HomeMy WebLinkAbout20241227Comments_2.pdf The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Kathryn Dang
Submission Time: Dec 27 2024 9:57AM
Email: 1dang.mama@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-319-4762
Address: 1908 N 28Th St
Boise, ID 83703-5838
Name of Utility Company:Veolia
Case ID: VEO-W-24-01
Comment: "To the Idaho Public Utilities Commission- I am opposed the the requested rate increase of
20.5% per customer by Veolia Water.The company requested increased rates in 2022 (24.1%) and was
approved for 7.06%. In their letter to shareholders, available on their compnay website,the company
states that it aims to grow their US Revenue 50% by 2027. It seems they plan to achieve this by
increasing customer rates.The current proposed rate increase for customers would result in an increase
of company revenues of 19.8% ($11.5 million) per year.
As our Public Utilities Commission, we customers expect you to be working on the behalf of the public.
Custoers should only be responsible for "Fair& Reasonable Rates."Veolia is responssible for upkeep
and improvement of our systems and it is unreasonable for them to ask for rate increases that are
intended to increase corporate profit.Their stated Revenue Growth from 2019-2023 was 260%, resulting
in $3.6 Billion dollars in sales. At some point, it is enough.
In addition, Veolia contacts customers directly with offers of"Service Plan Coverage" of varying types
through Home Serve USA. It is unclear what their profit is from this endeavor in addition to their
monthly rates.
I request that you work Veolia to insure their service to our public is for the benefit of the customers and
the municipalities where they reside.
Thank you for your consideration."
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Richard Briggs
Submission Time: Dec 27 2024 1:21PM
Email: Receationrick@Yahoo.Com
Telephone: 208-573-2488
Address: 536 N. Edgewood Ln
Eagle, ID 83616
Name of Utility Company:Veolia
Case ID: VEO-W-24-01
Comment: "I'm in agreement with most of the rest of the comments.Veolia took over from Eagle Water
Company and in doing so, said the rate would be adjusted.They already received approval to raise the
rates over then next 5 years, which, us in Eagle had no say in the matter. Seems to me t be a little money
hungry to make as much profit in as little amount of time possible. We all know, once rates go up,they
will never go down. I would think they would be on the same playing field as Idaho Power, in good water
years, rates should be adjusted accordingly.
Thank You, Rick Briggs "