HomeMy WebLinkAbout20241223Comments_11.pdf The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Neil Barson
Submission Time: Dec 20 2024 3:34PM
Email: neilmbarson2699@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-860-1011
Address: 7882 S. Cross Fox Dr.
Boise, ID 83709
Name of Utility Company:Veolia Water
Case ID: VEO-W-24-01
Comment: "To Whom It May Concern:
I oppose any rate increase for Veolia. Customers' incomes have not increased by 20.5%. We are
tightening our belts. So should Veolia.
Neil Barson"
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: William Boyer
Submission Time: Dec 212024 8:56AM
Email: clbwfb@gmail.com
Telephone: 208-870-9808
Address: 2748 N Terrace Way
Boise, ID 83702
Name of Utility Company: veolia
Case ID: VEO-W-24-01
Comment: "I strongly oppose any rate increase to the residence of Boise. A 20.5% cost increase is
outrageous, and should be an embarrassment by Veolia to even begin the negotiating process to the
PUC. It really burns that our Idaho water is being managed by a French company, its just not right.
Inflation is out of control therefore the cost of living and property taxes are driving people out of their
homes. Five percent rate increase is high but should be the PUC final rate allowed to Veolia."
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Peg Richards
Submission Time: Dec 212024 9:01AM
Email: trekiemom@yahoo.com
Telephone: 208-863-2590
Address: 6419 W Russett St
Boise, ID 83704
Name of Utility Company:Veolia
Case ID: VEO-W-24-01
Comment: "I adamantly appose any more price hikes from this company ... I used to pay$10 per billing
in the off months for water,sometimes as low as$5, never paid more than $60-70 during the summer
months ... then this organization took control and the bill went to a minimum of$26 every time whether
I used that much water or not ... now it's$32 every billing minimum, if I use more water in the summer
months it goes up even higher than previously...This organization has been out making repairs in my
neighborhood, shut off the water, and didn't have materials in Spanish so my neighbors didn't even
understand what was happening. Very inaccessible and troublesome organization."
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Christopher Lutzow
Submission Time: Dec 212024 11:44AM
Email: crlutzow@gmail.com
Address: 10809 West Hinsdale St
Boise, ID 83713
Name of Utility Company:Veolia
Case ID: VEO-W-24-01
Comment: "Veolia posted a profit of 45.4 BILLION Euros in 2023. Locally,they already have a profit rate
of about 4.8%. 1 don't have canal water for irrigation; I rely on city water provided by Veolia. As such, my
water utility bill is already higher than the norm for the area. I don't have the option to change utilities,
so to me this increase is tantamount to blackmail.
I understand that they invested in infrastructure, but that is business overhead and isn't an excuse to
have my water bill jacked up unnecessarily. Veolia wants to serve as a public utility, which means less
profit.They are and will remain a profitable enterprise, and the rate increase is simply a burden to area
Please, don't allow my and other Idaho locals have to pay more exorbitant fees. Our rates have gone up
enough over the past several years and enough is enough.
Thank you for your time and consideration."
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Submission Time: Dec 212024 1:37PM
Address: 6515 E BLACK GOLD ST
BOISE, ID 83716
Name of Utility Company:VEOLIA
Case ID: VEO-W-24-01
Comment: "I oppose the 20.5% price hike for Veolia customers in Boise because the extra 74 million is
what will line the pockets of the CEO and executives. It is a fact that the executive branch at Veoila is
making more money than what any human deserves.According to the rankings of their company, most
of the employees are making 40%salary less than their counterparts at similar sized companies. I urge
the commission to review and critique the cost of justifying a 74 million dollar raise.Just ask the
question, "What are the dollar amounts of the bonuses the executives at Veolia have received annually
for the past 5 years?" I am sure the value would be equal or greater than what it is going to cost hard
working Idahoans. It's time for corporations and CEO's to pay their share and stop getting rich off hard
working Americans. What improvements are they making for Idahoans that justify a 20.5% increase, I
would like to see the proposals in writing.Thank you for your time. "
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name:J C
Submission Time: Dec 212024 3:49PM
Email: danteisacat@yahoo.com
Telephone: 208-336-8452
Address: 77 Idaho Street
Boise, ID 83714
Name of Utility Company:Veolia
Case ID: VEO-W-24-01
Comment: "Greetings,
I have a comment concerning Veolia's request for 74 million dollars in drinking water investments. While
I'm not opposed to improvements the proposed increase is way too high. I already work hard to keep
my water usage low, not so much as to conserve water, but to keep the cost of the water bill down. As it
is, I don't see a difference in cost from 3 CCFs to 2 CCFs. Increasing the bill by$6.77 per month is only
going to add to consumers' financial stress. Keep in Veolia bills 2 months at a time the additional cost
will be $13.54.
This project needs to be drastically modified. The projects need to be prioritized and the percentage
increase shouldn't be more than 3%.
J C"
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Earl Fish
Submission Time: Dec 212024 9:16PM
Email: fishearl@otc.isu.edu
Telephone: 208-863-0522
Address: 6394 S Rockrose Way
Boise, ID 83716
Name of Utility Company:VEOLIA
Case ID: VEO-W-24-01
Comment: "I would like to express my sincere concern regarding the proposed increase in water rates. I
am fully against this proposal. VEOLIA spent this money without public input and is now putting us in a
position to reimburse them. This is a backdoor method to strong arm the rise in rates. In order to be
above board,this request should have been made prior to the expenditures being made. Are we to feel
guilty now that the money has been spent and just agree to the increase? No, next time be honest and
seek approval before making the expenditures or pay for them yourself."
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Jacquelyn Jarboe
Submission Time: Dec 22 2024 3:07PM
Telephone: 208-338-9183
Address: 3754 N Sanada Way
Boise, ID 83702
Name of Utility Company:Veoliz
Case ID: VEI-W-24-01
Comment: "I am write in regard to the rate hike proposed by Veolia. I want the water system to be kept
up. This 20% rate hike is too much at once. People are already dealing inflation and overpriced housing.
I don't want to see them and to struggle with such a basic need as water."
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Eileen Stachowski
Submission Time: Dec 23 2024 8:04AM
Email: stachowskieileen@gmail.com
Telephone: 585-469-0471
Address:4621 West Morris Hill Road
Boise, ID 83706
Name of Utility Company:Veolia
Case ID: VEO-W-24-01
Comment: "It is hard to justify a 20% rate increase when 1)the company already had a rate hike
approved within the last two years 2)the CEO is a highly compensated individual, and 3) a water should
be a basic human right.The burden is being unfairly shifted onto customers, many of whom are already
struggling with rising costs. Water is a basic necessity, not a luxury, and these constant price hikes only
add to the financial strain of the working class. "
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Gregg Servheen
Submission Time: Dec 23 2024 2:18PM
Email: gregg.servheen@me.com
Telephone: 208-871-7712
Address: 2816 S Colorado Ave
Boise, ID 83706
Name of Utility Company:Veolia
Case ID: VEO-W-24-01
Comment: "I am opposed to Veolia's request to raise the rates of their rates for purposes of recovering
as much as$74M worth of"customer improvements"they allege to have made or will make to the
water system they are obligated to service and support. I support no rate increase at all. "
The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb:
Name: Richard Meyer
Submission Time: Dec 23 2024 3:09PM
Email: rdotmever@outlook.com
Address: 5951 S Aleut Ave
Boise, ID 83709
Name of Utility Company:Veolia Water
Case ID: VEO-W-24-01
Comment: "I think the proposed rate increase is out of line with the rate adjustments provided to
residents that are on fixed incomes. social security received a COLA adjustment of 2.5%,with a 20.5%
increase the impact to me is a negative 18%,which means that you have decreased my social security
significantly. If a consumer has to live in a budget, why shouldn't a utility or a public service provider?
Why shouldn't Veolia be required to live with a 2.5 % increase and work within their budget. Also, I
don't think it is my responsibility to fund their growth, at some point in the future will I get a rate
reduction because they increased their customer base. Lastly, why shouldn't all customers by
classification receive the same rate increase? Why should a customer in Eagle have a lower adjustment
than a customer in Boise? I think the statement to justify a rate increase because our rates are
competitive is absurd. Justifying a rate increase because we're lower or competitive is counter to the
function of the service. It should be the goal of the public service to provide the customer with
exceptional service at the lowest functioning rate, not at the rate of a less effective comparable service.
Will the rates be lowered when the upgrade is paid for?
Thank You"