HomeMy WebLinkAbout20241204Comment_10.pdf The following comments were submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Lee Wilkinson Submission Time: Dec 3 2024 6:08AM Email: antes basil.Om@icloud.com Telephone: 208-392-6668 Address: 149 Gold fork ridge rd Boise, ID 83716 Name of Utility Company: Idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-24-07 Comment: "Idaho power does not need nor deserve a rate increase of almost 20% in 2 years. The nearly 20% is way above what any person typically gets as a cost of living increase. This rate increase will eat up every dollar if not more for low to middle income families have gotten as a cost of living increase. It's pure greed and not necessary at this point in time and should not be considered for 5-10 years. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Kristine King Submission Time: Dec 3 2024 6:16AM Email: kkingll50@gmail.com Telephone: 208-949-9313 Address: 7 Rampage Rd Boise, ID 83716 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-24-07 Comment: "I am totally against a rate increase for Idaho Power. We have had numerous outages this year which is totally unacceptable. We have lost an extensive amount of food, and we had to replace our freezer and replace our pellet stove due to the on and off outages. We are already paying an outrageous amount for power usage right now and on top of the Idaho Power started a fire that was close to destroying our homes. Why should we be paying for all their mistakes.This is totally against this, and I personally know several others that feel the same way I do and hopefully they will put in their two cents worthM" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Amy Gullickson Submission Time: Dec 3 2024 7:19AM Email: amy.gardner316@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-484-2745 Address: 35 Rampage Rd Boise, ID 83716 1 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-24-07 Comment: "Idaho Power, It's been one hell of a year living in Clear Creek (Boise County) with all of the power outages we have had. The amount of outages we have had this year, outnumbers the outages the entire time we've lived here. It's absolutely ridiculous! Hours upon hours of no power. Freezers and refrigerators not running. Losing food because of it. I've had enough of it! Why would you request a rate increase for everyone, again? Your net income increased $21.4 million for the first nine months of 2024. Shame on you! Stop shutting off our power!!! Not to mention the Valley Fire you started and let burn. That fire could have been put out much more quickly than it was. You put so many people in danger of losing everything they have worked for, including us. I ask that you do not raise our rates. Amy Gullickson" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Leiana Knight Submission Time: Dec 3 2024 9:26AM Email: Imk55@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-392-4249 Address: 27 Red Warrior Rd Boise, ID 83716 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Powet Case ID: IPC-E-24-07 Comment: "This is concerning the rate increase. I vote absolutely NO. Because we who live up here in the mountains are having far too many shut offs. Expected and non expected for far too many hours. I and many of us keep track of days date and time and I and still have to pay for these? No!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name:Ty Lester Submission Time: Dec 3 2024 10:25AM Email: tylester0@gmail.com Telephone: 208-696-6848 Address: 526 robie creek rd Boise, ID 83716 2 Name of Utility Company: idaho power Case ID: IPC-E-24-07 Comment: "Idaho power recently announced a rate increase, which is unacceptable after the number of outages we endured last summer. While I realize the dangers of wildfire, idaho power also has a responsibility to its customers to provide power to them for water to fight the fire around their homes as well as information regarding the fires. To increase right now, after this serious offense, is ridiculous. I m not paying more for less." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Gloria Mayoh Submission Time: Dec 3 2024 11:41AM Email: gmayoh79@gmail.com Telephone: 360-870-8641 Address: 1856 Gage Ave Twin Falls, Id 83301 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-24-07 Comment: "I am concerned that Idaho Power's application for a price hike is due to their investments in what I call "green energy". I am opposed to wind and solar because they are environmentally hazardous, expensive and inefficient. I also understand that Idaho will not benefit from these programs whereas other states will. It is also troubling that the Public Utility Commission approved the last price hike applied for by Idaho Power--why another one so soon?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name:ALEXANDRIA HIGHLAND Submission Time: Dec 3 2024 12:22PM Email: alexandria.highland@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-713-0708 Address: 61 CLEAR CREEK DR BOISE, ID 83716 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-24-07 Comment: "Hello, 3 I am asking please dont raise the rates up this year,we had a lot of power outages due to fires. I would like my fuel reimbursed for the 58 hrs of using my generator without notice this last summer, if you are going to raise the rates, I would like to be reimbursed for gas. please dont raise the rates, I know this happens every year,this year I lost 500.00 dollars of meat from my freezer that Idaho Power did not reimburse. please hear my voice and others. V/R Alexandria Highland " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: Diana Nielson <dlnielson75@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, December 3, 2024 2:16 PM To: secretary; kimi.white; Linda Culver; Richard Stover; Dirk Mendive At Fulchers Office; Mike Mathews; samantha_marshall Cc: We Love Idaho Save Our State Sos;Jamie Neill; rjust;jnelsen; rfurniss; hscott; vbar; gzuiderveld; vburtenshaw Subject: IPC-E-24-07 comment To All Concerned at the Idaho PUC 12/3/2024 and Those Who Purchase Power from Idaho Power, I am very concerned with the rate increase proposal that will be very detrimental to many companies and individuals. Does the State of Idaho through Idaho Power a public utility need lbillion dollar infrastructure or does the investors? Micron got 6.1 billion preliminary agreement from the Biden Administration which led to$125 billion from private investors. Let them pay for their own infrastructure.The Inflation Reduction Act gave the Green investor groups higher tax incentives.The State of Idaho through our legislature opened the door for META and others to come here. Let the Billionaires pay for their own infrastructure. The people who thought rooftop solar thinking it was a good thing are getting higher power bills.(and many now need a new roof). The green Energy credits earned from only buying Wind and Solar energy is double dipping on incentives and the general population or small business footing the bill for the O&M. The Cart has been put before the horse. To purchase only wind and solar power from the grid is not how the grid works only a hypothetical guess because it is all delivered through the same transmission lines as you and I get our power from.The Data needed to maintain these commercial projects again, has placed the cart before the horse. The constant pressure from out of state energy companies wanting to take over public land(State and Federal) and private agriculture lands for the interests of Financial investments is greedy and harmful for the general public. Idaho has lured many to our state with low energy costs to retire, raise families, invest in businesses and maintain the cultural lifestyles of outdoor activity. I have seen a huge sway in Idaho Powers attitude from around 2015. Is this from general concern for the public as a utility company or for the gain of their investors? Is it really over the green energy mandate? 4 So far some failed infrastructure has happened: BESS on fire near Kuna (not even hooked up), Solar project fire for Meta. (a side note ID Power BESS placed less than 1/2 mile from Filer High School, next to a cooley, by a railroad track and a T intersection on the edge of Filer.) Does this rate increase follow the IRP (Integrated Resource Plan Advisory Council) ? This simple case IPC-E-24-7 with its many attachments, amendments, inserts, notices, interventions, hearings, multiple persons(Hackett, Larsen, Colburn, Dickeys,Anderson), recalculations, exhibits, interventions, rebuttals does reek of manipulation of the system. How is an individual to keep track? Rewrite it then include the changes so it makes sense. I see globalist companies swaying our state with tax incentives for Data Centers and other power glutinous industries that not only need electricity they need water. For Idaho they go hand in hand. When I started my journey trying to figure all this out Idaho Power only had 16%coal fire produced energy.That infrastructure was in place and most of it still is and some have been partially converted to Natural Gas. Hydro the most efficient form of green energy has been belittled.They have had many upgrades to the dams and they are still the best producer of electricity. When the wind blows then Bell Rapids is a prime example. If the wind turbines are producing to much energy then the Hydro power near hagerman is throttled back to not overload the grid. So Id Power has higher priced energy on the grid and will pass this expense along.there the state sold cheap land for development with water rights then the price of power increased the farmers went out of business sold the water back to the state and now wind turbines are starting to retire up in that wasteland. Then who is paying for all the work being done at the Midpoint Substation??? it has more than doubled in size from my eye ball gues-estimation. 200 acres has been purchased for more expansion. Who will be liable for the BESS meltdowns over the Sole Source Aquifer below it? or the Boardman Hemmingway BESS? Public Utilities have what responsibility to our citizens? The Gateway West is coming soon and the global investors have bought up land on its right away and the West Wide Corridors too. I went to a not for the public meeting but they couldn't ask me to leave meeting over this. When you ask who will benefit?Then follow the money. The citizens buying the power are not benefitting.The small clean energy Hydro plant have had their rates cut and no subsidies for them. INL has gone into agreements with TERRA Power, Our State has forsaken grazers with state grazing permits for ARCO Wind. This stuff goes on and on. They say not enough people complained. Well if your main employer is the Federal Government you can't say anything, Or the State of Idaho, Or idaho Power. Who is the biggest employer in Bonneville and Bingham Counties? Does the Hatch Act have anything to do with this? While sitting in the P&Z meetings in Twin Falls County over Jackpot Solar and Franklin Solar my eyes were opened to the back door deals going on. Duke Energy using CUP's as old as 2006 initially for wind transformed to solar on Historical AG land just over 300 feet from an unincorporated underserved town. the towns people did not have to be notified the Lands Owner. Simplots are the property owner and received all the public notifications. Duke Energy using multiple other companies through the years were the developer.All the while the CUP approved the PURPA in 2019. and not all of the CUP's were in place.the County had not updated their P&Z from 1998. 5 In the P&Z meeting Duke Energy paid Idaho Power to build a Collector substation, transmission line and substation. When questions were asked about this Duke Energy replied that Idaho Power was planning on buying these structures plus the battery storage. So Duke Energy pays Idaho Power to build infrastructure and gets incentives, Simplots get Energy credits and income from leasing the land,Then the rate payer gets billed for infrastructure??At this point I called IDT concerned over 7 acres in CUP going to be used for BESS that only had to be 80 feet from the center line of Highway 93.This stretch of HWY 93 to Jackpot has a lot of semi traffic driving 65MPH. This process needs to be done over and an extension for this comment period. Follow the money and tell me who will benefit the most. A Concerned Citizen, Diana Nielson ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name:Amy DIXON Submission Time: Dec 3 2024 2:22PM Email: amyvdixon1964@gmail.com Telephone: 208-851-8349 Address: 3 FRENCHMENS FLAT RD BOISE, ID 83716-0000 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Case ID: IPC-E-24-07 Comment: "We have been told that Idaho Power has put in for an increase of 8+ in their rates! This on top of a 10% rate increase last year. They want more money,to what,give me less power? Because that's what I got from them this year! Blackouts every time I turned around. Ridiculous.Then they practically burn us off the mountain. I can't even count the times the electricity went out, but it was at least 1-2 times a month. For what we pay even when it's off, seems wrong. Selling it to California maybe double dipping?M?1 We think IP stinks and are getting ready to put in solar so we can go mostly off grid and subsidize w IP. They don't deserve to make any more profit then they have already made from their increase last year! They suck!! And we on the mountain are not happy with this or agree to it!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: merry kuyper-carson Submission Time: Dec 3 2024 6:16PM Email: merryrn1957@gmail.com Telephone: 208-803-4023 6 Address: 10 burnett dr. boise, ID 83716 Name of Utility Company: idaho power company Case ID: IPC-E-24-07 Comment: "idaho power continues to seek exorbitant rate increases without benefit to its customers. specifically we live in an area that experienced more than 8-9 outages just this summer and seems to hit the same 282-3300 homes each time-seems to be getting worse each year. now with the fire this summer caused by Idaho power equipment we are destined to see home insurance increases (in addition to the 1000$ increase we saw last year) in addition to the fire and ambulance increases for robie creek). this request is sucking customers dry...many of whom are retirees on limited budgets.v instead of an increase perhaps Idaho power should consider a reimbursement for fuels paid for generators used, an apology for all of Boise county residents for the significant outages that other areas like ada county do not experience, and possibly charging all developers for all the new construction and power demands they are bringing to Idaho. please help bring consumer considerations back to Idaho power, PUC. we really need your help!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7