HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmbarq Payphone Merging into CenturyLink Public Commun.pdfCenturyLinka RECElVED R CE I V D SEP 26 PM 2:i l SE 2019 DEPA ENT F FINANCE STATE OF I HO Re:CenturyLink Merger of Affiliated Companies and Name Change In accordancewith the notice provision of any agreementyou may have with the CenturyLink affiliatelistedbelow,please accept this letter as notice of a corporaterestructuring and name change. CenturyLinkhas completed an internal reorganization resulting in Embarq Payphone Services,Inc.merging into CenturyLink Public Communications,Inc.Enclosed is a Name ChangeRider for the suretybondheldinyourname. Please note that there will be no change to the amount or effective date of your surety bond. If you have any questions,please contact me at traci.jarvis@centurylink.com CenturyLinkappreciates doing business with you and will be glad to assist you through these changes. Sincerely, Traci Jarvis Traci Jarvis Executive/Financial InsuranceProgram Manager SURETY RIDER To be attached to and form a part of Bond NO.KO8792008 dated 2/28/2014 effective (MONTH-DAY-YEAR) executed by Embarq Payphone Services,Inc. ,as Principal, (PRINCIPAL) and by Westchester Fire Insurance Company ,as Surety, in favor of State of Idaho,Department of Finance (OBLIGEE) in consideration of the mutual agreements herein contained the Principal and the Surety hereby consent to changing The Principal name from:Embarq Payphone Services,Inc. To:CenturyLink Public Communications,Inc. Nothing herein contained shall vary,alter or extend any provision or condition of this bond except as herein expressly stated. This rider is effective 9/12/2019 (MONTH-DAY-YEAR) Signed and Sealed 9/12/2019 (MONTH-DAY-YEAR) CenturyLink Public Communications,Inc. (PRINCIPAL)4 (PRINCWAL) Westchester Fire Insurance Company By: Stacy Killebrew ,Attorney-in-Fact S 0443/GEEF 10/99 Power of Attorney Westchester Fire InsuranceCornpanyj ACE American Insurance Company Know All by These Presents,that WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY and ACE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY corporations of the Commonwealth ofPennsylvania.doeachherebyconstituteandappoint Kathleen K.Freund and Stacy Killebrew of Denver,Colorado ---- each as their true and lawful Attorney-in-Fact to execute under such designation in their names and to affix their corporate seals to and deliver for and on their behalf as suretythereonorotherwise,bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof (other than bail bonds)given or executed in the course of business,and anyinstrumentsamendingoralteringthesame,and consents to the modification or alteration ofany instrument referred to in said bonds or obligations. In Witness Whereof,WESTCHESTER FIRE lNSURANCE COMPANY and ACE AMERICAN lNSURANCE COMPANY have each executed and attested these presents and affixed theircorporatesealsonthis156dayofJuly,2019. Dawn X Chlorm Assistant Secretary Stephen M Haney \ice Presidem STATE OF NEWJERSEY County of Hunterdon SE On this 156 day of July,2019,before me,a Notary Public of New Jersey,personally came Dawn M.Chloros,to me known to be Assistant Secretary of WESTCHESTER FIREINSURANCECOMPANYandACEAMERlCANINSURANCECOMPANY,the companies which executed the foregoing Powerof Attorney,and the said Dawn M.Chloros,being by medulysworn,did depose and say that she is Assistant Secretary of WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY and ACE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY and knows thecorporatesealsthereof,that the seals affixed to the foregoing Powerof Attorney are such corporate seals and were thereto affixed by authority of said Companies;and that shesignedsaidPowerofAttorneyasAssistantSecretaryofsaidCompaniesbylikeauthority;and that she is acquaintedwith Stephen M.Haney,and knows him to be Vice President ofsaidCompanies;and that the signature of Stephen M.Haney,subscribed to said Powerof Attorney is in the genuinehandwriting of Stephen M.Haney,and was thereto subscribedbyauthorityofsaidCompaniesandindeponent'spresence. Notarial Seal ROSE CURTIS NOTAAY PUBUC OF NEW JERSEYNo.50072400mEgasmaam \utar)PuNic CERTIFICATIONResolutionsadoptedbytheBoardsofDirectorsofWESTCHESTERFIREINSURANCECOMPANY on December 11,2006;ACE AMERlCAN INSURANCE COMPANY on March 20,2009: "RESOLVED.that the following authorizationsrelateto the execution,forand on behalfof the Company.of bonds.undertakings,recognizances,contractsand otherwritten commitments ofthe Companyenteredintointheordinarycourseofbusiness(each a "Written Commitment"): 0)Each of the Chairman,the President and the Vice Presidents of the Companyis hereby authorized to executeanyWritten Commitment for and on behalfof the Company,underthesealoftheCompanyorotherwise. (2)Each duly appointed attorney-in-factof the Companyis herebyauthorized to executeany Written Commitment for and on behalfof the Company,under the seal of the Companyorotherwise,to theextentthat such action is authorized by the grant ofpowersprovided for in such person's written appointment as such attorney-in-fact. (3)Each of the Chairman,the President and the Vice Presidentsof the Companyis herebyauthorized,for and on behalfofthe Company,to appoint in writing any person the attorney-in-fact of the Company with full power andauthority to execute,for and on behalf ofthe Company.Under the seal ofthe Companyor otherwise,such Written CommitmentsoftheCompanyasmaybespecifiedinsuchwrittenappointment,which specification maybe by general type or class of Written Commitments or by specificationof one or more particularWrittenCommitments. (4)Each of the Chairman,the President and the Vice Presidents of the Companyis herebyauthorized,for and on behalfofthe Company,to delegate in writing to any other officeroftheCompanytheauthoritytoexecute,for and on behalf of the Company,under the Company's seal or otherwise,such Written Commitmentsofthe Companyas are specifiedin suchwrittendelegation,which specification may be by general typeor class of Written Commitments or byspecificationofone or more particular Written Commitments. (5)The signatureofany officer or other person executinganyWritten Commitmentor appointment or delegationpursuantto this Resolution.and the seal ofthe Company,maybe affixedbyfacsimileonsuchWrittenCommitmentorwrittenappointmentordelegation. FURTHER RESOLVED,that the foregoing Resolution shall not be deemedto be an exclusivestatementof the powersand authority ofofficers,employeesand other persons to act for and on behalfoftheCompany,andsuch Resolutionshall not limit or otherwise affectthe exerciseofany such poweror authority otherwisevalidlygrantedor vested." 1,Dawn M.Chloros,Assistant Secretary of WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY and ACE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (the "Companies")do hereby certify that (i)the foregoing Resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors of the Companies are true,correct and in full force and effect,(ii)the foregoing Powerof Attorney is true,correct and in full force and effect. Given under my hand and seals of said Companies at WhitehouseStation,Nj,this September12,2019 Dawn R Chloros.Assistam Secretary IN THE EVENT YOU WISH TO VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY OF THIS BOND OR NOTIFY US OF ANY OTHER MATTER,PLEASE CONTACT US AT:Telephone(908)903-3493 Fax (908)903-3656 e-mail:surety@chubb.com