HomeMy WebLinkAbout20241206Settlement Stipulation.pdf _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN 1407 W.North Temple,Suite 330 POWER. Salt Lake City,UT 84116 A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP RECEIVED Friday, December 6, 2024 December 6, 2024 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION VIA ELECTRONIC DELIVERY Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd Building 8 Suite 201A Boise, ID 83714 RE: CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES IN IDAHO Attention: Commission Secretary Rocky Mountain Power hereby submits for filing with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission a settlement stipulation and attachments in the above-referenced matter. Informal inquiries may be directed to Mark Alder, Idaho Regulatory Manager at(801) 220-2313. Very truly yours, a�"D Joe Steward 9�3 Senior Vice President, Regulation BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN ) CASE NO. PAC-E-24-04 POWER'S APPLICATION FOR ) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) SETTLEMENT STIPULATION AND CHARGES IN IDAHO ) This Settlement Stipulation ("Stipulation") is entered into by and among PacifiCorp d/b/a Rocky Mountain Power("PacifiCorp" or the "Company"), Staff for the Idaho Public Utilities Commission("Staff'),PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers ("PIIC"),P4 Production,L.L.C. an affiliate of Bayer Corporation ("Bayer"), and Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. ("IIPA"), (collectively, the "Parties,"and individually"Party") in resolution of all outstanding issues in this proceeding. Idaho Conservation League ("ICL") also intervened in the case. ICL filed a Notice of Withdrawal on November 14, 2024. INTRODUCTION I. The Parties agree that this Stipulation represents a fair, just, and reasonable compromise of the issues in this proceeding and that this Stipulation is in the public interest. The Parties recommend that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") approve the Stipulation pursuant to its authority under Commission Rules 272 and 274. The Parties understand that the Stipulation is not binding on the Commission or any Party unless the Commission approves it. BACKGROUND 2. On May 31, 2024, the Company filed an Application with the Commission requesting authority to increase its Idaho jurisdictional revenue requirement by $92.4 million, SETTLEMENT STIPULATION PAGE 1 or approximately 26.8 percent. The Company also requested approval to mitigate the rate increase by phasing in the base net power cost increase over two years.The Company proposed the first increase of$66.7 million or 19.4 percent to take effect January 1, 2025, and a second increase of$25.7 million or 7.4 percent to take effect on January 1, 2026, for a total increase of $92.4 million or 26.8 percent. The overall increase varies by customer class and actual usage. The proposed overall increase is based upon the historical twelve-month period ending December 31, 2023, adjusted for known and measurable changes through December 31, 2024 ("Test Period"). 3. The Application reflected net power costs("NPC")for the Test Period of$2.382 billion on a total-Company basis, $136.7 million on an Idaho-allocated basis,which represents a $1.015 billion, or 74 percent increase on a total-Company basis in net power costs compared to the 2021 rate case, Docket No. PAC-E-21-07. The Application also requested recovery of capital additions, including costs associated with its Gateway South and Gateway West Segment D.1 transmission lines, Rock Creek 1 wind facility, and Foote Creek II, III, and IV and Rock River I repowering projects. 4. In its Application,the Company requested approval for proposed modifications to the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism (`SCAM"). The Company proposed including modifying the sharing band for 95 percent of NPC variances to be passed through the mechanism and the remaining five percent of the NPC variances would remain outside the mechanism. The Company also requested to remove the Renewable Energy Credit ("REC") SETTLEMENT STIPULATION PAGE 2 revenue adjustment from the annual ECAM calculation and instead provide a new voluntary renewable energy credit option tariff and a new REC revenue adjustment tariff. 5. The Company also requested approval of two proposals to help position it to respond to financial risk posed by the increasing frequency and severity of wildfires impacting PacifiCorp's service territories. First, the Company proposed an Insurance Cost Adjustment ("ICA") to recover the costs for excess liability insurance through a separate surcharge. Second, the Company proposed a Catastrophic Fire Fund to facilitate creation of a multi-state risk pool for potential catastrophic events where third-party liabilities are in excess of the Company's insurance coverage. 6. On October 9, 2024, the Commission suspended the proposed effective date of January 1, 2025, for the statutory maximum period of 60 days pursuant to Idaho Code § 61- 622(4). 7. The Parties have conducted extensive discovery in this proceeding, held an initial in-person settlement conference on October 21, 2024, and several virtual and in-person subsequent meetings, and presented proposals and counter-proposals which culminated in this settlement. 8. This settlement is a comprehensive resolution of this proceeding. The terms of the settlement are set forth in this Stipulation, which the Parties have entered into voluntarily to resolve matters in dispute in the interests of expediting the orderly disposition of this SETTLEMENT STIPULATION PAGE 3 proceeding. The Parties intend to file the Stipulation with the Commission and request Commission approval of the Stipulation. AGREEMENT 9. Overall Agreement: The Parties agree to an overall base rate increase of $57.94 million or 16.8 percent effective January 1, 2025. Unless specified within the Stipulation,the Parties agree that this increase does not represent agreement or acceptance by the Parties of any specific revenue requirement methodology. The Parties also agree to mitigating the impacts of the overall base increase with extending the recovery of the ECAM deferral balances as explained in Paragraphs 13.b and 13.c below, which reduces the impact of the overall rate increase by$32.5 million. The net rate change effective January 1, 2025 is $25.44 million or 7.4 percent. Appendix A to this Stipulation reflects the agreed-upon calculation of the base rate change and the rate mitigation. The Parties agree that the rate change attributable to the revenue requirement identified herein will be effective with service on and after January 1, 2025. As shown in Appendix A and detailed below, the Parties agree that the proposed total overall $57.94 million increase reflects specific updates and adjustments to the Company's filed case, as well as an additional non-specific adjustment related to a compromise of issues on which resolution could not be reached. 10. Rate of Return: The Parties agree to a rate of return of 7.25 percent, based on unspecified assumptions for capital structure costs and components. 11. Rate Base: a. The Parties agree that the base rate increase includes the recovery of the Gateway South and Gateway West transmission projects, as well as the SETTLEMENT STIPULATION PAGE 4 Rock River I, Foot Creek II-IV, and Rock Creek I wind projects. PacifiCorp will file an attestation that the transmission projects are in service prior to the rate effective date. b. The Parties reserve the right to review and provide recommendations to the Commission in the Company's next general rate case on the recovery of capital costs associated with the transmission level line extension for Project Specialized (Oregon). c. Suspended/Cancelled Projects: Parties agree to reduce the Idaho revenue requirement by$700 thousand associated with suspended/cancelled projects. 12. Non-Specific Adjustment: The Stipulating Parties agree to a $7.3 million reduction to the Company's revenue requirement as resolution of all other revenue requirement items for which specific settlement was not reached. 13. Net Power Costs: a. The Parties agree to the following base amounts for the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism included in Attachment A to this Stipulation: • NPC - $2,228,403,177 or $36.66/MWh total-company, $128,240,000 or$36.91 Idaho-allocated. As shown in Attachment A, Parties agree to three adjustments to NPC as reflected in the Company's initial filing. First, an adjustment is made for emergency purchases. Second, an adjustment is made to remove the Washington Climate Commitment Act allowance costs consistent with the Commission's decision in SETTLEMENT STIPULATION PAGE 5 Case No. PAC-E-24-05.1 Finally,NPC has been updated for the September 2024 Official Forward Price Curve. • Base Production Tax Credits - are equal to the amount filed in the application at ($4.31)/MWh. • Base Load Change Adjustment Revenue ("LCAR") - $6.29/MWh b. The ECAM rates on Schedule 94 for recovery of the 2023 deferred costs (Case No. PAC-E-24-05), will be reduced by 50 percent, effective January 1, 2025 (or rate effective date of this proceeding)with the remaining balance as of June 1, 2025, to be recovered over two years with the costs deferred in 2024. c. The costs approved for recovery in the 2025 ECAM filing (for costs deferred in 2024 and including the remaining balance from the 2024 ECAM filing)will be recovered over two years,beginning June 1, 2025. d. The ECAM sharing band will remain at 90 percent customer/10 percent company. The Parties agree to host workshops to evaluate the sharing band in the ECAM and explore alternative risk sharing/incentive mechanisms prior to the Company's next general rate case. e. Beginning in 2025, the ECAM will include a true-up for Open Access Transmission Tariff("OATT") wheeling revenues. The amount of wheeling revenues in base rates is $188,219,298 total company, 'In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power's Application for Approval of$62.4 Million ECAM Deferral, Case No.PAC-E-24-05,Order No. 36207(May 31,2024);Order No 36367 on reconsideration(Oct. 18,2024).The Company filed a notice of appeal on November 27,2024. SETTLEMENT STIPULATION PAGE 6 $10,331,275 ($2.97/MWh) Idaho allocated. The wheeling revenue true-up will be subject to the sharing band. 14. Catastrophic Fire Fund: The Company withdraws its proposal for a Catastrophic Fire Fund but reserves the right to propose the fund in a future proceeding. 15. Excess Liability Insurance Premium Costs and the ICA: With respect to Excess Liability Insurance Premium costs, the Parties agree to the following: a. Excess liability insurance premium costs are set at $9,806,312 (Idaho allocated). b. Excess liability insurance premium costs above or below the amount in base rates will be tracked separately in a deferral and prudently incurred insurance costs above the amount in base rates will be amortized in the Company's next general rate case. c. The deferral will be reevaluated when the Company files its next rate case in conjunction with any potential insurance mechanism. d. Excess liability insurance premium costs of$9,806,312 and amortization of$2,605,627 of annual deferred premium amortization($12,411,639 in total) will be recovered through the ICA but the surcharge will not be a line item on customer bills. e. Beginning January 1, 2025, the ICA clause revenues will be spread in the manner proposed in the Company's initial filing,based on a percentage of overall revenues. SETTLEMENT STIPULATION PAGE 7 16. Voluntary Renewable Energy Credit Option Tariff. The Parties agree to the implementation of the Voluntary Renewable Energy Credit Option Tariff subject to the following: a. Future changes to the Renewable Energy Credit Option Program Percentage, as defined in the Direct Testimony of Craig M. Eller, to be approved by the Commission. b. The Company will include its annual generation from hydro,wind, solar, geothermal,biogas, and biomass as a percentage of total system generation in its annual RRA filing. c. REC revenues being held for return to non-participants will be held in a deferral account earning the Commission approved customer deposit rate. 17. Rate Spread and Rate Design: a. Parties agree that rate spread will be established using the Company's proposed class cost of service study, subject to a cap of 110 percent of the overall average base rate increase with a floor of zero percent price change for all classes. The cap and floor percentage allocations will be applied to the base rate increase prior to the application of the ICA and ECAM rate changes identified above. The rate spread is set forth in more detail in Attachment B to this Stipulation. b. Parties agree that the Schedule 1 and Schedule 36 Customer Service Charges will continue to increase according to the timing specified in the Residential Rate Modernization Plan(Case No. PAC-E-22-15) with SETTLEMENT STIPULATION PAGE 8 commensurate decreases in Energy Charges on June 1 each year of the plan. c. Parties agree that Schedule 1 Energy Charges will maintain the present 17 percent differential in tiers in both seasons. d. Parties agree that the Company's proposed rate design will be used for rate schedules other than Schedule 1 and Schedule 36. e. The Parties agree that the Company's proposal to update time of use periods and replace demand charges with time-varying seasonal energy charges will apply to Schedules 35 and 35A. f. The Parties agree to the elimination of Schedule 24. g. The Parties agree that a 30,000 kW load limit will apply for Schedules 6, 6A, 23, and 23A. 18. Tariff Changes: The Parties agree that the Company's proposed tariff rule changes as described in the Direct Testimony of Robert M. Meredith be approved. More specifically the parties agree to the following changes and they should be approved: a. The additional language,as shown on page 74 of Exhibit No. 58 attached to the Direct Testimony of Robert M.Meredith,to the Rule 3 -Electric Service Agreements tariff to clarify that Customers assume contract minimum bills as a condition of service when assuming an existing point of delivery. b. The revisions, as shown on pages 75 through 77 of Exhibit No. 58 attached to the Direct Testimony of Robert M. Meredith, to the Rule 12 - Line Extension tariff to change the Company's definition of extension Limits, and require that customers requiring more than 1,000 kilovolt-amperes SETTLEMENT STIPULATION PAGE 9 ('WA") must pay their line extension advance prior to the start of construction. 19. Additional Settlement Terms: a. Rock Creek II is a 400 MW wind project selected as a build-transfer agreement in the 2020 All-Source Request for Proposals and is in construction by Invenergy with an expected in-service date in September 2025. In lieu of filing a general rate case in 2025 to incorporate the resource in rates, Parties agree that PacifiCorp will be allowed to defer the depreciation expense and return on Rock Creek II wind facility in a regulatory asset account, with recovery and amortization to be determined in the Company's next general rate case filing. During the deferral period NPC and production tax credit benefits will flow through the ECAM but will be tracked and subject to offset any disallowances on recovery of the Rock Creek II deferral. Calculation of the NPC benefits can be addressed at the time PacifiCorp seeks recovery of the deferral. b. The Parties agree that Western Resource Adequacy Costs/Committee of State Regulatory costs will be deferred for later recovery once benefits are realized. c. The Parties agree that Intervenor funding balance will be amortized over four years at$10,000 per year. d. The Company and interested parties will hold workshops on the Company's risk management/hedging practices prior to the Company's next general rate case. SETTLEMENT STIPULATION PAGE 10 e. The Company will hold a workshop with Staff and other interested parties to evaluate weather normalization methods of consumption before the next general rate case. f. The Company will perform a study,prior to filing its next general rate case, on the costs and revenues associated with transmission level voltage line extensions serving very large individual customers who signed agreements with the Company (in 2020 or later) for a load request of 25 megawatts or greater. This should include both retail and wholesale customers. The study should review FERC rules, state tariffs and Company policies that govern how costs and revenues are situs assigned or system allocated; analyze how those rules were applied to existing projects; and analyze how costs and revenues might shift under different allocation principles. g. PIIC and IIPA will be allowed to have representation in the Wildfire Insurance Working Group subject to executing the Wildfire Insurance Working Group nondisclosure agreement. h. The rate effective date of the overall rate increase is January 1, 2025. i. The Company will not file a general rate case with new rates effective before January 1, 2027. GENERAL PROVISIONS 20. The Parties agree that this Stipulation represents a compromise among competing interests and a resolution of the contested issues in this proceeding.Any adjustment to PacifiCorp's Initial Filing on May 31, 2024 not incorporated into this Stipulation directly or SETTLEMENT STIPULATION PAGE 11 by reference would be resolved without an adjustment or recommendation for the purposes of this proceeding. Other than the above-referenced positions and any testimony filed in support of the approval of this Stipulation, and except to the extent necessary for a Party to explain before the Commission its own statements and positions with respect to the Stipulation, all negotiations relating to this Stipulation shall not be admissible as evidence in this or any other proceeding regarding this subject matter. 21. This Stipulation is not enforceable by any Party unless and until adopted by the Commission in a final order. Each signatory to this Stipulation acknowledges that they are signing this Stipulation in good faith and that they intend to abide by the terms of this Stipulation unless and until the Stipulation is rejected or adopted only in part by the Commission. The Parties agree that the Commission has exclusive jurisdiction to enforce or modify the Stipulation. 22. The Parties submit this Stipulation to the Commission and recommend approval of the Stipulation in its entirety pursuant to Rule 274 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure, IDAPA Parties shall support this Stipulation before the Commission,and no Party shall appeal any portion of this Stipulation or any subsequent Order approving the same. If this Stipulation is challenged by any person not a party to the Stipulation,the Parties reserve the right to cross-examine witnesses and put on such case as they deem appropriate to respond fully to the issues presented, including the right to raise issues related to the challenge that are incorporated in the settlement embodied in this Stipulation. Notwithstanding this reservation of rights, the Parties agree that they will continue to support the Commission's adoption of the terms of this Stipulation. SETTLEMENT STIPULATION PAGE 12 23. In the event the Commission rejects any part or all of this Stipulation or imposes any additional material conditions on approval of this Stipulation,each Party reserves the right, upon written notice to the Commission and the other Parties,within 15 days of the date of such action by the Commission, to withdraw from this Stipulation. In such case, no Party shall be bound or prejudiced by the terms of this Stipulation, and each Party shall be entitled to seek reconsideration of the Commission's order, file testimony as it chooses, cross-examine witnesses, or otherwise present its case in a manner consistent with the Commission's Rules. 24. The Parties agree that this Stipulation is in the public interest and that all of its terms and conditions are fair,just, and reasonable. 25. No Party shall be bound, benefited, or prejudiced by any position asserted in the negotiation of this Stipulation, except to the extent expressly stated herein, nor shall this Stipulation be construed as a waiver of the rights of any Party unless such rights are expressly waived herein. This settlement and execution of this Stipulation shall not be deemed to constitute an acknowledgement by any Party of the validity or invalidity of any particular method, theory, or principle of regulation or cost recovery. No Party shall be deemed to have agreed that any method,theory,or principle of regulation or cost recovery employed in arriving at this Stipulation is appropriate for resolving any issues in any other proceeding in the future. No findings of fact or conclusions of law other than those stated herein shall be deemed to be implicit in this Stipulation. 26. The obligations of the Parties under this Stipulation are subject to the Commission's approval of this Stipulation in accordance with its terms and conditions and, if judicial review is sought, upon such approval being upheld on appeal by a court of competent jurisdiction. SETTLEMENT STIPULATION PAGE 13 27. This Stipulation may be executed in counterparts and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. The Stipulating Parties further agree that any electronically-generated signature of a Stipulating Party is valid and binding to the same extent as an original signature. 28. This Stipulation may not be modified or amended except by written agreement among all Stipulating Parties who have executed it. BASED ON THE FOREGOING, the Parties request that the Commission issue an order approving this Stipulation and adopting the terms and conditions of this Stipulation. PACIFICORP D/B/A ROCKY MOUNTAIN STAFF FOR THE IDAHO PUBLIC POWER UTILITIES COMMISSION Joe Steward Adam Triplett Senior Vice President, Regulation Deputy Attorney General Rocky Mountain Power Dated: , 2024 Dated: December 6, 2024 IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS P4 PRODUCTION, L.L.C, an affiliate of ASSOCIATION, INC. BAYER CORPORATION Eric L. Olsen Thomas J. Budge Echo Hawk& Olsen, PLLC Racine Olson, PLLP Dated: , 2024 Dated: , 2024 PACIFICORP IDAHO INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS SETTLEMENT STIPULATION PAGE 14 27. This Stipulation may be executed in counterparts and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. The Stipulating Parties further agree that any electronically-generated signature of a Stipulating Party is valid and binding to the same extent as an original signature. 28. This Stipulation may not be modified or amended except by written agreement among all Stipulating Parties who have executed it. BASED ON THE FOREGOING, the Parties request that the Commission issue an order approving this Stipulation and adopting the terms and conditions of this Stipulation. PACIFICORP D/B/A ROCKY MOUNTAIN STAFF FOR THE IDAHO PUBLIC POWER UTILITIES COMMISSION rx Joelle Steward Adam Triplett Senior Vice President, Regulation Deputy Attorney General Rocky Mountain Power Dated: DE c 2024 Dated: 12024 IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS P4 PRODUCTION, L.L.C, an affiliate of ASSOCIATION, INC. BAYER CORPORATION Eric L. Olsen Thomas J. Budge Echo Hawk & Olsen, PLLC Racine Olson, PLLP Dated: , 2024 Dated: , 2024 PACIFICORP IDAHO INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS SETTLEMENT STIPULATION PAGE 14 27. This Stipulation may be executed in counterparts and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. The Stipulating Parties further agree that any electronically-generated signature of a Stipulating Party is valid and binding to the same extent as an original signature. 28. This Stipulation may not be modified or amended except by written agreement among all Stipulating Parties who have executed it. BASED ON THE FOREGOING, the Parties request that the Commission issue an order approving this Stipulation and adopting the terms and conditions of this Stipulation. PACIFICORP D/B/A ROCKY MOUNTAIN STAFF FOR THE IDAHO PUBLIC POWER UTILITIES COMMISSION Joelle Steward Adam Triplett Senior Vice President,Regulation Deputy Attorney General Rocky Mountain Power Dated: , 2024 Dated: 52024 IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS P4 PRODUCTION,L.L.C, an affiliate of AS ION, INC. BAYER CORPORATION ric L. Olsen Thomas J. Budge Echo Hawk& Olsen,PLLC Racine Olson,PLLP Dated: 0�%(en � , 2024 Dated: , 2024 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION PAGE 14 27. This Stipulation may be executed in counterparts and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. The Stipulating Parties further agree that any electronically-generated signature of a Stipulating Party is valid and binding to the same extent as an original signature. 28. This Stipulation may not be modified or amended except by written agreement among all Stipulating Parties who have executed it. BASED ON THE FOREGOING, the Parties request that the Commission issue an order approving this Stipulation and adopting the terms and conditions of this Stipulation. PACIFICORP D/B/A ROCKY MOUNTAIN STAFF FOR THE IDAHO PUBLIC POWER UTILITIES COMMISSION Joelle Steward Adam Triplett Senior Vice President, Regulation Deputy Attorney General Rocky Mountain Power Dated: 32024 Dated: , 2024 IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS P4 PRODUCTION, L.L.C, an affiliate of ASSOCIATION, INC. BAYER CORPORATION Eric L. Olsen Thomas J. Budge Echo Hawk& Olsen, PLLC Racine Olson, PLLP Dated: , 2024 Dated: December 5, 2024 PACIFICORP IDAHO INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS SETTLEMENT STIPULATION PAGE 14 4 LAJ - -- Ronald L. Williams Hawley Troxell Ennis & Hawley LLP Dated: Q e r f vAVpv S 12024 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION PAGE 15 ATTACHMENT A Attachment A Page 1 of 2 PAC-E-24-04 Settlement Revenue Requirement Amount($ Description of Adjustments Millions) GRC Overall Increase-Direct Filing $ 92.40 Change to Rate of Return-7.25% $ (6.90) Remove Catastrophic Fire Fund $ (11.10) Net Power Costs $ (8.46) Remove Suspended/Cancelled Projects $ (0.70) Unspecified Adjustment $ (7.30) Total Adjustments $ (34.46) Total Revenue Requirement Change after Adjustments $ 57.94 Reduction to ECAM Recovery(estimated) $ (32.50) Net Rate Change Jan 1,2025(estimated) $ 25.44 Attachment A Page 2 of 2 PAC-E-24-04 Settlement NPC Adjustments Total Company Idaho Allocated NPC Dollars($) Load (MWh) Rate($/MWh) NPC Dollars($) Load(MWh) Rate($/MWh) Allocation Factor Initial Filing $2,382,000,000 60,788,384 $39.19 $136,700,000 3,474,835 $39.34 5.74% Remove WA CCA's (29,786,586) (1,757,409) 5.90% Update Forward Price Curve (122,723,529) (6,643,761) 5.41% Adjust Emergency Purchases (1,086,708) (58,830) 5.41% Total Settlement Adjustment (153,596,823) - ($2.53) ($8,460,000) - ($2.43) Stipulation Adjusted NPC $2,228,403,177 60,788,384 $36.66 $128,240,000 3,474,835 $36.91 5.75% ATTACHMENT B Attachment B Page 1 of 12 TABLE A ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ESTIMATED IMPACT OF PROPOSED REVENUES ON PRESENT REVENUES FROM ELECTRIC SALES TO ULTIMATE CONSUMERS DISTRIBUTED BY RATE SCHEDULES IN IDAHO HISTORICAL 12 MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 2023 Present Proposed Line Average Base ECAM' Net Base ECAMZ ICA Net Net Change Base Change No. Description Sch. Customers MWH ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000) (%) ($000) (%) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (11)-(7) (12)/(7) (8)+(10)-(7) (14)/(7) Residential Sales 1 Residential Service 1 61,756 619,659 $70,766 $11,637 $82,403 $79,827 $5,718 $3,005 $88,550 $6,147 7.5% $12,066 14.6% 2 Residential Optional TOD 36 10,176 172,088 $17,121 $3,232 $20,353 $19,704 $1,588 $748 $22,040 $1,687 8.3% $3,331 16.4% 3 AGA Revenue $1 $1 $1 $1 $0 $0 4 Total Residential 71,933 791,748 $87,888 $14,869 $102,757 $99,532 $7,306 $3,753 $110,591 $7,834 7.6% $15,397 15.0% 5 Commercial&Industrial 6 General Service-Large Power 6 1,120 305,548 $24,441 $5,730 $30,170 $28,816 $2,815 $1,105 $32,736 $2,566 8.5% $5,480 18.2% 7 General Svc.-Lg.Power(R&F) 6A 186 22,162 $1,905 $416 $2,321 $2,242 $204 $86 $2,532 $211 9.1% $423 18.2% 8 Subtotal-Schedule 6 1,306 327,711 $26,346 $6,146 $32,492 $31,058 $3,020 $1,191 $35,268 $2,777 8.5% $5,903 18.2% 9 General Service-High Voltage 9 17 221,839 $13,181 $3,953 $17,134 $15,539 $1,942 $596 $18,077 $942 5.5% $2,953 17.2% 10 Irrigation 10 5,726 551,496 $50,093 $10,357 $60,450 $59,052 $5,089 $2,264 $66,405 $5,955 9.9% $11,223 18.6% 11 General Service 23 8,666 217,574 $20,470 $4,086 $24,556 $23,810 $2,007 $908 $26,726 $2,170 8.8% $4,248 17.3% 12 General Service(R&F) 23A 2,565 42,247 $4,127 $793 $4,920 $4,797 $390 $183 $5,370 $450 9.2% $854 17.4% 13 Subtotal-Schedule 2311,230 259,822 24,597 4,879 29,476 28,608 2,397 1,091 32,096 2,620 8.9% 5,102 17.3% 14 General Service Optional TOD 35 3 323 $28 $6 $34 $33 $3 $1 $37 $3 9.4% $6 18.4% 15 General Service Optional TOD(R&F) 35A 1 56 $8 $1 $9 $9 $1 $0 $10 $1 13.5% $2 19.6% 16 Subtotal-Schedule 35 4 379 36 7 43 42 3 2 47 4 10.2% 8 18.7% 17 Special Contract 1 400 1 1,314,200 $77,380 $23,629 $101,009 $91,220 $11,610 $3,498 $106,327 $5,318 5.3% $17,337 17.2% 18 AGA Revenue $520 $520 $520 $520 $0 $0 19 Total Commercial&Industrial 18,284 2,675,446 $192,153 $48,971 $241,124 $226,038 $24,062 $8,641 $258,741 $17,617 7.3% $42,527 17.6% 20 Public Street Liuhtinu 21 Security Area Lighting 7 174 230 $46 $4 $50 $46 $2 $2 $49 ($1) -1.2% $2 3.2% 22 Security Area Lighting(R&F) 7A 119 93 $22 $2 $24 $22 $1 $1 $24 ($0) -0.4% $1 3.3% 23 Street Lighting-Company 11 61 182 $81 $3 $85 $81 $2 $3 $86 $1 1.4% $3 3.4% 24 Street Lighting-Customer 12 266 2,360 $356 $44 $401 $356 $22 $13 $391 ($10) -2.5% $13 3.2% 25 AGA Revenue $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 26 Total Public Street Lighting 620 2,866 $506 $54 $559 $506 $26 $18 $550 ($9) -1.7% $18 3.2% 27 Total Sales to Ultimate Customers 90,837 3,470,059 $280,546 $63,894 $344,440 $326,076 $31,394 $12,412 $369,882 $25,442 7.4% $57,942 16.8% Note: 1-Deferred Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism revenue set under rates that the Company had requested to be effective June 1,2024. See the Company's Application in Docket No.PAC-E-24-05. 2-Reduced by$32.5m from the present level according to the stipulation. Attachment B Page 2 of 12 RATE SPREAD AND CALCULATION OF ADJUSTMENT SCHEDULE PRICES ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FROM ELECTRIC SALES TO ULTIMATE CONSUMERS DISTRIBUTED BY RATE SCHEDULES IN IDAHO HISTORICAL 12 MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 2023 Proposed Proposed Line Average Present Base Revenue-Total COS Base Revenue ICA Rate No. Description Sch. Customers MWH ($000) ($000) Change (%) ($000) Change (%) ($000) (0/kWh) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (6)-(5) (7)/(5) (9)-(5) (10)/(5) (12)/(4) Residential Sales 1 Residential Service 1 61,756 619,659 $70,766 $84,481 $13,715 19.4% $79,827 $9,061 12.8% $3,005 0.4850 2 Residential Optional TOD 36 10,176 172,088 $17,121 $21,031 $3,910 22.8% $19,704 $2,583 15.1% $748 0.4347 3 AGA Revenue $1 $1 $0 $1 $0 4 Total Residential 71,933 791,748 $87,888 $105,512 $17,624 20.05% $99,532 $11,644 13.25% $3,753 5 Commercial&Industrial 6 General Service-Large Power 6 1,120 305,548 $24,441 $31,057 $6,616 27.1% $28,812 $4,371 17.9% $1,105 0.3634 7 General Svc.-Lg.Power(R&F) 6A 186 22,162 $1,905 $2,421 $516 27.1% $2,246 $341 17.9% $86 0.3634 8 Subtotal-Schedule6 1,306 327,711 $26,346 $33,478 $7,132 27.1% $31,058 $4,712 17.9% $1,191 9 General Service-High Voltage 9 17 221,839 $13,181 $16,749 $3,568 27.1% $15,539 $2,357 17.9% $596 0.2686 10 Irrigation 10 5,726 551,496 $50,093 $63,653 $13,560 27.1% $59,052 $8,959 17.9% $2,264 0.4106 11 General Service 23 8,666 217,574 $20,470 $25,523 $5,052 24.7% $23,808 $3,338 16.3% $908 0.4199 12 General Service(R&F) 23A 2,565 42,247 $4,127 $5,145 $1,018 24.7% $4,800 $673 16.3% $183 0.4199 13 Subtotal-Schedule 2311,230 259,822 24,597 30,668 6,071 24.7% 28,608 4,011 16.3% 1,091 14 General Service Optional TOD 35 3 323 $28 $36 $8 27.1% $33 $5 17.9% $1.27 0.4264 15 General Service Optional TOD(R&F) 35A 1 56 $8 $10 $2 27.1% $9 $1 17.9% $0.34 0.4264 16 Subtotal-Schedule 35 4 379 36 45 10 27.1% 42 6 17.9% 2 17 Special Contract 1 400 1 1,314,200 $77,380 $98,327 $20,947 27.1% $91,220 $13,840 17.9% $3,498 0.2661 18 AGA Revenue $520 $520 $0 $520 $0 19 Total Commercial&Industrial 18,284 2,675,446 $192,153 $243,440 $51,287 26.7% $226,038 $33,886 17.6% $8,641 20 Public Street Lightinp 21 Security Area Lighting 7 174 230 $46 $46 $0 0.0% $46 $0 0.0% $1.62 0.7459 22 Security Area Lighting(R&F) 7A 119 93 $22 $22 $0 0.0% $22 $0 0.0% $0.79 0.7459 23 Street Lighting-Company 11 61 182 $81 $81 $0 0.0% $81 $0 0.0% $2.90 1.5920 24 Street Lighting-Customer 12 266 2,360 $356 $356 $0 0.0% $356 $0 0.0% $13 0.5371 25 AGA Revenue $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 26 Total Public Street Lighting 620 2,866 $506 $506 $0 0.0% $506 $0 0.0% $18 27 Total Sales to Ultimate Customers 90,837 3,470,059 $280,546 $349,458 $68,912 24.6% $326,076 $45,530 16.2% $12,412 Sch COS Spread% Adj Spread% $12,412 Revenue Requirement 1 17.85% 19.38% 0 12.80% 3.56% Base $45,530 36 21.31% 22.84% 0 15.09% $0 ICA $12,412 6/35 27.77% 27.07% 0 17.89% Total $57,942 9 31.25% 27.07% 0 17.89% ECAM ($32,500) 10 29.75% 27.07% 0 17.89% Net $25,442 7,11,12 -23.09% 0.00% 0 0.00% ECAM Billing Ratio 50% 23 23.15% 24.68% 0 16.31% 400 26.76% 27.07% 0 17.89% Total 24.61% 110.00% $68,912 ($0) 1.53% $45,530 $0 Attachment B Page 3of12 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER STATE OF IDAHO NORMALIZED BILLING DETERMINANTS AND PROPOSED STEP 1 PRICES HISTORICAL 12 MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 2023 Present Proposed Present Revenue Proposed Revenue Units Price Dollars Price Dollars SCHEDULE NO.1-Residential Service Customer Charge 741,077 $12.25 $9,078,198 $16.50 $12,227,777 Paperless Bill Credit 424,376 ($0.50) ($212,188) ($0.50) ($212,188) Seasonal Service Charge 0 $147.00 $0 $198.00 $0 All kWh(Jun-Oct) <=700 kWh 157,511,826 10.6118 0 $16,714,840 11.6263 0 $18,312,761 >700 kWh 65,439,582 12.4157 0 $8,124,782 13.6026 0 $8,901,503 All kWh(Nov-May) <=1,000 kWh 282,201,244 8.8431 0 $24,955,338 9.6885 0 $27,341,042 >1,000 kWh 124,593,893 10.3464 0 $12,890,983 11.3355 0 $14,123,347 Subtotal 629,746,545 $71,551,953 $80,694,242 Temperature Adj.(Jun-Oct)<=700 kWh 2,575,536 10.6118 ¢ $273,311 11.6263 ¢ $299,439 Temperature Adj.(Jun-Oct)>700 kWh 1,070,028 12.4157 ¢ $132,851 13.6026 0 $145,552 Temperature Adj.(Nov-May)<=1,000 kWh (9,350,835) 8.8431 ¢ ($826,904) 9.6885 ¢ ($905,955) Temperature Adj.(Nov-May)>1,000 kWh (4,128,461) 10.3464 ¢ ($427,147) 11.3355 ¢ ($467,982) Subtotal (9,833,732) ($847,889) ($928,946) Unbilled (253,605) $61,926 $61,926 Total 619,659,208 $70,765,990 $79,827,222 SCHEDULE NO.36-Residential Service Optional TOD Customer Charge 122,117 $17.75 $2,167,570 $20.75 $2,533,920 Paperless Bill Credit 55,922 ($0.50) ($27,961) ($0.50) ($27,961) Seasonal Service Charge 0 $213.00 $0 $249.00 $0 On-Peak kWh(May-Oct) 27,788,854 14.8656 ¢ $4,130,980 17.0675 ¢ $4,742,858 Off-Peak kWh(May-Oct) 34,822,117 5.2422 ¢ $1,825,445 6.0187 ¢ $2,095,829 On-Peak kWh(Nov-Apr) 48,357,719 12.7359 ¢ $6,158,791 14.6223 ¢ $7,071,027 Off-Peak kWh(Nov-Apr) 64,617,315 4.8196 ¢ $3,114,296 5.5335 ¢ $3,575,583 Subtotal 175,586,005 $17,369,121 $19,991,256 Temperature Adj.(May-Oct)-On-Peak 611,823 14.8656 ¢ $90,951 17.0675 ¢ $104,423 Temperature Adj.(May-Oct)-Off-Peak 766,674 5.2422 ¢ $40,191 6.0187 ¢ $46,144 Temperature Adj.(Nov-Apr)-On-Peak (2,056,905) 12.7359 ¢ ($261,965) 14.6223 ¢ ($300,767) Temperature Adj.(Nov-Apr)-Off-Peak (2,748,510) 4.8196 ¢ ($132,467) 5.5335 ¢ ($152,088) Subtotal (3,426,918) ($263,290) ($302,288) On-Peak kWh(June-Oct) 21,039,678 0 $0 0 $0 Off-Peak kWh(June-Oct) 31,391,154 0 $0 0 $0 On-Peak kWh(Nov-May) 45,315,666 0 $0 0 $0 Off-Peak kWh(Nov-May) 77,839,507 0 $0 0 $0 Subtotal 175,586,005 $0 $0 Temperature Adj. (June-Oct)-On-Peak 412,787 0.0000 0 $0 0.0000 0 $0 Temperature Adj. (June-Oct)-Off-Peak 517,262 0.0000 0 $0 0.0000 0 $0 Temperature Adj. (Nov-May)-On-Peak (1,857,869) 0.0000 0 $0 0.0000 ¢ $0 Temperature Adj. (Nov-May)-Off-Peak (2,499,099) 0.0000 0 $0 0.0000 0 $0 Subtotal (3,426,918) $0 $0 Unbilled (70,710) $14,996 $14,996 Total 172,088,377 $17,120,927 $19,703,964 Attachment B Page 4 of 12 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER STATE OF IDAHO NORMALIZED BILLING DETERMINANTS AND PROPOSED STEP 1 PRICES HISTORICAL 12 MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 2023 Present Proposed Present Revenue Proposed Revenue Units Price Dollars Price Dollars Schedule 6-Total Customer Charge(Secondary Voltage) 13,316 $38.00 $506,013 $45.00 $599,226 Customer Charge(Primary Voltage) 120 $114.00 $13,680 $134.00 $16,080 Total Customer Charges 13,436 Paperless Bill Credit 6,078 ($0.50) ($3,039) ($0.50) ($3,039) All kW(Jun-Oct) 380,565 $13.62 $5,183,291 $16.00 $6,089,035 All kW(Nov-May) 489,804 $12.27 $6,009,890 $14.41 $7,058,070 All kWh 315,182,697 4.2506 ¢ $13,397,307 4.9898 ¢ $15,726,873 Seasonal Service Charge(Secondary) 0 $456.00 $0 $540.00 $0 Seasonal Service Charge(Primary) 0 $1,368.00 $0 $1,608.00 $0 Voltage Discount 58,418 ($0.65) ($37,972) ($0.65) ($37,972) Subtotal 315,182,697 $25,069,170 $29,448,273 Temperature Adj.(Jun-Oct) 525,665 4.2506 ¢ $22,344 4.9898 $26,229 Temperature Adj.(Nov-May) (1,032,401) 4.2506 ¢ ($43,884) 4.9898 ($51,514) Unbilled (9,127,739) ($607,105) ($607,105) Total 305,548,221 $24,440,525 $28,815,883 Schedule 6A-Total Customer Charge(Secondary Voltage) 2,220 $38.00 $84,370 $45.00 $99,912 Customer Charge(Primary Voltage) 12 $114.00 $1,368 $134.00 $1,608 Total Customer Charges 2,232 Paperless Bill Credit 613 ($0.50) ($307) ($0.50) ($307) All kW(Jun-Oct) 28,896 $13.62 $393,562 $16.00 $462,334 All kW(Nov-May) 40,217 $12.27 $493,464 $14.41 $579,528 All kWh 22,467,114 4.2506 ¢ $954,998 4.9898 ¢ $1,121,056 Seasonal Service Charge(Secondary) 0 $456.00 $0 $540.00 $0 Seasonal Service Charge(Primary) 0 $1,368.00 $0 $1,608.00 $0 Voltage Discount 0 ($0.65) $0 ($0.65) $0 Subtotal 22,467,114 $1,927,455 $2,264,131 Unbilled (304,809) ($21,985) ($21,985) Total 22,162,305 $1,905,470 $2,242,146 Schedule 7-Total Charges Per Lamp Level 1(0-5,500 LED Equivalent Lumens) 1,800 $12.96 $23,324 $12.96 $23,324 Level 2(5,501-12,000 LED Equivalent Lumens) 899 $14.72 $13,229 $14.72 $13,229 Level 3(12,001 and Greater LED Equivalent Lumens) 544 $17.48 $9,514 $17.48 $9,514 Avg Customers 174 Paperless Bill Credit 0 ($0.50) $0 ($0.50) $0 All kWh 233,102 Subtotal 233,102 $46,067 $46,067 Unbilled (2,803) -$476 -$476 Total 230,299 $45,591 $45,591 Attachment B Page 5 of 12 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER STATE OF IDAHO NORMALIZED BILLING DETERMINANTS AND PROPOSED STEP 1 PRICES HISTORICAL 12 MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 2023 Present Proposed Present Revenue Proposed Revenue Units Price Dollars Price Dollars Schedule 7A-Total Charges Per Lamp Level 1(0-5,500 LED Equivalent Lumens) 1,573 $12.96 $20,392 $12.96 $20,392 Level 2(5,501-12,000 LED Equivalent Lumens) 126 $14.72 $1,855 $14.72 $1,855 Level 3(12,001 and Greater LED Equivalent Lumens) 0 $17.48 $0 $17.48 $0 Avg Customers 119 Paperless Bill Credit 0 ($0.50) $0 ($0.50) $0 All kWh 93,326 Subtotal 93,326 $22,247 $22,247 Unbilled (111) $0 $0 Total 93,215 $22,247 $22,247 Schedule 9-Total Customer Charge 204 $372.00 $75,888 $433.00 $88,332 Paperless Bill Credit 108 ($0.50) ($54) ($0.50) ($54) All kW(Jun-Oct) 189,879 $10.31 $1,957,656 $12.01 $2,280,451 All kW(Nov-May) 264,909 $9.29 $2,461,002 $10.82 $2,866,312 On-peak kWh(Jun-Oct) 31,059,102 5.1115 ¢ $1,587,582 5.9547 ¢ $1,849,480 Off-peak kWh(Jun-Oct) 67,811,869 3.9086 ¢ $2,650,505 4.5534 ¢ $3,087,749 On-peak kWh(Nov-May) 45,369,568 4.6365 ¢ $2,103,540 5.4013 ¢ $2,450,554 Off-peak kWh(Nov-May) 98,247,389 3.5213 ¢ $3,459,560 4.1031 ¢ $4,031,174 Base Subtotal 242,487,928 $14,295,679 $16,653,998 Temperature Adj On-peak(Jun-Oct) 2,825 5.1115 ¢ $144 5.9547 ¢ $168 Temperature Adj Off-peak(Jun-Oct) 5,777 3.9086 ¢ $226 4.5534 ¢ $263 Temperature Adj On-peak(Nov-May) (46,315) 4.6365 ¢ ($2,147) 5.4013 ¢ ($2,502) Temperature Adj Off-peak(Nov-May) (95,499) 3.5213 ¢ ($3,363) 4.1031 ¢ ($3,918) Unbilled (20,515,993) ($1,109,418) ($1,109,418) Total 221,838,723 $13,181,121 $15,538,591 Schedule 10-IRG Small Customer Charge(Season) 3,481 $14.00 $48,727 $17.00 $59,169 Large Customer Charge(Season) 15,116 $41.00 $619,753 $49.00 $740,680 Post-Season Customer Charge 13,998 $23.00 $321,954 $27.00 $377,946 Total Customer Charges 32,594 Paperless Bill Credit 9,683 ($0.50) ($4,842) -$0.50 ($4,842) All kW(June 1-Sept 15) 1,413,980 $5.96 $8,427,321 $7.05 $9,968,559 First 25,000 kWh(June 1-Sept 15) 191,013,514 8.8388 ¢ $16,883,238 10.4572 ¢ $19,974,714 Next 225,000 kWh(June 1-Sept 15) 235,358,285 6.6054 ¢ $15,546,441 7.8150 ¢ $18,393,138 All Add'l kWh(June 1-Sept 15) 28,182,215 4.9435 ¢ $1,393,192 5.8487 ¢ $1,648,299 All kWh(Sept 16-May 31) 82,704,115 7.5110 ¢ $6,211,906 8.8802 ¢ $7,344,292 Meters(AVG Customer) 5,726 Subtotal 537,258,129 $49,447,690 $58,501,955 Temperature Adj:First 25,000 kWh(June 1-Sept 15) 3,602,392 8.8388 ¢ $318,407 10.4572 ¢ $376,710 Temperature Adj:Next 225,000 kWh(June 1-Sept 15) 4,438,706 6.6054 ¢ $293,196 7.8150 ¢ $346,883 Temperature Adj:All Add'l kWh(June 1-Sept 15) 531,498 4.9435 ¢ $26,275 5.8487 ¢ $31,086 Temperature Adj:All kWh(Sept 16-May 31) (15,477,649) 7.5110 ¢ ($1,162,526) 8.8802 ¢ ($1,374,446) Temp Subtotal (6,905,052) ($524,648) ($619,767) Unbilled 21,142,697 $1,169,462 $1,169,462 Total 551,495,774 $50,092,504 $59,051,650 Attachment B Page 6 of 12 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER STATE OF IDAHO NORMALIZED BILLING DETERMINANTS AND PROPOSED STEP 1 PRICES HISTORICAL 12 MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 2023 Present Proposed Present Revenue Proposed Revenue Units Price Dollars Price Dollars Schedule 11-PSH Level 1(0-3,500 LED Equivalent Lumens) 79 $16.24 $1,285 $16.24 $1,285 Level 2(3,501-5,500 LED Equivalent Lumens) 4,276 $17.32 $74,052 $17.32 $74,052 Level 3(5,501-8,000 LED Equivalent Lumens) 149 $17.84 $2,662 $17.84 $2,662 Level 4(8,001-12,000 LED Equivalent Lumens) 0 $18.44 $0 $18.44 $0 Level 5(12,001-15,500 LED Equivalent Lumens) 145 $19.48 $2,817 $19.48 $2,817 Level 6(15,501 and Greater LED Equivalent Lumens) 39 $23.21 $916 $23.21 $916 Avg Customers 61 Paperless Bill Credit 0 ($0.50) $0 ($0.50) $0 All kWh 182,858 Subtotal 182,858 $81,732 $81,732 Unbilled (1,015) ($345) ($345) Total 181,843 $81,387 $81,387 Schedule 12E-PSH Charges per Lamp LPS-18OW 4 74 $8.07 $594 $8.07 $594 NM-175W 5 0 $6.21 $0 $6.21 $0 NM-250W 6 0 $8.50 $0 $8.50 $0 NM-40OW 7 34 $13.36 $455 $13.36 $455 NM-1000W 8 0 $31.99 $0 $31.99 $0 NM-100W 9 0 $3.54 $0 $3.54 $0 HPS-70W 10 144 $2.50 $360 $2.50 $360 HPS-100W 11 1,619 $3.50 $5,668 $3.50 $5,668 HPS-150W 12 718 $5.21 $3,742 $5.21 $3,742 HPS-250W 13 345 $8.90 $3,070 $8.90 $3,070 HPS-40OW 14 804 $13.67 $10,994 $13.67 $10,994 SVSA Flood Light-1 50W 33 0 $14.20 $0 $14.20 $0 Non-Listed Luminaire-Energy Only 219,591 9.0681 ¢ $19,913 9.0682 $19,913 Avg Customers 64 Paperless Bill Credit 0 ($0.50) $0 -$0.50 $0 All kWh 491,684 Subtotal 491,684 $44,796 $44,796 Unbilled (2,730) ($203) ($203) Total 488,955 $44,593 $44,593 Schedule 12F-PSH Charges per Lamp HPS-70W 1 6,443 $5.84 $37,625 $5.84 $37,625 HPS-10OW 2 24,907 $7.45 $185,554 $7.45 $185,554 HPS-150W 3 1,875 $8.93 $16,740 $8.93 $16,740 HPS-250W 4 3,105 $11.70 $36,334 $11.70 $36,334 HPS-40OW 5 910 $15.60 $14,200 $15.60 $14,200 Avg Customers 187 Paperless Bill Credit 0 ($0.50) $0 -$0.50 $0 All kWh 1,695,195 Subtotal 1,695,195 $290,453 $290,453 Unbilled (9,411) ($1,273) ($1,273) Total 1,685,784 $289,180 $289,180 Attachment B Page 7 of 12 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER STATE OF IDAHO NORMALIZED BILLING DETERMINANTS AND PROPOSED STEP 1 PRICES HISTORICAL 12 MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 2023 Present Proposed Present Revenue Proposed Revenue Units Price Dollars Price Dollars Schedule 12P-PSH Charges per Lamp MV-250W 2 144 $14.55 $2,095 $14.55 $2,095 MV-40OW 3 240 $19.47 $4,673 $19.47 $4,673 HPS-70W 5 67 $5.22 $349 $5.22 $349 HPS-100W 6 491 $6.72 $3,302 $6.72 $3,302 HPS-250W 8 595 $10.75 $6,397 $10.75 $6,397 HPS-40OW 9 408 $14.48 $5,908 $14.48 $5,908 Avg Customers 15 Paperless Bill Credit 0 ($0.50) $0 -$0.50 $0 All kWh 186,744 Subtotal 186,744 $22,724 $22,724 Unbilled (1,037) ($101) ($101) Total 185,708 $22,623 $22,623 Schedule 23-Total Customer Charge Secondary 103,451 $18.00 $1,862,122 $21.00 $2,172,476 Customer Charge Primary 187 $48.00 $8,971 $56.00 $10,466 Total Customer Charges 103,638 Paperless Bill Credit 41,831 ($0.50) ($20,916) ($0.50) ($20,916) All kWh(Jun-Oct) 85,909,044 9.5136 ¢ $8,173,028 11.0458 ¢ $9,489,323 All kWh(Nov-May) 135,303,579 7.9280 ¢ $10,726,849 9.1964 ¢ $12,443,089 Seasonal Service Charge(Secondary) 0 $216.00 $0 $252.00 $0 Seasonal Service Charge(Primary) 0 $576.00 $0 $672.00 $0 Voltage Discount 552,410 (0.4397) ¢ ($2,429) (0.4397) 0 ($2,429) Base Subtotal 221,212,623 $20,747,625 $24,092,009 Temperature Adj.(Jun-Oct) 419,647 9.5136 ¢ $39,923 11.0458 ¢ $46,353 Temperature Adj.(Nov-May) (1,092,633) 7.9280 ¢ ($86,624) 9.1964 ¢ ($100,483) Unbilled (3,120,528) ($250,474) ($250,474) Base Total 217,419,109 20,450,450 23,787,405 SCHEDULE NO.23F-General Service-Commercial Customer Charge 48 $18.00 $864 $21.00 $1,008 Sprinkler Timer,32 kWh/MO 36 $2.86 $103 $3.32 $120 School Flashing Light,$7/MO 48 $9.29 $446 $10.79 $518 CTV,60V,12 AMPS,394 kWh/MO 12 $35.10 $421 $40.75 $489 All kWh 6,360 Base Subtotal 6,360 $1,834 $2,135 Unbilled (42) ($10) ($10) Base Total 6,318 $1,824 $2,125 Schedule 23S-Total Customer Charge 300 $18.00 $5,401 $21.00 $6,301 Paperless Bill Credit 65 ($0.50) ($33) ($0.50) ($33) All kWh(Jun-Oct) 52,609 9.5136 ¢ $5,005 11.0458 ¢ $5,811 All kWh(Nov-May) 97,512 7.9280 ¢ $7,731 9.1964 ¢ $8,968 Base Subtotal 150,121 $18,104 $21,047 Unbilled (1,299) ($134) ($134) Base Total 148,822 $17,970 $20,913 Attachment B Page 8 of 12 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER STATE OF IDAHO NORMALIZED BILLING DETERMINANTS AND PROPOSED STEP 1 PRICES HISTORICAL 12 MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 2023 Present Proposed Present Revenue Proposed Revenue Units Price Dollars Price Dollars Schedule 23A-Total Customer Charge Secondary 30,778 $18.00 $553,997 $21.00 $646,330 Customer Charge Primary 1 $48.00 $48 $56.00 $56 Total Customer Charges 30,779 Paperless Bill Credit 10,521 ($0.50) ($5,261) ($0.50) ($5,261) All kWh(Jun-Oct) 14,297,881 9.5136 0 $1,360,241 11.0458 0 $1,579,312 All kWh(Nov-May) 28,332,858 7.9280 0 $2,246,225 9.1964 0 $2,605,609 Seasonal Service Charge(Secondary) 0 $216.00 $0 $252.00 $0 Seasonal Service Charge(Primary) 0 $576.00 $0 $672.00 $0 Voltage Discount 0 (0.4397) ¢ $0 (0.4397) 0 $0 Base Subtotal 42,630,739 $4,155,250 $4,826,046 Unbilled (383,317) ($28,654) ($28,654) Base Total 42,247,422 $4,126,596 $4,797,392 SCHEDULE NO.31-Partial Requirements Service--Large General Service-1,000 kW and Over Customer Charge per month Secondary $38.00 $45.00 Primary $114.00 $134.00 Transmission $372.00 $433.00 Facilities Charge,per kW month June through October Secondary $8.14 $9.56 Primary $7.77 $9.13 Transmission $5.73 $6.68 November through May Secondary $6.65 $7.81 Primary $6.28 $7.38 Transmission $4.32 $5.03 Back-up Power Charge,Regular,per kW day June through October Secondary $0.27 $0.32 Primary $0.26 $0.31 Transmission $0.19 $0.22 November through May Secondary $0.23 $0.27 Primary $0.22 $0.26 Transmission $0.14 $0.16 Back-up Power Charge,Maintenance,per kW day June through October Secondary $0.14 $0.16 Primary $0.13 $0.16 Transmission $0.10 $0.11 November through May Secondary $0.12 $0.14 Primary $0.11 $0.13 Transmission $0.07 $0.08 Attachment B Page 9 of 12 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER STATE OF IDAHO NORMALIZED BILLING DETERMINANTS AND PROPOSED STEP 1 PRICES HISTORICAL 12 MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 2023 Present Proposed Present Revenue Proposed Revenue Units Price Dollars Price Dollars Excess Power Charge,per kW month June through October Secondary $29.44 $34.58 Primary $28.10 $33.01 Transmission $20.62 $24.02 November through May Secondary $24.21 $28.44 Primary $22.88 $26.88 Transmission $15.55 $18.12 Subtotal Supplementary Power Charge,per kW month June through October Secondary $13.62 $16.00 Primary $12.97 $15.35 Transmission $10.31 $12.01 November through May Secondary $12.27 $14.41 Primary $11.62 $13.76 Transmission $9.29 $10.82 Supplementary and Back-Up Energy Charge,per kWh June through October Secondary 4.2506 ¢ 4.9898 ¢ Primary 4.2506 ¢ 4.9898 ¢ Transmission-On-Peak 5.1115 ¢ 5.9547 ¢ Transmission-Off-Peak 3.9086 ¢ 4.5534 ¢ November through May Secondary 4.2506 ¢ 4.9898 ¢ Primary 4.2506 ¢ 4.9898 ¢ Transmission-On-Peak 4.6365 ¢ 5.4013 ¢ Transmission-Off-Peak 3.5213 ¢ 4.1031 ¢ Subtotal Total Schedule 35-COM Customer Charge Secondary 36 $69.00 $2,479 $81.00 $2,911 Customer Charge Primary 0 $170.00 $0 $200.00 $0 Total Customer Charges 36 Paperless Bill Credit 36 ($0.50) ($18) ($0.50) ($18) All On-Peak kW 493 $16.95 $8,351 $19.96 $9,834 All kWh 325,205 5.3792 ¢ $17,493 6.3390 ¢ $20,615 Seasonal Service Charge(Secondary) 0 $828.00 $0 $972.00 $0 Seasonal Service Charge(Primary) 0 $2,040.00 $0 $2,400.00 $0 Voltage Discount 0 ($0.84) $0 ($0.84) $0 Base Subtotal 325,205 $28,305 $33,342 On peak kWh(Jun-Oct) 43,627 ¢ $0 12.7229 ¢ $5,551 Off-peak kWh(Jun-Oct) 215,726 ¢ $0 9.7288 ¢ $20,988 On peak kWh(Nov-May) 22,109 ¢ $0 11.5405 ¢ $2,551 Off-peak kWh(Nov-May) 43,743 ¢ $0 8.8247 ¢ $3,860 Unbillcd (2,171) ($165) ($165) Base Total 323,034 $28,140 $33,177 Attachment B Page 10 of 12 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER STATE OF IDAHO NORMALIZED BILLING DETERMINANTS AND PROPOSED STEP 1 PRICES HISTORICAL 12 MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 2023 Present Proposed Present Revenue Proposed Revenue Units Price Dollars Price Dollars Schedule 35A-COM Customer Charge Secondary 12 $69.00 $826 $81.00 $969 Customer Charge Primary 0 $170.00 $0 $200.00 $0 Total Customer Charges 12 Paperless Bill Credit 0 ($0.50) $0 ($0.50) $0 All On-Peak kW 224 $16.95 $3,802 $19.96 $4,477 All kWh 56,414 5.3792 ¢ $3,035 6.3390 ¢ $3,576 Seasonal Service Charge(Secondary) 0 $828.00 $0 $972.00 $0 Seasonal Service Charge(Primary) 0 $2,040.00 $0 $2,400.00 $0 Voltage Discount 0 ($0.84) $0 ($0.84) $0 Base Subtotal 56,414 $7,663 $9,022 On peak kWh(Jun-Oct) 3,665 ¢ $0 12.7229 ¢ $466 Off-peak kWh(Jun-Oct) 10,803 ¢ $0 9.7288 ¢ $1,051 On peak kWh(Nov-May) 12,270 ¢ $0 11.5405 ¢ $1,416 Off-peak kWh(Nov-May) 29,676 ¢ $0 8.8247 ¢ $2,619 Unbilled (377) ($41) ($41) Base Total 56,037 $7,622 $8,981 SCHEDULE 400 Firm Energy and Power Customer Charges 12 $1,556.00 $18,672 $1,834.00 $22,008 kW 290,096 $15.61 $4,528,399 $18.40 $5,337,766 kWh 43,374,000 3.3260 ¢ $1,442,637 3.9220 $1,701,113 Excess kVar 57,200 $0.96 $54,912 $0.96 $54,912 Unbilled Total-Normalized 43,374,000 $6,044,620 $7,115,799 Interruptible Energy and Power Customer Charges kW 1,862,096 $15.61 $29,067,319 $18.40 $34,262,566 kWh 1,270,826,000 3.3260 ¢ $42,268,189 3.9220 $49,841,355 Unbilled Total-Normalized 1,270,826,000 $71,335,508 $84,103,921 Total Schedule 400 1,314,200,000 $77,380,128 $91,219,720 IDAHO JURISDICTIONAL TOTALS: Subtotal 3,504,192,788 $282,507,996 $328,265,195 Temperature Adj (21,478,636) ($1,709,208) ($1,936,405) Unbilled (12,655,000) ($774,000) ($774,000) AGA Revenue $521,159 $521,159 Total 3,470,059,152 $280,545,947 $326,075,949 Attachment B Page 11 of 12 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER STATE OF IDAHO NORMALIZED BILLING DETERMINANTS AND PROPOSED PERIOD-BY-PERIOD PRICES FOR RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS HISTORICAL 12 MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 2023 Rate Case Period Residential Rate Modernization Period Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 1/1/2025-5/31/2025 6/l/2025-5/31/2026 6/1/2026-5/31/2027 6/l/2027 2023 Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Units Price Dollars Price Dollars Price Dollars Price Dollars SCHEDULE NO.1-Residential Service Customer charge 741,077 $16.50 $12,227,777 $20.75 $15,377,356 $25.00 $19,526,935 $29.25 $21,676,514 Paperless Bill Credit 424,376 ($0.50) ($212,188) ($0.50) ($212,188) ($0.50) ($212,188) ($0.50) ($212,188) Seasonal Service charge 0 $198.00 $0 $249.00 $0 $300.00 $0 $351.00 $0 All kWh(Jun-Oct) -700 kWh 157,511,826 11.6263 0 $18,312,761 11.0858 0 $17,461,429 10.5453 0 $16,610,097 10.0048 0 $15,758,765 >700 kWh 65,439,582 13.6026 0 $8,901,503 12.9703 0 $8,487,685 12.3379 0 $8,073,868 11.7055 0 $7,660,051 All kWh(Nov-May) -1,000 kWh 282,201,244 9.6885 0 $27,341,042 9.2381 0 $26,069,999 8.7877 0 $24,798,956 8.3373 0 $23,527,913 >1,000 kWh 124,593,893 11.3355 0 $14,123,347 10.8085 0 $13,466,774 10.2816 0 $12,810,201 9.7546 0 $12,153,629 Subtotal 629,746,545 $90,694,242 $80,651,055 $90,607,969 $80,564,684 Temperature Adj.(Jun-Oct)r-700 kWh 2,575,536 11.6263 0 $299,439 11.0858 0 $285,519 10.5453 0 $271,598 10.0048 0 $257,678 Temperature Adj.(Jun-Oct)>700 kWh 1,070,028 13.6026 0 $145,552 12.9703 0 $138,785 12.3379 0 $132,019 11.7055 0 $125,252 Temperature Adj.(Nov-May)r 1,000 kWh (9,350,835) 9.6885 0 ($905,955) 9.2381 0 ($863,838) 8.7877 0 ($821,722) 8.3373 0 ($779,605) Temperature Adj.(Nov-May)>1,000 kWh (4,128,461) 11.3355 0 ($467,982) 10.8085 0 ($446,226) 10.2816 0 ($424,470) 9.7546 0 ($402,715) Subtotal (9,833,732) ($928,946) ($885,760) ($842,575) ($799,390) Unbilled (253,605) $61,926 $61,926 $61,926 $61,926 Total 619,659,208 $79,827,222 $79,827,221 $79,827,220 $79,827,220 Tier ratio 117% 117% ($1) 117% ($1) 117% $0 Tier diff 1.9764 1.8845 1.7926 1.7007 Season dill 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 Decimal 8 SCHEDULE NO.36-Residential Service Optional TOD Customer Charge 122,117 $20.75 $2,533,920 $23.50 $2,869,740 $26.50 $3,236,090 $29.25 $3,571,911 Paperless Bill Credit 55,922 ($0.50) ($27,961) ($0.50) ($27,961) ($0.50) ($27,961) ($0.50) ($27,961) Seasonal Service Charge 0 $249.00 $0 $282.00 $0 $318.00 $0 $351.00 $0 On-Peak kWh(May-Oct) 27,788,854 17.0675 0 S4,742,858 Off-Peak kWh(May-Oct) 34,822,117 6.0187 0 $2,095,829 On-Peak kWh(Nov-Apr) 48,357,719 14.6223 0 $7,071,027 Off-Peak kWh(Nov-Apr) 64,617,315 5.5335 0 $3,575,583 Subtotal 175,586,005 $19,991,256 Temperature Adj.(May-Oct)-On-Peak 611,823 17.0675 0 $104,423 Temperature Adj.(May-Oct)-Off-Peak 766,674 6.0187 0 $46,144 Temperature Adj.(Nov-Apr)-On-Peak (2,056,905) 14.6223 0 ($300,767) Temperature Adj.(Nov-Apr)-Off-Peak (2,748,510) 5.5335 0 ($152,088) Subtotal (3,426,918) ($302,288) On-Peak kn(June-Oct) 21,039,678 18.5344 0 $3,899,578 18.1314 0 $3,814,781 17.7619 0 $3,737,048 Off-Peak kWh(June-Oct) 31,391,154 5.9010 0 $1,852,406 5.7727 ¢ $1,812,124 5.6551 6 $1,775,200 On-Peak kn(Nov-May) 45,315,666 15.8791 0 $7,195,718 15.5338 0 $7,039,245 15.2173 0 $6,895,809 Off-Peak kn(Nov-May) 77,839,507 5.4253 0 $4,223,051 5.3074 0 $4,131,218 5.1992 6 $4,047,039 Subtotal 175,586,005 $0 $17,170,753 $16,797,368 $16,455,096 Temperature Adj.(June-Oct)-On-Peak 412,787 18.5344 6 $76,508 18.1314 ¢ $74,844 17.7619 6 $73,319 Temperature Adj.(June-Oct)-Off-Peak 517,262 5.9010 0 $30,524 5.7727 0 $29,860 5.6551 0 $29,252 Temperature Adj.(Nov-May)-On-Peak (1,857,869) 15.8791 6 ($295,013) 15.5338 ¢ ($288,598) 15.2173 6 ($282,717) Temperature Adj.(Nov-May)-Off-Peak (2,499,099) 5.4253 6 ($135,584) 5.3074 ¢ ($132,636) 5.1992 6 ($129,933) Subtotal (3,426,918) $0 ($323,565) ($316,530) ($310,079) Unbilled (70,710) $14,996 $14,996 $14,996 $14,996 Total-Present TOU 172,088,377 $19,703,964 $19,703,963 $19,703,963 $19,703,961 Total-Proposed TOU 172,088,377 $19,703,963 $19,703,963 $19,703,963 On-Off Peak Ratio-Preset TOU-Summer Summer 284% 1.17 284% 1.17 284% 1.17 284% 1.17 On-Off Peak Ratio-Preset TOU-Winter Winter 264% 264% ($1) 264% $0 264% (S2) On-Off Peak Ratio-Proposed TOU-Summer Summer 314% $0 314% $0 314% S2 On-Off Peak Ratio-Proposed TOU-Winter Winter 293% 293% 293% Decimal 8 Attachment B Page 12 of 12 Rocky Mountain Power - State of Idaho Schedule 94 Settlement Rate Present Rate 0/kWh Proposed Rate 0/kWh Voltage S P T S P T Tariff Customer Rate 1.809 1.776 1.717 0.905 0.888 0.859 Schedule 400 Rate 1.733 0.867 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this day, I caused to be served, via email, a true and correct copy of Settlement Stipulation in Case No. PAC-E-24-04 to the following: Service List Commission Staff Adam Triplett(C) Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg No. 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83720-0074 adam.triplettkpuc.idaho.gov Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc Eric L. Olsen(C) Lance Kaufman, Ph.D. (C) Echo Hawk& Olsen PLLC 2623 NW Bluebell Place 505 Pershing Ave., Suite 100 Corvallis, OR 97330 PO Box 6119 lance cgae isg insi h Pocatello, ID 83205 elo&echohawk.com Idaho Conservation League Matthew Nykiel Brad Heusinkveld Idaho Conservation League Idaho Conservation League 710 N. 6tn Street 710 N. 6tn Street Boise, ID 83702 Boise, ID 83702 matthew.nykielkgmail.com bheusinkveld(&idahoconservation.org Bayer Corporation Thomas J. Budge (C) Brian C. Collins (C) Racine, Olson PLLP Greg Meyer(C) 201 E. Center Brubaker&Associates Pocatello, ID 83204-1391 16690 Swingley Ridge Rd., #140 tj&racineolson.com Chesterfield, MO 63017 bcollinskconsultbai.com gme er&consultbai.com Kevin Higgins (C) Neal Townsend(C) Energy Strategies LLC khi ggins&energystrat.com ntownsend&energystrat.com Page 1 of 2 PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers Ronald L. Williams (C) Bradley Mullins (C) Brandon Helgeson(C) MW Analytics Hawley Troxell Ennis &Hawley LLP Teitotie 2, Suite 208 PO Box 1617 Oulunsalo Finland, FI 90460 Boise, ID 83701 brmullins@mwanal . ics.com rwilliams(aD,hawleytroxell.com bhel eg son@hawleytroxell.com Val Steiner Kyle Williams Itafos Conda LLC BYU Idaho val.steiner(a-)itafos.com williamsk@byui.edu PacifiCor , dba Rocky Mountain Power Mark Alder Joe Dallas Michael Snow PacifiCorp/dba Rocky Mountain Power PacifiCorp/dba Rocky Mountain Power 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 2000 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Portland, OR 97232 Salt Lake City,UT 84116 joseph.dallas@pacificorp.com mark.alder@pacificoi p.com michael.snow@pacificorp.com Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp datarequest@pacificorp.com Dated this 6th day of December, 2024. J f , &ti / Carrie Meyer Adviser, Regulatory Operations Page 2 of 2