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20241230Syringa Press Release 10.pdf.pdf
`,�1/, �' Idaho Public Utilities Commission Brad little,Govemor ` � P.O. Boot 83720. Boise, ID 83720.0074 Eric AnderAn President `� Jdn FtHammot4 Jr,Commissloner Edward Lodge,Commisslomr Case No. SWI-W-24-02 Order No. 36431 Contact: Adam Rush Office: (208) 334-0339 E-mail: adam.rush@puc.idaho.gov NEWS RELEASE: Commission schedules public workshop to share information on northern Idaho water utility. BOISE (Dec. 30, 2024)—Idaho Public Utilities Commission staff will hold a workshop on Jan. 21, 2025, to provide an overview of the commission's function and operations. Staff also will answer questions from customers regarding a local water utility. The commission has received comments from customers of Syringa Water Inc. expressing concern about recent rate increases. Commission staff have been ordered to investigate service rates of the utility, have submitted questions to Syringa Water and will make a recommendation at some point to the commission regarding the utility's rates. The workshop will be held Tuesday, Jan. 21, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (PST) in the Molstead Library's Todd Lecture Hall at North Idaho College, 875 W. Garden Avenue, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814. A map of the campus is attached to this release with a red arrow pointing to the library. The utility serves 78 customers along the northern part of Lake Coeur d'Alene in Kootenai County. Additional information is available at: puc.idaho.gov/case/Details/7400. North Idaho College 1000 W. Garden Ave. • Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 ///Am(208) 769-3300 • (877) 404-4536 1N Coeur d'Alene Campus Map � PARKING T °�� _ %r Building Information, Campus Parking Information, Req�ired and Off-Campus Locations are located on the back. �I O PARKING LOTA Ge„ea Dr. —■ HEADWATERS COMPLEX 1 Q PARKING LOT z ® ® © / PARKING Qo �O� 0 River Ave. River Ave. Co ® iJ O PUBLIC o o. RESTROOMS Ile o O Will EMERGENCY TELEPHONES O0 a I I q HANDICAP PARKING o Garden Ave. . Garden Ave. Garden Ave Gaya°c AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATOR(AED) c PERMIT PARKING n.in0 ® 1pa aEis Field ter a � o ® STUDENTS © RESIDENT on O � STUDENTS tr ® ® t " EMPLOYEES 11 YaP-Keehn-V Rosenberry Dr. 1 m each O O a VISITOR � Tobacco-free en PARKING �,college O: Lake Coeur d'Alene I ic.edu METERED PARKING To ensure a safe and healthy environment for students,employees,and visitors,North Idaho College prohibits the use of any tobacco products including e-cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products on campus. If the format of any material in this document interferes with your ability to access the information,please e-mail us at MOTORCYCLE communityrelations@nic.edu,call us at(208)769-4059 or write to us at:North Idaho College,Communications and PARKING Marketing,1000 W.Garden Ave.,Coeur d'Alene,ID 83814. North Idaho College Building Information 0 McLain Hall(MCL) O Residence Hall (RES) 0 Hedlund Building (HED) 460 N.College Dr. 518 N.College Dr. 420 N.College Dr. Outdoor Center,Graphic and Web Design Student Housing Emery's Restaurant,Gizmo-CDA,Idaho Small Program Business Development Center,Venture Center, OPost Hall (PST) Business and Professional Programs Division, QQ Lee-Kildow Hall (LKH) 536 N.College Dr. Job Corps,University of Idaho 471 N.College Dr. Athletics Department;Physical Education, Cardinal Central(Campus Information, Dance,and Resort/Recreation Management m Sherman Building(SHE) Student ID,Parking Services),Admissions, Division 1000 W.Garden Ave. Office of Finance and Business,Financial Aid, President's Office,Community Relations, Student Finance,Registrar,Cardinal Learning m Fort Sherman Officers' Quarters Communications and Marketing,NIC Commons(Math Education Center,Academic (FSQ) Foundation,Alumni Association,Grants Tutoring),English and Humanities Division, 1025 W.Garden Ave. Social and Behavioral Sciences Division, Heritage Conference Room 0 Boswell Hall(BOS) Center for New Directions,Dual Credit 880 W.Garden Ave. Q Workforce Training Center Schuler Performing Arts Center;Corner QChristianson Gymnasium(GYM) 525 Clearwater Lp.,Post Falls Gallery;Communication and Fine Arts Division 481 N.College Dr. Workforce Training,Community Education Athletics Department,Gymnasium 0 Molstead Library(MOL) O Lakeside Center(LKC) 875 W.Garden Ave. Edminster Student Union Building489 N.College Dr. Library,Todd Lecture Hall,Testing Center, (SUB) Children's Center Computer Labs,Office of Instruction,Office of 495 N.College Dr. O Winton Hall(WIN) Planning and Effectiveness,eLearning,Adult Market Food Court,Caffeinated Cardinal, 536 N.College Dr. Education Center/GEDO Cardinal Bookstore,ASNIC Student Dental Hygiene Clinic Government Offices,Student Services O Sunspot (Advising),Career Services,Veteran and O Bob and Leona DeArmond Concessions and rentals(June-September) Military Family Services,Auxiliary Services, Building(DARM) American Indian Student Advisor,TRIO,Food r Headwaters Complex 901 W.River Ave. Pantry,Student Involvement,Title IX and New Student Welcome Center,University of O Facilities Operations(HWCA) Student Conduct,Victim Advocate and Idaho Office,Lewis-Clark State College Office 701 W.River Ave. Violence Prevention Custodial Services,Fleet Services-Key pick-up O Meyer Health and Sciences Lee Hall Annex(LHA) O Human Resources(HWCB)y 485 N.Colleoe Dr. 710 Military Dr. Building (MHS) Writing Center,Modern Languages Lab 521 N.College Dr. O Maintenance Department(HWCC) Health Professions and Nursing Division, ® Seiter Hall (STR) 724 Military Dr. Natural Sciences Division,Labs,DeArmond 475 N.College Dr. Auditorium,Rolphe Auditorium Math,Computer Science,and Engineering O Landscape Services(HWCE) Division;Counseling,Disability Support 719 Military Dr. 0 Siebert Building (SBT) Services m Security(HWCD) 430 N.College Dr. 703 Military Dr. Information Technology,The Sentinel,Mail O Fort Sherman Powder Magazine and Copy Center,Fleet Services (FSM) O Student Wellness and Recreation OIndustrial Arts IND 530 N.College Dr. Center(SWRC) ( ) Study Area/Meeting Space 920 W.River Ave. 466 N.College Dr. Recreational Sports,Learning Labs Carpentry Lab Campus • & Parking 1: • • •/ /: • • 1 All passenger vehicles—with the exceptions of vehicles Visitor Permits Campus Security with a handicap plate or placard and motorcycles—are Visitor passes are required during the times when parking 703 Military Dr.,Coeur d'Alene,ID 83814 required to display a current parking permit during Fall and permits are required.Visitor passes are available in the Security reports,fire reports,crime statistics,and safety Spring Semesters.Parking permits must be displayed from Sherman Building,the DeArmond Building and Cardinal tips:nic.edu/security. the vehicle's rear-view mirror with the front of the permit Central in Lee-Kildow Hall.A visitor is defined as any person facing outward. other than a student,staff member or faculty member of Permits are required during Fall and Spring Semesters: North Idaho College.Visitor permits are free. Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m.to 4 p.m. Winter Parking Friday from 7:30 a.m.to 2:30 p.m. From November 1 to March 15,do not park vehicles Off-Campus • • overnight on college streets,College Drive,West Garden ns Parking permits are not required during Summer Session. Avenue or NIC parking lots.Limited overnight parking is Rosenberry Drive,Hubbard Avenue and parking lot A on available in the west row of the North Molstead lot-look for NIC at Sandpoint Hubbard Avenue near Northwest Boulevard do not require the overnight parking signs.Overnight parking will be (208)263-4594 parking permits throughout the academic year. enforced seven days a week from midnight to 6 a.m. 515 Pine St.,Ste.G Vehicles parked overnight in areas other than the designated Sandpoint,ID 83864 Visit nic.edu/parking for regulations,information and overnight parking spots during the winter will be issued online services,including purchasing parking permits. citations and towed when snow removal is in progress. Workforce Training Center Emergencies Citations (208)769-3214525 Clearwater Lp. Call 911 immediately and then call NIC Security at Illegally parked vehicles and/or vehicles without a visible (208)769-3310 to report any crime or medical emergency permit will be ticketed.Fines are payable online at Post Falls,ID 83854 that is in progress.Contact NIC Security to report any nic.edu/parking.The fine will be reduced if paid within Workforce Training Center suspicious behavior,to request a security escort or for other seven days.Fines are not reduced for handicap and fire lane assistance. violations.An additional fine will be assessed if the fine Law Enforcement Program remains unpaid after 30 days.Students with unpaid parking Kaniksu Building Metered Parking tickets may lose course registration privileges and/or be 510 Clearwater Lp. All vehicles parked at the meters are required to pay placed on Academic Hold. Post Falls,ID 83854 Vehicles displaying a parking permit are required to pay when parking at the meters.Vehicles with handicap plates or Appeal Process Parker Technical Education Center placard may park at the meters for free. An appeal must be made within seven business days of the (208)769-4040 date of citation.Appeal parking citations online at 7064 W.Lancaster Rd. nic.edu/parking. Rathdrum,ID 83858 r230110vla