HomeMy WebLinkAbout20241213Service Quality Report 2024.pdf _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN 1407 W.North Temple,Suite 330
POWER. Salt Lake City,UT 84116
2024 December 13, 11:35AM
December 13, 2024 IDAHO PUBLIC
Commission Secretary
Idaho Public Utilities Commission
11331 W. Chinden Blvd
Building 8 Suite 201A
Boise, ID 83714
RE: PAC-E-12-02 - Service Quality & Customer Guarantee Report for the period
January 1 through June 30, 2024.
Attention: Commission Secretary
Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, hereby provides a copy of the Service Quality
& Customer Guarantee report covering January 1 through June 30, 2024. This report is provided
pursuant to a merger commitment made during the PacifiCorp and ScottishPower' merger and
later affirmed by the Commission in Order No. 32583. The Company committed to implement a
five-year Service Standards and Customer Guarantees program. The purposes behind these
programs were to improve service to customers and to emphasize to employees that customer
service is a top priority. Towards the end of the five-year merger commitment the Company filed
an application2 with the Commission requesting authorization to extend these programs.
Informal inquiries may be directed to Mark Alder, Idaho Regulatory Manager at(801) 220-2313.
Very truly yours,
�� r
Joelle Steward
Senior Vice President, Regulation
' Case No.PAC-E-99-01
2 Case No.PAC-E-04-07
January 1 — June 30, 2024
POWER Service Quality Review
January—June 2024
Table of Contents
HistoricalBackground ................................................................................................................................3
1 Reliability Performance .......................................................................................................................4
1.1 Network Performance Standard 1:System Average Interruption Duration Index(SAIDI).............................................4
1.2 Network Performance Standard 2:System Average Interruption Frequency Index(SAIFI)...........................................6
1.3 Major and Significant Events..........................................................................................................................................7
1.4 Network Performance Standard 4: Restore Service to 80%of Customers within 3 Hours............................................7
2 Reliability History.................................................................................................................................8
2.1 Idaho Reliability Historical Performance.........................................................................................................................8
2.2 Controllable, Non-Controllable and Underlying Performance Review...........................................................................9
2.3 Underlying Cause Analysis Table ..................................................................................................................................11
2.4 Cause Category Analysis Charts....................................................................................................................................13
3 Reliability Improvement Process.......................................................................................................14
3.1 Transmission Investments............................................................................................................................................14
3.2 Network Performance Standard 3: Reliability Performance Indicator(RPI) Evaluation...............................................16
4 Customer Response...........................................................................................................................17
4.1 Customer Service Performance Standard 5:Telephone Service and Response to Commission Complaints...............17
4.2 Customer Service Performance Standard 6:Customer Guarantees Program Status...................................................17
5 Service Standards/Program Summary...............................................................................................18
5.1 Service Standards Program...........................................................................................................................................18
5.1.1 Rocky Mountain Power Customer Guarantees...................................................................................................18
5.1.2 Rocky Mountain Power Performance Standards................................................................................................19
5.2 Cause Code Analysis......................................................................................................................................................20
5.3 Reliability Definitions....................................................................................................................................................21
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POWER Service Quality Review
January—June 2024
Historical Background
In 1999, Rocky Mountain Power established its Customer Service Standards and Service Quality Measures. The
Company set these standards by comparing its performance to industry benchmarks for reliability and customer
service. In some areas, Rocky Mountain Power has expanded upon these standards. In others, mainly where no
industry standard exists, the Company has developed its own metrics, targets, and methods of reporting. These
standards underscore the importance of customer service, both to external customers and within the Company.
The Company differentiates between outages it can control,such as those due to animal interference or equipment
failure, and those it cannot, such as those due to lightning or vehicle collisions. It takes measures that are cost-
effective to minimize both types of outages.As part of its Performance Standards Program,the Company assesses
individual electrical circuits annually to identify those with the most frequent interruptions. The Company then
targets these circuits for improvements, which it generally completes within two years.
From January to June 2024,the Company's underlying network performance in Idaho, as measured by the System
Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) and System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI), compared
favorably with its plan.The ongoing goal of Rocky Mountain Power is to provide Idaho with power that is safe and
reliable. The Company is committed to learning from past service experiences and to continually improving its
operations and customer service to meet the needs of Idaho.
The following is a summary of the performance of Rocky Mountain Power in serving customers in Idaho for the
period of January 1 to June 30, 2024.
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Service Quality Review
January—June 2024
1 Reliability Performance
For the reporting period, the Company's network performance was favorable as measured by System Average
Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) and System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI). Results for
underlying performance can be seen in subsections 1.1 and 1.2 below. During the reporting period there was one
major event and seven significant event days. Details regarding these events are found in section 1.3. Section 1.4
shows Company outage response performance. Transmission outages continue to cause a significant impact to
customers in Idaho.
1.1 Network Performance Standard 1: System Average Interruption Duration Index
Below is the Company's underlying' interruption duration performance through June 2024.
Actual Plan
(reporting period) (year-end)
Controllable 23.4 N/A
Uncontrollable 43.6 N/A
Underlying 67.0 130
Enhanced Safety Settings(ESS)3 0.1 N/A
Major Events 116.3 N/A
Encroachment4 0 N/A
Sub-Total Performance 183.4 N/A
(Excluding Pre-Arranged)
Planned/Pre-Arranged 24.7 N/A
Total Performance 208.1 N/A
(Including Pre-Arranged)
' Underlying events include all sustained interruptions, whether due to controllable or non-controllable causes, excluding major events,
Enhanced Safety Settings(ESS)outages,prearranged outages(including short notice emergency prearranged outages),customer-requested
interruptions,and forced outages mandated by public authorities,typically for safety in emergencies.
z Controllable categories include Animals,Bird Mortality(non-protected and protected species),Bird Nest,Bird Suspected-No Mortality,Bad
Order Equipment,Deterioration or Rotting,Faulty Install,Overload,and Trees—Trimmable.
3 As part of the Company's wildfire mitigation programs,"Enhanced Safety Settings" (ESS)may be used,significantly affecting distribution
system performance.In 2021,the Company developed a method to estimate the reliability impacts of these settings.ESS are applied during
severe fire weather conditions,such as high winds, low fuel moisture,elevated temperatures, low humidity, and volatile fuels. Using ESS
can lead to more sustained and longer outage events.The value shown indicates the total SAIDI impact for outages occurring while circuits
were on ESS.
4 As part of the Company's wildfire mitigation programs,wildfire"Encroachment"de-energizations were implemented in 2024 as a strategy
to manage wildfire risk.For this report,there was no impact on performance due to encroachment.
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POWER Service Quality Review
January—June 2024
2024Idaho SAIDI
(excludes Prearranged and Customer Requested)
180 •••••'
160 •••"'
C •••'''
120 •
100 •
y 80 •
60 •
40 •
20 _
1/24 Z/24 3/24 4/24 5/24 6/24
Calendar Underlying Actual
Calendar Controllable Actual
......Calendar Total Including Major Events,EFR
Underlying Plan
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POWER Service Quality Review
January—June 2024
1.2 Network Performance Standard 2: System Average Interruption Frequency Index
Below are the Company's underlying interruption frequency performance results through June 2024.
IDAHO Underlying SAIFI Actual Plan
(reporting period) (year-end)
Controllable 0.130 N/A
Non-Controllable 0.497 N/A
Underlying 0.627 1.75
Major Event 0.206 N/A
Enhanced Safety Settings(ESS) 0.001 N/A
Encroachment 0 N/A
Sub-Total Performance 0.834 N/A
(Excluding Pre-Arranged)
Planned/Pre-Arranged 0.217 N/A
Total Performance 1.051 N/A
(Including Pre-Arranged)
2024 Idaho SAIFI
(excludes Prearranged and Customer Requested)
a 0.8 �••••
0.6 �••••••••••
0.4 •
0.2 •
1/24 2/24 3/24 4/24 5/24 6/24
Calendar Underlying Actual
Calendar Controlla ble Actua I
......Calendar Total Including Major Events,EFR
Underlying Plan
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POWER Service Quality Review
January—June 2024
1.3 Major and Significant Events
Major Event General Descriptions
There was one major event during the reporting period that met the Company's Idaho major event threshold
levels for exclusion from underlying performance results.
Major Events
Date Cause:General Description SAIDI
March 1-4t",2024 Winter Storm;Weather-Snow,Sleet and Blizzard 115.8
Total 115.8
Significant Events
Significant event days add substantially to year-on-year cumulative performance results;fewer significant event
days generally result in better reliability for the reporting period, while more significant event days generally
means poorer reliability results. During the reporting period seven significant event days'were recorded, which
accounted for 35.2 SAIDI minutes, or about 53 percent of the reporting period's underlying 67 SAIDI minutes.
Significant Event Days
Underlying Underlying %Of Total %Of Total
Date Cause:General Description SAIDI SAIFI Underlying Underlying
SAIDI (67) SAIFI (0.627)
January 13,2024 Tree—Non-Preventable 4.63 0.039 6.91% 6.22%
January 16,2024 Tree—Non-Preventable 3.49 1 0.046 5.21% 7.34%
March 25,2024 Pole Fire 2.63 0.033 3.93% 5.26%
April 3,2024 Loss of Transmission Line 2.73 0.044 4.07% 7.02%
April 7,2024 Equipment Failure 5.76 0.040 8.46% 6.38%
May 17,2024 Tree—Non-Preventable 3.90 0.016 5.82% 1 2.55%
June 7,2024 Bird Mortality(Non-Protected Species) 12.01 1 0.071 17.93% 11.32%
TOTAL 35.15 1 0.289 52.46% 46.09%
1.4 Network Performance Standard 4: Restore Service to 80% of Customers within 3
Overall,the Company restored power outages due to loss of supply or damage to the distribution system within
three hours to 91%of customers, achieving the goal of greater than 80%.
Reporting Period Cumulative=91%
January February March April May June
95% 85% � 94 78% EH:]
5 A Major Event(ME) is defined as a 24-hour period where SAIDI exceeds a statistically derived threshold value (Reliability Standard IEEE
1366-2022)based on the 2.5 beta methodology.The values used for the reporting period are shown below:
Effective Date Customer Count ME Threshold SAIDI ME Customer Minutes Lost
1/1-12/31/2024 89,035 12.159 1,082,619
6 The Company established a variable of 1.75 times the standard deviation of its natural log SAIDI results.
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POWER Service Quality Review
January—June 2024
2 Reliability History
The charts below trace the evolution of reliability in Idaho. In 2002, the Company launched an automated outage
management system. This system supplied key data that facilitated the engineering of solutions for enhanced
performance. With this data as a base, the Company has been able to boost performance in both normal and
extreme weather conditions.
The enhancements include:
• Utilizing geospatial tools for analyzing reliability.
• Creating web-based alerts when devices operate beyond optimal levels.
• Concentrating on improving operational responses, as gauged by the CAIDI metric.
• Executing feeder hardening programs for feeders that have notably affected reliability performance.
2.1 Idaho Reliability Historical Performance
Idaho Reliability History - Including Major Events
4 600
3.0 500
2.5 2.6 400
2.0 1.9
> 2 0 300
0.8 �
1.1 1.1 200
0 0
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Idaho Reliability History - Excluding Major Events
3 600
2.4 500
2.2 2.1
2 400
= r
y 1.0 1.0
1.4 1.3 300
1 200
A La 0.6
0 _1A I 0
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
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POWER Service Quality Review
January—June 2024
2.2 Controllable, Non-Controllable and Underlying Performance Review
In 2008, the Company introduced a new category for outage causes called "Controllable Distribution Outages."
This category acknowledges that some outages, like those caused by animals or equipment failure, can be cost-
effectively prevented. Section 2.3 provides more details.
Using this category, engineers have developed strategies to reduce these controllable outages, improving
reliability at minimal cost. However,there was a concern that non-controllable outages might be overlooked.
To address this,the Company provides charts that differentiate between distinct types of outages.These charts,
updated daily, show performance related to controllable, non-controllable, and underlying factors.The analysis
indicates a general improvement across all charts.
Additionally, the Company has taken steps to enhance its resilience to extreme weather and other non-
controllable outages. This includes a visual assurance program to assess facility conditions and efforts to
understand the impact of supply loss events on customers. When issues are identified, necessary improvements
are made.
The Company also uses a web-based notification tool to alert field engineering and operational teams when
devices exceed performance thresholds. This enables a quick response to declining reliability trends, regardless
of the outage cause.
Idaho 365-Day Rolling Underlying History as Reported
300 3
250 2.5
200 2
150 1.5
C a
_ N
100 1
50 0.5
0 0
00\ 001 1
41 >ac >ac >'1§1 110 >a% >a� >a° 4` >ac >a° 1140
Stress Period —SAIDI —SAIR —Linear(SAIDI)
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POWER Service Quality Review
January—June 2024
Idaho 365-Day Rolling Controllable History as Reported
100 1
90 0.9
80 0.8
70 0.7
N 60 0.6
d �
c v
50 0.5 LU
Q In
40 0.4
30 0.3
20 0.2
10 0.1
0 0
ti�� ti°o� ti°o� ti°tio ti°may ti°�� ti°tip ti°tip ti°�h ti°�� ti°y� ti°y� ti°yo tioyo tioyy ti°�� C�, troy
Stress Period —SAIDI —SAIR —Linear(SAIDI)
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POWER Service Quality Review
January—June 2024
Idaho 365-Day Rolling NonControllable History as Reported
300 3
250 2.5
200 2
C� 150 1.5 d
� LL
100 1
so 0.5
0 0
oti° o oti oti lip ti° -oti`' oti oti oti oti' oti° otiti oti oti oti°
ti ti ti ti ti ti titi ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti
�Stress Period —SAIDI —SAIFl Linear(SAIDI)
2.3 Underlying Cause Analysis Table
The table and charts presented below illustrate the total minutes customers lost due to various causes and the
total sustained interruptions attributed to each cause. The table analyzing underlying causes excludes major
events and incorporates prearranged outages. These prearranged outages include those requested by
customers, those for which customers received notice, those related to construction, and those exempt from
planned notice. Subtotals include these prearranged outages.
However, the grand totals in the table do not include these prearranged outages. This exclusion ensures
alignment of the grand totals with the reported SAIDI and SAIFI metrics for the period.
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ROCKY MOUNTAIN Service Quality Review
January-June 2024
Idaho Cause Analysis-Underlying 01/01/2024-06/30/2024
Customer Minutes Customers in Sustained
Direct Cause Lost for Incident Incident Sustained Incident Count SAIDI SAIFI
ANIMALS 20,071.50 252 53 0.23 0.003
BIRD MORTALITY(NON-PROTECTED SPECIES) 19,796.42 160 22 0.22 0.002
BIRD MORTALITY(PROTECTED SPECIES)(BMTS) 13,057.45 139 8 0.15 0.002
BIRD NEST(BMTS) 18,035.05 339 6 0.20 0.004
BIRD SUSPECTED,NO MORTALITY 99,121.97 1,282 29 1.11 0.014
ANIMALS 170,082.38 2,172 118 1.91 0.024
CONTAMINATION 414.00 4 1 0.00 0.000
FLOODING 109.62 1 1 0.00 0.000
ENVIRONMENT 523.62 5 2 0.01 0.000
B/O EQUIPMENT 128,981.38 911 102 1.45 0.010
DETERIORATION OR ROTTING 720,078.16 5,270 241 8.09 0.059
OVERLOAD 125,016.33 2,672 3 1.40 0.030
NEARBY FAULT 201.05 1 1 0.00 0.000
EQUIPMENT FAILURE 974,276.93 8,854 347 10.94 0.099
POLE FIRE 83,245.92 345 7 0.93 0.004
FIRE 83,245.92 345 7 0.93 0.004
DIG-IN (NON-PACIFICORP PERSONNEL) 6,791.87 27 12 0.08 0.000
OTHER INTERFERING OBJECT 6,280.75 95 16 0.07 0.001
OTHER UTILITY/CONTRACTOR 65,952.58 1,988 4 0.74 0.022
VEHICLE ACCIDENT 218,915.48 1,267 31 2.46 0.014
INTERFERENCE 297,940.68 3,377 63 3.35 0.038
LOSS OF SUBSTATION 202,253.25 265 4 2.27 0.003
LOSS OF TRANSMISSION LINE 1,809,797.28 22,155 69 20.33 0.249
LOSS OF SUPPLY 2,012,050.53 22,420 73 22.60 0.252
FAULTY INSTALL 1,122.32 16 4 0.01 0.000
INCORRECT RECORDS 295.95 3 3 0.00 0.000
PACIFICORP EMPLOYEE-FIELD 81.45 1 1 0.00 0.000
OPERATIONAL 3,184.73 33.00 9.00 0.04 0.000
OTHER,KNOWN CAUSE 73,894.75 398 87 0.83 0.004
UNKNOWN 427,732.51 5,919 106 4.80 0.066
OTHER 501,627.26 6,317 193 5.63 0.071
CONSTRUCTION* 23.53 2 2 0.00 0.000
CUSTOMER NOTICE GIVEN* 1,466,569.61 14,555 301 16.47 0.163
CUSTOMER REQUESTED* 1,443.72 6 5 0.02 0.000
EMERGENCY DAMAGE REPAIR* 542,951.04 2,811 81 6.10 0.032
INTENTIONALTOCLEARTROUBLE 4,621.15 47 4 0.05 0.001
PLANNED NOTICE EXEMPT* 186,907.10 1,967 199 2.10 0.022
PLANNED 2,202,516.15 19,388 592 24.74 0.218
TREE-NON-PREVENTABLE 1,256,144.08 6,650 52 14.11 0.075
TREE-TRIMMABLE 122.52 2 2 0.00 0.000
TREES 1,256,266.60 6,652 54 14.11 0.075
ICE 1,238.18 12 6 0.01 0.000
LIGHTNING 36,005.86 373 28 0.40 0.004
SNOW,SLEET AND BLIZZARD 99,041.82 517 44 1.11 0.006
WIND 527,019.94 4,720 178 5.92 0.053
FREEZING FOG&FROST 298.63 3 2 0.00 0.000
WEATHER 663,604.44 5,625 258 7.45 0.063
Idaho Including Prearranged 8,165,319.23 75,188 1,716 91.71 0.844
Idaho Excluding Prearranged 5,967,424.23 55,847 1,128 67.02 0.627
* Note: Direct Cause categories marked with an asterisk(*) are prearranged or exempt from underlying values.
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POWER Service Quality Review
January—June 2024
2.4 Cause Category Analysis Charts
The data depicted in the charts and graphs below offer insights into how various outage causes affect service
reliability. We use SAIDI and SAIFI metrics to quantify this impact, representing the average outage duration and
frequency, respectively. Some outages, although infrequent, result in substantial customer minutes lost. In
contrast, others occur more frequently but have less overall impact. For clarity, the pie charts further dissect
these metrics across all cause categories, excluding major and planned events.
Cause Analysis-Customer Minutes Lost(SAIDI)
■ OTHER 9%
■ TTEE- 'I
Cause Analysis-Customer Interruptions(SAIFI)
SUPPLY 404e ■ TREES I2`�
Cause Analysis-Sustained Incidents
■ TREES S46 1%
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Service Quality Review
January—June 2024
3 Reliability Improvement Process
Rocky Mountain Power is committed to delivering safe and reliable power. For years, the company has
developed, monitored, and tracked reliability metrics in accordance with industry standards and regulatory
requirements. Over time, improvements have been made to minimize the negative impact of power
interruptions by reducing outage duration and frequency. To continue keeping its commitment to deliver safe
and reliable power, Rocky Mountain Power develops a reliability plan annually to identify new projects and
programs to continually improve system performance and resilience.
Rocky Mountain Power's reliability plan is a key program that is used to improve system reliability is the
development of individual reliability work plans for areas of concern, which is a strategic approach based upon
current trends in performance as measured by customer minutes interrupted (CMI),from which SAIDI is derived.
The decision to fund one performance improvement project over another is based on cost effectiveness as
measured by the cost per avoided customer minute interruptions. Care is taken to ensure the cost effectiveness
measure does not limit funding of improvement projects in areas of low customer density over more densely
populated areas.
An area of concern that has been identified is circuits that serve many customers. As a result, Rocky Mountain
Power implemented a new mainline sectionalizing guideline to reduce the number of customers exposed per
feeder. The guide outlines recommendations for a maximum of 2,250 customers per feeder, which are to be
further subdivided into protection zones of no more than 750 customers. The system is reviewed annually to
determine which circuits should be prioritized based on greatest amount of risk to reliability.
3.1 Transmission Investments
In recent years, Rocky Mountain Power has invested in improving the transmission reliability in Idaho. The
table below highlights significant projects that were completed in Idaho to improve reliability and address load
In Development
Description of CAPEX Project In-Service Date Description
This project aims to enhance the reliability of the Goshen-Grace
transmission line by installing a capacitor coupled voltage
transformers and relay packages on circuit breakers at Fish Creek
Estimated Substation.This upgrade will enable automatic isolation of line faults,
Fish Creek Relay-Install Auto-Throwover 2025 reducing the risk of outages and improving service continuity. The
project is essential because the current manual control of circuit
breakers limits the substation's ability to respond to faults efficiently.
The installation will also provide SCADA indications,further enhancing
operational oversight and fault management.
This project is essential to accommodate new equipment within a new
Preston 46kV Substation(Auto Throwover) Estimated control house, ensuring proper insulation and enhanced SCADA
4/30/2025 visibility. The improvements will reduce improper operations and
customer minutes lost,enhancing operational efficiency.
The project aims to improve equipment reliability and personnel
Estimated safety by constructing a new control house that meets the latest
Amps-Control Building Addition 2025 standards. Financial analysis indicates that this investment will yield
long-term benefits without incurring additional operating or
maintenance costs.
Estimated This project is in the scoping phase. The proposal is to install auto-
Menan Substation Install Auto Throwover 2026 throwover.
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Service Quality Review
January—June 2024
In Service
Description of CAPEX Project In-Service Description
This project aims to enhance the reliability of our 46kV transmission
system, specifically benefiting Itafos and Simplot customers who have
faced frequent power interruptions.The Company installed a new 46kV
Conda 46kV Bay and 2"d 46kV Line 11/15/24 line position at Conda, construct 0.33 miles of transmission line north
of the Itafos tap, and reconfigure the system to reduce Itafos' line
exposure from 31 miles to just 2 miles. These improvements will
significantly increase service reliability and ensure a more stable power
supply for customers.
This project installs a 10 MVAr capacitor bank at Ovid Substation and a
5 MVAr capacitor bank at St Charles Substation to resolve low voltage
Montpelier Area Voltage Support 10/18/23 issues on the Montpelier, Idaho area 69kV system after certain
transmission contingency scenarios.
Replace 30 poles from "YS"to TE201 with distribution under build and
ERICKSON JCT-WEBSTER 69KV LINE(REFRAME) 12/31/22 reframe 24 tangent structures "YS"&"PSSM" to TE201 on the Rigby-
Rexburg 69kV transmission line.Spiral dampers will also be installed as
part of this project in 2023 due to materials delays.
A third 345/161kV transformer will be installed at Goshen substation in
southeast Idaho to address potential overloading of existing
Goshen#3 35/161kV 400 MVA Transformer Install 11/15/22 transformers due to increasing load. By 2021, loss of one transformer
could overload the remaining one above its emergency rating.The new
transformer will be installed in 2021,with a replacement spare received
in 2022.
This project involves the replacement of about 3.4 miles of 46kV, 1/0-
CU conductor between Lava and McCammon substations with new
397.5 ACSR "Ibis" conductor. It also includes the replacement of 26
Lava—McCammon 46kV 3.4-mile Reconductor 10/15/22 single poles and four H-frame structures to increase strength and height
of the structures,and the installation of a 3/8"shield wire over the 3.4
miles.This completes the replacement of all original conductors on the
27.5-mile Grace—Lava—McCammon transmission line.
This project improves the 69kV capacity and voltage regulation served
from Rigby substation by converting an existing 69kV line to 161kV to
create a 161kV source at Rexburg substation through a new 161-69kV
transformer installation.The project also will include a new six breaker
Rexburg Sub:Install 161kV Source from Rigby 12/31/21 69kV ring bus at Rexburg substation that includes terminating two
existing 69kV lines and one new 69kV line. Benefits of the project
include establishing a new 161kV source in the area, providing
additional 69kV capacity, improving 69kV voltage regulation and
reliability to customers served from the 69kV system.
The American Falls to Wheelon 138kV line averaged 12.7 trip and
recloses annually from 2017-2019 due to contaminated insulator
flashovers, causing momentary outages for 2,856 customers. The
Malad Sub:Add Transmission Breakers and Relays 12/31/21 project will expand Malad substation with new 138kV circuit breakers,
relays, and communications, enabling line sectionalization. This will
keep the non-faulted section in-service during faults, preventing
momentary outages for customers.
A new 44-mile 161kV transmission line will be constructed from Goshen
to Sugarmill and Sugarmill to Rigby substations in southeast Idaho.
Some existing 69kV lines between Goshen and Sugarmill will be rebuilt
Goshen-Sugarmill-Rigby 161kV Trans Line-T 12/15/21 to 161kV,and Ammon substation will be converted from 69kV to 161kV.
This project will improve reliability for transmission and load service
customers in the Goshen area and address low voltage issues at Rigby
and Sugarmill substations during heavy load conditions.
This project will raptor frame and armor rod 13.2 miles of 69kV
Bonneville-Merrill-Hoopes 69kV In+UB Reframe 4/1/21 transmission line which is experiencing unacceptable outages.This will
include replacing deteriorated cross arms and insulators on the
distribution under build.
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POWER Service Quality Review
January—June 2024
3.2 Network Performance Standard 3: Reliability Performance Indicator (RPI)
In the Company's ongoing commitment to enhance reliability performance,the Company will annually identify
at least one area with suboptimal performance using the Reliability Performance Indicator (RPI) metric. The
Company will implement targeted corrective actions to achieve an average reduction of 10% in the RPI for
these areas. Through these efforts, we strive to ensure continuous improvement and operational excellence
across the service territory in Idaho.
YEAR 3 full years before (Calculation based on
reporting year) last 3 rolling years)
Mainline sectionalizing:
Divide the AMM2D78
circuit by installing a
switch west of the
substation and Anticipated
2024 AMM2D78 connecting to the open Completion: 119 112
circuit breaker position 2025
AMM2D74. Move the
recloser from SND14 to
AMM2D74 for mainline
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POWER Service Quality Review
January—June 2024
4 Customer Response
4.1 Customer Service Performance Standard 5: Telephone Service and Response to
Commission Complaints
The Company achieved most of its goals related to providing a timely response to customers concerns and
commission complaints, except for the PS5 commitment, which was due to a staffing shortage. The Company is
actively recruiting and training additional customer service representatives. We anticipate a continued
improvement in the PS5 performance as these new employees transition into their roles.
PS5 Answer calls within 30 seconds 80% 79.5%7
PS6a Respond to commission complaints within 3 days 95% 100%
PS6b Respond to commission complaints regarding service disconnects 95% 100%
within 4 hours
Resolve commission complaints within 30 days 100% 100%
4.2 Customer Service Performance Standard 6: Customer Guarantees Program
Overall Customer Guarantee performance remains above 99 percent, demonstrating the Company's continued
commitment to customer satisfaction. Major Events are excluded from the Customer Guarantees program.
customerguarantees January to June 2024
2024 2023
Description Events Failures %Success Paid Events Failures %Success Paid
CG1 Restoring Supply 60,632 0 100.00% $0 48,819 0 100.00% $0
CG2 Appointments 456 0 100.00% $0 404 0 100.00% $0
CG3 Switching on Power 2,026 0 100.00% $0 729 0 100.00% $0
CG4 Estimates 178 0 100.00% $0 171 2 98.83% $100
CG5 Respond to Billing Inquiries 95 0 100.00% $0 91 0 100.00% $0
CG6 Respond to Meter Problems 30 0 100.00% $0 54 0 100.00% $0
CG7 Notification of Planned Interruptions 14,555 0 100.00% $0 8,529 2 99.98% $100
77,972 0 , 100.00% $0 58,797 4 ' 99.99% $200
General Comments: Overall guarantee performance remains above 99%,demonstrating Rocky Mountain Power's continued commitment to customer satisfaction.
7 Considering recent reports, Rocky Mountain Power faced challenges in meeting its PS5 goal due to staffing limitations, primarily caused
by labor market dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic.Despite these obstacles,the Company has remained committed to enhancing its
performance and has consistently demonstrated improvement.As the Company emerged from the pandemic in 2022,its PS5 performance
stood at 63%. By the first half of 2023, Rocky Mountain Power's PS5 performance had achieved 75%.This report reflects an improvement
in our PS5 performance to 79%through June 2024,signalling a continued positive trend.The Company expects to achieve its target of 80%
by end of 2024,reflecting Rocky Mountain Power's continued efforts toward achieving its PS5 target.
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5 Service Standards/Program Summary8
5.1 Service Standards Program
As referenced in Rule 25.
5.1.1 Rocky Mountain Power Customer Guarantees9
Customer Guarantee 1: The Company will restore supply after an outage within 24 hours of
Restoring Supply After an Outage notification with certain exceptions as described in Rule 25.
Customer Guarantee 2: The Company will keep mutually agreed upon appointments,which
Appointments will be scheduled within a two-hour time window.
Customer Guarantee 3: The Company will switch on power within 24 hours of the customer
Switching on Power or applicant's request, provided no construction is required,all
government inspections are met and communicated to the
Company and required payments are made. Disconnections for
nonpayment,subterfuge or theft/diversion of service are excluded.
Customer Guarantee 4: The Company will provide an estimate for new supply to the
Estimates For New Supply applicant or customer within 15 working days after the initial
meeting and all necessary information is provided to the Company.
Customer Guarantee 5: The Company will respond to most billing inquiries at the time of the
Respond To Billing Inquiries initial contact. For those that require further investigation,the
Company will investigate and respond to the Customer within 10
working days.
Customer Guarantee 6: The Company will investigate and respond to reported problems
Resolving Meter Problems with a meter or conduct a meter test and report results to the
customer within 10 working days.
Customer Guarantee 7: The Company will provide the customer with at least two days'
Notification of Planned Interruptions notice prior to turning off power for planned interruptions
consistent will Rule 25 and relevant exemptions.
$ On June 29, 2012, in Docket PAC-E-12-02 and Order 32583, the Commission ordered that Rocky Mountain Power had delivered upon
commitments it made in pursuant to the MiclAmerican transaction in PAC-E-05-08 and Order 29998. The Commission also ordered the
acceptance of modifications to the Service Standards Program proposed by Rocky Mountain Power.
9 See Rules for a complete description of terms and conditions for the Customer Guarantee Program.
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5.1.2 Rocky Mountain Power Performance Standardsio
Network Performance Standard 1: The Company will report Total, Underlying,and
Report System Average Interruption Duration Index Controllable SAIDI and identify annual Underlying baseline
(SAIDI) performance targets for the reporting period. For actual
performance variations from baseline,explanations of
performance will be provided.The Company will also report
rolling twelve-month performance for Controllable, Non-
Controllable and Underlying distribution events.
Network Performance Standard 2: The Company will report Total, Underlying,and
Report System Average Interruption Frequency Controllable SAIFI and identify annual Underlying baseline
Index(SAIFI) performance targets for the reporting period. For actual
performance variations from baseline,explanations of
performance will be provided.The Company will also report
rolling twelve-month performance for Controllable, Non-
Controllable and Underlying distribution events.
Network Performance Standard 3: Annually,the Company will target specific circuits or
Improve Under-Performing Areas portions of circuits to improve performance by a forecast
amount, using either its legacy worst performing circuit
program (to reduce by 10%the reliability performance
indicator(RPI)on at least one area on an annual basis
within five years after selection).
Network Performance Standard 4: The Company will restore power outages due to loss of
Supply Restoration supply or damage to the distribution system within three
hours to 80%of customers on average.
Customer Service Performance Standard 5: The Company will answer 80%of telephone calls within 30
Telephone Service Level seconds.The Company will monitor customer satisfaction
with the Company's Customer Service Associates and
quality of response received by customers through the
Company's eQuality monitoring system.
Customer Service Performance Standard 6: The Company will a) respond to at least 95%of non-
Commission Complaint Response/Resolution disconnect Commission complaints within three working
days and will b) respond to at least 95%of disconnect
Commission complaints within four working hours and will
c) resolve 95%of informal Commission complaints within
30 days.
io Performance Standards 1,2 and 4 are for underlying performance days and exclude those classified as Major Events.
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5.2 Cause Code Analysis
The Company classifies outages based upon the cause categories and causes; causes are a further delineation
within cause categories. It applies the definitions below to determine the outage cause categories. These
categories and their causes can help support reliability analysis and improvement efforts.
Direct Cause
Category Category Definition&Example/Direct Cause
Animals Any problem nest that requires removal,relocation,trimming,etc.;any birds,squirrels,or other animals,
regardless of whether remains were found.
• Animal(Animals) • Bird Nest
• Bird Mortality(Non-protected species) • Bird or Nest
• Bird Mortality(Protected species)(BMTS) • Bird Suspected,No Mortality
Environment Contamination or Airborne Deposit(i.e.,salt,trona ash,other chemical dust,sawdust,etc.);corrosive
environment;flooding due to rivers,broken water main,etc.;fire/smoke related to forest,brush or building
fires(not including fires due to faults or lightning).
• Condensation/Moisture • Major Storm or Disaster
• Contamination • Nearby Fault
• Fire/Smoke(not due to faults) • Pole Fire
• Flooding
Equipment Structural deterioration due to age(incl.pole rot);electrical load above limits;failure for no apparent reason;
Failure conditions resulting in a pole/cross arm fire due to reduced insulation qualities;equipment affected by fault on
nearby equipment(e.g.,broken conductor hits another line).
• B/O Equipment • Deterioration or Rotting
• Overload • Substation,Relays
Interference Willful damage,interference,or theft(e.g.,gun shots,rock throwing,etc.);customer,contractor,or other
utility dig-in;contact by outside utility,contractor or other third-party individual;vehicle accident,including
car,truck,tractor,aircraft,manned balloon;other interfering object such as straw,shoes,string,balloon.
• Dig-in(Non-PacifiCorp Personnel) • Other Utility/Contractor
• Other Interfering Object • Vehicle Accident
• Vandalism or Theft
Loss of Failure of supply from Generator or Transmission system;failure of distribution substation equipment.
Supply • Failure on other line or station • Loss of Substation
• Loss of Feed from Supplier • Loss of Transmission Line
• Loss of Generator • System Protection
Operational Accidental Contact by PacifiCorp or PacifiCorp's Contractors(including live-line work);switching error;testing
or commissioning error;relay setting error,including wrong fuse size,equipment by-passed;incorrect circuit
records or identification;faulty installation or construction;operational or safety restriction.
• Contact by PacifiCorp • Internal Tree Contractor
• Faulty Install • Switching Error
• Improper Protective Coordination • Testing/Startup Error
• Incorrect Records • Unsafe Situation
• Internal Contractor
Other Cause Unknown;use comments field if there are some possible reasons.
• Invalid Code • Unknown
• Other,Known Cause
Planned Transmission requested,affects distribution sub and distribution circuits;Company outage taken to make
repairs after storm damage,car hit pole,etc.;construction work,regardless of whether notice is given;rolling
• Construction • Emergency Damage Repair
• Customer Notice Given • Customer Requested
• Energy Emergency Interruption • Planned Notice Exempt
• Intentional to Clear Trouble • Transmission Requested
Tree Growing or falling trees
• Tree-Non-preventable • Tree-Tree felled by Logger
• Tree-Trimmable
Weather Wind(excluding windborne material);snow,sleet or blizzard,ice,freezing fog,frost,lightning.
• Extreme Cold/Heat • Lightning
• Freezing Fog&Frost • Rain
• Wind • Snow,Sleet,Ice and Blizzard
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5.3 Reliability Definitions
This section will define the various terms used when referring to interruption types, performance metrics and
the internal measures developed to meet its performance plans.
Interruption Types
Below are the definitions for interruption events. For further details, refer to IEEE 1366-2003/201211 Standard
for Reliability Indices.
Sustained Outage
A sustained outage is defined as an outage greater than 5 minutes in duration.
Momentary Outage Event
A momentary outage event is defined as an outage equal to or less than 5 minutes in duration and comprises all
operations of the device during the momentary duration; if a breaker goes to lockout (it is unable to clear the
faulted condition after the equipment's prescribed number of operations) the momentary operations are part
of the ensuing sustained interruption. This sequence of events typically occurs when the system is trying to re-
establish energy flow after a faulted condition and is associated with circuit breakers or other automatic reclosing
devices. Rocky Mountain Power uses the locations where SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition)
exists and calculates consistent with IEEE 1366-2003/2012. Where no substation breaker SCADA exists, fault
counts at substation breakers are to be used.
Reliability Indices
SAIDI (system average interruption duration index) is an industry-defined term to define the average duration
summed for all sustained outages a customer experiences in each period. It is calculated by summing all customer
minutes lost for sustained outages (those exceeding 5 minutes) and dividing by all customers served within the
study area. When not explicitly stated otherwise,this value can be assumed to be for a one-year period.
To evaluate trends during a year and to establish Major Event Thresholds, a daily SAIDI value is often used as a
measure. This concept is contained IEEE Standard 1366-2012. This is the day's total customer minutes out of
service divided by the static customer count for the year. It is the total average outage duration customers
experienced for that given day. When these daily values are accumulated through the year, it yields the year's
SAIDI results.
SAIFI (system average interruption frequency index) is an industry-defined term that attempts to identify the
frequency of all sustained outages that the average customer experiences during a given period. It is calculated
by summing all customer interruptions for sustained outages (those exceeding 5 minutes in duration) and
dividing by all customers served within the study area.
CAIDI (customer average interruption duration index) is an industry standard index that is the result of dividing
the duration of the average customer's sustained outages by frequency of outages for that average customer.
While the Company did not originally specify this metric under the umbrella of the Performance Standards
Program within the context of the Service Standards Commitments, it has since been determined to be valuable
for reporting purposes. It is derived by dividing PS1 (SAIDI) by PS2 (SAIFI).
11 IEEE 1366-2003 was adopted by the IEEE on December 23,2003.It was subsequently modified in IEEE 1366-2012,but all definitions used in this
document are consistent between these two versions.The definitions and methodology detailed therein are now industry standards.
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MAIFIE (momentary average interruption event frequency index) is an industry standard index that quantifies
the frequency of all momentary interruption events that the average customer experiences during a given
timeframe. It is calculated by counting all momentary interruptions which occur within a 5-minute period, if the
interruption event did not result in a device experiencing a sustained interruption.
CEMI is an acronym for Customers Experiencing Multiple (Sustained and Momentary) Interruptions. This index
depicts repetition of outages across the period being reported and can be an indicator of recent portions of the
system that have experienced reliability challenges.This metric is used to evaluate customer-specific reliability.
CP199 is an acronym for Circuit Performance Indicator, which uses key reliability metrics of the circuit to identify
underperforming circuits. It excludes Major Event and Loss of Supply or Transmission outages.The variables and
equation for calculating CPI are:
CPI = Index * ((SAIDI * WF * NF) + (SAIFI * WF * NF) + (MAIFI * WF * NF) + (Lockouts * WF * NF))
Index: 10.645
SAIDI: Weighting Factor 0.30, Normalizing Factor 0.029
SAIFI: Weighting Factor 0.30, Normalizing Factor 2.439
MAIFI: Weighting Factor 0.20, Normalizing Factor 0.70
Lockouts: Weighting Factor 0.20, Normalizing Factor 2.00
Therefore, 10.645 * ((3-year SAIDI * 0.30 * 0.029) +(3-year SAIFI * 0.30 * 2.439) +(3-year MAIN * 0.20 * 0.70)
+ (3-year breaker lockouts * 0.20 * 2.00)) =CPI Score
CP105 is an acronym for Circuit Performance Indicator, which uses key reliability metrics of the circuit to identify
underperforming circuits. Unlike CP199 it includes Major Event and Loss of Supply or Transmission outages. The
calculation of CP105 uses the same weighting and normalizing factors as CP199.
RPI is an acronym for Reliability Performance Indicator, which measures reliability performance on a specific
segment of a circuit to identify underperforming circuit segments rather than measuring performance of the
whole circuit.This is the Company's refinement to its historic CPI, more granular.
Performance Types & Commitments
Rocky Mountain Power recognizes several categories of performance: major events and underlying performance.
Underlying performance days may be significant event days. Outages recorded during any day may be classified
as "controllable" events.
Major Events
A Major Event (ME) is defined as a 24-hour period where SAIDI exceeds a statistically derived threshold value
(Reliability Standard IEEE 1366-2012) based on the 2.5 beta methodology. The values used for the reporting
period and the prospective period are shown below.
Effective Date Customer Count ME Threshold SAIDI ME Customer Minutes Lost
1/1-12/31/2024 89,035 12.159 1,082,619
Significant Events
The Company has evaluated its year-to-year performance and as part of an industry weather normalization task
force, sponsored by the IEEE Distribution Reliability Working Group, determined that when the Company
recorded a day in excess of 1.75 beta (or 1.75 times the natural log standard deviation beyond the natural log
daily average for the day's SAIDI)that generally these days' events are generally associated with weather events
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and serve as an indicator of a day which accrues substantial reliability metrics,adding to the cumulative reliability
results for the period. As a result, the Company individually identifies these days so that year-on-year
comparisons are informed by the quantity and their combined impact to the reporting period results.
Underlying Events
Within the industry, there has been a great need to develop methodologies to evaluate year-on-year
performance. This has led to the development of methods for segregating outlier days, via the approaches
described above. Those days which fall below the statistically derived threshold represent "underlying"
performance and are valid. If any changes have occurred in outage reporting processes, those impacts need to
be considered when making comparisons. Underlying events include all sustained interruptions, whether of a
controllable or non-controllable cause, exclusive of major events, prearranged (which can include short notice
emergency prearranged outages), customer requested interruptions and forced outages mandated by public
authority typically regarding safety in an emergency.
Controllable Distribution(CD)Events
In 2008, the Company identified the benefit of separating its tracking of outage causes into those that can be
classified as "controllable" (and thereby reduced through preventive work) from those that are "non-
controllable" (and thus cannot be mitigated through engineering programs);they will generally be referred to in
subsequent text as controllable distribution (CD). For example, outages caused by deteriorated equipment or
animal interference are classified as controllable distribution since the Company can take preventive measures
with a high probability to avoid future recurrences, while vehicle interference or weather events are largely out
of the Company's control and generally not avoidable through engineering programs. (It should be noted that
Controllable Events is a subset of Underlying Events.The Cause Code Analysis section of this report contains two
tables for Controllable Distribution and Non-controllable Distribution, which list the Company's performance by
direct cause under each classification.) At the time that the Company established the determination of
controllable and non-controllable distribution it undertook significant root cause analysis of each cause type and
its proper categorization (either controllable or non-controllable). Thus, when outages are completed and
evaluated, and if the outage cause designation is improperly identified as non-controllable, then it would result
in correction to the outage's cause to preserve the association between controllable and non-controllable based
on the outage cause code. The Company distinguishes the performance delivered using this differentiation for
comparing year to date performance against underlying and total performance metrics.
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