HomeMy WebLinkAbout20241216Comments_66.pdf The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name:Jay Fishman Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 7:30AM Email:Jay.Fishman@yahoo.com Telephone: 614-203-5442 Address: 11537 N 20th PL Boise, ID 83714 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "Average Idahoan's are suffering. I won't get into all the reasons why because I don't think I need to explain it to anyone with a pulse.That Veolia is requesting a nearly 20% increase is on the face of it absolutely absurd and the request should be denied.These utility companies need to find ways to cut waste, reduce operating costs and operate more efficiently. Give them the same bone the government threw those of us on social security. With one hand, a paltry 2.5% increase for 2025. And then with the other hand, they took$10 more per month for Medicare Part A. Please say no to this outrageous "request".Thank you." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Bobby White Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 9:24AM Email: bcwhite2019@gmail.com Telephone: 509-922-1673 Address: 1516 s Martha Circle Boise, ID 83706 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "Veolia is utilizing a public good (water) and charging everyone money for it.The Idaho Public Utilities Commission must deny Veolia's application for a rate increase.The cost of living is hard enough as it is for hardworking folks in Idaho.The last thing we need right now is to pay more money for something everyone needs to live. Please side with the people. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Michael and Nichol Timothy Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 11:50AM Email: nicholtimothy@gmail.com Telephone: 908-334-8199 Address:4301 S Chariot Way 1 Boise, ID 83709 Name of Utility Company:Veola Case ID: BEO-W-24-01 VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "ID in regards to the proposal for rate increase. In this economic times, I can't even believe you would consider approving a rate increase for people. People in Idaho are struggling to put food on the table and now you want to charge them more to even keep their house warm. It's a polling that is even on the docket, God help you all if this is approved!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Charles Spindler Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 11:01AM Email: cfspindler@gmail.com Telephone: 208-353-6767 Address: 6639 w hummel drive Boise, ID 83709 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "My comment is that Veolia is seeking to make their customer base pay for money that they have invested in the water system THAT THEY OWN AND CONTINUE TO PROFIT FROM.They say that they have expanded their system by 108,000 homes. Then they are going to get profits from an additional 108,000 homes.They say that they have provided important improvements to their water system. Isn't that the same thing as maintaining THEIR water system. In my opinion,Veolia deserves a rate increase at the rate of inflation, and not one cent more. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Ed Robinson Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 11:12AM Email: edrobinsonjr@gmail.com Telephone: 208-374-9316 Address: 8827 Devonshire Ave. Boise, ID 83704 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Water Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "I write to protest the latest rate increase request by Veolia. Improvements are just a cost of doing business.They should, in my opinion, not be allowed to pass this on to the customer base. 2 In the flyer we received today Veolia claims that they made a "Drinking water investment in Idaho." When a business makes an investment, they may expect a reasonable ROL Veolia expects us,the customers,to provide them with a 100% ROI! Additionally, if any part of this request is approved, it should expire when the approved amount is recouped. Regards, Ed Robinson" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Ian Breyer Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 11:31AM Email: ibreyer@envirotechind.com Telephone: 949-562-3383 Address:415 N Maple Grove Rd Boise, ID 83704 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "Veolia water is asking for a dramatic increase in rates. Our economy has already been hit by inflation. We do not need to experience a 20.5% increase in a necessary and vital utility like water.Veolia claims to be a local water company as shown in the photo of their flier notice for this rate increase, but they are the world's largest supplier of water services.They aren't even an American company. As their website claims - in Euros I might add - in the first half of 2024 they have experienced profits of 731 million euros.That is a 15.2% increase.They are not hurting for money and are not even a local business. They are trying to leverage the $74M spent as a reason why they should be granted the rate increase, but those expenditures are the cost of doing business as they are doing the minimal effort to provide their clients water services. In conclusion, because they are doing very well financially, are the largest water provider in the world, an internationally held corporation, and our community is trying to recover from inflation: I strongly urge the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to not approve this massive rate hike. Thank you." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Michael Ford Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 11:03AM Email: frdmlf@aol.com Telephone: 208-602-7240 Address: 1801 S Broxon St Boise, ID 83705-3406 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VOE-W-24-01 3 Comment: "I got the mailing from Veolia wanting a rate change. I'm all ready paying to much with the$24.58 customer fee and the $.50 safe water fee. For 748 gallons of water. Seems a little rediculous. I should have to apply for a special rate to save money on my disability. I've complained before but was told to deal with it cause everyone has to pay it. I also have for years have had a water filter for all my drinking water. There job is safe water and they want 50cent extra. Then the mailing are purposely made as off as possible. I know it's contracted out they can be made to fold on the perf and fit a#10 standard envelope. It's all a game to add expence. United waters just had the post card which worked fine. I dont need people in my bank taking money Willie nillie. Thanks " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----Original Message----- From: PUCWeb Notification Sent: Friday, December 13, 2024 10:00 AM To: ConsumerComplaintsWeb Subject: Notice: A complaint was submitted to PUCWeb The following complaint was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: David Hopkins Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 9:57AM Email: dhoppy37@gmail.com Telephone: 208-377-5788 Address: 5703 West Randolph Drive Boise, ID 83705 Name of Utility Company: David Hopkins VEO-W-24-01 Contacted Utility: No Comment: "Please stop the Veolia rate increase! It is getting very hard to live and pay these increasing rates." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: karen swanson Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 12:17PM Email: karenswanson242@gmail.com Telephone: 208-371-5329 Address: po box 2661 Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 4 Comment: "I moved to Eagle 41 years ago, and our rates with Eagle Water rarely went up. I was paying about 8.25/month for water. Since Veolia has taken over our rates have been going up. I think they are currently charging enough for their services. To raise rates yet again doesn't seem fair. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Cathy Vallier Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 12:39PM Email: dcvallier@gmail.com Telephone: 208-345-5730 Address: 9630 W Ottawa Ct Boise, ID 83709 Name of Utility Company:VEOLI Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "Against this rate hike. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Andrew Burton Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 1:28PM Email:jandrewburtonl@gmail.com Telephone: 707-799-6264 Address: 7028 Bluebird Dr Boise, ID 83714-2347 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "My water bills are high enough. Personally, I wish the government would remove the profit motive from utilities. It causes a conflict of interests. Please deny Veolia's rate request. Sincerely, Andrew Burton" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Daniel Doherty Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 1:48PM Email: dldano@msn.com Telephone: 208-602-6747 Address: 12768 W. Murchison St. Boise, ID 83709 5 Name of Utility Company: Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "Are you kidding? Veolia wants to increase our customer bill by 20.5% in their latest rate increase request? Wow, my cost of living increase through Social Security is only going up 2%. With everything else going sky high because of the Federally created inflation,why wouldn't Veolia also want to jump on the band wagon! PUC: Please,we Idahoans can't afford this! And this increase request is not just for the recent improvements, it's to also provide an $11.15 million PER YEAR revenue stream for them! Please bring some sanity back to the table and reject this rate increase by Veolia! " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Ray Frechette Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 2:08PM Email: nomondays48@gmail.com Telephone: 208-890-0500 Address: 865 N Caledonia PI Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "Veolia is asking for a substantial rate increase to cover their capital investments. We in the Eagle area have already been hit with substantial rate increases due to their purchase of the Eagle Water Company. We have received not discernable benefits from their purchase and we feel that had Eagle City been allowed to purchase the company the increases would have been far less. Additionally they are justifying their investments by claiming"improvements to water quality, storage capacity and fire suppression. I don't know if we were experiencing any problems with storage capacity or fire suppression or whether these factors have been improved, but I know the water quality in Eagle has gone down dramatically. WE had great tasting water right from the tap back a few years ago. Now we can not even brush out teeth with it from the tap.All water for drinking and cooking has to be filtered so that it is palatable. So we are certainly against any further rate increases until we can at least drink the water as delivered." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Jack Schwartz Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 2:11PM Email: ischwartzroup@mail.com Telephone: 208-859-5099 Address: 5625 S Five Mile Rd Boise, ID 83709 Name of Utility Company:Veolia 6 Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "Veolia is already more expensive than most Idahoians can afford. Furthermore,they are a foreign company with control of a large portion of our countries water infrastructure. If they think they need more money than they need to make all their books public." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:Amy Collins Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 2:25PM Email: Amy.collins712@gmail.com Telephone: 208-691-0872 Address: 2008 N. 32nd St. Boise, ID 83703 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "Good afternoon, I am writing in opposition to the rate increase proposed by Veolia. Customer trust has been eroded by this company after careless employees estimated water usage and Veolia took no proactive actions to correct the massive overcharge.The timing impacted the rates used to calculate residential sewage. Veolia also constantly sends advertisements for insurance which is confusing and deceiving, making customers feel like they are required to purchase the coverage. If Veolia would like to impose a 20% rate increase,they should make their financial statements transparent so we can see if an increase in rates is actually needed or if they are being greedy and trying to make an even larger profit. Sincerely, Amy Collins" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:Veolia rate increase Ketchum Ward Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 2:44PM Email: ketchumyvonne@gmail.com Telephone: 208-695-1334 Address: 108441 W. Dason Dr Boise, ID 83713 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "The rate increase requested by Veolia of 20.5% is extraordinary. Customers cannot afford this kind of increase. One has to wonder if this is caused not by a quality of service increase for only 7 108k homes, but due to the Legacy Water Company. We have not seen an increase in service quality and without further explanation of any received benefit, we ask this rate increase to be denied. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:Jim Price Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 2:46PM Email:jprice318@msn.com Telephone: 208-867-6669 Address:4225 S RIVA RIDGE WAY Boise, ID 83709 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "Veolia is requesting a rate increase. I believe they state 20.5%. Any company worth it's salt would already have money in their budget that is held for such upgrades to the system. I believe this to be just another ploy to line their pockets. Since South County water was taken over by the foreign companies my monthly water bill has gone from $6.95 a month to an averge of$35 per month. Personally I don't think they deserve an increase." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Matthew Steitzer Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 3:34PM Email: msteitzer2@gmail.com Telephone: 503-267-4692 Address:4116 West Stone House Street Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "I find the proposed rate increase to be preposterous. You have farmed our water supply to a foreign company that has done nothing but come in and raise rates. There have been no improvements or enhancements.Just give us more money. Not only should this be declined i move to out our drinking water back in the hands of a domestic entity instead of lining the pockets of foreign governments. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Tilda Hawthorne Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 3:34PM Email: tildagirl@msn.com Telephone: 208-809-5474 Address: 5252 Decatur drive Boise, ID 83704 Name of Utility Company:Veolia 8 Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "I am not in favor of a large increase. Water prices are already high to a point as a single Mother of two disabled adults it is hard enough surviving. Keep increasing and we can't afford to even live! Maybe you don't have to buy brand new trucks everyone is driving around. Cut the wasteful spending first then reevaluate your budget. OPPOSED" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Susan Ketchum Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 3:44PM Email: suesturn@aol.com Telephone: 208-859-6106 Address: 2505 W. Ellis Boise, ID 83702 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "I believe a 20% raise for a necessary service like water is excessive. No employee or certainly not those of us on Social Security just get a 20% raise because we did some expanded work for a relatively new housing area. It's really unconscionable, people can't afford many necessities right now. 20% is way too high. I got 2.5 on Social security which barely makes up for inflation." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Scott Young Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 3:53PM Email: say5888misc@gmail.com Telephone: 208-985-0181 Address: 5888 S Red Crest Ave Boise, ID 83709 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "ID I support the rate increase. If we want a quality water delivery system and clean safe water,then we have to pay for it." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Diane Burnham Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 4:02PM Email:theburnhams0114@outlook.com Telephone: 208-340-4775 Address: 12038 Wedt La Pan Drive 9 Boise, ID 83709 Name of Utility Company:Veolia I Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "Ever since Veolia has taken over, our water quality has been dreadful. Sometimes I run brown water, bathtubs full, before it clears. I pay for that. I don't think they deliver a good enough product to justify a rate hike. I quit using my filtered fridge water because a giant slug of slimy nastiness was hanging out the end.We bought a high quality sink water filter and use that instead. We don't trust the Veolia water to drink on its own. I think they do a poor job. And if it costs more to do business, I would ask how much the guys at the top make? It seems to me if you're going to deliver a poor quality product that maybe the guys at the top shouldn't be getting big bonuses and they would be better spent off setting higher costs of doing business. If the common everyday man has to learn how to live on a regular paycheck, I think the guys at the top can too. A rate hike is not reasonable. Some of us are working hard just to keep body and soul together in this economy.They make enough money with the monopoly they have. If we had a choice in water providers, sure. But we don't. With the number of people paying a water bill, I don't think a rate hike is reasonable.They get enough money having us tiered as it is. We are already punished for having a larger family. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Dick Bonin Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 4:40PM Email: dickbonin7@gmail.com Telephone: 208-283-2883 Address: 6610 N TREE HAVEN WAY Meridian, ID 83646 Name of Utility Company:VEOLIA Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "A 20.5% increase is excessive! Why should we let them increase their re revenues by 19.8%? (also excessive). 8 or 9%would still be too much. 5% is enough to get them past their debit for the improvements.They are asking for more than they need so you will meet in the middle and the will get exactly what they want. Please see through this foolishness and greed!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:Tim Scott Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 4:41PM Email:tscott9l@yahoo.com Telephone: 530-333-5987 Address: 1940 N Wilmington Dr Boise, ID 83704 Name of Utility Company:Veolia 10 Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "I do not approve of a rate increase of 20.5%for drinking water investments. With all the additional influx of people moving into the valley the water companies are seeing record years of income each year.To say the money is going into fire suppression is extremely inaccurate and a cop out way to get the public to think their fire safety would increase. As a fireman I know this is not the case.All new construction and most construction in the valley is held to a pretty strict fire code and residential fires have not been an issue at all, let alone an issue from the city water.The wildland fires are widely put out by people on the ground, dozers, and aircraft with very little impact on the city water. If anything this rate increase will INCREASE the fire activity in the city limits. People will NOT be able to afford to water their lawns.This will cause a significant increase in dry fuels for fires to start and spread through the neighborhoods.A rate increase of this amount will increase the RISK AND NUMBER OF FIRES in the community because people and businesses will stop watering their lawns and the fires in the foothills will now be in our backyards.This is and EXTREMELY SELFISH and DANGEROUS move on Veolia water's part and I do hope that you take the time to really consider the impact you are putting on the people that pay your bills. So many companies are jumping on the bandwagon of selfishly increasing rates and most of the consumers are not in a financial place to keep taking hits like these. Please take the time to reconsider your actions before they put hundreds or thousands of peoples homes at risk for wildfire. Thank you, Tim Scott Boise Smokejumpers " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Richard Feuerborn Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 4:56PM Email: rfeuerborn@gmail.com Telephone: 208-233-6404 Address: 6456 S LIVEOAK PL BOISE, ID 83716 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "I think it was a mistake to privatize the Boise water system. Please deny this rate increase which goes way above the increase in the consumer price index. Please take steps to bring the water service back to ownership by the people of the Boise area." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Aarin McCaughey Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 5:10PM Email: mccaughey4@msn.com Telephone: 208-389-2204 11 Address:401 W Boise Ave Boise, ID 83706 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "I received the notice documentation titled, "Veolia Requests Rate Review......." The document states that Veolia is proposing the investment recovery request to be phased in over two years. What happens to our rates after the two years or after the investment recovery has been collected?Will our rates stay at the higher, adjusted rate, or will they return to what they were prior to this investment recovery? " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Nathan McLean Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 5:16PM Email: nate.mclean@outlook.com Telephone: 986-999-0686 Address: 6197 S Basalt Trail PI Boise, ID 83716 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "No more rate increases! This company made 1.5 Billion dollars last year off of consumers! " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Dan Bernert Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 6:48PM Email: danioeber@gmail.com Telephone: 208-867-6013 Address: 9820 W Secretariat Ct West Boise, ID 83704 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "Veolia requested increase of 20.5%for consumers is excessive and indicates a lack of forethought on their part. Having served in the transportation industry for 40 years i can't help but notice every Veolia fleet vehicle i see on the road has been purchased with the past two years. Rather than develop an asset replacement cycle and spread out depreciation expense,they have elected to replace entire fleet in a short time frame driving depreciation expense through the roof. Now they are asking their customers to pay for their poor business decisions. 12 They claim impact on residential bill is$6.77/month. Not true for the summer months when our bills are in the $150-$200 range....20.5%of$150 is$30.......the same time Idaho Power hammers us to keep our house temperatures tolerable. ID PUC track record for decisions favoring consumer is not a good one. I hope you ask Veolia for detailed back up to support this excessive increase. Just an FY...I will be forwarding this to my district legislative representatives.Thanks for listening, Dan Bernert" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Michelle Day Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 7:35PM Email: babydayred@hotmail.com Telephone: 208-870-7094 Address: 2230 N Camden Dr Boise, ID 83704 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "Hello, I just rec'd the post card sent out by Veolia requesting a rate hike of 20.5%. Seriously? My water bill in the summer is any where from $163 to $185 two months to keep my lawn "brown". Across the main street, which is Northview, my brother lives & has a flat rate of approximately 50% less than mine. I don't understand how they can hike the rates in the summer lower them in the winter & now want a rate hike. Please deny their request they over charge as it is. Thank you!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Sharon Faylor Submission Time: Dec 13 2024 10:54PM Email: cuterbig@gmail.com Telephone: 208-371-9213 Address: 2107 E Parkside Dr Boise, ID 83712 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "Please revoke Veolia's outrageous request for a 20% rate increase. As a utility company that services our community any increase above 3%to adjust for std inflation undermines housing affordability, community health as well as environmental health. Citizens should be enabled to afford to water their trees and yards without fearing extreme rate increases that bust housing budgets. Our state government should not support the chiseling of our communities by privatised utilities. In my experience Veolia is a bad inefficient company that wastes paper selling unneeded products and overbills its customers with inaccurate measures of the water used." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Josh Cyr 13 Submission Time: Dec 14 2024 2:06AM Email: jappleceed777@gmail.com Telephone: 208-515-0783 Address: 3618 S Kingsland Way Boise, ID 83716 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "Rate increases?Why?H! Everyone is screwing people over,your rates are the only reasonable ones. I actually like seeing my Veolia bill. Why jump on the bandwagon?Admittedly I didn't read how much of an increase it is yet, but why mess with a good thing? Everything except people's wages is going up! Something is not right,the country is imploding. It's always been rich get richer poor get poorer but the gap is growing too big too fast right now.The rich are getting even greedier if that's possible. It's going to collapse eventually, poor people won't put up with it forever. I'm not talking about middle class who think they're poor, I'm talking about actual poor people. Literally scrounging under car or couch seats to find a little more change for some milk so they can eat Mac n cheese again (the cheap box). If too many people are forced into homelessness then they're going to fight back. It's not right, it's just not right. So yea, don't raise your costs!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Marcus Garcia Submission Time: Dec 14 2024 11:15AM Email: Garcia0l@gmail.com Telephone: 909-201-4586 Address: 1301 W Lancelot St. Boise, ID 83713 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "I don't agree with your comment stating that the rates for Veolia customers remain below or competitive with all other water utilities in the valley so you are in need to request rates increase.That's the same as you would say my neighbor steals I should steal also.Your company should strive to deliver the lowest rates possible at all times, which are result of sensible management. I see new work trucks driving around, have to already pay your franchise, reconciliation, improvement charges and taxes. I do oppose the rate increase at this time.Thank you." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Steven Kahn Submission Time: Dec 14 2024 11:30AM Email: spkski@gmail.com Telephone: 208-695-5419 Address: 12528 N Upper Ridge PI 14 Garden City, ID 83714 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "The mailing we receivedd from Veolia says there will be a 20.5% increase in our monthly bills but does not say for what period of time. This is a fantastic increase. Veolia purchased the water company serving our area (Hidden Springs) not long ago. I would have expected the purchase price to include consideration of necessary upgrades. If it did, the requested increase would be a double charge. Please deny to increase or reduce it. Thank y=ou." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Rick Squires Submission Time: Dec 14 2024 11:43AM Email: rickbsquires@gmail.com Telephone: 208-440-7425 Address: 800 N Harvey Ln Eagle, ID 83616-5340 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "I do not support a rate increase. Compared to the Eagle Water Company,the price of the water has increased,the taste is worse and most of the time the pressure is less than it was previously. They invaded my privacy by calling me when I posted a negative Google review. I believe the City of Eagle manages some water accounts and they would be my preference over Veolia if possible.Thank you for letting me provide feedback. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Aaron Oberlander Submission Time: Dec 14 2024 1:14PM Email: agodesignllc@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-724-3067 Address:4114 W Hill Rd Boise, ID 83703 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "Here is something for the Commission to ponder: Why should we pay interest to a foreign corporation on something that is required to sustain life? Why does a foreign entity even own our water system? 15 They hold a monopoly, only 1 provider of water. Should we only pay what is required to supply safe water? Why should we have to pay interest? Something about this seems wrong on a fundamental level. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Pauline Hermesdorf Submission Time: Dec 14 2024 2:06PM Email: pauline.hermesdorf@gmail.com Telephone: 936-222-4962 Address: 6511 S Constellation Way Boise, ID 83709 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "I do not agree with Veolia's desire to raise costumers rates for water services.The pamphlets provided by Veolia justify raising rates as a $74 million investment in Idaho drinking water.That was a $74 million investment for the company, not Idaho.That was a corporate decision and should not affect public utilities such as water. Idahoans are already stretched thin and this corporate endeavor is excessive and unnecessary. I ask that the commission deny this request on behalf of all Idahoans. Respectfully, Pauline Hermesdorf and CALEB BRUNSON." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Pauline Hermesdorf Submission Time: Dec 14 2024 2:07PM Email: pauline.hermesdorf@gmail.com Telephone: 936-222-4952 Address: 6511 S Constellation Way Boise, ID 83709 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 (Duplicate) Comment: "I do not agree with Veolia's desire to raise costumers rates for water services.The pamphlets provided by Veolia justify raising rates as a $74 million investment in Idaho drinking water.That was a $74 million investment for the company, not Idaho.That was a corporate decision and should not affect public utilities such as water. Idahoans are already stretched thin and this corporate endeavor is excessive and unnecessary. I ask that the commission deny this request on behalf of all Idahoans. Respectfully, Pauline Hermesdorf and CALEB BRUNSON." 16 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name:James France Submission Time: Dec 14 2024 3:10PM Email: jimfrance70@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-340-8344 Address: 5936 South Sedum Way Boise, ID 83716 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "You allowed Veolia to raise my water bill by over 20%? My employer raised my pay 3%. How am I supposed to pay for water I can't afford?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Charles Goolden Submission Time: Dec 14 2024 4:18PM Email: cgoolden@gmail.com Telephone: 208-890-2299 Address: 5422 W. Parsons Dr. Boise, ID 83714 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "Idaho. We all water good, clean and safe water at a reasonable cost. However, the requested rate hike is considerably too high. A reasonable increase in proportion to inflation is by far enough, especially given the current cost of living. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Conrad Johnston Submission Time: Dec 14 2024 9:57PM Email: conradaiohnston@gmail.com Telephone: 208-954-9125 Address: 5020 E. Woodcutter Drive Boise, ID 83716 17 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "Any increase in the rates should be limited to the overall inflation rate. If this means extending the repayment over an additional number of years, so be it and the water company should accept this as part of doing business in Idaho or elsewhere." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:John Goetze Submission Time: Dec 14 2024 11:38PM Email: johnmgoetze@gmail.com Telephone: 503-680-0253 Address: 3007 S Virginia Ave Boise, ID 83705 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "Please elaborate why it is justified for rate payers to be responsible for paying$74 million in investments without clear notification or consultation ahead of making the investment. This seems like taxation without representation. Please also provide the technical basis for the claim "rates for Veolia customers in Idaho remain below or competitive with all other water utilities in the valley" as given in December 2024 mailer sent to local households in service area. Are there any other water utility providers on the same scale that would be a representative comparison? It seems that Veolia provides water to most of the population of the treasure valley and wouldn't have other utilities of similar scale to compare to in the Treasure Valley. A 20.5% rate increase will be felt significantly by households of working families, and also by the local businesses that employ them. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Misty Neisen Submission Time: Dec 15 2024 7:04AM Email: mistyneisen@gmail.com Telephone: 208-336-2917 Address: 3706 W Morris Hill Rd Boise, ID 83706 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 18 Comment: "Comment regarding the rate increase. Veolia states they have made improvements to the infrastructure. I disagree. There has been no work to the water lines around the older neighborhoods. When they change the water source twice a year the amount of iron deposits and silt that comes through the pipes is evidence. Any cost increase will also be a hardship for those on a fixed income. This is just a ploy to increase the profits for a Utility company." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name:John Huffman Submission Time: Dec 15 2024 9:26AM Email: idhspecial@mail.com Telephone:480-540-5740 Address: 6225 N Pierce Park Lane Boise, ID 83714 Name of Utility Company:VEOLIA Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "I am once again disappointed by Veolia seeking another rate hike. This French company knew when they purchased our utility the infrastructure, growth anticipated, and projected costs. Now they choose to make the Idaho consumer responsible for their issues. I have no doubt this was part of their overall plan from the beginning, and sincerely hope the commission sees past this and restricts the rate hike.The Idaho public should not have to fund this private company's fortunes. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Greg Fair Submission Time: Dec 15 2024 10:34AM Email: gfair1970@gmail.com Telephone: 208-921-3024 Address: 6151 S Moonfire Way Boise, ID 83709 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: 'T Lack of Transparency on the Necessity of the$74 Million Investment • Argument:: While Veolia justifies the rate hike based on $74 million worth of improvements, there is limited transparency regarding the exact nature and necessity of these improvements. For instance,they mention enhancements to water quality, storage capacity, and fire suppression but do not provide clear details about the specific projects or their immediate need. 19 o Request: Detailed breakdown of these projects.Are these investments truly necessary, or could some of them be delayed or re-prioritized? Were there any independent assessments or audits to justify these improvements? 2. Potential for Overestimated Investment Costs • Argument:The total $74 million worth of investments needs to be critically examined. Utility companies sometimes inflate costs for projects to justify higher rates. o Request: Detailed audit of the investment costs and compare them to industry standards. Are these costs inflated, or have they been vetted by independent experts? If they are higher than industry norms,this could indicate inefficiencies in project management. 3. Phase-in Doesn't Alleviate Long-Term Impact • Argument: While Veolia proposes to phase in the rate increase over two years to mitigate the immediate financial impact on customers,the long-term increase in rates (20.5%) could still be an undue financial burden, especially for lower-income households and vulnerable populations. o Challenge: Even with the phased-in approach, the rate increase is still substantial (approximately $6.77 per month for residential customers). Given the financial strain many families are facing, particularly post-pandemic or during inflationary periods, this increase may be unreasonable. 4. Competitive Rates Compared to Other Utilities Are Not an Excuse • Argument: Veolia justifies the rate increase by stating that their rates remain below or competitive with other utilities in the valley, including both public and private utilities. However,this does not necessarily make the increase justified. o Challenge: While Veolia may be competitive with other utilities, it does not mean that the increase is appropriate, especially if those other utilities also have unjustified rate hikes. Instead of comparing Veolia's rates to others,the focus should be on whether these increases are fair, necessary, and proportionate to the investments made. 5. Concerns Over Impact on Vulnerable Customers • Argument: A 20.5% rate hike, even phased in over two years, could disproportionately affect low-income households, seniors, and others who are already struggling to pay for essential services. o Challenge: Veolia has not adequately considered the socio-economic impact on vulnerable populations.The impact of the rate hike could make it harder for low-income customers to afford basic water services, leading to potential service disruptions or the inability to pay bills. 6. Alternatives to Raising Rates • Argument: Veolia could explore other methods of financing these improvements, such as issuing bonds, applying for state or federal grants, or accessing low-interest loans. o Challenge: Has Veolia thoroughly explored other funding mechanisms, such as leveraging low- interest loans or state/federal funding for infrastructure improvement. Are there any tax incentives or subsidies available for these improvements, which could reduce the burden on ratepayers. OR do they not qualify because they are a publicly traded French company? 7.The Timing of the Rate Hike • Argument: The timing of the rate hike is also important. If this proposed increase coincides with other economic pressures on households (e.g., inflation, rising living costs, or other utility hikes), it may further burden consumers. o Challenge: If customers are already facing financial strain due to inflation, economic instability, or other utility rate hikes,the timing of this increase could be seen as unreasonable." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Nancy LEVETT 20 Submission Time: Dec 15 2024 11:50AM Email: n.levett@vahoo.com Telephone: 808-551-0962 Address: 13398 N 5th Ave Boise, ID 84714-9470 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "In reference to proposed 20.5% rate increase: I feel this is increase is too high.The volume of new residents incoming to area alone should be enough to cover any additional cost of continuing to deliver us the water that nature provides. I am strongly against the rate increase. Nancy Levett" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Brandon Goranson Submission Time: Dec 15 2024 12:08PM Email: brandongoranson@outlook.com Telephone: 208-994-1252 Address: 8446 W Thor Dr Boise, ID 83709 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "This rate increase does not currently have my support. The communication detailed nothing about other funds to cover the investment and fill the supposed gap between $74m invested, and $11.15m yr increase in revenue. Nothing of maintenance, and nothing detailing what specifically was done with the investment, or how necessary it was. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Kevin Brune Submission Time: Dec 15 2024 12:33PM Email: kbkn@sbcglobal.net Telephone: 916-719-7694 Address: 2522 North Black Forest Way Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 21 Comment: "We are not in favor that Veolia is requesting a 20.5% increase in our water bill and their "revenues" would increase by 19.8%. Does this mean they are only "investing" 0.8%of this huge increase into the system? I think the PUC should press hard on the specific improvements and share the detailed breakdown with Veolia customers. In the meantime,we are NOT in favor of the increase. Perhaps some of these improvements should come from the billions of dollars our Federal Government already "approved" for infrastructure over the past few years? Please enlighten us on how you plan on requesting the federal government's infrastructure assistance. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Charles Gonzalez Submission Time: Dec 15 2024 1:OOPM Email: charlesgonzalez5555@gmail.com Telephone: 714-331-8400 Address: 5269 W Piaffe St Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "Why would Veolia be allowed to increase water rates? When Veolia bought out Suez Water, they knew exactly what they were getting into.Veolia is considered a very large water company, serving over 113 million people with drinking water globally, operating more than 8,500 water and wastewater facilities worldwide, and treating billions of gallons of water daily across various regions including North America; making it one of the biggest players in the water management industry. They bough Suez out knowing that they would increase water rates. I moved to Idaho for its beauty and affordability, allowing huge corporations to come in here and do as they please will only drive people away due to affordability issues. I thought I had left the nightmare situation behind in California, now we are allowing the same thing to happen to our beautiful Idaho." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Michael Wells Submission Time: Dec 15 2024 1:47PM Email: mweragon@hotmail.com Telephone: 801-815-5248 Address: 5699 S Nasturtium PI Boise, ID 83716 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "We received a notification from Veolia about a possible increase that is looking to be voted on.The notification mentioned that the increase would be 20.5%. The notification said that this would only increase the average residential bill by around $6.77 a month, but this does not show the full impact that this increase will have on those of us the people who do not have irrigation water. Our 22 average bill in the summer is above$100 to be able to water our lawn and garden.This type of increase would be quite substantial for us, and our neighborhood who don't have irrigation. I think for us, if this increase meant the possibility of getting irrigation water in our area,that would be useful and would make me more happy about the increase, but I think this sounds like a very big increase that will greatly impact the lives of the people in this area. I would hope that the increase can be cut down in some way, or that valuable benefits could be shown of the increase. Thanks!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Bill Reif Submission Time: Dec 15 2024 3:40PM Email: Billandias@gmail.com Telephone: 208-371-5987 Address: 10166 w Lariat Dr Boise, ID 83714 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "Why should they get a pay raise? Ever since they took over,the quality of my water has decreased to the point it is undrinkable.The taste is horrid and I get out of the shower smelling like chlorine. When we contacted them,they told us to let all of the faucets in our house run for 10 minutes to clear the lines. That's six faucets. If each one pumps out one gallon a minute,for 10 minutes,that 60 gallons of water wasted. I now have to purchase drinking water at the store or spend thousands on water filtration system.They are providing lower quality water and want to make more money. How about we see an improvement in service before they see an improvement and pay " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Kevin Bishow Submission Time: Dec 15 2024 5:08PM Email: kbishow@gmail.com Telephone: 949-525-2604 Address: 3429 S Upper Fork Way Boise, ID 83709 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "No rate increase." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: PAULJURCZAK Submission Time: Dec 15 2024 5:12PM 23 Email: paullurczak@hotmail.com Telephone: 872-201-4633 Address: 2254 East Walling Drive Boise, ID 83712 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "I strongly disagree with Veolia's statement"rate of return under the revised rates and charges will be 7.47%,which is a fair rate".This is an arbitrarily high number, not supported by any evidence. I consider their current return rate of 4.78%to be more than fair. They write: "Applicant seeks additional revenues to recover increased operating expenses". I would like to see Veolia increasing their operating efficiency first, before asking for additional revenue. I have witness numerous wasteful operational expenses on their side. Fallingbrook Townhomes where I live, received numerous mailing campaigns to purchase insurance of water pipes outside the buildings. Since, this is a rental community, such insurance policy doesn't make any sense and is legally infeasible.Veolia wasted printing and mailing costs on this futile campaign." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Robert Allen Submission Time: Dec 15 2024 5:42PM Email: pixelmakerpro@gmail.com Telephone: 208408407 Address: 7154 W. State St# 118 Boise, ID 83714 Name of Utility Company:Veolia water company rate change Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "Regarding the rate request for the above company. I do not support this since they mentioned one of the reasons is that they need to recoup their cost for expanding their coverage and water quality. The people who should be paying for the requested increase should be the wealthy developers who are building all of the new residences and buildings in the Veolia customer area instead of making the less wealthy pay for this increase." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Shona Busch Submission Time: Dec 16 2024 8:39AM Email: weezewomp@gmail.com Telephone: 208-371-2071 Address: 7733 W Amity rd Boise, ID 83709 24 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: " My water bill is very affordable. I would however appreciate it if this rate hike could be used to make my water not smell like chemicals. We have never been able to drink or use water straight from the tap. I have to use a Brita filter pitcher for everything.Thank you for letting me voice my opinion. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: DOUGLAS BYERS Submission Time: Dec 16 2024 9:47AM Email: doug@boisemagic.com Telephone: 208-867-5663 Address: 11180 w Treeline Dr Boise, ID 83713 Name of Utility Company:Ada Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "I disagree with a 2 year capital investment recovery.A standard capital investment recovery in US industry is based on an IRR target of 18%, which yields a 3 to 4 year investment recovery period.A two year recovery is too burdensome on consumers and excessively favorable to Veolia. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: mary dragone Submission Time: Dec 16 2024 9:52AM Email: marvhatsdragone@gmail.com Telephone: 208-340-4243 Address: 1420 e jefferson st boise, ID 83712 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Water Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "I object to the rate increase if the company is going to profit by 19%.Thank you Mary Dragone Boise Idaho" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Cecile Young Submission Time: Dec 16 2024 9:54AM Email: cecile777@msn.com Telephone: 208-794-7784 Address: 2610 W Davis Boise, ID 83702 25 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Water of Idaho Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "I don't think it right to increase our monthly water bill for repairs and upgrades that Veolia is required to do as an Utility company. It's the cost of doing business and this company is not suffering. It's made solid growth the last few years and millions of dollars in profit." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----Original Message----- From: PUCWeb Notification Sent: Monday, December 16, 2024 9:00 AM To: ConsumerComplaintsWeb Subject: Notice:A complaint was submitted to PUCWeb- Darren Bushee The following complaint was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Darren Bushee Submission Time: Dec 16 2024 8:14AM Email: darrenbushee@gmail.com Telephone: 208-412-8465 Address: 7566 S Wagons View Ave Boise, ID 83716 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Contacted Utility: No Comment: "I do not support the proposed rate change for Veolia's application request for the$74 million initiative." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name:Janet Stanton Submission Time: Dec 16 2024 10:55AM Email: hockeynrs@msn.com Telephone: 208-283-2260 Address: 1204 N. Hiltonhead Way Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "I have been an Eagle Resident since 1992 and have loved the small town feel of this city. Since Veolia's taking over water service from Eagle Water our costs have increased at a high rate of 26 trajectory. I cannot accept the fact that they need to raise our rates more at this date. We are now on a fixed income and find this distressing. Where will it end?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Dianne Kelly Submission Time: Dec 16 2024 10:55AM Email: diannepkelly@me.com Telephone: 208-995-6102 Address: 10480 W Rockwood Street Boise, ID 83704 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "I am so disappointed in Veolias foul smelling, bad tasting water to begin with, now getting notice of this rate request is just outrageous. Not one person I've spoken with has witnessed improvements in actual water quality. However, we have all endured the construction, and noticed more neighborhood lawns and landscaping around businesses drying up when people can't afford to run their sprinklers. I've lived in Boise nearly 65 years and weathered all of these water companies .We thought United Water and Suez were expensive but now here comes Veolia wanting 'investment recovery'with no real proof of work performed. A easy to respond customer survey of service received, before and after these '$74 million of improvements'should be required for a rate increase of this size. Not everyone is internet savvy. We can't just expect folks to go find the PUC website and assume no one objects when only a few comments are received.Veolia needs to initiate genuine customer feedback,to justify this request, not just send one postcard, easily lost in the Christmas rush. Veolia is by far the most secretive and expensive water company we've ever had. When lawns and gardens die, shade trees and bushes soon follow. This is our beautiful City of Trees, don't let Veolia take it from us. Please reject Veolias rate increase request. Thank you, Dianne Kelly" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Nathan Pierce Submission Time: Dec 16 2024 11:14AM Email: nathanpierce@u.boisestate.edu Telephone: 208-350-9355 Address:401 W Elwood Dr Boise, ID 83706 Name of Utility Company:VEOLIA Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 27 Comment: "Submitting my family's comment on this rate increase proposal -we are already paying more for water then ever before.We have a very modest home and yard and summer water bills were $300+ this year (2024)- I am not sure how the rate increase amount "average" was calculated but this will not be the case for us or our neighbors we have spoken to (will be much higher"per day"). We have already been hit with price increases for literally everything, and a 20%+ rate increase is absolutely ludicrous, it really feels like price gouging by a monopoly. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Jim Jennison Submission Time: Dec 16 2024 11:26AM Email: iiennison@mail.com Telephone: 208-995-6103 Address: 10480 W Rockwood St. Boise, ID 83704 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "I know it's human nature to be unhappy about price increases, but are you kidding me, as one of my neighbors said sure seems like Veolia has someone in their pocket. Sorry about the bitter comment but we are retired and have to live within our budget, maybe Veolia needs to learn to do the same." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Steve Vinsonhaler Submission Time: Dec 16 2024 12:16PM Email: stevevinsonhaler@msn.com Telephone: 208-488-8050 Address: 3164 S Daybreak Ave Meridian, ID 83642-4649 Name of Utility Company:VEOLIA Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "Its my understanding that VEOLIA is requesting a rate increase through the PUC. I do not want to see my rates increase to pay for any projects that VEOLIA is performing. VEOLIA can use their profits to cover any and all costs of projects they deem is necessary. I am not a fan of rate increases to fund projects that any organization deems necessary, only then reap the financial benefits off of tax payers. I am in favor of providing tax incentives for those organizations to help support their efforts in maintaining and repairing our utility infrastructure. I vote NO on any rate increase from VEOLIA or any utility company. If VEOLIA can't do the job, perhaps they are the wrong organization to provide us water." 28 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:Tina Peoples Submission Time: Dec 16 2024 12:25PM Email: tinapeoples@comcast.net Telephone:415-450-0360 Address:4682 N. Eyrie Way Boise, ID 83703 Name of Utility Company:VEOLIA Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "Dear Commission: VEOLIA is not entitled to a rate increase. Further many Idahoans do not know that VEOLIA is part of a French company rather than a local utility. Idahoans do not want a foreign entity to control their water, let alone one that allegedly spends vast sums without public oversight then seeks to recoup the expenses after the fact. Our concern is that the sums spent were for infrastructure costs for new housing and business developments that should have been paid for by the developers themselves. We believe that this rate increase request is an attempt to help the developers externalize their infrastructure development costs to rate payers who derive no direct benefits from them. I call on my elected representatives in City Council District 6, Precinct 1913 and at the state level to initate a full audit of these costs so that the public can see specifically what costs were incurred and which entity/persons specifically benefited. After which, we want VEOLIA out of the water business in Idaho and replaced with an American company.Thank you for your attention to this mater." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Daniel Russell Submission Time: Dec 16 2024 1:14PM Email: dannyboise@icloud.com Telephone: 208-830-9530 Address: 919 W Hays St Boise, ID 83702 Name of Utility Company: veola water Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "I believe the 20% increase in water charges is extreme. Water charges are already at record level and becoming difficult to pay. I think this request is irresponsible and should be rejected. The request shows poor management of finances and infrastructure." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Brett Smith Submission Time: Dec 16 2024 1:26PM Email: ecabrett@gmail.com 29 Telephone: 208-501-9984 Address: 1148 N Watson Way Eagle, ID 83616 Name of Utility Company:Veolia Case ID: VEO-W-24-01 Comment: "I noticed that Veolia is requesting that the IPUC grant them permission to levy a rate increase upon their water-using customers. I realize that Veolia has been implementing many infrastructural changes, but I simply refuse to believe that they need additional payments from customers who have (in my case) experienced rate increase as high as 700 percent initially and on average"300 percent otherwise, even after I've implemented concerted water-saving measures that included replacing leaky hose bibs and repairing a small leak at the supply valve. I'm a consulting engineer-geophysicist and if I raised my fees a MINIMUM of 300 percent, I'd NEVER have clients. Admittedly,there are times when I feel the need to raise my rates, when the "cost of doing business" requires occasional equipment purchases/upgrades and so on, but THOSE INHERENT"cost of doing business" costs are predominantly predictable and simply require disciplined budgetting and fiscal management! I think that THIS (fiscal management) is where Veolia needs to focus their efforts and NOT upon going the easy-way-out via rate increases! Please DENY Veolia their request to levy increased rates upon their already-financially-stressed customers here in Eagle, Idaho! Sincerely, Brett D. Smith PE, LG Managing Principal Environmental Compliance Associates, LLC e-c-associates.com" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 ol 4 Tr r Ti rr, m `7 m ,n_;. n ;n`' rn _m `= Tom C rr', Z Q) G �5 f� fi W ..I N � y y o � W