HomeMy WebLinkAboutRequest to Cancel.pdfCMC - iF'- Davis Wrig ht II!! Tremaine LLP I:: t~ C E \,i ; ' Suite 200 1919 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20006-3402 nM~V '\:, ')\11-'1 ,"H n~' Robert Morgan Telephone: 202.973.4248 Facsimile: 202.973.4499 :T! ~gi \\: robertmorgan~dwt.com ,"d' May 5, 2009 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Post Office Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720 Re:Comcast Business Communications, LLC - Notice of Discontinuance of Certain Telecommunications Services Dear Sir or Madam: Com cast Business Communications, LLC ("CBC"), by counsel, hereby gives notice to the Commission that it is discontinuing its provision of all of the services listed in its Idaho Tariff Number 1 (collectively, "Discontinued Services ), which CBC requests permission to withdraw. CBC plans to discontinue the Discontinued Services throughout Idaho on July 1 , 2009. CBC was granted authority as a long distance provider on March 2, 1998 under File Number C 122961. CBC requests that the Commission cancel the authority granted to CBC to provide long distance service. Com cast does not have any customers in Idaho that will be affected by this discontinuance. An extra copy of this notice is enclosed. Please date-stamp and return in the self-addressed envelope included with this filing. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Rob rt rgan Counsel for Comcast Business Communications, LLC Enclosure Anchorage Bellevue Los Angeles mc \2) New York Portland San Francisco Seattle Shanghai Washington. D.www.dwt.com ~omcast End user Name Address City, State zip Dear Customer: We regret to inform you that Com cast Business Communications ("CBC") will discontinue your long distance voice service in Idaho. Your action is required ~fyou wish to continue to have access to long distance service! You must select a ne'w provider for long distance service as soon as pos,',ible , because your long distance telephone service vvill be shut down 071 July 1, 2009. Find new provider of long distance service by: Service will be shut down: as soon as possible July 1 , 2009 Where to find a new provider? Your long distance telephone directory typically have lists of such providers. Customer Service Should you need any assistance, please contact our customer service representative at the addresses and numbers below. Please note that in order to protect your privacy, if you call CBC to request certain account information, the customer service representative may need to mail this information to your address of record, or call you back at the telephone number of record in order to provide the information. Customer Service Comcast Business Communications, LLC 650 Centerton Road Moorestown, NJ 08057 Email:Voice - Requests~cable.comcast.com Fax:(856) 638-4051 (888) 262-7300, option 3Telephone: I Specifically, CBC is discontinuing the provision of resold retail and toll-free long distance services.2 CBC is required to provide certain privacy protections under the FCC's customer privacy rules. FCC Notice The discontinuance of your long distance service is subject to regulatory approval by the Federal Communication Commission ("FCC"). The FCC will normally authorize this proposed discontinuance of service unless it is shown that customers would be unable to receive service or a reasonable substitute from another carrier or that the public convenience and necessity is otherwise adversely affected. If you wish to object, you should file your comments as soon as possible, but no later than 15 days after the Commission releases public notice of the proposed discontinuance. Address them to the Federal Communications Commission, Wireline Competition Bureau, Competition Policy Division, Washington, DC 20554, and include in your comments a reference to the ~ 63.71 Application of Comcast Business Communications, LLC. Comments should include specific information about the impact of this proposed discontinuance upon you or your company, including any inability to acquire reasonable substitute service. Comcast Business Communications regrets any inconvenience these changes may cause you. Very truly yours Comcast Business Communications, LLC, Customer Service