HomeMy WebLinkAbout20241205Staff Comments .pdf RECEIVED Thursday, December 5, 2024 3.48.29 PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION MICHAEL DUVAL DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0320 IDAHO BAR NO. 11714 Street Address for Express Mail: 11331 W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 201-A BOISE, ID 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF CAPITOL ) WATER CORPORATION'S ) CASE NO. CAP-W-24-02 APPLICATION TO CHANGE ITS ) SCHEDULE NO. 3 PURCHASED ) POWER COST ADJUSTMENT RATE ) COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMMISSION STAFF ("STAFF") OF the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"), by and through its Attorney of record, Michael Duval, Deputy Attorney General, submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On October 9, 2024, Capitol Water Corporation("Company") applied for authority to change its Schedule No. 3 -Purchased Power Cost Adjustment ("PPCA")rate to recover the electricity costs that exceeded what it collected in rates ("Application"). The Company requested that the Application be processed by Modified Procedure and that the tariff changes become effective by December 1, 2024.1 1 Because a final order the Company's pending general rate case(Case No. CAP-W-24-01)will provide information that is necessary for Staff s analysis, Staff does not believe that a December 1,2024,effective date is feasible. Staff communicated these concerns to the Company. Staff s general timeline for comment deadlines was also discussed STAFF COMMENTS 1 DECEMBER 5, 2024 The Company stated that its base rates were approved in Commission Order No. 30762, which established power consumption at 1,454,401 kilowatt-hours with a 5.190 average cost. This created a benchmark of$75,483.41 "for determining the incremental cost of power used to calculate the PPCA rate." Application at 1. While initially approving a three-year average, in Case No. CAP-W-17-01, the Commission later adopted twelve-month power costs. In 2023, actual costs reached $102,919, exceeding the base rate by $27,436 but falling $1,957 below current PPCA recovery. In its Application, the Company stated that it intended to adjust its PPCA rate from 4.51%to 4.21%. However, with possible base rate changes that may occur in December 2024 due to the Company's general rate case, the Company initially requested implementing new PPCA rates simultaneously with the effective date of its new base rates. STAFF ANALYSIS Staff reviewed the Company's Application and supporting documents and determined that actual power cost in 2023 was $102,919 and was $27,436 more than the $75,483 power cost embedded in the Company's base revenue that was set in Order No. 30762. Staff recommends the Commission approve Staff s proposed 3.34% PPCA rate, which is a 1.17% decrease from the current PPCA rate of 4.51%with an effective date of January 1, 2025. This rate is conditioned on whether Staffs recommended revenue in Case No. CAP-W-24-01 will be authorized by the Commission. If the Commission authorizes a different revenue, Staff recommends the Commission order the Company to submit a compliance filing to update the PPCA rate using the authorized base rate revenue, and regardless of the rate that is authorized, order the Company to file a conforming tariff with the approved PPCA rate. In addition, Staff recommends the following: 1. The Company maintain a set deferral period using the calendar year, and the Company work with Staff to determine a consistent filing deadline and collection period each year moving forward; 2. The Company track the amount of PPCA revenue that is collected each month starting January 1, 2025, and reported in the Company's PPCA filings each year; with the Company—who raised no objection. Therefore,the Company is no longer requesting that the final order in this case be issued on or about December 1,2024. STAFF COMMENTS 2 DECEMBER 5, 2024 3. The Company track the amount of PPCA revenue collected for November and December 2024, to facilitate the calculation of an adjustment due to the delay in the effective date of this year's PPCA and work with Staff to calculate the adjustment to the actual power cost in next year's filing to adjust for over collections; 4. The Company focus on Well No. 4 for the next cleaning and rehabilitation if the leakage repair in 2024 does not rectify poor pump efficiency; and 5. The Company review its customer notices with Staff prior to submitting future PPCA applications and send them to customers with sufficient time to allow them to file comments for the case. PPCA Methodology In Order No. 33876, Case No. CAP-W-17-01, the Commission approved modifications to simplify the PPCA methodology. The Company takes the difference between its actual annual power expense with the power cost embedded in the Company's base rates that are authorized during the annual deferral period. The difference or"true-up" amount is the amount the Company needs to credit or surcharge customers so that customers pay no more or no less than actual power cost and is used to calculate the PPCA rate. The PPCA rate is represented as a percentage of the true-up amount relative to the amount of revenue embedded in base rates authorized during the collection period. This allows the Company to apply the PPCA rate to the base rate revenue charged to customers during the collection period—thereby collecting or refunding the difference in power costs that occurred during the deferral period. Costs related to late payment fees, franchise fees, or fees not related to the cost of delivered water are excluded from the calculation. Staff believes the accuracy of the true-up amount collected using this simplified method depends on two assumptions: (1) The service territory and each consumer count must not experience significant change, and(2) The annual deferral and collection periods must be consistent from year to year. In addition, the simplified method does not allow Staff to determine the prudence of the Company's power cost, which is remedied by performing a trend analysis on the efficiency of its well pumps as described below. STAFF COMMENTS 3 DECEMBER 5, 2024 Revenue Stability To ensure customers pay no more or no less than actual power cost for the deferral period, the actual amount of base rate revenue collected during the collection period should be close to the revenue assumed in base rates. This is because the Company's method does not reconcile the true-up amount during the deferral period to actual PPCA rate collections. Staff illustrates the potential effect by showing the amount of over- or under-collection that can occur given differences in rate revenue collected compared to revenue assumed in base rates as reflected in Table No. 1. For example, if the PPCA is 4% and the base rate revenue collected is $854,408, which is 4%more than the base revenue assumed in the PPCA rate, an overcollection of$1,314 would occur. In contrast, if the revenue collected is $788,684, 4% less than base revenue assumed, the Company would under collect the same amount. Table No. 1: Potential Effect of Collected Revenue and PPCA Rate Revenue Difference Collected from Base PPCA 1% PPCA 2% PPCA 3% PPCA 4% PPCA 5% Revenue $ 870,839 6.00% (493) (986) (1,479) (1,972) (2,465) $854,408 4.00% (329) (657) (986) (1,314) (1,643) $ 837,977 2.00% (164) (329) (493) (657) (822) $ 821,546 0.00% - - - - - Base Revenue $ 805,115 -2.00% 164 329 493 657 822 $ 788,684 -4.00% 329 657 986 1,314 1,643 $ 772,253 -6.00% 493 986 1,479 1,972 2,465 Because of the potential for the over or under collections, Staff recommends the Company track the amount of PPCA revenue that is collected each month starting January 1, 2025, and reported in the Company's annual PPCA filings each to determine if an adjustment is warranted. STAFF COMMENTS 4 DECEMBER 5, 2024 Consistent Deferral and Collection Periods Staff believes it is important that the deferral and collection periods remain the same each year. This will remove any inaccuracies that would occur due to varying time windows. Staff recommends that the Company maintain the calendar year as the deferral period and it work with Staff to determine a consistent filing deadline and collection period each year moving forward. The Company filed last year's PPCA rate update on September 1, 2023, with an effective date of November 15, 2023. In this case, to coincide with the timing of a final order in its general rate case, Case No. CAP-W-24-01, the Company filed for an effective date"on or about December 1 [2024]." Application at 3. Staff understands the Company's rationale because to calculate the new rate for the upcoming collection period, it requires an authorized amount of revenue to calculate the updated PPCA rate. However, this could result in an additional month of collections at the current 4.51%PPCA rate. Because of the uncertainty when the authorized revenue from the general rate case would be available to calculate the new rate, Staff met with the Company and agreed to delay the effective date to January 1, 2025. However, this will cause an overcollection to occur due to the delays and the use of incorrect PPCA rates. Staff recommends the Company work with Staff to determine an appropriate method to determine an adjustment for the difference in next year's PPCA filing. In addition, Staff recommends that the Company track the amount of PPCA revenue collected for November and December 2024, to facilitate the calculation of an adjustment. PPCA Calculation Staff calculated the new PPCA rate to be 3.34%, assuming that Staff s recommended revenue and embedded power cost is approved by the Commission in Case No. CAP-W-24-01. This results in a 1.17%reduction relative to the current 4.51%PPCA rate. Under the old rate, the Company would have collected about $37,048 from the surcharge during the 2025 collection period. Under the new rate, customers will be surcharged about $27,346 during the same period, resulting in $9,616 less revenue. The new rate is a result of actual power cost of$102,919 compared to $75,483 of power costs embedded in base rates during the 2023 deferral period. Staffs calculations are illustrated in Table No. 2 below. STAFF COMMENTS 5 DECEMBER 5, 2024 Table No. 2: PPCA Calculation No. Category Value Calculation 1 Base Revenue in Case No. CAP-W-24-01 $821,546 - 2 Actual Power Cost from 2023 $102,919 - 3 Power Cost Embedded in 2023 Base Revenue $75,483 - 4 Incremental Cost $27,436 Line 2—Line 3 5 PPCA Required 3.34% Line 4/Line 1 6 Current PPCA 4.51% - 7 Incremental Change in PPCA -1.17% Line 5—Line 6 8 Incremental Revenue Produced by required PPCA $27,436 Line 5 x Line 1 9 Incremental Revenue Produced by Current PPCA $37,052 Line 6 x Line 1 10 Increase or (Decrease) from Current Charges -$9,616 Line 8—Line 9 Rate Impact With the new PPCA rate, the monthly bill for an unmetered customer with a 3/4-inch service line would decrease by $0.182 for May through September and decrease by $0.083 in all other months. This calculation is based on the current base rate and current PPCA rate of 4.51%, and the base rate from the pending general rate case, CAP-W-24-01 and the proposed 3.34% PPCA rate in this case. For customers with other sizes of service line, the monthly bills will be decreased using the same calculation methodology. For metered customers, the customer bills will slightly decrease as well and the impact will vary with the service line size and water usage volume. These bill calculations exclude other recurring charges such as franchise taxes and Idaho Department of Environmental Quality fees. Again, this calculation assumes that the Staff s proposed tariff rate recommendation in Case No. CAP-W-24-01 is approved by the Commission. 2$0.18 = ($12.65 + $16.05) x 4.51%- ($14.70 + $18.70) x 3.34% 3 $0.08 = $12.65x4.51%-$14.70x3.34% STAFF COMMENTS 6 DECEMBER 5, 2024 System Efficiency Staff investigated the pump efficiency of each well, defined as annual water production measured in gallons ("gal") divided by annual power consumption measured in kilowatt-hours ("kWh") for the last three years to ensure that the power costs have been incurred prudently as shown in Table No. 3. Based on its investigation, Staff recommends that Well No. 4 require rehabilitation work, if the recent bearing failure was not the cause of the drop in efficiency. Table No. 3: Pump Efficiency in Each Well for Last Three Years Pump Efficiency Well No. 3 Well No. 4 Well No. 5 Well No. 6 Well No. 7 [gal/kWh] 2021 320.10 498.33 496.15 513.67 729.75 2022 286.54 425.98 336.32 514.48 704.33 2023 278.82 361.45 399.47 535.88 696.57 Pump efficiency typically decreases with usage due to the clogging of screens. However, in early spring of 2023, the Company cleaned and rehabilitated Well No. 5, as noted in Case No. CAP-W-24-01. Pump efficiency in Well No. 5 increased from 336.32 [gal/kWh] to 399.47 [gal/kWh]. Through Staff s analysis in this case, it found that a significant and consistent decrease in the pump efficiency of Well No. 4. However, the pump efficiency Staff calculated may not be representative of actual pump efficiency. Electricity for this pump included about 1,080 kWh to 3,160 kWh of fixed power for lighting and metering equipment each month over the whole year but Well No. 4 only produced water during the summer months from June through October. STAFF COMMENTS 7 DECEMBER 5, 2024 600.0 — 500.0 L _ 400.0 m U u c 300.0 v u L w r 200.0 a ❑2021 100.0 p 2022 ®2023 July August September Figure No. 1: Pump Efficiency of Well No. 4 in Summer Season From 2021 Through 2023 To more accurately analyze the pump efficiency of Well No. 4, and reduce the effect of fixed power usage, Staff investigated the pump efficiency when water production was high(e.g., July, August, and September). Even though the power consumption in these months also have fixed power consumption, the power consumption for the pump's operation is much higher with high water demand. Staff believes the pump efficiency is more accurate by minimizing the effect of fixed power consumption. Figure No. 1 presents the pump efficiency in Well No. 4 for June, July, and August over the last three years. It shows that efficiency decreased by 10 to 15% over three years. However, the pump bearings in Well No. 4 were repaired due to leakage in 2024. Staff is not sure whether the leakage was the cause for the efficiency to decrease. Thus, Staff recommends the Company observe the efficiency of Well No. 4. If the efficiency continues to decrease, it should be cleaned and rehabilitated. CUSTOMER NOTICE AND PRESS RELEASE The Company's press release and customer notice were included with its Application, which was filed on October 9, 2024. Staff reviewed both documents and determined they do not meet the requirements of Rule 125 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure. See IDAPA The notice and press release do not make it clear that this is a proposed decrease STAFF COMMENTS 8 DECEMBER 5, 2024 and available for public review as required by Rule 125.0l.c. In addition, neither notice mentions the option to subscribe to the RSS feed as required by Rule 125.0l.d. The press release was sent to The Idaho Statesman and the Idaho Business Review newspapers on 10/15/2024. The customer notice is scheduled to be included with bills mailed to customers beginning December 1, 2024. This will not provide customers with a reasonable opportunity to file timely comments with the Commission by the December 5, 2025, comment deadline. Because the PPCA results in a reduction for customers, it is less likely that customers will object to the proposed changes. However, customers should have the opportunity to file comments and have those comments considered by the Commission. Staff recommends that the Commission consider late filed comments from customers. As of December 5, 2024, no comments have been filed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission approve Staff s proposed 3.34%PPCA rate, with an effective date of January 1, 2025, conditioned on whether Staffs recommended revenue in Case No. CAP-W-24-01 is authorized by the Commission. If the Commission authorizes a different revenue, Staff recommends the Commission order the Company to submit a compliance filing to update the PPCA rate using the authorized base rate revenue, and regardless of the rate that is authorized, the Company file a conforming tariff with the approved PPCA rate. Staff also recommends the Commission direct the Company to: 1. Maintain a set deferral period using the calendar year, and the Company work with Staff to determine a consistent filing deadline and collection period each year moving forward; 2. Track the amount of PPCA revenue that is collected each month starting January 1, 2025, and reported in the Company's PPCA filings each year; 3. Track the amount of PPCA revenue collected for November and December 2024, to facilitate the calculation of an adjustment due to the delay in the effective date of this year's PPCA and work with Staff to calculate an adjustment to the actual power cost in next year's filing to adjust for over collections; 4. Focus on Well No. 4 for the next cleaning and rehabilitation, if the leakage repair in 2024 did not rectify poor pump efficiency; and STAFF COMMENTS 9 DECEMBER 5, 2024 5. Review its customer notices with Staff prior to submitting future PPCA applications and send them with sufficient time to allow customers to file comments for the case. Respectfully submitted this 5th day of December 2024. Michael Duval Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Seungjae Lee Leena Gilman Jolene Bossard 1:\Utility\UMISC\COMMENTS\CAP-W-24-02 Conunents.doex STAFF COMMENTS 10 DECEMBER 5, 2024 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS DAY OF DECEMBER 2024, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF , IN CASE NO. CAP-W-24-02, BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWING: ROBERT PRICE PRESIDENT CAPITOL WATER CORP 2626 ELDORADO BOISE ID 83704 E-MAIL: infokcapitolwatercorp.com PATRICIA JORDAN, SE ETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE