HomeMy WebLinkAboutFirst Amended Certificate No 403.pdf BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF ASPEN CREEK ) CASE NO. ASP-W-24-02 WATER CO., INC.'S APPLICATION TO ) AMEND CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC ) CERTIFICATE NO. 403 CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 403 ) FIRST AMENDMENT On August 20,2024,Aspen Creek Water Co.,Inc. applied to amend its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 403 to incorporate property that is contiguous to its existing system and certificated area where it intends to serve a new customer. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the public convenience and necessity requires, or will require, Aspen Creek Water Co., Inc., its successors and assigns, to hold, construct or otherwise acquire, to maintain and to operate a water system and provide a potable water supply to the extending boundary of the existing system and certificated area. This Certificate is for such purpose to own, hold, construct or otherwise acquire and to maintain and operate within said territory water wells, reservoirs, tanks, towers, stand pipes, collectors, settling basins, galleries and other works and structures, and also to lay,take up, repair, remove, extend, alter, maintain and operate water mains, pipes, conduits, aqueducts, hydrants and other appliances, equipment and facilities in, upon, over, under, along, through and across all streets, avenues, alleys, streams, highways, roads, and other public places in said territory as the same now exists or may hereafter be extended, laid out or established, and to exercise the rights and privileges granted, or to which may hereafter be granted Aspen Creek Water Co, Inc., its successors or assigns,by any franchise conferred by the state of Idaho or any political subdivision thereof. This Certificate incorporates property to the extending boundary of the existing certificated service area (Attachment A) and all previously authorized certificated service area (Attachment B). This Certificate is predicated upon and issued pursuant to the findings and provisions of Order No. 36417 in Case No. ASP-W-24-02 to which reference is hereby made. CERTIFICATE NO. 403 FIRST AMENDMENT 1 DATED at Boise, Idaho this 9th day of December 2024. ERIC ANDIrRSON, PRESIDENT 4 �N R. HAMMOND JR., COMMISSIONER G w` EDWARD LODGE, C ) MISSIONER ATTEST: Ba os- a e Commission Secreta I:\Legal\WATER\ASP-W-24-02\orders\ASPW2402_Cert 403_First Amended_kh.docx CERTIFICATE NO. 403 FIRST AMENDMENT 2 ATTACHMENT A Addition to Aspen Creek CPCN No. 403 ASP-W-24-02 Addition to Aspen Creek Certificate of Convenience and Necessity No. 403 Case No. ASP-W-24-02 Bear Lake County, Idaho, Instrument No. 227910 (See Exhibit 1 for Instrument No. 227910 detailed property description) and Bear Lake County, Idaho, Instrument No. 22049 (See Exhibit 2 for Instrument No. 22049 detailed property description) and Bear Lake County, Idaho, Instrument No. 227372 (See Exhibit 3 for Instrument No. 227372 detailed property description) and B.S. Farms Subdivision, Bear Lake County, Idaho, Instrument No. 239792 (See Exhibit 4 for B.S. Farms Subdivision plat map and detailed property description) Attachment A ASP-W-24-02 Comments October 9,2024 9 227910 Exhibit 1 Page 1 of 1 Exhibit "A" A parcel of land located in Sections 14,15 and 23,Township 16 South,Range 43 East,Boise Meridian,Bear Lake County,Idaho and further described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest comer of said Section 23,from which the Meander comer of Section 23 bears North 890 38'10"East 1069.02 feet; Thence North 89'39'10"East 72.64 feet along the North line of said Section 23 to a point on the Northerly right of way line of Loveland Lane,the True Point of Beginning; Thence South 75130'44"East 461.31 feet along said right of way line,to a paint on the Last deed line of the parcel of land owned by William D.Stock&Lucy Knight as recorded under instrument number 158878 in the official records of Bear Lake County; Thence North 08'35'00"East 315.56 feet along said East line; Thence North 13'13'00"East 200.10 feet along said East line its extension to a point on a fence line; Thence North 78'29'30"West 1048.74 feet along said fence line to a found 518"rebar with cap;Thence South 060 30'49"West 463.91 feet along a fence line to a point on the said Northerly right of way Iine of Loveland Lane; Thence South 75'30'44"East 558.55 feet along said right of way line to the True Point of Beginning. (05803.00&05860.00) Attachment A ' ASP-W-24-02 Comments October 9,2024 r Exhibit 2 # 220049 Page 1 of 2 i EXHIBIT"A" A parcel of land located in Sections 15 and.22,Township 16 South, Range 43 East, Boise Meridian, Bear Lake County,Idaho and further described as follows: Beginning at the North quarter comer of said Section 22, from which the Northeast corner of Section 22 bears North 89'43'00"East 2632.38 feet; Thence North 89'43'00" East 1434.50 feet along the north line of said Section 22; Thence North 000 17' 00"West 276.58 feet to a found rebar with cap labeled,JHS set on the southerly right of way line of Loveland Lane, said point also being the northeast corner of the( parcel of land as shown on Record of Survey instrument number 200056 in the official,records of.Bear Lake County, the True Point of Beginning; Thence South 750 34'28"East 520.70 feet along said right of way line; Thence South 35° 25' 10" West 462.88 feet to a 5/8" rebar with cap labeled, "A.A. Hudson, PLS 13173"; Thence North 73° 16'S0"West 388.22 feet to a point on the east line of said parcel shown on Record of Survey instrument number 200056; Thence North 18" 57' 37 East 417.92 feet along said east line to the True Point of Beginning. I E { r ,r t F i j. Attachment A ASP-W-24-02 Comments October 9.2024 Exhibit 2 Page 2 of 2 # 220049 3 201909 EXHIBIT A A parcel of ground located in the Southeast Quarter of Section 15 and the Northeast Quarter of Section 22, Township 16 South, Range 43 East of the Boise Meridian, and further described as follows, Commencing at the rebar with AAH Cap found at the South Quarter Corner of Section 15, Township 18 South, Range 43 East of the Boise Base and Meridian, and running thence Norh 00009'42" East 265.42 feet; thence South 75025'37" East 61,95 feet; thence North 00.09'42"East 203.19 feet; thence South 75024'48" East 231.99 feet; thence South 16936'20" West 23.72 feet; thence South 75'2448"East 208.7.1 feet;thence North 16"38'20"East 2D8.84 feet to a point on the South right of way line of Loveland Lane; thence Southeasterly along said right of way line the following two courses: 1) South 75'24'48" East 375.87 feet to a rebar with a HLE 4563 Cap; 2) thence South 75913'17" East 427.31 feet to a rebar with a HLE 4563 Cap found at the Northeast Comer of the Aspen Creek Meadows Subdivision Phase 3 and Is also a point on the Easterly right of way line of Old Ephrlam Road, said point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; and running thence Southerly along the Easterly right of way line of Old Ephrlam Road the following two courses: 1)South 26018130"West 64.67 feet; 2)thence South 16036'20"West 320.19 feet;thence South 15*13!29'Vj est along the Easterly right of way line of Old Ephrlam Road and the projection thereof 354.44 feet; thence South 75'3T05" East 403.60 feet to a point In the approximate centerline of en existing canal; thence Northwesterly following said approximate centerline the following eleven courses:1)North 08014'43"East 46.61 feet;2)thence North 06"16'08"West 29.62 feet; 3) thence North 14'40'40" West 28.36 feet; 4) thence North 18018'19" West 38,73 feet; 5) thence North 2r58'42" West 38.27 feet; 8) thence North 36035150" West 29.34 feet; 7) thence North-34'28'08" West 52.60 feet; 8) thence North 31°00'21" West 86.68 feet; 9) thence North 350511S7" West 14.00 feet; 10) thence North 36026'42" West 35.78 feet; 11) thence North 41215'19"West 56.54 feet;thence leaving said canal North 19'18'48"East 417.92 feet to a point on •the South right of way Una of Loveland Lane;thence North 75*13'1T'West along said South right of way line 121.27 feet to The Point of Beginning. I • l Attachment A ASP-W-24-02 Comments October 9,2024 Exhibit 3 Page 1 of 1 227372 Dale:07/18/2018 Warranty-Deed File No.:688319-MON(ab) -continued EXHIBIT A A parcel of land located In Sections 22 and 23,Township 16 South, Range 43 East, Boise Meridian, Bear Lake County,Idaho and further described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Section 22,from which the North quarter corner of Section 22 bears South 890 43' 00"West 2632.58 feet; Thence North 780 32'23"West 709.33 feet to a found 5/8"rebar with cap set on the Southerly right of way line of Loveland Lane; Thence South 350 25'10"West 238.90 feet to a 5/8"rebar with cap labeled,"A.A. Hudson, PLS 13173",the True Point of Beginning; Thence South 750 33'37"East 961.35 feet to a found 5/8"rebar with cap set at the Southwest corner of the parcel of land owned by W. Charles Swanson,which parcel is described in Instrument # 214618 in the official records of Bear Lake County; Thence South 740 53' 26" East 300.70 feet along the South line of said Swanson parcel to a 5/8"rebar with cap; Thence South 230 05'43" West 210.21 feet to a 5/8"rebar with cap set at a fence corner; Thence South 170 36' 12"West 314.19 feet along a fence line to a 5/8"rebar with cap set on a fence line agreed upon as a property line in the boundary line agreement recorded as Instrument# 190485 in the official records of Bear Lake County; Thence along said agreed upon line the following 2 courses: Thence North 760 15'05"West 1123.04 feet; Thence North 740 14'22"West 259.46 feet to a point on the East line of the parcel of land shown on the survey recorded as Instrument# 200056 in the official records of Bear Lake County; Thence along said East line the following 11 courses: Thence North 080 14'43" West 49.06 feet; Thence North 060 16'08"West 29.62 feet; Thence North 140 40'40"West 28.36 feet; Thence North 180 18' 19" West 38.73 feet; Thence North 230 58'42" West 38.27 feet; Thence North 360 35' 50"West 29.34 feet; Thence North 340 28' 08"West 52.60 feet; Thence North 310 00' 21"West 88.68 feet; Thence North 350 51'57"West 14.00 feet; Thence North 3610 26'42"West 35.78 feet; Thence North 410 15' 19"West 56.54 feet to the Southwest corner of the parcel of land shown on the survey recorded as Instrument# 223696 in the official records of Bear Lake County; Thence South 730 16' 50" East 388.22 feet along the South line of said Instrument# 223696 parcel to a found rebar with cap set at the Southeast corner thereof; Thence North 3510 25' 10" East 223.97 feet along the East line of said Instrument# 223696 parcel to the True Point of Beginning. Page 3 of 3 Attachment A ASP-W-24-02 Comments October 9,2024 Exhibit 4 Page 1 of 2 Attachment A COMBINED PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT Comments SUBDIVIDER AND OWNER: C0111111eritS BILL STOCK October 9 2024 B . S . FARMS SUBDIVISION FISH US HIGHWAY 89 FISH HAVEN, IDAHO 83287 SECTIONS 15, 22, & 23, T. 16 S. R. 43 E. BOISE MERIDIAN BEAR LAKE COUNTY, IDAHO FOUND REBAR WITH/ CAP PLS 13173 SUBDIVISION TPOB /\ 19?8g, B MARK MICKINNON AND JOAN J. MICKINNON AND BART MICKINNON AND / PATRICK MICKINNON INSTR. # 220049 SURVEY INSTR. # _ C 223696 lb � �b �� N 78 11'JO" W ERC�NE ASPyA � CT � / / 218 6�, 09.33, TIE CpVEtAND e / �N NORTH QUARTER CORNER �� � / / N 75 12 24" W NORTHEAST CORNER SECTION SECTION 22 FOUND REBAR BLOCK 1 LOT 4 / / 1 853 9 22 FOUND REBAR WITH CAP WITH CAP AS SHOWN ON ^� ��/ 1;.0 Acres / / 0 AS SHOWN ON CPFR INSTR. CPFR INSTR. # 171925 �� / w / ` ` ` . ` ` \ # 133018 291 LOVELAND LNl �, / . 15 /off %ry Nam/ N 89'55"47" W 2632.60' / r . 2j8,67� 15 14 �— 4= �y/ SECTION ,LINE BASIS OF BEARING / / ;' 22 23 BLOCK 1 LOT 3 — %/ 1 .0 Acres 253 LOVELAND LN / � � �•� _ � �� � /=ry ry/ BLOCK 1 LOT 2 / // '' � � � � � • � ` N 75• 2,24" 1 .0 Acres / / / • / / 211 LOVELAND LN 21867' //FOUND REBAR • _ L _ / `�/ BLOCK 1 LOT 1 WITH/ // / �� ��p 4735 CAP PLS S 1 .0 Acres �. N //�s'12'24" �� • � � '' � � / / 169 LOVELAND LN 895.46, I 218.67 \ pQQ a� i ALTITUDE HOLDINGS, INSTR. # 234860 MCKINNON AND COMPANY INSTR. # 227372 J� �� ^ SCALE: 1 INCH = 50 FEET RECORD OF SURVEY INSTR. # 22 404 / / t$o �`J� ��a�/ 0 50 100 150 ?Z 2l8.67, Ak BASIS OF BEARINGS ` ` • `� � / ��UwO o�0� / FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER SECTION 22 THE re�?Q NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 22 BEARS N 89'55' 47" W LEGEND FOUND REBAR LEGAL DESCRIPTION x-- EXISTING FENCE l WITH CAP PLS FOR 't 4735 B.S. FARMS SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY - - DEED (RECORD) LINE ? BY RECORD A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN SECTIONS 15, 22 AND 23, TOWNSHIP 16 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, SECTION CORNER BOISE MERIDIAN, BEAR LAKE COUNTY, IDAHO AND FURTHER DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: j� FOUND BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 22, FROM WHICH THE NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 22 BEARS SOUTH 89' 55' 47" WEST 2632.60 FEET; THENCE NORTH 78' 11' 10" WEST 709.33 FEET TO A FOUND 5/8" REBAR WITH CAP SET ON THE SET BY THIS SURVEY SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LOVELAND LANE, THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; 5/8" REBAR W/ AL. CAP THENCE SOUTH 35. 46' 23" WEST 213.35 FEET (SOUTH 35' 25' 10" WEST BY RECORD) TO A 5/8" REBAR p FOUND BY THIS SURVEY WITH CAP LABELED, "A.A. HUDSON, PLS 13173"; 5/8" REBAR W/ CAP THENCE SOUTH 75' 12' 24" EAST 895.46 FEET TO A 5/8" REBAR WITH CAP; POINT NOT FOUND OR SET THENCE NORTH 24' 42' 36" EAST 202.23 FEET TO A 5/8" REBAR WITH CAP SET ON THE SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LOVELAND LANE; THENCE NORTH 75' 12' 24" WEST 853.90 FEET (NORTH 75' 33' 37" WEST BY RECORD) ALONG SAID RIGHT - — EDGE 10' WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT OF WAY LINE TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 4.0 ACRES OF LAND. BUILDING SET BACK LINES SEE NOTE 7 ON SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEET 1 OF 2 LAND SURVEYORS COMBINED PRELIMINARY AND FOR FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE A. A. H U D S 0 N B. S. FARMS SUBDIVISION SURVEYOR I, TIMOTHY YR N THE ENSEN DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I TI A LICENSED 2 "�p NUMBER 13173 AND THAT TBY THE ATE OFIADUTHORITY OF THHEDOW ERSCOFETHIS INSTRUMENT N0. AND SECTIONS 15, 22, & 23, TOWNSHIP 16 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, BOISE MERIDIAN PROPERTY I HAVE CAUSED A SURVEY TO BE MADE AS SHOWN AND DATE-10 -24' 2e 2L TIME Q+3(eT— BEAR LAKE COUNTY, IDAHO DESCRIBED ON THIS PLAT. RECORD OF SURV NO., ASSOCIATES I REVISIONS SURVEYED BY: TC REQUESTED BY � .51.�k 1 OFFICE WORK BY: TC to � RECORDED BY_- ��, NNN FEE PRESTON, IDAHO 83263 2 FIELD BOOK NO. _ — (.co (208)82-1 1 55 PROJECT N0. 15178 COMPLETION DATE OCT 2022 DA E TIMOTW LON CHRI-9ENSEN DRAWING:- 15178BSFARMSSUBDIVISION.dwg Exhibit 4 Page 2 of 2 Attachment A ASP-W-24-02 OWNERS CERTIFICATE COMBINED PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT Comments October 9,2024 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT, THAT THE UNDERSIGNED OWNER OF THE B.S. FARMS SUBDIVISION TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED ABOVE AND SHOWN ON THIS PLAT HAVE CAUSED THE SUBDIVIDER AND OWNER: SAME TO BE SURVEYED AND SUBDIVIDED INTO LOTS,AND EASEMENTS AS BILL STOCK INDICATED ON THIS PLAT,THE WHOLE TO BE HERINAFTER KNOWN AS B.S. FARMS 1917 US HIGHWAY 89 SUBDIVISION,A SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN SECTIONS 15,22,AND 23,TOWNSHIP SECTIONS )TJ, 22, & 23, T. 6 S. R. 43 E. BOISE MERIDIAN FISH HAVEN, IDAHO 83287 16 SOUTH,RANGE 43 EAST, BOISE MERIDIAN,DO HEREBY DEDICATE AND SET APART THE SAME AS A SUBDIVISION AND DEDICATE THE PUBLIC UTILITY UTILITY BEAR LAKE COUNTY, IDAHO EASEMENTS FOR THE USE OF PUBLIC UTILITY COMPANIES. IN y(ITf j'j5A HOEFEO Ij�„�ryp'FV HfARDEUNT022SET MY SIGNATURE THIS GZl6�i NOTES: 1: THE ZONING OF THIS PROPERTY IS RECREATION. WILLIAM D.STOCK 2: THE LOTS IN THIS SUBDIVISION WILL BE USED FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. 3: THERE IS NO SPACE T BE DEDICATED TO BEAR LAKE COUNTY WITH THIS PLAT. THE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS SHOWN WILL DEDICATED TO THE PUBIC COMPANIES. S 4: DISPOSAL OF SANITARY SEWER FROM ALL LOTSTS WILL WILL BE PROVIDED BY FISH HAVEN RECREATIONAL SEWER DISTRICT. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 5: CULINARY WATER WILL BE PROVIDED TO ALL LOTS BY INDIVIDUAL WELLS. 6: THIS AREA IS NOT IN A FLOOD PLAIN. 7: NORMAL BUILDING SETBACK LINES WILL BE 30 FEET OFF FRONT PROPERTY LINES, 10 FEET OFF SIDE PROPERTY LINES AND 20'OFF REAR PROPERTY LINES. BUILDING SETBACK LINES ARE SHOWN. STATE OF. O 8: PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS WILL BE CREATED BY THIS PLAT THAT RUN 10 FEET WIDE ALONG ALL THE ROADS. SS 9: THE LOTS IN THIS SUBDIVISION ARE ALL IN THE SAME BLOCK. THERE ARE NOT MULTIPLE BLOCKS. COUNTY(f � / 10:THERE WILL BE NO IRRIGATION WATER PROVIDED TO THESE LOTS. ON THIS EF,l OF -l—2022 BEFORE ME,THE UNDERSIGNED NOTARY PUBLIC,PERSONALLY APPEARED WILLIAM D.STOCK, THE ABOVE NAMED OWNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED SUBDIVISION, KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE PARTY WHOSE NAME IS SUBSCRIBED TO THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE EXECUTED THE SAME AS SUCH. IN WETNESS WHEREOF,I HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HAND AND AFFIXED MY VICINITY MAP SEAL THE DAY AND YEAR FIRST ABOVE WRITTEN, NOT TO SCALE FISH HAVEN RECREATIONAL SEWER DISTRICT (PROJECT LOCATED ON / LOVE LANE SOUTH OF p111111111 ll4 r SANITARY SEWER FROM THIS SUBDIVISION WILL BE DISPOSED OF TO FISH HAVEN FISH HAVEN) 4 1�i NOTPR PUBLIC FOR IDAHO RECREATIONAL SEWER DISTRICT. PUBf/C•. 4 f 2O ' SSUA ••' a 'DA CE CHAIRMAN 's T. RESIDING AT: Td.�//. cc•'�,,,5����0?���T-d� MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: ��6j�ag7f �IONLLL` ` COUNTY ENGINEER APPROVED AS TO CONTENT AND CONFORMANCE WITH THE IDAHO CODE AND THE BEAR LAKE COUNTY SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE UTILITY STATEMENT THIS DAY OF_,T—/f/ ,A.D.,2022. f EQUITIES SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO INSTALL,MAINTAIN,AND OPERATE THEIR ZY� /�•��4,� EQUIPMENT ABOVE AND BELOW GROUND AND ALL OTHER RELATED FACILITIES WITHIN THE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS IDENTIFIED ON THIS PUT MAP AS � 1 MAY BE NECESSARY OR DESIRABLE IN PROVIDING ELECTRIC SERVICE WITHIN I AND WITHOUT THE LOTS IDENTIFIED HEREIN, INCLUDING RIGHT OF ACCESS TO 1 SUCH FACILITIES AND THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE REMOVAL OF ANY REVIEWING LAND SURVEYOR CERTIFICATE OBSTRUCTIONS INCLUDING STRUCTURES,TREES AND VEGETATION THAT MAY BE PLACED WITHIN THE PUE.THE URUTY MAY REQUIRE THE LOT OWNER TO REMOVE ALL STRUCTURES WITHIN THE PUE AT THE LOT OWNER'S EXPENSE, REVIEWED AND FOUND TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH IDAHO CODE OR THE UTILITY MAY REMOVE SUCH STRUCTURES AT THE LOT OWNER'S TITLE 50,CHAPTER 13. EXPENSE. AT NO TIME MAY ANY PERMANENT STRUCTURES BE PLACED WITHIN THE PUE OR ANY OTHER OBSTRUCTION WHICH INTERFERES WITH THE USE OF —15 —�—WT � ,. THE PUE WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE UTILITIES WITH G FACILIRES IN THE PUE. LS NUMBER rp.A'01T.A yu^ HEALTH DEPARTMENT STATEMENT +► SANITARY RESTRICTIONS AS REQUIRED BY IDAHO CODE TITLE 50, CHAPTER 13 ARE IN �t FORCE.NO OWNER SHALL CONSTRUCT ANY BUILDING,DWELLING OR SHELTER WHICH BEAR LAKE COUNTY CLERK , NECESSITATES THE SUPPLYING OF WATER OR SEWAGE FACILITIES FOR PERSONS USING j+ - SUCH PREMISES UNTIL SANITARY REQUIREMENTS ARE SATISFIED AND LIFTED.SANITARY APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE ' �, ,. - P RESTRICTIONS WILL BE LIFTED ON A LOT BY LOT BASIS WITH NO LOT HAVING MORE I j _} THAN ONE DWELLING. LOTS SHALL NOT BE REDUCED IN SIZE WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL �•, OF THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT. NO ADDITIONAL DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLIES SHALL BE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HAVE REVIEWED AND APPROVED THIS PLAT INSTALLED BEYOND THE WATER SYSTEM APPROVAL IN THE SANITARY RESTRICTION (� RELEASE. APPROVED THIS _ lµ'DAY OF.1116E.—,A.D.,2022 d= ;DIY HEALTH DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATE NARRATIVE: SANITARY RESTRICTIONS AS REQUIRED BY IDAHO CODE TITLE 50,CHAPTER 13 ARE IN THE PURPOSE OF THIS SURVEY IS TO CREATE A 4 LOT SUBDIVISION FROM THE PARCEL OF LAND OWNED BY WILLIAM D. FORCE. NO OWNER SHALL CONSTRUCT ANY BUILDING, DWELLING,OR SHELTER WHICH COUNTY TREASURERS CERTIFICATION STOCK DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT�}227757 IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF BEAR LAKE COUNTY. A SURVEY RECORDED NECESSITATES THE SUPPLYING OF WATER OR SEWAGE FACILITIES FOR PERSONS USING SUCH AS INSTRUMENT{/225143 WAS PREVIOUSLY DONE ON THE PROPERTY. THIS SURVEY USED THAT SURVEY AS A PREMISES UNTIL SANITARY REQUIREMENTS ARE SATISFIED AND LIFTED. //,-/ REFERENCE FOR THE BOUNDARY. THIS SURVEY WAS DONE UNDER THE DIRECTION OF WILLIAM STOCK THE OWNER OF THE CERTIF D HISgy pqy-0F_k&Z!`2022. PARCEL. THE PARCEL BEING SUBDIVIDED IS 4.8 ACRES. ONLY 4 ACRES OF THE PARCEL IS BEING INCLUDED IN THIS SUBDIVISION. THE REMAINING 0.8 ACRE WILL BE USED AS ROAD RIGHT OF WAY FOR A FUTURE SUBDIVISION PHASE. ZO ZZ BEAR LAKE COUNTY TREASURER DATE DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENT, EHS SHEET 2 OF 2 LAND SURVEYORS COMBINED PRELIMINARY AND FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT FOR SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE I,TIMOTHY LYNN CHRISTENSEN DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A LICENSE A.A. HUDSON B.S. FARMS SUBDIVISION LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF HEREBY THAT I HOLD CERTIFICATE NUMBER 13173 AND THAT BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE OWNERS OF THIS INSTRUMENT NO. SECTIONS 15,22,&23,TOWNSHIP 18 SOUTH,RANGE 4}FAST,BOISE MERIDIAN PROPERTY I HAVE CAUSED A SURVEY TO BE MADE AS SHOWN AND DATE TIME DESCRIBED ON THIS PUT. AND BEAR LAKE COUNTY,IDAHO RECORD OF SURVEY NO. ASSOCIATES REVISIONS SURV D BY: e REQUESTED BY 132 SOUTH STATE ASSOCIATES lJ l 1 J K •T IiY I� RECORDED BY. - PRESTON,IDAHO 83263 2 FIELD BOOK NO, lV r/FEE (208)852-1155 PROJECT 40.15178 DATE TIMOTHY7LY N CHRISTENSEN I/ DRAWING:-15178 BSFARMSSUBDIVISION.dwg Attachment B Aspen Creek Water Company Amendment to CPCN No. 403 ASP-W-24-02 Comments Case No. ASP-W-24-02 October s, 2024 Lo 15 14 _ r L ,U DAM,0 2024 Wuooscl Corpomlonf 4 U i S 2024 T 7bum Legend N 0 Additional service area to CPCN No. 403 0 0.03 0.05 0.1 Miles W E Bear Lake County Parcels Public Land Survey System Sections S ATTACHMENT B Existing Service Area Aspen Creek CPCN No. 403 ASP-W-24-02 (r G A/UJ,JCZ HIVED O ,� FIRST IDAHO TITLE GOMPAN K L.4 FIRST IDAHO TITLE INSURANCE - ESC4i��ES CU, 11.ISSIuf' TITLE COMPANY 469 Washington Street,Montpelier,Idaho 83254•Phone.-'208=847-1300,Fax: 208-847-1314 Montpelier,k July 23, 2002 Michael Fuss Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington P.O. Box 83720 Boise ID 83720-0074 RE: Aspen Creek Water Company Dear Mr. Fuss: Gary McKee asked me to send you the attached plat map with the Sections marked, so you can tell a little better where the subject property lies. I have tried to mark the sections on the attached plat map, and highlight the property involved in the proposed water company. I am also including one of the old county plat maps for your comparison. The detail is not nearly as good on it as on the new plats, but the outline of the sections involved is much more clear. If we can be of further assistance to you in any way,please contact our office. Sincerely LAQ Kay Beck Manager ��S f mi�� I � r w q{{1' co tv r A � oEta �o� �0 8 3 wit fI s 74 �.. CP to 1 m i it Iq LA m � w m I y to V� � �m I +ta j o N to p w m En co mi` N L r :Imwo IL( a p ` O �ry 3 :J f14 ii7 l P +1yli L� �.., w ! r m s 1 1!( " „ wl r7 ....... ...... I4 v 1 F m 8HT71?15d *o I x ! ! i 1 July;7ggq b m I -a CD h !r Ell 4 I -a a s m 5 :f i � 1 ar. o r! .��� p� ,,� � y, csary Hnaiam5 3 .-`w 3 EU S Y WDO gevn,10111fl AtWf o SCLEGt 17 Sep 197i DC 17718y TNg�t 3 m $ Gary Wbuwna I rn N w I m n o, WDb 96S>Z,10 17 Sep 1971 I i C F 1 i 111 pt _ I Ilt - i F • 1 o 14 � C� I i v Al I f H r r i r iil (II( i+ elJ Fes„ ?I T- r e,$a 77 (01 REF S E C, 'n pl;I ALM JE --s I CP, I 1: Tr —I L 7. " 44 0.1- 711 - fZOp PLAT' C- 22 �67.' 14 �95 P30 COW, .c 2 7 2r.7 FIRST IDAHO TITLE COMPANY FIRST IDAHO TITLE INSURANCE - ESCROWS TITLE COMPANY 469 Washington Street,Montpelier,Idaho 83254•Phone: 208-847-1300,Fax: 208-847-1314 Montpelier July 5, 2002 Ms. Jean Jewel Public Utilities Commission = ��, CD P.O. Box 83720 c Boise ID 83720-0074 RE: Aspen Creek Water Company CD rj ; Dear Ms. Jewel: Per the request of Aspen Creek Water Company, enclosed please find deeds which include all the legal descriptions for the properties to be included in the proposed area that said Aspen Creek Water Company will cover. We are also enclosing a plat map of the property outlining the area covered by the enclosed deeds. If we can be of further assistance regarding this matter,please don't hesitate to call. Sincerely, FIRST IDAHO TITLE COMPANY z j%X Kay e� Manager J ivI DETAILED DESCRIPTION REFERRED TO IN THE STAFF COMMENTS IN THIS CASE. 16 7 0 9 4 Aspen Creak Esh to=R's DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS ASPEN CREEK ESTATES PAS ---I- TICS DECLARATION OF COVENANTS,CONDMONS AND RESTRICTIONS(CC&R) (the motion)is made as of the/0 day of by Lake Vista Properties, L.L.C., a Utah Limited Liability Company, ( the Declarant)with reference to the following facts: A Declarant is the owner of veal property known as Aspen Creek Estates, located in Part of Section 15, Township 16 South, Range 43 East of the Boise Meridian Described as follows: HEClWNM SOUTH 00-1824"EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 15,215.16 FEET; THENCE NORTH 82.5633"EAST,477A3 FEET; THENCE 36121 FEET ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT,WITH RADIUS OF 205.00 FEET,INCLUDED ANGEL OF 10005716"AND A LONG CHORD THAT BEARS SOUTH 57032'OS'EAST,31626 FEET; THENCE NORTH 71059117"EAST,31.97 FEET; THENCE 166.71 FEET ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WITH A RADIUS OF 495.00 FEET,INCLUDED ANGLE OF 19"1 T49"AND A LONG CHORD THAT BEARS NORTH 9103912"EAST,165.93 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0101 7106"EAST,275.31 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 80•19 31"EAST,213.41 FEET; THENCE NORTH 8 •5T51"EAST,173.15 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88.04'00"EAST,322.03 FEET; TRICE SOUTH 1281424"EAST,369.52 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 77.4536"WEST,19.02 FEET; 7IF14C',E 2I6.18 FEET ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WITH A RADIUS OF 49S.001'EET,INCLiJHEp ANGLE OF 25*0123"AND A LCWO CHORD THAT BEAM NORTH 89°43r42'WEST,214A7 Mr, THENCE SOUTH I I*1094"WEST,675.05 FEET; THENCE 34.69 FEET ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT WITH A RADIUS OF 15.00 FEET,INCLUDED ANGLE OF 132'3748"AND A LONG CHORD THAT BEARS SOUTH 5500510"EAST,27.46 FEET; THENCE NORTH 58'3926"r-AST,69.19 FEET; T -EENCE SOUTH 26*=59"EAST,6023 FEET; TH rNCE SOUTH 04*3r58"EAST,567.15 FEET TO THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LOVEL4AID LANI}, THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LOVELAND LANE IN THE FOLLOWING THR—�COTTRSF.S: 1. NORTH 75046'01"WEST,174.24 FEET; 2. NORTH 93042-19-WEST,392.00 FEET; 3. SOUTH 85043-54"WEST,951.05 FEET TO THE WEST TREE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 15; THENCE NORTH 00'1924"WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 15,1437.16 FEET TO THE BEGINNING CON TAR4ING 50.04 ACRES+/-. Decla=has mbdivided the abov&4escribed property, in accordance with Subdivision plats, .o be approved by the Bear Lake County Board of Planning and Zoning, and which are filed con- currently herewith, in the Office of the County Recorder of Bear Lake County, State of Idaho. C. Declarant desires,by filing of this Declaration and the aforesaid Subdivision Plat, to submit the above-descry property, and all lots within the above-described property and as shown on the Subdivision Plat,to the provisions of this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, and hereby specifies that this declaration shall constitute covenants to run with all of the land, as provided by law,and shall be binding on all parties and all persons claiming under them, and for the benefit of and limitations upon all future owners in said subdivision. NOW THEREFORE,as part ofthe general plan for improvement of the above-described real property, the undersigned hereby declares said property subject to the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions herein recited. -l- i BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 16 SOLMI, RANGE 43 EAST, BOISE MERIDiM, BEAR LAKE COUNTY, IDAHO AND FURTHER DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE WEST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 15, LOCATED NORTH 00' 15' 00" WEST 2670.09 FROM THC SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAND SECTION, THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 00' 04' 39'.*W <14.17 FEET ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION TO A POINT ON UDM THE CENTER LINE OF FISH WOVEN CANYON ROAD; FOLLOWING SAID CENTERLINE THE NEXT 7 COURSES: THENCE SOUTH 7W IS' 58" EAST 10.34 FEET'TO THE BEGINNING OF A 1610.87 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 12' 24' 01' A DISTANCE OF 348.63 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANG.NCY (CHORD - S 68' 06' 58" E 347.95 FEET); THENCE SOUTH 61' 54' 57" EAST 131.10 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 74' 39' 18' EAST 371.73 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 593.94 FOOT _ RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE TO TF'E SoIJTHWEST; �)I' D BRG THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF i5i'l4" W 17' 13' 59" A DISTANCE OF 178.64 :�EET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY (CHORD - S 66' 02' 18" E 177.97 FEf;); 10�44" W THENCE SOUTH 5T 25' 19' EAST 1=9.27 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 157.90 FOOT W� lrJ$ai 17'34" W R,A';U5 CURVE CONC,%.; TO THE MOt THEAST; it3'48" E THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG S."'D CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 09 PHt 1 i8'48" E' 39' 41' 52' A DISTANCE OF 109.40 FEET (CHORD - S 77' 16' 15' E 107.23 FEET); THENCE SOUTH 58' 07' 24" EAST 1:5.41 FEET TO A FOUND REBAR; �►�� I" 048" E THENCE SOUTH 00' 10' 58" FAST 3r � 64 FEET TO A FOUND REDAR; L-,Y,1 30 142' E THENCE SOUTH U(Y .16' 06" EAST ;i5.74 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF A QSDm $'35" PARTIAL AMENDMENT OF ASPEN CRI F_F: ESTA-i ES; FOLLOWING SAID LINE THE NEXT 1 C COURSES: )5 #06" E THENCE SOUTH 89' 57' 51' WEST 173.15 FEET; 0'06" E THENCE NORTH 80' 19' 31" WEST 213.41 FEET; V01" W THENCE SOUTH 01' 17' 06' WEST 206.52 FELT TO A POINT ON A 250.00 FOOT bl• !�°26" W RADIUS NONTANGl NT CURVE CONCP.VE TO THE SOUTHWEST, WH05E CENTER DEARS SOUTH OX 24' 23" WEST; 'V23" E THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22' 3:' 38' A DISTANCE OF 98.4-4 FEET TO THE i Z 5'53" W POINT OF TANGENCY (CHORD - SC U-H 8Z 07' 34' WEST 97.80 FEET); L47" W THENCE SOUTH 70' 50' 45" WEST 140.51 FEET TO THE BEGINt4,,NG OF A 136.38 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTH; - B 1-8" E THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG '2,10 CURVE 'HROUGIi A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 50' 20' 55' A DISTANCE OF 1 . i'313" W 1 1 a.84 FEET TO THE POINT OF TN w;ENCY (CHORD "- N 83' ..J' 48' W 11 e.02 FEET); i'53" W THENCE NORTH 58' 48' 20" WEST :10.45 FEET TO THE BEG!F: '!NG OF A 110.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVY_ �;i W CONCJ+VE TO THE NORTHEAST; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG S^JD CURVE THROUGH A CENT tAL ANGLE OF 22' 51' 15' A DISTANCE OF p7 - 41811 FEET TO THE POINT OF TAN'»ENCY (CHORD - N 4T 22' 42" W 43.59 FEET); ;'5 " W THENCE SOUTH 88' 54' 47" WEST 431.58 FEET; I ,'_Ij" W THENCE SOUTH 82' .56' 33' WEST 58.27 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION; 05" E THENCE NORTH 0(' 15' 00" WEST 216.91 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 25.3 ACRES. E R "09"E 10„W 'G9" W 12" W 13" W OWNFT$'S CERTIFICATE � ' KNOW ALL MEN ErY TI ESE PRESENT, THAT WE THE UNDERSIGNED OWNER'S OF THE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED A;'WE AND SHOWN ON THIS PLAT HAVE CAUSED THE SAME TO BE SURVEYED AND S'JBDT,')ED INTO LOTS, STREETS, AND EASEMENTS AS INDICATED ON THIS 3 FL'.T, DO HEREBY REP ESENT AND CERTIFY THAT ASPEN CREEK CIRCLE !S PRIVATE AND IS NOT PUF"JC, AND "HE .FORE THE COUNTY ;S NOT OEILIGA'ED AND SHALL NOT BECOME r OBLIGP.rL'D TO MAINTA, SAID STREET AND EASEMENTS AS PORTRAYED IN THIS PLAT. THAT e PORTION OF FISH HA1 A CANYON ROAD SHOWN ON THIS PLAT IS DEDICATED TO THE PUBLIC. THE EASEPIEN SHOWN FOR THE CANAL 1S RESERVED FOR THE CANAL COMPM4Y. ANY PERSON PURL-,A' +NG SAID LOTS IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT SAID PRIVATE STREET AND EASEMI_',JS MAY INTF;FERE WITH 'NORMAL PUBLIC SERVICES SUCH AS FIRE PROTECTION, AMBULAN:.E SERVICE AND SCHOOL BUS TRANSF-DRTAT!0N. THE PERSONS PURCHASING SAID - LOTS, HC;ESY ACCt*PT SAID COP:DITION OF PRIVATE ROADS WITHOUTILIBLIC MAINTENANCE AND THE POTENTu,._ REDUCTION OF NORMAL PU_1UC SERVICES F40M BEAR LAKE COUNTY AND OTHER PUBLIC '.NT171ES. IN WITNESS WHEREO WE HAVE HEREUNTO SET OUR SIGNATURES THIS � Y DAY OF _ A.D. 19 a...: WARRANTY DEED For Value Received TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATION DEVERE C. STOCK and RUTH S. STOCK, husband and wife the grantors. do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto REED D. WOODS and ILA MAE WOODS, husband and wife 2579 West Cassidy Circle; West Jordan, Utah 84084 the grantee s, the following described premises, in....aear.-Lake-..County Idaho, to wit: TOWNSHIP 16 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST OF THE BOISE MERIDIAN IN IDAHO: Section 15: Beginning at the Southeast Corner of the Northwest Corner of said Section 15, and running thence West 1320 feet to the Southwest Corner of the SE1/4NW1/4 of said Section; thence North along existing fence line, 400 feet, more or less, to the center of the Fish Haven Canyon Road; thence Easterly following said road 1320 feet, more or less, to the poi-nt where said road intersects the North-South centerline + of said Section 15; thence South 520 feet, more or less, to the Place of Beginning. 7 } TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises,with their appurtenances unto the said Grantee , their heirs and assigns forever. And the said Grantors do hereby covenant to and with the said Grantee s, that t he y are the owners in fee simple of said premises;that they are free from all inctmlbrances and that t hey will warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever. Dated; 28 August 1990 v/sIt&j�1 t WA 11 STATE OFITUM, lIZW— tTY OF � q On this day of , 19!v E before me,a notary public in and for said 9tatc,epersonally t7 C. rn p appeared .a C=) t+ rn DEVERE C. STOCK and RUTH S. STOCK, -n o n z husband and wife = C' F✓ x ut G {mown to me to be the pereong whose name 5 are c� j subseribed to the witlim.instrument,and acknowledged to -n �+ F me that he assented the acme. rn p m m w o ry P s M Notary Public ;u Residing at Comm. Expires 1oY61VM-" tfATE GF up [AF! �.. W Cmnrivison f urn. 07/05/2002 FRI 16:23 FAX 208 945 2998 BEAR LAKE CO ASSESSOR U 001 t' on. ,. pa 1 �• i � W lt• fll W f� �� F lk 1 ' Mfg wt`.yr•• 3 I 1J IF� +7ff �t lr yy m S 5 (11 m ifs r 44 14 w � a 4) -v to N 114 a. .9 f a T.�-4 • � w�1v / fn �� �� w t • co r— pp ill jf[� p W tSi ��6// : �; i a m• wp i N�1 -.�.......... pj C Y 1It Eaten v x 1 J'1 i 1 july,1994 08 Q o t m ! p O ?gt. f 1 m �', WDA 778�a r w 1 w rr ``una200' � 1 �n to f�m �I t �a � � / p aA9F 77ti3d, 1 13arY WRfiams aw day V WA#96677.!101110 SUE[L 17 Sap 1971 p!� 01 wOV 1771ggeLb°r,T�uatee• 3 n ??"" q N � mg� f iSf 11 Am yl rd V 1V d _ ^•1 I .hjl N F� In �i Q i N N V � !• N Gary Wllliama i m rNn m n ( WDk 96672,10 17 Sep 1971 i i f f t / f 1 11� ;a1 7 e//fit I ! t kAw f�t i s� 1 ilt i 1 M t� / III YY� Y ,�•i tiff i ' ih fill `t.ltlf...J"It� 7;p; •I� � I f. N N.i 1 17 t IV i9 ` if 1 BOUNDARY DESChleriuN A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 16 SOUTH, RANGE 4. .AST, BOISE MERIDIAN, BEAR LAKE COUNTY, IDaHO AND FURTHER DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE WEST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 15 LOCATED NORTH 00' 15' 00" WEST 2670.09 FEET FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 15; THENCE SOUTH 00' 15' 00" EAST 43.84 FEET; THENCE EAST 1645.98 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 9 OF A PARTIAL AMENDMENT OF ASPEN CREEK ESTATES PHASE I AS RECORDED UNDER INSTRUMENT NUMBER 171550 IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF BEAR LAKE COUNTY, THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 88' 02' 27" EAST 896.53 FEET TO A 5/8" REBAR WITH CAP; THENCE SOUTH DO' 26' 45" WEST 252.53 FEET TO A 5/8" REBAR WITH CAP; THENCE SOUTH 21' 53' 19" WEST 58.28 FEET TO A 5/8" REBAR WITH CAP; THENCE SOUTH 72' 27' 21" EAST 86.09 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 160.00 FOOT W01US CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST, WHOSE CENTER BEARS SOUTH 17' 32' 39" WEST; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY THROUGH A •!-.ENTRAL ANGLE OF 90' 00' 19", A DISTANCE OF 251.34 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY, (CHORD BEARS S 27' 2/' 1 1" E 226.28 FEET); THENCE SOUTH 17' 32' 59" WEST 22167 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 120.12 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST, WHOSE CENTER BEARS SOUTH 72' 27' 01" EAST; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 10' 33' 10" A DISTANCE OF 22.12 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY (CHORD = S 12' -6' 24" W 22.09 FEET); a THENCE SOUTH 06' 59' 48" WELT 115.84 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 210.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHWAST, WHOSE CENTER BEARS NORTH 83' 00' 1.2" T;EST; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAIP CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 29' 52' 17" A DISTANCE OF 109.48 FEET T(U THE POINT OF TANGENCY (CHORD = S 21' 55' 57" W 108.25 FEET); THENCE SOUTH 82' 57' 37" EAST 243.72 FEET TO A 5/8" REBAR WITH CAP; THENCE SOUTH 06' 58' 59" WEST 926.62 FEET TO A 5/8" REBAR WITH CAP ON THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LOVELAND L %NE; FOLLOWING SAID NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE THE NEXT 3 COURSES: THENCE NORTH 79' 21' 04" WEST 22.79 FEET TO A 5/8" REBAR WITH CAP; THENCE NORTH 76' 58' 28" WEST 830.90 FEET TO A 5/8" REBAR WITH CAP; u THENCE NORTH 75' 44' 59" WEST ;i71.09 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1 OF @ ASPEN CREEK ESTATES PHASE I AS RECORDED IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF BEP.R LAKE COUNTY UNDER INSTRUMENT NUMBE.R 167100; FOLLOWING THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PHASE I THE NEXT 5 COURSES: THENCE NORTH 04' 32' 58" WEST 557.15 FEET; THENCE NORTH 26' 22' 59" WEST 60.23 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 58' 39' 26" WEST 59.1 u FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 15.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE WHOSE CENTER BEARS NORTH 31' 20' 34" WEST; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A 2FII TRAL ANGLE OF 132' 30' 48" A DISTANCE OF 34.69 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY (CHORD - N 55' 05' 10" W 27.46 FEET); THENCE NORTH 1 1' 10' 14" EAST 294.19 FEET JO THE BEGINNING OF A 80.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE WHOSE CENTER BEARS NORTH 713' 49' 46" WEST TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID PARTIAL AMEND.TENT; FOLLOWING THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARTIAL AMENDMENT THE NEXT 11 COURSES: THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A. CENTRAL ANGLE OF 3C' 43, 29" A DISTANCE OF 42.90 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY (CHORD - N 04- 11' 30" W 42.39 FEET); THENCE NORTH 19' 33' 15" WEST 45.77 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01' 02' 14" WEST 122.42 FEET TO THE BEGINNING CF A 130.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST WHO:y CENTER BEARS SOUTH 88' 5 46" WEST; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 36' 21' 27" A DISTANCE OF 87.03 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY (CHORC = N 20' 12' 58" W 85.41 FEET); lrIENCE NORTH 39' 23' 41" WEST 18.01 FEET TO H POINT ON A 20.00 FOGF fiA--:JS NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST, WHOSE CENTER BEARS NORTH 50' 36' 19" EAST; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY THROU',-H A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 7 i' 31' 14', A DISTANCE OF 27.06 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY, (CHORD BEARS 5 7R' Ca' 18" E 25.04 FEET); THENCE NORTH 63' 05' 05" NST 89.76 FEET TO THE BEi :NNING OF A 230.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST, WHOSE CENTER BEARS SOUTH 26' 54' 55" E".`.iT: THENCE NORTHEASTERLY Ae.01v: SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANCLL OF 29' 46, 46" A DISTANCE OF 119.54 F,*:EI NHORD - N 77' F 8' 28" E 118.20 :LCT); THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALOM; A REVERSE CURVE WHOSE CENTEF BEARS NORTH 02- 51' 51" EAST, HAVING A 49E 00 FCOT RADIUS, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 15' 06, 15" A DISTANCE OF 130.49 FEE' TC THE P0114T OF TANGENCY (CHORD N 85' 18' 44" E 130. ; FEET); T;IENCE NORTH 77' 45' 36" EAST 19.02 FEET TO A 5/8" REBAR WITH CAP; THENCE 'ORTH 12' 14' 24" WEST 389.52 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONFAININ( 48-6 ACRES. C ET',.TIFICATE PZ WARRANTY DEED For Value Received, LAKE VISTA PROPERTIES, LLC, Of 2126 BEAR LAKE BLVD, GARDEN CITY,County of RICH,State of UT.,84028, THE GRANTOR(S), do hereby,grant,bargain,sell, and convey unto ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT LIM[ITED COMPANY, Of 1719 SOUTH OAK SPRINGS DRIVE, SALT LAKE CITY, County of SALT LAKE, State of UT., 84108, THE GRANTEE(S), For the sum of ten dollars and other good and valaable consideration,the following described tract of lard in the County of BEAR LAKE,State of Idaho: See Attached Exhibit "A" VI To have and to hold the said premises,with their appurtenances unto the said Grantee(s),its heirs and asnigns forever. And j the said Grantor(s)hereby covenant to and with the said Grantee(s)that they are the cwner(s);n fee simple of said premises; that they are free from all ineumbmces,and that they will warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever, DATED THIS 12TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1999. LAKE VISTA PROPER C BY: BY: MECHAM ff-GWC. MCKEE- STATE OF IDAHO,COUNTY OF BEAR LAKE On this day of October,1999,before me a Notary Public in and for the State,personally appeared A.RAY ELLIOTT,NORMAN MECHAM and GARY C.MCKEE, known to me to be the members in the limited liability company of ay LAKE VISTA PROPERTIES,LLC,and the members who subscribed o cl; 110, said limited liability company name to the foregoing instrument M co a . 0 and anknowledged to me that they executed the same in said limited C= -4 L-3 liability company name. --4 to IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I hereunto set my hand and seal the day e' and year in the certificate first above written. P =D c=) rn 1-� rn 2) C= Notary P bl Rcsiding�-]6Vjl).IDAVE). My Commission Expires'1210110 11 <- MAIL TAX NOTICE TO:L, 'ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT LIMITED COMPANY SOUTH OAK SPRINGS DRIVE,SALT LAKE CITY,UT 94108 F ME" V EXHTHIT .k ;4 `•.' ' y r A parcel of land located in Section 15, Township 16 South, Range 43 East, Boise Meridian, Bear Lake County, Idaho, and further described as follows: t Commencing at the West Quarter Corner of said Section 15; thence North 8905210E" East for a distance of 2542.14 feet along the Latitudinal Centerline of said Section 15 to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence North 04053144" West for a distance of 9.07 feet along an existing fence line to a %I' rebar with cap marked LS 843; thence North 14021100" East for a distance of 221.07 feet along said fence line to a M" rebar with cap marked LS 843; thence North 15055105" East for a distance of 324.03 feet along said fence line to a %" rebar with cap marked LS 843 set on the Southerly Right-of-Way Line of Fish Haven Canyon Road; thence along said South Right-of-Way Line through the following courses: thence ` South 87023144" East 274.23 to a 911 rebar with cap marked LS 843 set at the point of curvature of a 657,35 foot radius curve concave to the Southwest; thence southeasterly along said curve through a central angle ; of 270021510 for a distance of 310.32 to a MH rebar with cap marked LS 843; thence continuing along said Right-of-Way Line South 60120'53" East for a distance of 700.53 feet to a %" rebar with cap marked LS 843 set at the point of curvature of a 180 foot radius curve concave to the Northeast; thence Southeasterly along said curve through a central angle 32029149" for a distance of 102.09 feet to a M" rebar with cap marked LS 643; thence continuing along said Right of Way North 87*09118" East for } a 3istance of 85.90 feet to a %I' rebar with cap marked LS 843 set at the point of curvature of a 270 foot radius curve concave to the South; f there Easterly along said curve through a central angle of 1201214011 for Q distance of 57.54 feet to a %" rebar with cap marked LS 643; thencr leaving said Right-of-Way South 3114151" West for a distance of 132.23 along an existing fenccline to a %11 rebar with cap marked LS 843; thence "outh 04045112" West for a distance of 205.87 to a M" rebar with cap marked LS 843 set on the South Line of parcel as recorded under , Instrument Number 144711 in the official records of Bear Lake County;: . : ,. Idaho; thei.ce North 630301001, West for a distance of 34.49 feet along said South Leed Line to a 'All rebar with cap marked LS 843 set at a point. ; along the East Line of the parcel recorded under Instrument Number .516_'61 in the offical records of Bear Lake County, Idaho; thence South ?� x 13047136" West for a distance of 933.42 feet along said East Line to a 5/8 rebar with cap marked LS 843; thence North 83000120" West for a ' . distance of 1257.95 feet along the North Line of parcels recorded under_ Instrument Numbers 162481 and 159408 in the official records of Bear_ Lake County, Idaho, to a 5/8" rebar with cap marked LS 4735, said line extends past Instrun.?nt Number 159408 by 243.83 feet, said point being on a 210.00 foot radi•is nontangent curve concave to the Northwest; said y point also being on thi East Right of Way Line of Lake Vista Drive; -. P g g Y � thence Northeasterly a1ing said curve for a distance of 110.38 feet through a central angle if 30006155" to a 5/8" rebar with cap marked LS 4735; thence along said Right of Way North 06059148" East 115.84 feet to s a 5/8" rebar with cap mark-id LS 4735 set at the point of curvature of a 120.12 foot radius curve co:lcave• to the South; thence Northeasterly along said curve t'arough a c'intral angle of 10933110/, for a distance of 22.12 feet to a 5/8" rebar wi h cap marked LS 4735; thence North 17032159" East 229.67 feet to 5/8" rebar with cap marked LS 4735 set at the point of curvature of a 260.00 foot raius curve concave to Southwest; thence Northwesterly vlong said curve through a central angle 90000121" for a distance of 251.34 feet to a 5/8" rebar marked LS 843; thence North 72027121" West 86.09 ceet to a 5/8" rebar with cap marked LS 4735; thence leaving said right-1.,f-way North 211,53'19" East 58.28 feet to a 5/8" rebar with cap marked :US 4735; thence North 00026145" East 156.90 feet to a 5/8" rebar with`cap marked LS 843; thence North 00128132" East 45.46 feet to a 5/8" rebar with cap marked LS 47351 thence North 00001140" East 49.50 feet to a 5/8" rebar with cap marked LS 4735 set at a fence corner; thence North 04053144" West 17.79 feet along said fence line to the True Point of Beginning. U Recorded at Request of: FIRST IDAHO TITLE COMPANY File Number: FITC 19940205 After recording, please return to: LELAND RAYMOND CINDY J. RAYMOND -ill BPI 9 702 WASHINGTON c� FEE S P E C I A L W A R R A N T Y D E E D SWENCO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a restated Utah Limited Partnership GRANTOR of 2451 MICHIGAN AVENUE, SALT LAKE CITY UT 84108, COUNTY OF SALT LAKE, STATE OF UTAH, hereby CONVEYS and WARRANTS, against all claiming by, through or Lander, TO: LELAND RAYMOND and CINDY J. RAYMOND, as joint tenants GRANTEE of BEAR LAKE COUNTY, STALE OF IDAHO for the sum of TEN AND 00/100'S DOLLARS AND OTHT�R GOOC AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the following described tract(s) of land in BEAR LAKE County, State of Idaho: TOWNSHIP 16 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, OF THE BOISE MERIDIAN, IN IDAHO: SECTION 15: Beginning at a point North 1003.83 feet and East 1323.14 feet and South 75 degrees 45 minutes 57 seconds East 1410.00 feet and North 06 degrees 59 minutes 40 seconds East 30.00 feet from the Southwest corner of said Section 15, and continuing thence North 6 degrees 59 minutes 40 seconds East 960.00 feet; thence South 83 degrees 00 minutes 20 seconds East 540.00 feet; thence south 13 degrees 02 minutes 07 seconds West 1020.00 feet; thence North 75 degrees 45 minutes 57 seconds West 440.00 feet to the point of beginning. i SUBJECT TO: County and/or City Taxes not delinquent; Bonds and/or Special Assessments not delinquent and Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, Rights-of-Way, Easements, Leases and Reservations now of Record. WITNESS, the hand(s) of said grantor(s) , this 20th day of JUNE, 1994. THE SWENCO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a restated J Utah Limited Partnership, by and through the { Don B. Swenson Revocable Trust, dated April 21, 1989, as General Partner; and the Nola R. Swenson Revocable Trust, dated April 21, 1989, as General Partner SW£NSON, Trustee of gOLA R. SWENSON, Tru stee-6f� { the Don B. Swenson Revocable the Nola R. Swenson Revocable Trust, as GeneraP Partner Trust, as General Partner STATE OF UTAH ? COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ) On the 20th day of June, 1994, personally appeared before me Don B. Swenson, Trustee of the Don B. Swenson Revocable Trust, dated April 21, 1989, the General Partner of THE SWENCO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, and Nola R. Swenson, Trustee of -rk�^.1" h 'Y•�f- _• _ ,1 - - �' mil hr1 � � 3 r'J 44 Notary Acknowledgement (continued) the Nola R. Swenson Revocable Trust, dated April 21, 1989, Lhe General Partner of THE SWENCD LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, who being by me duly sworn '(or affirmed upon oath) 'did say that said - Revocable Trusts, through their Trustees, are the General Partners of the withinnamed limited partnership, and that the ) foregoing instrument was executed pursuant to the partnership agreement with consent of non-executing partners, as-may he -xr required by law, and said Don B. Swenson, Trustee of-the' Dori B. Swenson Revocable Trust, dated April 21, 1989, General Partner and Nola R. Swenson, Trustee of the Nola R. Swenson Revocable Trust, dated April 21, 1969, General Partner, acknowledg,!d to me +` tha sai.d persons execute ame as the act of said partn?rship. r - M.K.DONNrLt', Notary Pub is f� r. :�:r,,._ r,* A %i. YJ r. '4 1 FEW. FIIe M2001e323 WARRANTY DEED i f I I For Value Received, t MICHAEL S.PECK and KIMBERI R.PECK,husband and wife, of PO BOX 90,GARDEN CITY,County of RICH,State of UT. 84028, THE GRANTOR(S), do(es)hereby,grant,bargain,sell,and convey unto MONTANA ASPENS FAMILY TRUST, of 811 SOUTH 410 WEST,GARDEN CITY,County of RICH,State of Ur 94028, THE GRANTEE(S), ? For the sum of ten dollars and other good and valuable consideration,the following described tract of land in the County of Bear Lake,State of Idaho: t TOWNSHIP 16 SOUTH,RANGE 43 EAST OF THE BOISE MERIDIAN,IN IDAHO: i Section 15: Beginning at a point North 1033.83 feet and East 1323.14 feet from the r Southwest Corner of said Section 15;running thence South 75°45'57"East 1850.00 - to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; running thence North 13°02'07" East 1020 feet;thence South 83°00'20"East 473.66 feet; thence South 17°53'61"West 95 feet; thence South 13°02'07"West 695 feet; thence North 75°24'48"West 150 feet;thence South 13°20'08" West 290.40 feet; thence North 75°45'57" West 312.34 feet, to the True Point of Beginning. P' r SUBJECT TO a 20 foot Right of Way along the Southerly side of property for Loveland Lane,a Bear Lake County Road. i - b To have and to hold the said premises, with their appurtenances unto the said Grantee(s), its heirs and aasigns forever. And the said Grantor(s)hereby covenant to and with the said Grantee(s)that they are the owner(s) in fee simple of said promises;that they are free from all encumbrances,and that they will warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever. i DATED THIS June 15,2001. t - a hflCHAPL S.PECK ERLIE R.PECK STATE OF IDAHO,COUNTY OF BEAR LAKE o -' On this n day of June,2Q0:,before me a Notary Public in and for the State,personally appeared 4— co ` MICHAEL S.PECK and RIMBERLIE R.PECK, c r i husband and wife rn r m known to me to be the person(e) whose name(s) are �_ 'a subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged cCl i �] to me that they executed the same. L% r4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand, 4AY 8FC", seal the day and year in the certificate Fret above%%R1ten.,°"~� T' w _ i��Q ��c A i s - I Notary Pub (�•,_ w,wnN`" Residing at: '.,9�O My Coruna iu E� nes: 12-D1- 6 F ID MATT.TAYNATifr„Er1Y1- My —ANA�anL1TS aws�nrvn.o1"rrS am A4YLi,1 811 SOUTH 410 WEST,GARDEN CITY,I7f. 8028 . .. .. _. , a.ay..-.nc..--,^... `"''_ '-Y�r�_w.t . ::i�i '..r ? •_i r;7- ,3� `i. ARDME 110111, Jr. 1�0, Ma..rnfil ed I --t8&tty._Wallen e Attorney at. kilts' MAGISTRATE'S DIVISION s::•= �- / ' 1020 Washing-ton SIXTHS RI JUDICIAL DISTCT RICT f Montpeliel', .Ltlaho 85,251 BEAR LAKE COUNTY,IDAHO Telcphone: 8•17-0805 - J A N 15 197E Filed�� _Nu. } �Uty nice IN THE DISTRICT COURl' Of," THE SIX11l JUDICIAL DISTRICT Of TIDE tiler STATE OIL 1DA110. 1N -1(ND FOR THL COUNT' 01" 13LIll L.AIs, IN ME MATTER Of-' THE ES'1ATIE5 OF ) No. 7/1) _ ORDER APPROVING FINAL ACCOUNT, tiv ALTEN i1'1. 10LARL and VERA SHIRLEY KD1R1. r1,) T) DECREE Of DISTRIBUTION Deceased. ) 1 11 The petition of Eldon W. Cool: 1'or settlement :Ind distri- bution of the above lamed estate having collie before the Court A ror hearing, Me COti!'t males the following findings: t. .t. Eldon 1V. Cook is the duly appointed, qual.Mod to tees. and acting personal representative of the above namr�,d estate. _'. Tile personal representative has l'iled an inventory •on; 6 and apprai ement of all property of the estate known to him. •t h 5. Notate to creditors has been published and the time We for presenting claims that aroae pr•ioi• to the deatli of the decedent ha- expired. 1 of 1. All debt:: of the decedent and OF the estate, and all expense,,; of administration, and all taxes that have attached to 1J outll or accrued against the estate have been paid. pnint 5. The personal representatile has filed a final account it,- and the estate is in a condition to be closed. South 6. Proof of Service o1' the iintice o1' the time for cast 1Ve t filing objection,- to the final account and petition for distribu- tion has been filed herein. No objections have been filed. 7. Alten M. Kcari died intestate on Akty 6, 1973, and I tJill.� n, of Vera Shirley hear. (lied intestate on August. 15, 1974, and the Inge :once Page One. 01d)ER APPROVING FINAL ACCOU!XT f'o.l.low.ing per Sons are OntiAled to (H.Str:Lh1lt.i on of the remal.n.ing estate property: El clan Sl,irley Kent-] one-hill I' A] tell hear) one-hall' IT IS 1119d,01SY ORDUZED AiND DECREED: I . The V.inal account i.s allowed and .sett led. 2. The persona.) representotive js directed to make d1siributioli of, tile remaining;- estate propertY, and any other prolicrty of the tict:caellf, or tile estate not noa Imown or di.-4coveved to the persons and in the manner set Forth above. 3. Lidon Shivil.-Y Rearl and Alten hoairl arc hereby decreed the Fol lo%% illg described real property as tenants in ('0111111oll, to-%, i t Parcel No. J Begi-iliji.lig jif tile (41jill-tel, Curliev common to Section.- LO and -15, Townsh.ip 16 South) Pinge 15 East , Boic Mersdiart, running thence North A80 feet. thence North 86 30' East *1645 feet; thence South .1211 rect; thence West 2)G.10 feet to place of begillidtio-, and contjUnijig 10.40 acres, more Or tc.S. Parcel. NO. 2: collimencIng Lit if Ijui.j)t 12.72 chain- South 10 j.-3, west from the Northeast corner of Lot J, in Section 14, Toun.ship IN South, Range 4:3 East, 130i:�C PIVVidill!). running thence North 83 0 WeSt .4. 1 1 Cittli I%.-; OCIMC SOUt 5 1) West 11101-1- Stoic fligh1vi-ily, 95 Feet UICIDL-C SULI 6 It 85 East. -1.75 more or IOSS7 to a point South 21 Eiast, 1.4'? C1101,1161 11101,1C UY, leSS, from Life j)0j.11t of beg.6ining; thence North -11, west 1.42 cha-in.,, muse or to the point of be-ginning. Said tract j.� ;O=i) dc--vi-ibed and ele. igiiatecl zis t.'-,e North 95 feet of Lot 12) its platted on pale 13, Plat Book ­13" of records of, Biljcj Boor- Lake County, Idal'o. ALSO, beg Jilililig it t� it point 12 chains 7-1 finl%,, South LO 1:31 .t Lilld North 85t Wept 4 chains 1.1 link., ones 90 feet ot!th a Wv:�t From the Aortlica.,t corner of Lot I , Section 1-1, Tomi.shil.; 16 outh, a-mge 45 East 13oi.!;e prierldi'lli. Said point l)e.iljK the pvc.scat Sotitim-est corner of Al ten hearl 's Lot. I?uj,lljtig thence South 5% 46 feet more or less tc. the Nortit- %%cat ctiviler of Al-titur C. Shirley' s 8 rod rvota: mence South 85 Li I S L 6 ":ha iij- 50 1 i td,., mare ur less t to _-:LLVvc%' I i lie: ihcntc Wc.,t 18 reet more of- Lcs� to tits Soft A heast ruracr (A' AlLvil �Kcat-1*s p]'Cscllt iuL. Thence Nort,1 85 West tj Llljllll5 50 1 ink: move or less to place ill' begiiiiiing: tUgCtJiQ1' %vi ill U1.1 watou-j- riglit., bL-Iongiiig ilseveto. pi-11-ce'1 No- 3: C0ll1lllCJ1Li_0f,.,1 ilt ZI 1)9)i.11t I il'tCun (15) vocis and ti,chc (1.2) Links _Nortll 11,0111 the Sotjtllea,�t Coi-ner (-)I' the Soutfmcs( Quartev of ,S(,,ct.j,oti Fj Reun (J.5), To%tilSllj.j) Si\10C11 (16) SOLItilt of Range 1.1oi-ty-three (15) Eij.--t of Boise IN-1cridiall, aml 1-mining t1wilce llvu. ORDER APPROVING FINAL ACCOUNT mj 00% -Nort-13 Twenty-f*ive (1-13) I-ml, to HIC Ck'.11tel. (I[' ;I Cer-tail) tuo t*(.)tl street.; thence Wert 0.0110' sLJ'UuL cJg1ltY-L%vtI (82) r-ods 4110rP or .Less to Government �ohdi � i inn I i ttc LIcc So I'l 1.11 -twenty-five (25) rod,; thenec eigili , (8:-,) to point of beginning, and Containing 12 acl'c.s raid I.-JO sipliwe rods or inna, be thel'-C 'llove ov jcs�. Parcel- No. 1 : C0111"lencing—al. a poijiL .3 dia.in.,s jud 70 Jink...; Noi,lh ()I' the M'eander cornet- mi Lake shore of 1,ol- -', 10' Suclimi 22, Towj,,isbip J(-" Soutt, 01, 4,73 1-41st, Boise Her-iflian, .111d, running thence South 85 55' J'AlSt -28 ChilillS: t1lC1ICC S(Alth One chain and 85 link.-4 to l)l;iE:(-, oI, be-jill,ill- 1� , Will CIMLihiiiqg� 6-1/6 acres more or Ie-s.s; L-METTING (hevei'vorit the State Highway which passes Nlol-1,111 and sollt.11 across -ilid Lract. .. ALSO EXCEPTING a-IJ of that portion of �4;,W 1,ma t%liicli iies E-,I.--,t of said Highway. DATIM Lhis (1,13; Of' Page Thi-ce. 01WER A111TUUNG FiNAL AUC01 \*1' _ u r WARRANTY 01;VED € For Value Received, i R.DAYLE BROWN AND VIRGINIA BROWN,HUSBAND AND WIFE., -Of 462 CLAY STREET, MONTPELIER, County of BEAR LAKE,State of,ID., 83254, THE GRANTOR(S) do hereby, grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto' , BARBARA MORRISIQN, Of 1460 NORTH 1180 EAST,SHEL,LEY, County of BINGHAM, State of ID., 83274, THE GRANTEE(S); For the sum of ten dollars and other good and valuable consideration,the following described tract of land in:the County of BEAR LAKE,,Mate of Idaho' Of b Part of the SE_t,G of-Section 15, Township 16 South, Range 43 East, Boise Meridian, Bear Lake County., Idaho, described as: Beginning at a point on the South line of Loveland Lane that is North 0`09'42" East 649.65 feet along the North-South centerline of said Section 15 and South 75924'48" East 61.95 feet from the South Ye Corner of said Section 15 and running thence South 75"24'48" East 296.09 feet along said South line of Loveland Lane; thence South 16°36'20" West 185.11 feet, thence North 75°24'48 Vilest 21.99 fwt; thence North 0009'42" East 33.92 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve,being the 50 foot radius �. of an existing well; thence to the left along said curve 165.81 feet (Curve Data D = 190°00'32" R = 50.00)chord bears North 0°09'42" East 99.62 feet; thence North K 0`09'42" Fast 57.49 feet to the point of-beginning. This deed is given to correct the legal description given on that certain Warranty Deed dated 29 September 1998 and-recorded 15 Aprii 1999 as Microfilm Instrument No. 172354, records of Bear Lake County, Idaho. To have and to hold the said premises,with their appurtenances unto the said Grantee(s),her heirs and assigns,forever. And the said Grantor(s)hereby covenant to and with the said Grantee(s)that they are the owner(s)in fee simple of said premises; that they are free from all incumbrances,and that they will warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever-. DATED THIS 24TH DAY OF MAY, 1999. R. AYLE RGWN I, VIRGINI'A BROWNrrk Y STATE OF IDAHO,COUNTY OF BEAR LAKE ca13 On this 5 day of May,1999,before me a Notary Public in { > and for the State,personally appeared m rn ,n, w R.DAYLE BROWN AND VIRGINIA BROWN, y `� HUSBAND AND WIFE. za za r, < N known to me to be the person(s)whose name(s)are subscribed to the Prni1 e lu within instrument,and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. o S n 1N WITNESS WHEREOF,I hereunto set my hand and seal the day Q` and year in the certificate first above written. �Y Notary Publi ` Residing at:O ID,,TAHO w My Commission Expires: 12/01/00 F1 L MAIL TAX NOTICE TO: t� BARBiI MORRISION I460.NORTH 1180 EAST, SHELLEY, ID 93274 is M CORRECTED WARRANTY DEED � For Value Received, R.DAYLE BROWN AND VIRGINIA BROWN,HUSBAND AND WIFE., Of 462 CLAY STREET,MONTPELIER,County of BEAR LAKE, State of ID., 83254, THE GRANTOR(S), do hereby,grant,bargain,sell, and convey unto. BRIAN C.BROWN, Of 462 CLAY STREET,MONTPELIER, County of BEAR LAKE, State of ID., 83254, THE GRANTEE(S), I For the sum of ten dollars and other good and valuable consideration,the following described tract of land in the County of BEAR LAKE,State of Idaho: Part of the SE'/ of Section 15, Township 16 South, Range 43 East, Boise Meridian, Bear Lake County, Idaho, described as: Beginning at a point on the South line of Loveland Lane that is North 0'09'42" East 649.65 feet along the Notch-South centerline of said Section 15 and South 75°24'48" East 932.70 feet and South 75°13'17" East 117.71 feet alone said South line from the South 'b Comer of said Section 15; and running thence South 75013'17" East 208,68 feet; thence South 16°36'20" West 207.72 feet; thence North 75°13'17" West 208.71 feet; thence North 16036'20" East 208.82 feet to the point of beginning. -a This deed is given to correct the legal description on that certain Warranty Deed dated 20 September 1998 and recorded 15 April 1999 as Microfilm Instrument No. 172355,records of Bear Lake County, Idaho. To have and to hold the said premises,with their appurtenances unto the said Grantee(s),his heirs and assigns forever. And the said Grantor(s)hereby covenant to and with the said Grantee(s)that they are the owner(s)in fee simple of said premises; S that they are free from all incumbrances,and that they will warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever. DATED THIS 24TH DAY OF MAY, 1999. f. R. DAYLE BROW VIRGINIATROWN v M STATE OF 1DAHO,COUNTY OF BEAR LAKE M to C 3 On this Q_day of May,1999.before me a Notary Public in { and for the State,personally appeared tT ., ti I R.DAYLE BROWN AND VIRGINIA BROWN, =D HUSBAND AND WIFE. T j known to me to be the person(s)whose name(s)are subscribed to the M O N within instrument,and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. 1� C" t� n IN WITNESS WHEREOF.I hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year in the certificate first above writLn. Notary IL i0, Residing at: •IDAHO s' )\i) Commrss on xpires: 121011t10,, :T,r,..-�} MAIL TAX NOTICE TOR BRIAN C.BROWN . . 462 CLAY STREET, MONTPELIER,ID 83254 ('F t��.. PERSONA-. REPRESE:NTATIVE J DEED THIS DEED,made this February 12,2001, +� BETWEEN BARBARA D.MORRISON,as the Personal Representative of the BEVERLY L.COLVIN ESTATE,BEVERLY L.COLVIN deceased, of 1460 NORTH 1190 EAST,SHELLEY,ID.,83274, Party of the First Part, AND BETHANY LUTISHIE GEORGE, of 2508 WEST 81ST SOUTH, IDAHO FALLS,ID.,83402, party of the Second Part. Witnesseth, that the said parties of the First Part, for valuahle consideration, and for the purpose of conveying that certain real property from the does by these presents hereby grant, bargain,sell, convey, and confirm unto the said parties of the Second Part, and to their heirs and assigns f-!rpver, all that certain parcel of land,situated lying and being in Montpelier,County of Bear Lake,State of ED.,and more particulary described as follows; Part of the SE,/4 of Section 15,Township 16 South,Range 43 East,Boise Meri ipn,Bear Lake County,Idaho,described as: Beginning at a point on the South line of Loveland Lane that is North 0°09'42" East 649.65 feet along the North-South centerline of said Section 15 and South 75"24'48"East 348.05 feet from the South Quarter Corner of said Section 15;81A running thence South 75°24'48"East 208.71 feet: thence South 16°36'20" West 208.84 feet; thence North 75°24'48"West 208.71 feet; thence North 16°36'20" East 208.84 feet to the point of beginning. '10 HAVE AND TO HOLD,till and singular the said premises,together with the appurtenances unto the parties of the Second Part, and to their heirs and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the First Part has hereunto set her hand(s)and seals the day and year first above written. BARBARA D.MORRISON 1. 77 5 STATE OF IDAHO Cot1 a aiNer take STATE OF IDAHO.COUNTY OF B1NGH411i tln!lu=Fehntan_ .2001,herore ine a Nnta Public in find f•r the State,personally appeared i;"« 7's� BARBARA D.MORRI SON ,••'TT••••,•e •,•known to me in he the person tt•hnse subscribed to within �• QED ¢ ��� ino-!nitnenl.nod acknowledge to rte that she esecimd the -J� r 00. =amp.as Personnl Reprrsentative of the. �`��` NR Y 1N WITNF`S WHF.RFOF.I hereunto set me hand nod ral tr dnr an do in the certificate first nbove written. O- C / si P�F `�• Nolan.Public �'i� J'�, Residing n s?inp�u� •ee'''�'tTrtEi�o4 y(, t��'',• [ T� CORRECTED IN ARRANTY DEAD w For Value Received, R. DAYLE BROWN AND VIRGINIA BROWN, HUSBAND AND WIFE., 41 Of 462 CLAY STREET, MONTPELIER, County of BEAR LAKE, State of ID., 83254, THE GRANTOR(S), 4 do hereby, grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto BEVERLY COLVIN, , Of 461 CLAY STREET, MONTPELIER, County of BEAR LAKE, State of ID., 83254, THE GRANTEES), ' For the sum of ten dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the following described tract of land in the County of BEAR LAKE, State of Idaho: Pan of SE'/a of Section 15, Township 16 South, Range 43 East, Boise Meridian, Bear Lake County, Idaho, described as: � Beginning at a point on the South Iine of Loveland Lane that is North W09'42" East 649.65 feet along the North-South centerline of said Section 15 and South 75°24'48" East 348.05 feet from the South 'A Comer cf said Section 15; and running thence South 75o24'48" Past 208.71 feet; thence South r 5'36'20" West 208.84 feet; thence North 75'24'48" West 208.71 feet; thence North 16°36'20" East 208.94 feet to the noint of beginning. This deed is given to correct the legal d•scription on that certain Warranty Deed dated 20 September 1998 and recorded 15 April 1999 as Microfilm Instrument No. 172356, records of Bear Lake County, Idaho. F To have and to hold the said premises, with their apr.urtcnances unto the said Grantce(s), her hrirs and assigns forever. And the said Grantor(s)hereby covenant to and with the said Grantee(s)that they are the owner(s)in fee simple of said premises: that they are free from all incumbrances, and that rey will warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever. DATE.j THIS 24TH DAY OF MAY, 199 �DyA�YLE BROWN' VIRGI�BROWN STATE OF IDAHO,COUNTY OF A AR LAKE Ic" Onthis day ofMay,t959,before mea Notary fvbiic in �and for the State,personalty appeared = .11 R.DAYLE BROWN AND V' !GINIA BROWN, HUSBAND AND V FR. M st mown to me to be the per= n(s)whose name(s)are subscribed to the o Z r-v ' within instrument,and ar,'• ,uwtcdgcd to me that they executed the same. rt' tv Q corn p N IN WITNESS WHERF�jF,I hereuntn set my hand and seal the day ` v and year in the certif it;lust above written. Notary Pub i Residing at:C`{t At IO 0�g1 ; • 'es commisc'on E : 12101K10 MAIL TAX NOTICE TO?Tj BE X COLVIN I. LAY STREET, MONTPELIER, ID 83254 CORRECTED WARRANTY DEED For Value Received; R. DAYLE BROWN.AND VIRGINIA BROWN,1WSaA_ND AND WIFE., Of 462 CLAY STREET, MONTPELIER.County of BEAR L4KE,State of ID.,83254, X� 1 THE GRANTOR($), ° do hereby, grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto-.- f BRENDA LEWIS, 1`� Of 13152 HORSESHOE BEND ROAD, BOISE, Court;of ADA,State of ID., 83703, THE GRANTEE(S), For the-sum of ten dollars and-other good and valuable consideration, the following described tract of land in the County of BEAR LAKE,State of ldabo: Part of the SE'A of Section 15, Township 16 South,Range 43 East, Boise Meridian, Bear Lake County, Idaho described as: Beginning at a point on the South line of Loveland Lane that is North 0'09'42' East t. 649.65 feet along the North-South centerline of said Section 15 and running thence South 75024-'48 t Fas 841.70 feet from the South 'A Corner of said Section 15 and running thence South 75°24'48" East 91.00 feet along said South line; thence South ' 75°13'17" East 117.71 feet along said South fine; thence South 16'36'20" West 208.82 feet; thence_ North 75°13"17" West 110.71 feet;thence North 75024'48"West 98.35 feet; thence North 16036'20" East 208.84 feet to the point of beginning. 3 This deed is given to correct the legal description on that certain Warraaty Deed dated 20 September 1998 and recorded 15 April 1999 as Microfilm Instrument No. 172357, records of Bear Lake County, Idaho. MWI To have and to hold ttic said premises,with their appunenances unto the said Grantoe(s), her heirs and assigns forever. And the said Grantor(s)hereby covenant to and with the said Grantee(s)that they are the owner(s)in fee simple of said premier; that they are free from all incumbrances,and that they will warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever. DATED THIS 24th DAY OF MAY, 1999. R. DAYLE BROWN VIRGINIA BROWN ram+ m t STATE OF IDAHO,COUNTY OF BEAR LAKE cc� On this�1'1 day of May,1999,before me a Notary Public in and for the State,personally appeared c" r � � R.DAYLE BROWN AND VIRGINIA BROWN, 3 ry HUSBAND AND WIFE. r. z known to me to be the person(s)whose name(s)are subscribed to the mco R o w h within instrument,and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. n �N IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year in the certificate First above written_ Notary Public !•. Residing at:OV AHO -, ZY ,'i My Commission Expires:12/01/00P. t+ MAIL TAX NOTICE TO;T ,BRENiA LEWIS L`#158�IORSESHOE BEND ROAD,BOISE., ID_ 93703 • _.'. .. - .. •�.+.vgmr.,Tt/lIl4q�q��•.wc..� +r'yRYa ...... _ .?OR�M�i,.�.,�•ssc�30`7' nnit S• i 1fi'7182 yVAR1RA2M DEED *ko R. Dayle Browne and Virginia Brown,husband and wife, GRANTORS of Montpelier, County of Bear Lak , State of Idaho, hereby CONVEYS, GRANTS i4ND WARRANTS TO Lake Vista Properties,L.L.C., GRANTEES,whose current address is 2126 Bear Lake Blvd., Garden City, Utah 84028, for the sum of Tern and No/00 ($10.00)the described tract of land in Bear Lake County, State of Idaho whose legal description is set forth in Exhibit"A"which has been initialled by Grantors and is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. RESERVING UNTO GRANTORS a 30 foot easement particularly described in Exhibit "B"which has been initialed by Grantors and is attached hereto and is incorporated herein by reference, said easement being reserved for the sole purpose of conveying irrigation water by ditch,pipeline,or otherwise. Such easement shall be -for the additional purpose of installing, repairing,and maintaining such water conveyance system. Said easement shall be appurtenant to the property described in Exhibit"C"which has'lien initialed by Grantors and is attached hereto and is incorporated herein by reference. SUBJECT TO any right,title and interest claimed by G. Mark McKinnon and Joan McKinnon in and to the property described in Exhibit"D"which has been initiated by Grantors and is attached hereto and is incorporated herein by reference. �aYz - R.Dayle Brown ; Virginia.6rown .4 1- WARRANTY DEED-dbr:)wn.warrI .__.-.,..�-z-'-•,...-.:--- -ge�2�x-�.n�..n-+;sT-++nr�ri r"�- er�?s'`lt�•ag " 1^r 44rv+�►�f�S'"7'1�7 'H�� 167182 STATE OF IDAHO ) J . as. County of Bear Lake ) On this h&day oPhme, 1997,before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared R. Day1e Brown and Virginia Brown,husband and wife,knovrm or identified to me to be the persons,whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowiedged 5 to me that they executed the same. Notarym sin for Idaho �4 Com ires: 2-WARRANTY DEED-dbrown.wwl '' '. ,, __ .c - _ •�,fie' -1 r,: `'� P:. r •.�z r� u _x EXHIBIT "A" d A Part of the SE 1/4, SW 1/4 and SW 1/4, SE 1/4 of Section 15 and the NE 1/4, NW 114 and NW 1/4, NE 1/4 of Section 22 in Township 16 South, Range 43 Fast, B.M., Bear Lake County, Idaho described as: • Beginning at a point on the south right-of-way line of Loveland Lane that :s N 0°09`42' E 649.38 feet along the north-south center line of said Section 15 from the South V4 corner of said Section 15 and running thence S 76040'28" E 11.86 feet along said south right-of--way; thence S 75"24'48' E 50.02 feet along said south right-of-way; thence S 00*09'42' W 394.22 feet; thence S 75°25'37N E 1085.55 feat thence N 16°36'20' E 380.67 feet to said south right-of- way; thence S 75°13'17' E 100.82 feet along said south right-of-way to an existing fence line; thence along said existing fence line the fcllowing (8) eight courses (1) S 25°18'30' W 84-67 feet; thence (2) S 16'36'20' W 320.19 feet; thence (3) S 15°13'29' W 354.75 feet; thence (4) S 16'27'14" W 476.03 feet; thence (5) N 75°32'26" W 780.18 feet; thence (6) N 79°41'2.3" W 155.08 feet; thence (7) N 76°23'25" W 1099.10 feet; thence N 74°58'58' W 320.02 feet to the west line of said NE 114, NW 1/4 of said Section 22; thence N 00°02'01' W 310.67 feet along said west line to the NW corner of said NE 1/4, NW 1/4; thence N 00'06'21' E 604.75 feet along the west line of said SE 1/4, SST 114 of said Section 15; thence S 74°54'21' E 966.13 feet along an existing fence line; thence S 76'10'42' E 402.12 feet to the north-south center line of said Section 15; thence N 00°09'42" E 393.96 feet along said center line to the point of - --- beginning. 167182 EXHIBIT "B" 30 Foot Irrigation Easement Part of the South Half of Section 15, 'Township 16 South, Range 43 East, B.M., Bear Lake County, Idaho described as: Beginning at a point that is N 89°55'40" E 1323.67 feet along the south line of said Section 15 to the south west corner of the SE 114, SW '1/4 and N 00*06'21, E 573.69 feet along the west line of said SE 1/4, SW 1/4 �n< the south w co«� of said Simon 15; thence N 00°06'21' E 31.06 feet along said west line; thence S 74°54'21" E 966.13 feet along an existing fence; thence S 76"10'40" E 402.12 fiat along said exi:-ting fence; thence S 751125137" E 91.95 feet; thence S 14°34'23" W 30.00 feet; thence N 75°25'37' W 84.24 feet; thence N 76°09'51" W 409.76 feet; thence N 74°5421" W 958.44 feet to the paint of -s beginning. b -t 167182 • �j �— E.XHIBIT "C" 10 Acre Parcel Part of the South East 1/4 of Section 15 and the North Fast 114 of Section 22, Township 16 South, Range 43 East, B.M., Bean Lake County, Idaho descnbed as: , Beginning at a point that is N 00009'42" E 255.42 feet Tong the north-south center line of _ said Section 15 and S 75°2537" E 61.95 feet from the South 1/4 Cornex of said Section 15 and running thence N 00009'42' E 394.22 feet to the south right-of-way of LovelandLane; thence S 75°2448" E 870.75 feet along said south right-of-way; thence S 75°13'17' E 326.42 f= along said south right-of-way; thence S 16"36'20° w 380.67 feet; thence N 75°25'37" w 1085.55 foot to the point of beginning. :.g i s 7 r 1 a EXHIBIT "D° Fart of the NE 1/4, NW 1/4 and the NGE; 1/4, NE 1/4 of Section 22, Township 16 South, Range 43 Fast, B.M., Bear Lake County, Idaho descn-bed as: Brginni.ng at a wint on the Wwt ,= of s&' ICE 114, N7W 1/4 that is ltii 89`55'40' E 1323.67 feet along the Section line and S 0°02'01" E 275.43 feet from the NW corner of said Scaron 22 and running thence S 75036'41" E 1366.68 fee; thence N 0°01'46" W 29.64 feet; thence S 75°36'41" E 976.80 feet; thence N 16°13'19' E 475.20 feet; thence S 75'o36'41' E29.09 feet to an existing fence line thence S 15'39'29' W 40.58 feet along adsdng fence; thence S 16'27'14' W 476.03 feet along existing fence line; thence N 75*32*26' W 790.18 feet along existing fence line; thence N 79°41'23" W 155.08 feet along raid fence; thence N 76*23'25' W 1099.10 feet along said fence; thence N 74°58'58' W 320-02 feet to said West line of said NE 1/4, NN 1/4; thence N 0002101" W 35.24 fat along said West line to the point of wing. / V/ m u m M APi� c � y C-3 , o ,J r5 irl rTlCD Cn N f.�► l7 1997f13�A WARRANTY DEED _ For Value Received, tt�� 1 LAKE VISTA PROPERTIES, L.L.C., Of 2126 BEAR LAKE BLVD., GARDEN CITY, County of RICH, State of UT., 84028, THE GRANTOR(S), do hereby,grant,bargain, sell, and convey unto McMNON&COMPANY,A COLORADO PARTNERSMP, Of 12850 EVANS ROAD, ELBERT, State of CO., 80106, THE GRANTEE(S), For the sum of ten dollars and other good and valuable consideration,the following described tract of land in the County of BEAR LAKE,State of Idaho: Part of the SE34 of Section 15 and the NE'A of Section 22, Township 16 South, Range 43 East, B.M., Bear Lake County, Idaho, described as: Beginning at a point that is North 00009'42" East 255.42 feet along the North-South centerline of said Section 15 and South 75°25'37" East 772.40 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, from the South Quarter Corner of said Section 15, and tanning thence South 75e25'37" Fast 375.11 feet; thence North 16°36'20" East 380.67 feet to the South Right-of-Way of Love- land Lane, thence South 75°13'17" East 100.82 feet along said South Right- of-Way to an existing fence line; thence the following 5 courses along said fence line: (1) South 25°18'30" West 84.67 feet; (2)thence South 16°36'20" West 320.19 feet; (3)thence South 15"13'29" West 354.75 feet; (4)thence South 16°27'14" West 476.03 feet; (5) thence North 75032'26" West 472.97 ; feet; thence Notch 16e36'20" East 855.08 feet to the Point of Beginning. a The said Grantor(s)hereby covenant to and with the said Grantee(s)that he is the owners)in fee simple of said premises; that they are free from all incumbrannces,and that he will warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever. v DATED THIS 23 DAY OF JULY, 1997. LAKE VISTA PROPERTIES, L.L.C. BY:'t.A.AY C. MCKEE, MEMBER 4 J STATE OF IDAHO,COUNTY OF BEAR LAKE y. On this 23rd day of July,1997,before me a Notary Public in ` and for the State,personally appeared C GARY C.MCKEE known to true to be a member in the limited liability company of LAKE VISTA PROPERTIES.L.L.C.,and the Member who subscribed said limited liability company name to the foregoing o CIL; m instrument,aril acknowledged to me that he executed the same in ' said limited liability company name. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I hereunto set my hand and seal the day c.7 - and year in the certificate first above written. ors r Notary Pubic `!• •..._..- �",,. rn _.; t7D t Ln Rosiding at; o. �c' , LO '%()T A R r �8 m My Commissi Idah on ires: 12-0100 ^: MAIL TAX NOTICE fC,r:' iNON&COMPANY,A COLORADO PARTNFILR P „1428 6 EVANS ROAD, ELBERT, CO 80106 .Y. we rmanwil F •1 FOR VALUE RECEIVED, JOAN J. MCKINNON, of 178 F Yellow Creek Road, Evanston, Wyoming, 82930, Grantor, - do hereby, : grant; ` bargain, sell, and convey unto JOAN J. MCKZNNON, as Trustee of the Joan J. McKinnon Revocable Trust dated June 17, 1992, of P. 0. Box 1610, Evanston, Wyoming, 82931 , Grantee, for the sum of ten dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the following described tract of land in the County of Bear Lake, State of Idaho: Commencing at a point 5.12 chains North of the Southeast Corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 22, Township 16 South, Range 43 East of the Boise Base and Meridian; and running thence North 5.60 chains; thence South 75'35' East 14.80 chains; thence North 16015' East 7.20 chains; thence South 75035' East 6.50 chains; thence South 2020' East 5.21 chains; thence South 26055' West 5.18 chains; thence North 75035' West 6.52 chains; thence South 16015' West 2.42 chains; thence North 76' 30' West 13 .25 chains to the place of beginning. TOGETHER WITH that certain Right of Way Easement, as described in Grant of Easement dated 02 February and recorded 04 February 1991 as Microfilm Instrument No. 151936, records of Dear Lake County, Idaho. SUBJECT TO that certain Pipeline Irrigation Easement as described in that certain Pipeline and Joint Use Agreement, dated 02 February 1991 and recorded 04 February 1991 as Microfilm Instrument No. 151937, records of Bear Lake County, Idaho. WITNESS my hand this day of 2000. /oan J/ McKinnon THE STATE OF WYOMING ) ss. COUNTY OF UINTA ) On this day o �� , in the year of 200 Q , before me, 4 L. a notary public, personally appeared Joan J. McKinnon,' known or identified to me, to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. -do- A L.THOMPSO N-NOTARY PUBLIC COUPRY OF S>m M11 0fllY 11(1i 1 X XAY LmS ��21,= rotarp `il Zc My Comm:,ssion Expires: r. ,W y a r r l.k.. WAF{rItANFY DEED [r�ri� s+,'�t9No � ��sY,• __ FOR VALUE RECEIVED, G. IV= McKT_,NNON, of 178 F Yellow Creek Road, Evanston, Wyoming, 82930, Grantor, do heroby, grant, S bargain, sell, and convey unto G. MARK McKI_NNON, as Trustee of { the Glen Mark McKinnon Revocable Trust dated June 17, 1992., of F P. 0. Box 1610, Evanston, Wyoming, 82931 , Grantee-, for the sum of ten dollars and other good and valuable-, consideration, the following described tract of land in the r County of Bear Lake, State of Idaho: f• Commencing at a point 2.98 chains North of the Southeast Corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 16 South, Range 43 East of the Boise Base and Meridian; and running thence North 75°35' West 20 .60 chains; thence North 7.70 chains; thence South 75°35' East 20.60 chains; thence South 7.70 chains to the place of beginning. TOGETHER WITH that certain Right of Way Easement, as described in Grant of Easement dated 02 February and recorded 04 February 1991 as Microfilm Instrument No. 151936, records of Bear Lake County, Idaho. SUBJECT TO that certain Pipeline Irrigation Easement as described in that certain Pipeline and Joint Use Agreement, dated 02 February 1991 and recorded 04 February 1991 as Microfilm Instrument No. 151937, records of Bear Lake County, Idaho. WITNESS my hand this ; day of ai,n�y- 2000. Mark McKinnon - THE STATE OF WYOMING ) ss. COUNTY OF UINTA } On this day of D 't in the year of 200D_, before me, ( t- a notary public, personally appeared G. Mark McKinnon, known or identified to me, to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. 6RE1Vf3RL AR nE official seal. COLRM � f] S/ my Ce�emletian E�1►!t i1.YCD1 r• Notary Pub-in cA My Commission Expires: