HomeMy WebLinkAbout20241218Direct Donn English.pdf RECEIVED Wednesday, December 18, 2024 2:47:01 PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE ) APPLICATION OF ROCKY ) CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 MOUNTAIN POWER FOR ) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS ) RATES AND CHARGES IN IDAHO ) AND APPROVAL OF PROPOSED ) ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES ) AND REGULATIONS ) DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DONN ENGLISH IN SUPPORT OF THE STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION DECEMBER 18, 2024 I Q. Please state your name and business address? 2 A. My name is Donn English. My business address is 3 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. , BLDG 8, STE 201-A, Boise, Idaho 4 83714 . 5 Q. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? 6 A. I am employed by the Idaho Public Utilities 7 Commission ("Commission") as a Program Manager overseeing 8 the Accounting and Finance Department in the Utilities 9 Division. 10 Q. Please describe your educational background and 11 professional experience . 12 A. I was hired by the Commission in 2003 and I have 13 provided testimony and recommendations in numerous 14 proceedings . My educational background and professional 15 experiences are provided in Exhibit No . 101 . 16 Q. What is the purpose of your testimony in this 17 proceeding? 18 A. The purpose of my testimony is to describe Rocky 19 Mountain Power' s ("Rocky Mountain" or "Company") 20 Application to increase its rates and charges for electric 21 service in Idaho, describe the proposed Settlement 22 Stipulation ("Settlement") reached by the parties in this 23 case, and explain Staff' s support for the proposed 24 Settlement . 25 Q. How is your testimony organized? CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 1 12/18/2024 STAFF I A. My testimony is organized under the following 2 headings : 3 Background Page 2 4 Staff Investigation Page 4 5 Settlement Evaluation Page 6 6 Settlement Overview Page 7 7 Background 8 Q. Please describe Rocky Mountain' s Application. 9 A. Rocky Mountain made its original filing with the 10 Idaho Public Utilities Commission on May 31, 2024, 11 requesting authority to increase its revenue by $92 . 4 12 million, or approximately 26 . 8 percent . The Company 13 requested to mitigate the proposed increase by phasing in 14 the base net power cost increase over two years . The 15 first-year increase of $66 . 7 million, or 19 . 4 percent, 16 would be effective on January 1, 2025, while a second 17 increase of $25 . 7 million, or 7 . 4 percent, would take 18 effect on January 1, 2026 . The Company' s proposed increase 19 was based on a historical twelve-month period ending 20 December 31, 2023, adjusted for known and measurable 21 changes through December 31, 2024 . The Company proposed a 22 hypothetical capital structure with 50 . 0 percent equity and 23 a return on equity of 10 . 3 percent, for an overall weighted 24 average cost of capital of 7 . 69 percent . 25 The Company' s Application reflected net power CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 2 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 costs ("NPC") of $2 . 382 billion on a total-Company basis 2 and $136 . 7 million on an Idaho jurisdictional basis . The 3 Company also requested a modification to the sharing band 4 in the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism ("ECAM") so that 95 5 percent of the NPC variances will be passed through the 6 mechanism and the remaining five percent of the NPC 7 variances will be excluded. Additionally, the Company 8 proposed to remove the REC revenue adjustment from the ECAM 9 calculation and instead offer a new voluntary renewable 10 energy credit option tariff and new REC revenue adjustment 11 tariff. 12 Finally, the Company requested approval of two 13 proposals it claimed would help position itself to respond 14 to financial risk posed by the increasing frequency and 15 severity of wildfires impacting its service territory. The 16 first proposal was for an Insurance Cost Adjustment ("ICA") 17 to recover the costs for excess liability insurance through 18 a separate surcharge . The second proposal was to begin 19 recovery of a Catastrophic Fire Fund to create a multi- 20 state risk pool for potential catastrophic events where 21 third-party liabilities are in excess of the Company' s 22 insurance coverage . 23 Q. How was the case processed after the Company' s 24 Application was received? 25 A. The Commission issued a combined Notice of CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 3 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 Application and Notice of Intervention Deadline on June 20, 2 2024 . The Notice established an Intervention Deadline of 3 July 11, 2024 . Intervenor status was subsequently granted 4 to the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. ("IIPA") , 5 P4 Production L.L.C. an affiliation of Bayer Corporation 6 ("Bayer") , and Pacificorp Idaho Industrial Customers 7 ("PIIC") . The Idaho Conservation League also intervened, 8 but later withdrew from the case . 9 The Company, Staff, IIPA, Bayer, and PIIC 10 (collectively the "Parties") participated in two in-person 11 settlement conferences and several virtual meetings, and on 12 December 6, 2024, a comprehensive Settlement Stipulation 13 was filed with the Commission, signed by all parties . 14 Staff Investigation 15 Q. What type of investigation did Staff conduct to 16 evaluate the Company' s rate increase request? 17 A. Staff' s approach in any general rate case is to 18 extensively review the Company' s Application and associated 19 testimony, attachments, exhibits, and workpapers; identify 20 adjustments to its revenue requirement, revenue 21 normalization, rate spread, and rate design; and prepare to 22 file testimony for a fully litigated proceeding. There 23 were 18 Staff members analyzing this case, including 24 auditors, engineers, utility analysts, and consumer 25 investigators, and supervisors . Staff auditors reviewed CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 4 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 the Company' s 2023 results of operations, 2024 capital 2 budgets, capital spending trends, operations and 3 maintenance ("0&M") expenses and trends and verified all of 4 the Company' s calculations and assumptions regarding the 5 overall revenue requirement . The auditors reviewed 6 thousands of transactions, selected samples, and performed 7 transaction testing in accordance with standard audit 8 practices . Staff reviewed the Company' s labor expense, 9 incentive plans, and employee benefits to ensure the 10 appropriate level of expenditures are included in rates . 11 Staff reviewed both completed and proposed 12 Company investments to determine the prudence of capital 13 additions . Expenditures including pension expense, 14 salaries, and 0&M expense were also examined. 15 Additionally, Staff evaluated the Company' s cost of 16 capital, capital structure, class cost of service, rate 17 spread, and revenue normalization. In total, Staff 18 propounded 286 production requests, performed onsite audits 19 in Portland and Salt Lake City, and held several virtual 20 meetings with Company personnel as a part of its 21 comprehensive investigation. Staff also reviewed the 22 Company' s responses to 198 production requests submitted by 23 intervening parties . Based on its investigation, Staff was 24 prepared to defend over 81 proposed adjustments to the 25 Company' s revenue requirement in testimony and at hearing. CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 5 12/18/2024 STAFF I Settlement Evaluation 2 Q. How did Staff determine that the overall 3 Settlement was reasonable? 4 A. In every settlement evaluation, Staff and other 5 parties must examine the risks of losing positions at 6 hearing and determine if the settlement agreement is a 7 better overall outcome . Staff must evaluate each 8 individual adjustment and determine the likelihood of the 9 Commission accepting or rejecting Staff' s rationale for the 10 adjustment . Ultimately, Staff' s intent in every settlement 11 conference is to negotiate the best possible outcome for 12 customers . 13 Q. Does Staff support the proposed Settlement as 14 reasonable? 15 A. Yes . After a comprehensive review of the 16 Company' s Application, thorough audit of the Company' s 17 books and records, and extensive negotiations with the 18 Parties to the case, Staff supports the proposed 19 Settlement . The proposed settlement is the result of 20 extensive negotiations with and compromises by of all the 21 Parties who often have conflicting interests . The proposed 22 Settlement offers a reasonable balance between the 23 Company' s opportunity to earn a reasonable return on its 24 investment and affordable rates for customers . Staff 25 believes the proposed Settlement, supported by the Parties, CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 6 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 is in the public interest; fair, just, and reasonable; and 2 should be approved by the Commission. 3 Settlement Overview 4 Revenue Requirement 5 Q. Would you please describe the terms of the 6 proposed Settlement? 7 A. The proposed Settlement provides a reduction in 8 the Company' s requested revenue requirement . Instead of 9 the Company' s proposed base rate increase of $92 . 4 million, 10 or 26 . 8 percent, over two years, Idaho base rates would 11 increase by $57 . 94 million, or 16 . 8 percent, effective 12 January 1, 2025, with no additional base rate increase for 13 2026 . Additionally, the Parties agree to an estimated 14 $32 . 5 million reduction to the Company' s recovery of 15 deferred power costs in the SCAM effective simultaneously 16 with the base rate increase, for a net increase of $25 . 44 17 million, or 7 . 4 percent . 18 Q. How was the final revenue requirement determined? 19 A. The final revenue requirement was agreed upon 20 through intense negotiations with the Parties . The 21 derivation of the final revenue requirement is shown below: 22 23 24 25 CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 7 12/18/2024 STAFF I (millions) 2 Requested Increase per Application $ 92 . 40 3 Change to Rate of Return - 7 . 250 $ (6 . 90) 4 Remove Catastrophic Fire Fund $ (11 . 10) 5 Reduce Net Power Costs $ (8 . 46) 6 Remove Susp. /Cancelled Projects $ (0 . 70) 7 Unspecified Adjustment $ (7 . 30) 8 Total Adjustments $ (34 . 46) 9 Total Revenue Requirement Change $ 57 . 94 10 Reduction to ECAM Recovery (est. ) $ (32 . 50) 11 Net Rate Change Jan 1 , 2025 (est. ) $ 25 . 44 12 13 Q. Please describe how the Settlement treats the 14 Company' s capital structure and rate of return . 15 A. The Settlement reduces the Company' s overall rate 16 of return from the proposed 7 . 69 percent to 7 . 25 percent . 17 The capital structure, cost of debt, and return on equity 18 are not specified in the Settlement . This adjustment 19 reduces the Company' s Application by $6 . 9 million. 20 Q. Please describe the provisions in the Settlement 21 as they relate to the Company' s rate base . 22 A. The Parties agree that the revenue increase in 23 the Settlement does not represent agreement or acceptance 24 by any Party on any specific revenue requirement 25 methodology. The Settlement is explicitly silent on the CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 8 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 use of an average rate base methodology or a terminal 2 (year-end) methodology. 3 With regards to specific capital projects included in 4 the Settlement revenue requirement, the Parties agree that 5 the base rate includes recovery of the Gateway South and 6 Gateway West transmission projects, as well as the Rock 7 River I, Foot Creek II-IV, and Rock Creek I wind projects . 8 The Company agrees to file an attestation that the 9 transmission projects are in service prior to the rate 10 effective date . The Parties also agree that the Company' s 11 revenue requirement should be reduced by approximately 12 $700, 000 for projects included in the Company' s Application 13 that were either suspended or cancelled during 2024 . 14 The Parties reserve the right to review and provide 15 recommendations to the Commission in the Company' s next 16 general rate case on the recovery of capital costs 17 associated with a large transmission level line extension 18 in Oregon (Project Specialized) . 19 Lastly, the Parties agree to reduce the revenue 20 requirement proposed in the Company' s Application by $7 . 3 21 million for an unspecified ("black box") adjustment to 22 account for remaining issues in which no agreement was 23 explicitly reached, but rather as a compromise for all 24 Parties to accept the Settlement . 25 Q. Please describe the adjustment for the CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 9 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 Catastrophic Fire Fund and any provisions in the Settlement 2 for Insurance Premiums? 3 A. In its application, the Company included $11 . 10 4 million for recovery through a surcharge for Idaho' s 5 participation in a proposed Catastrophic Fire Fund. The 6 Catastrophic Fire Fund would assist the Company with the 7 growing risk of wildfire liability and would be available 8 for the Company to pay large claims that exceed the 9 Company' s insurance coverage . In the Settlement, the 10 Company withdrew its proposal, and the stipulated revenue 11 requirement removes the $11 . 10 million from the Company' s 12 Application. However, the Company reserves the right to 13 propose the mechanism in a future proceeding. 14 Although there is no specific revenue requirement 15 adjustment for insurance premiums in the Settlement, the 16 Settlement creates an Insurance Cost Adjustment which will 17 allow the Company to recover the costs for excess liability 18 insurance . The Company will begin recovery of 19 approximately $9 . 8 million of excess liability insurance 20 premium costs and an additional $2 . 6 million of annual 21 deferred insurance premium amortization through the ICA. 22 Q. Please explain the adjustment to the Company' s 23 NPC . 24 A. The Company' s Application included total Net 25 Power Costs of $1 . 382 billion on a total system basis, or CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 10 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 approximately $136 . 7 million on an Idaho-allocated basis, 2 which represents an increase of $1 . 015 billion, or 74 3 percent, compared to the NPC currently embedded in rates . 4 The NPC included in the Settlement updates the Company' s 5 total NPC based on the September 2024 Official Forward 6 Price Curve and completely removes costs associated with 7 the Washington Climate Commitment Act ("CCA") from base 8 rates . During the Company' s next ECAM filing, Staff will 9 review the SCAM deferral balance to ensure that Idaho 10 customers will not pay increased rates encumbered by the 11 CCA. 12 The total NPC agreed upon in the Settlement is 13 approximately $2 .228 billion on a system basis or $128 .24 14 million allocated to Idaho, which is a reduction to the 15 Company' s case of $8 . 46 million. 16 Q. Please explain the Reduction to ECAM Recovery 17 used to offset the base rate increase . 18 A. The Parties agree that the Company will reduce 19 the recovery of 2023 deferred SCAM balance approved in 20 Order No . 36207, Case No . PAC-E-24-05, by 50 percent to 21 offset the base rate increase in this case . The remaining 22 balance as of June 1, 2025, will be included with the 2024 23 ECAM balance and amortized and recovered over two years, 24 beginning June 1, 2025 . 25 Rate Spread and Rate Design CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 11 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 Q. Please explain the rate spread and rate design 2 contained in the Settlement . 3 A. The Parties agreed to the rate spread provided in 4 Attachment B to the Settlement . The Parties agreed to use 5 the Company' s proposed class cost of service study, with a 6 cap of 110 percent and a floor of zero percent applied to 7 the base rate increase prior to the application of the ICA 8 and SCAM rate changes . No class of customer will see an 9 increase greater than 110 percent of the overall average 10 base rate increase, and no customer class will see a 11 decrease . 12 Q. Why does Staff support the proposed cap and floor 13 in the Settlement? 14 A. The Settlement was a compromise amongst all 15 Parties . The proposed cap and floor in the Settlement 16 provide for gradual movement towards cost of service while 17 also maintaining the balance necessary to achieve buy in 18 from all Parties . While other Parties may have been more 19 supportive of a uniform percentage increase, it was 20 important to Staff that rates move towards cost of service, 21 and the Settlement provides that movement . 22 Q. Are there any rate design issues in the 23 Settlement that you would like to discuss? 24 A. The Settlement accepts the Company' s proposed 25 rate design for all Schedules except Schedule 1 CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 12 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 (Residential) and Schedule 36 (Residential Optional Time of 2 Day) . Because the monthly Customer Service Charges are 3 subject to the Residential Rate Modernization Plan approved 4 in Order No . 35802, Case No . PAC-E-22-15, no additional 5 changes are proposed in the Settlement . The residential 6 monthly service charge will increase on June 1 each year of 7 the plan with commensurate decreases in Energy Charges . 8 Additional Settlement Terms 9 Q. Will you please describe the provisions contained 10 in the Settlement for the Rock Creek II wind project? 11 A. The Settlement provides a deferral for the 12 revenue requirement of the 400 MW Rock Creek II wind 13 project expected to be completed in September 2025 . In 14 lieu of filing a general rate case in 2025, the Parties 15 agree to allow the Company to defer into a regulatory asset 16 for later recovery the depreciation expense and return on 17 the project . The Rock Creek II project will create 18 production tax credits ("PTC") that will flow through the 19 ECAM to benefit customers . However, the Company will track 20 the PTCs associated with the project so they can offset any 21 potential disallowance on recovery of the deferral in a 22 future general rate case . 23 Q. Are there any other provisions in the Settlement 24 you would like to discuss? 25 A. While the Settlement contains many provisions CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 13 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 that I did not discuss in detail, the Parties worked 2 collaboratively to pave a way forward on several 3 outstanding issues, including modifications to the SCAM, 4 the Company' s current hedging practices, and the treatment 5 of transmission level voltage line extensions . 6 The Company proposed to modify the ECAM sharing band 7 in its Application. While the Settlement maintains the 8 current 90/10 percent sharing band, the Parties agree to 9 host workshops to evaluate and explore alternative risk 10 sharing and incentive mechanisms . 11 The Company will also hold workshops with Staff and 12 other interested parties on the Company' s risk management 13 and hedging practices prior to the Company' s next general 14 rate case . Additionally, the Company will perform a study 15 on the costs and revenues associated with transmission 16 level voltage line extensions serving large individual 17 customers . Staff is concerned that transmission level 18 voltage lines used to serve individual customers or pockets 19 of customers are system-allocated when those line function 20 as distribution lines . The proposed study will help inform 21 Staff positions in future rate cases . 22 Q. Do you have any other comments on the proposed 23 Settlement? 24 A. Yes . Staff has reviewed Attachments A and B to 25 the Settlement and verified they are consistent with the CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 14 12/18/2024 STAFF 1 agreement . The agreed upon rate design will offer the 2 Company a reasonable opportunity to recover the proposed 3 revenue requirement . As implied throughout this testimony, 4 the Settlement represents a fair, just, and reasonable 5 compromise of the positions put forth by all Parties and is 6 in the public interest . Therefore, Staff recommends the 7 Commission approve the Settlement without material changes 8 or modifications . 9 Q. Does this conclude your testimony? 10 A. Yes, it does . 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 ENGLISH, D. (Stip) 15 12/18/2024 STAFF Professional Qualifications of Donn English Program Manager - Accounting and Finance Idaho Public Utilities Commission EDUCATION Mr. English graduated from Boise State University in 1998 with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Accounting. His studies concentrated on corporate finance and taxation. He was a member of the Alpha Beta Psi honor society for Accounting students . He completed the Annual Regulatory Studies Program, the Advanced Regulatory Studies Program, and the Accounting and Ratemaking Course offered through the Institute of Public Utilities at Michigan State University. Additionally, he regularly attends meeting and conferences sponsored by the National Association of Regulatory Commissioners (NARUC) and the Society of Utility and Regulatory Financial Analysts . In 2001, Mr. English became a designated member of the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries (ASPPA) and was awarded the professional designation of Qualified Pension Administrator (QPA) and Qualified 401 (k) Administrator (QKA) . Mr. English was also a member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examinators . BUSINESS EXPERIENCE Prior to joining the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) , Mr. English was a Trust Accountant with a pension administration, actuarial, and consulting firm in Boise, Idaho . In 1999, he was promoted to Pension Administrator, and in 2001 he was promoted to Pension Consultant . In that capacity, Mr. English performed actuarial calculations and the required non- discrimination calculations for hundreds of qualified retirement plans . He completed and filed Form 5500s and represented clients during audits by the Department of Labor and the Internal Revenue Service . He also participated on the task force that wrote questions for the ASPPA administrator and actuarial exams . Exhibit No. 101 Case No. PAC-E-24-04 D. English, Staff 12/18/2024 Page 1 of 2 2 Mr. English joined the IPUC in 2003 as a Staff Auditor. In 2016, he was promoted to Audit Team Lead, and in 2018 he became the Program Manager for the Accounting and Finance Department within the Utilities Division. From September 2020 - March 2022, Mr. English also accepted the responsibility of supervising the Technical Analysis and Energy Efficiency team and was the Program Manager for that team until 2022 . At the Commission, Mr. English has audited numerous utilities including electric, water, and natural gas companies, and provided comments and testimony in numerous cases that deal with general rates, tax issues, pension issues, depreciation and other accounting issues, and other regulatory policy decisions . Mr. English participates in the Energy Efficiency Advisory Groups and External Stakeholder Advisory Committees for Idaho Power, Avista Utilities, Rocky Mountain Power, and Intermountain Gas Company. He is a member of several of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) working groups including the NARUC State Working Group on Performance-Based Regulation, the NARUC State Working Group on Electric Vehicles, and the NARUC State Working Group on Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings in collaboration with the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) . Mr. English is the Chair of the NARUC Staff Subcommittee on Education and Research and the Vice Chair of the NARUC Staff Subcommittee of Accounting and Finance . Mr. English is also a faculty member of NARUC Rate School . Exhibit No. 101 Case No. PAC-E-24-04 D. English, Staff 12/18/2024 Page 2 of 2 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE -N."I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS �1 OF DECEMBER 2024, SERVED THE FOREGOING DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DONN ENGLISH IN SUPPORT OF THE STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT, IN CASE NO. PAC-E-24- 04, BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWING: MARK ALDER JOE DALLAS ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER CARLA SCARSELLA 1407 WEST NORTH TEMPLE STE 330 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER SALT LAKE CITY UT 84116 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 E-MAIL: mark.aldernpacificorp.com Portland, OR 97232 E-MAIL: josgph.dallas(cTpacificorp.com carla.scarsella(&Pacificorp.com DATA REQUEST RESPONSE CENTER E-MAIL ONLY: datareg uestApaci fi corp.com ERIC L OLSEN LANCE KAUFMAN PhD ECHO HAWK& OLSEN PLLC 2623 NW BLUEBELL PLACE PO BOX 6119 CORVALLIS OR 97330 POCATELLO ID 83205 E-MAIL: lancekae isinsi hg t.com E-MAIL: elo rr,echohawk.com BRAD HEUSINKVELD ID CONSERVATION LEAGUE 710 N 6TH STREET BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: heusinkveld(ccidahoconservation.org THOMAS J BUDGE BRIAN C COLILINS RACINE OLSON PLLP GREG MEYER PO BOX 1391 BRUBAKER& ASSOCIATES POCATELLO ID 83204-1391 16690 SWINGLEY RIDGE RD #140 E-MAIL: ti(&racineolson.com CHESTERFIELD MO 63017 E-MAIL: bcollinskeonsultbai.com gmeyerA consultbai.com Electronic Service Only: RONALD L WILLIAMS KEVIN HIGGINS BRANDON HELGESON NEAL TOWNSEND HAWLEY TROXELL ET AL ENERGY STRATEGIES LLC 877 W MAIN ST E-MAIL: khigginsAenergystrat.com BOISE ID 83701 ntownsend(c4)energystrat.com E-MAIL: rwilliams(&hawleytroxell.com bhel eson lhawleytroxell.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Page 1 of 2 Electronic Service Only: Electronic Service Only: BRADLEY MULLINS VAL STEINER MW ANALYTICS ITAFOS CONDA LLC E-MAIL: brmullins@mwanalylics.com E-MAIL: Val.steiner&itafos.com Electronic Service Only: KYLE WILLIAMS BYU Idaho E-MAIL: williamsk@byg1.x u PATRICIA JORDA CRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Page 2 of 2