HomeMy WebLinkAbout20241126Supplemental Response to Staff Comments.pdf STONERIDGE StoneRidge Water Company P.O. Box 298 Blanchard, ID 83804 Ph(208) 437-3148 Extn. 4 RECEIVED November 26, 2024 Tuesday, November 26, 2024 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Monica Barrios-Sanchez Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 RE: SWS-W-24-01 General Rate Case Utility Appraisal not sent with response to Staff Comments. Ms. Barrios-Sanchez, please find attached a copy of the Appraisal done for CDS StoneRidge Utilities—water company by Mark Southard in July 2020 on behalf of the Idaho State Department of Taxation. We had intended to include this for Staff and Commissioner review this month when we sent in our response to Staff Comments. We just realized Monday that we had not sent it in. If possible, we would like the appraisal to be added to the case for review by the commissioners. You will note that the three valuations all came in between $443,981 Cost, $2,062,785 Income, $2,151 ,188 Market, and $1 ,978,198 Correlated Value vs the $264,252 Rate Base Valuation Staff developed--using the Historical Cost less Accumulated Depreciation Valuation Model—this huge differential clearly shows the severe disadvantage to the Company of using a historical cost rate base vs a market valuation rate base! $20,000 to $200,000 in annual income is certainly not a rounding error, rather it is the difference between being able to run a safe stable water system with adequate revenues and funding vs the complete opposite. This appraisal further supports our concerns about the use of the Historical Costs in determining the Rate Base for a Regulated Water Company. As in our case, an older provider which has already depreciated our infrastructure investment over the prior 35+ year we face an impossible task of trying to earn enough profit each year to accumulate retained earnings to be used to replace the system as it wears out. With an estimated $2,000,000 in upgrades and replacements envisioned in the coming 5-10 years we do not see how we are going to be able to qualify for financing of the work we are anticipating. Ple s let4uslw if you have additional requests. SinC n r Managing Member I DHO State Tax Commission 2020 APPRAISAL REPORT FOR THE OPERATING PROPERTY OF CDS STO N E RI DG E UTILITIES LLC 04022721 Prepared June 8, 2020 By Mark J. Southard Senior Appraiser tax.idaho.gov CDS STO N E R I DG E UTILITIES LLC TABLE OF CONTENTS 2020 Page Certification 1 Narrative 2 Property Identification &Conclusion of Value 4 Cost Approach 5 Income Approach 6 Market Approach 7 System Correlation 8 Leased Equipment 9 CDS STONERIDGE UTILITIES LLC APPRAISAL CERTIFICATION 2020 1 certify to the best of my knowledge: • The statements of fact contained in this report are true and correct. • This appraisal report is intended only for property tax assessment purposes within the state of Idaho's exception (Idaho Code 54-4105.1);this report and its development do not, nor is it required to, comply with USPAP. • The reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions are limited by the extraordinary assumption that the Operator Statement and other evidences relied upon are true and accurate. • The conclusions in this report were derived in a manner consistent with Idaho State Tax Commission and WSATA methodologies. I am an Idaho Certified Property Tax Appraiser and certified to appraise the subject for Idaho property tax assessment purposes only. I have held this designation continuously since early 2009. 1 am not a Certified General Appraiser in the State of Idaho, a designation that is intended for fee appraisers to appraise properties for other purposes.This report is intended to be used for property tax purposes only. • The reported analyses, opinions and conclusions are derived from an unbiased position and viewpoint. • I have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report,and I have no personal interest or bias with respect to the parties involved. • My compensation is not contingent upon any value conclusions contained in this report. • No person provided significant professional assistance to the person signing this report. I Page 1 CDS STONERIDGE UTILITIES LLC APPRAISAL NARRATIVE 2020 Industry Overview "The Water Utility Industry is made up of domestic companies responsible for the safe and timely distribution of water and other related services,such as wastewater treatment. Since water is an essential resource, it would be easy to assume that the stocks of these companies would be high fliers. Demand from the industrial, agricultural and residential markets is expanding and the supply of potable water is shrinking. Big earnings and share-price gains have not been the case, here, however.The industry is subject to regulation,which can raise service costs, while limiting rates and return on investment." Source:Valuel-ine Investment Survey, Industry Overview, 2019 The Unit Method In unitary appraisal,the subject property is appraised as a single economic unit.The assets function collectively;they operate under one ownership and one management, are interdependent, and would be expected to trade in the marketplace as a unit.The unit includes all property used or useful to the operation of the system, property owned, used or leased by the business. The assumptions here are that this unit will continue operations into the future, is functioning as an assemblage of assets in an income-producing environment, and is at its highest and best use. The cost, income,and market approaches to value were considered during the performance of the appraisal. The three approaches are reconciled into a single estimate of market value. The market value of the unit is referred to as the system value. The Cost Approach The cost approach used in this appraisal is historic book cost less accumulated book depreciation (HCLD). We utilize the WSATA Manual with cost approach methodology'.This approach is an important indicator of value for regulated public utilities because the PUC establishes the cost of service at a revenue level that will provide an opportunity for a fair rate of return on investment. The PUC is required by law to allow utilities the ability to recover prudent costs and earn a fair return on prudently invested funds.The PUC is similarly required to protect ratepayers from excess earnings. Construction work in progress as well as material and supplies have been added to the depreciated plant to arrive at the cost indicator value. 'WSATA Appraisal Handbook, Sec. ll, pgs. 1-24 Page 2 The Income Approach The income approach is based on the premise that value can be represented by the present worth of future benefits derived from the ownership, use, or operation of the unit. The forecasted income was capitalized to determine the income indicator of value. The capitalization rate used here was previously detemined in a specific industry study.The income that was capitalized is assumed to be a level annuity into the future with asset replacement equaling the asset loss due to depreciation. The Market Approach The stock and debt approach (market approach) was not calculated due to the assumptions required to determine the stock component of value. Correlation The analysis of the various approaches to value is called correlation. This process involves examining and resolving differences among the valuation indicators. This is also a process that involves consideration of the strengths and weakness of the approaches as well as the quality of the data available. The cost and income approaches were given equal weight in the correlation process. The quality of the data from the companies balance sheet and income statement was considered to be equivalent. Considerable historic data from previous operator's statements was also available. The income approach is an important consideration of potential buyers and investors.The income approach considers the present value of future income streams. The subjective nature of forcasting future income streams somewhat diminishes this approaches reliability. However, we have used a one-step no-growth yield captialization model to simplify the subjective nature of this approach as much as possible. The assumptions of the cost approach are that the investments are being made by capable and prudent management and a return on and of the investment in utility plant will be realized. Components of the cost approach are taken from booked assets in determining an HCLD indication of value. Because of this, no adjustment for additional obsolescence was made to the cost approachz. 2WSATA Appraisal Handbook,Sec. II, pg 12 Page 3 CDS STONERIDGE UTILITIES LLC INCOME INDICATOR 2020 GDP Percent Year Deflator' GDP Index NOI Change Adjusted NOI 2014 103.632 1.084047 $65,382 ---- $ 70,877 2015 104.716 1.072826 $54,832 (16.14%) $58,825 2016 105.798 1.061854 $ 78,624 43.39% $83,487 2017 107.789 1.042240 $70,398 (10.46%) $73,372 2018 110.415 1.017452 $ 137,827 95.78% $ 140,232 2019 112.342 1.000000 unknown --- N/A Projected NOI Income Estimate-Adjusted NOI (previous known year) $ 140,232 Income Estimate-Adjusted Average NOI (2 year) $ 106,802 Income Estimate-OLS Linear Regression (5 year) $146,664 Yield Capitalization Projected Net Operating Income (NOI)-from above $ 146,664 Idaho Yield Rate 7.11% Income Indicator of Value(Income divided by rate) $2,062,785 Yield Capitalization (Annual Lease Paymemt(no growth) Projected Net Operating Income (NOI)-from no growth lease $ 152,734.35 Idaho Yield Rate 7.11% Income Indicator of Value(Income divided by rate) $2,148,162 'Gross Domestic Product Data Source: Company's 2018 Operator Statement& PUC Annual Report Page 6 CDS STONERIDGE UTILITIES LLC MARKET INDICATOR 2020 The market approach indicator of value relies on adjusting sales of comparable property to the subject property. In the appraisal of regulated utilities,there are very few, if any, sales which could be utilized as comparable sales. The Stock and Debt Approach is used to overcome this obstacle by using an alternative to comparable sales. The Stock and Debt Approach to value was considered for this company, but was not used due to the assumptions and estimations that would have had to be made. The stock of this company is not traded on a common exchange. In 2018, CDS Stoneridge was purchased by Espirit Enterprises, LLC and JD Resort for a reported $3,088,000. Of this amount, $2,1S1,188 of the purchase price was attributed internally to the water system asset group. Market Indicator of Value: $2,151,188 Page 7 CDS STONERIDGE UTILITIES LLC SYSTEM CORRELATION 2020 (100%) Indicators of Value Wei hg ted Amount Cost 10% $443,981 Income 75% $ 2,148,162 Market 15% $ 2,151,188 System Correlation $ 1,978,198 Idaho Allocation Factor 100% Idaho Allocated Value $1,978,198 Add: Leased Equipment (Page 9) $ Deduct: Licensed Vehicles $ Estimated Idaho Valuation: $ 1,978,198 2020 Taxable Value: $1,978,198 Data Source:Company's 2018 Operator Statement&Annual PUC Report Page 8 CDS STO N E R I DG E UTILITIES LLC SCHEDULE OF LEASED EQUIPMENT 2020 County& Year Original Depreciated Tax Code Leasing Company Type of Equpiment Built Cost' Valuez *NONE REPORTED* Total $0 Licensed Vehicles Value Total $0 Data Sources: 1 Company's 2018 Operator Statement 2 20201daho Property Valuation Schedules, Page 19 Page 9