354'/. $81.57 16.67'/. 85% $38.77 j 0.00'/. $0.00 $0.00 $38.77 $120.34 $82.42 Portland North Coast Yes 19 $ 1,587.77 i S 25.66 i 5.354% $86.38 16.67% 85Y $38.77 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 $38.77 $125.15 $85.72 Southern OR Yes 497 $ 1,617.73 S 25.66€ 5.354'/. $87.99 16.67'/. 85'/. $38.77 i 0.00'/. $0.00 $0.00 $36.77 $126.75 $66.82 Walla Walla Yes 2.353 $ 1.542.83 i$ 25.66€ 5.354'/. $83.98 16.67% 85'/. $38.77 0.00'/. $0.00 $0.00 $38.77 $122.74 $84.07 Goshen Yes 2.814 $ 1.527.85 $ 25.66 5.354% $83.18 16.67% 85% $38.77 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 $38.77 $121.94 $83.52 Wasatch Front Yes 4.225 $ 1.542.831$ 25.66€ 4.452% $69.83 16.67% 85% $38.77 0.00'/. $0.00 $0.00 $38.77 $108.60 $74.38 W omin East Yes 6,130 i$ 1.402.92 1$ 25.66€ 4.452% $67.16 16.67: 85% $38.77 0.00'/. $0.00 $0.00 $38.77 $105.93 $72.55 Li-lon,4-hour,200 MW.a Double Duration,Li-Ion,4-hour,200MW' No NIA I$2,556.57 i$ 46.19i 5.355'/. $139.38 33.33'/. 85'/. $69.78 1 0.00'/. 1 $0.00 $0.00 i $69.78 $209.16 $71.63 Portland North Coast Yes 1 19 $2,709.97 i$ 46.19 i 5.355% $147.59 33.33% 85% $69.78 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 $69.78 $217.37 i $74.44 Southern OR Yes 497 $ 2,761.10 1$ 46.19 5.355% $150.33 33.33% i 85'/. $69.78 1 0.00'/. i $0.00 $0.00 $69.78 $220.11 $75.38 Walla Walla Yes 2.353 i$2.633.27 i$ 46.19 5.355% $143.40 33.33% i 85% $69.78 i 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 $69.78 $213.27 i $73.04 Goshen Yes 2.814 $ 2.607.71 i$ 46.19 5.355% $142.12 33.33% 85% $69.78 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 $69.78 $211.90 $72.57 Wasatch Front Yes 4.225 $2.633.27 $ 46.19 4.453'/. $119.32 33.33% i 85'/. $69.78 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 $69.78 $189.10 $64.76 Wyoming East Yes 6.130 i$ 2,531.01 i$ 46.19€ 4.453% $114.76 33.33% 65'/. $69.78 0.00'/. $0.00 $0.00 i $89.78 $184.54 $63.20 Li-Ion,4-hour,1000 MW' No NIA i$ 1,459.50 i$ 25.66€ 5.356'/. $79.55 16.67'/. 85% $36.92 0.00'/. $0.00 $0.00 i $36.92 $116.47 $79.77 Li-Ion,4-hour,200 MW No NIA i$ 1,497.89 i$ 25.66 i 5.354% $81.57 16.67% 85% $38.77 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 i $38.77 $120.34 i $82.42 Portland North Coast Yes 19 $ 1.587.77 $ 25.66€ 5.354% $86.38 18.87% 85% $38.77 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 $38.77 $125.15 $85.72 Southern OR Ye i 497 i$ 1.617.73'$ 25.66€ 5.354% $87.99 16.67% 85% $38.77 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 $38.77 $126.75 i $86.82 Walla Walla Yes 2.353 $ 1,542.83 i$ 25.66 i 5.354% $83.98 16.67% 85% $38.77 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 $38.77 $122.74 i $84.07 Goshen Yes 2.814 $ 1.527.85 $ 25.66€ 5.354%. $83.16 16.67% 85'/. $38.77 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 $38.77 $121.94 $83.52 Wasatch Front Yes 4.225 $ 1.542.83 i$ 25.66€ 4.452% $69.03 16.67% 85'/. $38.77 0.00'/. $0.00 $0.00 $38.77 $108.80 $74.38 W omin East Yes 6,130 i$ 1,482.92 i$ 25.66 i 4.452% $67.16 16.67% 85% $38.77 0.00% 1 $0.00 i $0.00 $38.77 $105.93 i $72.55 Gravity Battery,4-hour,1000 MW Yes NIA 1$2.020.99 1$ 0.19€ 2.916% $58.94 16.67'/. 83% $50.51 i 0.00'/. 1 $0.00 $0.00 i $50.51 $109.45 i $74.97 Gravity Battery.4-hour,1000 MW.a Double Duration,Gravity.4-hour,1000MW No NIA i$3.008.34 i$ 0.35 i 2.916% $87.68 33.33'/. 83% $90.92 1 5.48'/. 1 $4.98 i $0.00 i $95.90 $183.58 $62.87 Adiabatic CAES,500 MW,4000 MWh No 1 NIA i$3,754.00 i S 49.31 i 4.288% $163.09 33.33% i 63% $19.20 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 $19.20 $182.29 i $62.43 100-hour Iron Air Yes NIA i$2,729.67 1$ 171.08€ 4.581% $132.88 1 30.07% 43% $21.04 1 2.62'% i $0.55 1 $0.00 i $21.59 $154.47 $58.64 Pumped Hydro,Two New Reservoirs,4-hour No NIA i$2.984.23 i$ 149.21 i 3.121% $97.79 16.67% 80% $20.20 1 2.62% 1 $0.53 j $0.00 i $20.73 $118.52 $81.18 Pumped Hydro,Two New Reservoirs,10-hour Yes NIA i$ 4.158.90 i$ 207.95 1 3.121% $136.29 41.87% 80% $20.20 2.62% $0.53 $0.00 i $20.73 $157.02 i $43.02 Portland North Coast Yes 19 1$4.408.44 $ 207.95 3.121% $144.08 41.67% 80% $20.20 2.62% $0.53 $0.00 i $20.73 $164.81 $45.15 Southern OR Yes 497 $ 4,491.61 i$ 207.95 i 3.121% $146.67 41.67% 80% $20.20 1 2.62% $0.53 $0.00 $20.73 $167.40 i $45.86 Goshen Yes 2,814 $4,242.08 $ 207.95 3.121'/. $138.89 41.67% 80% $20.20 2.62% $0.53 $0.00 $20.73 $159.61 $43.73 Wasatch Front Yes 4.225 $4.283.67'$ 207.95' 2.582% $115.97 4L67% 80% $20.20 2.62% $0.53 $0.00 $20.73 $136.70 $37.45 W omin East Yes 1 6,130 i$ 4,117.31 i$ 207.95 i n ew 2.582 $111.68 47% 90% $20.20 2.62% $0.53 $0.00 $20.73 $132.41 $36.28 Pumed Hdro,OOnee NNe Reservoir,4-hour No NIA i$2,883.24 i$ 144.16 .12% 1% $94.49 18.87% 80% $20.20 2.62% $0.53 $0.00 $20.73 $115.21 $78.91 Pum edH o Reservoir,l0-hour No NIA i$ 3,537.41 i$ 176.87 i 3.121% 1 $115.92 41.67% 80% 1 $20.20 1 2.62% $0.53 i $0.00 i $20.73 1 $138.65 $37.44 Pumped Thermal Energy Storage,10-hour 1 NIA 1$ 6.173.76 i$ 60.00 i 3.361% 1 $209.52 i 35.48% i 55% $2.00 1 .62% 1 $0.05 i $0.00 $2.05 $211.57 $68.06 Pumped Thermal Energy Storage,24-hour I No NIA i$ 11.525.17 i$ 60.00 i 3.362'/. 1 $389.49 i 35.48'/, i 55% $1.00 1.37% i $0.01 $0.00 $1.01 $390.51 i $125.63 152 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 7-RESOURCE OPTIONS Table 7.9- 2025 IRP Thermal Supply-Side Resources, Variable O&M, Total Cost and Credits Variable OhM Credits Total Adjusted Resource Total Total Cost with Resource Levelized O&M Resource Tax PTC I ITC Cost with Fuel O&M Capitalized Capitalized Cost Credits Credits PTC I ITC Resource Description [$IMVh1 [$IMVh) Premium [$IMVh] $IMVh ($IMVh) ($IMVh] Credits Internal Combustion Engine.renewable bioluel,with SCR&24-hour fuel tank $ 357.85 i $6.93 i 14.33% $1.00 $418.99 $418.99 $387.57 SCCT Aero,with SCR $ 53.04 i $7.40 € 14.39'% i $1.07 $116.54 $116.54 SCCT Aero x4,with SCR $ 53.04 i $5.92 € 14.39% $0.85 $98.18 $98.18 SCCT Frame"F"x1,with SCR $ 54.56 $7.75 14.39% $1.12 $100.48 1 $100.48 CCCT Dry"H",1X1,OF,with SCR $ 33.91 $2.70 i 14.39% $0.39 $69.12 $69.12 - Goshen $ 34.65 $2.70 i 14.39% $0.39 $82.28 $82.28 $77.10 Wasatch Front $ 34.74€ $2.70 ; 14.39% $0.39 $71.58 $71.58 $67.07 Wyoming East $ 30.05 i $2.70 1 14.39% $0.39 $68.32 $68.32 $64.02 CCCT Dry"H",2X1,DF,with SCR $ 34.37 $2.28 € 14.39% $0.33 $64.36 $64.36 - Goshen $ 35.12€ $2.28 14.39% $0.33 $77.83 $77.83 - Wasatch Front $ 35.21 $2.28 14.39% $0.33 $66.91 $66.91 - W omin East $ 30.45 1 $2.28 1 14.39% $0.33 $63.63 i $63.63 CCCT Or "H",1X1,OF,with SCR•a for adding 95%CCS to new CCCT 1x1 $ 37.86€ $5.32 ? 11.52% $0.61 $108.07 $108.07 CCCT Dr "H",2X1,DF,with SCR•a For adding 95%CCS to new CCCT 20 $ 38.42 $4.83 i 11.52% $0.56 $97.80 i $97.80 Internal Combustion Engine.renewable biofuel,with SCR.a For CT Brownfield construction $ 46.57 i $6.24 1 14.39% $0.90 $102.86 1 $102.86 SCCT Aero,with SCR•a for CT Brownfield construction $ 53.04€ $6.66 € 14.39% $0.96 $110.67 i $110.67 SCCT Aero 0,with SCR•a For CT Brownfield construction $ 53.04 $5.33 1 14.39% $0.77 $94.06 i $94.06 SCCT Frame"F"A.with SCR•a For CT Brownfield construction $ 54.56 $6.98 14.39% $1.00 $96.85 $96.85 - Goshen-Brownfield $ 54.23€ $6.98 14.39% $1.00 $128.04 $128.04 $119.59 Wasatch Front-Brownfield $ 54.29 $6.98 i 14.39% $1.00 $101.11 $101.11 $94.44 W omin East-Brownfield $ 53.90€ $6.98 i 14.39% $1.00 $104.33 $104.33 $97.45 CCCT Dry"H",1X1,OF,with SCR•a For CT Brownfield construction $ 33.91 $2.43 i 14.39% $0.35 $66.50 $66.50 - Goshen-Brownfield $ 34.01 i $2.43 ; 14.39% $0.35 $79.00 $79.00 $74.02 Wasatch Front-Brownfield $ 34.12€ $2.43 € 14.39% $0.35 $68.36 $68.36 $64.06 W omin East-Brownfield $ 34.12€ $2.43 € 14.39% $0.35 $69.79 i $69.79 $65.40 CCCT Dr "H",2X1,DF,with SCR•a for CT Brownfield construction $ 34.37 $2.05 1 14.39% $0.30 $62.11 1 $62.11 CCCT Dr "H",1X1,OF,with SCR•a For adding 95%CCS to new CCCT 1x1•a for CT Brownfield construction $ 37.86. $4.78 1 11.52% $0.55 $102.89 $102.89 CCCT Dr "H",2X7,OF,with SCR.a For adding 95%CCS to new CCCT 2x1•a For CT Brownfield construction $ 38.42€ $4.34 € 11.52% $0.50 $93.40 1 $93.40 SCCT Frame"F"x1,with SCR.a For 100%H dro en burning capability $ 54.56 $8.91 i 14.39% $1.28 $103.39 $103.39 CCCT Or "H",1X1,OF,with SCR•a For 100%H dro en burning capability $ 33.91 $3.11 14.39% $0.45 $70.38 i $70.38 CCCT Dr "H",2X1,DF,with SCR.a for 100%H dro en burning capability $ 34.37 i $2.62 € 14.39% $0.38 $65.42 1 $65.42 SCCT Frame"F"A.with SCR•a for Hydrogen storage,cavern,80 bar,24 hour $ 54.56€ $8.18 € 14.39% $1.18 $154.38 i $154.38 CCCT Dr "H",1X1.OF,with SCR•a For Hydrogen storage.cavern,80 bar,24 hour $ 33.91€ $3.13 € 14.39% $0.45 $105.10 i $105.10 CCCT Dr "H",2X1,DF,with SCR•a for Hydrogen storage,cavern,80 bar,24 hour $ 34.37 i $2.70 14.39% $0.39 $99.10i $99.10 SCCT Frame"F"A.with SCR•a for Hydrogen storage,tanks,500 bar,24 hour $ 54.56 $8.32 14.39% $1.20 $141.62 i $141.62 CCCT Or "H",1X1,OF,with SCR-a For Hydrogen storage,tanks,500 bar,24 hour $ 33.91€ $3.27 i 14.39% $0.47 $97.27 $97.27 CCCT Dr "H",2X7,DF,with SCR.A for Hydrogen Storage,tanks,500 bar,24 hour $ 34.37 $2.85 i 14.39% $0.41 $91.14 $91.14 CCCT Dr "H",1X1,OF.with SCR,Advanced Technology Case•a advanced technology case.CCCT 1x1 $ 33.91€ $2.68 i 14.39% 1 $0.39 $68.77 1 $68.77 CCCT Or "H",2X1,DF,with SCR,Advanced Technology Case•a advanced technology case.CCCT 2x1 $ 34.37 i $2.23 € 14.39% 1 $0.32 $63.62 1 $63.62 CCCT Dr "H",1X1,OF.with SCR,Advanced Technology Case•a advanced technology case.CCCT 1x1,95%CCS $ 37.86€ $5.03 1 11.52% $0.58 $104.43 i $104.43 CCCT Dr "H",2X1,DF,with SCR,Advanced Technology Case•a advanced technologg case.CCCT 2x1,95%CCS $ 38.42€ $4.49 i 11.52% $0.52 $93.34 i $93.34 Electrol zer,Proton Exchange Membrane PEM,50.000 k Ida $ $23.91 € 0.00% $0.00 $30.21 $30.21 CCS Dave Johnston 4 costs on post retrofit basis $ $11.40 1 11.52% $1.31 $271.17 $ 43.09 $228.08 CCS Hunter 1.3 costs on post retrofit basis $ $9.73 ? 11.52% $1.12 $218.14 $ 40.81 i $177.33 CCS Huntington 1&2 fcosts on post retrofit basis $ $9.63 i 11.52% $1.11 $216.13 $ 39.79 i $176.34 CCS Jim Bridget 3&4 costs on post retrofit basis $ € $10.57 i 11.52% $1.22 $225.06 $ 42.18 i $182.88 CCS W odak costs on post retrofit basis $ € $11.69 € 11.52% $1.35 $322.79 $ 48.50 i $274.29 i Small Modular Reactor or Advanced Reactor,Moderate Technology Case $ - $9.74 € 0.00% $0.00 $158.98 $ (33.32); $125.66 - Goshen $ - $9.74 0.00% $0.00 $161.31 $ (33.99) $127.31 $120.95 Wasatch Front $ - $9.74 0.00-/. $0.00 $149.97 $ (45.31) $104.66 $99.42 Wyoming East $ $9.74 0.00% $0.00 $146.81 $ 43.98 i $102.83 $97.69 Small Modular Reactor or Advanced Reactor,Advanced Technology Case $ $8.74 I 0.00% $0.00 $113.94 $ (21.96)1 $91.97 Small Modular Reactor or Advanced Reactor,Moderate Technology Case.n For nuclear integrated thermal store $ $10.72 0.00% $0.00 $174.86 $ 36.66 i $138.20 Small Modular Reactor or Advanced Reactor,Advanced Technology Case.a for nuclear integrated thermal store $ $9.61 0.00% $0.00 $125.32 $ 24.16 i $101.16 Large Light Water Reactor,Moderate Technology Case $ $9.38 € 0.00% $0.00 $161.78 $ (29.8311 $131.95 Large Light Water Reactor,Advanced Technology Case $ $7.88 1 0.00% $0.00 1 $126.20 $ (24.7111 $101.50 Near Field Enhanhanced Geothermal System(NF-EGS)Binary $ - $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $75.30 $ (10.44); $64.86 - Southern OR $ $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $83.78 $ (12.21) $71.56 - Wasatch Front $ $0.00 1 0.00% $0.00 $71.98 $ (13.92)1 $58.06 153 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 7-RESOURCE OPTIONS Table 7.10- 2025 1RP Non-Thermal Supply-Side Resources, Variable O&M, Total Cost and Credits Variable O&M Credits Total Adjusted Resource Total Total Cost with Resource Levelized O&M Resource Taz PTC I ITC Cost with Fuel O&M Capitalized Capitalized Cost Credits Credits PTC I ITC 00- Resource Description ($IMVh) ($IMVh) Premium ($1MVh) JSIMWhj ($IMVhJ ($IMVh) Credits PV,20 MW,Class 1-10 £ $0.00 0.00'r' $0.00 $0.00 Portland North Coast £ $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $76.45 $ (25.15) $51.30 1 $10.31 Southern OR £ $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $66.54 $ (25.15) $41.39 1 $8.32 Walla Walla £ $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $69.74 $ (25.15)1 $44.59 $8.96 Goshen £ $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $64.59 $ (25.15)1 $39.44 1 $7.93 Wasatch Front £ $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $61.38 $ (27.63)1 $33.75 1 $6.78 W omin East $ $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $64.79 $ (27.6311 $37.16 $7.47 PV,200 MW,Class 1-10 $ $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 Portland North Coast $ $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $51.72 $ (25.15) $26.57 $5.34 Southern OR £ $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $44.87 $ (25.15)1 $19.72 i $3.96 Walla Walla £ $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $47.32 $ (25.15)1 $22.17 $4.46 Goshen £ $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $43.86 $ (25.15)1 $18.71 1 $3.76 Wasatch Front £ $0.00 1 0.00% $0.00 $41.71 $ (27.63)1 $14.08 $2.83 Wyoming East £ 1 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $44.02 $ 27.63 1 $16.40 $3.30 PV,20 MW,Class 1-10.a Advanced Solar Technology Case £ ? $0.00 1 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 PV,200 MW,Class 1-10.a Advanced Solar Technology Case £ $0.00 1 0.00% i $0.00 $0.00 Wind Class 1-10.20 MW £ $0.00 0.00% 1 $0.00 $0.00 Portland North Coast £: $0.00 1 0.00% $0.00 $102.14 $ (23.46): $78.68 $19.12 Southern OR 3: $0.00 1 0.00Y $0.00 $106.14 $ (23.46): $82.68 $20.09 Walla Walla $ $0.00 0.00'/. $0.00 $104.46 $ (23.46): $81.00 $19.68 Goshen $ : $0.00 1 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 $ (23.46): Wasatch Front $ : $0.00 1 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 $ (25.77): W omin East $ 1 $0.00 1 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 $ 25.77 1 Wind Class 1-6,200 MW £ 1 $0.00 1 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 Portland North Coast £ $0.00 1 0.00% $0.00 $41.47 $ (23.46)1 $18.01 $4.38 Southern OR £ $0.00 1 0.00% $0.00 $47.92 $ (23.46)1 $24.46 $5.94 Walla Walla £ : $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $45.68 $ (23.46): $22.22 $5.40 Goshen £ $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $48.49 $ (23.46)1 $25.03 $6.08 Wasatch Front £: $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $47.93 $ (25.77)1 $22.16 1 $5.38 W omin East $ $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $34.60 $ 25.77 1 $8.83 $2.14 Wind Class 7,200 MW $ $0.00 1 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 Offshore,Wind Class 12 $ $0.00 1 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 Wind Class 1.10,20 MW•a Advanced Onshore Wind Technology Case $ $0.00 0.00% i $0.00 $0.00 Wind Class 1-6,200 MW•a Advanced Onshore Wind Technology Case $ $0.00 0.00'/. i $0.00 $0.00 Wind Class 7.200 MW-A Advanced Onshore Wind Technology Case $ $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 Offshore,Wind Class 12-a Advanced Offshore Wind Technology Case $ $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 154 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 7-RESOURCE OPTIONS Table 7.11 - 2025 1RP Storage Supply-Side Resources, Variable O&M, Total Cost and Credits Variable O&M Credits Total Adjusted Resource Total Total Cost with Resource Levelized O&M Resource Tax PTC I ITC Cost with Fuel O&M Capitalized Capitalized Cost Credits Credits PTC I ITC Resource Description ($IMVh) ($IMVh) Premium ($IMVh) $IMVh ($IMVh) ($IMVh) Credits Li-Ion,4-hour,20 MW' $ $0.00 0.00'/. $0.00 $96.04 $ 32.40 $63.64 Li-Ion,4-hour,200 MW' $ $0.00 i 0.00% $0.00 $82.42 $ (27.77): $54.65 Portland North Coast $ $0.00 i 0.00'/. $0.00 $85.72 $ (29.44) $56.28 $50.15 Southern OR $ $0.00 i 0.00'/. $0.00 $86.82 $ (29.99)f $56.82 $50.63 Walla Walla $ $0.00 i 0.00'/. $0.00 $84.07 $ (28.61) $55.47 $49.42 Goshen $ $0.00 j 0.00'/. $0.00 $83.52 $ (28.33) $55.19 $49.18 Wasatch Front $ $0.00 i 0.00'/. $0.00 $74.38 $ (38.14) $36.24 $32.29 W omin East $ $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $72.55 $ 36.66 $35.90 $31.98 Li-Ion,4-hour,200 MW.A Double Duration,Li-Ion,4-hour,200MW' $ $0.00 0.00'/. $0.00 $71.63 $ (23.69) $47.94 Portland North Coast $ $0.00 i 0.00'/. $0.00 $74.44 $ (25.11)f $49.33 $48.84 Southern OR $ $0.00 i 0.00% $0.00 $75.38 $ (25.59): $49.79 $49.29 Walla Walla $ $0.00 i 0.00'/. $0.00 $73.04 $ (24.40): $48.63 $48.15 Goshen £ $0.00 i 0.00% $0.00 $72.57 $ (24.17): $48.40 $47.92 Wasatch Front i $0.00 's 0.00% $0.00 $64.76 $ (32.54): $32.22 $31.90 W omin East $ $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $63.20 $ 31.27 j $31.93 $31.61 Li-Ion,4-hour,1000 MW' $ $0.00 i 0.00'/. $0.00 $79.77 $ 27.05 `: $52.72 Li-Ion,4-hour,200 MW $ $0.00 i 0.00% $0.00 $82.42 $ (27.77) $54.65 Portland North Coast $ $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $85.72 $ (29.44) $56.28 $50.15 Southern OR $ $0.00 i 0.00% $0.00 $86.82 $ (29.99) $56.82 $50.63 Walla Walla $ $0.00 's 0.00% $0.00 $84.07 $ (28.61) $55.47 $49.42 Goshen $ $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $83.52 $ (28.33) $55.19 $49.18 Wasatch Front $ $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $74.38 $ (38.14): $36.24 $32.29 W omin East $ $0.00 i 0.00% $0.00 $72.55 $ 36.66 $35.90 $31.98 GravityBattery,4-hour,1006 MW $ $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $74.97 $ 33.10 f $41.87 Gravity Battery.4-hour,1000 MW-A Double Duration,Gravity.4-hour,1000MW $ $0.00 6.27% $0.00 $62.87 $ 24.62 ': $38.25 Adiabatic CAES,500 MW,4000 MWh $ $2.60 0.00'/. $0.00 $65.03 $ 27.92 ': $37.10 100-hour Iron Air $ $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $58.64 $ 37.40 $21.24 Pumped Hydro,Two New Reservoirs,4-hour $ $0.58 0.00% $0.00 $81.76 $ 33.01 $48.75 Pumped Hydro,Two New Reservoirs.10-hour $ $0.58 i 0.00% $0.00 $43.60 $ (18.40)`: $25.20 Portland North Coast $ $0.58 0.00% $0.00 $45.73 $ (19.51): $26.23 Southern OR $ $0.58 0.00% $0.00 $46.44 $ (19.87): $26.57 Goshen $ $0.58 i 0.00% $0.00 $44.31 $ (18.77) $25.54 Wasatch Front $ $0.58 's 0.00% $0.00 $38.03 $ (25.28) $12.75 W omin East $ $0.58 i 0.00% $0.00 $36.86 $ 24.30 j $12.56 Pumped Hydro.One New Reservoir,4-hour $ $0.58 0.00'/. $0.00 $79.49 $ 31.89 ': $47.60 Pumped Hydro.One New Reservoir,l0-hour, $ $0.58 0.00'/. $0.00 $38.02 $ 15.65 $22.37 Pumped Thermal EnergyStorage,10-hour $ $0.70 0.00'/. $0.00 $68.76 $ 34.12 $34.64 Pumped Thermal Energy Storage,24-hour $ $0.70 0.00% $0.00 $126.33 $ (63.70)1 $62.63 155 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 7-RESOURCE OPTIONS Table 7.12 - Glossar of Terms Used in the Su 1 -Side Resource Tables Term Description Fuel Primary fuel used for electricity generation or storage. Resource Primary technology used for electricity generation or storage. Elevation(afsl) Average feet above sea level for the proxy site for the given resource. Net Capacity(MW) For natural gas-fired generation resources, the Net Capacity is the net dependable capacity (net electrical output) for a given technology, at the given elevation, at the annual average ambient temperature in a "new and clean" condition. Resource Availability The earliest year the Company would sign a contract for a Resource Year being studied in this IRP. If available prior to the development of this database, this defaults to IRP year. Total Implementation Number of years necessary to implement all phases of resource Time development and construction after signing a contract to build the Resource: permitting (e.g., air, land,water, and wildlife), maintenance contracts, owner's engineering, construction, testing, and grid interconnection. Commercial Year when the Resource is available for generation and dispatch. It is Operation Year based on the Resource Availability Year plus the Total Im lementation Time. Design Life (years) Average number of years the resource is expected to be "used and useful." Base Capital ($/kW) Total capital expenditure in dollars per kilowatt($/kW) for the development and construction of a Resource including: direct costs (equipment, buildings, installation/overnight construction, commissioning, contractor fees/profit, and contingency), owner's costs (land, water rights, permitting,rights-of-way, design engineering, spare parts,project management, legal/financial support, grid interconnection costs, and owner's contingency), and financial costs (allowance for funds used during construction (AFUDC), capital surcharge,property taxes, and escalation during construction, if a licable . Var O&M ($/MWh) Includes real levelized variable operating costs such as combustion turbine maintenance, water costs,boiler water/circulating water treatment chemicals,pollution control reagents, equipment maintenance, and fired hour fees in dollars per megawatt hour $/MWh . Fixed O&M ($/kW- Includes labor costs, combustion turbine fixed maintenance fees, ear) contracted services fees, office equipment, and training. Demolition Cost Total cost to decommission and demolish the generating unit at the $/kW end of life in dollars per kilowatt($/kW). 156 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 7-RESOURCE OPTIONS Term Description Full Load Heat Rate Net efficiency of the resource to generate electricity for a given heat HHV Btu/kWh input in a "new and clean" condition on a higher heating value basis. Efficiency Typical operational round trip efficiency of energy storage of alternating current (AC) energy delivered to the grid divided by AC energy stored from the grid. EFOR(%) Estimated Equivalent Forced Outage Rate, which includes forced outages and derates fora given Resource at the given site. POR(%) Estimated Planned Outage Rate for a given Resource at the given site. Water Consumed Average amount of water consumed by a Resource for make-up, (gal/MWh) cooling water make-up, inlet conditioning and pollution control. S02 (lbs/MMBtu) Expected permitted level of sulfur dioxide (S02) emissions in pounds of sulfur dioxide per million Btu of heat input. NOx(lbs/MMBtu) Expected permitted level of nitrogen oxides (NOx) (expressed as NO2) in pounds of NOx per million Btu of heat input. Hg(lbs/TBtu) Expected permitted level of mercury emissions in pounds per trillion Btu of heat input. CO2 (lbs/MMBtu) Pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted per million Btu of heat input. Table 7.13 - Glossary of Acronyms Used in the Supply-Side Resource Tables Acronyms Description ACAES Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy storage AFSL Average Feet (Above) Sea Level ATB Annual Technology Baseline CAES Compressed Air Energy Storage CCCT Combined Cycle Combustion Turbine CCS Carbon Capture and Storage (though storage costs are not included in the SSR Tables CCUS Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (though utilization and storage costs are not included in the SSR Tables CF Capacity Factor CSP Concentrated Solar Power CT Combustion Turbine DF Duct Firing DOE United States Department of Energy EIA Energy Information Agency FGD Flue Gas Desulfurization GAIN Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear HRSG Heat Recovery Steam Generator ICE Internal Combustion Engine (reciprocating engine) IGCC Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle ISO International Standards Organization(Temperature = 59 degrees fahrenheit(°F)/ 15 degrees Celsius (°C), Pressure= 14.7 psia/1.013 bar Li-Ion Lithium Ion LFP Lithium Iron Phosphate (sub-chemistry of lithium-ion) 157 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 7—RESOURCE OPTIONS MW Megawatt NCM Nickel Cobalt Manganese (sub-chemistry of lithium-ion) NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer OSTI Office of Scientific and Technical Information OSW Offshore Wind PCCC Post Combustion CO2 Capture PEM Proton Exchange Membrane PPA Power Purchase Agreement PC CCUS Pulverized Coal retrofitted with Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage PHES Pumped Hydro Energy Storage PV Poly-Si Photovoltaic modules constructed from poly-crystalline silicon semiconductor wafers Recip Reciprocating Engine RTE Round Trip Efficiency (typical operational AC to AC energy storage efficiency) SCCT Simple Cycle Combustion Turbine SCR Selective catalytic reduction STG Steam turbine generator Resource Option Descriptions The following are brief descriptions of each of the resources listed in Table 7.2 through Table 7.11. For all technology that is included in the 2024 NREL ATB, the ATB costs were used. For incremental items, a percentage difference between the technology with and without the incremental resource was used. Where data is available for an advanced technology innovation scenari022, there is a resource row for that scenario. Natural Gas, Internal Combustion Engine x4, renewable biofuel, with SCR & fuel tank — This is "a reciprocating internal combustion engine (RICE)power plant based on four large-scale natural-gas-fired engines. Each engine is rated nominally at 5.6 MW with a net capacity of 21.4 MW."23 It is presented in the IRP as a 20 MW resource to meet Oregon's regulatory requirements for distributed generation resource, under the assumption that it could be derated to meet the requirements. The 24 hour fuel tank was added to the 2020 EIA Report's resource based on available market information on in ground gas tanks. Natural Gas, Simple Combined Cycle Turbine (SCCT) Aero x 4 — This is "four of aeroderivative dual-fuel CTs in a simple-cycle configuration, with a nominal output of approximately 54 MW gross per turbine. After deducting internal auxiliary power demand,the net output of the plant is approximately 211 MW. Each CT's inlet air duct has an evaporative cooler 22 https:Hatb.nrel.gov/electricity/2024/definitions#scenarios 23 Cost and Performance Estimates for New Utility-Scale Electric Power Generating Technologies,December 2019, Sargent&Lundy,prepared for the U.S.Energy Information Administration's Capital Cost and Performance Characteristic Estimates for Utility Scale Electric Power Generating Technologies,February 2020 https://www.eia.gov/analysis/studies/powerplants/capitalcost/archive/2020/pdf/capital—cost AE0202O.pdf 158 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 7—RESOURCE OPTIONS to reduce the inlet air temperature in warmer seasons to increase the CT output. Each CT is also equipped with burners designed to reduce the CT's emission of NOx. Included are SCR units for further reduction of NOx emissions and CO catalysts for further reduction of CO emissions."24 Natural Gas, SCCT Frame "F" x 1,with SCR—This is "one industrial frame Model F dual fuel CT in simple-cycle configuration with a nominal output of 237.2 MW gross. After deducting internal auxiliary power demand, the net output of the plant is 232.6 MW. The inlet air duct for the CT is equipped with an evaporative cooler to reduce the inlet air temperature in warmer seasons to increase the CT output. The CT is also equipped with burners designed to reduce the CT's emission of NOx."25 Although the 2020 EIA Report does not include an SCR for this resource, to be on par with the other IRP resources, the approximate cost of an SCR was added based on the cost difference on a percentage basis from previous IRP's. Natural Gas, CCCT "H", 1x1,DF,with SCR—This is "one Model HL dual-fuel CT in a lxlxl single-shaft CC configuration. The CT generates approximately 453 MW gross and the STG generates 192 MW gross. After deducting internal auxiliary power demand, the net output of the plant is approximately 627 MW."26 Natural Gas, CCCT "H", 2x1, DF, with SCR—This is "a pair of Model H, dual-fuel CTs in a 2x2xl CC configuration (two CTs, two heat recovery steam generators [HRSGs], and one steam turbine). Each CT generates approximately 436 MW gross; the STG generates approximately 393 MW gross. After deducting internal auxiliary power demand, the net output of the plant is 1227 MW.,,27 Natural Gas, a for adding 95% CCS—This option reflects incremental changes for a greenfield "power plant w/ commercially available solvent-based post combustion CO2 capture (PCCC) designed for 95%capture."28 The 95%option was chosen because that is the most economic option available in the NREL ATB that meets the EPA 111 regulations. Natural Gas, e for CT Brownfield construction—This option reflects incremental changes for construction of a resource at an existing powerplant site with the same technology. Hydrogen,a for 100%Hydrogen burning capability—This option reflects incremental changes for a CT to burn a mixture of fuel up to 100%hydrogen. 24 Capital Cost and Performance Characteristic Estimates for Utility Scale Electric Power Generating Technologies,December 6,2023,Sargent&Lundy,prepared for the U.S.Energy Information Administration's Capital Cost and Performance Characteristics for Utility Scale Electric Power Generating Technologies,January 2024.https://www.eia.gov/analysis/studies/Powerplants/capitalcost/pdf/capital_Cost_AE02025.pdf 25 Cost and Performance Estimates for New Utility-Scale Electric Power Generating Technologies,December 2019, Sargent&Lundy,prepared for the U.S.Energy Information Administration's Capital Cost and Performance Characteristic Estimates for Utility Scale Electric Power Generating Technologies,February 2020 https://www.eia.gov/analysis/studies/powerplants/capitalcost/archive/2020/pdf/capital_cost_AE0202O.pdf 26 Capital Cost and Performance Characteristic Estimates for Utility Scale Electric Power Generating Technologies,December 6,2023,Sargent&Lundy,prepared for the U.S.Energy Information Administration's Capital Cost and Performance Characteristics for Utility Scale Electric Power Generating Technologies,January 2024.https://www.eia.gov/analysis/studies/powerplants/capitalcost/pdf/capital_Cost_AE02025.pdf 27 Ibid 17 212024 ATB Excel Workbook,available at https:Hatb.nrel.gov/electricity/2024/data. 159 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 7—RESOURCE OPTIONS Hydrogen, a for Hydrogen storage, cavern, 80 bar, 1 week—This option reflects incremental changes for storing hydrogen underground in a solution-mined geologic salt dome. Hydrogen gas is compressed and stored at ambient temperature in at elevated pressure (70-190 bar). Salt domes only exist in a limited number of locations (-2000 salt caverns in North America with an average capacity of 105-101 m3). There are at least two salt domes under development within PacifiCorp's area of operation. This assumes a "600 tons per day (TPD) pipeline throughput for 7-days at 80 bar; cushion gas is —40% of volume."29 In addition to the Pathways to Commercial Liftoff. Clean Hydrogen (Clean Hydrogen Liftoff Report), the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office Multi-Year Program Plan30 was used for cost and technical data. Hydrogen,e for Hydrogen storage,tanks,500 bar,24 hour — This option reflects incremental changes for storing hydrogen in tanks constructed above ground. "H2 gas is compressed at ambient temperature to 300—700 bar. Storage capacity is limited due to the low volumetric density of H2 at room temperature. Assumes 950 kg stored at 500 bar with 1 cycle per week."31 Electrolyzer, Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM), 50,000 kg/day — Also known as polymer electrolyte membrane, including balance of plant(BOP)costs,the"electrolyzer design is intended to represent the current state-of-the-art(2022)stacks with respect to catalyst loadings(3 milligrams per square centimeter [mg/cm2] total platinum group metal [PGM] loading) and material specifications."32 Data from the DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Record33 was also used in the development of this resource. Coal, CCS— These are retrofits of an existing conventional coal-fired boiler and steam-turbine generator resources with amine based post-combustion carbon capture technology. Costs include the reduction in plant output due to higher auxiliary power requirements and reduced steam turbine output. The CCS would remove 90 percent of the carbon dioxide and would provide reductions in other emissions.34 Storage, Lithium Ion Battery—This is lithium-ion batteries rated at 20 and 200 MW capacities with 4-hour duration. The 20 MW option uses the ATB's "Commercial Battery" data, while the 200 MW option uses the ATB's "Utility-Scale" data. 29 Pathways to Commercial Liftoff. Clean Hydrogen,U.S.Department of Energy,Office of Technology Transitions: Hannah Murdoch;Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations:Jason Munster;Hydrogen&Fuel Cell Technologies Office: Sunita Satyapal,Neha Rustagi;Argonne National Laboratory:Amgad Elgowainy;National Renewable Energy Laboratory:Michael Penev,https:Hliftoff.energy.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/20230523-Pathways-to- Commercial-Liftoff-Clean-Hydrogen.pdf 3°Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office Multi-Year Program Plan,Dr. Sunita Satyapal,U.S.Department of Energy,https://www.energy.gov/eere/fuelcells/hydrogen-and-fuel-cell-technologies-office-multi-year-program-plan 31 ibid 20 32 Badgett,Alex,Joe Brauch,Amogh Thatte,Rachel Rubin,Christopher Skangos,Xiaohua Wang,Rajesh Ahluwalia,Bryan Pivovar,and Mark Ruth.2024. Updated Manufactured Cost Analysis for Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers. Golden,CO:National Renewable Energy Laboratory.NREL/TP-6A20-87625. https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy24osti/87625.pdf. 33 David Peterson,James Vickers,Dan DeSantis,Hydrogen Production Cost From PEM Electrolysis—2019, February 3,2020, https://www.hydrogen.energy.gov/docs/hydrogenprogramlibraries/pdfs/19009_h2_production_cost_pem_electrolysi s_2019.pdf?Status=Master 34 Carbon capture costs and parameters were the subject of discussion and feedback during the 2025 IRP public input meeting series. See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#25 (NP Energy,LLC). See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#44(Sierra Club). 160 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 7—RESOURCE OPTIONS Storage, a double duration—This option reflects incremental changes for doubling the duration of a battery energy storage resource, modifiers on this row must be applied to the data in the appropriate resource row. Appropriate resources are limited to those utilizing lithium-ion energy storage, including lithium-ion energy storage collocated with other resources. Storage, 0 for Co-Located Energy Storage — This option reflects incremental changes for lithium-ion energy storage collocated with another resource,modifiers on this row must be applied to the appropriate energy storage data. Storage, Gravity Battery, 4-hour, 1000 MW—This is an estimate for any technology that uses the potential energy differential of a large mass, but excludes pumped hydro. Pumped hydro is a well-established technology and because of this there is more accurate data available for pumped hydro. Examples include dense weights lifted vertically, heavy rail cars moved up and down a steep track, or a piston displacing a fluid vertically. Costs were escalated from the 2023 IRP. Storage, Adiabatic CAES — Compressed air energy storage (CAES) system consists of an air storage reservoir pressurized by a compressor similar to a conventional gas turbine compression section but driven by an electric motor coupled with an adiabatic power generation turbine. The compressed air powers the adiabatic turbine. Energy is stored by compressing air into the storage reservoir. Only the system sizes of 500 MW is included because that size was the lowest cost per kWh in the 2023 IRP. The air storage reservoir is an engineered tank. "Adiabatic" means the system does not burn natural gas to generate power. Storage,Pumped Hydro,Two New Reservoirs—Also known as closed-loop pumped hydro,this technology pumps and releases water between a higher and a lower reservoir. It is modeled as a nominal 400 MW PHES system using a combination of natural and constructed water storage combined with elevation difference to enable a system capable of discharging the rated capacity for 10 or 4 hours. The development and construction time is estimated at 5 years assuming that early permitting and development has occurred prior to contracting with PacifiCorp. The IRP uses ATB National Class 1 data. Storage, Pumped Hydro, One New Reservoirs — Also known as an open-loop system, this technology pumps and releases water between a higher reservoir and a lower natural water body, usually a river. It is modeled as a nominal 400 MW PHES system using both natural and constructed water storage combined with elevation difference to enable a system capable of discharging the rated capacity for 10 or 4 hours. The development and construction time is estimated at 5 years assuming that early permitting and development has occurred prior to contracting with PacifiCorp. The IRP uses ATB National Class 5 data. Storage, 100-hour Iron Air — This is a low capital cost battery option with the trade off a low round trip efficiency. "While discharging,the battery breathes in oxygen from the air and converts iron metal to rust. While charging,the application of an electrical current converts the rust back to iron and the battery breathes out oxygen."35 Storage, Pumped Thermal Energy Storage — This is a system using a storage tank of high temperature fluid to store energy. A resistive heater converts electric energy to heat energy in the 35 https:Hformenergy.com/technology/battery-technology/ 161 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 7—RESOURCE OPTIONS fluid. To generate electricity,the fluid boils water which powers a steam turbine attached to electric generator. Solar, PV, Class 1 - 10 — This is ATB PV Class 1 through 10 (20 MW or 200 MW) solar photovoltaic resources using crystalline silica solar panels in a single axis tracking system. The 20 MW option uses the ATB's"Commercial"data,while the 200 MW option uses the ATB's"Utility- Scale" data. A consultant was hired to provide location specific capacity factors for each node modeled in PLEXOS. Wind, Wind Class 1-10, 20 MW—This is ATB "Distributed Wind, Large Turbine Technology Class."It is a wind resource of 1,500 kW turbines with 107 meter rotor diameter and 80 meter hub height. A consultant was hired to provide location specific capacity factors for each node modeled in PLEXOS. Wind,Wind Class 1-6,and 7200 MW—This is ATB Land-Based Wind technology configuration T1. It is a wind resource of 34 x 6 MW turbines with 170 meter rotor diameter and 115 meter hub height. A consultant was hired to provide location specific capacity factors for each node modeled in PLEXOS. Wind, Wind Class 7, 200 MW — This is the same as wind classes 1- 6, but different wind conditions and cost data. Wind, Offshore, Wind Class 12 —This is ATB "Floating Offshore Wind." It is a wind resource of 12 MW turbines with 216 meter rotor diameter and 137 meter hub height. Wind Class 12 represents the wind conditions off the coast of northern California and southern Oregon. The ATB lists a net capacity factor of 47% for Offshore Wind Class 12. Nuclear, Small Modular Reactor or Advanced Reactor—This is a conceptual technology that could be a small modular reactor or small advanced reactor. "Modular"refers to a reactor that can be built off site and easily transported to the installation location, however scale of economy requires multiple modular reactors to share support facilities at a single powerplant site. Data is from the ATB and relies heavily on a DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information, Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear report36 ("OSTI GAIN Report"). Nuclear, a for nuclear integrated thermal storage, 5 hours - This option reflects incremental changes for a system using a storage tank of high temperature fluid. To store energy, heat from a nuclear reactor is transferred in a heat exchanger to the storage fluid. To generate electricity, the fluid boils water which powers a steam turbine attached to electric generator. This method eliminates the resistive heater losses in the stand-alone thermal storage, and therefore has a much higher RTE. 36 Abdalla Abou-Jaoude,Levi M Larsen,Nahuel Guaita,Ishita Trivedi,Frederick Joseck,and Christopher Lohse, Idaho National Laboratory;Edward Hoffman and Nicolas Stauff.Argonne National Laboratory;Koroush Shirvan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology;Adam Stein,Breakthrough Institute;Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear(GAIN);Meta-Analysis of Advanced Nuclear Reactor Cost Estimations,July 2024, https://inldigitallibrary.inl.gov/sites/sti/sti/Sort 107010.pdf 162 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 7—RESOURCE OPTIONS Nuclear, Large Light Water Reactor—This is a modern dual unit reactor similar to most of the existing utility reactors in the United States. Data is from the ATB and relies heavily on the OSTI GAIN Report. Geothermal, Near Field Enhanced Geothermal System (NF-EGS) Binary— This is the ATB geothermal plant utilizing an 175°C thermal resource with 1.5 km wells and production well flow rates of 60 kg/s.37 Locational Modifiers and Selected Cost Forecasts Appendix A of the EIA reports contain cost modifiers for selected cities within each state, and Appendix B of the EIA reports contains locational modifiers for combustion turbines that are largely dependent on altitude and ambient temperatures. The ATB contains cost forecasts for most resource options in the SSR. For any resource option without a technology specific cost forecast, escalation is assumed to be level. These locational modifiers and cost forecasts are applied in PLEXOS. Cost forecast histories for selected resource types are shown in the following sections. PV Cost Forecast History Figure 7.1 shows a history of capital cost forecasts used in the SSR for PV resources in Utah from 2017 through 2023 IRPs (the red lines). The 2025 IRP Capital cost estimates for solar resources are based on the ATB forecast. The data from IRP's prior to 2021 was based on a 50 MW scale; however,the 50 MW scale is no longer included as a resource option. The solid blue line indicates the 2025 IRP price forecast at the 200 MW scale in Utah. The observed market correction used in the 2023 IRP has been mitigated largely by federal policy changes and the forecast is essentially the same as the trend line of the 2021 IRP. 37 Geothermal modeling was the subject of stakeholder feedback during the 2025 IRP public input meeting series. See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#11 (Utah Environmental Caucus). See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#41 (Nathan Strain). 163 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 7—RESOURCE OPTIONS Figure 7.1 —History of SSR PV Cost & Forecast History of SSR Utah PV Costs & Forecast adjusted for inflation $2,400 $2,200 $2,000 v N CD $1,800 U b m $1,600 / ••CL • e. U s.. .... mIle a $1,200 a ft. N � O $1,000 $800 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 Calendar Year — 2017 IRP UT A 2018 IRP UT ••0••2019 IRP UT —O—2021 IRP UT 2021 IRP UT 20OMW —2023 IRP UT 20OMW 2025 IRP 200 MW Wind Cost Forecast History Figure 7.2 shows a history of capital cost forecasts used in the SSR for resources in Wyoming from 2017 through 2023 IRPs (the red lines). The 2025 IRP Capital cost forecast for wind resources is based on the ATB forecast. The observed market correction used in the 2023 IRP has been mitigated largely by federal policy changes and the forecast is close to the trend line of the 2021 IRP. 164 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 7-RESOURCE OPTIONS Figure 7.2—History of SSR Wind Costs & Forecast History of SSR Onshore Wind Costs & Forecast $2,300 adjusted for inflation $2,100 - �F t ---* ---# ---#---# *` Y vki $1,900 0 / \ o o $1,700 / R\ U M $1,500 \ U N Ln M _ C° $1,300 M A $1,100 $900 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 Calendar Year - 2017 IRP WY ♦ 2018 IRP WY ••■••2019 IRP WY -Ar- 2021 IRP WY 2023 IRP WY 2025 IRP WY Energy Storage Figure 7.3 shows a history of capital cost forecasts used in the SSR for BESS resources in Utah from 2017 through 2023 IRPs (the red lines). The 2025 IRP capital cost forecast for BESS resources is based on the ATB forecast. The data from IRP's prior to 2021 was based on a 50 MW scale; however, the 50 MW scale is no longer included as a resource option. The solid blue line indicates the 2025 IRP price forecast at the 200 MW scale in Utah. The observed market correction used in the 2023 IRP has been partially mitigated by federal policy changes and the forecast costs are about midway between the less expensive 2021 IRP and the more expensive 2023 IRP. 165 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 7-RESOURCE OPTIONS Figure 7.3—History of SSR Battery Energy Storage System Costs & Forecast History of SSR Battery Energy Storage System Costs & Forecast adjusted for inflation $1,200 3 Y i/► N $1,000 N N o O. u $800 FCL ca U vi �O► +p w ai $400 �� • `�� •� m ~ • �� y� $200 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 Calendar Year 2017 IRP Li-ion NCM A 2018 IRP Li-ion NCM ••E3••2019 IRP Li-ion NCM —f- 2021 IRP Li-ion NCM —40-- 2021 IRP Li-ion NCM (Utility Scale)­0 —20231RP Li-Ion LFP 4-hour 2025 IRP LI-ion LFP 4-hour Utility-scale Energy Storage Resources PacifiCorp has contracted for the following utility-scale energy storage resources: • Faraday solar and storage (525 MW solar, 150 MW battery storage with 4-hour duration) is a project supporting customer clean energy goals under Utah Schedule 34. • Green River solar and storage (400 MW solar, 400 MW battery storage with 4-hour duration) is a project that was originally part of the final shortlist in the 2020 All-Source Request For Proposals. An amendment to the contract expanded the battery from 200 MW with two-hour duration to 400 MW with four-hour duration. • Dominguez Grid (200 MW battery storage with four-hour duration) is a stand-alone energy storage resource. • Enterprise/Escalante/Granite Mountain East/Iron Springs storage: each of these contracts is an 80 MW battery storage resource with four-hour duration. Battery storage is being added at existing solar resources,and will use surplus interconnection.A surplus interconnection allows for resources to be added at any existing interconnection location so long as the total output to the grid is kept within the existing interconnection capacity. 166 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 7—RESOURCE OPTIONS As a result of the contracts described above, PacifiCorp expects to bring more than one gigawatt of energy storage resources online by the summer of 2026. Demand-Side Resourc Resource Options and Attributes Source of Demand-Side Management Resource Data PacifiCorp conducted a Conservation Potential Assessment (CPA) with for 2025-2044, which provided DSM resource opportunity estimates for the 2025 IRP. The study was conducted by Applied Energy Group (AEG) on behalf of the company. The CPA provided a broad estimate of the size,type, location and cost of demand-side resources.38 For the purpose of integrated resource planning, the DSM information from the CPA was converted into supply curves by type of resource (i.e. energy-based energy efficiency and demand response) for modeling against competing supply-side alternatives. Demand-Side Management Supply Curves DSM resource supply curves are a compilation of point estimates showing the relationship between the cumulative quantity and cost of resources, providing a representative look at how much of a particular resource can be acquired at a particular price point. Resource modeling utilizing supply curves allows the selection of least-cost resources (e.g. products and quantities) based on each resource's competitiveness against alternative resource options.39 Due to the timing of the 2025 IRP planning and modeling, PacifiCorp had established, funded and begun acquiring 2025 DSM program acquisition targets. To ensure that the 2025 IRP analysis is consistent with existing and planned demand response and energy efficiency acquisition levels (i.e., Class 1 & 2 DSM), expected DSM savings in each state were fixed for calendar year 2025. In 2026, energy efficiency resources were optimized to reflect ongoing program experience and knowledge of current market conditions and timing challenges, to develop near terms levels of selected acquisition. As with supply-side resources, the development of DSM supply curves requires specification of quantity, availability, and cost attributes. Attributes specific to DSM curves include: • Resource quantities available in each year either in terms of megawatts or megawatt-hours, recognizing that some resources may come from stock additions not yet built, and that elective resources cannot all be acquired in the first year of the planning period; • Persistence of resource savings (e.g., energy efficiency equipment measure lives); • Seasonal availability and hours available (e.g., irrigation load control programs); • The hourly shape of the resource (e.g., load shape of the resource); and • Levelized resource costs (e.g., dollars per kilowatt-hour per year for energy efficiency, or dollars per megawatt over the resource's life for demand response resources). ss The 2025 Conservation Potential Study is available on PacifiCorp's IRP Support & Studies web page: www.pacificorp.com/energy/integrated-resource-plan/support.html. 39 Demand-side management modeling and methodology was a frequent topic of discussion in the 2025 IRP public input meeting series and in stakeholder feedback forms. See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#17(Oregon Public Utilities Commission). See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#36(Sierra Club). See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#45(Utah Clean Energy). 167 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 7—RESOURCE OPTIONS Once developed, DSM supply curves are treated like discrete supply-side resources in the IRP modeling environment. Demand Response: DSM Capacity Supply Curves The potential and costs for demand response resources were provided at the state level, with impacts specified separately for summer and winter peak periods. Prior to 2025, PacifiCorp has launched and expanded a number of demand response programs to acquire resource needs identified in the 2021 IRP update. Several demand response resources characterized as potential demand response resources in the previous IRP are now considered existing or planned demand response resources which will be effective in 2025. Table 7.14—DemandftResonseExistingand Planned Pro rams Mro u Wtate isting or Planned Offering Res—HVAC DLC UT Existing Res—HVAC DLC OR, WA Planned Res—EV Load Control OR, WA, UT Planned Res—Battery DLC OR, WA Planned Res—Battery DLC ID, UT Existing C&I—Battery DLC ID, UT Existing C&I—Third Party OR, WA, UT Existing C&I—Third Party ID Planned A —Irrigation DLC UT, ID, OR, WA Existing Table 7.15 and Table 7.16 show the summary level demand response resource supply curve information,by control area. For additional detail on demand response resource assumptions used to develop these supply curves, see Volume 2 of the 2025 CPA.40 Potential shown is incremental to the existing DSM resources identified in Table 7.15. For existing program offerings, it is assumed that the PacifiCorp could begin acquiring incremental potential in 2025. For resources representing expanded product offerings, it is assumed PacifiCorp could begin acquiring potential in 2026. New program offerings are assumed to be available in 2026 accounting for the time required for program design, regulatory approval, vendor selection, procurement and implementation. Table 7.15—Demand Res onse Pro ram Attributes West Control Area,ai* Summer W Winter Average Average 20-Year Levelized 20-Year Levelized Potential Cost Potential Cost roduct (MW) ($/kW- r) (MW) ($/kW- r) Res—EV DLC 15.1 $412 15.1 $412 Res—DLC of Smart Home 0.1 $1,306 0.1 $686 Res—HVAC DLC 17.4 $175 81.7 $73 ao The CPA can be found at:www.pacificorp.com/energy/integrated-resource-plan/support.html. 41 Demand response resources derived from the demand response RFP are not included to protect confidential 3rd party pricing information. 168 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 7-RESOURCE OPTIONS Summer F Winter 7qoqw Average Average 20-Year Levelized 20-Year Levelized Potential Cost Potential Cost Product MW ($/kW- r) (MW ($/kW- r) Res-Pool Pump DLC 0.2 $742 0.1 $1,956 Res-Water Heater DLC 2.7 $134 4.0 $90 Res- Smart Thermostat 40.2 $37 28.9 $29 Res-Grid Interactive Water Heaters 14.6 $97 24.5 $66 Battery DLC 6.1 $31 4.9 $30 C&I-Third Party 8.5 $46 12.4 $54 A -Irrigation DLC 1.8 $24 0.0 $0 *Average levelized cost weighted by the 20-year cumulative potential in each state Table 7.16-Demand Res onse Program Attributes East Control Area,42* Summer IF V Winter Levelized 20-Year Cost 20-Year Levelized Potential ($/kW- Potential Cost Prod MW r)& (MW $/kW- r) Res-EV DLC 24.8 $416 24.8 $416 Res-DLC of Smart Home 0.1 $1,601 0.3 $772 Res-HVAC DLC 234.2 $158 141.3 $272 Res-Pool Pump DLC 0.2 $834 0.1 $2,199 Res-Water Heater DLC 12.8 $175 17.5 $117 Res- Smart Thermostat 90.4 $38 50.2 $94 Res-Grid Interactive Water Heaters 1.1 $209 2.0 $139 Battery DLC 65.3 $36 65.2 $41 C&I-Third Party 66.6 $52 72.7 $50 A -Irrigation DLC 1 19.1 1 $29 0.0 $0 *Average levelized cost weighted by the 20-year cumulative potential in each state Energy Efficiency DSM, Energy Supply Curves The 2025 CPA provided the information to fully assess the potential contribution from DSM energy efficiency resources over the IRP planning horizon. The CPA analysis accounts for known changes in building codes, advancing equipment efficiency standards, market transformation, resource cost changes, changes in building characteristics and state-specific resource evaluation considerations (e.g., cost-effectiveness criteria). 42 Demand response resources derived from the demand response RFP are not included to protect confidential 3rd party pricing information. 169 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 7—RESOURCE OPTIONS DSM energy efficiency resource potential was assessed by state down to the individual measure and building levels (e.g., specific appliances, motors, lighting configurations for residential buildings, and small offices). The CPA provided DSM energy efficiency resource information at the following granularity: • State: Washington, California, Idaho, Utah, Wyoming" • Measure: — 120 residential measures — 146 commercial measures — 105 industrial measures — 19 irrigation measures • Facility type:" — 18 residential facility types — 28 commercial facility types — 30 industrial facility types — Two irrigation facility type The 2025 CPA levelized total resource costs over the study period at PacifiCorp's cost of capital, consistent with the treatment of supply-side resources. Costs include measure costs and a state- specific adder for program administrative costs for all states except Utah and Idaho. Consistent with regulatory mandates, Utah and Idaho DSM energy efficiency resource costs were levelized using utility costs instead of total resource costs (i.e. incentive and a state specific adder for program administration costs). The technical potential for all DSM energy efficiency resources across all states except Oregon over the 20-year CPA planning horizon totaled approximately 15.1 million MWh.45 The technical potential represents the total universe of possible savings before adjustments for what is likely to be realized(i.e.technical achievable potential).When the achievable assumptions described below are considered the technical potential is reduced to a technical achievable potential for modeling consideration of 12.8 million MWh for all five states. The technical achievable potential for all six states, i.e. including Oregon, for modeling consideration is 17.2 million MWh. The technical achievable potential, representing available potential at all costs, is provided to the IRP model for economic screening relative to supply-side alternatives. Despite the granularity of DSM energy efficiency resource information available, it was impractical to model the resource supply curves at this level of detail.The combination of measures by building type and state generated just over 50,500 separate permutations or distinct measures that could be modeled using the supply curve methodology. To reduce the resource options for consideration without losing the overall resource quantity available or its relative cost, resources as Oregon's DSM potential was assessed in a separate study commissioned by the Energy Trust of Oregon. as Facility type includes such attributes as existing or new construction, single or multi-family, and income level for the residential sector. Facility types represent a combination of market segment and vintage and are more fully described in Volume 1 of the 2025 CPA. 45 The identified technical potential represents the cumulative impact of DSM measure installations in the 20t'year of the study period for California,Idaho,Washington,Wyoming, and Utah.This may differ from the sum of individual years' incremental impacts due to the introduction of improved codes and standards over the study period. ETO provides PacifiCorp with technical achievable potential. 170 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 7—RESOURCE OPTIONS were consolidated into bundles, using ranges of levelized costs and net cost of capacity to reduce the number of combinations to a more manageable number. Bundle development began with the energy efficiency technical potential identified by the 2021 CPA. To account for the practical limits associated with acquiring all available resources in any given year,the technical potential by measure was adjusted to reflect the amount that is realistically achievable over the 21-year planning horizon. Consistent with the Northwest Power and Conservation Council's achievability assumptions in the 2021 Power Plan as, which typically assume that 85% of the technical potential could be acquired over the 20-year period.46 For Oregon,the company does not assess potential for the Energy Trust of Oregon(ETO). Neither PacifiCorp nor the ETO performed an economic screening of measures in the development of the DSM energy efficiency supply curves used in the development of the 2025 IRP, allowing resource opportunities to be economically screened against supply-side alternatives in a consistent manner across PacifiCorp's six states. Twenty-seven cost bundles, with a separate bundle reserved for home energy reports, were available across six states (including Oregon), which equates to 162 DSM energy efficiency resource supply curves. Table 7.17 shows the 21-year MWh potential for DSM energy efficiency net cost of capacity bundle categorization. Bundles are classified based on their measure's temperature dependency, as either heating or cooling. A measure is considered temperature dependent if at least 25% of annual kWh savings are derived from temperature dependent end-uses. Measures that have both heating and cooling savings are classified based on whichever has greater volume. Measures that are not temperature dependent, such as lighting, are classified based on whichever season (summer or winter) the measure has a greater capacity contribution. Measures are then ranked based on their net cost of capacity ($/kW-yr) and assigned to a bundle with measures of a similar net cost. There is little need to differentiate bundles that will provide value in nearly all conditions. Measures with a net cost less or equal to zero have energy benefits that exceed their costs, such that their capacity value (reliability benefits) are "free." These measures are assigned to a zero-cost temperature-sensitive bin or a zero-cost non-temperature sensitive bin, which together comprise roughly half of all potential. For non-zero cost measures,roughly equal volumes are distributed among the remaining bundles of heating,cooling,summer,or winter measures.The number of each type of bundle varies by state depending on the potential and load profile used in each state. "The Northwest's achievability assumptions include savings realized through improved codes and standards and market transformation,and thus,applying them to identified technical potential represents an aggressive view of what could be achieved through utility DSM programs. 171 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 7—RESOURCE OPTIONS Table 7.17— 2045 Total Cumulative Energy Efficiency Potential by Cost Bundle Category (MWh) Bundle California Idaho Oregon Utah Washington Wyoming Cooling Measures 24,136 51,160 650,856 1,099,451 91,251 102,441 Heating Measures 1,395 29,701 871,974 334,629 76,938 50,792 Summer Measures 59 0 0 0 0 0 Winter Measures 46,268 127,649 1,398,502 1,903,672 241,406 208,044 Zero Cost Temperature 30,050 76,633 295,605 1,400,650 130,845 112,492 Dependent Measures Zero Cost Non- Temperature 62,363 327,503 1,262,937 5,940,760 667,159 1,151,675 Dependent Measures Cost credits afforded to DSM energy efficiency resources include the following: • A state-specific transmission and distribution investment deferral cost credit (Table 7.18) • Stochastic risk reduction credit47 • Northwest Power Act 10-percent credit(Oregon and Washington resources only)48 Table 7.18— State-specific Transmission and Distribution Credits (2024$) Transmission Distribution State Deferral Value Deferral Value X ($/kW-year) ($/kW-year) California $5.83 $11.23 $17.06 Oregon $5.83 $15.65 $21.49 Washington $5.83 $18.93 $24.76 Idaho $5.83 $23.11 $28.94 Utah $5.83 $18.62 $24.46 Wyoming $5.83 $9.61 $15.44 PacifiCorp relies on simulated load shapes tied to weather stations in PacifiCorp's service territory. Weather is a major driver of PacifiCorp's load and in any given month weather results in a range of high and low load conditions. Weather also impacts the hourly timing of energy efficiency savings particularly for measures that are weather dependent. As in the 2023 IRP, PacifiCorp has reshaped daily energy efficiency volumes to better align with seasonal variations in the load forecast. The highest demand for temperature-sensitive end use loads is expected to occur at the time of the winter and summer peaks in PacifiCorp's service territory. For temperature dependent measures, the simulated savings are proportionate with the temperature-sensitive load across in each month, so that the highest savings occur on the highest load days in the load forecast. To 47 PacifiCorp develops this credit from two sets of production dispatch simulations of a given resource portfolio,and each set has two runs with and without DSM. One simulation is on deterministic basis and another on stochastic basis. Differences in production costs between the two sets of simulations determine the dollar per MWh stochastic risk reduction credit. 48 The formula for calculating the $/MWh Power Act credit is: (Bundle price - ((First year MWh savings x market value x 10%) + (First year MWh savings x T&D deferral x 10%))/First year MWh savings. The levelized forward electricity price for the Mid-Columbia market is used as the proxy market value. 172 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 7-RESOURCE OPTIONS capture the time-varying impacts of energy efficiency resources, each bundle uses an annual 8,760 hourly load shape. These shapes reflect measure-level annual energy savings, differentiated by state, sector, market segment, and end use. These hourly impacts are then aggregated for all measures in each bundle to create a single weighted average load shape for that bundle. Distribution Efficiency PacifiCorp continues to develop its CYME CYMDIST® (power flow software) investment in ways that improve engineering response time and, indirectly, distribution system efficiency. In the last biennial period, more than 275 large (Level 2 and Level 3) distributed energy resource (DER) applications were studied in CYME across the Pacific Power and Rocky Mountain Power service areas. This resulted in more than 34 MW (nameplate) of approved private generation across the company. Any energy savings resulting from these approvals across the service territory has not been determined. These distribution energy efficiency activities were not modeled as potential resources in this IRP. Transmission Resources In developing resource portfolios for the 2025 IRP,PacifiCorp included modeling to endogenously select transmission options, in consideration of relevant costs and benefits. These costs are influenced by the type, timing, location, and number of new resources as well as any assumed resource retirements, as applicable, in any given portfolio. Additional information can be found in Volume I, Chapter 8. Market Purchases PacifiCorp and other utilities engage in purchases and sales of electricity on an ongoing basis to balance the system and maximize the economic efficiency of power system operations. Market transactions can encompass a wide variety of product types that can be classified as either forward (entered well in advance of delivery) or spot (entered no more than a day or two before delivery). Currently,the most commonly traded forward products are for heavy load hours (HLH) and/or light load hours (LLH), and are typically for calendar quarters (e.g. "Q3" spanning July, August, and September) or individual months. Other timeframes are less common, but could include super-peak products (noon to 8:00 p.m.). All of the common forward market products represent undifferentiated system power supplied at a point, but forward transactions can also be based on the costs, availability, options, and/or restrictions of specific physical resources. Some examples include slices of hydropower resources, or a tolling agreement for a natural gas-fired resource. Examples of spot market transactions include day-ahead HLH and LLH products, day-ahead hourly transactions in the CAISO market,hour-ahead products, and intra-hour products facilitated by the Western Energy Imbalance Market(EIM). In the next few years, two changes are coming that will change the landscape of markets in both forward and spot timeframes. First, the Western Resource Adequacy Program (WRAP) requires a showing of capacity resources a number of months in advance of the summer and winter seasons. 173 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 7-RESOURCE OPTIONS Current HLH and LLH market products will not count as capacity for WRAP unless the two counterparties agree to a capacity transfer, which may incur a higher cost or reduce a counterparty's willingness to sell. While contracts for physical resources would count as capacity for WRAP, it is unclear how much capacity of that sort is likely to be available,particularly as the many WRAP participants all seek to become compliant. Second, CAISO's Enhanced Day-Ahead Market (EDAM) will expand day-ahead resource optimization beyond the current CAISO footprint and will impact spot market participation. While EDAM takes over much of the optimization function in the day-ahead timeframe, to prevent leaning participants will be required to pass balancing tests to ensure they bring sufficient resources to meet their load, and this may necessitate transactions ahead of the EDAM. In past IRPs, PacifiCorp included front office transactions (FOT) as proxy resource options, assumed to be firm,that represent procurement activity made on an on-going forward basis to help the company cover short positions. Consistent with the current WRAP rules for unspecified-source purchases, FOTs are not included in the calculation of WRAP compliance in the 2025 IRP, so forward market purchases will not count as capacity. While the 2025 IRP does not allow FOTs to meet WRAP compliance requirements, PacifiCorp expects to continue pursuing economic short- term and intermediate term market opportunities that assist with WRAP compliance and/or balancing. Spot market purchases and sales also provide opportunities to economically balance loads and resources. The economic opportunities are expected to be enhanced by the EDAM, relative to current operations, but it is unclear how the EDAM will compare to the IRP model's hourly balancing optimization of market purchase and sales volumes against static hourly market prices. In the EDAM and EIM, market prices are based on marginal supply and demand, so significant increases in supply are likely to reduce prices while increases in demand are likely to increase prices. When demand is high and begins to approach the limits of available supply, economic opportunities will diminish and adequate capacity will still be needed to participate. The 2025 IRP has incorporated historical relationships between daily prices, loads, and resource supply to better account for the impacts of supply and demand; however, it still relies upon a static forecast of prices that do not account for portfolio selections through time. With these various factors in mind, hourly market purchase volumes have been restricted during key hours on the top five load days within each month. These restrictions apply from 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. throughout the year, and in the winter an additional restriction applies in the morning, from 4:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Outside of these hours (and all day on lower load days), market purchases are allowed up to modeled transmission limits. Similarly, hourly market sales volumes have been restricted to historical levels, to avoid increasing reliance on wholesale sales at favorable prices that may not persist in an organized market. Chapter 5 describes the relationship of front office transactions (FOTs) to reliability and WRAP compliance, and FOTs are also considered a resource.Front office transactions can be made years, quarters or months in advance of use, however, they are generally committed to balance PacifiCorp's system on a balance of month,day-ahead,hour-ahead,or intra-hour basis. The terms, points of delivery, and products vary by individual market point. Additional discussion of how FOTs are considered in the 2025 IRP, refer to Chapter 5 and Chapter 8. 174 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 8—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION CHAPTER 8 - MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS • The Integrated Resource Plan(IRP)modeling approach is used to assess the comparative cost, risk, and reliability attributes of resource portfolios. • PacifiCorp used PLEXOS software to produce unique resource portfolios across a range of different planning cases. Informed by the public-input process, PacifiCorp identified case assumptions that were used to produce optimized resource portfolios, each one unique regarding the type, timing, location, and number of new resources that could be pursued to serve customers over the next 21 years.' • The PLEXOS Long-Term (LT model) was used to generate initial portfolios and identify the resulting fixed costs. Each initial portfolio was evaluated for cost and risk among three natural gas price scenarios (low, medium, and high) and three federal carbon dioxide (CO2) policy scenarios (zero compliance requirements,a high price on CO2 emissions, and compliance with current Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) CO2 regulations). An additional CO2 policy scenario was developed to evaluate performance assuming a price signal that aligns with the social cost of greenhouse gases (SC-GHG). Taken together,there are five distinct price-policy scenarios(medium gas/current EPA regulations,medium gas/zero CO2,high gas and coal/high CO2, low gas/zero CO2, and medium gas/social cost of greenhouse gases). • Each initial portfolio was also evaluated in the Short-Term model (ST model) to establish system costs over the entire 21-year planning period. The ST model accounts for resource availability and system requirements at an hourly level, producing reliability and resource value outcomes as well as a present-value revenue requirement (PVRR) which serves as the basis for selecting least-cost least-risk portfolios. • A selection of competitive "variant"portfolios was analyzed using the other four price-policy scenarios in PLEXOS modeling to evaluate how each portfolio performs under differing future market and policy conditions. • Taking into consideration stakeholder comments and regulatory requirements, PacifiCorp produced additional studies that examine the potential impact of portfolio options on the system. • Informed by comprehensive modeling, PacifiCorp's preferred portfolio selection process involves evaluating cost and risk metrics reported from ST reporting and stochastic modeling, comparing resource portfolios based on expected costs, low-probability high-cost outcomes, reliability, CO2 emissions and other criteria. 'PacifiCorp's IRP is typically modeled with a 20-year planning horizon,expanded in the 2025 IRP to 21 years to accommodate a specific Washington State requirement extending through 2045. Some discussions and data graphs in the 2025 IRP will refer to the standard 20-year horizon. 175 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 8—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION [ntroduction IRP modeling is used to assess the comparative cost, risk, and reliability attributes of different resource portfolios, each meeting reliability requirements. These portfolio attributes form the basis of an overall quantitative portfolio performance evaluation. The first section of this chapter describes the screening and evaluation processes for portfolio selection. Following sections summarize portfolio risk analyses, document key modeling assumptions, and describe how this information is used to select the preferred portfolio. The last section of this chapter describes the cases examined at each modeling and evaluation step. The results of PacifiCorp's modeling and portfolio analysis are summarized in Volume I, Chapter 9 (Modeling and Portfolio Selection Results). Modeling and Evaluation Steps All IRP models are configured and loaded with the best available information at the time a model run is produced. Figure 8.1 summarizes the modeling and evaluation steps for the 2025 IRP. The process flow begins at left with the development of key inputs and assumptions. Next, studies are mathematically optimized using PLEXOS software tools2, as illustrated in the six steps at right ("Iterative Optimization", highlighted in blue). Results are evaluated to determine the least-cost least-risk preferred portfolio from among all eligible portfolios. Finally, the preferred portfolio is used to develop the action plan.3 2 PLEXOS technical modeling assumptions and parameters were discussed in the 2025 IRP public input meeting series and in stakeholder feedback. See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#21 (Renewable Northwest). See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#42(First Principals Advisory). 3 The topic of portfolio change was discussed extensively in the 2025 IRP public input meeting series.The modeling and evaluation steps explain how updated inputs are processed—such as updated resource costs as presented in Chapter 7—resulting in new portfolio outcomes. See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#13 (Joan Entwistle). See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#15 (Sierra Club). See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#27(Vote Solar). 176 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 8—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION Figure 8.1 —Portfolio Evaluation Steps within the IRP Process Key Including Planning o ST hourly fuel costs,granularity definitions,operating portfolio constraints,reserve requirements, 1 dispatch weather year data,etc. � �Report 3 LT Expansion ST Model hourly y shortfalls by bubble PreferredPortfolio i Iterative � ' Selected on a least-cost least-risk basis from Optimization competing portfolios -All 6Create LT Calculate 4 Model with ST granularity new SCICCHOR adjustment drivers Process new selection drivers(files, Action Plan scenarios) 5 The portfolio development process in the 2025 IRP is an iterative process, whereby PacifiCorp completes initial Long Term capacity expansion modeling runs for each portfolio. Portfolios are evaluated for cost, reliability and compliance using the Short Term, dispatch focused, modeling results. Data regarding resource value and unserved energy quantities from the Short Term model is fed back into PLEXOS, and the next phase of iterative portfolio optimization is launched. Each cycle through the six steps is one modeling "phase". Iterations continue until the Long Term capacity expansion model has produced a portfolio that demonstrates no unserved energy in the Short Term dispatch model run, and then for several phases thereafter, so as to identify a range of potentially economic candidate portfolios. Each price-policy scenario and each candidate variant study follows this iterative optimization process. Once a completed portfolio phase achieves reliability, as measured using Short Term model results, evaluation is completed and results can be compared to other portfolios. Overview of Steps in an Iterative Phase Step 1 For each case, the long-term (LT) capacity expansion model is run according to the parameters and constraints of the particular study. This results in an expansion plan of selected resources, retirement decisions and transmission option selection. Collectively these selections are called a"portfolio". Step 2 The LT model expansion plan is fed into the short-term (ST) model. The ST model performs an hourly dispatch of the portfolio 177 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 8-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION Step 3 The ST model reports shortfalls as megawatts of unserved energy. These megawatts must be covered for each location(or"bubble") in the IRP transmission topology. Greater detail regarding use of these reported shortfalls to create the reliability adjustment is below. Step 4 The granularity adjustment is calculated as the difference in resource value between the ST model results and the LT model results. This calculation gives the mathematical magnitude of the ST model's superior granularity. Greater detail regarding the calculations which comprise the granularity adjustment is below. Step 5 The reliability shortfalls and granularity adjustments are formatted into data files that can be used in the next phase of the LT model to improve its outcomes. Step 6 The next phase LT model is built in PLEXOS,if necessary,where shortfalls are represented as an additional load requirement and the granularity adjustment is represented as a cost adjustment(either an increase or decrease in costs) to every resource option. Granularity Adjustment Detail The capacity expansion/LT and ST models in PLEXOS each run and solve using a different view of the study horizon. The LT model uses 4 blocks of hours per month over the 21-year horizon. This means the LT model groups similar hours into a block, calculates the average load and resource parameters specific to each block,and then concurrently solves the entire 21-year horizon. In contrast,the ST model concurrently solves (or dispatches) of a given week, or roughly 52 steps per year of 168 hours each,for a specified portfolio of resources as selected in the LT model.When PLEXOS optimizes the system in the 4-block LT view, it calculates a locational marginal price (LMP) specific to each block of hours. The value of a resource in the LT is equal to its generation in each block, multiplied by the LMP during that block specific to its location, and this value is part of the reported results based on the 48 blocks the LT evaluates during each year(4 blocks per month times 12 months). When the ST model dispatches the same resources at an hourly granularity, it calculates the LMP based on hourly conditions, multiplies by a resource's hourly generation, and reports the resulting value for each resource on an annual basis. The ST model also assigns specific resources to hold operating reserves necessary to meet reliability requirements, calculates the marginal price of reserves, and includes this as part of the reported resource value. The mathematical difference between the ST value and the LT value is the granularity adjustment. The 4 blocks used by the LT model include the top ten percent highest net load hours (load net of wind and solar generation), the highest wind generating hours, the highest solar generating hours, and the remainder of the hours. While these blocks are intended to help the LT model differentiate between key resource types, they can't capture the full range of hourly conditions. This adjustment, determined independently in step 4 of each phase of portfolio development, is used in the subsequent phase of the process so as to bring the ST model's finer granularity analysis into the LT model, improving the consistency of capacity expansion. By contrast, in the 2023 IRP, the ST model resource value results were used to inform additional resource selections that were then applied directly in a final run of the ST model. This new 178 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 8-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION iteratively phased approach means that resource selections occur in the LT model using its capacity expansion logic, but with the benefit of the ST model's resource value determinations. Also responsive to stakeholder feedback, a new granularity adjustment is now calculated for every portfolio developed, rather than using one granularity adjustment calculated for each price-policy scenario. This change, while performance and resource intensive, is responsive to stakeholder concerns regarding the limitations of the prior methodology. Figure 8.2 illustrates the calculation of the granularity adjustment, which is completely derived from ST and LT model outputs.A distinct granularity adjustment is calculated for every individual resource in each year of every phase of every study. Figure 8.2 —Granularity Adjustment Determination IF Energy value of a resource's > Energy value of a resource's output in LT Model output in ST Model ♦ Increase Fixed Cos[ ♦ Less likely to pick resource Energy value of a resource's Energy value of a resource's More likely to pick IF output in LT Model output in ST Model ♦ Decrease Fixed Cost ♦ resource This iterative process was carried out for all price-policy scenarios and variant studies. Since each unique granularity adjustment was then fed back into the LT model for the next run, in practice, this means that no two LT model runs have the same granularity adjustment, and each adjustment is wholly dependent upon the performance of resources within that specific portfolio. Reliability Adjustment Detail Stakeholders in the 2023 IRP also identified concerns related to the methodology for making reliability adjustments. For the 2025 IRP, in step 3 of each phase, hourly reliability shortfalls are identified by the ST model to be fed back into the LT model to enhance resource selections. As previously noted, the LT model evaluates average conditions during blocks of hours. While this allows the LT model to solve a long horizon in a reasonable time,the average conditions in a block of hours can result in shortfalls in some hours within a block when viewed with hourly granularity. The ST model is able to identify these hours in its evaluation, and these deficiencies are reported by the ST model as hourly shortfalls. While granularity adjustments are included as an increase or decrease in fixed costs, reliability adjustments are now included as an increase in the load forecast. As with the granularity adjustments these additions are specific to each study's portfolio. However,unlike the granularity adjustment, the shortfall additions to the load file are cumulatively added to the LT need. ST studies are always run with the base load forecast to verify whether LT additions were sufficient to eliminate shortfalls in all hours. In order to avoid diluting singular hourly shortfalls across the entirety of a block, the highest monthly shortfall figure is taken, divided by 4 and applied to each hour in the top ten percent of highest net load hour block. The highest shortfall in a month is divided by 4 to avoid overshooting the total amount of resources needed. As an example, suppose the phase zero portfolio (the very first iteration of the six steps for a particular study)reports a maximum shortfall of 400 megawatts in Wasatch Front on June 8, 2032, at 8 PM. The 400 megawatt shortfall is divided by 4 to create a 100 megawatt adder to Wasatch Front load. This 100 megawatt adder is added to the base load file for all of the top ten percent net load hours in Wasatch Front in June of 2032, and phase 1 is run 179 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 8-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION with the adjusted load file. If the portfolio selected in phase 1 reports a maximum shortfall of 100 megawatts in Wasatch Front in 2032, the same process is undertaken and 25 megawatts is added to all ten percent top net load hours, such that the load for that block is now 125 megawatts higher than the original phase zero load forecast. Once no shortfalls are reported by the ST model (using the base load forecast), the adjusted load file used to select a reliable portfolio continues to be applied so that each later phase includes requirements sufficient to induce the LT model to select a portfolio that is reliable. These adjustments are unique to each price policy scenario/variant. These reliability and granularity adjustments result in an iterative loop from the LT model to the ST model and back to the LT model,with results that evolve over multiple phases. At some point, the process leads to a portfolio that is reliable. Additionally, ongoing granularity adjustments will lead to diminishing returns on cost reductions. The process is considered complete once portfolios are reliable and the present value revenue requirement (PVRR) of reliable portfolios no longer results in additional cost reductions. Cost and Risk Anal Note—PaciftCorp is working to complete the stochastic analysis described below, and will include it in the final published IRP. Sufficiently reliable resource portfolios developed by the LT model are simulated through stochastics to produce metrics that support comparative cost and risk analysis among the different resource portfolio alternatives. New to the 2025 IRP, stochastic risk modeling of resource portfolios is performed using actual historical conditions. These conditions, including weather patterns,thermal outages, fuel and market prices,hydro generation, and wind and solar generation profiles, are mapped to the historical dates underlying PacifiCorp's chaotic normal load forecast. PacifiCorp has 18 distinct years of historical data, and ran each portfolio using historical data for one specific historical year for all years of the 21-year horizon. The results from these runs are used to calculate a risk adjustment which is combined with ST model system costs to achieve a final risk-adjusted PVRR to guide portfolio selection. Portfolio Selection The portfolio selection process is based on modeling results from the resource portfolio development and cost and risk analysis steps. The screening criteria are based on the PVRR of system costs, assessed across a range of price-policy scenarios on a deterministic basis and on an upper-tail stochastic risk basis. Portfolios are ranked using a risk-adjusted PVRR metric, a metric that combines the deterministic PVRR with upper-tail stochastic risk PVRR. The final selection process considers cost-risk rankings,robustness of performance across pricing scenarios and other supplemental modeling results, including reliability,resource adequacy, compliance with all state laws/regulations, and CO2 emissions data as an indicator of risks associated with greenhouse gas emissions. Resource expansion plan modeling, performed with the LT model, is used to produce resource portfolios with sufficient capacity to achieve reliability over the 21-year study horizon by 180 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 8—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION evaluating groups of hours on an aggregated basis.Each resource portfolio is refined for reliability at an hourly granularity during the reliability assessment step as described above. Each portfolio is uniquely characterized by the type, timing, location, and number of new resources in PacifiCorp's system over time. These resource portfolios reflect a combination of planning assumptions such as resource retirements, CO2 prices, wholesale power and natural gas prices, load growth net of assumed private generation penetration levels, cost and performance attributes of potential transmission upgrades, and new and existing resource cost and performance data, including assumptions for new supply-side resources and incremental demand-side management (DSM) resources. Changes to these input variables cause changes to the resource mix, which influences system costs and risks. Long-Term (LT) Capacity Expansion Model In the 2025 IRP, the LT model is used to establish an initial portfolio under expected conditions (medium gas, zero CO2), and then modified for each case,based on study parameters,to eliminate shortfalls and maintain reliability. The LT model operates by minimizing operating costs for existing and prospective new resources, subject to system load balance, reliability, and other constraints. Over the 21-year planning horizon, the model optimizes resource additions subject to resource costs and load constraints. These constraints include seasonal loads, operating reserves, and regulation reserves plus a minimum planning reserve margin (PRM)4 for each load area represented in the model. The resource portfolios developed using the iterative approach outlined at the beginning of this chapter are appropriately reliable to its granularity and performance limitations. Operating reserve requirements include contingency reserves, which are calculated as 3% of load and 3% of generation. The planning reserve margin in the 2025 IRP is based on compliance with the Western Resource Adequacy Program(WRAP) at each load area in the topology,as provided in Figure 8.3. If an early retirement of an existing generating resource is assumed or selected for a given planning scenario, the LT model will select additional resources as required to meet loads plus reliability requirement in each period and location. The LT model may also select additional resources that are more economic than an existing generating resource. In the 2025 IRP, the model is simultaneously considering resource additions for reliable and economic system operation both before and after existing generation resources retire, as well as the years in which to retire existing resources. To accomplish these optimization objectives, the LT model performs a least-cost dispatch for existing and potential planned generation, while considering cost and performance of existing contracts and new DSM alternatives within PacifiCorp's transmission system. Resource dispatch is based on representative data blocks for each of the 12 months of every year. To enhance the ability of the LT model to differentiate key resource types and system conditions, for the 2025 IRP, each month was split into four blocks of hours based on load,wind, and solar,based on wind and solar generation profiles based on weather conditions during the specific days used to develop PacifiCorp's chaotic normal load forecast: a The PLEXOS model uses `capacity reserve margin' for what PacifiCorp has traditionally described as `planning reserve margin' ("PRM").While capacity reserve margin is slightly more precise,PRM is used in the 2023 IRP to reduce confusion over the use of multiple similar terms and because PRM is the industry standard term. 181 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 8—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION 1. The top ten percent highest net load hours. 10% is approximately 70 hours per month, or an average of 2-3 per day, though some days may not have any hours in this group at all. 2. The top ten percent highest wind generation hours on a system basis. 3. The top ten percent highest solar generation hours on a system basis. 4. All other hours The result of this modeling is to indicate to the LT model that wind and solar have very high availability in some hours,and very low availability in others.This would be expected to contribute to more moderate selections of wind and solar, as they will saturate some periods and have lower value. It would also be expected to contribute to selections of storage and peaking resources, targeted to cover periods in which wind and solar provide little generation supply. PLEXOS LT model dispatch among blocks of hours in a month is not chronological, so it cannot constrain energy storage charging and discharging,except to ensure that over the course of a month these remain balanced. But within that limitation, PLEXOS determines generation and storage dispatch, optimal electricity flows between zones, and optimal market transactions for system balancing. The model minimizes the system PVRR, which includes the net present value cost of existing contracts, market purchase costs, market sale revenues, generation costs (fuel, fixed and variable operation and maintenance, decommissioning, emissions, unserved energy, and unmet capacity),costs of DSM resources,amortized capital costs for existing coal resources and potential new resources, and costs for potential transmission upgrades. Key modeling elements and inputs for the LT capacity expansion model include the following: Transmission System PacifiCorp uses a transmission topology that captures major load centers, generation resources, and market hubs interconnected via firm transmission paths.' Transfer capabilities across transmission paths are based upon the firm transmission rights of PacifiCorp's merchant function, including transmission rights from PacifiCorp's transmission function and other regional transmission providers. 5 Continued interest was expressed on stakeholder feedback regarding the assumption of a Wyoming market hub to represent the opportunity afforded by certain transmission constraints. In light of the restrictions on the types of market products that can count toward WRAP capacity requirements,PacifiCorp's modeling does not count any short-term market products toward WRAP compliance,and has limited market purchases at all points during the highest load conditions in each month,to represent potential market liquidity limits. See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#39(Western Resource Advocates). 182 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 8—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION Figure 8.3—Transmission System Model Topology with Major Options 2025 IRP Washington Transmission topology Chehalis Yaklmal dillg® Montana Walla Walla Mid-C 4 $ Montana BPA NIM McNary Portland I N.Coast 4 NOB I 1 Q IN PvQ $ _ - W y o m I n g Central OR Goshen vwnaa,ette Vail, ;C Longhorn }n® WyQo g North t Tiro 111111 l t r x o n ?y Bridger D2.2/D1.2 1 Wyoming anmme. Nemingway•g2 BorahPopl D3 D3 Add'I..�®east sonu,OR Zak. NUT Wyoming "�C ® Segme qi1® 4ejt® r'Tr�orna Oil® WMch Front 50-o'AQ2 Lii®N Ga% Nay COB $ J Nevada Utah Clover Mona Colorado Colorado West East Utah South Q Load t q am IN Generation California 4 Corners $ © Purchase/Sale Markets � Mead ® Contracts/Exchanges (Harry Alen) N e w M e x l c o *--► PacifiCorp Transmission Rights *--► Transmission Capacity Options F► Boardman to Hemingway`� N Internal Capacity Integration Option Palo Verde $RM O Arizona This map is for general reference only regarding IRP topology. PacifiCorp is reevaluating the timing and needs analysis underlying 13211 because of factors such as changed native load growth and a lack of capacity available on neighboring transmission systems to deliver to load pockets. Figure 8.3 illustrates the 2025 IRP modeled topology where each transmission area or"bubble" is defined by any load and generation capability, it's location on the system and its connections to other bubbles. Transmission Options In addition to topology,Figure 8.3 illustrates modeled options for endogenous selection by the LT model. Over a span of three public input meetings, PacifiCorp presented information about transmission modeling as it was developed and presented interconnection and Cluster study results used to establish resource and transmission options based on the best available data.6,7 "Interconnection" requires modifications, additions, or upgrades to physically and electrically connect a generating facility to the transmission system. Which requirements apply can be 6 Wildfire mitigation in the context of transmission was discussed in the 2025 IRP public input meeting series and stakeholder feedback. See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#18(Wyoming Office of Consumer Advocate). 7 Transmission modeling,cluster studies and details of resource-to-transmission relationships were discussed extensively during the 2025 IRP public input meeting series and in stakeholder feedback. See Appendix M, stakeholder feedback form#40(Renewable Northwest). 183 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 8-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION impacted by the generation facility type, detailed project specifications, location, prior/existing generation facilities and load. Studies needed to identify interconnection requirements are interdependent and extensive. Interconnection is carefully regulated for the safety,reliability,and efficiency of the electrical grid. Requests for interconnection made by any project are regulated and managed in various ways, such as: • Serial queue: Signed agreements and near-final serial queue requests. • Transition Cluster: Remaining serial queue requests and 2020 requests. • Cluster Study 1: Spring 2021 requests. • Cluster Study 2: Spring 2022 requests. • Cluster Study 3: Spring 2023 requests • Colstrip: Interconnection to jointly-owned Colstrip transmission assets. • Surplus: Interconnection of additional resources at the same point as an existing generator, with aggregate output not exceeding the existing limit. • Provisional: Interconnection study identifies maximum permissible output before transmission upgrades that are not yet in service. • Oregon Community Solar: projects under 3MW seeking to participate in the Oregon Community Solar program. • Informational Studies:Informational only,proposal and results are not considered part of later interconnection requests and cannot lead to an interconnection agreement. The process of evaluating the viability of future projects is complex and time-consuming,resulting in many pending interconnection requests. In 2020, PacifiCorp transitioned from a serial queue study process (one generator at a time) to an annual cluster study process (one study for all new requests in a given area). In the 2023 IRP PacifiCorp significantly enhanced its study of resource and transmission potential to better align with project expectations and costs resulting from these advanced studies. For the 2025 IRP,PacifiCorp has transitioned to using cluster studies to indicate the earliest year a resource type is eligible for selection in any given location (as well as using recent cluster study data as compiled by PacifiCorp Transmission to indicate potential transmission upgrades and costs). Cluster studies are described further in Chapter 4. Surplus Interconnections Surplus interconnections add more generation to an existing interconnection without requiring additional transmission lines. However, while installed nameplate capacity is increased at a site, the total megawatt output at any given time at that location cannot exceed the original interconnection capacity. Added generation can be of the same type and can take the form of additional generating unit or increased generation capability, such as wind repowering resulting in higher nameplate capacity than the existing interconnection. In the event an added resource is of a different type, a hybrid is created. For example, a hybrid resource combination of solar,wind and storage allow a higher net capacity factor among all three resources, increasing overall generation, while avoiding the need for added transmission. 184 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 8—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION PacifiCorp has submitted surplus interconnection requests to evaluate the addition of solar to several wind resource sites in Wyoming. Transmission Costs In developing resource portfolios for the 2025 IRP,PacifiCorp included modeling to endogenously select transmission options, in consideration of relevant costs and benefits. These costs are influenced by the type, timing, location, and number of new resources as well as any assumed resource retirements, as applicable, in any given portfolio. Resource Adequacy In its 2025 IRP, PacifiCorp included the monthly planning reserve margin requirements from the Western Resource Adequacy Program (WRAP) in the LT model. The planning reserve margin applies in all periods and must be met by available resources within that area or imports from adjacent areas with excess resources available, subject to transmission constraints. While WRAP is expected to enhance reliability, the monthly capacity contribution values assigned to each resource may not be sufficient to meet hourly requirements in every location, so it does not eliminate the need for reliability assessment. Taken together,these reliability requirements ensure that PacifiCorp has sufficient resources to meet load in all periods,recognizing the uncertainty for load fluctuation and extreme weather conditions, fluctuation of variable generation resources, a possibility for unplanned resource outages, and reliability requirements to carry sufficient contingency and regulating reserves. Granularity and Reliability Adjustments As detailed during the 2025 IRP public-input process, the granularity adjustment reflects the difference in economic value in resource options and transmission between an hourly 8760 cost calculation in ST modeling, and the monthly blocking representation used in the LT model.' This adjustment is needed because resources with high variable costs that are rarely dispatched may provide a large value in a few intervals in the ST study, while not dispatching in any of the LT model blocks. Also, storage resources allow for arbitrage among high value and low value hours in each day; however, the block granularity smooths out many of the storage arbitrage opportunities and also doesn't fully capture the effect of storage duration limits. In parallel with the granularity adjustment, the reliability adjustment addresses unmet capacity needs by hour in the LT model portfolio selection. Much of the peak load hour requirements in mid-afternoon in the summer are adequately met by solar resources. However, resource requirements are driven by portfolio-dependent net load peaks (load less renewable resource output), which are harder for the LT model to identify. While the granularity and reliability adjustments help direct the LT model to more cost-effective resources and a more reliable portfolio, in a single pass,the LT model cannot guarantee reliability at an hourly operational level. Marginal benefits decline as any resource type becomes a larger a See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#17(Oregon Public Utilities Commission)for responses to questions regarding modeling transmission and granularity adjustments. The method for evaluating granularity value for transmission is the same as for supply-side resources,in that the model reports values used for the granularity adjustments based on the resource's contribution to reducing cost and risk. See also Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#36(Sierra Club). 185 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 8—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION share of a portfolio, as it saturates the need in the hours it is available. A similar effect occurs with storage, where each incremental MW of system storage capacity must cover a longer duration. Because of the performance limitations of capacity expansion optimization, the ST model is leveraged to refine the portfolio to achieve a final balanced and reliable mix of resources, as described under the Cost and Risk Analysis section of this analysis, further below. Thermal Resource Options Continuing best practice from the 2023 IRP, all majority-owned and operated coal plant sites are considered candidates for surplus interconnection in the 2025 IRP. Other renewable technologies can be added prior to the coal plant's retirement, with the aggregate of the existing and surplus resource output limited to the current maximum output of the coal resource. As a result, the LT model simultaneously evaluates the value of surplus resources both before and after the associated coal units retire, while at the same time evaluating when, or whether, they should retire. Table 8.1 and Table 8.2 report the coal unit options modeled in the 2025 IRP, whereas Table 8.3 summarizes the options available for natural gas-fired units. Table 8.1 —Majority-Owned Coal Generator Resource Options9,I0 Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 2025 12026 12027 12028 2029 2030 2031 2032 12033 12034 2035 2036 1203712038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 20" 2045 Coal 2028thru 2045 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cofire-2030/2039111(d Dual Fuel - Gas Coal-CCS 2030 CC5+45Q CCS Dave Johnston l aod2 2025 12026 1 2027 2028 2029 2030 12031 1 20321 2033 12034 12035 1 2036 2037 1 2038 1 2039 12040 1 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 Coal 2028-2029/Gas Conv.2029 - lGas - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dave Johnston 3 2025 12026 12027 20281 2029 2030 12031 12032 12033 12034 12035 12036 12037 12038 1 2.039 12040 12041 2042 2043 2044 2045 Coal 2028 Retired Dave Johnston 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 Coal 2028thru 2045 - _ _ Cofire-2030/2039111(d) Dual Fuel - Gas - CoalCCS+SCR 2032 CCS+45Q CCS - Wyodak 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 Coal 2028 thru 2045 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cofire-2030/2039111(d) Dual Fuel - - - - - - - - Gas - - - - - - CoalCCS+SCR2032 CCS+45Q CCS - Hunterl-3 2025 12026 12027 1 2028 2029 1 2030 12031 2032 12033 1203412035 12036 12037 12038 1 2039 1204012041 1 2042 2043 2044 2045 Coal 2028 thru 2045 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cofire Alt.Fuel-2030/2D391111d Dual Fuel - Alt.Fuel- CoalCCS+SCR 2032 CCS+45Q CCS - Huntington 1-2 2025 12026 12027 2028 1 2029 1 2030 12031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 12040 2041 2042 2043 20" 2045 Coal 2028 thru 2045 - - - - - Cofire Alt.Fuel-2030/20391111d IDualFuel - Alt.Fuel- - CoalCCS+SCR2032 i CCS+45Q CCS - Key Default/current operation 45Q CCS Retirement Option Alternative Fuel Gas conversion option Assumed retired 9 While 111(d)compliance can be met with dual fuel operations in 2030-2038,due to engineering uncertainty and modeling complexity,starting in 2030 100%of the fuel input for these options comes from natural gas or alternative fuel.For Hunter and Huntington,which are not located in proximity to natural gas pipeline transport,the alternative fuel modeled in the 2025 IRP is biodiesel. 10 After the filing of the 2023 IRP Update on March 31,2024,a change occurred in the timing of implementation of carbon capture on Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4.CCS assumption for these units is updated for the 2025 IRP. See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#5(Powder River Basin). 186 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 8—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION Table 8.2 -Minority-Owned Coal Generator Resource Options Minority-Owned Units 2025 12026 12027 12028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 Colstrip 3 PAC share moves to Unit 4 Colstrip 4 Includes Unit 3 share Craig 1 Craig 2 Hayden 1 Hayden 2 Key Default/current operation Assumed retired Table 8.3 - Natural Gas Generator Resource Optionsii Chehalis 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 Gas-2028 thru 2045 _ Cofire/non-emitting 2030 Currant Creek 2025 1 2026 1 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 Gas-2028 thru 2045 _ Hermiston 1/2 2025 2026 2027 2023 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 1 2042 2043 2044 2045 Gas-2028 thru 2039/Alt.Fuel Jim Bridger Units land 2 2025 1 2026 1 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 Gas 2028 thru 2045 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lakeside 1 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 Gas-2028 thru 2045 Lakeside 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 '037M1032 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 Gas-2028 thru 2045 _ _ _Nau hton Units Sand 2 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 20372040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 Gas-2026 thru 2045 _ _Naughton Unit3 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2 337 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 Gas-2028 thru 2045 _ _ _Gadsby Steam 1-3 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 Gas 2028thru 2045Gadsby Crs 4-6 2025 202 22027 2028 2029 20302031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 Gas 2028 thru 2045 Key Default/current operation Alternative Fuel Retirement option Current(Coal) Assumed retired New Resource Options Demand-Side Mannement Energy efficiency resources are characterized with supply curves that represent achievable technical potential of the resource by state, by year, and by measures specific to PacifiCorp's service territory. For modeling purposes, these data are aggregated into cost bundles. Each cost bundle of the energy efficiency supply curves specifies the aggregate energy savings profile of all measures included within the cost bundle. Each cost bundle has both a summer and winter capacity contribution based on aggregate energy savings during on-peak hours in July and December aligning with periods where PacifiCorp is most likely to exhibit capacity shortfalls. Demand response resources, representing direct load control capacity resources, are also characterized with supply curves representing achievable technical potential by state and by year for specific direct load control program categories (i.e., air conditioning, irrigation, and commercial curtailment). Operating characteristics include variables such as total number of hours per year and hours per event that the demand response resource is available. Wind and Solar Resources " PacifiCorp has insufficient detail at this time to evaluate alternative fueling options at its Chehalis and Hermiston natural gas-fired facilities,particularly in light of possible impacts on cost-allocation and market participation,and has adopted Action Plan item 1 h to advance options for potential implementation by 2030. 187 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 8-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION Proxy wind and solar resources available for inclusion in the preferred portfolio are dispatchable by the model up to fixed energy profiles that vary by day and month. The fixed energy profiles for wind and solar resources are based on the weather conditions from the same historical days used to develop the load forecast. The ability for wind and solar resources to reliably meet demand over time is impacted by the forecasted profiles, along with mix of other resources in the portfolio. Non-Emitting Resources Four non-0O2-emitting thermal resources are considered: nuclear projects, small renewable fuel peaking resources, geothermal resources, and non-emitting hydrogen peaking units leveraging on- site electrolysis with 24 hours of tank storage.Nuclear resources and geothermal are characterized by continuous operation, with the Natrium project combining this operation with storage in the form of heat stored as molten salt. In contrast, peaking resources are designed to run infrequently to support system reliability by dispatching only when needed to meet shortfalls. The small renewable peaking resource for the 2025 IRP is assumed to use biodiesel or renewable diesel,both of which are commercially available.While combustion of these fuels releases CO2 it is not derived from fossil sources and is eligible to meet compliance requirements in both Oregon and Washington. Energy Storage Resources Energy storage resources are distinguished from other resources by the following three attributes: • Energy take — generation or extraction of energy from a storage reservoir for a specified period; • Energy return—energy used to fill (or charge) a storage reservoir; and • Storage cycle efficiency—an indicator of the energy loss involved in storing and extracting energy over the course of the take-return cycle. Modeling energy storage resources requires specification of the size of the storage reservoir, defined in gigawatt-hours. The model dispatches a storage resource to optimize energy used by the resource subject to constraints such as storage-cycle efficiency,the daily balance of take and return energy, and variable costs, if applicable. Market Purchases Market purchases are transactions by the company's front office and represent short-term firm agreements for physical delivery of power. PacifiCorp is active in the western wholesale power markets and routinely makes short-term firm market purchases for physical deliveries on a forward basis (i.e., future months or quarters, balance of month, day-ahead, and hour-ahead). These transactions are used to balance PacifiCorp's system as market and system conditions become more certain when the time between an effective transaction date and real time delivery is reduced. Balance of month and day-ahead physical firm market purchases are most routinely acquired through a broker or an exchange, such as the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE). Hour-ahead transactions can also be made through an exchange. For these types of transactions, the broker or the exchange provides a competitive price. Non-brokered transactions can also be used to make firm market purchases among a wide range of forward delivery periods. 188 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 8—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION From a modeling perspective, it is not feasible to incorporate all of the short-term firm physical power products, differing by delivery pattern and delivery period, which are available through brokers, exchanges, and non-brokered transactions. However, considering that PacifiCorp routinely uses these types of firm transactions, which obligate the seller to back the transaction with reserves when balancing its system, it is important that the contribution of short-term firm market purchases is accounted for in the portfolio-development process. Capital Costs Annual capital recovery factors are used to convert capital investment dollars into nominal levelized revenue requirement costs. Use of nominal levelized revenue requirement costs is an established methodology for analyzing capital-intensive resource decisions among resource alternatives that have unequal lives and/or when it is not feasible to capture operating costs and benefits over the entire life of any given resource. To achieve this, the nominal levelized revenue requirement method spreads the return of investment (book depreciation), return on investment (equity and debt), property taxes, income taxes, and demolition costs over the life of the investment. The result is an annuity or annual payment that remains constant such that the PVRR is identical to the PVRR of the nominal requirement when using the same nominal discount rate. General Assumptions Study Period and Date Conventions PacifiCorp executes its 2025 IRP models for a 21-year period beginning January 1, 2025 and ending December 31, 2045. Future IRP resources reflected in model simulations are given an in- service date of January 1 st of a given year, except for coal unit natural gas conversions,which are given an in-service date of June 1 st of a given year, recognizing the desired need for these alternatives to be available during the summer peak load period after ceasing coal-fired operation at the end of the prior year. Inflation Rates The 2025 IRP simulations and cost data reflect PacifiCorp's corporate inflation rate schedule unless otherwise noted. A single annual escalation rate value of 2.18 percent is assumed. This escalation rate reflects the average of annual inflation rate projections for the period 2025 through 2045,using PacifiCorp's September 2024 inflation curve.PacifiCorp's inflation curve is a straight average of forecasts for the Gross Domestic Product inflator and the Consumer Price Index. Discount Factor The discount rate used in present-value calculations is based on PacifiCorp's after-tax weighted average cost of capital (WACC). The value used for the 2025 IRP is 6.69 percent. The use of the after-tax WACC complies with the Public Utility Commission of Oregon's IRP guideline la, which requires that the after-tax WACC be used to discount all future resource costs.12 PVRR figures reported in the 2025 IRP are reported in 2024 dollars. 12 Public Utility Commission of Oregon,Order No. 07-002,Docket No.UM 1056,January 8,2007. 189 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 8—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION CO2 Price Scenarios PacifiCorp used three different CO2 price scenarios in the 2025 IRP—zero, high, and a price forecast that aligns with the social cost of greenhouse gases (SCGHG), plus a scenario reflecting compliance with current federal regulations including the currently published EPA rule I I I(d). The high greenhouse gas scenario is derived from forecasts of greenhouse gas costs in Washington and California, but is applied like a federal obligation throughout the system starting in 2030. Impacts in the scenario which includes current federal regulations also become relevant in 2030, as coal-fired resources must select between retirement, carbon capture, or co-firing by this time. The SCGHG scenario is in compliance with Washington RCW 19.280.030 including an adjusted cost of greenhouse gas emissions reflecting inflation, defined by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission.13 The social cost of greenhouse gas emissions is assumed to apply in all years of the study horizon. The social cost of greenhouse gases is applied such that the price for the SC-GHG is reflected in market prices and dispatch costs for the purposes of developing each portfolio (i.e., incorporated into capacity expansion optimization modeling). Aligned with Washington staff suggested treatment, system operations also include the SC-GHG once the portfolios are determined, presenting the risk that this operational assumption will not be aligned with actual market forces (i.e., market transactions at the Mid-Columbia market do not reflect the social cost of greenhouse gases and PacifiCorp does not directly incur emission costs at the price assumed for the social cost of greenhouse gases). In all scenarios, emissions from the Chehalis natural gas plant incur the forecasted cost of allowances under the cap-and-invest program established in the Climate Commitment Act passed by the Washington Legislature in 2021.14 This is in addition to the assumed federal CO2 policy represented in the zero, high, and social cost of greenhouse gas scenarios described above. The modeled allowance cost is based on the allowance cost cap identified by the Washington Department of Ecology, and starts at$88 metric ton in 2024.1s 13 Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission,Order 05,Docket No.U-190730,July 25,2024. Available online at:https:Hapiproxy.utc.wa.gov/cases/GetDocument?docID=27&year=2019&docketNumber=190730 (Accessed 11/8/2024). 14 Stakeholder feedback requested modeling Chehalis without consideration of Washington's Climate Commitment Act.Notwithstanding that certain commissions have declined to allow the company to recover these costs,the company continues to incur these costs,which are therefore modeled. See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form #19(Wyoming Office of Consumer Advocate). 15 Washington Cap-and-Invest Program 2024 Annual Allowance Price Containment Reserve Tier Price and Price Ceiling Unit Price Notice. December 2023. Available online at: https:Happs.ecology.wa.gov/publications/documents/2302066.pdf(Accessed 11/8/2024). 190 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 8—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION Figure 8.4 —COz Prices Modeled by Price-Policy Scenario $360 �WA CCA CO2 $340 (ChehaUs) $320 — —231RP(M) $300 ---231RP(H) $280 $260 t 251RP SCGHG $240 25 IRP HH $220 `per —CACO2 $180 o $160 z $140 i $120 $100 r_-.---�--�—r— — $8o $4 ti1 tip 1016 1011 10p OO O'" 1011 IR, 011 1§01 1100 11O11 OO Ipc, tiOO 11�1 11P tiOP tiOUb 11P Wholesale Electricity and Natural Gas Forward Prices For 2025 IRP modeling purposes, five electricity price forecasts were used: the official forward price curve(OFPC)and four scenarios.Unlike scenarios,which are alternative spot price forecasts, the OFPC represents PacifiCorp's official quarterly outlook. The OFPC is compiled using market forwards, followed by a market-to-fundamentals blending period that transitions to a pure fundamentals-based forecast. At the time PacifiCorp's 2025 IRP modeling inputs were prepared,the September 2024 OFPC was the most current OFPC available. For both gas and electricity, starting with the prompt month, the front 36 months of the OFPC reflects market forwards at the close of a given trading day.16 As such, these 36 months are market forwards as of September 2024. The blending period (months 37 through 48) is calculated by averaging the month-on-month market forward from the prior year with the month-on-month fundamentals-based price from the subsequent year. The fundamentals portion of the natural gas OFPC reflects an expert third-party price forecast. The fundamentals portion of the electricity OFPC reflects prices as forecast by AURORAxmp17 (Aurora), a WECC- wide market model. Aurora uses the expert third-party natural gas price forecast to produce a consistent electricity price forecast for market hubs in which PacifiCorp participates. PacifiCorp updates its natural gas price forecasts each quarter for the OFPC and, as a corollary,the electricity OFPC is also updated. Scenarios using high or low gas prices do not incorporate any market forwards since scenarios are designed to reflect an alternative view to that of the market.. As such,the low and high natural gas price scenarios are purely fundamental forecasts.Low and high natural gas price scenarios are also 16 The September 2024 OFPC prompt month is November 2024;October 2024 would be traded as"balance of month"when the OFPC is released. 17 AURORAxmp is a proprietary production cost simulation model,developed by Energy Exemplar,LLC. 191 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 8—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION derived from an expert third-party forecast. Similarly, the SCGHG scenario does not incorporate any market forwards since that greenhouse gas policy represents an alternative view that applies throughout the study period. New to the 2025 IRP, in response to stakeholder feedback and requests related to volatility in coal pricing, the high gas and market price-policy scenario also includes an elevated coal fuel supply cost. This represents risks such as supply-chain issues as well as the potential for increased transportation costs or other increased variable coal costs which are not present in the base forecast for coal pricing.18 Figure 8.5 summarizes the five wholesale electricity price forecasts and three natural gas price forecasts used in the base and scenario cases for the 2025 IRP. Figure 8.5—Nominal Wholesale Electricity and Natural Gas Price Scenarios Wholesale Electricity Prices Natural Gas Prices Ay erage of Palo Verde and.kfid-C(Flat) Henry Hub $120 $14 $110 $13 $100 $12 $90 $11 $>m $10 $50 ---- Ee $Q as -- $zo $3 $z $10 $1 so .n $0 N N N N N b0o0o NAy0 000< 10 . e " o2N n s - - r e " o 1nW 0r- 00a 80 0' aH181Z: -aH222223 N NN . NNN N N NNNN11 h1 " 11 " NN11NN NNN � 8 N N N N .....Nlgas_1fCO2(�f r 2os1) •e■••Xh;g _\fCd:(Sep 20=) .....Medium(�tsr 2021) —Med®(5�2021) - - -Lgas_00O2(Sep 2022) —lips (Sep 2022) —Hgu_HCO2(Sep 2022) —I1ge:_SCO2(Sep 2022) _ _ _Low(Sep 2022) Ifth(SQ 2022) Cost and Risk Analysis Short-Term (ST) Schedule Model The ST model uses the same common input assumptions described for the LT model coupled with the portfolio selected by the LT model. LT results provide the initial capacity expansion plan for the ST model to dispatch. 11 Coal supply,costs and risks were discussed in the 2025 IRP public input meeting series and stakeholder feedback. In the 2025 IRP,PacifiCorp considers base coal cost assumptions,the Jim Bridger Long-term Fuel Plan sensitivity, and coal-related variant studies.For stakeholder feedback and responses: See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#28(Utah Citizens Advocating Renewable Energy). See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#29(Utah Clean Energy). See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#30(Katie Pappas). See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#31 (Jane Myers). See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#32(Sara Kenney). 192 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 8-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION Reliability Assessment and System Cost The ST model begins with a portfolio from the LT model that has not yet been refined to reflect the reliability and compliance needs of a particular study (e.g., a particular sensitivity or price- policy scenario). The ST model is first run at an hourly level for 21 years in order to retrieve two critical pieces of data: 1) shortfalls by hour, and 2) the value of every potential resource to the system that is specific to the portfolio itself, and the other input assumptions, such as the price- policy scenario. As discussed at the start of the chapter, these data points are fed back into the LT model to prompt endogenous selections of resources that lead to a reliable portfolio. Resource Value PLEXOS calculates a locational marginal price (LMP) specific to each area in each hour that is based on supply and demand in that area and available imports and exports on transmission links to adjacent areas. This is also known as a shadow price. PLEXOS also calculates the marginal price specific to ancillary services(i.e., operating reserves)in each hour. PLEXOS then multiplies these prices by a resource's optimized energy and operating reserve provision for each hour and reports the total as a resource's estimated revenue. In an organized market, this would represent the expected payments based on market-clearing prices. When variable costs (such as fuel, emissions, and VOM) are subtracted out, the result is a resource's "net revenue". Net revenue provides a clear model-optimized assessment of every resource's value to the system,which is then used to assess resource additions needed to preserve reliable operation of the system. While the net revenue approach is demonstrably superior to past resource value measures, especially as it is evaluated simultaneously for all potential resources, modeling capabilities, net revenue has limitations that should be acknowledged. Net revenue represents the value of the last MW of capacity from a given resource—as resources grow larger, the average value from the first MW of capacity to the last MW of capacity will tend to be somewhat higher than the reported marginal value. Conversely, adding more of a particular resource will result in declining values. While marginal prices will be very high in hours with supply shortfalls, this only indirectly contributes to reliable operation by helping to identify beneficial replacement resources. Once sufficient resources are added, shortfalls will mostly be eliminated, and marginal prices will again reflect the variable cost of an available resource. Portfolio Refinements While many resource options are evaluated,utility scale generation resources are mostly restricted to two circumstances: surplus or replacement resources at generators that are eligible to retire, and new resources at locations with interconnection or transmission upgrade options.New for the 2025 IRP, small resources (those with a capacity of fewer than 20 megawatts) are eligible to be sited within any of the load regions and unconstrained by new transmission requirements, as PacifiCorp's studies have shown resources that are sufficiently small and sized consistent with the local grid can be feasible without large transmission investments.Like small resources,PacifiCorp has added a"local"battery option within each of the load areas which is available for selection at a higher cost than those co-located with other resources (per the supply side table). 193 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 8-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION These interconnection and transmission upgrade options are limited and can be expensive. Replacing existing thermal generators with resources that provide only a portion of their interconnection capacity in "firm" capacity creates a need for additional interconnection capacity elsewhere, and a key strategy is maximizing the "firmness" of each MW of interconnection capacity to provide greater value. For this reason, the modeling of replacement and expansion resources is not limited by the nameplate of resources being added, but rather to by an hourly maximum generation constraint.As such,the model is able to select any combination of resources leading to a smoothing of hourly capacity among various renewable or peaking/firm resources. Within a transmission constraint, batteries are assumed to always be co-located with other resources, enabling them to shift energy accumulated during periods of high solar radiance, wind speed or other generation, and increase the effective capacity contribution of the combination of resources in a given location. Portfolio Cost The second run of the ST model produces an optimized dispatch of each portfolio to reflect least- cost operations while meeting all requirements and adhering to modeled constraints. The ST model's hourly granularity means that this system cost will be highly accurate,taking into account operational nuances that are obscured in the less granular LT model. This in turn means that when evaluating the constellation of all competitive portfolios, the comparison will be based on appropriate relationships among all system components to yield an accurate PVRR. Additional Measures • Annual and energy not served (ENS) • Annual CO2 emissions. Stochastic Modeling Once unique resource portfolios are developed using the LT and ST models, additional modeling is performed to produce metrics that support comparative cost and risk analysis among the different resource portfolio alternatives. For the 2025 IRP, stochastic risk modeling of resource portfolio alternatives is performed with the ST model. The standard ST model inputs reflect a normalized view of future conditions that reflects the typical range of outcomes. For stochastic modeling in the 2025 IRP, alternative inputs are used that reflect conditions analogous to actual results in a specific historical. Stochastic inputs for the 2025 IRP have been expanded and now include wind and solar generation profiles, along with the energy efficiency profiles for weather-sensitive bundles, in addition to the variables reflected in past IRPs: load, wholesale electricity and natural gas prices, hydro generation, and thermal unit outages. Volume II, Appendix H (Stochastics) discusses the methodology for developing the stochastic inputs for the 2025 IRP. Note—PacifiCorp is working to complete the stochastic analysis described above, and will include it in the final published IRP. 194 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 8-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION Monte Carlo Simulation For the 2025 IRP, PacifiCorp has data reflecting eighteen discrete annual conditions, specifically the historical data and variances from 2006-2023 for each of the stochastic inputs. By running eighteen ST model scenarios covering each of these conditions, results can encompass the full range of conditions. However, each of these ST model scenarios represents conditions from a single year repeating in every year of the study horizon, with slight differences from year to year to account for days of the week,plus load growth, climate change impacts on load and hydro, and changes in the resource portfolio. For instance, every year from 2025-2045 would be a dry hydro year(below average). There are benefits to compiling the results in this way, as it will be easier to identify specific historical weather conditions that are leading to high costs and ENS. But to produce portfolio performance measures, Monte Carlo sampling of the annual results may be appropriate,particularly for assessment of multi-year compliance requirements such as renewable portfolio standards (RPS) and Washington's Clean Energy Transformation Act(CETA). Stochastic Portfolio Performance Measures Stochastic simulation results for each unique resource portfolio are summarized, enabling direct comparison among resource portfolio results during the preferred portfolio selection process. The cost and risk stochastic measures reported from the Monte Carlo annual draws include: • Stochastic mean PVRR • Upper-tail Mean PVRR • 5th,90th and 95th percentile PVRR • Standard deviation • Risk-adjustment(5% of the 95th percentile) • Energy Not Served(ENS) • Environmental Compliance: Washington CETA and Oregon HB 2021 Stochastic Mean PVRR The stochastic mean PVRR is the average of system net variable operating costs among 20 iterations, combined with the nominal levelized capital costs and fixed costs corresponding to the LT model for any given resource portfolio. The net variable cost from stochastic simulations, expressed as a net present value,includes system costs for fuel,variable O&M,long term contracts, system balancing market purchase expenses and sales revenues,reserve deficiency costs, and ENS costs applicable when available resources fall short of load obligations. Capital costs for new and existing resources are calculated on a nominal-levelized basis. Other components in the stochastic mean PVRR include CO2 emission costs for any scenarios that include a CO2 price assumption. The stochastic mean PVRR, is not used directly in portfolio selection; instead, the more granular ST PVRR serves as the base measure of net system cost,modified appropriately by stochastic risk. Upper-Tail Mean PVRR The upper-tail mean PVRR is a measure of high-end stochastic cost risk. This measure is derived by identifying the Monte Carlo iterations with the three highest production costs on a net present value basis. The portfolio's fixed costs, taken from the LT model, are added to these three production costs, and the arithmetic average of the resulting PVRRs is computed. 195 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 8-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION 5th and 951h Percentile PVRR The 51h and 95th percentile PVRRs are also reported from the 20 Monte Carlo iterations. These measures capture the extent of upper-tail(high cost)and lower-tail(low cost) stochastic outcomes. As described above, the 95th percentile PVRR is used to derive the high-end cost risk premium for the risk-adjusted mean PVRR measure. The 5th percentile PVRR is reported for informational purposes. Production Cost Standard Deviation To capture production cost volatility risk, PacifiCorp uses the standard deviation of the stochastic production cost from the 20 Monte Carlo iterations. The production cost is expressed as a net present value of annual costs over the IRP horizon. This measure meets Oregon IRP guidelines to report a stochastic measure that addresses the variability of costs in addition to a measure addressing the severity of bad outcomes. Risk-Adjustment The model outcomes of the 20 stochastic samples are used to calculate a risk-adjustment measuring the relative risk of low-probability,high-cost outcomes. This measure is calculated as five percent of system variable costs from the 95th percentile. This metric expresses a low-probability portfolio cost outcome as a risk premium based on 20 Monte Carlo simulations for each resource portfolio and applied to the hourly-granularity deterministic PVRR. The rationale behind the risk-adjusted PVRR is to have a consolidated cost indicator for portfolio ranking, combining the most precise available system cost and high-end cost-risk concepts. Energy Not Served(ENS) In past IRPs, the use of the reduced granularity in the PLEXOS MT model limited the relevance of the reported ENS. In the 2025 IRP, the ST model's full 8760 granularity is being reflected in stochastic analysis,so reported ENS is representative of a portfolio's performance in the real-world historical conditions that underlie the stochastic inputs. Environmental Compliance With the 2025 IRP's shift to stochastics based on calendar year conditions, it is now possible to evaluate annual compliance requirements under a realistic range of conditions. This has been less relevant when evaluating annual RPS compliance as the Company's recent IRPs have generally exceeded compliance requirements by a significant margin, particularly when banking and inter- year flexibility are taken into account. Because the level of compliance is significantly higher under Washington's CETA statute and Oregon HB 2021, year-to-year variations in renewable resources and load may result in shortfalls when conditions are less favorable than normal. Under CETA, compliance is based on multi-year periods and allows for use of unbundled renewable energy credits for up to twenty percent of the obligation through 2044, so overall compliance can be achieved without achieving full compliance in the least favorable years, though it may require more resources than under normal conditions. Oregon HB 2021 measures compliance within each calendar year,but allows the Oregon Public Utility Commission to consider the extent that excess emissions from generation used to meet load is a result of lower than expected generation from nonemitting resources, so it is unclear what level of compliance certainty is appropriate. The 196 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 8-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION stochastic results will indicate the level of compliance over a range of conditions, and should help identify the types of resources that can increase compliance during less favorable conditions. Forward Price Curve Scenarios Preferred portfolio variants developed during the portfolio-development process are analyzed under up to five price-policy scenarios. Other PLEXOS Modeling Methods and Assumptions Transmission System The base transmission topology shown in Figure 8.3 is used in each of the PLEXOS models. Any transmission upgrades selected by LT and ST model processes that provide incremental transfer capability among bubbles in this topology are part of the portfolio and thus included in normalized and stochastic ST optimizations. Resource Adequacy The reality of modeling large complex power systems in a world of significant variable resources is that availability must be compared to requirements in all modeled periods, as measurements only at peak do not adequately establish system reliability. For the 2025 IRP, PRM and resource contributions based on WRAP are used as part of portfolio selection,but this is not part of resource dispatch. In addition to WRAP compliance, ST reliability modifications to the portfolio evaluate hourly resource availability and system requirements to directly determine reliability shortfalls and any additional resource need at the hourly level. Energy Sy torage Resources Storage resources have many potential advantages, including storage for frequency regulation, grid stabilization, transmission loss reduction, reduced transmission congestion, renewable energy smoothing, spinning reserve,peak-shaving, load-levelling, transmission and distribution deferral, and asset utilization. Each PLEXOS model dispatches storage resources endogenously, subject to any applicable constraints,for example requirements to charge from onsite solar or for the combined solar and storage output and reserves to remain within a single interconnection limit. The model can deploy energy storage for the most cost-effective uses, including any combination of load ramping and leveling, reserve carrying, and to complement the benefits of renewable resource additions, particularly co- located renewables. Other Cost and Risk Considerations In addition to reviewing the risk-adjustment, ENS, and CO2 emissions data, PacifiCorp considers other cost and risk metrics in its comparative analysis of resource portfolios. These metrics include fuel source diversity, and customer rate impacts. Fuel Source Diversity PacifiCorp considers relative differences in resource mix among portfolios by comparing the capacity of new resources in portfolios by resource type, differentiated by fuel source. PacifiCorp also provides a summary of fuel source diversity differences among top performing portfolios 197 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 8-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION based on forecasted generation levels of new resources in the portfolio. Generation share is reported among thermal resources, renewable resources, storage resources, DSM resources and market purchases. Customer Rate Impacts To derive a rate impact measure, PacifiCorp computes the change in nominal annual revenue requirement from top performing resource portfolios (with lowest risk adjusted mean PVRRs) relative to a benchmark portfolio selected during the final preferred portfolio screening process. Annual revenue requirement for these portfolios is based on the risk adjusted PVRR results from the models and capital costs on a nominal levelized basis. While this approach provides a reasonable representation of relative differences in projected total system revenue requirement among portfolios, it is not a prediction of future revenue requirement for rate-making purposes. Market Reliance To assess market reliance risk,PacifiCorp quantifies market purchases for each portfolio allowing comparisons among cases in Chapter 9 (Modeling and Portfolio Selection Results). Starting in the 2021 IRP, market purchases were restricted compared to past IRPs, as described in Volume I, Chapter 7 (Resource Options). Portfolio Selection Portfolios are measured for relative performance regarding system costs, risk-adjusted system costs, ENS, CO2 emissions, and compliance with state and federal policies. The risk-adjusted PVRR accounts for relative risk of volatility among portfolios. Each portfolio under examination at a given step in the analysis is compared based on cost-risk metrics, and the least-cost, least-risk portfolio is chosen. Risk metrics examined include stochastic PVRR, risk-adjusted PURR, ENS and emissions. As noted above, market reliance risk was also evaluated. The comparisons of outcomes are detailed, ranked, and assessed in the next chapter. Additional quantitative analysis can be performed to further assess the relative differences among top-performing portfolios; qualitative analysis can also be considered where appropriate during portfolio selection on the basis of known factors that could not be readily captured in models. Final Evaluation and Preferred PortfoliTSelec i Due to the lengthy nature of the IRP cycle,the final step is the last opportunity to consider whether top-performing portfolios merit additional study based on observations in the model results across all studies, additional sensitivities, possible updates driven by recent events, and additional stakeholder feedback. Additional sensitivities may refine the portfolio selection based on portfolio optimization and cost and risk analysis steps. During the final screening process, the results of any further resource portfolio developments will be ranked by risk-adjusted PVRR, the primary metric used to identify top performing portfolios. Portfolio rankings are reported for the five price-policy price curve scenarios. Resource portfolios with the lowest risk-adjusted PVRR receive the highest rank.Final screening also considers system cost PVRR data from the PLEXOS models and other comparative portfolio analysis.At this stage, PacifiCorp reviews additional metrics from the models looking to identify if ENS and CO2 198 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 8—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION emissions results can be used to differentiate portfolios that might be closely ranked on a risk- adjusted PVRR basis. Case definitions specify a combination of planning assumptions used to develop each unique resource portfolio analyzed in the 2025 IRP, organized here into major development categories: • Initial Portfolios—including all Variants o Initial portfolios and variants are evaluated under three distinct sets of jurisdictional requirements: ■ Utah/Idaho/Wyoming/California ■ Oregon ■ Washington o Integrated Portfolios incorporates selections from the top performing initial portfolios under each set of jurisdictional requirements o The preferred portfolio is selected based on the integrated portfolio results • Jurisdictional Analysis'9 • Sensitivity Cases Additional portfolio detail can be found in Volume II, Appendix I (Capacity Expansion Results). Initial Portfolios Informed by the public-input process, the initial cases endogenously explore a multitude of potentially significant interactions among retirement options including the potential to convert coal units to natural gas operations, install carbon-capture equipment on coal-fired facilities, or retire units during the study horizon. In addition to the core functionality of selecting the optimal timing, size, and location of proxy resources, PLEXOS also optimizes existing natural gas and coal retirements. The modeling continues to include a wide range of transmission options for selection, assessed simultaneously with all other competing elements. The initial portfolios also consider how resource selections change with price-policy assumptions that deviate from the medium natural gas price and zero CO2 price assumptions used to develop many resource portfolios. All the initial portfolios rely on the combined capabilities of the optimization models within PLEXOS. Portfolios generated with SCGHG price-policy assumptions are consistent with RCW 19.280.030 in Washington. Table 8.4 provides the initial portfolio definitions for this IRP. Additional information, including coal unit retirement assumptions, are provided for each case in Volume II, Appendix I (Capacity Expansion Results). i9 Includes informational portfolios that are not eligible for selection as the state-wide preferred portfolio. 199 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 8—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION Table 8.4—Price-Policy Case Definitions Price- Existing Coal(b) Existing Gas(b) Other Existing Proxy Resources(') Policy Resources MN Optimized Optimized End of Life All allowed MR Optimized Optimized End of Life All allowed LN Optimized Optimized End of Life All allowed HH Optimized Optimized End of Life All allowed SC Optimized Optimized End of Life All allowed (a) Thermal coal and gas resources are endogenously optimized for retirements,conversions and technology installations. (b) Optimized proxy portfolio selections include renewables, off-shore wind, storage, natural gas, transmission, DSM, purchases and sales,etc. All portfolios consider variations in retirement timing, the impact of regional haze compliance operating limits and options for gas conversion or CCUS retrofit for certain units. The initial portfolios differ based on planning assumptions around coal unit retirement options and retirement timing. Certain additional cases were developed based on stakeholder feedback and state requirements to evaluate the impacts of specific future scenarios. These cases are all eligible to be adopted into the preferred portfolio if the analysis warrants their inclusion. In the 2025 IRP,there are the following variant portfolio selection cases as shown in Table 8.5: Table 8.5—Portfolio Variants Variant + • L Refer to Case No CCS No coal units are able to select - CCS technology No Nuclear No nuclear resources are - eligible for selection No Coal 2032 All coal must retire or gas - convert by January 1, 2032 Offshore Wind Counterfactual to the Preferred - Portfolio selection All Coal End of Life Continue 2025 coal technology See the No CCS variant No New Gas No new gas resources allowed See the Preferred Portfolio Force All Gas Conversions Force all coal-to-gas options See the No Coal 2032 variant No Forward Technology No nuclear, hydro storage or See the No Nuclear variant biodiesel peaking Each variant case begins with the same PLEXOS dataset inputs and assumptions, and adds the constraints to either force a selection, disallow a specific resource or resource type, delay a project or force retirements as outlined below. No CCS 200 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 8-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION This variant removes the CCS option at Jim Bridger 3 and 4. The endogenous portfolio was integrated using the same method as the preferred portfolio. The purpose of this variant is to evaluate how the preferred portfolio would change if CCS is not a commercially viable option. No Nuclear This variant removes the NatriumTM demonstration project in 2030 and all other nuclear resources from available resource options. The endogenous portfolio was integrated using the same method as the preferred portfolio. The purpose of the variant is to evaluate resource alternatives in the absence of nuclear resource options.Additionally, this sensitivity seeks to evaluate the potential risk if nuclear resources are unable to achieve online and operating status for any reason. No Coal 2032 In this variant all coal plants are assumed to retire no later than 2032. Coal plants are eligible to run past 2032 if gas conversion is selected at that plant. No CCUS options are available in this variant. The endogenous portfolio was integrated using the same method as the preferred portfolio. The purpose of this variant is to evaluate how the preferred portfolio would change if external factors required coal plants to cease coal-fired operations by 2032. Offshore Wind Offshore wind was available for selection in the preferred portfolio beginning in 2033, based on the timing of necessary transmission upgrades.As offshore wind has not been endogenously selected in the preferred portfolio, a minimum of 1000 MW was required to be selected in this variant.Additionally,the necessary onshore transmission required to enable offshore wind was available for selection by offshore wind or by any other appropriately located proxy resources to ensure that co-located resources could be selected to complement the offshore wind and that it is competitive with other options. This counterfactual is used to assess system impacts and the magnitude of the costs and benefits associated with offshore wind. All Coal End of Life The No CCS run selects coal at all current coal sites and does not choose to retire any eligible units. Please refer to the No CCS variant for results. In this variant all coal plants are assumed to run as coal-fired units using the technology present on the plant as of January 1, 2025, and are not eligible to retire during the study horizon unless otherwise required to do so. Dave Johnston units 1-3 along with Naughton units 1 and 2 still retire or cease coal-fired operation as necessary. Minority owned coal plants are also assumed to retire as necessary. The portfolio is fully endogenous and has gone through the same level of integration as the preferred portfolio. The purpose of this variant is to evaluate how the preferred portfolio would change if majority-owned coal resources were allowed to run as coal-fired to end-of-life. No New Gas 201 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 8-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION The unconstrained integrated MN case does not select new natural gas resources. Please refer to the Preferred Portfolio for results. This variant assumes no new gas resources are allowed to be selected. This does not include the conversion of coal plants from coal-fired to gas-fired. The purpose of this variant is to evaluate the cost and risk impacts of replacing new gas resources selected in the preferred portfolio with other energy resources.. Force All Gas Conversions The No Coal 2032 selected all plants eligible for gas conversion. Please refer to the No Coal 2032 variant for results. In this variant all coal plants eligible for gas conversion are forced to do so. The gas converted coal plants are allowed to retire endogenously, and the portfolio is re-optimized. The purpose of this variant is to evaluate the cost and risk impacts associated with gas conversion becoming the only future option for all coal-fired plants. No Forward Technology The No Nuclear study did not select hydrogen storage, biodiesel peaking or nuclear resources. Please refer to the No Nuclear variant for results. In this variant all nuclear, hydrogen storage and biodiesel peaking resources are removed from the preferred portfolio and the portfolio is re-optimized. The purpose of this variant is to evaluate the cost and risk impacts of limited new resource types becoming available in the future. Integrated Portfolios Portfolio integration involves combining resource selections from each of the initial jurisdictional portfolio results under a given price-policy scenario or variant.Every initial jurisdictional portfolio evaluates the entire system and all proxy resource options, plus the constraints specific to that jurisdiction. For proxy resources that can be allocated to any jurisdiction, the integration step adopts the largest quantity of each individual resource by year that was included in any of the jurisdictional studies (UT/ID/WY/CA & OR & WA). Because of interconnection limits, it is generally not possible to sum the selections across the various jurisdictions, and the overall quantity might not be economic. For resources that are specific to a single jurisdiction, including demand-side resources and existing thermal resources, the integration step adopts the quantity from that specific jurisdiction's initial portfolio result. Resources that are shared among multiple jurisdictions are allocated based on the amounts selected in their initial jurisdictional portfolio — if a resource was not picked in a jurisdiction's initial portfolio,that jurisdiction would not be allocated any of that resource. The resource is split among those jurisdictions in which it was selected, with any quantity selected in multiple jurisdictions, allocated between them based on their share of system load (the System Generation or SG share under the 2020 Protocol), or the equivalent including only those jurisdictions for whom that quantity of a resource was selected. An example is provided below in Table 8.6. 202 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 8—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION Table 8.6—Portfolio Integration Resource Example Next 30 MW 1st 20 MW shared by Last 50 MW shared by all OR/WA WA only Approximate Initial Portfolio Allocation Allocation Allocation Total Allocation Jurisidiction Load Share Selection(MW) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 (MW) UT/ID/WY/CA 60% 20 12 n/a n/a 12 Oregon 30% 50 6 22.5 n/a 28.5 Washington 10% 100 2 7.5 50 59.5 Total 100% 20 30 50 100 In this way, resource allocations are fixed based on jurisdictional selections in the year in which they are built and do not change over time. Where a proxy resource has additions in multiple years, only the quantity added in a given year is allocated,based on portfolio selections in that year. This integration process is applied to every initial portfolio. Allocation among the jurisdictions has the potential to result in compliance shortfalls, as a portion of the resources that were identified for compliance may be allocated to other jurisdictions. If shortfalls are identified after running through the ST model, the initial portfolio analysis for that jurisdiction can be repeated with the shortfall quantity added to the jurisdictional requirement.This results in the model identifying the next lowest-cost compliance option specific to that jurisdiction. The resulting portfolio would go through the same integration process described above. Washington Portfolios As discussed above —the integrated preferred portfolio reflects is optimized to meet Washington customer energy and capacity needs, and the Washington Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA) clean energy standards from 2030 onwards. The final integrated portfolio presents a CETA-compliant path towards a greenhouse gas neutral, and ultimately zero-emitting, supply of electricity for Washington customers, as described in further detail in Appendix O, Clean Energy Action Plan(CEAP). This CETA-compliant portfolio, as described in the CEAP, serves as a draft portfolio that will be the basis for the forthcoming 2025 Clean Energy Implementation Plan(CEIP) expected to be filed with the Washington Commission in October 2025. The focus of this draft IRP filing is to present, at a minimum, a draft of an integrated preferred portfolio that meets all state-specific requirements. As described in this chapter and further in Appendix O, Clean Energy Action Plan,the draft IRP preferred portfolio presents a strategy to get to a portfolio that is optimized to meet Washington CETA clean energy standards over the next twenty years. Additional scenarios and sensitivities as required by Washington rule, will be included in the final IRP filing. Per WAC 480-100-620(10): the IRP must also include a range of possible future scenarios and input sensitivities. These include: • Alternative Lowest Reasonable Cost - WAC 480-100-620(10)(a) instructs utilities to "describe the alternative lowest reasonable cost and reasonably available portfolio that the utility would have implemented if not for the requirement to comply"with CETA's Clean Energy Transformation Standards. This case is comparable to the initial SCGHG price- 203 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 8-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION policy scenario study, but includes Washington-specific capacity requirements based on WRAP. This sensitivity includes the requirement to use the social cost of greenhouse gases (SC) price-policy assumption in resource acquisition decisions. In Chapter 9 — Modeling and Portfolio Selection Results, the company will analyze this portfolio in the context of both CETA and non-CETA compliant outcomes. • Climate Change - WAC 480-100-620(10)(b) instructs utilities to "incorporate the best science available to analyze impacts including, but not limited to, changes in snowpack, streamflow, rainfall, heating and cooling degree days, and load changes resulting from climate change."Please see Appendix A for additional detail regarding how climate change is incorporated into the base load forecast. Climate change impacts are also incorporated in the base hydro forecast. Because the base forecast includes climate change, all of the IRP analysis reflects impacts related to climate change, so a separate sensitivity to include these impacts is not necessary. • Maximum Customer Benefit-WAC 480-100-620(10)(c) instructs utilities to"model the maximum amount of customer benefits described in RCW 19.405.040(8)prior to balancing against other goals." The maximum customer benefit scenario focuses on adding distributed generation, demand response, and energy efficiency in Washington, as well as avoiding high-voltage transmission upgrades in PacifiCorp's Yakima and Walla Walla communities to minimize burdens and maximize benefits to Washington customers. Washington load forecast reflects the high private generation forecast. The portfolio assumes the social cost of greenhouse gas price-policy scenario and includes all available Washington energy efficiency and demand response. The study also removes Yakima and Walla Walla area transmission options and relies on increased small-scale renewables. Each of these studies is most pertinent to the State of Washington and are further discussed in Chapter 9 (Modeling and Portfolio Selection Results). Sensitivity Case Definitions Note—Sensitivity cases, which are not eligible for selection as the preferred portfolio, are under development and will be evaluated and included in the March 31, 2025 filing of the 2025 IRP. The list of planned sensitivities is described below. PacifiCorp identified ten sensitivities outlined in Table 8.7 and discussed further in Volume 1, Chapter 9. 204 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 8—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION Table 8.7—Sensitivi Case Definitions Sensitivi Definition High Load Growth Base load forecast replaced by a high load version Low Load Growth Base load forecast replaced by a low load version 1-20 Peak Load Base load forecast replaced by a high load version using historical 20 year highest load High Private Generation Assumes lower load due to high private generation adoption Low Private Generation Assumes higher load due to low private generation adoption Large Metered Load Growth Assumes significant large metered customer load growth Low Cost Renewables Assumes high adoption of IRA/IIJA benefits leads to large cost declines Low PTC/ITC eligibility Assumes changes to IRA/IIJA leading to shorter PTC/ITC eligibility window All CCUS Allows CCUS to be selected at any coal site Jim Bridger Long Term Fuel Adjusts the long term fuel plan at Jim Bridger to assess impacts of change B2H Delayed to 2030 In the Large Metered Load Growth scenario,B2H is not eligible until 2030 Business as Usual Portfolio if no state requirements existed Business Plan First 3 years are aligned with the current business plan High Load Growth In this sensitivity the base load forecast is replaced with a high load forecast. The preferred portfolio is re-optimized with this new load forecast to evaluate the cost and risk impacts of higher loads. Low Load Growth In this sensitivity the base load forecast is replaced with a low load forecast.The preferred portfolio is re-optimized with this new load forecast to evaluate the cost and risk impacts of lower loads. 1 in 20 Peak Load In this sensitivity the base load forecast is replaced with a high load forecast based on a historical 20-year high load year. The preferred portfolio is re-optimized with this new load forecast to evaluate the cost and risk impacts of the 20-year high load year. High Private Generation In this sensitivity the base load forecast is replaced with a new load forecast incorporating high private generation which reduces load. The preferred portfolio is re-optimized with this new load forecast to evaluate the cost and risk impacts of a future with high private generation. Low Private Generation In this sensitivity the base load forecast is replaced with a new load forecast incorporating low private generation which increases load. The preferred portfolio is re-optimized with this new load forecast to evaluate the cost and risk impacts of a future with low private generation. Large-Metered Load Growth -All State Compliant In this sensitivity the base load forecast is replaced with a new load forecast incorporating high large-metered load growth. The preferred portfolio is re-optimized with this new load forecast to evaluate the cost and risk impacts of future high large-metered load growth. This portfolio has 205 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 8-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION gone through the same integration process to fill any state compliance shortfalls as the preferred portfolio. Force Small Scale Resources In this sensitivity small-scale resources are forced into the preferred portfolio in place of utility scale resources. While the number of small-scale resources is forced into the portfolio, the type, timing, and location of these small-scale resources is selected endogenously. The portfolio is re- optimized to evaluate the cost and risk impacts of small-scale resources. No Small-Scale Resources In this sensitivity small-scale resources are removed from the preferred portfolio and replaced with utility scale resources. The amount of utility scale resources forced into the portfolio is the same as the amount of small scale removed, but the type, timing and location of these utility scale resources is selected endogenously. The portfolio is re-optimized to evaluate the cost and risk impacts of replacing small scale resources with utility scale resources. Low Cost Renewables This sensitivity assumes high IRA/IIJA adoption results in significant cost reductions for PTC/ITC eligible resources. which replace non-PTC/ITC eligible resources. The portfolio is fully endogenous and has gone through the same level of integration as the preferred portfolio. The purpose of this sensitivity is to show how greater than anticipated IRA/IIJA eligible resource availability might impact cost and risk. Low PTC and ITC Eligibility This sensitivity assumes IRA/IIJA changes result in PTC and ITC eligibility ending in 2030. Resources coming online after 2030 do not have the cost reductions associated with PTC and ITC. The portfolio is fully endogenous and has gone through the same level of integration as the preferred portfolio. The purpose of this sensitivity is to show how lower than anticipated IRA/IIJA eligible resource availability might impact cost and risk. All CCUS This sensitivity allows all CCUS to be selected at appropriate coal sites, assuming that it is feasible to complete installation across the entirety of the eligible majority-owned coal fleet prior to 2032. The portfolio is fully endogenous and has gone through the same level of integration as the preferred portfolio. The purpose of this variant is to evaluate how the preferred portfolio would change if CCUS is a commercially viable option at more than one coal site before 2032. Jim Bridger Long Term Fuel Plan Adjustment This sensitivity uses a different long term fuel plan for the Jim Bridger plant compared to the base assumption. The purpose of this variant is to show how a different long term fuel plan for Jim Bridger impacts costs and risks in the preferred portfolio while maintaining reliability. B2H Delayed 2030 206 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 8—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION In this sensitivity, where B2H may be economic to support significant growth in large-metered load, the transmission segments associated with the Boardman-to-Hemingway project are delayed from 2027 until 2030.All incremental lines dependent on these lines are also delayed three years. The portfolio is then re-optimized to determine a portfolio necessary to maintain reliability. The purpose of this sensitivity is to evaluate the cost and risk impacts associated with the Boardman-to-Hemingway line becoming available to support growth in large-metered load later than anticipated. Business As Usual20 (No Pending Legislation or State Requirements; Locked Coal Assumptions) In this sensitivity, all pending legislation and state requirements are removed so that the only obligations to be met are load and federal policy obligations. Coal outcomes are also locked to assumptions in the 2017 IRP Update except to the extent that updated commitments or requirements supersede the older assumptions. The portfolio is otherwise fully endogenous and has gone through the same level of integration as the preferred portfolio. The purpose of this variant is to evaluate how the preferred portfolio would change if no potential state requirements or early economic retirements were considered. Business Plan Sensitivity In the 2025 IRP, this case is aligned with the integrated preferred portfolio due to the base assumptions being aligned. For this reason,no additional sensitivity is needed. The case complies with the Utah requirement to perform a business plan sensitivity consistent with the commission's order in Docket No. 15-035-04. Over the first three years, resources align with those assumed in PacifiCorp's current Business Plan.Beyond the first three years of the study period,unit retirement assumptions are aligned with those identified in the preferred portfolio. All other resource selections are optimized using the Plexos models. 20 Per the Wyoming Public Service Commission's(WPSC)2019 Investigation Order(DOCKET NO.90000-144- XI-19,and DOCKET NO.90000-147-XI-19),"reference case"is the formal terminology for the business-as-usual study.Regarding this study,the WPSC mandates the following: "In the anticipated 2021 IRP,and in IRPs and updates thereto filed by the Company thereafter,Rocky Mountain Power shall: a)Include a Reference Case based on the 2017 IRP Updated Preferred Portfolio,incorporating updated assumptions,such as load and market prices and any known changes to system resources and only incorporate environmental investments or costs required by current law" This case was the subject of stakeholder feedback and discussion in the 2025 IRP public input meeting series. See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#35 (Wyoming Energy Authority). 207 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 8-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO EVALUATION 208 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS CHAPTER 9 - MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS • Using cost and risk metrics to evaluate a wide range of resource portfolios,PacifiCorp selected a preferred portfolio that builds on its vision to deliver energy affordably, reliably, and responsibly. • PacifiCorp's selection of the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio is supported by comprehensive data analysis and an extensive public-input process. The preferred portfolio continues to include continued operation of most of its existing fleet, plus substantial new renewables, facilitated by incremental transmission investments, along with demand-side management (DSM) resources, storage resources, and advanced nuclear. • The 2025 IRP preferred portfolio includes resources which have been contracted since the 2023 IRP, including 520 megawatts (MW) of new storage resources. The 2025 IRP preferred portfolio includes near-term proxy resource selections that align with recent transmission cluster studies, and it is expected that a forthcoming RFP as outlined in the action plan will soon be soliciting and evaluating resources to fulfill these needs. • The 2025 IRP preferred portfolio also includes the 500 MW advanced nuclear Natrium' demonstration project, anticipated to achieve online status by summer 2030. Over the planning horizon, the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio includes 6,379 MW of new wind, 2,308 MW of which is small-scale, and 5,492 MW of new solar. • To facilitate the delivery of new renewable energy resources to PacifiCorp customers across the West,the preferred portfolio includes additional transmission investment. Specifically,the portfolio includes multiple upgrades increasing connection from Utah South into the Wasatch Front area, a new 230 kV line from the Willamette Valley to Central Oregon, and Gateway South 2, a new 500 kV line from the Aeolus substation in Wyoming to the Clover substation in Utah. • Driven in part by the need for low-cost firm capacity, existing coal-fired facilities generally continue to operate through the end of the planning period. Majority-owned coal units which are required to cease coal-fired operation are converted to natural gas where the option is available. • In the 2025 IRP, four factors drive a reduction in CO2 emissions after 2025. These factors are: retirements (minority-owned units and Dave Johnston 3), additional natural gas conversions (Naughton 1 and 2 and Dave Johnston I and 2), reduced capacity factors at existing coal and natural gas facilities, and installation of carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology (Jim Bridger 3 and 4). In combination these factors result in 2030 emissions that are less than half of the 2025 level. After 2030, changes in capacity factors are the primary driver, with capacity factors falling initially as a result of renewable resource additions, but rising back to the 2030 level by the end of the horizon in response to growing loads and the expiration of existing contracted resources. 209 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 9—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Introduction This chapter reports modeling and portfolio selection results for the resource portfolios developed with a broad range of input assumptions informed by the PLEXOS modeling. Using model data from the portfolio-development process and subsequent cost and risk analysis of unique portfolio alternatives, the following discussion describes PacifiCorp's preferred portfolio selection process and presents the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio. This chapter is organized around the portfolio development, modeling and evaluation steps identified in the previous chapter and covers the portfolio, cost and risk analysis for the variant portfolios, including selection of the preferred portfolio. The final preferred portfolio selection is informed by all relevant modeling results. This chapter also presents modeling results for additional scenarios supporting Washington's Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA)I and discussion of Oregon's compliance position in the preferred portfolio. Results of resource portfolio cost and risk analysis from each step are presented in the following discussion of PacifiCorp's portfolio evaluation processes. Stochastic modeling results are also summarized in Volume II, Appendix J (Stochastic Simulation Results). Initial Portfolio Development As discussed in Volume 1, Chapter 8 the portfolio development process in the 2025 IRP is an iterative process where each case, both by jurisdiction and variant, is looped through multiple phases of LT and ST modeling, leveraging results from a prior phase to inform the next phase. Once sufficient phases are complete, an initial study with high reliability and low costs over the study horizon is selected from each jurisdiction's results for integration. Table 9.1 below shows the various phases of the Utah, Idaho, Wyoming and California (UIWC) MN fully initial jurisdictional run to demonstrate a snapshot of how iterative jurisdictional portfolios were evaluated and selected for integration. Given the initial views of these runs, and subsequent integrating, the present-value revenue requirement (PVRR) and unserved energy stream over 21 years were the key factors determining which phase is selected for integration. In Table 9.1,phase 5 was selected as the UIWC initial portfolio for inclusion in the MN integrated portfolio. This selection takes into consideration the PVRR of$21,842 million,and the stream of unserved energy costs that led to a total cost of$1 million which had no unserved energy after 2027.No other phase had both a lower PVRR and a lower unserved energy cost. Other phases which were considered were phase 1, phase 3 and phase 9, however the higher PVRR of phases 3 and 9, and the fact that phase 1 had small amounts of unserved energy through the 21-year study horizon led to phase 5 being selected. 'Volume II,Appendix O provides additional detail relevant to Washington requirements. 210 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Table 9.1 —Iterative phases of Utah, Idaho, Wyoming and California MN portfolio Phase Jurisdiction Price-Policy 21 Year PVRR Unserved Energy Cost 0 UIWC Medium Gas, No CO2 20,628 14 1 UIWC Medium Gas, No CO2 21,587 1 2 UIWC Medium Gas, No CO2 21,212 10 3 UIWC Medium Gas, No CO2 21,848 1 4 UIWC Medium Gas, No CO2 22,036 22 5 UIWC Medium Gas, No CO2 21,842 1 6 UIWC Medium Gas, No CO2 20,942 29 7 UIWC Medium Gas, No CO2 21,999 1 8 UIWC Medium Gas, No CO2 21,128 30 9 UIWC Medium Gas, No CO2 21,932 1 10 UIWC Medium Gas, No CO2 21,145 25 11 UIWC Medium Gas, No CO2 22,143 1 12 UIWC Medium Gas, No CO2 21,157 19 13 UIWC Medium Gas, No CO2 22,216 1 14 UIWC Medium Gas, No CO2 20,526 18 15 UIWC Medium Gas, No CO2 22,503 3 The fully integrated portfolios and variants differ based on retirement timing,the impact of federal CO2 policy, requested or required resource availability variations, and options for gas conversion or CCS retrofit for certain units. The portfolios also differ based on natural gas and proxy CO2 policy assumptions, resulting in uniquely optimized combinations of resources, transmission and thermal retirement options. As discussed in Volume 1, Chapter 8 (Modeling and Portfolio Evaluation Approach), each variant portfolio went through the iterative process. Final selection of the top-performing portfolio and preferred portfolio selection also include an assessment of compliance with CETA and Oregon's HB 2021. Table 9.2 through Table 9.4 present each jurisdiction's share of total portfolio resources as developed from the initial portfolios, prior to integration. For more information about how jurisdictional portfolios are determined,refer to Chapter 8. 211 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS 212 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Jurisdictional Shares Prior to Integration Table 9.2 —Oregon Initial Share OR Shares by Resource Type and Year,Installed MW Installed Capacity(MW) Resource 2025 2026 2027 1 2028 1 2029 1 2030 1 2031 1 2032 1 2033 1 2034 1 2035 1 2036 1 2037 1 2038 1 2039 1 2040 1 2041 1 2042 1 2043 1 2044 2045 Total Expansion Options DSM-Energy Efficiency 55 79 81 84 87 93 94 94 93 93 83 89 89 87 90 91 101 169 160 151 1,966 DSM-Demand Response 24 7 38 6 60 7 4 2 3 1 - 53 51 3 21 30 $234 3 37 7 361 Nuclear 130 130 Renewable-Utility Wind 83 - 83 Renewable-Small Scale Wind - 380 505 4 85 0 246 4 37 5 - 1,267 Renewable-Utility Solar 109 165 848 102 579 45 4 1,888 1 3,741 Renewable-Battery 132 940 7 10 2 3 1 1 2 2 3 7 1 1 1 1,346 Renewable-Battery(Long Duration) 1 26F2 590 166 11 93 44 17 - 1 1 35 1 53 1001 140 1981 139 44 1,720 Table 9.3 — Washington Initial Share Installed Capacity(MW) Resource 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 1 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 1 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 Total Eq)ansion Options DSM-Energy Efficiency - 14 13 14 15 15 16 16 16 15 15 13 12 10 9 8 7 7 7 6 4 233 DSM-Demand Response 15 4 8 1 - 6 1 - 1 0 - 0 11 1 12 1 1 1 3 1 67 Nuclear - 32 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32 Renewable-Utility Wind 594 0 3 1,988 2,585 Renewable-Small Scale Wind - 5 5 Renewable-Utility Solar 136 17 794 0 4 0 237 1,189 Renewable-Battery - 37 354 6 400 93 173 247 4 78 1 95 58 1921 274 9 2,020 Renewable-Battery(Long Duration) 1 1 1 4 71 8 12 1 5 1 - 311 6 - 83 213 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Table 9.4-Utah, Idaho,Wyoming and California Initial Share UIWC Shares by Resource Type and Year,Installed MW Installed Capacity(NM) Resource 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 1 2033 1 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 1 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 1 2045 Total Expansion Options DSM-Energy Efficiency 50 57 145 167 172 182 233 219 197 174 157 159 149 134 123 109 102 123 107 103 84 2,947 DSM-Demand Response 14 1 1 98 26 21 - 31 - 42 23 12 13 13 38 18 16 30 68 22 135 622 Nuclear - - 338 338 Renewable-Utility Wind - 403 211 - 451 338 1,403 Renewable-Small Scale Wind - 236 802 1,039 Renewable-Utility Solar - 226 0 333 3 - - - - 563 Renewable-Battery - 352 2 103 30 14 224 2 - 11 4 4 - 4 197 63 4 4 1,018 Renewable-Battery(Long Duration) 65 44 46 285 405 200 180 - 35 187 35 1,481 Full Jurisdictional Portfolios The following portfolios shown in Table 9.5 through Table 9.7 report the entirety of portfolio selections made when planning for the entire system, not just the jurisdictional share, according to each jurisdiction's constraints. 214 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 9—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Table 9.5—Oregon Full Jurisdictional Portfolio Summary �ortFolio Capacity by Aesource r type and Year,Installed MW Installed Capacity,MW esource 1 2025 1 2026 1 2027 1 2028 2029 1 2030 1 2031 1 2032 1 2033 1 2034 1 2035 1 2036 2037 1 2038 1 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 Total xpansion Options Gas-CCCT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gas-Peaking Nuclear 500 500 Renewable Pealing - DSM-Energy Efficiency 89 89 233 253 261 275 325 322 302 277 260 248 250 233 219 208 201 232 283 269 235 5,064 DSM-Demand Response 18 25 7 38 86 60 7 4 2 3 1 - 255 85 47 46 46 27 79 61 43 940 Renewable-Wind 222 166 - 594 - - - - 3 - 31 256 - - - - - - - 1,272 Renewable-Small Scale Wind - - 380 505 4 85 246 4 37 9 1,270 Renewable-Utility Solar 109 165 - 848 102 807 45 4 2 2,221 4 4,307 Renewable-Small Scale Solar - Renewable-Geothermal Renewable-Battery 520 1,091 10 1 19 5 3 25 3 4 146 6 7 16 504 67 6 6 2,438 Renewable-Battery(Long Duration) - 1 26 62 655 166 22 93 88 67 130 174 634 381 97 277 332 80 3,285 Other Renewable Storage-Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Existing Unit Changes Coal Plant Retirements-Minority Owned (82) (33) (123) (148) (386) Coal Plant Retirements - - - (220) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (220) Coal Plant Ceases as Coal (357) - (205) (700) (1,262) Coal-CCS - - 526 526 Coal-Gas Conversions - 357 - - 205 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 562 Gas Plant Retirements - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Hydro - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Non-Thermal - - - - - - - - - (3) - - - (32) - 1 (35) Retire-Wind - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Solar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Expire-Wind PPA (64) (99) (200) (333) - (696) Expire-Solar PPA - (2) - (9) (100) (65) (230) (407) Expire-QF - - - - (47) (3) (50) Expire-Other (20) (20) -#� - - - - �7 Total 107 487 1 1,663 403 666 3,035 1 400 1,243 467 372 337 2,715 444 855 1 455 1 895 1 246 860 659 435 344 215 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Table 9.6—Washington Full Jurisdictional Portfolio Summary Portfolio Capacity by Resource Type and Year,Installed MW Installed Capacity,MW Resource 2025 1 2026 1 2027 2028 2029 1 2030 2031 1 2032 1 2033 1 2034 1 2035 1 2036 1 2037 1 2038 1 2039 1 2040 1 2041 1 2042 1 2043 2044 2045 Total Expansion Options Gas-CCCT - - - - 221 - - - - - - - - - - - 179 - - - - 400 Gas-Pealdng - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nuclear 500 500 Renewable Pealdng DSM-Energy Efficiency 89 89 214 236 243 252 326 322 300 283 265 258 260 243 229 217 210 230 285 271 236 5,058 DSM-Demand Response 18 17 4 8 37 - 185 35 - 54 57 - 26 44 42 52 24 45 30 78 40 796 Renewable-Wind 1,008 - 594 - 17 - 3 1,990 130 - - - - - - - - 3,742 Renewable-Small Scale Wind 121 157 - 194 660 1 1,132 Renewable-Utility Solar 136 17 794 630 4 1 406 - - 237 - - 2,225 Renewable-Small Scale Solar Renewable-Geothermal Renewable-Battery 520 490 6 5 747 296 196 269 28 471 177 152 347 285 15 4,004 Renewable-Battery(Long Duration) 25 - 132 121 139 224 92 395 107 108 1,343 Other Renewable Storage-Other Existing Unit Changes Coal Plant Retirements-Minority Owned (82) (33) (123) (148) (386) Coal Plant Retirements - (220) - (220) Coal Plant Ceases as Coal (357) - (205) (1,030) (1,592) Coal-CCS - - 526 526 Coal-Gas Conversions 357 205 330 892 Gas Plant Retirements - - - Retire-Hydro - Refire-Non-Thermal (3) (32) (35) Retire-Wind - - Refire-Solar - Expire-Wind PPA (64) (99) (200) (333) - (696) Expire-Solar PPA - (2) - (9) (100) (65) (230) (407) Expire-QE (47) (3) (50) Expire-Other - - (20) (20) Total 107 1 479 1 1,852 1 12 1 972 1 3311 1,1011 1,776 1 304 1 6311 653 1 2,248 1 316 1 1,051 1 559 1 1,121 1 5211 822 1 722 1 703 931 216 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Table 9.7—Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, California (UIWC) Full Jurisdictional Portfolio nim Installed Capacity,MW Resource 1 2025 1 2026 1 2027 1 2028 1 2029 1 2030 1 2031 1 2032 1 2033 1 2034 1 2035 1 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 Total Expansion Options Gas-CCCT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gas-Peaking - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nuclear 500 500 Renewable Peaking - DSM-Energy Efficiency 89 89 203 247j256 271 331 319 298 273 255 259 250 233 220 208 207 232 283 271 239 5,033 DSM-Demand Response 18 1 - 157 40 33 - 46 - 86 29 27 17 17 47 47 46 33 74 61 144 923 Renewable-Wind 486 211 1,045 - 340 - - - - - - - - - 2,082 Renewable-Small Scale Wind - - - - 143 390 802 1,335 Renewable-Utility Solar 1,675 4 1 670 4 - - - 2,353 Renewable-Small Scale Solar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Renewable-Geothermal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Renewable-Battery 520 4 444 355 134 389 232 4 - 11 6 6 - 14 462 65 6 6 2,658 Renewable-Battery(Long Duration) 130 - 100 78 368 383 359 466 312 325 - 51 332 70 2,974 Other Renewable - - - - - - - - Storage-Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Existing Unit Changes Coal Plant Retirements-MinorityOwned (82) (33) (123) (148) (386) Coal Plant Retirements - - - (220) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (220) Coal Plant Ceases as Coal (357) - (205) (700) (1,262) Coal-CCS - - 526 526 Coal-Gas Conversions - 357 - - 205 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 562 Gas Plant Retirements - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Hydro - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Non-Thermal - - - - - - - - - 1 (3) - - - (32)1 - - - - - - (35) Retire-Wind - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Solar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Expire-Wind PPA (64) (99) (200) (333) (696) Expire-Solar PPA - (2) - (9) (100) (65) - (230) (407) Expire-QE (47) (3) (50) Expire-Other 1 (20) (20) Total 107 463 1 207 1,079 1 739 647 1 122 1 3,474 298 692 366 1,664 1 565 1 583 739 567 1 337 1 1,117 1,228 1 437 439 217 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS 218 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 9—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS ie 0251RPTreferred Portfolio PacifiCorp's selection of the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio is supported by comprehensive data analysis and an extensive public-input process, described in the chapters that follow. Figure 9.1 shows that PacifiCorp's 2025 preferred portfolio continues to include substantial new renewables, facilitated by incremental transmission investments, demand-side management(DSM) resources, significant storage resources, and advanced nuclear. The 2025 IRP preferred portfolio is in addition to previously contracted resources, some of which have not yet achieved commercial operation, including: 1,564 MW of wind, 1,736 MW of solar additions,and 1,072 MW of battery storage capacity.These resources will come online in the 2024 to 2026 timeframe. The 2025 IRP preferred portfolio includes the advanced nuclear NatriumTM demonstration project, anticipated to achieve online status by summer 2030. By the end of 2032, the preferred portfolio includes 2,801 MW of energy storage resources, including 844 MW of iron-air batteries with one- hundred-hour storage capability. Advancement of these technologies will be critical to meeting growing loads and achieving environmental compliance requirements. Over the 21-year planning horizon,the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio includes 6,379 MW of new wind and 5,492 MW of new solar. Figure 9.1 —2025 IRP Preferred Portfolio All Resources 50000 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 2000 ■■■. � 15000 . 10000 @ON MINERS memo NNEMEN 0 0 5000 0 ti ti N ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ^� ti ry ti ti ti ti ^� ti ti ■Coal ■Converted Gas ■Gas ■Hydrogen Storage Peaker Renewable Peaking ■QF Hydro vNuclear ■Hydro Storage ■Battery Solar ■Wind ■Geothermal ■Energy Efficiency Demand Response New since the 2023 IRP,the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio includes a second 416-mile transmission line, known as Energy Gateway South 2, running from the new Aeolus substation near Medicine Bow,Wyoming,to the Clover substation near Mona,Utah. This line is scheduled to be operational by 2036. Additionally, smaller upgrades will enhance transfer capability between southern Utah and the Wasatch Front, between Walla Walla and Yakima in Washington, and between the Willamette Valley and Deschutes County in Oregon. 219 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 9—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Many of the transmission upgrades and interconnection options modeled for the 2025 IRP reflect the results of PacifiCorp's "cluster study" process for evaluating proposed resource additions. Since 2020,PacifiCorp has been evaluating all newly proposed resource additions in an area at the same time, using a cluster study process that identifies collective solutions that can allow projects that are ready to move forward to do so in a timely fashion. Table 9.8 summarizes the incremental transmission projects in the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio. Table 9.8—Transmission Projects Included in the 2025 IRP Preferred Portfolio 1,2 Build long Export Import Interconnect Investment Build 2026 Rebuild existing Cameron-Sigurd 138 kV 250 250 250 30 100% Utah South Wasatch Front 2027 Cluster 1 Area 11-Willamette Valley 0 0 199 13 100% n/a n/a Serial queue-Central Oregon 0 0 152 3 100% n/a n/a 2028 Cluster 2 Area 23-Willamette Valley 0 0 393 2 100% n/a n/a 2030 Cluster 1/2/3-Walla Walla 0 0 628 66 100% n/a n/a 2031 Cluster 1/2/3-Walla Walla 0 0 393 348 100% n/a n/a Walla Walla-Wine Country 230 kV 400 400 400 145 100% n/a n/a 2032 Cluster 1 Area 14-Summer Lake 400 400 400 120 100% Summer Lake Hemingway Cluster 2/3-Willamette Valley-Fry-Full Circle 230 kV 450 450 450 413 100% Willamette Valley Central OR 2036 Gateway South 2:Aeolus Clover#2 500 kV 1,500 1,500 1,990 1,810 100% Wyoming East Clover Huntington-Clover 345 kV 800 800 800 264 100% Utah South Wasatch Front Spanish Fork-Mercer 345 kV 300 300 1 300 153 1 100% Utah South Wasatch Front West Cedar-Three Peaks 138 kV 200 200 200 14 100% Utah South Wasatch Front S.Lebanon-Dixonville 500 kV,Dbl-Ckt Fry-S.Lebanon 230 kV 1,500 1,500 665 1,117 100% Willamette Valley Southern OR 2042 Serial through Cluster 1 Area 13-Southern Oregon 0 0 231 52 100% n/a n/a Grand Total 5,800 5,800 7A51 4,551 'Export and import values represent total transfer capability(TTC).The scope and cost of transmission upgrades are planning estimates.Actual scope and costs will vary depending upon the interconnection queue,the transmission service queue,the specific location of any given generating resource and the type of equipment proposed for any given generating resource. 2 Transmission upgrades frequently include primarily all-or-nothing components, though the cluster study process allows for project-specific timing and some costs are project-specific. New Solar Resources The 2025 IRP draft preferred portfolio includes 245 MW of new solar by the end of 2027, 1,275 MW by the end of 2030, and more than 5,492 MW by the end of 2045, as shown in Figure 9.2. Figure 9.2 —2025 IRP Preferred Portfolio New Solar Capacity 9,000 - 8,000 7,000 ______________ ------ 6,000 5,000 M 4,000 3,000 7 2,000 0 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 251RP O251RPOR =251RPWA =251RPUIWC ---20231RPUpdate 231RP New Wind Resources As shown in Figure 9.3,PacifiCorp's 2025 IRP draft preferred portfolio includes 486 MW of new wind generation by the end of 2028, 2,175 MW by the end of 2030, and 6,379 MW of cumulative new wind by the end of 2045. 220 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 9—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Figure 9.3—2025 IRP Preferred Portfolio New Wind Capacity 10,000 -------------- --------------- 8,000 t+Ar r a r _~ v � 6,000 co 75 4,000 ♦' E 2,000 - _-------�_-®® o - - 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 �251RP =251RPOR =251RPWA =251RPUIWC ---20231RPUpdate --231RP New Storage Resources New storage resources in the 2025 IRP draft preferred portfolio are summarized in Figure 9.4. The 2025 IRP draft preferred portfolio includes 1,818 MW of new storage resources by the end of 20272 including both 4 and 8-hour lithium-ion storage. By year-end 2030, the 2025 draft IRP includes 2,716 MW of storage which includes nearly 656 MW of 100-hour iron air storage, and by year-end 2045, the 2025 IRP draft preferred portfolio includes 7,668 MW of new storage. Figure 9.4—2025 IRP Preferred Portfolio New Storage Capacity' 10,000 8,000 ————————-- --------- ——————————-—-- - j 6,000 T C =, 4,000 - s U 2,000 0 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 251RP =251RPOR =251RPWA =251RPUIWC ---20231RPUpdate ---23IRP 'The 2023 IRP Update includes 400 MW of PVS battery (Green River solar+storage) in 2026 that has since been signed and is not included as new storage capacity in the 2025 IRP. 2 The 1,818 MW of new storage resources by the end of 2027 includes 520 MW of signed battery storage contracts that have been committed since the filing of the 2023 IRP Update. New Nuclear Resources The 2025 IRP draft includes new advanced nuclear as part of its least-cost, least-risk preferred portfolio.As shown in Figure 9.5,the 500 MW advanced nuclear NatriumTm demonstration project is currently scheduled to come online by summer 2030. 221 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 9—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Figure 9.5 —2025 IRP New Nuclear 1,600 --------------------------- 1,400 ♦ - 1,200 - 1,000 800 - 3 600 U 200 0 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 �251RP =251RPOR =251RPWA C 25IRPUIWC ---20231RPUpdate 231RP Demand-Side Management PacifiCorp evaluates new DSM opportunities,which includes both energy efficiency and demand response programs, as a resource that competes with traditional new generation and wholesale power market purchases when developing resource portfolios for the IRP. The optimal determination of DSM resources therefore results in the selection of all cost-effective DSM as a core function of IRP modeling. Consequently, the load forecast used as an input to the IRP does not reflect any incremental investment in new energy efficiency programs;rather,the load forecast is reduced by the selected additions of energy efficiency resources in the IRP. Figure 9.6 shows that PacifiCorp's load forecast before incremental energy efficiency savings has decreased relative to projected loads used in the 2023 IRP. On average, forecasted system load is down 3.9 percent and forecasted coincident system peak is down 0.6 percent when compared to the 2023 IRP. Over the planning horizon, the average annual growth rate, before accounting for incremental energy efficiency improvements, is 2.03 percent for load and 1.91 percent for peak. Changes to PacifiCorp's load forecast are driven by lower projected demand from new large customers who are expected to bring their own resources lowering the commercial forecast. Figure 9.6 —Load Forecast Comparison between Recent IRPs (Before Incremental Energy Efficiency Savings) Forecasted Annual System Load Forecasted Annual System Coincident Peak (GWh) (km 120,000 18,000 16,000 100,000 14,000 80,000 �c 12,000 60,000 10,000 8,000 40,000 6,000 20,000 4,0002,000 0 0 _ O, QQ N NO 1"� 00 01 O �+ N M V1 10 1"� W O. N M N N N N N M M M M M M M M M M q N N N N N M M M M M M M M M M O O O O O O O O O C. O O O C. C. G O GG O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O . . N N N N N CAN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N —2025IRP —2023IRP —2025IRP —2023 MP DSM resources continue to play a key role in PacifiCorp's resource mix. The chart to the left in Figure 9.7 compares total energy efficiency capacity savings in the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio 222 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS relative to the 2023 IRP preferred portfolio and includes 5,149MW by the end of the planning period. In addition to continued investment in energy efficiency programs, the preferred portfolio shows a need for incremental demand response programs. The chart to the right in Figure 9.7 compares cumulative demand response program capacity in the 2025 IRP draft preferred portfolio relative to the 2023 IRP Update preferred portfolio and does not include capacity from existing programs. The 2025 draft IRP has a cumulative capacity of demand response programs reaching 695 MW by 2040. By year-end 2045, the 2025 IRP draft preferred portfolio has a cumulative capacity of demand response programs reaching 1,052 MW, a 6.3% decrease from the cumulative capacity of demand response programs by the end of the planning horizon in the 2023 IRP Update (1,123 MW). Figure 9.7—2025 IRP Preferred Portfolio Energy Efficiency and Demand Response Capacity Energy Efficiency Demand Response 6,000 1,500 5,000 4,000 ,- 1,000 3,000 2,000 - - 500 - - 1,000 ■■■�■■ •� ■ 0 0 O O O O O O O O O CD O O O O O O O O CD O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Cl CDN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N"N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N"N N N —25 IRP =25 IRP OR 25 IRP 025 IRP OR =25IRPWA 025 IRP UIWC O25 IRP WA O25 IRP UIWC ---2023 IRP Update ---23 IRP ---2023 IRP Update ---23 IRP 1 Energy efficiency and demand response in the 2023 IRP Update began escalating two years prior to when escalation begins in the 2025 draft IRP preferred portfolio. Cumulative energy efficiency and demand response in 2045 in the 2025 draft IRP preferred portfolio is similar to cumulative energy efficiency and demand response by 2042 in the 2023 IRP Update,the end of the planning horizon. Wholesale Power Market Prices and Purchases Figure 9.8 illustrates that the 2025 IRP's base case forecast for natural gas prices has increased along with an increase in wholesale power prices for most years past 2030 relative to those in the 2023 IRP Update. Prior to 2030, Figure 9.8 reports that the 2025 IRP's base forecast for natural gas and wholesale power prices are lower than those in the 2023 IRP Update. These forecasts are based on prices observed in the forward market and on projections from third-party experts. 223 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 9—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Figure 9.8—Comparison of Power Prices and Natural Gas Prices in Recent IRPs Average of MidC/Palo Verde Flat Power Prices Henry Hub Natural Gas Prices(Nom$/MMBtu) (Nom$/MWh) $te 5v0 510 $10o 58 % 56 $60 % 54 $40 $2 $20 $0 $O N N N N N M M M M M M M M 3 d - N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O N N O O O O N N O O S pO eO S pO N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N f 2025 IRP(Sept 2024) t 2025 IRP(Sept 2024) —2023IRP(Sep 2022) —2023 IRP(Sep 2022) 2023 IRP Update(Sep 2023) 2023 IRP Update(Sep 2023 Coal and Gas Retirements/Gas Conversions Coal resources have been an important resource in PacifiCorp's resource portfolio for many years. However,there have been material changes in how PacifiCorp has been operating these assets(i.e., by lowering operating minimums and optimizing dispatch through the EIM) that has enabled the company to reduce fuel consumption and associated costs and emissions, and instead buy increasingly low-cost,zero-emissions renewable energy from market participants across the West, which is accessed by our expansive transmission grid. PacifiCorp's coal resources will continue to play a pivotal role in following fluctuations in renewable energy. New for the 2025 IRP, coal- fired units that do not have an enforceable environmental compliance requirement have the option to continue coal-fired operation through the end of the study horizon. Where natural gas supply is expected to be reasonably available, an option to convert to natural gas was modeled, and is required for continued operations at units that are required to cease coal-fired operation. As shown in Figure 9.9, the 2025 IRP converts 562 MW of coal fueled generation to natural gas fueled, and exits PacifiCorp's share in 386.2 MW of minority-owned coal, and an additional 220 MW of majority-owned coal by the end of the study horizon. The balance of the coal units continue to operate through the end of the study horizon, with 700 MW at Jim Bridger 3 and 4 converting to carbon capture in 2030. Figure 9.9—2025 IRP Preferred Portfolio Thermal Resources 9,000 8,000 - 7,000 al 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 — 7 2,000 U 1,000 0 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 �Coal m Coal-CCUS �Gas-Steam �Gas-CT/CCCT ---2023 1 RP Update ---23 IRP A summary of the coal unit exits,retirements, and conversions in the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio and the 2023 IRP Update preferred portfolio is shown in Table 9.9. In addition to these coal unit 224 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS exits,retirements, and conversions,the preferred portfolio continues to operate all existing natural gas units through the end of the study horizon.2 Table 9.9—2025 IRP Coal Resource Results Majority--Owned Coal Unit 2023 IRP Update Retirement Year 2025 IRP Retirement Year As Selected As Selected Dave Johnston 1 &?7 2028(Coal ash compliance) Not retired(Gas conversion 2029) Dave Johnston 3 2027(Clean air compliance) 2027(Clean air compliance) Dave Johnston 4 2039(Assumed end of life) Not retired Hunter 1-3 2042(Assumed end of life) Not retired Huntington 1 &2 2036(Assumed end of life) Not retired Jim Bridger 1 &2 2037(Gas conversion 2024/Assumed end of life) Not retired(Gas conversion 2024) Jim Bridger 3 &4 2039(CCS/Assumed end of life) Not retired(CCS) Naughton 1 &2 2036(Gas conversion 2026/Assumed end of life) Not retired(Gas conversion 2026) Wyodak 2039(Assmned end of life) Not retired(Coal) 'nority-Owned Coa 2023 IRP Update Retirement Year 2025 IRP Retirement Year lU�it As Input As Input Colstrip 3 2025 (Transfer capacity to unit 4) 2025 (Transfer capacity to unit 4) Colstrip 4 2029(PacifiCorp exit) 2029(PacifiCorp exit) Craig 1 2025 (Assumed end of life) 2025 (Assumed end of life) Craig 2 2028(Assumed end of life) 2028(Assumed end of life) Hayden 1 2028(Assumed end of life) 2028(Assumed end of life) Hayden 2 2027(Assumed end of life) 2027(Assumed end of life) Carbon Dioxide Equivalent Emissions The 2025 IRP preferred portfolio reflects PacifiCorp's on-going efforts to provide cost-effective clean-energy solutions for our customers and accordingly reflects an overall declining trajectory of carbon dioxide and other carbon dioxide equivalent emissions resulting in a total (CO2e) emissions decline. PacifiCorp's emissions have been declining and continue to decline because of several factors including PacifiCorp's participation in the EIM,which reduces customer costs and maximizes use of clean energy; on-going transition to clean-energy resources including new renewable resources, new advanced nuclear resources, storage and transmission advancements; and Regional Haze compliance that capitalizes on flexibility. The chart on the left in Figure 9.10 compares projected annual CO2e emissions across the 2025 IRP, 2023 IRP, and 2023 IRP Update preferred portfolios and is inclusive of emissions attributed to market purchases. The 2025 IRP delivers greater emission reductions between 2025 to 2032 outperforming both the 2023 IRP and 2023 IRP Update, with average annual CO2e emissions down 8%by 2030 relative to the 2023 IRP.After 2032,emissions are forecasted to rise moderately above the 2023 IRP due in part to a higher load forecast in the 2025 IRP and the expiration of 2 PacifiCorp's Chehalis and Hermiston natural gas units are subject to Washington and Oregon regulation, respectively,and a final determination of state allocations,potential operational restrictions and economics continue to be evaluated. 225 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS existing contracted resources.The difference in emissions from the 2023 IRP also reflects the 2025 IRP's balanced strategy to maintaining low-cost firm capacity by allowing existing coal plants to operate through the planning period at a reduced capacity. In addition, some coal plants convert to natural gas or install CCS technology. Through these shifts, the overarching trend points to continued emissions reductions, supporting long-term decarbonization goals. By the end of the planning horizon, system CO2e emissions are projected to fall from 22.0 million metric tons in 2025 to 10.6 million tons in 2045—a reduction of 52 percent. The chart on the right in Figure 9.10 includes historical data, assigns emissions at a rate of 0.428 metric tons CO2 equivalent per MWh to market purchases(with no credit to market sales),includes emissions associated with specified purchases,and extrapolates projections out through 2050. This graph demonstrates that, relative to a 2005 baseline of 54.6 million metric tons, system CO2 equivalent emissions are down 60 percent in 2025, 80 percent in 2030, and 85 percent in 2040. 226 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 9—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Figure 9.10—2025 IRP Preferred Portfolio CO2 Emissions and PacifiCorp CO2 Equivalent Emissions Trajectory' 30 IRP CO2e Emissions Comparison 25 a� O 20 .. ro 0 15 H 10 � 5 0 r" 0 wl' �10 t­ 00 (7) O --i N M W') 1.0 t— 00 ON O -- N M :I, v', N N N N fV M M M M M M M M M M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O fV fV fV fV fV fV fV fV fV fV fV fV fV fV fV N fV fV fV fV fV ■2025 IRP CO2e 2023 IRP Update CO2e 2023 IRP CO2e PacifiCorp CO2e Emissions Trajectory ,1 60 N 100% O 50 .. U-1 ...••...,,... 80% 0 40 60% 30 c N 20 40% o 0 10 20% Iloilo 0 0% O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O �PacifiCorp Emissions(Million MT) —2005 Base Emission ......%Reduction from 2005 Base 1 PacifiCorp CO2 equivalent emissions trajectory reflects actual emissions through 2022 from owned facilities,specified sources and unspecified sources. 2023 emissions have yet to be updated for actuals and 2024 emissions were not forecasted in the 2025 IRP. Therefore both 2023 and 2024 reflect the forecast from the 2023 IRP. From 2025 through the end of the 21-year planning period in 2045,emissions reflect those from the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio with emissions from specified sources reported in CO2 equivalent.Market purchases are assigned a default emission factor(0.428 metric tons CO2e/MWh)—emissions from sales are not removed. Beyond 2045, emissions reflect the rolling average emissions of each resource from the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio through the life of the resource or the end of the contract. The emissions trajectory does not incorporate clean energy targets set forth in Oregon House Bill 2021 or any other state-specific emissions trajectories.PacifiCorp expects these targets,and an Oregon-specific emissions trajectory,to be discussed in more detail in its Clean Energy Plan. 227 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Renewable Portfolio Standards Figure 9.11 shows PacifiCorp's renewable portfolio standard (RPS) compliance forecast for California, Oregon, and Washington after accounting for unbundled REC purchases and new renewable resources in the preferred portfolio. While new resources are included in the preferred portfolio as cost-effective system resources and are not included to specifically meet RPS targets, they nonetheless contribute to meeting RPS targets in PacifiCorp's western states. Oregon RPS compliance is achieved through 2045 with the addition of new renewable resources. Washington RPS compliance is also achieved through 2045 with the addition of new renewable resources. Under PacifiCorp's 2020 Protocol, and the Washington Inter urisdictional Allocation Methodology, Washington receives a share of renewable resources across PacifiCorp's system; however, Washington may also benefit from the situs allocation of new renewable resources as necessary for compliance. The California RPS compliance position will be met with owned and contracted renewable resources, as well as unbundled REC purchases throughout the 2025 IRP study period. The increasing RPS requirement results in an increased need for unbundled REC purchases to meet the annual and compliance period targets in the long term. The company will rely on a combination of new renewable resources from the preferred portfolio and unbundled RECs to meet future shortfalls. 228 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Although not depicted in Figure 9.11, PacifiCorp achieves Utah's 2025 state target of supplying 20 percent of adjusted retail sales with eligible renewable resources through a combination of existing owned and contracted resources, along with new renewable resources and transmission included in the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio. 229 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 9—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Figure 9.11 —Annual State RPS Compliance Forecast 800 California RPS a 600 re 0 oa 400 W 200 c� 0 o�,a �o �ti o°� �^� cQ`'k ti c4� ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ' ti ti ®Unbundled Surrendered Bundled Surrendered ®Unbundled Bank Surrendered t Bundled Bank Surrendered ®Year-end Unbundled Bank Balance Year-end Bundled Bank Balance Shortfall Requirement Oregon RPS 100,000 — T 80,000 d 60,000 0 t40,000 WUW A4 20,000 04 wi Cb °,yao � °�,ti °,��, � � b � °,�� °,�a �o �N ti ti �ti ti�^ ti ti � �� cps ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ®Unbundled Surrendered Bundled Surrendered ®Unbundled Bank Surrendered Bundled Bank Surrendered ®Year-end Unbundled Bank Balance Year-end Bundled Bank Balance Shortfall — Requirement 6,000 Washington RPS ,T 5,000 4,000 0 3,000 U 2,000 1,000 0 . L--11 11 11 b, o"�� o"�� o�° cP� cQ�, o°� o°`tK o°�' ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti _ ti ti ti ®Unbundled Surrendered Bundled Surrendered ®Unbundled Bank Surrendered Bundled Bank Surrendered ®Yearend Unbundled Bank Balance Year-end Bundled Bank Balance �Shortfall —$--Requirement 230 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Oregon HB2021 Compliance In 2021, Oregon adopted House Bill 2021, an energy policy seeking to reduce emissions from electric generation facilities used to serve customers in the state. HB 2021 sets targets to reduce emissions associated with Oregon retail sales from a baseline, calculated as the average emissions reported from years 2010 through 2012,by 80 percent in 2030,90 percent by 2035 and 100 percent by 2040. For PacifiCorp, this requires the company to reduce baseline emissions of 8.99 million metric tons (MMT)of carbon dioxide equivalents(CO2e)to 1.79 MMT CO2e by 2030,0.89 MMT CO2e by 2035, and zero by 2040. The law also increased Oregon's small-scale renewable energy project purchase requirement from 8 to 10 percent by 2030. The 2025 IRP preferred portfolio was developed to incorporate resources specifically selected to meet all state-specific requirements,including Oregon's greenhouse gas emission reduction targets defined by HB 2021. PacifiCorp also modeled the small-scale renewable portfolio requirement to ensure that at least 10 percent of Oregon-allocated capacity will be small-scale (20 MW or less), in each year from 2030 onwards. Greenhouse gas emissions methodology PacifiCorp's greenhouse gas accounting framework for HB 2021 compliance,including emissions forecast and reduction targets, is based on the statute itself and rules and guidance from Oregon Department of Environmental Quality's (ODEQ)longstanding greenhouse gas reporting program. ODEQ is responsible for verifying utility emissions forecasts to determine compliance with HB 2021's clean energy targets.3 Consistent with this responsibility, ODEQ developed guidance for projecting and reporting emissions for HB 2021 purposes that leverages methodologies from the agency's Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program rules.' This guidance includes proposed emission factors for utilities to use in emissions forecasts for CEPs.' The agency has not yet provided PacifiCorp with updated 2025 CEP emission factors, so this draft uses the emission factors developed by ODEQ for the 2023 CEP. In addition to emissions factors,ODEQ provided guidance for multi jurisdictional utility reporting, adjustments for netting wholesale sales or non-retail electricity, accounting for transmission losses, and accounting for electricity purchased from specified and unspecified sources.' Finally, HB 2021 requires PacifiCorp to exclude emissions from net metering of customer resources and qualifying facilities under the terms of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act from its determination of compliance with clean energy targets.7 3 ORS §469A.420;Oregon Department of Environmental Quality,"DEQ's Evaluation of Clean Energy Targets: Overview of DEQ's role in verification and determination of emissions data required by HB 2021"(available at https://www.oregon og v/deq/jzhgp/Documents/CEPBack rg ggpd.pdf). 4 OAR 340-215-0010 through-0125;Oregon Department of Environmental Quality,"GHG Emissions Accounting for House Bill 2021 Reporting and projecting emissions from electricity using DEQ methodology"(available at https://www.oregon.gov/deq/ghgp/Documents/HB2021EFGuidance.pd . 5 Oregon Department of Environmental Quality,"Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors for HB 2021 Electricity Sector Emission Projections"(available at https://www.oreo�n.gou v/deq/jzhgp/Documents/HB2021-EmissionFactors.xlsx). 'Oregon Department of Environmental Quality,"Multi jurisdictional Utilities:Instructions for reporting greenhouse gas emissions"(available at https://www.oregon og v/deq/aq/Documents/GHGRP-MutlijurisdictionalPigigcI l.pdf). 'PacifiCorp has updated its methodology for calculating progress toward HB2021 targets since the 2023 CEP.In the 2023 CEP,both emissions and generation from QFs were excluded from the progress calculation. However,upon a close review of the regulation, it was determined that the statute only requires the exclusion of emissions associated with QFs.This revised approach has been applied in the 2025 CEP. 231 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Based on emissions factors and methodology framework, the modeling process allows for endogenous selection of proxy resources and optimized dispatch of resources and market transactions to determine a resource portfolio that meets HB 2021 obligations for Oregon customers. The emissions trajectory associated with serving Oregon retail customers is depicted in Figure 9.12. Resources allocated to Oregon customers exceed annual energy requirements, and compliance can be achieved through economic specified-source wholesale sales of a portion of the excess supply, where the purchaser is responsible for the associated emissions. Figure 9.12—Oregon Allocated Emission Reduction Relative to HB 2021 Target 100% - W 90% 80% ��• a 70% 60% .. .. . . .. . . . .• ••.. . . • a� • 50% .• O •• • y 40% 0'~ —%Emissions Reduction Target .... 2023 IRP Preferred Portfolio 2023 IRP Update Preferred Portfolio —2025 IRP Preferred Portfolio w/o Spec. Sales - — 2025 IRP Preferred Portfolio w/Spec. Sales Capacity and Energy Figure 9.13 and Figure 9.14 show how PacifiCorp's system energy and nameplate capacity mix is projected to change over time. In developing these figures, purchased power is reported in identifiable resource categories where possible. Energy mix figures are based upon base price curve assumptions. Renewable capacity and generation reflect categorization by technology type and not disposition of renewable energy attributes for regulatory compliance requirements.$On an energy basis, coal generation drops below 20 percent in 2026, falling below 10 percent in 2036, and remaining below 10 percent through the end of the planning period. On a capacity basis, coal resources drop to 12 percent. Reduced energy and capacity from coal is offset primarily by increased energy and capacity from renewable and storage resources, nuclear resources and DSM resources. 'The projected PacifiCorp 2021 IRP preferred portfolio"energy mix"is based on energy production and not resource capability,capacity or delivered energy.All or some of the renewable energy attributes associated with wind,biomass,geothermal and qualifying hydro facilities in PacifiCorp's energy mix may be: (a)used in future years to comply with renewable portfolio standards or other regulatory requirements;(b)sold to third parties in the form of renewable energy credits or other environmental commodities;or(c)excluded from energy purchased. PacifiCorp's 2021 IRP preferred portfolio energy mix includes owned resources and purchases from third parties. 232 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 1-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Projected 1 Preferred PI 1 o Resources 11', •1' :1' 1'% .1' 1', 4 1' 1% 1', 1' 2025 20261 128 2029 2030 2031 20321 134 2035 20361 138 2039 2040 2041 204214 144 2045 mCoal .. .. 1' M EE EGas mother • FigureProjected Capacity ' 1Portfolio R 1 11' 1 I °io 13°b 14% I$% 16°i6 17°i6I lab 19°if• I10%I10°ifuh0°i6I10°iblll°i6l I I I I I :1 I I18%I19°rb119%I18°r6 0, o' o� o I I I I Ou/0I 3%I±4°r6l±go,,bl±4°�bl± o h ° h I I I I I I 1 .1' I±6%I±6°ibl±7%I31%I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 13/o 1 I I I I I30%I28°/ul_8%I'8%I_7°i61�7°�I I I I I I I I I 1 1 17%17%16%16Mb I I I I I I I31°r6131%I31%I30%I30%I±9%h9%I31oibI30% I' I I I I5°iblS%I5% Igo� ISo�IS°�I I I I I I I I I 1 11%I 1%I_0°�I±O% I18%I o f o f o f o f 4%149-6 14°r6 149R•14°r6l 4°r6 14°ib I .yob 14°ib 1% 16/o I16/o I16/0116/ol I I I I I I I I � 13°ib 13°r6 13°r6 13°ifo 13°r6 13°rb 13% 1'% 1' 1% I_ 21°ib 194b 16oib 13R/o 134/0 1±0011_o,='I1±aoll�ooll0o,ollpoollpo°Ilpoollpaollpool go;o I gao I go;o 1% • • 001her(Non-Renewable) 0 Energy Efficiency oDemandResponse PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Detailed Preferred Portfolio Table 9.10 provides line-item detail of PacifiCorp's 2025 IRP preferred portfolio showing new resource capacity along with changes in existing resource capacity through the 21-year planning horizon. Table 9.11 and Table 9.12 report line-item detail of PacifiCorp's peak load and resource capacity balance for summer, including preferred portfolio resources, over the 21-year planning horizon. Table 9.13 and Table 9.14 report line-item detail of PacifiCorp's peak load and resource capacity balance for winter, including preferred portfolio resources, over the 21-year horizon. 234 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Table 9.10—PacifiCorp's 2025 IRP Preferred Portfolio Summary Portfolio Capacity by Resource Type and Year,Installed MW Installed Capacity,MW Resource 1 2025 1 2026 1 2027 1 2028 1 2029 1 2030 2031 1 2032 1 2033 2034 1 2035 1 2036 2037 1 2038 1 2039 2040 1 2041 1 2042 1 2043 1 2044 1 2045 Total Expansion Options JML Gas-CCCT - - - - Gas-Peaking - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nuclear 500 500 Renewable Peaking - DSM-Energy Efficiency 89 89 238 262 270 285 342 329 308 282 265 255 250 233 220 208 201 232 283 269 239 5,149 DSM-Demand Response 18 40 11 144 33 81 13 36 2 46 24 12 66 76 42 51 46 33 71 63 144 1,052 Renewable-Wind - 486 804 - - 451 - - 3 2,327 - - - - - - - - - 4,071 Renewable-Small Scale Wind - - 380 505 4 85 - 246 4 37 9 - 236 802 2,308 Renewable-Utility Solar 245 182 - 848 896 805 49 5 2,221 4 237 - - 5,492 Renewable-Small Scale Solar - Renewable-Geothermal - Renewable-Battery 520 1,297 116 39 - 416 3 317 176 11 253 10 81 105 488 257 279 15 4,383 Renewable-Battery(Long Duration) - 1 26 62 655 166 22 93 88 67 326 466 312 325 - 264 332 80 3,285 Other Renewable - - - Storage-Other Existing Unit Changes Coal Plant Retirements-Minority Owned (82) (33) (123) (148) (386) Coal Plant Retirements - - - (220) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (220) Coal Plant Ceases as Coal (357) - (205) (700) (1,262) Coal-CCS Coal-Gas Conversions 357 205 562 Gas Plant Retirements - - Retire-Hydro - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - Retire-Non-Thermal (3) (32) (35) Retire-Wind - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Solar Expire-Wind PPA (64) (99) (200) (333) (696) Expire-Solar PPA - (2) - (9) (100) (65) (230) (407) Expire-QE (47) (3) (2) (52) Expire-Other (20) (20) Total 107 502 1,792 961 1,426 1,966 1 1,212 1 2,144 1 455 1 735 535 5,061 235 1 893 1 747 652 1 516 989 1,630 1 710 456 235 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS 236 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Table 9.11 -Preferred Portfolio Summer Capacity Load and Resource Balance (2025-2034) 2025 2030 2032 Coal 3,959 3,567 3,567 3,375 3,090 2,926 2,926 2,926 2,926 2,926 Gas 2,984 3,294 3,294 3,295 3,469 3,470 3,470 3,470 3,470 3,470 Hydroelectric 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 Wind 246 224 218 211 205 189 168 162 157 151 Solar 342 499 488 476 464 453 441 429 418 406 Other Renewable 46 45 44 42 41 40 38 37 36 34 Storage 1 939 925 909 894 879 865 849 834 819 Purchase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qualifying Facilities 413 404 395 386 377 368 359 348 334 323 Demand Response 305 300 295 290 286 281 276 271 266 262 Sale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers 0 (639) (822) (627) (335) (1,131) (1,021) (595) (628) (494) Fast listing Resources 8,373 8,709 8,480 8,434 8,567 7,549 7,598 7,975 7,889 7,974 Additional Proxy/Short-Term Purchases 190 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hydrogen Storage Peaker 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gas 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 Wind 0 0 0 85 185 268 263 273 267 263 Solar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage 0 0 136 160 220 867 1,029 1,049 1,139 1,224 Nuclear 0 0 0 0 0 300 300 300 300 300 Demand Response 0 0 0 73 92 106 106 127 127 157 Fast Planned Resources 190 0 137 319 499 1,543 1,701 1,751 1,836 1,947 Fast Total Resources 8,563 8,710 8,617 8,753 9,065 9,092 9,299 9,726 9,725 9,920 Load 7,734 7,947 7,952 8,230 8,667 8,855 9,050 9,335 9,335 9,284 Distributed Generation (157) (143) (186) (234) (285) (341) (400) (458) (515) (354) Energy Efficiency (92) (191) (234) (346) (457) (566) (561) (852) (880) (996) Fast Total obligation 7,485 7,613 7,532 7,651 7,924 7,948 8,089 8,025 7,940 7,934 Fast Reserve Margin 14.4% 14.4% 14.4% 14.4% 14.4% 14.4% 15.0% 21.2% 22.5% 25.0% Coal 140 133 133 133 133 0 0 0 0 0 Gras 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 Hydroelectric 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 Wind 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Solar 69 67 65 62 60 58 52 50 48 46 Other Renewable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Purchase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qualifying Facilities 229 224 212 207 198 194 188 178 174 170 Demand Response 60 59 58 58 57 56 55 55 54 53 Transfers 0 639 822 627 335 1,131 1,021 595 628 494 West Existing Resources 1,927 2,551 2,719 2,516 2,212 2,868 2,745 2,307 2,332 2,191 Additional Proxy/Short-Term Purchases 2,145 1,711 568 720 1,079 166 0 0 0 0 Hydrogen Storage Peaker 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wind 0 0 0 0 64 64 64 112 112 111 Solar 0 0 133 225 218 627 1,031 1,363 1,333 1,285 Storage 0 0 847 920 908 923 912 1,186 1,171 1,369 Nuclear 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Demand Response 0 6 9 42 44 44 48 49 49 50 West Planned Resources 2,145 1,718 1,559 1,907 2,313 1,825 2,055 2,710 2,665 2,815 West Total Resources 4,072 4,269 4,278 4,423 4,525 4,693 4,799 5,017 4,998 5,006 Load 3,672 3,826 3,938 4,121 4,271 4,482 4,609 4,828 4,946 4,887 Distributed Generation (49) (54) (75) (99) (124) (152) (182) (213) (244) (148) Energy Efficiency (63) (41) (123) (157) (191) (227) (231) (229) (334) (364) West Total obligation 3,560 3,731 3,740 3,866 3,955 4,102 4,195 4,386 4,368 4,376 West Reserve Margin 14.4% 14.4% 14.49/6 14.4% 14.49/o 14.4916 14.4% 14.4% 14.4% 14.4% Total Resources 12,635 12,978 12,895 13,175 13,590 13,785 14,099 14,743 14,723 14,926 Obligation 11,045 11,345 11,272 11,517 11,879 12,050 12,284 12,410 12,308 12,310 Planning Reserves(14.4%) 1,590 1,634 1,623 1,658 1,711 1,735 1,769 1,787 1,772 1,773 Obligation+Reserves 12,635 12,978 12,895 13,175 13,590 13,785 14,053 14,197 14,081 14,082 System Position 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 546 642 844 Reserve Margin 14.4% 14.4% 14.4% 14.4% 14.4% 14.4% 14.8% 18.8% 19.6% 21.3% 237 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Table 9.12-Preferred Portfolio Summer Capacity Load and Resource Balance (2036-2045) 2035 2039 2043 Coal 2,926 2,926 2,926 2,926 2,926 2,926 2,926 2,926 2,926 2,926 2,926 Gas 3,470 3,470 3,470 3,470 3,470 3,470 3,470 3,470 3,470 3,470 3,470 Hydroelectric 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 Wind 145 140 134 128 122 117 81 77 73 69 65 Solar 395 383 343 332 322 311 300 290 279 246 236 Other Renewable 33 32 30 11 11 10 9 9 8 8 0 Storage 804 788 773 759 744 728 714 699 684 668 654 Purchase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qualifying Facilities 314 302 240 231 223 211 204 196 189 182 176 Demand Response 257 252 247 243 238 233 228 223 218 214 209 Sale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers (469) (310) (491) (366) (567) (653) (663) (627) (708) (607) (765) Fast Usting Resources 7,950 8,060 7,749 7,811 7,564 7,430 7,346 7,339 7,216 7,252 7,047 Additional Proxy/Short-TerraPureha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hydrogen Storage Peaker 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gas 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Wind 258 641 629 621 609 596 583 601 691 675 658 Solar 0 316 306 297 287 278 268 258 249 239 230 Storage 1,288 1,286 1,284 1,605 2,064 2,371 2,690 2,688 2,947 3,273 3,350 Nuclear 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 302 Demand Response 172 181 189 198 230 241 251 265 294 307 401 Fast Planned Resources 2,022 2,726 2,711 3,024 3,494 3,789 4,095 4,116 4,484 4,799 4,943 Fast Total Resources 9,972 10,786 10,460 10,835 11,058 11,219 11,441 11,454 11,700 12,051 11,990 Load 9,411 9,557 9,767 9,935 10,083 10,201 10,339 10,480 10,664 10,745 10,883 Distributed Generation (385) (415) (445) (474) (503) (529) (557) (584) (609) (635) (660) Energy Efficiency (1,110) (1,151) (1,024) (1,333) (1,462) (1,515) (1,580) (1,315) (1,562) (1,583) (1,613) Fast Total obligation 7,916 7,990 8,298 8,129 8,118 8,156 8,202 8,581 8,492 8,528 8,610 Fast Reserve Margin 26.0% 35.0% 26.1% 33.3% 36.2% 37.6% 39.5% 33.5% 37.89/ 41.3% 39.3% Coal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 as 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 Hydroelectric 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 Wind 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Solar 45 43 41 39 37 35 13 12 11 11 10 Other Renewable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Purchase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qualifying Facilities 165 160 143 138 133 129 125 121 100 96 94 Demand Response 52 52 51 50 49 49 48 47 46 46 45 Transfers 469 310 491 366 567 653 663 627 708 607 765 West Existing Resources 2,159 1,992 2,153 2,021 2,213 2,293 2,276 2,235 2,293 2,187 2,341 Additional Proxy/Short-TerraPurcha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hydrogen Storage Peaker 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wind ill ill 110 110 109 109 109 108 108 107 107 Solar 1,235 1,444 1,382 1,320 1,259 1,197 1,208 1,140 1,074 1,008 942 Storage 1,466 1,444 1,431 1,569 1,551 1,576 1,617 1,881 2,001 2,130 2,102 Nuclear 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Demand Response 50 50 85 107 108 128 138 141 142 170 175 West Planned Resources 2,861 3,048 3,008 3,106 3,027 3,010 3,071 3,270 3,325 3,415 3,327 West Total Resources 5,020 5,040 5,161 5,127 5,240 5,303 5,347 5,505 5,618 5,603 5,668 Load 4,944 5,009 5,082 5,199 5,258 5,330 5,397 5,473 5,660 5,651 5,730 Distributed Generation (163) (177) (192) (206) (221) (234) (249) (263) (277) (290) (304) Energy Efficiency (394) (426) (378) (502) (457) (461) (475) (399) (473) (463) (471) West Total obligation 4,388 4,406 4,512 4,481 4,581 4,635 4,674 4,812 4,910 4,897 4,955 West Reserve Margin 14.49/ 14.4% 14.4% 14.49/ 14.4% 14.4% 14.4% 14.49/ 14.49/ 14.49/ 14.4% Total Resources 14,992 15,826 15,621 15,961 16,299 16,522 16,788 16,959 17,318 17,653 17,658 Obligation 12,304 12,396 12,810 12,610 12,699 12,791 12,876 13,393 13,403 13,425 13,564 Planning Reserves(14A%) 1,772 1,785 1,845 1,816 1,829 1,842 1,854 1,929 1,930 1,933 1,953 Obligation+Reserves 14,076 14,181 14,654 14,426 14,528 14,633 14,730 15,321 15,333 15,358 15,518 System Position 917 1,645 967 1,536 1,771 1,888 2,059 1,638 1,985 2,295 2,141 Reserve Margin 21.8% 27.7% 21.9% 26.6% 28.3% 29.2% 30.4% 26.6% 29.2% 31.5% 30.2% 238 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Table 9.13 -Preferred Portfolio Winter Capacity Load and Resource Balance (2025-2034) 2025 2030 2032 Coal 4,147 3,733 3,733 3,498 3,184 3,014 3,014 3,015 3,015 3,015 Gas 3,003 3,334 3,334 3,335 3,526 3,527 3,527 3,527 3,527 3,527 Hydroelectric 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 Wind 2,037 1,929 1,836 1,748 1,616 1,456 1,377 1,300 1,226 1,154 Solar 77 104 101 98 95 92 89 86 83 80 Other Renewable 41 39 38 37 35 34 33 31 30 28 Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Purchase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qualifying Facilities 186 181 177 171 167 162 155 150 130 125 Demand Response 139 135 132 129 125 122 119 116 112 109 Sale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers (1,600) (1,600) (1,281) (11299) (1,403) (1,600) (1,600) (1,176) (1,225) (1,002) Fast Existing Resources 8,062 7,890 8,104 7,749 7,379 6,841 6,748 7,083 6,931 7,070 Additional Proxy/Short-Term Purchases 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hydrogen Storage Peaker 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gas 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 Wind 0 0 0 225 484 691 672 688 666 645 Solar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage 0 0 90 113 173 821 983 1,003 1,093 1,178 Nuclear 0 0 0 0 0 300 300 300 300 300 Demand Response 0 0 0 73 92 106 106 127 127 157 Fast Planned Resources 0 0 90 412 750 1,920 2,063 2,120 2,188 2,283 Fast Total Resources 8,062 7,890 8,194 8,161 8,129 8,760 8,811 9,202 9,119 9,353 Load 5,724 6,099 6,174 6,448 6,759 6,698 6,869 7,153 7,223 7,397 Distributed Generation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Energy Efficiency (63) (116) (174) (243) (311) (385) (403) (528) (613) (695) Fast Total obligation 5,659 5,981 5,997 6,201 6,443 6,306 6,459 6,617 6,601 6,693 Fast Reserve Margin 42.5% 31.9% 36.6% 31.6% 26.2% 38.9% 36.4% 39.1% 38.1% 39.7% Coal 147 147 147 147 147 0 0 0 0 0 Gas 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 Hydroelectric 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 Wind 64 61 59 57 54 52 50 47 45 43 Solar 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Other Renewable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Purchase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qualifying Facilities 68 68 60 60 57 56 56 55 55 55 Demand Response 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers 1,600 1,600 1,281 1,299 1,403 1,600 1,600 1,176 1,225 1,002 West Existing Resources 3,341 3,339 3,010 3,026 3,124 3,171 3,167 2,740 2,787 2,561 Additional Proxy/Short-Term Purchases 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hydrogen Storage Peaker 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wind 0 0 0 0 64 64 64 112 ill ill Solar 0 0 34 57 55 158 259 340 331 316 Storage 0 0 1,102 1,197 1,180 1,200 1,182 1,538 1,517 1,770 Nuclear 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Demand Response 0 6 9 42 44 44 48 49 49 50 West Planned Resources 0 6 1,146 1,297 1,343 1,466 1,553 2,039 2,008 2,248 West Total Resources 3,341 3,345 4,156 4,322 4,467 4,637 4,720 4,778 4,794 4,809 Load 3,711 3,577 3,676 3,859 4,025 4,478 4,541 4,421 4,477 4,526 Distributed Generation (0) (0) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) Energy Efficiency (45) (79) (118) (157) (199) (246) (236) (328) (370) (407) West Total obligation 3,665 3,498 3,558 3,701 3,825 4,230 4,303 4,091 4,105 4,117 West Reserve Margin -8.89/o -4.4% 16.8% 16.8% 16.8% 9.6916 9.7% 16.8% 16.8% 16.8% Total Resources 11,404 11,235 12,350 12,484 12,596 13,397 13,531 13,980 13,913 14,161 Obligation 9,324 9,479 9,555 9,902 10,268 10,537 10,762 10,708 10,706 10,810 Planning Reserves(16.8%) 1,566 1,593 1,605 1,663 1,725 1,770 1,808 1,799 1,799 1,816 Obligation+Reserves 10,891 11,072 11,160 11,565 11,993 12,307 12,570 12,507 12,505 12,626 System Position 513 163 1,190 919 604 1,091 960 1,474 1,408 1,536 Reserve Margin 22.3% 18.5% 29.3% 26.1% 22.7% 27.2% 25.7% 30.6% 30.0% 31.0% 239 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Table 9.14-Preferred Portfolio Winter Capacity Load and Resource Balance (2035-2045) 2035 2039 2043 Coal 3,015 3,015 3,015 3,015 3,015 3,015 3,015 3,015 3,015 3,015 3,015 Gas 3,527 3,527 3,527 3,527 3,527 3,527 3,527 3,527 3,527 3,527 3,527 Hydroelectric 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 Wind 1,082 1,014 948 883 820 674 621 570 522 474 429 Solar 77 74 71 68 66 63 60 57 46 44 41 Other Renewable 27 26 24 8 8 8 7 6 6 0 0 Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Purchase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qualifying Facilities 121 103 98 95 91 87 83 79 75 72 68 Demand Response 106 103 99 96 93 89 86 83 80 76 73 Sale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers (911) (1,183) (1,390) (789) (927) (938) (950) (1,006) (965) (865) (921) Fast Usting Resources 7,078 6,712 6,426 6,936 6,725 6558 6,481 6,365 6,339 6,375 6,265 Additional Proxy/Short-TermPurcha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hydrogen Storage Peaker 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gas 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Wind 625 1,530 1,476 1,436 1,383 1,329 1,273 1,286 1,447 1,378 1,311 Solar 0 81 78 75 71 68 65 62 59 55 52 Storage 1,242 1,239 1,234 1,552 2,008 2,312 2,628 2,623 2,880 3,203 3,277 Nuclear 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 302 Demand Response 172 181 189 198 230 241 251 265 294 307 401 Fast Planned Resources 2,342 3,334 3,281 3,564 3,996 4,254 4,521 4,540 4,983 5,247 5,345 Fast Total Resources 9,420 10,046 9,707 10,500 10,721 10,812 11,001 10,905 11,322 11,622 11,610 Load 7,321 7,508 7,595 7,732 7,856 7,991 8,169 8,340 8,450 8,525 8,664 Distributed Generation (11) (11) (12) (13) (13) (14) (14) (14) (15) (15) (16) Energy Efficiency (580) (891) (834) (824) (879) (926) (1,042) (979) (1,305) (1,268) (1,195) Fast Total obligation 6,730 6,606 6,749 6,896 6,964 7,052 7,113 7,347 7,131 7,242 7,453 Fast Reserse Margin 40.0% 52.1% 43.8% 52.3% 54.0% 53.3% 54.7% 48.4% 58.89/ 60.5% 55.8% Coal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 as 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 Hydroelectric 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 726 Wind 41 39 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 Solar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Renewable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Purchase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qualifying Facilities 55 53 53 52 51 51 50 50 49 49 49 Demand Response 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers 911 1,183 1,390 789 927 938 950 1,006 965 865 921 West Existing Resources 2,467 2,736 2,940 2,336 2,471 2,480 2,489 2,542 2,499 2,397 2,451 Additional Proxy/Short-TermPurcha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hydrogen Storage Peaker 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wind ill 110 110 109 109 109 108 108 107 107 106 Solar 301 349 331 312 294 276 274 254 235 215 195 Storage 1,893 1,865 1,845 2,021 1,997 2,027 2,076 2,412 2,564 2,722 2,685 Nuclear 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Demand Response 50 50 85 107 108 128 138 141 142 170 175 West Planned Resources 2.355 2,374 2,372 2,549 2,508 2,539 2,596 2,914 3,048 3,213 3,162 West Total Resources 4,822 5,109 5,312 4,886 4,979 5,018 5,085 5,456 5,547 5,610 5,613 Load 4,773 4,920 4,989 4,941 5,062 5,136 5,276 5,289 5,398 5,345 5,467 Distributed Generation (2) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (4) (4) (4) (4) Energy Efficiency (642) (543) (439) (755) (796) (837) (919) (614) (645) (538) (658) West Total obligation 4,128 4,374 4,548 4,183 4,263 4,297 4,353 4,671 4,749 4,803 4,805 West Reserve Margin 16.89/ 16.8% 16.8% 16.8% 16.8% 16.8% 16.8% 16.89/ 16.89/ 16.8% 16.8% Total Resources 14,241 15,155 15,018 15,386 15,700 15,830 16,086 16,361 16,869 17,232 17,223 Obligation 10,858 10,980 11,297 11,079 11,227 11,348 11,466 12,018 11,880 12,045 12258 Planning Reserres(16.8%) 1,564 1,581 1,627 1,595 1,617 1,634 1,651 1,731 1,711 1,735 1,765 Obligation+Reserves 12,422 12,561 12,924 12,674 12,943 12,983 13,117 13,749 13,591 13,780 14,023 System Position 1,820 2,594 2,095 2,711 2,857 2,849 2,969 2,612 3,278 3,452 3,200 Reserve Margin 31.2% 38.0% 32.9% 38.9% 39.8% 39.5% 40.3% 36.1% 42.0% 43.1% 40.5% 240 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 9—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Integrated Portfolio Resource Comparisons by Technology and Year Table 9.15 through Table 9.25 report the incremental capacity of each technology type for each integrated portfolio and integrated variant portfolio. Table 9.26 through Table 9.28 report the capacity of coal generating units that are retired, converted to natural gas fueling, or augmented with carbon capture technology. Table 9.15—New Gast Study Installed Capacity,MW 2025 2026 2 227 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 1 2035 2036 1 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 MN Base - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MR Base 489 MN-No Coal Post 2032 MN-No CCS 40 MN-No Nuclear 40 MN-Offshore Wind IN Base HH Base SC Base I Positive values indicate installed capacity in the first full year of operations Table 9.16 -Nuclear' Study Installed Capacity,MW 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 MN Base - - - - - 500 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MR Base 500 MN-No Coal Post 2032 500 MN-No CCS 500 MN-No Nuclear MN-Offshore Wind 500 IN Base 500 HH Base 500 SC Base 500 1 Positive values indicate installed capacity in the first full year of operations 241 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Table 9.17—Renewable Peakin 1 Study Cumulative Energy,Gwh 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 MN Base - - - - - - - MR Base MN-No Coal Post 2032 MN-No CCS MN-No Nuclear MN-Offshore Wind IN Base HH Base SC Base 'Positive values indicate installed capacity in the first full year of operations Table 9.18—DSM—Energy Efficient Study Installed Capacity,MW 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 MN Base 89 89 238 262 270 285 342 329 308 282 265 255 250 233 220 208 201 232 283 269 239 MR Base 89 89 238 259 266 285 338 329 308 282 265 249 250 239 227 214 210 235 286 271 239 MN-No Coal Post 2032 89 89 238 259 266 281 336 329 303 282 265 248 250 234 220 208 201 232 283 269 240 MN-No CCS 89 89 238 262 270 285 343 329 308 282 270 255 250 234 220 208 202 232 287 272 239 MN-No Nuclear 189 89 238 262 275 289 345 331 308 283 265 252 250 233 227 214 207 235 286 275 239 MN-Offshore Wind 89 238 259 270 285 338 329 308 283 265 252 250 233 219 208 207 232 283 271 236 IN Base 89 237 257 265 280 334 328 307 281 264 254 249 232 218 206 199 225 276 266 227 HH Base 89 244 268 276 291 347 333 312 286 268 268 261 243 229 217 210 235 286 272 240 SC Base 89 244 265 272 286 347 333 310 283 265 258 252 240 227 209 210 1 234 286 271 235 Table 9.19—DSM—Demand Response Study Installed Capacity,MW 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 MN Base 18 40 11 144 33 81 13 36 2 46 24 12 66 76 42 51 46 33 71 63 144 MR Base 18 40 11 126 43 76 12 39 2 46 16 12 80 80 42 48 48 34 71 43 62 MN-No Coal Post 2032 18 40 11 141 32 60 47 27 2 46 16 12 66 84 42 48 48 34 71 62 43 MN-No CCS 18 40 11 139 38 81 13 36 2 46 24 12 66 76 45 48 60 68 23 153 53 MN-No Nuclear 18 40 19 126 53 94 23 21 18 39 16 1 136 28 42 77 23 29 72 62 144 MN-Offshore Wind 18 40 23 135 38 49 7 37 18 30 24 1 136 47 42 72 24 28 79 61 43 IN Base 18 40 25 138 53 34 13 36 18 31 16 21 85 76 43 50 46 33 72 118 88 HH Base 18 40 23 134 45 34 13 36 2 50 16 12 105 25 39 104 50 19 81 28 65 SC Base 18 40 13 27 115 21 82 26 2 46 16 1 32 91 94 30 67 27 77 27 40 242 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 9—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Table 9.20—Utility Scale Wind' Study Installed Capacity,MW 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 MN Base - - - 486 804 451 - - 3 2,327 - - - - - - - MR Base 1,417 594 - 451 3 2,954 187 MN-No Coal Post 2032 1,077 594 153 78 350 2 3,132 178 MN-No CCS 439 970 602 - - 273 2,634 - MN-No Nuclear - 422 834 412 199 1,374 616 MN-Offshore Wind 452 792 200 41 270 864 1,126 IN Base 594 - 3 3,015 - HH Base 1,187 721 975 233 451 3 2,492 - SC Base 1,417 - 594 - 451 297 3,236 152 I Positive values indicate installed capacity in the first full year of operations Table 9.21 —Small Scale Wind' Study Installed Capacity,MW 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 MN Base - - - - 380 505 4 85 - - - 246 4 37 9 - - 236 802 - - MR Base - 745 - 60 52 300 98 9 9 552 28 414 40 MN-No Coal Post 2032 380 505 4 85 246 4 37 9 - - 176 660 MN-No CCS 380 505 4 85 246 4 37 9 176 660 MN-No Nuclear - 246 7 21 207 111 17 9 105 211 MN-Offshore Wind - 113 79 1 IN Base 500 349 34 26 29 29 29 41 33 9 109 - - - 194 660 HH Base 133 876 89 14 172 76 75 49 - 402 486 120 125 37 SC Base 20 302 616 35 89 1 8 215 32 103 119 875 92 454 'Positive values indicate installed capacity in the first full year of operations Table 9.22 —Utility Solar' Study Installed Capacity,MW 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 MN Base - - 245 182 - 848 896 805 49 5 - 2,221 4 - - - 237 - - - - MR Base 137 107 505 794 1,081 522 1 - 2,736 2 406 237 MN-No Coal Post 2032 245 182 848 896 805 87 5 480 4,291 4 - 237 MN-No CCS 245 182 848 896 805 567 5 - 4,291 2 237 MN-No Nuclear 290 237 44 181 451 521 2 2,079 2,103 4 - MN-Offshore Wind 297 101 385 411 634 521 4 405 4 670 393 IN Base 136 317 49 683 985 452 522 300 105 1 4 6 23l HH Base 419 411 546 2,865 452 4 1 2,648 800 406 237 SC Base 336 500 281 1,156 415 55 1 66 3,363 1,584 564 1 139 1 237 1 793 Positive values indicate installed capacity in the first full year of operations 243 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Table 9.23 —Small Scale Solar' Study Installed Capacity,MW 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 MN Base - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MR Base 61 110 27 MN-No Coal Post 2032 MN-No CCS MN-No Nuclear 591 1 26 17 MN-Offshore Wind 731 55 72 3 165 54 8 9 244 IN Base - HH Base 1,121 SC Base 156 ' Positive values indicate installed capacity in the first full year of operations Table 9.24—Battery Storage' Study Installed Capacity,MW 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 MN Base - 520 1,297 116 - 39 - 416 3 317 176 - 11 253 10 81 105 488 257 279 15 MR Base 520 1,135 26 181 390 108 537 37 197 277 176 341 73 81 79 651 589 639 15 MN-No Coal Post 2032 520 1,297 116 - 19 4 639 12 71 365 56 602 220 422 128 227 242 411 17 MN-No CCS 520 1,297 16 43 19 4 464 14 242 389 438 417 65 488 214 214 355 592 15 MN-No Nuclear 520 734 124 318 879 110 317 15 309 148 314 14 861 174 95 108 43 96 MN-Offshore Wind 520 1,360 328 220 558 140 69 122 118 47 - 127 10 1,067 322 405 313 244 15 IN Base 520 1,235 160 3 - - 401 6 242 546 156 368 245 412 863 211 456 380 851 9 HH Base 520 1,133 66 108 347 141 452 141 12 200 - 74 50 12 193 136 505 399 276 34 SC Base 520 1,011 98 - 708 2 592 91 14 181 - 13 313 307 94 393 41 370 695 139 'Positive values indicate installed capacity in the first full year of operations Table 9.25—Long Duration Storage 1 Study Installed Capacity,MW 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 MN Base 1 26 62 655 166 22 93 88 67 - - 326 466 312 325 - 264 332 80 MR Base - - 378 - - - - 60 167 496 261 50 108 71 - MN-No Coal Post 2032 1 26 62 655 166 22 93 88 67 130 174 634 381 97 277 332 80 MN-No CCS 1 26 62 655 166 22 93 88 67 130 174 634 381 97 277 332 80 MN-No Nuclear 251 109 123 249 97 258 126 36 152 120 277 229 246 160 104 33 MN-Offshore Wind 45 15 79 166 31 339 178 382 675 305 206 274 327 362 122 IN Base 93 2 803 151 66 102 58 58 94 554 89 109 257 345 23 HH Base 243 86 131 1 274 375 106 555 135 346 90 SC Base 197 103 78 1 24 14 399 130 469 373 108 - 'Positive values indicate installed capacity in the first full year of operations 244 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Table 9.26-Majority Owned Coal Retirements' Study Installed Capacity,MW 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 MN Base - - 220 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MR Base (220) (268) MN-No Coal Post 2032 (220) (268) MN-No CCS (220) MN-No Nuclear (220) MN-Offshore Wind 220 IN Base (220) HH Base (220) SC Base (220) I Negative values indicate retirement of coal capacity Table 9.27-Carbon Capture and Sequestration Selections udy Installed Capacity,MW 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 MN Base - - - - - 526 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MRBase 526 MN-No tCoal Post 2032 MN-No CCS MN-No Nuclear 526 MN-Offshore Wind 526 IN Base 526 (264) HH Base 526 SC Base 526 - Table 9.28-Coal to Gas Conversion Selections Study Installed Capacity,MW 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 MN Base - 357 - - 205 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MR Base 357 205 2,397 MN-No Coal Post 2032 357 205 3,097 MN-No CCS 357 205 MN-No Nuclear 357 205 MN-Offshore Wind 357 205 IN Base 357 205 330 HH Base 357 205 330 SC Base 357 205 330 - 245 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS 246 PACIFICORP—2023 IRP CHAPTER 9—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Preferred Portfolio Variants Driven by emergent federal and state law and stakeholder interest, the 2025 IRP features 9 preferred portfolio variants developed to analyze key resource and transmission decisions. The iterative deterministic process consistently yields portfolios that are reliable once proxy resources are available for selection. As a consequence, there is no meaningful comparison of unserved energy between the various portfolios, and cost and risk comparison tables below do not include a measure of ENS. Table 9.29—Preferred Portfolio Variant Studies No CCS No coal units are able to select CCS technology No Nuclear No nuclear resources are eligible for selection No Coa12032 All coal must retire or gas convert by January 1 2032 Offshore Wind Counterfactual to the Preferred Portfolio selection All Coal End of Life Current coal units cannot gas convert OR select CCS No New Gas Proxy as plants are not eligible for selection Force All Gas Conversions All coal plants that can gas convert,must No Forward Technology Nuclear,Hydrogen and Biodiesel units are not eligible Table 9.30 summarizes the cost and risk results of the variant studies under expected conditions represented by the MN (medium gas price/no CO2)price-policy scenario. Table 9.30—Initial and Variant Cases Under Medium Gas/Zero CO2 ST Value CO2 Emissions Total CO2 Change from Emissions, Change from Lowest Cost 2023-2042 Lowest PVRR Portfolio (Thousand Emission Case-MN ($m) ($m) Rank Tons) Portfolio Rank Integrated Base MN 22,930 0 1 220,325 66,013 5 7Inte rated No Coal Post 2032 MN 23,844 914 4 154,979 668 2 Integrated No CCS MN 23,199 269 3 218,003 63,691 4 Integrated Offshore Wind MN 29,231 6,301 6 216,728 62,417 3 Integrated No Nuclear MN 24,295 1,365 5 239,932 85,621 Integrated Base MR 22,985 55 2 154,311 0 LLA Table 9.31, below, summarizes the cost and risk results of the variant studies under conditions represented by the LN (low gas price/zero CO2)price-policy scenario. 247 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Table 9.31 -Initial and Variant Cases Under Low Gas/Zero CO2 ST Value CO2 Emissions Total CO2 Change from Emissions, Change from Lowest Cost 2023-2042 Lowest PVRR Portfolio (Thousand Emission Case-I'MA ($m) ($m) Rank Tons) Portfolio Rank Integrated Base LN** Integrated Base MN 20,981 101 2 215,698 38,760 5 Integrated No Coal Post 2032 MN 21,598 718 4 178,027 1,089 2 Integrated No CCS MN 21,470 589 3 204,546 27,608 MENEW 3 Integrated Offshore Wind MN 27,395 6,515 208,244 31,305 4 Integrated No Nuclear MN 22,085 1,205 5 1 235,603 58,664 6 Integrated Base MR 1 20,880 1 0 IS 176,938 0 "The Integrated LN Base case was not able to evaluated in ST prior to publishing the draft. The comparative data for this table will be provided prior to final publication. Table 9.32 summarizes the cost and risk results of the variant studies under conditions represented by the HH (high gas price/high CO2) price-policy scenario. Summarized results include energy shortfalls and emissions metrics. Table 9.32 -Initial and Variant Cases Under High Gas/High CO2 ST Value CO2 Emissions Total CO2 Change from Emissions, Change from Lowest Cost 2023-2042 Lowest PURR Portfolio (Thousand Emission Case-IM ($m) ($m) Rank Tons) Portfolio Rank Integrated Base HH 25,554 0 1 121,431 0 1 Integrated Base MN 27,549 1,995 5 141,740 20,308 6 Integrated No Coal Post 2032 MN 27,315 1,760 3 129,468 8,037 2 Integrated No CCS MN 27,351 1,797 4 132,543 11,111 4 Integrated Offshore Wind MN 33,701 8,146 7 140,389 18,957 5 Integrated No Nuclear MN 29,601 4,047 6 147,714 26,283 7 Integrated Base'IR 26,776 1,222 2 1 130.846 9,414 2 248 PACIFICORP—2023 IRP CHAPTER 9—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Table 9.33 summarizes the cost and risk results of the variant studies under conditions represented by the SCGHG (medium gas price/social cost of greenhouse gas) price-policy scenario. Summarized results include energy shortfalls and emissions metrics. Table 9.33 —Initial and Variant Cases Under Medium Gas/ Social Cost of CO2 ST Value CO2 Emissions Total CO2 Change from Emissions, Change from Lowest Cost 2023-2042 Lowest PVRR Portfolio (Thousand Emission Case-SC ($m) ($m) Rank Tons) Portfolio Rank Integrated Base SC 29,603 0 61,102 0 1 Integrated Base MN 30,766 1,163 68,506 7,404 Integrated No Coal Post 2032 MN 30,773 1,170 62,173 1,071 3 Integrated No CCS MN 1 30,665 1,062 61,948 847 2 Integrated Offshore Wind MN 36,933 7,330 66,925 5,823 4 Integrated No Nuclear AIN 3_'.606 — 03 71,961 10,859 6 Initial and Variant Cases Under Medium Gas/Federal Regulation (MR) The only variant cases which would be compliant under the current language in EPA 111(d) are the MR case and the No Coal Post 2032 case. The Base MR portfolio is $807 million less in PURR than the No Coal Post 2032 portfolio when dispatched under the MR gas and market pricing structure. CO2 emissions are 972 tons higher in the Base MR portfolio than the No Coal post 2032 portfolio. Variant Study Analysis No CCS Variant This variant does not allow Jim Bridger 3 and 4 to convert to CCS during the study horizon. The Jim Bridger units are allowed to either operate as base coal fired with no additional equipment installed, or to convert to gas in 2030. The analysis explores the potential costs and benefits of alternatives to CCS at Jim Bridger 3 and 4 if CCS were not to be commercially viable at these locations. Figure 9.15 shows the cumulative (at left) and incremental (at right) portfolio changes when coal is not allowed on the system starting in 2032. A positive value indicates an increase in resources and a negative value indicates a decrease when a resource is reduced or eliminated. When Jim Bridger units 3 and 4 do not convert to CCS,they continue to run as coal. Given the lower capacity factor of coal plants without CCS, additional resources are needed over the course of the horizon to generate enough energy to meet retail demand. This results in 1,447 MW of additional wind, 2,588 MW of additional solar and 1,420 MW of additional storage as compared to the integrated MN view. 249 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Figure 9.15-Increase/(Decrease in Proxy Resources with No CCS Cumulative Changes Incremental Portfolio Changes 6,000 3,000 2,500 5,000 2,000 4,000 - 3 1,500 b3.000 b 1.000 .ra' 1.000 .ra 0 ��� ■ � -- ■ 0 ■�, „1 arm———— (S00) ' ���� (1,000) (1.000) (1"0" Oryy Oryb O~ O~�OryQ OHO Off`Off~O��Oho-O1h Orb O��CPO CP,�~ Off~O1 e O�h Orb Off^ �`�N G4�GT G4h N N N N N ti ti ti ti ti '� '� '� '� '� '� '� '� '� ti '� ti '� ti ti h ti ti '� '� '� h '� '� '� '� ti '� •Coal ■Gas ■QF ■Hydro ■Cc•1 ■Gas ■QF ■Hydro ■Nuclear ■Hydro Storage ■Banery ■Sde ■Nuclear ■Hydro Storage ■Battery ■Solar •Wind •Geotlrrrrwl ■Energy ERciency ■D—IM Re 7wuse ■Wind .Geothermal ■Eaergy Efrci=y ■Demaud Re parse •Converted Gas Hydrogen Storage Peaker •Renewable Peaking •Cmveted Gas .Hydrogen Stoage Peaker Renewable Peaking Figure 9.16 summarizes changes in system costs,based on ST model results using MN price-policy assumptions,when CCS is removed from the portfolio.The graph on the left shows annual changes in cost by category and the graph on right shows annual net changes in total costs (the solid black line)and the cumulative PVRR(d)of changes to net system costs over time(the dashed black line). When CCS is removed from the portfolio, the resulting portfolio has a $269 million increase in costs compared to the preferred portfolio. Despite the significant reduction in capital cost without installing CCS, the loss of the 45Q tax credits more than overtakes the capital savings over the course of the 21-year study period. Figure 9.16 - Increase/(Decrease) in System Costs with No CCS Annual Change in Cost by Line Item Net Difference In Total System Cost $1,000 $l,000 $sou S269 $0 _ $sou ($sou) so ($1,000) — ($sou) ($1,500) ($l,000) ($2,000) ($2,500) ($1,500) N N N N N a V V V a V O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ■Coal&Gas Faced ■Coal&Gas Variable ■Proxy Resornce Costs ■Emissions is Net Market ltansactions is 7)' rnissim —Net Cost/(Beneft) ---Ctnnlative PVRR(d) No Nuclear Variant This variant does not allow the NatriumTM demonstration nuclear project to be selected as a resource option in 2030. Additionally, this variant does not allow any other nuclear to be selected as a potential replacement of the NatriumTM project. The analysis explores the potential costs and benefits of replacement resource options should the NatriumTM demonstration or other nuclear project prove not to be commercially viable.. Figure 9.17 shows the cumulative (at left) and incremental (at right) portfolio changes when nuclear options are not allowed on the system. A positive value indicates an increase in resources and a negative value indicates a decrease when a resource is reduced or eliminated. Given the currently selected nuclear siting at Naughton, overall portfolio changes are somewhat smaller than 250 PACIFICORP—2023 IRP CHAPTER 9—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS in cases where significant coal changes are tested. The variant case selects 40 MW of new gas peaking resources, an additional 468 MW of energy efficiency, 998 fewer MW of wind which is offset by 1,293 additional MW of solar. Finally an additional 81 MW of storage is selected. Figure 9.17 - Increase/(Decrease) in Proxy Resources with No Nuclear Cumulative Changes Incremental Portfolio Changes 3.000 4,000 2.500 3.000 2.000 z.000 3 1500 1.000 ' 1.000 y v 0 500 (1,000) 1 I (soo) 'loll 1 (3,000) (1"0") .y5'1 tib '� tib tiQ 'h0 'yam 11111 ^IP 'y" 'yl° 'h 11 ,y9 0 . ti yM. pb. h ,�`1 b ry� * q ,yo ,yam 111,11 ,yb ,y''1 „Ib „In „14 „IQ o * h M ti ryo ryo ryo ryo ryo ryo ryo ryo ryo ryo �O ry0 ryo ryo ryo rycp'rycp'rycY'ry5} ry5J ti$ ry0 rylSl ryo ryo h�ry0 ti0 ryo ryo ryo ryo ryo ryo ryo ryo I�CP'ryCY ryCY ryCT ryC1 ryC� ■Coal ■Gas ■QF •Hydro ■Coal ■Gas ■QF ■Hydro ■Nuclear ■Hydro Storage ■Battery •Solar •Nuclear ■Hydro Stmmge ■Battery ■Solar •Wind •Geothermal •Energy Efficiency •Demand Respo se -Wind -Geothermal •Energy Efficiency ■Demand Rewmase ■Convened Gas a Hydrogen Storage Peaker Renewable Peaking •Converted Gas Hydrogen Stonspe Peeker Renewable Peaking Figure 9.18 summarizes changes in system costs,based on ST model results using MN price-policy assumptions, when nuclear projects are removed from the portfolio. The graph on the left shows annual changes in cost by category and the graph on right shows annual net changes in total costs (the solid black line) and the cumulative PVRR(d) of changes to net system costs over time (the dashed black line). When the NatriumTM demonstration project is removed from the portfolio,the resulting portfolio has a $1.365 billion increase in costs compared to the preferred portfolio. As seen in Figure 9.18 below,these increases come primarily from significant early proxy resource additions needed to offset the loss of firm nuclear capacity. Although there is an eventual decrease in proxy resource costs in the final years of the study horizon, the need for early investment overcomes these later potential savings. Fi ure 9.18 - Increase/(Decrease) in System Costs with No Nuclear Annual Changc in Cost by Line Item Net Differencc In Total System Cost $600 $2,000 S1=6S $400 :1.500 ————— __i�lllllll. $200 $1.000 so _ $500 ($200) ($400) so ($600) ($500) ($800) (si,000) N N 0 N 0 N 0 N 0 rR 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 s 0 0 o rr S 8 3 N O O N N N N N N N N O N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s 3 e 3 N N N N N N N N N N NI N N NI N N N N N N N •Coal&Gas Fixed •Coen&Gas variable ■Proxy Resotoce Costs ■Emissions ■Net Market Transactions■Tramtaission —Net CoW(Bene6t) ---Ctmidative PN'Md) No Coal Post 2032 Variant This variant does not allow coal to be on the system in any form after 2032. This means current coal facilities must either convert from coal fired to gas fired or retire. In this view, CCS was not allowed as this would still result in the unit using coal fuel. The analysis explores the potential costs and benefits of early retirement or conversion of the entirety of the coal fleet. This variant is 251 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS distinct from the medium gas with federal regulation (MR) price policy study in that it does not allow for CCS while the MR does allow for CCS. Figure 9.19 shows the cumulative (at left) and incremental (at right) portfolio changes when coal is not allowed on the system starting in 2032. A positive value indicates an increase in resources and a negative value indicates a decrease when a resource is reduced or eliminated. Due to the significant changes to the operating characteristics of more than 3,300 MW of the existing coal fleet, large portfolio changes occur. The variant case selects new gas peaking resources whereas the integrated MN view does not. Additionally, more solar and wind is selected in the variant, and less long duration storage is partially offset by additional 4 hour storage. Figure 9.19 - Increase/(Decrease in Proxy Resources with No Coal Post 2032 Cumulative Changes Incremental Portfolio Changes 5.000 1o.0o0 4.000 B.000 3.000 6.000 3 2.000 4.000 ��� 1.000 a "111 rs (I.000) �(z,000) (z,000) (4.000) (3,000) (61000) (4,000) $ ryy .fib,o rho'� hb ti tiq h0 ,�o 41414,11„tom �ryt „ I li`S,1�p e 1P 4 ro �o �o0 0 �o o �� �8 ti$ro$ �cY c4 0 �o �o �o �o ry �o No �o �o �o �o �o �o �o . . . . . ■Coal ■Gas ■QF ■Hydro ■Coal ■Gas ■QF -Hydro -Nuclear -Hydro Storage -Battery -Solffi ■N-1— ■Hydro Storage ■Battery S.I.■ •Wind -Geothermal -Energy Efficiency -Demand Response ■Wind -Ce hennal -Energy Erficimcy •Demand Req—e •C­WW Gan Hydrogen Storage Peaker Renewable Peaking -Ca Ic dGas Hydrogen Stmage Peeker Rwweble Peaking Figure 9.20 summarizes changes in system costs,based on ST model results using MN price-policy assumptions, when coal is no longer allowed in the portfolio after 2032. The graph on the left shows annual changes in cost by category and the graph on right shows annual net changes in total costs (the solid black line) and the cumulative PVRR(d) of changes to net system costs over time (the dashed black line). When all coal must be retired or gas converted by 2032, the resulting portfolio has a $914 million increase in costs compared to the preferred portfolio. As seen in Figure 9.20 below,like in the No CCS case,the loss of 45Q tax credits more than offsets the reduced capital cost to install CCS. Additionally, this case has higher levels of market purchases,and additionally has higher proxy resource costs in nearly all years of the study horizon. Figure 9.20-Increase/(Decrease)in System Costs with No Coal Post 2032 Annual Change in Coat by Line Item Net Difference In Total System Cost $1,000 $2,000 $500 31,500 $911 ( WN''' $500 $500) i $O f ($1,000) ✓ ($500) f ($1,500) (5000) (S2,000) (S I,500) _ tV rO� rrt C001 tOVr O . N m . vi N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ■Coal&Gas Fixed ■Coal&Gas Variable ■Proxy Resource Costs ■Emissions ■Net Market Transactions mTransutission —Net Cost/(Benefit) ---C1®dativePVRR(d) 252 PACIFICORP—2023 IRP CHAPTER 9—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Force Offshore Wind Since offshore wind was not selected in any of the integrated MN jurisdictional runs, this variant serves as a counterfactual forcing this resource into all jurisdictional runs. The analysis explores the potential costs and benefits of replacing resources selected in various jurisdictional runs with a higher capacity factor offshore wind resource. Figure 9.21 shows the cumulative (at left) and incremental (at right) portfolio changes when offshore wind is forced into the portfolio in 2030. A positive value indicates an increase in resources and a negative value indicates a decrease when a resource is reduced or eliminated. The higher capacity factor of the offshore wind resource results in 300 MW less utility scale wind being selected in the portfolio compared to the preferred portfolio. Additionally, the portfolio has 1,669 MW less utility scale solar. Less small scale wind is offset by more small scale solar. For capacity and reliability needs, 1,824 more MW of storage is selected in the offshore wind case, 1,603 MW of which is 4 hour storage. Retirements are the same between the studies. Figure 9.21 - Increase/(Decrease) in Proxy Resources with Offshore Wind Cumulative Changes Incremental Portfolio Changes 3,000 _ 2,000 2,000 — 1.000 y(z,000) � �(z,000) (3.000) (4.000) (3,000) (5,000) (4*.) tih tib ti� H� tiw „to h� „tN ,y'h hd' „lh ,stb ,sty „t4 ,tiq o � N 'h h ryh b n 4 q h� ,yam ,yry a,"l ,yb ,yh ,yb ,yn „t4 "Q o � ti h P h ry � �' rv� ti� ti� ti� ti� ti ti ti ti v� ti� � ti`Y ti`Y rye`,�eP,�e4b,�e4 ti� �ti�ti�ro�ti� ti° ti� ti° ti� ti° ry n° �° no tic4'ti`P ti`A ticY,ycY ticY ■Coal G. ■QF •Hydro ■Cod G. ■QF ■Hydm ■Nudes ■Hydro Storage .Bwn y •Solar ■Nuclear ■Hydro Storage ■Battery ■Seim •Wind •Gmthe l •Energy Efficimcy -Demand Response •Wind •Geoth-1 ■Energy Effidmcy ■De dRespm. •C—ve dGas •Hydrogen Storage Peace Rmmable Peabng -Cw ed Gas -Hydrogen Storage Peaker Renewable Peking Figure 9.22 summarizes changes in system costs,based on ST model results using MN price-policy assumptions,when offshore wind is forced into the various jurisdictional portfolios. The graph on the left shows annual changes in cost by category and the graph on right shows annual net changes in total costs (the solid black line) and the cumulative PVRR(d) of changes to net system costs over time (the dashed black line). When offshore wind and the required Coos Bay area transmission upgrades are forced into the portfolio, the resulting portfolio has a $6.301 billion increase in costs compared to the preferred portfolio. As seen in Figure 9.22 below, these increases come primarily from higher overall proxy resource costs, driven by a reduction in production tax credit generating resources. Since the offshore wind resource receives an investment tax credit the loss of production tax credits on approximately 2,900 MW of renewable resources is significant. The balance of the cost in this portfolio is related to the significant overall transmission investments required to enable both the offshore wind resource itself, but also the various transmission upgrades which are required to enable the offshore wind specific transmission line. 253 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Figure 9.22 -Increase/(Decrease)in System Costs with Offshore Wind Annual Change in Cost by Line Item Net Difference In Total System Cost 51,800 56,0I s1,600 $7,000 $1,400 $6,000 s1,z00 $5,000 $1,000 s4,00 0 $soo $600 s3,01 ' $400 $2,000 $200 $1,000 $0 — --- (sz0o) — ($400) ($ 1,000) �y (OV nry 0(V0 Qr� O '+ N Q O n W 01 VOy << VNy Oy VQV Oy.O o0 Q O ti N Q �O op O. O OO N CC OO '�' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N - N N N N N ■Coal&Gas Fixed ■Coal&Gas Variable ■Proxy Resource Costs ■Emissions ■Net Market Transactions■Transmission —Net CoW(Benefit) ---Cuandative PVRWd) Additional Sensitivity Analysis Note—Sensitivity cases, which are not eligible for selection as the preferred portfolio, are under development and will be evaluated and included in the March 31, 2025 filing of the 2025 IRP. The list of planned sensitivities is described below. In addition to the resource portfolios developed and studied as part of the portfolio-development process that supports selection of the preferred portfolio, sensitivity cases were developed to better understand how certain modeling assumptions influence the resource mix and timing of future resource additions. These sensitivity cases are also useful as "bookend" analysis to aid in understanding how PaciflCorp's resource plan would be affected by changes to uncertain planning assumptions and to address how alternative resources and planning paradigms affect system costs and risks. Table S.l lists additional sensitivity studies to be performed for the 2025 IRP. To isolate the impact of a given planning assumption, all sensitivity cases will be evaluated with the preferred portfolio. 254 PACIFICORP—2023 IRP CHAPTER 9—MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS Table S.1— Summary of Additional Sensitivity Cases Sensitivity efinitio High Load Growth Base load forecast replaced by a high load version Low Load Growth Base load forecast replaced by a low load version 1-20 Peak Load Base load forecast replaced by a high load version using historical 20 year highest load High Private Generation Assumes lower load due to high private generation adoption Low Private Generation Assumes higher load due to low private generation adoption Large Metered Load Growth Assumes significant large metered customer load growth Low Cost Renewables Assumes high adoption of IRA/IIJA benefits leads to large cost declines Low PTC/ITC eligibility Assumes changes to IRA/IIJA leading to shorter PTC/ITC eligibility window All CCS Allows CCS to be selected at any coal site Jim Bridger Long Term Fuel Adjusts the long term fuel plan at Jim Bridger to assess impacts of change B2H Delayed to 2030 In the Large Metered Load Growth scenario,B2H is not eligible until 2030 Business as Usual Portfolio if no state requirements existed Business Plan9 First 3 years are aligned with the current business plan Washington Scenariol, Note—Scenarios required by Washington rule, which are not eligible for selection as the preferred portfolio, are under development and will be evaluated and included in the March 31, 2025 filing of the 2025 IRP. The list of planned sensitivities is described below. As described in Chapter 8, in addition to the information provided throughout the 2025 IRP, Washington's CETA legislation indicates three key studies and sensitivities be analyzed, in addition to the least-cost, least-risk portfolio developed to meet CETA clean energy standards:10 • Alternative Lowest Reasonable Cost • Maximum Customer Benefit WAC 480-100-620(l 1)(a) specifically requires the utility to demonstrate how the long-range integrated resource plan expects to achieve clean energy transformation standards(WAC 480-100- 610 (1) through (3)), and 0), to incorporate the social cost of greenhouse gas emissions as a cost adder as specific in RCW 19.280.030(3). The integrated preferred portfolio includes all resource selections for Washington customers as optimized and determined under the SCGHG price policy that are necessary to achieve a path to CETA compliance. Additional discussion on how the preferred portfolio meets the requirements set out by CETA statute and puts the company on a path towards greenhouse gas neutrality as depicted by the long- term clean energy interim targets is included in Volume 11, Appendix O — Washington Clean Energy Action Plan. 9 In the 2025 IRP,the business plan sensitivity is aligned with the integrated preferred portfolio due to the base assumptions being aligned.For this reason,no additional sensitivity is needed. io The Washington requirement for a climate change sensitivity which includes climate changes impacts is met by the incorporation of climate change into all 2025 IRP studies. 255 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 9-MODELING AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION RESULTS 256 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 10—DRAFT ACTION PLAN CHAPTER 10 - DRAFT ACTION PLAN CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS • The 2025 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) action plan identifies steps that PacifiCorp will take over the next two-to-four years to deliver resources in the preferred portfolio'. In its draft form, the action plan is subject to change driven by stakeholder feedback, ongoing review and validation, and changes in the planning environment. • PacifiCorp's 2025 IRP draft action plan includes action items for existing resources, new resources, transmission, demand-side management (DSM) resources, short-term firm market purchases, and the purchase and sale of renewable energy credits (RECs).2 • PacifiCorp further discusses how it can mitigate procurement delay risk, summarizes planned procurement activities tied to the action plan, assesses trade-offs between owning or purchasing third-parry power, discusses its hedging practices, and identifies the types of risks borne by customers and the types of risks borne by shareholders. PacifiCorp's 2025 IRP action plan identifies the steps the company will take over the next two-to- four years to deliver a least-cost, least-risk portfolio for customers, based on the resources and requirements identified in its preferred portfolio,with a focus on the front five years of the planning horizon. The 2025 IRP action plan is based on the latest and most accurate information available at the time portfolios are being developed and analyzed on cost and risk metrics. PacifiCorp recognizes that the preferred portfolio, upon which the action plan is based, is developed in an uncertain and evolving planning environment and that resource acquisition strategies need to be regularly evaluated as planning assumptions change. Resource information used in the 2025 IRP, such as capital and operating costs, are based upon recent projections of cost-and-performance data. However, it is important to recognize that resources identified in the plan include proxy resources, which act as a guide for resource procurement and not as a commitment. Resources evaluated as part of procurement initiatives may vary from the proxy resources identified in the plan with respect to resource type, timing, size, cost, and location. PacifiCorp recognizes the need to support and justify resource acquisitions consistent with then- current laws, regulatory rules and requirements, and commission orders. In addition to presenting the 2025 IRP action plan, reporting on progress in delivering the prior action plan, and presenting the 2025 IRP acquisition path analysis, this chapter also includes discussion of the following resource procurement topics: 1 The draft preferred portfolio is subject to change driven by stakeholder feedback,ongoing review and validation, and changes in the planning environment. a Changes in procurement planning and Federal legislative drivers for change were discussed in the 2025 IRP public input meeting series. See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#11 (Utah Environmental Caucus). See also Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#13 (Joan Entwistle). 257 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 10-DRAFT ACTION PLAN • Procurement delays; • IRP action plan linkage to the business plan; • Resource procurement strategy; • Assessment of owning assets vs. purchasing power; • Managing carbon risk for existing plants; • Purpose of hedging; and • Treatment of customer and investor risks. the 2025 IRP Action P The 2025 IRP action plan identifies specific actions PacifiCorp will take over roughly the next two-to-four years to deliver its preferred portfolio. Action items are based on the size, type and timing of resources in the preferred portfolio, findings from analysis completed over the course of portfolio modeling, and feedback received by stakeholders in the 2025 IRP public-input process. Table 10.1 details specific 2021 IRP action items by resource category. 258 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 10-ACTION PLAN Table 10.4 —2025 IRP Action Plan Action Item 1. Existing Resource Actions Colstrip Units 3 and 4: la • PacifiCorp will continue to work with co-owners to develop the most cost-effective path toward an exit from the Colstrip project in Montana by 2030. Craig Unit 1: lb PacifiCorp will continue to work closely with co-owners to seek the most cost-effective path forward toward the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio target exit date of December 31, 2025. Naughton Units 1 and 2: • PacifiCorp will continue the process of converting Naughton Units 1 and 2 to natural gas as initiated in Q2 2023, including lc obtaining all required regulatory notices and filings.Natural gas operations are anticipated to commence spring of 2026. • PacifiCorp will initiate the closure of the Naughton South Ash Pond no later than the end of December 2025 when coal operations cease, and will complete closure by October 17, 2028, as required under its pond closure extension submission. Carbon Capture and Storage/Low Carbon Portfolio Standard: ld • PacifiCorp will continue to evaluate the economic and technical feasibility of carbon capture technology on Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 to comply with Wyoming's low carbon portfolio standard. Regional Haze Compliance: • Following the resolution of first planning period regional haze compliance disputes, and the EPA's determination of the states' le second planning period regional haze state implementation plans, PacifiCorp will evaluate and model any emission control retrofits, emission limitations, or utilization reductions that are required for coal units. • PacifiCorp will continue to engage with the EPA, state agencies, and stakeholders to achieve second planning period regional haze compliance outcomes that improve Class I visibility, provide environmental benefits, and are cost effective. NatriumTM Demonstration Proiect: • By the end of 2025, PacifiCorp expects to finalize a commercial off-take agreement for the NatriumTM project. PacifiCorp will if continue to monitor key TerraPower development milestones and will make regulatory filings, as applicable, including, but not limited to,a request for the Oregon Public Utility Commission to explicitly acknowledge an alternative acquisition method consistent with OAR 860-089-0100(3)(c), and a request for a waiver of a solicitation for a significant energy resource decision consistent with Utah statute 54-17-501. 259 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 10 ACTION PLAN Ozone Transport Rule Compliance: • EPA finalized its approval of Wyoming's cross-state ozone state plan on December 19, 2023. This approval means PacifiCorp facilities in Wyoming are not subject to the federal ozone plan requirements. Ig • The Tenth Circuit granted a motion to stay EPA's disapproval of Utah's state ozone plan. Utah is not subject to federal ozone requirements while the stay is in place. The Utah ozone case was transferred to the D.C. Circuit in February of 2024, for adjudication of the merits, leaving the stay in place. PacifiCorp will continue to monitor developments in the Utah ozone case and adjust its plans accordingly in response to developments. Natural Gas Emissions Compliance Strategies • The 2025 IRP indicates that changes in accounting and/or dispatch of existing natural gas resources may be a beneficial element 1h of Oregon's HB 2021 compliance strategy and to align with evolving state policies.A range of implementation strategies exist, with intertwined implications on resource allocation,market participation, and compliance requirements. PacifiCorp will meet with impacted parties, program administrators, and regulators to enable a refined analysis of the available options to prepare for implementation no later than the start of 2030. 260 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 10—ACTION PLAN Action 2. New Resource Actions Item Customer Preference Request for Proposals: • PacifiCorp is continuously receiving and evaluating requests for voluntary customer programs in Utah and Oregon. PacifiCorp may use the marginal resources from future request for proposals to fulfill customer need. In some cases, 2a customer preference may necessitate issuance of a request for proposals to procure resources within the action plan window. • Consistent with Utah Community Renewable Energy Act, PacifiCorp will continue to work with eligible communities to develop program to achieve goal of being net 100 percent renewable by 2030; PacifiCorp filed an application for approval of a resource solicitation process for the program with the Utah Public Service Commission in November 2024. PacifiCorp plans to file an application for the remainder of the program during Q 12025. 2025 All-Source Request for Proposals: • PacifiCorp will issue as appropriate by jurisdiction need, one or more all-source Request for Proposals (RFP) to procure 2b resources aligned with the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio that can achieve commercial operations by the end of December 2029.3 • In light of the differentiated resource needs by jurisdiction identified in the 2025 IRP, scope and targeted resource needs may vary by jurisdiction. Action Item 3. Transmission Action Items -AM 0 Local Reinforcement Proiects 3a Initiate Local Reinforcement Projects as identified with the addition of new resources per the preferred portfolio, and follow-on requests for proposal successful bids. Gateway West Support Continue permitting support for Gateway West segments D.3 and E. Initiate preliminary permitting and development activities 3b for future transmission investments not currently included in the preferred portfolio. These future transmission projects can include development of additional Energy Gateway segments and exploration of new routes that have connections to other regions (i.e., connecting southern Oregon to the east with connections to the desert southwest). These activities will enable PacifiCorp to prepare for potential growth in new large loads seeking new service over the next decade. 3 Procurement strategy was a frequent topic during the 2025 IRP public input meeting process and stakeholder feedback. See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form #17(Oregon Public Utilities Commission) 261 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 10 ACTION PLAN Action Item 4. Demand-Side Management(DSM) Actions Energy Efficiency Targets: • PacifiCorp will acquire cost-effective energy efficiency resources targeting annual system energy and capacity selections from the preferred portfolio. PacifiCorp's state-specific processes for planning for DSM acquisitions is provided in 4a Appendix D in Volume II of the 2025 IRP. • PacifiCorp will pursue cost-effective energy efficiency resources. • PacifiCorp will pursue cost-effective demand response resources targeting annual system capacity selections from the preferred portfolio. Capacity impacts for demand response include both summer and winter impacts within a year. Action ItemM 0 5. Market Purchases Market Purchases: • PacifiCorp will acquire short-term firm market purchases for on-peak delivery from 2025-2027 consistent with the Risk Management Policy and Energy Supply Management Front Office Procedures and Practices. These short-term firm market 5a purchases will be acquired through multiple means: o Balance of month and day-ahead brokered transactions in which the broker provides a competitive price. o Balance of month, day-ahead, and hour-ahead transactions executed through an exchange, such as the Intercontinental Exchange, in which the exchange provides a competitive price. o Prompt-month,balance-of-month, day-ahead, and hour-ahead non-brokered bi-lateral transactions. Action Item 6. Renewable Energy Credit (REC) Actions Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS): • PacifiCorp will pursue unbundled REC RFPs and purchases to meet its state RPS compliance requirements. 6a • PacifiCorp will issue RFPs seeking unbundled RECs that will qualify in meeting California RPS targets through 2026 and future compliance periods, as needed. 262 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 10-ACTION PLAN Renewable Energy Credit Sales: 6b • Maximize the sale of RECs that are not required to meet state RPS compliance obligations. Progress on 2023 Action Pla This section describes progress that has been made on previous action plan items documented in the 2023 IRP filed with state commissions on May 30, 2023. Many of these action items have been superseded in some form by items identified in the 2025 IRP action plan. The status for all action items from the 2025 IRP is summarized in Table 10.2. Table 10.2 —2023 IRP Action Plan Status Update Action 1. Existing Resource Actions Status Item Colstrip Units 3 and 4: • PacifiCorp continues to work with co-owners to la • PacifiCorp pursues a beneficial change in ownership develop the most cost-effective path toward an exit agreements that will enable an exit from the Colstrip from the project. project in Montana by 2030. Craig Unit 1: • PacifiCorp continues to work with co-owners to • PacifiCorp will continue to work closely with co- develop the most cost-effective path toward an exit lb owners to seek the most cost-effective path forward from the project. toward the 2023 IRP Update preferred portfolio target exit date of December 31, 2025. Naughton Units 1 and 2 Gas Conversion: • PacifiCorp is on track to complete required regulatory • PacifiCorp will initiate the process of converting notices and filings to process the conversion of Naughton Units 1 and 2 to natural gas beginning Q2 Naughton Units 1 and 2 from coal to natural gas. 2023, including obtaining all required regulatory • Coal supply agreements for Naughton Units 1 and 2 notices and filings. Natural gas operations are will not be extended beyond the end of December lc anticipated to commence spring of 2026. 2025. • PacifiCorp will initiate the closure of the Naughton South Ash Pond no later than the end of December 2025 when coal operations cease, and will complete closure by October 17, 2028, as required under its pond closure extension submission. 263 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 10—ACTION PLAN Jim Bridger Units 1 and 2 Gas Conversion: • PacifiCorp received an approval order on December 7, • PacifiCorp has initiated the process of ending coal- 2023 from the Wyoming Public Service Commission fueled operations. The Wyoming Air Quality Division for the conversion of Jim Bridger Units 1 and 2 from issued an air permit on December 28, 2022, for the coal to natural gas. natural gas conversion. All required regulatory notices • PacifiCorp ceased coal-fueled operations at Jim ld and filings will be completed by end of 2023. Bridger Units 1 and 2 on December 31, 2023. • By the end of Q4 2023, PacifiCorp will administer • Removal of coal handling equipment and installation termination, amendment, or close-out of existing of natural gas components began on January 1, 2024. permits, contracts, and other agreements. Conversions were completed in Q2 2024. Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage/Wyoming • PacifiCorp completed its evaluation of information House Bill 200 Compliance: received as part of the CCUS RFP and RFI process in • PacifiCorp will complete an evaluation of the August of 2023. information received as part of the CCUS RFP and RFI • PacifiCorp filed its final plan with the Wyoming Public le processes by the end of Q3 2023. Service Commission on March 29, 2024, as required • PacifiCorp will submit, for Wyoming Public Service under Wyoming House Bill 200. Commission approval, a final plan in compliance with the low-carbon energy portfolio standard no later than March 31, 2024. Regional Haze Compliance: • Utah's first planning period disputes have been • Following the resolution of first planning period resolved. regional haze compliance disputes, and the EPA's • Naughton and Wyodak's first planning period disputes determination of the states' second planning period have been resolved. The Tenth Circuit found EPA's regional haze state implementation plans, PacifiCorp disapproval of Wyoming's plan for Wyodak unlawful will evaluate and model any emission control retrofits, and remanded the plan to EPA for further review in emission limitations, or utilization reductions that are accordance with the requirements of the Clean Air Act. if required for coal units. No proposed rule has been issued to date. • PacifiCorp will continue to engage with the EPA, state • Wyoming submitted its state-approved revised regional agencies, and stakeholders to achieve second planning haze plan requiring the natural gas conversion of Jim period regional haze compliance outcomes that improve Bridger Units 1 and 2 to EPA for approval. EPA is Class I visibility,provide environmental benefits, and reviewing the state plan. PacifiCorp continues to are cost effective. comply with the state-approved plan and operating permits. 264 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 10-ACTION PLAN • PacifiCorp continues to engage with the EPA, state agencies, and stakeholders relating to second planning period regional haze compliance. No second planning period requirements have been finalized by EPA to date. NatriumTM Demonstration Proiect: • PacifiCorp continues to work with TerraPower on • PacifiCorp will continue to monitor and report key commercial arrangements for offtake from the TerraPower milestones for development and will make NatriumTM project and expects to finalize these regulatory filings, as applicable. arrangements by the end of 2025. • By the end of 2023, PacifiCorp expects to finalize commercial agreements for the NatriumTM project. • By Q2 2024, PacifiCorp expects to develop a community action plan in coordination with community 1g leaders. PacifiCorp will continue to monitor key TerraPower milestones for development and will make regulatory filings, as applicable, including, but not limited to, a request for the Oregon Public Utility Commission to explicitly acknowledge an alternative acquisition method consistent with OAR 860-089-0100(3)(c), and a request for a waiver of a solicitation for a significant energy resource decision consistent with Utah statute 54-17-501. Ozone Transport Rule Compliance: • EPA finalized its approval of Wyoming's cross-state • PacifiCorp will assess the impact of EPA's finalized ozone state plan on December 19, 2023. This approval Ozone Transport Rule from March 2023, relative to the means PacifiCorp facilities in Wyoming are not subject assumptions contained in the 2023 IRP. to the federal ozone plan requirements. 1h • PacifiCorp will continue to engage with the EPA, state • The Tenth Circuit granted a motion to stay EPA's agencies, and stakeholders to achieve Ozone Transport disapproval of Utah's state ozone plan. Utah is not Rule compliance outcomes that provide environmental subject to federal ozone requirements while the stay is benefits, support reliable energy delivery and are cost in place. The Utah ozone case was transferred to the effective. D.C. Circuit in February of 2024, for adjudication of the merits, leaving the stay in place. 265 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 10 ACTION PLAN • Based on the Ozone Transport Rule trading program and the associated benefits for reducing NOx emissions, PacifiCorp will install selective non-catalytic reduction retrofit equipment at the following units by 2026: Huntington Units 1 and 2, Hunter Units 1-3, and Wyodak. The Company will initiate procurement and permitting activities beginning Q2 2023. Action Item 2• New Resource Actions tatu Customer Preference Request for Proposals: PacifiCorp and the eligible communities are meeting • PacifiCorp is continuously receiving and evaluating monthly to discuss program design. Subject to the requests for voluntary customer programs in Utah and finalization of the program details, PacifiCorp applied for Oregon.PacifiCorp may use the marginal resources from approval of a resource solicitation process with the Utah ongoing 2022AS RFP and future request for proposals to Public Service Commission in November 2024. fulfill customer need. In some cases, customer preference may necessitate issuance of a request for proposals to procure resources within the action plan window. 2a • Consistent with Utah Community Renewable Energy Act, PacifiCorp continues to work with eligible communities to develop program to achieve the goal of being net 100% renewable by 2030; PacifiCorp anticipates filing an application for approval of the program with the Utah Public Service Commission in 2024 or 2025, which may necessitate issuance of a request for proposals to procure resources within the action plan window. 2025 All-Source Request for Proposals: The 2025 IRP includes an action item to procure 2b • PacifiCorp will issue an all-source Request for Proposals incremental resources as needed to serve customers over the (RFP) to procure resources aligned with the 2025 IRP long term. 266 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 10-ACTION PLAN preferred portfolio that can achieve commercial operations by the end of December 2030. • In Q4 2023, PacifiCorp will notify the Public Utility Commission of Oregon, the Public Service Commission of Utah,and the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, of PacifiCorp's need for an independent evaluator. • In Q 1 2024, PacifiCorp will file a draft all-source RFP with applicable state utility commissions. • In Q3 2024, PacifiCorp expects to receive approval of the all-source RFP from applicable state utility commissions and issue the RFP to the market. • In Q4 2024,PacifiCorp will identify a final shortlist from the all-source RFP, and file for approval of the final shortlist in Oregon. Similarly, PacifiCorp will make a filing in Utah for significant energy resources on final shortlist. PacifiCorp will file a certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPCN) applications, as applicable. • By Q 1 2025 PacifiCorp will execute definitive agreements with winning bids from the all-source RFP. • Winning bids from the all-source RFP are expected to achieve commercial operation by December 31, 2028, or earlier. 2022 All-Source Request for Proposals: • PacifiCorp suspended the 2022 All-Source RFP in 2c • In April 2022 PacifiCorp issued an all-source Request September 2023 to further evaluate how key changes in for Proposals to procure resources that can achieve the planning environment might influence long-term commercial operations by the end of December 2027. resource procurement activities. 267 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 10—ACTION PLAN • In Q2 2023,PacifiCorp will identify a final shortlist from • EPA's approval of Wyoming's cross-state ozone the all-source RFP, and file for approval of the final transport rule plan and the Tenth Circuit Court's stay of shortlist in Oregon. Similarly, PacifiCorp will make a Utah's ozone plan have materially impacted the need for filing in Utah for any applicable significant energy the type and volume of resources identified in the 2023 resources on final shortlist. PacifiCorp will file IRP preferred portfolio, which considered resource certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPCN) procurement needs coming out of the 2022 All-Source applications, as applicable, and Request for Proposals. • By Q4 2023 PacifiCorp will execute definitive • PacifiCorp contracted on a bi-lateral basis for battery agreements with winning bids from the all-source RFP. energy storage resources with commercial operation • Winning bids from the 2022 all-source REP are expected dates prior to summer 2026 and terminated the 2022 All to achieve commercial operation by December 31,2027, Source Request for Proposals. or earlier. Action Item 3. Transmission Action ItemsM I M Status Energy Gateway South Segment F (Aeolus-Clover 500 The Energy Gateway South transmission project is in- kV transmission line): service. 3a • In Q4 2024, construction of Energy Gateway South is expected to be completed and placed in service. Energy Gateway West, Segment D.1 (Windstar-Shirley The Energy Gateway West Sub-Segment D1 transmission Basin 230 kV transmission line): project is in-service. 3b • In Q4 2024, construction of Energy Gateway West segment D.1 to be completed and placed in service. • Boardman-to-Hemingway(500 kV transmission line): PacifiCorp has continued to participate in the support, • Continue to support the project under the conditions of negotiations, planning and permitting of the Boardman-to- the Boardman-to-Hemingway Transmission Project Hemingway 3c Hemin 500 kilovolt transmission line which is (132H) Joint Permit Funding Agreement. targeted for a 2027 in-service date. 268 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 10-ACTION PLAN • Continue to participate in the development and negotiations of the construction agreement. • Continue to participate in"pre-construction" activities in support of the 2026-2027 in-service date. • Continue negotiations for plan of service post B2H for parties to the permitting agreement. Initiate Local Reinforcement Projects as identified with the Reinforcements have been identified. A final assessment of 3d addition of new resources per the preferred portfolio, and upgrades is pending signed agreements. follow-on requests for proposal successful bids Continue permitting support for Gateway West segments PacifiCorp continues permitting efforts on both segments D.3 and E. Initiate preliminary permitting and development D.3 and E, maintaining the record of decision on each activities for future transmission investments not currently segment. included in the preferred portfolio. These future transmission projects can include development of additional Energy 3e Gateway segments and exploration of new routes that have connections to other regions (i.e., connecting southern Oregon to the east with connections to the desert southwest). These activities will enable PacifiCorp to prepare for potential growth in new large loads seeking new service over the next decade. Action Item 4. Demand-Side Management(DSM)Actions Status Energy Efficiency Targets: • PacifiCorp achieved the Action Plan target of 543 GWh PacifiCorp will acquire cost-effective energy efficiency in 2023 and is on track to achieve its 2024 Class 2 DSM 4a resources targeting annual system energy and capacity target. selections from the preferred portfolio as summarized below. PacifiCorp's state-specific processes for PacifiCorp has launched a number of new demand response programs in 2022 and 2023. Additionally, the company is 269 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 10—ACTION PLAN planning for DSM acquisitions is provided in Appendix currently expanding its existing programs. PacifiCorp D in Volume II of the 2023 IRP. continues to pursue the incremental capacity additions but did not achieve the 2023 incremental capacity, due to the later than anticipated timing of program effective dates for newly launched demand response programs. Action JEEL5.ItemMarket Purchases StatusI= Market Purchases: Since the publication of the 2023 IRP action plan, • Acquire short-term firm market purchases for on-peak PacifiCorp has continued to transact consistent with its risk delivery from 2023-2025 consistent with the Risk management and energy supply procedures to reliably cost- Management Policy and Energy Supply Management effectively serve customer requirements. Such transactions Front Office Procedures and Practices. These short-term include seeking competitive pricing to acquire short-term firm market purchases will be acquired through firm purchases, execute balance of month, day-ahead and multiple means: Balance of month and day-ahead hour-ahead transactions through exchanges, and engage in 5a brokered transactions in which the broker provides a prompt-month, balance-of-month, day-ahead and hour- competitive price. ahead non-brokered bi-lateral transactions. • Balance of month, day-ahead, and hour-ahead transactions executed through an exchange, such as the Intercontinental Exchange, in which the exchange provides a competitive price. • Prompt-month,balance-of-month, day-ahead, and hour- ahead non-brokered bi-lateral transactions. 270 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 10-ACTION PLAN Action Item 6. Renewable Energy Credit (REC)Actions Status Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS): PacifiCorp will continue to evaluate the need for unbundled • PacifiCorp will pursue unbundled REC RFPs and RECs and issue RFPs to meet its state RPS compliance purchases to meet its state RPS compliance requirements as needed. 6a requirements. • As needed, issue RFPs seeking unbundled RECs that will qualify in meeting California RPS targets through 2024 and future compliance periods as needed. Renewable Energy Credit Sales: PacifiCorp will continue to issue reverse RFPs to maximize 6b • Maximize the sale of RECs that are not required to meet the sale of RECs that are not required to meet state RPS state RPS compliance obligations. compliance obligations 271 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 10 ACTION PLAN 272 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 10—ACTION PLAN Acquisition Path Analysis Resource and Compliance Strategies PacifiCorp worked with stakeholders to define its portfolio development process and cost and risk analysis in the 2025 IRP. This analysis reflects a combination of specific planning assumptions related to key uncertainties addressed in the acquisition path analysis including load, private generation, changes in available resources, and emissions polices. PacifiCorp will further analyze sensitivity cases on planning assumptions related primarily to the load forecasts and private generation penetration levels. The array of planning assumptions that define the studies used to develop resource portfolios provides the framework for a resource acquisition path analysis by evaluating how resource selections are impacted by changes to planning assumptions. Given current load expectations, portfolio modeling performed for the 2025 IRP shows the resource acquisition path in the preferred portfolio is robust among a wide range of policy and market conditions, particularly in the near-term, when cost-effective renewable resources qualifying for federal income tax credits, market purchases, and energy efficiency and demand response resources are consistently selected, in conjunction with new storage and continued thermal unit operations to mitigate volatility. With regard to renewable resource acquisition, the portfolio development modeling performed in the 2025 IRP shows that new renewable resource needs are driven primarily by economics and reliability. Beyond load, CO2 policy also influences resource selections in the 2025 IRP. For these reasons, the acquisition path analysis focuses on economic, load, reliability, and environmental policy trigger events that would require alternative resource acquisition strategies. For each trigger event, PacifiCorp identifies the planning scenario assumption affecting both short-term(2025-2034) and long-term(2035-2045)resource strategies. Acquisition Path Decision Mechanism Note—Acquisition path analysis is heavily dependent upon sensitivity studies which have are not included in the December 31, 2024 Draft 2025 IRP distribution. The purpose and scope of acquisition path analysis is described below, with final sensitivity studies to be provided by March 31, 2025. The Public Service Commission of Utah requires that PacifiCorp provide "[a] plan of different resource acquisition paths with a decision mechanism to select among and modify as the future unfolds."4 PacifiCorp's decision mechanism is centered on the IRP process and ongoing updates to the IRP modeling tools between IRP cycles. The same modeling tools used in the IRP are also used to evaluate and inform the procurement of resources. The IRP models are used on a macro- level to evaluate alternative portfolios and futures as part of the IRP process, and then on a micro- level to evaluate the economics and system benefits of individual resources as part of the supply- side resource procurement and demand-side management target-setting/valuation processes. PacifiCorp uses the IRP development process and the IRP modeling tools to serve as decision support tools to guide prudent resource acquisition paths that maintain system reliability and flexibility at a reasonable cost. 4 Public Service Commission of Utah,In the Matter of Analysis of an Integrated Resource Plan for PacifiCorp, Report and Order,Docket No. 90-2035-01,June 1992,p.28. 273 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 10-ACTION PLAN PacifiCorp's 2025 IRP acquisition path analysis provides insight on how changes in the planning environment might influence future resource procurement activities. Changes in procurement activities driven by changes in the planning environment will ultimately be reflected in future IRPs and resource procurement decisions. Procurement Delays The main procurement risk, where a procurement need is indicated, is an inability to procure resources in the required timeframe to maintain reliable and resilient grid operations. There are various reasons why a particular proxy resource cannot be procured in the timeframe identified in a given action plan period. There may not be any cost-effective opportunities available through an RFP, the successful RFP bidder may experience delays in permitting and/or default on their obligations, or there might be a material and sudden change in the market for fuel and materials. Moreover,there is always the risk of unforeseen environmental or other electric utility regulations that may influence the PacifiCorp's entire resource procurement strategy. Possible paths PacifiCorp could take in the event of a procurement delay or sudden change in procurement need can include combinations of the following: • In circumstances where PacifiCorp is engaged in an active RFP where a specific bidder is unable to perform, alternative bids can be pursued. • PacifiCorp can issue an emergency RFP for a specific resource and with specified availability. • PacifiCorp can seek to negotiate an accelerated delivery date of a potential resource with the supplier/developer. • PacifiCorp can seek to procure near-term purchased power and transmission until a longer-term alternative is identified, acquired through customized market RFPs, exchange transactions, brokered transactions or bi-lateral, sole source procurement. • Accelerate acquisition timelines for direct load control programs. • Procure and install temporary generators to address some or all of the capacity needs. • Temporarily drop below its planning reserve margin. • Implement load control initiatives, including calls for load curtailment via existing load curtailment contracts. MAction P to Busine Consistent with the Utah commission's order in Docket No. 15-035-04, the IRP is directed to include a business plan sensitivity. In the 2025 IRP, a distinct sensitivity would be redundant because the integrated preferred portfolio's base assumptions are aligned with the business plan as set forth the following parameters: • Over the first three years, resources align with those assumed in PacifiCorp's current Business Plan. • Beyond the first three years of the study period, unit retirement assumptions are aligned with the preferred portfolio. • All other resources are optimized. 274 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP CHAPTER 10—ACTION PLAN Resource Procurement Strategy To acquire resources outlined in the 2023 IRP action plan, PacifiCorp intends to continue using competitive solicitation processes in accordance with applicable laws, rules, and/or guidelines in each of the states in which PacifiCorp operates. PacifiCorp will also continue to pursue opportunistic acquisitions identified outside of a competitive procurement process that provide benefits to customers. Regardless of the method for acquiring resources, PacifiCorp will support its resource procurement activities with the appropriate financial analysis using then-current assumptions for inputs such as load forecasts, commodity prices, resource costs, and policy developments. Any such financial analysis will account for any applicable long-term system benefits with least-cost, least-risk planning principles in mind. The sections below profile the general procurement approaches for the key resource categories covered in the 2023 IRP action plan. Renewable Resources, Storage Resources, and Dispatchable Resources PacifiCorp will use a competitive RFPs to procure supply-side resources consistent applicable laws, rules, and/or guidelines in each of the states in which PacifiCorp operates. In Oregon and Utah, these state requirements involve the oversight of an independent evaluator. In Washington, an independent evaluator may be used if benchmark resources (PacifiCorp built and owned resources) are being considered after consultation with Washington staff and stakeholders. The all-source RFPs outline the types of resources being pursued,defines specific information required of potential bidders and details both price and non-price scoring metrics that will be used to evaluate proposals. Renewable Energy Credits PacifiCorp uses shelf RFPs as the primary mechanism under which REC RFPs and reverse REC RFPs will be issued to the market. The shelf RFPs are updated to define the product definition, timing, and volume and further provide schedule and other applicable criteria to bidders. Demand-Side Managements PacifiCorp offers a robust portfolio of demand response and energy efficiency programs and initiatives, most of which are offered in multiple states, depending on size of the opportunity and the need. Programs are reassessed on a regular basis. PacifiCorp provides Class 4 DSM offerings, and has continued wattsmart outreach and communications.Educating customers regarding energy efficiency and load management opportunities is an important component of PacifiCorp's long- term resource acquisition plan. PacifiCorp will continue to evaluate how to best incorporate potential DSM programs into the broader all-source RFP process discussed above or whether separate RFPs focused on these resources are warranted based on state-specific requirements and program needs. 5 Class 1 DSM is most commonly referred to as"demand response"in the 2023 IRP;Class 2 DSM is most commonly referred to as"energy efficiency". Class 4 DSM describes energy efficiency measures achieved through public outreach and education. 275 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 10-ACTION PLAN Small Scale Renewable Energy Supply In order to fulfil Oregon regulatory requirements for small-scale renewable resources, PacifiCorp plans to issue a small-scale renewable energy RFP in 2025 to solicit resources within its territory which are 20 MW or smaller and can be commercially operational by 2029. Currently, Oregon's new HB 2021 legislation and associated Clean Energy Plan is driving a specific evaluation of small-scale renewables that may help to identify the costs and benefits of smaller(20 MW or less installed capacity) community-oriented renewables projects across PacifiCorp's service territory. This study is addressed in PacifiCorp's 2023 Oregon Clean Energy Plan. Essessment of Owning Assets versus Purchasing Power As PacifiCorp acquires new resources, it will need to determine whether it is better to own a resource or purchase power from another parry. While the ultimate decision will be made at the time resources are acquired, and will primarily be based on cost,there are other considerations that may be relevant. With owned resources, PacifiCorp is in a better position to control costs, make life extension improvements (as was implemented with the wind repower project), use the site for additional resources in the future,change fueling strategies or sources (as was implemented for the Naughton Unit 3 gas conversion and as planned for Jim Bridger Units I and 2), efficiently address plant modifications that may be required as a result of changes in environmental or other laws and regulations, and use the plant at embedded cost as long as it remains economic. In addition, by owning a plant, PacifiCorp can hedge itself against the uncertainty of third-party performance consistent with the terms and conditions outlined in a power-purchase agreement over time. Because of recent downgrades by credit rating agencies,the increase in debt associated with owned resources could negatively impact PacifiCorp's credit ratios and credit rating. Alternately and depending on contractual terms, purchasing power from a third party in a long- term contract may help mitigate and may avoid liabilities associated with closure of a plant. A long-term power-purchase agreement relinquishes control of construction cost, schedule, ongoing costs and environmental and regulatory compliance. Power-purchase agreements can also protect and cap the buyer's exposure to events that may not cover actual seller financial impacts.However, credit rating agencies can impute debt associated with long-term resource contracts that may result from a competitive procurement process. While the level of imputation associated with long-term contracts is expected to be lower than the debt associated with owned resources, it still may affect PacifiCorp's credit ratios and credit rating. Managing Carbon Risk for Existing Plants CO2 reduction regulations at the federal, regional, or state levels could prompt PacifiCorp to continue to look for measures to lower CO2 emissions of fossil-fired power plants through cost- effective means. The cost, timing, and compliance flexibility afforded by CO2 reduction rules will impact what types of measures might be cost effective and practical from operational and regulatory perspectives. 276 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 10-ACTION PLAN Compliance strategies will be affected by how and whether states or the federal government choose to implement further policies related to greenhouse gases and nitrogen oxide. State or federal frameworks could impute a carbon tax or implement a cap-and-trade framework.Under a cap-and- trade policy framework, examples of factors affecting carbon compliance strategies include the allocation of emission allowances, the cost of allowances in the market, and any flexible compliance mechanisms such as opportunities to use carbon offsets, allowance/offset banking and borrowing, and safety valve mechanisms. Under a CO2 tax framework, the tax level and details around how the tax might be assessed would affect compliance strategies. To lower the emission levels for existing fossil-fired power plants,options include changes in plant dispatch, unit retirements, changing the fuel type, deployment of plant efficiency improvement projects, and adoption of new technologies such as CO2 capture with sequestration. As mentioned above,plant CO2 emission risk may also be addressed by acquiring offsets or other environmental attributes that could become available in the market under certain regulatory frameworks. PacifiCorp's compliance strategies will evolve and continue to be reassessed in future IRP cycles as market forces and regulatory outcomes evolve. Purpose of Hedging While PacifiCorp focuses every day on minimizing net power costs for customers, the company also focuses every day on mitigating price risk to customers, which is done through hedging consistent with a robust risk management policy. For years PacifiCorp has followed a consistent hedging program that limits risk to customers, has tracked risk metrics assiduously and has diligently documented hedging activities. PacifiCorp's risk management policy and hedging program exists to achieve the following goals: (1) ensure reliable sources of electric power are available to meet PacifiCorp's customers' needs; and (2) reduce volatility of net power costs for PacifiCorp's customers. PacifiCorp does not engage in a material amount of proprietary trading activities. Hedging modifies the potential losses and gains in net power costs associated with wholesale market price changes. The purpose of hedging is not to reduce or minimize net power costs. PacifiCorp cannot predict the direction or sustainability of changes in forward prices. Therefore, PacifiCorp hedges, in the forward market, to reduce the volatility of net power costs consistent with good industry practice as documented in the company's risk management policy. Risk Management Policy and Hedging Program PacifiCorp's risk management policy and hedging program were designed to follow electric industry best practices and are reviewed at least annually by the company's risk oversight committee.The risk oversight committee includes PacifiCorp representatives from the front office, finance, risk management, treasury, and legal department. The risk oversight committee makes recommendations to the chief executive officer of PacifiCorp, who ultimately must approve any change to the risk management policy. The main components of PacifiCorp's risk management policy and hedging program are natural gas percent hedged volume limits and power volume hedge limits. These limits force PacifiCorp to monitor the open positions it holds in power and natural gas on behalf of its customers on a daily basis and limit the size of short positions by prescribed time frames in order to reduce customer exposure to price concentration and price volatility. The hedge program requires 277 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 10-ACTION PLAN purchases of natural gas and power at fixed prices in gradual stages in advance of when it is required to reduce the size of short positions and associated customer risk. Dollar cost averaging is the term used to describe gradually hedging over a period of time rather than all at once. This method of hedging, which is widely used by many utilities, captures time diversification and eliminates speculative bursts of market timing activity. Its use means that at times PacifiCorp buys at relatively higher prices and at other times relatively lower prices, essentially capturing an array of prices at many levels. While doing so, PacifiCorp steadily and adaptively meets its hedge goals through the use of this technique while staying within power volume hedge limits and natural gas percent hedge volume limits. Cost Minimization While hedging does not minimize net power costs, PacifiCorp takes many actions to minimize net power costs for customers. First, the company is engaged in integrated resource planning to plan resource acquisitions that are anticipated to provide the lowest cost resources to our customers in the long run. PacifiCorp then issues competitive requests for proposals to assure that the resources we acquire are the lowest cost resources available on a risk-adjusted basis. In operations, PacifiCorp optimizes its portfolio of resources on behalf of customers by maintaining and operating a portfolio of assets that diversifies customer exposure to fuel, power market and emissions risk and utilize an extensive transmission network that provides access to markets across the western United States. Independent of any natural gas and electric price hedging activity, to provide reliable supply and minimize net power costs for customers, PacifiCorp commits generation units daily, dispatches in real time all economic generation resources and all must- take contract resources, serves retail load, and then sells any excess generation to generate wholesale revenue to reduce net power costs for customers.PacifiCorp also purchases power when it is less expensive to purchase power than to generate power from our owned and contracted resources. Hedging cannot be used to minimize net power costs. Hedging does not produce a different expected outcome than not hedging and therefore cannot be considered a cost minimization tool. Hedging is solely a tool to mitigate customer exposure to net power cost volatility and the risk of adverse price movement. However, PacifiCorp does minimize the cost of hedging by transacting in liquid markets and utilizing robust protections to mitigate the risk of counterparty default. Portfolio PacifiCorp has a short position in natural gas because of its ownership of gas-fired electric generation that requires it to purchase large quantities of natural gas to generate electricity to serve its customers. PacifiCorp may have short or long positions in power depending on the shortfall or excess of the company's total generation capacity relative to customer load requirements at a given point in time. Instruments PacifiCorp's hedging program allows the use of several instruments including financial swaps, fixed price physical and options for these products. PacifiCorp chooses instruments that generally have greater liquidity and lower transaction costs. 278 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 10-ACTION PLAN Treatment of Customer and Investor Risks The IRP standards and guidelines in Utah require that PacifiCorp "identify which risks will be borne by ratepayers and which will be borne by shareholders." This section addresses this requirement. Three types of risk are covered: stochastic risk, capital cost risk, and scenario risk. Stochastic Risk Assessment Several of the uncertain variables that pose cost risks to different IRP resource portfolios are quantified in the IRP production cost model using historic years to represent uncertainty. The variables addressed with such tools include retail loads, natural gas prices, wholesale electricity prices, hydroelectric generation, and thermal unit availability. Changes in these variables that occur over the long-term are typically reflected in normalized revenue requirements and are thus borne by customers. Unexpected variations in these elements are normally not reflected in rates, and are therefore borne by investors unless specific regulatory mechanisms provide otherwise. Consequently, over time, these risks are shared between customers and investors. Between rate cases, investors bear these risks. Over a period of years, changes in prudently incurred costs will be reflected in rates and customers will bear the risk. Capital Cost Risks The actual cost of a generating or transmission asset is expected to vary from the cost assumed in the IRP. State commissions may determine that a portion of the cost of an asset was imprudent and therefore should not be included in the determination of rates. The risk of such a determination is borne by investors. To the extent that capital costs vary from those assumed in this IRP for reasons that do not reflect imprudence by PacifiCorp, the risks are borne by customers. Scenario Risk Assessment Scenario risk assessment pertains to abrupt or fundamental changes to variables that are appropriately handled by scenario analysis as opposed to representation by a statistical process or expected-value forecast. The single most important scenario risks of this type facing PacifiCorp continue to be government actions related to emissions and changes in load and transmission infrastructure. These scenario risks relate to the uncertainty in predicting the scope, timing, and cost impact of emission and policies and renewable standard compliance rules. To address these risks,PacifiCorp evaluates resources in the IRP and for competitive procurements using a range of CO2 policy assumptions consistent with the scenario analysis methodology adopted for PacifiCorp's 2025 IRP portfolio development and evaluation process. The company's use of IRP sensitivity analysis covering different resource policy and cost assumptions also addresses the need for consideration of scenario risks for long-term resource planning. The extent to which future regulatory policy shifts do not align with PacifiCorp's resource investments determined to be prudent by state commissions is a risk borne by customers. 279 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP CHAPTER 10-ACTION PLAN 280 - Wind 20 5 Integrated Resource Plan (D raft) ; i Volume 11 - December 31 , 2024 te a— `, AM PACIFICORR This 2025 Draft Integrated Resource Plan is based upon the best available information at the time of preparation. The 2025 Integrated Resource Plan is anticipated to be distributed March 31, 2025. For more information, contact: PacifiCorp Resource Planning 825 N.E. Multnomah, Suite 600 Portland, Oregon 97232 irp@pacificorp.com www.pacificorp.com PACIFICORP-2025 IRP TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS - VOLUME II TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................1 TABLEOF TABLES...................................................................................v TABLE OF FIGURES ...............................................................................vii APPENDIX A - LOAD FORECAST MAINTAINING CUSTOMER FOCUS.............................................................................................................1 ROADMAP..................................................................................................................................................................I CHANGES TO OUR PORTFOLIO...................................................................................................................................2 PACIFICORP'S INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN APPROACH................................................................2 PREFERRED PORTFOLIO HIGHLIGHTS....................................................................................................4 NEWSOLAR RESOURCES...........................................................................................................................................6 NEWWIND RESOURCES.............................................................................................................................................7 NEWSTORAGE RESOURCES.......................................................................................................................................7 NEWNUCLEAR RESOURCES......................................................................................................................................7 DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT..................................................................................................................................8 COAL AND GAS EXITS,RETIREMENTS,AND GAS CONVERSIONS...............................................................................8 ACTIONPLAN...............................................................................................................................................11 APPENDIX B - REGULATORY COMPLIANCE INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................is GENERAL COMPLIANCE.....................................................................................................................................is CALIFORNIA................................................................................................................................................................16 IDAHO.......................................................................................................................................................................17 OREGON....................................................................................................................................................................17 UTAH........................................................................................................................................................................18 WASHINGTON.............................................................................................................................................................18 WYOMING .................................................................................................................................................................18 APPENDIX C - PUBLIC INPUT PARTICIPANTLIST.............................................................................................................................................29 COMMISSIONS............................................................................................................................................................29 STAKEHOLDERS AND INDUSTRY EXPERTS...........................................................................................................................30 GENERAL MEETINGS AND AGENDAS..................................................................................................................31 GENERALMEETINGS.....................................................................................................................................................31 STAKEHOLDER COMMENTS...............................................................................................................................32 CONTACTINFORMATION..................................................................................................................................33 1 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP TABLE OF CONTENTS APPENDIX D - DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................35 CONSERVATION POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT(CPA)FOR 2025-2044.......................................................................35 CURRENT DSM PROGRAM OFFERINGS BY STATE...............................................................................................36 STATE-SPECIFIC DSM PLANNING PROCESSES.....................................................................................................38 UTAH,WYOMING AND IDAHO........................................................................................................................................38 WASH I N GTO N.............................................................................................................................................................38 CALIFORNIA................................................................................................................................................................39 OREGON....................................................................................................................................................................39 PREFERRED PORTFOLIO DSM RESOURCE SELECTIONS........................................................................................39 APPENDIX E - GRID ENHANCEMENT INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................................41 REGIONALENERGY MARKETS.................................................................................................................................41 Western Energy Imbalance Market....................................................................................................................41 ExtendedDay Ahead Market.............................................................................................................................42 TRANSMISSION NETWORK AND OPERATION ENHANCEMENTS.................................................................................42 AdvancedProtective Relays...............................................................................................................................42 DynamicLine Rating.........................................................................................................................................42 Digital Fault Recorders/Phasor Measurement Unit Deployment....................................................................43 Radio Frequency Line Sensors...........................................................................................................................44 TransmissionCFCLs..........................................................................................................................................44 DISTRIBUTION AUTOMATION AND RELIABILITY......................................................................................................45 Distribution Automation/Fault Location,Isolation and Service Restoration..................................................45 DistributionCFCLs............................................................................................................................................45 Distribution Substation Metering.......................................................................................................................46 DISTRIBUTED ENERGY RESOURCES.........................................................................................................................47 EnergyStorage Systems.....................................................................................................................................47 DemandResponse..............................................................................................................................................48 Dispatchable Customer Storage Resources.......................................................................................................48 TRANSPORTATION ELECTRIFICATION......................................................................................................................49 ADVANCED METERING INFRASTRUCTURE...............................................................................................................50 OUTAGE MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENTS................................................................................................................51 FUTURE GRID ENHANCEMENTS..............................................................................................................52 APPENDIX F - FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................................53 OVERVIEW...............................................................................................................................................................54 FLEXIBLE RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................................55 11 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINGENCYRESERVE.........................................................................................................................................56 REGULATIONRESERVE............................................................................................................................................56 FREQUENCY RESPONSE RESERVE............................................................................................................................57 BLACK START REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................................................58 ANCILLARY SERVICES OPERATIONAL DISTINCTIONS..............................................................................................58 REGULATION RESERVE DATA INPUTS...................................................................................................59 OVERVIEW...............................................................................................................................................................59 LOADDATA.............................................................................................................................................................60 WINDAND SOLAR DATA.........................................................................................................................................60 NON-VER DATA.....................................................................................................................................................61 REGULATION RESERVE DATA ANALYSIS AND ADJUSTMENT...........................................................61 OVERVIEW...............................................................................................................................................................61 BASE SCHEDULE RAMPING ADJUSTMENT................................................................................................................61 DATACORRECTIONS...............................................................................................................................................62 REGULATION RESERVE REQUIREMENT METHODOLOGY................................................................63 OVERVIEW...............................................................................................................................................................63 COMPONENTS OF OPERATING RESERVE METHODOLOGY........................................................................................64 Operating Reserve:Reserve Categories............................................................................................................64 Planning Reliability Target:Loss of Load Probability......................................................................................65 Balancing Authority ACE Limit:Allowed Deviations........................................................................................66 Regulation Reserve Forecast:Amount Held......................................................................................................67 REGULATION RESERVE FORECAST..........................................................................................................................68 Overview............................................................................................................................................................68 PORTFOLIO DIVERSITY AND EIM DIVERSITY BENEFITS...................................................................73 PORTFOLIO DIVERSITY BENEFIT..............................................................................................................................73 EIMDIVERSITY BENEFIT........................................................................................................................................74 FAST-RAMPING RESERVE REQUIREMENTS..........................................................................................76 PORTFOLIO REGULATION RESERVE REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................77 REGULATIONRESERVE COST..................................................................................................................................79 FLEXIBLE RESOURCE NEEDS ASSESSMENT..........................................................................................81 OVERVIEW...............................................................................................................................................................81 FORECASTED RESERVE REQUIREMENTS..................................................................................................................81 FLEXIBLE RESOURCE SUPPLY FORECAST................................................................................................................82 FLEXIBLE RESOURCE SUPPLY PLANNING................................................................................................................83 APPENDIX G- PLANT WATER CONSUMPTION STUDYDATA.................................................................................................................................................87 APPENDIX I - CAPACITY EXPANSION RESULTS 2025 IRP PORTFOLIO SUMMARIES.....................................................................................................................93 PREFERREDPORTFOLIO.................................................................................................................................................93 ................................................................................................................................................................................93 OREGON FULL JURISDICTIONAL PORTFOLIO.......................................................................................................................94 WASHINGTON FULL JURISDICTIONAL PORTFOLIO................................................................................................................95 UTAH,IDAHO,WYOMING,CALIFORNIA(UIWC)FULL JURISDICTIONAL PORTFOLIO..................................................................96 NoCCS.....................................................................................................................................................................97 iii PACIFICORP—2025 IRP TABLE OF CONTENTS NONUCLEAR..............................................................................................................................................................98 NoCOAL 2032...........................................................................................................................................................99 OFFSHOREWIND.......................................................................................................................................................100 LN..........................................................................................................................................................................101 MR.........................................................................................................................................................................102 HH.........................................................................................................................................................................103 SC..........................................................................................................................................................................104 APPENDIX L - DISTRIBUTED GENERATION STUDY DISTRIBUTED GENERATION BEHIND-THE-METER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT.......................................................107 APPENDIX M - STAKEHOLDER FEEDBACK FORMS INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................................189 STAKEHOLDER FEEDBACK FORM SUMMARY....................................................................................189 REQUESTED ADDITIONAL STUDIES......................................................................................................191 PUBLISHED STAKEHOLDER FEEDBACK FORMS................................................................................192 APPENDIX O - WASHINGTON CLEAN ENERGY ACTION PLAN INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................................313 PORTFOLIO DEVELOPMENT...........................................................................................................................314 RESOURCE PORTFOLIO DEVELOPMENT..................................................................................................................315 ResourceAdequacy..........................................................................................................................................315 Development of a Washington-compliant portfolio.........................................................................................315 INTERIM TARGETS.............................................................................................................................................317 SPECIFIC ACTIONS.............................................................................................................................................319 CUSTOMER BENEFIT INDICATORS...............................................................................................................319 APPENDIX P - ACRONYMS iv PACIFICORP-2025 IRP TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF TABLES - VOLUME II APPENDIX A - LOAD FORECAST TABLE A.1-FORECASTED ANNUAL LOAD,2025 THROUGH 2034(MEGAWATT-HOURS),AT GENERATION,PRE-DSM .........................3 TABLE A.2-FORECASTED ANNUAL COINCIDENT PEAK LOAD(MEGAWATTS)AT GENERATION,PRE-DSM...........................................4 TABLE A.3-ANNUAL LOAD CHANGE:MAY 2024 FORECAST LESS MAY 2022 FORECAST(MEGAWATT-HOURS)AT GENERATION,PRE- DSM......................................................................................................................................................................4 TABLE A.4-ANNUAL COINCIDENT PEAK CHANGE:MAY 2024 FORECAST LESS MAY 2022 FORECAST(MEGAWATTS)AT GENERATION, PRE-DSM................................................................................................................................................................4 TABLE A.5-PROJECTED RANGE OF TEMPERATURE CHANGE IN THE 2020S AND 2050S RELATIVE TO THE 19905.................................7 TABLE A.6-WEATHER NORMALIZED JURISDICTIONAL RETAIL SALES 2000 THROUGH 2021..........................................................10 TABLE A.7-NON-COINCIDENT JURISDICTIONAL PEAK 2000 THROUGH 2O23.............................................................................10 TABLE A.8-JURISDICTIONAL CONTRIBUTION TO COINCIDENT PEAK 2000 THROUGH 2O23...........................................................10 TABLE A.9-SYSTEM ANNUAL RETAIL SALES FORECAST 2025 THROUGH 2034,POST-DSM..........................................................13 TABLE A.10-FORECASTED RETAIL SALES GROWTH IN OREGON,POST-DSM..............................................................................13 TABLE A.11-FORECASTED RETAIL SALES GROWTH IN WASHINGTON,POST-DSM.......................................................................14 TABLE A.12-FORECASTED RETAIL SALES GROWTH IN CALIFORNIA,POST-DSM...........................................................................14 TABLE A.13-FORECASTED RETAIL SALES GROWTH IN UTAH,POST-DSM ..................................................................................14 TABLE A.14-FORECASTED RETAIL SALES GROWTH IN IDAHO,POST-DSM..................................................................................14 TABLE A.15-FORECASTED RETAIL SALES GROWTH IN WYOMING,POST-DSM ...........................................................................14 APPENDIX B - REGULATORY COMPLIANCE TABLE B.1-INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLANNING STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES SUMMARY BY STATE................................................19 APPENDIX C - PUBLIC INPUT APPENDIX D - DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT TABLE D.1-CURRENT DEMAND RESPONSE AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAM SERVICES AND OFFERINGS BY SECTOR AND STATE........36 TABLE D.2-CURRENT WATTSMART OUTREACH AND COMMUNICATIONS ACTIVITIES....................................................................38 TABLE D.3-CUMULATIVE DEMAND RESPONSE RESOURCE SELECTIONS(2025 IRP PREFERRED PORTFOLIO).....................................40 TABLE DA-CUMULATIVE ENERGY EFFICIENCY RESOURCE SELECTIONS(2025 IRP PREFERRED PORTFOLIO).....................................40 APPENDIX E - GRID ENHANCEMENT APPENDIX F - FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY TABLE F.1 -PORTFOLIO REGULATION RESERVE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................55 TABLE F.2-20252023 FLEXIBLE RESOURCE COSTS AS COMPARED TO 2023 COSTS,$/MWH.....................................55 TABLE F.3-SUMMARY OF STAND-ALONE REGULATION RESERVE REQUIREMENTS....................................................73 TABLE FA-EIM DIVERSITY BENEFIT APPLICATION EXAMPLE..................................................................................75 TABLE F.5-2018-2019 RESULTS WITH PORTFOLIO DIVERSITY AND EIM DIVERSITY BENEFITS.................................75 V PACIFICORP-2025 IRP TABLE OF CONTENTS APPENDIX G- PLANT WATER CONSUMPTION TABLE G.1-PLANT WATER CONSUMPTION WITH ACRE-FEET*PER YEAR.................................................................87 TABLE G.2-PLANT WATER CONSUMPTION BY STATE ACRE-FEET)...........................................................................89 TABLE G.3-PLANT WATER CONSUMPTION BY FUEL TYPE ACRE-FEET)....................................................................89 TABLE GA-PLANT WATER CONSUMPTION FOR PLANTS LOCATED IN THE UPPER COLORADO RIVER BASIN(ACRE- FEET)...................................................................................................................................................................89 APPENDIX I - CAPACITY EXPANSION RESULTS TABLE I.1-PRICE-POLICY SCENARIO PORTFOLIOS.....................................................................................................91 TABLE I.2-VARIANT PORTFOLIOS..............................................................................................................................91 APPENDIX L - DISTRIBUTED GENERATION STUDY APPENDIX M - STAKEHOLDER FEEDBACK FORMS APPENDIX O - WASHINGTON CLEAN ENERGY ACTION PLAN APPENDIX P - ACRONYMS vi PACIFICORP-2025 IRP TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF FIGURES - VOLUME II APPENDIX A - LOAD FORECAST FIGURE A.1-PACIFICORP SYSTEM ENERGY LOAD FORECAST CHANGE,AT GENERATION,PRE-DSM ..................................................2 FIGURE A.2-PACIFICORP ANNUAL RETAIL SALES 2000 THROUGH 2O21 AND WESTERN REGION EMPLOYMENT.................................5 FIGURE A.3-PACIFICORP ANNUAL RESIDENTIAL USE PER CUSTOMER 2001 THROUGH 2O21..........................................................6 FIGURE A.4-COMPARISON OF UTAH 5,10,AND 20-YEAR AVERAGE PEAK PRODUCING TEMPERATURES...........................................9 FIGURE A.5-LOAD FORECAST SCENARIOS,PRE-DSM ............................................................................................................15 APPENDIX B - REGULATORY COMPLIANCE APPENDIX C - PUBLIC INPUT APPENDIX D - DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT APPENDIX E - GRID ENHANCEMENT APPENDIX F - FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY FIGURE F.1 -BASE SCHEDULE RAMPING ADJUSTMENT................................................................................................62 FIGURE F.2-PROBABILITY OF EXCEEDING ALLOWED DEVIATION...............................................................................67 FIGURE F.3-WIND REGULATION RESERVE REQUIREMENTS BY FORECAST-PACE....................................................69 FIGURE F.4-WIND REGULATION RESERVE REQUIREMENTS BY FORECAST CAPACITY FACTOR-PACW....................69 FIGURE F.5-SOLAR REGULATION RESERVE REQUIREMENTS BY FORECAST CAPACITY FACTOR-PACE....................70 FIGURE F.6-SOLAR REGULATION RESERVE REQUIREMENTS BY FORECAST CAPACITY FACTOR-PACW..................70 FIGURE F.7-NONNER REGULATION RESERVE REQUIREMENTS BY CAPACITY FACTOR-PACE...............................71 FIGURE F.8-NONNER REGULATION RESERVE REQUIREMENTS BY CAPACITY FACTOR-PACW.............................71 FIGURE F.9-STAND-ALONE LOAD REGULATION RESERVE REQUIREMENTS-PACE..................................................72 FIGURE F.10-STAND-ALONE LOAD REGULATION RESERVE REQUIREMENTS-PACW...............................................72 FIGURE F.11-INCREMENTAL WIND AND SOLAR REGULATION RESERVE COSTS.........................................................81 FIGURE F.12-COMPARISON OF RESERVE REQUIREMENTS AND RESOURCES,EAST BALANCING AUTHORITY AREA (MW)..................................................................................................................................................................83 FIGURE F.13-COMPARISON OF RESERVE REQUIREMENTS AND RESOURCES,WEST BALANCING AUTHORITY AREA (MW)..................................................................................................................................................................83 APPENDIX G - PLANT WATER CONSUMPTION Vii PACIFICORP-2025 IRP TABLE OF CONTENTS APPENDIX I - CAPACITY EXPANSION RESULTS APPENDIX L - DISTRIBUTED GENERATION STUDY APPENDIX M - STAKEHOLDER FEEDBACK FORMS APPENDIX O -WASHINGTON CLEAN ENERGY ACTION PLAN APPENDIX P - ACRONYMS v>;i PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX A-LOAD FORECAST APPENDIX A - LOAD FORECAST Introduction This appendix reviews the load forecast used in the modeling and analysis of the 2025 Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP"), including scenario development for case sensitivities. The load forecast used in the IRP is an estimate of the energy sales and peak demand over a 20-year period. The 20- year horizon is important to anticipate electricity demand to develop a timely response of resources. In the development of its load forecast PacifiCorp employs econometric models that use historical data and inputs such as regional and national economic growth, weather, seasonality, and other customer usage and behavior changes. The forecast is divided into classes that use energy for similar purposes and at comparable retail rates. These separate customer classes include residential, commercial, industrial, irrigation, and lighting customer classes. The classes are modeled separately using variables specific to their usage patterns. For residential customers, typical energy uses include space heating, air conditioning, water heating, lighting, cooking, refrigeration, dish washing, laundry washing, televisions, and various other end-use appliances. Commercial and industrial customers use energy for production and manufacturing processes, space heating, air conditioning, lighting, computers, and other office equipment. Jurisdictional peak load forecasts are developed using econometric equations that relate observed monthly peak loads, peak producing weather and the weather-sensitive loads for all classes. The system coincident peak forecast, which is used in portfolio development, is the maximum load required on the system in any hourly period and is extracted from the hourly forecast model. Summary Load Forecast PacifiCorp updated its load forecast in May 2024. The compound annual load growth rate for the 10-year period (2025 through 2034) is 2.44 percent. Relative to the load forecast prepared for the 2023 IRP,PacifiCorp's 2034 forecast load requirement decreased in Oregon,California,Wyoming and Idaho,resulting in PacifiCorp system load requirement to decline 3.01 percent in 2034. Figure A.1 provides a comparison of the 2025 IRP and the 2023 IRP load forecasts. 1 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX A-LOAD FORECAST Figure A.1 —PacifiCorp System Energy Load Forecast Change, at Generation, re-DSM Forecasted Annual System Load (GWh) 2023 IRP --M-2025 IRP 120,000 100,000 80,000 0 x 60,000 40,000 on U 20,000 Vl l- 00 C� O N M 't W) "0 r­ 00 01 O M 't N N N N N M M M M M M M M M M I �t � O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Table A.l and Table A.2 show the annual load and coincident peak load forecast when not reducing load projections to account for new energy efficiency measures.' Table A.3 and Table A.4 show the forecast changes relative to the 2023 IRP load forecast for loads and coincident system peak, respectively. Table A.1 —Forecasted Annual Load, 2025 through 2034 (Megawatt-hours), at Generation, re-DSM Year otal RMO— NMI L, mdu WY 2025 65,060,422 16,427,112 4,545,410 844,170 29,729,280 9,662,750 3,851,700 2026 65,709,687 16,686,547 4,573,810 844,790 30,092,110 9,640,700 3,871,730 2027 68,479,409 16,981,229 4,761,850 84 ,,380 32,331,920 9,666,940 3,893,090 2028 71,791,117 17,211,827 4,957,640 845,780 35,172,110 9,684,200 3,919,560 2029 73,628,022 17,382,202 4,967,740 842,310 36,817,630 9,686,200 3,931,940 2030 75,117,094 17,597,704 4,993,880 841,360 38,053,630 9,681,100 3,949,420 2031 76,867,685 17,819,165 5,018,660 840,620 39,526,380 9,696,570 3,966,290 2032 78,480,937 18,085,127 5,055,940 842,410 40,802,960 9,704,760 3,989,740 2033 79,769,335 18,298,195 5,071,770 839,820 41,856,710 9,700,290 4,002,550 2034 80,843,645 18,574,275 5,100,920 839,770 42,614,010 9,691,460 4,023,210 ompound Annual Growth Rate 2025-34 2.44% 1.37% 1.29% -0.06% 4.08% 0.03% 0.49% 'Energy efficiency load reductions are included as resources in the Plexos model. 2 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX A-LOAD FORECAST Table A.2-Forecasted Annual Coincident Peak Load(Me awatts) at Generation, re-DSM Year Total OR WA CA UT WY ID 2025 11,374 2,758 830 146 5,647 1,233 760 2026 11,410 2,779 841 147 5,675 1,211 756 2027 11,708 2,808 880 147 5,909 1,211 753 2028 12,085 2,825 886 148 6,275 1,213 739 2029 12,303 2,848 891 148 6,462 1,214 739 2030 12,501 2,879 895 148 6,622 1,218 740 2031 12,824 2,959 898 148 6,830 1,220 769 2032 12,961 2,931 901 148 6,998 1,218 765 2033 13,156 2,978 904 148 7,157 1,218 751 2034 13,358 3,073 941 152 7,210 1,210 773 o npound Annual Growth Rate 2025-34 1.80% 1.21% 1.40% 0.44% 2.75°/u -0.21% 0.18% Table A.3 - Annual Load Change: May 2024 Forecast less May 2022 Forecast (Megawatt- hours) at Generation, re-DSM Year Total OR WA CA UT ID 2025 (4,744,638) (3,303,208) (155,350) (11,050) (631,940) (412,110) (230,980) 2026 (4,228,733) (3,771,103) (147,950) (8,180) 404,630 (472,540) (233,590) 2027 (4,170,361) (4,780,061) 5,020 (8,800) 1,297,500 (450,000) (234,020) 2028 (4,890,003) (6,234,133) 146,440 (10,700) 1,988,370 (544,910) (235,070) 2029 (4,291,258) (6,570,578) 126,430 (12,850) 2,956,270 (553,770) (236,760) 2030 (3,694,746) (6,468,356) 108,530 (14,430) 3,569,730 (651,450) (238,770) 2031 (3,513,005) (7,002,525) 87,960 (15,980) 4,326,490 (667,550) (241,400) 2032 (2,840,843) (7,075,753) 65,540 (17,550) 5,202,610 (771,970) (243,720) 2033 (2,452,895) (7,121,585) 45,520 (18,880) 5,694,760 (807,980) (244,730) 2034 (2,507,895) (7,167,315) 23,940 (20,350) 5,768,680 (868,020) (244,830) Table A.4 - Annual Coincident Peak Change: May 2024 Forecast less May 2022 Forecast (Megawatts) at Generation, pre-DSM Year Total OR W CA UT 2025 (373) (253) (26) (1) 19 (68) (43) 2026 (349) (275) (30) (1) 103 (94) (52) 2027 (343) (380) (7) (2) 202 (95) (60) 2028 (400) (499) (19) (4) 282 (105) (55) 2029 (380) (639) (36) (9) 439 (77) (59) 2030 (314) (628) (51) (10) 521 (83) (63) 2031 (298) (672) (68) (12) 616 (91) (72) 2032 (248) (701) (84) (13) 729 (97) (82) 2033 (191) (693) (102) (14) 800 (104) (79) 2034 (155) (638) (85) (11) 762 (121) (62) 3 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX A-LOAD FORECAST Load Forecast Assumptions Regional Economy by Jurisdiction The PacifiCorp electric service territory is comprised of six states and within these states the Company serves customers in a total of 90 counties. The level of retail sales for each state and county is correlated with economic conditions and population statistics in each state. PacifiCorp uses both economic data, such as employment, and population data, to forecast its retail sales. Looking at historical sales and employment data for PacifiCorp's service territory, 2000 through 2023, in Figure A.2, it is apparent that PacifiCorp's retail sales are correlated to economic conditions in its service territory, and most recently the economic downturn and rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic. Figure A.2 — PacifiCorp Annual Retail Sales 2000 through 2021 and Western Region Employment Retail Sales and Service Territory Employment 58,000 System Annual Sales —Western Region Employment 39.0 56,000 37.0 � c 54,000 35.0 52,000 E s 33.0 c 3 50,000 E 31.0 0 48,000 a 46,000 29.0 LU 44,000 27.0 42,000 1 25.0 T)OO -'001����0o��ooA�oos�oo6��������9"a� �0�1�01�101��o1p�o1S1oJ6�oz��o���of9�o� 1o�r The 2025 IRP forecast utilizes the February 2024 release of S&P Global Market Intelligence (formerly known as IHS Markit) economic driver forecast, whereas the 2023 IRP relied on the March 2022 release from S&P Global Market Intelligence. Figure A.3 shows the weather normalized average system residential use per customer. 4 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX A—LOAD FORECAST Figure A.3—PacifiCorp Annual Residential Use per Customer 2001 through 2021 System Residential Use per Customer E 11,000 0 4� � r m 10,500 c a 10,000 .• L a 9,500 - 9,000 f0 L a 8,500 8,000 �'0 � 1�s c�`, �00� �Oj j �0f� �OVS �0j, �019 �0�� E(eath PacifiCorp's load forecast is based on historical actual weather adjusted for expectations and impacts from climate change. The historical weather is defined by the 20-year period of 2004 through 2023. The climate change weather uses the data from the historical period and adjusts the percentile of the data to achieve the expected target average annual temperature and calculate the HDD and CDD impacts and peak producing weather impacts within the energy forecast and peak forecast, respectively. The climate change weather target temperature relies on actual 1990 average temperatures and projected temperature increases over 1990 average temperatures as determined by the United States Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) in the West-Wide Climate Risk Assessments: Hydroclimate Projections Study (Study).2 PacifiCorp determined daily average temperatures and peak producing temperatures that correspond to the midpoint of the projected temperature increase between the Representative Concentration Pathway(RCP)4.5 and RCP 8.5 ranges in the Study. 2 United States Bureau of Reclamation,March 2021,Managing Water in the West,Technical Memorandum No. ENV-2021-001,West-Wide Climate Risk Assessments:Hydroclimate Projections. https://www.usbr.gov/climate/secure/docs/2021 secure/westwidesecurereport 1-2.pdf 5 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX A—LOAD FORECAST Table A.5 —Projected Range of Temperature Change in the 2020s and 2050s relative to the 1990s, PacifiCorp Projected Range of Temperature Change :ureau of Reclamation Site Jurisdiction (OF)* Assumption a A 02 OS Klamath River near Klamath California 1.7 to 2.6 3.6 to 5.2 Snake River Near Heise Idaho 1.6 to 3.0 4.1 to 5.9 Klamath River near Seiad Valley Oregon 1.8 to 2.7 3.7 to 5.3 Green River near Greendale Utah 1.8 to 3.3 4.2 to 6.3 Yakima River at Parker Washington 1.8 to 2.8 3.6 to 5.6 Green River near Greendale Wyoming 1.8 to 3.3 4.2 to 6.3 *Lower bound of temperature projections based on RCP 4.5,while upper bound based on RCP 8.5 In addition to climate change weather discussed above, PacifiCorp has reviewed the appropriateness of using the average weather from a shorter time period as its "normal" peak weather. Figure A.4 indicates that peak producing weather does not change significantly when comparing five, 10, or 20-year average weather. PacifiCorp also updated its temperature spline models to the five-year time period of October 2018 — September 2023. PacifiCorp's spline models are used to model the commercial, residential and irrigation class temperature sensitivity at varying temperatures. 3 Ibid. 6 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX A—LOAD FORECAST Figure A.4-Comparison of Utah 5, 10, and 20-Year Average Peak Producing Tem eratures Utah Average Peak Producing Weather (Average Dry Bulb Temperature on Peak Day (Deg F.)) 20 Year Average --C-10 Year Average 5 Year Average 100 90 80 70 60 50 Ar A 40 30 20 10 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Statistically Adjusted End-Use ("SAE") PacifiCorp models sales per customer for the residential class using the SAE model, which combines the end-use modeling concepts with traditional regression analysis techniques. Major drivers of the SAE-based residential model are heating and cooling related variables, equipment shares, saturation levels and efficiency trends, and economic drivers such as household size, income, and energy price. PacifiCorp uses ITRON for its load forecasting software and services, as well as the SAE. To predict future changes in the efficiency of the various end uses for the residential class, an Excel spreadsheet model obtained from ITRON was utilized; the model includes appliance efficiency trends based on appliance life as well as past and future efficiency standards. The model embeds all currently applicable laws and regulations regarding appliance efficiency, along with life cycle models of each appliance. The life cycle models, based on the decay and replacement rate are necessary to estimate how fast the existing stock of any given appliance turns over,i.e.,newer more efficient equipment replacing older less efficient equipment. The underlying efficiency data is based on estimates of energy efficiency from the US Department of Energy's Energy Information Administration (EIA). The EIA estimates the efficiency of appliance stocks and the saturation of appliances at the national level and for individual Census Regions. Individual Customer Forecast PacifiCorp updated its load forecast for a select group of large industrial customers,self-generation facilities of large industrial customers,and data center forecasts within the respective jurisdictions. 7 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX A-LOAD FORECAST Changes to PacifiCorp's load forecast are driven by lower projected demand from new large customers, who are expected to provide or pay for their necessary resources and transmission. Customer forecasts are provided by the customer to PacifiCorp through a regional business manager("RBM"). Actual Load Data Note— Certain load forecast tables indicated in the following pages are not included in the 2025 Draft IRP, and are anticipated to be provided in the March 31, 2025 final filing. With the exception to the industrial and the street lighting classes,PacifiCorp uses actual load data from January 2006 through February 2024.The historical data period used to develop the industrial monthly sales forecast is from January 2006 through February 2024 in California, Idaho, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. January 2008 through February 2024 is used in Oregon. The historical data period used to develop the street light monthly sales forecast for Oregon is from April 2006 through February 2024 and for Utah it is January 2007 through February 2024. Table A.6—Weather Normalized Jurisdictional Retail Sales 2000 through 2021 To be included within final 2025 IRP submittal. Table A.7—Non-Coincident Jurisdictional Peak 2000 through 2023 To be included within final 2025 IRP submittal. Table A.8—Jurisdictional Contribution to Coincident Peak 2000 through 2023 To be included within final 2025 IRP submittal. System Losses Line loss factors are derived using the five-year average of the percent difference between the annual system load by jurisdiction and the retail sales by jurisdiction. System line losses were updated to reflect actual losses for the five-year period ending December 31, 2023. Forecast Methodology Overview Demand-side Management Resources in the Load Forecast PacifiCorp modeled as a resource option to be selected as part of a cost-effective portfolio resource mix using the Plexos capacity expansion optimization model. The load forecast used for IRP portfolio development excluded forecasted load reductions from energy efficiency; Plexos then determines the amount of energy efficiency—expressed as supply curves that relate incremental DSM quantities with their costs—given the other resource options and inputs included in the model. The use of energy efficiency supply curves, along with the economic screening provided by Plexos, determines the cost-effective mix of energy efficiency for a given scenario. 8 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX A-LOAD FORECAST Modeling overview The load forecast is developed by forecasting the monthly sales by customer class for each jurisdiction. The residential sales forecast is developed as a use-per-customer forecast multiplied by the forecasted number of customers. The customer forecasts are based on a combination of regression analysis and exponential smoothing techniques using historical data from January 2006 to February 2024.For the residential class, PacifiCorp forecasts the number of customers using S&P Global Market Intelligence forecast of each state's population or number of households as the major driver. PacifiCorp uses a differenced model approach in the development of the residential customer forecast. Rather than directly forecasting the number of customers, the differenced model predicts the monthly change in number of customers. PacifiCorp models sales per customer for the residential class using the SAE model discussed above, which combines the end-use modeling concepts with traditional regression analysis techniques. For the commercial class, PacifiCorp forecasts sales using regression analysis techniques with non-manufacturing employment and non-farm employment designated as the major economic drivers, in addition to weather-related variables. Monthly sales for the commercial class are forecast directly from historical sales volumes,not as a product of the use per customer and number of customers. The development of the forecast of monthly commercial sales involves an additional step; to reflect the addition of a large "lumpy" change in sales such as a new data center, monthly commercial sales are increased based on input from PacifiCorp's RBM's. The treatment of large commercial additions is similar to the methodology for large industrial customer sales, which is discussed below. Monthly sales for irrigation and street lighting are forecast directly from historical sales volumes, not as a product of the use per customer and number of customers. The majority of industrial sales are modeled using regression analysis with trend and economic variables. Manufacturing employment is used as the major economic driver in all states with exception of Utah and West Wyoming, in which an Industrial Production Index and mining employment, respectively, is used. For a small number of the very largest industrial customers, PacifiCorp prepares individual forecasts based on input from the customer and information provided by the RBM's. After PacifiCorp develops the forecasts of monthly energy sales by customer class, a forecast of hourly loads is developed in two steps. First, monthly peak forecasts are developed for each state. The monthly peak model uses historical peak-producing weather for each state and incorporates the impact of weather on load above baseload through several weather variables that drive heating and cooling usage. The weather variables include the average temperature on the peak day and lagged average temperatures from up to two days before the day of the forecast. The peak forecast is based on the climate change peak-producing weather discussed above. Second, PacifiCorp develops hourly load forecasts for each state using hourly load models that include state-specific hourly load data, daily weather variables, the 20-year average temperatures 9 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX A—LOAD FORECAST for the 20-year period 2004 through 2023, a typical annual weather pattern, and day-type variables such as weekends and holidays as inputs to the model. The hourly loads are adjusted to match the monthly peaks from the first step above. Hourly loads are then adjusted so the monthly sum of hourly loads equals monthly sales plus line losses. After the hourly load forecasts are developed for each state, hourly loads are aggregated to the total system level. The system coincident peaks can then be identified, as well as the contribution of each jurisdiction to those monthly peaks. Electrification Adjustments The load forecast used for 2025 IRP portfolio development includes PacifiCorp's expectations for transportation electrification based on current and expected electric-vehicle (EV) adoption trends. These projections were incorporated as a post-model adjustment to the residential and commercial sales forecasts. Electric vehicle adoption and load impacts vary by state depending on a variety of socioeconomic factors and policies particular to each state. To develop a prospective forecast of EV adoption, PacifiCorp developed a model to assess trends for light-duty EVs and medium-duty EVs. To develop a future EV adoption curve, PacifiCorp reviewed three national EV forecasts, each representing varying degrees of aggressiveness. While these forecasts represent national trends, the adoption curves themselves can be applied and adapted to state-specific parameters to reflect current market conditions in the state. PacifiCorp calibrates each adoption curve source to base inputs from EIA's Annual Energy Outlook (AEO) projections and estimated historical vehicle actuals. The AEO inputs include estimated shares of battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles as well as light-duty vehicles and light-duty trucks. Each of the national adoption curve sources is discussed below to help contextualize the various sources reviewed for this plan's EV adoption forecast.4 2025 IRP is based on a specific EV shape for EV loads. Historically, EV loads were added to jurisdictional loads and shaped based on jurisdictional load shape. While electric vehicle loads were small, this approach generated satisfactory results, but with growth drivers such as state and federal mandates and the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, EV loads have an increasing potential impact on loads and peaks. It is important that this growing impact on loads be modeled correctly both so that PacifiCorp can plan for the load effectively and so that programs to mitigate for this growth, such as time-of-use (TOU)rates can be introduced and their benefits correctly quantified. The load forecast also incorporates PacifiCorp's expectations for building electrification initiatives.In the near-term,building electrification is relatively minor share of load but is expected to grow over time as state and national policies encouraging fuel substitution and electrification become more prevalent. PacifiCorp's building electrification forecast is based on expected fuel shares for space heating and water heating equipment at the end of its useful life and future new construction shares of electric fuel for these end-uses over time. Adoption curves are calibrated to expected equipment turnover and new construction rates in alignment with assumptions used in the Conservation Potential Assessment. Adoption curves and timing of building electrification is 4 Transportation electrification impacts for Oregon and Washington may differ slightly from estimated impacts provided in transportation electrification plans as result of the vintage associated with data inputs. 10 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX A-LOAD FORECAST estimated based on the state specific policies or known market trends supporting advancement of building electrification. PacifiCorp continually assesses both transportation and building electrification market trends, policies, and adoptions levels in each state. As these markets evolve, PacifiCorp will continue to update forecasts to reflect new trends as they occur. Private Generation The 2025 IRP load forecast relies on private generation adoption expectations as determined by third-party vendor, DNV. The Distributed Generation Forecast Behind-the-Meter Resource Assessment was developed by DNV for Utah, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, California, and Washington. The study evaluated the expected adoption of behind-the-meter(BTM)technologies including photovoltaic solar, photovoltaic solar coupled with battery storage, small scale wind, small scale hydro, reciprocating engines, and microturbines for a 20-year forecast horizon. The study provided projections for three cases, which includes the base, high, and low adoption projections. Please refer to Appendix L — Distributed Generation Study for additional information regarding the methodology and assumptions used to develop the Distributed Generation Forecast Behind- the-Meter Resource Assessment. ales Forecast at the Customer Meter This section provides total system and state-level forecasted retail sales summaries measured at the customer meter by customer class including load reduction projections from new energy efficiency measures from the Preferred Portfolio. To be included within final 2025 IRP submittal. Table A.9—System Annual Retail Sales Forecast 2025 through 2034, post-DSM To be included within final 2025 IRP submittal. State Summaries Oregon Table A.10 summarizes Oregon state forecasted retail sales growth by customer class. Table A.10—Forecasted Retail Sales Growth in Oregon, post-DSM To be included within final 2025 IRP submittal. Washington Table A.I I summarizes Washington state forecasted retail sales growth by customer class. 11 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX A-LOAD FORECAST Table A.11 —Forecasted Retail Sales Growth in Washington,post-DSM To be included within final 2025 IRP submittal. California Table A.12 summarizes California state forecasted sales growth by customer class. Table A.12 -Forecasted Retail Sales Growth in California, post-DSM To be included within final 2025 IRP submittal. Utah Table A.13 summarizes Utah state forecasted sales growth by customer class. Table A.13 —Forecasted Retail Sales Growth in Utah,post-DSM To be included within final 2025 IRP submittal. Idaho Table A.14 summarizes Idaho state forecasted sales growth by customer class. Table A.14 -Forecasted Retail Sales Growth in Idaho,post-DSM To be included within final 2025 IRP submittal. WyomingError! Reference source not found. summarizes Wyoming state forecasted sales g rowth by customer class. Table A.15—Forecasted Retail Sales Growth in Wyoming, post-DSM To be included within final 2025 IRP submittal. Alternative Load Forecast Scenarios The purpose of providing alternative load forecast cases is to determine the resource type and timing impacts resulting from a change in the economy or system peaks as a result of varying temperatures and economic conditions. High and Low Private Generation Scenarios As noted above, DNV's Distributed Generation Forecast Behind-the-Meter Resource Assessment included results for three private generation scenarios, which includes the base, high, and low adoption projections. The high and low private generation load forecast scenarios rely on the high and low private generation adoption scenarios produced by DNV. Please refer to Appendix L — Distributed Generation Study for additional information regarding the methodology and assumptions used in the study. 12 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX A-LOAD FORECAST Optimistic and Pessimistic Scenarios The May 2024 forecast is the baseline scenario. For the high and low load growth scenarios, optimistic and pessimistic economic driver assumptions from S&P Global Market Intelligence were applied to the economic drivers in PacifiCorp's load forecasting models. These growth assumptions were extended for the entire forecast horizon. Further, the high and low load growth scenarios also incorporate the standard error bands for the energy and the peak forecast to determine a 95%prediction interval around the base IRP forecast. The high scenario incorporates PacifiCorp's low private generation forecast, while the low scenario incorporates the high private generation forecast. Lastly, the high scenario incorporates high climate change temperatures, which are based on RCP 8.5 and the low scenario incorporate low climate change temperatures, which are based on RCP 4.5 (see Table A.5). The 95% prediction interval is calculated at the system level and then allocated to each state and class based on their contribution to the variability of the system level forecast. The standard error bands for the jurisdictional peak forecasts were calculated in a similar manner. The final high load growth scenario includes the optimistic economic forecast and low private generation forecast plus the monthly energy adder and the monthly peak forecast with the peak adder. The final low load growth scenario includes the pessimistic economic forecast and high private generation forecast minus the monthly energy adder and monthly peak forecast minus the peak adder. 1-in-20 Year Scenario For the 1-in-20 year (5 percent probability) extreme weather scenario, PacifiCorp used 1-in-20 year peak weather for summer (July) months for each state. The 1-in-20 year peak weather is defined as the year for which the peak has the chance of occurring once in 20 years. High Data Center Scenario The 2025 IRP incorporates a high data center scenario given that center load potential is emerging as a key driver to incremental resource and transmission needs across the industry. The high data center scenario accounts for all active data center requests from prospective data center customers assuming the demand as requested by the customer. Figure A.5 show the comparison of the above scenarios relative to the Base Case scenario. Figure A.5—Load Forecast Scenarios,pre-DSM To be included within final 2025 IRP submittal. 13 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX A-LOAD FORECAST 14 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX B-REGULATORY COMPLIANCE APPENDIX B - REGULATORY COMPLIANCE This appendix describes general state requirements for PacifiCorp's 2025 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). Line-item details for each states' compliance, which is dependent on information that is not included in this draft, will be provided in the March 31, 2025 filing. General Complian PacifiCorp prepares the IRP on a biennial basis and files the IRP with state commissions. The preparation of the IRP is done in an open public process with consultation from all interested parties, including commissioners and commission staff,customers,and other stakeholders. This open process provides parties with a substantial opportunity to contribute information and ideas in the planning process and serves to inform all parties on the planning issues and approach. The public input process for this IRP is described in Volume I, Chapter 2 (Introduction), as well as Volume II, Appendix C (Public). The IRP provides a framework and plan for future actions to ensure PacifiCorp continues to provide reliable and least-cost electric service to its customers. The IRP evaluates, over a twenty-year planning period,the future load of PacifiCorp customers and the resources required to meet this load. To fill any gap between changes in loads and existing resources, while taking into consideration potential early retirement of existing coal units as an alternative to investments that achieve compliance with environmental regulations, the IRP evaluates a broad range of available resource options, as required by state commission rules. These resource options include supply-side, demand- side, and transmission alternatives. The evaluation of the alternatives in the IRP, as detailed in Volume I, Chapter 8 (Modeling and Portfolio Evaluation) and Chapter 9 (Modeling and Portfolio Selection Results)meets this requirement and includes the impact to system costs, system operations, supply and transmission reliability, and the impacts of various risks, uncertainties and externality costs that could occur. To perform the analysis and evaluation, PacifiCorp employs a suite of models that simulate the complex operation of the PacifiCorp system and its integration within the Western interconnection. The models allow for a rigorous testing of a broad range of commercially feasible resource alternatives available to PacifiCorp on a consistent and comparable basis. The analytical process, including the risk and uncertainty analysis, fully complies with IRP standards and guidelines, and is described in detail in Volume I, Chapter 8. The IRP analysis is designed to define a resource plan that is least-cost,after consideration of risks and uncertainties. To evaluate resource alternatives and identify a least-cost, risk adjusted plan, portfolio resource options were developed and tested against each other. This testing included examination of various tradeoffs among the portfolios, such as average cost versus risk,reliability, customer rate impacts,and average annual carbon dioxide(CO2)emissions. This draft portfolio analysis and the results and conclusions drawn from the analysis are described in Volume I, Chapter 9. 15 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX B—REGULATORY COMPLIANCE Consistent with the IRP standards and guidelines of Oregon, Utah, and Washington, this draft includes an Action Plan in Volume I, Chapter 10 (Action Plan). The Action Plan details near-term actions that are necessary to ensure PacifiCorp continues to provide reliable and least-cost electric service after considering risk and uncertainty. The Action Plan also provides a progress report on action items contained in the 2023 IRP. The 2025 IRP and related Action Plan are filed with each commission with a request for acknowledgment or acceptance, as applicable. Acknowledgment or acceptance means that a commission recognizes the IRP as meeting all regulatory requirements at the time of acknowledgment.In a case where a commission acknowledges the IRP in part or not at all,PacifiCorp may modify and seek to re-file an IRP that meets their acknowledgment standards or address any deficiencies in the next plan. State commission acknowledgment orders or letters typically stress that an acknowledgment does not indicate approval or endorsement of IRP conclusions or analysis results. Similarly, an acknowledgment does not imply that favorable ratemaking treatment for resources proposed in the IRP will be given. California Public Utilities Code Section 454.52, mandates that the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) adopt a process for load serving entities to file an IRP beginning in 2017. In February 2016, the CPUC opened a rulemaking to adopt an IRP process and address the scope of the IRP to be filed with the CPUC (Docket R.16-02-007). Decision (D.) 18-02-018 instructed PacifiCorp to file an alternative IRP consisting of any IRP submitted to another public regulatory entity within the previous calendar year (Alternative Type 2 Load Serving Entity Plan). D.18-02-018 also instructed PacifiCorp to provide an adequate description of treatment of disadvantaged communities, as well as a description of how planned future procurement is consistent with the 2030 Greenhouse Gas Benchmark. PacifiCorp also provides its IRP and an IRP Supplement in lieu of providing a Renewables Portfolio Standard Procurement Plan, as authorized by Public Utilities Code Section 399.17(d). Requirements for PacifiCorp's IRP Supplement are outlined in an annual Assigned Commissioner's Ruling from the CPUC' and D.22-12-030 issued on December 19, 2022, approving the company's 2021 IRP Supplement(2022 Off-Year Supplement to its 2021 IRP). On October 18, 2019, PacifiCorp submitted its 2019 IRP in compliance with D.18-02-018. On April 6, 2020, the CPUC issued D.20-03-028, which reiterated PacifiCorp's ability to file an alternative IRP. I The most recent Assigned Commissioner's Ruling is the Assigned Commissioner and Assigned Administrative Law Judge's Ruling Identifying issues and Schedules of Review for 2022 Renewables Portfolio Standard Procurement Plans and Denying Joint IOU's Motion to File Advice Letters for Market Offer Process, Rulemaking 18-07-003 (April 11, 2022). 16 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX B—REGULATORY COMPLIANCE On September 1, 2021, PacifiCorp filed its 2021 IRP in Docket R.18-07-003 in compliance with D.08-05-029. On November 1, 2022, PacifiCorp filed its 2021 IRP in Docket R.20-05-003 in compliance with D.18-02-018, D.20-03-028, and D.22-02-004. On January 18, 2023, PacifiCorp filed its 2021 IRP Supplement (2022 Off-Year Supplement to its 2021 IRP) in Docket R.18-07-003 in compliance with D.08-05-029 and D.22-12-030. California Public Utilities Code Section 454.5 allows utility with less than 500,000 customers in the state to request an exemption from filing an IRP. However, PacifiCorp files its IRP and IRP supplements with the California Public Utilities Commission to address the company plan for compliance with the California RPS requirements. Idaho The Idaho Public Utilities Commission's (Idaho PUC) Order No. 22299, issued in January 1989, specifies integrated resource planning requirements. This order mandates that PacifiCorp submit a Resource Management Report (RMR) on a biennial basis. The intent of the RMR is to describe the status of IRP efforts in a concise format, and cover the following areas: Each utility's RMR should discuss any flexibilities and analyses considered during comprehensive resource planning, such as: (1) examination of load forecast uncertainties; (2) effects of known or potential changes to existing resources; (3) consideration of demand and supply side resource options; and (4) contingencies for upgrading, optioning and acquiring resources at optimum times (considering cost, availability, lead time, reliability, risk, etc) as future events unfold. This IRP is submitted to the Idaho PUC as the Resource Management Report for 2023, and fully addresses the above report components. Oregon This IRP is submitted to the Oregon Public Utility Commission (OPUC) in compliance with its planning guidelines issued in January 2007 (Order No. 07-002). The Oregon PUC's IRP guidelines consist of substantive requirements (Guideline 1),procedural requirements (Guideline 2),plan filing, review, and updates (Guideline 3), plan components (Guideline 4), transmission (Guideline 5), conservation(Guideline 6), demand response (Guideline 7), environmental costs(Guideline 8, Order No. 08-339), direct access loads (Guideline 9), multi-state utilities (Guideline 10), reliability (Guideline 11), distributed generation (Guideline 12), resource acquisition (Guideline 13), and flexible resource capacity(Order No. 12-013). Consistent with the earlier guidelines(Order 89-5072), the Oregon PUC notes that acknowledgment does not guarantee favorable ratemaking treatment,only that the plan seems reasonable at the time acknowledgment is given. Table B provides detail on how this plan addresses each of the requirements.3 z Public Utility Commission of Oregon,Order No. 12-013,Docket No. 1461,January 19,2012. s During the 2025 IRP public input meeting series,an inquiry was made regarding the requirement to provide an IRP Update in between major IRP filings. See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#8(Western Resource Advocates) for discussion of this requirement. 17 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX B-REGULATORY COMPLIANCE Utah This IRP is submitted to the Public Service Commission of Utah in compliance with its 1992 Order on Standards and Guidelines for Integrated Resource Planning (Docket No. 90-2035-01, "Report and Order on Standards and Guidelines").Table B documents how PacifiCorp complies with each of these standards. Washington This IRP is submitted to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) in compliance with its rule requiring a two-year progress report of the previously filed plan, which was the Company's 2021 IRP (Washington Administrative Code 480-100-625) (effective, December 2020). In its report, the rule requires PacifiCorp to include an update of its load forecast; demand-side resource assessment, including new conservation potential assessment; resource costs; and the portfolio analysis and preferred portfolio. The report must also include other updates that are necessary due to changing state or federal requirements,or significant changes to economic or market forces;and an update for any elements found in the Company's current Clean Energy Implementation Plan (CEIP). Please refer to Appendix O (Washington Two-year Progress Report Additional Elements) for additional detail regarding updates to elements of the Company's CEIP. Wyoming Wyoming Public Service Commission issued new rules that replaced the previous set of rules on March 21,2016. Chapter 3, Section 33 outlines the requirements on filing IRPs for any utility serving Wyoming customers. The rule, shown below, went into effect in March 2016. Section 33. Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). Each utility serving in Wyoming that files an IRP in another jurisdiction shall file that IRP with the Commission. The Commission may require any utility to file an IRP. 18 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX B—REGULATORY COMPLIANCE Table B.1 —Integrated Resource Planning Standards and Guidelines Summary by State Topic Oregon Utah Washingto Idaho Wyol Source Order No.07-002, Docket 90-2035-01 WAC 480-100-251 Least Order 22299 Wyoming Electric,Gas Investigation Into Standards and Guidelines cost planning,May 19, Electric Utility and Water Utilities, Integrated Resource for Integrated Resource 1987,and as amended Conservation Standards Chapter 3,Section 33, Planning,January 8, Planning June 18, 1992. from WAC 480-100-238 and Practices March 21,2016. 2007,as amended by Least Cost Planning January 1989. Order No.07-047. Rulemaking, January 9, 2006(Docket#UE- Guideline 2c: The 030311). utility must provide a draft IRP for WAC 480-100-625(3) public review and Draft IRP. comment prior to filing a final plan Commission General with the Order R-601 further Commission. adopted IRP rules compliant with CETA. Order No.08-339, Investigation into the Treatment of CO2 Risk in the Integrated Resource Planning Process,June 30,2008 Order No.09-041,New Rule OAR 860-027- 0400, implementing Guideline 3,"Plan Filing,Review, and Updates". Order No. 12-013, "Investigation of Matters related to Electric Vehicle Charging", January 19,2012 19 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX B—REGULATORY COMPLIANCE Filing Least-cost plans must be An IRP is to be submitted Submit a least cost plan to Submit Resource Each utility serving in Requirements filed with the Oregon to commission. the WUTC.Plan to be Management Report on Wyoming that files and PUC. developed with planning status.Also,file IRP in another consultation of WUTC progress reports on jurisdiction,shall file the staff,and with public conservation,low-income IRP with the commission. involvement. programs,lost opportunities and capability building. Frequency Plans filed biennially, File biennially. Unless otherwise ordered RMR to be filed at least The commission may within two years of its by the commission,each biennially.Conservation require any utility to file previous IRP electric utility must file an reports to be filed an IRP. acknowledgment order. integrated resource plan annually.Low-income An annual update to the (IRP)with the reports to be filed at least most recently commission by January 1, annually.Lost acknowledged IRP is 2021,and every four Opportunities reports to required to be filed on or years thereafter. be filed at least annually. before the one-year Capability building anniversary of the At least every two years reports to be filed at least acknowledgment order after the utility files its annually. date.While informational IRP,beginning January 1, only,utilities may request 2023,the utility must file acknowledgment of a two-year progress proposed changes to the report. action plan. Commission Least-cost plan(LCP) IRP acknowledged if The plan will be Report does not constitute Commission advisory Response acknowledged if found to found to comply with considered,with other pre-approval of proposed staff reviews the IRP as comply with standards standards and guidelines. available information, resource acquisitions. directed by the and guidelines.A decision Prudence reviews of new when evaluating the Commission and drafts a made in the LCP process resource acquisitions will performance of the utility Idaho sends a short letter memo to report its does not guarantee occur during rate making in rate proceedings. stating that they accept findings to the favorable rate-making proceedings. the filing and commission in an open treatment.The OPUC WUTC sends a letter acknowledge the report as meeting or technical may direct the utility to discussing the report, satisfying commission conference. revise the IRP or conduct making suggestions and requirements. additional analysis before requirements and an acknowledgment order acknowledges the report. is issued. 20 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX B—REGULATORY COMPLIANCE Filing Least-cost plans must be An IRP is to be submitted Submit a least cost plan to Submit Resource Each utility serving in Requirements filed with the Oregon to commission. the WUTC.Plan to be Management Report on Wyoming that files and PUC. developed with planning status.Also,file IRP in another consultation of WUTC progress reports on jurisdiction,shall file the staff,and with public conservation,low-income IRP with the commission. involvement. programs,lost opportunities and capability building. Note,however,that Rate Plan legislation allows pre-approval of near-term resource investments. Process The public and other Planning process open to In consultation with Utilities to work with The review may be utilities are allowed the public at all stages. WUTC staff,develop and commission staff when conducted in accordance significant involvement in IRP developed in implement a public reviewing and updating with guidelines set from the preparation of the consultation with the involvement plan. RMRs.Regular public time to time as conditions plan,with opportunities to commission,its staff,with Involvement by the public workshops should be part warrant. contribute and receive ample opportunity for in development of the of process. information. Order 07- public input. plan is required. The Public Service 002 requires that the PacifiCorp is required to Commission of Wyoming, utility present IRP results submit a work plan for in its Letter Order on to the Oregon PUC at a informal commission PacifiCorp's 2008 IRP public meeting prior to review not later than 15 (Docket No.2000-346- the deadline for written months prior to the due EA-09)adopted public comments. date of the plan.The work commission Staff s Commission staff and plan is to lay out the recommendation to parties should complete contents of the IRP, expand the review process their comments and resource assessment to include a technical recommendations within method,and timing and conference,an expanded six months after IRP extent of public public comment period, filing. participation. and filing of reply Competitive secrets must comments. be protected. Draft IRP.No later than four months prior to the due date of the final IRP, the utility must file its draft IRP with the commission.At minimum,the draft IRP 21 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX B—REGULATORY COMPLIANCE must include the preferred portfolio,CEAP,and supporting analysis,and to the extent practicable all scenarios,sensitivities, appendices,and attachments. (a)The commission will hear public comment on the draft IRP at an open meeting scheduled after the utility files its draft IRP.The commission will accept public comments electronically and in any other available formats,as outlined in the commission's notice for the open public meeting and opportunity to comment. (b)The utility must file with the commission completed presentation materials concerning the draft IRP at least five business days prior to the open meeting. 22 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX B—REGULATORY COMPLIANCE Focus 20-year plan,with end- 20-year plan,with short- 20-year plan,with short- 20-year plan to meet load Identification of least- effects,and a short-term term(four-year)action term(two-year)action obligations at least-cost, cost/least-risk resources (two-year)action plan. plan. Specific actions for plan. with equal consideration and discussion of The IRP process should the first two years and The plan describes mix of to demand side resources. deviations from least-cost result in the selection of anticipated actions in the resources sufficient to Plan to address risks and resources or resource that mix of options which second two years to be meet current and future uncertainties.Emphasis combinations. yields,for society over detailed. The IRP process loads at"lowest on clarity, the long run,the best should result in the reasonable"cost to utility understandability, combination of expected selection of the optimal and ratepayers.Resource resource capabilities and costs and variance of set of resources given the cost,market volatility planning flexibility. costs. expected combination of risks,demand-side costs,risk,and resource uncertainty, uncertainty. resource dispatchability, ratepayer risks,policy impacts,environmental risks,and equitable distribution of benefits must be considered. 23 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX B—REGULATORY COMPLIANCE As part of the IRP, utilities must develop a ten-year clean energy action plan for implementing RCW 19.405.030 through 19.405.050. Elements Basic elements include: IRP will include: The plan shall include: Discuss analyses Proposed Commission • All resources evaluated • Range of forecasts of • A range of forecasts of considered including: Staff guidelines issued on a consistent and future load growth future demand using • Load forecast July 2016 cover: comparable basis. • Evaluation of all methods that examine uncertainties; • Sufficiency of the • Risk and uncertainty present and future the effect of economic • Known or potential public comment process forces on the changes to existing • Utility strategic goals, must be considered. resources,including consumption of resources; resource planning goals • The primary goal must demand side,supply electricity and that . Equal consideration of and preferred resource be least cost,consistent side and market,on a with the long-run consistent and address changes in the demand and supply portfolio public interest. comparable basis. number,type,and side resource options; • Resource need over the efficiency of electrical • Contingencies for near-term and long- • The plan must be • Analysis of the role of end-uses. upgrading,optioning, term planning horizons consistent with Oregon competitive bidding • An assessment of and acquiring resources • Types of resources and federal energy • A plan for adapting to commercially available at optimum times. considered policy. different paths as the conservation,including • Report on existing • Changes in expected • External costs must be future unfolds. load management,as resource stack,load resource acquisitions considered,and • A cost effectiveness well as an assessment of forecast and additional and load growth from quantified where methodology. currently employed and resource menu. the previous IRP new policies and • Environmental impacts possible.OPUC . An evaluation of the programs needed to considered specifies financial,competitive, obtain the conservation • Market purchase environmental adders reliabilityand p improvements. (Order No. 93-695, evaluationoperational risks • Assessment of a wide • Reserve mar in Docket UM 424). associated with g range of conventional analysis • Multi-state utilities resource options,and and commercially • Demand-side should plan their how the action plan available management and generation and addresses these risks. nonconventional transmissions stems conservation options y Definition of how risks generating technologies on an integrated- are allocated between • An assessment of system basis. ratepayers and transmission system • Construction of shareholders capability and resource portfolios reliability. over the range of 24 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX B—REGULATORY COMPLIANCE identified risks and • A comparative uncertainties. evaluation of energy • Portfolio analysis shall supply resources include fuel (including transmission transportation and and distribution)and transmission improvements in requirements. conservation using "lowest reasonable • Plan includes cost"criteria. conservation potential • An assessment and study,demand determination of response resources, environmental costs, resource adequacy metrics. and distributed • An assessment of generation energy and nonenergy technologies. benefits and reductions • Avoided cost filing of burdens to vulnerable required within 30 populations and highly days of impacted communities; acknowledgment. long-term and short- term public health and environmental benefits, costs,and risks;and energy security risk • Integration of the demand forecasts and resource evaluations into a long-range(at least 10 years)plan. • All plans shall also include a progress report that relates the new plan to the previously filed plan. • Must develop a ten-year clean energy action plan for implementing RCW 19.405.030 through 19.405.050. 25 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX B—REGULATORY COMPLIANCE • The IRP must include a summary of substantive changes to modeling methodologies or inputs that result in changes to the utility's resource need,as compared to the utility's previous IRP. • The IRP must include an analysis and summary of the avoided cost estimate for energy,capacity, transmission, distribution,and greenhouse gas emissions costs.The utility must list nonenergy costs and benefits addressed in the IRP and should specify if they accrue to the utility,customers, participants,vulnerable populations,highly impacted communities, or the general public. • The utility must provide a summary of public comments received during the development of its IRP and the utility's responses, including whether issues raised in the comments were addressed and incorporated into the final IRP as well as 26 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX B—REGULATORY COMPLIANCE documentation of the reasons for rejecting any public input. 27 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX B-REGULATORY COMPLIANCE 28 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX C-PUBLIC INPUT PROCESS APPENDIX C - PUBLIC INPUT PROCESS A critical element of this Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) is the public input process. PacifiCorp has pursued an open and collaborative approach involving the commissions, customers, and other stakeholders in PacifiCorp's IRP prior to making resource planning decisions. Since these decisions can have significant economic and environmental consequences, conducting the IRP with transparency and full participation from interested and affected parties is essential to achieve long-term planning objectives. Stakeholders have been involved in the development of the 2025 IRP from the beginning. The public input meetings held beginning in January 2024 were the cornerstone of the direct public- input process, and 10 public input meetings are included as part of the 2025 IRP development cycle. In addition to the 2025 IRP public input meeting series,the IRP continues to be represented as appropriate in advisory group meetings and in communications with regulators in all jurisdictions. PacifiCorp's integrated resource plan website houses feedback forms included in this filing. This standardized form allows stakeholders to provide comments, questions, and suggestions. PacifiCorp also posts its responses to the feedback forms at the same location. Feedback forms and PacifiCorp's responses can be found via the following link: https://www.pacificop2.com/energ /integrated-resource-plan/comments.html PacifiCorp's 2025 IRP continues to be a robust process involving input from many parties. Participants included commissions, stakeholders, and industry experts. Among the organizations that have been represented and actively involved in this collaborative effort are: Commissions • California Public Utilities Commission • Idaho Public Utilities Commission • Oregon Public Utility Commission • Public Service Commission of Utah • Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission • Wyoming Public Service Commission 29 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX C-PUBLIC INPUT PROCESS PacifiCorp extends its gratitude for participants'continued time and energy devoted to the IRP process. Their participation has contributed significantly to the quality of this plan. Stakeholders and Industry Experts AES Corporation Powder River Basin Conservation League Ameresco Powder River Basin Resource Council Anchor Blue Renewable Energy Coalition Apex Clean Energy Renewable Northwest Applied Energy Group RMI Birch Creek rPlus Energies Cascade Natural Gas Salt Lake City City of Kemmerer Wyoming Sierra Club City of SLC SLC Corp Cottonwood Heights, UT Southwest Energy Efficiency Project DNV State of Wyoming Energy Strategies University of Wyoming Energy Trust of Oregon Utah Citizens Advocating Renewable ENYO Energy Energy(UCARE) ESS, INC Utah Clean Energy Fervo Energy Utah Department of Agriculture and Food First Principles Utah Department of Environmental Quality Green Energy International Utah Division of Public Utilities Grid United Utah Needs Clean Energy Holland&Hart Utah OCS (Utah Office of Consumer Idaho Power Services) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Utah Public Service Commission Intermountain Wind-Colorado Utah Valley University Interwest Energy Alliance Vote Solar James Dodge Russell& Stephens, P.C. Washington Public Service Commission Key Capture Energy Washington Utilities and Transportation Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Commission Northwest Energy Coalition Western Electricity Coordinating Council Northwest Power Council Western Energy Storage Task Force NP Energy Western Resource Advocates NWEC Wyoming Business Council Oregon Citizen Utility Board Wyoming Coalition of Local Governments Oregon League of Women Voters Wyoming Energy Consumers Oregon Public Utility Commission Wyoming Office of Consumer Advocates Orsted Wyoming Public Service Commission Portland General Electric 30 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX C—PUBLIC INPUT PROCESS General Meetings and Agendas During the 2025 IRP public input process presentations and discussions have covered various issues regarding inputs, assumptions, risks, modeling techniques, planned studies and analytical results.' Below are the agendas from the public input meetings; the presentations and recordings of the meetings are available at: https://www.pacificorp.com/enerjz/integrated-resource-planzpublic-input-process.html General Meetings January 25, 2024 • 2025 IRP Public Meeting Kick-off • 2023 IRP Filing Update • 2025 IRP Overview • 2023 IRP Status and Update • 2025 IRP o Conservation Potential Assessment Planning o Supply-Side Resource development March 14,2024 • Planning Environment Updates • Input Data Development • Optimization Modeling Overview • PLEXOS Modeling • 2023 IRP Update Drafting May 2, 2024 • Conservation Potential Update • Distributed Generation Study Overview • Transmission Modeling Strategy • March price curve update • 2023 IRP Update Outcomes June 26-27, 2024 • Federal Policy Updates • Draft Load Forecast Update • Hydro Forecast Under Climate Change • Distributed Generation Update • Reliability and Resource Adequacy • Supply Side Resources—Alternative Fuels • Qualifying Facility Renewals • Transmission Interconnection Options ' The 2025 IRP public process included discussions of inputs and planned studies throughout,as noted in Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#3 (Oregon Public Utilities Commission) 31 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX C-PUBLIC INPUT PROCESS July 17-18,2024 • 2023 IRP Filing Update • Distribution System Planning Update • Renewable Portfolio Standards • Price-Policy Scenarios • Market Reliance • Volatility and Stochastics • Preview 2025 IRP Studies • Supply Side Resources Update—Assumptions and Attributes • Emissions Modeling • DSM Bundling Portfolio Methodology August 14-15, 2024 • Generation Transition, Equity and Justice • Regional Haze Update • Emissions Reporting Update • State Updates • 2025 IRP Studies Update • Existing Thermal Resource Options • Daily Shapes • 2023 IRP Update Progress • Transmission Option Dependencies • Customer Preference • Supply Side Resource Table September 25-26, 2024 • 2025 IRP Progress Report • Supply-side Resources • Data Center Load Studies • State and Federal Updates • Stakeholder Feedback Summary In addition to the topics listed above, each public input meeting incorporated a concluding discussion of stakeholder feedback forms received and next steps. Two additional public input meetings are scheduled in the 2025 IRP public input meeting series to be held subsequent to the December 31, 2024, distribution of the 2025 Draft IRP: • January 22-23, 2025 • February 26-27, 2025 Stakeholder Comments In the 2025 IRP cycle, in recognition of the importance of stakeholder feedback, PacifiCorp provided a form which gave participants a direct opportunity to provide comments, questions, and suggestions in addition to the opportunities for discussion at public input meetings. Please refer to 32 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX C-PUBLIC INPUT PROCESS Appendix M (Stakeholder Feedback) to view submitted Stakeholder Feedback Forms, including responses, for the 2025 IRP. These completed forms, and also a blank for new submissions, are also located on the PacifiCorp website at the IRP comments webpage: www.pacificop2.com/energ. /y integrated-resource-plan/comments.html. PacifiCorp's IRP website: www.pacificorp.com/energy/integrated-resource-plan.html. Stakeholders and members of the public can also send comments, questions and requests to the following email address: IR kPacifiCorp.com 33 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX C-PUBLIC INPUT PROCESS 34 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX D—DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT APPENDIX D - DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT kntroduction This appendix reviews the studies and reports used to support the demand-side management (DSM) resource information used in the modeling and analysis of the 2025 Integrated Resource Plan(IRP). In addition,it provides information on the economic DSM selections in the 2025 IRP's Preferred Portfolio, a summary of existing DSM program services and offerings, and an overview of the DSM planning process in each of PacifiCorp's service areas. Conservation Potential Assessment (CPA) for 2025-2044 Since 1989, PacifiCorp has developed biennial IRPs to identify an optimal mix of resources that balance considerations of cost, risk, uncertainty, supply reliability/deliverability, and long-run public policy goals. The optimization process accounts for capital, energy, and ongoing operation costs as well as the risk profiles of various resource alternatives, including traditional generation and market purchases, renewable generation, and DSM resources such as energy efficiency, and demand response or capacity-focused resources. Since the 2008 IRP, DSM resources have competed directly against supply-side options, allowing the IRP model to guide decisions regarding resource mixes, based on cost and risk. The Conservation Potential Assessment (CPA) for 2025-2044,I conducted by Applied Energy Group (AEG) on behalf of PacifiCorp, primarily seeks to develop reliable estimates of the magnitude, timing, and costs of DSM resources likely available to PacifiCorp over the IRP's 20- year planning horizon. The study focuses on resources realistically achievable during the planning horizon, given normal market dynamics that may hinder or advance resource acquisition. Study results were incorporated into PacifiCorp's 2025 IRP and will be used to inform subsequent DSM planning and program design efforts. This study serves as an update of similar studies completed since 2007. For resource planning purposes, PacifiCorp classifies DSM resources into four categories or "classes," differentiated by two primary characteristics: reliability and customer choice. These resource classifications can be defined as: Class 1 is demand response (e.g., a firm, capacity focused resource such as direct load control), Class 2 is energy efficiency (e.g., a firm energy intensity resource such as conservation), Class 3 is demand side rates (DSR) (e.g., a non-firm, capacity focused resource such as time of use rates), and Class 4 is non-incented behavioral-based response (e.g., customer energy management actions through education and information). From a system-planning perspective, demand response resources can be considered the most reliable, as they can be dispatched by the utility. In contrast, behavioral-based resources are the least reliable due to the resource's dependence on voluntary behavioral changes. With respect to customer choice, demand response and energy efficiency resources should be considered involuntary in that, once equipment and systems have been put in place, savings can be expected to occur over a certain period. DSR and non-incented behavioral-based activities involve greater 'PacifiCorp's Demand-Side Resource Potential Assessment for 2025-2044,completed by AEG,can be found at: www.pacificorp.com/energy/integrated-resource-plan/support.html. 35 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX D—DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT customer choice and control. This assessment estimates potential from demand response, energy efficiency, and DSR. The CPA excludes an assessment of Oregon's energy efficiency resource potential, as this work is performed by Energy Trust of Oregon, which provides energy efficiency potential in Oregon to PacifiCorp for resource planning purposes. Current DSM Program Offerings by Stat Currently, PacifiCorp offers a robust portfolio of DSM programs and initiatives, most of which are offered in multiple states, depending on size of the opportunity and the need. Programs are reassessed on a regular basis. PacifiCorp has the most up-to-date programs on its website.2 Demand response and energy efficiency program services and offerings are available by state and sector. Energy efficiency services listed for Oregon, except for low- income weatherization services,are provided in collaboration with Energy Trust of Oregon 3 Table D.1 provides an overview of the breadth of demand response and energy efficiency program services and offerings available by Sector and State. PacifiCorp has numerous DSR offerings currently available. They include metered time-of-day and time-of-use pricing plans (in all states, availability varies by customer class), and residential seasonal rates(Idaho and Utah). System-wide, approximately 14,467 customers were participating in metered time-of-day and time-of-use programs as of 2023. Savings associated with rate design are captured within the company's load forecast and are thus captured in the integrated resource planning framework. PacifiCorp continues to evaluate DSR programs for applicability to long-term resource planning. PacifiCorp provides behavioral based offerings as well. Educating customers regarding energy efficiency and load management opportunities is an important component of PacifiCorp's long- term resource acquisition plan. A variety of channels are used to educate customers including television, radio, newspapers, bill inserts and messages, newsletters, school education programs, and personal contact. Load reductions due to behavioral activity will show up in demand response and energy efficiency program results and non-program reductions in the load forecast over time. Table D.1—Current Demand Response and Energy Efficiency Program Services and Offerings by Sector and State Program Services&Offerings California Oregon Washington by Sector and State —Ent- Residential Sector Air Conditioner Direct Load Control Lighting Incentives New Appliance Incentives z Programs for Rocky Mountain Power can be found at www.rockymountainpower.net/savings-energy-choices.html and programs for Pacific Power can be found at www.pacificpower.net/savings-energy-choices.html. I Funds for low-income weatherization services are forwarded to Oregon Housing and Community Services. 36 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX D—DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT Program Services&Offerings California 1 � i i Idaho i i - - - Heating And Cooling Incentives Weatherization Incentives- Windows,Insulation,Duct Sealing,etc. New Homes Low-Income Weatherization Home Energy Reports School Curriculum Financing Options With On-Bill Payments Trade Ally Outreach Electric Vehicle Load Control Battery Load Control Program Services&Offerings California 1 � i i Idaho i b - - - Non-Residential Sector Irrigation Load Control Commercial and Industrial Demand Response Standard Incentives Energy Engineering Services Billing Credit Incentive(offset to DSM charge) Energy Management Energy Profiler Online Business Solutions Toolkit Trade Ally Outreach Small Business Lighting Lighting Instant Incentives Small to Mid-Sized Business Facilitation DSM Project Managers Partner With Customer Account Managers Error! Not a valid bookmark self-reference. provides an overview of DSM related Wattsmart Outreach and Communication activities (Class 4 DSM activities)by state. 37 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX D—DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT Table D.2 — Current Wattsmart Outreach and Communications Activities Wattsmart Outreach& I Communications(incremental California Oregon Washington Idaho Utah Wyoming to program Advertising Sponsorships Social Media Public Relations Business Advocacy(awards at customer meetings, sponsorships,chamber partnership,university partnership) Wattsmart Workshops and Community Outreach BE Wattsmart,Begin at Home- in school energy education tate-S ecific DSM Planning Processe A summary of the DSM planning process in each state is provided below. Utah, Wyoming and Idaho The company's biennial IRP and associated action plan provides the foundation for DSM acquisition targets in each state. Where appropriate, the company maintains and uses external stakeholder groups and vendors to advise on a range of issues including annual goals for conservation programs,development of conservation potential assessments,development of multi- year DSM plans, program marketing, incentive levels, budgets, adaptive management, and the development of new and pilot programs. Washington The company is one of three investor-owned utilities required to comply with Washington's Energy Independence Act(also referred to as I-937)approved in November 2006.The Act requires utilities to pursue all conservation that is cost-effective, reliable, and feasible. Every two years, each utility must identify its 10-year conservation potential and two-year acquisition target based on its IRP and using methodologies that are consistent with those used by the Northwest Power and Conservation Council.Each utility must maintain and use an external conservation stakeholder group that advises on a wide range of issues including conservation programs, development of conservation potential assessments, program marketing, incentive levels, budgets, adaptive management, and the development of new and pilot programs. PacifiCorp works with the conservation stakeholder group annually on its energy efficiency program design and planning. In 2019, Washington passed the Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA), which requires utilities to meet three primary clean energy standards: remove coal-fueled generation from Washington's allocation of electricity by 2025, serve Washington customers with greenhouse gas neutral electricity by 2030, and to serve customers in Washington with 100%renewable and non- 38 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX D—DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT emitting electricity by 2045. The conservation stakeholder group and the demand-side management advisory group inform the CETA planning process as documented in the Company's Clean Energy Implementation Plan (CEIP).4 California On October 9, 2024, PacifiCorp submitted to the Commission the Company's Biennial Budget Advice Letter(BBAL)Filing 747-E to administering its energy efficiency programs through 2026. The BBAL was submitted PacifiCorp submitted in accordance with Ordering Paragraph 4 of Decision (D.) 21-12-034 an application for the continuation of energy efficiency programs for program years 2022-2026 on December 31, 2020. Oregon Energy efficiency programs for Oregon customers are planned for and delivered by Energy Trust of Oregon in collaboration with PacifiCorp. Energy Trust's planning process is comparable to PacifiCorp's other states, including establishing resource acquisition targets based on resource assessment and integrated resource planning, developing programs based on local market conditions,and coordinating with stakeholders and regulators to ensure efficient and cost-effective delivery of energy efficiency resources. Preferred Portfolio DSM Resource Selections The following tables show the economic DSM resource selections by state and year in the 2025 IRP preferred portfolio.' a The Company's 2021 CEIP can be found online at https://www.pacificorp.com/content/dam/pcorp/documents/en/paci ficorp/energy/ceip/PAC-CEIP-12-30- 21_with Appx.pdf s Following DSM resource selection methodologies described in Chapter 7 of the IRP. 39 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX D-DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT Table D.3 -Cumulative Demand Response Resource Selections (2025 IRP Preferred Portfolio) Resource 2025 27 2028 __N2Mr 2030 2031 DRSummer-CA 0 0 0 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 DR Winter-CA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DR Summer-ID 0 0 0 13 14 15 15 15 15 26 30 DR Winter-ID 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRSummer-OR 21 7 7 37 37 371 37 37 37 37 37 DR Winter-OR 0 19 26 35 40 101 108 1111 114 1171 118 DR Summer-UT 2 2 2 57 73 89 89 117 117 148 161 DR Winter-UT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DR Summer-WA 2 6 10 18 19 19 25 26 26 27 27 DRWinter-WA 0 11 111 11 111 11 11 11 11 11 11 DRSummer-WY 121 121 391 471 511 51 52 52 53 57 DRWinter-WY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 sourc =1 2037 2038 ME2039 2040 2M]NE 2042 2043 2045 DRSummer-CA 6 6 6 6 6 7 10 10 11 11 DR Winter-CA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRSummer-ID 30 31 31 56 56 57 62 63 63 76 DR Winter-ID 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DR Summer-OR 37 90 141 144 1651 195 1981 200 238 245 DR Winter-OR 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 DR Summer-UT 173 186 199 212 229 244 260 327 347 470 DR Winter-UT 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 DRSummer-WA 27 27 39 39 51 52 52 53 56 57 DR Winter-WA 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 DRSummer-WY 58 58 58 581 581 581 63 63 64 64 DRWinter-WY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table DA-Cumulative Energy Efficiency Resource Selections (2025 IRP Preferred Portfolio)' Curnutative Energy Efficiency Energy(MWh)Setected by State and Year State 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 MR6AMLL CA 3,308 7,186 13,832 20,186 26,823 33,469 39,967 46,864 53,356 59,296 64,727 ID 17,544 42,512 63,201 85,809 109,760 134,567 155,257 185,725 216,663 246,826 274,451 OR 191,834 360,054 544,971 732,678 926,395 1,120,867 1,304,185 1,502,299 1,698,056 1,866,326 2,035,086 UT 272,934 573,161 973,115 1,465,931 1,942,259 2,401,553 2,811,536 3,374,021 3,939,353 4,456,818 4,945,653 WA 46,965 80,143 119,026 163,691 208,892 257,563 310,527 365,528 421,560 474,884 526,589 WY 41,384 a3,765 158,486 241,607 322,779 405,630 475,624 570,993 668,426 760,809 845,821 Total System 1 573,969 1 1,146,820 1 1,872,632 1 2,709,903 1 3,536,908 1 4,353,650 1 5,097,096 1 6,045,431 1 6,997,414 1 7,864,959 8,692,326 CurnuLative Energy Efficiency Energy(MWh)Setected byState and Year State 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 CA 70,047 73,914 77,871 81,595 84,558 87,533 89,500 92,087 94,082 95,444 ID 300,295 314,332 338,172 361,106 379,984 399,350 399,519 417,792 434,116 443,344 OR 2,183,430 2,306,242 2,453,148 2,592,107 2,736,233 2,867,688 2,959,241 2,777,170 2,893,594 3,028,081 UT 5,204,249 5,562,189 5,964,200 6,351,161 6,691,431 7,035,184 6,929,216 7,234,120 7,480,153 7,696,114 WA 572,972 617,392 656,778 693,586 724,169 755,016 779,461 807,176 830,083 848,578 917,119 958,608 1,018,963 1,075,940 1,124,893 1,177,655 1,196,770 1,244,308 1,283,918 1,322,306 9,248,1111 9,832,678 1 10,509,132 1 11,155,495 1 11,741,267 1 12,322,426 1 12,353,707 1 12,572,655 1 13,015,947 13,433,866 For the 20-year assumed nameplate capacity contributions (MW impacts) by state and year associated with the energy efficiency resource selections above, see Volume I, Chapter 9 (Modeling and Portfolio Selection). 6 First Year energy may differ somewhat from incremental values,i.e.,subtracting cumulative energy from the prior year,due to hourly shapes of energy efficiency changing from year to year. 40 PACIFICORP-2025 I" APPENDIX E-GRID ENHANCEMENT APPENDIX E - GRID ENHANCEMENT Introduction "Smart" grid enhancement is the application of advanced communications and controls applied to every aspect of the electric power system from regional real-time energy markets to distribution automation. The wide array of applications discussed in this appendix can be considered under the grid enhancement umbrella. PacifiCorp has identified specific areas for research and implementation that include practices such as joining the western day-ahead market and technologies such as dynamic line rating, phasor measurement units, distribution automation, advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), automated demand response and others. PacifiCorp has reviewed relevant grid enhancement technologies for transmission and distribution systems that provide local and system benefits. When considering these technologies, advanced controls and communications often the most critical infrastructure decision. The company network must have relevant speed, reliability and security to support applications such as the current real- time Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM), which optimizes the energy imbalances throughout the West by transferring energy between participants in 15-minute and five-minute intervals throughout the day. Finally,PacifiCorp has focused on those technologies that present a positive benefit for customers, seeking to optimize the electrical grid when and where it is economically feasible, operationally beneficial and in the best interest of customers. PacifiCorp is committed to consistently evaluating emerging technologies for integration—when they are found to be appropriate investments. The company is working with state commissions to improve reliability, energy efficiency, customer service and integration of renewable resources by analyzing the total cost of ownership,performing thorough cost-benefit analyses and reaching out to customers concerning grid enhancement applications. As industry advances and development continue, PacifiCorp can improve cost estimates and benefits of grid enhancement technologies that will assist in identifying the best- suited opportunities and applications for implementation. Regional Energy Markets Western Energy Imbalance Market The company and the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) launched the Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM) on November 1, 2014. The WEIM is a voluntary market and the first western energy market outside of California. It includes companies from a Canadian province and 10 states in the western United States — British Columbia, Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming leveraging the California ISO advanced market systems to dispatch the least-cost resources every five minutes. The company continues to work with CAISO, existing and prospective WEIM entities and stakeholders to enhance market functionality and support market growth. The expansive footprint now represents 79% of load in the Western Interconnection. The WEIM has produced significant monetary benefits for its participant members($5.5 billion total footprint-wide benefits as of March 31, 2024, accumulated since November 2014), quantified in the following categories: 41 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX E-GRID ENHANCEMENT • More efficient dispatch, both inter- and intraregional, by optimizing dispatch every 15- minute and every five-minute interval within and across the WEIM footprint • Reduced renewable energy curtailment by allowing balancing authority areas to export renewable generation that would otherwise need to be curtailed; renewable resource curtailment has been reduced by 2.2 million MWh since 2015 Extended Day Ahead Market PacifiCorp has planned to build on the success of real-time energy market innovation by joining the new, voluntary, Western day-ahead market, (EDAM), developed by CAISO. The EDAM builds on the existing structure and proven success of the WEIM. Participation in the day-ahead market is designed to deliver significant reliability, economic and environmental benefits. The EDAM optimizes resources and transmission offered to the market and commits resources efficiently while conducting energy transfers to meet forecasted demand across the EDAM footprint. WEIM participants can extend their participation to incorporate EDAM but must notify CAISO of their participation and sign on for EDAM implementation. Throughout 2022, PacifiCorp participated in a robust stakeholder process hosted by CAISO to provide input on market design.As a result,the EDAM design incorporated a resource sufficiency evaluation (RSE) and demonstration of transmission to ensure confidence in market transfers. EDAM participation is defined by a participant's ability to pass the EDAM RSE, which prevents leaning on other market participants through a standardized criterion. The EDAM requires a transmission offering to support the EDAM participants' RSE showing in addition to facilitating transfers across the EDAM footprint in the day-ahead timeframe.EDAM participants will continue to plan to meet projected load as done today and will retain the responsibilities of balancing and ensuring reliability within the WEIM. PacifiCorp along with three other large utilities have informed CAISO of their interest in joining the EDAM. Transmission Network and Operation Enhancements Advanced Protective Relays The company is expanding its use and understanding of advanced protective relays. These devices are designed to remotely identify and report the distance and directionality of faults. PacifiCorp has come to recognize that these sensors can provide significantly more information beyond fault distance and directionality. For example, advanced protective relays provide near-real-time data on proper breaker functionality as well as oscillographic operation data that is especially valuable in managing inverter-based resources, like customer solar and wind farms. To ensure the company implements monitoring equipment with minimum potential disruption to customers, adoption is iterative: the company simulates data and events in a test environment to check settings and logic before implementation. Dynamic Line Rating Dynamic line rating (DLR) is the application of sensors to transmission lines to indicate the real- time, current-carrying capacity of the lines in relation to thermal restrictions. Transmission line ratings are typically based on line-loading calculations given a set of worst-case weather assumptions, such as high ambient temperatures and low wind speeds. DLR allows an increase in current-carrying capacity of transmission lines, when more favorable weather conditions are present, without compromising safety. DLR has become increasingly relevant with higher shares of variable renewable energy (VRE) in the power system. By increasing the ampacity of transmission lines, DLR provides economic and technical benefits to all involved. FERC NOPR 42 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX E-GRID ENHANCEMENT (RM21-17-000)is calling to fully consider DLR and advanced power now control devices in local and regional transmission planning processes. PacifiCorp has been using DLR since 2014. The Standpipe—Platte project was implemented in 2014 and has delivered positive results as windy days are linked to increased wind power generation and increased transmission ratings. A DLR system determines the resulting cooling effect of the wind on the line. The current carrying capacity is then updated to a new weather- dependent line rating. The Standpipe—Platte 230 kilovolt (kV) transmission line is one of three lines in the Aeolus West transmission corridor and had been one of the lines that limits the corridor power transfer during high wind conditions.As a result of this project,nonsimultaneous path rating for the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC)-defined Aeolus West path was increased. The DLR system on the Standpipe—Platte 230 kV line has been updated with a transmission line monitoring (TLM) system manufactured by Lindsey Systems. Additionally, a new DLR system is being implemented on the existing Dave Johnston—Amasa— Heward—Shirley Basin 230 kV line as well as the Windstar—Shirley Basin 230 kV line as part of the Gateway West Segment D.1 Project. The Dave Johnston—Amasa—Heward—Shirley Basin 230 kV line connects two areas ((northeast and southeast Wyoming) with a high penetration of wind generation resources. Implementation of the DLR system will improve the link between those two areas to reduce the need for operational curtailments when wind patterns result in a variation in generation between the two areas, such as high winds in the northeast Wyoming area and moderate to low winds in the southeast Wyoming area. The DLR system will increase the transmission line steady-state rating under increased wind conditions and reduce instances and duration of associated generation curtailments while increasing power transfers between the two areas. DLR and/or other grid-enhancing technologies (GET)will be evaluated for all future transmission needs as a means for increasing capacity in relation to traditional construction methods. DLR is only applicable for thermal constraints and only provides additional site-dependent capacity during finite time periods. It may or may not align with expected transmission needs of future projects. PacifiCorp will continue to look for opportunities to cost-effectively employ DLR systems similar to the one deployed on the Standpipe—Platte 230 kV, Dave Johnston—Amasa—Heward—Shirley Basin 230 kV line, and the Windstar—Shirley Basin 230 kV transmission lines. Digital Fault Recorders/Phasor Measurement Unit Deployment Phasor management units(PMU)provide sub-second data for voltage and current phasors. Digital fault recorders (DFR)have a shorter recording time with higher sampling rate to validate dynamic disturbance modeling. DFR/PMUs deliver dynamic PMU data to a centralized phasor data concentrator (PDC) storage server where offline analysis can be performed by transmission operators,planners, and protection&control engineers to validate system models. The PMU sub- second data can be used for North American Electric Reliability Corporation(NERC) MOD-033- I standard event analysis and model verification. DFRs data can be used to validate dynamic disturbance modeling per NERC standard PRC-002-2. To comply with the MOD-033-1 and PRC- 002-2,PacifiCorp has installed over 100 multifunctional DFRs,which include PMU functionality. The installations are at key transmission and generation facilities throughout the six-state service territory, generally placed on WECC-identified critical paths. Transmission planners, in coordination with other Western Power Pool member utilities, use the phasor data quantities from actual system events to benchmark performance of steady-state and transient stability models of the interconnected transmission system and generating facilities. 43 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX E-GRID ENHANCEMENT Using a combination of phasor data from the PMUs and analog quantities currently available through Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA), transmission planners can set up the system models to accurately depict the transmission system before,during and following an event. Differences in simulated versus actual system performance are then evaluated to allow for enhancements and corrections to the system model. DFR/PMU grid enhancement technology is being evaluated on several levels. Model validation procedures are being evaluated in conjunction with data and equipment availability to fulfill MOD- 033-1. The process of validating the system model against a historical system outage event that includes the comparison of a planning power flow model to actual system behavior and the comparison of the planning dynamic model to actual system response is ongoing. PacifiCorp also continues to evaluate potential benefits of PMU installation and intelligent monitoring as the industry considers PMU in special protection,remedial action scheme and other roles that support transmission grid operators. PacifiCorp will continue to work with the CAISO Reliability Coordinator West to share data as appropriate. Finally, the technology is being evaluated in light of recently upgraded the PMU firmware,which has improved the data reliability and the extent of the data. The company is now engaging in preliminary evaluations on its potential use by grid operations and dispatch. Radio Frequency Line Sensors Similar to communicating faulted circuit indicators (CFCI) discussed later in this appendix, radio frequency (RF) line sensors are located along circuits (not in substations). Unlike CFCIs, RF line sensors are installed not on but adjacent to lines-2-4 feet from a conductor, outside the minimum approach distance. Where CFCIs evaluate magnetic fields to identify faults in amperage, RF line sensors monitor high-frequency radio waves that can be caused by physical damage to a line, for example a nicked conductor or failing insulator. While the physical damage may not be visible to the naked eye, the use of multiple RF line sensors with GPS clocks installed allows the devices to provide location information within 100 feet. The use of partial discharge cameras with arrays of high-frequency microphones further refines the problem and location. Smart technology that can detect physical degradation before it is obvious is a practical choice for strategically mitigating damage to aging infrastructure; the company is pursuing a pilot RF line sensor project on one transmission line in Oregon and California, involving 20 sensors. The equipment installation is substantially complete. (The final sensor will be installed in early 2025 once weather permits.) The company has begun collecting and evaluating the data and its potential uses. The data collection and analysis phase are currently planned for several years. If results are promising, PacifiCorp might expand beyond the pilot project sooner. Transmission CFCIs CFCIs, for both transmission and distribution, are grid enhancement devices installed directly on conductors; these devices use magnetic field measurements to provide fault indication. They offer real-time visibility and are increasingly valuable for ensuring system reliability, resiliency, and flexibility. CFCIs provide multiple grid management enhancements: • Leverage real-time line information to augment predictive capability of existing OMS and reducing the time spent to locate, isolate and restore power • Help determine safe switching procedures and support cost-effective capital improvement and maintenance plans • Improve optimization opportunities for capital costs and system losses by providing measurements of per-phase vector quantities for voltage and current • Identify service quality issues early and allow timely development and implementation of cost- effective mitigation 44 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX E-GRID ENHANCEMENT PacifiCorp has adopted and is continuing to broadly deploy distribution level CFCIs. The Company is also beginning its adoption of CFCIs for use at the transmission level. The steps necessary for a transmission level CFCI pilot have begun. PacifiCorp has completed a transmission CFCI request for proposals (RFP) and selected two vendors. The company plans to move forward with both vendors—given supply and development the company views this as a prudent choice. Distribution Automation and Reliability Distribution Automation/Fault Location, Isolation and Service Restoration Distribution automation (DA) uses multiple technologies including sensors, switches, controllers, and communications networks that can work together to improve distribution system reliability. Fault location, isolation and service restoration(FLISR) software can be used to control reclosers to automatically restore customers located downstream from trouble. DA's ability to provide improved outage management with decreased restoration times after failure, operational efficiency, and peak load management using distributed resources and predictive equipment failure analysis based on complex data algorithms has been a company focus. PacifiCorp continues to evaluate different DA strategies to help determine which method is the best fit for a typical distribution system based on cost, cybersecurity and scope of the DA effort. In Oregon, PacifiCorp identified and performed cost-benefit analyses on 40 circuits. From this analysis two circuits in Lincoln City, Oregon, were selected to have a fault location, isolation and service restoration(FLISR)system installed. The project was installed in 2019 and commissioning of the automation scheme conducted through 2020 in the distribution loop out of Devil's Lake substation in Lincoln City, Oregon. The company also moved its predeployment DA testing equipment to its Tech Ops center in Portland, Oregon,to expand open discussion between internal end users including operations, service crews and field technicians. Throughout the implementation of the Devil's Lake DA scheme, the company faced persistent challenges with communication over its existing AMI network. The company found the communication capability of AMI was not well-suited for a FLISR scheme and evaluated alternative solutions. The solution now uses fiber optic communication, which the company installed in a loop configuration to increase resiliency of the FLISR scheme's communication path. Despite communication issues in the early stages of its implementation, PacifiCorp can now remotely monitor and control these devices. The company has fault location and remote-control at Devil's Lake, and the FLISR scheme was implemented summer 2022. Two additional FLISR schemes Portland and Medford are slated for completion early 2025. The vendor that programmed/developed the logic for all three projects has moved on to other work, creating code maintenance challenges. PacifiCorp is collaborating with the vendor in its long-term development of the next generation of this technology. Early evaluation shows the new FLISR graphical user interface is more elegant and the system overall easier to maintain. Distribution CFCIs CFCI technology was described in greater detail earlier in this appendix. To briefly restate: CFCI devices are installed on distribution lines. They measure the magnetic field and provide fault indication. Their positive impacts are multiple and varied. In brief, CFCIs substantially improve 45 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX E-GRID ENHANCEMENT real-time information exchange and reduce the time spent to locate, isolate, and restore power. PacifiCorp expects CFCIs to contribute towards SAIDI reductions as well as reduced carbon emissions due to decreased need for line patrols. CFCI installation began as a conversation at PacifiCorp in 2017,became a pilot in 2019-2020, and entered broad deployment in 2021. There are now approximately 4,000 CFCIs on the company distribution network, mainly in high fire risk areas. Roughly 3,500 more are planned for installation before the end of 2025. Since broad deployment, company field staff have come to increasingly rely on CFCIs. The effectiveness of these devices for field operations and dispatch has become clear relatively quickly. For field operations, CFCIs to locate the fault more quickly, improving situational awareness, fault location and restoration. For dispatch, CFCIs have enabled faster information transfer to the field—data is coming through the OMS/EMS systems more quickly. Distribution Substation Metering Substation monitoring and measurement of various electrical attributes were identified as a necessity due to the increasing complexity of distribution planning driven by growing levels of primarily solar generation as distributed energy resources. Enhanced measurements improve visibility into loading levels and generation hosting capacity as well as load shapes,customer usage patterns, and information about reliability and power quality events. In 2017, an advanced substation metering project was initiated to provide an affordable option for gathering required substation and circuit data at locations where SCADA is unavailable and/or uneconomical. SCADA has been the preferred form of gathering load profile data from distribution circuits, however SCADA systems can be expensive to install, and additional equipment is required to provide the data needed to perform distribution system and power quality analysis. When system data rather than data and control is important, SCADA is no longer the best option. Engineers require data to perform analysis of system loading and diagnose waveform and harmonics issues;the lack of data can inhibit accurate system evaluations. The substation metering project recognizes that system data has value independent of control and current system status. The advanced substation metering pilot is intended to provide an affordable option for gathering required distribution system data. The advanced substation metering project was intended to provide an affordable option for gathering required distribution system data. The company's work plan included: • Finalize installation of advanced substation meters at distribution substations and document installations • Ensure all substation meters installed as part of this program are enabled with remote communication capabilities • Refine a data management system (PQView) to automatically download, analyze and interpret data downloaded from all installed substation meters The power quality monitoring project initiated in Utah in 2019 expanded in 2023 to include 340 data sources across the company's six-state service territory that feed data to PQView, including reprogrammed revenue meters across the company's six-state territory.The data is used to monitor voltage harmonics,voltage balance, steady-state voltage levels, and to log voltage sag events. The company also deployed PQView software, a data analytics tool that provides users with a refined view of power quality information gathered from substation meters. 46 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX E-GRID ENHANCEMENT Distributed Energy Resources Energy Storage Systems CES includes large, centralized storage resources, such as electrochemical batteries, pumped hydroelectric energy storage, compressed air energy storage (CAES), gravity energy storage systems (such as weights moved by cranes, elevators or on rails), thermal energy storage, and electromechanical batteries (i.e., flywheels). One smart grid benefit is the ability to integrate renewable energy sources into an electricity delivery system. In contrast to dispatchable resources that are available on demand (but not above nameplate capacity), such as most fossil fuel generation, some renewable energy resources have intermittent generation output associated with environmental conditions, such as the presence of wind or sun. The generation output of these resources cannot be increased on demand or above the nameplate capacity and may have high opportunity costs when generation is decreased unexpectedly.Providing service to the electric grid may become progressively more challenging as the amount of the grid's energy requirements are increasingly served from these intermittent generation resources, particularly in the absence of incremental transmission construction. Two methods to fill this generation gap without the use of dispatchable resources are energy storage and DR programs, whether local or centralized. PacifiCorp,through its 2023 IRP Renewables Report,compared,on a preliminary, screening-level, technical capabilities, capital costs and operations and maintenance costs of the following energy storage and combined renewable resource/energy storage technologies: Li-Ion and flow batteries; gravity energy storage systems (other than pumped hydro); CAES; solar, wind+ energy storage; nuclear+ thermal energy storage. Each technology of interest to the Company shall be evaluated by additional detailed studies to further investigate its direct application within long-term plans. In addition to the evaluative efforts discussed above, in 2017, PacifiCorp filed the Energy Storage Potential Evaluation and Energy Storage Project proposal with the Oregon Public Utilities Commission (OPUC). This filing aligned with PacifiCorp's strategy and vision regarding the expansion and integration of renewable technologies. The company proposed a utility-owned, targeted energy storage system(ESS)pilot project. In 2019 PacifiCorp began project development and is progressing to build an ESS on a Hillview substation distribution circuit in Corvallis, Oregon. Due to issues finding a suitable location in Corvallis the company located a different location. The new location for the ESS is the Lakeport substation in Klamath Falls. The intent of this project is to integrate the ESS into the existing distribution system with the capability and flexibility to potentially advance to a future microgrid system. Phase I of the project involves/involved installation of a single, utility-owned energy storage device to address historic outage characterization on a specific feeder, validate modeling through field test data, create a research platform and optimize energy storage controls and integration on the company network. The company contracted an owner's engineer to aid in project development and is progressing on the Phase I project to build an ESS at the Oregon Institute of Technology (OIT) on circuit SL49, fed from the Lakeport substation. The company contracted Powin Energy to provide the ESS. The intent of this project is to integrate the ESS into the existing distribution system with the capability and flexibility to potentially provide renewables integration support with OIT's solar generation. The project is scheduled to be constructed and placed into service in mid-2025. The minimum system size is: • Energy requirement of 6 MWh • Power requirement of 2 MW 47 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX E-GRID ENHANCEMENT Phase II of the project involves/involved the addition of an additional energy storage device to pilot distributed storage, optimize use cases per Phase I results, explore tariff structure and ownership models and continue research. In 2020, PacifiCorp developed Community Resiliency programs in Oregon and California to expand customer and utility understanding of how the use of ESS equipment might increase the resilience of critical facilities. The initial pilot programs provided technical support and evaluation of potential options as well as grant funding for on-site battery storage systems. Over a dozen feasibility studies were delivered across the Company's service area in the two states. Two ESS systems have been installed in California with a third approved; one ESS is in the final stages of commissioning in Oregon. As part of more recent efforts related to PacifiCorp's Oregon Clean Energy Plan (CEP), the Company received approval to provide pathways of support for communities working to enhance resilience at critical facilities. This includes feasibility assessments, grant match funding and ongoing project support for renewable energy and BESS systems. This Pilot program will operate through 2027. The PacifiCorp filing with FERC covering optional generation interconnection study assumptions for stand-alone electric storage resources was approved on February 28, 2023 (section 38.1 of the Open Access Transmission Tariff). The use of real-world operating assumptions for electric storage resources should lead to a more efficient interconnection process. Demand Response PacifiCorp has operated demand response programs since the 1980's and has been expanding its offerings in the decades since. As demand response has been selected as a cost-effective demand- side management resource in the past several IRPs,including in PacifiCorp's western state service areas,the Company has rolled out demand response programs to a wide array of customers and to address multiple grid needs. Today, PacifiCorp has five demand response program categories (Cool Keeper, Wattsmart Batteries, Wattsmart Drive, Wattsmart Business Demand Response, and Irrigation Load Control)currently approved in multiple states. These programs reach all customer classes --residential, commercial, industrial, and irrigation-- and are operating at different stages of deployment, from emerging, small-scale innovative pilots to large-scale mature programs, and in between. The Cool Keeper program alone, for example, provides more than 270 MWs of operating reserves to the system through the control of more than 118,000 air conditioning units. The Company has goals to grow and increase participation in each of these programs and will use the program for various use cases such as frequency response, contingency and peak load management. For further discussion of PacifiCorp's demand response offerings, please reference Chapter 6, Chapter 7, and Appendix D. Dispatchable Customer Storage Resources Based on the learnings from PacifiCorp's partnership with Soleil Lofts and Sonnen in 2018, the company developed the Wattsmart Battery Program,which was approved in Utah in October 2020 and in Idaho in April 2022.This innovative demand response program allows the company to manage behind-the-meter customer batteries for daily load cycling, backup power real-time grid needs such as peak load management, contingency reserves and frequency response. Customer- controlled batteries allow the company to maximize renewable energy when it is needed to support the electrical grid. The program has experienced exponential growth in its first four years of operation and has over 5,300 participating residential batteries as of Q4 2024 and has also been 48 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX E-GRID ENHANCEMENT adding 8-12 large commercial batteries each year. PacifiCorp is exploring expanding the program into its service areas in Oregon and Washington starting in 2025. Transportation Electrification Electric vehicle infrastructure programming has begun expanding across much the company's six- state service territory, touching Utah, California, Oregon and Washington. Following 2020 Utah legislation, in 2021 the Utah Public Service Commission approved the company's EV Infrastructure Program(EVIP). The program,which went into effect on January 1, 2022, is expected to last 10 years. The EVIP has five main elements: company-owned chargers, make-ready investments, innovative projects and partnerships, incentives, and outreach and education. Multiple state of California government and utility commission efforts have required the company to address multiple efforts, including the 2022 adoption of California Rule 24, which requires utilities to provide line extensions to nonresidential EV charging stations at no cost to the applicant performing all civil and electrical work. On November 17, 2022, the California Public Utilities Commission issued D.22-11-040 , which adopted a long-term TE policy framework that includes a third-party administered, statewide TE infrastructure program. PacifiCorp is participating by funding this statewide initiative and providing dedicated technical assistance services to commercial customers as they move to adopt EV infrastructure. Oregon, over the last three years, has adopted numerous policies that are quickening the pace toward an electric transportation future. Oregon Senate Bill 1044, passed in 2019, established statewide zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) goals in five-year increments, reaching 90% of new sales by 2035, which equates to 2.5 million electric vehicles (EV) on the road. Advanced Clean Cars II rule, passed in December of 2022, requires 100% of new light-duty vehicles (LDV) be ZEVs or plug-in hybrid EVs by 2035, ramping up from an initial requirement that 35% of new LDVs be ZEVs in 2026. $101 million in National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) funding and additional state funding over seven years is being used to invest in electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) installation along major corridors and other roads, including a focus on rural areas,underserved communities,and multifamily housing locations. House Bill 2165 requires that all electricity companies(with>25,000 retail customers)recover the cost of prudent infrastructure investments in TE. The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality adopted the Advanced Clean Truck Rules 2021 in November 2021. In doing so, Oregon adopted California's emission standards for medium-duty vehicles(MDV)and heavy-duty vehicles(HDV), collectively referred to as MHDVs. This creates the ability to pursue the incentives to support the transition to zero emissions for medium- and heavy-duty sectors, and the target of 100% of new sales of MHDV being ZEV by 2050. PacifiCorp proposed a portfolio of programs and pilots offering a range of support to different sectors working toward TE in its 2023 Transportation Electrification Plan (TEP). This included support for residential, commercial and multifamily customers as well as customers pursuing electrification of fleets and MHDVs. The TE programs and pilots include: • EVSE Rebate Pilot Program: Launched June of 2022, this program delivers rebates to residential, income-eligible, commercial and multifamily customers to install Level 2 chargers. 49 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX E-GRID ENHANCEMENT • Outreach and Education Pilot Program: Provides future EV drivers with greater awareness and understanding of the benefits of electric transportation through outreach and educational platforms, self-service tools,ride-and-drive events and more.This program was also launched in June of 2022. • Grant Programs: Since 2019, PacifiCorp has facilitated grants that support projects that advance electric transportation in underserved communitiesa combination of competitive grants, matching grants and grant writing funded through Oregon Clean Fuels Program. • Fleet Make Ready Pilot Program: This program, expected to launch in 2024, offers a behind- the-meter custom incentives to fleet customers that will support all make-ready infrastructure focused on commercial customers and inclusive of all vehicle class types. • Public Utility-Owned Infrastructure Pilot Program: Launched in the third quarter of 2023, PacifiCorp will deploy utility-owned, publicly available charging infrastructure in underserved communities. • Residential Managed Charging Pilot Program: This pilot, planned to launch later in 2024, actively manages EV loads through vehicle-and charger-enable protocols to shift charging load to off-peak times. • To deliver the programs and pilots contained in this portfolio, PacifiCorp proposed a three- year budget totaling approximately $30 million, with each year containing increased annual spending. The TEP was approved in July 2023. In Washington, Governor Jay Inslee signed House Bill 1091, low carbon fuel standard legislation, which limits the aggregate overall greenhouse gas emissions per unit of transportation fuel energy to 20% below 2017 levels by 2038. Electric utilities can opt into the program as credit generators and be assigned credits from residential EV charging,which the company has opted into. Revenue earned by selling these credits must be used for TE projects while compliance can be achieved through reducing the carbon intensity of fuel or buying credits. In addition,Washington Executive Order 21-04 sets targets for 100% of all state fleet light-duty vehicles to be electric by 2035 and medium-and heavy-duty vehicles to be electric by 2040. The Advanced Clean Cars II rule, passed in December 2022 also requires 100% of new LDVs be ZEVs or plug-in hybrid EVs by 2035. To support TE in its service area, Pacific Power received approval in October 2022 of its Washington Transportation Electrification Plan. As a follow-up the company filed applications for new grant programs, outreach and education programs and a managed charging program. The new communities grant program plans to be launched in mid-2024, while outreach and education and managed charging are finalizing vendor contracting and moving toward kickoff activities. Advanced Metering Infrastructure Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) is an integrated system of smart meters, communications networks, and data management systems that provide interval data available daily. This infrastructure can also provide advanced functionalities including remote connect/disconnect, outage detection and restoration signals, and support DA schemes. In 2016, PacifiCorp identified economical AMI solutions for California and Oregon that delivered tangible benefits to customers while minimizing the impact on consumer rates. In 2019, PacifiCorp completed installation of the Itron Gen5 AMI system across the company's Oregon and California service territories. The AMI system consists of head-end software, FANS and approximately 680,000 meters. Interval energy usage data is provided to customers via the company's public websites and mobile apps. The project was completed on schedule and on budget. 50 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX E-GRID ENHANCEMENT In 2018, PacifiCorp awarded a contract to Itron for their OpenWay Riva AMI system in the states of Idaho and Utah. In early 2020,Itron proposed a change for the information technology(IT) and network systems,using their Gen5 system rather than the OpenWay system, while still deploying the more advanced Riva meter technology. Itron's Gen5 system has the same IT and network used in PacifiCorp's Oregon and California service territories. This solution aligns with Itron's future road map and provides PacifiCorp with a single operational system that will reduce cybersecurity issues and operating costs associated with maintaining separate systems. This solution provides a stronger, more flexible network coupled with a high-end metering solution. The Utah/Idaho project involved upgrading the head-end software and installation of the Field Area Network (FAN) and approximately 325,000 new Itron Riva AMI meters for most customer classification and 1,700 FAN devices. This solution uses over 80% of the existing AMR meters in Utah to provide hourly interval data for residential customers as well as outage detection and restoration messaging. The project replaced all current meters in Idaho with new Itron Riva AMI meters as AMR was not fully deployed there. Furthermore,the project will leverage the customer communication tools developed for the Oregon and California AMI projects. The project was completed in 2023. Financial analyses to extend AMI solutions to Washington and Wyoming were performed in 2019, 2020, 2023, and 2024, respectively. The analyses determined that moving these states to an AMI solution is not cost effective at this time. Outage Management Improvements PacifiCorp advanced a new module in its outage management systems (OMS) that allows field responders to update outage data as they complete their work, using Mobile Workforce Management tools. This functionality is restricted to service transformer and customer meter devices, which comprise approximately half of the outages to which the company responds. This ensures more rapid, accurate and efficient updates to outage data, but still maintains the OMS topology as the method to manage line worker safety by having real-time access to elements that are energized and those that may be in an abnormal state. Meter pinging and last-gasp outage management functionalities were put in place for the AMI system in Oregon and California and is now being used in Utah and Idaho. The company's system operations organization use meter ping functionality and last-gasp messages to augment customer calls and create outage tickets in the company's OMS.The company implemented business process changes to facilitate outage management functionality for single-service as well as large-scale outages. These changes have provided system operations with more flexibility to identify and respond to outages. Intelligent line sensors will be installed on distribution circuits to provide service to critical facilities. For this project, critical facilities have been defined as major emergency facility centers such as hospitals, trauma centers, police, fire dispatch centers, etc. The information provided by the line sensors will allow control center operators to target restoration at critical facilities during major outages sooner than is currently possible. Full implementation of the project was completed in December 2021, concurrent with the completion of the AMI project. 51 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX E-GRID ENHANCEMENT The company continues to develop a strategy to attain long-term goals for grid modernization and grid enhancement-related activities to continually improve system efficiency, reliability and safety, while providing a cost-effective service to our customers. The company will continue to monitor grid enhancement technologies and determine viability and applicability of implementation to the system. As tipping points to broader implementation occur, PacifiCorp will communicate with customers and stakeholders through a variety of methods, including this IRP as well as other regulatory mechanisms relevant to each state. 52 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX F—FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY APPENDIX F - FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY Introduction For the 2025 IRP, PacifiCorp is continuing to use the methodology developed in its 2021 Flexible Reserve Study(FRS), which relied upon historical data from 2018-2019, as discussed below.I The 2021 Flexible Reserve Study (FRS) estimated the regulation reserve required to maintain PacifiCorp's system reliability and comply with North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)reliability standards. Because the FRS methodology accounts for changes in PacifiCorp's resource mix,both the quantity and cost of reserves has been updated for the 2025 IRP, as reported herein. PacifiCorp operates two balancing authority areas(BAAs)in the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) NERC region--PacifiCorp East (PACE) and PacifiCorp West (PACW). The PACE and PACW BAAs are interconnected by a limited amount of transmission across a third- party transmission system and the two BAAs are each required to comply with NERC standards. PacifiCorp must provide sufficient regulation reserve to remain within NERC's balancing authority area control error(ACE) limit in compliance with BAL-001-2,2 as well as the amount of contingency reserve required to comply with NERC standard BAL-002-WECC-2.' BAL-001-2 is a regulation reserve standard that became effective July 1, 2016, and BAL-002-WECC-3 is a contingency reserve standard that became effective June 28, 2021. Regulation reserve and contingency reserve are components of operating reserve,which NERC defines as"that capability above firm system demand required to provide for regulation, load forecasting error, equipment forced and scheduled outages and local area protection."4 Apart from disturbance events that are addressed through contingency reserve, regulation reserve is necessary to compensate for changes in load demand and generation output to maintain ACE within mandatory parameters established by the BAL-001-2 standard. The FRS estimates the amount of regulation reserve required to manage variations in load, variable energy resources (VERB), and resources that are not VERB ("Non-VERB") in each of PacifiCorp's BAAS. Load, wind, solar, and Non-VERs were each studied because PacifiCorp's data indicates that these ' 2021 IRP Volume II,Appendix F(Flexible Reserve Study): hgps://www.12acificorp.com/content/dam/pcorp/documents/en/pacificop2/energy /y integrated-resource-plan/2021- irpNolume%20II%20-%209.15.2021%20Final.pdf 2 NERC Standard BAL-001-2, https://www.nerc.com/pa/Stand/Reliability%20Standards/BAL-001-2.pdf, which became effective July 1,2016.ACE is the difference between a BAA's scheduled and actual interchange and reflects the difference between electrical generation and Load within that BAA. 3 NERC Standard BAL-002-WECC-3,hllps://www.nerc.com/pa/Stand/Reliability%20Standards/BAL-002-WECC- 3.ndf,which became effective June 28,2021.BAL-002-WECC-3 removed the requirement that at least 50%of contingency reserves be held as"spinning"resources,as this was deemed redundant with frequency response requirements under BAL-003-2. 4 Glossary of Terms Used in NERC Reliability Standards: https://www.nerc.com/pa/Stand/Glossary%20of%2OTcrms/Glossary of Terms.pdf,updated March 8,2023. 5 VERs are resources that resources that: (1)are renewable;(2)cannot be stored by the facility owner or operator; and(3)have variability that is beyond the control of the facility owner or operator.Integration of Variable Energy Resources,Order No. 764, 139 FERC¶61,246 at P 281 (2012)("Order No. 764");order on reh g,Order No.764- A, 141 FERC¶61,232(2012)("Order No. 764-A");order on reh'g and clarification,Order No. 764-B, 144 FERC ¶61,222 at P 210(2013)("Order No. 764-B"). 53 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX F—FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY components or customer classes place different regulation reserve burdens on PacifiCorp's system due to differences in the magnitude, frequency, and timing of their variations from forecasted levels. The FRS is based on PacifiCorp operational data recorded from January 2018 through December 2019 for load, wind, solar, and Non-VERB. PacifiCorp's primary analysis focuses on the actual variability of load, wind, solar, and Non-VERB during 2018-2019. A supplemental analysis discusses how the total variability of the PacifiCorp system changes with varying levels of wind and solar capacity. The estimated regulation reserve amounts determined in this study represent the incremental capacity needed to ensure compliance with BAL-001-2 for a particular operating hour. The regulation reserve requirement covers variations in load, wind, solar, and Non-VERB, while implicitly accounting for the diversity between the different classes. An explicit adjustment is also made to account for diversity benefits realized because of PacifiCorp's participation in the Western Energy Imbalance Market(EIM)operated by the California Independent System Operator Corporation(CAISO).6 The methodology in the FRS is like that previously employed in PacifiCorp's 2019 IRP but was enhanced in two areas.'First,the historical period evaluated in the study was expanded to include two years, rather than one, to capture a larger sample of system conditions. Second, the methodology for extrapolating results for higher renewable resource penetration levels was modified to better capture the diversity between growing wind and solar portfolios. The FRS results produce an hourly forecast of the regulation reserve requirements for each of PacifiCorp's BAAS that is sufficient to ensure the reliability of the transmission system and compliance with NERC and WECC standards. This regulation reserve forecast covers the combined deviations of the load,wind, solar and Non-VERs on PacifiCorp's system and varies as a function of the wind and solar capacity on PacifiCorp's system, as well as forecasted levels of wind, solar and load. The regulation reserve requirement methodologies produced by the FRS are applied in production cost modeling to determine the cost of the reserve requirements associated with incremental wind and solar capacity. After a portfolio is selected,the regulation reserve requirements specific to that portfolio can be calculated and included in the study inputs, such that the production cost impact of the requirements is incorporated in the reported results. As a result, this production cost impact is dependent on the wind and solar resources in the portfolio as well as the characteristics of the dispatchable resources in the portfolio that are available to provide regulation reserves. Overview The primary analysis in the FRS is to estimate the regulation reserve necessary to maintain compliance with NERC Standard BAL-001-2 given a specified portfolio of wind and solar resources. The FRS next calculates the cost of holding regulation reserve for incremental wind and solar resources. Finally, the FRS compares PacifiCorp's overall operating reserve requirements 6 Western Energy Imbalance Market. www.westemeim.com 2019 IRP Volume II,Appendix F(Flexible Reserve Study): https://www.pacificorp.com/content/dam/pcorp/documents/enZpacificorp/energy/grated-resource- plan/2019_IRP_Volume_II_Appendices A-L.pdf 54 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX F—FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY over the IRP study period,including both regulation reserve and contingency reserve,to its flexible resource supply. The FRS estimates regulation reserve based on the specific requirements of NERC Standard BAL- 001-2. It also incorporates the current timeline for EIM market processes, as well as EIM resource deviations and diversity benefits based on actual results. The FRS also includes adjustments to regulation reserve requirements to account for the changing portfolio of solar and wind resources on PacifiCorp's system and accounts for the diversity of using a single portfolio of regulation reserve resources to cover variations in load, wind, solar, and Non-VERB. A comparison of the results of the current analysis and that from previous IRPs is shown in Table F.1 and Table F.2. Flexible resource costs are portfolio dependent and vary over time. For more details, please refer to Figure F.11 —Incremental Wind and Solar Regulation Reserve Costs. Table FA - Portfolio Regulation Reserve Requirements Wind Solar Stand-alone Portfolio Regulation Capacity Capacity Regulation Diversity Requirement Requirement Credit with Diversity [Case AILM (MW) MW (MW) (%) IL (MW) CY2017(2019 FRS) 2,750 1,021 994 47% 531 2018-2019(2021 FRS) 2,745 1,080 1,057 49% 540 Table F.2 - 20252023 Flexible Resource Costs as Compared to 2023 Costs, $/MWh Note— Table F.2 will be updated for the March 31, 2025 IRP filing based on final preferred portfolio results. Flexible Resource Requirements PacifiCorp's flexible resource needs are the same as its operating reserve requirements over the planning horizon for maintaining reliability and compliance with NERC regional reliability standards. Operating reserve generally consists of three categories: (1) contingency reserve (i.e., spinning, and supplemental reserve), (2) regulation reserve, and (3) frequency response reserve. Contingency reserve is capacity that PacifiCorp holds available to ensure compliance with the NERC regional reliability standard BAL-002-WECC-3.8 Regulation reserve is capacity that PacifiCorp holds available to ensure compliance with the NERC Control Performance Criteria in BAL-001-2.9 Frequency response reserve is capacity that PacifiCorp holds available to ensure compliance with NERC standard BAL-003-2.10 Each type of operating reserve is further defined below. 8 NERC Standard BAL-002-WECC-3—Contingency Reserve: https://www.nerc.com/pa/Stand/Reliabiliiy%2oStandards/BAL-002-WECC-3.pdf 9 NERC Standard BAL-001-2—Real Power Balancing Control Performance: https://www.nerc.com/pa/Stand/Reliabiliiy%20Standards/BAL-001-2.pdf 10 NERC Standard BAL-003-2—Frequency Response and Frequency Bias Setting: https://www.nerc.com/pa/Stand/Reliabiliiy%20Standards/BAL-003-2.pdf 55 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX F—FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY Contingency Reserve Purpose: Contingency reserve may be deployed when unexpected outages of a generator or a transmission line occur. Contingency reserve may not be deployed to manage other system fluctuations such as changes in load or wind generation output. Volume: NERC regional reliability standard BAL-002-WECC-3 specifies that each BAA must hold as contingency reserve an amount of capacity equal to three percent of load and three percent of generation in that BAA. Duration: Except within 60 minutes of a qualifying contingency event, a BAA must maintain the required level of contingency reserve at all times. Generally, this means that up to 60 minutes of generation are required to provide contingency reserve, though successive outage events may result in contingency reserves being deployed for longer periods. To restore contingency reserves, other resources must be deployed to replace any generating resources that experienced outages, typically either market purchases or generation from resources with slower ramp rates. Ramp Rate: Only up capacity available within ten minutes can be counted as contingency reserve. This can include "spinning" resources that are online and immediately responsive to system frequency deviations to maintain compliance with frequency response obligations under BAL- 003-1.1, as well as from "non-spinning" resources that do not respond immediately, though they must still be fully deployed in ten minutes.I I Regulation Reserve Purpose: NERC standard BAL-001-2, which became effective July 1, 2016, does not specify a regulation reserve requirement based on a simple formula, but instead requires utilities to hold sufficient reserve to meet specified control performance standards. The primary requirement relates to area control error ("ACE"), which is the difference between a BAA'S scheduled and actual interchange and reflects the difference between electrical generation and load within that BAA. Requirement 2 of BAL-001-2 defines the compliance standard as follows: Each Balancing Authority shall operate such that its clock-minute average of Reporting ACE does not exceed its clock-minute Balancing Authority ACE Limit (BAAL)for more than 30 consecutive clock-minutes... In addition, Requirement 1 of BAL-001-2 specifies that PacifiCorp's Control Performance Standard 1 ("CPS 1") score must be greater than equal to 100 percent for each preceding 12 consecutive calendar month period, evaluated monthly. The CPS 1 score compares PacifiCorp's ACE with interconnection frequency during each clock minute. A higher score indicates PacifiCorp's ACE is helping interconnection frequency,while a lower score indicates it is hurting interconnection frequency. Because CPS 1 is averaged and evaluated monthly, it does not require a response to every ACE event, but rather requires that PacifiCorp meet a minimum aggregate level of performance in each month. Regulation reserve is thus the capacity that PacifiCorp holds I' While the minimum spinning reserve obligation previously contained within BAL-002-WECC-2a was retired due to redundancy with frequency response obligations under BAL-003-2, PacifiCorp's 2023 IRP does not explicitly model the frequency response obligation and retains the spinning obligation to ensure a supply of rapidly responding resources is maintained. 56 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX F—FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY available to respond to changes in generation and load to manage ACE within the limits specified in BAL-001-2. Volume: NERC standard BAL-001-2 does not specify a regulation reserve requirement based on a simple formula, but instead requires utilities to hold sufficient reserve to meet performance standards as discussed above. The FRS estimates the regulation reserve necessary to meet Requirement 2 by compensating for the combined deviations of the load, wind, solar and Non- VERs on PacifiCorp's system. These regulation reserve requirements are discussed in more detail later in the study. Ramp Rate: Because Requirement 2 includes a 30-minute time limit for compliance, ramping capability that can be deployed within 30 minutes contributes to meeting PacifiCorp's regulation reserve requirements. The reserve for CPS 1 is not expected to be incremental to the need for compliance with Requirement 2 but may require that a subset of resources held for Requirement 2 be able to make frequent rapid changes to manage ACE relative to interconnection frequency. Duration: PacifiCorp is required to submit balanced load and resource schedules as part of its participation in EIM. PacifiCorp is also required to submit resources with up flexibility and down flexibility to cover uncertainty and expected ramps across the next hour. Because forecasts are submitted prior to the start of an hour, deviations can begin before an hour starts. As a result, a flexible resource might be called upon for the entire hour. To continue providing flexible capacity in the following hour, energy must be available in storage for that hour as well. The likelihood of deploying for two hours or more for reliability compliance (as opposed to economics) is expected to be small. Frequency Response Reserve Purpose: NERC standard BAL-003-2 specifies that each BAA must arrest frequency deviations and support the interconnection when frequency drops below the scheduled level. When a frequency drop occurs because of an event, PacifiCorp will deploy resources that increase the net interchange of its BAAS and the flow of generation to the rest of the interconnection. Volume: When a frequency drop occurs, each BAA is expected to deploy resources that are at least equal to its frequency response obligation. The incremental requirement is based on the size of the frequency drop and the BAA'S frequency response obligation, expressed in megawatt (MW)/O.1 Herts (Hz). To comply with the standard, a BAA'S median measured frequency response during a sampling of under-frequency events must be equal to or greater than its frequency response obligation. PacifiCorp's 2024 frequency response obligation was 21.7 MW/O.1Hz for PACW, and 62.9 MW/O.1Hz for PACE.12 PacifiCorp's combined obligation amounts to 84.6 MW for a frequency drop of 0.1 Hz, or 253.8 MW for a frequency drop of 0.3 Hz. 12 NERC.BAL-003-2 Frequency Response Obligation Allocation and Minimum Frequency Bias Settings for Operating Year 2022. https://www.nerc.com/comm/OC/RS%20Landin %g 20Page%20DL/Frequency%20Response%20Standard%20Reso urcesBA FRO Allocations_for OY2024.pdf 57 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX F—FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY The performance measurement for contingency reserve under the Disturbance Control Standard (BAL-002-3)13, allows for recovery to the lesser of zero or the ACE value prior to the contingency event, so increasing ACE above zero during a frequency event reduces the additional deployment needed if a contingency event occurs. Because contingency, regulation, and frequency events are all relatively infrequent,they are unlikely to occur simultaneously.Because the frequency response standard is based on median performance during a year, overlapping requirements that reduced PacifiCorp's response during a limited number of frequency events would not impact compliance. As a result, any available capacity not being used for generation is expected to contribute to meeting PacifiCorp's frequency response obligation, up to the technical capability of each unit, including that designated as contingency or regulation reserves. Frequency response must occur very rapidly, and a generating unit's capability is limited based on the unit's size, governor controls, and available capacity, as well as the size of the frequency drop. As a result, while a few resources could hold a large amount of contingency or regulation reserve,frequency response may need to be spread over a larger number of resources. Additionally, only resources that have active and tuned governor controls as well as outer loop control logic will respond properly to frequency events. Ramp Rate: Frequency response performance is measured over a period of seconds, amounting to under a minute. Compliance is based on the average response over the course of an event. As a result, a resource that immediately provides its full frequency response capability will provide the greatest contribution. That same resource will contribute a smaller amount if it instead ramps up to its full frequency response capability over the course of a minute or responds after a lag. Duration: Frequency response events are less than one minute in duration. Black Start Requirements Black start service is the ability of a generating unit to start without an outside electrical supply and is necessary to help ensure the reliable restoration of the grid following a blackout. At this time, PACW grid restoration would occur in coordination with Bonneville Power Administration black start resources. The Gadsby combustion turbine resources can support grid restoration in PACE. PacifiCorp has not identified any incremental needs for black start service during the IRP study period. Ancillary Services Operational Distinctions In actual operations, PacifiCorp identifies two types of flexible capacity as part of its participation in the EIM. The contingency reserve held on each resource is specifically identified and is not available for economic dispatch within the EIM. Any remaining flexible capacity on participating resources that is not designated as contingency reserve can be economically dispatched in EIM based on its operating cost (i.e. bid) and system requirements and can contribute to meeting regulation reserve obligations. Because of this distinction, resources must either be designated as contingency reserve or as regulation reserve. Contingency events are relatively rare while opportunities to deploy additional regulation reserve in EIM occur frequently. As a result, PacifiCorp typically schedules its lowest-cost flexible resources to serve its load and blocks off "NERC Standard BAL-002-3—Disturbance Control Standard—Contingency Reserve for Recovery from a Balancing Contingency Event:https://www.nerc.comipa/Stand/Reliability Standards/BAL-002-3.pdf 58 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX F—FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY capacity on its highest-cost flexible resources to meet its contingency obligations, subject to any ramping limitations at each resource. This leaves resources with moderate costs available for dispatch up by EIM, while lower-cost flexible resources remain available to be dispatched down by EIM. Overview This section describes the data used to determine PacifiCorp's regulation reserve requirements. To estimate PacifiCorp's required regulation reserve amount, PacifiCorp must determine the difference between the expected load and resources and actual load and resources. The difference between load and resources is calculated every four seconds and is represented by the ACE. ACE must be maintained within the limits established by BAL-001-2, so PacifiCorp must estimate the amount of regulation reserve that is necessary to maintain ACE within these limits. To estimate the amount of regulation reserve that will be required in the future,the FRS identifies the scheduled use of the system as compared to the actual use of the system during the study term. For the baseline determination of scheduled use for load and resources, the FRS used hourly base schedules.Hourly base schedules are the power production forecasts used for imbalance settlement in the EIM and represent the best information available concerning the upcoming hour.14 The deviation from scheduled use was derived from data provided through participation in the EIM. The deviations of generation resources in EIM were measured on a five-minute basis, so five-minute intervals are used throughout the regulation reserve analysis. EIM base schedule and deviation data for each wind, solar and Non-VER transaction point were downloaded using the SettleCore application, which is populated with data provided by the CAISO. Since PacifiCorp's implementation of EIM on November 1, 2014, PacifiCorp requires certain operational forecast data from all its transmission customers pursuant to the provisions of Attachment T to PacifiCorp's Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved Open Access Transmission Tariff(GATT). This includes EIM base schedule data(or forecasts)from all resources included in the EIM network model at transaction points. EIM base schedules are submitted by transmission customers with hourly granularity, and are settled using hourly data for load, and fifteen-minute and five-minute data for resources. A primary function of the EIM is to measure load and resource imbalance (or deviations) as the difference between the hourly base schedule and the actual metered values. 14 The CAISO,as the market operator for the EIM,requests base schedules at 75 minutes(T-75)prior to the hour of delivery.PacifiCorp's transmission customers are required to submit base schedules by 77 minutes(T-77)prior to the hour of delivery—two minutes in advance of the EIM Entity deadline. This allows all transmission customer base schedules enough time to be submitted into the EIM systems before the overall deadline of T-75 for the entirety of PacifiCorp's two BAAs.The base schedules are due again to CAISO at 55 minutes(T-55)prior to the delivery hour and can be adjusted up until that time by the EIM Entity(i.e.,PacifiCorp Grid Operations).PacifiCorp's transmission customers are required to submit updated,final base schedules no later than 57 minutes(T-57)prior to the delivery hour.Again,this allows all transmission customer base schedules enough time to be submitted into the EIM systems before the overall deadline of T-55 for the entirety of PacifiCorp's two BAAs.Base schedules may be finally adjusted again,by the EIM Entity only,at 40 minutes(T-40)prior to the delivery hour in response to CAISO sufficiency tests.T-40 is the base schedule time point used throughout this study. 59 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX F—FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY A summary of the data gathered for this analysis is listed below, and a more detailed description of each type of source data is contained in the following subsections. Source data: - Load data o Five-minute interval actual load o Hourly base schedules - VER data o Five-minute interval actual generation o Hourly base schedules - Non-VER data o Five-minute interval actual generation o Hourly base schedules Load Data The load class represents the aggregate firm demand of end users of power from the electric system. While the requirements of individual users vary,there are diurnal and seasonal patterns in aggregated demand. The load class can generally be described to include three components: (1) average load,which is the base load during a particular scheduling period; (2)the trend,or"ramp," during the hour and from hour-to-hour; and (3) the rapid fluctuations in load that depart from the underlying trend. The need for a system response to the second and third components is the function of regulation reserve in order to ensure reliability of the system. The PACE BAA includes several large industrial loads with unique patterns of demand. Each of these loads is either interruptible at short notice or includes behind the meter generation. Due to their large size, abrupt changes in their demand are magnified for these customers in a manner which is not representative of the aggregated demand of the large number of small customers which make up most PacifiCorp's loads. In addition, interruptible loads can be curtailed if their deviations are contributing to a resource shortfall. Because of these unique characteristics, these loads are excluded from the FRS. This treatment is consistent with that used in the CAISO load forecast methodology (used for PACE and PACW operations),which also nets these interruptible customer loads out of the PACE BAA. Actual average load data was collected separately for the PACE and PACW BAAS for each five- minute interval. Load data has not been adjusted for transmission and distribution losses. Wind and Solar Data The wind and solar classes include resources that: (1) are renewable; (2) cannot be stored by the facility owner or operator; and(3) have variability that is beyond the control of the facility owner or operator." Wind and solar, in comparison to load, often have larger upward and downward fluctuations in output that impose significant and sometimes unforeseen challenges when attempting to maintain reliability. For example, as recognized by FERC in Order No. 764, 15 Order No. 764 at P 281;Order No. 764-B at P 210. 60 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX F—FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY "Increasing the relative amount of[VERB] on a system can increase operational uncertainty that the system operator must manage through operating criteria, practices, and procedures, including the commitment of adequate reserves."16 The data included in the FRS for the wind and solar classes include all wind and solar resources in PacifiCorp's BAAS,which includes: (1)third-party resources (OATT or legacy contract transmission customers); (2) PacifiCorp-owned resources; and (3) other PacifiCorp-contracted resources, such as qualifying facilities, power purchases, and exchanges. In total, the FRS study period includes an average of 2,745 megawatts of wind and 1,080 megawatts of solar. Non-VER Data The Non-VER class is a mix of thermal and hydroelectric resources and includes all resources which are not VERB, and which do not provide either contingency or regulation reserve. Non- VERs, in contrast to VERB, are often more stable and predictable. Non-VERB are thus easier to plan for and maintain within a reliable operating state. For example, in Order No. 764, FERC suggested that many of its rules were developed with Non-VERB in mind and that such generation "could be scheduled with relative precision."I'The output of these resources is largely in the control of the resource operator, particularly when considered within the hourly timeframe of the FRS. The deviations by resources in the Non-VER class are thus significantly lower than the deviations by resources in the wind class. The Non-VER class includes third-party resources (GATT or legacy transmission customers); many PacifiCorp-owned resources; and other PacifiCorp-contracted resources, such as qualifying facilities,power purchases, and exchanges. In total, the FRS includes 2,202 megawatts of Non-VERB. In the FRS, resources that provide contingency or regulation reserve are considered a separate, dispatchable resource class. The dispatchable resource class compensates for deviations resulting from other users of the transmission system in all hours. While non-dispatchable resources may offset deviations in loads and other resources in some hours, they are not in the control of the system operator and contribute to the overall requirement in other hours. Because the dispatchable resource class is a net provider rather than a user of regulation reserve service, its stand-alone regulation reserve requirement is zero (or negative), and its share of the system regulation reserve requirement is also zero. The allocation of regulation reserve requirements and diversity benefits is discussed in more detail later in the study. on Reserve Data Analysis and Adjustment Overview This section provides details on adjustments made to the data to align the ACE calculation with actual operations, and address data issues. Base Schedule Ramping Adjustment In actual operations, PacifiCorp's ACE calculation includes a linear ramp from the base schedule in one hour to the base schedule in the next hour, starting ten-minutes before the hour and continuing until ten-minutes past the hour. The hourly base schedules used in the study are adjusted 16 Order No. 764 at P 20(emphasis added). "Id. at P 92. 61 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX F—FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY to reflect this transition from one hour to the next. This adjustment step is important because, to the extent actual load or generation is transitioning to the levels expected in the next hour, the adjusted base schedules will result in reduced deviations during these intervals, potentially reducing the regulation reserve requirement. Figure F.1 below illustrates the hourly base schedule and the ramping adjustment. The same calculation applies to all base schedules: Load,Wind,Non- VERs, and the combined portfolio. Figure F.1 -Base Schedule Ramping Adjustment 3100 3000 2900 2800 a� 2700 U U) LJ 2600 CO 2500 2400 Base Schedule —Adjusted Base Schedule 2300 A A � Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln 01 61 61 61 61 M M M M M M M --1 --1 --1 -_l A LP LP O O I- F­ N N W W A A Ln Ln O O F, F, N N W W A A LP LP O O h, F­ Ln O Ln O In O Ln O In O Ln O Ln O Ln O Ln O Ln O Ln O Ln O Ln O Ln O In O In Time Data Corrections The data extracted from PacifiCorp's systems for, wind, solar and Non-VERs was sourced from CAISO settlement quality data. This data has already been verified for inconsistencies as part of the settlement process and needs minimal cleaning as described below. Regarding five-minute interval load data from the PI Ranger system, intervals were excluded from the FRS results if any five-minute interval suffered from at least one of the data anomalies that are described further below: Load: • Telemetry spike/poor connection to meter • Missing meter data • Missing base schedules 62 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX F—FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY VERs: • Curtailment events Load in PacifiCorp's BAAS changes continuously. While a BAA could potentially maintain the exact same load levels in two five-minute intervals in a row, it is extremely unlikely for the exact same load level to persist over longer time frames.When PacifiCorp's energy management system (EMS) load telemetry fails, updated load values may not be logged, and the last available load measurement for the BAA will continue to be reported. Rapid spikes in load telemetry either up or down are unlikely to be the result of conditions which require deployment of regulation reserve, particularly when they are transient. Such events could be a result of a transmission or distribution outage, which would allow for the deployment of contingency reserve, and would not require deployment of regulation reserve. Such events are also likely to be a result of a single bad load measurement. Load telemetry spike irregularities were identified by examining the intervals with the largest changes from one interval to the next, either up or down. Intervals with inexplicably large and rapid changes in load, particularly where the load reverts within a short period,were assumed to have been covered through contingency reserve deployment or to reflect inaccurate load measurements. Because they do not reflect periods that require regulation reserve deployment, such intervals are excluded from the analysis. During the study period, in PACW 15 minutes' worth of telemetry spikes were excluded while no telemetry spikes were observed in PACE. There were also 10 minutes' worth of missing load meter data, and 82 hours of missing load base schedules. The available VER data includes wind curtailment events which affect metered output.When these curtailments occur, the CAISO sends data, by generator, indicating the magnitude of the curtailment. This data is layered on top of the actual meter data to develop a proxy for what the metered output would have been if the generator were not curtailed. Regulation reserve requirements are calculated based on the shortfall in actual output relative to base schedules. By adding back curtailed volumes to the actual metered output,the shortfall relative to base schedules is reduced, as is the regulation reserve requirement. This is reasonable since the curtailment is directed by the CAISO or the transmission system operator to help maintain reliable operation, so it should not exacerbate the calculated need for regulation reserves. After review of the data for each of the above anomaly types, and out of 210,216 five-minute intervals evaluated, approximately 1,000 five-minute intervals, or 0.5% of the data, was removed due to data errors. While cleaning up or replacing anomalous hours could yield a more complete data set, determining the appropriate conditions in those hours would be difficult and subjective. By removing anomalies, the FRS sample is smaller but remains reflective of the range of conditions PacifiCorp experiences, including the impact on regulation reserve requirements of weather events experienced during the study period. Regulation Reserve Requirement Methodology Overview This section presents the methodology used to determine the initial regulation reserve needed to manage the load and resource balance within PacifiCorp's BAAS. The five-minute interval load 63 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX F—FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY and resource deviation data described above informs a regulation reserve forecast methodology that achieves the following goals: - Complies with NERC standard BAL-001-2; - Minimizes regulation reserve held; and - Uses data available at time of EIM base schedule submission at T-40.18 The components of the methodology are described below, and include: - Operating Reserve: Reserve Categories; - Calculation of Regulation Reserve Need; - Balancing Authority ACE Limit: Allowed Deviations; - Planning Reliability Target: Loss of Load Probability("LOLP"); and - Regulation Reserve Forecast: Amount Held. Following the explanation below of the components of the methodology, the next section details the forecasted amount of regulation reserve for: - Wind; - Solar; - Non-VERs; and - Load. Components of Operating Reserve Methodology Operating Reserve: Reserve Categories Operating reserve consists of three categories: (1) contingency reserve, (2)regulation reserve, and (3) frequency response reserve. These requirements must be met by resources that are incremental to those needed to meet firm system demand. The purpose of the FRS is to determine the regulation reserve requirement. The contingency reserve and frequency response requirements are defined formulaically by their respective reliability standards. Of the three categories of reserve referenced above, the FRS is primarily focused on the requirements associated with regulation reserve. Contingency reserve may not be deployed to manage other system fluctuations such as changes in load or wind generation output. Because deviations caused by contingency events are covered by contingency reserve rather than regulation reserve,they are excluded from the determination of the regulation reserve requirements. Because frequency response reserve can overlap with that held for contingency and regulation reserve requirements it is similarly excluded from the determination of regulation reserve requirements. The types of operating reserve and relationship between them are further defined in in the Flexible Resource Requirements section above. Regulation reserve is capacity that PacifiCorp holds available to ensure compliance with the NERC Control Performance Criteria in BAL-001-2, which requires a BAA to carry regulation reserve incremental to contingency reserve to maintain reliability.19 The regulation reserve requirement is not defined by a simple formula, but instead is the amount of reserve required by each BAA to 18 See footnote 12 above for explanation of PacifiCorp's use of the T-40 base schedule time point in the FRS. 19 NERC Standard BAL-001-2,https://www.nerc.comipa/Stand/Reliability%20Standards/BAL-001-2.pdf 64 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX F-FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY meet specified control performance standards. Requirement two of BAL-001-2 defines the compliance standard as follows: Each Balancing Authority shall operate such that its clock-minute average of Reporting ACE does not exceed its clock-minute Balancing Authority ACE Limit (BAAL)for more than 30 consecutive clock-minutes... PacifiCorp has been operating under BAL-001-2 since March 1, 2010, as part of a NERC Reliability-Based Control field trial in the Western Interconnection, so PacifiCorp had experience operating under the standard, even before it became effective on July 1, 2016. The three key elements in BAL-001-2 are: (1) the length of time (or "interval") used to measure compliance; (2)the percentage of intervals that a BAA must be within the limits set in the standard; and (3) the bandwidth of acceptable deviation used under each standard to determine whether an interval is considered out of compliance. These changes are discussed in further detail below. The first element is the length of time used to measure compliance. Compliance under BAL-001- 2 is measured over rolling thirty-minute intervals, with 60 overlapping periods per hour, some of which include parts of two clock-hours. In effect, this means that every minute of every hour is the beginning of a new, thirty-minute compliance interval under the new BAL-001-2 standard. If ACE is within the allowed limits at least once in a thirty-minute interval, that interval is in compliance, so only the minimum deviation in each rolling thirty-minute interval is considered in determining compliance. As a result, PacifiCorp does not need to hold regulation reserve for deviations with duration less than 30 minutes. The second element is the number of intervals where deviations are allowed to be outside the limits set in the standard. BAL-001-2 requires 100 percent compliance, so deviations must be maintained within the requirement set by the standard for all rolling thirty-minute intervals. The third element is the bandwidth of acceptable deviation before an interval is considered out of compliance. Under BAL-001-2, the acceptable deviation for each BAA is dynamic, varying as a function of the frequency deviation for the entire interconnect. When interconnection frequency exceeds 60 Hz, the dynamic calculation does not require regulation resources to be deployed regardless of a BAA'S ACE. As interconnection frequency drops further below 60 Hz, a BAA'S permissible ACE shortfall is increasingly restrictive. Planning Reliability Target: Loss of Load Probability When conducting resource planning, it is common to use a reliability target that assumes a specified loss of load probability (LOLP). In effect, this is a plan to curtail firm load in rare circumstances,rather than acquiring resources for extremely unlikely events. The reliability target balances the cost of additional capacity against the benefit of incrementally more reliable operation. By planning to curtail firm load in the rare event of a regulation reserve shortage, PacifiCorp can maintain the required 100 percent compliance with the BAL-001-2 standard and the Balancing Authority ACE Limit.This balances the cost of holding additional regulation reserve against the likelihood of regulation reserve shortage events. The FRS assumes that a regulation reserve forecasting methodology that results in 0.50 loss of load hours per year due to regulation reserve shortages is appropriate for planning and ratemaking 65 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX F—FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY purposes. This is in addition to any loss of load resulting from transmission or distribution outages, resource adequacy, or other causes. The FRS applies this reliability target as follows: • If the regulation reserve available is greater than the regulation reserve need for an hour, the LOLP is zero for that hour. • If the regulation reserve held is less than the amount needed,the LOLP is derived from the Balancing Authority ACE Limit probability distribution as illustrated below. Balancing Authority ACE Limit: Allowed Deviations Even if insufficient regulation reserve capability is available to compensate for a thirty-minute sustained deviation,a violation of BAL-001-2 does not occur unless the deviation also exceeds the Balancing Authority ACE Limit. The Balancing Authority ACE Limit is specific to each BAA and is dynamic,varying as a function of interconnection frequency. When WECC frequency is close to 60 Hz, the Balancing Authority ACE Limit is large and large deviations in ACE are allowed. As WECC frequency drops further and further below 60 Hz,ACE deviations are increasingly restricted for BAAS that are contributing to the shortfall, i.e. those BAAS with higher loads than resources. A BAA commits a BAL-001-2 reliability violation if in any thirty-minute interval it does not have at least one minute when its ACE is within its Balancing Authority ACE Limit. While the specific Balancing Authority ACE Limit for a given interval cannot be known in advance,the historical probability distribution of Balancing Authority ACE Limit values is known. Figure F.2 below shows the probability of exceeding the allowed deviation during a five-minute interval for a given level of ACE shortfall. For instance, an 82 MW ACE shortfall in PACW has a one percent chance of exceeding the Balancing Authority ACE Limit. WECC-wide frequency can change rapidly and without notice, and this causes large changes in the Balancing Authority ACE Limit over short time frames. Maintaining ACE within the Balancing Authority ACE Limit under those circumstances can require rapid deployment of large amounts of operating reserve. To limit the size and speed of resource deployment necessitated by variation in the Balancing Authority ACE Limit, PacifrCorp's operating practice caps permissible ACE at the lesser of the Balancing Authority ACE Limit or four times Lio. This also limits the occurrence of transmission flows that exceed path ratings as result of large variations in ACE.20,2I This cap is reflected in Figure F.2. 20"Regional Industry Initiatives Assessment."NWPP MC Phase 3 Operations Integration Work Group.Dec. 31, 2014.Pg. 14.Available at:www.nwpp.org/documents/MC-Public/NWPP-MC-Phase-3-Regional-Industry- Initiatives-Assessment 12-31-2014.pdf 21 "NERC Reliability-Based Control Field Trial Draft Report."Western Electricity Coordinating Council.Mar.25, 2015.Available at:www.wecc.biz/Reliability/RBC%20Field%2OTria1%2OReport%2OApproved%203-25-2015.pdf 66 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX F—FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY Figure F.2 -Probability of Exceeding Allowed Deviation 100% 90% - 0 80% 70% 0 3 60% 0 Q tin 50% c i6 40% x w 0 30% 20% 0 10% 0% 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 ACE Shortfall (MW) Exceedance Probability (PACW) —Exceedance Probability (PACE) In 2018-2019, PacifiCorp's deviations and Balancing Authority ACE Limits were uncorrelated, which indicates that PacifiCorp's contribution to WECC-wide frequency is small. PacifiCorp's deviations and Balancing Authority ACE Limits were also uncorrelated when periods with large deviations were examined in isolation. If PacifiCorp's large deviations made distinguishable contributions to the Balancing Authority ACE Limit, ACE shortfalls would be more likely to exceed the Balancing Authority ACE Limit during large deviations. Since this is not the case, the probability of exceeding the Balancing Authority ACE Limit is lower, and less regulation reserve is necessary to comply with the BAL-001-2 standard. Regulation Reserve Forecast: Amount Held To calculate the amount of regulation reserve required to be held while being compliant with BAL- 001-2—using a LOLP of 0.5 hours per year or less—a quantile regression methodology was used. Quantile regression is a type of regression analysis. Whereas the typical method of ordinary least squares results in estimates of the conditional mean(50th percentile)of the response variable given certain values of the predictor variables, quantile regression aims at estimating other specified percentiles of the response variable. Eight regressions were prepared, one for each class (load/wind/solar/non-VER) and area (PACE/PACW). Each regression uses the following variables: • Response Variable: the error in each interval, in megawatts; • Predictor Variable: the forecasted generation or load in each interval, expressed as a percentage of area capacity; 67 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX F-FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY The forecasted generation or load in each interval used as the predictor variable contributes to the regression as a combination of linear, square, and higher order exponential effects. Specifically, the regression identifies coefficients that correspond to the following functions for each class: Load Error: Load Forecast'+ Constant Wind Error: Wind Forecast2+Wind Forecast' Solar Error: Solar Forecast4+ Solar Forecast3 + Solar Forecast2 + Solar Forecast' Non-VER Error: Non-VER Forecast2+Non-VER Forecast' The instances requiring the largest amounts of regulation reserve occur infrequently, and many hours have very low requirements. If periods when requirements are likely to be low can be distinguished from periods when requirements are likely to be high, less regulation reserve is necessary to achieve a given reliability target. The regulation reserve forecast is not intended to compensate for every potential deviation. Instead,when a shortfall occurs,the size of that shortfall determines the probability of exceeding the Balancing Authority ACE Limit and a reliability violation occurring. The forecast is adjusted to achieve a cumulative LOLP that corresponds to the annual reliability target. Regulation Reserve Forecast Overview The following forecasts are polynomial functions that cover a targeted percentile of all historical deviations. These forecasts are stand-alone forecasts, based on the difference between hour-ahead base schedules and actual meter data, expressing the errors as a function of the level of forecast. The stand-alone reserve requirement shown achieves the annual reliability target of 0.5 hours per year, after accounting for the dynamic Balancing Authority ACE Limit. The combined diversity error system requirements are discussed later in the study. Figure F.3- Figure F.8 illustrate the relationship between the regulation reserve requirements during 2018-2019 and the forecasted level of output, for each resource class and control area. Both the regulation reserve requirements and the forecasted level of output are expressed as a percentage of resource nameplate (i.e., as a capacity factor). Figure F.9 and Figure F.10 illustrate the same relationship between the regulation reserve requirements during 2018-2019 and the forecasted load for each control area. Both the regulation reserve requirements and the forecasted load are expressed as a percentage of the annual peak load(i.e., as a load factor). 68 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX F—FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY Figure F.3 -Wind Regulation Reserve Requirements by Forecast - PACE PACE Wind - Relationship between Forecast and Error 45% 40% 35% a 30% t0 O m _ °l 2Ou'O siS.,••T•jh.L��-..j:�,7'!•'�.� 6.J�.•:, .C:� 10% 50/0 0% �} _ 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% SO% 60% 70% 80% 90% Forecast as a Percentage of Capacity Reserves M Reserve Requirement Figure F.4 -Wind Regulation Reserve Requirements by Forecast Capacity Factor- PACW PACW Wind - Relationship between Forecast and Error 45% 40% 35% yam'. it' m 30% •_3•: o ' 'r•'':r � •�s,i�r ii'.:. :. CL t .a' 10% i 5°/O O% 0% 10% 201. 3030 40°io 50% 6040 70°0 800/. 900/. Forecast as a Percentage of Capacity Reserves M Reserve Requirement 69 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX F—FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY Figure F.5 - Solar Regulation Reserve Requirements by Forecast Capacity Factor- PACE PACE Solar- Relationship between Forecast and Error 55% 50% 45% Al- 30% "'' t?��rU' !�.x>x•-•c'e...,•'iL~�%'3•�t':•i 2511. K. 1S% '* 10% 5% 0% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 504b 601�0 70°1, 80116 9030 Forecast as a Percentage of Capacity Reserves M Reserve Requirement Figure F.6 - Solar Regulation Reserve Requirements by Forecast Capacity Factor - PACW PACW Solar- Relationship between Forecast and Error 55% 50% 45% T a 40% - m 0 3S% ' •! •. 711 1S% 10% 5% O% 0% 10% 209/o 3000 40% 50% 60% 70% 80°i 9090 Forecast as a Percentage of Capacity Reserves M Reserve Requirement 70 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX F—FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY Figure F.7—Non-VER Regulation Reserve Requirements by Capacity Factor- PACE PACE Non-VER- Relationship between Forecast and Error 24% •i 22% r 20% } f . a 18% 16% •r' a 14% V12% ,lt. 16 .'7.y x �x. g y, .j�♦ 41/'. �L.• =.tom' •R •X�. •i U°° lr 20% 30% 40% SO% 60% 70% 80% 90% Forecast as a Percentage of Capacity Reserves M Reserve Requirement Figure F.8—Non-VER Regulation Reserve Requirements by Capacity Factor- PACW PACW Non-VER- Relationship between Forecast and Error 24% 22% 20% z 18% V • 16% °+ 14% �.• f... - 8°hLu 2% a, y O% 20% 30% 40% 50,46 60% 70°ro 801/. 90". Forecast as a Percentage of Capacity Reserves M Reserve Requirement 71 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX F—FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY Figure F.9—Stand-alone Load Regulation Reserve Requirements - PACE PACE Load- Relationship between Forecast and Error 7.0% 6.5% 6.0% 5.5% 5.0% o - m 4.5% a 0 4.O% �. rn c ra 2.5% .• :- '.• .a .r'Tas „a. `.•'.• }::,,.ir ., .c 1.0% 0.5% O.O% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Forecast as a Percentage of Peak Load Reserves ■ Reserve Requirement Figure F.10—Stand-alone Load Regulation Reserve Requirements - PACW PACW Load-Relationship between Forecast and Error 7.0% _ - - 6.5% 6.0% 5.5% o e 6 4.09/. i ra 2.5/o r- ° w 2.0/o 1.0% 0.5% O.O% i t. 300/c 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Forecast as a Percentage of Peak Load Reserves M Reserve Requirement 72 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX F—FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY The results of the analysis are shown in Table F.3 below. Table F.3— Summar of Stand-alone Regulation Reserve Re uirements Stand-alone Regulation Capacity Stand-alone Regulation Scenario Forecast(aMW) (MW Forecast Non-VER 106 1,304 8.2% Load 334 10,094 3.3% VER-Wind 457 2,745 16.7% VER- Solar 159 1,080 14.8% Total 1,057 ortfolio Diversity and EIM Diversity Benefit The EIM is a voluntary energy imbalance market service through the CAISO where market systems automatically balance supply and demand for electricity every fifteen and five minutes, dispatching least-cost resources every five minutes. PacifiCorp and CAISO began full EIM operation on November 1, 2014. Many additional participants have since joined the EIM, such that it now includes nearly 80%of electricity demand in the Western interconnection, and more participants are scheduled to join in the next several years. PacifiCorp's participation in the EIM results in improved power production forecasting and optimized intra-hour resource dispatch. This brings important benefits including reduced energy dispatch costs through automatic dispatch, enhanced reliability with improved situational awareness,better integration of renewable energy resources,and reduced curtailment of renewable energy resources. The EIM also has direct effects related to regulation reserve requirements. First, because of EIM participation, PacifiCorp has improved data used in the analysis contained in this FRS. The data and control provided by the EIM allow PacifiCorp to achieve the portfolio diversity benefits described in the first part of this section. Second, the EIM's intra-hour capabilities across the broader EIM footprint provide the opportunity to reduce the amount of regulation reserve necessary for PacifiCorp to hold, as further explained in the second part of this section. Portfolio Diversity Benefit The regulation reserve forecasts described above independently ensure that the probability of a reliability violation for each class remains within the reliability target; however, the largest deviations in each class tend not to occur simultaneously, and in some cases, deviations will occur in offsetting directions. Because the deviations are not occurring at the same time, the regulation reserve held can cover the expected deviations for multiple classes at once and a reduced total quantity of reserve is sufficient to maintain the desired level of reliability. This reduction in the reserve requirement is the diversity benefit from holding a single pool of reserve to cover deviations in Solar, Wind, Non-VERs, and Load. As a result, the regulation reserve forecast for the portfolio can be reduced while still meeting the reliability target. In the historical period, 73 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX F-FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY portfolio diversity from the interactions between the various classes results in a regulation reserve requirement that is 36%lower than the sum of the stand-alone requirements,or approximately 679 MW. EIM Diversity Benefit In addition to the direct benefits from EIM's increased system visibility and improved intra-hour operational performance described above, the participation of other entities in the broader EIM footprint provides the opportunity to further reduce the amount of regulation reserve PacifiCorp must hold. By pooling variability in load and resource output, EIM entities reduce the quantity of reserve required to meet flexibility needs. The EIM also facilitates procurement of flexible ramping capacity in the fifteen-minute market to address variability that may occur in the five-minute market. Because variability across different BAAS may happen in opposite directions,the flexible ramping requirement for the entire EIM footprint can be less than the sum of individual BAA requirements. This difference is known as the"diversity benefit"in the EIM. This diversity benefit reflects offsetting variability and lower combined uncertainty. This flexibility reserve(uncertainty requirement) is in addition to the spinning and supplemental reserve carried against generation or transmission system contingencies under the NERC standards. The CAISO calculates the EIM diversity benefit by first calculating an uncertainty requirement for each individual EIM BAA and then by comparing the sum of those requirements to the uncertainty requirement for the entire EIM area. The latter amount is expected to be less than the sum of the uncertainty requirements from the individual BAAS due to the portfolio diversification effect of forecasting a larger pool of load and resources using intra-hour scheduling and increased system visibility in the hypothetical, single-BAA EIM. Each EIM BAA is then credited with a share of the diversity benefit calculated by CAISO based on its share of the stand-alone requirement relative to the total stand-alone requirement. The EIM does not relieve participants of their reliability responsibilities. EIM entities are required to have sufficient resources to serve their load on a standalone basis each hour before participating in the EIM. Thus, each EIM participant remains responsible for all reliability obligations. Despite these limitations,EIM imports from other participating BAAS can help balance PacifiCorp's loads and resources within an hour, reducing the size of reserve shortfalls and the likelihood of a Balancing Authority ACE Limit violation.While substantial EIM imports do occur in some hours, it is only appropriate to rely on PacifiCorp's diversity benefit associated with EIM participation, as these are derived from the structure of the EIM rather than resources contributed by other participants. Table F.4 below provides a numeric example of uncertainty requirements and application of the calculated diversity benefit. 74 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX F—FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY Table FA—EIM Dive sity Benefit Application Example a b c d e f g h i j =a+b+c+ =e-f =g/e =c*h =c-i d CAISO NEVP PACE PACW Total Total PACE req't. req't. req't. req't. req't. req't. Total Diversity PACE req't. diversity benefit before before before before before after benefit ratio benefit after benefit benefit benefit benefit benefit benefit benefit Hour (MW) (MW) (MW) (MW) I (MW) (MW) (MW) (MW) (MW) (MW) 1 550 110 165 100 925 583 342 37.00% 61 104 2 600 110 165 100 975 636 339 34.80% 57 108 3 650 110 165 110 1,035 689 346 33.40% 55 110 4 667 120 180 113 1,080 742 338 31.30% 56 124 While the diversity benefit is uncertain, that uncertainty is not significantly different from the uncertainty in the Balancing Authority ACE Limit previously described. In the FRS, PacifiCorp has credited the regulation reserve forecast based on a historical distribution of calculated EIM diversity benefits. While this FRS considers regulation reserve requirements in 2018-2019, the CAISO identified an error in their calculation of uncertainty requirements in early 2018. CAISO's published uncertainty requirements and associated diversity benefits are now only valid for March 2018 forward. To capture these additional benefits for this analysis, PacifiCorp has applied the historical distribution of EIM diversity benefits from the 12 months beginning March 2018. In the historical study period, EIM diversity benefits used in the FRS would have reduced regulation reserve requirements by approximately 140 MW. The inclusion of EIM diversity benefits in the FRS reduces the magnitude, and thus probability, of reserve shortfalls and, in doing so, reduces the overall regulation reserve requirement. This allows PacifiCorp's forecasted requirements to be reduced. As shown in Table F.5 below, the resulting regulation reserve requirement is 540 MW, which is a 49 percent reduction (including the portfolio diversity benefit) compared to the stand-alone requirement for each class. This portfolio regulation forecast is expected to achieve an LOLP of 0.5 hours per year. Table F.5 —2018-2019 Results with Portfolio Diversity and EIM Diversity Benefits Stand-alone Portfolio Regulation Stand-alone Regulation Portfolio Forecast Rate Forecast w/EIM Rate Capacity Rate Scenario (aMW) (%) (aMW) (%) (MW) Determinant Non-VER 106 8.2% 55 4.2% 1,304 Nameplate Load 334 3.3% 172 1.7% 10,094 12 CP VER-Wind 457 16.7% 237 8.6% 2,745 Nameplate VER-Solar 159 14.8% 76 7.1% 1,080 Nameplate Total 1,057 540 75 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX F-FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY Fast-Ramping Reserve Requirements As previously discussed, Requirement 1 of BAL-001-2 specifies that PacifiCorp's CPS1 score must be greater than equal to 100 percent for each preceding 12 consecutive calendar month period, evaluated monthly. The CPS 1 score compares PacifiCorp's ACE with interconnection frequency during each clock minute. A higher score indicates PacifiCorp's ACE is helping interconnection frequency, while a lower score indicates it is hurting interconnection frequency. Because CPS 1 is averaged and evaluated on a monthly basis, it does not require a response to each and every ACE event,but rather requires that PacifiCorp meet a minimum aggregate level of performance in each month. The Regulation Reserve Forecast described above is evaluating requirements for extreme deviations that are at least 30 minutes in duration, for compliance with Requirement 2 of BAL- 001-2. In contrast, compliance with CPS1 requires reserve capability to compensate for most conditions over a minute-to-minute basis. These fast-ramping resources would be deployed frequently and would also contribute to compliance with Requirement 2 of BAL-001-2, so they are a subset of the Regulation Reserve Forecast described above. To evaluate CPS1 requirements, PacifiCorp compared the net load change for each five-minute interval in the study period to the corresponding value for Requirement 2 compliance in that hour from the Regulation Reserve Forecast, after accounting for diversity (resulting in a 540 MW average requirement).Resources may deploy for Requirement 2 compliance over up to 30 minutes, so the average requirement of 540 MW would require ramping capability of at least 18.0 MW per minute (540 MW/ 30 minutes). Because CPS 1 is averaged and evaluated monthly, it does not require a response to each and every ACE event,but rather requires that PacifiCorp meet a minimum aggregate level of performance in each month. Resources capable of ensuring compliance in 95 percent of intervals are expected to be sufficient to meet CPS 1 and given that ACE may deviate in either a positive or negative direction, the 97.5th percentile of incremental requirements versus Requirement 2 in that interval was evaluated. At the 97.5th percentile, fast ramping requirements for PACE and PACW are 1.7 MW/minute and 0.8 MW/minute higher than the Requirement 2 ramp rate,respectively; however, if dynamic transfers between the BAAS are available, the 97.5th percentile for system is 0.6 MW/ minute lower than the Requirement 2 value. When viewed on a system basis, this means that 30- minute ramping capability held for Requirement 2 would be sufficient to cover an adequate portion of the fast-ramping events to ensure CPS 1 compliance. Note that resources must respond immediately to ensure compliance with Requirement 1, as performance is measured on a minute-to-minute basis. As a result, resources that respond after a delay, such as quick-start gas plants or certain interruptible loads, would not be suitable for Requirement 1 compliance, so these resources cannot be allocated the entire regulation reserve requirement.However,because Requirement 1 compliance is a small portion of the total regulation reserve requirement,these restrictions on resource type are unlikely to be a meaningful constraint. In addition, CPS 1 compliance is weighted toward performance during conditions when interconnection frequency deviations are large. The largest frequency deviations would also result in deployment of frequency response reserves, which are somewhat larger in magnitude, though 76 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX F-FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY they have a less stringent performance metric under BAL-003-2,based on median response during the largest events. In light of the overlaps with BAL-001-2 Requirement 2 and BAL-003-2 described above, CPS1 compliance is not expected to result in an additional requirement beyond what is necessary to comply with those standards. Portfolio Regulation Reserve Requirements The IRP portfolio optimization process contemplates the addition of new wind and solar capacity as part of its selection of future resources, as well as changes in peak load due to load growth and energy efficiency measure selection. These load and resource changes are expected to drive changes in PacifiCorp's regulation reserve requirements that will vary from portfolio to portfolio. The locations that have been identified as likely sites for future wind and solar additions are in relatively close proximity to existing wind and solar resources, and PacifiCorp's portfolio of resources is already relatively diverse with significant wind in Wyoming, along the Columbia River gorge, and in eastern Idaho/western Wyoming and significant solar in southern Utah and southern Oregon. Because future resources are likely to be added in relatively close proximity to these existing resources, they are not likely to change the diversity for that class of resources as a whole. Given the sizeable sample of existing wind and solar resources in PACE and PACW, maintaining the existing level of diversity as a class of resources doubles or quadruples is a more likely outcome than the continuing improvements previously assumed in the 2019 FRS. With that in mind, the incremental regulation reserve analysis for the 2021 FRS methodology assumes that wind, solar, and load deviations scale linearly with capacity increases from the actual data in the 2018-2019 historical period. While diversity within each class is not expected to change significantly, there is the opportunity for greater diversity among the wind,solar,and load requirements.These portfolio-related benefits are inherently tied to the portfolio, so it is appropriate that they vary with the portfolio. To that end,the 2021 FRS methodology calculates the portfolio diversity benefits specific to a wide variety of wind and solar capacity combinations,rather than relying upon the historical portfolio diversity value. As part of the portfolio diversity calculation, the analysis assumes that minimum EIM flexible reserve requirements and EIM diversity benefits scale with changes in portfolio capacity. EIM minimum flexible reserve requirements are tied to the uncertainty in PacifiCorp's requirements, which grow with changes portfolio capacity, so it would be impacted directly. EIM diversity benefits reflect PacifiCorp's share of stand-alone requirements relative to those of the rest of the BAA's participating in EIM. All else being equal, increases in PacifiCorp's portfolio capacity would result in a greater proportion of the EIM diversity benefits being allocated to PacifiCorp. Portfolio diversity is driven by interplay among the deviations by wind, solar, and load, so it is not a single number, but rather is dependent on the specific conditions. The 2021 FRS methodology incorporates two mechanisms to better account for these interactions. First, a portfolio diversity value is calculated specific to each hour of the day in each season. Second,rather than applying an equal percentage reduction to all hours, diversity benefits are assumed to be highest when stand- 77 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX F-FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY alone requirements are highest. For example,there is more opportunity for offsetting requirements when load, wind, and solar all have significant stand-alone requirements. With that in mind, diversity is applied as an exponent to the incremental requirement more than the EIM minimum requirement. The result of this calculation is a diversity benefit which is highest for large reserve requirements, and which approaches zero as the requirement approaches the EIM minimum, as illustrated in Table F.6. Table F.6-Portfolio Diversity Exponent Example Incremental Requirement w/ Diversity(NM Portfolio Diversity(%) By Diversity Ex onent By Diversity Exponent Stand-alone EIM Stand-alone Reserve Floor Incremental d= e= f= g=1 - h=1 i=1- - Req.(MW) (MW) Req.(MW) c ^ 75% c ^85% c^ 95% (b+d)/a (b+e)/a (b+f)/a a b c=a-b 75% 85% 95% 75% 85% 95% 200 200 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 250 200 50 19 28 41 12% 9% 4% 300 200 100 32 50 79 23% 17% 1 7% 350 200 150 43 71 117 31% 23% 9% 400 200 200 53 90 153 37% 27% 12% 450 200 250 63 109 190 42% 31% 13% 500 200 300 72 128 226 46% 34% 15% For each combination of wind and solar capacity,the hourly portfolio diversity exponents for each season are increased in a stepwise fashion until the risk of regulation reserve shortfalls during an interval is sufficiently low and the overall risk of regulation reserve shortfalls achieves the target of 0.5 hours per year. The resulting portfolio diversity is maximized for a combination of wind and solar as summarized in Table F.77 and Table F.8 for PacifiCorp East and PacifiCorp West, respectively. Table F.7-PacifiCorp East Diversity by Portfolio Composition MW % % Reduction vs. Stand-alone Requirements) 8,224 548% 17.2% 18.8% 20.6 v 7,184 472% 19.2% 21.5% 23.09%. 25.5% 26.5% 6,144 395% 22.9% 24.1% 25.6% 27.9% 28.5% 29.0% U 5,104 319% 26.0% 27.3% 29.2% 30.7% 30.7% 30.59%. 29.5% 4,064 242% 30.4% 31.6% 32.9% 33.89%. 32.7% 32.8% 32.8% 3,024 166% 35.0% 36.2% 38.5% 37.1% 37.6% 36.2% 33.9% 31.9% 1,575 100% 48.0% 45.8% 43.1% 39.5% 35.8% 32.2% 29.4% W 788 50% 1 46.4% 40.3% 36.4% 33.0% 30.0% 27.3% 50% 100% 166% 329% 493% 656% 820% 983% % 428 855 1,462 2,502 3,542 4,582 5,622 6,662 MW East Solar Capacity 2018-2019 Actual Wind and Solar Capacity 78 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX F-FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY Table F.8-PacifiCorp West Diversity by Portfolio Composition MW % % Reduction vs. Stand-alone Requirements) 4,389 548% KR.1% 22.4% 22.9% 3,669 472% 23.4% 24.8% 25.4%141M. 33.0% 2,949 395% 26.2% 26.7% 27.6% 32.1% 34.8% 38.1% .� 2,229 319% 29.6% 30.6% 31.4% 36.2% 39.5% 42.7% 42.7% 1,509 242% 33.8% 34.5% 36.3% 40.8% 45.2% 46.2% 43.9% 789 166% 38.8% 41.6% 43.1% 47.6% 48.4% 47.7% 45.0% 44.3% y 726 100% 42.4% 42.9% 48.6% 49.3% 47.7% 46.2% 44.4% 363 50% 41.7% 47.1% 49.8% 47.4% 45.0% 43.2% 50% 100% 166% 329% 493% 656% 820% 983% % 111 221 321 1,041 1,761 2,481 3,201 3,921 MW West Solar Capacity 2018-2019 Actual Wind and Solar Capacity After portfolio selection is complete, regulation reserve requirements are calculated specific to a portfolio's load,wind, and solar resources in each year. The hourly regulation reserve requirement varies as a function of annual peak load net of energy efficiency selections as well as total wind and solar capacity. The regulation reserve requirement also varies based on the hourly load net of energy efficiency and hourly wind and solar generation values. Diversity exponents specific to the wind and solar capacity in each year are applied by hour and season, by interpolating among the scenarios illustrated in Figure F.7 and Figure F.8. For example, the diversity exponent for hour five in the spring for a PACW study with 1,000 MW of wind and 1,000 MW of solar would reflect a weighting of diversity exponents in hour five in the spring from four scenarios. The highest weighting would apply to the 789 MW wind/1,041 MW solar scenario, and successively lower weightings would apply to 1,509 MW wind/1,041 MW solar, 789 MW wind/321 MW solar, and 1,509 MW wind/321 MW solar, with the total weighting for all four scenarios summing to 100%. Finally, an adjustment is made to account for the ability of resources that are combined with storage to offset their own generation shortfalls beyond what is already captured by the model. For example, combined solar and storage resources can offset their own generation shortfalls, up to their interconnection limit. In actual operation, a reduction in solar generation would enable additional storage discharge. However, within the PLEXOS model, there are no intra-hour variations in load or renewable resource output and thus no potential increase in storage discharge. Note that combined storage can only be discharged when there is a generation shortfall at the adjacent resource, so it cannot cover all shortfalls across the system. For example, many solar resources do not have co-located storage, and their errors would continue to need to be met with incremental reserves. Nonetheless, combined solar and storage can cover a portion of their own shortfalls, and that portion increases as more combined storage resources are added to the system. This adjustment reduces the hourly regulation reserve requirement that is entered in the model. Regulation Reserve Cost The PLEXOS model reports marginal reserve prices on an hourly basis. So long as the change in reserve obligations or capability from what was input for a study is relatively small, this reserve 79 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX F-FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY price can provide a reasonable estimate of the impact of changes in reserves, without requiring additional model runs. To estimate wind and solar integration costs for the 2025 IRP, PacifiCorp prepared a PLEXOS scenario that reflected the final regulation reserve requirements, consistent with the Company's existing wind and resources plus selections in the preferred portfolio. Hourly regulation reserve prices were reported from this study. Note—Incremental regulation reserve requirements discussed below will be updated for the March 31, 2025 IRP filing based on final preferred portfolio results. Wind Integration The wind reserve case uses the 2021 FRS methodology to recalculate the wind reserve requirement for a portfolio with 5 MW more wind resources starting in the first year proxy resources are generally available and extending to the end of the IRP study horizon(2028- 2045). The change in resources is applied equally between PACE and PACW, and is allocated pro-rata among all wind resources in the area, such that the aggregate hourly capacity factor is not impacted by the change in capacity. The change in wind capacity results in incremental regulation reserve requirements that average approximately XX% of the nameplate capacity of the wind. Wind integration costs are calculated by multiplying the hourly change in reserve requirements (in MW) by the hourly regulation reserve price in each hour of the year, and then dividing that total by the incremental wind generation over the year. Solar Integration The solar reserve case uses the 2021 FRS methodology to recalculate the solar reserve requirement for a portfolio with 5 MW more solar resources starting in the first year proxy resources are generally available and extending to the end of the IRP study horizon(2028- 2045). The reduction in resources is applied equally between PACE and PACW, and is allocated pro-rata among all solar resources in the area, such that the aggregate hourly capacity factor is not impacted by the change in capacity. The change in solar capacity results in incremental regulation reserve requirements that average approximately XX% of the nameplate capacity of the solar. Solar integration costs are calculated by multiplying the hourly change in reserve requirements (in MW) by the hourly regulation reserve price in each hour of the year, and then dividing that total by the incremental solar generation over the year. The incremental regulation reserve cost results for wind and solar are shown in Figure F.11. The comparable regulation reserve costs from the 2021 FRS are also shown. Integration costs are high in the near term, as market prices are currently high and flexible capacity is somewhat limited. Integration costs fall as energy storage resources are added to the portfolio, as they can provide free operating reserves while charging and in any hour in which they are not discharging and not fully depleted, which for a four-hour energy storage resource is most of the day. 80 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX F-FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY Figure F.11 —Incremental Wind and Solar Regulation Reserve Costs Note—Figure F.11 will be updated for the March 31, 2025 IRP filing based on final preferred portfolio results. Flexible Resource Needs Assessment Overview In its Order No. 12-013 issued on January 19, 2012, in Docket No. UM 1461 on"Investigation of matters related to Electric Vehicle Charging", the Oregon Public Utility Commission (OPUC) adopted the OPUC staff s proposed IRP guideline: 1. Forecast the Demand for Flexible Capacity: The electric utilities shall forecast the balancing reserves needed at different time intervals (e.g. ramping needed within 5 minutes)to respond to variation in load and intermittent renewable generation over the 20- year planning period; 2. Forecast the Supply of Flexible Capacity: The electric utilities shall forecast the balancing reserves available at different time intervals(e.g.ramping available within 5 minutes)from existing generating resources over the 20-year planning period; and 3. Evaluate Flexible Resources on a Consistent and Comparable Basis: In planning to fill any gap between the demand and supply of flexible capacity,the electric utilities shall evaluate all resource options including the use of electric vehicles (EVs), on a consistent and comparable basis. In this section, PacifiCorp first identifies its flexible resource needs for the IRP study period of 2025 through 2045, and the calculation method used to estimate those requirements. PacifiCorp then identifies its supply of flexible capacity from its generation resources, in accordance with the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) operating reserve guidelines, demonstrating that PacifiCorp has sufficient flexible resources to meet its requirements. Forecasted Reserve Requirements Since contingency reserve and regulation reserve are separate and distinct components,PacifiCorp estimates the forward requirements for each separately. The contingency reserve requirements are derived from the PLEXOS model. The regulating reserve requirements are part of the inputs to the PLEXOS model and are calculated by applying the methods developed in the Portfolio Regulation Reserve Requirements section. The contingency and regulation reserve requirements are two distinct components that are modeled separately in the 2025 IRP: 10-minute contingency reserve requirements and 30-minute regulation reserve requirements. The average reserve requirements for PacifiCorp's two balancing authority areas are shown in Table F.9 below. 81 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX F-FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY Table F.9 -Reserve Requirements (Average MV) Note— Table F.9 will be updated for the March 31, 2025 IRP filing based on the final preferred portfolio results. Flexible Resource Supply Forecast Requirements by NERC and the WECC dictate the types of resources that can be used to serve the reserve requirements. • 10-minute spinning reserve can only be provided by resources currently online and synchronized to the transmission grid; • 10-minute non-spinning reserve may be served by fast-start resources that are capable of being online and synchronized to the transmission grid within ten minutes. Interruptible load can only provide non-spinning reserve. Non-spinning reserve may be provided by resources that are capable of providing spinning reserve. • 30-minute regulation reserve can be provided by unused spinning or non-spinning reserve. Incremental 30-minute ramping capability beyond the 10-minute capability captured in the categories above also counts toward this requirement. The resources that PacifiCorp employs to serve its reserve requirements include owned hydro resources that have storage, owned thermal resources, and purchased power contracts that provide reserve capability. Hydro resources are generally deployed first to meet the spinning reserve requirements because of their flexibility and their ability to respond quickly. The amount of reserve that these resources can provide depends upon the difference between their expected capacities and their generation level at the time. The hydro resources that PacifiCorp may use to cover reserve requirements in the PacifiCorp West balancing authority area include its facilities on the Lewis River and the Klamath River as well as its share of generation and capacity from the Mid-Columbia projects. In the PacifiCorp East balancing authority area, PacifiCorp may use facilities on the Bear River to provide spinning reserve. Thermal resources are also used to meet the spinning reserve requirements when they are online. The amount of reserve provided by these resources is determined by their ability to ramp up within a 10-minute interval. For natural gas-fired combustion turbines,the amount of reserve can be close to the differences between their nameplate capacities and their minimum generation levels. In contrast, both coal and gas-converted steam turbines have slower ramp rates, and may ramp from minimum to maximum over an hour or more. In the current IRP, PacifiCorp's reserve needs are increasingly met by energy storage resources, including contracted resources and proxy resource selections in the preferred portfolio. 82 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX F—FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY Table F.10 lists the annual reserve capability from resources in PacifiCorp's East and West balancing authority areas.22 The changes in the flexible resource supply reflect retirement of existing resources, addition of new preferred portfolio resources, and variation in hydro capability due to forecasted streamflow conditions, and expiration of contracts from the Mid-Columbia projects that are reflected in the preferred portfolio. Table F.10 -Flexible Resource Supply Forecast (Average MW) Note— Table F.10 will be updated for the March 31, 2025 IRP filing based on the final preferred portfolio results. Figure F.12 and Figure F.13 graphically display the balances of reserve requirements and capability of spinning reserve resources in PacifiCorp's East and West balancing authority areas respectively. The graphs demonstrate that PacifiCorp's system has sufficient resources to serve its reserve requirements throughout the IRP planning period. Note that keeping minimum amounts in energy storage or bringing thermal plants online and/or reducing their generation while online could increase the available response beyond that shown in the figures. In addition, PacifiCorp currently can transfer a portion of the operating reserves held in either of its balancing authority areas to help meet the requirements of its other balancing authority area,based on the reserve need and relative economics of the available supply. Figure F.12 - Comparison of Reserve Requirements and Resources, East Balancing Authority Area (MW) Note—Figure F.12 will be updated for the March 31, 2025 IRP filing based on the final preferred portfolio results. Figure F.13 - Comparison of Reserve Requirements and Resources, West Balancing Authority Area (MW) Note—Figure F.13 will be updated for the March 31, 2025 IRP filing based on the final preferred portfolio results. Flexible Resource Supply Planning In actual operations, PacifiCorp has been able to serve its reserve requirements and has not experienced any incidents where it was short of reserve. PacifiCorp manages its resources to meet its reserve obligation in the same manner as meeting its load obligation — through long term 22 Frequency response capability is a subset of the 10-minute capability shown. Battery resources are capable of responding with their maximum output during a frequency event and can provide an even greater response if they were charging at the start of an event.PacifiCorp has sufficient frequency response capability at present and by 2025 the battery capacity currently contracted or added in the preferred portfolio will exceed PacifiCorp's current 266.4 MW frequency response obligation for a 0.3 Hz event.As a result,compliance with the frequency response obligation is not anticipated to require incremental supply. 83 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX F-FLEXIBLE RESERVE STUDY planning,market transactions,utilization of the transmission capability between the two balancing authority areas, and operational activities that are performed on an economic basis. PacifiCorp and the California Independent System Operator Corporation implemented the energy imbalance market (EIM) on November 1, 2014, and participation by other utilities has expanded significantly with more participants scheduled for entry through 2026. By pooling variability in load and resource output, EIM entities reduce the quantity of reserve required to meet flexibility needs. Because variability across different BAAS may happen in opposite directions, the uncertainty requirement for the entire EIM footprint can be less than the sum of individual BAAS' requirements. This difference is known as the"diversity benefit"in the EIM. This diversity benefit reflects offsetting variability and lower combined uncertainty. PacifiCorp's regulation reserve forecast includes a credit to account for the diversity benefits associated with its participation in EIM. As indicated in OPUC order 12-013, electric vehicle technologies may be able to meet flexible resource needs. Since the 2023 IRP, electric vehicle load control has been one of the demand response options available for selection. While operating reserve supply is projected to be well in excess of operating reserve requirements, the rising supply of zero-cost renewable resources increases the value associated with shifting load within the day and seasonally, rather than just within the hour as contemplated in this appendix. 84 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX G—PLANT WATER CONSUMPTION STUDY APPENDIX G - PLANT WATER CONSUMPTION STUDY The information provided in this appendix is for PacifiCorp owned plants. Total water consumption and generation includes all owners for jointly owned facilities. Water intake for each facility is determined by using data acquired from water contracts, water shares and private water rights for each individual facility. Total consumption is the difference between raw water intake and the total water discharged at each respective location. Plant specific water consumption rates are calculated using consumption divided by plant Net MWh production.' For the purposes of water consumption estimates,PacifiCorp is using a four-year average historical model to estimate future water usage. Past water consumption rates have suggested that baseline water usage for thermal generation is consistent year over year with only minor variations in water consumption per Net MWh. 2020-2023 data remained consistent with this model predicting consistent baseline water data. 2023 saw approximately a 25% decrease in Net MWh production while water consumption decreased by around 10% which led to a higher rate of water consumption per MWh produced. The four-year average will remain viable as a predictive model if thermal generation data continues to fall within the range seen in the past four years. If thermal generation decreases significantly,the actual rates will likely be higher than the four-year average, similar to 2023. ' Updated water usage was a topic included in stakeholder feedback during the public input meeting series. See Appendix M,stakeholder feedback form#11 (Utah Environmental Caucus). 85 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX G-PLANT WATER CONSUMPTION STUDY 86 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDLY G-PLANT WATER CONSUMPTION Study Data Table G.1 -Plant Water Consumption with Acre-Feet* per Year Acre-Feet Per Year \et%Iwhs Per fear 4-•ear Average Zero Cooling 4-year Gals/ GP1%11 Plant Name Discharge Media 2020 2021 2022 2023 Avenge 2020 2021 2022 2023 MWH 11iW Chehalis Air 66 71 4- 44 57 2.407.519 2.248?37 2.172.465 2.239346 8 0.1 Currant Creek Yes Air 95 113 85 133 106 2335.426 2:746:290 2:805:979 2:879:943 13 0.2 Dave Johnston Water 7,856 6,571 5,901 12.770 8,275 4,325,604 3:601:242 32581,919 3,537,695 717 11.9 Gadsby Water 409 339 454 184 346 133,410 83,008 118,821 236,930 789 13.2 Hunter Yes Water 15,103 16,326 13,426 8,788 13,411 7,988,203 9,248,963 7,381,184 3,410,309 624 10.4 Huntington Yes Water 7,929 12,019 11,717 7,427 9,773 4,515,305 6,263,658 5,673,115 3,400,758 642 10.7 Jim Bridger Yes Water 18,184 19,103 19,076 15,054 17,854 10,458,575 10,342,840 10,662,019 6,075,458 620 10.3 Lakeside Water 4,075 4,421 4,591 4,435 4,380 5,560,112 6,389,355 6578,673 6,456,506 229 3.8 Naughton Yes Water 7.622 7,236 6.929 7.570 7,339 2.659,033 2.596.446 2,456,201 2.766.289 913 15.2 XN7,odak Yes Air 336 333 324 283 319 1.732.784 1_717528 1,779,843 1.282117 64 1.1 TOTAL 61,675 66,532 62,55 56,6N 42,115,971 45,237,567 43,210,219 32,285,351 472 7.9 *One acre-foot of water is equivalent to 325,851 Gallons or 43,560 Cubic Feet. Gadsby includes a mix of both Rankine steam units and Brayton peaking gas turbines. 87 PACIEICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX G-PLANT WATER CONSUMPTION STUDY 88 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX G-PLANT WATER CONSUMPTION STUDY Table G.2-Plant Water Consumption by State (acre-feet) LTAH PUNTS � Plant Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Currant Creek 116 110 101 95 113 85 133 Gadsby 100 205 281 409 339 454 184 Hunter 15,383 14,751 15,808 15,103 16.326 13,426 8,788 Huntington 9,653 9,804 9,028 7,929 12,019 11,717 7,427 Lakeside 2,698 3,648 1894 4,075 4,421 4,591 4435 TOTAL JK 1 2' 28,513 29,1121 27,611 1111111F30,273 20,966 Percent of total water consumption= 44A0 o WYOMING P Plant Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 212022 2023 Dave Johnston 8:231 8,325 8,485 7:856 6,571 5:901 12:770 Jim Bridger 19,047 20,067 19,893 18,184 19,103 19,076 15,054 Naughton 6,927 9:916 10,195 7,622 7,236 6,929 7,570 Wvodak 332 319 292 336 333 324 283 TOTAL 33,627 38,365 33,998 33-243M 32,230 35,678 Percent of total water consumption= ^5 60 0 Table G.3 -Plant Water Consumption by Fuel Type (acre-feet) COAL FIRED PLANTS Plant Name 2023 Dave Johnston 8,231 8,325 8,485 7,856 6,571 5,901 12770 Hunter 15,383 14,751 15;808 15,103 16,326 13,426 8,788 Huntington 9.653 9,804 9,028 7,929 12.019 11,717 7,427 Jim er 19.047 20,067 19,893 18,184 19.103 19,076 15,054 Naughton 6.927 9.916 10,195 7.622 7.236 6.929 7.570 Wyodak 332 "1 292 336 333 324 283 'TOTAL 59,573 63,182 63,701 57,030 61,588 57j73 51,393 Percent of total water consumption= 93.10o NATURAL GAS FIRED PLANTS Plant Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Currant Creek 116 110 101 95 lll, SS 133 Chehalis 54 33 63 66 71 47 45 Gadsby 100 205 281 409 339 454 184 Lakeside 2 69S 3.648 3.894 4.075 4,421 4,591 4,435 TOTAL 2,%8 3,9% 4,339 MIA,57 4.796 Percent of total water consumption= 6.90 o Table GA-Plant Water Consumption for Plants Located in the Upper Colorado River Basin (acre-feet) Plant NameAJOR17 2018 2019 2020 1 2021 2022 02023 Hunter 15,383 14,751 15,808 15,103 16,326 13,426 8,788 Huntington 9,653 9,804 9.028 7,929 12,019 11,717 7,427 Naughton 6.927 9,916 10,195 7,622 7,236 6,929 7,570 Jun Bridger 19047 20067 19893 1 S,1 S4 19103 190-6 15:054 TOTAL 51,0101 54,5381 54,9241 48,838 54,684 1 51,148 38,839 Percent of total seater consumption= -9-60 o 89 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX G-PLANT WATER CONSUMPTION STUDY 90 APPENDIX I - CAPACITY EXPANSION RESULTS The tables below provide the full portfolio expansion results for each case with a distinct portfolio in the 2025 IRP.See the below tables for a list of cases presented here. Table I.1 —Price-Policy Scenario Portfolios 1 � - i i MN Optimized Optimized End of Life All allowed MR Optimized Optimized End of Life All allowed LN Optimized Optimized End of Life All allowed HH Optimized Optimized End of Life All allowed SC Optimized Optimized End of Life All allowed Table L2—Variant Portfolios No CCS No coal units are able to select CCS technology - No Nuclear No nuclear resources are eligible for selection - No No 2032 All coal must retire or gas convert by January 1, - 2032 Offshore Wind Counterfactual to the Preferred Portfolio selection - All Coal End of Life Continue 2025 coal technology See the No CCS variant No New Gas No new gas resources allowed See the Preferred Portfolio Force All Gas Force all coal-to-gas options See the No Coal 2032 Conversions variant No Forward Technology No nuclear,hydro, storage or biodiesel peaking See the No Nuclear variant 91 92 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX I—CAPACITY EXPANSION RESULTS 2025 IRP Portfo Preferred Portfolio LT 25I.LP.iLT.21.Inte rated.EP.2409MN.Base IntTrans 106955 d78.1 Summary Portfolio Capacity by Resource Type and Year,Installed MW 0 Installed Capacity,MW Resource 2025 1 2026 1 2027 1 2028 1 2029 1 2030 1 2031 2032 2033 2034 1 2035 1 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 1 2044 1 2045 Tot E anion O tions Gas-CCCT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gas-Pealing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nuclear 500 500 Renewable Peaking - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DSM-Energy Efficiency 89 89 238 262 270 285 342 329 308 282 265 255 250 233 220 208 201 232 283 269 239 5,149 DSM-Demand Response 18 40 11 144 33 81 13 36 2 46 24 12 66 76 42 51 46 33 71 63 144 1,052 Renewable-Wind - 486 804 - - 451 - - 3 2,327 - - - - - - - - - 4,071 Renewable-Small Scale Wind - - 380 505 4 85 - 246 4 37 9 - 236 802 2,308 Renewable-Utility Solar 245 182 - 848 896 805 49 5 2,221 4 237 - - 5,492 Renewable-Small Scale Solar - Renewable-Geothermal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Renewable-Battery 520 1,297 116 39 - 416 3 317 176 11 253 10 81 105 488 257 279 15 4,383 Renewable-Battery(Long Duration) I - 1 26 62 655 166 22 93 88 67 326 466 312 325 - 264 1 332 80 3,285 Other Renewable Storage-Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Existing Unit Changes Coal Plant Retirements-Minority Owned (82) (33) (123) (148) (386) Coal Plant Retirements - - - (220) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (220) Coal Plant Ceases as Coal (357) - (205) (700) (1,262) Coal-CCS - - - Coal-Gas Conversions - 357 - - 205 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 562 Gas Plant Retirements - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Hydro - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Non-Thermal (3) (32) (35) Retire-Wind - - Retire-Solar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Expire-Wind PPA (64) (99) (200) (333) - (696) Expire-Solar PPA - (2) - (9) (100) (65) (230) (407) Expire-QE (47) (3JE(20) (2) (52) Expire-Other (20) Total 107 1 502 1 1,792 1 961 1 1,426 1 1,966 1 1,212 1 2,144 1 455 1 735 1 535 1 5,061 1 235 1 893 1 747 1 652 1 516 1 989 1 1,630 1 710 456 93 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX I—CAPACITY EXPANSION RESULTS Oregon Full Jurisdictional Portfolio Summary Portfolio Capacity by Resource Type and Year,Insuffed MW lastalled C ac)1 111W Resource 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2031 2035 2036 1 2037 2038 2039 1 2040 1 2041 1 2042 204-1 '_011 2015 Total E ausion does Gas-CCCI' - - - - - - - - - - - Gas-Pealdn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nuclear 500 500 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Renmable Peal DSNI-Ever Efficiency 89 89 233 253 261 275 325 322 302 277 260 248 250 233 219 208 201 232 283 269 235 5,064 DSD1-Demand Response 18 25 7 38 86 60 7 4 2 3 1 255 85 47 46 46 27 79 61 43 940 ReneNsable-Wind 222 166 594 3 31E1�46 1:272 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ReneNsable-Small Scale Rind 380 505 4 85 246 4 9 1:270 Renesable-Utility Solar 109 165 848 102 807 45 4 2 2.221 4 4,307 Renewable-Small Scale Solar - - - - - - - - - - - - -Renewable-Geodrrmal - - -Renewable-Battery 520 1,091 10 19 5 3 25 3 4 6 7 16 504 67 6 6 2,438 Renewable-Battery(Long Duration 1 26 62 1 655 166 1 22 93 88 67 130 174 634 1 381 97 1 277 332 80 3,285 Other Perrwable - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stora -Other Iiistin2 Unit Cha es Coal Plant Retirements-MinorityOvned 82' 33 123 148 386 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Coal Plaru Retirements (2 20 220 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Coal Plant Ceases as Coal 357 205 700 1.262 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Coal-CCS - 526 526 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Coal-Gas Comersions 357 20 5 562 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gas Plaru Retirements Retire-Hydro - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Non-Mrnnal 3 32 35 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Rind - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Solar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Expire-Wind PPA (64 (99 200 333 696 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ex're-Solar PPA (100) 230 40 Expire-QF 4 3 50 Expire-Other 20 20 Total 1 107 1 487 1 1,663 1 403 1 666 1 3,0315 1 400 1 1 143 1 467 1 372 1 337 1 2715 1 444 1 955 1 455 1 995 1 246 1 960 1 659 1 435 344 94 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX I-CAPACITY EXPANSION RESULTS Washington Full Jurisdictional Portfolio lustalledCa acit .MA Resotwce 2025 1 2026 1 2027 1 2028 1 2029 1 2030 2031 1 2032 1 20i3 1 2034 2034; 1 2036 1 2037 1 2038 1 2039 1 2040 1 2041 1 2012 1 2043 1 2044 2045 Tod 1xpausion Opnow Gas-CCCT - - - - "1 179 400 Gas-Pe \udear `00 500 Rerrtcable Peald DSM-EriergyEfficiewy 89 89 214 236 243 252 326 322 300 283 265 258 260 243 229 217 210 230 285 271 236 5.058 DSM-DernwAResponse 18 17 4 8 37 - 185 35 - 54 57 - 26 44 42 52 24 45 30 78 40 796 Renenable-Rlnd 1.008 594 17 3 1990 130 3742 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rewsable-Small Scale Rlnd - - - - 121 157 - 194 660 1,132 - - - - - - - - - - - - Rewsable-U htv Solar 136 17 791 630 4 1 406 - - 237 - - 2.225 Rewsable-Small Scale Solar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RewAable-Geodrriral - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Renessable-Battery 520 490 6 747 296 196 269 28 471 177 152 347 285 15 4,004 Renessable-Battery Duration 25 132 121 139 224 92 395 107 108 1343 Oder ReneNxable - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Storage-Odff Unit Clmmges Coal Pl=Feurenrm-.\finoitvO%Nwd (82' (33) (1`3) (148 86 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Coal P1 art Retirerrrrus (?'0) 20 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Coal Plait Ceases as Coal (357) (265) (1,030) (1,592) Coal-CCS 526 526 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Coal-Gas Comersions 357 205 330 892 Gas PlantRedmrents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Re6re-Hydro Refire-Nor-Toerrral (3) 32 35 Refire-Rlnd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Re6re-Solar - Expire-Wind PPA 64 (99 2100 33 696 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Expire-Solar PPA 9 (100 65 30 40 re QF 1 1 (47) (3) (50) lExpire-Odrr 0 20 Total 1 1071 4791 1,852 1 121 972 1 3311 1,1011 1,7761 304 1 6311 653 2-141 316 1 1,051 1 559 1 1,L1 1 5211 822 7-121 703 931 95 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX I-CAPACITY EXPANSION RESULTS Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, California (UIWC) Full Jurisdictional Portfolio Summary Portfbfio Capacity by Resource Tv pe and Year,Installed NIW Installed Capacity,MW Resource 2025 1 2026 1 2027 1 2028 2029 2030 2031 1 2032 2033 1 2034 2035 1 2036 1 2037 2038 2039 2040 1 2041 1 2042 1 2043 1 2044 2045 Total Expansion Options Gas-CCCT - - - - - - - - - - - - Gas-Pealin_e - - - - Ntrlear 500 - 500 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Renewable Pealing DSJI-Energylifficiency 89 89 203 247 256 271 331 319 298 273 255 259 250 233 220 209 207 232 283 271 239 5,033 DSJI-DemandResponse 18 1 157 40 33 46 36 29 27 17 17 47 47 46 33 74 61 144 923 Renewable-Wind 486 211 1.045 340 2,082 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Renewable-Small Scale Wind - - - 143 390 802 1-335 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Renewable-UtilitvSolar 11675 4 670 4 2-353 Renewable-Small Scale Solar Renewable-G eotherm al Renewable-Battery 4 444 355 134 389 4 11 6 6 14 462 65 6 6 2,658 Renewable-Battery(Long Dtration 130 8 368 383 359 466 312 325 51 332 70 2,974 Other Renewable - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Storage-Other - - - - - - - - - Existing Unit Changes Coal Plant Retirements-MinorityOnned (82) (33) (123) (148) (386) Coal Plant Retirements (220) (220) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CoalPlantCeasesasCoal (357) (205) (700) (1-262) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Coal-CCS 526 526 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Coal-Gas Con%ttsions 357 205 - - 562 Gas Plait Retifemergs - - - - - Retire-Hydro - - - - - - Retire-Nort_Thefmal - - - - (3) - (+_', (35) Retire-Wind - - - - - - - Retire-Solar - - Expire-WindPPA (64) (99) (200) (333) (696) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Expire-SolarPPA (2) (9) (100) (65) (230) (407) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Expire-QF (47) (3) (50) Expire-Other (20) (20) Total 1 107 1 463 1 207 1 1,079 1 739 1 647 1 122 1 3,474 1 298 1 692 1 366 1 1,664 1 565 1 583 1 739 1 567 1 337 1 1,117 1 1r28 1 437 439 96 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX I—CAPACITY EXPANSION RESULTS No CCS LT 25LLP.iLT.21.Inteoratcd.EP.2409MN.No CCS IntTrans 107094 v78.5 �olnmary Portfolio Capacity by Resource Type and Year,installed MW Installed Capacity,MW sonrre 2025 2026 2027 2023 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 1 2043 1 2044 1 2045 7tnsion Option.,Gas-CCC7Gas-Peaking _ _ 40 Nuclear 300 Renewable Peaking DSM-Energy Efficiency 89 89 238 262 270 285 343 329 308 282 270 253 250 234 220 208 202 232 287 272 239 5.164 DSM-Demand Response 18 40 11. 139 38 81 13 36 2 46 24 12 66 76 45 48 60 68 23 153 53 1,052 Renewable-Wind 439 - 970 602 273 2,634 4,918 Renewable-Small Scale Wind _ _ 380 505 4 1 85 1 11 246 4 37 1 9 176 660 2.106 Renewable-Utility Solar 245 182 848 896 805 567 5 4.291 2 237 8,078 Renewable-Small Scale Solar _ _ _ _ Renewable-Geothermal Renewable-Battery 520 1,297 16 43 19 4 464 14 242 389 438 417 65 488 214 2l4 355 592 15 5,806 Renewable-Batt (Long Duration) I 26 62 653 166 22 93 88 67 130 174 634 381 97 277 332 So 3.285 Other Renewable Storage-Oil= t. Exhtlag Una CYaagea Coal Plant Retuemettts w Minority Owned (82) (33) (123) (148) (386) Coal Plan Retirements (220) (220) Coal Plant Ceases as Coal (357) (205) (562) Coal-CCS Coal-Gas Conversions 357 205 562 Gas Plan Retirements Retire-Hydro Retire-Noa-Thermal (3) (32) (35) Retire-Wind Retire-Solar _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ *(3) (2) _ Expire-Wind PPA (64) (99) (200) (333) (696) Expire-Solar PPA (2) (9) (100) (65) (407) Expire-QP E(47) (52) Expire-Other (20) Total f 107 502 1 2,2311 1,540 1 1,272 2,646 1 1,2171 1,7411 994 "0 1 1,023 7,438 1 "0 1 862 1 553 611 1 995 1 1,292 1,025 97 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX I-CAPACITY EXPANSION RESULTS No Nuclear LT 25I.LP.iLT.21.Inte rated.EP.240911IN.No Nuclear IntTrans 106164 v76 Summaji.Poilfolio Capacity by Resource Type and Year,Installed NINI. Installed Capacity,MW Resource 202.5 2026 2027 2028 2029 1 2030 2031 2032 1 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2043 1 Rapau on Options as G -CCC1 _ _ _ .. _ Gas-Peaking Nuclear - Rmewable Peaking D -EactsyEfficiency 89 89 238 262 275 289 345 331 308 283 265 252 250 233 227 214 207 235 286 275 239 59192 DSM-Demand Response 18 40 19 126 53 94 23 21 18 39 16 1 136 28 42 77 23 29 72 62 144 1.081 Renewable-Wind 422 834 412 199 1,374 616 3.857 Renewable-Small Scale Wind 246 7 21 207 111 17 9 105 211 934 Renewable-Utility Solar 290 237 44 181 451 521 2 2.079 2.103 4 51912 Renewable-Small Scale Solar 591 1 26 17 635 Renewable-Geotherotsl Renewable-Battery 520 734 124 318 879 110 317 15 309 148 314 14 861 174 95 108 43 96 5,179 Renewable-Battery(Long Duration) 251 109 123 2,49 97 258 126 36 152 120 277 229 246 140 104 33 2,570 Other Renewable _ _ Storeae-Other Unit Charges Coal Plant Retiremws-.Minority Owned (82) (33) (123) (149) (396) Coal plant Retirements (-0) (220) Coal Plant Ceases as Coal (357) (205) (700) (1,262) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Coal-CCS Coal-Gas Cmversioos 357 205 562 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gas Plant Retirements _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Retire-Hydro Retire-Non-Thermal (3) (32) (35) Retire-Wind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Retire-Sol. Expire-Wind PPA E'64) (99) 200 (333) (696) Expire-Solar PPA (2) (9) (100) (65) (230) (407) ire- F (47) 3) (2 (52) Expire-Other (20) (20) Total 1 107 502 1,532 1,023 1,397 1,319 706 1,630 886 1 903 J 2.04 1 3937 1 1,053 712 412 1,429 2J5 603 379 336 701 98 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX I-CAPACITY EXPANSION RESULTS No Coal 2032 LT 25I.LP.iLT.2 Llnte rated.EP.2409Wi Ao Coal 2032 IntTrans 107095 v78.5 Surnmary Portfolio Capacity by Resource Type and Year,installed NM IostaOed Ca adty.MW Resource 2025 1 2026 1 2027 1 2028 1 2029 1 2030 1 2031 1 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 1 2038 1 2039 1 2040 1 2041 1 2042 1 2043 1 2044 2045_M Total Expaoslon Option _ _ _ Gas-CCC'I 199 298 497 Gas-Peaking Nuclear _ _500 _ 500 Renewable Peaking _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DSM-Energy Efficiency 89 89 238 259 266 _ 281 336 329 303 282 265 248 250 234 220 208 201 232 283 269 240 5,122 DSM-Demand Response 18 40 11 141 32 60 47 27 2 46 16 12 66 84 42 48 48 34 71 62 43 950 Renewable-Wind I.077 594 153 78 350 2 3.13Z 178 5.564 Renewable-Small Scale Wind 380 505 4 85 146 _ 4 37 9 176 660 2,106 Renewable-Utility Solar 245 182 948 896 805 87 5 480 4,291 4 237 87080 Reoewable-Small Scale Solar - Renewable-Geothermal Renewable-Battery 520 1,297 116 19 4 639 12 71 365 56 602 220 422 128 227 242 411 17 5,369 Renewable-Battery(Long Duration) 1 26 62 655 166 22 93 88 67 130 174 634 381 97 277 332 80 3,235 Older Renewable Storage-Other - KIdgelft IIMb Coal Plant Retirements-Minority Owned (82) (33) (123) (148) (386) Coal Plant Retirements (220) (268) (488) Coal Plant Ceases as Coal (357) (205) (3,097) (3,659) Coal-CCS Coal-Gas Conversions 357 205 3,097 3,659 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gas Plant Retirements Retire-Hydro _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Retire-Non-Thermal (3) (32) (35) Retire-Wind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Retire-Solar Expire-Wind PPA (64) (99) (200) (333) (696) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Expire-Solar PPA (2) (9) (IOO) (65) (230) (407) Expire-QF (47) 3) (2) (52) Expire-Od— (20) (20) Total 1 107 $02 1 1,792 1 1546 1,4101 2,774 1 1,3221 2,287 1 497 1 499 1 1,195 1 7,9291 458 1 1.0551 665 1 1,3121 15971 590 1 8261 1,017 I,018 99 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX I—CAPACITY EXPANSION RESULTS Offshore Wind LT 25I.LP.iLT.21.Integrated.EP.2409MN.OSWind IntTrans 106388 v76.6 'Summary Portfolio Capacity by Resource Type and Year,Installed MW Installed Capacity,MW Resource 2025 1 2026 1 2027 1 2028 2029 1 2030 2031 2032 1 2033 1 2034 1 2035 1 2036 2037 1 2038 1 2039 1 2040 1 2041 1 2042 1 2043 1 2044 1 2045 Expansion Options Gas-CCCT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gas-Peaking - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nuclear - - - - - 500 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 500 Renewable Peaking -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DSM-Energy Efficiency 89 89 238 259 270 285 338 329 308 283 265 252 250 233 219 208 207 232 283 271 236 5,144 DSM-Demand Response 18 40 23 135 38 49 7 37 18 30 24 1 136 47 42 72 24 28 79 61 1 43 952 Renewable-Wind - - - 452 792 - 200 - 41 - 270 864 1,126 - - - - - - - - 3,745 Renewable-Small Scale Wind - - - - - 0558 - - - - - - - - - - - 79 1 - - 193 Renewable-Utility Solar - - 297 101 - 411 634 521 4 405 4 - - 670 - - 393 - - 3,825 Renewable-Small Scale Solar - - - - - 55 72 - - 3 165 54 8 9 - - - - - 244 1,341 Renewable-Geothermal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Renewable-Battery - 520 1,360 328 220 140 69 122 118 47 - - 127 10 1,067 322 405 313 244 15 5,985 Renewable-Battery(Long Duration) - - 45 15 79 - 31 - 339 178 - - 382 675 305 206 274 327 362 122 3,506 Other Renewable - - - - - - - - - - - Storage-Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Existing Unit Changes Coal Plant Retirements-Minority Owned - (82) - (33) (123) (148) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (386) Coal Plant Retirements - - - (220) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (220) Coal Plant Ceases as Coal - (357) - - (205) (700) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (1,262) Coal-CCUS - - - - 526 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 526 Coal-Gas Conversions - 357 - - 205 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 562 Gas Plant Retirements - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Hydro - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Non-Thermal - - - - - - - - - (3) - - - (33) - - - - - - - (35) Retire-Wind - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Solar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Expire-Wind PPA - (64) - - - (99) (200) - - - - - - - - - (333) - - - - (696) Expire-Solar PPA - - - (2) (9 - - - (100) - - - (65) - (230) (407) Expire-QE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (47) (3) (2) (52) Expire-Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (20) (20) Total 107 502 1,963 1,035 1,276 2,366 942 1,172 1,010 771 787 1,687 1,470 1 765 1 955 2,322 361 1,018 1 1,349 74) 638 100 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX I—CAPACITY EXPANSION RESULTS LN LT 25I.LP.iLT.2LIntegrated.EP.2409LN.Base IntTrans 109399 v79.5 Summary Portfolio Capacity by Resource Type and Year,Installed MW Installed Capacity,MW Resource 2025 1 2026 1 2027 1 2028 1 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 1 2035 1 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 Expansion Options Gas-CCCT - - - - 410 424 - - - - - - - - 319 - 212 410 - - - 1,774 Gas-Peaking - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nuclear - - - - - 500 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 500 Renewable Peaking - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DSM-Energy Efficiency 89 89 237 257 265 280 334 328 307 281 264 254 249 232 218 206 199 225 276 266 227 5,083 DSM-Demand Response 18 40 25 138 53 34 13 36 18 31 16 21 85 76 43 50 46 33 72 118 88 1,054 Renewable-Wind 594 - - 3 3,015 - - - - 3,612 Renewable-Small Scale Wind - - 500 349 034 26 - 29 29 29 41 33 9 109 194 660 2,042 Renewable-Utility Solar - - 136 317 49 683 452 522 300 105 1 4 6 - 231 - 3,791 Renewable-Small Scale Solar - - - - - - - - - - Renewable-Geothermal - - - - - -Renewable-Battery - 520 I,235 160 3 - 401 6 242 546 156 368 245 412 863 211 456 380 851 9 7,064 Renewable-Battery(Long Duration) - - 93 - 2 803 66 102 58 - - - 58 94 554 89 109 257 345 23 2,804 Other Renewable - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Storage-Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Existing Unit Changes Coal Plant Retirements-Minority Owned (82) (33) (123) (I48) - - - - - - - - - - - - - (386) Coal Plant Retirements (220) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (220) Coal Plant Ceases as Coal - (357) - - (205) (1,030) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (1,592) Coal-CCS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Coal-Gas Conversions - 357 - - 205 330 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 892 Gas Plant Retirements - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Hydro - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Non-Thermal - - - - - - - - - (3) - - - (32) - - - - - - - (35) Retire-Wind - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Solar - - - - - - - - - - - - - Expire-Wind PPA - (64) - - - (99) (200) - - - - - - - - (333) (696) Expire-Solar PPA - - - (2) - (9) - - - - - (100) - - (65) (230) (407) Expire-QP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (47) (3) (2) (52) Expire-Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (20) (20) Total 1 107 502 1,726 617 1,753 2,126 1 1,308 1,309 955 938 963 3,476 647 618 1,094 1,782 1 590 1,233 938 1,541 985 101 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX I—CAPACITY EXPANSION RESULTS MR LT 25I.LP.iLT.2LIntegrated.EP.2409MR.Base IntTrans 107932 v78.7 Summary Portfolio Capacity by Resource Type and Year,Installed MW Installed Capacity,MW Resource 2025 1 2026 1 2027 1 2028 2029 1 2030 1 2031 1 2032 1 2033 1 2034 1 2035 1 2036 1 2037 1 2038 1 2039 1 2040 1 2041 1 2042 1 2043 2044 2045 Expansion Options Gas-CCCT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gas-Peaking - - - - - - - 479 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 479 Nuclear - - - - - 500 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 500 Renewable Peaking - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DSM-Energy Efficiency 89 89 238 259 266 285 338 329 308 282 265 249 250 239 227 214 210 235 286 271 239 5,168 DSM-Demand Response 18 40 11 126 43 76 12 39 2 46 16 12 80 80 42 48 48 34 71 43 62 949 Renewable-Wind 1,417 594 - 451 - 3 2,954 187 - - - - 5,606 Renewable-Small Scale Wind - - - 745 60 52 - - 300 98 9 9 - 552 28 414 40 2,307 Renewable-Utility Solar - - 136 107 - 505 794 1,081 522 1 - 2,736 2 406 - - 237 - 6,527 Renewable-Small Scale Solar - - - 61 - 110 27 - - - - - - - - - 198 Renewable-Geothermal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Renewable-Battery - 520 1,135 26 ISl 390 108 537 37 197 277 - 176 341 73 81 79 651 589 639 15 6M( 2 Renewable-Battery(Long Duration) - - - - - 378 - - - - - - - 60 167 496 261 50 108 71 Other Renewable - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Storage-Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Existing Unit Changes Coal Plant Retirements-Minority Owned (82) (33) (123) (I48) - - - - - - - - - - - (386) Coal Plant Retirements (220) - (268) - - - - - - - - - - - - (488) Coal Plant Ceases as Coal - (357) - - (205) (3,097) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (3,659) Coal-CCS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Coal-Gas Conversions - 357 - - 205 2,397 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,959 Gas Plant Retirements - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Hydro - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Non-Thermal - - - - - - - - - (3) - - - (32) - - - - - - - (35) Retire-Wind - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Solar - - - - - - - - - - - - - Expire-Wind PPA - (64) - - - (99) (200) - - - - - - - - (333) (696) Expire-Solar PPA - - - (2) - (9) - - - - - (100) - - (65) (230) (407) Expire-QP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (47) (3) (2) (52) Expire-Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (20) (20) Total 1 107 1 502 1 1,520 1 1,7411 961 2,042 1 1,043 1 2,735 1 921 1 523 1 561 1 6,251 1 693 1 1,103 1 518 1 839 1 437 1 1,522 1 1,035 1,205 334 102 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX I-CAPACITY EXPANSION RESULTS HH LT 251.LPJLT.21.Integrated.EP.2409HH.Base IntTrans 109124 v79.2 Summary Portfolio Capacity by Resource Type and Year,Installed MW Installed Capacity,MW Resource 2025 1 2026 1 2027 1 2028 1 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 1 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 1 2040 1 2041 1 2042 1 2043 1 2044 1 2045 Total Expansion Options Gas-CCCT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gas-Peaking - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nuclear - - 500 - - - - - - - - - - - - P2,654 Renewable Peaking - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -DSM-Energy Efficiency 89 89 244 268 276 291 347 333 312 286 268 268 261 243 229 217 210 235 286 272 240 DSM-Demand Response 18 40 23 134 45 34 13 36 2 50 16 12 105 25 39 104 50 19 81 28 65Renewable-Wind - - 1,187 721 975 233 - 451 - - 3 2,492 - - - - - - - - -Renewable-Small Scale Wind - - - - 133 876 89 - - - 14 172 76 49 - 402 486 120 125 37 Renewable-Utility Solar - - 419 41I 546 2,865 452 4 1 2,648 800 406 - 237 - - , Renewable-Small Scale Solar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,121 1,121 Renewable-Geothermal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Renewable-Battery - 520 1,133 66 108 347 141 452 141 12 200 - 74 50 12 193 136 505 399 276 34 4,799 Renewable-Battery(Long Duration) - - - - - 243 - - - 86 131 - 274 375 106 555 - - 135 346 90 2,341 Other Renewable - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Storage-Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Existing Unit Changes Coal Plant Retirements-Minority Owned - (82) - (33) (123) (148) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (386) Coal Plant Retirements - - - (220) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (220) Coal Plant Ceases as Coal - (357) (205) (1,030) - - - - - - - - - - (1,592) Coal-CCUS - - - - - 526 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 526 Coal-Gas Conversions - 357 - - 205 330 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 892 Gas Plant Retirements - - - - - - - - - Retire-Hydro - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Non-Thermal - - - - - - - - - (3) - - - (32) - - - - - - - (35) Retire-Wind - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Solar - - - - - - - - - - Expire-Wind PPA - (64) - E(2) - (99) (200) - - - - - - - - - (333) - - - - (696) Expire-Solar PPA - - (9) - - - - (100) - - (65) (230) (407) Expire-QP - - - - - - - - - - - (47) (3) (2) (52) Expire-Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (20) (20) Total 107 1 502 1 3,006 1 1,345 1 1,414 1 2,649 1 3,246 1 1,724 1 459 1 432 1 632 1 5,592 1 1,490 1 1,142 1 435 1 1,069 1 637 1 1,245 1 974 1 814 1,565 103 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX I-CAPACITY EXPANSION RESULTS SC LT 25I.LP.iLT.21.Integrated.EP.2409SC.Base IntTrans 109123 v79.2 ,Summary Portfolio Capacity by Resource Type and Year,Installed MW Installed Capacity,MW Resource 1 2025 1 2026 1 2027 1 2028 1 2029 1 2030 1 2031 1 2032 2033 2034 1 2035 1 2036 1 2037 1 2038 1 2039 1 2040 1 2041 1 2042 1 2043 12044 2045 Total Expansion Options Gas-CCCT - - - - 199 - - 199 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 398 Gas-Peaking - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nuclear - - - - - 500 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 500 Renewable Peaking - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DSM-Energy Efficiency 89 89 244 265 272 286 347 333 310 283 265 258 252 240 227 209 210 234 286 271 235 5,205 DSM-Demand Response 18 40 13 27 115 21 82 26 2 46 16 1 32 91 94 30 67 27 77 27 40 892 Renewable-Wind - - 1,417 594 451 297 3,236 152 - 6,147 Renewable-Small Scale Wind - - 20 302 616 35 89 1 8 215 32 103 119 875 92 - 454 2,961 Renewable-Utility Solar - - 336 500 281 1,156 415 55 1 66 3,363 1,584 564 139 237 793 - 9,490 Renewable-Small Scale Solar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 156 156 Renewable-Geothermal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Renewable-Battery - 520 1,011 98 - 708 2 592 91 14 181 - 13 313 307 94 393 41 370 695 139 5,582 Renewable-Battery(Long Duration) - - - - - 197 - - - 103 78 - 24 - 14 399 130 469 373 108 - 1,895 Other Renewable - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Storage-Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Existing Unit Changes Coal Plant Retirements-Minority Owned - (82) - (33) (123) (148) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (386) Coal Plant Retirements - - - (220) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (220) Coal Plant Ceases as Coal - (357) - - (205) (1,030) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (1,592) Coal-CCUS - - 526 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 526 Coal-Gas Conversions - 357 - 205 330 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 892 Gas Plant Retirements - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Hydro - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Non-Thermal - - - - - - - - - (3) - - - (32) - - - - - - - (35) Retire-Wind - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retire-Solar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Expire-Wind PPA - (64) - - - (99) (200) - - - - - - - - - (333) - - - - (696) Expire-Solar PPA - - - (2) (9) - - - - - (I 00) - - (65) (230) (407) Expire-QF - - - - - - - - - - (47) (3) (2) (52) Expire-Other - - - - - - - - - - (20) (20) Total 107 1 502 1 3,0411 635 1 1,359 1 2,188 1 1,413 1 2,105 1 459 1 444 1 9111 7,073 1 1,989 1 1,279 1 900 1 732 1 639 1 2,439 1 1,1511 868 1,002 104 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX L—DISTRIBUTED GENERATION STUDY APPENDIX L - DISTRIBUTED GENERATION STUDY Introduction DNV prepared the Distributed Generation Study for PacifiCorp.I A key objective of this research is to assist PacifiCorp in developing penetration forecasts of non-utility owned distributed generation resources to support its 2025 Integrated Resource Plan. The purpose of this study is to project the level of distributed generation resources PacifiCorp's customers might install over the next twenty years under low, base, and high penetration scenarios. 'Note that in the 2023 IRP,this study was referred to as the"Private Generation"assessment. 105 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX L-PRIVATE GENERATION STUDY 106 DNV DISTRIBUTED GENERATION FORECAST Behind-The-Meter Resource Assessment PacifiCorp Date: November 25, 2024 WIN �b Y: _ ay IN NO L.� • y r DNV Table of contents 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..........................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Study methodologies and approaches.....................................................................................................................2 1.1.1 State-level forecast approach.............................................................................................................................2 1.2 Distributed generation forecast................................................................................................................................3 2 BACKGROUND .......................................................................................................................................................6 3 APPROACH AND METHODS..................................................................................................................................8 3.1 Technology attributes...............................................................................................................................................8 3.1.1 Solar PV.............................................................................................................................................................8 3.1.2 Small-scale wind...............................................................................................................................................15 3.1.3 Small-scale hydropower...................................................................................................................................16 3.1.4 Reciprocating engines......................................................................................................................................17 3.1.5 Microturbines....................................................................................................................................................18 3.1.6 Incentives overview..........................................................................................................................................18 3.2 Current distributed generation market....................................................................................................................22 3.3 Forecast methodology............................................................................................................................................23 3.3.1 Economic analysis............................................................................................................................................24 3.3.2 Technical feasibility..........................................................................................................................................25 3.3.3 Market adoption................................................................................................................................................26 4 RESULTS...............................................................................................................................................................30 4.1 Generation capacity results by state......................................................................................................................33 4.1.1 California..........................................................................................................................................................34 4.1.2 Idaho................................................................................................................................................................38 4.1.3 Oregon .............................................................................................................................................................42 4.1.4 Utah..................................................................................................................................................................46 4.1.5 Washington.......................................................................................................................................................50 4.1.6 Wyoming ..........................................................................................................................................................54 5 APPENDIX.............................................................................................................................................................58 5.1 Technology assumptions and segment-level inputs...............................................................................................58 5.2 Detailed results......................................................................................................................................................58 5.3 Behind-the-meter battery storage forecast.............................................................................................................59 5.3.1 Study methodologies and approaches .............................................................................................................59 5.3.2 Battery dispatch modelling ...............................................................................................................................60 5.3.3 Results .............................................................................................................................................................60 5.3.4 Storage capacity results by state......................................................................................................................61 DNV — www.dnv.com Page i DNV List of figures Figure 1-1. Historic cumulative installed distributed generation capacity, PacifiCorp, 2014-2024.............................................1 Figure 1-2. Methodology to determine market potential of distributed generation adoption......................................................3 Figure 1-3. Cumulative historical and new capacity installed by scenario(MW-AC), 2024-2043..............................................4 Figure 1-4. Cumulative new capacity installed by state(MW-AC), 2024-2043, base case.......................................................5 Figure 1-5. Cumulative new capacity installed by technology(MW-AC), 2024-2043, base case..............................................5 Figure 2-1. PacifiCorp service territory......................................................................................................................................6 Figure 3-1. Example residential summer load shape compared to PV Only and PV+ battery generation profiles...................9 Figure 3-2. Cost of residential PV standalone, battery storage retrofit to existing PV, and PV+ battery systems from DNV bottom-up Cap-Ex Model, Utah' .............................................................................................................................................12 Figure 3-3. Cost of commercial PV standalone, battery storage retrofit to existing PV, and PV+ battery systems from DNV bottom-up Cap-Ex Model, Utah' .............................................................................................................................................13 Figure 3-4.Average residential solar PV system costs, 2022-2043........................................................................................14 Figure 3-5.Average non-residential solar PV system costs, 2023-2043.................................................................................14 Figure 3-6.Average residential battery energy storage system (AC-coupled)costs, 2024-2043............................................15 Figure 3-7.Average non-residential battery energy storage system (AC-coupled)costs, 2024-2043 ....................................15 Figure 3-8. Cumulative installed distributed generation capacity by state, by technology, as of March 31, 2024...................22 Figure 3-9. Methodology to determine market potential of distributed generation adoption....................................................24 Figure 3-10. Bass diffusion curve illustration...........................................................................................................................27 Figure 3-11.Willingness to adopt based on technology payback...........................................................................................28 Figure 3-12.Willingness to adopt based on technology payback, by sector and scenario .....................................................28 Figure 4-1. Cumulative new distributed generation capacity installed by scenario(MW-AC), 2018-2043 ..............................30 Figure 4-2. Cumulative new capacity installed by technology(MW-AC), 2024-2043, base case............................................31 Figure 4-3. Cumulative new capacity installed by technology(MW-AC), 2024-2043, low case..............................................31 Figure 4-4. Cumulative new capacity installed by technology(MW-AC), 2024-2043, high case.............................................32 Figure 4-5. Cumulative new capacity installed by technology(MW-AC), 2024-2043, base case(Excluding PV& PV+ Battery)...................................................................................................................................................................................32 Figure 4-6. Cumulative new capacity installed by technology(MW-AC), 2024-2043, low case(Excluding PV& PV+ Battery) ................................................................................................................................................................................................33 Figure 4-7. Cumulative new capacity installed by technology(MW-AC), 2024-2043, high case(Excluding PV&PV+ Battery) ................................................................................................................................................................................................33 Figure 4-8. Cumulative new capacity installations by state(MW-AC), 2024-2043, base case................................................34 Figure 4-9. Cumulative new distributed generation capacity installations by scenario(MW-AC), California, 2018-2043........35 Figure 4-10. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), California base case, 2024-2043....................35 Figure 4-11. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), California low case, 2024-2043.......................36 Figure 4-12. Cumulative new capacity installed by technology(MW-AC), California high case, 2024-2043...........................36 Figure 4-13. Cumulative new PV capacity installed by sector across all scenarios, California, 2024-2043............................37 Figure 4-14. Cumulative new distributed generation capacity installed by scenario(MW-AC), Idaho, 2018-2043..................38 Figure 4-15. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), Idaho base case, 2024-2043..........................39 DNV - www.dnv.com Page ii DNV Figure 4-16. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), Idaho low case, 2024-2043.............................39 Figure 4-17. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), Idaho high case, 2024-2043...........................40 Figure 4-18. Cumulative new PV capacity installed by sector across all scenarios, Idaho, 2024-2043 ..................................41 Figure 4-19. Cumulative new distributed generation capacity installed by scenario(MW-AC), Oregon, 2018-2043...............42 Figure 4-20. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), Oregon base case, 2024-2043.......................43 Figure 4-21. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), Oregon low case, 2024-2043..........................43 Figure 4-22. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), Oregon high case, 2024-2043........................44 Figure 4-23. Cumulative new PV capacity installed by sector across all scenarios, Oregon, 2024-2043................................45 Figure 4-24. Cumulative new distributed generation capacity installed by scenario(MW-AC), Utah, 2023-2043...................46 Figure 4-25. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), Utah base case, 2024-2043............................47 Figure 4-26. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), Utah low case, 2024-2043..............................47 Figure 4-27. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), Utah high case, 2024-2043.............................48 Figure 4-28. Cumulative new PV capacity installed by sector across all scenarios, Utah, 2024-2043....................................49 Figure 4-29. Cumulative new distributed generation capacity installed by scenario(MW-AC), Washington, 2018-2043........50 Figure 4-30. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), Washington base case, 2024-2043 ................51 Figure 4-31. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), Washington low case, 2024-2043...................51 Figure 4-32. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), Washington high case, 2024-2043 .................52 Figure 4-33. Cumulative new PV capacity installed by sector across all scenarios, Washington, 2024-2043.........................53 Figure 4-34. Cumulative new distributed generation capacity installed by scenario(MW-AC), Wyoming, 2018-2043............54 Figure 4-35. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), Wyoming base case, 2024-2043....................55 Figure 4-36. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), Wyoming low case, 2024-2043.......................55 Figure 4-37. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), Wyoming high case, 2024-2043 .....................56 Figure 4-38. Cumulative New PV capacity installed by sector across all scenarios,Wyoming, 2024-2043............................57 Figure 5-1. Historic cumulative installed behind-the-meter battery storage capacity, PacifiCorp, 2014-2024.........................59 Figure 5-2. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by scenario(MW), 2023-2042...............................................61 Figure 5-3. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by state(MW), 2024-2043, base case...................................62 Figure 5-4. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by state(MW), 2024-2043, low case.....................................62 Figure 5-5. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by state(MW), 2024-2043, high case....................................63 Figure 5-6. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by scenario(MW), California, 2028-2043..............................63 Figure 5-7. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by technology across all scenarios (MW), California, 2023- 2042........................................................................................................................................................................................64 Figure 5-8. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by scenario(MW), Idaho, 2018-2043....................................65 Figure 5-9. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by technology across all scenarios (MW), Idaho, 2023-2042 66 Figure 5-10. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by scenario(MW), Oregon, 2018-2043...............................67 Figure 5-11. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by technology across all scenarios(MW), Oregon, 2023-2042 ................................................................................................................................................................................................68 Figure 5-12. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by scenario(MW), Utah, 2018-2043....................................69 Figure 5-13. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by technology across all scenarios(MW), Utah, 2023-204270 DNV - www.dnv.com Page iii DNV Figure 5-14. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by scenario (MW), Washington, 2018-2043........................71 Figure 5-15. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by technology across all scenarios (MW), Washington, 2023- 2042........................................................................................................................................................................................72 Figure 5-16. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by scenario (MW),Wyoming, 2018-2043............................73 Figure 5-17. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by technology across all scenarios (MW), Wyoming, 2023- 2042........................................................................................................................................................................................74 List of tables Table 3-1. Residential PV Only representative system assumptions........................................................................................9 Table 3-2. Non-residential PV Only representative system assumptions................................................................................10 Table 3-3. Residential PV+ battery representative system assumptions ...............................................................................11 Table3-4. Small wind assumptions ........................................................................................................................................16 Table3-5. Small hydro assumptions.......................................................................................................................................16 Table 3-6. Reciprocating engine assumptions........................................................................................................................17 Table 3-7. Microturbine assumptions......................................................................................................................................18 Table 3-8. Federal investment tax credits for DERs................................................................................................................20 Table 3-9. State Incentives for DERs......................................................................................................................................21 Table 3-10. Distributed generation forecast economic analysis inputs' ..................................................................................25 Table 3-11. Solar willingness-to-adopt curve used by state and sector..................................................................................27 Table 4-1. Cumulative adopted distributed generation capacity by 2043, by scenario............................................................30 Table 5-1. Cumulative adopted battery storage capacity by 2043, by scenario......................................................................60 DNV — www.dnv.com Page iv DNV ❑Strictly Confidential For disclosure only to named individuals within the Customer's organization. For disclosure only to individuals directly concerned with the ❑ Private and Confidential subject matter of the document within the Customer's organization. ❑ Commercial In Confidence Not to be disclosed outside the Customer's organization. ❑ DNV only Not to be disclosed to non-DNV staff Distribution for information only at the discretion of the ❑X Customer's Discretion Customer(subject to the above Important Notice and Disclaimer and the terms of DNV's written agreement with the Customer). El Published Available for information only to the general public(subject to the above Important Notice and Disclaimer). DNV— www.dnv.com Page v DNV 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report presents DNV's Long-Term Distributed Generation Resource Assessment for PacifiCorp(the Company)covering service territories in Utah, Oregon, Idaho,Wyoming, California, and Washington to support PacifiCorp's 2025 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). This assessment evaluated the expected adoption of behind-the-meter(BTM)distributed energy resources(DERs) including photovoltaic solar(PV only), photovoltaic solar coupled with battery storage (PV+ Battery), small wind, small hydro, reciprocating engines, and microturbines over a 20-year forecast horizon (2024-2043)for all customer sectors(residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural). The adoption model DNV developed for this study is calibrated to the currently' installed and interconnected capacity of these technologies, shown in Figure 1-1. Figure 1-1. Historic cumulative installed distributed generation capacity, PacifiCorp, 2014-2024 Cumulative installed PG capacity by state Cumulative installed PG capacity by technology 1,200 ■CA ID ■OR ■UT WA ■WY Small Hydro Wind 0 1.000 0.115% ° PV+Battery Micro 7.60% Turbine 800 0.11% > Reciprocating 600 Engine 0.00% U 400 PV Only 200 / 92.05% 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 To date and consistent with the 2023 report, the majority of PG-installed capacity and annual capacity growth has been in Utah,which represents the largest portion of PacifiCorp's customer population—about 50%of all PacifiCorp customers are in the Company's Utah service territory. Roughly 99%of existing distributed generation capacity installed in PacifiCorp's service territory is PV or PV+ Battery.To inform the adoption forecast process, DNV conducted an in-depth review of the other technologies and did not find any literature to suggest that they would take on a larger share of the distributed generation market in the Company's service territory in the future years of this study. DNV developed its assumptions, inputs, methodologies, and forecasts independently from prior distributed generation assessments performed for PacifiCorp. Further, DNV developed three adoption scenarios for each technology and sector: a base case, a high case, and a low case. The base case is considered the most likely projection as it is based on current market trends and expected changes in technology costs and retail electricity rates;the high and low cases are used as sensitivities to test how changes in costs and retail rates impact customer adoption of these technologies.Additional factors considered in the scenarios include export rate factors, value of backup power, incentive levels, and non-monetary market barriers. 'PacifiCorp Distributed Generation interconnection data as of end of quarter 1 2024. DNV — www.dnv.com Page 1 DNV All scenarios use technology cost and performance assumptions specific to each state in PacifiCorp's service territory in the base year(2023)of the assessment. The base case uses the 2023 federal income tax credit schedules and state incentives, retail electricity rate escalation from the Annual Energy Outlook(AEO)2 reference case, and a blended version of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory(NREL)Annual Technology Baseline' moderate and conservative technology cost forecasts as inputs to the modelling process. In the high case, retail electricity rates increase more rapidly, and technology costs decline at a faster rate compared to the base case. The high case also considers NREL's value of backup power in the customer's benefit-cost calculation and a reduction in non-monetary market barriers resulting from the federal efforts to promote distributed generation through the Inflation Reduction Act(IRA)of 2022,further increasing the adoption rates. For the low case, retail electricity rates increase at a slower rate than the base case and technology costs decrease at a slower rate than the base case. 1.1 Study methodologies and approaches The forecasting methodologies and techniques DNV applied in this analysis are commonly used in small-scale, BTM energy resource and energy efficiency forecasting. The methods used to develop the state and sector-level results are described in more detail below. 1 .1 .1 State-level forecast approach DNV developed a BTM net economic framework that defines costs as the acquisition and installation expenses for each technology, adjusted for available incentives. Benefits are defined as the customer's economic gains from ownership, including energy and demand savings, as well as export credits. We assumed that the current net metering or net billing policies and tariff structures in each state remained the same throughout the assessment.This resulted in the model incorporating benefits associated with net metering in Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming and net billing in Utah and California. We assumed customers in Idaho would accrue benefits based on Utah's net billing policy. This analysis incorporated the current rate structures and tariffs offered to customers in PacifiCorp's service territories. Time- of-use rates,tiered tariffs, and retail tariffs that include high demand charges increased the value of PV+ Battery configurations compared to PV-Only configurations while other factors such as load profiles and DER compensation mechanisms minimized the impact of such tariffs on the customer economics of PV+ Battery systems.The DER compensation mechanism in Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming—traditional net metering—does not incentivize PV+ Battery storage co-adoption. In net metering DER compensation schemes, customers receive export credits for excess PV generation at the same dollar-per-kWh rate that they would have otherwise paid to purchase electricity from the grid. Net billing—the mechanism modelled in California, Idaho, and Utah—does incentivize PV+ Battery storage co-adoption, as customers can lower their electricity bills by charging their batteries with excess PV generation and dispatching their batteries to meet on-site load during times of day when retail energy prices are high. From the perspective of utility bill savings alone, PV+ battery systems are often not the most cost-effective option for most customers. Customers who seek the reassurance and reliability of backup power show more of a willingness to pay for this product, especially if they reside in areas prone to outages and severe weather events. The economic analysis calculated payback by year for each technology by sector and state.A corresponding technical feasibility analysis determined the maximum,feasible adoption for each technology by sector given system size limits, 2 U.S.Energy Information Administration,Annual Energy Outlook 2023(AE02023),(Washington,DC,March 2023). 'NREL.2023 Annual Technology Baseline.Golden,CO:National Renewable Energy Laboratory. DNV — www.dnv.com Page 2 DNV customer usage profiles, and physical conditions.The results of the technical feasibility assessment and economic analysis were then used to inform the market adoption analysis to derive market potential.The methodology and major inputs to the analysis are shown in Figure 1-2. Changes to technology costs, retail electricity rates, and federal tax credits used in the high and low cases impact the economic portion of the analysis. Figure 1-2. Methodology to determine market potential of distributed generation adoption LocalInstallation and O&M costs • federal Energy l • J • f t Net • • • export credits Market Customer •.• shapesperformance System size limitsJconstraints Non-shaded rooftop space Land-use feasibility Access to unprotected streams and requirements dams, • resource DNV used technology and sector-specific Bass diffusion curves to model market adoption and derive total market potential. Bass diffusion curves are widely used for forecasting technology adoption. Diffusion curves typically take the form of an S- curve with an initial period of slow early adoption that increases as the technology becomes more mainstream and eventually tapers off amongst late adopters. The upper limit of the curve is set to maximum market potential, or the maximum share of the market that will adopt the technology regardless of the interventions applied to influence adoption. In this analysis,the long-term maximum level of market adoption was based on payback.As payback was calculated by year in the economic analysis to capture the changing effects of market interventions over time, the maximum level of market adoption in the diffusion curves varied by year in the study. The Bass diffusion curves used in the market potential analysis are characterized by three parameters—an innovation coefficient, an imitation coefficient, and the ultimate market potential. Together,these three parameters also determine the time to reach maximum adoption and the overall shape of the curve. The innovation and imitation parameters were calibrated for each technology and sector, based on current market penetration and when PacifiCorp started to see the technology being adopted in each of its service territories. Updated diffusion parameters used the most recent installation data provided by PacifiCorp(through Q1 2024). 1.2 Distributed generation forecast In the base case scenario, DNV estimates 4,182 MW of new distributed generation capacity will be installed in PacifiCorp's service territory over the next twenty years(2024-2043). Figure 1-3 shows historical distributed generation capacity and forecast base, low and high case scenarios compared to the previous(2022)study's total base case forecast. The 2022 study base case scenario estimated 3,874 MW of new capacity over the 20-year forecast.The 2024 study low case scenario estimates 3,129 MW of new capacity over the 20-year forecast while the high case estimates 4,871 MW of new distributed generation capacity installed by 2043. DNV — www.dnv.com Page 3 DNV Figure 1-3. Cumulative historical and new capacity installed by scenario(MW-AC),2024-2043 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 sop 00 ♦ Q 3,000 ♦ 2,500 > 2,000 iu 1,500 v' 1,000 500 0 O(b OHO Oho O�� O��OHO O�'� 00� OHO 00'� O�� O`1O 000 00� 00�000 O�� Oo� 000 00� 00� 000 OHO O�� O��OHO T V rp T ti ti V rp ti T T T V T ti r ' ti ti � � — — 2022 Study —Historical —Low —Base —High The sensitivity analysis showed a greater margin of uncertainty on the low side than on the high side. The IRA extends tax credits for distributed generation that create favorable economics for adoption, and those are embedded in the base case. We therefore limited our upper bound forecast to lower technology costs and higher retail electricity rates, and these produced only a small boost to adoption for technologies that were already cost-effective under the IRA. In contrast,when we modelled our lower bound,we found that the decreases in cost-effectiveness were enough to tamp down adoption by a wider margin.The low case assumed higher technology costs and lower increases in retail electricity rates than the other cases, reducing the economic appeal of distributed generation despite incentives being unchanged. The low-case forecast is 26% less than the base case,while the high-case cumulative installed capacity forecasted over the 20-year period is 15% greater than the base case. Figure 1-4 shows the base case forecast by state, compared to the previous (2022)assessment's total base case forecast. This figure indicates that Utah and Oregon will drive most PG installations over the next two decades,which is to be expected given these two states represent the largest share of PacifiCorp's customers and sales. Utah continues to dominate near-and long-term adoption (customer base and current adoption levels). Oregon adoption increases significantly in the near-to medium-term due to various factors, and Idaho and Washington experience moderate to high adoption levels over time.The base scenario estimates approximately 1,740 MW of new capacity will be installed over the next 10 years in PacifiCorp's territory-62%of which is in Utah, 36% in Oregon, 8% in Washington, and 5% in Idaho. Given recent adoption trends, projected PV capacity is expected to grow at a faster rate in the early years and at a slower rate towards the end of the forecast period. The key drivers of these differences include larger average PV system sizes, a steeper decline in PV+ Battery costs at the start of the forecast period, and the maturity of rooftop PV technology. DNV — www.dnv.com Page 4 DNV Figure 1-4. Cumulative new capacity installed by state(MW-AC),2024-2043, base case 6,000 5,000 U Q 4,000 3,000 - E 2,000 -- U 1,000 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 CA �!� ID OR �UT WA WY --- 2022 In Figure 1-5 below, the base case forecast is presented by technology for all states in PacifiCorp's service territory. First- year PV Only is estimated to grow by 10 MW and PV+ Battery by 3 MW. These two technologies make up 99%of new installed distributed generation capacity forecasted. The results section of the report contains results by technology for the high, base, and low sectors.Additionally,the total PV capacity forecasted is presented by sector in that section. Figure 1-5. Cumulative new capacity installed by technology(MW-AC), 2024-2043, base case 4,500 4,000 U 3,500 3,000 f r 2,500 2,000 � r E 1,500 D U 1,000 500 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 PV Only PV + Battery Wind Small Hydro Reciprocating Engine Micro Turbine DNV — www.dnv.com Page 5 DNV 2 BACKGROUND DNV prepared this distributed generation Long-term Resource Assessment on behalf of PacifiCorp. The assessment represents their service territory in six states: California, Idaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming, as shown in Figure 2-1. In this assessment, distributed generation technologies provide BTM energy generation at the customer site and are designed to offset customer load and/or peak demand.This assessment supports PacifiCorp's 2025 IRP forecasting the level of distributed generation resources PacifiCorp's customers may install over the next two decades under base, low, and high adoption scenarios. In addition to distributed generation, DNV also considered the cost-effective potential for high- efficiency cogeneration in Washington, consistent with the 480-109-060(13)and 480-109-100 (6)of the Washington Administrative Code(WAC). Figure 2-1. PacifiCorp service territory �R"�DERkE _ WASHINGTON AREA - w w�. _ O_w ._. 0 ....0 o ...__..o o....... 0. U ..ono _ a IDAHO .� OREGON _oo —o VKW M1N G o _ _ V WASATCH ...p o FRONT o c ... SEMICE ..-.o�° o` o...,_ CALIFORNIA AREA V \ oa. .- �D Pacific Power -r.-0 r....._. UTAH Rocky Mountain Power There have been seven previous assessments involving distributed generation. DNV developed its assumptions, inputs, methodologies, and forecasts for years 2022 and 2024 independently from the prior seven assessments. The forecasting methodologies and techniques DNV applied in this analysis are commonly used in small-scale, BTM energy resource and energy efficiency forecasting. This study evaluated the expected adoption of BTM technologies over the next 20 years, including: 1. Photovoltaic(Solar PV)Systems 2. Solar PV paired with battery storage 3. Small scale wind 4. Small scale hydro 5. Reciprocating engines 6. Microturbines DNV — www.dnv.com Page 6 DNV Project sizes were determined based on average customer load across the commercial, irrigation, industrial, and residential customer classes for each state. The project sizes were then limited by each state's respective system size limits. Distributed generation adoption for each technology was estimated by sector in each state in PacifiCorp's service territory. DNV — www.dnv.com Page 7 DNV 3 APPROACH AND METHODS DNV used applicability,technical feasibility, customer perspectives toward distributed generation, and project economics to forecast the expected market adoption of each distributed generation technology. 3.1 Technology attributes The technology attributes define the reference systems and their key attributes such as capacity factors, derate factors, and costs which are used in the payback and adoption analyses.A full list of detailed technology attributes and assumptions by state and sector is provided in section 5. The following information provides a high-level summary of the key elements of the technologies assessed in this analysis. 3.1 .1 Solar PV Solar photovoltaic(PV)systems convert sunlight into electrical energy. DNV modeled representative PV system energy output for residential and non-residential systems in each state to estimate first-year production.To model hourly production, DNV leveraged its SolarFarmer and Solar Resource Compass APIs. DNV's Solar Resource Compass API accesses and compares irradiance data from multiple data providers in each region. Solar Resource Compass also generates monthly soiling loss estimates for dust soiling and snow soiling, as well as a monthly albedo profile. By incorporating industry standard models and DNV analytics, precipitation, and snowfall data are automatically accessed and used to estimate the impact on energy generation. Total PV capacity is forecasted by two different technology configurations: PV Only and PV+ Battery.The PV technology in the PV+ Battery systems was modeled using the same specifications as the PV Only technology except for nameplate capacity. DNV determined that average system sizes for PV+ Battery configurations are, on average, larger than PV Only systems. DNV further segmented the PV+ Battery technology into two categories: new PV+ Battery systems installed together and a Battery Retrofit case,where a battery is added to an existing PV system. The PV Only forecast presented in the results section of this report is the net of customers who later adopt an add-on battery system (Battery Retrofit), and therefore become a part of the PV+ Battery forecast. DNV assumes that customers in the Battery Retrofit case do not represent new incremental PV MW-AC capacity; however,the generation profile of the customer changes from PV Only to PV+ Battery. An example residential customer load profile for two summer days is presented in Figure 3-1 to illustrate the difference between the generation profiles of PV Only and PV+ Battery systems. This example represents peak PV production, and it should be noted that systems located in PacifiCorp territory have different load curves for the winter and rainy seasons. DNV — www.dnv.com Page 8 DNV Figure 3-1. Example residential summer load shape compared to PV Only and PV+ battery generation profiles 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 0 IL 2.00 1.00 0.00 - - 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 Hour of Day(Hour Ending MT) Customer Load (Gross) PV Only Generation (Gross) PV+ Battery Generation (Net Effective) PV Only Table 3-1 provides the representative system specifications used to model residential standalone PV adoption. DC/AC ratio assumptions are derived from DNV's experience in the residential PV industry. Table 3-1. Residential PV Only representative system assumptions pSystem erformance �Mmmmmm Nameplate capacity kW-DC 6.5 7.3 7.1 6.2 10.0 7.2 Module type n/a c-Si c-si c-si c-Si c-si c-si PV inverter n/a Microinverter Installation Fixed-tilt roof-mounted requirements n/a kWh Capacity factor (kW-DC x 8760 hrs./yr) 13% 15% 16% 15% 13% 16% DC/AC derate factor n/a 1.118 1.123 1.121 1.129 1.132 1.118 DNV — www.dnv.com Page 9 DNV Table 3-2 provides the representative system specification used to model non-residential standalone PV adoption. DC/AC ratio assumptions are derived from Wood Mackenzie's H1 2022 US solar PV system pricing report.The nameplate capacity of the system depends on the average customer size for each non-residential sector and state. Table 3-2. Non-residential PV Only representative system assumptions System performance Nameplate capacity kW-DC 25-129 26-123 25-253 52-138 17-98 15-25 Module type n/a c-Si c-Si c-Si c-Si c-Si c-Si PV inverter n/a Three-phase string inverter Installation Flat roof-mounted requirements n/a kWh Capacity factor (kW-DC x 8760 hrs./yr) 14% 13% 12% 14% 12% 12% DC/AC derate factor n/a 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 The full list of nameplate capacity assumptions by sector and state can be found in section 5. For all PV systems, DNV assumed a linear degradation rate of 0.5%across the expected useful life of the system. PV + battery Technology attributes consist of a representative system, operational data, cost assumptions, and capital costs which are used in conjunction to develop a total installed cost in dollars per kW. DNV reviewed PacifiCorp's history of interconnected projects to develop its customer-level assumptions for a number of batteries, usable energy capacity, and rated power at the state level.The resulting representative composite system is used for operational parameters and costs to be used for long- term adoption and forecasting purposes. DNV assumes a fully integrated battery energy storage system (BESS)product for the residential sector, which will include a battery pack and a bi-directional inverter based on leading residential battery energy storage manufacturers such as Tesla, Enphase, and Sonnen providing fully integrated BESS solutions. Table 3-3 presents the representative residential PV+ Battery system assumptions used in this analysis. The system specifications for the commercial, industrial, and irrigation sectors are listed in Appendix A, section 5.1. DNV — www.dnv.com Page 10 DNV Table 3-3. Residential PV+battery representative system assumptions System performance MMMMMM PV Nameplate capacity kW-DC 8.5 8.9 8.7 7.7 12.0 8.2 Total usable energy capacity kWh 12.5 12.5 12.5 10.0 14.0 10.0 Total power kW 5.0 5.0 7.0 5.0 7.0 5.0 Battery duration Hrs 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.0 2.0 Roundtrip efficiency % 89% BESS Battery pack chemistry n/a Lithium-ion nickel, manganese, cobalt(NMC) Residential and non-residential BESS can be installed as a standalone system, added to an existing PV system (i.e., battery retrofit), or the system can be installed with a new PV system. DNV assumed all battery installations would be co-located with a PV system in an AC-coupled configuration, as standalone BESS systems are ineligible for the federal IT, as explained in section 3.1.6. Battery adoption was forecasted separately for PV+ Battery systems installed together, and the Battery Retrofit case,where a battery is added to an existing PV system. The basis of the Battery Retrofit forecast is the existing PV capacity in PacifiCorp's service territories and the PV Only capacity forecasted in this analysis. For forecasting distributed generation capacity, the Battery Retrofit forecast is presented in the results section as a part of the PV+ Battery capacity forecast. In the BTM battery storage capacity forecast, presented in Appendix 5.3,the Battery Retrofit case is split out in the presentation of the results. Battery degradation was modeled using DNV's Battery Al, a data-driven battery analytics tool that predicts short-term and long-term useable energy capacity degradation under different usage conditions. It combines laboratory cell testing data with artificial intelligence(AI)technologies to provide an estimation for battery energy capacity degradation over time. In this analysis, Battery Al used several current-generation, commercially available NMC cells to predict the expected degradation performance of"generic"cells.These cells were tested in the lab over six to twelve months at multiple temperatures, C- rates, SOC ranges, and cycling/resting conditions. Predictions are generally constrained within the bounds of the testing data. DNV has not explicitly modeled battery end-of-life(EOL), due to a lack of testing data in this region of operation. Earlier than 20 years or 60%capacity retention is generally considered to represent EOL. Both cycling and calendar effects were considered in the degradation assessment. It is also assumed the battery cell temperature will be controlled to be around 25°C for the majority of the time with proper thermal management(e.g., ventilation, HVAC). DNV notes that temperature plays a key role in battery degradation. Continuous operation under extremely low or high temperatures will accelerate degradation in the battery's state of health. Cost assumptions Cost assumptions are used in conjunction with representative system parameters to develop system costs. The costs are developed for each state and sector, including hardware, labor, permitting, interconnection fees, and provisions for sales and marketing, overhead, and profit. For labor costs,we used state-level data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics(BLS) for electricians, laborers (construction), and electrical engineers. DNV — www.dnv.com Page 11 DNV Total installed costs(or capital expenditures)are based on cost assumptions developed on a bottom-up basis—including hardware, installation/interconnection, as well as a provision for sales, general, and administrative costs, and overhead. Capital expenditures(Cap-Ex)are expenditures required to achieve commercial operation in a given year. Pricing indicates a cash sale, not a lease or Power Purchase Agreement(PPA), and it does not account for Investment Tax Credit(ITC)or local rebates. Examples of total installed costs by category for residential and commercial customers in Utah are shown in Figure 3-2 and Figure 3-3, respectively.The full set of cost and incentive assumptions used in the analysis can be found in Appendix A, section 5.1. Figure 3-2. Cost of residential PV standalone, battery storage retrofit to existing PV,and PV+battery systems from DNV bottom-up Cap-Ex Model, Utah' $40.000 $35,000 ■Overhead&Profit $30,000 •Customer Acquisition ■Sales Tax $25.000 ■Supply Chain&Logistics to ■Permitting&Interconnection :D $20.000 `t CV ■Design&Engineering O N $15,000 ■Installation Labor Balance of System $10.000 ■Battery Inverter ■Battery Pack $5,000 PV Inverter $0 isPV Module PV Only(8 kW) Battery Retrofit PV(8 kW)+Battery(5 (5 kW/12.5 kWh) kW/12.5 kWh) Costs are presented as all-in costs before tax credits. DNV — www.dnv.com Page 12 DNV Figure 3-3. Cost of commercial PV standalone, battery storage retrofit to existing PV,and PV+battery systems from DNV bottom-up Cap-Ex Model, Utah' $400,000 $350,000 ■Overhead&Profit $300,000 ■Customer Acquisition ■Sales Tax $250,000 ■Supply Chain&Logistics ■Permitting&Interconnection It $200,000 cV ■Design&Engineering 0 $150,000 ■Installation Labor Balance of System $100,000 ■Battery Inverter ■Battery Pack $50,000 PV Inverter ■PV Module $0 PV Only(150 kW) Battery Retrofit PV(150 kW)+Battery(35 (35 kW/140 kWh) kW/140 kWh) Costs are presented as all-in costs before tax credits. DNV has estimated all CapEx categories for the projects based on Wood Mackenzie's US 2022 H1 cost model,which is reasonable relative to the actual CapEx that DNV has observed on past projects. DNV estimated the benchmark CapEx values based on the project capacity, location, and technology assumptions for each state and sector.When technology assumptions were unavailable, DNV made reasonable assumptions. Combined PV+ Battery systems were assumed to have cost efficiencies in certain categories that would reduce the total cost of the system when installed at the same time. Cap-Ex categories assumed to have cost efficiencies for combined systems include electrical and structural balance of system, installation labor, design &engineering, permitting, interconnection&inspection costs, customer acquisition costs, supply chain&logistics, and overhead &profit costs. DNV used a blended version of the NREL Annual Technology Baseline4 moderate and conservative solar PV and battery energy storage system technology cost forecasts in the base case of this distributed generation forecast. The average residential and non-residential PV system cost forecasts are presented in Figure 3-4 and Figure 3-5, and the average residential and non-residential battery cost forecasts are shown in Figure 3-6 and Figure 3-7. 4NREL(National Renewable Energy Laboratory).2023.2023 Annual Technology Baseline.Golden,CO:National Renewable Energy Laboratory. DNV - www.dnv.com Page 13 DNV DNV reviewed the costs presented in the NREL dataset and found that the moderate cost decline forecast for solar PV was much more aggressive than what DNV's national cost models are predicting and what has been seen in the market historically.The technology cost forecast used in the base case has a 37% price decrease in the first 10 years, as opposed to the 50%decrease forecasted in the NREL moderate case. Base year costs were developed for each state, and then the forecasts were applied to each base year cost(by state,technology, and scenario)to get future year costs. Figure 3-4.Average residential solar PV system costs,2022-2043 4000 3500 3000 U 0 2500 Y 2000 v> 0 1500 N 1000 500 0 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040 2042 High Base Low --Historic Figure 3-5.Average non-residential solar PV system costs, 2023-2043 $2.500 $2.000 U $1,500 _ N $1.000 0 N $500 $0 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040 2042 Historic High Base —Low DNV — www.dnv.com Page 14 DNV Figure 3-6.Average residential battery energy storage system (AC-coupled)costs, 2024-2043 $5,000 $4,500 $4,000 U $3,500 $3,000 $2,500 iy $2,000 O $1,500 $1,000 $500 $0 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040 2042 Historic High Base ----Low Figure 3-7.Average non-residential battery energy storage system (AC-coupled) costs, 2024-2043 $3,500 $3,000 U $2,500 0 $2.000 $1,500 N O $1,000 $500 $0 - 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040 2042 Historic High Base -_- -Low 3.1 .2 Small-scale wind Distributed wind technology is a relatively mature DER. Small-scale wind systems typically serve rural homes,farms, and manufacturing facilities due to their size and land requirements.Wind turbines generate electricity by converting the kinetic energy in the wind into rotating shaft power that spins an AC generator. Assumptions on system capacity sizes in each state and sector are detailed in Appendix A, section 5.1.Table 3-4 provides the cost and performance assumptions used in the small-scale wind forecast and the source for each. DNV — www.dnv.com Page 15 DNV Table 3-4. Small wind assumptions Cost& Residential Midsize performance (20 kW or Commercial ... metric less) ii NREL,2022. Distributed Wind Energy Futures Study. Installed cost 2024$/kW $7,054 $3,917 $2,931 https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fv22osti/82519.pdf Annual NREL.2021."2021 Annual Technology installed cost Baseline."Golden,CO: National Renewable change %, 2024-2043 -1.9% Energy Laboratory. https://atb.nrel.gov/ NREL,2022. Distributed Wind Energy Futures Study. Fixed O&M 2024$/kW-yr $38 $38 $38 https://www.nrel.qov/docs/fv22osti/82519.pdf Annual fixed NREL.2023."2023 Annual Technology O&M cost Baseline."Golden, CO: National Renewable change %, 2024-2043 -3.5% -1.9% -1.9% Energy Laboratory. https://atb.nrel.ggv/ Capacity Factor System Advisor Model Version 2023.12.17. (dependent 15.2%- National Renewable Energy Laboratory. on state) % 7.7-10.8% 15.1%-18.5% 18.4% Golden, CO. https://sam.nrel.gov 3.1 .3 Small-scale hydropower Hydroelectric power is an established, mature technology, but small-scale systems are a newer permutation of the technology and are still quite costly compared to other distributed generation technologies. Small hydro systems generate electricity by transforming potential energy from a water source into kinetic energy that rotates the shaft of an AC generator. Assumptions on system capacity sizes in each state and sector are detailed in Appendix A, section 5.1.Table 3-5 provides the cost and performance assumptions used in the small hydro forecast and the source for each. Table 3-5. Small hydro assumptions Micro- Mini- Cost& hydro hydro performance 0i i0 metric Im or less) MW) International Renewable Energy Agency(IRENA).2012. Installed cost 2024$/kW $5,190 $3,892 "Renewable Energy Cost Analysis: Hydropower" NREL.2021. "2021 Annual Technology Baseline." Annual installed Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. cost change %, 2024-2043 -0.2% https://atb.nrel.gov/ International Renewable Energy Agency(IRENA).2012. Fixed O&M 2024$/kW-yr $208 $156 "Renewable Energy Cost Analysis: Hydropower" NREL.2023. "2023 Annual Technology Baseline." Annual fixed O&M Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. cost change %, 2024-2043 -1.9% https://atb.nrel.gov/ International Renewable Energy Agency(IRENA).2012. Capacity factor % 45% 45% "Renewable Energy Cost Analysis: Hydropower" DNV — www.dnv.com Page 16 DNV 3.1 .4 Reciprocating engines Combined heat and power(CHIP), or cogeneration, is a mature technology that has been used in the power sector and as a distributed generation resource for decades. The two most common CHIP technologies for commercial and small-to medium-industrial applications are reciprocating engines and microturbines, used to produce both onsite power and thermal energy. Reciprocating engines are a mature, reliable technology that performs well at part-load operation in both baseload and load- following applications. Reciprocating engines can be operated with a wide variety of fuels; however, this analysis assumes natural gas is used to generate electricity as it is the most commonly used fuel in CHIP applications.A reciprocating engine uses a cylindrical combustion chamber with a close-fitting piston that travels the length of the cylinder. The piston connects to a crankshaft that converts the linear motion of the piston into a rotating motion. Reciprocating engines start quickly and operate on normal natural gas delivery pressures without additional gas compression. The thermal energy output from system operation can be used to produce hot water, low-pressure steam, or chilled water with the addition of an absorption chiller.Typical CHP applications for reciprocating engine systems in the Pacific Northwest include universities, hospitals, wastewater treatment facilities, agricultural applications, commercial buildings, and small-to medium-sized industrial facilities.5 Assumptions on system capacity sizes in each state and sector are detailed in Appendix A, section 5.1.Two representative reciprocating engine sizes were used in this analysis based on the ability to meet the average customer's minimum electric load, ranging from less than 100 kW to 1 MW. Table 3-6 provides the cost and performance assumptions used in the reciprocating engine forecast and the source for each. Table 3-6. Reciprocating engine assumptions Cost& Small Med�u VTJ�t t0 metric or less) MW) "A Comprehensive Assessment of Small Combined Installed cost Heat and Power Technical and Market Potential in 2024$/kW $4,189 $3,125 California."2019.California Energy Commission. Annual installed NREL.2023. "2023 Annual Technology Baseline." cost change o o Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. 2024-2043 -0.5/o https://atb.nrel.gov/ "A Comprehensive Assessment of Small Combined Variable O&M Heat and Power Technical and Market Potential in 2024$/MWh $28 $20 California."2019.California Energy Commission. Annual variable NREL.2023. "2023 Annual Technology Baseline." O&M cost change o o Golden,CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. /o, 2024-2043 -1.9/o https://atb.nrel.gov/ Electric heat rate "A Comprehensive Assessment of Small Combined (HHV) Heat and Power Technical and Market Potential in Btu/kWh 11,765 9,721 California."2019.California Energy Commission. 5 U.S.Department of Energy Combined Heat and Power and Microgrid Installation Databases(2024).Available at:https://doe.icfwebservices.com/chl). DNV — www.dnv.com Page 17 DNV 3.1 .5 Microturbines Microturbines are another CHP application commonly used in smaller commercial and industrial applications. They are smaller combustion turbines that can be stacked in parallel to serve larger loads and provide flexibility in deployment and interconnection at customer sites. Microturbines can use gaseous or liquid fuels, but for CHP applications natural gas is the most common fuel. Therefore,for this analysis, DNV assumed microturbines would use natural gas to generate electricity and thermal energy at customer sites. Microturbines operate on the Brayton thermodynamic cycle where atmospheric air is compressed, heated by burning fuel, and then used to drive a turbine that in turn drives an AC generator. A microturbine can have exhaust temperatures in the range of 500 to 600°F, which can be used to produce steam, hot water, or chilled water with the addition of an absorption chiller in CHP applications. Microturbine efficiency declines significantly as load decreases;therefore the technology is best suited to operate in base load applications operating at or near full system load. Common microturbine CHP installations in the Pacific Northwest include small universities, commercial buildings, small manufacturing operations, hotels, and wastewater treatment facilities.' Assumptions on system capacity sizes in each state and sector are detailed in Appendix A, section 5.1.This analysis used two representative microturbine sizes based on the ability to meet the average customer's minimum electric load, ranging from less than 100 kW to 1 MW. Table 3-7 provides the cost and performance assumptions used in the microturbines forecast and the source for each. Table 3-7. Microturbine assumptions Cost& Small performance (less than i; metric ii "A Comprehensive Assessment of Small Combined Heat and Power Technical and Market Potential in Installed cost 2024$/kW $3,742 $3,134 California."2019.California Energy Commission. NREL.2023. "2023 Annual Technology Baseline." Annual installed Golden,CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. cost change %, 2024-2043 -0.6% https://atb.nrel.gov/ "A Comprehensive Assessment of Small Combined Heat and Power Technical and Market Potential in Variable O&M 2024$/MWh $19 $15 California."2019.California Energy Commission. NREL.2023. "2023 Annual Technology Baseline." Annual variable Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. O&M cost change %, 2024-2043 -1.9% https://atb.nrel.gov/ "A Comprehensive Assessment of Small Combined Electric heat rate Heat and Power Technical and Market Potential in (HHV) Btu/kWh 13,648 11,566 California."2019.California Energy Commission. 3.1 .6 Incentives overview Since the passing of the IRA,the ITC has been extended 10 years past its original expiration date. For facilities beginning construction before January 1, 2025,the IRA extends the ITC for up to 30%of the cost of installed equipment through 2032 and is assumed to step down to 26 in 2033 and 22% in 2034. For projects beginning construction after 2019 that are placed in service before January 1, 2022, the ITC would be set at 26%. In addition to the new federal ITC schedule for generating 'Ibid DNV — www.dnv.com Page 18 DNV facilities,the updated ITC includes credits for standalone energy storage with a capacity of at least 3 kWh for residential customers and 5 kWh for non-residential customers. Energy storage installations that begin construction after Dec. 31, 2024,will be entitled to credits under the technology-neutral ITC under new Section 48E.The base ITC rate for energy storage projects is 6%and the bonus rate is 30%.The IRA also includes a 5-year MACRS depreciation schedule for non- residential (i.e., Solar Photovoltaics,Wind (All),Wind (Small), and Microturbines. The federal tax credits in Table 3-8 were included in the economic analysis of all distributed generation forecast scenarios. Since there are complexities related to the ability to apply and receive tax credits for larger DG systems,future modeling assumptions could take into account historical data to apply factors that align with the tax credit percentage granted. The U.S. EPA Solar for All program issued a$7 billion Notice of Funding Opportunity in 2023. This opportunity provides funding for 60 grants to states,territories, Tribal governments, municipalities, and nonprofits to create and expand programs that provide financing and technical assistance to bring residential solar to low-income and disadvantaged communities. The funding availability assumptions incorporated into state-level incentives for solar PV aligned with residential LMI segments. DNV — www.dnv.com Page 19 DNV Table 3-8. Federal investment tax credits for DERs Cells in green represent the transition to a technology-neutral ITC for clean energy technologies with 0 gCO2e emissions per kWh, under section 48D. TechnologySystem size Incentive (M) ffi - i i i - < 1,000 PV 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 26% 22% 0% Residential /Business < 1,000 Energy Storage 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 26% 22% 0% ITC < 1,000 Small Wind 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 26% 22% 0% < 1,000 Microturbines 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 26% 22% 0% Reciprocating < 1,000 Engines 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 26% 22% 0% Small Hydro Business (hydropower ITC < 150 dams) 30% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Small Hydro (Hydrokinetic pressurized <25 conduits) 30% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% < 1,000 Small Hydro 0% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 26% 22% 0% A summary of the state incentives included in the economic analysis is provided below in Table 3-9. DNV — www.dnv.com Page 20 DNV Table 3-9. State Incentives for DERs Residential Non-residential PV-Only: Battery Storage: Oregon' PV-Only: $450/home, $3,000 $250/kWh, $3,000 max/home max/home $0.15/W(up to 480 kW) Utah$ PV-Only: Non-PV: None(expired in 25%of eligible system cost Up to 10%of the eligible system cost 2023) (up to$2,000) or up to$50,000* Idaho' Annual maximum of$5,000, and$20,000 over four years** None California None None WA provides a sales tax exception for PV purchases>100-500 kW Washington installations.These are split between Category 1 (>500 kW)and Category 2 None (100-500 kW) Wyoming None None * Solar PV,wind,geothermal,hydro,biomass,or certain renewable thermal technologies **Mechanism or series of mechanisms using solar radiation,wind,or geothermal resource ***Note that incentives from Rocky Mountain Power's Wattsmart battery program were also included in the modeling process 'Incentives are provided through the Energy Trust of Oregon(Solar for Your Home,Solar Within Reach,and Solar for Your Business)and the Oregon Department of Energy(Solar+Storage Rebate Program for Low-Moderate Income and Non-Income Restricted Homeowners).https://energVtrust.org/programs/solar/; https://www.oregon.gov/energy/Incentives/Pages/Solar-Storage-Rebate-Program.aspx Funding for the Oregon Solar+Storage Rebate Program is fully reserved as of May 2024,and ODOE is no longer accepting applications. 8 Incentives are provided through the Utah Office of Energy Development Renewable Energy Systems Tax Credit.https://energy.utah.goy/tax-credits/renewable-energy- systems-tax-credit/ 9 Incentives are provided through the State of Idaho Renewable Alternative Tax Deduction.https://legislature.idaho.gov/statutesruies/idstaVtitle63/t63ch30/sect63-3022c/ DNV — www.dnv.com Page 21 DNV 3.2 Current distributed generation market To date, about 99%of the existing distributed generation capacity installed in PacifiCorp's service territory is PV or PV+ Battery.10 To inform the adoption forecast process, DNV conducted an in-depth review of the other technologies and did not find any literature to suggest that they would take on a larger share of the distributed generation market in the Company's service territory in the future years of this assessment. Figure 3-8 shows the current share of distributed generation capacity by technology in each of PacifiCorp's six-state service territories. Figure 3-8. Cumulative installed distributed generation capacity by state, by technology, as of March 31, 2024 CA ID Small Small Hydro Wind Hydro Wind PV+ 0.00% 0.07% PV+ 0.000% 0.02% Battery Battery Micro 3.16% Micro 12.93% Turbine Turbine 0.00% 0.00% Reciprocating Reciprocating Engine Engine 0.00% IP 0.00% PV Only PV Only 96.81/0 87.00% PG capacity installed: 15.8 MW-AC PG capacity installed: 23.6 MW-AC OR UT Small Small Hydro 0.000% Wind PV+ Hydro Wind PV + 0.04% Battery MICfO 0.003% 0.02% Battery / Micro 3.10/o 9.48% Turbine Turbine 0.46% 0.00% Reciprocating Reciprocating Engine Engine 0.00% 0.00% PV Only PV Only: 96.40% 90.50% PG capacity installed: 190.1 MW-AC PG capacity installed: 593.5 MW-AC 10 PacifiCorp distributed generation interconnection data as of April 2024. DNV — www.dnv.com Page 22 DNV WA WY Small Small Wind PV+ Hydro Wind PV+ Micro Hydro o Battery0.000% 0•49% Battery 0.08/0 1.62 Micro 0 0.000/0 11.55/o Turbine Turbine 0.00% 0.00% Reciprocating Reciprocating Engine Engine 0.00% 0.00% PV Only PV Only 98.30% 87.96% PG Capacity Installed: 38.9 MW-AC PG Capacity Installed: 6.5 MW-AC Section 3.3.3 details how the historic distributed generation adoption data is used in the distributed generation forecast modelling process. 3.3 Forecast methodology DNV combined technical feasibility characteristics of the identified distributed generation technologies and potential customers with an economic analysis to calculate cost-effectiveness metrics for each technology,within each state that PacifiCorp serves, over the analysis timeframe. DNV then used a Bass diffusion model to estimate customer adoption based on technical and economic feasibility and incorporated existing adoption of each technology by state and customer segment as input to the adoption model. Technical feasibility characteristics were used to identify the potential customer base that could technically support the installation of a specific distributed generation technology, or the maximum,feasible, adoption for each technology by sector. These factors included overall distributed generation metrics such as average customer load shapes and system size limits by state, and specific technology factors such as estimated rooftop space and resource access based on location (for hydro and wind resource applicability). Simple payback was used in the customer adoption portion of the model as an input parameter to Bass diffusion curves that determined the future penetration of all technologies. Figure 3-9 provides a visual representation of how different inputs were used in different portions of the model.Additional details on the economic and adoption approaches used in this analysis are provided in the subsequent sections. DNV — www.dnv.com Page 23 DNV Figure 3-9. Methodology to determine market potential of distributed generation adoption Installation • O&M costs costsLocal and -.- incentives • • Energy savings Benefits of analysis • . • - •• -• ownership Market Customer load shapes System potential performance Land-useSystem size limits constraints Non-shaded rooftop space dams,Access to unprotected streams and requirements • resource 3.3.1 Economic analysis The economic analysis portion of overall customer adoption was used as a key factor in the Bass diffusion model that calculated future distributed generation adoption. DNV used simple payback as the preferred method of estimating economic viability based on customer perspectives given its widespread use in similar adoption analyses, ability to reflect customer decision-making in forecasting efforts, and ease of estimation. DNV developed a behind-the-meter net economic perspective that includes, as costs, the acquisition and installation costs for each technology less the impact of available incentives and, as benefits, the customer's economic benefits of ownership such as energy and demand savings and export credits. For this assessment,we assumed that the current net metering or net billing policies and tariff structures in each state continued throughout the study horizon. This resulted in the model incorporating benefits associated with net metering in Oregon,Washington, and Wyoming and net billing in Utah and California. We assumed customers in Idaho would accrue benefits based on the net billing policy in Utah throughout the study. A detailed breakdown of the simple payback calculation and different elements is shown below. Cumulative Net Costs Simple Payback= Cumulative Net Benefits Cumulative Net Costs= (Upfront System Cost—Year One Incentives)+NPV(Annual 0&M Costs+Annual Fuel Costs) Cumulative Net Benefits=NPV(MACRS Savings+ Self Consumption Savings+Export Credits+Peak Demand Savings) DNV also used an annual hourly profile analysis to estimate electric bill savings and excess generation for each distributed generation technology by customer segment.This analysis used hourly generation and customer load profiles, and tiered, time-of-use(TOU), and peak demand rates for each customer segment and technology permutation. DNV integrated the energy savings, excess generation, and peak demand benefits into the lifetime simple payback estimation using customer load and individual rate forecasts provided by PacifiCorp.A full breakdown of all inputs used in the economic analysis is provided in Table 3-10 below. DNV — www.dnv.com Page 24 DNV Table 3-10. Distributed generation forecast economic analysis inputs' Cost/benefit category Technology cost data— Distributed generation cost data compiled in$/kW(AC&DC)—used in installed cost determining year one installed system costs DNV Technology cost data— Distributed generation fixed($/kW)&variable($/kWh)O&M data—used in annual O&M determining annual system costs DNV EIA Annual Energy Fuel cost data Natural gas cost data($/MMBtu) Outlook 2024 Hourly generation profiles for each technology by state—used in calculating Technology generation self-consumption savings,excess generation credits,and peak demand profiles savings DNV Hourly average customer load profiles by state—used in calculating self- Customer load profiles consumption savings,excess generation credits,and peak demand savings PacifiCorp Customer tiered,TOU,and peak demand rates by size,segment,and state —used in calculating self-consumption savings,excess generation credits, Customer rates and peak demand savings PacifiCorp Distributed generation cost data forecasts for installed system costs and NREL Annual annual O&M costs—used in determining year one installed system costs Technology Baseline Technology cost forecasts and future year annual system costs (ATB) Individual customer count and load(kWh)forecasts by customer segment Customer&load forecasts and state—used in calculating future year system costs and benefits PacifiCorp Rate forecasts applied to each customer segment—used in calculating EIA Annual Energy Outlook 2024 future year self-consumption savings,excess generation credits,and peak Customer rate forecasts demand savings PacifiCorp 'Detailed input data can be found in Appendix section 5.1 (Appendix Attachment A) DNV calculated simple payback for each technology(solar PV, solar PV+ battery,wind, hydro, reciprocating engines, and microturbines)by applicable individual customer segments (residential, commercial, industrial, and irrigation)for each installation year in the analysis timeframe(2024—2035). These payback results were combined with technical feasibility by customer segment and integrated into the Bass diffusion adoption model to determine annual distributed generation penetration throughout PacifiCorp's territory. 3.3.2 Technical feasibility The maximum amount of the technically feasible capacity of distributed generation was determined individually for each technology considered in the distributed generation forecast. Each technology was generally limited by customer access factors, system size limits, and energy consumption.The customer load shapes, provided by PacifiCorp, were used to DNV — www.dnv.com Page 25 DNV calculate annual energy use(kWh)cutoffs used in identifying the total number of customers that could technically support the installation of a specific technology. Other data sources specific to each technology were used to determine the amount of capacity that can be physically installed within PacifiCorp's service territory, such as: • Hydropower potential data and environmental attributes for all HUC10 watersheds in PacifiCorp's service territory" • Building rooftop hosting area and suitability for solar PV12 • Wind resource potential data by state13 3.3.3 Market adoption DNV modeled market adoption using Bass diffusion curves customized to each state, technology, and sector. The Bass diffusion model was developed in the 1960s and is widely used to model market adoption over time. The formula for new adoption of a technology in year t is given by14 s t =m (p+q)2 e-t(p+q) O p (1+a e-t(p+q))2 P Where: s(t)is new adopters at time t m is the ultimate market potential p is the coefficient of innovation q is the coefficient of imitation t is time in years Figure 3-10 shows a generalized Bass diffusion curve.The cumulative adoption curve takes a characteristic"S"shape with a new unknown and unproven technology having relatively slow adoption that accelerates over time as the technology becomes more familiar to a wider segment of the population.As the pool of potential buyers who have not yet adopted the technology shrinks, the rate of adoption (as a percent of the total pool of potential adopters)decreases until eventually everyone who will adopt has adopted.The corresponding chart shows the rate of annual new adoption. 11 Kao,Shih-Chieh,Mcmanamay,Ryan A.,Stewart,Kevin M.,Samu,Nicole M.,Hadjerioua,Boualem,Deneale,Scott T.,Yeasmin,Dilruba,Pasha,M.Fayzul K., Oubeidillah,Abdoul A.,and Smith,Brennan T.New Stream-reach Development:A Comprehensive Assessment of Hydropower Energy Potential in the United States. United States:N.p.,2014.Web.doi:10.21 72/1 1 30425. 12 Gagnon,P.,R.Margolis,J.Melius,C.Phillips,and R.Elmore.2016.Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Technical Potential in the United States:A Detailed Assessment. NREL/TP-6A20-65298.Golden,CO:National Renewable Energy Laboratory. 13 Draxl,C.,B.M.Hodge,A.Clifton,and J.McCaa.2015."The Wind Integration National Dataset(WIND)Toolkit."Applied Energy 151:355366. 14 Bass,Frank(1969)."A new product growth for model consumer durables".Management Science.15(5):215-227 DNV - www.dnv.com Page 26 DNV Figure 3-10. Bass diffusion curve illustration 70% Cumulative Adoption 3%o Annual Adoption M M p 60% « 3% 50% \ 2% c 40% c C G 2% C 30% M 20% M 1 ro 10% 1% R 0% 0% V 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Cumulative adoption Annual adoption In the illustration,the cumulative curve approaches 60% market penetration asymptotically, corresponding to the value of m (ultimate market potential)that we chose for the illustration. For our adoption models,we tied the value of m to payback, following Sigrin and Drury's15 survey findings on willingness to pay for rooftop photovoltaics based on payback. Because payback varied by technology, state, and sector, so did the Bass diffusion curve. Due to regional and sectoral differences,we made significant adjustments to the willingness-to-adopt curves to better align with the observed relationship between historic cost-effectiveness and current market adoption by technology, state, and sector in PacifiCorp's service territory. Based on PacifiCorp data on current and recent levels of distributed generation adoption, Utah in particular showed higher adoption than published willingness-to-pay curves would suggest,which we believe may be due to regional variation in how customers value resilience. To account for this variation across states,we developed three willingness-to-adopt curves to capture observed state variation. Table 3-11 shows which willingness-to- adopt curve was used for solar for each state and sector. Current adoption for the other modeled technologies was too low to discern variation across states, so we assumed the average propensity to adopt for wind, small hydro, reciprocating engines, and microturbines. Table 3-11. Solar willingness-to-adopt curve used by state and sector Average propensity to adopt High propensity to adopt Low propensity to adopt • California residential, Wyoming all sectors commercial, irrigation • Utah all sectors • Idaho commercial, industrial, • Idaho&Oregon 0 Oregon commercial, industrial, irrigation residential irrigation • California industrial • Washington all sectors 15 Sigrin,Ben and Easan Drury.2014.Diffusion into New Markets:Economic Returns Required by Households to Adopt Rooftop Photovoltaics.Energy Market Prediction: Papers from the 2014 AAAI Fall Symposium DNV — www.dnv.com Page 27 DNV Figure 3-11 shows the willingness-to-adopt curves for residential, commercial, and industrial sectors assuming an average propensity to adopt(the"Mid"case). There was too little irrigation adoption to assess the sector independently, so we used the commercial curves for the irrigation sector. Figure 3-11.Willingness to adopt based on technology payback 120% 100% c 80% c .a 60% 0 Q 40% 20% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Payback(years) Residential Commercial -Industrial The right-hand chart in Figure 3-12 shows the high, mid, and low adoption curves for the residential sector only.The high and low curves for the other sectors show similar variation on the left. Figure 3-12.Willingness to adopt based on technology payback, by sector and scenario Willingness to adopt by sector and average Residential willingness to adopt, and high-low-mid propensity to adopt adoption curves 100% 100% 90% 90% EL a 0 80% 0 80% 0 70% 0 70% rn 600/0 rn 60% c c 3 50% 50% 40% 40% ar a) 30% 2 30% Q 20% a 20% 10% ` 10% 0% 0% 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 Payback(years) Payback(years) Res Mid Com Mid Ind Mid Res Low Res 1,1id Res High DNV — www.dnv.com Page 28 DNV The willingness-to-adopt curves established a different m parameter for each diffusion curve. In addition to varying by technology, state, and sector, m also changed over time due to changing payback resulting from changing technology costs, incentives, and tax credits, among other economic factors). The timing of our modeled adoption also varied, as we set to for each diffusion curve based on the earliest adoption of each technology by state and sector. For example, the first residential PV installed in PacifiCorp's Oregon service territory was in 2000,while the first commercial PV installation in its Idaho service territory wasn't until 2010. For technology/state/sectors where there is currently no adoption,we assumed that the first adoption would occur in 2025. The p and q parameters of the Bass diffusion curves were calibrated so that the predicted cumulative adoption from to through 2023 was equal to the current market penetration of each technology by state and sector(we fixed the relationship between p and q at q= 10p to make it possible to solve for p). For technology/state/sectors where there is currently no adoption,we assumed average values for p and q. The result of this process was Bass diffusion curves customized for each technology, state, and sector that also accounted for variation in willingness-to-adopt as cost-effectiveness changes over time.The calibrated curves show some segments are still in the very early phases of adoption,while other markets are more mature. Our forecast of annual adoption reflects these differences. DNV — www.dnv.com Page 29 DNV 4 RESULTS In the base case scenario(Table 4-1), DNV estimates that 4,182 MW of new distributed generation capacity will be installed in PacifiCorp's service territory over the next twenty years(2024-2043). Figure 4-1 shows the relationship between the base case and low and high case scenarios. The low-case scenario estimates 3,129 MW of new capacity over the 20-year forecast period—compared to the base case, retail rates increase at a slower rate, and technology costs decrease at a slower rate. In the high case, retail rates increase at a faster rate, and technology costs decrease at a faster rate;this results in 4,871 MW of new distributed generation capacity installed by 2043. Table 4-1. Cumulative adopted distributed generation capacity by 2043, by scenario Cumulative capacity(2043 MW-AC) High 4,871 Base 4,182 Low 3,129 Figure 4-1. Cumulative new distributed generation capacity installed by scenario(MW-AC), 2018-2043 5,000 4,500 4,000 i 3,500 � i i _ Q 3,000 i i 2,500 i > 2,000 i m i 1,500 cj 1,000 500 0 O�cb O�� O0O O�� O��OHO � O�� OHO O`1A O�cb OHO 000 00� O��000 O�� 03� OHO O�� 00Z 000 2022 Study —Historical —Low Base —High The sensitivity analysis showed a greater margin of uncertainty on the low side than on the high side. The IRA extends tax credits for distributed generation that create favorable economics for adoption, and those are embedded in the base case. We therefore limited our upper bound forecast to lower technology costs and higher retail electricity rates, and these produced only a small boost to adoption for technologies that were already cost-effective under the IRA. In contrast,when we modeled our lower bound,we found that the decreases in cost-effectiveness were enough to tamp down adoption. The low case assumed higher technology costs and lower retail electricity rates than the other cases, reducing the economic DNV — www.dnv.com Page 30 DNV appeal of distributed generation despite incentives being unchanged. The low-case forecast is 25% less than the base case, while the high-case cumulative installed capacity forecasted over the 20-year period is just 15%greater than the base case. Figure 4-2. Cumulative new capacity installed by technology(MW-AC), 2024-2043, base case 6,000 5,000 - U Q 4,000 > 3,000 r E 2,000 r U 1,000 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 PV Only PV+Battery Wind Small Hydro Reciprocating Engine � Micro Turbine 2022 Figure 4-3. Cumulative new capacity installed by technology(MW-AC), 2024-2043, low case 6,000 5,000 U Q 4,000 73 3,000 M — E 2,000 U 1,000 f 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 PV Only PV+Battery Wind Small Hydro Reciprocating Engine � Micro Turbine — — 2022 DNV — www.dnv.com Page 31 DNV Figure 4-4. Cumulative new capacity installed by technology(MW-AC), 2024-2043, high case 6,000 5,000 U Q 4,000 _____--- 3,000 ►- --- m -- E 2,000 1,000 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 PV Only PV+Battery Wind Small Hydro Reciprocating Engine �Micro Turbine — —2022 The majority of historical and new capacity in all scenarios is either solar PV or solar PV+ battery storage. Therefore, the following three charts highlight other technologies(wind and CHP)forecasted adoption by scenario.The high scenario adoption is significantly higher than both the base scenario and low scenario compared to the charts with all technologies (solar PV or solar PV+ battery storage included). This is largely due to the influence of more influential adoption parameters having a greater effect in the high scenario compared to the base and low scenarios. Figure 4-5. Cumulative new capacity installed by technology(MW-AC), 2024-2043, base case(Excluding PV&PV+ Battery) 50 45 40 U 35 30 > 25 20 E 15 U 10 5 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 Wind Small Hydro Reciprocating Engine Micro Turbine — —2022 DNV — www.dnv.com Page 32 DNV Figure 4-6. Cumulative new capacity installed by technology(MW-AC), 2024-2043, low case(Excluding PV&PV+ Battery) 50 45 40 U Q 35 30 25 m 20 E 15 a U 10 5 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 r—Wind r_Small Hydro Reciprocating Engine r_Micro Turbine — —2022 Figure 4-7. Cumulative new capacity installed by technology(MW-AC), 2024-2043, high case(Excluding PV&PV+ Battery) 50 45 - 40 - U Q 35 =� 30 - 25 m 20 - E 15 r U 10 5 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 Wind � Small Hydro Reciprocating Engine Micro Turbine — —2022 4.1 Generation capacity results by state The following sections present the results by state for each forecast scenario.Additional exhibits for total PV capacity forecasted are provided by sector. PV Only and PV+ Battery capacity make up at least 95%of each state's projected distributed generation capacity, so providing results for the other technologies by sector would not provide useful context to the results.The full set of results by state, sector, and new/existing construction for the forecasts is provided in Appendix B, section 5.2. DNV — www.dnv.com Page 33 DNV Figure 4-8 shows the base case forecast by state, compared to the previous(2022)study's total base case forecast. This figure indicates that Utah and Oregon will drive the most distributed generation installations over the next two decades, which is to be expected given these two states represent the largest share of PacifiCorp's customers and sales. The base scenario estimates approximately 2,567 MW of new capacity will be installed over the next 10 years in PacifiCorp's territory-59%of which is in Utah, 28% in Oregon, and 5% in Idaho. Since the 2022 study,the federal ITC has been extended for ten years at its original base rate levels and expanded to include energy storage.The tax credit increase and extension lowered the customer payback period for all technologies, making the customer economics of this study's base case more similar to the previous study's high case. In addition to the change in customer economics, projected PV capacity is expected to grow at a faster rate in the early years and at a slower rate towards the end of the forecast period.The key drivers of these differences include larger average PV system sizes, decreases in PV+ Battery costs, and the maturity of rooftop PV technology.The adoption model DNV developed for this study was calibrated to existing levels of technology adoption for each state and sector. Technology adoption follows an S-curve with adoption initially increasing at an increasing rate, but eventually passing an inflection point where adoption continues to increase at a decreasing rate. Figure 4-8. Cumulative new capacity installations by state(MW-AC), 2024-2043, base case 6,000 U 5,000 Q 4,000 3,000 co _ 2,000 E U 1,000 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 �CA � ID OR �UT WA �WY --- 2022 4.1 .1 California Customers in PacifiCorp's service territory in northern California are projected to install about 60 MW of new distributed generation capacity or-3,000 new customers over the next two decades in the base case. The 20-year high projection is about 15%greater than the base case and the low projection is 10% less than the base case, or 71 MW and 55 MW, respectively. California does not currently have any state incentives available for distributed generation and uses a net billing structure for DER compensation.The residential sector has the largest share of the distributed generation capacity, ranging from 49% in the low case to 38% in the high and base cases. The next largest share of the capacity is forecasted in the commercial sector, ranging from 36% in the low case to 36% in the base and high cases. DNV — www.dnv.com Page 34 DNV Figure 4-9. Cumulative new distributed generation capacity installations by scenario(MW-AC), California,2018-2043 80 - 70 do-* i i i 60 i U 50 Q 40 a� '- 30 E 20 U 10 0 _ ,�4� ,� -�o- �'� r1�L rL� rLb �h r1ro rl'1 rL� �� 3� „�'� nj�• �1 It, P4D Ibb �jA njlb n�� p I �^ p`l D� �o_ , '19 ,yo �o, �yo 'yo T T T 'yo T T 'yo 'yo �o �yo ,yo �yo �yo T T T T ,yo ,yo �yo — — 2022 Study —Historical —Low —Base —High Figure 4-10. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), California base case, 2024-2043 80 70 Q 60 _ 50 .., -- -- - - - -- 40 30 U 20 10 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 PV Only PV+Battery Wind Small Hydro Reciprocating Engine Micro Turbine — — 2022 DNV — www.dnv.com Page 35 DNV Figure 4-11. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), California low case, 2024-2043 80 70 Q 60 c 50 ��- 4) 40 - > 2 30 t 20 U 10 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 PV Only PV+Battery Wind Small Hydro Reciprocating Engine Micro Turbine — 2022 Figure 4-12. Cumulative new capacity installed by technology(MW-AC), California high case, 2024-2043 80 70 Q 60 � 50 � 40 30 s ' E - U 20 10 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 PV Only PV+Battery Wind Small Hydro Reciprocating Engine Micro Turbine — 2022 DNV — www.dnv.com Page 36 DNV California PV adoption by sector The impact of the three different scenarios on PV adoption by sector is shown in Figure 4-13,which presents the differences in PV capacity relative to the base case for the three modeled scenarios across the four sectors. In the residential sector,the share of PV+ Battery capacity is about 6%of total PV capacity in 2043 for the high case.The share of PV+ Battery capacity is about 20%of total commercial PV capacity in 2043 for the high case.The irrigation sector has a similar portion of its PV capacity in PV+ Battery configurations, at 14%of total capacity in the high case. Figure 4-13. Cumulative new PV capacity installed by sector across all scenarios, California, 2024-2043 Upper and lower bounds(in blue)represent the high and low case forecasts, with a line for the base case. Residential Commercial 25 25 20 20 Q a f 15 15 10 10 E E U U 5 5 0 0 `l�o �� r>j0 o`, o� ono �- �o �7 D� ,Lb �b �16 �O „�`1- o� �0 016 �o �r1 �R �o 'Vo �o ro '0 �o ,LO �o �O 'o �o Industrial Irrigation 0.06 18 16 0.05 14 0.04 12 10 > 0.03 1m 8 5 3 0.02 6 U U 4 0.01 2 0.00 0 �° ti�O �� o0 0� o° o`O o� �o �,y �° o�� ode ode o0o Doti ooa oo�O o00 0°0 o°ti o°o T rp �yo T '10 ,yo ro ,yo 'yo ,yo yo ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti DNV — www.dnv.com Page 37 DNV 4.1 .2 Idaho PacifiCorp's customers in Idaho are projected to install about 167 MW of new distributed generation capacity or—15,500 new customers over the next two decades in the base case.The 20-year high projection is about 20%greater than the base case, and the low projection is 36% less than the base case, or 247 MW and 127 MW, respectively. Idaho has an incentive program for residential customers that boosted the sector's adoption, compared to the other sectors. The incentives are provided through the Residential Alternative Energy Income Tax Deduction, discussed in section 3.1.6. DNV assumed Idaho would use the same net billing structure for DER compensation as Utah for the study period (2024- 2043).The residential sector has the largest share of the distributed generation capacity, ranging from 59% in the base and 61% in the high case to 57% in the low case.The next largest share of the capacity is forecasted in the commercial sector, ranging from 31% in the low and base cases to 26% in the high case. Figure 4-14. Cumulative new distributed generation capacity installed by scenario(MW-AC), Idaho,2018-2043 300 250 200 W' U Q 150 i WP 5 100 E v 50 0 2022 Study —Historical —Low Base —High DNV — www.dnv.com Page 38 DNV Figure 4-15. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), Idaho base case, 2024-2043 300 — — — — U 250 — — — Q 200 — — > 150 cc E 100 : r U 50 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 PV Only PV+Battery Wind Small Hydro Reciprocating Engine Micro Turbine - -- 2022 Figure 4-16. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), Idaho low case,2024-2043 300 — — — 250 � — — — U a 200 — — — > 150 ca ' 100 — — -- 1 j - U 50 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 PV Only PV+Battery Wind Small Hydro Reciprocating Engine Micro Turbine 2022 DNV — www.dnv.com Page 39 DNV Figure 4-17. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), Idaho high case, 2024-2043 300 250 200 150 io � - 100 U 50 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 PV Only PV+Battery Wind — Small Hydro Reciprocating Engine � Micro Turbine — 2022 DNV — www.dnv.com Page 40 DNV Idaho PV adoption by sector The differences in PV capacity relative to the base case for the three modeled scenarios across the four sectors are presented in the following charts. In the residential sector,the high case share of PV+ Battery capacity is about 15%of total residential PV capacity in 2042.The share of PV+ Battery capacity is about 8%of total commercial PV capacity in 2042. The irrigation sector has a slightly higher portion of its PV capacity in PV+ Battery configurations, at 4%of total capacity. The industrial sector did not have any PV+ Battery adoption forecasted. Figure 4-18. Cumulative new PV capacity installed by sector across all scenarios, Idaho, 2024-2043 Upper and lower bounds(in blue)represent the high and low case forecasts, with a line for the base case. Residential Commercial 160 80 140 70 U 120 U 60 Q a 100 50 > 80 > 40 E 60 30 U 40 U 20 20 10 0 0 11 OO 016 0000� 0000HO �� �� 00� O0O O0O 000 00 00 000 `(00 `0 L3 0 `0 O `O O L L L L L L0 00 O HO O O�� Industrial Irrigation 70 70 60 60 Q 50 Q 50 2 40 2 40 (D @ 30 @ 30 E E �j 20 20 10 10 0 0 ti� tiO TO TO �O �O LO L0 �O �O �O If, ,yO 10 L0 L0 �O �O �O L0 '0 '0 'O �O DNV — www.dnv.com Page 41 DNV 4.1 .3 Oregon PacifiCorp's customers in Oregon are projected to install about 1,030 MW of new distributed generation capacity or --119,250 new customers over the next two decades in the base case. The 20-year high projection is 18% higher than the base case and the low projection is 22% less than the base case, or 1,260 MW and 985 MW, respectively. Oregon has incentives available through the Oregon Department of Energy(DOE)for PV+ Battery systems and the Energy Trust of Oregon (ETO)for PV Only configurations. The ETO offers incentives for both residential and business customers, while the Oregon DOE provides incentives for residential customers only. The incentives are discussed further in section 3.1.6. The PV+ Battery incentives offered for residential customers by the Oregon DOE provided a boost to customer economics that led to the majority of PV+ Battery adoption growth being in the residential sector. The majority of the PV Only adoption growth in the early years of the forecast is in the commercial sector,with the residential sector following closely behind and eventually overtaking the forecast in the later years. Oregon's net metering policies were assumed to stay in place throughout the study, providing more favorable economics for PV Only compared to PV+ Battery systems. Figure 4-19. Cumulative new distributed generation capacity installed by scenario(MW-AC), Oregon,2018-2043 1,600 1,400 1,200 U 1,000 Q 800 _ '— 600 E 400 U 200 0 O�(b O�� o`l� o`l� O`1�o`l� � O`1� O�ro 0`1A o`lOb O`lcb O�R) Oaf O�L,O[6 Ord Ogh O b O�A 2022 Study —Historical —Low —Base —High DNV — www.dnv.com Page 42 DNV Figure 4-20. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), Oregon base case, 2024-2043 1,600 - 1,400 Q 1,200 1,000 — - + 75 1 > 800 600 E 400 U _ 200 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 PV Only PV+Battery Wind — Small Hydro Reciprocating Engine � Micro Turbine - -- 2022 Figure 4-21. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), Oregon low case, 2024-2043 1,600 1,400 Q 1,200 i 1,00075 > 800 600 r C 400 U 200 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 PV Only PV+Battery Wind Small Hydro Reciprocating Engine Ivlicro Turbine 2022 DNV — www.dnv.com Page 43 DNV Figure 4-22. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), Oregon high case,2024-2043 1,600 1,400 Q 1,200 1.000 800 600 r C 400 U 200 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 PV Only PV+Battery Wind ® Small Hydro Reciprocating Engine � Micro Turbine — 2022 DNV — www.dnv.com Page 44 DNV Oregon PV adoption by sector The differences in PV capacity relative to the base case for the three modeled scenarios across the four sectors are presented in the following charts. In the residential sector,the share of PV+ Battery capacity is about 4%of total residential PV capacity in 2042. The share of PV+ Battery capacity is about 2%of total commercial PV capacity in 2042. The irrigation sector has a similar portion of its PV capacity in PV+ Battery configurations, at 3%of total capacity. The industrial sector had a smaller share of its PV capacity in PV+ Battery configurations at less than 1%. Figure 4-23. Cumulative new PV capacity installed by sector across all scenarios, Oregon,2024-2043 Upper and lower bounds(in blue)represent the high and low case forecasts, with a line for the base case. Residential Commercial 1,200 350 1,000 300 U U 250 a 800 a 2 200 600 ; T 150 E 400 E U 100 200 50 0 0 O�11 OHO O 6 000 00l 00� 000 000 Otp O��O�� 00� 0�6 O��O30 03ti OOb OHO O5� OHO Opti OAR ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti T rp IV T T ti I ti � Industrial Irrigation 14 40 12 35 a 10 a 30 25 2 8 2 > > 20 m g io E E 15 U 4 U 10 2 5 0 0 001, 00O OHO 000 OOry 00N 000 000 OHO O�� O�� 00� OHO OHO 000 00� 00� 000 zN DNV — www.dnv.com Page 45 DNV 4.1 .4 Utah PacifiCorp's customers in Utah are projected to install about 1,653 MW of new distributed generation capacity or-127,000 new customers over the next two decades in the base case.The 20-year high projection is 11%greater than the base case and the low projection is 25% less than the base case, or 2,596 MW and 1,733 MW, respectively. Utah has an incentive program for residential and business customers, but the residential PV-only incentive expired in 2023. The remaining incentives are provided through the Utah Office of Energy Development Renewable Energy Systems Tax Credit, discussed in section 3.1.6. DNV assumed Utah's net billing policies would remain in place throughout the study. In all cases,the residential sector has the largest share of the distributed generation capacity forecasted—ranging from 56%to 61% in the high and low cases, respectively. The commercial sector represents 40%of the capacity forecast in the high and 42% in the base scenarios, but only 36% in the low case. Figure 4-24. Cumulative new distributed generation capacity installed by scenario(MW-AC), Utah, 2023-2043 All Technologies 3,000 2,500 Q 2,000 000 doo wo 1,500 .00 op 1,000 U 500 illillillillillllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIililillillillilllllliiilillillso 0 cb O 0 O 0� 0 0 O 0� 0 0� 0� 00 000 ON 000 H0000 � 0 00000 OHO 2022 Study —Historical Low —Base —High DNV — www.dnv.com Page 46 DNV Figure 4-25. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), Utah base case, 2024-2043 3,000 2,500 U Q 2,000 75 1,500 f 1,000 U 500 Ir 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 PV Only PV+Battery Wind Small Hydro Reciprocating Engine Micro Turbine - -- 2022 Figure 4-26. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), Utah low case, 2024-2043 3,000 2,500 U Q 3: 2,000 75 dM > 1,500 CIO � 1,000 U 500 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 PV Only PV+Battery Wind Small Hydro Reciprocating Engine Ivlicro Turbine 2022 DNV — www.dnv.com Page 47 DNV Figure 4-27. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC), Utah high case,2024-2043 3,000 — — - 2,500 U Q 2,000 — 1,500 1 E 1,000 - :3 _ U 500 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 PV Only PV+Battery Wind Small Hydro Reciprocating Engine Micro Turbine — 2022 DNV — www.dnv.com Page 48 DNV Utah PV adoption by sector The differences in PV capacity relative to the base case for the three modeled scenarios across the four sectors are presented in the following charts. In the residential sector,the share of PV+ Battery capacity is between 28 and 32%of total residential PV capacity in 2042.The share of PV+ Battery capacity is about 4%of total commercial PV capacity in 2042. The industrial sector has a lower portion of its PV capacity in PV+ Battery configurations, at 1%of total capacity.About 5% of the irrigation sector PV capacity forecasted is in a PV+ Battery configuration. Figure 4-28. Cumulative new PV capacity installed by sector across all scenarios, Utah,2024-2043 Upper and lower bounds(in blue)represent the high and low case forecasts, with a line for the base case. Residential Commercial 1,200 1,200 1,000 1,000 Q 800 Q 800 > 600 > 600 U400 3 400 200 /000� 200 0 0 , , HO00041000 , OO O0� 03; b060NI00b` ` `L 10 If, `L0 10 i0 O `O lO 10 If, `O 0 11P O O O Industrial Irrigation 16 70 14 60 Q 12 Q 50 10 2 40 > 8 > 30 E 6 E c i 4 cj 20 2 10 0 0 `L� `V `L� ,�0 "�� r5 00 0 �O �' �t `L� �6 �O 30 0� "��' "fir° "�� R0 t. �R ,tiO TO -O rO -0 'O ryO fO f ,tiO �O rL0 ,yO DNV — www.dnv.com Page 49 DNV 4.1 .5 Washington PacifiCorp's customers in Washington are projected to install about 218 MW of new distributed generation capacity or --16,150 new customers over the next two decades in the base case.The 20-year low projection is about 29% less than the base case, or 187 MW. The high case is 25% higher than the base case, or 351 MW, as seen in Figure 4-29. Washington state currently offers no incentives for distributed generation technologies.The residential sector has the largest share of the distributed generation capacity, ranging from 66% in the high case, 68% in the base case, and 70% in the low case. The next largest share of the capacity is forecasted in the commercial sector, ranging from 24% in the low case to 27% in the base and high cases.Washington's net metering policies were assumed to stay in place throughout the assessment, providing more favorable economics for PV Only compared to PV+ Battery systems. Figure 4-29. Cumulative new distributed generation capacity installed by scenario(MW-AC),Washington, 2018-2043 All Technologies 400 350 300 U 250 200 150 5 E v 100 50 0 Cb ,�O �O ,LO �O yO ,�O ,�O �O LO yO �O 2022 Study -Historical Low Base -High DNV — www.dnv.com Page 50 DNV Figure 4-30. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC),Washington base case, 2024-2043 400 350 Q 300 250 200 - 150 100 U 50 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 PV Only PV+Battery Wind ® Small Hydro Reciprocating Engine Micro Turbine 2022 Figure 4-31. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC),Washington low case, 2024-2043 400 350 Q 300 250 200 M 150 100 - U 50 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 PV Only PV+Battery Wind Small Hydro Reciprocating Engine Micro Turbine — — 2022 DNV — www.dnv.com Page 51 DNV Figure 4-32. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC),Washington high case,2024-2043 400 350 Q 300 250 -- 200 150 U 100 50 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 PV Only PV+Battery Wind ® Small Hydro Reciprocating Engine � Micro Turbine — 2022 DNV — www.dnv.com Page 52 DNV Washington PV adoption by sector The differences in PV capacity relative to the base case for the three modeled scenarios across the four sectors are presented in the following charts. In the residential sector,the share of PV+ Battery capacity is about 4%of total residential PV capacity in 2042. The share of PV+ Battery capacity is about 3%of total commercial PV capacity in 2042.The industrial sector has a higher portion of its PV capacity in PV+ Battery configurations, at 8%of total capacity. In the irrigation sector, the share of PV+ Battery capacity is between 2%and 4%, depending on the forecast scenario, of total irrigation PV capacity in 2042. Figure 4-33. Cumulative new PV capacity installed by sector across all scenarios,Washington,2024-2043 Upper and lower bounds(in blue)represent the high and low case forecasts, with a line for the base case. Residential Commercial 250 120 200 100 Q 80 3� 150 > > 60 m in 100 � 40 U U 50 20 0 0 Industrial Irrigation 5 20 4 18 4 16 Q 3 Q 14 2i 12 3 > > 10 v 2 D 8 U 2 U 6 1 4 1 2 0 0 OHO O�� O�� O�� OHO O�� OHO O�� O�� OHO O'b OHO O0 Off` DNV — www.dnv.com Page 53 DNV 4.1 .6 Wyoming PacifiCorp's customers in Wyoming are projected to install about 75 MW of new distributed generation capacity or—10,450 new customers over the next two decades in the base case.The 20-year high projection is approximately 37%greater than the base case and the low projection is 48% less than the base case, or 132 MW and 43 MW, respectively. Wyoming currently offers no incentives for distributed generation technologies. The residential sector has the largest share of the distributed generation capacity, ranging from 71% in the low case to 78% in the high case, and 79% in the base case. The next largest share of the capacity is forecasted in the commercial sector, ranging from 21% in the high and base cases to 28% in the low case.Wyoming's net metering policies were assumed to stay in place throughout the study, providing more favorable economics for PV Only compared to PV+ Battery systems. Figure 4-34. Cumulative new distributed generation capacity installed by scenario(MW-AC),Wyoming,2018-2043 All Technologies 140 120 U 100 Q 80 60 E 40 20 0 ,o Cb�o°' o o N o o o,oA oo ), 0� N yo`ti�oeb� �y �� 0y31�0�y3°'� ao o 'y� r y r ytidy y y y3o o1 , g � p 2022 Study —Historical —Low —Base —High DNV — www.dnv.com Page 54 DNV Figure 4-35. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC),Wyoming base case, 2024-2043 140 - 120 U Q 100 — 2E 80 a� 60 - 40 U 20 I M gong 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 PV Only PV+Battery Wind ® Small Hydro Reciprocating Engine Micro Turbine - - 2022 Figure 4-36. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC),Wyoming low case, 2024-2043 140 120 U Q 100 80 a� 60 40 -- U 20 --- 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 PV Only PV+Battery Wind ® Small Hydro Reciprocating Engine ram+ Micro Turbine — 2022 DNV — www.dnv.com Page 55 DNV Figure 4-37. Cumulative new capacity installations by technology(MW-AC),Wyoming high case,2024-2043 140 120 U Q 100 2i 80 a� 60 — 40 U 20 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 PV Only PV+Battery Wind ® Small Hydro Reciprocating Engine Micro Turbine — 2022 DNV — www.dnv.com Page 56 DNV Wyoming PV adoption by sector The differences in PV capacity relative to the base case for the three modeled scenarios across the four sectors are presented in the following charts. In the residential sector,the share of PV+ Battery capacity is between 19%and 23%of total residential PV capacity in 2042, depending on the forecast scenario. The share of PV+ Battery capacity is about 6%of total commercial PV capacity in 2042.The industrial sector has a lower portion of its PV capacity in PV+ Battery configurations, at 5%of total capacity. The irrigation sector did not have any PV(PV Only or PV+ Battery)adoption forecasted. Figure 4-38. Cumulative New PV capacity installed by sector across all scenarios,Wyoming, 2024-2043 Upper and lower bounds(in blue)represent the high and low case forecasts, with a line for the base case. Residential Commercial 120 30 100 25 Q 80 Q 20 60 > 15 E 40 E 10 U U 20 5 0 0 �yo ,yo yo �yo ,yo �o ,yo ,yo ,yo ,yo �yo yo yo yo ,yo yo rp ,yo do yo yo ,yo Industrial Irrigation 0.50 0.30 0.45 0.40 0.25 U 0.35 U Q ¢ 0.20 0.30 > 0.25 > 0.154000 7s 0.20 �j 0.15 U 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 gyp, `LC° ti(b �° ;I- 3� "��° `�� �° �0' b� ,Lb `L(o ti� „�O "'`L 0b „��o �0 �O �� DR ,ti0 'O '0 rO 'O 'O 'o TO ,LO ,�O �O ,LO ,LO �O 4O f f f DNV — www.dnv.com Page 57 DNV 5 APPENDIX 5.1 Technology assumptions and segment-level inputs Appendix A.xlsx 5.2 Detailed results Appendix B.xlsx DNV — www.dnv.com Page 58 DNV 5.3 Behind-the-meter battery storage forecast DNV prepared a behind-the-meter battery storage forecast as a part of the Long-Term Distributed Generation Resource Assessment for PacifiCorp covering their service territories in Utah, Oregon, Idaho,Wyoming, California, and Washington to support PacifiCorp's 2024 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP).This study evaluated the expected adoption of behind-the-meter battery storage systems coupled with PV systems over a 20-year forecast horizon (2024-2043)for all customer sectors (residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural). Residential and non-residential battery energy storage systems(BESS) can be installed as a standalone system, added to an existing PV system, or the system can be installed together with a new PV system. DNV assumed all battery installations would be paired with a PV system in an AC-coupled configuration, as standalone systems are ineligible for the federal ITC—explained further in section 3.1.6. The adoption model DNV developed for this study is calibrated to the current16 installed and interconnected behind-the- meter battery capacity that is paired with a PV system, shown in Figure 5-1. Figure 5-1. Historic cumulative installed behind-the-meter battery storage capacity, PacifiCorp,2014-2024 Historic Cumulative Installed Battery Capacity by State Historic Cumulative Installed Battery Capacity by Sector 70 Non-Residential 3% 60 50 40 30 E U 20 10 Residential slow 97% 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 ■CA ID ■OR ■UT WA ■WY 5.3.1 Study methodologies and approaches DNV modelled two technologies in the behind-the-meter battery storage forecast: 1. PV+Battery: BESS product installed together with a new PV system, 2. Battery Retrofit: BESS product installed as an add-on to an existing PV system. 16 PacifiCorp distributed generation interconnection data as of April 2024. DNV — www.dnv.com Page 59 DNV DNV used the same forecasting methodologies and approaches for the BTM battery storage forecast as the distributed generation forecast. The methods used to develop the results of the forecast are described in detail in section 3.3 of the report. Data on battery system costs used in the BTM battery storage forecast is explained in detail in section of the report. That section includes current and projected future costs of battery storage systems used in the forecast for the different sectors.The detailed assumptions for the system configurations, including system sizes, in each sector and state can be found in Appendix A, section 5.1. 5.3.2 Battery dispatch modelling DNV utilized its proprietary solar plus storage operational modeling tool—Lightsaber—to model battery dispatch. Battery dispatch strategy dictates the flow of energy between the PV system, battery, and the grid.The battery dispatch model includes strategies such as peak shaving, energy arbitrage, and manual dispatch. Self-consumption was modeled for all sectors' BESS control strategy,which utilizes the battery by charging only from excess PV and discharging if PV production falls below load. For residential customers,the dispatch model used energy arbitrage to reduce time-of-use charges.f'For non-residential customers,the dispatch model used energy arbitrage to reduce demand charges and time-of-use charges, where applicable. 5.3.3 Results In the base case scenario, DNV estimates 407 MW of new BTM battery storage capacity will be installed in PacifiCorp's service territory over the next twenty years(2024-2043)(Table 5-1). Figure 5-2 shows the relationship between the base case and low and high case scenario forecasts,with the cumulative totals a summation of the existing -62 MW of installed battery capacity and the forecasted 20-year adoption. The low-case scenario estimates 337 MW of new capacity over the 20-year forecast period—compared to the base case, retail rates increase at a slower rate, and technology costs decrease at a slower rate. In the high case, retail rates increase at a faster rate, and technology costs decrease at a faster rate. The twenty-year total new capacity forecasted in the high case is about 34%greater than the base case,while the low case is 24% less. Table 5-1. Cumulative adopted battery storage capacity by 2043, by scenario Cumulative capacity (2043 mw) High 530 Base 407 Low 337 17 Modeling parameters include PacifiCorp's actual on-and off-peak ratios,which are relatively low when compared to other jurisdictions. DNV — www.dnv.com Page 60 DNV Figure 5-2. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by scenario(MW), 2023-2042 600 500 U Q 400 2 > 300 Co E 200 U 100 0 2018 2022 2026 2030 2034 2038 2042 *w Range Base Historical Figure 5-2 shows how the forecasts by customer sector and technology for each scenario. In all scenarios of the forecast, the residential sector represents about 90%of the new battery storage capacity forecasted to be installed over the next twenty years. The commercial, industrial, and irrigation sectors have been bundled into a single"Non-Residential"sector to present the results in the report, as the capacity forecasts in the individual sectors are very small relative to the total forecast. PV+ Battery systems represent the greatest share of the new battery capacity forecasted in the base and high cases. Battery Retrofit systems representing a greater share of the new battery capacity forecasted in the low case indicate that customers are more likely to adopt a PV Only system over a PV+ Battery system when technology costs are higher, and electricity rates are lower. 5.3.4 Storage capacity results by state As was the case in the distributed generation forecast, Utah represents the largest share of the battery capacity forecast. To date,the majority of installed battery storage capacity and annual growth in storage capacity has been in Utah,which represents the largest portion go PacifiCorp's customer population. Battery adoption is expected to continue to grow in Utah, with the state's share of total new capacity reaching between 81% and 84%, depending on the scenario, over the next twenty years. The net billing structure in place in Utah incentivizes PV+ Battery storage co-adoption more so than traditional net metering, as customers can lower their electricity bills by charging their batteries with excess PV generation and dispatching their batteries to meet on-site load during times of day when retail energy prices are high. Oregon represents the second largest portion of the new capacity forecasted, between 8%and 10%. Net metering is the DER compensation mechanism in place in Oregon, but customer economics are boosted by PV+ Battery incentives provided through the Oregon Department of Energy." 180regon.Gov."Oregon Solar+Storage Rebate Program.".https://www.oregon.goy/energV/Incentives/Pages/Solar-Storage-Rebate-Prop ram.aspx DNV — www.dnv.com Page 61 DNV Figure 5-3. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by state (MW), 2024-2043, base case 500 400 300 M E �j 200 100 0 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 ■CA • ID ■OR ■UT WA ■WY Figure 5-4. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by state (MW), 2024-2043, low case 500 3: 400 a� 300 M E �j 200 -- 100 0 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 ■CA ID ■OR ■UT WA ■WY DNV — www.dnv.com Page 62 DNV Figure 5-5. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by state (MW),2024-2043, high case 500 3: 400 a� .' 300 �o �j 200 100 0 = 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 203a 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 ■CA ID ■OR ■UT WA ■WY -- The following figures show the state-level forecasts in more detail. Background and commentary on the individual states' results can be found in section 4.1 of the report. California Figure 5-6. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by scenario(MW), California, 2028-2043 3.0 2.5 U Q 2.0 73 > 1.5 3 1.0 U 0.5 0.0 2018 2022 2026 2030 2034 2038 2042 Range Base Historical DNV — www.dnv.com Page 63 DNV Figure 5-7. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by technology across all scenarios (MW), California, 2023-2042 Upper and lower bounds(in blue)represent the high and low case forecasts,with a line for the base case. CA Residential PV+ Battery CA Residential Battery Retrofit 1.8 0.25 - 1.6 1.4 - 0.20 1.2 1.0 0.15 - Y ' R 0.8 E E 0.10 �j 0.6 v 0.4 - - - 0.05 0.2 ti6P tiQP ti60 tiQP Le tiQ;P 2���ti��1 ti�Ip R� �p`L3,Lp`L�',LQ`bI �p`L°' LQ` ,,Lp`33�p3�,Lp`3l �p �pb1 CA Non-Residential PV+ Battery CA Non-Residential Battery Retrofit 1.0 0.30 - 0.9 � 0.8 . 3: 0.25 - - 1 > 0. S 0.20 2 0.6 - m v0.5 E 0.15 - 0.4 v 0.3 0.10 - 0.2 0.1 - 0.05 b9 DNV- www.dnv.com Page 64 DNV Idaho Figure 5-8. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by scenario(MW), Idaho, 2018-2043 30 25 U Q 20 15 10 U 5 0 2018 2022 2026 2030 2034 2038 2042 �Range —Base Historical DNV — www.dnv.com Page 65 DNV Figure 5-9. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by technology across all scenarios (MW), Idaho, 2023- 2042 Upper and lower bounds(in blue)represent the high and low case forecasts,with a line for the base case. ID Residential PV+ Battery ID Residential Battery Retrofit 9 1.0 7 0.8 6 0.7 - 0.6 5 0.5 — 4 E E 0.4 - V 3 v 0.3 2 0.2 1 - - 0.1 ,Lp`1.3,Lp`L5,Lp`L� '1p`L°�,Lp�,Lp33,Lp35 2�3� ,Lpb°',Lpp,'` ID Non-Residential PV+ Battery ID Non-Residential Battery Retrofit 1.8 — 0.050 1.6 - 0.045 1.4 3:0.040 1 2 - >0.035 `0 1.0 °0.030 — ci 0.8 0.025 U 0.6 0.020 0.015 0.4 0.010 0.2 - 0.005 5 0`L'1 9 3 5 1 9 ti0`L ti ti0`L `LOB •1,0� ti0� �03 ti0� ti0� DNV— www.dnv.com Page 66 DNV Oregon Figure 5-10. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by scenario(MW), Oregon,2018-2043 450 400 350 U Q 300 I a� 250 > 200 �- D 150 U 100 50 0 2018 2022 2026 2030 2034 2038 2042 Range —Base Historical DNV — www.dnv.com Page 67 DNV Figure 5-11. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by technology across all scenarios (MW), Oregon, 2023-2042 Upper and lower bounds(in blue)represent the high and low case forecasts,with a line for the base case. OR Residential PV+ Battery OR Residential Battery Retrofit 18 4.5 16 4.0 14 3.5 12 3.0 > 10 >_ 2.5 M y l9 2.0 ci 6 ci 1.5 4 1.0 2 0.5 `LOi3`L `L `LO`Lg`L03� L03�20 'V 'L03�'V Q`fl QP 60 Q`V' Q` ' 033 625 p31 ZIP pNII `1. 2 2 `L `L 'L OR Non-Residential PV+Battery OR Non-Residential Battery Retrofit 3.5 3.0 3.0 2.5 3 2.5 - .Z >_ 2.0 — � Y 2.0 3 3 1.5 v 1.5 t) 1.0 1.0 loo, 0.5 0.5 2zq"b Lzp`bZp 2�`L°'`L��1 "b "b 2 A DNV— www.dnv.com Page 68 DNV Utah Figure 5-12. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by scenario(MW), Utah,2018-2043 450 400 350 U Q 300 I a� 250 > 200 �- D 150 U 100 50 0 2018 2022 2026 2030 2034 2038 2042 Range —Base Historical DNV — www.dnv.com Page 69 DNV Figure 5-13. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by technology across all scenarios (MW), Utah, 2023-2042 Upper and lower bounds(in blue)represent the high and low case forecasts, with a line for the base case. UT Residential PV+Battery UT Residential Battery Retrofit 140 - 90 120 80 70 100 - 60 — m80 > > 50 m � 60 5 40 E E U 40 _ �j 30 20 20 10 �031 �039�OP ,L(9L1,L41b,Lp91 ,L41,Lp'S'�,L6P 2p`i5,Lp�1 2pIp,LppN� UT Non-Residential PV+ Battery UT Non-Residential Battery Retrofit 7 — 8 6 7 m 5 — — 6 > > a 5 — 4 — R E ' E 4 — t1 3 V 3 2 2 - 1 1 DNV — www.dnv.com Page 70 DNV Washington Figure 5-14. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by scenario(MW),Washington,2018-2043 8 7 U 6 Q 5 4 M E 3 U 2 1 0 2018 2022 2026 2030 2034 2038 2042 Range —Base Historical DNV— www.dnv.com Page 71 DNV Figure 5-15. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by technology across all scenarios (MW), Washington,2023-2042 Upper and lower bounds (in blue)represent the high and low case forecasts, with a line for the base case. WA Residential PV+ Battery WA Residential Battery Retrofit 2.0 - 1.2 1.8 1.6 1.0 2 1.4 0.8 - 1.2 1.0 - 0.6 — 0.8 B U 3 0.6 V 0.4 0.4 0 0.2 .2 `LO`I3 20`1�`LO`�� LO`L9`L03� L03�20`'�`L03� L03�20�� p`L`3 p`15 621 WA Non-Residential PV+ Battery WA Non-Residential Battery Retrofit 1.2 — 0.25 � 1.0 30.20 0.8 - > R 0.15 — 0 0.6 E L) 3 0.4 — V 0.10 0.2 0.05 bb ti 2�'b9 2 b�1 3 5 1 9 3 5 1 0 TO`i' `LO`L ti0`l DNV — www.dnv.com Page 72 DNV Wyoming Figure 5-16. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by scenario(MW),Wyoming,2018-2043 20 18 16 Q 14 12 10 5 8 E U 6 4 2 0 2018 2022 2026 2030 2034 2038 2042 Range —Base Historical DNV — www.dnv.com Page 73 DNV Figure 5-17. Cumulative new battery storage capacity installed by technology across all scenarios (MW),Wyoming, 2023-2042 Upper and lower bounds(in blue)represent the high and low case forecasts, with a line for the base case. WY Residential PV+ Battery WY Residential Battery Retrofit 6 0.040 — 0.035 5 0.030 4 - 0.025 R 3 0.020 E 2 E 0.015 — U 0.010 1 0.005 `L9��`LOO'�`LO`1� `LOO'g 29�129��`LO��29�� ti9�9 ti9�1 p`L3 p`L6 p`L'1 p`L9 p`3� �`33 p3� p`3'1 p`39 pp,� WY Non-Residential PV+ Battery WY Non-Residential Battery Retrofit 0.9 0.020 0.8 — 0.018 0.7 0.016 0.6 0.014 0.5 — 2 0.012 c'i 0.4 E 0.010 — U 0.3 0.008 0.2 0.006 0.1 0.004 0.002 3 h '1 9 � 3 5 1 9 � `LO`L `LO`L ti0� ti0`L `LOB 'P 20� �03 'P 2�A DNV — www.dnv.com Page 74 DNV About DNV DNV is a global quality assurance and risk management company. Driven by our purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment,we enable our customers to advance the safety and sustainability of their business. We provide classification, technical assurance, software and independent expert advisory services to the maritime, oil &gas, power and renewables industries. We also provide certification, supply chain and data management services to customers across a wide range of industries. Operating in more than 100 countries, our experts are dedicated to helping customers make the world safer, smarter and greener. DNV PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX M-STAKEHOLDER FEEDBACK APPENDIX M - STAKEHOLDER FEEDBACK As of December 2024, stakeholder have submitted 46 stakeholder feedback forms, summarized below. PacifiCorp has responded to 40 of these submissions with public postings to the IRP website and six additional forms have been mailed. The stakeholder feedback forms have allowed the company to review and summarize issues by topic as well as identify specific recommendations that were provided. Information collected is used to inform the 2025 IRP development process, including feedback related to process improvements and input assumptions, as well as responding directly to stakeholder questions. Footnote references to stakeholder feedback are also included in the chapters and appendices of the 2025 IRP where relevant. Stakeholder Feedback Form Summary The table below summarizes the publicly available forms and PacifiCorp responses. Table CA —Stakeholder Feedback Form Summary SIFF# Request'topic PacifiCorp Reply Reference 2025.001 Peter Gross(1/11/24) Nuclear power PacifiCorp is managing risks to ensure that any nuclear resource must bring value to customers. Chapter 7 2025.003 OPUC(5/7/24) Modeling inputs and scenarios Anticipated inputs and assumptions listed in slide 34 of 1/25/24 PIM;inputs discussed throughout the PIM series. Appendix C 2025.004 PRBRC(5/6/24) TerraPower agreement Natrium demonstration project will be updated in 2025 IRP. Chapter 10 2025.005 PRBRC(5/6/24) Bridger Units 3&4 2023 IRP Assumptions will be refreshed in 2025 IRP. date errata request Chapter 8 2025.006 Renewable NW(5/3/24) Distributed generation study DNV/PacifiCorp working to improve modeling approach on an ongoing basis. Chapter 6 2025.007 Renewable NW(5/3/24) Renewable resource cost PacifiCorp will seek feedback on cost structure/forecasting as part of the estimates 2025 public input process;modeling best available information. Chapter 7 2025.008 WRA(5/6/24) IRP Updates Updates required in OR and filed in other jurisdictions as informational Appendix B 2025.009 RNW(5/2/24) PLEXOS settings Optimirnization modeling and details of the PLEXOS modeling process provided in 1/25/24 and 3/14/24 PIMs. Chapter 8 2025.010 UCARE(6/3/24) Utah legislative sensitivity case Legislative impacts and proposed sensitivities discussed in August and September PlMs. Appendix M Chmate modeling thermal State policy updates discussed in August,no changes to water use and 2025.011 UEC(6/10/24) resources options,water management,broad range ofgeothemmal cost scenarios being considered. Appendix G; resources Chapter 10 2025.012 UAE(6/24/24) Errors in 2023 IRP Chapter 6 Acknowledgement of errors and where to view Excel files far tables. tables Chapter 6 2023 IRP Update assumptions locked before SB-224 passed;legislative 2025.013 Emma,Verhannne(6/24/24) Coal retirement in UT impacts and proposed sensitivites for the 2025 IRP to be discussed in August and September PIMs. Chapter 3 2025.014 Joan Entwistle(4/23/24) 2023 IRP Update drivers Discussion of inputs and assumptions to continue through 2025 IRP PlMs. Chapter 8; Chapter 10 Methane and gas energy Scenarios included a CO2 price and the social cost of greenhouse gases. 2025.015 Sierra Club(4/29/24) sources PLEXOS endogenously determined coal retirement dates and new renewable resources. Chapter 8 Compliance with EPA PacifiCorp will complete holistic modeling for EPAs GHG Rule,including 2025.016 PRBRC(4/30/24) greenhouse gas emissions rules compliance scenarios,descriptions,charts,and details as part of the 2025 Chapter 3 Distributed generation study, Chapter 6; 2025.017 OPEC(7/3/24) transmission modeling, Responses provided to each detailed question by subject. Chapter 7; recommendations from analysis Chapter 8; of 2023 IRP Update Chapter 10 189 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX M-STAKEHOLDER FEEDBACK Table C.1 —Stakeholder Feedback Form Summary(continued) SFF# Request Topic PacifiCorp Reply Reference Wildfire risk,regional and Wildfire-related costs are part of the SCGHG scenario.Regional and 2025.018 OCA(7/19/24) interregional transmission plans are developed through the NorthernGrid Chapter 5; interregional transmission regional planning process. Chapter 8 Chehalis natural gas plant and 2025.019 OCA(7/19/24) WA Climate Commitment Act PacifiCorp considers the cost and dispatch impacts of the WA CCA cap- cap-and-invest program, and-invest program modeling scenarios Chapter 8 2025.021 FPA(7/9/24) Configuration details far Table ofPLEXOS Production Settings provided. PLEXOS mode' exercises Chapter 8 2025.022 SLC(7/29/24) PLEXOS model variant The IRP is based on proxy resource costs and related assumptions that are generic and intended to be broadly applicable. Chapter 8 2025.023 NPE(8/9/24) Non-enrittnng peakers- Responses provided to each request. Hydrogen fuel availability Cha ter 7 2025.024 NPE(8/9/24) Candidate resource costs Resource cost adjustments explained. Chapter 7 2025.025 NPE 8/9/24 Carbon capture storage Descitpion of FEED study role;CCS assumptions and status. Chapter 7 Distributed generation study, 2025.026 VSO(8/9/24) Please see responses to individual questions in the form sensitivities Chapter 6 2025.027 VSO(8/9/24) Tax Credits Modeling accounts for tax credits and bookend sensitivities will cover unknown magnitudes outside of PacifiCorp control Chapter 8 PLEXOS modeling and 2025.028 UCARE(8/30/24) differential coal quality cost Modeling accounts for coal costs on a BTU-adjusted basis. iniliacts Chapter 8 2025.029 UCE(8/9/24) Modeling coal costs and risks in Description of coal reporting,supply assumptions,and risks. 2025 IRP process Chapter 8 Proposed RMP rate increase in The IRP process selects the least-cost,least-risk portfolio under given 2025.30 Katie Pappas(8/13/24) Utah conditions.Renewable energy is expected to make up an increasing proportion of energy generated by the PacifiCorp system over time. Chapter 8 The IRP process selects the least-cost,least-risk portfolio under given 2025.031 Jane Myers(8/13/24) Utah rate increase conditions.Renewable energy is expected to make up an increasing proportion of energy generated by the PacifiCorp system over time. Chapter 8 PacifiCorp is committed to achieving emissions reduction targets as required by state and federal regulatory obligations and welcomes the development of 2025.032 Sara Kenney(8/14/24) Carbon Dioxide Emissions alternative fuel sources that can provide a sinvlar level of system flexibility as traditional thermal resources at reduced emissions rates. Chapter 8 2025.035 WEA(8/20/24) 'Business as Usual"reference Defined and clarified the case requirement from Utah investigative order. Chapter 8 case Numerous topics including DSM,granularity,Energy Each topic addressed in terms of 2025 IRP modling,reporting and access to 2025.036 SC(8/27/24) Infrastructure Reinvestment, materials. Federal legislation,resource availability Chapter 8 2025.037 UCARE 8/30/24 Utah state legislative actions Will be addressed in the September 25-26 public input meeting. Chapter 3 2025.039 WRA(9/9/24) hnformation and market variant Further information about the origri of the Wyoming market treatment and request WRAP. Chapter 8 2025.040 RNW 9/11/24 IRP transmission planning Please see responses to individualquestions in the form Chapter 8 2025.041 Nathan Strain(9/20/24) Nuclear&geothermal Sensitivity studies planned for nuclear and geothermal costs. development in Utah Chapter 7 2025.042 FPA 9/23/24 Request for LT plan settings Not available;to be provided with the work a ers in the IRP filing Chapter 8 2025.044 SC(9/28/24) CC modeling constraint Please see responses to individual questions in the form Chapter 8 2025.045 UCE(11/7/24) Conservation potential Latest UT code plus amendments being used in CPA. assessment modeling Chapter 7 Requests energy efficiency& Not included in 2025.046 UCE(11/7/24) demand response data from Please see responses to individual question in the form the Draft 2025 past filings IRP;refers to 2023 IRP and 2023 IRP Update 190 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX M-STAKEHOLDER FEEDBACK Requested Additional Studies Stakeholder feedback forms provided approximately 45 requests for data and modeling changes or considerations in the 2025 IRP development cycle. These requests fell into three broad categories: 1. Requests for data inputs or modeling work that was already planned or required 2. Requests to add detailed legislation, technologies or special interests to base inputs and assumptions for all studies 3. Requests for additional cases studies, either variants or sensitivities There were seven request in the third category, seeking additional studies. A review of these requests indicated synergies with cases already slated for analysis(such as a low cost of renewables study and a high use of IRA/IIJA funding). Advances in post-model reporting have increased the amount of information available from every study, making some additional studies unnecessary. The seven specifically requested cases are summarized below. I. Utah Legislative Sensitivity Case (SFF #10, Utah Citizens Advocating Renewable Energy): The 2025 IRP includes several cases that would help inform what a portfolio may look like if new resources and transmission are required for Utah as a consequence of legislative activity, specifically the Low Cost Renewables and No Coal 2032 studies. 2. Customer Choice Variant(SFF#22, Salt Lake City Corp): This request proposed a variant based on amounts of potential resource availability in an earlier timeframe than currently allowed in IRP modeling. The additional resources would be associated with programs and tariffs that could bring resources into commercial operation prior to 2028. PacifiCorp does not foreclose the opportunity for such projects;however,the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) is based on proxy resource costs and related assumptions that are generic and intended to be broadly applicable. 3. Cluster Transmission Cost Reduction Variant(SFF #36, Sierra Club): This is a scenario in which transmission network upgrade costs in Cluster Areas 1, 2, 4, 12, and 14 are reduced by 30 percent. This narrowly defined scenario is better considered under the umbrella of a studies with broader application, such as the Low Cost Renewables case,which has the net effect of reducing the cost of resource-plus-transmission on an aggrgeate basis, driving a similar outcome. 4. EIR Financing Variant(SFF #36, Sierra Club): This requested variant is represented by the Low Cost Renewables case. 5. Hunter/Huntington SCR Variant(SFF#36, Sierra Club): This variant would implement SCR or SNCR at all five Hunter and Huntington Units. Emissions reductions from these technologies are available in practice, and the effective cost per ton of potential emissions reductions from installation of SNCR or SCR can be calculated from the model results. Because both SNCR and SCR technology have little impact on resource operating parameters such as heat rate and maximum output,there would be little impact on system dispatch from including those options in the model. Note that CCS installation are assumed to include SCR technology. 191 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX M-STAKEHOLDER FEEDBACK 6. Wyoming Market Removal Variant(SFF#39, Western Resource Advocates): Assumes there is no access to the presumed Wyoming market. This study request will be addressed by the study limiting access to all markets.Note also that in the 2025 IRP it is assumed that there is no market availability during peak hours. 7. Declining Market Availability Variant(SFF#39,Western Resource Advocates): Assumes there is no access to the presumed Wyoming market, and market access declines to 25% of current assumption over 5 years. This study request will be addressed by the study limiting access to all markets. Published Stakeholder Feedback Forms The pages below include all of the publicly available feedback forms received by PacifiCorp in the 2025 IRP cycle at the time of this writing. Feedback forms and PacifiCorp's responses can also be found via the following link: https://www.pacificop2.com/energy/integrated-resource-plan/comments.html 192 PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (ool) 2023 Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference calls, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the 2023 IRP, including,but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will generally post all appropriate feedback on the IRP website unless you request otherwise,below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-01-11 *Name: Peter Gross Title: *E-mail: orcabay@sisna.com Phone: *Organization: Customer of RMP Address: 643 Dragonfly TRL City: Moab State: UT Zip: 84532 Public Meeting Date comments address: ❑ Check here if not related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. Nuclear power ❑ Check here if you do not want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. Frankly, I was astonished to read that Rocky Mountain Power is contemplating replacing coal plants in Emery County with small nuclear reactors reactors. The nuclear industry has a half century history of massive cost overruns and multi-year construction delays of its own making. The nuclear industry has tried to reinvent itself for at least a quarter century. All four of the only nuclear reactor construction starts in the U.S. this century fell a decade behind schedule and suffered multi-billions in cost overruns. Virgil C Summer Units 2 and 3 were simply abandoned. The nuclear industry gravitated to larger capacity reactors from the outset for economic reasons. This is not unique to the United States. Flamanville Unit 3 in France and Olkiluouto Unit 3 in Finland have both come in triple to quadruple the already expensive original cost estimates while falling at least a decade behind schedule. So called SMRs remain unproven with a dubious future. Meanwhile, wind and especially solar costs continue to plummet. I urge RMP not to gamble on the nuclear folly and follow through with its wind and solar plans. Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high-this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments,please list those attachment names here. https://www.energymonitor.ai/power/weekly-data-renewables-overtake-nuclear-in-global- electricity-mix/?cf-view https://www.colorado.edu/cas/2022/04/12/even-china-cannot- rescue-nuclear-power-its- woes#:-:text=Thiso20decline%20is%20a%20result%20of%20nuclear%20power%E2%80%99s,electric%2 Ogrid%E2%80%94and%20they%20cost%20a%201ot%20to%20operate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List of canceled nuclear reactors in the United States#Canc elled nuclear reactors * Required fields https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flamanville Nuclear Power Plant#Unit 3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant#Unit 3 Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above - specificity is greatly appreciated. PacifiCorp Response 1/22/24: Thank you for participating in the PacifiCorp 2025 IRP stakeholder process.Nuclear resources considered in the 2023 IRP have been intentionally limited to years outside of the action plan window with the understanding that while nuclear is an existing fuel technology,the Natrium project has a long lead time that requires continued evaluation of its potential. Ongoing negotiations are commercially sensitive, and any future contracts will be structured to minimize risks and costs for PacifiCorp's customers. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (003) 2025 Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference calls, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the 2025 IRP, including,but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will generally post all appropriate feedback on the IRP website unless you request otherwise,below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-0 5-0 7 *Name: Will Mulhern Title: *E-mail: William.Mulhern@puc.oregon.gov Phone: (503) 385 - 3294 *Organization: Oregon Public Utility Commission Address: City: State: Zip: Public Meeting Date comments address: 0 5-0 2-2 0 2 4 ❑Check here if not related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: JP Batmale, Sudeshna Pal, Kim Herb, Abe Abdallah, Isaac Kort-Meade *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. Modeling inputs and scenarios ❑ Check here if you do not want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. Can PacifiCorp list at the next public input meeting the exact list of inputs and scenarios that it plans to lock down in September? Can this list be released before the next public input meeting to support discussion? At which public input meeting will stakeholders have the chance to provide input on which scenarios will be used? Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high - this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments, please list those attachment names here. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above- specificity is greatly appreciated. OPUC Staff recommends PAC specifically outline the inputs and scenarios it will be locking down in its modeling in September, provide these to stakeholders in advance of a public input meeting, and allow for discussion of these inputs and scenarios at a public input meeting. PacifiCorp Response 5/7/2024: For a list of anticipated inputs and assumptions to be discussed at future public input meetings,please refer to slide thirty- four from PacifiCorp's first 2025 IRP Public Input Meeting on January 25,2024. The Company is rearranging the cadence of upcoming public input meetings to adapt to the January draft IRP requirement, and a revised schedule of topics will be presented at the next meeting to be held June 26-27,2024. The agenda is intended to cover all data and assumptions development and methodologies, all of which is intended to be locked in September. The Company is also * Required fields adding an additional public input meeting in July to aoccomodate materials to be covered. The added meeting will be announced in the upcoming invitation to the June meeting. The Company looks forward to your participation at upcoming meetings. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (004) 2025 Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp(the Company)requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference calls, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group,and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process.PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form,which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations,if any,being provided.Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the 2025 IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information,the Company will generally post all appropriate feedback on the IRP website unless you request otherwise,below. Date of Submittal 2024-05-06 *Name: Shannon Anderson Title: *E-mail: sanderson@powderriverbasin.org Phone: *Organization: Powder River Basin Resource Council Address: 934 N. Main St. City: Sheridan State: WY Zip: 82801 Public Meeting Date comments address: 0 5-0 2-2 0 2 4 ® Check here if not related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. 2023 IRP Update ❑ Check here if you do not want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. At the May 2, 2024 IRP meeting, PacifiCorp representatives stated that there is an "oral agreement" in place with TerraPower such that PacifiCorp customers will not be charged any costs related to the Natrium nuclear power plant. Please explain why the company feels an "oral agreement" is sufficient for this purpose and explain the details of such agreement - who made it? when was it made? was it further represented by any writing or more formal conditions or agreements between the parties? Please also explain what "costs" were included in the agreement - construction costs? initial fuel costs? testing and analysis costs? regulatory costs? or does it also include operating and maintenance costs once the Natrium plant is operational and serving customers? Please also explain if it is PacifiCorp's understanding that the Natrium nuclear power plant will serve PacifiCorp customers exclusively as is represented in the 2023 IRP and previous IRPs or whether TerraPower plans to operate it as a merchant plant that sells power to PacifiCorp but not exclusively? Please see the Inside Climate News Story linked below that says the power will serve California - is that statement made simply because of the EIM or because TerraPower plans to sell directly to customers in California? Data Support: If applicable,provide any documents,hyper-links,etc. in support of comments. (i.e.gas forecast is too high -this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments,please list those attachment names here. https://insideclimatenews.org/news/04052024/wyoming-terrapower-nuclear-plant/ Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above- specificity is greatly appreciated. * Required fields PacifiCorp should identify new/amended action items for the 2025 IRP Action Plan to ensure protection of ratepayers from unjust costs and expenses associated with the Natrium Nuclear Power Plant. PacifiCorp Response 5/8/2024: From the onset, PacifiCorp's engagement with TerraPower has been based on the understanding that Natrium demonstration project must be cost effective for our customers. This was emphasized in a June 2021 news release, which is available here: TerraPower,Wig Governor and PacifiCorp announce efforts to advance nuclear technology ice, omg In this new release,then president and CEO of Rocky Mountain Power, Mr. Gary Hoogeveen is quoted: "We are currently conducting joint due diligence to ensure this opportunity is cost-effective for our customers (emphasis added) and a great fit for Wyoming and the communities we serve." Despite the inclusion of the Natrium demonstration project in the preferred portfolio, PacifiCorp, as of now, has not entered into any binding contractual agreements with TerraPower concerning the Natrium Project. The Natrium project has a long lead time that requires continued evaluation of its potential. Ongoing negotiations are commercially sensitive, and any future contracts will be structured to minimize risks and costs for PacifiCorp's customers, based on the specific costs and operational details of a potentially binding agreement, once one is available for consideration.PacifiCorp is not aware of any plans for TerraPower to sell output from the Natrium to customers in California. The 2025 IRP Action Plan related to the Natrium demonstration project will be updated accordingly. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (005) 2025 Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp(the Company)requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference calls, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group,and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process.PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form,which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations,if any,being provided.Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the 2025 IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information,the Company will generally post all appropriate feedback on the IRP website unless you request otherwise,below. Date of Submittal 2024-05-06 *Name: Shannon Anderson Title: *E-mail: sanderson@powderriverbasin.org Phone: *Organization: Powder River Basin Resource Council Address: 934 N. Main St. City: Sheridan State: WY Zip: 82801 Public Meeting Date comments address: 0 5-0 2-2 0 2 4 ® Check here if not related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: Shannon Anderson *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. 2023 IRP Update ❑ Check here if you do not want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. At the May 2, 2024 PIM it was stated by PacifiCorp representatives that the preferred portfolio selection of carbon capture at Bridger Units 3&4 is unachievable. As such, we request PacifiCorp to issue an errata document to the 2023 IRP Update that explains this error to regulators, stakeholders, and the power plant community. Please also explain how these incorrect results are being addressed within the scope of the 2025 IRP for load and resource balance assumptions. Data Support: If applicable,provide any documents,hyper-links,etc. in support of comments. (i.e.gas forecast is too high -this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments,please list those attachment names here. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above- specificity is greatly appreciated. See above. We request an errata be issued related to Bridger 3&4. Thank you. PacifiCorp Response (5/16/24): A change in assumptions regarding the timing of implementation of carbon capture on Jim Bridger 3 & 4 occurred after the results of the 2023 integrated resource plan update were produced. It is not practical to issue an errata for model assumptions that change after an IRP or an update is completed. As is the case with all assumptions, assumptions related to carbon capture at Bridger Units 3 and 4 will be refreshed for the 2025 IRP. * Required fields Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (006) 2023 Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp(the Company)requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference calls, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group,and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process.PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form,which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations,if any,being provided.Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the 2023 IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information,the Company will generally post all appropriate feedback on the IRP website unless you request otherwise,below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-0 5-0 3 *Name: Katie Chamberlain Title: *E-mail: katherine@renewablenw.org Phone: *Organization: Renewable Northwest Address: City: State: Zip: Public Meeting Date comments address: 0 5-0 2-2 0 2 4 ® Check here if not related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. Distributed Generation Study Check here if you do not want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. At the May 2 public input meeting, PacifiCorp and its consultant DNV discussed the methodology and assumptions behind the distributed generation (DG) study. The goal of the study is to estimate the market potential for DG resources by customer segment and by state across the 20-year planning horizon. The study uses three different scenarios: a base case, a low adoption scenario, and a high adoption scenario. It\u0019s important that the forecast is as accurate as possible given that the results will inform the 2025 IRP. Meeting participants also discussed the need to ensure that the low, base, and high DG adoption scenarios actually presented different possible futures, and PacifiCorp reiterated that the high case should result in materially higher adoption rates than the base case. It is unclear if the current assumptions will have that effect. RNW is following up on a few of the questions we posed in the meeting to better understand some of the assumptions behind the study. Why did DNV/PacifiCorp choose to use the average of the \u0018conservative\u0019 and \u0018moderate\u0019 NREL ATB cost forecasts for the base DG adoption case? NREL\u0019s \u0018moderate\u0019 forecast is the expected level of technology innovation, which could be a more appropriate assumption for the base case. The DNV consultant suggested that he could connect with PacifiCorp to provide documentation on the selection of these cases, which we would appreciate. Why did DNV/PacifiCorp choose to use the \u0018moderate\u0019 NREL ATB cost forecast for the high DG adoption case? It may be more appropriate to use NREL\u0019s \u0018advanced\u0019 forecast for this scenario to sufficiently capture expected adoption levels if technology costs decline more rapidly. As above, we would appreciate any further reasoning or documentation on the selection of this cost forecast. Why did DNV/PacifiCorp use the base case assumption (\u001Capplicable state and federal incentives based on current legislation\u001D) for the high DG adoption scenario, instead of assuming a higher level of incentives or an extension of existing incentives? * Required fields Data Support: If applicable,provide any documents,hyper-links,etc. in support of comments. (i.e.gas forecast is too high -this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments,please list those attachment names here. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above- specificity is greatly appreciated. PacifiCorp Response(5/23/24): Thank you for your comments and feedback on the Distributed Generation(DG) Study. PacifiCorp agrees that it is important to develop the most accurate forecast for the 2025 IRP ensuring that variables informing DG adoption are accurately represented in our modeling. To the extent practical,DNV/PacifiCorp is working to improve modeling by incorporating the most recent adoption data, export rates, and relevant stakeholder feedback into base, low, and high cases in the modeling approach. Additionally, during the upcoming June 26-27th public input meeting we will share the study's specific assumptions for each case based on feedback from stakeholders. PacifiCorp responds as follows to the questions raised by RNW: • Stakeholder Question 1: RNW is following up on a few of the questions we posed in the meeting to better understand some of the assumptions behind the study. Why did DNV/PacifiCorp choose to use the average of the conservative and moderate NREL ATB cost forecasts for the base DG adoption case? • Response 1: DNV reviewed the cost forecasts in the NREL ATB data and found that the moderate cost decline forecast for solar PV was more aggressive than DNV's internal national cost models and what the market has experienced historically(-10 years). Recent cost increases or a general leveling of cost declines also adds to this assumption. The technology cost forecast used in the DG study base case has a—35%price decrease through 2035, as opposed to the—50%decrease forecasted in the NREL moderate case. • Question 2: Why did DNV/PacifiCorp choose to use the NREL ATB cost forecast for the high DG adoption case? • Response 2: DNV/PacifiCorp used the moderate NREL ATB cost forecast for the high scenario to maintain consistency with the other scenarios. The high scenario in this study is more focused on other market factors that could stimulate market growth and adoption,which are contained in the model's adoption parameters. These factors are changed in the high scenario to reduce market barriers over time and simulate the effects of a wide array of factors,which could also include components of technology cost. Moving forward,DNV and PacifiCorp will evaluate whether to incorporate a more aggressive NREL ATB cost forecast to inform the high scenario;this may be represented by using either advanced ATB cost forecast or a blend of the advanced and moderate ATB cost forecasts. • Question 3: Why did DNV/PacifiCorp use the base case assumption(state and federal incentives based on current legislation)for the high DG adoption scenario, instead of assuming a higher level of incentives or an extension of existing incentives? • Response 3: PacifiCorp elected to the use the base case assumption for federal and state tax incentives for all scenarios as these assumptions are not easily predictable and challenging to develop trends around. Therefore,the company believes it is more appropriate to look at other variables to inform the high and low case as these variables seem more likely to change in the near-term. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. * Required fields * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (007) 2025 Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference calls, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the 2025 IRP, including,but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will generally post all appropriate feedback on the IRP website unless you request otherwise,below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-0 5-0 3 *Name: Katie Chamberlain Title: *E-mail: katherine@renewablenw.org Phone: *Organization: Renewable Northwest Address: City: State: Zip: Public Meeting Date comments address: ❑Check here if not related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. Renewable resource cost estimates ❑ Check here if you do not want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. In our comments on PacifiCorp\u0019s 2023 IRP, RNW identified that PacifiCorp\u0019s overnight capital cost forecast for renewable resources is substantially higher than forecasts used by PGE and the CPUC. PacifiCorp used cost assumptions developed by WSP, which were primarily informed by the NREL ATB, and then made adjustments based on the Company\u0019s experience. In reply comments, PacifiCorp explained that: \u001Cthe cost forecasts in WSP\u0019s report were developed before PacifiCorp witnessed the impact of recent tighter trade tariffs and inflation on the utility scale market. Upon observing those impacts PacifiCorp adjusted the cost forecasts to reflect what was observed in the market in 2022.\u001D Pacificorp used the same renewable resource cost estimates in the 2023 IRP Update, despite OPUC Staff and multiple parties expressing skepticism about their accuracy and requesting further explanation as to how PacifiCorp arrived at these estimates. RNW requests that PacifiCorp explain in greater detail why they made modifications to WSP\u0019s cost forecast and provide documentation of these changes. Specifically, RNW would like to understand how PacifiCorp observed changes in the market in 2022 and the methodology the Company used to increase the renewable resource cost forecast. 1. PacifiCorp states that they adjusted WSP cost forecast to reflect what was observed in the market in 2022.In particular, PacifiCorp witnessed the impact of recent tighter trade tariffs and inflation on the utility scale market. Can the Company explain how they witnessed and observed these changes in the market? 2. Are PacifiCorp renewable resource cost estimates based on bids the Company received in recent RFPs? If so, please provide documentation demonstrating higher average bid prices, the year in which those bids were received, and how those prices translate to the higher overnight capital costs reflected in PacifiCorp IRP. Please note that we are not requesting individual bid prices, which are confidential; instead, we are requesting averages. 3. If the renewable resource cost estimates were not based on RFP bids, please provide the underlying * Required fields quantitative information that justifies the increased renewable resource cost estimates. 4. How does PacifiCorp plan to forecast renewable resource costs for the 2025 IRP? Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high - this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments,please list those attachment names here. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above- specificity is greatly appreciated. PacifiCorp Response 5/23/24: Please note that the 2023 IRP and 2023 Update supply-side resource table does not present overnight cost but rather in-service cost for each resource. Please refer to the 2023 IRP Volume I, Chapter 7, and specifically Table 7.3 on page 189.The values presented include direct costs (equipment, buildings, installation/overnight construction, commissioning, contractor fees/profit and contingency), owner's costs (land, water rights, permitting, rights-of-way, design engineering, spare parts, project management, legal/financial support, grid interconnection costs, owner's contingency), and financial costs (allowance for funds used during construction (AFUDC), capital surcharge, property taxes and escalation during construction, if applicable). Consequently, any comparison of third-party costs characterized as overnight costs will be lower than our in- service costs, which reflect the cost to our customers and not just the development costs. Moreover, escalation is often another area where misaligned comparisons are made. Many third-party public sources present their costs in real terms and routinely are silent on escalation. We also present our in-service costs in real dollars, but also present and include nominal escalation forecasts. To ensure an apples to apples comparison is being made, both sets of data need to be adjusted for inflation to arrive at figures presented in the same year dollars for any given year that a comparison is being made. 1. Yes.Adjustments to the WSP and NREL cost forecast were grounded in actual project costs the company received.These initial adjustments were made to years when the company had actual cost data of real, proposed projects. Rather than drop immediately to the NREL/WSP pricing in later years,the costs were de-escalated over time to correspond to NREL starting in 2029 and converging with NREL in 2032. Please reference figure 5.3 in the 2023 IRP Update to see this escalation and de-escalation visually. 2. Generally,yes. PacifiCorp is preparing a slide on this topic for a future public input meeting which will cover the range of prices at which renewable resources are available in both the near and longer term. 3. N/A 4. As part of the conversation referenced in response to question 2, and as in past IRP public meetings, PacifiCorp will seek feedback on cost structures/forecasting and will be finalizing that plan as part of the 2025 IRP public input process. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (008) 2025 Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference calls, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the 2025 IRP, including,but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will generally post all appropriate feedback on the IRP website unless you request otherwise,below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-0 5-0 2 *Name: Nancy Kelly Title: *E-mail: nkelly@westernresources.org Phone: (208) 704 - 0488 *Organization: Western Resource Advocates Address: 307 W. 200 S. Suite 200 City: Salt Lake City State: UT Zip: 84101 Public Meeting Date comments address: 0 5-0 2-2 0 2 4 ®Check here if not related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. IRP updates ❑ Check here if you do not want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. Please identify which states require an IRP update. Provide the docket number and date of the order requiring the update, or if a state has planning rules, the rule and its requirement. Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high - this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments, please list those attachment names here. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above- specificity is greatly appreciated. PacifiCorp Response(5/16/24): Oregon Administrative Rule 860-027-0400(8)provides, in part,that"Each energy utility must provide an annual update on its most recently acknowledged IRP. The update must be submitted on or before the acknowledgment order anniversary date."PacifiCorp's IRP Update, submitted on April 1,2024, in Oregon Public Utility Commission Docket No. LC 82,was filed in compliance with Oregon Administrative Rule 860-027-0400. PacifiCorp also submitted its IRP Update in other jurisdictions as an informational filing. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. * Required fields * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (oog) 2023 Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference calls, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the 2023 IRP, including,but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will generally post all appropriate feedback on the IRP website unless you request otherwise,below. Date of Submittal 2024-05-02 *Name: Jim Himelic Title: *E-mail: jhimelic@firstprinciples.run Phone: 5209791375 *Organization: Renewables Northwest Address: City: State: Zip: Public Meeting Date comments address: ❑Check here if not related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. PLEXOS Settings ❑ Check here if you do not want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. Renewable Northwest is requesting that Pacificorp address specific elements of their PLEXOS modeling process during an upcoming stakeholder meeting. The items of interest are divided into two main categories: Category 1: LT Plan Temporal Configuration Discuss step size and overlap; as well as any application of PLEXOS' rolling horizon feature. Review Chronology Method options: partial, fitted, sample. Examine Duration Curve Type and the number of blocks per curve.In addition, discuss what process Pacificorp takes in maximizing model accuracy with problem size (i.e. run times) Discuss what slicing method is activated and discuss the strengths and weaknesses between peak/off peak and weighted least squares. Discuss the use of global variables, such as slicing blocks and sampling years. Delve into expansion decisions regarding integer optimality: whether using LP or MILP, and details on the integerization horizon if MILP is used. Category 2: Performance Settings Evaluate solver selection, solver method, and MIP gap settings. Consider the use of solver tuning optimization software programs. Review parallelization settings and CPU hardware capabilities of PacifiCorp, including RAM, physical cores, and CPU speed. Additional topics related to the administering and running of the PLEXOS models will be discussed in future meetings. Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high -this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments, please list those attachment names here. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above- specificity is greatly appreciated. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com * Required fields PacifiCorp response(7/15/2024/2024): Thank you for your feedback and engagement in the Integrated Resource Planning process. The subject matter expertise and experience required to meaningfully engage in discussion concerning the requested technical details is beyond the scope of a public input meeting.PacifiCorp analysts and technical teams consider all of the above strategies in its technical implementation of PLEXOS and maintains an ongoing relationship with Energy Exemplar experts in order to balance and optimize model functionality. PacifiCorp covered optimization modeling and details of the PLEXOS modeling process at the January 25,2024 and March 14,2024 Public Input Meetings.As explained in the March meeting,PacifiCorp has explored the suggested avenues and has been engaged specifically in ongoing efforts to improve LT model granularity and performance. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (olo) 2023 Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference calls, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the 2023 IRP, including,but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will generally post all appropriate feedback on the IRP website unless you request otherwise,below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-0 6-0 3 *Name: Stanley Holmes Title: *E-mail: stholmes3@xmission.com Phone: Utah Citizens Advocating Renewable *Organization: Energy (UCARE) Address: City: State: UT Zip: Public Meeting Date comments address: 0 5-0 2-2 0 2 4 ®Check here if not related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: See PacifiCorp 2025 IRP Public Input Meeting #3, May 2, 2024 attendees list. *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. Transmission Selections and Coal Retirements; Utah Legislative Sensitivity Case ❑ Check here if you do not want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. PacifiCorp's May 2, 2024 public input discussion raised questions about potential impacts of statutes issuing from the 2024 Utah Legislature session, to include Senate Bills 161, 224 and House Bills 48, 191. The new Utah laws could, within the 2025 IRP timeframe, make available to PacifiCorp new energy generation units within Utah and influence EGU retirement plans for PacifiCorp assets. One or more additional transmission lines might have to be considered. PacifiCorp is therefore urged to create a placeholder sensitivity within the 2025 IRP for analysis of Utah statute-related factors as they may arise. Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high - this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments, please list those attachment names here. https://le.utah.gov/-2024/bills/static/SBO16l.html, https://le.utah.gov/-2024/bills/static/SBO224.html, https://le.utah.gov/-2024/bills/static/HB0048.html, https://le.utah.gov/-2024/bills/static/HBO19l.html Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above- specificity is greatly appreciated. Recommend that PacifiCorp create a placeholder sensitivity case within the 2025 IRP for analysis of Utah statute-related factors as they may arise. PacifiCorp response(7/10/2024): * Required fields Thank you for your feedback and suggestions as we prepare the 2025 IRP. Further discussion of legislative impacts and proposed sensitivities will be included in the upcoming August and September public input meetings as these potential impacts are considered. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (o11) 2023 Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference calls, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the 2023 IRP, including,but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will generally post all appropriate feedback on the IRP website unless you request otherwise,below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-0 6-10 *Name: Monica Hilding Title: Chair *E-mail: mohilding@gmail.com Phone: 8016805303 *Organization: Utah Environmental Caucus Address: 155 South Lincoln Street City: S l c State: UT Zip: 84102 Public Meeting Date comments address: 0 6-2 6-2 0 2 4 ®Check here if not related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. Climate modeling,Thermal Resources options,Water Resources ❑ Check here if you do not want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. 1) Please update how RMP's lengthy delay of renewable and storage purchases could affect Utah Community Renewable Energy purchases --esp. with revisions under 2024 Utah Senate Bill 214-- and affect 2025 IRP horizon assumptions. 2) How is RMP-Pacificorp taking water use into consideration for cooling the coal plants whose lives were recently extended in contravention of the 2023 IRP? 3) With RMP having filed deferred accounting orders with the Utah PSC for wildfire claims [Docket 23- 035-30] and rising insurance costs [23-035- 40] , respectively, and the rising insurance costs docket now moving forward, how much of the subsequent financial burden will Utah ratepayers have to shoulder alone and how much shared across PacifiCorp's grid? 4) How will geothermal advances recently demonstrated by the FORGE project be reflected as portfolio sensitivities for the 2025 IRP. Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high - this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments, please list those attachment names here. https://le.utah.gov/-2024/bills/static/SBO214.html, https://pscdocs.utah.gov/electric/23docs/2303530/329837230353On9-15-2023.pdf, https://psc.utah.gov/2023/08/21/docket-no-23-035-40/, https://www.sltrib.com/news/environment/2024/05/31/utah-lab-proves-it-pulling-heat/ Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above- specificity is greatly appreciated. Recommend a portfolio sensitivity for water consumption by power plants. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com * Required fields Thank you for participating. PacifiCorp Response (7/15/24) : 1 . PacifiCorp expects to address state policy updates in its August 14-15 public input meeting as these matters are considered. 2 . The Utah coal plant lives listed in the 2023 IRP Update preferred portfolio are the same as the dates for the same coal units that were listed in the 2021 IRP preferred portfolio. From a water use and management perspective, there have been no changes . RMP will therefore manage water consumption going forward as it has been in the past, relying on a collection of water resources and water rights . 3. The matter of insurance costs and their inclusion in rates is outside the scope of the IRP. 4 . PacifiCorp is considering the broad range of geothermal cost scenarios presented in the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) 2024 Annual Technology Baseline (ATB) . The Company will most likely model geothermal under the ATB' s "Moderate Scenario" quoted below, and the "Mature Hydro/Flash" technology option which has the lowest cost and cost forecast, and the lowest uncertainty for the moderate scenario among the technology options. The Company recognizes that the "Advanced Scenario" for Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) may become more cost competitive within the next decade; there is no plan to model that scenario at this time. However, planning for sensitivities and variants is a subject being addressed in the upcoming July 17-18 public input meeting and will also be addressed in subsequent meetings responsive to stakeholder feedback. Moderate Technology Innovation Scenario (Moderate Scenario) : Drilling advancements (e.g. , doubled ROP and bit life from GeoVision baseline and reduced number of casing intervals and associated drilling materials) detailed as part of the GeoVision report (DOE,2019) and EGS stimulation successes from DOE-funded EGS Collab and FORGE projects (Kneafsey et al.,2022); (Dupriest and Noynaert,2024) and industry demonstration projects (Norbeck et al.,2023); (El-Sadi et al..2024); (So et al.,2024) result in cost improvements that are fully achieved industrywide by 2035. Also, as part of 2024 ATB updates, this scenario assumes EGS power plants are built to a capacity of 40 megawatts (MW) . * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (012) 2023 Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference calls, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the 2023 IRP, including,but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will generally post all appropriate feedback on the IRP website unless you request otherwise,below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-0 6-2 4 *Name: Don Hendrickson Title: *E-mail: dhendrickson@energystrat.com Phone: 8016521292 *Organization: Utah Association of Energy Users Address: 111 E Broadway, Suite 1200 City: SLC State: UT Zip: 84111 Public Meeting Date comments address: ❑Check here if not related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. Suspected Errors in IRP Document Tables - System Capacity Load and Resource Balance without Resource Additions ❑ Check here if you do not want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. It appears that there are errors in the \u001CSystem Capacity Load and Resource Balance without Resource Additions\u001D tables in the 2023 IRP and the 2023 IRP Update. 2023 IRP: Table 6.12 appears to show incorrect data on two rows, West Obligation + Reserves and West Position. The apparent error occurs in years 2023 and 2024. We suspect this is a formula error in the underlying Excel file. 2023 IRP Update: Tables 4.2 and 4.3 appear to show incorrect data on two rows, West Obligation + Reserves and West Position. The apparent errors occur in years 2034 through 2042 in both tables 4.2 and 4.3. We suspect this is an error in putting the data into the main document. Please confirm the errors in the 2023 IRP and 2023 IRP Update or state why you believe the data in the above-referenced rows is correct. If you confirm the errors, please correct these errors in the 2025 IRP. Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high - this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments, please list those attachment names here. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above- specificity is greatly appreciated. We also recommend that the Excel version of these tables be moved from the Confidential set of data to the Public set of data since the data is public in .pdf form already. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com * Required fields Thank you for participating. PacifiCorp response(7/10/2024): Thank you for your feedback and engagement in the Integrated Resource Planning process. 2023 IRP:PacifiCorp can confirm that there are errors in the West Obligation+Reserves and West Position rows in Table 6.12 for the years 2023 and 2024.These errors are the result of an incorrect formula in the underlying Excel file used to generate the table.For the years 2023 and 2024,the formula for West Obligation+Reserves erroneously added New Energy Efficiency to the Planning Reserve Margin instead of West Total obligation.The West Position formula was correct,but it used the incorrect data from the West Obligation+Reserves row for 2023 and 2024. 2023 IRP Update:PacifiCorp can confirm that there are errors in the West Obligation+Reserves and West Position rows for the years 2034 through 2042 in both Tables 4.2 and 4.3.There are identical errors in Tables 4.2 and 4.3 as a result of an incorrect formula in the underlying Excel file used to generate the part of the table displaying values from 2034 to 2042.The formula for West Obligation+ Reserves incorrectly added New Energy Efficiency to the Planning Reserve Margin instead of West Total obligation.This incorrect value was then used in the West Position formula. The Excel files used to create these tables are already available in the public data discs.To view the file used for the 2023 IRP tables, go to the public data disc posted on May 31It and use the following path: Chapters,Appendices,and Input Assumptions\Chapters and Appendix\CH6-Load and Resource Balance\(P)_Fig 6.2-6.7,Tables 6.11-6.12,2023 IRP-L&R.To view the file used for the 2023 IRP Update tables,go to the public data disc posted on April lst and use the following path: Chapters,Appendicies,and Input Assumptions\Chapters and Appendix\CH4-Load and Resource Balance Update\(P)_PC_Table 4.2-3 6.4-5 Fig 4.3-4.4 2023 IRP Update-L&R. PacifiCorp will verify that the System Capacity Load and Resource Balance without Resource Additions tables in the 2025 IRP do not replicate these errors. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (013) 2023 Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference calls, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the 2023 IRP, including,but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will generally post all appropriate feedback on the IRP website unless you request otherwise,below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-0 6-2 4 *Name: Emma Verhamme Title: *E-mail: emmascanlon4@gmail.com Phone: (860) 324 - 2638 *Organization: (individual) Address: 848 N Lafayette Drive City: Salt Lake City State: UT Zip: 84116 Public Meeting Date comments address: 0 6-2 6-0 2 0 4 ®Check here if not related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. Coal Retirement ❑ Check here if you do not want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. How have new federal laws and Utah state laws shaped the IRP? Specifically, how has UT bill SB-224 affected the timeline for retirement of coal in Utah? Also, how does this bill affect the rate payer and the tax payer in Utah? Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high - this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments, please list those attachment names here. https://le.utah.gov/-2024/bills/static/SB0224.html Recommendations: PacifiCorp Response (7/10/2024) : Assumptions for PacifiCorp' s 2023 IRP Update were locked down before SB-224 was passed, so it had no impact on the retirement dates of coal resources in Utah, for example. Further discussion of legislative impacts and proposed sensitivities for the 2025 IRP will be included in the upcoming August and September public input meetings as these potential impacts are considered. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. * Required fields * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (014) 2023 Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference calls, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the 2023 IRP, including,but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will generally post all appropriate feedback on the IRP website unless you request otherwise,below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-0 4-2 3 *Name: Joan Entwistle Title: *E-mail: joan.entwistle@gmail.com Phone: 9785494864 *Organization: self Address: 8231 Meadowview Ct City: Park City State: UT Zip: 84098 Public Meeting Date comments address: 0 5-0 2-2 0 2 4 ❑Check here if not related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. 2023 Updates ❑ Check here if you do not want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. Please address why RMP will regress to pre-2021 IRP levels of solar, wind, battery storage when these sources are now less expensive than other sources, and we will need to increasing the supply of electricity. Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high - this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments, please list those attachment names here. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above- specificity is greatly appreciated. Please resume the 2022 all source RFP that was proposed in 2021. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. PacifiCorp Response(7/10/2024): Thank you for your feedback and engagement in the Integrated Resource Planning process.For information regarding the drivers of change in amounts and timing of resources in recent IRP filings,please refer to the 2023 IRP and 2023 IRP Update,publicly accessible through this web link:Integrated Resource Plan(pacificorp.com) * Required fields PacifiCorp uses the Integrated Resource Planning process to select the least-cost,least-risk portfolio given prevailing conditions at the time of planning.The need to meet system demand in all hours means that the Company must consider factors beyond the cost of a resource,including whether the resource will reliably generate during peak load hours.Pages 6-7 of the 2023 IRP Update report that the preferred portfolio includes 3,749 megawatts of new solar online by 2037,9,800 megawatts of new wind resources online by 2037, and more than 4,000 megawatts of new storage capacity online by 2037. PacifiCorp anticipates the discussion of inputs and assumptions to continue throughout the 2025 IRP public input meeting series. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (015) 2023 Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference calls, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the 2023 IRP, including,but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will generally post all appropriate feedback on the IRP website unless you request otherwise,below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-0 4-2 9 *Name: Bill Stoye Title: *E-mail: bstoye@xmission.com Phone: *Organization: Sierra Club Address: City: State: Zip: Public Meeting Date comments address: ❑Check here if not related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. RMPs proposed customer lock into coal and methane gas energy sources. ❑ Check here if you do not want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. Please divest from your continued use of coal powered electric generation. You know it's outdated and backwards, as well as costing us more and adding to dirtier air and well, you know, bolstering more climate change, in this needed time of renewable energy sources. Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high - this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments, please list those attachment names here. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above- specificity is greatly appreciated. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com PacifiCorp response(7/10/2024): Thank you for your feedback and engagement in the Integrated Resource Planning process. PacifiCorp uses the Integrated Resource Planning process to select the least-cost, least-risk portfolio. In the 2023 Integrated Resource Plan(IRP)Update, coal plants were eligible for retirement any time after January 1,2024.Wind, solar,hydro, and storage proxy resources were available for selection.Additionally,to represent the cost of emissions, scenarios were run that included a CO2 price and the social cost of greenhouse gases. In consideration of all these factors * Required fields and others,the PLEXOS model endogenously determined coal retirement dates and procurement of new renewable resources. Each Integrated Resource Plan is contingent on current legislation,market and resource cost, and other key elements of the planning environment. PacifiCorp anticipates the discussion of inputs and assumptions to continue throughout the 2025 IRP public input meeting series. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (016) 2023 Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference calls, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the 2023 IRP, including,but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will generally post all appropriate feedback on the IRP website unless you request otherwise,below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-0 4-3 0 *Name: Shannon Anderson Title: *E-mail: sanderson@powderriverbasin.org Phone: *Organization: Powder River Basin Resource Council Address: 934 N. Main St. City: Sheridan State: WY Zip: 82801 Public Meeting Date comments address: ❑Check here if not related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. Compliance with EPA greenhouse gas emissions rules ❑ Check here if you do not want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. We are requesting a slide prepared to show the implications of the EPA rule on greenhouse emissions for the coal units. Please provide a chart to stakeholders showing implications for each coal unit based on the final EPA GHG rule. Please provide near-term and long-term implications based on operating condition impacts and/or CCS requirements. In the 2025 modeling, please model cost implications as well as alternative compliance options, such as earlier retirement dates. Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high -this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments, please list those attachment names here. EPA rule; coal unit retirement dates from 2023 IRP update preferred portfolio PacifiCorp Response (7/12/2024- PacifiCorp will complete holistic modeling for EPA's GHG Rule, including alternative compliance scenarios, descriptions, charts, and details as part of the 2025 IRP. The analysis will report implications of the rule for both near and long-term. Further discussion of legislative impacts and proposed sensitivities will be included in the upcoming August and September public input meetings as these potential impacts are considered. * Required fields Thank you for participating. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (017) Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference call, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will post appropriate feedback on the IRP website based on your selection below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-0 7-0 3 *Name: Will Mulhern Title: Senior Utility Analyst *E-mail: William.Mulhern@puc.oregon.gov Phone: (503) 385 - 3294 *Organization: Oregon Public Utility Commission Address: 201 High St. SE, Suite 100 City: Salem State: OR Zip: 97301 Public Meeting Date comments address: 05-02-2024 ® Check here if related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. Some of the comments relate to specific topics from the May 2nd meeting, while the rest are recommendations from Staff\u0019s comments on the 2023 IRP Update ® Check here if you want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. We would appreciate the response being posted publicly. 1. May 2 Public Input Meeting- Distributed generation study: a) Why is non-rooftop solar not considered in land use requirements? o Reply: Land-use requirement assumptions are inputs for all combinations of technology and customer types when estimating future adoption.These are based on a combination of existing system sizes for customer installations and technical feasibility factors. Non-rooftop solar is included in some larger commercial, industrial, and irrigation customer bins, but these overall sizes are capped because they also include assumptions for rooftop solar installations within the same customer type bins. b) What is the definition of the"diffusion model"used in this study? o Reply:The diffusion model is based on the Bass diffusion approach for technology adoption.This approach uses segment-level adoption rate curves, customer economic metrics, and historical customer adoption as inputs to forecast future adoption of distributed generation across the PacifiCorp territory. Please refer to the forecast methodology slide deck that was presented in the May 2 stakeholder meeting for more information. c) Does the model use different capacity factors based on location? * Required fields o Reply:Yes. Capacity factors vary by state. d) Will Oregon specific avoided costs—as reflected in UM 1893 Phase II - be used in the DSM forecast for the 2025 IRP? If not,will the updated EE avoided costs from UM 1893 be used in the CEP and if so, how? o Reply: No,the 2025 IRP does not use the avoided costs developed in UM-1893,though it does incorporate some of the same concepts and input assumptions, as discussed in more detail below. o Transmission and Distribution Capacity Credits: a comparable methodology is in the 2025 IRP, but the specific values won't be reflected in UM 1893 until after acknowledges the 2025 IRP or otherwise adopts the assumptions for use in UM 1893. o Generation Capacity Credits:the UM-1893 methodology uses the all-in fixed cost of a simple cycle combustion turbine.The 2025 IRP identifies the least-cost portfolio of resources needed to meet capacity requirements throughout the study horizon, based on the net cost of capacity (resource costs less the energy value the resource provides). The portfolio of resources includes varying combinations through time. The IRP modeling doesn't explicitly identify a net cost of capacity. o Energy prices:the UM-1893 methodology uses monthly HLH/LLH market prices as the energy value. In the IRP,the system value and marginal energy value is calculated based on the energy efficiency volumes in each hour. Heating and cooling measures tend to provide greater energy savings under more strained conditions (colder in the winter or hotter in the summer), so the value of associated energy savings may be higher than a monthly average. The prices in the IRP also reflect the impacts of a given portfolio, as plentiful wind and solar resources can result in congestion resulting in energy values that are lower than the market price. o Clean energy requirements:the most recent UM 1893 filing included higher avoided energy costs based on possible HB 2021 compliance requirements.The 2025 IRP will endogenously account for Oregon's HB 2021 compliance requirements and will include a combination of clean resources and new energy efficiency selections(offsets to load). The 2025 IRP will select cost-effective energy efficiency bundles based on an optimization subject to all of the aspects described above. The cost-effective energy efficiency bundles may be modified in the CEP,based on additional analysis of possible compliance pathways. 2. May 2 Public Input Meeting-Transmission modeling: a) Please explain with examples how the new 2025 IRP granularity adjustments to transmission modeling would be an improvement over the previous approach. o Reply: In the previous approach,transmission options did not receive a granularity adjustment, meaning the LT model's did not benefit from the data provided by the more granular ST model. For example, on a lower granularity time-block LT model basis, due to aggregation, a transmission option may appear to be valuable during periods where enabled resources cannot effectively make use of the transmission. Giving the LT model the benefit of the ST model's more granular hourly view will improve the selections the LT model is able to make.This change will also align with the methodology that is already in place for resources. b) Is the ST import and export margin typically greater than the LT import and export margins? o Reply: Not necessarily,the margin could be lower indicating the transmission is not as valuable in the ST as the LT. c) How is LMP forecasted for both short and long-term? o Reply:The Locational Marginal Price is calculated as the value of the final MW added to a topology location in the model. * Required fields d) How does the granularity adjustment impact interconnection transmission options that do not have flow to other bubbles? Is this kind of adjustment more in line with how flows occur in practice or is it only a modeling adjustment? o Reply:The exact mechanics of modeling granularity adjustments on interconnection options has not yet been finalized.As such, PacifiCorp is not yet able to determine what the impact may be. However,transmission options that are only for interconnection and do not provide incremental transmission capacity between topology bubbles are valued in the ST model based on optimization,just like any other resource. 3. 2025 IRP recommendations based on analysis of 2023 IRP Update: a) PacifiCorp should continue to improve transparency and interactive improvements in the portfolio integration step to combine state policy portfolios with the system portfolio. o Reply:Thank you for your feedback. PacifiCorp has implemented reporting which compares the various portfolios to show differences in resource selections between the state specific and integrated portfolios.We welcome further feedback on these reporting enhancements. b) PacifiCorp should report the steps taken to reduce the magnitude of reliability and granularity adjustments due to portfolio integration. o Reply:Thank you for your feedback. PacifiCorp has directly engages internal and Energy Exemplar subject matter experts on an ongoing basis, and has diligently pursued enhancements to its modeling to reduce the gap between LT and ST solutions. Regarding portfolio integration,the reliability and granularity are unique to each portfolio and impact initial resource selection.The integration leverages both LT and ST results from reliable portfolios and thus mitigates the impact of initial reliability or granularity adjustments as neither are considered in the system dispatch and valuation of individual resources in the ST model. It is the more granular ST model that is used to evaluate portfolio cost and risk. c) PacifiCorp should improve the temporal granularity in the capacity expansion modeling to avoid the large number of modeling adjustments that incorporate sequential commitment and dispatch. o Reply:At this time,with the complexity of the PacifiCorp system and to comply with state requirements and stakeholder requests, it is not feasible to increase the level of granularity in a 20 year capacity expansion run. Other stakeholders have also advocated for this change. In order to immediately improve the granularity in a 20 year run there would have to be trade-offs that have been noted as undesirable by stakeholders, such as reducing resource options available to the model, reducing the granularity of the topology,fewer options for thermal plant selections and retirements, a non-endogenous selection of transmission, and relaxed tolerances for optimality and feasibility. d) PacifiCorp should update the temporal configure of battery charging and discharging along with seasonal variability of renewables at the beginning of the modeling process to better capture their dynamics and possible combinations in capacity expansion analysis. o Reply:Thank you for your feedback. PacifiCorp is testing a variety of modeling improvements, including updates to battery properties, renewables shapes and updated transmission constraints which are likely to meet this goal.The objective is to allow the model the maximum practical range to optimally determine resource dispatch and storage usage following hourly system conditions, which may or may not confirm to a broader notion of seasonality in any given period. e) PacifiCorp should layer in the fixed fuel costs at Jim Bridger and other coal plants within the PLEXOS model upfront rather than through post-processing workbooks. o Reply:Thank you for your feedback.All fuel costs related directly to actual operations of coal plants are included in PLEXOS modeling. Modeling of fixed costs related to mines or other external entities is not currently contemplated in PLEXOS. * Required fields f) PacifiCorp should provide workpapers showing how system portfolio resources are modified to support state policy decisions, as the Portfolio Optimization &Integration of state policy appears to be a new source of subjective judgement for resource selection. o Reply: Please see the response to subpart a) above.The integration approach is designed to avoid subjectivity, in that resources are integrated on the basis of which portfolio include or exclude each resource.This information is used to determine which states are assumed to participate in each resource decision.The 2025 IRP will pursue great visibility into any adjustments that are not directly represented in the portfolio data. g) PacifiCorp should provide more detail and a thorough explanation of its approach to brining the Bridger 3 and 4 CCUS project into service by 2029. o Reply:Thank you for your feedback.Thermal unit options for the 2025 IRP are currently being developed for the August 14-15 public input meeting, and the timing for Bridger 3 and 4 CCUS is part of that development process. h) PacifiCorp should provide a sensitivity that shows the impact of CCUS delays on the lifetime cost/benefit of the Bridger 3 and 4 units. o Reply:Thank you for your feedback. Sensitivities for the 2025 IRP are currently being reviewed in the 2025 IRP public input meeting series. i) PacifiCorp should engage stakeholders to develop more accurate hydrogen modeling assumptions. o Reply: Updated assumptions are gathered for every IRP cycle. PacifiCorp appreciates feedback suggesting alternative data sources and considerations for hydrogen cost assumptions. j) PacifiCorp should provide updated Natrium assumptions that reflect actual events and project milestones. o Reply:Thank you for your feedback.Assumptions for the Natrium project to be used in the 2025 IRP are currently being developed.These assumptions will reflect the most current milestones available to PacifiCorp at the time of modeling the 2025 IRP. k) PacifiCorp should address how asymmetric upside risk of market purchases during periods of peak demand is reflected in its market price projections.The Company should also address how declining market trading volumes are factored into the 2025 IRP model. o Reply:Thank you for your feedback. PacifiCorp is exploring tightening limits on market purchases based on historical data related to peak demand days. Currently modeled market volumes are Lower than historical market activity. l) PacifiCorp should incorporate the requirements of the finalized 111 rules into PLEXOS. o Reply:As discussed in the July Public Input Meeting, PacifiCorp is planning to use EPA rule 111 d as part of the 2025 IRP analysis. m) PacifiCorp should better consider the risks associated with emissions regulations across the west trending more toward tighter regulation to avoid over-exposing itself to regulatory risk. o Reply: Risk assessment is a core function of PacifiCorp's approach to modeling and evaluation. Feedback suggesting additional data and considerations is welcome. n) PacifiCorp should specifically detail their Oregon-specific resource procurement strategy and the impact of its current financial position, as discussed in the May 30, 2024 Public Meeting, on this procurement strategy. o Reply: PacifiCorp's Oregon-specific procurement strategy is being developed in ongoing IRP and CEP processes. In the IRP, procurement objectives may be incorporated in the action plan. o) Related to its levers for new resource additions in the 2023 CEP update,the Company should: o Test multiple allocation strategies that are feasible within the context of MSP and for which the Company is willing to advocate. o Ensure that each allocation strategy supports simultaneous compliance with all state-level policies to which PacifiCorp is subject. * Required fields o Be transparent about allocation assumptions and their implications, including the timing of any crucial allocation decisions to support policy compliance. o Recognize the benefits of resources allocated to Oregon to the overall portfolio and reflect those cost savings in Oregon-allocated cost estimates. ■ Reply: PacifiCorp is currently participating in the process to determine the timing and nature of next steps for Oregon potential procurements and other levers as introduced in the April 2024 CEP Supplement. Multiple strategies are expected to be addressed, and portfolios are expected to be compliant with all state regulatory requirements. p) Related to its lever for adding energy efficiency in the 2023 CEP update,the Company should: o Consider additional energy efficiency within Oregon to contribute to achieving HB 2021 GHG targets, support Oregon communities, and reduce the need for generation,transmission, and distribution investments. ■ Reply:The company's integrated portfolio selected Oregon specific energy efficiency and demand response which was incrementally higher than the original portfolio in order to meet these needs. o Adopt at least one Community Benefit Indicator(CBI)that reflects community benefits associated with energy efficiency selection in Oregon and recognizes the value of avoided transmission upgrades. ■ Reply:Avoided transmission benefits are currently a component of small scale resource planning. q) Related to its levers for adjusting dispatch strategies for emitting resources in the 2023 CEP update,the Company should: o Discuss how it intends to operationalize changes rather than just treating them as modeling assumptions. ■ Reply: PacifiCorp recognizes the need to describe details regarding the pros and cons of each of the levers, and what it means to operationalize particular assumptions.This analysis is planned for the 2025 CEP as the next step in the analysis introduced in the CEP Supplement. o Compare the total systemwide GHG emissions under the alternative operational strategy to the total systemwide GHG emissions under a business-as-usual or economic dispatch operational strategy. ■ Reply: System emissions are expected to be a component of reporting for each portfolio used to evaluate the levers. r) Related to its levers for changes to the DEQ Emissions Calculations in the 2023 CEP update, PacifiCorp should dialogue with DEQ over the coming months to determine if a change to the emissions methodology for qualifying facilities may be a worthwhile strategy to pursue. o Reply: PacifiCorp is currently engaging with DEQ related to this topic. s) PacifiCorp should provide analysis supporting the assumption that new natural gas plants are capable of converting to alternative fuels in the future. Further, are these plants modeled with non-emitting fuels in any of the analyses or is this just an assumption that impacts the economic life of gas plants? o Reply: In conversations with various developers, PacifiCorp has been informed that this conversion is possible as of today. New natural gas plants are modeled as operating under natural gas throughout the life of the plant and the approximate modeled cost of alternative fuels and natural gas with a carbon tax cost adder are equivalent beginning in 2040. t) Would PacifiCorp consider conducting an RFI prior to the 2025 IRP/CEP to better understand the market prices for new generation? o Reply:This is not under consideration at this time. * Required fields Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high - this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments, please list those attachment names here. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above- specificity is greatly appreciated. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (018) Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference call, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will post appropriate feedback on the IRP website based on your selection below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-0 7-19 *Name: William Achi Title: *E-mail: william.achi@wyo.gov Phone: (478) 456 - 1166 *Organization: Wyoming Office of Consumer Advocate Address: 2515 Warren Ave, Suite 304 City: Cheyenne State: WY Zip: 82002 Public Meeting Date comments address: ❑Check here if related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. wildfire risk, regional and interregional transmission ® Check here if you want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. Given the wildfire costs that PacifiCorp has experienced, how does the Company plan to address the wildfire risk associated with regional and interregional transmission projects and assets, especially those located within high risk zones/high fire consequence zones? Does the IRP model consider wildfire mitigation techniques (e.g. undergrounding, covered conductors, EFR reclosers, etc. ) and their associated costs when resource selections include regional and interregional transmission? If it does, how does the model determine when and which wildfire mitigation techniques are needed? Additionally, does the model consider the liability costs and legal liability costs related to transmission related wildfire risk? Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high - this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments, please list those attachment names here. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above- specificity is greatly appreciated. If PacifiCorp does not currently include wildfire risk related costs in the IRP model, it should do so when resource selections include regional and interregional transmission. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. * Required fields PacifiCorp Response (8/12/2024): Thank you for your feedback and engagement in the Integrated Resource Planning process. PacifiCorp does not currently include wildfire-related costs distinctly in its modelling for the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). Wildfire-related costs are assumed in the social cost of greenhouse gas price-policy scenario. Transmission-related costs for mitigation techniques are incorporated in IRP modeling to the extent they are a component of the costs assumed for specific transmission options. Regional and interregional transmission plans are developed through the NorthernGrid regional planning process. Any transmission-related costs derived from wildfire mitigation considerations in the NorthernGrid regional planning process would be reflected in the cost estimates assumed for specific transmission options. Transmission-related wildfire mitigation strategies are being actively considered for both existing and new transmission.Any transmission-related costs derived from wildfire mitigation considerations would be reflected in the cost estimates for transmission and distribution deferral values used in the IRP. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (o19) Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp(the Company)requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference call, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group,and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process.PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form,which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations,if any,being provided.Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information,the Company will post appropriate feedback on the IRP website based on your selection below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-0 7-19 *Name: William Achi Title: *E-mail: william.achi@wyo.gov Phone: (307) 777 - 5705 *Organization: Wyoming Office of Consumer Advocate Address: 2515 Warren Ave, Suite 304 City: Cheyenne State: WY Zip: 82002 Public Meeting Date comments address: 0 7-18-2 0 2 4 ® Check here if related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. Chehalis natural gas plant, Washing Climate Commitment Act cap-and-invest program, modeling scenarios ® Check here if you want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. At the July 18, 2024 IRP meeting PacifiCorp stated that for all scenarios that will be modeled, emissions from the Chehalis natural gas plant will incur the forecasted cost of allowances under the cap-and-invest program established in the Climate Commitment Act (CCA) passed by the Washington Legislature in 2021. Given that several states have already rejected the inclusion of these costs in rates, and that PacifiCorp has challenged these costs in court, we find it concerning that the Company\u0019s modeling strategy does not include any scenarios in which Chehalis is modeled without the cost and dispatch impacts of the cap-and-invest program. Data Support: If applicable,provide any documents,hyper-links,etc. in support of comments. (i.e.gas forecast is too high -this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments,please list those attachment names here. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above- specificity is greatly appreciated. We would recommend the Company provide resource selections modeled without the cost and dispatch impacts of the WA CCA cap-and-invest program on the Chehalis natural gas plant. PacifiCorp Response(8/1/2024): Thank you for your recommendation. We have not modeled Chehalis without considering the cost and dispatch impacts of the WA CCA cap-and-invest program. Notwithstanding that certain commissions have declined to allow the company to recover these cost, the company continues to incur these costs. The company is monitoring ballot measures that could * Required fields appeal the CCA. Chehalis provides capacity to the system and demonstrated cost- effectiveness in the 2023 IRP. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (021) Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference call, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will post appropriate feedback on the IRP website based on your selection below. Date of Submittal 2024-07-03 *Name: Jim Himelic Title: *E-mail: jhimelic@firstprinciples.run Phone: 5209791375 *Organization: Renewable Northwest Address: City: State: Zip: Public Meeting Date comments address: ❑Check here if related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. Configuration details for Plexos Modeling Exercises ® Check here if you want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. While Renewable Northwest (RNW) is still awaiting a response from PacifiCorp regarding our original Stakeholder feedback form submitted on May 2nd, which inquired about the specific PLEXOS LT settings PacifiCorp is employing, we would like to add the following PLEXOS-related questions to that request: • PLEXOS Production Settings: Please provide a copy of the production settings used for all final PLEXOS runs. If separate settings were used for LT and MT-ST runs, please provide each set of settings. • PLEXOS Performance Settings: Please provide a copy of the performance settings used for all final PLEXOS runs. If separate settings were used for LT and MT-ST runs, please provide each set of settings. • PLEXOS Horizon Settings: Please provide a copy of the horizon settings used for all final PLEXOS MT-ST runs. o Has PacifiCorp explored the impacts on modeling results and run times when using Typical Week Per Month reduced chronology for the ST Schedule? o Note: While RNW does not encourage this setting for reliability-focused ST runs, the mode can be effective in reducing run time requirements when performing economic-focused simulations across an extended planning horizon. • PLEXOS MT Settings: Please provide a copy of the performance settings used for the MT phase of PLEXOS simulations. o For the decomposition of the MT targets, does PacifiCorp implement this as a quantity-based target (i.e. , a hard constraint) or as a price-based target (i.e. , a soft constraint) ? 0 • Other: * Required fields o Please discuss to what extent PacifiCorp has explored the various options provided by Energy Exemplar to PLEXOS users for configuring PLEXOS LT runs, particularly in balancing the tradeoffs between chronology resolution and run times. Specifically, please address whether PacifiCorp has considered options such as: ■ Mixed Chronology ■ Rolling Horizons ■ Multistep Optimization with overlapping steps ■ Integerization horizon for expansion decisions optimality o Has PacifiCorp explored using the Projected Assessment of System Adequacy (PASA) modeling stage to assist with a first pass reliability run or creating planned maintenance schedules for their thermal generation fleet? o Related to performance settings, has PacifiCorp explored using the Gurobi Tuner software program provided by Energy Exemplar? ■ This tool optimizes the settings for the Gurobi solver specific to each model by using an MPS file description of the modeled portfolio. ■ The program identifies the optimal set of solver settings, including undocumented parameters beyond those available through the PLEXOS interface, for a user-specified MIP gap. o Has PacifiCorp explored using the [Load Subtracter] property under the Generator class? ■ This parameter allows the chronology algorithm in PLEXOS LT to be applied to the net load profile (i.e. , gross load netted out with zero variable costs generation) rather than the gross load profile. ■ This enables a more efficient allocation of the fixed number of blocks accessible to the optimizer to the critical periods in the planning horizon. o Does PacifiCorp perform any backcasting validation runs on their PLEXOS model regularly? Please note that RNW is requesting this information to assist PacifiCorp in addressing their modeling needs. RNW recognizes the complexity associated with effective capacity expansion, resource adequacy, and production cost modeling. Given the size and complexity of PacifiCorp' s portfolio, these tasks are even more challenging. In that spirit, RNW has PLEXOS modeling expertise under retainer and offers this support in the spirit of collaboration and continuous progress for the IRP process. RNW is also supportive of PacifiCorp hosting a technical modeling workshop to discuss these items, along with other related modeling topics, if that would be most effective for all stakeholders. Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high - this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments, please list those attachment names here. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above- specificity is greatly appreciated. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. PacifiCorp Response (8/XX/2024): * Required fields Thank you for your feedback and engagement in the Integrated Resource Planning process. Please see the following tables, which display the Plexos settings used in the 2023 IRP Update: PLEXOS Production Settings: LT Models MT/ST Models Category - - Dispatch by Power Station (Yes/No) Yes Yes Power Station Aggregation Mode None None Unit Commitment Optimality Linear Linear Rounding Up Threshold 0.5 0.5 Rounded Relaxation Commitment Model Central Central Rounded Relaxation Tuning(Yes/No) No No Rounded Relaxation Start Threshold 0.25 0.25 Rounded Relaxation End Threshold 0.75 0.75 Rounded Relaxation Threshold Increment 0.05 0.05 DP Capacity Factor Threshold(%) 20 20 DP Capacity Factor Error Threshold(%) 20 20 Capacity Factor Constraint Basis Installed Capacity Installed Capacity Forced Outage Relaxes Min Down Time(Yes/No) No No Gas Demand Resolution Interval Interval Heat Rate Detail Detailed Detailed Unit Commitment Heat Rate Detail(Yes/No) Yes Yes Integers in Look-ahead Never Never Cooling States Enabled (Yes/No) No Yes Run Up and Down Enabled (Yes/No) No Yes Transitions Enabled (Yes/No) Yes Yes Start Cost Method Optimize Optimize Start and Stop Enabled (Yes/No) No Yes Ramping Constraints Enabled (Yes/No) Yes Yes Pump and Generate(Yes/No) No Yes Increment and Decrement(Yes/No) Yes Yes Fuel Use Function Precision 0 0 Max Heat Rate Tranches 5 3 Min Heat Rate Tranche Size 0 0 Heat Rate Error Method Warn Adjust Report Adjusted Warn Adjust Report Adjusted Formulate Upfront(Yes/No) Yes Yes Formulate Ramp Upfront(Yes/No) Yes Yes Warm Up Process Enabled (Yes/No) Yes Yes * Required fields PLEXOS Performance Settings: LT Models MT/ST Models Category - - SOLVER Gurobi Gurobi Small LP Optimizer Auto Auto Small LP Nonzero Count 250000 250000 Cold Start Optimizer 1 Barrier Homogeneous Auto Cold Start Optimizer 2 None None Cold Start Optimizer 3 None None Hot Start Optimizer 1 Barrier Homogeneous Auto Hot Start Optimizer 2 None None Hot Start Optimizer 3 None None Concurrent Mode Deterministic Deterministic Presolve(Yes/No) Yes Yes Scaling(Yes/No) Yes Yes Crossover(Yes/No) Yes Yes Feasibility Tolerance 0 0 Optimality Tolerance 0 0 Objective Scalar 1 1 Objective Tolerance 0 0 Maximum Threads -1 -1 MIP Root Optimizer Auto Dual Simplex MIP Node Optimizer Auto Dual Simplex MIP Relative Gap 0.0002 0.0002 MIP Improve Start Gap 0 0 MIP Absolute Gap 0 0 MIP Max Relative Gap 0 0 MIP Max Absolute Gap 0 0 MIP Max Time(s) 7200 3600 MIP Max Relaxation Repair Time(s) -1 -1 MIP Maximum Threads -1 12 MIP Start Solution Within Step Within Step MIP Focus Balanced Balanced Carry over MIP Time(Yes/No) Yes No MIP Max Time with Carry over(s) -1 -1 MIP Hard Stop(s) -1 -1 MIP Interrupt(Yes/No) No No Hint Mode Start Start Monitoring Periodic Clearing 0 0 Monitoring Maximum Threads -1 -1 Maximum Monitored MIP Iterations -1 -1 Maximum Parallel Tasks -1 -1 Feasibility Repair Failure Continue Continue PLEXOS Horizon Settings: *Required fields LT Models MUST Models Category - Periods per Day 24 24 Compression Factor 1 1 Date From 1/1/2023 1/1/2023 Step Type Year Year Step Count 20 20 Look-ahead Count 0 0 Day Beginning 0 0 Week Beginning 0 0 Year Ending 0 0 Chronology Full Full Chrono Date From 1/1/2023 1/1/2023 Chrono Period From 1 1 Chrono Period To 24 24 Chrono Step Type Day Week Chrono At a Time 1 1 Chrono Step Count 7305 1043 Look-ahead Indicator(Yes/No) No Yes Look-ahead Type Day(s) Day(s) Look-ahead At a Time 2 3 Look-ahead Periods per Day 12 12 * Required fields PLEXOS MT Settings: Performance settings. There do not appear to be any"MT Schedule"settings in PLEXOS 9.2,that relate to"...the decomposition of the MT targets..."as described in this question. MT targets are generally set based on the specific property and associated spanning condition.PacifiCorp is taking steps to change the model properties in order to bypass the MT phase where appropriate when running an ST deterministic model run.For example:we have specifically defined the"Max Capacity Factor Week"for DSM-Demand Response. Rather than attempting to optimize demand response dispatch based in the MT phase,a portion of the overall demand response capability is allocated to each week in the relevant season,with more events in periods with greater risk or need. This emulates actual practice,where,outside of an emergency where a program would immediately be used to the maximum extent allowed,a portion of the events will be reserved in case they are needed in the remainder of the season. Other: • Configuring PLEXOS LT runs o PacifiCorp has explored and continues to explore all model setups/options on an ongoing basis in an attempt to improve modeling performance and in order to achieve LT portfolio results that are more reliable and consistent with the results we see in the ST phase of PLEXOS modeling. We do not see a setting for"Mixed Chronology",however,we currently use the"Partial"chronology setting in our LT model runs. Fitted and sampled have been tested multiple times.We see the best results using the combination of partial and our custom slicing combined with 7 Blocks/Month.Rolling Horizons had been tested in the past but this setup was not functioning;however Energy Exemplar has indicated this functionality has been fixed and should work. We are testing this setup currently for the 2025 IRP,but it reports faulty infeasibilities. Te s t s using the integerization horizon for expansion decisions has not resulted in meaningful run-time improvements. PacifiCorp has found that focusing on specific unit types being modeled as linear/integer rreults in more significant run-time improvements.For example,only existing plant retirements and certain transmission upgrades may need to be considered on an integer basis. o PacifiCorp has not explored the use of the PASA modeling stage. o PacifiCorp has not explored using the"Gurobi Tuner"software,but the Company is interested to learn more about this. As stated,we are always looking to improve our model setups and assumptions. o Load Subtracter:PacifiCorp had tested using a load subtractor setup to help the model with Blocking,but it did not appear to provide a useful improvement. Because load subtractor is tied to specific volumes identified prior to running the LT,it does not incorporate the outcomes of the portfolio selection. This setup would not work with our current LT setup that uses custom slicing which accounts for our wind and solar profiles. o PacifiCorp has not attempted to perform any type of backcasting validation within PLEXOS. PacifiCorp has been reviewing historical load,market price,and generator availability data to see whether the forecasting and modeling of these inputs can be improved to better reflect both the expected variation in these inputs experienced on an actual basis and the correlation among these inputs. In actual operations, PacifiCorp balances much of its requirements using market products transacted on a forward and day-ahead basis. PLEXOS currently only uses hourly balancing,so it does not have forward and day-ahead market products,nor does it capture all of the impacts of hedging requirements and forecast error. For the 2025 IRP,PacifiCorp is working to incorporate the forward showing requirements associated with the Western Resource Adequacy Program(WRAP),and those requirements are likely to impact how forward market transactions are used in practice. Similarly,PacifiCorp expects to begin operating within the CAISO's Enhanced Day-Ahead Market(EDAM)starting in 2026,which may also impact operations.These two developments are likely to improve the alignment between actual operations and PLEXOS and will reduce the relevance of recent actual results.PacifiCorp remains open to specific suggestions that might improve the performance and accuracy of our modeling. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (022) Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference call, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will post appropriate feedback on the IRP website based on your selection below. Date of Submittal 2024-07-27 *Name: Christopher Thomas Title: *E-mail: christopher.thomas@slc.gov Phone: (385) 228 - 6873 *Organization: Salt Lake City Corp Address: 451 S. State Street City: Salt Lake City State: UT Zip: 84111 Public Meeting Date comments address: 0 7-17-2 0 2 4 ®Check here if related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. Numbered slide 51 titled \u001CVariants\u001D °BJ Check here if you want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. Please include an additional variant, \u001Cnear-term customer choice energy\u001D that would allow for the selection of energy resources by the PLEXOS model for operation in 2026 and 2027 in the following amounts: 493 MW of solar, 126 MW of wind, and 32 MW of geothermal. These numbers reflect the total summer megawatts (MW) in the PacifiCorp interconnection queues that have completed Facilities studies with a requested commercial operation date prior to December 31, 2026 for each of these energy resource types. The rationale for including this variant is that PacifiCorp\u0019s core cases do not allow for the selection of wind or solar resources before calendar year 2028, reflecting a constraint that represents the regulatory timeline of initiating an all-source RFP and completing contracting and project construction. However, there are programs and tariffs that could allow for large customers or groups of customers to acquire energy from the projects in PacifiCorp\u0019s interconnection queues before 2028. Given that, it would be prudent to use one IRP model variant to examine whether limited amounts of new energy resource acquisition prior to 2028 would be cost effective from the perspective of the PacifiCorp system as a whole. The 2023 IRP update preferred portfolio found that near-term resource acquisition would be cost effective, to the tune of 654 MW of solar or solar + storage in 2027 and 79 MW of wind in 2027. Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high -this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments, please list those attachment names here. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above- specificity is greatly appreciated. * Required fields Please ensure that the \u001Cnear-term customer choice energy\u001D variant will allow for the selection of solar and wind resources in the amounts listed above without co- located storage. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. PacifiCorp Response(7/XX/2024): Thank you for your participation and engagement in the Integrated Resource Planning process. PacifiCorp is actively considering projects that have a commercial operation date before l/l/2028 and does not foreclose the opportunity for such projects. The Integrated Resource Plan(IRP) is based on proxy resource costs and related assumptions that are generic and intended to be broadly applicable. Thus,the IRP has typically not allowed resources to be selected within the initial few years of the model run even if PacifiCorp might still be able to pursue projects that could enter commercial operation during those initial few years. The Company is currently considering all requests for additional sensitivity and variant studies to be completed in the 2025 IRP. Possible options will be discussed in the August 14-15 and September 25-26 Public Input Meetings. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (023) Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp(the Company)requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference call, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group,and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process.PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form,which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations,if any,being provided.Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information,the Company will post appropriate feedback on the IRP website based on your selection below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-0 8-0 9 *Name: Jon Martindill Title: *E-mail: ion@npenergyca.com Phone: *Organization: NP Energy LLC Address: City: State: Zip: Public Meeting Date comments address: 0 6-2 7-2 0 2 4 ❑ Check here if related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: Nick Pappas, Max Greene, James Himelic *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. Non-Emitting Peakers - Hydrogen fuel availability ® Check here if you want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. RNW seeks additional analysis and due diligence from PacifiCorp regarding its hydrogen cost and availability assumptions. Non-emitting peakers play a large role in PacifiCorp\u0019s 2023 IRP, and an even greater role in the 2023 IRP Update. The 2023 IRP includes 1,240 MW of non-emitting peakers by 2036. In the 2023 IRP Update, all gas peakers are assumed to be capable of transitioning to hydrogen, an assumption that extends the modeled operational life of all natural gas resources, culminating in 5,000 MW of non-emitting peakers in 2041. The growth of non-emitting and hydrogen-capable peakers seems to be driven in part by Oregon compliance, but more broadly due to coal retirements. In comments submitted on June 14, 2024, RNW identified four gaps in PacifCorp\u0019s planning. 1) Additional energy production requirements necessary to produce green hydrogen; 2) Water consumption to produce green hydrogen; 3) Cost and viability of infrastructure to transport and store hydrogen; and 4) Impact, monitoring, and mitigation necessary to address hydrogen leakage In the June 27 Public Input Meeting, PacifiCorp acknowledged many of the drawbacks and challenges to combusting green hydrogen to generate power, including its poor round-trip efficiency, need for significant new and expensive infrastructure, and leakage. Further, PacifiCorp acknowledged that there is \u001Ca lot of work that would need to be done to create a hydrogen economy at a scale for utility power generation\u001D including a \u001Ctremendous amount of infrastructure\u001D. In this same session, PacifiCorp clarifies that the 2023 IRP update does not have specific plans to run the hydrogen-capable peakers with 100% hydrogen, and that these are included as a \u001Chedge against the possibility that they will need to run 100% hydrogen at a point in the future. \u001D RNW seeks additional clarification from PacifiCorp on how it would address these uncertainties and ensure that, to the extent hydrogen peakers are a necessary element of a compliant portfolio, it will ensure that these resources are both capable of utilizing and supplied by green hydrogen to the designated state or federal standard. * Required fields Data Support: If applicable,provide any documents,hyper-links,etc.in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high -this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments,please list those attachment names here. Meeting cited: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifpGWdeOnBI&t=2106s Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above - specificity is greatly appreciated. As long as PacifiCorp\u0019s IRP models operate on optimistic assumptions about hydrogen availability and cost, RNW asks for specific planning on how PacifiCorp plans to acquire, store, and potentially produce the of hydrogen necessary to generate power. Specifically, RNW recommends that PacifiCorp: 1) Incorporate the green hydrogen energy requirement as an incremental portfolio requirement for renewable energy production, enabling PLEXOS LT to increase clean energy production to meet electrolysis demand. 2) Perform a viability and cost assessment of electrolyzer sites that minimize cost of delivered green hydrogen to planned non-emitting peakers. These sites must meet grid connectivity requirements and water availability requirements. 3) Perform a viability and cost assessment of hydrogen storage siting and sizing to determine the capital and operational expenses associated with relying on hydrogen fuel for power generation. 4) Perform a viability and cost assessment of hydrogen transportation infrastructure. 5) Include leak monitoring and leak mitigation into hydrogen infrastructure planning, and include global warming impacts of hydrogen leakage into emissions assessments. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. PacifiCorp Response (9/10/2024): Thank you for your feedback. With regard to your recommendation 1, for an incremental portfolio requirement,the company believes that proposed analysis of Oregon and Washington compliance requirements will achieve comparable results. At the August 14-15,2024 public input meeting,the company presented both tank and cavern storage options for hydrogen,which in combination with electrolysis could allow for increased clean energy production. The company is still finalizing this modeling for the 2025 Integrated Resource Plan(IRP),and does not intend to conduct site-specific or project-specific evaluations as suggested in recommendations 2-5,as those are outside the scope of the IRP,which does not evaluate specific projects. PacifiCorp appreciates the expertise offered by RNW and believes these recommendations may be helpful in developing specifications and requirements for non-emitting peaking resources for inclusion in a Request for Proposals(RFP) following the 2025 IRP. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (024) Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp(the Company)requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference call, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group,and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process.PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form,which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations,if any,being provided.Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information,the Company will post appropriate feedback on the IRP website based on your selection below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-0 8-0 9 *Name: Jon Martindill Title: *E-mail: ion@npenergyca.com Phone: *Organization: NP Energy LLC Address: City: State: Zip: Public Meeting Date comments address: 0 7-18-2 0 2 4 ❑ Check here if related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: Nick Pappas, Max Greene, James Himelic *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. Candidate Resource Costs ® Check here if you want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. RNW seeks additional information from PacifiCorp regarding its assumptions and methods around resource costs. In comments submitted on June 14, RNW questioned PacifiCorp\u0019s unsubstantiated escalators for renewable energy resources used in the 2023 IRP and 2023 IRP Update. In those comments, RNW demonstrated that third-party sources of information, including NREL ATB 2024, did not support PacifiCorp\u0019s assumptions about renewable resource costs and their change over time. In the July 18 Public Input Meeting, PacifiCorp stated that they are basing cost estimates for proxy resources on NREL ATB 2024, but that there are additional costs that PacifiCorp adds to the ATB estimate to more accurately reflect the true cost. In order to meaningfully engage with the resource costs, a critical input to any planning exercise, PacifiCorp must provide additional information and substantiation on this adjustment step than has been made available previously. Therefore, RNW asks that this adjustment step be made as transparently as possible. Data Support: If applicable,provide any documents,hyper-links,etc.in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high -this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments,please list those attachment names here. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above - specificity is greatly appreciated. Please provide specific information on the following questions: 1) What specific costs are added in this adjustment step, and what information sources are used to estimate these costs? 2) How do cost adjustments vary by resource? 3) How do cost adjustments vary over time? 4) How will this cost adjustment step be transparent to stakeholders? 5) Will * Required fields PacifiCorp share the specific cost adjustments applied to each resource and the rationale behind each adjustment? Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com PacifiCorp Response: 1) Regarding capital costs presented in the Supply-side Resource table(column heading"CAPEX"),the National Renewable Energy Laboratory(NREL)Annual Technology Baseline(ATB)provides overnight capital cost (OCC)in 2022 dollars for the year of commercial operation(COD year). The ATB's OCC for the appropriate soonest COD year is escalated to from 2022 dollars to 2024 dollars. Then the following costs are added: • Allowance For Funds Used During Construction(AFUDC): this reflects the cost of funds used prior to commercial operation and incorporates PacifiCorp's confidential financial costs in the calculation. This is used instead of the ATB's Finance Factor. • Capital surcharge: administrative and general costs,which cannot be charged directly to a capital project, in accordance with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission(FERC)and generally accepted accounting principles(GAAP). • Property tax: 1.2% 2) The CAPEX described in response to question 1 varies by location and tax incentive rules. Locational cost factors were obtained from the United States Energy Information Agency report: "Capital Cost and Performance Characteristics for Utility-Scale Electric Power Generating Technologies, January 2024."For resources that do not have a cost forecast, standard inflation is applied.Additionally,instead of using the ATB's interconnection costs,the Company's PLEXOS modeling reflects location-specific interconnection cost estimates from throughout PacifiCorp's transmission system. 3) CAPEX costs vary over time according to the ATB's cost forecasts, adjusted for inflation. 4) The cost adjustments indicated above were discussed at the July and August public input meetings for the 2025 IRP (Public Input Process(pacificorp.com).Additional information provided in this response is publicly available along with the 2025 IRP Supply-side Resource table Integrated Resource Plan(pacificorp.com). 5) The overarching rationale is to provide information that is more consistent with PacifiCorp's expected costs in its operating areas than that represented by the nationwide average costs provided in the ATB. The rationale behind each individual resource adjustment does not vary except as described above. Thank you for participating. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (025) Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference call, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will post appropriate feedback on the IRP website based on your selection below. Date of Submittal *Name: Jon Martindill Title: *E-mail: ion@npenergyca.com Phone: *Organization: NP Energy LLC Address: City: State: Zip: Public Meeting Date comments address: 0 7-18-2 0 2 4 ❑ Check here if related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: Nick Pappas, Max Greene, James Himelic *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. Carbon Capture and Storage ® Check here if you want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. RNW seeks additional information and due diligence from PacifiCorp regarding its application of carbon capture and storage (CCS) in its 2023 IRP Update. The 2023 IRP Update extends and expands reliance on existing fossil infrastructure, including significant increases in CCS at PacifiCorp\u0019s coal units. RNW seeks additional due diligence on the compliance risk and economic risk of relying on CCS to prolong coal plant operations and reduce emissions. There are many technical barriers to overcome for effective CCS, as well as a variety of lifecycle emissions and local pollutants that make continued coal operations inherently risky. In addition, the economics of coal plan operations remain sensitive to a variety of factors. Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high -this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments, please list those attachment names here. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above - specificity is greatly appreciated. Please provide specific information on the following questions: 1) What is the plan for the captured carbon? Is there a specific storage or utilization plan? Are the costs of storage and/or utilization included in the economic analysis? 2) Has PacifiCorp performed a sensitivity analysis on the economics of CCS? To what extent is this selection sensitive to CCS efficiency, coal fuel costs, and carbon storage/utilization costs? 3) What data source (s) informed NVE\u0019s estimate of $32.71/kw-year for fixed costs to operate a 330 MW CCUS retrofit? NREL ATB 2024 estimates a range of $148-$161/kw-year for a similar retrofit installed in 2028. 4) Are air quality impacts from coal trans included in your analysis? * Required fields Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com PacifiCorp Response (8/28/2024): PacifiCorp's 2023 IRP Update identified the Jim Bridger units 3 and 4 carbon capture project as a potential economic benefit to customers. This analysis relied upon high-level proxy costs in the economic modeling which needs to be validated by a front-end engineering design(FEED) study before advancing a carbon capture project. The Company is pursuing a FEED study that will evaluate the capture,transport and storage of CO2 from Jim Bridger units 3 and 4. 1. The FEED study will evaluate an option for transport and storage of the CO2. Cost for transportation and storage are accounted for in the economic modeling. 2. The company used a single set of CCUS cost inputs and is aware that many of the factors used to determine those cost inputs are highly uncertain.We have not yet conducted a specific analysis for the breakeven point for coal fuel cost, efficiency, etc., due to the significant amount of uncertainty surrounding these factors. The FEED study identified above is expected to provide better information on possible outcomes so that such analysis could be conducted in the future. 3. The NETL 2023 Report—"Eliminating the Derate of Carbon Capture Retrofits"includes cost items that PacifiCorp does not take into account in fixed operations and maintenance cost. However,those line items are being included in the total cost of the project. 4. The company has three plants where coal is received via rail: Bridger,Dave Johnston and Hayden. The company operates Bridger and Dave Johnston while Hayden is operated by Xcel Energy. For plants operated by the company, dust suppression is applied to all the trains where required(those loaded from Powder River Basin origins). This would include all coal destined for Dave Johnston and some of the coal destined for Jim Bridger. That dust"topper" is purchased on a$/ton rate and applied at the mine as the coal is loaded in the cars. IRP modeling is based on the delivered cost of coal, and includes both rail and dust suppression,as applicable. The company doesn't have direct control of the Hayden trains, so it does not have details for that plant,though it expects practices are similar. Thank you for participating. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (026) Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference call, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will post appropriate feedback on the IRP website based on your selection below. Date of Submittal 2024-08-09 *Name: Kate Bowman Title: *E-mail: kbowman@votesolar.org Phone: (801) 872 - 3234 *Organization: Vote Solar Address: City: State: Zip: Public Meeting Date comments address: ❑ Check here if related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. Distributed Generation Study, Sensitivities ® Check here if you want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. Questions: Does the distributed generation study include any locational forecasting of DER adoption more specific than state level? Does the IRP evaluate any interactive effects between distributed energy resource adoption and other customer-sited technologies? For example, interactive effects between high DER adoption and high electrification, or high adoption of EVs? In the June 26 - 27 presentation, slide 42 states \u001CNet-billing states tied to avoided cost forecast from IRP.\u001D In this context, does avoided cost refer to PURPA rates for qualifying facilities? Or something else? How are forecasts for future avoided costs developed? In the June 26 - 27 presentation, slide 42 states the value of backup power is \u001CIncluded in customer benefits of PV + Battery technology.\u001D How specifically is the value of backup power used as an input to the \u001Chigh\u001D forecast? Why does PacifiCorp believe that it is appropriate to assume no value for backup power in the \u001Cbase\u001D case as well as the \u001Clow\u001D case? What assumptions does the distributed generation study include about how customer batteries are dispatched? For example, how many hours, how many days a year, or which hours? Does the presence of solar/storage systems in the adoption forecasts result in a different load profile than solar alone? Does the load forecast account for the load effects of a customer dispatching their battery, for example in response to a time of use rate? Have PacifiCorp\u0019s past RFPs allowed for distributed generation resources to bid into the RFP? For example, could a virtual power plant bid into an RFP as a potential resource? Recommendations: Increase the granularity of distributed energy resource forecasting and include locational forecasts of distributed energy resource adoption. Locational forecasting of DER adoption is necessary to capture the full value of DER resource additions and supports efficient investment decisions. See the following reports: NREL: \u001CValue of Distributed Energy Resources Largely Depends on Three Things: Location, Location, Location.\u001D Available at: https://emp.lbl.gov/news/value-distributed-energy-resources Electric Power Systems * Required fields Research: \u001CValuing Distributed Energy Resources for Non-Wires Alternatives.\u001D Available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378779624004073 Explore multiple scenarios that integrate potential futures for distributed energy resource adoption and other demand-side technology, in order to understand how DERs could enable additional loads from electrification. Ensure next RFP invites participation from distributed energy resources and aggregated distributed energy resources that are able to meet the energy, capacity, and grid services needs identified in the RFP. Integrate any competitive distributed energy resource bids from RFPs into future IRPs as selectable resources in the supply-side resource table. Include future scenarios that evaluate interaction of DERs and electrification. Include a sensitivity that evaluates the interactive effects between high distributed energy generation adoption and high electrification. Incorporate use of the Energy Infrastructure Reinvestment act to retire or repurpose eligible resources as a scenario or sensitivity to understand the potential impacts on unit retirement date and replacement portfolio. Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high -this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments, please list those attachment names here. NREL: \u001CValue of Distributed Energy Resources Largely Depends on Three Things: Location, Location, Location.\u001D Available at: https://emp.lbl.gov/news/value- distributed-energy-resources Electric Power Systems Research: \u001CValuing Distributed Energy Resources for Non-Wires Alternatives.\u001D Available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378779624004073 Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above - specificity is greatly appreciated. PacifiCorp Response: a) Does the distributed generation study include any locational forecasting of DER adoption more specific than state level? There is no locational forecasting in this study b) Does the IRP evaluate any interactive effects between distributed energy resource adoption and other customer- sited technologies?For example,interactive effects between high DER adoption and high electrification, or high adoption of EVs? We do include the private generation forecast in our baseline projections, and also use that forecast to inform battery forecasts for the DR programs as well. We do use the expected case and not a high generation case for our reference case projections. c) In the June 26-27 presentation, slide 42 states\u00ICNet-billing states tied to avoided cost forecast from IRP.\u001D In this context,does avoided cost refer to PURPA rates for qualifying facilities? Or something else? How are forecasts for future avoided costs developed? The avoided cost forecast for net-billing states reflects the hourly marginal energy values for locations around the Company's system based on the 2023 IRP preferred portfolio. The hourly energy values are weighted for each of the hourly profiles for different private generation technology types. Avoided cost does not refer to PURPA rates for qualifyingfacilities. d) In the June 26-27 presentation, slide 42 states the value of backup power is\u001CIncluded in customer benefits of PV+Battery technology.\u001D How specifically is the value of backup power used as an input to the \u001 Chigh\u001 D forecast? * Required fields The value of backup power is used as a direct annual benefit in the economic analysis portion of the modeling process. This influences customer paybacks and other economic metrics which are inputs in the ultimate adoption curves. e) Why does PacifiCorp believe that it is appropriate to assume no value for backup power in the\u001Cbase\u001D case as well as the\u001Clow\u001D case? As discussed on stakeholder calls, the scenarios were created to provide a bandwidth of potential DER adoption futures, and the value of backup power was added in the high case to simulate enhanced adoption tied to actual customer value placed on having backup power. f) What assumptions does the distributed generation study include about how customer batteries are dispatched? For example,how many hours,how many days a year,or which hours? Part of the modeling process includes an hourly billing analysis that requires customer load and resource dispatch shapes. Battery dispatch is determined by reducing onsite energy use and customer demand charges (where applicable). The batteries are assumed to charge/dispatch daily(one cycle/day), and the total hours and time of day is determined by individual customer load shapes and onsite energy use. g) Does the presence of solar/storage systems in the adoption forecasts result in a different load profile than solar alone? The solar profile in the solar+storage configuration would not change, but storage is used to reduce onsite customer load and demand charges where applicable. Please see Figure 3-1 in the 2023 report' as an example. h) Does the load forecast account for the load effects of a customer dispatching their battery, for example in response to a time of use rate? Please see Figure 3-1 in the 2023 report' as an example. i) Have Pacif'iCorp\u0019s past RFPs allowed for distributed generation resources to bid into the RFP?For example, could a virtual power plant bid into an RFP as a potential resource? PacifiCorp's 2022 All-Source RFP allowed for all resource types, including demand response resources, which could be a type of virtual power plant. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. 1 "2023-2042 PRIVATE GENERATION FORECAST Behind-The-Meter Resource Assessment:PacifiCorp."Feb 2,2023.Available online: PacifiCorp Private_Generation_Resource_Assessment.pdf * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (027) Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp(the Company)requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference call, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group,and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process.PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form,which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations,if any,being provided.Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information,the Company will post appropriate feedback on the IRP website based on your selection below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-0 8-0 9 *Name: Kate Bowman Title: *E-mail: kbowman@votesolar.org Phone: (801) 872 - 3234 *Organization: vote solar Address: City: State: Zip: Public Meeting Date comments address: ❑ Check here if related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. Tax Credits ® Check here if you want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. Questions: In the June 26 - 27 presentation, slide 6 describes Washington UTC requirements related to the IRA/IIJA. Will the policy statement developed to meet WUTC requirements only describe and apply to Washington load and resources, or system-wide load and resources? In the June 26 - 27 presentation, slide 5 states (regarding the ITC and the PTC) : \u001CThe IRP has included these credits on all future resources built through 2037\u001D and \u001CBased on location or development, resources can be eligible for a bonus credit \u0013 ONLY the location bonus is applied in modeling.\u001D Does the IRP make any resources available for low-income bonus incentives, including the low- income incentive for solar on commercial and multifamily properties? Does the IRP model availability of the Energy Communities bonus adder for eligible resources? Recommendations: Incorporate the Energy Infrastructure Reinvestment Act financing into the IRP analysis, either by including a tranche of resources that are eligible for the bonus adder (reflected by incrementally lower costs) or by decrementing eligible resource costs to reflect the the availability of the Energy Infrastructure Reinvestment Act financing across a large portion of PacifiCorp\u0019s service territory. PacifiCorp Response (8/16/2024): Each model run is made with requirements appropriate for the states participating in those requirements. Once model runs are completed representing all states, the portfolio results are integrated, capturing all modeled state requirements in one portfolio. The integration process ensures that each state' s best portfolio remains whole and that each resource is shared according to which portfolios included the resource. This approach combines individual selectivity based on each states' requirements while also avoiding potential overbuild. * Required fields Resources that are eligible for Production Tax Credits or Investment Tax Credits have a base level of 1000 of the credit applied. Yes, only the location bonus is assumed for those resources which would be located in eligible coal communities. The IRP has not assumed the additional bonus for meeting American manufacturing thresholds as that bonus is outside the bounds of what can be reasonably determined or assured in planning. As discussed in the August 14-15, 2024 Public Input Meeting, sensitivities will be performed assuming highly discounted resources based on assuming high levels of IIJA participation and assuming the pass-through of those benefits to PacifiCorp. Data Support: If applicable,provide any documents,hyper-links,etc.in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high -this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments,please list those attachment names here. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above - specificity is greatly appreciated. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (o2s) Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp(the Company)requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference call, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group,and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process.PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form,which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations,if any,being provided.Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information,the Company will post appropriate feedback on the IRP website based on your selection below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-0 8-0 9 *Name: Stanley Holmes Title: *E-mail: stholmes3@xmission.com Phone: Utah Citizens Advocating Renewable *Organization: Energy (UCARE) Address: City: Salt Lake City State: UT Zip: Public Meeting Date comments address: ❑ Check here if related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. PLEXOS Modeling and Differential Coal Quality Cost Impacts ® Check here if you want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. A review of the 2023 IRP documents suggests that PLEXOS modeling does not distinguish between different quality grades of coal that may be used in PacifiCorp electricity generation units; nor does PLEXOS analyze how fuel quality gradients could factor into least-cost, least-risk portfolio selection. Variations in sulfur, ash minerals, and moisture content between coal grades could significantly affect costs associated with coal supply acquisition and inventory maintenance, greenhouse gas emissions reduction, and waste disposal among other considerations. Coal grades vary not only between mines but sometimes within the same mine, with some customers getting the preferred grade and others purchasing lower quality coal. In Utah, PacifiCorp EGUs might face price competition with Bonanza and Intermountain Power Project (IPP) coal EGUs --plus foreign exports-- for the best grades of coal, which may sometimes be in short supply. The Intermountain Power Authority, which owns IPP, has reported to Utah state entities that "coal costs are rising significantly" and that it "hasn't received its contracted [coal] tonnage requirements from suppliers for at least nine years. " Unsatisfied with the quality of coal received from Wyoming, IPA has imported coal from as far away as Indiana. The Jackson Walker Final Report for Feasibility of Intermountain Power Plant gives an idea of the coal quantity and quality issues facing operators of coal EGUs in Utah. The 2025 IRP should address variations in least-cost, least-risk factors if PacifiCorp coal EGUs burn different fuel grades, given what inventory and availability conditions may suggest or necessitate. For the 2025 IRP, please specifically identify and, for comparative resource cost purposes, assess: 1) Grades and amounts of coal currently being used in PacifiCorp EGUs. . .by individual EGU and in total. 2) Sources of coal from which PacifiCorp currently purchases, and could purchase, fuel. This includes sources where PacifiCorp has a proprietary interest, such as the Fossil Rock Mine (aka. Cottonwood Tract; formerly Mountain Trail Mine) , and those sources that are third-party owned. 3) Modeling assumptions and sensitivity scenarios for: . . . the use of different grade * Required fields coal fuels and the MWh production costs by grade; . . . conditions where competition for better grade fuel significantly increases costs of acquisition; . . . costs to reduce emissions and other pollutants resulting from the use of lesser grade fuels; and, . . . potential additional operations and maintenance costs, and accident liability costs, resulting from reopening geologically challenged mines, such as Fossil Rock Mine. Data Support: If applicable,provide any documents,hyper-links,etc.in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high -this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments,please list those attachment names here. IPA purchases coal from Indiana: https://www.argusmedia.com/en/news-and-insights/latest- market-news/2595473-utah-power-plant-takes-illinois-basin-coal Jackson Walker Report on IPA/IPP: https://le.utah.gov/interim/2023/pdf/00004542.pdf March 21, 2024 SITLA Agenda (Cottonwood Tract / Fossil Rock Mine) : https://www.utah.gov/pmn/files/1098477.pdf SITLA's royalty rate reduction incentive to reopen Fossil Rock mine: https://www.utah.gov/pmn/files/1103161.pdf Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above - specificity is greatly appreciated. For the 2025 IRP, please specifically identify and, for comparative resource cost purposes, assess: 1) Grades and amounts of coal currently being used in PacifiCorp EGUs. . .by individual EGU and in total. 2) Sources of coal from which PacifiCorp currently purchases, and could purchase, fuel. This includes sources where PacifiCorp has a proprietary interest, such as the Fossil Rock Mine (aka. Cottonwood Tract; formerly Mountain Trail Mine) , and those sources that are third-party owned. 3) Modeling assumptions and sensitivity scenarios for: . . . the use of different grade coal fuels and the MWh production costs by grade; . . . conditions where competition for better grade fuel significantly increases costs of acquisition; . . . costs to reduce emissions and other pollutants resulting from the use of lesser grade fuels; and, . . . potential additional operations and maintenance costs, and accident liability costs, resulting from reopening geologically challenged mines, such as Fossil Rock Mine. Response(8/28/2024): • The PLEXOS model used in the development of the IRP accounts for coal cost on a BTU-adjusted basis. The effect of other coal quality characteristics, such as Sulfur content,Ash content, etc., on plant operations are manifest in the operations&maintenance costs assumed for each individual coal unit.These costs are included as variable costs in the PLEXOS model. • For clarification purposes,PacifiCorp does not own mines in Utah,including the Fossil Rock mine. • The Company is considering using high coal costs in the high gas/high CO2 case,where the proposed high coal costs would be three times the expected costs. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (029) 2025 Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp(the Company)requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference calls,as scheduled.PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group,and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process.PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form,which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations,if any,being provided.Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the 2025 IRP,including,but not limited to the process,assumptions,and analysis.In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information,the Company will generally post all appropriate feedback on the IRP website unless you request otherwise,below. Date of Submittal 8/9/2024 Sarah Puzzo,Regulatory Associate *Name: Logan Mitchell,Climate Scientist and Energy Title: Analyst * spuzzogUtahCleanEnergy.org, E-mail: Logankutahcle Phone: anenergy.org *Organization: Utah Clean Energy Address: City: State: Zip: Public Meeting Date comments address: ❑ Check here if not related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. • Modeling coal costs and risks in the 2025 IRP planning process ® Check here if you want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. In November 2022,we submitted a stakeholder feedback form requesting information about coal supply chain issues resulting from the Lila Canyon Coal Mine fire and for ongoing updates as the situation evolved! At the time,the Lila Canyon coal mine fire was an emerging situation, and PacifiCorp would not speculate about potential impacts. Since then however,the Company has not provided any updates to stakeholders in the 2025 IRP public input meetings.Yet in recent months coal supply issues have been addressed at length in other forums: • Docket No. 24-035-13: In their audit of PacifiCorp's fuel inventory prices,the Division wrote about PacifiCorp's fuel inventory report and described coal fuel supply disruptions and other force majeure events at coal mines that affected coal supplies in Utah.Many of the details of the report are redacted,however.' • Docket No.24-035-04: In his Direct Testimony,Ramon Mitchell provides another,more comprehensive description of the situation and its impact on the Company's application for a rate increase.'Mitchell's testimony reveals an extensive list of issues affecting coal supplies and costs in Utah: o "In 2022 through 2024,the coal market experienced strained conditions. The unprecedented increase in coal prices, instability in coal supply and overall market fluctuations have caused adverse impacts to the Company and other large consumers. This negative impact is due to multiple factors,including but not limited to: (1)increased coal demand due to high domestic natural gas prices; (2)low inventories at coal- fired power plants; (3) increased demand abroad for coal exports; (4)international and domestic supply chain constraints; (5)labor and material shortages; and(6)weather events and general market inflation. Moreover,the Lila Canyon mine fire removed approximately 25 percent of Utah coal production and disrupted the same portion of the Company's coal supply needs in Utah. On November 18, 2023,the Company was informed that the Lila Canyon mine will not reopen and will be permanently closed. The ' See.https://www.pacificorp.com/content/dam/pcorp/documents/en/pacificorp/energy/integrated-resource-plan/2023-irp/2023-ir - comments/2023.031.%20Utah°/o20Clean%20Energy%2011-23-22%20(with%20response).pdf. 'See https:Hpscdocs.utah.gov/electric/24docs/2403513/333586RdctdDPUCmnts4-30-2024.pdf. ' See https:Hpscdocs.utah.gov/electric/24docs/2403504/334494RdctdDirTstmnyRamonJMitchelIRMP6-28-2024.pdf. * Required fields closure of Lila Canyon created a significant coal production shortfall in Utah in 2023 and will continue to have negative impacts to all large consumers, including the Company, in 2024 and potentially 2025. In addition to the Lila Canyon mine issues in Utah, coal suppliers continue to experience issues relating to unfavorable geologic and mining conditions, delays and pressure relating to securing federal mining leases, limited availability of trucking and railway transportation for coal, long lead-times for procurement of necessary mining equipment,and limitations in availability of financing,which has put them at an increased risk of becoming insolvent. . . . The impact of these coal supply challenges is an increase of$264 million on a total-company basis. This increase is driven by increased market purchases to cover the generation reduction. ,4 Examining EIA data on coal costs provided to the Hunter coal plant,the weighted average coal prices dramatically increased by 41%in 2023 compared to prior years:5 Average Coal Price($/ton),Hunter Coal Plant $65.00 $60.00 $55.00 $50.00 $45.00 $40.00 $35.00 - - - - $30.00 - - - - $25.00 - 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 Source:EIA,analysis by Utah Clean Energy In addition, DPU's audit mentioned above noted that,due to the coal supply chain issues in Utah, S&P Capital IQ reported that the capacity factor at Hunter decreased from 61.8%in 2022 to only 32.9%in 2023. This decreasing capacity factor is confirmed in EIA's electricity data browser:6 Hunter,monthly t DOWNLOAD megamtthoum 1.000,000 750,000 500,000 250,000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 Net generation-all primern—m- eia) Data source.US Energy Intormat—Anministration 4 See id. at 20-22. 5 See https://www.eia.gov/coal/data/browser/#/shipments/plant/6165/?freq=A&pin=. 6 See.https://www.eia.gov/electricityZdata/browser/#/plant/6165. * Required fields This decreasing capacity factor raises reliability concerns as explained by NERC's 2024 State of Reliability Report identifies.NERC has observed an increasing trend of weighted equivalent forced-outage rates (WEFOR) for coal resources:7 Ch*ter 4:Grid Performance 14% Resource Mix% 11 % Nuclear,10% Hydro,12% Other,9% 12% Coal,22% 10% Gas,48% z 2 8% 6.4% 3 6% 4% 2% 2% 0% 2014 tU18 2023 2014 1018 M23 2014 2018 2023 2014 2018 2023 OCoal OGas Hydro (✓•Nuclear —2019-2023 WEFOR by Fuel Type Figure 4.5:10-Year Annual WEFOR by Fuel Type and 2023 Resource Mix by Net Maximum Capacity NERC's report examined the rising trend of forced outage rates of coal and found that it correlates mostly closely with capacity factors falling below 60%. The report states: "Although coal-fired generation experienced a large decrease in WEFOR in 2023 (12.0%in 2023 versus 13.9%in 2022), it remains above pre-2021 rates.Due to year-over-year variability, coal generation is the primary driver of change in the overall WEFOR despite more energy being produced by both natural gas and nuclear power in 2023. Further investigation into baseload coal generation indicates that a unit's WEFOR negatively correlates most strongly to capacity factor. Notably, once capacity factor falls below approximately 60%, unweighted average EFORs of units begin increasing more rapidly than those between 60%and 100%. Although forced- outage hours are a definite contributor to lower capacity factor units' increased WEFOR,the disproportionate change appears to be driven more by maintenance/planned outage hours and decreased service hours. This aligns with industry statements indicating that reduced investment in maintenance and abnormal cycling that are being adopted primarily in response to rapid changes in the resource mix are negatively impacting baseload coal unit performance."' The recent real-world experience of an exceptionally fragile coal supply chain and volatile global market prices that will cost ratepayers hundreds of millions of dollars of additional costs has exposed the true costs and risks of PacifiCorp's overreliance on coal. These risks and costs are in addition to the carbon pollution driving the changing climate and causing societal impacts like increasing wildfire risks,which are also impacting ratepayers. Therefore, it is imperative to understand how these costs and risks are incorporated in PacifiCorp's 2025 IRP,which includes the quantitative modeling aspects and the qualitative assessments. To better understand how spiking coal costs and risks affect the 2025 IRP modeling,we request the following information: 1. How are coal costs represented in PLEXOS?Is there an average price used for all coal plants, or are coal prices specific to each coal plant?If an average price for all coal plants is used,how are price spikes such as those in Utah reflected in PLEXOS? Similarly,how are operations and maintenance costs reflected?What costs are excluded from the PLEXOS model because they're considered"sunk"or"fixed"costs?How many coal plants have"minimum take"requirements? https://www.nerc.com/pa/RAPA/PA/Performance%20Analysis%2ODL/NERC_SOR 2024_Technical_Assessment.pdf,at 59. 8 Id. * Required fields Reply: ■ Coal costs in PLEXOS are specific to the plant. Costs at Bridger differ from costs at Hunter(as an example). Coal prices are based on anticipated levels of supply at a specific price point. Data is put into the model as $/MMBTU for the cost, and as a quantity of MMBTU that are available.Many coal plants (but not all)have multiple coal fuels available(an initial amount at a certain price,then a"tier 2"fuel with some other amount available at a higher price etc.). ■ Fixed Operations and Maintenance(O&M)costs, and ongoing capital costs are modeled as a single levelized fixed Operations cost.Any ongoing capital that is not recovered is added to the retirement cost on a declining balance basis so the model does see an ability to"get out'of the balance of the cost by retiring the unit. ■ No coal plants were modeled with minimum take requirements in the 2023 IRP. For the 2025 IRP,there is a contract in place for Hunter/Huntington that may require representation in PLEXOS modeling through 2030, after which time the requirement would be released. 2. Coal fuel costs are a critical factor to consider in terms of understanding how different resources compare to each other and contribute to overall portfolio costs. In past IRPs, Chapter 3 has had a section on Natural Gas Prices that includes Henry Hub Price Forecasts. Coal prices should also have a forecast in the 2025 IRP. A coal price forecast should start at prices consistent with current market conditions and should assume escalating prices into the future given the state of the market.Please provide the coal price forecast that is used to inform the PLEXOS model.We understand that specific coal contract terms cannot be revealed publicly,but there must be a way to aggregate the data in a meaningful way for public disclosure, for example by overall price at the plant level like the EIA data shown above. Reply: • The coal costs used for PLEXOS modeling is available in the Master Assumptions folders on the confidential data disc. 3. Additionally,please report the cost of coal in terms of$/MWh for the 20-year planning horizon, including fuel, fuel transportation, operations,maintenance, depreciation and any other relevant costs. Please describe which costs are included in the $/MWh and which costs are not included. Reply: • As discussed in the August 14-15,2024 Public Input Meeting, coal use is heavily dependent upon the heat rate curve of the coal plants in question, and the number of MW produced by the plant varies based on the heat rate curve. O&M numbers are aggregated for each thermal unit, and are not broken out by type of O&M, so providing the specific coal related O&M Costs used by the model is not feasible. All costs associated with the delivery and combustion of coal are incorporated into the fuel price used. 4. Given recent changes in coal suppliers,please describe how variations in coal composition and quality, such as the content of sulfur, ash, and moisture,will affect coal plant heat rate and efficiency. How does coal quality affect the price of the electricity produced in$/MWh?Will changes in coal quality affect the maintenance or reliability of plants?Are coal composition factors modeled within PLEXOS for each coal plant? Reply • As discussed in the August 14-15,2024 Public Input Meeting, coal fuel characteristics are all included in the fuel price and emissions rate per MMBTU of fuel consumed. These figures and characteristics are aggregated across the coal supply for each plant and are not broken out independently. 5. How will changes in coal suppliers and quality affect emissions from the plants in terms of NOx, S02, and carbon? Reply * Required fields • As discussed in the August 14-15, 2024 Public Input Meeting, emissions rates per MMBTU of fuel consumed are determined in forecasts provided to the IRP team. Should changes in forecasted supply quality cause these rates to change,these rates would be aggregated and updated to reflect that change. All of PacifCorp's coal units are required to meet NOx and SO2 rates that are based on permitted limits. PacifiCorp will continue to meet these NOx and SO2 rates regardless of coal quality. CO2 emissions could increase or decrease based on coal quality and gross calorific heat value but will generally increase with lower coal rank and quality. 6. Please describe how coal fuel supply risks will affect the planning reserve margin given recent experience that supply chain disruptions caused significantly reduced capacity factors for Utah coal plants. Reply • PacifiCorp's IRP plans to meet the hourly demand requirements of the system,including reserves requirements. To the extent outages are higher, or reserve holding capabilities of plants are diminished, and additional resources are selected in the IRP model to meet PacifiCorp's obligations. 7. Please describe how coal plant reliability metrics are being tracked as their capacity factor decreases. How are these reliability metrics being incorporated into the 2025 IRP modeling process? Reply • As discussed in the August 14-15,2024 Public Input Meeting during the Daily Shapes portion of the presentation,historical actuals are being used in modeling. 8. How are disruptions like the recent Lila Canyon coal mine fire being incorporated into stochastic risk metrics throughout the planning horizon?For example,how would a coal supply disruption in a specific year affect a given portfolio (e.g. a force majeure event in 2030 removing>25%of coal supply)?Disruptions like this should be examined for cost and reliability metrics. Reply • Depending on incoming requests and requirements,PacifiCorp is willing to consider a sensitivity changing coal supply assumptions. 9. In DPU's review of PacifiCorp's coal fuel supply report linked above,they discussed six PLEXOS scenarios that were run to examine coal risks (pg 8),however the DPU's description of those scenarios was partially redacted. Please provide an un-redacted and detailed description of those scenarios and the conclusions from them. Reply • In February 2024,PacifiCorp evaluated six different scenarios for the Hunter and Huntington Plants using different assumptions and inputs to the PLEXOS model. The base scenario assumed the coal supply agreements (CSA)at the Hunter and Huntington plants with Wolverine Fuels,the principal coal supplier in Utah,were renegotiated and amended. The alternative scenarios assumed other coal supply options and/or market conditions. The evaluation assessed the total cost of each scenario on a present value revenue requirement(PVRR)basis. The cost of the base scenario was significantly lower than the other scenarios and led to PacifiCorp's decision to amend the Hunter/Wolverine CSA and Huntington/Wolverine CSA. The following is a brief description of the different scenarios: • Scenario 1 -The Hunter/Wolverine CSA is amended to include additional years to the term. The prospective Fossil Rock Mine will begin to provide volumes to Hunter in 2025. The Huntington/Wolverine CSA is amended with no extension of the current 2029 term. The Utah coal market becomes stable again and generation constraints recede. • Scenario 2 -PacifiCorp does not sign amendments with Wolverine.Pricing is assumed to be reset to current Utah market prices which is higher than the anticipated Hunter/Wolverine and * Required fields Huntington/Wolverine amendments. The Fossil Rock Mine does not reopen and coal supply in Utah remains constrained and unstable. • Scenario 3 -PacifiCorp does not sign amendments with Wolverine.Pricing is assumed to be reset to current Utah market prices.Wolverine does eventually reopen the Fossil Rock Mine, and the Utah coal market becomes more stable. • Scenario 4 -PacifiCorp does not sign amendments with Wolverine.PacifiCorp's existing contracts are terminated, and the pricing is assumed to be reset to current Utah market prices plus a premium price which assumes fewer coal suppliers in the region. The Fossil Rock Mine does not reopen and coal supply in Utah remains constrained and unstable. • Scenario 5 -PacifiCorp does not sign amendments with Wolverine.PacifiCorp receives limited Utah market coal supply for a period.PacifiCorp spends capital to build a rail unloading facility in central Utah and modify the Utah Plants to consume Powder River Basin coal. • Scenario 6 -PacifiCorp does not sign amendments with Wolverine. PacifiCorp receives limited Utah market coal supply for a period. PacifiCorp spends capital to build a rail unloading facility in central Utah and purchases additional coal from Colorado mines. Data Support: If applicable,provide any documents,hyper-links,etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high-this forecast from EIA is more appropriate).If electronic attachments are provided with your comments,please list those attachment names here. - See footnotes. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above-specificity is greatly appreciated. - See above Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRPkPacificorp.com Thank you for participating. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (030) Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference call, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will post appropriate feedback on the IRP website based on your selection below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-0 8-13 *Name: Katie Pappas Title: *E-mail: kpappas56@yahoo.com Phone: 1801532365 *Organization: Ratepayer Address: 424 K s t City: Salt Lake City State: UT Zip: 84103 Public Meeting Date comments address: ❑ Check here if related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. Proposed Rocky Mountain Power Rate Increase in Utah ® Check here if you want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. Rocky Mountain Power, with help from the Utah legislature and governor\u0019s office, wants all of us in Utah to foot the bill, in a backward attempt to prop up what\u0019s left of the Utah coal industry. Rather than move toward a more sustainable, healthier, lower energy cost future, they are hellbent on prolonging dependence on dirty fossil fuels. Why? Ironically, the very issues their rate increases seek to address are made worse by their climate busting practices. Utah has an opportunity to be a leader in the development of several cheaper, greener energy sources that actually cost less, don\u0019t pollute our air and won\u0019t negatively impact our health. We have never factored in the external costs of burning fossil fuels but now spend billions to mitigate damage caused by climate change. Utahns deserve better. Our energy policies and decisions should be guided by science, not by politicians and corporations. Please oppose this outrageous assault on ratepayers. Katie Pappas Salt Lake City, UT Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high -this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments,please list those attachment names here. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above - specificity is greatly appreciated. PacifiCorp Response (8/29/2024): Thank you for your feedback. PacifiCorp uses the Integrated Resource Planning process to select the least-cost, least-risk portfolio given prevailing conditions at the time of planning. Renewable energy is a critical component of PacifiCorp's resource mixture and will make up an increasing proportion of the energy generated by the PacifiCorp system over time. * Required fields Pages 6-7 of the 2023 IRP Update report that the preferred portfolio includes 3,749 megawatts of new solar online by 2037, 9,800 megawatts of new wind resources online by 2037, and more than 4,000 megawatts of new storage capacity online by 2037.While renewable energy plays an ever-growing role in PacifiCorp's resource mixture,PacifiCorp's diverse portfolio of resources help to ensure system reliability during critical hours. In the 2023 IRP Update,thermal resources operated at a low-capacity factor in future years but were critical in ensuring system reliability during peak load hours. PacifiCorp is committed to achieving emissions reduction targets as required by state and federal regulatory obligations and welcomes the development of alternative fuel sources that can provide a similar level of system flexibility as traditional thermal resources at reduced emissions rates. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (031) Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference call, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any, being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will post appropriate feedback on the IRP website based on your selection below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-0 8-13 *Name: Jane Myers Title: *E-mail: myersjane2004@yahoo.com Phone: (801) 081 - 4315 *Organization: rate payer Address: 5317 W Wheatridge Ln City: West Jordan State: UT Zip: 84081 Public Meeting Date comments address: 0 8-14-2 0 2 4 ® Check here if related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. I am addressing the 30% rate increase that is "serving and benefiting Utah customers." ® Check here if you want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. After returning from Scandinavia, I am shocked that we are still stressing coal in our energy policies. Even though Norway has found oil, they have 88% hydro power and are using more wind and solar. The coal is more expensive and dirtier for our unhealthy air quality in Utah than even natural gas (which is also readily available) . Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high- this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments,please list those attachment names here. https://energifaktanorge.no/en/norsk-energiforsyning/kraftproduksjon/ Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above - specificity is greatly appreciated. We have roof-top solar. The transmission lines are already in existence. Batteries can be added. We should not be pursuing coal in our future plans and we should be putting in many more transmission lines for the energy needs five years from now. We should be putting in more wind production. Our air quality is steadily getting worse, which effects climate change and global warming. PacifiCorp Response (8/29/2024): Thank you for your feedback. PacifiCorp uses the Integrated Resource Planning process to select the least-cost, least-risk portfolio given prevailing conditions at the time of planning. Renewable energy is a critical component of PacifiCorp's resource mixture and will make up an increasing proportion of the energy generated by the PacifiCorp system over time. Pages 6-7 of the 2023 IRP Update report that the preferred portfolio includes 3,749 megawatts of new solar online by 2037, 9,800 megawatts of new wind resources online by 2037, and more than 4,000 megawatts of new storage capacity online by 2037. PacifiCorp welcomes specific suggestions to enhance cost and other input assumptions for all types of resources. These assumptions are critical inputs that drive Plexos model selections. While renewable energy plays an * Required fields ever-growing role in PacifiCorp's resource mixture,PacifiCorp's diverse portfolio of resources help to ensure system reliability during critical hours. In the 2023 IRP Update,thermal resources operated at a low-capacity factor in future years but were critical in ensuring system reliability during peak load hours. PacifiCorp is committed to achieving emissions reduction targets as required by state and federal regulatory obligations and welcomes the development of alternative fuel sources that can provide a similar level of system flexibility as traditional thermal resources at reduced emissions rates. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (032) Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference call, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any, being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will post appropriate feedback on the IRP website based on your selection below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-0 8-14 *Name: Sara Kenney Title: *E-mail: —skenn4ut@gmaii.com Phone: *Organization: N/A Address: City: Lehi State: UT Zip: 84043 Public Meeting Date comments address: ❑ Check here if related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. Carbon Dioxide Emissions ® Check here if you want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. I object to the reduction in your renewable energy portfolio mix and the increase in emissions resulting from this decision to continue to rely on coal and fossil fuels more than renewables. Pacificorp should be able to read the room and realize just because the our legislators and conservative courts are making it easier for you to continue relying on fossil fuels, doesn't make it the right choice. Regardless of your obligation to compliance or laws, you should be thinking about the future of our children and our environment. Allowing for a long term increase in emissions compared to even the original 2023 plan, is a failure of leadership on your part. Renewable energy is cheaper, just as reliable and better for the environment and public health than coal and fossil fuels. To quote a recept op ed in the Desert by Malin Moench, " The premium that utilities now pay to use coal rather than renewables averages 30% nationally, but is 50% for RMP\u0019s Utah coal plants, according to national plant-specific cost data compiled in a recent study. From these data, we can calculate that RMP could avoid operating costs of $260 million annually by switching from coal to solar \u0014 savings large enough to pay for full battery backup for such solar facilities." Pacificorp and Rocky Mountain Power should take advantage of IRA funding to increase renewable energy now, not later on when it's too late. Do the right thing and make the switch to renewable energy now. Thank you. Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high- this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments,please list those attachment names here. https://www.deseret.com/opinion/2024/08/11/rocky-mountain-power-rate-hike-legislation- blocking-renewable-energy/ Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above - specificity is greatly appreciated. * Required fields PacifiCorp Response (8/29/2024): Thank you for your feedback. PacifiCorp uses the Integrated Resource Planning process to select the least-cost, least-risk portfolio given prevailing conditions at the time of planning. Renewable energy is a critical component of PacifiCorp's resource mixture and will make up an increasing proportion of the energy generated by the PacifiCorp system over time. Pages 6-7 of the 2023 IRP Update report that the preferred portfolio includes 3,749 megawatts of new solar online by 2037, 9,800 megawatts of new wind resources online by 2037, and more than 4,000 megawatts of new storage capacity online by 2037. PacifiCorp welcomes specific suggestions to enhance cost and other input assumptions for all types of resources. These assumptions are critical inputs that drive Plexos model selections. While renewable energy plays an ever-growing role in PacifiCorp's resource mixture,PacifiCorp's diverse portfolio of resources help to ensure system reliability during critical hours. In the 2023 IRP Update,thermal resources operated at a low-capacity factor in future years but were critical in ensuring system reliability during peak load hours. PacifiCorp is committed to achieving emissions reduction targets as required by state and federal regulatory obligations and welcomes the development of alternative fuel sources that can provide a similar level of system flexibility as traditional thermal resources at reduced emissions rates. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (035) Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference call, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will post appropriate feedback on the IRP website based on your selection below. Date of Submittal 2024-08-20 *Name: John Jenks Title: *E-mail: john.jenksl@wyo.gov Phone: 3078232403 *Organization: Wyoming Energy Authority Address: 1912 Capitol Ave #305 City: Cheyenne State: Zip: 82001 Public Meeting Date comments address: 0 8-14-2 0 2 4 ® Check here if related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. 2025 IRP Study List Update ® Check here if you want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. At the August 14, 2024 IRP Stakeholder Meeting, PacifiCorp representatives were giving updates on various IRP studies and particularly the sensitives given to each state. For Wyoming in particular, there is a line that reads, \u001CBusiness as usual.\u001D I asked a clarifying question as to what is meant by, \u001CBusiness as usual.\u001D I was curious if this meant projected load growth both in the state and throughout the service territory was being considered because if it is, there could be some concern regarding study sensitives being labeled as constant or \u001Cbusiness as usual, \u001D especially in terms of considerations with generation resources. There was quite a bit of confusion and vagueness here and the RMP representatives weren\u0019t quite sure, either. Unfortunately, the recording is missing this part on the YouTube videos, too. So largely, can PacifiCorp please clarify what is meant and what assumption are being used for \u001Cbusiness as usual?\u001D Thank you. OP Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high -this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments, please list those attachment names here. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above - specificity is greatly appreciated. PacifiCorp should clarify and clearly articulate the assumptions being used for "business as usual" in Wyoming and how this is affecting the modeling for the 2025 IRP. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com * Required fields Thank you for participating. PacifiCorp Response (9/10/2024): Thank you for your feedback and engagement in the Integrated Resource Planning process. Per the Wyoming Public Service Commission's(WPSC)2019 Investigation Order(DOCKET NO. 90000-144-XI-19, and DOCKET NO. 90000-147-XI-19), "reference case"is the formal terminology for the business-as-usual study. Regarding this study,the WPSC mandates the following: In the anticipated 2021 IRP, and in IRPs and updates thereto filed by the Company thereafter,Rocky Mountain Power shall: a)Include a Reference Case based on the 2017 IRP Updated Preferred Portfolio, incorporating updated assumptions, such as load and market prices and any known changes to system resources and only incorporate environmental investments or costs required by current law; It is therefore not acceptable to hold load constant. PacifiCorp supports the commission's language as being necessary to produce a study that reflects a reference case which accounts for known commitments,requirements and key updates that have occurred since the 20217 IRP Update.Primarily,PacificCorp adheres to this required study, as defined by the commission,by aligning thermal retirement options in the model to those represented in the outcome of the 2017 IRP Update preferred portfolio. The study is also based on a price-policy scenario that does not have a CO2 proxy adder, which in past IRPs is referred to as the medium-gas,no CO2 (MN) scenario. In the 2025 IRP,PacifiCorp expects to produce a business-as-usual(BAU) systemwide study for its reference case using updated inputs and forecasts, including an updated load forecast. End-of-life retirements will be assumed for all thermal resources that have not already committed to a specific future such as an established retirement date. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (036) 2025 Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp(the Company)requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference calls,as scheduled.PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group,and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process.PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form,which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations,if any,being provided.Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the 2025 1",including,but not limited to the process,assumptions,and analysis.In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information,the Company will generally post all appropriate feedback on the IRP website unless you request otherwise,below. Date of Submittal 8/27/2024 *Name: Rose Monahan Title: Staff Attorney *E-mail: Rose.monahangsierraclub.org Phone: 415-977-5704 *Organization: Sierra Club Address: 2101 Webster Street,Suite 1300 City: Oakland State: CA Zip: 94612 Public Meeting Date comments address: ❑ Check here if not related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s)and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. • Demand side management • Granularity Adjustments • Reliability Adjustments • EIR • Federal Regulations • Resource Availability ® Check here if you want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IItP topic listed above. Sierra Club provides the following recommendations for PacifiCorp's 2025 IRP. Additional information supporting these recommendations is attached to this Stakeholder Feedback Form 1. Demand Side Management a. EE Supply Curves i. Provide sufficient time for review of the EE supply curves and the opportunity to suggest changes prior to modeling. ii. Remove any cost thresholds above which EE measures cannot be considered for IRP model selection, and instead include all possible EE measure bundles in the supply curve and allow the model to select the bundles that minimize cost across the entire resource portfolio iii. Ensure that administrative costs are aligned with real-world administrative costs for utility EE portfolios (i.e., less than 10%) iv. Assume at a minimum EE measure incentive levels at 75-100%, and consider incentive levels exceeding 100% (e.g., 125%, 150%) v. Additional flexible load options: * Required fields 1. Include bidirectional charging as a resource option 2. Consult with the Vehicle Grid Integration Council on best practices for developing new vehicle to grid program opportunities 3. Consider new flexible load options for new large load customers,particularly data centers vi. Consider incremental heat pump costs relative to both a heating and cooling baseline technology, informed by recent research on heat pump costs and available federal incentives, including information already compiled by Calmus on behalf of PSE (and excerpted below). b. Include EE/DR bundles as potential reliability adjustment resources Reply: a. i. Thank you for your feedback. The energy efficiency options for use in the IRP modeling are developed by an outside consultant, Applied Energy Group (AEG). AEG has presented their findings and plan related to the Conservation Potential Assessment(CPA) in several IRP Public Input Meetings within the 2025 IRP Planning cycle. Planning and timelines for the CPA were presented in the January 25, 2024 Public Meeting with information starting on slide 19. Further conversation and opportunity for feedback related to the CPA took place in the May 2 and July 17/18 Public Input Meetings (starting on slide 5 and 75 respectively) and will be included in the upcoming September meeting. AEG provided forums and opportunities for engagement outside of these meetings. Due to the time required to develop CPA outcomes and also continuously review stages of work with feedback from stakeholders, this timeline would be challenging to accelerate beyond the acceleration that has already occurred. ii. PacifiCorp does not, nor has it ever, applied any cost threshold above which DSM-EE measures cannot be considered for selection in the IRP. iii. Thank you for the suggestion. PacifiCorp is currently working with AEG to examine the way it will be modeling these administrative costs across all states in the 2025 CPA,based on historical annual report trends. iv. Thank you for the suggestion. PacifiCorp is currently working with AEG to examine modeled EE measure level incentives for the 2025 CPA. v. AEG will be sharing details about demand response modeling methodology in the upcoming public input meeting September 25-26, 2024. vi. Thank you for sharing the relevant Cadmus study. The CPA currently does include both baseline type costs for heat pumps in the characterization, in line with Rocky Mountain Power programs. b. All resources (including EE/DR bundles) are eligible to be selected to cover ST reported, shortfall-adjusted load in following iterations of the LT model. 2. Granularity Adjustments a. Reporting Recommendations i. Report steps taken to reduce out-of-model granularity adjustments, including any differences between the 2025 and 2023 methodology, including whether decreasing fixed cost(slide 44, March meeting) was part of the process in 2023 and if not, how that addition is improving the granularity adjustment process. ii. Clearly report methodology, values, and impacts of adjustments. b. Modeling Recommendations i. Granularity adjustments should primarily be applied to flexible resources, i.e. resources the value of which is not fully captured in the LT model because of the lower temporal resolution: energy storage and peakers. ii. Ensure that the energy value of a resource's output in the LT Model and that in the ST model include the same cost components for a consistent comparison. Reply: a. The Granularity Adjustment is inherently an "in-model" adjustment as it directly takes model outputs and feeds them back into PLEXOS. In order to review model results and verify reasonability of model outcomes, there is a reporting "pause" in this step, however there could be a direct loop setup in PLEXOS that would integrate the differences between LT and ST values directly in model runs. i. The Granularity Adjustment has always either been a cost increase (for items the LT views as more valuable than the ST) or a cost decrease (for items the LT views as less valuable than the ST). ii. In the 2023 IRP update, granularity adjustments were calculated automatically on each portfolio based on the difference between the LT and ST value of each resource. This value was fed back into the LT models for each following iteration (i.e. iteration 2 used values from iteration 1; iteration 3 used values from iteration 2 etc.). This methodology was discussed in the narrative of the 23 IRP Update, and the values of all granularity adjustments were included on the data disc. b. Granularity adjustments are applied to all resources, and applying a granularity adjustment to only a subset of resource types would skew the value of those resources relative to other options. The automatic calculation of the difference between values in the LT and ST is part of an iterative process, which has been reviewed by modeling consultants with Energy Exemplar. PacifiCorp's process of using a granularity adjustment has been described by Energy Exemplar as a "gold standard" of model use. Additionally, a member of the PacifiCorp IRP team has been asked to present on PacifiCorp's granularity adjustment and reliability load adder at an Energy Exemplar symposium in Seattle on October 15. The company expects this modeling approach will help other clients obtain better results. The granularity adjustment is calculated automatically in the same way for each resource from the PLEXOS LT and ST output and can be viewed in reporting on the data disc. 3. Reliability Adjustments a. Reporting Recommendations i. Provide PLEXOS output files for the initial and reliability-adjusted portfolios, as well as a spreadsheet mapping the initial and reliability-adjusted portfolios,together with a list of the resources that have been added, removed, delayed, or in any way adjusted by the Company, and a justification for this choice. b. Modeling Recommendations i. Provide details on the rationale and methodology of reliability adjustments during the public input meetings prior to the filing of the draft IRP. ii. Provide stakeholders with an opportunity to recommend alternative reliability adjustments. iii. Resources options considered for addressing the identified reliability issues should include renewable energy sources, energy storage, and demand side resources. Reply: a. In the 2023 IRP Update, PacifiCorp allowed the model to endogenously select all resources and made no resource additions outside the model for the purpose of achieving reliability. As such, there is no reporting of resources that have been manually adjusted by the company because the company did not manually adjust resource selections. Reliability in the 2023 IRP update was achieved by adding hourly shortfalls identified by the ST model to the base LT load file and allowing the PLEXOS model to select a new suite of resources based on this additional load. All LT model reports were published on the Data Disc, and by comparing iteration 1 to iteration 2 it is possible to see the change in resources (due to both the granularity adjustment and also the additional load). In light of stakeholder feedback, PacifiCorp has confirmed with Energy Exemplar consultants this is an appropriate use of model functionality and data. Energy Exemplar consultants have described PacifiCorp's iterative approach as the "gold standard". b. Given the above process, where the model endogenously selects resources for reliability, responses are as follows: i. The model is endogenously selecting resources based on the methodology of adding shortages to the load file; there is no exogenous selection of resources thus no rationale/methodology to explicitly explain. ii. Stakeholders are welcome to recommend alternatives to the endogenous selections at any point, but note there are no exogenous reliability adjustments, and given the updated process, no exogenous additions or adjustments to the portfolio are considered. iii. The model considers ALL modeled resource options to cover the load; resources are selected using PLEXOS core functionality and data. 4. Energy Infrastructure Reinvestment Program a. Reporting Recommendation i. Provide an update on PacifiCorp's efforts to secure EIR financing from the DOE Loan Program Office and any analysis that has been conducted to assess the associated benefits. b. Modeling Recommendation i. Incorporate financing opportunities made available under the EIR program, which can enable the closure of coal plants, the replacement of fossil resources with cleaner alternatives, and the development of transmission infrastructure. Specifically,PacifiCorp should conduct: 1. A scenario in which transmission network upgrade costs in Cluster Areas 1, 2,4, 12, and 14 are reduced by 30 percent; and 2. A scenario in which EIR financing is assumed for early retirement and replacement of Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4, Huntington,Hunter, and Wyodak. In this scenario the model should be allowed to select the economic retirement of those units assuming EIR financing. Reply: a. Thank you for your feedback. Opportunities are being evaluated and pursued; PacifiCorp will provide a public update of these activities when available. Sensitivity studies are planned to assess high, medium and low levels of program adoption relevant to the IRA and IIJA. b. As discussed in the August Public Input Meeting, PacifiCorp is evaluating an extremely low cost renewables scenario which leverages the lowest required return on investment at the standard Investment Tax Credit rate for a resource (assuming federally subsidized financing), the most aggressive cost decline curves from NREL, and extending the construction timing eligibility for Production Tax Credits indefinitely. PacifiCorp believes modeling these parameters for future proxy resources is a reasonable representation of being able to acquire resources while successfully leveraging every possible program. 5. Compliance with Federal Regulations a. Clean Air Act 111(d) Regulation & CO2 Price Assumptions i. Compliance with the EPA 111(d) rule should be modeled as part of the base model, not as a variant or price-policy scenario (MR). The five price-policy scenarios (including MM), as defined in the 2023 IRP analysis can be used, with all of them requiring Section 111(d) compliance of existing coal and new gas resources, while the N, M, H, and SC assumptions will define the CO2 price in addition to the required EPA 111(d) compliance. ii. CO2 prices should be included in LT,but the Company should also conduct and report ST results without the carbon cost included in the dispatch decisions. iii. Cumulative carbon costs associated with each portfolio, although not included in dispatch decisions, should be reported through a post-optimization calculation. iv. Variants that perform well should have LT runs presented for all price-policy scenarios. b. Regional Haze Program i. As part of the base model (i.e., included in all portfolio runs), include an SCR requirement at Hunter 2, Huntington 1 and Huntington 2. Additionally, require that the model select either SCR or SNCR at Naughton, Wyodak, and Dave Johnston 1, 2, and 4. ii. As a variant case, include an SCR requirement at all five units at Hunter and Huntington, while keeping the same modeling assumptions at the Wyoming units. Reply: a. A CO2 Price has always been intended to be representative of future policy driving towards the reduction in CO2 emissions (excepting where there is a legally binding price in existence such as the Social Cost for Washington, or the Carbon adder at Chehalis). Including EPA 111(d) compliance in the Low/No and Medium/No price-policy scenarios would be counter to evaluating portfolios developed in an environment where policy is ultimately not implemented. Given the Medium CO2 case is intended to represent "expected" future policy, replacing this assumption with a currently articulated future policy (EPA 111(d)) seems the most prudent action for the Medium case. The High case would be intended to explore a future where the cost of compliance is even higher than meeting EPA 111(d). Note that the Social Cost of Greenhouse Gasses price-policy view is mandated under Washington law. i. See the reply to part a) above ii. PacifiCorp currently evaluates candidate portfolios under other price-policy scenarios and will continue to do so. Reporting on each of these is provided in the document and on the data disc. iii. PacifiCorp would be interested to understand what types of calculations Sierra Club would propose. The currently provided emissions output data may be sufficient if the desire is to apply additional emission costs on a post-model basis. iv. Given the number of model runs required, PacifiCorp will be developing portfolios for variants under an MN future. As discussed in response to part ii, these portfolios will be evaluated under all identified price-policy futures. Variant portfolios will not be developed under every price-policy scenario. b. Please see responses below: i. Emissions reductions from these technologies are available in practice, and the effective cost per ton of potential emissions reductions from installation of SNCR or SCR can be calculated the model results. Because both SNCR and SCR technology have little impact on resource operating parameters such as heat rate and maximum output, there would be little impact on system dispatch from including those options in the model. The model will have an availability to select CCUS (including SCR technology) at each of these locations and can make that selection independent of the selections at other sites, excepting locations where other environmental compliance requirements would prevent continued coal-fired operation: 1. Naughton 1&2 which are currently slated to either gas convert in 2026 or retire 2. Dave Johnston 1&2 which are currently slated to retire in 2028 with an option to gas convert to continue operating after that date. ii. As above, the model will be able to select CCUS (including SCR technology) at the above sites. 6. Resource Availability a. Evaluate whether there are resource bids proposed in the 2022 RFP that could be available prior to 2028 and include those resource options in the model Reply: a. Any cluster study/transmission options that are eligible to be in service prior to 2028 will be included as proxy resource options starting in 2027. Data Support: If applicable,provide any documents,hyper-links,etc.in support of comments.(i.e.gas forecast is too high-this forecast from EIA is more appropriate).If electronic attachments are provided with your comments,please list those attachment names here. Please see attached Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above-specificity is greatly appreciated. Please see above Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRPgPacificorp.com Thank you for participating. * Required fields Feedback on Paci#iCorp 2025 IRP Demand Side Management 1. Review of EE Supply Curves In the May 2, 2024 stakeholder meeting, Paci*iCorp provided the following timeline for the Conservation Potential Assessment: Timeframe ---MiFestone Public Input Request nn.i Q,2024n *�* � Feedbark May 2,2022 Share Key Drivers of Potential and Assumptions Review methodology and resources September 2024 Present Draft Results and Share Measure Data Review materials and provide feedback October 2024 Present Final Supply Curves Review changes made due to feedback November 2024 Draft CPA for Review Provide input on draft report January 2024 Publish Final Report With feedback incorporated This suggests that the EE supply curves will not be available for review until September or October,which may be too late for additional changes prior to being committed as inputs to the IRP modeling. Sierra Club requests that there be suf*icient time for review of the EE supply curves and the opportunity to suggest changes prior to modeling. In particular, Sierra Club is concerned about the following potential issues: a. Exclusion of Measures from Supply Curve: In the Ainal 2023 CPA Report,the following methodological approach was described: In general, this study did not consider the cost of energy efficiency measures, as this analysis is performed within PacifiCorp's IRP.However, because, by default, the technical (and achievable technical)assumes that the highest efficiency equipment option will be adopted by all customers at the time of replacement, this has the potential to skew the amount of cost-effective potential. For example, assuming that all customers adopt high- cost SEER 24 central air conditioners would not only create a large amount of high-cost potential that the IRP model would be unlikely to select,but it would also reduce the available potential for lower-cost non-equipment measures that can save cooling load (e.g., insulation). To account for this, the achievable technical potential excluded equipment measures with significantly high upfront costs unlikely to be deemed economic within the IRP. This screening used a levelized cost threshold of$160/MWh for California, Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming, and a higher threshold of$17S/MWh for Washington to reflect the 10%conservation credit applied within the IRP for measures in that state. In other words, Paci*iCorp's approach was to set an arbitrary cost threshold, above which EE measures cannot even be considered for IRP model selection - even if those measures could be an optimal part of the overall portfolio. Sierra Club disagrees with this approach since it assumes,without any supporting evidence, that higher cost measures would not be selected by the model and should therefore be excluded from consideration.While it is certainly possible that higher cost measures will be selected in fewer quantities, there is no logical basis for initially excluding them from the supply curve, and thus from possible selection in the IRP model.A better approach would be to include all possible EE measure bundles in the supply curve and simply allow the model to select the bundles that minimize cost across the entire resource portfolio. b. Admin Costs: Measures included in the 2023 CPA assumed administrative costs that were exceedingly high, even up to 48% of the total cost in some cases. Typically, administrative costs for utility EE portfolios are less 10%. For example, administrative costs for Rocky Mountain Power's DSM portfolio in the 2023 program year were approximately 2% of the total portfolio budget.' c. Incentive Levels: During the May 2, 2024 PIM, Paci*iCorp explained that EE measure costs included an assumed incentive level that varies by state as shown below: CE Test TRC, TRC TRC UCT UCT UCT 10%adder Measure Cost $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 n/a n/a n/a Incentive Paid n/a n/a n/a $430(43%) $380(38%) $390(39%) Utility Admin% 48% 45% 29% 48% 22% 40% Admin Spend $480 $450 $290 $480 $220 $400 Cost for Bundling $1,480 $1,450 $1,290 $910 $600 $790 ** Administrative costs will be updated during the 2025 study However it is unclear if additional quantities of EE measure bundles can be selected by the IRP model at higher incentive levels. Sierra Club recommends that the model be provided with EE bundles at higher incentive levels -- and correspondingly higher quantities -- as an option for the model to select.This re*lects that overall customer adoption of EE measures would generally increase as the level of incentives increases.At a minimum, incentive levels should be set at 75% and 100% of incremental measure costs.Additionally, there is no reason to cap the incentive level at 100% of the incremental cost of the measure. It may be more cost effective from a resource portfolio perspective to increase the adoption of EE 1 hUps://www.paci#icorp.com/content/dam/pcorp/documentslenlpaci*icorp/environment/dsm/utah/UT En ergo EL*iciency and Peak Reduction Report 2023.pdf measures, even if that means increasing the incentive levels above 100%.PaciAiCorp should consider incentive levels at 125% and/or 150% of the incremental cost of the measure. d. Additional Flexible Load Options: Sierra Club appreciates PaciAiCorp's consideration of new Alexible load options as part of its demand-side resource portfolio. However, Sierra Club recommends that two additional Alexible load options be included as part of the overall portfolio. First,while PaciAiCorp has included an Electric Vehicle Direct Load Control,this appears to be limited to one-way managed charging of EVs. In reality, many new EV models - including both LDVs (e.g. Ford F150) and MD/HDVs (e.g. school buses) - are capable of bidirectional charging, often referred to as "vehicle to grid", "vehicle to building", W2X" or"V2G." These technologies are currently being deployed around the country to serve as a grid resource during times of peak need. This stands to provide roughly twice the grid capacity bene*it as simple managed charging, and only a small fraction of EV participation is needed to reach potentially several hundreds of MW of grid resource. Sierra Club recommends that PaciAiCorp include this as a resource option in its IRP modeling.Additionally, Sierra Club recommends that PaciAiCorp consult with the Vehicle Grid Integration Council on best practices for developing new V2X program opportunities that draw upon lessons learned from other utility programs.z Third,Sierra Club recommends that PaciAiCorp consider new Alexible load options for the emerging subset of new large load customers. For example, one data center company has recently reported its ability to temporarily shift computing load based on the needs of the grid.3 e. Treatment of Heat Pump Costs: Recent technological advances in cold-climate heat pumps, along with incentives offered through the InAlation Reduction Act mean that there should be substantial consideration of this technology as a potential component of PaciAiCorp's DSM portfolio. Heat pumps can offer a more efAicient form of cooling than traditional AC units or resistive heating. Sierra Club recommends that PaciAiCorp consider incremental heat pump costs relative to both a heating and cooling baseline technology. For example, the incremental cost of heat pumps relative to a new AC cooling unit may be substantially less than the incremental cost versus a gas furnace. Additionally, the assumed incremental costs should be informed by recent research on heat pump costs and available federal incentives. Sierra Club recommends that 2 https:,I/www.vgicouncil.org/resources 3 https:[/cloud.google.com/blog/products/infrastructure/using-demand-response-to-reduce-data-center- power-consumption PaciAiCorp incorporate information recently compiled by Cadmus on behalf of PSE for this purpose.4 The table below was excerpted from the Cadmus report. Table 11. Potential Impaet of 25C Tax Credit and HEEHRA Rebate on Cost of Heat Pumps(80%to 150%AMI) I Base C, HEEHRA Equipment Estimate Credit Value Rebate, Centrally Ducted ASHP Centrally Ducted ASHP—Base $14,B00 • ° $14,800 Centrally Ducted AMP—Dual Stage $17,17S • ° $17,175 r&trally Ducted AMP—ENERGY STAR S371800 $2,000' $8.000 57,800 Centrally Dined AMP—cold airme $19,42S $2,000r $400DO 59,425 Centrally_Duated_AMP—Dual Fuel 511,277 • ° S11,277 CentraIfyDuctedASHP+Furnace—DuuolFuel $16,250 ° ° S16,250 Ductless Mini-Split Heat Pump 11asaYttud3i wo_ Ductless Mini Wrt Heat Pump—Base $13.443 ` • ° S13,443 DuctlessMitiSpin Heat Pump—ENERGY STAR S14,886 I $2,000° $7,443 $5,443 DuctlessMiniSplit Heat Pump-cold Climate 1 S15,246 1 $2,0009 57,623d SS,623 Sources:26 C_F.R.§25C;An Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to title H of S.Con_Res.14,Putbk Law 117-169(2M2)_ 1817-2090.nttes!!ww. Inor r ovr117;n1avrs!oubll691FLAW-117e tx16q oef •Wh4e this table shows the HEEHRA rebate estimate for residents making 80%to 150%of AMI,residents making less than 80%AMI would be expected to receive the ful'S8,000 for a;I qualifying heat pumps,given the cost estimates used. 'Equipment is not assumed to meet the effiaency criteria for ENERGY STAR or for CEE Tier 3. Equipment meeting ENERGY STAR or different CCHP specifications may not meet CEE Tier 3 criteria. "Equipment meeting CCHP specification may not qualify for ENERGY STAR designation_ 2. EE/DR bundles should be included as potential"reliability adjustment" resources. In the 2023 IRP, PaciAiCorp's modeling approach included a"reliability adjustment" step in which incremental resources were added after the initial ST model runs to account for any energy shortfalls. However,the potential set of resource options added to address reliability needs did not include any Energy EfAiciency or Demand Response resources. Sierra Club recommends that PaciAiCorp update its approach to allow EE and DR resources to be added in the reliability adjustment step. Notably, this step is conducted outside of the cost- optimization, and thus there is no need to consider "cost-effectiveness" in the traditional sense. In other words,the addition of supply side resources to address residual reliability needs are agnostic to cost. Similarly, additional reliability-driven EE resources should be considered for inclusion, even if they would not screen a traditional cost-effectiveness test. This would be the only way to consider EE resources on an equal playing Aield with supply- side resources.Additionally, PaciAiCorp should clearly identify all the resources added as part of the reliability adjustment step, including EE/DR resources. To the extent that EE/DR resources are included, PaciAiCorp should also update its EE/DR implementation plans to 4 https:llapiproxy.utc.wa.gov/cases/GetDocument?docID=3616&year=2022&docketNumber=220066 include these additional reliability-driven EE/DR resources.This might be accomplished by including a"reliability adder"as part of the cost-beneAit evaluation,and/or when selecting the level of customer rebate/incentive. Granularity& Reliability Adjustments In its comments for the 2023 IRP analysis, Sierra Club has expressed concerns for the manual adjustments performed by the Company to the resource portfolios. Those include reliability and granularity adjustments.While both are addressing real modeling concerns, they do so in a way that is not fully transparent and is excessively impacting the Ainal portfolios. These manual adjustments undermine the role of a modeling process and tool like PLEXOS,while stakeholders spend time reviewing inputs and outputs that in the end are overwritten by the Company's adjustments. Granularity Adjustments For the granularity adjustments, Sierra Club is concerned that based on previous reviews, coal units might be receiving a signiAicant and unjustiAied adjustment which reduces their Aixed cost and could result in keeping uneconomic units online.The example of"swapping" driven by Granularity Adjustments presented during the March 14, 2024 meeting is especially concerning as it shows the impact those adjustments have on the portfolio. For example,between phases 3 and 4 wind grows by more than 75%, which shows the impact that the Company's out-of-model changes can have on the Ainal portfolios. During the same meeting, the Company stated that"The Granularity Adjustment reAlects the marginal value of the LAST MW of a resource that is added, and in runs that are reliable, this last MW has less value than the last MW in an unreliable run." This raises concerns with respect to the Company's modeling process and sequence of steps: if the granularity adjustment is performed prior to the reliability adjustment step,then an energy shortfall could result in an unreasonably high energy value for coal units based on the $1000/MWh shortfall price. However,that energy shortfall could be addressed during the reliability step signiAicantly reducing the energy value of said coal units. Furthermore,the energy value of coal units is partly determined by the company's assumed coal prices,which Sierra Club and other stakeholders have expressed concerns about. Sierra Club provides the following recommendations: Reporting Recommendations • Report steps taken to reduce out-of-model granularity adjustments. Explain any differences between the 2025 and 2023 methodology,including whether decreasing Aixed cost(slide 44, March meeting)was part of the process in 2023 and if not,how that addition is improving the granularity adjustment process. • Clearly report methodology,values, and impacts of adjustments. Provide clearly labeled workpapers that include the initial adjustments, and the adjustment values for each iteration, as well as the model results and PLEXOS output Ailes (and a spreadsheet that clearly explains the adjustments and Aile names of each iteration). For each of the portfolios presented, explain why the iterative process stopped at the Ainal portfolio. Modeling Recommendations • Granularity adjustments should primarily be applied to Alexible resources,i.e.resources the value of which is not fully captured in the LT model because of the lower temporal resolution: energy storage and peakers. • Ensure that the energy value of a resource's output in the LT Model and that in the ST model include the same cost components for a consistent comparison. In its Response to Sierra Club Data Request 29 for the 2023 IRP analysis, PaciAiCorp noted that"existing plants are no longer capitalizing initial build costs whereas proxy resources do capitalize these items over the study horizon impacting net Aigures." This statement implies that the granularity adjustment is impacted by whether the unit is existing or a new addition (through the inclusion of initial build costs). However, initial build costs are not relevant for the granularity adjustment which is meant to capture only the Alexibility value that the LT model might not be fully capturing because of its lower time resolution.Thus, Sierra Club recommends that for the granularity calculation the energy value should not be net of annualized initial build costs, even for new resources. Reliability Adjustments Reliability adjustments also have a signiAicant impact on the Ainal portfolios as the Companies choose to delay, add, or subtract resources. Sierra Club has analyzed its concerns regarding the Company's practice of adding resources and delaying retirements to address the reliability issues, a concern that was shared by Staff in its comments, requesting increased transparency and an effort to reduce the out-of-model adjustments. PaciAiCorp has not shared any details about how the reliability adjustments will inform the 2025 IRP. Reporting Recommendations • Provide PLEXOS output*iles for the initial and reliability-adjusted portfolios,as well as a spreadsheet mapping the initial and reliability-adjusted portfolios,together with a list of the resources that have been added, removed, delayed, or in any way adjusted by the Company, and a justiAication for this choice. Modeling Recommendations • Provide details on the rationale and methodology of reliability adjustments during the public input meetings prior to the Ailing of the draft IRP. • Provide stakeholders with an opportunity to recommend alternative reliability adjustments. These alternatives should be evaluated in parallel to those selected by PaciAiCorp,with an opportunity for revisions and feedback from stakeholders prior to the IRP Ailing. • Resources options considered for addressing the identiAied reliability issues should include renewable energy sources, energy storage, and demand side resources. Energy Infrastructure Reinvestment (EIR) Program: In the Commission's Order adapting Staffs recommendations 24-073, the Commission included a recommendation coming from Sierra Club's comments: #21: In the 2025 IRP/CEP PaciAiCorp shall provide an update on PaciAiCorp's efforts to secure Energy Infrastructure Reinvestment(EIR) Ainancing from the DOE Loan Program OfAice.Assume EIR Ainancing through the DOE Loan Program OfAice in the Preferred Portfolio or include a variant portfolio that optimizes resource additions and retirements under the assumption of EIR Ainancing. PaciAiCorp has not shared any details about how this recommendation will be included in the Company's analysis. Reporting Recommendation: • Provide an update on PaciAiCorp's efforts to secure EIR Ainancing from the DOE Loan Program OfAice and any analysis that has been conducted to assess the associated bene*its. Modeling Recommendation: • Incorporate Ainancing opportunities made available under the EIR program,which can enable the closure of coal plants, the replacement of fossil resources with cleaner alternatives, and the development of transmission infrastructure. SpeciAically, PaciAiCorp should conduct: o A scenario in which transmission network upgrade costs in Cluster Areas 1, 2, 4, 12, and 14 are reduced by 30 percent; and o A scenario in which EIR Ainancing is assumed for early retirement and replacement of Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4, Huntington, Hunter, and Wyodak. In this scenario the model should be allowed to select the economic retirement of those units assuming EIR Ainancing. Compliance with the EPA 111(d) rule and CO2 price In its 2023 IRP analysis PaciAiCorp evaluated resources under Aive price-policy scenarios assuming different CO2 and natural gas prices: - MN: Medium natural gas/No federal CO2 regulations - MM: Medium natural gas/Medium CO2 cost - HH: High natural gas/High CO2 cost - LN: Low natural gas/No federal CO2 regulations - SC: Medium natural gas / Social cost of greenhouse gases For the 2025 IRP, PaciAiCorp is lowering the high CO2 forecast for the HH scenario and replacing the MM with a new price-policy scenario: - MR: Medium natural gas/current federal CO2 regulations, under Section 111 of Clean Air Act Modeling Recommendations • Compliance with the EPA 111(d) rule should be modeled as part of the base model, not as a variant or price-policy scenario (MR). The Aive price-policy scenarios (including MM),as deAined in the 2023 IRP analysis can be used,with all of them requiring Section 111(d) compliance of existing coal and new gas resources, while the N, M, H, and SC assumptions will deAine the CO2 price in addition to the required EPA 111(d) compliance. SpeciAically: o All coal units should be modeled based on three compliance options identiAied in the August public input meeting: ■ Continued Operations/retirement by end of 2031. ■ CCS by end of 2031, no retirement obligation. ■ Natural Gas/Alternative Fuel: co-Airing of at least 40%natural gas or similar emission reductions from an alternative fuel, starting 2030. 100% natural gas or alternative fuel starting 2039. This compliance option should include any conversion costs as well as incremental fuel supply and transportation costs. o If new combustion turbines or combined cycle resources are available for selection in the model, they should be compliant with EPA 111(d): ■ CCS by January 1st, 2032 (or other technology option meeting the standard) ■ Operating with an upper limit capacity factor of 40 percent during each year. • CO2 prices should be included in LT,but the Company should also conduct and report ST results without the carbon cost included in the dispatch decisions. Reporting Recommendations • Cumulative carbon costs associated with each portfolio, although not included in dispatch decisions, should be reported through a post-optimization calculation. • Variants that perform well should have LT runs presented for all price-policy scenarios. Compliance with the EPA Regional Haze Rule In August 2024, EPA proposed to disapprove both Wyoming and Utah's Round 2 Regional Haze State Implementation Plans (SIPS). EPA's Ainal decision on Wyoming and Utah's SIPS are expected by November 22, 2024. In EPA's proposed disapproval of Wyoming's SIP, EPA faulted Wyoming for failing to consider pollution emission reductions from some of the state's largest sources, including Jim Bridger,Wyodak, Naughton, and Dave Johnston. This indicates that pollution controls are likely to be required at PaciAiCorp's Wyoming coal Aleet. At a minimum,it indicates a regulatory risk that controls will be required. PaciAiCorp should factor this risk into its long-term planning,where the Company examines a variety of possible futures. In EPA's proposed disapproval of Utah's SIP, EPA stated that"[s]ince installing SCR at Hunter Unit 3 would achieve signiAicant emissions reductions at a cost of$4,401/ton (below Utah's $5,750/ton cost-effectiveness level) and the State did not address this issue in its SIP submission,we Aind that Utah unreasonably rejected SCR for this unit." EPA also stated, "[t]he information in the record indicated that installation of SCR, at an estimated cost of$5,979-$6,533/ton NOx reduced, may well be cost-effective for Hunter Units 1 and 2 and Huntington Units 1 and 2 (or some subset of these units)."Accordingly, there is also regulatory risk that SCR will be required at all Aive units at Hunter and Huntington,which should also be accounted for in PaciAiCorp's IRP. Modeling Recommendations • As part of the base model (i.e., included in all portfolio runs), include an SCR requirement at Hunter 2, Huntington 1 and Huntington 2.Additionally, require that the model select either SCR or SNCR at Naughton, Wyodak, and Dave Johnston 1, 2, and 4. • As a variant case, include an SCR requirement at all Aive units at Hunter and Huntington,while keeping the same modeling assumptions at the Wyoming units. Resource Availability During the July public input meeting, PaciAiCorp presented modeling details around supply side resources, including energy storage, solar,wind, geothermal, nuclear, and gas turbines. Energy storage and solar are assumed to have a 12 month construction duration while onshore wind a 12-24 month construction duration. The soonest commercial operation date possible for the three resource types is assumed to be 2028. However,there might be resource bids proposed in the 2022 RFP,which could be potentially available prior to 2028. Sierra Club recommends that any such resources are identi*ied and included as resource options in the model. PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (037) Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference call, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will post appropriate feedback on the IRP website based on your selection below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-0 8-3 0 *Name: Stanley Holmes Title: Outreach Coordinator *E-mail: stholmes3@xmission.com Phone: Utah Citizens Advocating Renewable *Organization: Energy (UCARE) Address: City: Salt Lake City State: UT Zip: Public Meeting Date comments address: 0 8-14-2 0 2 4 ❑ Check here if related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. State Updates; Multi-State Protocol; RMP Separation from PacifiCorp; Near-, Mid-, Long-Term Acquisition Strategies ® Check here if you want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. Please identify all potential system-wide resource planning impacts if RMP separates from PacifiCorp, or if a Utah-Idaho-Wyoming consortium of state managers takes control, at near-, mid-, and long term stages of the 2025 IRP planning horizon. Utah state legislators recently expressed concern about the current PacifiCorp structure and requested a "restructuring" report from RMP. . .due in November 2024. Suggest Multi-State Protocol advisory group of UT/WY/ID/WA/OR/CA state representatives be resurrected and meet asap. Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high -this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments, please list those attachment names here. https://utahnewsdispatch.com/2024/08/21/utah-legislature-asks-rmp-to-restructure-its- rate-system-and-split-pacificorp/, https://le.utah.gov/Interim/2024/pdf/00002837.pdf?r=169 Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above - specificity is greatly appreciated. Please ensure that implications of recent Utah state legislative actions are raised in relevant sections of the September 25-26 PIM agenda and that RMP describes what it plans to address in its November 2024 restructuring report to the Utah Legislature. PacifiCorp Response: (9/16/2024) * Required fields PacifiCorp anticipates including this topic in its 2025 IRP September 25-26 public input meeting agenda.However, review and planning for Utah's legislative request is ongoing, and the company will not be able to provide a comprehensive response in this timeframe. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (039) Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp(the Company)requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference call, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group,and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process.PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form,which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations,if any,being provided.Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information,the Company will post appropriate feedback on the IRP website based on your selection below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-0 9-10 *Name: Nancy Kelly Title: *E-mail: Phone: *Organization: Western Resource Advocates Address: City: State: Zip: Public Meeting Date comments address: ❑ Check here if related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. INFORMATION REQUEST,MARKET VARIANT REQUESTS ® Check here if you want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. INFORMATION REQUEST 1. Please provide more information supporting the addition of the new Wyoming hub. In developing the 2023 IRP Update,PacifiCorp added a 500 MW hub in Wyoming that it had never previously modeled. This same modeling assumption is carried forward into the 2025 IRP. The stated justification for this new modeling assumption is provided in a single sentence on page 41 of the IRP Update and in a single bullet on page 42 of the July Public Input Meeting("PIM")presentation. The July PIM explanation is more complete than the 2023 IRP Update explanation. It states: "the addition of the Wyoming energy market reflects improved access to additional utilities facilitated by the construction of Gateway South." More information is needed to justify this 500 MW addition. If this market is assumed to be available in all hours of every year over the 20-year planning period,this is the equivalent of adding a 500 MW facility in Wyoming but with no forced outage rate. Please provide, at a minimum,the following information: • Does PacifiCorp assume these 500 MWs are available in all hours of every year over the 20-year planning period? If so,why does PacifiCorp believe this energy will continue to be available in all hours across the 20-year planning period? If not,what products is PacifiCorp assuming will be available and in what time periods? • Which utilities can PacifiCorp now access that it couldn't previously? • What experience does PacifiCorp have with these sellers? • How liquid and deep does PacifiCorp expect this new market hub to be?Please provide all supporting documentation. 2. Please provide the price forecast for the Wyoming market hub. Page 39 of the July PIM presentation shows Quarter 2 price forecasts for the market hubs,but no market price forecast is provided for the new Wyoming hub. Please provide the forecast for this hub that will be used for modeling. * Required fields MARKET VARIANT REQUESTS 1. Market Variant One • Model the MM scenario,but without assuming access to a Wyoming hub. Justification: In other proceedings,the Company has described declining liquidity at all market hubs and has shown that market reliance is a large risk and significant driver for increases in net power cost requests across the states. This variant tests what happens if the new market hub does not play out as PacifiCorp forecasts. 2. Market Variant Two • Model the MM scenario,but without assuming access to a Wyoming hub. • Additionally, assume the short-term market caps at the other five hubs extend out as is currently modeled over the first 3 years only. In the 4th year,reduce the availability at each hub by 50%, and in the fifth year,reduce the availability by 75%. Data Support: If applicable,provide any documents,hyper-links,etc.in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high -this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments,please list those attachment names here. Justification: In each IRP,PacifiCorp assumes that market hubs are liquid for five years and then dry up. This has the effect of encouraging ongoing near-term market reliance which may or may not be in customers' best interest. This variant tests what happens if the new market hub does not play out as PacifiCorp forecasts and markets tighten earlier and in a more gradual manner than PacifiCorp has assumed. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above - specificity is greatly appreciated. PacifiCorp Response: PacifiCorp's transmission system in eastern Wyoming is connected to the following other utilities,including: - NorthWestern Energy(in Montana) - Western Area Power Administration-Rocky Mountain Region - Tri-State Generation and Transmission - Black Hills Power - Basin Electric Power Cooperative Through these entities,there are also connections to the Southwest Power Pool(SPP) in Western Nebraska. These entities have limited access to liquid western markets, like Mid-Columbia and Palo Verde, and are thus more likely to have resources available when supplies at those markets are restricted. These connections are not new,but with Gateway South in service, it is also more likely that incremental supply sourced from these neighboring utilities would be able to reach PacifiCorp's major load centers in Utah. Like the other markets modeled in the IRP,the short-term(ST)modeling reflects hourly balancing transactions in all hours,though unlike the other markets,the Company is not modeling market sales in Wyoming, as the resource mix in the area is typically dominated by low-cost thermal resources and wind and likely to be limited by transmission constraints. For modeling purposes,purchases from the Wyoming market were assumed to have the same price as Palo Verde. While this"all hours"treatment is consistent with other market modeling,PacifiCorp recognizes that it is not really a firm commitment. Importantly,under the Western Resource Adequacy Program(WRAP),balancing transactions without a specified source will not count toward forward showing capacity requirements. PacifiCorp is modelling WRAP capacity requirements in the 2025 IRP starting in 2028, and does not intend to count capacity from markets(including Wyoming) as part of WRAP compliance for modeling purposes. Note that in practice"market"products exist that would meet forward showing requirements, e.g. annual hydro slice purchases, and WRAP compliance could be met with short-term or long-term products. While markets may not count toward WRAP compliance,the Western Energy Imbalance Market(WEIM) already provides opportunities to balance resources in real-time across a broad footprint that covers most of the Western interconnect. CAISO's Enhanced Day-ahead Market(EDAM)is expected to provide further optimization by coordinating * Required fields day-ahead decisions. The WEIM and EDAM are likely to enable greater system balancing under nearly all conditions, though PacifiCorp recognizes they are not replacements for the firm resources needed for WRAP compliance. For the first time the 2025 IRP will separate the balancing function of markets from the reliability aspects,which should address some of the concerns identified. PacifiCorp appreciates the suggestions about market scenarios and intends to examine how WRAP requirements and market reliance interact in the 2025 IRP results before considering further analysis. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorl).com Thank you for participating. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (040) Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp(the Company)requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference call, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group,and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process.PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form,which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations,if any,being provided.Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information,the Company will post appropriate feedback on the IRP website based on your selection below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-0 9-12 *Name: Jim Himelic Title: *E-mail: ihimelic@firstprinciples.run Phone: *Organization: Renewable Northwest Address: City: State: Zip: Public Meeting Date comments address: ❑ Check here if related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. Modeling of transmission upgrades in PAC's PLEXOS model ® Check here if you want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. Current General Understanding of PAC IRP Transmission Planning Below is a high-level description of the overall PAC TX planning process as RNW currently understands it.Please review and correct any of the statements listed below that are either inaccurate or incomplete. • PacifiCorp (PAC)models two types of transmission upgrade options in its PLEXOS IRP model: o Incremental(INC)transmission(TX)transfer capacity:Network upgrades that increase the transfer capacity between transmission regions(e.g.,the exchange of electricity between the Wyoming East and Bridger transmission regions). o Interconnection(CON)TX upgrades: Network upgrades that enable candidate generators and storage devices to interconnect within one of PacifiCorp's transmission regions(e.g.,allowing a resource to interconnect in the Summer Lake transmission region). Reply: The effect of the INC and CON distinction in the model is as described,however INC and CON transmission upgrade options are a categorization for IRP modeling only, and don't have any inherent tie to particular kinds of transmission studies or outcomes. For example,upgrades for ERIS interconnection may result in incremental transfer capability.Also, a transmission option that has incremental transmission between locations in the real world but is located completely within an IRP topology bubble will be represented in the modeling as a CON item. Figure 1: PacifiCorp Preliminary 2025 IRP Transmission Topology • For the near-term planning horizon,both the INC and CON transmission upgrade options are derived from previous cluster studies conducted by PacifiCorp's transmission team. * Required fields Reply: For the near-term planning horizon,previous cluster studies(or previous serial queue studies)conducted by PacifiCorp's transmission planning team generally provides the most up-to-date information,but because cluster study requests do not comprehensively cover PacifiCorp's system,transmission planning also provides estimates for locations not covered in cluster study results. • PAC's IRP team gathers information from multiple Cluster Studies (e.g., 1, 2, 3,4) and uses the latest available data from the most recent round of studies up until a specified cutoff date. Reply: The IRP team generally relies on transmission planning to provide forecasted transmission upgrade options,though it has supplemented with more recent Cluster Study results at times in consultation with transmission planning. o Within each cluster study, a contingent facilities list is provided(for both ERIS-and NRIS-related upgrades)and specifies whether these facilities are binding for the projects under current evaluation. o If a listed contingent facility is binding,that associated TX work must be completed before any of the projects under current consideration can interconnect with PAC's TX system. Reply: In general,contingent facilities must be in place before a resource can interconnect. However,Provisional Interconnection Service can allow for projects to interconnect early using unutilized interconnection capability. A separate request queue and process exists for this service. For example, one project in a cluster might be able to interconnect even though the cluster as a whole requires contingent facilities.Alternatively, if an earlier queued resource(from a prior cluster)has selected a later COD, interconnection capacity might be available without additional upgrades prior to that COD. • Within each cluster study,the required TX upgrade projects can be categorized as either project-specific or shared costs. o Charges related to interconnection facilities and station equipment are project-specific. o Network upgrades are pooled expenses,with the amount assigned to each project allocated on a proportional basis according to the nameplate capacity of the requested POI. • PacifiCorp's IRP PLEXOS model assigns TX upgrade-related constraints as a continuous variable(i.e.,non- integer). o As a result,the model can access a portion of the incremental INC or CON MWs that are enabled by the upgrade, paying only for a proportional share of the total project cost. Reply: Cost allocation for interconnection facilities and network upgrades are outlined in the PacifiCorp Open Access Transmission Tariff(GATT) Section 39.2.1. Currently, system network upgrades are allocated on a proportional basis according to the nameplate capacity,however, once FERC Order 2023 becomes effective system network upgrades will be allocated based on the proportional impact of each individual generation facility in the Cluster that relies on the need for a specific system network upgrade or set of upgrades. Station equipment costs can be shared if multiple requests are submitted for the same interconnection point. Station equipment costs have distinct allocation in the cluster study process and are classified either as direct assigned facilities or network upgrades. The station equipment classified as network upgrades are refunded to interconnection customers on the same basis as other network upgrades. Transmission upgrades are intended to be modeled as integer decisions, for example, Gateway South and Boardman to Hemingway cannot readily be scaled down. PacifiCorp does recognize that certain upgrades could be reduced if a smaller quantity of resources was selected and the remaining requests were withdrawn, such that linear treatment might be realistic. Given the difficulty of modeling integer transmission upgrades, and the iterative nature of PacifiCorp's modeling,resolution of integer values for transmission upgrades may require variant analysis(with and without), and may be limited to major near-term projects. General Questions Related to Cluster Studies/Transmission Modeling in the IRP • Is it correct to assume that all CON-related TX options are derived from Energy Resource Interconnection Service (ERIS)-related required TX upgrades listed in PAC's cluster studies? * Required fields o If not,what is the source of PAC's assumptions for CON-related TX upgrade options,as defined in the PLEXOS model? • Similarly, is it correct to assume that all INC-related TX options are derived from Network Resource Interconnection Service(KRIS)-related required TX upgrades listed in PAC's cluster studies? o If not,what is the source of PAC's assumptions for INC-related TX upgrade options as they are defined in the PLEXOS model? Reply: The IRP model does not distinguish ERIS and NRIS interconnection options. Any transmission upgrades that do not result incremental transfer capability in the IRP topology are categorized as "CON", and all others that do result in incremental transfer capability in the IRP topology are categorized as "INC". The IRP model reflects PacifiCorp Energy Supply Management's transmission rights,which it uses on behalf of its retail customers,plus the rights it could receive as a result of potential transmission upgrades. Transmission rights are managed through the transmission service request(TSR)process,which is distinct from interconnection. Interconnection, including NRIS, does not provide transmission service. The transmission topology and transmission upgrade modeling in the IRP is a significant simplification of these various processes, so as to facilitate proxy-based long-term planning. • How are ERIS-enabled generator and storage resource options configured in the PLEXOS model? o Does this configuration differ at all for those resources that are NRIS-enabled?If so,how? Reply: ERIS and NRIS are not distinguished in the IRP,though transmission upgrade options that are included in the IRP may have come from studies of either type.Because the NRIS study is intended to include costs for upgrades needed to transfer resources to load, it is more likely to receive an"INC" categorization. • Are the line transfer capacities listed in the PLEXOS model- for both existing and incremental upgrade options - based solely on firm transmission service? o Does PAC's PLEXOS model include any non-firm, as-available transmission service for candidate INC upgrade projects? Reply: The IRP model includes firm transmission capability and doesn't include any non-firm capability. • Is there a separate configuration in PLEXOS for resources listed as Designated Network Resources (DWR) (which use network TX to transfer power from the facility site to PAC load centers) compared to non-DWR resources (which require point-to-point service to transfer power to load)? Reply: IRP modeling does not distinguish the type of transmission service and includes both network and existing long-term firm point-to-point capacity rights held by PacifiCorp Energy Supply Management. • Near-term TX upgrade options defined in PLEXOS -both INC and CON types- are sourced from PAC TX's cluster studies,but what is the source of these longer-term options that the PAC IRP team uses when defining these items in the model? o Is it correct to assume that projects originating from PAC TX are exogenously prescribed in PLEXOS (i.e.,not modeled as decision variables)? o Will a complete list of all these manually specified TX upgrades be included in the 2025 IRP data disk, along with relevant data such as the first year of service and the regional incremental INC and CON MW amounts? • When porting over the TX options from the cluster studies into the PLEXOS model,how does the PAC IRP team account for the prerequisite TX upgrades associated with higher-priority interconnections listed in each cluster study? o Are all the listed TX projects exogenously defined in PLEXOS, or are some of the upgrades treated as candidate options and thus represented by decision variables in the model? Reply: Longer-term options are forecasts provided by PacifiCorp Transmission. Generally,the upgrades have previously been identified in a cluster study,though withdrawn requests may have eliminated particular upgrades. The forecast can also cleanly cut off the megawatt quantities once a particular upgrade is fully utilized,whereas the cluster study identifies requirements for the entire cluster and has to round up to the next major upgrade even if it is only needed in part. In general,the IRP only models transmission options,and does not track costs for * Required fields contingent facilities or upgrades that are required regardless of the model selections, as this is not required as part of the optimization. Unless the study is a transmission-related sensitivity, all available options are the same for every study. These options have been presented in the 2025 public input meeting series and will be presented in the filed 2025 IRP. In addition, each LT model's accompanying outcome file reports transmission options selected for the relevant portfolio,including the selected in-service year for the upgrade. o Does the PAC IRP team embed any dependency logic in their PLEXOS model to ensure all upstream requirements are fully resolved before a candidate TX upgrade project is eligible for selection by the model? Reply: Yes. Transmission upgrades are generally cumulative and each successive upgrade in a location is subject to a constraint in PLEXOS requiring the previous upgrade(s)in that location to have been completed. Some upgrades are required for multiple areas or later upgrade options. • Does the affected system information listed in each cluster study have any impact on PAC's IRP modeling process? Reply: If impacts on affected systems are known,it could be reflected by the timing of the earliest in-service year of an upgrade option. Unless there are known costs for affected systems, costs only reflect the impacts on PacifiCorp's system. • In the June Stakeholder meeting,there was a discussion on the interaction between PAC TX's long-term projects and PAC IRP's long-term plans. As a follow-up to that conversation,can you please address the following questions: o Is the overall amount of CON and INT TX service across PAC's entire TX topology updated to reflect the impacts of these projects at their assumed in-service dates? ❑ For each of these long-term projects sourced from the company's TX group,will the 2025 IRP data disk include the incremental CON and INT regional capacities associated with each of these discrete projects? Reply: All of the transmission upgrade options for the 2025 IRP are sourced from PacifiCorp Transmission. Given the lead time for major transmission upgrades,if a major transmission option is included in PacifiCorp Transmission's long-term plan,particularly in the next few years,the IRP is likely to model it as available starting in the identified in the plan as it is difficult to compress existing timelines that have already been developed and for which planning is underway. The IRP model would still be allowed to select a later date. The timing of later upgrades in the plan may be more flexible and the IRP model can evaluate earlier dates if they are feasible. Transmission upgrades options do not need to be part of PacifiCorp Transmission's long-term plan to be considered in the IRP. The available options have been presented in the 2025 public input meeting series and will be presented in the filed 2025 IRP. In addition, each LT model's accompanying outcome file reports transmission options selected for the relevant portfolio, including the selected in-service year for the upgrade. o What reliability and cost-benefit analysis does PAC Transmission conduct when determining which projects to move forward with? ❑ Is any of this information available to external IRP stakeholders interested in learning more? o Is it correct to assume that none of the costs associated with these projects will be assigned to any of the candidate generator or storage objects defined in the PLEXOS IRP model? Reply: Transmission upgrades that are required are typically not modeled in the PLEXOS model, as it would not impact the optimization. If later upgrades are contingent upon the required upgrade, its timing could impact the options that are modeled. If a required upgrade enables interconnection capability,the capability could be modeled at zero cost(or reduced cost if there are additional project-specific requirements). Because the transmission options for both CON and INC provided for use in the PLEXOS model are generally derived from interconnection studies and not associated with transmission upgrades that are otherwise required to * Required fields meet NERC and WECC reliability standards and criteria,the cost-benefit and reliability analysis is conducted through the IRP models in deriving the least-cost, least-risk resource portfolio,balancing both cost and reliability. • Is it correct to assume that PAC doesn't define a[Min Capacity Reserve Margin] requirement in PLEXOS for each TX region during the long-term(LT)portion of the model run? o Similarly, is it correct to assume that PLEXOS' [Firm Capacity] property is also not defined, either for existing or candidate resources? o I ask these questions because I am wondering if PacifiCorp allows for any capacity sharing across TX regions during a PLEXOS LT run. Reply: Correct,the Min Capacity Reserve Margin and Firm Capacity properties are not defined in PLEXOS for the IRP. For the 2025 IRP,PacifiCorp is developing constraints that are similar to these properties to represent the Western Resource Adequacy Program(WRAP),including the associated planning reserve margin requirements and resource-specific qualifying capacity contribution values (QCCs). This was discussed at the June 26-27,2024 public input meeting. PacifiCorp expects to comply with WRAP as a single system,but may need to account for limitations on transfers between the east and west side of its system. Capacity sharing within each side of the system is allowed implicitly. Sample Use Cases In this section I walk through are two examples to ensure I understand how PacifiCorp's IRP modeling team uses information from PAC's cluster studies to define eligible transmission system upgrades. Sample Walk through Example#1 Table 1 lists the projects that were modeled in Cluster 2—Cluster Area 13. Included in the table is a record of the projects that were studied in the initial cluster study and the first restudy. Table 2 provides a summary of the total amount of MWs evaluated in each cluster study,broken out by technology type. Table 1: Candidate Projects from Cluster Study 2-Cluster Area 13 Nov 2022 Aug 2023 Project MW Type POI COD Requested Service x C2-134 57.5 Solar&Battery Storage Clear Lake substation 12/1/2026 NR/ER x x C2-179 40 Geothermal Black Rock substation 12/31/2029 ER x C2-202 90 Solar&Battery Storage Pavant substation 12/15/2026 NR x C2-211 49.9 Solar&Battery Storage Brush Wellington-Pavant transmission line 2/11/2025 NR/ER Table 2: Summary of Candidate Proejcts By Technology Type for Cluster Study 2-Cluster Area 13 Cumulative Availability Aug-22 Study Nov-23 Study Solar&Battery Storage 197.4 0 Geothermal 40 40 Table 3 lists the project-specific and shared costs for TX work required for the successful interconnection of these projects onto PAC's system. Table 3: TX-Related Expenses Assigned to Each Project for Cluster Study 2-Cluster Area 13 Cost Category Project Nov 2022 Study($k) Aug 2023 Study($k) Interconnection Facilities C2-134 1,390 Station Equipment C2-134 5,700 Network Upgrades(ERIS) C2-134 19,008 Total C2-134 26,098 Interconnection Facilities C2-179 750 750 Station Equipment C2-179 5,080 5,080 Network Upgrades(ERIS) C2-179 13,223 10,420 Total C2-17919,053 16,250 Interconnection Facilities C2-202 1,600 Station Equipment C2-202 10,500 * Required fields Network Upgrades(ERIS) C2-202 29,752 Total C2-202 41,852 Interconnection Facilities C2-211 1,310 Station Equipment C2-211 8,940 Network Upgrades(ERIS) C2-211 16,496 Total C2-21126,746 Request for Confirmation: • Were the PAC IRP team to represent Cluster Area 13 after the November 2022 study(but before the commencement of the August 2023 restudy), candidate generator and battery storage resources would be instantiated in the PLEXOS model for the Southern UT topology region. o The TX region would encompass only two technology types: hybrid solar and geothermal projects. o PLEXOS would allow for a maximum of 197.4 MW of hybrid solar-storage and 40 MW of geothermal capacity to be selected by the model,with project start dates defined by the respective CODS listed in Table 2. o The PLEXOS model would also include constraints to account for applicable CON and INC TX network upgrade options required to interconnect these resources to PAC's system. • Upon completion of the August 2023 restudy,the PLEXOS model would be modified to reflect only the option for 40 MW of new geothermal capacity located in the Southern Utah region. o If PLEXOS opts for the full 40 MW of geothermal, it will also incur$16.25 million in transmission-related upgrade charges. o Since PLEXOS models TX upgrade constraints as a continuous variable,the model can also opt for a portion of the generation(e.g.,20 MW) and incur a proportional share of the TX-related expense. In this case, $8.125 million. o TX-related upgrade costs are annualized(i.e. $/kw-yr)prior to being entered into PLEXOS model. PacifiCorp assigns the appropriate financing assumptions to convert this overnight CAPX expense into an annuity calculation. Questions Related to Cluster 2 Study Report: Cluster Area 13 • Upon completion of the November 2022 Cluster Study, is it correct to assume that if PLEXOS wants to select even 1 MW from any of the four project units listed in Table 1, a pro-rata share of all required network upgrades listed in the cluster study would also need to be completed? o These pro-rata network upgrade costs would be in addition to any project-specific interconnection facilities and station equipment work that is also required, correct? • In both the November 2022 study and the April 2023 study, it states,"No additional upgrades beyond those identified for ERIS are required for NRIS.All ERIS upgrades are required for NRIS."Based on this statement, is it correct to assume that the geothermal unit will automatically qualify as an NRIS-eligible facility by completing all of the ERIS-related TX upgrades? • What is the source for the transmission projects listed as"assumed to be in service" for Cluster Area 13? Do they originate from PacifiCorp's long-term transmission plan?If so,are any costs associated with those projects assigned to the projects listed in Table 1? • In the final Facilities Report for C2-179 , it is stated that the customer opted for ERIS service. How is this an available option if the network upgrades listed in the August 2023 restudy were already for ERIS interconnection service? Reply: Because the IRP is intended to evaluate proxy resources, and not specific requests,it generally includes relatively little project-specific information and does not tie the results of a cluster study to individual requests in that study. The relevant transmission upgrade information used for modeling generally includes the following: -IRP topology location -Total amount of potential interconnection capability(in megawatts) -Total transfer capability and point of delivery -Total cost(for station equipment and network upgrades) -First available in-service date - Special considerations on available resource types. Solar and storage are generally available in most locations, and as they are inverter-based,have less complicated impacts on the transmission system. Geothermal and wind are generally only viable in a few locations. The presence of these resource types would indicate they are viable in that area,the absence of requests for those resource types in a given area could indicate they are not, or are at least less likely. There is flexibility in the interconnection process to modify the specific level of storage combined with solar, and surplus interconnection provides another means of creating hybrid resources. Given * Required fields that flexibility,PacifiCorp generally lets the model select any combination of available resources, so long as the actual generation remains within the interconnection limit in each hour. Sample Walk through Example#2 Table 4 lists the projects that were modeled in Cluster 2—Cluster Area 7 for each round. In the initial cluster study, 15 projects were evaluated,totaling 2,607 MW. In the first restudy, 6 projects—comprising 1,418 MW of generation and storage options—were studied. Finally,the second restudy included 4 projects,totaling 1,098 MW. Table 4: Candidate Projects from Cluster Study 2-Cluster Area 7 Nov 2022 Aug 2023 Apr 2024 Project MW Type POI COD Requested Service C2-30 199 Solar&Battery Storage Bridgerland substation 12/31/2025 NR/ER x x x C2-32 500 NuclearNaughton substation l l/l/2030 NR x x x C2-48 48 Natural Gas Naughton substation 5/18/2022 ER x C2-55 150 Battery Storage Naughton-Treasureton transmission line 10/31/2024 NR x C2-63 220 Wind Railroad substation 9/1/2026 NR/ER x C2-77 100 Solar&Battery Storage Plymouth substation 12/31/2027 NR/ER x C2-84 150 Solar&Battery Storage Plymouth substation 6/30/2025 NR/ER x x C2-105 300 Wind Monument substation 12/31/2025 ER x x x C2-106 400 Wind Naughton-Ben Lomond#2 transmission line 12/31/2025 ER x C2-121 20 Solar Cutler-El Monte Willard Pump Tap transmission line 12/1/2025 ER x x C2-122 20 Solar Ben Lomond-Honeyville transmission line 12/1/2025 ER x C2-130 199 Solar&Battery Storage Plymouth substation 12/1/2026 NR/ER x C2-139 150 Solar&Battery Storage Blue Rim-South Trona transmission line 12/1/2026 NR/ER x C2-143 90 Wind Evanston-Anschutz transmission line 12/31/2026 NR/ER x C2-155 110 Solar&Battery Storage Muddy Creek substation 12/31/2026 NR/ER x x x C2-205 150 Solar&Battery Storage Bridgerland-Cache transmission line 10/31/2026 ER Table 5 provides a summary of the projects studied in the second restudy,broken down by technology type,while Table 6 lists the corresponding network upgrades—both ERIS-and NRIS-related—required for those projects to interconnect with PAC's bulk TX system. Table 5: Summary of Proejcts from Cluster Study 2-Cluster Area 7(Apr 2024 Restudy) Cumulative AvailabilityMW Solar&Battery Storage 150 Nuclear 500 Natural Gas 48 Battery Storage 0 Wind 400 Solar 0 Table 6: Shared Transmission Network Upgrades Costs($k) for Cluster Study 2-Cluster Area 7(Apr 2024 Restudy) Type Location Project Apr 2024 Study($k) ERIS Naughton substation Install new 230 kV breaker 1,500 ERIS Naughton—Ben Lomond 345kV TX line New approx. 88 miles of 230 kV TX line 349,500 ERIS Ben Lomond substation Seven(7)230 kV breaker replacements 4,300 ERIS Plain City substation breaker replacement 500 NRIS Jim Bridger substation 345/230kV 700MVA transformer 16,100 NRIS Ben Lomond-Plain City Rebuild approx. 2 miles of 138kV TX line 3,800 NRIS Ben Lomand substation Replace Ben Lomond-Plain City relay 300 NRIS Plain City substation Replace Ben Lomond-Plain City relay 300 NRIS Ben Lomond-Cold Water Rebuild approx. 9 miles of 138kV TX line 14,400 NRIS Plain City to West Ogden North Tap Rebuild approx. 6.5 miles of 138kV TX line 8,600 * Required fields NRIS West Ogden North Tap to Midland West Tap Rebuild approx.2.5 miles of 138kV TX line 4,000 NRIS Warren to West Ogden South Tap Rebuild approx. 6.5 miles of 138kV TX line 8,500 NRIS West Ogden South Tap to Midland East Tap Rebuild approx. 2.5 miles of 138kV TX line 4,000 NRIS Midland East Tap to Clinton East Tap Rebuild approx. 5.5 miles of 138kV TX line 7,800 NRIS Clinton East Tap to Syracuse Rebuild approx. 3.5 miles of 138kV TX line 4,600 NRIS Cold Water-El Montel Rebuild approx. 5.5 miles of 138kV TX line 7,200 NRIS Ben Lomond-Warren Rebuild approx. 5 miles of 138kV TX line 6,900 NRIS Ben Lomond-Birch Creek and Ben Lomond-Naughton Rebuild approx. 8 miles of 230kV TX line sections42,900 NRIS Naughton substation RAS work 300 ERIS Network Upgrades(subtotal) 355,800 NRIS Network Upgrades(subtotal) 129,700 Network Upgrades(total) 485,500 Table 7 lists the project-specific and shared network upgrade costs for project C2-106,which is the construction of a 400 MW wind facility at a new substation located off the Ben Lomond-Naughton#2 transmission line. The $198.1 k listed for network upgrade costs in the Apr 2024 Study represents C2-106's proportional share of the shared costs listed in Table 6. The pro-rata allocation of these shared expenses is based on the POI nameplate capacity for all projects listed as active in the April study. Table 7: Project-Specific and Shared Transmission Network Upgrade Costs ($k)for Project C2-106. Cost Type Project Nov 2022 Study Aug 2023 Study Apr 2024 Study Interconnection Facilities: Collector C2-106 800 800 1,300 Interconnection Facilities: POI C2-106 1,600 1,600 1,300 Station Equipment C2-106 8,200 8,200 12,700 Network Upgrades(ERIS) C2-106122,131110,141150,893 Network Upgrades(KRIS) C2-106 64,420 126,08247,250 Network Upgrades(subtotal) C2-106 186,552236,223198,142 Total 197,152246,823213,442 Questions Related to Cluster 2 Study Report: Cluster Area 7 • How does the PAC IRP team configure shared network upgrade costs across multiple projects in their PLEXOS model? o Will the model have to absorb the entire costs of the projects listed in Table 6 before a MW from any of the technology options listed in Table 5 can be added to PAC's system, or is there a proportional TX-related charge that gets applied based on how much generation PLEXOS wants to add in this TX region? • According to queue information posted by PAC Transmission,project C2-106 requested ER interconnection service. Consequently,will the PAC IRP model reflect both ERIS- and NRIS-eligible wind resource options in the Wyoming region? o If so,will the ERIS-eligible wind resource exclude the NRIS-related TX network upgrade expenses? • In the August 2023 restudy,the Naughton—Ben Lomond 345 kV transmission line is listed in both the ERIS section(Section 9) and the NRIS section(Section 13). Is this an error, or is it correct? o If correct,what are the grounds for a TX project to be listed as both an ERIS-and NRIS-related upgrade? • How are TX expenses related to contingent facilities handled by PAC's IRP team? o Are any of these costs—triggered by cluster studies from previous years—assigned to the projects listed in Table 4? o Is all the TX work required to resolve these contingent facilities approved and assumed to be in place by a certain date within the model? o Conversely, if the TX work to resolve the contingent facilities is still under consideration by PAC TX, are there sequential INC and CON TX constraints that PLEXOS must navigate to access the generation and storage options listed in Table 4? Reply: IRP modeling does not differentiate the costs specific to individual cluster requests -the total cost and total interconnection are modeled. Initial modeling allows this total to be considered on a linear basis. To the * Required fields extent an integer determination(i.e. all of a particular upgrade or nothing)is needed in the final result, additional analysis would be performed. With regard to contingent facilities, each of the successive upgrade options in a given location are assumed to be contingent on the prior upgrades unless they are known to be distinct. When upgrades are contingent on upgrades in other locations,constraints are used to ensure prior requirements are met. The modeled costs of all transmission network upgrades reflect PacifiCorp Energy Supply Management's share of the overall PacifiCorp Transmission customer base,which is around 80%,with PacifiCorp Transmission's other customers contributing the remainder. This is true for all network upgrades,whether triggered by reliability requirements,PacifiCorp Energy Supply Management requests, or those of other customers of PacifiCorp Transmission. Costs are generally not modeled for transmission upgrades that are required(not optional),as the cost would appear in every result and would not have any bearing on the optimization. Questions Related to Surplus Interconnection • Is there any significance associated with ERIS/NRIS designations in surplus interconnection studies? o For example, is the surplus option configured differently if it's modeled at a location with existing ERIS compared to a facility qualified for NRIS? Reply: ERIS/NRIS has no bearing on surplus interconnection studies and is not modeled differently. Data Support: If applicable,provide any documents,hyper-links,etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high -this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments,please list those attachment names here. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above - specificity is greatly appreciated. PacifiCorp Response: Thank you for the feedback.As discussed in the in-line responses throughout your request,the modeling in the IRP has significant simplifications relative to cluster study results and process. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (041) Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference call, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will post appropriate feedback on the IRP website based on your selection below. Date of Submittal 2024-09-20 *Name: Nathan Strain Title: *E-mail: nathanv.strain@gmail.com Phone: (435) 200 - 5963 *Organization: Citizen Address: 259 East 4800 South Apt. 4 City: Murray State: UT Zip: 84107 Public Meeting Date comments address: 0 8-15-2 0 2 4 ® Check here if related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. Existing Thermal Resource Options ® Check here if you want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. With the volatility of coal supply and the environmental concerns associated with coal has Pacificorp placed a heightened interest in conventional Nuclear? I am aware that suel for SMRs is more scarce and expensive, perhaps a large conventional Nuclear plant at the site of the Hunter Power Plant or a purchase of the stalled Blue Castle Nuclear Project is warranted. Construction of conventional nuclear in Utah is likely to be politically and socially popular. Pacificorp should also accelerate development of Geothermal in Utah. Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high -this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments, please list those attachment names here. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above - specificity is greatly appreciated. Explore a large conventional Nuclear plant in Utah at the site of Hunter Plant or the Blue Castle Project. More aggressively pursue geothermal. PacifiCorp Response: PacifiCorp's supply-side resource table for the 2025 IRP includes nuclear and geothermal resource options and was recently posted to the Company's website: https://www.pacificorp.com/content/dam/pcorp/documents/en/pacificorp/energy/integrated-resource-plan/2025-irp/2025- irp-support-studies/Public_SSR Database_Summary_Tab_2025.xlsx * Required fields The IRP generally does not evaluate specific projects but can identify general locations that might be favorable for different resource types. PacifiCorp would note that the inclusion or exclusion of different resource types in the preferred portfolio is an indication of the relative performance based on the supply-side resource assumptions. PacifiCorp is also planning to prepare sensitivity studies based on"advanced"nuclear and geothermal costs,which start lower than the baseline cost forecast and decline faster through time. The decision to move forward with particular resource offerings is based on bids for specific projects,which can vary widely, along with consideration of a variety of less tangible risks related to both the existing resource mix and potential resource additions. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (042) Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference call, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will post appropriate feedback on the IRP website based on your selection below. Date of Submittal 2024-09-23 *Name: Jim Himelic Title: *E-mail: jhimelic@firstprinciples.run Phone: 5209791375 *Organization: First Principles Advisory Address: City: State: Zip: Public Meeting Date comments address: ❑ Check here if related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. PLEXOS LT Settings ® Check here if you want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. Please provide a copy of the LT Plan settings used by PacifiCorp for their all final capacity expansion modeling optimization runs conducted in PLEXOS. Please include in that discussion the application of any global variables and/or undocumented parameters such as slicing blocks, sampling years, and mixed chronology timestep blocks. Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high -this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments, please list those attachment names here. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above - specificity is greatly appreciated. I originally submitted this form back in May of this year but I never received a response. Resubmitting it here again. Please confirm receipt PacifiCorp Response: We are currently working on inputting data for 2025 IRP and are also testing performance and various LT Plan settings. We do not expect the settings to be settled until later in the process, and they are subject to further changes post-draft. These settings will be provided as part of the data disc for the 2025 IRP. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (044) Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference call, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will post appropriate feedback on the IRP website based on your selection below. Date of Submittal 2024-09-28 *Name: Rose Monahan Title: *E-mail: rose.monahan@sierraclub.org Phone: (415) 977 - 5704 *Organization: Sierra Club Address: 2101 Webster Street, Suite 1300 City: Oakland State: CA Zip: 94612 Public Meeting Date comments address: 0 9-2 5-2 0 2 4 ® Check here if related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. Thermal Resource Options ® Check here if you want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. At the September 2024 PIM, PacifiCorp explained that CCUS will be considered for coal units, including the Hunter and Huntington units, and that the CCUS option includes SCR installation. Moreover, if the model selects CCUS at a single coal plant unit, CCUS must be selected for all of the other coal units at that plant. Sierra Club urges PacifiCorp to modify these assumptions as explained below. First, PacifiCorp should consider SCR as a standalone requirement, and, as recommended by Sierra Club in its previous stakeholder feedback form, include a modeling constraint that requires SCR at least one Hunter unit and both Huntington units by no later than 2028. By including SCR within the CCUS option, PacifiCorp is ignoring the possibility that SCR could be mandated at its coal units, particularly the Hunter and Huntington plants, before CCS is required or could be mandated even if the CCS requirement is not implemented. SCR is likely to be required at the Hunter and Huntington coal plants under the Clean Air Act\u0019s Regional Haze Program. Indeed, in proposing to disapprove Utah\u0019s regional haze state implementation plan for the second implementation period, EPA faulted Utah for failing to require SCR at Hunter Unit 3 and further stated that SCR likely should have been required at the other Hunter and Huntington coal units. The current regional haze planning period runs through 2028. As a result, it\u0019s likely that should SCR be required at the Hunter and Huntington units, installation will be required before 2030, when PLEXOS assumes CCUS becomes available. Moreover, the likely SCR requirement at the Utah coal plants is separate from the CCS obligation under EPA\u0019s recent 111 (d) regulation for coal plants that continue operating past 2035. While Sierra Club believes that the 111 (d) regulation will be implemented, as PacifiCorp is well aware, environmental regulations can be stayed, remanded to the agency, and/or vacated. If any of these options occur for the 111 (d) regulation but not EPA\u0019s regional haze regulations for Utah, then the CCS obligation may not apply while the SCR obligation does. By conflating these two separate requirements in the PLEXOS modeling, PacifiCorp will be failing to clearly evaluate the * Required fields least-cost approach to complying with both regulations. Second, PacifiCorp should change the CCUS option in PLEXOS to CCS. The CCUS option is presumably meant to comply with EPA\u0019s 111 (d) regulation, but that regulation does not authorize coal units to utilize carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration technology. Instead, coal units must install carbon capture and sequestration technology, otherwise the coal units are not reducing their CO2 emissions but shifting them to a secondary purpose. There is no reason to model a regulatory compliance obligation in a way that does not actually comply with that regulation. Finally, PacifiCorp should remove the requirement that if the PLEXOS model selects CCS at any one unit of a coal plant, that the model must select CCS at all the plant\u0019s units. At the public input meeting, PacifiCorp asserted that this constraint was reasonable because it is more cost effective to install CCS across an entire plant rather than a single unit. While Sierra Club understands economies of scale, it is not clear why PLEXOS cannot incorporate pricing assumptions that assume lower costs for a second (or third) CCS installation at the same plant, rather than forcing the model to select CCS for all units. Adjusting pricing assumptions for additional CCS installations would allow PLEXOS to determine whether economies of scale warrant adding CCS to additional units, rather than PacifiCorp making this assumption for the model ahead of time. Not only does the constraint significantly skew the models internal logic, but Sierra Club is also concerned that this constraint could result in PLEXOS running entire coal plants longer than necessary to meet reliability requirements when those reliability requirements could have been met with less than the entire coal plant\u0019s output. For example, if the PLEXOS model finds that, in order to maintain reliability, the PacifiCorp system requires continued operation of one Hunter unit, PacifiCorp\u0019s proposed modeling constraint could force PLEXOS to select continued operation at all three of the Hunter units, even though reliability would have been met with just one unit. This is very likely to artificially keep coal plants operating\u0014with highly expensive CCS and SCR controls\u0014when lower cost and more efficient options are available. Indeed, it would skew the model to support high cost investments (for which PacifiCorp earns a rate of return) over more cost effective options. This could be a major liability in securing acknowledgment of the 2025 IRP before state public utility commissions, not to mention achieving cost recovery in future rate cases. Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high -this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments, please list those attachment names here. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above - specificity is greatly appreciated. 1. PacifiCorp should consider SCR as a standalone requirement, and, as recommended by Sierra Club in its previous stakeholder feedback form, include a modeling constraint that requires SCR at least one Hunter unit and both Huntington units by no later than 2028. PacifiCorp Response: Thank you very much for your feedback. The coal plant scenarios provided to the IRP team include continued operations as currently configured, Gas Conversion and CCUS with SCR. The Company has SCR costs for each unit and estimated emissions reductions that would result from SCR installation, such that the cost of the emissions reductions that would result from an SCR can be calculated for any study result. The Company does not have information that would suggest that SCR on its own would impact the operating characteristics of a unit, such as the heat rate,maximum operating level, and so forth, so the inclusion of SCR is unlikely to change the way plants operate under current rules. Should rules change in the future, PacifiCorp will work to identify the least cost,least risk pathway to compliance,which may include SCR, placing limits on generation,replacing units or retrofitting units to burn other fuel types in some or any combination of actions. Regarding the concern related to requiring CCUS installation at all locations if the model would like to select CCUS at one,in practice,PacifiCorp would not undergo the significant capital costs to install CCUS for a single unit when all units at a site could leverage the technology for a nominal added cost. Regarding CCUS vs. CCS,PacifiCorp has called these projects CCUS,but essentially is only modeling the Carbon Capture(or CC) side.Additionally,PacifiCorp is applying the * Required fields largest eligible tax credit for a CCUS/CCS project. In order to maximize benefits(or reduce costs for customers), PacifiCorp would certainly need to evaluate actual proposals knowing which level of tax credit would apply based on the final CO2 use. While it may be of interest to see whether or not the model would select a single unit for CCUS conversion or a final CO2 use that garnered lower tax credits,real world implementation of these options is implausible. Given ongoing requests that PacifiCorp model actions which are as close to reality as possible (given the imperfect nature of future proxy costs and performance) asking PacifiCorp to evaluate a choice it simply would not make is unnecessary. Additionally, any selection of any change to an existing plant within the IRP will be subject to further consideration and evaluations. In particular, selection of proxy CCUS costs and performance, or other high cost equipment such as an SCR would be reviewed and validated using actual proposals from developers as part of the proposal,permitting and approval process. In the absence of specific proposals with cost and performance that are projected to be a benefit to customers,the project would not move forward. PacifiCorp will consider calculating the cost of emissions reductions from an SCR within the constraints of 2025 IRP timelines and requirements. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (045) Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference call, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will post appropriate feedback on the IRP website based on your selection below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-11-18 *Name: Kevin Emerson Title: Director of Building Efficienc *E-mail: irp@pacificorp.com Phone: (801) 608 - 0850 *Organization: Utah Clean Energy Address: 215 S. 400 E. City: Salt Lake City State: UT Zip: 84129 Public Meeting Date comments address: 0 9-2 5-2 0 2 4 ®Check here if related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. Baseline building energy code assumptions in the 2025 IRP Conservation Potential Assessment ® Check here if you want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. According to the presentation slides used at the 2025 Integrated Resource Planning Public Input Meeting on September 25, 2024, AEG is using an inaccurate code baseline for residential new construction in Utah. Slide 14 indicates that AEG is using the \u001C2015 IECC\u001D as representing Utah\u0019s energy code baseline for residential construction in the state (see Note 1) . while Utah\u0019s residential energy code was updated by the Utah Legislature in March 2024 (see Note 2) , the legislation maintained the numerous weakening amendments in Utah\u0019s residential energy code, which has been previously recognized as equivalent to the 2009 IECC. As per U.S. Department of Energy\110019s Status of Energy Code Adoption map, despite the 2024 legislation, Utah\u0019s residential energy code is still recognized as equivalent to the 2009 IECC (see Note 3) . The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that Utah\u0019s residential energy code is 290 less efficient than the 2021 IECC, the most recent model energy code. Using the correct residential energy code baseline will impact the cost-effectiveness of new homes programs and more accurately reflect the potential energy savings achievable though Rocky Mountain Power\u0019s New Homes rebate program. Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high -this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments, please list those attachment names here. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above- specificity is greatly appreciated. AEG\u0019s Conservation Potential Assessment modeling processes should be adjusted to reflect the 2009 IECC as Utah\u0019s baseline residential energy code to capture the * Required fields realistic level of energy saving potential associated with utility-sponsored new homes rebate programs. Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. PacifiCorp Response: Thank you for providing the information.Applied Energy Group(AEG)reviewed the US Department of Energy webpage that Utah Clean Energy provided during the September 2024 Public Input Meeting, as well as text from Utah's House Bill 0518,passed in March 2024.AEG verified that the building envelope parameters now being used in the CPA are "consistent with the latest Utah code plus amendments." AEG noted that they primarily lean on the insulation and fenestration requirements in the component tables and other key parameters such as duct insulation/air leakage requirements for residential measures. The commercial codes tend to have much more complicated rules regarding controls and measure eligibility in new construction but were also verified against the latest Utah code plus amendments. * Required fields PacifiCorp - Stakeholder Feedback Form (046) Integrated Resource Plan PacifiCorp (the Company) requests that stakeholders provide feedback to the Company upon the conclusion of each public input meeting and/or stakeholder conference call, as scheduled. PacifiCorp values the input of its active and engaged stakeholder group, and stakeholder feedback is critical to the IRP public input process. PacifiCorp requests that stakeholders provide comments using this form, which will allow the Company to more easily review and summarize comments by topic and to readily identify specific recommendations, if any,being provided. Information collected will be used to better inform issues included in the IRP, including, but not limited to the process, assumptions, and analysis. In order to maintain open communication and provide the broader Stakeholder community with useful information, the Company will post appropriate feedback on the IRP website based on your selection below. Date of Submittal 2 0 2 4-11-18 *Name: Kevin Emerson Title: Director of Building Efficienc *E-mail: irp@pacificorp.com Phone: (801) 608 - 0850 *Organization: Utah Clean Energy Address: 215 S. 400 E. City: Salt Lake City State: UT Zip: 84129 Public Meeting Date comments address: ❑Check here if related to specific meeting List additional organization attendees at cited meeting: *IRP Topic(s) and/or Agenda Items: List the specific topics that are being addressed in your comments. Updated Energy Efficiency and Demand Response Data Broken Out by State ® Check here if you want your Stakeholder feedback and accompanying materials posted to the IRP website. *Respondent Comment: Please provide your feedback for each IRP topic listed above. Please provide state-by-state data represented in Figure 1.11 \u0013 2023 IRP Update Preferred Portfolio Energy Efficiency and Demand Response Capacity, which can be found on page 10 of the 2023 Integrated Resource Plan Update. Specifically, we request to see state-by-state data as presented in two tables from the 2023 Integrated Resource Plan Volume II Appendices, Tables D.3 and D.4 (page 108) . Data Support: If applicable, provide any documents, hyper-links, etc. in support of comments. (i.e. gas forecast is too high - this forecast from EIA is more appropriate). If electronic attachments are provided with your comments, please list those attachment names here. Recommendations: Provide any additional recommendations if not included above- specificity is greatly appreciated. PacifiCorp Response: Thank you for the data request. Note that Tables D.3 and DA from the 2023 IRP Appendix D show first year incremental resource selections in units of MWh for energy efficiency(EE)and MW for demand response(DR). Meanwhile,Figure 1.11 in the 2023 IRP Update report shows cumulative capacity in units of MW for both EE and DR. Resource Incremental Selections Cumulative Capacity * Required fields Demand Response Table D.3 (in MW) Figure 1.11 (in MW) Energy Efficiency Table DA (in MWh) Figure 1.11 (in MW) As such,PacifiCorp is presenting all four combinations of these figures,using the 2023 IRP Update data at the state level: 1) DR—First-Year Incremental(MW),like Table D.3 2) DR—Cumulative(MW),like Figure 1.11 3) EE—First-Year Incremental(MWh), like Table DA 4) EE—Cumulative(MW), like Figure 1.11 * Required fields 1) DR First-Year Incremental(MW), like Table D.3 This figure does not include existing or planned DR resources, rather exclusively shows the new, incremental DR resource selections in each year from the 2023 IRP Update. It also provides summer and winter DR capacity split-out. The figure is not cumulative. Table D.3-First Year Demand Response Resource Selections (2023 IRP Update) (Units in MW) Resource 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 DR Summer- ID 0.0 0.0 1.0 8.6 0.4 4.0 0.3 0.0 0.6 9.2 DR Summer- UT 0.0 8.5 17.1 15.4 9.2 24.6 12.2 0.0 24.4 12.5 DR Summer-WY 0.0 0.0 10.5 1.6 0.6 27.1 0.5 0.0 0.9 0.3 DR Winter- ID 0.0 0.4 1.2 1.5 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 DR Winter- UT 0.0 0.0 11.1 13.7 8.4 7.8 6.0 6.5 4.9 4.9 DR Winter-WY 0.0 0.0 9.4 13.6 0.7 9.8 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.6 DR Summer- CA 0.0 0.0 1.5 1.2 0.5 1.7 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.1 DR Summer- OR 0.0 1.9 21.6 25.4 6.0 34.3 36.4 0.0 19.1 4.2 DR Summer-WA 0.0 2.8 4.7 7.5 1.1 15.0 0.9 0.0 4.8 0.6 DR Winter-CA 0.0 0.0 1.2 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.4 DR Winter-OR 0.0 14.7 11.9 19.3 6.0 7.4 3.1 3.4 0.0 52.8 DR Winter-WA 0.0 9.7 6.8 1.3 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.0 26.2 Resource 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 DR Summer- ID 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.2 20.9 11.1 0.0 0.7 0.6 0.0 DR Summer- UT 0.0 21.1 10.0 10.5 10.9 53.9 0.0 30.3 84.4 0.0 DR Summer-WY 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.9 0.0 0.2 0.5 0.0 DR Winter- ID 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 DR Winter- UT 2.5 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 DR Winter-WY 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 DR Summer- CA 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 4.1 0.0 1.0 0.1 0.0 DR Summer- OR 0.0 16.5 0.3 0.3 11.1 22.0 0.0 37.3 6.5 0.0 DR Summer-WA 2.6 0.2 2.0 0.8 0.0 6.6 0.1 1.2 2.8 2.6 DR Winter-CA 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 DR Winter-OR 1.2 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 DR Winter-WA 2.2 1.8 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 * Required fields 2) DR Cumulative (MW), like Figure 1.11 Different from Table D.3 above, this Figure 1.11 table shows cumulative DR capacity. It also sums the summer and winter values to show a single state-wide capacity value. The figure does not include prior existing or planned DR resources. Figure 1.11 -Cumulative Demand Response Resource Selections (2023 IRP Update) (Sum of Summer&Winter;Units in MW) Resource 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 DR- Idaho 0.0 0.4 2.6 12.8 14.1 18.6 19.2 19.5 20.4 29.7 DR- Utah 0.0 8.5 36.7 65.8 83.4 115.8 133.9 140.5 169.8 187.2 DR-Wyoming 0.0 0.0 19.9 35.1 36.3 73.3 74.2 74.6 75.7 76.6 DR-California 0.0 0.0 2.7 4.5 5.1 7.0 7.2 7.3 7.6 8.1 DR-Oregon 0.0 16.5 50.1 94.7 106.7 148.3 187.9 191.3 210.4 267.4 DR-Washington 0.0 12.5 24.0 32.8 35.0 50.8 52.3 53.0 57.8 84.6 Resource 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 DR- Idaho 29.8 30.5 30.7 31.0 51.9 63.0 63.0 63.7 64.3 64.3 DR- Utah 189.6 211.3 221.2 231.7 242.6 296.5 296.5 326.8 411.2 411.2 DR-Wyoming 76.7 77.2 77.2 77.3 77.3 87.2 87.2 87.4 88.0 88.5 DR-California 8.1 8.3 8.4 8.4 8.5 12.7 12.7 13.7 13.8 13.8 DR-Oregon 268.6 285.5 286.0 286.3 297.4 319.4 319.4 356.7 363.2 363.2 DR-Washington 89.4 91.3 94.7 95.6 95.6 102.2 102.3 103.6 106.3 109.0 * Required fields 3) EE-First Year Incremental(MWh),like Table DA This table shows EE savings selected in each year on a new, incremental, and first-year savings basis,in units of MWh. It is not cumulative and does not include existing or planned EE resources. Savings from Home Energy Reports are excluded as well. Table DA-First-Year Energy Efficiency Resource Selections (2023 IRP Update) (Excludes Home Energy Report Savings; Units in MWh) State 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 EE -California 2,426 1,447 3,309 4,219 4,302 4,949 5,455 5,152 6,837 6,559 EE - Oregon 180,799 166,678 179,988 163,586 166,963 166,894 161,227 158,138 164,427 141,902 EE -WA 53,111 47,873 50,093 32,864 37,299 42,772 45,988 48,803 51,944 52,661 EE - Utah 266,501 267,939 272,287 328,565 376,872 418,663 447,683 461,195 479,295 490,851 EE - Idaho 11,998 14,924 17,533 23,331 25,929 29,383 31,060 31,616 33,629 34,674 EE -Wyoming 44,205 41,231 41,271 60,911 65,767 74,468 73,294 78,878 80,477 83,545 Total System 559,041 540,092 564,481 613,476 677,133 737,129 764,707 783,782 816,608 810,193 State 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 EE -California 6,313 6,068 4,840 5,899 6,455 4,929 4,416 4,180 3,782 2,889 EE -Oregon 129,397 128,891 124,318 119,729 116,967 94,132 93,169 107,376 81,309 97,751 EE -WA 48,740 46,200 41,550 40,853 35,002 31,963 28,115 27,882 24,825 23,594 EE - Utah 479,885 484,728 487,804 507,404 476,815 457,433 425,194 489,622 417,013 408,578 EE - Idaho 32,998 32,356 31,510 31,920 28,194 27,623 24,819 26,121 22,179 20,757 EE -Wyoming 79,290 78,293 73,052 72,758 63,554 61,514 57,448 63,129 48,250 51,786 Total System 776,623 776,535 763,075 778,562 726,987 677,594 633,161 718,310 597,357 605,354 * Required fields 4) EE-Cumulative(MW), like Figure 1.11 In alignment with Figure 1.11, this table shows capacity from EE resources, in units of MW, as opposed to energy savings in MWh. It is shown in cumulative capacity and also does not include capacity from Home Energy Reports. The figure does not include prior existing or planned EE resources. Figure 1.11 -Cumulative Energy Efficiency Resource Selections (2023 IRP Update) (Excludes Home Energy Report Savings; Units in MW) State 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 EE -California 1.0 1.6 3.0 4.0 4.9 6.0 7.1 8.3 10.3 11.7 EE -Oregon 56.6 102.8 166.7 223.4 277.8 332.5 397.2 456.5 546.8 579.3 EE -Washington 16.6 31.4 47.9 54.0 61.0 69.2 78.3 88.1 97.8 108.7 EE - Utah 78.6 155.2 266.9 344.9 437.2 542.3 662.9 791.6 915.8 1,040.3 EE - Idaho 2.9 6.4 10.7 17.4 24.7 32.8 41.5 50.6 59.1 68.2 EE -Wyoming 9.6 18.9 32.1 43.9 56.7 71.3 85.4 100.7 114.9 131.4 Total System 165.3 316.3 527.3 687.6 862.4 1,054.1 1,272.5 1,495.8 1,744.7 1,939.6 State 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 EE - California 13.0 14.3 15.3 16.5 19.1 20.2 21.2 22.2 23.0 24.1 EE -Oregon 629.7 682.0 742.1 782.7 881.6 899.7 930.2 977.0 1,024.5 1,134.2 EE -Washington 119.5 129.4 138.6 147.5 153.9 161.3 167.6 173.3 178.9 183.2 EE - Utah 1,173.9 1,315.4 1,477.2 1,654.8 1,821.7 1,961.8 2,082.8 2,227.5 2,388.6 2,574.9 EE - Idaho 77.6 87.0 96.4 106.1 112.9 120.2 127.0 134.4 141.9 147.0 EE -Wyoming 149.0 164.4 179.5 193.4 203.7 216.1 228.2 240.0 248.2 255.5 Total System 2,162.7 2,392.5 2,649.2 2,901.1 3,192.9 3,379.4 3,556.9 3,774.5 4,005.1 4,318.9 Please submit your completed Stakeholder Feedback Form via email to IRP@Pacificorp.com Thank you for participating. * Required fields PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX O—WASHINGTON CLEAN ENERGY ACTION PLAN APPENDIX O - WASHINGTON CLEAN ENERGY ACTION PLAN Introduction The Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA) was passed by the Washington State Legislature and signed into law by Governor Jay Inslee in May 2019. The legislation combines directives for utilities to pursue a clean energy future with assurances that benefits from a transformation to clean power are equitably distributed among all Washingtonians.' The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission began rulemakings to implement CETA in June 2019, and the first phase concluded in December 2020. As directed by the legislation and the new CETA rules, Washington electric utilities must file the following long-term planning documents every four years: Clean Energy Action Plan: The Clean Energy Action Plan(CEAP)is a ten-year planning document that is derived from the IRP and included as an appendix to the IRP. The CEAP provides a Washington-specific view of how PacifiCorp is planning for a clean and equitable energy future that complies with CETA. Integrated Resource Plan: The IRP is a comprehensive decision support tool and roadmap for meeting the company's objective of providing reliable and least-cost electric service to its customers. The plan is developed through open, transparent and extensive public involvement from state utility commission staff, state agencies, customer and industry advocacy groups, project developers, and other stakeholders.2 The key elements of the IRP include: an assessment of resource need, focusing on the first 10 years of a 20-year planning period; the preferred portfolio of supply-side and demand- side resources to meet this need; and an action plan that identifies the steps that will be taken over the next two-to-four years to implement the plan. Clean Energy Implementation Plan: The Clean Energy Implementation Plan (CEIP) is a plan that lists the specific actions PacifiCorp will take over the next four years to move toward the 2030 and 2045 clean energy directives, while also describing long-term clean energy interim targets through 2045. The CEIP also includes customer benefit indicators, developed with input from advisory groups. PacifiCorp's inaugural CEIP, covering the 2022-2025 planning period,was filed December 30,2021. The company expects to file the next CEIP October 1, 2025, focusing on years 2026-2029.3 This Appendix O is included with the 2025 IRP in fulfillment of the requirement to file a CEAP for Washington. Described in WAC 480-100-620(12), the utility must develop a ten-year clean energy action plan implementing the CETA clean energy standards and must: (a) Be at the lowest reasonable cost; 12019 WA Laws Ch.288. 2 WAC 480-100-620. 3 WAC 480-100-640. 313 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX O-WASHINGTON CLEAN ENERGY ACTION PLAN (b) Identify and be informed by the utility's ten-year cost-effective conservation potential assessment as determined under RCW 19.285.040; (c) Identify how the utility will meet the requirements in WAC 480-100-610 (4)(c) including,but not limited to: (i) Describing the specific actions the utility will take to equitably distribute benefits and reduce burdens for highly impacted communities and vulnerable populations; (ii) Estimating the degree to which such benefits will be equitably distributed and burdens reduced over the CEAP's ten-year horizon; and, (iii) Describing how the specific actions are consistent with the long-term strategy described in WAC 480-100-620 (11)(g). (d) Establish a resource adequacy requirement; (e) Identify the potential cost-effective demand response and load management programs that may be acquired; (f) Identify renewable resources, nonemitting electric generation, and distributed energy resources that may be acquired and evaluate how each identified resource may reasonably be expected to contribute to meeting the utility's resource adequacy requirement; (g) Identify any need to develop new, or to expand or upgrade existing, bulk transmission and distribution facilities; (h) Identify the nature and possible extent to which the utility may need to rely on an alternative compliance option identified under RCW 19.405.040 (1)(b), if appropriate; and (i) Incorporate the social cost of greenhouse gas emissions as a cost adder as specified in RCW 19.280.030(3). The following sections describe how a long-run portfolio is optimized to meet CETA's clean energy standards at least-cost, least-risk, in accordance with the requirements defined above. Portfolio Development The 2025 IRP process serves as the basis for developing and identifying the 10-year action plan that will put the company on a path towards compliance with the CETA clean energy standards. PacifiCorp's CEAP is planning toward a future in Washington that balances a rapid transition to renewable and non-emitting energy as directed under CETA, with the company's continued commitment to ensure that customers are served affordably, safely, and reliably. To meet reliability standards in a future that includes an increasing number and type of variable resources, the company carefully analyzes the way its programs, generation resources, customer load obligations, cost-effective conservation potential fit together to ensure reliability. The company's long-term load forecasts(both energy and coincident peak load) for the system are summarized in Volume I, Chapter 6 (Load and Resource Balance) as well as for each state in Appendix A(Load Forecast Details). The summary-level system coincident peak is presented first, followed by a profile of PacifiCorp's existing resources. Finally, load and resource balances for capacity and energy are presented. These balances are composed of a year-by-year comparison of projected loads against the existing resource base, with assumed incremental new energy efficiency savings from the preferred portfolio,before adding new generating resources. 314 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX O-WASHINGTON CLEAN ENERGY ACTION PLAN Resource Portfolio Development As discussed in Volume I, Chapter 8, PacifiCorp uses the Plexos LT model to produce resource portfolios with sufficient capacity to meet all load and operating reserves requirements over the study horizon appropriate to achievable granularity. Each of these portfolios is uniquely characterized by variables on PacifiCorp's system, including type, timing, location, and size of resources needed to achieve reliable operation. The portfolio modeling and selection process leads to an optimized, lowest reasonable cost six-state integrated portfolio to serve PacifiCorp's customers. These resource portfolios reflect a combination of planning assumptions such as resource retirements,CO2 prices(also applicable to CO2 equivalent emissions,or"CO2e"),wholesale power and natural gas prices, load growth net of assumed distributed generation penetration levels, cost and performance attributes of potential transmission upgrades, and new and existing resource cost and performance data, including assumptions for new supply-side resources and incremental demand-side management(DSM)resources. Changes to these input variables cause changes to the resource mix, which influences system costs and risks. Resource Adequacy As described in Volume I, Chapter 8, the 2025 IRP ensures resource adequacy for the system and by state by requiring each portfolio to include sufficient resources to be compliant with the Western Resource Adequacy Program (WRAP), both in aggregate and for the loads and resources specific to the jurisdiction under evaluation. In addition, portfolios must be able to meet hourly load requirements without significant energy shortfalls, and the iterative portfolio development process increases planning requirements within the LT model to account for shortfalls identified within the more granular ST model. Development of a Washington-compliant portfolio The 2025 IRP produces an integrated preferred portfolio that is developed to be compliant with state-specific requirements in all of PacifiCorp's jurisdictions, including Washington's CETA standards,while ensuring that the allocation of resources within the portfolio reflects the selections under the modeling requirements of each individual jurisdiction. All resources for Washington customers and compliance obligations are optimized and selected under the social cost of greenhouse(SCGHG)price policy assumption. The model optimizes across a range of supply-side resource options, including renewable, non-emitting and storage resource options in addition to DSM resources, given various economic and regulatory inputs and assumptions. An important update in this 2025 IRP and CEAP, is that the modeling process allows for endogenous selection of resources to serve individual state-specific requirements. Additionally, the final draft preferred portfolio, integrates all system and state-specific resources into one final resource portfolio. Several key assumptions are required to determine what existing resources are allocated to Washington customers and at what share, what new proxy resources can be allocated to Washington customers and if those resources are acquired as system or situs (allocated solely to Washington customers), and how those resources and the energy generated contribute towards CETA clean energy targets. 315 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX O—WASHINGTON CLEAN ENERGY ACTION PLAN To estimate the mix of energy forecasted to serve Washington customers in any given model run, it was assumed that generation resources are allocated in accordance with the methodology defined under the Washington Inter-Jurisdictional Allocation Methodology (WIJAM) for existing resources and generally assumed that these assumptions hold into the future, in the absence of an agreed upon future allocation methodology.'All new proxy resources (renewable or non-emitting resources, only) are assumed to be either acquired for, and therefore allocated to,the system or are an incremental requirement to satisfy state-specific compliance and are therefore situs allocated to the state of origin. The allocations assumed for Washington are the Company's best estimate of future allocations at this time and are best aligned with other ongoing filings in Washington. To calculate the energy and the total amount of renewable and carbon non-emitting energy allocated to Washington customers that make up the CETA clean energy interim targets, the company made the assumptions set forth below. Generally, where a resource is assumed to generate renewable energy credits (RECs),where one REC is generated for one megawatt-hour of renewable energy, the resource was assumed to generate CETA-compliant energy. In addition to REC-generating resources, it was assumed that all Washington-allocated energy from non- emitting resources was also CETA compliant,namely hydroelectric and nuclear.'In summary,the resource allocation assumptions are: 1. Allocation of energy for all renewable resources (non-QFs), existing and proxy, are allocated according to system-generation(SG) factors, consistent with the WIJAM, if designated a"system"resource. 2. Allocation of energy for new "system"non-emitting proxy resources are allocated on SG factors, consistent with the WIJAM. 3. Allocation of energy for all Washington qualifying-facilities (QFs) are assumed to be situs to Washington. No energy is allocated from QFs not originating in Washington, consistent with Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission policy. 4. Washington customers are assumed to participate in a limited set of emitting resources as defined under the West Control Area Inter-Jurisdictional Allocation Methodology (WCA): a. Washington customers receive costs and benefits from PacifiCorp's interest in the Colstrip Unit 4 and Jim Bridger Units 1-4 thermal resources, subject to elimination of all costs and benefits from coal-fueled Colstrip 4 and Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 until the end of 2025. b. Washington customers continue to receive and benefits from Jim Bridger Units 1- 2 after they convert to run on natural gas start in 2024, until the end of 2029. c. Washington customers participate in two gas-fired units, Chehalis and Hermiston, through 2044. 5. New proxy renewable and non-emitting resources are allocated situs (100%) to Washington when determined to be incremental resources for Washington need. 4 The WIJAM and the 2020 PacifiCorp Inter-Jurisdictional Allocation Protocol(2020 Protocol)define how resources and costs are allocated to Washington customers through December 21, 2023. The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission approved the WIJAM and 2020 Protocol in its Final Order 09/07/12 in docket UE-191024 et. al., effective January 1, 2021. The company is in the process of negotiating its Multi-State Process (MSP) cost allocation methodology with the commissions and stakeholders in the six states it serves. More information can be found in Volume I,Chapter 3. 5 WAC 480-100-610(3)states that by January 1,2045,each utility must ensure that"non-emitting electric generation and electricity from renewable resources supply one hundred percent of all retail sales of electricity to Washington electric customers". 316 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX 0—WASHINGTON CLEAN ENERGY ACTION PLAN Given the assumed allocations of resource energy and costs to Washington, CETA-compliant energy is determined given the following: I. For existing REC-generating resources, generation of CETA-compliant energy is consistent with the company's REC entitlement start and end date. 2. Customer preference and voluntary renewable resources were not assumed to generate RECs for the system or the state of Washington and thus are not included in the allocation of renewable energy. 3. All new or proxy renewable and non-emitting resources were assumed to be CETA compliant, including wind, solar, geothermal,hydro, and nuclear. For renewable resources co-located with battery storage,RECs were assumed to be generated pre-storage;no RECs are generated at battery discharge. 4. Emitting generation (coal or gas-fueled resources) are not CETA compliant. Washington retail electric sales are defined as total energy served to customers annually, net of distributed generation, existing and optimized energy efficiency and DSM resources. Retail electric load does not include MWh delivered from Washington qualifying facilities under the federal Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act of 1978(PURPA).6 CETA compliance targets were calculated annually as a percentage of Washington retail electric sales. Annual targets for CETA's 2030 and 2045 requirements were calculated as a percentage of Washington retail electric sales to be the total renewable and carbon non-emitting energy the company estimates will be provided to Washington customers. Based on these assumptions, a CETA-compliant portfolio was developed and is the basis for the clean energy interim targets depicted in the following section. RCW 19.405.040 and 19.405.050 set the 2025, 2030, and 2045 goals for electric utilities in Washington to meet. Specifically, utilities must show that by December 31, 2025, all coal-fired generation has been removed from Washington's allocation of electricity. By January 1, 2030, utilities must be greenhouse gas neutral,and by 2045,Washington's electric utilities must be 100% renewable. RCW 19.405.090 sets out four alternative compliance pathways that can be used to meet up to 20% of the carbon neutrality standards that begin in 2030 and run through 2044: (i) Making an alternative compliance payment under RCW 19.405.090(2); (ii) Using unbundled renewable energy credits, provided that there is no double counting of any nonpower attributes associated with renewable energy credits within Washington or programs in other jurisdictions, subject to conditions outlined in CETA; (iii) Investing in energy transformation projects, including additional conservation and efficiency resources beyond what is otherwise required under this section, provided the 6 RCW 19.405.020(36)(a) 317 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX O-WASHINGTON CLEAN ENERGY ACTION PLAN projects meet the requirements of subsection (2) of this section and are not credited as resources used to meet the standard under(a) of this subsection; or (iv) Using electricity from an energy recovery facility using municipal solid waste as the principal fuel source, where the facility was constructed prior to 1992, and the facility is operated in compliance with federal laws and regulations and meets state air quality standards. The Draft 2025 IRP preferred portfolio, optimized and dispatched under the social cost of greenhouse gas price policy for Washington customers, currently forecasts that PacifiCorp will be on track to meet the compliance requirements in 2030 and 2045, serving 110% of Washington retail sales with CETA-compliant energy by the end of 2030, as shown in Figure 0.1. Figure 0.1 -- Clean energy interim targets for Washington customers from 2025 through 2045 Clean Energy Targets 300% 282% 274%273%271°,° 266°!0 271%272%268%265%262/°° J 200°% a i2029 4-year Avg 45% a ua% 0 124%125%1240/.124% I10%107% 100Y Achieved 100 4^ 2 3 ° 38% 35% ' 1 1 • 'j025 �016 ,41 ,p3% tiko'L S33 'p,0 Jo's Zob Zp�� lo" -10 two IQ", to" tw ,�a' -1- ■ Neutrality Targets through 2030 ■ Targets through IRP Horizon Currently, PacifiCorp does not expect to use the alternative compliance payment, energy transformation project, or energy recovery facility pathway to meet the standards under RCW 19.405.090. PacifiCorp is conducting stochastic analysis for inclusion in the final IRP filing that includes annual variation in hydro, wind, and solar generation based on historical weather conditions. Depending on the annual weather conditions,meeting targets for 2030 may require the use of unbundled renewable energy credits, though impacts of annual variation are likely to be closer to normal levels when evaluated over the four years of the first compliance period. Table 0.1 below reports updated interim targets for the Company's second CEIP planning period for years 2026-2029, reported as annual megawatt hours of energy rather than as percentages. 318 PACIFICORP—2025 IRP APPENDIX O—WASHINGTON CLEAN ENERGY ACTION PLAN Table 0.1 —Clean energy interim targets for Washin ton customers 2026-2029 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total Retail Electric Sales 4,081,072 4,250,939 4,428,652 4,437,788 17,198,451 Projected Renewable and Nonemitting Eneray 1,262,556 1,608,692 1,548,245 3,284,829 7,704,322 Net Retail Sales 2,818,516 2,642,248 2,880,407 1,152,958 9,494,129 Target Percentage 31% 38% 35% 74% Interim Clean Energy Target 1,262,556 1,608,692 1,548,245 3,284,829 7,704,322 Specific Actions a. Note— The following specific actions are anticipated for the 2025 IRP final filing on March 31, 2025, but may not be available before that time: • Supply-ide resource actions • Demand-side resource actions [Customer Benefit Indicators Note— The discussion regarding the current customer benefit indicators framework and how it is included in the development of the CEAP is anticipated for the 2025 IRP final filing on March 31, 2025, but may not be available before that time. 319 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX 0-WASHINGTON CLEAN ENERGY ACTION PLAN 320 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX P-ACRONYMS APPENDIX P - ACRONYMS AB =Assembly Bill AC = alternating current ACE=Affordable Clean Energy Rule ACE=Area Control Error AEG= applied energy group AFSL=average feet(above) sea level AFUDC = allowance for funds used during construction AGC =Automatic Generation Control AH=Ampere hour A/m=Amperes per Meter AMI=Advance Metering Infrastructure AMR=Automated Meter Reading ARO = asset retirement obligation ATC =Available Transmission Capacity(Available Transfer Capacity?) AVR=Automatic Voltage Regulator AWEA=American Wind Energy Association BA—Balancing Authority BAA=Balancing Authority Area BART=Best Available Retrofit Technology BCF/D =billion cubic feet per day BES =Bulk Electric System BLM=Bureau of Land Management BMcD =Burns and McDonnell BPA=Bonneville Power Administration BSER=best system of emission reduction Btu=British thermal unit CAES = compressed air energy storage CAGR= compounded annual average growth rate CAIDI= Customer Average Interruption Duration Index 321 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX P-ACRONYMS CAISO= California Independent System Operator CAP =Community Action Program CARB =California Air Resources Board CARI= Control Area Reliability Issues CCCT= Combined Cycle Combustion Turbine CCGT= Combined Cycle Gas Turbine CCR= coal combustion residual CCS = carbon capture and sequestration/Utah Committee of Consumer Services CEC =California Energy Commission CETA= Clean Energy Transformation Act CF =capacity factor CFL= Compact Fluorescent Light Bulb CIPS = Critical Infrastructure Protection Standards CIS = Corporate Information Security CO =carbon monoxide CO2 =carbon dioxide Cogen= Cogeneration COMPASS = Coordinated Outage Management Planning and Scheduling System? CPA=Conservation Potential Assessment CPU=Clark Public Utilities/cost per unit CPUC = California Public Utilities Commission CREA= Columbia Rural Electric Association CSP= concentrated solar power CTG= Combustion Turbine Generator CUB = (Oregon) Citizen's Utility Board DC =direct current DF= duct firing DG=Distributed Generation DOE=Department of Energy DPU=Utah Division of Public Utilities/Distribution Protection Unit(relay) DR=Demand Response 322 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX P-ACRONYMS DRA=Division of Ratepayer Advocates DSM=demand-side management EBIT=Earnings before Interest and Taxes EDAM=extended day-ahead market EE=Energy Efficiency EEI=Edison Electric Institute EIA=Energy Information Administration EIM=Energy Imbalance Market ELCC =Effective Load Carrying Capacity EPA=Environmental Protection Agency EPC= engineering,procurement, and construction EPM=Energy Portfolio Management System ERC =emission rate credit ETO =Energy Trust of Oregon EUBA=Electric Utility Benchmarking Association EUI=Energy Utilization Index EUL=effective useful life EV=Electric Vehicle FCC =Federal Communications Commission FCRPS =Federal Columbia River Power System FERC =Federal Energy Regulatory Commission FIP = federal implementation plan FIT =Feed-In Tariff FLPMA=Federal Land Policy Management Ace FOTs=Front Office Transactions FRAC =Flexible Resource Adequacy Capacity GAAP =Generally Accepted Accounting Principles GBP =Great Britain Pound GE= General Electric GFCI= Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter GHG=Greenhouse Gas 323 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX P-ACRONYMS GIC =Generation Interconnection Contract GIS = Geographic Information System GPS = Global Positioning System GRC= General Rate Case GRID =Generation and Regulation Decision Model (used for net power cost pricing calc and QF avoided cost calc) GT= Gas Turbine GW= Gigawatt GWh=gigawatt-hours (gigawatt) H=Hour HB =House Bill HCC =Hydro Control Center HRSG=Heat Recovery Steam Generator HVAC =heating, ventilation, and air conditioning Hz=Hertz IBEW=International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers IC =internal combustion ICE=Intercontinental Exchange IECC= International Energy Conservation Code IEEE=Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers IGCC =integrated gasification combined cycle IHS =Information Handling Services ILR=Inverter Loading Ratio IOU= Investor Owned Utility IPC =Idaho Power Company IPP =Independent Power Producer IPOC= Idaho Power Company IPUC= Idaho Public Utility Commission IRA=Inflation Reduction Act IRP= Integrated Resource Plan IS =Information Systems 324 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX P-ACRONYMS ISO =Independent System Operator IT=Information Technology ITC =Investment Tax Credit K=kilo (thousand) Kv=kiloVolt kW=kilowatt kWh=kilowatt-hour kW-yr=Kilowatt-Year kV=kilovolt kVa=kilovolt-ampere kVAr=kilovolt-ampere-reactive kVArh=kilovolt-ampere-reactive-hour Lb=Pound LCOE=Levelized Cost of Energy LED =light emitting diode Li-Ion=lithium-ion battery Lm= lumens LNG=Liquefied Natural Gas LOLH=loss of load hour LOLP = loss of load probability LRA=Local Regulatory Authority LSE= load serving entities MATS =Mercury and Air Toxics Standards MMBpd=Million barrels of oil per day MMBtu=Million British thermal units MSP =Multi-State Process MVA=megavolt-ampere MVAr=megavolt-ampere-reactive MVA LTC =megavolt-ampere, load tap changing M W=Megawatt MWh=megawatt hour 325 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX P-ACRONYMS $MWh= dollars per megawatt hour NAAQS =National Ambient Air Quality Standards NA-PEE=National Action Plan for Energy-Efficiency NCM=nickel cobalt manganese (sub-chemistry of Li-Ion) NEEA=Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance NEEP =Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships NEMA=National Electrical Manufacturer's Association NEMS =National Energy Modeling System NERC =North American Electric Reliability Corporation NH3 =Ammonia NOAAF =National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries NRC=Nuclear Regulatory Commission NREL=National Renewable Energy Laboratory NOx=Nitrogen Oxides NPV=net present value NQC =Net Qualifying Capacity NSPS =new source performance standards NTTG=Northern Tier Transmission Group NWEC =NW Energy Coalition NWPCC =Northwest Power and Conservation Council O&M= operations and maintenance OAR= Oregon Administrative Rules OASIS = Open Access Same Time Information System OATT=Open Access Transmission Tariff ODOE= Oregon Department of Energy ODOT= Oregon Department of Transportation OE= Owner's Engineer OEM=Original Equipment Manufacturer OFPC= Official Forward Price OMS = Outage Management System OPUC = Oregon Public Utility Commission 326 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX P-ACRONYMS ORS =Oregon Revised Statutes OTR= Ozone Transport Rule PAC =PacifiCorp PACE=PacifiCorp East? PaR=Planning and Risk Model PC =pulverized coal PCB =Polychlorinated Biphenyls PC CCS =pulverized coal equipped with carbon capture and sequestration PDDRR=Partial displacement differential revenue requirement methodology(OR QF) PG&E=Pacific Gas & Electric PGE=Portland General Electric PHES =pumped hydro energy storage PJM=no definition PM=particulate matter PM2.5=Particulate Matter 2.5 microns and larger PMIo=Particulate Matter 10 microns and larger PNUCC =Pacific Northwest Utility Coordinating Council POU=Publicly Owned Utility PP=Pacific Power PPA=Power Purchase Agreement Ppb=parts per billion PP&L=Pacific Power& Light Co. ppmvd@15%02 =parts per million, dry-volumetric basis, corrected to 15% Oxygen (02) PRM=Planning Reserve Margin PSC=Public Service Commission PSE=Purchasing-Selling Entity Psia=Pounds per Square Inch-Absolute PTC=Production tax credit PTO =Participating Transmission Owner PTP =point to point PUC =Public Utility Commission 327 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX P-ACRONYMS PURPA=Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act PV=photovoltaic PVRR(d) =present value revenue requirement (delta) PWC =PricewaterhouseCoopers QC = Qualifying Capacity RA=Resource Adequacy RCRA=Resource Conservation and Recovery Act RCW=Revised Code of Washington REA=Rural Electrical Administration/Rural Electrification Administration REC =renewable energy credit(certificate) RFI=request for information RFM=Rate Forecasting Model RFP=Request for Proposal RH=Relative humidity RICE=Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine RMP=Rocky Mountain Power RPS = Renewable Portfolio Standard RTO=Regional Transmission Organization RTF=Regional Technical Forum RTP=real-time pricing RVOS =Resource Value of Solar SAIDI= System Average Interruption Duration Index SAIFI = System Average Interruption Frequency Index SB = Senate Bill SCCT= Simple Combined Cycle Turbine SCPC = Super-critical pulverized coal SCPPA= Southern California Public Power Authority SCR= selective catalytic reduction system SEC= Securities and Exchange Commission SEEM= Simple Energy Enthalpy Model SEPA= Solar Electric Power Association 328 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX P-ACRONYMS SIP = state implementation plan SF = Senate File SF6= Sulfur Hexafluoride SNCR= selective non-catalytic reduction SO= System Optimizer S02= Sulfur Dioxide SOX= Sulfur Oxide SRSG= Southwest reserve sharing group SSR= supply side resource (table) STEP= Sustainable Transportation and Energy Plan STG= Steam turbine generator SWEEP = Southwest Energy Efficiency Project T&D= Transmission&Distribution th=Therm TPL=transmission planning assessment UAE=Utah Association of Energy Consumers UDOT=Utah Department of Transportation UMPA=Utah Municipal Power Agency UNIDO =United Nations Industrial Development Organization UP&L=Utah Power& Light Co. UPC =Use per Residential Customer UCE=Utah Clean Energy UCT=Utility Cost Test VERs =Variable Energy Resources V=volt VA=Volt-ampere VDC =Volts Direct Current VOC =volatile organic compounds W=Watts WAC=Washington Administrative Code WACC =weighted average cost of capital 329 PACIFICORP-2025 IRP APPENDIX P-ACRONYMS WAPA=Western Area Power Administration WCA=West Control Area WECC =Western Electricity Coordinating Council Wh=Watt-hour WIEC =Wyoming Industrial Energy Council WPSC =Wyoming Public Service Commission WRA=Western Resource Advocates WRAP =Western Resource Adequacy Program WREGIS =Western Renewable Generation Information System WSEC=Washington State Energy Code 2015 WSPP=Western Systems Power Pool WTG=wind turbine generator WUTC =Washington Utilities and Transmission Commission 330