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20241203PLW to Staff 1-7.pdf
RECEIVED Tuesday, December 3, 2024 IDAHO PUBLIC Sarah B. McOwen, Esq. UTILITIES COMMISSION Idaho State Bar No. 11672 Smith&McOwen,Attorneys at Law, Chartered P.O. Box C Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 Tel. No. (208) 263-3115 Fax No. (208) 255-4325 sarah@smithmcowenlaw.com ICOURT Service: service@smithmcowenlaw.com Attorney for Priest Lake Water LLC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF PRIEST LAKE Case No. PLW-W-24-01 WATER LLC APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC ANSWER TO FIRST PRODUCTION CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO PRIEST LAKE WATER LLC Priest Lake Water LLC (the"Company"),through its counsel, Sarah B,McOwen, Esq. of Smith&McOwen,Attorneys at Law, submitted its application on October 8, 2024 (the"Application")for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity(the"CPCN")to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission(the"Commission"). On November 12, 2024,the Commission transmitted that certain First Production Request of the Commission Staff to Priest Lake Water LLC(the"First Production Request")to the Company. The Company,through its counsel,hereby respectfully submits to the Commission its Answer to the First Production Request. The record holder is Jared Horlacher, owner of the Company(the"Record Holder") whose contact information is 279 Tracy Lane, Priest Lake, Idaho 83856; (208) 597-4805• The person who prepared this answer in coordination with the Record Holder is Sarah B, ANSWER TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO PRIEST LAKE WATER LLC - 1 McOwen, Esq. of Smith&McOwen,Attorneys at Law who may be reached at (208)263- 3115. ANSWER TO REQUEST NO. 1 First Production REQUEST NO. 1: "As noted in the Application,Appendix 2B — Map,it shows seven parcels that have a water connection that are not reflected on the legal description of the plat map in Appendix 2A. Please clarify whether the proposed area for the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity("CPCN")to be issued in this case includes the seven parcels as well as the legal description of the area in the plat map.Additionally, if the seven parcels are included in the proposed area,please provide a legal description of the seven parcels." The proposed area for the CPCN to be issued in the above-entitled case includes the seven parcels that have a water connection and are shown on"Appendix 2B —Map"of the Application.The legal descriptions may be found in association with the following parcel numbers: 1. RP6oNo5W36735oA 2. RP6oNo5W367375A 3. RP6oN05W3674o1A 4. RP6oNo5W367725A 5. RPoo162oo6o1ooA 6. RPooi620050ogoA 7. RPoo1620050o8oA ANSWER TO REQUEST NO. 2 First Production REQUEST NO. 2: "The map shown in the place-of-use boundary for water right 97- 7368 in Appendix5A does not match the legal description in the Plat map. Specifically,the southwest corner, Lot No. 21 in Block 2 is excluded in the ANSWER TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO PRIEST LAKE WATER LLC- 2 water right map. Please explain whether the corner area will be excluded from the proposed area for the CPCN or whether the water right will be amended to include the corner area." Lot 21 Block 2 is located on the other side of Lamb Creek and excluded from the proposed area for the CPCN due to the physical barrier made by Lamb Creek. This lot is. Article XII of the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants Affecting the Plat of Marvin Estates grants "The owner of Lot 21 in Block 2 is granted the right to develop and use their own water system and well." owners have their own well as there is no water service available to this lot. ANSWER TO REQUEST NO. 3 First Production REQUEST NO. 3: "As per Appendix 8 — Facility Plan Map, in the Application,the plan area has 7 blocks with a total of go lots, as shown in the table below: BLOCK 1 BLOCK 2 BLOCK 3 BLOCK 4 BLOCK 5 BLOCK 6 BLOCK 7 Total 17 21 10 25 12 12 10 107 However,the Company stated that 113 lots will be supplied by the water system. Please reconcile the difference in the totals and provide the reconciled number of lots for each block." The Application correctly states that 113 lots will be supplied by the water system. The table provided at Request No. 3 of the First Production Request correctly reflects the ANSWER TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO PRIEST LAKE WATER LLC - 3 107 lots per the Plat provided at Appendix 14 (not Appendix 8 as incorrectly referenced in Request No. 3 of the First Production Request).As stated in the Answer to Request No. 2 above, Lot 21 Block 2 should be excluded,which results in the 1o6 lots subject to the Company's Water Right License No. 97-7368.When the seven parcels subject to the Company's Permit to Appropriate Water No. 97-9802 (attached as Appendix 5B of the Application) are added to 1o6 lots,the total is 113 lots. ANSWER TO REQUEST NO. 4 First Production REQUEST NO. 4: "The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality rules, IDAPA 58.o1.o8 Section 501.17 states that under normal operating conditions,with any source out of service,the remaining source(s)must be capable of providing either the peak hour demand of the Public Water System or a minimum of the maximum day demand plus equalization storage. Please explain whether the remaining well can provide the maximum day water demand in the service area,in case any well is out of service.Additionally,if the water system supports fire flow capacity,please explain whether the maximum day demand plus fire water can be provided with any pump out of service, as noted in IDAPA 58.o1.o8 Section 501.18." The Company's Public Water System ID No. 1090229 covering the proposed area was engineered by J.A. Sewell to DEQ standards. In the case that either one of the two wells is out of service,the remaining well can both provide the peak hour demand of the system and provide the minimum of the maximum day demand plus equalization storage in the service area.The Record Holder monitors the water tank levels daily.The ANSWER TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO PRIEST LAKE WATER LLC - 4 Company's 120,000-gallon reservoir maintains 95% capacity during peak demand. Fire water can sustain 50091)m for 4 hours while keeping up with daily consumption with one pump out of service. ANSWER TO REQUEST NO. 5 First Production REQUEST N0.5: "Appendix 5A in the Application shows that Marvin Estates Water owns water right No.97-7368. Please provide proof that the Company to use the water right.Also, please explain the relationship between Marvin Estates Water and the Company." Appendix 5A is Water Right License No. 97-7368 previously issued to Marvin Estates Water, Inc. The Company purchased the water system from Marvin Estates Water, Inc., and assumed this water right. The Company filed a Notice of Claim to a Water Right Acquired Under State Law in Civil Case Number 69576 on September 22, 2021, attached hereto as Exhibit 1. There is no ongoing relationship with Marvin Estates Water, Inc., which is dissolved. ANSWER TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO PRIEST LAKE WATER LLC - 5 ANSWER TO REQUEST NO. 6 First Production REQUEST NO.6: "The Company only provided the seasonal production water rate in Appendix 9 of the Application, and not the monthly metered amount of pumped water data from each source over the past 3 years as requested in Question 7 in the Application. Please answer the following: A. Please explain in detail why the requested information wasn't provided. B. If the information is available,please provide the requested information. C. If not, please provide any pumped water data that is available as close to that requested in Question 7 as reasonably possible. D. If five years of data is available for B and C, above,please provide the data for the additional years." Answer to Part A: The time and resources necessary to provide the requested information is currently prohibitory for the one-person Company. Answer to Part B: Attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and incorporated herein by reference, are scans of the hand-written well logs maintained by the Company for the years 1997-2024. Monthly water production from February 20, 2021 until November 11, 2024 comes to an average of 312,500 gallons per month for both wells combined, or 156,250 gallon per month for each individual well. Answer to Part C: Reference is hereby made to Exhibit 1,which provides the requested data. Answer to Part D: Reference is hereby made to Exhibit 1,which provides the requested data. ANSWER TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO PRIEST LAKE WATER LLC - 6 ANSWER TO REQUEST NO. 7 First Production REQUEST NO.7: "Please provide detailed information related to the capacity of the system to meet historical and future system peak demand. Information should include not only the capacity of the system and the identification of constraints within the system,but also ordinary consumption and consumption at peak hour. Please provide the necessary workpapers in Microsoft Excel format with formulas intact." The following is detailed information related to the capacity of the system to meet historical and future system peak demand: - Total well production rates: Zoo GPM/ 12,000 gallons per hour = 288,000 gallons per day. - Total Storage: 120,000 - Total volume available in a 24-hour period with tank full: 288,000+120,000=408,00o gallons. - Peak consumption observed: +/- 100,00o gallons per day in July and August. - Minimum consumption observed: 4,000 gallons per day September through June. - Domestic use within a residence: 16o gallons per day(which is an average based on 4,000 gallons per day produced when 25 year-round homes are occupied). ANSWER TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO PRIEST LAKE WATER LLC - 7 DATED: December, 2024. SMITH & MCOWEN,ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CHARTERED Sarah B. NMwen, Esq Attorney for Priest Lake Water LLC ANSWER TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO PRIEST LAKE WATER LLC-8 Exhibit 1 Notice of Claim to a Water Right Acquired Under State Law in Civil Case Number 69576 ANSWER TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO PRIEST LAKE WATER LLC- 9 IN THE DISTRICT COURT Of THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF TWIN FALLS IN RE THE GENERAL ADJUDICATION CIVIL CASE NUMBER: 69576 OF RIGHTS TO THE USE OF WATER FROM THE CLARK FORK-PEND OREILLE RIVER BASIN WATER SYSTEM (dent.Number. 97-7368 RECEIVED Date Received: 9/22/2021 Receipt No: (�10 3-7q-i(P SEP 2 2 2021 Claim Fee: Cl15 Received By: 1 ►DWW"OR- F" NOTICE OF CLAIM TO A WATER RIGHT ACQUIRED UNDER STATE LAW 1. Name of Claimant(s) PRIEST LAKE WATER LLC Phone: (509)993-7013 279 TRACY LN PRIEST LAKE ID 838S6 2. Date of Priority: 10/10/1995 3. Source: Trib.to.- GROUND WATER GROUND WATER 4. Point of Diversion: township Range Section Y. of N of Lot County Type 60N 05W 36 SW NE BONNER 60N 05W 36 SW NE BONNER 5. Description of diverting works: 6. Water is used for the following purposes: Purpose From To C.F.S. (or) A.F.A DOMESTIC 01/01 12/31 0.45 127 7. Total Quantity Appropriated is: 0.45 C.F.S.and/or 127 A.F.A. 8. Non-irrigation uses: 97-7368 1 9. Place of use: DOMESTIC within BONNER County Township Range Section Y. of % lot Acfes 60N 05W 36 NE NE 60N 05W 36 SW NE 60N 05W 36 SE NE 10. Do you own the property listed above as place of use? No If your answer is no,describe in remarks below the authority you have to claim this water right. 11. Other Water Rights Used: 12. Remarks: Priority Date Explanation: This right does not grant any right-of-way or easement across the land of another. Points of diversion are located in, Blk.4 well lot,Marvin Estates. The irrigation occurring under this domestic use shall not exceed 112 acre per lot. After specific notification by the department,the right holder shall install a suitable measuring device of stall eTNke.f into an agreement with the department to determine the amount of water diverted from power records and shall annually report the information to the department. Domestic use is for 106 homes. Place of use is located within Lots 1-17, Blk. 1; Lots 1-20, Blk.2;Lots 1-10,Blk.3; Lots 1-25, Blk.4; Lots 1-12,Blk.5; Lots 1-12, Blk.6;and Lots 1-10, Blk_7;Marvin Estates. 13. Basis of Claim: License 14. Signature(s) (a.) By signing below,I/We acknowledge that 1/We have received,read and understand the form entitled"How you will receive notice in the CLARK FORK-PEND OREILLE River Basin Adjudication."(b.)I/We do do not_X wish to receive and pay a small annual fee for monthly copies of the docket sheet. 97-7368 2 Number of attachments: For Organizations: I do solemnly swear or affirm under penalty of perjury that I am n(V r1e�K of Title Organization that I have signed the foregoing document in the space below as -) of _ i Fes+ �ICE �t f� L-4, -, Title Organization and that the statements contained in the foregoing ocument are true and correct. Signature of Authorized Agent Date G( Title and Organization t' tA%tie a'- rSr �ir if' L4 e- Wa-1,2.- 97-7368 3 Exhibit 2 Company Well Logs 1997-2024 ANSWER TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO PRIEST LAKE WATER LLC- io 11J J OT r: o p > k, lr_J:, ,llK 'r�/L"��,.�:� F�' ` �,f.-r._. r t=`j` "f.G:'�' /'r'j,1 (,r�'x-` E .✓l ;J • s z' f J 1 7,iI I w tE is ,• bi dd wn n w ,rs wY x E .mM,xp. awF ,t'.�''1 t e ;.• .. ;�d r ' ��y ,.:y \i�'p 7� � - . ,C h'•,r1j`��,� 7' ,IU{4 1 i .+ + J s l i,. ti 1.,:.�...,... ......n..�.,, , ,.. .. .... ... .. ... V—v� ����5 t�� i4i'�y�41#��;r�tU}�y���•a CAS/�t f 7 s t t r�'. .t a'r,..tn sfis,L,V.2 y,� ,:�;•�.. 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