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20241105AVU to Staff 13 - Attachment A.pdf
Hanna Gi Associates, Inc. 130 Box 2029 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816-2026 (208)667-3438 harms C111 I'ancM . ilfl�u INVOICE Avista Utilities-S54 Invoice Number:022161A PO Box 3727 Date :12/12/2022 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Attn Mary Tyrie Page : 1 of 1 Campaign:22161 —Energy Efficiency"At Home with Lisa" Digital ID Bill Headline Amount Market: Vendor: MEDIA ONLINE-GOOGLE 17,339.78 Market Total: 17,339.78 Total 17,339.78 Sub-Total $17,339.78 Invoice Total $17,339.78 next level for ecyclln9 Original Invoiceec www.nir-green.com NLR, Inc. ® � corporate:256 Main Street,Suite B, PO Box 680 8/9/2022 337990 East Windsor, CT 06088-0680 vendor No. tel:860.292.1992 toll free:877.822.4733 fax:860.292.1114 Electronic(YIN) Avista Utilities "AvistaUtilities ATTN: Lorri Kirstein Kootenai County 3650 Ramsey Road 1411 E. Mission Coeur D'Alene,ID 83815 Spokane, WA 99220 PO Number TERMS REP SHIP VIA PROJECT SUB INVOICE Brian Bradshaw Net 30 NLR 8/9/2022 FEDEX 276838 to y� SQUANTITY f {h�ITEM CODE� } � � � DESCRIP,TION� ��' � 2 � PRICE EACH zt � AMOUNT 8 COM-BAKPAK Bak Pak National Mail-Back Recycling Program 95.00 760.00 for CLF'S (Compact Fluorescent lamps) (per 5 gal pail) Includes Trans, Recycling & Documentation fl Box 1 -930116184910 Box 1 - 137422301764284 137422301764291 Box 3 137422301764307 W Box 4 1374223017$64314 Y Box 5- 137422301764321 137422301764246 g Box 7- 137422301764253 Box 8 °1'37422301764260 Total $760.00 Balance Due $760.00 Please Remit all payments to NLR, Inc P O: Box 780147 Philadelphia; PA 19178 0147 iicx l`''�l r` `` SERVICE ORDER L No: 276838 I . PICK-UP DATE: 8/9/2022 FACILITY HOURS: Mon- Fri: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM SCHEDULED TIME: PO NUMBER Brian Bradshaw TRANSPORTER: FedEx FACILITY PICK-UP LOCATION: 41831 INVOICE TO: Avista Utilities Avista Utilities Kootenai County 3650 Ramsey Road 1411 E. Mission Coeur D'Alene, ID 83815 Spokane, WA 99220 (208) 659-1733 CONTACT: VINNY SITAR (509)495-2873 EXT: Receipt Shipper Number 1374223 01764321 1374223 Receipt Shipper Number 137422301764314 1374223 Invoice: 276838 Date: 09Aug22 SHIPPING: 21.93 Customer: 276838 Wgt: 10.00 LBS SPECIAL: 2.58 Receipt Shipper Number Dept: COD: HANDLING: 0.00 137422301764307 1374223 iPO Nu: Brian Bradshaw DV: 0.00 TOTAL: 24.51 i Svcs: GND PPD Master 930116184910 Receipt Shipper Number TRCK: 93011618413,,,y,,,�+� 1374223 01764291 1374223 LIST E ___� _TRCK:_930116184932 ____ _TRCK: 930316184921 Receipt Shipper Number TRCK: 930116184910 1374223 01764284 1374223 Receipt Shipper Number EXPECTED ACTUAL BO 1374223 01764260 1374223 Receipt Shipper Number 4-13AKPAK 1374223 01764253 1374223 4S-BAKPAK Receipt Shipper Number 1374223 01764246 6-BAKPAK 1374223 8-BAKPAK Shipper Receipt 1374223 01764284 BAL-BAKPAK 1374223 01764291 BAT-BAKPAK 1374223 01764307 1374223 01764314 ePak-BAKPAK 1374223 01764321 COM-PAK 8 1374223 01764246 MULTI-BAKPAK 1374223 01764253 POP-COM-BAKPAK DISPALAY 337422 00 776 2260 POP-BAT-BAKPAK DISPALAY POP-BAL-BAKPAK DISPALAY POP-EWASTE-BAKPAK DISPALAY Carrier Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Time In: AM / PM Time Out: AM / PM i i Printed Typed Name: Signature: Date: THANK YOU FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE YOUR RECYCLING NEEDS. WE APPRECIATE AND VALUE YOUR BUSINESS. helVeticka 121 w pacific ave suite 100 spokane wa 99201 Avista Corp. INVOICE #: 7538 Attn: Kimberly Vollan PO Box 3727 Spokane,WA 99220 Date: Aug 11 2023 Title: Avista 2022 ID EE ACR Job#: 1646 Cost of Services Cost Creative Services $17,320.00 Copy review and editing for all content; stock photography research and procurement; provide PDF for client review; client revisions; final design and file preparation; prepare final PDF for client upload; provide word doc of final content;overall project management. Project complete. External Expenses $1,025.00 Stock photography and independent copy proofing. Misc Materials $500.00 Misc Materials Terms: Subtotal $18,845.00 NET 30 3210 Spokane $56.25 Sales Tax Payment Notes: Accounts Payable Department Code:S54 Total Due $18,901.25 1 Hanna Iz Associates, Inc. 130 Box 2025 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816-2025 (208)667-2428 hunfia A. alm,(Encro Lug g INVOICE Avista Utilities-S54 Invoice Number:032740 Attn: Kim Vollan Date :9/30/2023 PO Box 3727 Page : 1 of 1 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Campaign:23092-23 ID DSM Native Digital Media Bill Headline Amount Market: Vendor: KREM.COM ID Native 700.00 Residential Market Total: 700.00 Total 700.00 Sub-Total $700.00 Invoice Total $700.00 ` Invoice # Invoice Date Q U E S if IL.II N IE INV-0822 01/19/2022 Payment Terms Due Date Net 30 02/18/2022 Questline Order # PO # 5500 Frantz Rd 00002683 Suite 150 Dublin, OH 43017 ORG S54 614-545-6162 BILL TO Avista Corporation c/o Sandra Hoye PO Box 3727 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 • o . . a o o Custom Data or Reporting Subscription 01/01/22-12/31/22 18 $ 215 $3,870.00 Custom Data or Reporting Subscription 01/01/22-12/31/22 18 $ 215 $3,870.00 Monthly Small Business Newsletter 01/01/22-12/31/22 1 $ 19,072.6 $19,072.60 Monthly Key Accounts Newsletter 01/01/22-12/31/22 1 $ 32,444 $32,444.00 Subtotal: $59,256.60 Payment/Credit: $0.00 Invoice Total: $59,256.60 SMB & C+I e-Newsletters 2022 ` Invoice # Invoice Date Q U E S if IL.II N IE INV-0822 01/19/2022 Payment Terms Due Date Net 30 02/18/2022 Questline Order # PO # 5500 Frantz Rd 00002683 Suite 150 Dublin, OH 43017 614-545-6162 Payment Information Domestic ACH Payments: Check Payments: Bank Name: Fifth Third Bank Questline, Inc. Account Name:Questline Inc. 5500 Frantz Rd Routing number:044002161 Suite 150 Account number: 7283969678 Dublin,OH 43017 * Credit card payments will be assessed an additional 3.5%processing fee. Payment Terms:This invoice is due for payment on 02/18/2022. Contact Us: Please submit any questions regarding this invoice to accounting@questline.com. Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, Inc. Invoice 700 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 1300 rVW& { , Portland OR 97232 #920 I 'I United States 05/16/2022 Bill To TOTAL Britt Bachtel-Browning AVISTA Corporation Accounts PO Box 3727 able: MSC-30 $ 18711790. 00 Spokane WA 99220-3727 United States Due Date: 06/15/2022 Terms Due Date PO# Net 30 06/15/2022 Funder Agreement R-42960 Project Order 2 Item Quantity Share% Amount Electric Special Funds 1 0.000% $75,115.00 Q-1 2022 Residential Building Stock Assessment Avista Oversample Project. Funder Agreement#R-42960 Special Project Order No. 02 Electric Special Funds 1 0.000% $112,675.00 Q-2 2022 Residential Building Stock Assessment Avista Oversample Project. Funder Agreement#R-42960 Special Project Order No. 02 Total $187,790.00 Remittance by Electronic Fund Transfer: Bank Name: Heritage Bank ABA Routing Number: 325170835 Account Name: Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance Account Type: Checking Account Number: 101125327 Remittance by Check: Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance 700 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 1300 Portland, OR 97232 Attn.Accounts Receivable 503-688-5400 This contribution may be a charitable deduction for your federal income tax purposes. NEEA did not provide any direct funds, goods or services in exchange for this donation. DocuSign Envelope ID:CB374975-4C27-4530-BBE5-DF6583E9DF2B Special Project Order No. 02 Funder Agreement#R-42960 NEEA Agreement#51101 Residential Building Stock Assessment Avista Oversample Project This Special Project Order No. 02 ("SPO") is issued pursuant to the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance Funding Agreement between Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, Inc. ("NEEA") and Avista Corporation ("Avista") which was effective January 1, 2020 (the "Agreement"), and is subject to the terms and conditions contained in that Agreement. The Residential Building Stock Assessment ("RBSA") Avista Oversample Project ("Oversample Project") is supplemental to the Cycle 6 Core Funding described in Section 1 of the Agreement.This SPO sets forth additional terms and conditions which govern the funding and operation of the Oversample Project. If, during the performance and execution of this SPO,a conflict arises between the terms of the Agreement and the terms of this SPO, the terms of this SPO shall prevail as they apply to the Oversample Project. Capitalized terms in this SPO shall have the same meaning ascribed in the Agreement. 1. Statement of Work:NEEA shall achieve the Objectives outlined in the attached Oversample Project Statement of Work("SOW")incorporated into this SPO as"Attachment 1".Modifications may be made to the SOW by mutual written agreement between the Parties. 2. Term: This SPO is effective from February 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022 ("SPO Term"), unless terminated earlier pursuant to Section 2(Term and Termination)of the Agreement. 3. Project Budget: Avista's total funding commitment under this SPO for the SPO Term shall not exceed $413,140.Avista's funding commitment shall cover NEEA's Project implementation costs and incentives(to be remitted to its selected contractor)and an 8%administrative fee,as reflected in the following Table 1. Table 1: Estimated Oversample Project Budget Implementation 8% TOTAL Costs&Incentives Administrative Fee $382,537 $30,603 $413,140 4. Compensation/Invoicing: a. This is a time and materials SPO that will be invoiced on the fixed schedule described in this Section; provided,however,that total costs will be trued up with the SPO Project Budget as described in Section 5 below. NEEA shall invoice Avista thirty(30)days prior to the start of each quarter,with the first invoice of$75,115 submitted immediately upon execution of this SPO. Please Note:NEEA's first invoice reflects costs only for the two(2)months remaining in the first(1st) quarter of 2022.NEEA's quarterly invoices for the remaining three(3)quarters of the Term identified in Section 2 above shall be$112,675 per quarter. b. NEEA shall reflect the costs associated with this SPO as a separate line item on its invoices which must be submitted in accordance with Part C of Exhibit A under the Agreement; provided, however, that in addition to submitting the invoices that reflect the costs applicable under this SPO to accountspayableAavistacorp.com, NEEA shall submit copies of such invoices to Leona Haley at leona.haley&avistacorp.com. 5. True-Up of Funds: If NEEA has not expended the entire funding commitment described in Section 3 of this SPO at the end of the Term defined in Section 2 above,NEEA shall reduce Avista's invoice,return such funds to Avista,or credit other funding agreement commitments of Avista to NEEA,at Avista's sole option. Special Project Order No. 02 to NEEA Contract#51101/Funder Agreement R-42960 Page 1 of 5 DocuSign Envelope ID:CB374975-4C27-4530-BBE5-DF6583E9DF2B 6. Data Sharing: a. Avista will provide Evergreen Economics,Inc. (`Evergreen"),NEEA's selected contractor,with a list of its residential customers in Washington and Idaho,including the customer's name,address,type of service and monthly usage("Customer Information")in order for Evergreen to contact and recruit customers for participation in the RBSA.Please Note:Evergreen has executed a separate Data Sharing Agreement with Avista that outlines Avista's data protection and security requirements. b. Evergreen will: (i) conduct the RBSA and assessment; (ii)prepare a final RBSA report that includes all aggregated and anonymized data collected including from Avista customers("Report"); and(iii)provide the Report to NEEA. c. NEEA shall provide a copy of the Report to Avista; provided, however,that NEEA shall own all right, title and interest to the Report, including any rights protectable by trade secret, trademark, or copyright law. d. In exchange for fulfilling its obligations under this SPO, NEEA grants to Avista a perpetual, non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free, irrevocable license to use the Report; provided, however, that use of the Report shall not create any rights for Avista in or to the Report or its use beyond the terms and conditions of the Agreement.The Report shall remain,at all times,the sole and exclusive intellectual property of NEEA. Avista may not sublicense the Report to any individual, corporation, agency, association, partnership, affiliate, or other entity without the specific prior written consent of NEEA. NEEA shall have the right,from time to time,to request samples of Avista's use of the Report from which it may determine compliance with the Agreement. Any published use of the Report or its content that is not allowed under the Agreement must be approved by NEEA in writing. Without further notice,NEEA reserves the right to prohibit use of the Report if it determines, in its sole discretion,that Avista's usage of the Report,whether willful or negligent,is not in strict accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement.Accordingly,NEEA shall be entitled to apply for an injunction,specific performance,or other such relief as may be appropriate in the event of improper use of the Report by Avista.Notwithstanding the above, Avista may disclose the Report to its public governing or regulatory body so long as such disclosure is for the limited purpose of complying with such public governing or regulatory body. e. In the event of NEEA's bankruptcy or insolvency, Avista shall immediately have a perpetual, non-exclusive,transferable, sub-licensable,royalty-free,irrevocable license to use the Report. f. Both Parties agree that the Customer Information shared with Evergreen constitutes Confidential Information under the Agreement and,to the extent NEEA has any access to such Customer Information, NEEA shall treat such Customer Information as Confidential Information. g. The Parties agree that the RBSA Workgroup("Workgroup"),in its sole discretion,may determine which non-funder third parties may have access to the Report,and NEEA will grant such access to third parties as directed by the Workgroup. 7. Survival of Obli atg ions: The terms,conditions,and obligations of Sections 4, 5,6,7,9, 11, 12,and 13 of the Agreement,as they apply to the Avista Oversample Project, shall survive termination of this SPO. [Signature Page Follows] Special Project Order No. 02 to NEEA Contract#51101/Funder Agreement R-42960 Page 2 of 5 DocuSign Envelope ID:CB374975-4C27-4530-BBE5-DF6583E9DF2B Avista Corporation Northwest Enemy Efficiency Alliance, Inc. FDocuSigned by: cuSigned by: /s/ t AVU (A Vis t, /s/ Do 3AEBOB33BF294F5... 74AE28EBD25B4E9... Date: Mar-15-2022 1 9:51 AM PDT Date: Mar-15-2022 1 9:39 AM PDT Kevin Christie Susan E. Stratton Senior Vice President External Affairs and Executive Director Chief Customer Officer Special Project Order No. 02 to NEEA Contract#51101/Funder Agreement R-42960 Page 3 of 5 DocuSign Envelope ID:CB374975-4C27-4530-BBE5-DF6583E9DF2B Attachment 1 Residential Building Stock Assessment Oversample Project Statement of Work Backeround and Purpose: NEEA's 2020-2024 Business Plan calls for a residential building stock assessment ("RBSA") with a focus on detached, single-family homes utilizing a sample size of approximately 1,000 (the "Study"). Avista has requested that NEEA increase the sample size of the Study by an additional 240 residences located in Avista's electric service territory ("Oversample") to support inclusion of Oversample data in the database and Report that result from the Study. NEEA agrees to expand the sample size provided that Avista provides the pertinent customer data to Evergreen Economics,Inc.(`Evergreen"),the contractor being utilized by NEEA to prepare the Study,for all electric service,detached single-family residential accounts.' Scope or Work: The Study conducted by Evergreen must include the following for homes located in Avista's service territory: 1. Assessments, blower door testing, and infrared sensor insulation measurements on 120 electric zonal (non- ducted)detached single-family homes. 2. Assessments, blower door, dust blaster testing, TrueFlow air handler meter testing, and infrared sensor insulation measurements on 120 electrically heated,ducted homes. 3. Sufficient general information about the Oversample in the Cycle 6 RBSA 2022 Project's publicly released Report such that the Oversample contributes to the analysis and enables both Avista-specific and regional analyses. Special Conditions. 1. Avista has executed a separate Data Sharing Agreement with Evergreen to address the proper collection and use of the customer information that is shared in order to perform the Study. 2. Customer Information used in the Study must only include information for customers who have signed the Customer Consent Form(see Attachment 2). 'Required customer information includes:(i)customer name,(ii)customer address,(iii)if customer has a gas account,and (iv)either monthly KWh,or a flag for electric hearing(if Avista does the analysis). Special Project Order No. 02 to NEEA Contract#51101/Funder Agreement R-42960 Page 4 of 5 DocuSign Envelope ID:CB374975-4C27-4530-BBE5-DF6583E9DF2B Attachment 2: Customer Consent Form Utility Data Sharing Release 3 2022 Residential Building Stock Assessment The Residential Building Stock Assessment(RBSA) is a research study conducted every five years to collect information on the equipment in and characteristics of residential buildings throughout the Northwest. The study is funded by electric and natural gas utilities and managed by the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA). The main objective of the 2022 RBSA is to develop a current, robust, and representative characterization of the existing residential single-family and multi-family building stock in the Northwest. By participating in the RSBA and associated study, participants are helping to achieve these goals. Evergreen Economics and their partners including Driftless Energy, Michaels Energy and Evergreen Consulting Group have been hired to perform the study. Name of Participant residing in the home Phone number Participant ID (Internal Use By signing below, I (Participant)hereby give permission to and authorize the following servicing electric and/or natural gas utility/utilities, or their agents, to provide Evergreen, as a contractor of NEEA, with energy use information related to the Premises, including monthly usage histories and interval meter data, where available, for the period of January 2018 through December 2021 (if utility accounts are in my name). Sharing utility data is very important to the Study but is not required for participation. I understand that if I share specific utility data, it will only be used for the Study, and any output of the Study such as a report will not contain any personally identifiable information. Electric Utility Account# Signature of Participant Date Special Project Order No. 02 to NEEA Contract#51101/Funder Agreement R-42960 Page 5 of 5 DocuSign Envelope ID:CB374975-4C27-4530-BBE5-DF6583E9DF2B Utility Data Sharing Release u 2022 Residential Building Stock Assessment NEEA's Residential Building Stock Assessment(RBSA) is a critical resource for the Northwest that is relied upon for a wide array of uses including energy planning forecasts, codes and standards advocacy, energy efficiency program planning, and program evaluation. The main objective of the 2022 RBSA is to develop a current, robust, and representative characterization of the existing residential single-family and multi-family building stock in the Northwest. By participating in the RSBA and associated Study, participants are helping to achieve these goals. Name of Participant residing in the home Phone number Participant ID (Internal Use) Address of property to be surveyed(the"Premises") Unit# city, State By signing below, I (Participant) hereby give permission to and authorize the following servicing electric and/or natural gas utility/utilities, or their agents, to provide Evergreen, as a contractor of NEEA, with energy use information related to the Premises, including monthly usage histories and interval meter data, where available, for the period of January 2018 through December 2021 (if utility accounts are in my name). Sharing utility data is very important to the Study but is not required for participation. I understand that if I share specific utility data, it will only be used for the Study, and any output of the Study such as a report will not contain any personally identifiable information. Electric Utility Account# Signature of Participant Date. NEEA Contract#51101 WEST° AVAAP Interface and Create Invoices from APX Report Date 23-Jun-2022 Vendor Name Tyrie, Mary Katherine Invoice Num IE16796501 Invoice Date 14-JUN-22 Invoice Amount 1,428.89 Invoice Description Customer Outreach Invoice Lines: Amount Line Dist Description Project Task Expenditure Type Expenditure Organization Expenditure Num Num Item Date 359.69 1 1 Misc 09803400 242609 235 Employee Misc S54-Corporate 28-MAY-22 Expenses Communications 40.69 2 1 Misc 09803401 242609 235 Employee Misc S54-Corporate 06-MAY-22 Expenses Communications 297.47 3 1 Misc 09803401 242609 235 Employee Misc S54-Corporate 29-APR-22 Expenses Communications 217.79 4 1 Misc 77705209 426500 235 Employee Misc S54-Corporate 14-APR-22 Expenses Communications 147.89 5 1 Misc 77705209 426500 235 Employee Misc S54-Corporate 14-APR-22 Expenses Communications 50.36 6 1 Misc 77705209 426500 235 Employee Misc S54-Corporate 13-JUN-22 Expenses Communications 50.00 7 1 Misc 77705209 426500 235 Employee Misc S54-Corporate 14-JUN-22 Expenses Communications 250.00 8 1 Misc 09803400 242609 235 Employee Misc S54-Corporate 27-MAY-22 Expenses Communications 10.50 9 1 Parking 09803400 242609 235 Employee Misc S54-Corporate 29-APR-22 Expenses Communications 4.50 10 1 Parking 09803401 242609 235 Employee Misc S54-Corporate 31-MAY-22 Expenses Communications End of Report » ® ° 3a2±53 — ZE � '� :-7 L T •SS7-.; -sue "HI u U D q T, .G Co to �. n ma5rrnr5 o r_-� x rn r ' 3-,�.D C rl)r V T X )iA{W 1TS J? -1' C�]c 3K D CA r• - n `G -'•p 77!'T'1:Q 0C�Lfl C> X rA:-7 G I•T1 C7. c,n c na r ��o z om o x x M ro -n �' n!- �:� \ X.•• .ZJ iZ`Lx'fli 7C O`!v'G'Y _1G CJ[YI S" S) J 3 C7 ?: 4k G' C) 7C fh'1 C Lf7 ul 7,Ln i \ b j3 Z4% J 00 7C y G � G am C7 G ci n C C7:El7-1 D J -•f •. n Y: �. tom' '�.-I C�_. -n.-=-- 1ti: C I I H kit 3 i-; \ C+[n C mil' -I s i �-i Yti �} T'C�: CD I'�`I CD r+ C---I Cn S G �N T a n a c 3 ~l7�rFCA �� J3 C [G W C! 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Learn why this is important Description: Coeur d'Alene Casino Resort Hotel-Order 4007 Invoice Number 4007 Customer ID 0 Billing Information Shipping Information Mary Tyrie Mary Tyrie 9502 S Hilby Rd 9502 S Hilby Rd Spokane,WA 99223 Spokane,WA 99223 USA USA mary.tyrie@avistacorp.com 509-216-9900 Item Name Description Qty Taxable Unit Price Item Total 44420 Gift Card-$250 Value:$250 1 Y $250.00(USD) $250.00(USD) Total: $250.00(USD) Date/Time: 27-May-2022 13:37:01 PDT Transaction ID: 43421623478 Payment Method: Visa xxxx0241 Transaction Type: Purchase Auth Code: 82087D G�C4•id`nt-Tn4 • - Coeur d Alene Tribe Coeur d Alene Casino Worley, ID 83876 US tdavidson@cdacasino.com USE CAUTION - EXTERNAL SENDER Do not click on links or open attachments that are not familiar. For questions or concerns, please e-mail phishing@avistacorp.com 1 Tyrie, Mary From: no-reply@reeftechnology.com Sent: Friday,April 29, 2022 3:47 PM To: Tyrie, Mary Subject: [External] subject You don't often get email from no-reply@reeftechnology.com. Learn why this is important Here are your receipt details for your session on Apr 29,2022: Account Receipt# +15092169900 RC230648 Parking session details Sta rt End Apr 29,2022 09:46 AM Apr 29,2022 03:46 PM Lot information Vehicle Lot D Emerald Initiative CCE1912-WA 12 N SHERIDAN ST Payment details Subtotal $9.17 Fees $0.46 Taxes $0.87 i Total $10.50 ....0241 $10.50 reeftechnology.com Please do not reply to this email.Emails sent to this address will not be answered. If you have any questions,please check your mobile app or contact our Customer Service team via email appsupport@reeftechnology.com or phone 123-123-4567. ©2022 REEF TECHNOLOGY INC.All rights reserved. USE CAUTION - EXTERNAL SENDER Do not click on links or open attachments that are not familiar. For questions or concerns, please e-mail phishing@avistacorp.com 2 Tyrie, Mary From: no-reply@reeftechnology.com Sent: Friday,April 29, 2022 3:47 PM To: Tyrie, Mary Subject: [External] subject You don't often get email from no-reply@reeftechnology.com. Learn why this is important Here are your receipt details for your session on Apr 29,2022: Account Receipt# +15092169900 RC230648 Parking session details Sta rt End Apr 29,2022 09:46 AM Apr 29,2022 03:46 PM Lot information Vehicle Lot D Emerald Initiative CCE1912-WA 12 N SHERIDAN ST Payment details Subtotal $9.17 Fees $0.46 Taxes $0.87 i Total $10.50 ....0241 $10.50 reeftechnology.com Please do not reply to this email.Emails sent to this address will not be answered. If you have any questions,please check your mobile app or contact our Customer Service team via email appsupport@reeftechnology.com or phone 123-123-4567. ©2022 REEF TECHNOLOGY INC.All rights reserved. USE CAUTION - EXTERNAL SENDER Do not click on links or open attachments that are not familiar. For questions or concerns, please e-mail phishing@avistacorp.com 2 Hanna Iz Associates, Inc. 130 Box 2025 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816-2025 (208)667-2428 hunfia A. alm,(Encro Lug g INVOICE Avista Utilities-S54 Invoice Number:029450 Attn: Mary Tyrie Date :4/30/2022 PO Box 3727 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Page : 1 of 1 Campaign: Rate Current Job: 018655-22 Energy Efficiency Video Production Account Management 4,671.03 Concept Development 6,706.26 Copywriting 380.00 AudioNideo/Photo Direction 2,367.28 Professional Services 528.00 FilmNideo Production 55,769.70 Talent/Models 3,400.00 Props 677.47 Postage 5.75 Miscellaneous 1,200.00 Mileage 0.00 Meals& Entertainment 0.00 Total for Job: 75,705.49 Sub-Total 75,705.49 County Tax 1,394.24 State Tax 3,625.04 Total $80,724.77 helVeticka 121 w pacific ave suite 100 spokane wa 99201 Avista Corp. INVOICE #: 7279 Attn: Kimberly Vollan PO Box 3727 Spokane,WA 99220 Date: Apr 30 2022 Title: Avista 2021 WA Energy Efficiency Job M 1606 Annual Conservation Report Cost of Services Cost Creative Services $2,680.00 Review marked-up client document; copy review and editing; scheduling and planning; and project management. Terms: Subtotal $2,680.00 NET 30 3210 Spokane $0.00 Sales Tax Payment Notes: Accounts Payable Department Code:S54 Total Due $2,680.00 1 helVeticka 121 w pacific ave suite 100 spokane wa 99201 Avista Corp. INVOICE #: 7320 Attn: Kimberly Vollan PO Box 3727 Spokane,WA 99220 Date: Jun 30 2022 Title: Avista 2021 ID Energy Efficiency Job#: 1610 Annual Conservation Report Cost of Services Cost Creative Services $10,880.00 Project consulting; scheduling; copywriting review and editing; client meetings; design and formatting; photo research; provide PDFs for client review; and overall project management External Expenses $162.50 Stock photography Misc Materials $250.00 Terms: Subtotal $11,292.50 NET 30 3210 Spokane $14.63 Sales Tax Payment Notes: Accounts payable department code:S54 Total Due $11,307.13 1 Hanna Iz Associates, Inc. 130 Box 2025 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816-2025 (208)667-2428 hunfia A. alm,(Encro Lug g INVOICE Avista Utilities-S54 Invoice Number:029962 Attn: Kim Volland Date :7/31/2022 PO Box 3727 Page : 1 of 1 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Campaign:22118-22 Spokane Home Builders Print Media Bill Amount Market: Vendor: SPOKANE HOME BUILDER ASSOCIATION 2,712.88 Market Total: 2,712.88 Total 2,712.88 Sub-Total $2,712.88 Invoice Total $2,712.88 INVOICE REMITTO: INVOICE: 45852189 Volt V0 LT P.O.Box 679307 INVOICE 3 DUE DATE: 6/7/2023 Volt Management Corp. Dallas,TX 75267-9307 PURCHASE ORDER: TIN: 13-3568039 PAYMENT TERMS: 0.5%15 days,Net 45 EFT/ACH Instructions: Bill to:AVISTA CORPORATION Acct:8026365223 AMOUNT DUE: 5,728.80 ATTN:ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ABA:031207607 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE Account No.:8026365223 CUSTOMER#: 9432949 SPOKANE,WA99220 SWIFTCd:PNCCUS33 BU: 10087 Email:cash@volt.com If there are any questions,please contact: Email:BANK EMAIL GOES HERE at CONTRACTOR CONTRACT WA PAY END HRS/UNIT TOTAL BILLING EMPLOYEE NAME CATEGORY DESCRIPTION NUMBER ORG CODE NUMBER DATE CODE OTY BILLING RATE AMOUNT VOLT REF# FITZGERALD,MICAELA PROGRAM COORDINATOR, C8881 T52 R-36563-WA862 4/2/2023 STH 33.00 43.40 1,432.20 000000020297598 RESIDENTIAL EF FITZGERALD,MICAELA PROGRAM COORDINATOR, C8881 T52 R-36563-WA862 4/9/2023 STH 33.00 43.40 1,432.20 000000020297598 RESIDENTIAL EF FITZGERALD,MICAELA PROGRAM COORDINATOR, C8881 T52 R-36563-WA862 4/16/2023 STH 33.00 43.40 1,432.20 000000020297598 RESIDENTIAL EF FITZGERALD,MICAELA PROGRAM COORDINATOR, C8881 T52 R-36563-WA862 4/23/2023 STH 33.00 43.40 1,432.20 000000020297598 RESIDENTIAL EF SUBTOTAL FOR:T52 132.00 5,728.80 *TOTAL DUE: 5,728.80 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! A charge of 1 1/2%per month will be made on delinquent accounts.You will also be charged for any attorney's fees,court cost,and cost of collection. DELIVERING SOLUTIONS IN:TALENT ACQUISITION AND WORKFORCE STRATEGY I E-PROCUREMENT Volt Information Sciences,Inc.&Subsidiaries Form:VIBI0175-PDF Form VXMLSTDLNDS � Invoice `" 'CONS E IR V A,T'd N- Date 8/23/2023 Invoice# IN1385789 Acct# 27106 Terms Net 30 Due Date 9/22/2023 AM Conservation Group PO # PER KIM VOLLAN 1701 Charleston Regional Pkwy Sales Order#SO1332544 Suite A Sales Rep Charlene Moody Charleston SC 29492 Shipping Via United States FOB AMC Delivered 843-971-1414 Tracking # 1 201 6471 4802 Bill To Ship To ATTN: Kim Vollan ATTN: Kim Vollan Avista Utilities Avista Utilities 1411 E Mission Ave 1411 E Mission Ave MSC-18 MSC-18 Spokane WA 99220 Spokane WA 99220 United States United States 509-385-2930 509-385-2930 Item Description Quantity B/O Price Amount Z-T3007ES Google Z-T3007ES 200 0 $215.00 $43,000.00 Nest Learning Thermostat, Stainless Steel, T3007ES Subtotal $43,000.00 Freight $0.00 Tax(9%) $3,870.00 Total $46,870.00 Open Amount $46,870.00 II II I III IIIIIIII I IIII IIII II I III Send payment to: 1 of 1 Lockbox 234070 IN1385789 PO Box 84070 Chicago,IL 60689-4002 N I C-& G- 25 West Boone Ave. Invoice Spokane, WA 99201 Date Invoice# nation aIcolorgraphiics (509) 326-6464 12/13/2023 82472 AV I STA 1411 EMISSION PO Box 3727 SPOKANE WA 99220 P.O. Number Terms Rep Ship Via Net30 12/13/2023 Quantity Description Amount 200 ITS COLD OUTSIDE" BROCHURE,4/4, 5X7 1,020.00 Total $1,020.00 Energy Solutions Avista Corporation Arm Accounts Payable 1411 E.Mission Ave PO Box3727 Spokane,WA 99220-3727 February 15,2023 Invoice#:22-1985-03 Contract No.:R-44288 Reference TO:Org Code T52 Billing Period:1/l/23-1/31/23 Total Billed in Period:$36,171.75 Invoice for Avista Corporation Avista Corporation Incentive Incentive Energy Solutions his Monthly C+C Fixed Cost Total Invoice PO Details Reimbursement Processing Fee T&M Fixed Fee PO Line 1:Incentive Costs $ Payment for kWh WA $ $ Payment for kWh ID $ $ Payment for Therms WA $ $ Payment for Therms ID $ $ PO Line 2:Administration Jan $ 36,171.75 $ 36,171.75 WA-70 $ 25,320.22 WA-E 90 $ 22,788.20 WA-G 10 $ 2,532.02 ID-30 $ 10,851.53 ID-E 90 $ 9,766.38 ID-G 10 1$ 1,085.15 PO Line 3:Administration Dec $ Corrections 46,088.75 WA-70 $ 32,262.12 WA-E 90 $ 29,035.91 WA-G 10 $ 3,226.21 ID-30 $ 13,826.63 ID-E 90 $ 12,443.97 ID-G 10 $ 1,382.66 PO Line 4:Administration Nov $ Corrections 30,075.25 WA-70 $ 21,052.67 WA-E 90 $ 18,947.40 WA-G10 $ 2,105.27 ID-30 $ 9,022.58 ID-E90 $ 8,120.32 ID-G 10 $ 902.26 Total $ $ $ 36,171.75 $ $ $ 36,171.75 Total Budgeted 2022-2023 $4,835,385 Percent to Budget 2.32% Dear Accounts Payable: This letter is an invoice for$36,171.75 for management fees,processing fees,and incentive reimbursement.$36,171.75 is for management fees,$0 is for processing fees,and$0 is for incentive reimbursement.The highlighted cells for November and December indicate adjustments to equal the correct total for the month. Management fees are calculated using Time&Material labor rates that can be referenced in the"ES Bill Rates"table.The total is split between WA and ID based off of number of customer meters as a percentage of the total. This invoice covers these charges under the Consultant Agreement between Avista Corporation and Cohen Ventures,Inc.,dba Energy Solutions for the Midstream HVAC,Water Heating,and Commercial Foodservices Program for 1/l/23-1/31/23. The Labor Details cover hours worked during 1/l/23-1/31/23. Please remit payment to: Cohen Ventures,Inc.dba Energy Solutions Unit Type kWh Therms Units 449 15th Street Air Conditioner Oakland,CA 94612 Comut.Heat Pump Resi.Heat Pump WSHP VRF Chiller Thank yyorL HPWH 1 6tak ,1 36171.75 Natalie Tyler Project Manager Energy Solutions 449 15th Street,Oakland CA 94612 510.482.4420 www.—gy-solatio—m Energy Solutions Avista Corporation Atin:Accounts Payable 1411 E.Mission Ave PO Box3727 Spokane,WA 99220-3727 February 15,2023 Invoice#:22-1985-03 Contract No.:R-44288 Reference PO:Org Code T52 Billing Period:1/l/23-1/31/23 Total Billed in Period:$36,171.75 Invoice for Avista Corporation Labor Hour breakdown for 1/1/23-1/31/23: Person/Bill Rate/Task Description Bill Rate Hours Breakdown Sum of BillableAmount Babson,Cliff 248 14 $3,472.00 01.01-IS Coordination:Prog/Measure Launch 11.5 $2,852.00 01.02-Client Communications&Meetings 1.5 $372.00 01.1 2-Internal Meetings 1 $248.00 Blakeslee-Kish,Monica 276 8.75 $2,415.00 01.02-Client Communications&Meetings 4 $1,104.00 01.11-C+C Management 0.75 $207.00 01.12-IntemalMeetings 4 $1,104.00 Braun,Sarah 232 3 $696.00 01.01-IS Coordination:Prog/Measure Launch 3 $696.00 Buquet,Zack 232 4.75 $1,102.00 01.02-Client Communications&Meetings 1 $232.00 01.06-Outreach 2.75 $638.00 01.07-Outreach Management 1 $232.00 Eckert,Fiona 186 6.5 $1,209.00 01.01-IS Coordination:Prog/Measure Launch 6.5 $1,209.00 Honegger,Scott 245 3.5 $857.50 01.04-Program Support 3.5 $857.50 Huitt,Delsey 180 0.75 $135.00 01.12-IntemalMeetings 0.75 $135.00 Hu nh,Bryant 160 1 $160.00 01.04-Pro ram Support 1 $160.00 Ng,Eng Seng 245 3.25 $796.25 01.01-IS Coordination:Pro/Measure Launch 3.25 $796.25 Osier,Lindsay 198 2 $396.00 01.06-Outreach 2 $396.00 Oster,Carey 263 0.5 $131.50 01.1 O-Ongoing Product Support 0.5 $131.50 Pen ,Sisi 180 18.75 $3,375.00 01.01-IS Coordination:Pro/Measure Launch 18.75 $3,375.00 Tennant,Madeline(Madd ) 160 6 $960.00 01.01-IS Coordination:Pro/Measure Launch 6 $960.00 Tyler,Natalie 198 101.75 $20,146.50 01.01-IS Coordination:Pro/Measure Launch 0.5 $99.00 01.02-Client Communications&Meetings 7 $1,386.00 01.04-Pro ram Support 76.75 $15,196.50 01.07-OutreachManagement 0.75 $148.50 01.11-C+CMana Management 6.25 $1,237.50 01.1 2-Internal Meetin s 10.5 $2,079.00 Vazquez,Daniel 160 2 $320.00 01.01-IS Coordination:Pro/Measure Launch 2 $320.00 Grand Total 176.5 $36,171.75 449 15th Sheet,Oakland CA 94612 510.482.4420 www.energy-soluti-.- 449 15th Sheet,Oakland CA 94612 510.482.4420 —.energy-solati0n.— INVOICE# 1327047 Avista Conservation Education Grant Community Action Partnership 124 New 6th Street, Lewiston, ID 83501 Contract AVIsta ❑-35208 (208) 798-4208 Period Ending: 12/31/22 Date Submitted: 01/25/23 Approved Current YTD Remaining Description Budget Expenses Expenditures Budget {� SaIaries&Wages $33,801 $10,760 $33,801 $0 JINN. Fringe Benefits $14,196 $9,950 $14,196 $0 =.1 TraveI $4,624 $0 $4,624 $0 Space Costs $11,752 $7,716 $9,611 $2,141 Supplies $3,500 $0 $3,500 $0 Admin $7,127 $3,538 $7,127 $0 Total 1 $75,0001 $31,9641 $72,8591 $2,141 Request for Reimbursement 31,964 Please pay Community Action Partnership 31,964 1 certify that the information contained in this statement is correct to the,best of my knowledge and that the expenditures reflected herein were made in accordance with the conditions of this contract. 03803300 24261❑ 828 T52 = $28,76T 60 Please send payment to: 03803101 242610 828 T52 = $ 3,196.40 Community Action Partnership Attn: Dan Lohman 124 New 6th Street Lewiston, ID 83501 Completed By: �� 1/25/2023 Danny F. Lohman, Finance Director Date 1� Memo To: Avista AP Team From: Renee Zimmerman, Low-Income Program Manager, Energy Efficiency, x8273 Date: August 2, 2023 RE: SNAP Low Income Weatherization Invoices Please pay 17 invoices from the SNAP as part of the Low-Income Weatherization program: account 02803400-2426-10 (electric) for a payment of$139,272.24 and 03803300-2426-10 (gas) for 29 740.26, for a total of$169,012.50. Please include this memo with the check. I'm interested in saving Avista and SNAP money by cutting only 1 check per batch of invoices versus 17 individual checks. The invoices are as follows: Customer Customer Account Amount Number ELECTRIC 1. Stephen Blacke 0361520000 $12,797.99 2. Rob Cook 7577450000 $16,415.19 3. Elaine Dolley 7497250000 $6,935.51 4. Melissa Kerr 4639464240 $8,168.90 5. Bonnie Meyer 4756250000 $12,788.31 6. Cam Thi Nguyen 6553060000 $13,055.61 7. Natalie Paraschiv 0127150000 $14,192.40 8. Elizabeth Patrick 4631160000 $13,570.47 9. Marjorie Schuler 7339920000 $8,607.59 10. Shirley Shirkey 4553360000 $7,896.92 11. Michael Sussman 7570730000 $5,656.66 12. Shelly Swenhaugen 3274170000 $7,018.90 13. Stacy Wolff 9110450000 $12,167.79 Electric Total $139,272.24 GAS Customer Customer Account Amount Number 14. Janice Hoffman 3233937960 $14,070.16 15. Larry Horstmann 6613964064 $6,811.19 16. Mariesha Riley-Washington 5404576984 $2,762.83 17. Shane Thomas 8363110053 $6,096.08 Gas Total $29,740.26 All projects have been approved in iEnergy by Nicole Hydzick. Let me know if you have any questions. Have a great day! c o � LN � CYIO0000 p �+ .4 N tD Gl C� 00 N O Ln W lD fV t0 N �* 3 V Oj 0*1 M .--4 C) .--i -4 ClN m N %D C) m � O? .--i u1 O) M kO v- tt Ln m to O% N N H N m r n u'1 u1 00 00 u1 N O n tD tD 00 n C On -q M tD CO ul m N O M Ln r-f tD N O ko LO 00 .N-i rn V- M-f 00 r\Ln n r14 N 41 m M � a � W 3. m N N n r, r�l 1-1 CO �D N M r, N r-i 1.0 tD rV y d O O O N O O O CD C -4 N O O O C) _q --f 10 �••+ N N N O N N N N N N N N N N O O N N m T m m O T T T T Ln N N O N i ro > > Y > > 47 O O N u W N O N v N N N N N - N v Q y C C C 2 C C C C C C C C C C ro C C f6 f0 f0 O t0 m r0 f0 fO f0 f0 O fO M f0 r0 Ln Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y i Y Y o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o rli o o nj a nan+� a. naanaan0_ a0 nQ c cn Ln cn O Ln cn Ln cn cn cn Ln rn rn U) O cn u) ri O_ t o Q1 Q *� -0 N ri L.L. ofN C) v N II N s o w w M T ro M 0 � - M G1 U rrol Y E En i f6 O V j N 'y N j J N f OV •� fC0 N 0 k E i O M Q N Z i+ ' M M V Ln O O y N O C O L. 0 *k C Ul C N D x LU N Z d V Z N N = w m U N _ 0 3 R N Q m a w ui Z Z ui ui � ui z ui ui u� z ui 7 O N O >• r�-i Y � Lu V' r, .4 I, r, M 00 ',o CO V' M Ld .� Z C) +1 n a rl C. 7 > . d O r-4 'r NN ,�-i N m t.D ONO r CD M V, SKI N N -4 O N L {A N N rl Q a Ln Q 00 V- N 1- r+ -4 N 1-1 r-f tD M N M M r+ f n 0 ru C • L N O T id L N N N O N V ro (n C J p1 C O Q C fo C E 10 Z a •� L •- = f6 C O O -0 � oU f° � vLi � � r�a r' C V) f0 F- cn o Lu o m E w c 0 +� � ro ro _ o ai� �:� � a0iu � a`� � � � � roE2� o f0 LU LU Y Y N N T V R Y E C ik E E .i.d ¢ o o v rn r`o o u t � 3 0 0 0 °' 0 m z mU0YM: zaaLncn (nU) = = � 1� Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Stephen F Blacke 1-509-981-9807 804 E NEBRASKA AVE SPOKANE, WA 99208 Avista Account Number: 0361520000 Project Name: 00001326105 Project Cost $9,844.61 Total Admin Incentive ' $2,953.38 Total Incentive including Admin $12,797.99 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive Admin Incentive Total Incentive Health & Safety- Gas $3,440.53 Heating 1 $2,646.56 $2,646.56 $793.97 High Efficiency Tankless Gas $2,491.35 Water Heater 1 $1,916.42 $1,916.42 $574.93 Energy Star Windows - Gas $4,695.48 Heating 4 $3,611.91 $3,611.91 $1,083.57 Energy Star Door- Gas 1 669 $2,170.64 Heating 2 $ ,669.72 $1, .72 $500.92 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Rob W Cook 1-509-362-7102 4124 E PACIFIC AVE SPOKANE, WA 99202 Avista Account Number: 7577450000 Project Name: 00001366408 Project Cost $12,627.07 Total Admin Incentive $3,788.12 Total Incentive including Admin $16,415.19 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive Total Incentive F ealth & Safety- Gaseating 1 $5,862.55 $5,862.55 $1,758.77 $7,621.32 Energy Star Door- Gas $1,823.15 Heating 2 $1,402.42 $1,402.42 $420.73 Energy Star Windows - Gas Heating 7 $5,362.10 $5,362.10 $1,608.63 $6,970.73 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Elaine T Dolley 1-509-216-1651 2437 N WISCOMB ST SPOKANE,WA 99207 Avista Account Number: 7497250000 Project Name: 00001346902 Project Cost $5,335.01 Total Admin Incentive $1,600.50 Total Incentive including Admin $6,935.51 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive Total Incentive Health & Safety - Gas $3,258.37 Heating 1 $2,506.44 $2,506.44 $751.93 Energy Star Windows - Gas $657.33 $2,848.44 Heating 5 $2,191.11 $2,191.11 Energy Star Door- Gas Heating 1 $637.46 $637.46 $191.24 $828.70 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Melissa J Kerr 1-208-661-6384 4201 N CORRIGAN RD OTIS ORCHARDS, WA 99027 Avista Account Number: 4639464240 Project Name: 00001350206 Project Cost $6,283.77 Total Admin Incentive $1,885.13 Total Incentive including Admin $8,168.90 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive Total Incentive Health & Safety- Gas Heating 1 $821.22 $821.22 $246.37 $1,067.59 Air Infiltration - Gas Heating 1782 $2,354.85 $2,354.85 $706.46 $3,061.31 Energy Star Windows - Gas $3,107.70 $932.31 $4,040.01 Heating 6 $3,107.70 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Bonnie C Meyer 1-509-768-7873 1117 E ROWAN AVE SPOKANE, WA 99207 Avista Account Number: 4756250000 Project Name: 00001349803 Project Cost $9,837.16 Total Admin Incentive $2,951.15 Total Incentive including Admin $12,788.31 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive Total Incentive High Efficiency Gas Furnace 1 $4,078.90 $4,078.90 $1,223.67 $5,302.57 Energy Star Windows - Gas $3,885.12 Heating 7 $2,988.55 $2,988.55 $896.57 Energy Star Door- Gas mating 2 $2,769.71 $2,769.71 $830.91 $3,600.62 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Cam Thi Nguyen 1-000-533-2076 1727 E WELLESLEY AVE SPOKANE, WA 99207 Avista Account Number: 6553060000 Project Name: 00001350103 Project Cost $10,042.78 Total Admin Incentive $3,012.83 Total incentive including Admin $13,055.61 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive Total Incentive High Efficiency Gas Water Heater 1 $4,160.28 $4,160.28 $1,248.08 $5,408.36 Energy Star Door- Gas Heating 1 $953.36 $953.36 $286.01 $1,239.37 Wall Insulation - Gas Heating 892 $1,345.43 $1,345.43 $403.63 $1,749.06 Energy Star Windows - Gas $4,658.82 Heating g $3,583.71 $3,583.71 $1,075.11 I Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Natalie J Paraschiv 1-206-255-0211 2923 W SINTO AVE SPOKANE, WA 99201 Avista Account Number: 0127150000 Project Name: 00001326706 Project Cost $10,917.23 Total Admin Incentive $3,275.17 Total Incentive including Admin $14,192.40 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dnnin Incentive Total Incentive Health & Safety- Gas $ ,,458.58 Heating $6,506.60 $6,506.60 $1,951.98 Attic Insulation - Gas Heating � 1182 $983.43 $983.43 $295.03 $1,278.46 Energy Star Windows - Gas $3,108.38 Heating g $2,391.06 $2,391.06 $717.32 Energy Star Door- Gas $1,346.98 Heating 1 $1,036.14 $1,036.14 $310.84 i Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Elizabeth Patrick 509-953-8865 1658 E NEBRASKA AVE SPOKANE, WA 99208 Avista Account Number:4631160000 Project Name: 00001347200 Project Cost $10,438.82 Total Admin Incentive $3,131.65 Total Incentive including Admin $13,570.47 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive Total Incentive High Efficiency Tankless Gas $5,011.37 Water Heater 1 $3,854.90 $3,854.90 $1,156.47 Attic Insulation - Gas Heating 864 $1,999.55 $1,999.55 $599.87 $2,599.42 Energy Star Windows - Gas $5,959.68 Heating g $4,584.37 $4,584.37 $1,375.31 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Marjorie L Schuler 1-509-924-3946 1826 N WOODRUFF RD SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99206 Avista Account Number: 7339920000 Project Name: 00001336300 Project Cost $6,621.22 Total Admin Incentive $1,986.37 Total Incentive including Admin $8,607.59 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive Total Incentive Health & Safety - Gas $2 868 72 Heating 1 $2,206.71 $2,206.71 $662.01 Wall Insulation - Gas Heating 792 $2,243.79 $2,243.79 $673.14 $2,916.93 Energy Star Windows - Gas Heating g $2,170.72 $2,170.72 $651.22 $2,821.94 !j Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Shirley L Shirkey 1-509-570-3105 6300 E 2ND AVE SPC 132 SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99212 Avista Account Number: 4553360000 Project Name: 00001340106 Project Cost $6,074.55 Total Admin Incentive $1,822.37 Total Incentive including Admin $7,896.92 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive I Total Incentive Energy Star Windows - Gas $2 $3,484.18 Heating 3 ,680.14 $2,680.14 $804.04 Floor Insulation - Gas $4,412.73 Heating 1324 $3,394.41 $3,394.41 $1,018.32 r' Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Michael D Sussman 1-509-535-1247 3404 E 21 ST AVE SPOKANE, WA 99223 Avista Account Number: 7570730000 Project Name: 00001340608 Project Cost $4,351.28 Total Admin Incentive $1,305.38 Total Incentive including Admin $5,656.66 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive Total Incentive Energy Star Windows - Gas Heating 1 $502.20 $502.20 $150.66 $652.86 Attic Insulation - Electric Heating 876 $2,928.36 $2,928.36 $878.51 $3,806.87 Energy Star Door- Gas Heating 1 $920.72 $920.72 $276.22 $1,196.94 I N Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Shelly R Swenhaugen 1-509-435-2048 2309 E HOFFMAN AVE SPOKANE, WA 99207 Avista Account Number: 3274170000 Project Name: 00001337400 Project Cost $5,399.15 Total Admin Incentive $1,619.75 Total Incentive including Admin $7,018.90 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive Admin Incentive Total Incentive Energy Star Windows - Gas Heating 5 $1,756.18 $1,756.18 $526.85 $2,283.03 High Efficiency Tankless Gas Water Heater 1 $2,429.48 $2,429.48 $728.84 $3,158.32 Energy Star Door- Gas Heating 1 $1,213.49 $1,213.49 $364.05 $1,577.54 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Stacy M Wolff 1-509-929-8340 323 E EVERETT AVE SPOKANE, WA 99207 Avista Account Number: 9110450000 Project Name: 00001368402 Project Cost $9,359.84 J Total Admin Incentive $2,807.95 Total Incentive including Admin $12,167.79 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive Total Incentive Health & Safety - Gas $5,009.51 Heating 1 $3,853.47 $3,853.47 $1,156.04 Attic Insulation - Gas Heating 1013 $2,161.36 $2,161.36 $648.41 $2,809.77 Energy Star Windows - Gas $4,348.51 Leating 3 $3,345.01 $3,345.01 $1,003.50 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Janice M Hoffman 313-343-0320 3231 W BOONE AVE UNIT 825 SPOKANE, WA 99201 Avista Account Number: 3233937960 Project Name: 00001366200 Project Cost $10,823.20 Total Admin Incentive $3,246.96 Total Incentive including Admin $14,070.16 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive Total Incentive Health & Safety- Electric Heating 1 $5,397.15 $5,397.15 $1,619.15 $7,016.30 Electric to Air Source Heat Pump 1 $5,426.05 $5,426.05 $1,627.82 $7,053.87 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Larry D Horstmann 707-384-7078 117 N FIR AVE TRLR 3 DEER PARK, WA 99006 Avista Account Number: 6613964064 Project Name: 00001335903 Project Cost $5,239.38 Total Admin Incentive $1,571.81 Total Incentive including Admin $6,811.19 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive I Total Incentive Energy Star Door- Electric Heating 1 $968.73 $968.73 $290.62 $1,259.35 Energy Star Windows - $5,551.85 Electric Heating 7 $4,270.65 $4,270.65 $1,281.20 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Mariesha K Riley-washington 206-775-0970 1020 N GREENACRES RD SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99016 Avista Account Number: 5404576984 Project Name: 00001328902 Project Cost $2,125.25 Total Admin Incentive $637.58 Total Incentive including Admin $2,762.83 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive Total Incentive Energy Star Door- Electric $1,094.50 Heating 1 $841.92 $841.92 $252.58 Energy Star Windows - $1,668.33 Electric Heating 2 $1,283.33 $1,283.33 $385.00 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Shane Thomas 707-799-8651 7211 E 2ND AVE SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99212 Avista Account Number: 8363110053 Project Name: 00001331806 Project Cost $4,689.29 I Total Admin Incentive $1,406.79 Total Incentive including Admin 1 $6,096.08 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive drain Incentive I Total Incentive Energy Star Door- Electric $2,711.68 Heating 2 $2,085.91 $2,085.91 $625.77 I Electric to Ductless Heat Pump 1 $2,603.38 $2,603.38 $781.01 $3,384.39 J 1� Memo To: Avista AP Team From: Renee Zimmerman, Low-Income Program Manager, Energy Efficiency, x8273 Date: August 25, 2023 RE: SNAP Low Income Weatherization Invoices Please pay 19 invoices from the SNAP as part of the Low-Income Weatherization program: account 02803400-2426-10 (electric) for a payment of$138,815.17 and 03803300-2426-10 (gas) for 78 891.21, for a total of$217,706.38. Please include this memo with the check. I'm interested in saving Avista and SNAP money by cutting only 1 check per batch of invoices versus 19 individual checks. The invoices are as follows: Customer Customer Account Amount Number ELECTRIC 1. Nancy Anderson 2187370310 $13,984.35 2. Contessa Coldiron 3594700000 $16,782.61 3. Jorge Cortes 0812934105 $17,219.84 4. Tonya Cox 7558420000 $6,814.21 5. Beverly Florez 3752100000 $5,226.52 6. Marilu Garcia 4058500000 $17,476.16 7. Kathleen McAteer 9052750000 $4,481.15 8. Christine McCarty 3350845421 $11,726.98 9. Kenneth Obie 3210540000 $8,524.04 10. Christopher Orellana 4580250000 $14,897.94 11. Amber Varner 3667397729 $6,809.01 12. Kimberly Wilhelmi 5454260000 $14,872.36 Electric Total $138,815.17 GAS Customer Customer Account Amount Number 13. Loretta Avery 5401930000 $19,560.28 14. Patricia Bellotti 2378930000 $11,944.13 15. Therese Campbell 4493498917 $8,776.57 16. Richard Gustus 5824100000 $8,244.80 17. Robert Norton 5716430000 $6,476.42 18. Janet Thorson 2552950000 $16,836.52 19. Nina Young 4937200000 $7,052.49 Gas Total $78,891.21 All projects have been approved in iEnergy by Nicole Hydzick. Let me know if you have any questions. Have a great day! Spokane Neighborhood Action Partners 212 West Second,Suite 100 Spokane,WA 99201 August 2023 Invoice#6 BILLED TO: AVISTA UTILITIES P.O. BOX 3727 SPOKANE,WA 99220 Gas Electric Weatherization Weatherization NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP Amount Billed Anderson, Nancy 1209 E. Lyons#190 Spokane 99208 13,984.35 Coldiron,Contessa 205 S. Park#66 Spokane Valley 99212 16,782.61 Cortes,Jorge 1822 N. Normandie Spokane 99205 17,219.84 Cox,Tonya 1807 W.Jackson Spokane 99205 6,814.21 Florez, Beverly 607 W. Carlisle Spokane 99205 5,226.52 Garcia,Marilu 3621 N. Edgerton Rd. Spokane Valley 99212 17,476.16 McAteer, Kathleen 114 N. Hutchinson Spokane Valley 99212 4,481.15 McCarty,Christine 7715 N. Dakota Spokane 99208 11,726.98 Obie, Kenneth 2515 E. Hoffman Spokane 99207 8,524.04 Orellana,Christopher 1128 E.Columbia Spokane 99208 14,897.94 Varner,Amber 12817 E. Walton Spokane Valley 99216 6,809.01 Wilhelmi, Kimberly 2311 W. 16th#297 Spokane 99224 14,872.36 Avery, Loretta 2218 W. Buckeye Spokane 99205 19,560.28 Bellotti,Patricia 1211 E. Lyons#77 Spokane 99207 11,944.13 Campbell,Therese 25515 Elk Chattaroy Chattaroy 99003 8,776.57 Gustus,Richard 1315 W.York Spokane 99205 8,244.80 Norton,Robert 19625 E. Wellesley#23 Spokane Valley 99027 6,476.42 Thorson,Janet 17007 N.Sands Mead 99021 16,836.52 Young, Nina 3817 E. 29th Spokane 99223 7,052.49 Totals $138,815.17 $78,891,21 Total billing for August 2023 = $217,706,38 ti Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Nancy K Anderson 509-216-6053 1209 E LYONS AVE SPC 190 SPOKANE, WA 99208 Avista Account Number: 2187370310 Project Name: 00001410801 Project Cost $10,757.19 Total Admin Incentive $3,227.16 Total Incentive including Admin $13,984.35 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive Total incentive Health & Safety- Gas Heating 1 $1,693.71 $1,693.71 $508.11 $2,201.82 Energy Star Windows - Gas Heating 1 ZI + g $5,107.99 $5,107.99 $1,532.40 $6,640.39 Energy Star Door- Gas Heating 1 $1,201.09 $1,201.09 $360.33 $1,561.42 Floor Insulation - Gas $3,580.72 Heating 924 $2,754.40 $2,754.40 $826.32 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Contessa A Coldiron 509-714-9616 205 S PARK RD SPC 66 SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99212 Avista Account Number: 3594700000 Project Name: 00001443109 Project Cost $12,909.70 Total Admin Incentive $3,872.91 Total Incentive including Admin $16,782.61 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive Total Incentive Health & Safety -Gas $755840 $755840 $226752 $9,825.92 Heating 1 1 , . , . , . Air Infiltration - Gas Heating 784 $1,702.42 $1,702.42 $510.73 $2,213.15 Energy Star Windows - Gas $2,360.20 Heating I Q,S' <, ^t 4 $1,815.54 $1,815.54 $544.66 it Energy Star Door- Gas $2,383.34 Heating 2 $1,833.34 $1,833.34 $550.00 1 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Jorge Cortes 657-465-1224 1822 N NORMANDIE ST SPOKANE, WA 99205 Avista Account Number: 0812934105 Project Name: 00001436301 Project Cost $13,246.03 Total Admin Incentive $3,973.81 Total Incentive including Admin $17,219.84 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive I Total Incentive High Efficiency Gas Furnace 1 $10,470.90 $10,470.90 $3,141.27 $13,612.17 FWallnsulation - Gas Heating 1399 $2,775.13 $2,775.13 $832.54 $3,607.67 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Tonya L Cox 1-509-217-1334 1807 W JACKSON AVE SPOKANE, WA 99205 Avista Account Number: 7558420000 Project Name: 00001406603 Project Cost $5,241.70 Total Admin Incentive $1,572.51 Total Incentive including Admin $6,814.21 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive Total Incentive Attic Insulation - Gas Heating 640 $2,122.18 1 $2,122.18 $636.65 $2,758.83 Energy Star Door- Gas $2,548.60 Heating 2 $1,960.46 $1,960.46 $588.14 Energy Star Windows - Gas $1,506.78 Heating G } 3 $1,159.06 $1,159.06 $347.72 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Beverly L Florez 1-509-216-6828 607 W CARLISLE AVE SPOKANE, WA 99205 Avista Account Number: 3752100000 Project Name: 00001411500 Project Cost $4,020.40 Total Admin Incentive $1,206.12 rTotal Incentive including Admire $5,226.52 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive I Total Incentive Energy Star Windows - Gas Heating 77 0 <, �+ 11 $4,020.40 $4,020.40 $1,206.12 $5,226.52 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Marilu Garcia 1-509-230-3663 3621 N EDGERTON RD SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99212 Avista Account Number: 4058500000 Project Name: 00001384407 Project Cost $13,443.20 Total Admin Incentive $4,032.96 Total Incentive including Admin $17,476.16 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive Total Incentive High Efficiency Gas Furnace 1 $11,166.67 $11,166.67 $3,350.00 $14,516.67 Energy Star Windows - Gas Heating -7, Zl 1 $405.22 $405.22 $121.57 $526.79 Energy Star Door- Gas Heating 1 $1,017.44 $1,017.44 $305.23 $1,322.67 Floor Insulation - Gas Heating 624 $853.87 $853.87 $256.16 $1,110.03 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Kathleen Mcateer 1-509-922-6086 114 N HUTCHINSON RD SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99212 Avista Account Number: 9052750000 Project Name: 00001443604 Project Cost $3,447.04 Total Admin Incentive $1,034.11 Total Incentive including Admin $4,481.15 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive LTotal Incentive Energy Star Door- Gas $4,481.15 Heating 3 $3,447.04 $3,447.04 $1,034.11 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Christine J Mccarty 1-509-294-6243 7715 N DAKOTA ST SPOKANE, WA 99208 Avista Account Number: 3350845421 Project Name: 00001394801 Project Cost $9,020.75 Total Admin Incentive $2,706.23 Total Incentive including Admin $11,726.98 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive I Total Incentive High Efficiency Gas Furnace 1 $3,611.17 $3,611.17 $1,083.35 $4,694.52 Attic Insulation - Gas Heating 944 F$813 $810.13 $243.04 $1,053.17 Energy Star Windows - Gas $5 979 29 Heating p 3 q 7 $4,599.45 $4,599.45 $1,379.84 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Kenneth Obie 1-509-927-9293 2515 E HOFFMAN AVE SPOKANE, WA 99207 Avista Account Number: 3210540000 Project Name: 00001391507 Project Cost $6,556.95 Total Admin Incentive $1,967.09 Total Incentive including Admin $8,524.04 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive Total Incentive High Efficiency Gas Furnace 1 $2,804.25 $2,804.25 $841.28 $3,645.53 Energy Star Windows - Gas $2,874.27 $2,874.27 $862.28 $3,736.55 Heating �� � 7 _ Energy Star Door- Gas Heating 1 1 $878.43. $878.43 $263.53 1$1,141.96 I WIN Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Christopher F Orellana 817-480-9519 1128 E COLUMBIA AVE SPOKANE, WA 99208 Avista Account Number: 4580250000 Project Name: 00001382002 Project Cost $11,459.95 Total Admin Incentive $3,437.99 Total Incentive including Admin $14,897.94 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive Total Incentive High Efficiency Gas Furnace 1 $2,611.89 $2,611.89 $783.57 $3,395.46 Energy Star Door- Gas Heating 2 $2,014.24 $2,014.24 $604.27 $2,618.51 Wall Insulation - Gas Heating 812 $2,424.40 $2,424.40 $727.32 $3,151.72 Energy Star Windows - Gas $5,732.25 Heating ��( S - 10 $4,409.42 $4,409.42 $1,322.83 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Amber Varner 619-439-8215 12817 E WALTON AVE SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216 Avista Account Number: 3667397729 Project Name: 00001447408 Project Cost $5,237.70 Total Admin Incentive $1,571.31 Total Incentive including Admin I $6,809.01 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive Total Incentive Energy Star Windows - Gas Heating _� 4 $3,208.23 $3,208.23 $962.47 $4,170.70 _� Energy Star Door- Gas Heating 2 $2,029.47 $2,029.47 $608.84 $2,638.31 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Kimberly K Wilhelmi 1-509-514-3804 2311 W 16TH AVE LOT 297 SPOKANE, WA 99224 Avista Account Number: 5154260000 Project Name: 00001379708 Project Cost $11,440.28 Total Admin Incentive $3,432.08 Total Incentive including Admin $14,872.36 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive Total Incentive Energy Star Windows- Gas $5,220.14 $5,220.14 $1,566.04 $6,786.18 Heating I z So 8 High Efficiency Tankless Gas Water Heater 1 $3,126.84 $3,126.84 $938.05 $4,064.89 Floor Insulation - Gas $309330 $309330 $927.99 $4,021.29 Heating 1488 I , . , . Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Loretta A Avery 1-509-263-2671 2218 W BUCKEYE AVE SPOKANE, WA 99205 Avista Account Number: 5401930000 Project Name: 00001436608 Project Cost $15,046.37 I Total Admin Incentive $4,513.91 Total Incentive including Admin $19,560.28 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive Admin Incentive Total Incentive Electric to Air Source Heat $12,875.12 Pump 1 $9,903.94 $9,903.94 $2,971.18 Energy Star Door- Electric $1,552.72 Heating 1 $1,194.40 $1,194.40 $358.32 Energy Star Windows - $5,132.44 Electric Heating -76 � -C+ 8 $3,948.03 $3,948.03 $1,184.41 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Patricia I Bellotti 1-509-990-2980 1211 E LYONS AVE SPC 77 SPOKANE, WA 99208 Avista Account Number: 2378930000 Project Name: 00001438009 Project Cost $9,187.79 Total Admin Incentive $2,756.34 Total Incentive including Admin $11,944.13 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive Total Incentive Health & Safety- Electric $3,135.25 Heating 1 $2,411.73 $2,411.73 $723.52 Floor Insulation - Electric $2,504.31 Heating 696 $1,926.39 $1,926.39 $577.92 Energy Star Windows- $4,864.63 Electric Heating 11 $3,742.02 $3,742.02 $1,122.61 Air Infiltration - Electric $1,439.95 Heating 696 $1,107.65 $1,107.65 $332.30 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Therese M Campbell 1-509-238-6601 25515 N ELK CHATTAROY RD CHATTAROY, WA 99003 Avista Account Number: 4493498917 Project Name: 00001429608 Project Cost $6,751.21 Total Admin Incentive $2,025.36 Total Incentive including Admin $8,776.57 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive dmin Incentive Total Incentive Floor Insulation - Electric $2 277 17 Heating 280 $1,751.67 $1,751.67 $525.50 Energy Star Windows - Electric Heating 9 $4,999.54 $4,999.54 $1,499.86 $6,499.40 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Richard Gustus 509-951-3148 1315 W YORK AVE SPOKANE,WA 99205 Avista Account Number: 5824100000 Project Name: 00001403608 Project Cost $6,342.15 Total Admin Incentive $1,902.65 Total Incentive including Admin $8,244.80 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive drain Incentive Total Incentive [Electric to Ductless Heat $5,635.11 ' Pump 1 $4,334.70 $4,334.70 $1,300.41 �EnergyStar Door- Electric Heating 1 $1,108.46 $1,108.46 $332.54 $1,441.00 Energy Star Windows - $1,168.69 Electric Heating 3.� 5� 1 I $898.99 $898.99 $269.70 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Robert G Norton 1-509-216-3530 19625 E WELLESLEY AVE TRLR 23 OTIS ORCHARDS, WA 99027 Avista Account Number: 5716430000 Project Name: 00001444401 Project Cost $4,981.86 Total Admin Incentive $1,494.56 Total Incentive including Admin $6,476.42 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive drain Incentive Total Incentive Electric to Air Source Heat $6,476.42 Pump $4,981.86 $4,981.86 $1,494.56 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Janet L Thorson 509-238-6438 17007 N SANDS RD MEAD, WA 99021 Avista Account Number: 2552950000 Project Name: 00001391201 Project Cost $12,951.17 Total Admin Incentive 7 $3,885.35 � Total Incentive including Admin $16,836.52 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive drhin Incentive : Total Incentive Electric to Air Source Heat $6,093.65 $6,093.65 $1,828.10 $7,921.75 Pump 1 Energy Star Door- Electric Heating 2 $2,614.44 $2,614.44 $784.33 $3,398.77 Energy Star Windows - Electric Heating jpc) 8 $4,243.08 $4,243.08 $1,272.92 $5,516.00 Low Income Weatherization Project—Preliminary Report Nina Young 509-534-7543 3817 E 29TH AVE SPOKANE, WA 99223 Avista Account Number: 4937200000 Project Name: 00001447106 Project Cost $5,424.99 Total Admin Incentive $1,627.50 Total Incentive including Admin $7,052.49 Measure Quantity Cost Incentive lAdmin Incentive Total Incentive Energy Star Door- Electric Heating 2 $2,066.92 $2,066.92 $620.08 $2,687.00 Wall Insulation - Electric Heating 932 $1,475.01 $1,475.01 $442.50 $1,917.51 Energy Star Windows - Electric Heating 5 $1,883.06 $1,883.06 $564.92 $2,447.98 Avista Conservation Education Grant INVOICE# 1329097 Community Action Partnership 124 New 6th Street, Lewiston, ID 83501 Contract AVlsta D-35208 (208) 798-4208 Period Ending: 07/31/23 Date Submitted: 08/25/23 Approved Current YTD Remaining Description Budget Expenses Expenditures Budget Salaries &Wages $17,751 3,278.45 7,626.03 10,125.32 �X$ Fringe Benefits $4,211 374.94 970.63 3,240.10 ,C1 Travel $10,680 362.87 6,865.74 3,814.26 Space Costs $3,604 344.59 805.98 2,798.30 � Supplies $31,954 9,940.71 18,809.94 13,143.70 �G Admin $6,800 1,549.29 3,481.04 3,318.96 Total 75,000.00 15,850.85 38,559.36 36,440.64 i Request for Reimbursement 15,850.85 Please pay Community Action Partnership 15,850.85 1 certify that the information contained in this statement is correct to the best of my knowledge and that the expenditures reflected herein were made in accordance with the conditions of this contract. Please send payment to: Community Action Partnership Attn: Dan Lohman 124 New 6th Street Lewiston, ID 83501 Completed By: �� 8/25/2023 Danny F. Lohman, Finance Director Date `-'"AMConservation Invoice Group Date 1/13/2022 x Invoice# IN0913099 Acct# 27112 Terms Net 30 Due Date 2/12/2022 AM Conservation Group PO # 1701 Charleston Regional Pkwy Sales Order#SO0857660 Suite A Sales Rep Charlene Moody Charleston SC 29492 Sh Aping Via PPD&ADD United States BB 843-971-1414 Tracking# 069944464 Bill To Ship To Avista Attn: Howard 1411 E Mission Ave Tesh Inc Spokane WA 99202 3327 W. Industrial Loop United States Coeur D Alene ID 83815 509-495-7979 United States 208-765-5105 Item Description Quantity B/O Price Amount L07A1927KBAT Simply Conserve,7W,A21,2000 mAh Battery 3,000 0 $7.37 $22,110.00 Simply Conserve, Back-up w. Hook,2700K 7W,A21,2000 mAh Battery Back-up w. Hook, 09803400 242610 828 T52 Subtotal $22,1 10.00 Freight $949.95 Tax(6%) $1,326.60 Total $24,386.55 11111111111 Hill I III Send payment to: 1 of 1 Lockbox 234070 INQ913099 PO Box 84070 Chicago,IL 60689-4002 09803400 242610 828 T52 = $99.99 09803401 242610 828 T52 = $11.11 MISSION FOOD MART 09466582 1905 E MISSION AVE SPOKANE , WA 06j29,/2022 926394528 12:20:52 PM 0261 VISA FLT INVOICE 121744 AUTH 00-093649 REF590250629221217 PUMP# 5 REGULAR 20.966G PRICE/GAL $5.299 FUEL TOTAL $ 111 .10 CREDIT $ 111 .10 [I FLET,G' 3w,'PE E q....., :rn _�FSt8t1� u'; El ___ sS 3COJC r.; � Invoice `" 'CONS F IR V A,T'd N Date 7/21/2022 Invoice# IN1032889 Acct# 27112 Terms Net 30 Due Date 8/20/2022 AM Conservation Group PO# 1701 Charleston Regional Pkwy Sales Order#SO0976305 Suite A Sales Rep Charlene Moody Charleston SC 29492 Shipping Via United States FOB PPD&ADD 843-971-1414 Tracking # 77039728740 Bill To Ship To Ana Matthews Attn: Howard Avista-Consumer Affairs Tesh Inc 1411 E Mission Ave 3327 W. Industrial Loop MSC-68 Coeur D Alene ID 83815 Spokane WA 99202-1902 United States United States 208-765-5105 509-495-7979 Item Description Quantity B/O Price Amount AM-E1503DP WINDOW PACK KIT-DELUXE PACK. 570 0 $4.25 $2,422.50 WINDOW PACK 1 x Containing Box, 1 x clear shrink film 62"x KIT-DELUXE PACK 210", 1 x 2-sided tape 90" long and 1/3"wide, Covers up to Five 36 x 60"windows,thickness= 3/4 mil JT-1006SPB WINDOW PACK KIT-DELUXE PACK 656 0 $4.25 $2,788.00 WINDOW PACK 1 x Containing Box, 1 x clear shrink film 62"x KIT-DELUXE PACK 210", 1 x 2-sided tape 90" long and 1/3"wide , Film thickness=3/4 mil(0.6ml) LNL-03 0.3 Watt 0.3 Watt AMCG Night Light, 2700K,White, 3,000 0 $1.85 $5,550.00 AMCG Night Light Photocell, UL, 25,000 hours, CRI 70, polybag 2700K White UL packaging with UPC label Subtotal $10,760.50 Freight $1,097.68 Tax(6%) $645.63 Total $12,503.81 11111��111111I N III III Send payment to: 1 of 1 Lockbox 234070 IN1032889 PO Box 84070 Chicago,IL 60689-4002 - General Ledger Coding (Header Level) - General Ledger Summary Total Coded 10.760,50 0.00 0.00 1,097 68 645.63 0,00 03805279-908000-885-H14 Nghtlights- EE 50%,tax credit 25%and H14 25% 182.50 FREIGHT � Total to be Coded 1076050 0 00 0.00 1,097 68 645.63 0 00 02805941-242781-885-U50 NghUights- EE 50%,tax credd 25%and H14 25% 182.50 FREIGHT Difference 09803400-242610-828-T52 65941 FREIGHT 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 000 09803401-242610.828-T52 7327 FREIGHT 03805279-908000-885-1-I14 Nightlights- EE 50%,tax credit 25%and H14 25% 1,38750 GENERAL 02805941-242781-885-U50 Nghtlights- EE 50%,tax credit 25%and H14 25% 1,38750 GENERAL WINDOW PACK 570.0000 42500 2,422.50 0.00 2,422.50 0.00 No No WINDOW PACK. . 6560000 42500 2,788.00 0.00 2.788.00 0.00 No No 9.3 Watt AMCG . . 3,000.0. . 1.8500 5,550.00 0.00 5.550.00 0.00 No No Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, Inc. Credit Memo 700 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 1300 rVW& { , Portland OR 97232 #184 I 'I United States 04/28/2022 Bill To TOTAL Britt Bachtel-Browning AVISTA Corporation Accounts PO Box 3727 able: MSC-30 $5311774. 51 Spokane WA 99220-3727 United States PO# Memo Org Code T52#R-42960 Q122 Core Electric Reconciliation Item Quantity Share% Amount Quarterly Electric Expense Actuals -7,209,215.7 5.650% $-407,320.69 Total Q1 2022 Electric Expense Advance Payments Electric 1 0.000% $461,095.20 Memo 0.000% DO NOT PAY THIS DOCUMENT - THIS IS A CREDIT MEMO TO BE APPLIED TO Q3 2022 INVOICE Total -$53,774.51 Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, Inc. Invoice 700 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 1300 rVW& { , Portland OR 97232 #923 I 'I United States 06/01/2022 Bill To TOTAL Britt Bachtell-Browning AVISTA Corporation Accounts PO Box 3727 able: MSC-30 $53111879. 19 Spokane WA 99202-3727 United States Due Date: 07/01/2022 Terms Due Date PO# Net 30 07/01/2022 Org Code T52 Contract No. R-42960 Item Quantity Share% Amount Electric Funder Quarterly Advance 9,413,791 5.650% $531,879.19 Total 3rd Quarter 2022 Forecast Total $531,879.19 Remittance by Electronic Fund Transfer: Bank Name: Heritage Bank ABA Routing Number: 325170835 Account Name: Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance Account Type: Checking Account Number: 101125327 Remittance by Check: Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance 700 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 1300 Portland, OR 97232 Attn.Accounts Receivable 503-688-5400 This contribution may be a charitable deduction for your federal income tax purposes. NEEA did not provide any direct funds, goods or services in exchange for this donation. Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance Electric Programs -General Funding 2022 Forecast 3rd Quarter 2022 General &Administrative Salary& Benefits 3,270,242 Professional Services 322,890 Office Expenses 109,225 Sponsorships 5,000 Equipment and Software 148,282 Facilities 132,500 Travel and Meetings 129,326 Depreciation 138,546 Miscellaneous -363,150 Total General &Administrative 3,892,861 Project Costs Program Costs Codes & Standards 850,553 Program Costs Commercial 1,446,996 Program Costs Industrial 0 Program Costs Residential 3,210,886 Program Costs Other 12,496 Total Project Costs $ 5,520,931 Total Expense $ 9,413,791 Brio, LLC •, 4207 SE Woodstock Blvd 269 0 Portland, OR 97206 US +1 9715066752 BP helloCa- bringonbrio.com INVOICE BILL TO INVOICE# 181 Avista Corporation DATE 10/02/2023 DUE DATE 11/01/2023 TERMS Net 30 SERVICE DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT Professional Task 1: Ductless Heat Pump Pilot- Final Report 1 24,250.00 24,250.00 Services Presentation Professional Task 2: Eastside Market Transformation 1 14,250.00 14,250.00 Services Infrastructure Development October 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Org Code T52 BALANCE DUE $38,500.00 Contract No. R-42726 Amendment 1 (WA#3) Energy RV Solutions Avista Corporation Ann:Accounts Payable 1411 E.Mission Ave PO Box 3727 Spokane,WA99220-3727 July 15,2023 Invoice#:22-1985-08 Contract No.:R-44288 Reference PO:Org Code T52 Billing Period:6/l/23-6/30/23 Total Billed in Period:$115,790.50 Invoice for Avista Corporation Avista Corporation Incentive Incentive Energy Solutions C+C Fixed Cost Expenses Iris Monthly Fixed Total Invoice PO Details Reimbursement Processing Fee T&M Fee PO Line 1:Incentive Costs $ Payrnent for kWh WA $ $ Payment for kWh ID $ $ Payment for Therms WA $ $ Payment for Therms ID $ $ PO Line 2:Adntinistration $ 73,629.00 $ 33,161.50 $ 9,000.00 $ 115,790.50 WA-70 $ 51,540.30 $ 23,213.05 $ 6,300.00 $ 81,053.35 WA-E90 $ 46,386.27 $ 20,891.74 $ 5,670.00 $ 72,948.01 WA-G10 $ 5,154.03 $ 2,321.31 $ 630.00 $ 8,105.34 ID-30 $ 22,088.70 $ 9,948.45 $ 2,700.00 $ 34,737.15 ID-E 90 $ 19,879.83 $ 8,953.60 $ 2,430.00 $ 31,263.43 ID-G 10 $ 2,208.87 $ 994.85 $ 270.00 $ 3,473.72 Total $ $ $ 73,629.00 $ 33,161.50 $ 9,000.00 $ 115,790.50 Total Budgeted 2022-2023 $4,835,385 Percent to Budget 12.84% Dear Accounts Payable: This letter is an invoice for$115,790.50 for management/administrative fees,processing fees,and incentive reimbursement.$115,790.50 is for management/administrative fees,$0 is for processing fees,and$0 is for incentive reimbursement. Management fees are calculated using Time&Material labor rates that can be referenced in the"ES Bill Rates"table.The total is split between WA and ID based off of number of customer meters as a percentage of the total. This invoice covers these charges under the Consultant Agreement between Avista Corporation and Cohen Ventures,Inc.,dba Energy Solutions for the Midstream H VAC,Water Heating,and Commercial Foodservices Program for 6/l/23-6/30/23. Please remit payment to: Cohen Ventures,Inc.dba Energy Solutions 449 15th Street Oakland,CA 94612 Thank you, � p �Q Natalie Tyler 0 Project Manager Energy Solutions 449 15th Su-,Ozk1-d CA 94612 510.482.4420 www,—gy-solufi.—.m Energy C)Solutions A-= C�-- Attu Acc-,Payable 1411 E Mission Ave PO Box 3727 Sp,k-,WA 99220-3 127 Sly 15,2023 Invoice#22-1985 07 C-d-R 44288 Rd-ce PO'.Org Code T52 Billing-,d.&1/23-&30/23 Total Billed--,d.$115,790 50 Invoice f Avisfe Caporetion Person/Bill Rate/Task D.scrip0on Bill Rate Hours Breakdown Sum of Billable Amount B.bcon,Cliff 248 ] $1,736.00 O1.O1aS Coordination:Prog/Measure launch ] $1,736.00 Bl.k.cl..a Nh,Monica 276 8.5 $2,346.00 01.11E+C Management 1.75 $483.00 01.12ant.rn.I M..Ongs 6.75 $1,863.00 Braun,Sarah 232 0.25 $58.00 01.03aS Coordination:Ongoing Support 0.25 $58.00 Buqu.t Z.ck 232 30.25 $7,018.00 01.06-0 tr.ach 22.5 $5,220.00 01.07-0utr.ach Management 3.75 $870.00 01.11E+C Management 0.5 $116.00 01.12ant.rn.I M"timgs 3.5 $812.00 Davidson,D.cl.n 160 2 $320.00 01.04-Program Support 2 $320.00 F.,-t Jenny 180 3.5 $630.00 01.05-M.,k.Ong 3 $540.00 01.12ant.rn.I M"timgs 0.5 $90.00 Hawthorne,Skye 160 4.75 $760.00 01.12ant.rn.I M"timgs 4.75 $760.00 Huitt D.Ic.y 180 11.5 $2,070.00 01.04-Program Support 4.5 $810.00 01.07-0utr.ach Management 0.5 $90.00 01.08L1.im Processing 4 $720.00 01.12ant.rn.I M"timgs 2.5 $450.00 Huynh,Bryant 160 17.75 $2,840.00 01.04-Progam Support 17.75 $2,840.00 Jon.,Th.ador. 263 5.5 $1,446.50 01.06-0utr.ach 4 $1,052.00 01.12ant.rn.I M"timgs 1.5 $394.50 Li,Y.ng 210 0.5 $105.00 O1.Ola5 Coordination:Prog/Measure launch 0.5 $105.00 McWilliams,Brandon 92 2 $184.00 01.04-Progam Support 2 $184.00 Moore,L.yl. 198 1.75 $346.50 01.05-M.,k.Ong 1.75 $346.50 Osier,Lindsey 198 28 $5,544.00 01.06-0utr.ach 24 $4,752.00 01.07-0utr.ach Management 4 $]9200 Perk Medicon 160 3.5 $560.00 01.05-M.,k.Ong 3.5 $560.00 Pen&Sici 18ol 55.25 $9,945.00 O1.O1aS Coordination:Prog/Measure launch 55.25 $9,945.00 Pipiton.,Phil 232 1.5 $348.00 01.04-Progam Support 1.5 $348.00 Preto,chric 232 9.5 $2,204.00 0l.ULli.nt Communi-ions&M"timgs 2.5 $580.00 01.04-Progam Support 0.5 $116.00 01.06-0utr.ach 1 $232.00 01.12ant.rn.I M"timgs 5.5 $1,276.00 S.,Aru 232 7.25 $1,682.00 01.06-0utr.ach 7.25 $1,682.00 Schid,Emile. 160 5 $800.00 01.04-Progam Support 5 $800.00 Stanley,Kristin 198 0.25 $49.50 01.05-M.,k.Ong 0.25 $49.50 Tyl.r,N-R. 198 159.75 $31,630.50 0l.ULli.nt Communi-ions&M"timgs 6 $1,188.00 01.04-Progam Support 110 $21,]80.00 01.05-M.,k.Ong 6 $1,188.00 01.06-0utr.ach 6.75 $1,336.50 01.11E+C Management 10.5 $2,079.00 01.12ant.rn.I M"timgs 20.5 $4,059.00 V.zqu.z,Deni.l 160 3 $480.00 01.03aS Coordination:Ongoing Support 1 $160.00 01.12ant.rn.I M"timgs 2 $320.00 W.d.,J.ff 263 2 $526.00 01.06-0utr.ach 2 $526.00 Grand Total 370.25 $73,629.00 Energy Solutions Avista Corporation Ann:Accounts Payable 1411 E.Mission Ave PO Box 3727 Spokane,WA99220-3727 September 15,2023 Invoice#: 22-1985-10 Contract No.: R-44288 Reference PO: Org Code T52 Billing Period: 8/l/23-8/31/23 Total Billed in Period: $287,410.43 Invoice for Avista Corporation Avista Corporation Incentive Incentive Energy Solutions C+C Fixed Cost Expenses Iris Monthly Fixed Total Invoice PO Details Reimbursement Processing Fee T&M Fee PO Line 1:Incentive Costs $ Payrnent for kWh WA $ 23,900.00 $ 717.00 $ 24,617.00 Payment for kWh ID $ 9,050.00 $ 271.50 $ 9,321.50 Payment for Therms WA $ 71,750.00 $ 2,152.50 $ 73,902.50 Payment for Therms ID $ 12,600.00 $ 378.00 $ 12,978.00 PO Line 2:Adntinistration $ 119,716.54 $ 33,161.50 $ 4,713.39 $ 9,000.00 $ 166,591.43 WA-70 $ 83,801.58 $ 23,213.05 $ 3,299.37 $ 6,300.00 $ 116,614.00 WA-E90 $ 75,421.42 $ 20,891.74 $ 2,969.44 $ 5,670.00 $ 104,952.60 WA-G10 $ 8,380.16 $ 2,321.31 $ 329.93 $ 630.00 $ 11,661.40 ID-30 $ 35,914.96 $ 9,948.45 $ 1,414.02 $ 2,700.00 $ 49,977.43 ID-E 90 $ 32,323.46 $ 8,953.60 $ 1,272.62 $ 2,430.00 $ 44,979.68 ID-G 10 $ 3,591.50 $ 994.85 $ 141.40 $ 270.00 $ 4,997.75 Total $ 117300.00 $ 3,519.00 $ 119,716.54 $ 33,161.50 $ 4,713.39 $ 9,000.00 $ 287,410.43 Total Budgeted 2022-2023 $4,835,385 Percent to Budget 22.10% Dear Accounts Payable: This letter is an invoice for$287,410.43 for*nanagement/adrruristrative fees,processing fees,and incentive reimbursement. $166,591.43 is for*nanagement/adrruristrative fees,$3,519.00 is for processing fees,and $117,300.00 is for incentive reimbursement. Management fees are calculated using Time&Material labor rates that can be referenced in the"ES Bill Rates"table.The total is split between WA and ID based off of number of customer meters as a percentage of the total. This invoice covers these charges under the Consultant Agreement between Avista Corporation and Cohen Ventures,Inc.,dba Energy Solutions for the Midstream H VAC,Water Heating,and Commercial Foodservices Program for 8/l/23-8/31/23. Please remit payment to: Cohen Ventures,Inc.dba Energy Solutions Unit Type kWh Thernns Units 449 15th Street Air Conditioner Oakland,CA 94612 Comm.Heat Pump Resi.Heat Pump 298,953 79 Resi Gas WH 270 7 Boiler Comm HPWH Thank you, Resi HPWH 50,173 23 7n �V� - Furnace 24,861 115 0 Foodservice 5,679 1,821 5 Total 354,805 26,958 229 Natalie Tyler Project Manager Energy Solutions 449 15th Su-,Ozk1-d CA 94612 510.482.4420 www,—gy-,.I fi.—.m 'eJ Soros Attu.Accowts Payable 1411 E Missio- PO Box 3727 Sp,k-,WA 99220 3127 Se tanba 15,2023 Invoice#. 2 219 85-1 0 CON INo. RA428 Ref ce PO. O%Code T52 Billing Period. 8/1/23-V31123 -1 Billed--d. $287,410.43 Invoice for AviAe Coryoret- Person/Bill Rate/Task D.s-.rip0on Bill Rate H...sB-kdown Sum of Billable Amount Bab-,Cliff 248 20 $4,960.00 O1.O1aS Coordination:Prog/Measure launch 19 $4,712.00 0102Lli.nt Communi-ions&M..Ongs 1 $248.00 B...clair,Allison 180 2.5 $450.00 O1.O1aS Coordination:Prog/Measure launch 2.5 $450.00 Blak.cl..a Nh,Monica 276 15.75 $4,347.00 0102Lli.nt Communi-ions&M"timgs 8.5 $2,346.00 01.04-Progam Support 5 $1,380.00 01.12-1-...I M"timgs 2.25 $621.00 Braun,Sarah 263 2 $526.00 0102Lli.nt Communi-ions&M"timgs 1.5 $394.50 01.04-Progam Support 0.25 $65.75 01.05-M.,k.Ong 0.25 $65.75 Buqu.t Zack 232 53.5 $12,412.00 0102Lli.nt Communi-ions&M"timgs 3.5 $812.00 01.06-0utr.ach 48.5 $11,252.00 01.12-1-...I M"timgs 1.5 $348.00 Cottrell,K....h 198 9.04 $1,789.92 01.04-Progam Support 9.04 $1,789.92 Davidson,D.clan 160 3 $480.00 01.04-Progam Support 3 $480.00 El-.,.,By- 263 4 $1,052.00 01.06-0utr.ach 4 $1,052.00 Enyeert,Andrew 263 3 $789.00 01.06-0utr.ach 3 $789.00 F.,-t Jenny 198 16.75 $3,316.50 01.08L1.im Processing 14.25 $2,821.50 01.12-1-...I M"timgs 2.5 $495.00 Focb.r&Caitlyn 160 6.5 $1,040.00 01.08L1.im Processing 5.5 $880.00 01.12-1-...I M"timgs 1 $160.00 Gibson,Andrew 263 0.5 $131.50 01.06-0utr.ach 0.5 $131.50 Hawthorne,Skye 160 7.63 $1,220.80 01.04-Progam Support 1 $160.00 01.12-1-...I M"timgs 6.63 $1,060.80 Huitt D.N.y 180 21.25 $3,825.00 01.04-Progam Support 15.5 $2,790.00 01.08L1.im Processing 0.75 $135.00 01.12-1-...I M"timgs 5 $900.00 Huynh,Bryant 160 16.5 $2,640.00 01.04-Progam Support 16.5 $2,640.00 Jones,Th.ador. 276 2 $552.00 01.06-0utr.ach 2 $552.00 Osier,Lindsey 198 20 $3,960.00 01.06-0utr.ach 10 $1,980.00 01.07-0utr.ach Management 10 $1,980.00 O..r,Carey 263 1 $263.00 0102Lli.nt Communi-ions&M"timgs 1 $263.00 Pipit-,Phil 232 0.5 $116.00 01.04-Progam Support 0.5 $116.00 Preto,Chris 232 22 $5,104.00 0102Lli.nt Communi-ions&M"timgs 7.5 $1,740.00 01.04-Progam Support 8 $1,856.00 01.06-0utr.ach 6.5 $1,508.00 Riker,Lice 198 15.84 $3,136.32 01.04-Progam Support 15.34 $3,037.32 01.12-1-...I M"timgs 0.5 $99.0 Sau,Aru 232 3 $696.00 01.06-0utr.ach 3 $696.00 Schml,Emile. 160 74.5 $11,920.00 01.04-Progam Support 7.25 $1,160.00 01.08L1.im Processing 58 $9,280.00 01.12-1-...I M"timgs 9.25 $1,480.00 Skal,ShW- 198 11.5 $2,277.00 O1.O1aS Coordination:Prog/Measure launch 11.5 $2,2]].00 Stanley,Kristin 198 0.5 $99.00 01.05-M.,k.Ong 0.5 $99.00 Stoddard,Hilary 198 2 $396.00 01.05-M.,k.Ong 2 $396.00 Stratton,Celina 276 0.25 $69.00 01.04-Progam Support 0.25 $69.00 Tyl.r,N-R. 198 174.5 $34,551.00 0102Lli.nt Communi-ions&M"timgs 11 $2,178.00 01.04-Progam Support 115.75 $22,918.50 01.06-0utr.ach 10 $1,980.00 01.08L1.im Processing 10.75 $2,128.50 01.11E+C Management 6 $1,188.00 01.12-1-...I M"timgs 21 $4,158.00 Vazquez,Daniel 180 13.5 $2,430.00 01.03aS Coordination:Ongoing Support 11.75 $2,115.00 01.04-Progam Support 0.5 $90.00 01.08L1.im Processing 0.5 $90.00 01.12-1-...I M"timgs 0.75 $135.00 Wad.,J.ff 263 12.5 $3,28].50 01.07-0utr.ach Management 12.5 $3,287.50 Wh.tc.11,K.N.y 180 66 $11,880.00 01.03aS Coordination:Ongoing Support 66 $11,880.00 Grand Total 601.51 $119,716.54 Energy rj Soludons -1.CO[pOntiOv Attn:A".."Payable 1411 E M,...Ave PO Box 3727 Spolane,WA 99220-3727 September 15,2023 Invoice# 22-1985-10 C.-I N. R44288 Refrevce PO. Qg Code T52 Billing Period 8/1/23 8/31/23 Total Billed iv Period $287,41043 Invoice for I..C.,.,... Person Expense Type Date Vendor Charges Ground T,-pO-tI., 8/3/2023 Dave.port Grand $70.00 Lodging 8/3/2023 Dave.port Grad $316.36 Meals 8/1/2023 ShIkl Hlb-hl&Sushi $118.29 BlakesleeaKlsh,M-,I Meals 8/2/2023 Nordstrom $35.80 Meals 8/3/2023 Dave.port Grad Res--t $12.46 Meals 8/3/2023 Dave.port Grad Res--t $8.12 Mlleage 8/1/2023 Mileage $184.06 Mlleage 8/3/2023 Mlleage $184.06 Lodgl.g 7/31/2023 Dave.port Grad $729.12 Meals 7/31/2023 Chills $53.50 Meals 8/2/2023 The Mango Tree $74.19 BuqueC Zack Meals 8/4/2023 Arbys $14.16 Meals 8/4/2023 Dl.ardls $44.09 Meals 8/4/2023 Burger Kl.g $12.79 Mlleage 7/31/2023 Mlleage $503.04 Alrfare 7 17/2023 S-hwe-1,11- $441.96 Grou.dTa.sp.-tf.. 7/31/2023 Uber $25.90 Grou.dTa.sp.-tf.. 8/4/2023 Uber $29.84 Grou.dTa.sp.-tf.. 8/4/2023 COSAIrp.,t Parkl.g $40.00 Lodgl.g 1/31/2023 Davenport Grad $620.12 Meals 7 /31/2023 Phoe.1.Alrp.,t $23.61 Meals 7/31/2023 The Onion $25.80 Meals 7/31/2023 SKarbu cks $6.84 Palo,Chris Meals 7/31/2023 SSP America $18.87 Meals 8/1/2023 Dave.port Rest -t $51.7. Meals 8/2/2023 The Onion $23.71 Meals 8/3/2023 Dave.port Rest -t $25.80 Meals 8/3/2023 Dave.port Rest -t $14.12 Meals 8/4/2023 Dave.port Rest -t $6.61 Meals 8/4/2023 Qulz... $14.15 Meals 8/4/2023 Woo dy Creek $14.04 Mlleage 8/4/2023 Mlleage $22.2J Aura Re.Kal 8/4/2023 E.[erprlse $435.64 -I/Gasoll.e 7/31/2023 UnI[ed P-Iflc $24.05 -I/Gasoll.e 8/1/2023 Loves $35.71 -I/Gasoll.e 8/3/2023 CrdeK $43.40 Grou.dTa.sp.-tf.. 8/2/2023 Dave.port Grad $25.00 Tyler,Na Kane Grou.dTa.sp.-tf., 8/3/2023 Dave.port Grad $25.00 Lodgl.g 8/3/2023 Dave.port Grad $314.56 Meals 8/1/2023 Loves $4.98 Meals 8/2/2023 1 Dave.port Grad ResK-t $15.24 Meals 8/3/2023 CrdeK $9.11 Meals 8/3/2023 Dave.port Grad $15.24 Total $4,J13.39 01) resource innovations. R Imagining ee o-%-AEh Neyanr wdny Invoice Number 8822 Customer Name Avista Corp. Invoice Date 3/21/2022 Bill To East 1411 Mission Ave. Remit To Resource Innovations,Inc. Spokane Dept CH 16356 WA US 99220 Palatine,IL 60055-6356 Contract Number 611119 Customer Number 472 Contract Value Funded Value Customer PO Number R-41167 Fee: 30,000.00 Fee: 30,000.00 Project Number 611119 Total: 30,000.00 Total: 30,000.00 Project Name 611119-Avista iEnergy Care Package Project Period of Perf 03/25/2022 to 03/24/2023 Project Manager Dabiri,Ebby Terms Net 30 Days Billing Currency: USD Due Date 4/20/2022 Description Current Amount Nexant Care Package for iEnergy SaaS Solution-20 hrs per month 30,000.00 for billing period,03/25/22-03/24/23 BILL SCHEDULE ITEMS 30,000.00 INVOICE TOTAL(USD) 30,000.00 For Wire Transfers Resource Innovations,Inc. c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco,CA 94104 Account756001459 ABA Routing 1211-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 Page 1 of 1 WEST° AVAAP Interface and Create Invoices from APX Report Date 07Sep-2022 Vendor Name Finesilver, Ryan S Invoice Num IE16256501 Invoice Date 17-APR-22 Invoice Amount 250.00 Invoice Description Energy Efficiency Recognition Invoice Lines: Amount Line Dist Description Project Task Expenditure Type Expenditure Organization Expenditure Num Num Item Date 250.00 1 1 Misc 09803400 242614 235 Employee Misc T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 17-APR-22 Expenses End of Report y,�:.," S qR r"'r»eW iw � Ar ' t F .G �L> �f -.�'a+}E3 4,A'�'.��$ .4 '� s .4,h �? e.•�'r N rK•� u r�, v fry 4 "✓Y f F 3 s hr 5 tiA j y a n �A I �,s T VwE ' rot41 i a-, S ,r From: Hayne,Angela To: Doan,Van Subject: FW:Gift Cards Issued IE16256501 Date: Thursday,September 1,2022 8:53:00 AM Attachments: image001.ona image002.pnq Can you please attach this to IE16256501. Thank you! Angie Hayne Manager ! Accounts Payable& Remittance Processing PRONE 509-495-4808 1 FAX 509-777-5506 TYPICAL WORK WEEK: In office - (Tuesday/Thursday 7:30-4pm) Working offsite - (Monday/Wednesday/Friday 7:30-4pm) From: Hayne, Angela Sent:Thursday, September 1, 2022 8:52 AM To: Finesilver, Ryan <Ryan.Finesilver@avistacorp.com> Subject: RE: Gift Cards Issued IE16256501 Thank you! Please send to Melissa Brown in payroll. Have a great weekend! Angie Hayne Manager ! Accounts Payable& Remittance Processing PRONE 509-495-4808 1 FAX 509-777-5506 TYPICAL WORK WEEK: In office - (Tuesday/Thursday 7:30-4pm) Working offsite - (Monday/Wednesday/Friday 7:30-4pm) From: Finesilver, Ryan <Ryan.Finesilver(cDavistacorp.com> Sent:Thursday, September 1, 2022 7:24 AM To: Hayne, Angela <Angela.Hayne(@avistacorp.com> Subject: RE: Gift Cards Issued IE16256501 Hi Angie— FINALLY, the gift cards were handed out. Here is the recap. I do need to notify payroll for Meghan and Michele. Who is the point of contact for that? 1. Kim Casey—Payroll notified 2. Victor Bautista - Payroll notified 3. Lorri Kirstein - Payroll notified 4. Lisa McGarity- Payroll notified 5. Meghan Pinch - NEW 6. Michele Drake - NEW 7. United Way- NEW 8. United Way- NEW 9. United Way- NEW 10. United Way- NEW From: Hayne, Angela <Angela.Hayne(@avistacorp.com> Sent:Tuesday, May 10, 2022 1:27 PM To: Finesilver, Ryan <Ryan.Finesilver(cDavistacorp.com> Subject: RE: Gift Cards Issued IE16256501 H i Ryan, Have these been given out yet? Angie Hayne, Accounts Payable & Remittance Processing Manager D 509.495.4808 1 C 509.979.4817 From: Scammon, Sidra <Sidra.ScammonPavistacorp.com> Sent:Tuesday, May 3, 2022 1:44 PM To: Finesilver, Ryan <R)tan.FinesilverPavistacorp.com> Cc: Hayne, Angela <Angela.Hayne(cDavistacorp.com>; Doan, Van <Van.Doan(cDavistacorp.com> Subject: FW: Gift Cards Issued IE16256501 Once the remaining 6 gift cards have been given out... Please attach (as a 3rd attachment)the email you sent to payroll with the remaining 6 people's names and $ amounts for each of the gift card recipients. Thank you, Sidra Scammon, Accounting Specialist III PO Box 3727, MSC-30, Spokane WA, 99220 P 509.495.4836 1 F 509.495.8575 www.myavista.com From: Hayne, Angela <Angela.Hayne(cDavistacorp.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 2:00 PM To: Scammon, Sidra <Sidra.Scammon(cDavistacorp.com>; Doan, Van <Van.Doan(@avistacorp.com> Subject: RE: Gift Cards Issued Thanks. He is going to distribute the additional six by the end of the week and will send the second email to payroll as well. Angie Hayne, Accounts Payable & Remittance Processing Manager D 509.495.4808 1 C 509.979.4817 From: Scammon, Sidra <Sidra.Scammon(cDavistacorp.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 1:59 PM To: Hayne, Angela <Angela.Hayne(cDavistacorp.com>; Doan, Van <Van.Doan(CDavistacorp.com> Subject: RE: Gift Cards Issued I'll attach this email. Thank you, Sidra Scammon, Accounting Specialist III PO Box 3727, MSC-30, Spokane WA, 99220 P 509.495.4836 1 F 509.495.8575 www.myavista.com From: Hayne, Angela <Angela.Hayne(@avistacorp.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 1:57 PM To: Doan, Van <Van.Doan(@avistacorp.com>; Scammon, Sidra <Sid ra.Scammon(cDavistacorp.com> Subject: FW: Gift Cards Issued FYI Angie Hayne, Accounts Payable & Remittance Processing Manager D 509.495.4808 1 C 509.979.4817 From: Finesilver, Ryan <Rvan.FinesilverPavistacorp.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 12:38 PM To: Hayne, Angela <Angela.Hayne(cDavistacorp.com> Subject: FW: Gift Cards Issued See below From: Finesilver, Ryan Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 12:31 PM To: #Corp HRIS Payroll <HRIS_Pa)troll(@avistacorp.com> Subject: Gift Cards Issued Hello All— Last week we had issued four$25 gift cards.The following employees were recipients 1. Kim Casey 2. Victor Bautista 3. Lorri Kirstein 4. Lisa McGarity Thank you, Ryan Finesilver (he/him) Energy Efficiency Manager 1411 E Mission Ave MSC-15, Spokane, WA, 99202 P 509.495.4873 1 F 509.495.4873 www.mvavista.com ..:.u:a Set fic -'t.i:. . tl . .E:#z ... . . . a. .E:#i ... . CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended solely for the addressee(s)and may contain confidential and/or privileged information and may be legally protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient of this message or an agent of the intended recipient, or if this message has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by reply email and then delete this message and any attachments. GOresource innovations Helmagining tumor—with neXWir w, Invoice Number 10187 Customer Name Avista Corporation Invoice Date 10/26/2022 MSC 30 Bill To Attn:Accounts Payable Remit To Resource Innovations,Inc. ORG T52 Dept CH 16356 P.O.Box 3727 Palatine,IL 60055-6356 Spokane,WA99220-3727 Contract Number 610139 Contract Value Funded Value Customer PO Number R-41167 Fee: 216,300.00 Fee: 216,300.00 Project Number 610139 Total: 216,300.00 Total: 216,300.00 Project Name 610139-Avista Corporation(Hosting) Project Period of Perf 10/01/2022 to 09/30/2023 Project Manager Dabiri,Ebby Terms Net 30 Days Billing Currency: USD Due Date 11/25/2022 Billing Description Current Amount iEnergy DSM Central and Trade Ally software access fee renewal for the period: 216,300.00 10/01/22-09/30/23 BILL SCHEDULE ITEMS 216,300.00 Tax 0.00 TOTAL TAX 0.00 INVOICE TOTAL(USD) 216,300.00 For Wire Transfers Resource Innovations,Inc. c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco,CA94104 Account756001459 ABA Routing 1211-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 Page 1 of 1 00 resource innovations gcim,gW,gtom-wwithNPXanTmd,y Invoice Number 11204 Customer Name Avista Corp. Invoice Date 4/6/2023 Attn:P09 Bill To East 1411 Mission Ave. Remit To Resource Innovations,Inc. Spokane Dept CH 16356 WA US 99220 Palatine,IL 60055-6356 Contract Number 611119 Customer Number 472 Contract Value Funded Value Customer PO Number R-41167 Fee: 30,000.00 Fee: 30,000.00 Project Number 611119 Total: 30,000.00 Total: 30,000.00 Project Name 611119-Avista iEnergy Care Package Project Period of Perf 03/25/2022 to 03/24/2023 Project Manager Dabiri,Ebby Terms Net 30 Days Billing Currency: USD Due Date 5/6/2023 Description Current Amount Nexant Care Package for iEnergy SaaS Solution-20 hrs per month 30,000.00 for billing period,03/26/23-03/25/24 BILL SCHEDULE ITEMS 30,000.00 INVOICE TOTAL(USD) 30,000.00 For Wire Transfers Resource Innovations,Inc. c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco,CA 94104 Account756001459 ABA Routing 1211-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 Page 1 of 1 WEST° AVAAP Interface and Create Invoices from APX Report Date 18-May-2023 Vendor Name Adams, Daniel Gene Invoice Num IE20485502 Invoice Date 17-MAY-23 Invoice Amount 3,632.66 Invoice Description Energy Efficiency Clothing Invoice Lines: Amount Line Dist Description Project Task Expenditure Type Expenditure Organization Expenditure Num Num Item Date 2,295.27 2 1 Misc 09803400 242614 235 Employee Misc T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 17-MAY-23 Expenses 255.03 3 1 Misc 09803401 242614 235 Employee Misc T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 17-MAY-23 Expenses 974.12 5 1 Misc 09803400 242614 235 Employee Misc T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 17-MAY-23 Expenses 108.24 6 1 Misc 09803401 242614 235 Employee Misc T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 17-MAY-23 Expenses End of Report zome BILL TO: SHIP TO: Invoice #ZDM-81371 Avista Utilities Avista Utilities Attn:Dan Adams Dan Adams Terms:Prepay-Credit Card 1411 E Mission Ave MSC-24 3808 N.Sullivan Road Building 3 Spokane,WA 99202 Suite P United States Spokane Valley,WA 99216 Phone:509.495.2455 United States Email:Dan.Adams@avistacorp.com # Qty Sizes Design Garment/Style/Color Unit Price Extension 1 2 2/1- 1.Embroidered,Left Chest,Avista logo-1 Sanmar-OG160 OGIO@ Extend Short Sleeve $41.02 $82.04 color thread-White,ZDA-30395 Button-Up-Deep Blue Heather 2.Embroidered,Right Sleeve,Energy Efficiency logo-1 color thread-White, ZDA-39838 2 2 1/L,1/XL 1.Embroidered,Left Chest,Avista logo-1 Sanmar-TM1 MU411 TravisMathew Oceanside $69.51 $139.02 color thread-White,ZDA-30395 Solid Polo-Quite shade grey 2.Embroidered,Right Sleeve,Energy Efficiency logo-1 color thread-White 3 1 1/)000L 1.Embroidered,Left Chest,Avista logo-1 Sanmar-TM1 MU411 TravisMathew Oceanside $74.16 $74.16 color thread-White,ZDA-30395 Solid Polo-Quite shade grey 2.Embroidered,Right Sleeve,Energy Efficiency logo-1 color thread-White 4 2 1/M, 1.Embroidered,Left Chest,Avista logo-1 Sanmar-NKDC2114 Nike Dri-FIT Vapor Block $68.25 $136.50 1/XL color thread-White,ZDA-30395 Polo-Anthracite 2.Embroidered,Right Sleeve,Energy Efficiency logo-1 color thread-White 5 1 1/M 1.Embroidered,Left Chest,Avista logo-1 Sanmar-TM1 MU414 TravisMathew Oceanside $74.79 $74.79 color thread-White,ZDA-30395 Blocked Polo-Blue nights/Heather 2.Embroidered,Right Sleeve,Energy Efficiency logo-1 color thread-White 6 1 1/)000L 1.Embroidered,Left Chest,Avista logo-1 Sanmar-203690 Nike Tech Basic Dri-FIT Polo-- $67.29 $67.29 color thread-White,ZDA-30395 Midnight Navy 2.Embroidered,Right Sleeve,Energy Efficiency logo-1 color thread-White 7 1 1/XL 1.Embroidered,Left Chest,Avista logo-1 Sanmar-OG143 OGIO @ Slate Polo--Gear Grey $41.86 $41.86 color thread-White,ZDA-30395 2.Embroidered,Right Sleeve,Energy Efficiency logo-1 color thread-White 8 1 1/)00CL 1.Embroidered,Left Chest,Avista logo-1 Sanmar-OG143 OGIO @ Slate Polo--Gear Grey $45.17 $45.17 color thread-White,ZDA-30395 2.Embroidered,Right Sleeve,Energy Efficiency logo-1 color thread-White 9 2 1/L,1/XL 1.Embroidered,Left Chest,Avista logo-1 Sanmar-637165 Nike Ladies Dri-FIT Vertical $46.49 $92.98 color thread-White,ZDA-30395 Mesh Polo-Black 2.Embroidered,Right Sleeve,Energy Efficiency logo-1 color thread-White 10 2 2/XL 1.Embroidered,Left Chest,Avista logo-1 Sanmar-LOG122 OGIO@ Ladies Gauge Polo- $42.69 $85.38 color thread-White,ZDA-30395 Teal Throttle 2.Embroidered,Right Sleeve,Energy Efficiency logo-1 color thread-White 11 2 2/1- 1.Embroidered,Left Chest,Avista logo-1 Sanmar-NKAH6260 Nike Ladies Therma-FIT Full- $85.69 $171.38 color thread-White,ZDA-30395 Zip Fleece-Black 2.Embroidered,Right Sleeve,Energy Efficiency logo-1 color thread-White 12 3 2/L,1/XL 1.Embroidered,Left Chest,Avista logo-1 Sanmar-NFOA3LH8 The North Face@ Ladies $110.49 $331.47 color thread-White,ZDA-30395 Sweater Fleece Jacket-Medium Grey Heather 2.Embroidered,Right Sleeve,Energy Efficiency logo-1 color thread-White # Qty Sizes Design Garment/Style/Color Unit Price Extension 13 1 1/S 1.Embroidered,Left Chest,Avista logo-1 Sanmar-779796 Nike Ladies Dri-FIT Stretch 1/2- $85.69 $85.69 color thread-White,ZDA-30395 Zip Cover-Up--Dark Grey/White 2.Embroidered,Right Sleeve,Energy Efficiency logo-1 color thread-White 14 1 1/1- 1.Embroidered,Left Chest,Avista logo-1 Sanmar-LOG811 OGIO @ Ladies Luuma Cocoon $65.79 $65.79 color thread-White,ZDA-30395 Fleece-Blacktop 2.Embroidered,Right Sleeve,Energy Efficiency logo-1 color thread-White 15 2 1/1-,1/XL 1.Embroidered,Left Chest,Avista logo-1 Sanmar-LOG811 OGIO @ Ladies Luuma Cocoon $67.49 $134.98 color thread-White,ZDA-30395 Fleece-Petrol Grey Heather 2.Embroidered,Right Sleeve,Energy Efficiency logo-1 color thread-White 16 2 2/1-, 1.Embroidered,Left Chest,Avista logo-1 Sanmar-LOG802 OGIO @ Ladies Luuma Long $31.14 $62.28 color thread-White,ZDA-30395 Sleeve Tunic-Petrol Grey Heather 2.Embroidered,Right Sleeve,Energy Efficiency logo-1 color thread-White 17 4 1/S,2/1-, 1.Embroidered,Left Chest,Avista logo-1 Sanmar-1-5430 Port Authority(D Ladies Concept $39.39 $157.56 1/XL color thread-White,ZDA-30395 Open Cardigan--Dusty Blue 2.Embroidered,Right Sleeve,Energy Efficiency logo-1 color thread-White 18 3 1/M, 1.Embroidered,Left Chest,Avista logo-1 Sanmar-BB18008 Brooks Brothers@ Wrinkle- $73.05 $219.15 2/XL color thread-White,ZDA-30395 Free Stretch Patterned Shirt-Newport Blue 2.Embroidered,Right Sleeve,Energy Efficiency logo-1 color thread-White 19 2 2/XL 1.Embroidered,Left Chest,Avista logo-1 Sanmar-BB18000 Brooks Brothers@ Wrinkle- $67.77 $135.54 color thread-White,ZDA-30395 Free Stretch Pinpoint Shirt-Cobalt Blue 2.Embroidered,Right Sleeve,Energy Efficiency logo-1 color thread-White 20 1 1/)OOCL 1.Embroidered,Left Chest,Avista logo-1 Sanmar-BB18000 Brooks Brothers@ Wrinkle- $71.07 $71.07 color thread-White,ZDA-30395 Free Stretch Pinpoint Shirt-Cobalt Blue 2.Embroidered,Right Sleeve,Energy Efficiency logo-1 color thread-White 21 1 1/XL 1.Embroidered,Left Chest,Avista logo-1 Sanmar-BB18000 Brooks Brothers@ Wrinkle- $67.77 $67.77 color thread-White,ZDA-30395 Free Stretch Pinpoint Shirt-Deep Black 2.Embroidered,Right Sleeve,Energy Efficiency logo-1 color thread-White We love our customers!Contact your account manager with Subtotal $2341.87 any questions and we'd be happy to help. Your account manager:Jason Abrahamson Shipping and Handling $0.00 Email:jason@zomedesign.com Phone:509-279-2034 ext 1013 Tax Rate 8.9% Standard production is approximately 7-10 business days from order Tax Total $208.43 approval Delivery type:Customer Pick Up Total $2550.30 *Need it sooner?Contact your rep to request rush service! Mail checks to: Deposit $0.00 Zome Design 3808 N.Sullivan Rd Building 3 Suite Q Spokane Valley,WA 99216 Total Due $0.00 Item number listed below does not match Zome Design Invoice number. The number shown below is the item selection number referenced on the flyer provided to the employees for item selection. The prices can be used to cross-reference. Item Number Size Name 1 L Matt Iris 41.02 1 L Austin Oglesby 41.02 3 L Matt Iris 69.51 3 XL Mike Gump 69.51 3 3X Ron Welch 74.16 11 XL Carlos Limon 68.25 11 M Kim Boynton 68.25 12 M Kim Boynton 74.79 15 3X Levi Westra 67.29 16 XL Andy Paul 41.86 16 3X Levi Westra 45.17 17 L Heidi Lehto 46.49 17 XL Leona Haley 46.49 18 XL Renee Zimmerman 42.69 18 XL Meghan Pinch 42.69 20 L Briana Stockdale 85.69 20 L Ana Matthews 85.69 22 L Renee Zimmerman 110.49 22 L Michele Drake 110.49 22 XL Meghan Pinch 110.49 Rachelle 25 S Humphrey 85.69 26 L Briana Stockdale 65.79 27 L Ana Matthews 67.49 27 XL Meghan Pinch 67.49 29 L Heidi Lehto 31.14 29 L Lorri Kirstein 31.14 30 L Michele Drake 39.39 Rachelle 30 S Humphrey 39.39 30 L Greta Zink 39.39 30 XL Lisa McGarity 39.39 31 M Kim Boynton 73.05 31 XL Carlos Limon 73.05 31 XL Dan Adams 73.05 32 XL Andy Paul 67.77 32 XL Dan Adams 67.77 32 3X Ron Welch 71.07 33 XL Dan Adams 67.77 Total 2341.87 Tax 208.43 Grand Total 2550.30 zome BILL TO: SHIP TO: Invoice #ZDM-80363 Avista Utilities Avista Utilities Attn:Dan Adams Dan Adams Terms:Prepay-Credit Card 1411 E Mission Ave MSC-24 3808 N.Sullivan Road Building 3 Spokane,WA 99202 Suite Q United States Spokane Valley,WA 99216 Phone:509.495.2455 United States Email:Dan.Adams@avistacorp.com # Qty Sizes Design Garment/Style/Color Unit Price Extension 1 4 1/S,2/1-, 1.Embroidered,Right Chest,Avista Logo-1 Sanmar--CT102207 Carhartt@ Full Swing@ $164.10 $656.40 1/XL, color thread-White,ZDA-30395 Cryder Jacket--Shadow 2.Embroidered,Left Sleeve,Energy Efficiency logo-1 color thread:White,ZDA-30393 2 2 1/XXLT, 1.Embroidered,Right Chest,Avista Logo-1 Sanmar--CT102207 Carhartt@ Full Swing@ $168.75 $337.50 1/)00CL color thread-White,ZDA-30395 Cryder Jacket Shadow 2.Embroidered,Left Sleeve,Energy Efficiency logo-1 color thread:White,ZDA-30393 We love our customers!Contact your account manager with Subtotal $993.90 any questions and we'd be happy to help.d Your account manager:Jason Abrahamson Shipping and Handling $0.00 Email:jason@zomedesign.com Phone:509-279-2034 ext 1013 Tax Rate 8.9% Standard production is approximately 7-10 business days from order Tax Total $88.46 approval Delivery type:Customer Pick Up Total $1082.36 *Need it sooner?Contact your rep to request rush service! Mail checks to: Deposit $0.00 Zome Design 3808 N.Sullivan Rd Building 3 Suite Q Spokane Valley,WA 99216 Total Due $0.00 Item number listed below does not match Zome Design Invoice number. The number shown below is the item selection number referenced on the flyer provided to the employees for item selection. The prices can be used to cross-reference. Carhartt Coat S Heidi Lehto 164.1 Carhartt Coat L Matt Iris 164.1 Carhartt Coat L Carlos Limon 164.1 Carhartt Coat XL Andy Paul 164.1 Carhartt Coat 2XLT Levi Westra 168.75 Carhartt Coat 3X Ron Welch 168.75 Total 993.90 Tax 88.46 Grand Total 1082.36 GOresource innovations Reimagining tomorrow with NeXafftoday Invoice Number 12838 Customer Name Avista Corporation Invoice Date 12/01/2023 MSC 30 Bill To Attn:Accounts Payable Remit To Resource Innovations, Inc. ORG T52 Dept CH 16356 P.O. Box 3727 Palatine, IL 60055-6356 Spokane,WA 99220-3727 Customer PO Number R-41167 Project Number 610139 Project Name 610139-Avista Corporation (Hosting) Project Period of Perf 10/01/2023 to 09/30/2024 Project Manager Dabiri, Ebby Terms Net 30 Days Billing Currency: USD Due Date 12/31/2023 Billing Items Current Amount iEnergy DSM Central and Trade Ally software access fee renewal for the 216,300.00 period: 10/01/23-09/30/24 iEnergy OnSite software access fee for the period: 10/1/23-09/30/24 30,000.00 BILL SCHEDULE ITEMS 246,300.00 Sales Tax Rate-9% 22,167.00 TOTAL TAX 22,167.00 INVOICE TOTAL(USD) 268,467.00 For Wire Transfers Resource Innovations, Inc. BMO Bank N.A. 320 South Canal Street Chicago, IL 60606 Account 756001459 ABA Routing 071000288 SWIFT# HATRUS44 Page 1 of 1 Expenses Audit Logged In As WZZ289 f 1� Expenses Audit Expenses Export Audit Expense Reports I Manage Expense Reports I Auditor Setup I Receive Receipt Package Paym arts Search Maintain Audit List ' Search by Expense Report Number IE15779501 Go Advanced Search Expense Report: IE15779501,Westra, Levi John M oberly Revert Save * Indicates required field Hide G aieral Information Name Westra,Levi John Mcberly Amount 1,050.12 Number 03603 Currency USD Report Subm it Date 02/23/2022 Purpose Travel;LL,Lewiston,G engeville,M€lwood;Logger installs,IVs,logger pickups Expense Report Date 02/15/2022 Attachments + Site O fice Audit Information N u m bar of Policy Violations 0 Original Receipts Package Status Received Number of Expenses w th Violations 0 *O dginal Receipts Package Received Date 02/23/2022 re Audit Reason Report Filing Number Last Audited By Doan,Van T Last Updated By Wolfe,Tim othy Scott Report Status Paid Reviewed By 0 M anagem art ❑ Autoapproved 0 Payables AP Status Invoice Created 0 Paid ❑ Partially Paid ❑ Hold Audit Alw ads +( TIP If you update both the reim barsem ant am ant and exchange rate on the sam eexpense line,Internet Expenses uses the smaller of the two am aunts as the reim birsem art am ant. Verify Expenses Process Exceptions Review Allocations Review Tax Approval Notes(2) Auditor O dy Notes(0) 4)*V €III ,Expand All I Collapse All I Policy Expense Amount Allow able O dginalle Receipt Receipt Receipt Expense Focus Line Violations Type (USD) Amount Amount Verified Receipts Missing Justification Date Details Attachments Required All 1,050.12 1 None M mis 17.12 17.12 0 0 ❑ Lunch;IFG G g Planner 02/08/2022 641 IV trip 2 None Meals 22.32 22.32 0 0 ❑ Lunch;IFG LewCWP; 02/15/2022 6 1 3L IV LLL IV Lunch;IFG G g CW P; 3 None Meals 16.69 16.69 0 0 ❑ Logger drops Planner, 01/05/2022 Hydropulper 4 None Dues 225.00 225.00 0 0 ❑ 2022 AEEE m an bership 01/28/2022 6 1 dues 5 None M ieage 127.53 127.53 ❑ ❑ ❑ Lewiston;IFG and CWP; 02/15/2022 LLL IV and 3L Lighting IV 6 None Mieage 8.78 8.78 ❑ ❑ ❑ M ilwood;IEP M Clogger 02/10/2022 pickup 7 None M ieage 208.26, 1 208.26 Li ❑ Li IV IFG Planner 01/05/2022 8 None M ieage 94.08 94.08 Li Li Li Sandpoint;Bonner 12/07/2021 G eneral Hospital;Audit G ongeville;IFG and 9 None Mleage 208.26 208.26 ❑ ❑ ❑ CW P;logger drop 01/05/2022 planner,hydropulper Lewiston;218,IFG 10 None M leage 122.08 122.08 ❑ ❑ ❑ retrieve log yard 11/09/2021 sprinkler pump logger Revert Save Copyright(c)1998,2020,0 ecle and/or its affiliates.All rights reserved. Privacy Staten an ® resource innovations ae ma9 9.ome„oww n Neranr'—Y Invoice Number 12283 Customer Name Avista Corp. Invoice Date 09/01/2023 Bill To East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane WA US 99220 Customer Number 472 Subcontractor Number Customer PO Number Project Number 611363 Project Name 611363-Avista DI Lighting Program Project Period of Perf 09/03/2022 to 12/31/2024 Project Manager Robinson,Allison Terms NET 30 Billing Period From: 08/01/2023 Billing Currency: USD Due Date 10/1/2023 Billing Period To:08/31/2023 Current Hours Rate Current Amount Pay for Performance Idaho 14,092.62 (23-08 P4P ID(563,704.92 kWh X Pay for Performance Washington 47,625.15 (23-08 P4P WA(1,905,006.81 kWh August 2023 Monthly Fixed Fees 23,812.50 BILL SCHEDULE ITEMS 85,530.27 0.00 TOTAL TAX 0.00 INVOICE TOTAL(USD) 85,530.27 For Wire Transfers Resource Innovations,Inc. c/o Bank of the West 180 Montgomery Street 2nd Floor San Francisco,CA 94104 Account756001459 ABA Routing 1211-00782 SWIFT#BWSTUS66 Page 1 of 1 coates kokes C l INV000E AVISTA Corporation Invoice #: 024221-0000 Demand Side Management Date: 12/31/2021 P 0 Box 3727 Page: 1 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Attention: Dana Anderson, MSC-15 Product: Demand Side Management Client Reference: Job No.: 6117-1 Job Title: 2022 Forms - CEtI - 2022 Forms - CEtI Amount Account Management 270.00 Layout/Design 770.00 Proofreading 840.00 Invoice Total: $1,880.00 Total amount is due 30 days from date of invoice. A finance charge of 1-112,,6 per month,which is an annual percentage rate of 18%,will be charged on all past due balances. In the event of nonpayment or default,all attorneys'fees,whether at trial or an appeal,court costs and cost of collection shall be the responsibility of debtor. Coates Kokes •421 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 1300 • Portland, OR 97204 • 503-241-1124 • www.coateskokes.com Hanna Iz Associates, Inc. 130 Box 2025 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816-2025 (208)667-2428 hunfia A. alm,(Encro Lug g INVOICE Avista Utilities-S54 Invoice Number:030293 Attn: Mary Tyrie Date :9/30/2022 PO Box 3727 Page : 1 of 1 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Campaign:22148-22 DSM C&I Fall TV Bill Amount Market: Sm Mkt Idaho Vendor: KLEW-TV 1,680.00 Market Total: 1,680.00 Market: SPOKANE Vendor: 2134-COMCAST SPOKANE DISH 1,231.00 Vendor: 7970 COMCAST-SPOKANE Interconnect 5,051.00 Vendor: KAYU-TV 12,650.00 Vendor: KHQ-TV 3,150.00 Vendor: KREM-TV 2,445.00 Vendor: KSKN-TV 800.00 Vendor: KXLY-TV 3,160.00 Market Total: 28,487.00 Total 30,167.00 Sub-Total $30,167.00 Invoice Total $30,167.00 Hanna Iz Associates, Inc. 130 Box 2025 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816-2025 (208)667-2428 hunfia A. alm,(Encro Lug g INVOICE Avista Utilities-S54 Invoice Number:030494 Attn: Mary Tyrie Date :10/31/2022 PO Box 3727 Page : 1 of 1 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Campaign:22148-22 DSM C&I Fall TV Bill Amount Market: Sm Mkt Idaho Vendor: KLEW-TV 3,650.00 Market Total: 3,650.00 Market: SPOKANE Vendor: 2134-COMCAST SPOKANE DISH 2,673.00 Vendor: 7970 COMCAST-SPOKANE Interconnect 7,344.00 Vendor: KAYU-TV 11,630.00 Vendor: KHQ-TV 15,975.00 Vendor: KREM-TV 13,680.00 Vendor: KSKN-TV 2,570.00 Vendor: KXLY-TV 11,755.00 Market Total: 65,627.00 Total 69,277.00 Sub-Total $69,277.00 Invoice Total $69,277.00 1WSCOPEMETER REPRIR.cam INVOICE f pacle lty 8ervleee and Repel,,br Fluke fcopenetere (888) 600-2542 service@scopemeterrepair.com Order No. 203941 5641 Broyles Road I Hartville,MO 65667 1 United States Order Date 01/18/2023 Invoice Date 03/06/2023 Customer P.O. Ship Via Best Way Bill To Ship To Levi Westra Levi Westra Avista Utilities Avista Utilities 518 E 8th Ave 518 E 8th Ave Spokane, WA 99202 Spokane, WA 99202 United States United States (509) 389-8258, (509)495-2761 (509) 389-8258, (509)495-2761 levi.westra@avistacorp.com levi.westra@avistacorp.com Line Part No. Description Quantity Price Extended SMR41001 Fluke 41B Power Harmonics Analyzer 1.1 Display Line Repair 1 $195.00 $195.00 1.2 Calibration, Basic Non-Traceable 1 $145.00 $145.00 Transactions Total $340.00 Payment 03/10/2023: $364.00 Tax $0.00 Visa XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-4736, 09/23 Shipping $24.00 Invoice Total $364.00 Payment Received $364.00 Balance $0.00 �QOD DO NOT REMIT Hanna Iz Associates, Inc. 130 Box 2025 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816-2025 (208)667-2428 hunfia A. alm,(Encro Lug g INVOICE Avista Utilities-S54 Invoice Number:031440 Attn: Kim Volland Date :3/31/2023 PO Box 3727 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Page 1 of 1: Campaign: Rate Current Job: 019138-23 DSM C&I Native Advertising Account Management 1,150.00 Concept Development 603.75 Copywriting 1,235.00 Art Direction 3,705.00 Production Coordination 42.50 Royalty-Free Items 1,007.81 Total for Job: 7,744.06 Sub-Total 7,744.06 County Tax 25.20 State Tax 65.51 Total $7,834.77 NATIONAL KEY ACCOUNTS Connections That Mean Business Kimberley, Your registration for the Fall 2023 National Key Accounts Workshop has been confirmed. Remember to book your hotel room today to receive the discount group rate of $199. The rate expires on Tuesday, September 12. Please save this email for future reference. More information can be found on our Workshop website. Attending: Kimberley Casey Date: October 8, 2023 Confirmation Number: M6N6ZV8XHDX Order Summary Kimberley Casey Order Date Invoice Number 11-Sep-2023 4:37 PM ET 092023-16449 Summary Item Price Amount Paid Amount Due Regulated Electric Company $975.00 $975.00 $0.00 Networking at the Ohio State vs. $175.00 $175.00 $0.00 Maryland Football Game Subtotal: $1,150.00 Total Amount Paid: $1,150.00 Balance - 1 11 Payment Details: Type Reference# Amt Paid Click here • modify your - • • Scott Traweek � Sr. Manager, Corporate Customer Outreach � Edison Electric Institute If you no longer want to receive emails from Scott Traweek, please Opt-Out. INVOICE ae. UPC VENDOR INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER ANIXTER INC 000000 12/27/23 5892901-00 CREDIT SERVICES,ELLIE WATTS 3881 OLD WINTER GARDEN RD PO DATE P.O.NO. PAGE#: ORLANDO,FL 32805 12/06/23 157932 1 of 1 UPDATED NAME AND ADDRESS PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO: ANIXTER INC CUST#: 6000361 SHIP TOM 00 PO Box 842584 Dallas TX 75284-2584 BILL TO: SHIP TO: For inquiries regarding your account please call 800-536-0708, option 3 or email creditmanagementutl@anixter.com AVISTA CORP AVISTA UTILITIES-DOOR 10 ATT:A/P-MSC 30 011 -SPOKANE WHSE P.O.BOX 3727 1901 N. NORTH CENTER ST. SPOKANE,WA 99220 SPOKANE, WA 99207 INSTRUCTIONS SHIP POINT VIA SHIPPED TERMS Fastway Freight Anixter-wSpT/3302 Best Way 12/27/23 1%15, n30 LINE PRODUCT AND DESCRIPTION ORDERED B.O. SHIPPED U/M PRICE UM DISCOUNT NET AMOUNT Reichardt,Austin Austin.reichardt@avistacorp.com FREIGHT:Prepay and Bill Buyer name:Austin Reichardt Phone#:509-495-2188 Email: austin.reichardt@avistacorp.com 1 FLK-11910 1 0 1 Ea 22827.41 Ea 0.00 22827.41 CATALOG#5233904 PRECISION ACOUSTIC IMAGE MFG: CUSTPART: NoPartSupplied PO Line: 1 SCH: 1 REQUESTOR:Adams, Daniel Gene FLU KE-11910(CAT#5233904) 1 Lines Total Qty Shipped Total 1 Total 22827.41 Freight In 8.66 Taxes 2055.25 Invoice Total 24891.32 Cash Discount 228.27 If Paid By 01/11/24 Payable in US Dollars No credit will be allowed for goods returned without our permission.All returns are subject to restocking,handling and freight charges. Last Page By accepting the goods,you agree to be bound by Anixter Inc.'s standard Terms&Conditions of Sale,which are located at https://www.anixter.com/en_us/resources/terms-of-sale.html. DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE 'AIIm REQUEST FOR VOUCHER ir-aIVE-511 W Utilities Date: 12/28/2022 PLEASE ISSUE VOUCHER TO: NAME Copper Basin Construction Attn: ADDRESS PO Box 949 , Hayden,ID 83835 AMOUNT $294,000.00 APPLICATION WDESCRIPTION Incentive:Copper Basin Construction-SS Multifamily Note: This voucher is in payment of an Energy Solutions Incentive Program ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION CALL FOR PICK-UP CHARGE TO: PROJECT TASK EXP TYPE ORG AMOUNT 03803300 242639 828 T52 294,000.00 DocuSigned by: 828 Dec-28-2022 12:54 FI A)RdffNT DUE BY: SIGNED DS usi ned b : DATE 12/30/2022 V APPROVEDMob, �J'/YL Dec-28-2022 � 12:58 PM PST DATE EDocuSigned by: ln, r,IA,V'�S{tt, Dec-28-2022 2:49 PM PST �t 3AEBOB33BF294F5._. App#77478-Copper Basin Construction 98 unit MFNGMT MISC.NOTES: DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE Copper Basin- Prairie(249) units 95%Eff.Carrier Gas Forced Air Phase II-98 Units Parent App #Units Type Sq. Ft. kWh Therm Inc. Cost Total kWh Total Therm Total Inc. Cost Incentive App#77478 8 4 Bed/2 Bath 1500 2637 -120 1850 21096 -960 14800 $24,000 98 Units 64 3 Bed/2 Bath 1257 2637 -120 1850 168768 -7680 118400 $192,000 0 3 Bed/2 Bath 1250 2637 -120 1850 0 0 0 $0 26 2 Bed/2 Bath 1131 2332 -105 1650 60632 -2730 42900 $78,000 0 2 Bed/2 Bath 1100 2332 -105 1650 0 0 0 $0 0 1 Bed/1Bath 820 2153 -94 1600 0 0 0 $0 98 229,400 -10,410 $161,300 $294,000 Total Incentive $294,000.00 Per Unit Total Invoice: $1,326,528.00 $13,536.00 Less cost Elec $161,700.00 $1,650.00 Incremental $1,164,828.00 Rebate $294,000.00 $3,000.00 Difference $870,828.00 Phase I -151 Units Phase I #Units Type Sq. Ft. kWh Therm Inc. Cost Total kWh Total Therm Total Inc. Cost Incentive App#77815 3 4 Bed/2 Bath 1500 2637 -120 1850 7911 -360 5550 $9,000 151 Units 29 3 Bed/2 Bath 1257 2637 -120 1850 76473 -3480 53650 $87,000 Pd 1/28/22 18 3 Bed/2 Bath 1250 2637 -120 1850 47466 -2160 33300 $54,000 Ck#1583773 11 2 Bed/2 Bath 1131 2332 -105 1650 25652 -1155 18150 $33,000 72 2 Bed/2 Bath 1100 2332 -105 1650 167904 -7560 118800 $216,000 18 1Bed/1Bath 820 2153 -94 1600 38754 -1692 28800 $54,000 151 356,249 -16,047 $252,700 $453,000 Per Unit Total Invoice: $1,812,906.00 $12,006.00 Less cost Elec $298,980.00 $1,980.00 Incremental $1,513,926.00 Rebate $453,000 $3,000.00 Difference $1,060,926.00 DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE CorperBasin Construction,Incorporated PO Box 949,Hayden,ID 83835 Phone:(208) 765-5059 Fax:(208)665-9412 December 20, 2022 Jamie Howard Avista Utilities RE: Prairie Pointe Multi-family Dear Jamie: In 2020 Copper Basin Construction contracted with Complete Heating to install 249 total units with a 95 % GFA Heating systems. We are requesting that 98 of the 249 rebates be paid at this time this is the second and final request, 151 of the rebates have previously been paid for this project In December of 2021 Unit mix: for 2Id and Final request • Requesting that rebates for the final 98 units that are completed as of 12/30/2022 be paid • 8 - 4 bed/2 bath approx. 1500 SF • 64- 3 bed/2 bath approx. 1257 SF • 26 - 2 bed/2 bath approx. 1131 SF Additional scope of work to upgrade to 95% GFA from Cadet heating performed by CBC and or it's contactors: DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE CBC scope: • Mechanical engineering $300 • Mechanical permit $65 • Duct Soffit material and labor $591 • Drywall pre-rock $900 • Additional inspection for drywall $15150 • Temporary heat(diesel heaters & fuel) $Z100 • Holding costs (additional build time) $500 CBC's cost: $5,606 Complete Heating invoice per unit: (see attached) $9,580 Cost Per unit For 95% GFA $15,186 Electric Heat cost per unit: $1650 Cost to up grade to 950% GFA per unit: $13,536 COST TO UPGRADE 98 UNITS TO 950/6 GFA $1,326,528 Sincerely Copper Basin Construction DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE DATE 12/22/2022 ALL FIELDS ARE REQUIRED An Installation Verification was performed for the following opportunity: SalesLogix App Number: 77815 Customer Name: Copper Basin Contact Name: Jeremy Hopson Contact Address: PO Box 949 Hayden id 83835 Type of Project: MFNG Site Name: Prairie Point Site Address: 1586 Switchgrass LN Gas Incentive: Electric Incentive: Post Verification Date: 12/21/22 This is to certify that I verified the installation of the above project at the above address. I toured the facility and found the installation to ih match (or did not match) the application submitted. Pictures) Respectfully Submitted Jamie Howard Account Executive DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE l� ■ a i j ;5 DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE JIM MIN At- JOWLf a� a � � li 01 � � _ . ■ DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE � _ K 1 '~ 1 1 i DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE a• � uf MIPM .� -I� � I ! ill" iI � �i� ' , Ift IM it;������ DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE 1 l. DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE a• � uf MIPM .� -I� � I ! ill" iI � �i� ' , Ift IM it;������ DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE .n- -w r �J J 1 � { 1 . DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE r< r� A DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE , DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE ■ 1 • II DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE 1 l. DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE r DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE I i r, DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE AVE172 \RN1NG A! DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE Complete Heating and Sheet Metal, Inc. 3604 E Trent Ave•Spokane,WA 99202 •Tel: (509)533-9528• Fax: (509)533-0329 Prairie Point Apartments 1586 Switchgrass LN Coeur d' Alene ID 12/30/2022 Dear Jeremy, We are pleased to participate in your multifamily housing project with our forced air systems. In 2020 Copper Basin Construction contracted with Complete Heating to furnish and install 95% gas forced air systems in all buildings, for a total of 249 units plus the clubhouse. Scope of work included: • Base heating system with 80% GFA:......................................................................$2,870.00 • 95% GFA Furnace.......................................................1,800.00 • Gas piping and testing:................................................. 1020.00 • Fire dampers and assemblies:........................................725.00 0 Condensate pump:.......................................................125.00 • Flood Prevention Switch:.................................................75.00 • Duct Blaster Test..........................................................110.00 • Heat Loss Calculations:.................................................. 55.00 • Bath and Kitchen Venting..............................................600.00 • All City inspections related to above scope of work:.................N/A • Split system A/C:.......................................................2,200.00 Total: $9,580.00 Equipment Model #'s: Townhomes; Furnace: IR95ESN0401712 AC: I R4A324AKH Thank you for your business, Dan Glover CEO Complete Heating and Sheet Metal, Inc. DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE Efficiency Agreement Top Sheet Avista Demand-Side Management Site-Specific Project Customer Name: Copper Basin Construction InforCRM App#and iEnergy Project ID: 77478 Reviewer: Lorri Kirstein The purpose of this checklist is to insure that all appropriate DSM processes and policies have been addressed,with the necessary documentation completed and reviewed,to provide Avista customers with the most accurate information relative to the energy efficiency site-specific project. Check one box for each item and add remarks to provide any relevant context or explanation. Requirements prior to paying an incentive for an energy efficiency project Yes No X ❑ 1. Has an Account Executive submitted a request for an Energy Efficiency Agreement based on a customer's request? If so,enter the date and delivery method (i.e.hardcopy,email,fax, etc.)? • Date of Request: 11-17-20 • Delivery Method: email to: direct to customer via DocuSign cc Jamie Howard • Date of Delivery: 11-17-20 X ❑ 2. Is the customer on a rate schedule that is eligible for this incentive and does the project comply with current incentive criteria? $3000 per unit MFNGMT - ID X ❑ 3. Is the Duel Fuel Incentive Calculator (DFIC)version compatible with the issuance date of the contract? N/A MFNGMT X ❑ 4. Has the project and fuel type been correctly identified in iEnergy? (Fuel type=Electric efficiency,natural gas efficiency,dual-fuel efficiency, or fuel efficiency.) Click here to enter text. X ❑ S. Is the jurisdiction of the project site location,Washington or Idaho,been correctly entered in iEnergy? ID - MFNGMT X ❑ 6. Has the customer's account and premise numbers and electric and natural gas rate schedules been correctly entered in iEnergy? Click here to enter text. X ❑ 7. Does the iEnergy Preliminary Report include a Technical Top Sheet,and AE Topsheet with proper technical/administrative approvals based on the savings/incentive amount? Click here to enter text. Revised Jan 08,2020 DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE Avista Corporation /IIm East 1411 Mission Ave. AiV011/WIN TAW Spokane,WA 99202 Natural Gas Space and Water Heating Equipment Installation Incentive Agreement Multi-Family Buildings This Natural Gas Space and Water Heating Equipment Installation Incentive Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into between Avista Corporation ("Avista") and Copper Basin Construction, P.O. Box 949, Hayden, ID 83835 ("Contractor"), sometimes referred to,individually,as a"Party"and collectively,as the"Parties". Background and Purpose: Avista's Commission-approved Energy Efficiency Program ("Program") under Tariff Rate Schedule 190(the"Rate Schedule")includes natural gas incentive rebates for: (i)installation of energy efficient natural gas space and water heating equipment("Natural Gas Equipment"or"Equipment")in multi-family housing structures consisting of five (5) or more units ("Eligible Structures" or "Structures") instead of electric space heating and/or water heating equipment, or(ii) changing out the same. The purpose of this Agreement is to encourage Contractor to install Natural Gas Equipment at the location described in Section 2 of this Agreement, by offering the incentive payment(s) (singularly or collectively,"Incentive Payment")described in Section 3 of this Agreement. Contractor desires to enter into this Agreement to qualify for such Incentive Payment under the Rate Schedule, and Avista agrees to pay Contractor, accordingly,subject to the terms of this Agreement Therefore,the Parties agree as follows: 1. Term. This Agreement,issued on November 17,2020 will become effective when executed by both Parties and remain in effect until December 30,2022. 2. Equipment Installation. Contractor intends to install Natural Gas Equipment in the Eligible Structure(s) located at Prairie Pointe, 1586 Switchgrass Lane,Coeur d'Alene,ID 83815(the"Site Address"). 3. Submittals/Fundinp-/Payment. 3.1 Subsequent to installing the Equipment, Contractor must provide documentation(acceptable to Avista) detailing the actual Equipment installed and the purchase and installation costs of such Equipment("Documentation"). In the event Avista determines that the actual installed cost of the Equipment is unsatisfactory,for any reason,Avista may establish the acceptable installation costs (the "Approved Costs"), in its sole discretion, to calculate the Incentive Payment applicable under this Agreement. 3.2 Upon receipt,approval and acceptance of Contractor's Documentation,Avista will calculate the Incentive Payment and remit same to the Contractor as agreed to by the Parties, in writing(e-mail acceptable). 3.3 Contractor specifically acknowledges that Avista's sole responsibility under this Agreement is to provide funding. 3.4 Contractor's Maximum Estimated Incentive Payment("Estimated Payment") applicable under this Agreement is reflected in the attached"Estimated Incentive Payment Calculation"incorporated into this Agreement as"Exhibit A". The Incentive Payment will be calculated by Avista in accordance with the Rate Schedule, and will be the LESSOR OF: (i) the Incremental Costs of the Equipment (defined as the difference between the cost of the Natural Gas Equipment actually installed and the cost of equivalent electrical equipment), and(ii)the Estimated Payment set forth in Exhibit A. Avista's calculation will be considered final. 3.5 Contractor shall be responsible for payment of any federal, state and/or local income and/or corporate tax liability associated with receipt of an Incentive Payment. 4. Eli ibili . In order to be eligible for an Incentive Payment for natural gas space heating,at least 75%of the total square footage of all residential units within an Eligible Structure must be heated with natural gas. 5. Inspection of Equipment. After the Measures have been installed, Avista may inspect the Equipment during reasonable hours, at its option, to verify such installation and Contractor's compliance with its obligations under this Agreement. This provision does not impose upon Avista an obligation to inspect the Equipment,and is not intended to substitute for,or relieve Contractor of any responsibilities related to the purchase,design,installation,operation and/or maintenance of such Equipment. 6. Independent Contractor. Contractor acknowledges that it is an independent contractor and not an agent or employee of Avista and, accordingly,has no right or authority to enter into any agreement or assume or create any obligation or liability, express or implied,on Avista's behalf. 7. Continued Availability. The Incentive Payment is contingent upon continued funding availability for the Program through Avista's Rate Schedule. Revised 1/2019 Page 1 of 2 DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE Avista Corporation /IIm East 1411 Mission Ave. AiVOiliWX TAW Spokane,WA 99202 8. Compliance with Laws. Contractor shall insure that it,its agents and employees,and any subcontractor(s)it retains to install the Equipment, are familiar with, and at all times will comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, codes,ordinances,rules and regulations pertaining to the installation of the Equipment. 9. Disclaimer and Indemnity. Contractor certifies that it is voluntarily participating in the Program; that Avista is providing funding,only;and that Avista assumes no liability for: (i)Contractor's decision to enter into this Agreement, (ii)the Natural Gas Equipment selected by the Contractor,(iii)any third party selected by the Contractor to install such Equipment,or(iv)any disputes arising out of repair or replacement of the Equipment. To the extent permitted by law, Contractor shall indemnify and, if requested to do so, defend Avista and its agents and employees, from all claims, losses,harm, liabilities, damages and expenses(including attorneys' fees), or allegations of same,arising as a result of this Agreement. 10. Assignment. This Agreement will inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the respective Parties. 11. Governing Law and Venue. This Agreement will be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho, excluding any choice of law rules which may direct the application of the laws of another jurisdiction. Any action to enforce the terms of this Agreement will be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction in the State of Idaho. 12. Attorney's Fees. If any action is brought to enforce this Agreement,the prevailing party in such action will be entitled to an award of reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred in such action, in addition to any other relief available to it at law or in equity. 13. Amendment and Waiver. This Agreement may not be modified or varied except by written agreement between the Parties. If, at any time,the terms of this Agreement are not strictly adhered to or enforced, such requirements will not be deemed waived or modified but will, at all subsequent times,be deemed in full force and effect. 14. Headings. The section headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and will not be considered part of or used in the interpretation of this Agreement. 15. Entirety of Agreement. This Agreement: (i)is the entire agreement between the Parties concerning its subject matter and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings whether or not written; and(ii)is not intended to confer upon any entity other than Avista and the Contractor any rights or remedies under the Agreement Acknowledgements: Contractor shall provide a copy of the building plans that demonstrate how the Equipment will be utilized in a Structure when such plans have been finalized. Contractor understands that any Equipment ordered, purchased and/or installed prior to execution of this Agreement,may not qualify for an Incentive Payment under the Program. r ntr ctor'Vays read and understands this Agreement, and agrees to abide by its requirements. t,Yt*w hp v, NOV-17-2020 11:12 AM PST Liac r utho ' doR�r~tative Signature Date "t, (6s , NOV-17-2020 3:53 PM PST }v&da,Qgargagration Signature Date V—,P, NOV-17-2020 1 3:54 PM PST Avista orporation 2nd Signature(for Payments over$100K) Date Revised 1/2019 Page 2 of 2 DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE Avista Corp. /llm APliWXTAW East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane,WA 99202 "Exhibit A" Submission#77478 "Estimated Incentive Payment Calculation" Contractor Name: Copper Basin Construction P.O. Box 949 Hayden, ID 83835 Site Address: Prairie Pointe 1586 Switchgrass Ln Coeur d' Alene,ID 83815 Incentive levels: Up to $3,000 per unit for natural gas space heat Estimated Incentive Calculation: New construction—249-unit apartment complex • 11 -4 Bed/2 Bath(approx. 1500 sq. ft.) • 92—3 Bed/2 Bath(approx. 1257 sq. ft.) • 18—3 Bed/2 Bath(approx. 1250 sq. ft.) • 38—2 Bed/2 Bath(approx. 1131 sq. ft.) • 72—2 Bed/2 Bath(approx. 1100 sq. ft.) • 18— 1 bed/1 Bath(approx. 820 sq. ft.) Equipment to be installed: Natural gas space heating equipment: Carrier Gas Forced Air; 95% efficiency Maximum Estimated incentive 249 units natural gas space heat x$3,000 per unit=$747,000.00 *Maximum Estimated Incentive: $747,000.00 *actual incentive will be based on final incremental project costs DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE MULTI-FAMILY GAS MARKET TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM INFORMATION SHEET Customer Name: Copper Basin Construction Contact Name: Jeremy Hopson Contact Address: PO Box 949 Hayden ID 83835 Site Name 8v Address: Prairie Pointe 1586 Switchgrass Ln CDA ID 83815 Number of Units: 249 Square Footage of unit: 820 - 1500 each Bedrooms per unit: 11 - 4 bed 2 bath 1500sf 92 - 3 bed 2 bath 1257sf 18 - 3 bed 2 bath 1250sf 38 - 2 bed 2 bath 1131 sf 72 - 2 bed 2 bath 1100sf 18 - 1 bed 1 bath 820sf Number of heating units per living unit: 1 Type of space heating equipment to be installed in units: 95% Efficient Carrier Gas Forced Air units Type water heating per unit: Electric 50 GAL List Common areas with sq ft and heating source: None Estimated cost for all electric systems & type of initial proposed system: DocuSign Envelope ID:8DA46C07-75E9-4983-AC35-3028CA96AABE • Cost of Cadet wall heaters $1980 per unit Estimated cost for gas heating systems: • Total Per unit cost For GFA $13,789 Carrier units model number 59sc5a040s 14-10 Total increase of cost per unit $11,809 Total project increase for GFA 249 x $11809 = 2,940,441 Heat recovery system, type, what it serves and estimated cost. N/A resource innovations A(Amaglningtornvrrowwith N anTtc-day Avista Avista Billed by Resource Innovations 719 Main St., Ste A Half Moon Bay, CA 94109 Phone: (415)369-1000 Invoice Number: AVISBLPF022 Invoice Date: 11/2/2023 Cash Terms: PREFUND PO Number: N/A Contract Number: R-44292 Customer Number: N/A Invoice Summary Sector Check Quantity Measure Savings Incentive Quantity Avista IDA AVISBLPF022 $ 300,000.00 TOTAL: $300,000.00 Please contact Barry Pomeroy at 801-639-5610 if you have any questions concerning this invoice. Sincerely, Barry Pomeroy Program Manager Remit EFT Payment to: Resource Innovations, Inc Banking Institution: BMO-BANK N.A. Account Number: 070745401 ABA Routing Number: 071000288 CADMUS Memorandum To: Ryan Finesilver, Avista Corporation Org Code: T52 Contract No: D-35192 (WA#2) From: Mitt Jones, Cadmus Subject: EM&V of 2020-2021 Energy Efficiency Programs—Idaho, INV-294801 Date: April 14, 2022 This memo summarizes work completed by Cadmus for the EM&V of 2020-2021 Energy Efficiency Programs—Idaho from February 27, 2022, through March 26, 2022. Budget Summary Table 1 shows the invoice budget summary for the March 2022 billing period.The current invoice amount due is $19,928.30.To date,the cumulative invoiced amount is$275,697.87, leaving a remaining budget of$60,554.63. Table 1. Budget Summary Task Name Current InJoice F—Cumulative Budget Amount Amount Amount Project Management $ 662.00 $ 45,194.00 $ 56,235.00 PM ID Gas $ 150.00 $ 8,226.00 $ 8,997.60 PM ID Electric $ 512.00 $ 36,968.00 $ 47,237.40 Impact Evaluation $ 9,721.80 $ 138,338.37 $ 158,532.50 Impact ID Gas $ 1,022.00 $ 22,061.92 $ 25,365.20 Impact ID Electric $ 8,699.80 $ 116,276.45 $ 133,167.30 Process Evaluation $ 7,984.00 $ 46,562.50 $ 53,935.00 Process ID Gas $ 1,347.00 $ 7,705.00 $ 8,629.60 Process ID Electric $ 6,637.00 $ 38,857.50 $ 45,305.40 Reporting 0 Ill $ 1,560.50 $ 45,603.00 $ 67,550.00 Annual Report ID Gas $ 198.50 $ 9,617.50 $ 10,808.00 Annual Report ID Electric $ 1,362.00 $ 35,985.50 $ 56,742.00 ho 2020-2020 EM&V $ 275,697.87 $ 336,252. ID Gas Total $ 2,717.50 $ 47,610.42 $ 53,800.40 ID Electric Total $ 17,210.80 $ 228,087.45 $ 282,452.10 Schedule and Project Progress Figure 1 broadly depicts Cadmus' task and deliverable schedule for PY 2020 and PY 2021 evaluation activities. The work plans for each program cluster include their own specific evaluation timelines. The March invoice reflects 2022 Q1 impact evaluation activities, process evaluation activities, and general project management tasks. 720 SW Washington Street,Suite 400, Portland,OR 97205 Tel 503.467.7100 Fax 503.228.3696 HEADQUARTERS 100 5th Avenue,Suite 100,Waltham, MA 02451 Tel 617.673.7000 Fax 617.673.7001 cadmusgroup.com CADMUS Figure 1. PY 2020 and PY 2021 Task and Mum, M Deliverable Schedule Kickoff:e!t,Work P Project Management ----■ Advisory Group Meetings,as needed Verification Surveys _ OwSite or Virtual M&V and Analysis Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Document and Database Review Avista and Implementer Interviews Participant Surveys and Interviews Market Actor Interviews Electric Impact Memos Natural Gas Impact Memos Process Memo and Report Cost-Effectiveness Memos Impact evaluation Deliverables activities Process evaluation activities 2 CADMUS Billing Number: 6111-00-02-19 Invoice Number: INV-294801 Invoice Date: 04/14/2022 Bill To: Remit To: Avista Corporation THE CADMUS GROUP LLC Attn:Ryan Finesilver ATTN:ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE P.O.BOX 3727 100 5TH AVENUE Spokane,WA 99220-3727 SUITE 100 WALTHAM,MA 02451-8727 Customer Number: AVISTA Prime Contract Number: D-35192(WA#2) Subcontractor Number: Project Number: 6111.0000.0002 Cumulative Amount Billed: $275,697.87 Project Name: Avista IDAHO EMV Project POP: 06/01/2020 to 05/01/2022 Terms: NET 30 Billing Period From:02/27/2022 Billing Currency: USD Due Date: 05/14/2022 To:03/26/2022 VAT/Tax ID Number: 042793755 Current Current Cumulative Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount AARON HUSTON 3.70 115.0000 $425.50 38.50 $4,427.50 ALEX G.CHAMBERLAIN 0.00 155.0000 0.00 20.20 3,131.00 ALEXANDER OPIPARI 0.70 115.0000 80.50 47.30 5,439.50 AMANDA MCLEOD 0.00 135.0000 0.00 5.70 769.50 ANDREW C GATES 8.90 135.0000 1,201.50 26.60 3,591.00 ANDREW RIETZ 0.00 205.0000 0.00 5.80 1,189.00 ANTON P.LE 0.00 115.0000 0.00 6.50 747.50 ATHENA T.DODD 0.40 180.0000 72.00 3.30 594.00 BRANDON KIRLIN 27.90 135.0000 3,766.50 228.70 30,874.50 BRIAN HEDMAN 0.00 310.0000 0.00 16.50 5,115.00 CAMILAN TEAGLE-ALARCON 4.60 115.0000 529.00 23.50 2,702.50 CHRISTINE L.AMERO 0.00 205.0000 0.00 1.50 307.50 DIANE SISK 0.00 125.0000 0.00 12.90 1,612.50 EDUARDO RAMIREZ 4.60 135.0000 621.00 48.40 6,534.00 ELIZABETH MUTHIRENTY 17.10 155.0000 2,650.50 17.10 2,650.50 EMILY KREMSER 0.00 115.0000 0.00 0.80 92.00 ERICA FRY 0.00 65.0000 0.00 4.50 292.50 EVAN TALEN 2.00 155.0000 310.00 66.20 10,261.00 IAN NIMMO 0.00 135.0000 0.00 6.80 918.00 JAMES STEWART 0.00 310.0000 0.00 2.80 868.00 JASON CHRISTENSEN 0.00 250.0000 0.00 5.30 1,325.00 JEFFREY ABROMOWITZ 0.00 155.0000 0.00 2.10 325.50 JEFFREY CROPP 0.00 310.0000 0.00 121.00 37,510.00 JERICA STACEY 0.00 180.0000 0.00 30.80 5,544.00 JOHN WALCZYK 0.00 310.0000 0.00 0.50 155.00 JORDAN A.HESTER 0.00 155.0000 0.00 42.00 6,510.00 JOSEPH KEEGAN 13.10 135.0000 1,768.50 13.10 1,768.50 JOSHUA FONTES 0.40 115.0000 46.00 11.20 1,288.00 JOSHUA HOYNG 10.30 115.0000 1,184.50 71.20 8,188.00 KAITLYN TEPPERT 0.00 165.0000 0.00 0.40 66.00 KAREN S.HORKITZ 0.00 310.0000 0.00 1.00 310.00 KRISTIE RUPPER 4.10 205.0000 840.50 80.10 16,420.50 LAURA JAMES 0.00 205.0000 0.00 9.50 1,947.50 LESLIE ANDERSON 0.00 125.0000 0.00 2.70 337.50 LOUIS LUSTENBERGER VI 0.00 115.0000 0.00 68.60 7,889.00 MARGARET BUFFUM 0.00 180.0000 0.00 2.40 432.00 MAX BLASDEL 0.00 125.0000 0.00 47.40 5,925.00 MICHAEL LAURIENTI 13.60 135.0000 1,836.00 14.30 1,930.50 MILLARD T.JONES JR. 1.30 250.0000 325.00 36.40 9,100.00 NATHAN HINKLE 10.80 190.0000 2,052.00 339.60 64,524.00 NORA TWICHELL 0.00 115.0000 0.00 11.80 1,357.00 RACHEL FERNANDEZ 0.00 165.0000 0.00 7.40 1,221.00 ROMIO MIKHAEL 0.00 205.0000 0.00 0.50 102.50 SARA WIST 0.00 215.0000 0.00 1.80 387.00 HEADQUARTERS 100 5th Avenue,Suite 100,Waltham, MA 02451 Tel 617.673.7000 Fax 617.673.7001 Page 1 of 14 cadmusgroup.com Billing Number: 6111-00-02-19 Project Number: 6111.0000.0002 Billing Currency: USD Invoice Number: INV-294801 Project Name: Avista IDAHO EMV Invoice Date: 04/14/2022 Current Current Cumulative Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount SCOTT DAVIS 0.00 205.0000 0.00 0.50 102.50 SHANTAN KROVVIDI 0.00 115.0000 0.00 4.20 483.00 SOPHIA SPENCER 4.00 155.0000 620.00 9.90 1,534.50 TONIE LOUGH 1.50 65.0000 97.50 76.00 4,940.00 TYLER HAMMER 2.50 250.0000 625.00 36.40 9,100.00 WILLIAM AWVE 1.40 115.0000 161.00 6.10 701.50 YU WU 0.00 180.0000 0.00 1.50 270.00 Direct Labor 132.90 $19,212.50 1,639.30 $273,812.00 Travel $643.80 $1,305.37 Other Direct Costs 72.00 580.50 Direct Costs $715.80 $1,885.87 Invoice Total $19,928.30 $275,697.87 Page 2 of 14 Billing Number: 6111-00-02-19 Invoice Number: INV-294801 Invoice Date: 04/14/2022 Bill To: Remit To: Avista Corporation THE CADMUS GROUP LLC Attn:Ryan Finesilver ATTN:ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE P.O.BOX 3727 100 5TH AVENUE Spokane,WA 99220-3727 SUITE 100 WALTHAM,MA 02451-8727 Customer Number: AVISTA Prime Contract Number: D-35192(WA#2) Subcontractor Number: Project Number: 6111.0000.0002.0001 Cumulative Amount Billed: $45,194.00 Project Name: Avista PM ID Project POP: 06/01/2020 to 05/01/2022 Terms: NET 30 Billing Period From:02/27/2022 Billing Currency: USD Due Date: 05/14/2022 To:03/26/2022 VAT/Tax ID Number: 042793755 Current Current Cumulative Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount AARON HUSTON 2.60 115.0000 $299.00 32.90 $3,783.50 ALEX G.CHAMBERLAIN 0.00 155.0000 0.00 0.40 62.00 AMANDA MCLEOD 0.00 135.0000 0.00 0.70 94.50 JEFFREY CROPP 0.00 310.0000 0.00 59.00 18,290.00 JERICA STACEY 0.00 180.0000 0.00 29.10 5,238.00 JOSHUA FONTES 0.00 115.0000 0.00 0.20 23.00 KRISTIE RUPPER 0.00 205.0000 0.00 6.10 1,250.50 LESLIE ANDERSON 0.00 125.0000 0.00 2.70 337.50 MARGARET BUFFUM 0.00 180.0000 0.00 2.10 378.00 MILLARD T.JONES JR. 1.30 250.0000 325.00 12.00 3,000.00 NATHAN HINKLE 0.20 190.0000 38.00 61.70 11,723.00 RACHEL FERNANDEZ 0.00 165.0000 0.00 3.80 627.00 SARA WIST 0.00 215.0000 0.00 1.80 387.00 Direct Labor 4.10 $662.00 212.50 $45,194.00 Invoice Total $662.00 $45,194.00 Page 3 of 14 Billing Number: 6111-00-02-19 Invoice Number: INV-294801 Invoice Date: 04/14/2022 Bill To: Remit To: Avista Corporation THE CADMUS GROUP LLC Attn:Ryan Finesilver ATTN:ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE P.O.BOX 3727 100 5TH AVENUE Spokane,WA 99220-3727 SUITE 100 WALTHAM,MA 02451-8727 Customer Number: AVISTA Prime Contract Number: D-35192(WA#2) Subcontractor Number: Project Number: 6111.0000.0002.0001.0001 Cumulative Amount Billed: $8,226.00 Project Name: Avista PM ID Gas Project POP: 06/01/2020 to 05/01/2022 Terms: NET 30 Billing Period From:02/27/2022 Billing Currency: USD Due Date: 05/14/2022 To:03/26/2022 VAT/Tax ID Number: 042793755 Current Current Cumulative Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount AMANDA MCLEOD 0.00 135.0000 $0.00 0.50 $67.50 JEFFREY CROPP 0.00 310.0000 0.00 11.00 3,410.00 JERICA STACEY 0.00 180.0000 0.00 8.00 1,440.00 KRISTIE RUPPER 0.00 205.0000 0.00 1.50 307.50 LESLIE ANDERSON 0.00 125.0000 0.00 0.40 50.00 MILLARD T.JONES JR. 0.60 250.0000 150.00 2.40 600.00 NATHAN HINKLE 0.00 190.0000 0.00 10.60 2,014.00 RACHEL FERNANDEZ 0.00 165.0000 0.00 1.00 165.00 SARA WIST 0.00 215.0000 0.00 0.80 172.00 Direct Labor 0.60 $150.00 36.20 $8,226.00 Invoice Total $150.00 $8,2 66.00 Page 4 of 14 Billing Number: 6111-00-02-19 Invoice Number: INV-294801 Invoice Date: 04/14/2022 Bill To: Remit To: Avista Corporation THE CADMUS GROUP LLC Attn:Ryan Finesilver ATTN:ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE P.O.BOX 3727 100 5TH AVENUE Spokane,WA 99220-3727 SUITE 100 WALTHAM,MA 02451-8727 Customer Number: AVISTA Prime Contract Number: D-35192(WA#2) Subcontractor Number: Project Number: 6111.0000.0002.0001.0002 Cumulative Amount Billed: $36,968.00 Project Name: Avista PM ID Electric Project POP: 06/01/2020 to 05/01/2022 Terms: NET 30 Billing Period From:02/27/2022 Billing Currency: USD Due Date: 05/14/2022 To:03/26/2022 VAT/Tax ID Number: 042793755 Current Current Cumulative Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount AARON HUSTON 2.60 115.0000 $299.00 32.90 $3,783.50 ALEX G.CHAMBERLAIN 0.00 155.0000 0.00 0.40 62.00 AMANDA MCLEOD 0.00 135.0000 0.00 0.20 27.00 JEFFREY CROPP 0.00 310.0000 0.00 48.00 14,880.00 JERICA STACEY 0.00 180.0000 0.00 21.10 3,798.00 JOSHUA FONTES 0.00 115.0000 0.00 0.20 23.00 KRISTIE RUPPER 0.00 205.0000 0.00 4.60 943.00 LESLIE ANDERSON 0.00 125.0000 0.00 2.30 287.50 MARGARET BUFFUM 0.00 180.0000 0.00 2.10 378.00 MILLARD T.JONES JR. 0.70 250.0000 175.00 9.60 2,400.00 NATHAN HINKLE 0.20 190.0000 38.00 51.10 9,709.00 RACHEL FERNANDEZ 0.00 165.0000 0.00 2.80 462.00 SARA WIST 0.00 215.0000 0.00 1.00 215.00 Direct Labor 3.50 $512.00 176.30 $36,968.00 Invoice Total $512.00 $36,968.00 Page 5 of 14 Billing Number: 6111-00-02-19 Invoice Number: INV-294801 Invoice Date: 04/14/2022 Bill To: Remit To: Avista Corporation THE CADMUS GROUP LLC Attn:Ryan Finesilver ATTN:ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE P.O.BOX 3727 100 5TH AVENUE Spokane,WA 99220-3727 SUITE 100 WALTHAM,MA 02451-8727 Customer Number: AVISTA Prime Contract Number: D-35192(WA#2) Subcontractor Number: Project Number: 6111.0000.0002.0002 Cumulative Amount Billed: $138,338.37 Project Name: Avista Impact ID Project POP: 06/01/2020 to 05/01/2022 Terms: NET 30 Billing Period From:02/27/2022 Billing Currency: USD Due Date: 05/14/2022 To:03/26/2022 VAT/Tax ID Number: 042793755 Current Current Cumulative Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount AARON HUSTON 0.00 115.0000 $0.00 0.70 $80.50 ANDREW C GATES 8.90 135.0000 1,201.50 26.60 3,591.00 ANDREW RIETZ 0.00 205.0000 0.00 5.80 1,189.00 BRANDON KIRLIN 26.50 135.0000 3,577.50 200.70 27,094.50 BRIAN HEDMAN 0.00 310.0000 0.00 3.50 1,085.00 CAMILAN TEAGLE-ALARCON 0.00 115.0000 0.00 4.60 529.00 CHRISTINE L.AMERO 0.00 205.0000 0.00 1.50 307.50 EDUARDO RAMIREZ 4.60 135.0000 621.00 48.40 6,534.00 EVAN TALEN 2.00 155.0000 310.00 66.20 10,261.00 IAN NIMMO 0.00 135.0000 0.00 6.80 918.00 JAMES STEWART 0.00 310.0000 0.00 2.80 868.00 JASON CHRISTENSEN 0.00 250.0000 0.00 5.30 1,325.00 JEFFREY CROPP 0.00 310.0000 0.00 39.00 12,090.00 JERICA STACEY 0.00 180.0000 0.00 0.70 126.00 JOHN WALCZYK 0.00 310.0000 0.00 0.50 155.00 JORDAN A.HESTER 0.00 155.0000 0.00 42.00 6,510.00 JOSHUA HOYNG 10.30 115.0000 1,184.50 67.40 7,751.00 KAREN S.HORKITZ 0.00 310.0000 0.00 1.00 310.00 LOUIS LUSTENBERGER VI 0.00 115.0000 0.00 0.80 92.00 MARGARET BUFFUM 0.00 180.0000 0.00 0.30 54.00 MAX BLASDEL 0.00 125.0000 0.00 7.20 900.00 MILLARD T.JONES JR. 0.00 250.0000 0.00 24.40 6,100.00 NATHAN HINKLE 10.60 190.0000 2,014.00 223.50 42,465.00 NORA TWICHELL 0.00 115.0000 0.00 3.20 368.00 RACHEL FERNANDEZ 0.00 165.0000 0.00 0.40 66.00 ROMIO MIKHAEL 0.00 205.0000 0.00 0.50 102.50 SHANTAN KROVVIDI 0.00 115.0000 0.00 4.20 483.00 TONIE LOUGH 1.50 65.0000 97.50 76.00 4,940.00 YU WU 0.00 180.0000 0.00 1.50 270.00 Direct Labor 64.40 $9,006.00 865.50 $136,565.00 Travel $643.80 $1,305.37 Other Direct Costs 72.00 468.00 Direct Costs $715.80 $1,773.37 Invoice Total $9,721.80 $138,338.37 Page 6 of 14 Billing Number: 6111-00-02-19 Invoice Number: INV-294801 Invoice Date: 04/14/2022 Bill To: Remit To: Avista Corporation THE CADMUS GROUP LLC Attn:Ryan Finesilver ATTN:ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE P.O.BOX 3727 100 5TH AVENUE Spokane,WA 99220-3727 SUITE 100 WALTHAM,MA 02451-8727 Customer Number: AVISTA Prime Contract Number: D-35192(WA#2) Subcontractor Number: Project Number: 6111.0000.0002.0002.0001 Cumulative Amount Billed: $22,061.92 Project Name: Avista Impact ID Gas Project POP: 06/01/2020 to 05/01/2022 Terms: NET 30 Billing Period From:02/27/2022 Billing Currency: USD Due Date: 05/14/2022 To:03/26/2022 VAT/Tax ID Number: 042793755 Current Current Cumulative Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount AARON HUSTON 0.00 115.0000 $0.00 0.40 $46.00 ANDREW C GATES 0.30 135.0000 40.50 0.30 40.50 ANDREW RIETZ 0.00 205.0000 0.00 1.00 205.00 BRANDON KIRLIN 1.10 135.0000 148.50 27.00 3,645.00 CAMILAN TEAGLE-ALARCON 0.00 115.0000 0.00 0.70 80.50 CHRISTINE L.AMERO 0.00 205.0000 0.00 0.50 102.50 EDUARDO RAMIREZ 1.00 135.0000 135.00 6.60 891.00 EVANTALEN 0.90 155.0000 139.50 20.60 3,193.00 IAN NIMMO 0.00 135.0000 0.00 0.30 40.50 JASON CHRISTENSEN 0.00 250.0000 0.00 2.50 625.00 JORDAN A.HESTER 0.00 155.0000 0.00 0.30 46.50 JOSHUA HOYNG 1.60 115.0000 184.00 10.40 1,196.00 KAREN S.HORKITZ 0.00 310.0000 0.00 0.20 62.00 LOUIS LUSTENBERGER VI 0.00 115.0000 0.00 0.10 11.50 MARGARET BUFFUM 0.00 180.0000 0.00 0.20 36.00 MILLARD T.JONES JR. 0.00 250.0000 0.00 8.90 2,225.00 NATHAN HINKLE 1.80 190.0000 342.00 42.80 8,132.00 NORA TWICHELL 0.00 115.0000 0.00 0.30 34.50 RACHEL FERNANDEZ 0.00 165.0000 0.00 0.10 16.50 ROMIO MIKHAEL 0.00 205.0000 0.00 0.10 20.50 SHANTAN KROVVIDI 0.00 115.0000 0.00 2.00 230.00 TONIE LOUGH 0.50 65.0000 32.50 15.50 1,007.50 Direct Labor 7.20 $1,022.00 140.80 $21,887.00 Travel $0.00 $102.92 Other Direct Costs 0.00 72.00 Direct Costs $0.00 $174.92 Invoice Total $1,022.00 $22,061.92 Page 7 of 14 Billing Number: 6111-00-02-19 Invoice Number: INV-294801 Invoice Date: 04/14/2022 Bill To: Remit To: Avista Corporation THE CADMUS GROUP LLC Attn:Ryan Finesilver ATTN:ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE P.O.BOX 3727 100 5TH AVENUE Spokane,WA 99220-3727 SUITE 100 WALTHAM,MA 02451-8727 Customer Number: AVISTA Prime Contract Number: D-35192(WA#2) Subcontractor Number: Project Number: 6111.0000.0002.0002.0002 Cumulative Amount Billed: $116,276.45 Project Name: Avista Impact ID Electric Project POP: 06/01/2020 to 05/01/2022 Terms: NET 30 Billing Period From:02/27/2022 Billing Currency: USD Due Date: 05/14/2022 To:03/26/2022 VAT/Tax ID Number: 042793755 Current Current Cumulative Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount AARON HUSTON 0.00 115.0000 $0.00 0.30 $34.50 ANDREW C GATES 8.60 135.0000 1,161.00 26.30 3,550.50 ANDREW RIETZ 0.00 205.0000 0.00 4.80 984.00 BRANDON KIRLIN 25.40 135.0000 3,429.00 173.70 23,449.50 BRIAN HEDMAN 0.00 310.0000 0.00 3.50 1,085.00 CAMILAN TEAGLE-ALARCON 0.00 115.0000 0.00 3.90 448.50 CHRISTINE L.AMERO 0.00 205.0000 0.00 1.00 205.00 EDUARDO RAMIREZ 3.60 135.0000 486.00 41.80 5,643.00 EVAN TALEN 1.10 155.0000 170.50 45.60 7,068.00 IAN NIMMO 0.00 135.0000 0.00 6.50 877.50 JAMES STEWART 0.00 310.0000 0.00 2.80 868.00 JASON CHRISTENSEN 0.00 250.0000 0.00 2.80 700.00 JEFFREY CROPP 0.00 310.0000 0.00 39.00 12,090.00 JERICA STACEY 0.00 180.0000 0.00 0.70 126.00 JOHN WALCZYK 0.00 310.0000 0.00 0.50 155.00 JORDAN A.HESTER 0.00 155.0000 0.00 41.70 6,463.50 JOSHUA HOYNG 8.70 115.0000 1,000.50 57.00 6,555.00 KAREN S.HORKITZ 0.00 310.0000 0.00 0.80 248.00 LOUIS LUSTENBERGER VI 0.00 115.0000 0.00 0.70 80.50 MARGARET BUFFUM 0.00 180.0000 0.00 0.10 18.00 MAX BLASDEL 0.00 125.0000 0.00 7.20 900.00 MILLARD T.JONES JR. 0.00 250.0000 0.00 15.50 3,875.00 NATHAN HINKLE 8.80 190.0000 1,672.00 180.70 34,333.00 NORA TWICHELL 0.00 115.0000 0.00 2.90 333.50 RACHEL FERNANDEZ 0.00 165.0000 0.00 0.30 49.50 ROMIO MIKHAEL 0.00 205.0000 0.00 0.40 82.00 SHANTAN KROVVIDI 0.00 115.0000 0.00 2.20 253.00 TONIE LOUGH 1.00 65.0000 65.00 60.50 3,932.50 YU WU 0.00 180.0000 0.00 1.50 270.00 Direct Labor 57.20 $7,984.00 724.70 $114,678.00 Travel $643.80 $1,202.45 Other Direct Costs 72.00 396.00 Direct Costs $715.80 $1,598.45 Invoice Total $8,699.80 $116,2 66.45 Page 8 of 14 Billing Number: 6111-00-02-19 Invoice Number: INV-294801 Invoice Date: 04/14/2022 Bill To: Remit To: Avista Corporation THE CADMUS GROUP LLC Attn:Ryan Finesilver ATTN:ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE P.O.BOX 3727 100 5TH AVENUE Spokane,WA 99220-3727 SUITE 100 WALTHAM,MA 02451-8727 Customer Number: AVISTA Prime Contract Number: D-35192(WA#2) Subcontractor Number: Project Number: 6111.0000.0002.0003 Cumulative Amount Billed: $46,562.50 Project Name: Avista Process ID Project POP: 06/01/2020 to 05/01/2022 Terms: NET 30 Billing Period From:02/27/2022 Billing Currency: USD Due Date: 05/14/2022 To:03/26/2022 VAT/Tax ID Number: 042793755 Current Current Cumulative Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount ALEX G.CHAMBERLAIN 0.00 155.0000 $0.00 15.80 $2,449.00 ALEXANDER OPIPARI 0.70 115.0000 80.50 47.30 5,439.50 AMANDA MCLEOD 0.00 135.0000 0.00 5.00 675.00 ANTON P.LE 0.00 115.0000 0.00 6.50 747.50 ATHENA T.DODD 0.40 180.0000 72.00 3.30 594.00 BRANDON KIRLIN 0.00 135.0000 0.00 1.80 243.00 CAMILAN TEAGLE-ALARCON 4.60 115.0000 529.00 18.90 2,173.50 ELIZABETH MUTHIRENTY 17.10 155.0000 2,650.50 17.10 2,650.50 EMILY KREMSER 0.00 115.0000 0.00 0.80 92.00 ERICA FRY 0.00 65.0000 0.00 4.50 292.50 JEFFREY CROPP 0.00 310.0000 0.00 1.50 465.00 JERICA STACEY 0.00 180.0000 0.00 0.50 90.00 JOSEPH KEEGAN 13.10 135.0000 1,768.50 13.10 1,768.50 JOSHUA FONTES 0.40 115.0000 46.00 6.70 770.50 KAITLYN TEPPERT 0.00 165.0000 0.00 0.40 66.00 KRISTIE RUPPER 4.10 205.0000 840.50 66.30 13,591.50 LAURA JAMES 0.00 205.0000 0.00 9.50 1,947.50 LOUIS LUSTENBERGER VI 0.00 115.0000 0.00 67.80 7,797.00 MICHAEL LAURIENTI 13.60 135.0000 1,836.00 14.30 1,930.50 NATHAN HINKLE 0.00 190.0000 0.00 4.60 874.00 NORA TWICHELL 0.00 115.0000 0.00 8.60 989.00 SCOTT DAVIS 0.00 205.0000 0.00 0.50 102.50 WILLIAM AWVE 1.40 115.0000 161.00 6.10 701.50 Direct Labor 55.40 $7,984.00 320.90 $46,450.00 Other Direct Costs $0.00 $112.50 Direct Costs $0.00 $112.50 Invoice Total $7,984.00 $46,562.50 Page 9 of 14 Billing Number: 6111-00-02-19 Invoice Number: INV-294801 Invoice Date: 04/14/2022 Bill To: Remit To: Avista Corporation THE CADMUS GROUP LLC Attn:Ryan Finesilver ATTN:ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE P.O.BOX 3727 100 5TH AVENUE Spokane,WA 99220-3727 SUITE 100 WALTHAM,MA 02451-8727 Customer Number: AVISTA Prime Contract Number: D-35192(WA#2) Subcontractor Number: Project Number: 6111.0000.0002.0003.0001 Cumulative Amount Billed: $7,705.00 Project Name: Avista Process ID Gas Project POP: 06/01/2020 to 05/01/2022 Terms: NET 30 Billing Period From:02/27/2022 Billing Currency: USD Due Date: 05/14/2022 To:03/26/2022 VAT/Tax ID Number: 042793755 Current Current Cumulative Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount ALEX G.CHAMBERLAIN 0.00 155.0000 $0.00 2.60 $403.00 ALEXANDER OPIPARI 0.10 115.0000 11.50 9.40 1,081.00 AMANDA MCLEOD 0.00 135.0000 0.00 0.90 121.50 ANTON P.LE 0.00 115.0000 0.00 1.40 161.00 ATHENA T.DODD 0.10 180.0000 18.00 0.60 108.00 BRANDON KIRLIN 0.00 135.0000 0.00 0.30 40.50 CAMILAN TEAGLE-ALARCON 1.00 115.0000 115.00 3.90 448.50 ELIZABETH MUTHIRENTY 2.40 155.0000 372.00 2.40 372.00 EMILY KREMSER 0.00 115.0000 0.00 0.10 11.50 ERICA FRY 0.00 65.0000 0.00 0.70 45.50 JERICA STACEY 0.00 180.0000 0.00 0.10 18.00 JOSEPH KEEGAN 2.80 135.0000 378.00 2.80 378.00 JOSHUA FONTES 0.20 115.0000 23.00 1.30 149.50 KAITLYN TEPPERT 0.00 165.0000 0.00 0.10 16.50 KRISTIE RUPPER 0.60 205.0000 123.00 10.00 2,050.00 LAURA JAMES 0.00 205.0000 0.00 1.60 328.00 LOUIS LUSTENBERGER VI 0.00 115.0000 0.00 10.40 1,196.00 MICHAEL LAURIENTI 2.10 135.0000 283.50 2.20 297.00 NAT14AN HINKLE 0.00 190.0000 0.00 1.10 209.00 NORA TWICHELL 0.00 115.0000 0.00 1.20 138.00 WILLIAM AWVE 0.20 115.0000 23.00 1.00 115.00 Direct Labor 9.50 $1,347.00 54.10 $7,687.50 Other Direct Costs $0.00 $17.50 Direct Costs $0.00 $17.50 Invoice Total $1,347.00 $7,705.00 Page 10 of 14 Billing Number: 6111-00-02-19 Invoice Number: INV-294801 Invoice Date: 04/14/2022 Bill To: Remit To: Avista Corporation THE CADMUS GROUP LLC Attn:Ryan Finesilver ATTN:ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE P.O.BOX 3727 100 5TH AVENUE Spokane,WA 99220-3727 SUITE 100 WALTHAM,MA 02451-8727 Customer Number: AVISTA Prime Contract Number: D-35192(WA#2) Subcontractor Number: Project Number: 6111.0000.0002.0003.0002 Cumulative Amount Billed: $38,857.50 Project Name: Avista ID Process Electri Project POP: 06/01/2020 to 05/01/2022 Terms: NET 30 Billing Period From:02/27/2022 Billing Currency: USD Due Date: 05/14/2022 To:03/26/2022 VAT/Tax ID Number: 042793755 Current Current Cumulative Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount ALEX G.CHAMBERLAIN 0.00 155.0000 $0.00 13.20 $2,046.00 ALEXANDER OPIPARI 0.60 115.0000 69.00 37.90 4,358.50 AMANDA MCLEOD 0.00 135.0000 0.00 4.10 553.50 ANTON P.LE 0.00 115.0000 0.00 5.10 586.50 ATHENA T.DODD 0.30 180.0000 54.00 2.70 486.00 BRANDON KIRLIN 0.00 135.0000 0.00 1.50 202.50 CAMILAN TEAGLE-ALARCON 3.60 115.0000 414.00 15.00 1,725.00 ELIZABETH MUTHIRENTY 14.70 155.0000 2,278.50 14.70 2,278.50 EMILY KREMSER 0.00 115.0000 0.00 0.70 80.50 ERICA FRY 0.00 65.0000 0.00 3.80 247.00 JEFFREY CROPP 0.00 310.0000 0.00 1.50 465.00 JERICA STACEY 0.00 180.0000 0.00 0.40 72.00 JOSEPH KEEGAN 10.30 135.0000 1,390.50 10.30 1,390.50 JOSHUA FONTES 0.20 115.0000 23.00 5.40 621.00 KAITLYN TEPPERT 0.00 165.0000 0.00 0.30 49.50 KRISTIE RUPPER 3.50 205.0000 717.50 56.30 11,541.50 LAURA JAMES 0.00 205.0000 0.00 7.90 1,619.50 LOUIS LUSTENBERGER VI 0.00 115.0000 0.00 57.40 6,601.00 MICHAEL LAURIENTI 11.50 135.0000 1,552.50 12.10 1,633.50 NATHAN HINKLE 0.00 190.0000 0.00 3.50 665.00 NORA TWICHELL 0.00 115.0000 0.00 7.40 851.00 SCOTT DAVIS 0.00 205.0000 0.00 0.50 102.50 WILLIAM AWVE 1.20 115.0000 138.00 5.10 586.50 Direct Labor 45.90 $6,637.00 266.80 $38,762.50 Other Direct Costs $0.00 $95.00 Direct Costs $0.00 $95.00 Invoice Total $6,637.00 $38,857.50 Page 11 of 14 Billing Number: 6111-00-02-19 Invoice Number: INV-294801 Invoice Date: 04/14/2022 Bill To: Remit To: Avista Corporation THE CADMUS GROUP LLC Attn:Ryan Finesilver ATTN:ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE P.O.BOX 3727 100 5TH AVENUE Spokane,WA 99220-3727 SUITE 100 WALTHAM,MA 02451-8727 Customer Number: AVISTA Prime Contract Number: D-35192(WA#2) Subcontractor Number: Project Number: 6111.0000.0002.0004 Cumulative Amount Billed: $45,603.00 Project Name: Avista Annual Report ID Project POP: 06/01/2020 to 05/01/2022 Terms: NET 30 Billing Period From:02/27/2022 Billing Currency: USD Due Date: 05/14/2022 To:03/26/2022 VAT/Tax ID Number: 042793755 Current Current Cumulative Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount AARON HUSTON 1.10 115.0000 $126.50 4.90 $563.50 ALEX G.CHAMBERLAIN 0.00 155.0000 0.00 4.00 620.00 BRANDON KIRLIN 1.40 135.0000 189.00 26.20 3,537.00 BRIAN HEDMAN 0.00 310.0000 0.00 13.00 4,030.00 DIANE SISK 0.00 125.0000 0.00 12.90 1,612.50 JEFFREY ABROMOWITZ 0.00 155.0000 0.00 2.10 325.50 JEFFREY CROPP 0.00 310.0000 0.00 21.50 6,665.00 JERICA STACEY 0.00 180.0000 0.00 0.50 90.00 JOSHUA FONTES 0.00 115.0000 0.00 4.30 494.50 JOSHUA HOYNG 0.00 115.0000 0.00 3.80 437.00 KRISTIE RUPPER 0.00 205.0000 0.00 7.70 1,578.50 MAX BLASDEL 0.00 125.0000 0.00 40.20 5,025.00 NATHAN HINKLE 0.00 190.0000 0.00 49.80 9,462.00 RACHEL FERNANDEZ 0.00 165.0000 0.00 3.20 528.00 SOPHIA SPENCER 4.00 155.0000 620.00 9.90 1,534.50 TYLER HAMMER 2.50 250.0000 625.00 36.40 9,100.00 Direct Labor 9.00 $1,560.50 240.40 $45,603.00 Invoice Total $1,560.50 $45,603.00 Page 12 of 14 Billing Number: 6111-00-02-19 Invoice Number: INV-294801 Invoice Date: 04/14/2022 Bill To: Remit To: Avista Corporation THE CADMUS GROUP LLC Attn:Ryan Finesilver ATTN:ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE P.O.BOX 3727 100 5TH AVENUE Spokane,WA 99220-3727 SUITE 100 WALTHAM,MA 02451-8727 Customer Number: AVISTA Prime Contract Number: D-35192(WA#2) Subcontractor Number: Project Number: 6111.0000.0002.0004.0001 Cumulative Amount Billed: $9,617.50 Project Name: Avista Annual Rept ID Gas Project POP: 06/01/2020 to 05/01/2022 Terms: NET 30 Billing Period From:02/27/2022 Billing Currency: USD Due Date: 05/14/2022 To:03/26/2022 VAT/Tax ID Number: 042793755 Current Current Cumulative Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount AARON HUSTON 0.40 115.0000 $46.00 1.10 $126.50 ALEX G.CHAMBERLAIN 0.00 155.0000 0.00 0.60 93.00 BRANDON KIRLIN 0.00 135.0000 0.00 3.30 445.50 BRIAN HEDMAN 0.00 310.0000 0.00 3.50 1,085.00 DIANE SISK 0.00 125.0000 0.00 3.50 437.50 JEFFREY CROPP 0.00 310.0000 0.00 5.50 1,705.00 JERICA STACEY 0.00 180.0000 0.00 0.10 18.00 JOSHUA FONTES 0.00 115.0000 0.00 1.80 207.00 KRISTIE RUPPER 0.00 205.0000 0.00 1.00 205.00 MAX BLASDEL 0.00 125.0000 0.00 4.70 587.50 NATHAN HINKLE 0.00 190.0000 0.00 17.10 3,249.00 RACHEL FERNANDEZ 0.00 165.0000 0.00 0.80 132.00 SOPHIA SPENCER 0.50 155.0000 77.50 1.30 201.50 TYLER HAMMER 0.30 250.0000 75.00 4.50 1,125.00 Direct Labor 1.20 $198.50 48.80 $9,617.50 Invoice Total $198.50 $9,617.50 Page 13 of 14 Billing Number: 6111-00-02-19 Invoice Number: INV-294801 Invoice Date: 04/14/2022 Bill To: Remit To: Avista Corporation THE CADMUS GROUP LLC Attn:Ryan Finesilver ATTN:ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE P.O.BOX 3727 100 5TH AVENUE Spokane,WA 99220-3727 SUITE 100 WALTHAM,MA 02451-8727 Customer Number: AVISTA Prime Contract Number: D-35192(WA#2) Subcontractor Number: Project Number: 6111.0000.0002.0004.0002 Cumulative Amount Billed: $35,985.50 Project Name: Avista Annual Rept ID Ele Project POP: 06/01/2020 to 05/01/2022 Terms: NET 30 Billing Period From:02/27/2022 Billing Currency: USD Due Date: 05/14/2022 To:03/26/2022 VAT/Tax ID Number: 042793755 Current Current Cumulative Cumulative Hours Rate Amount Hours Amount AARON HUSTON 0.70 115.0000 $80.50 3.80 $437.00 ALEX G.CHAMBERLAIN 0.00 155.0000 0.00 3.40 527.00 BRANDON KIRLIN 1.40 135.0000 189.00 22.90 3,091.50 BRIAN HEDMAN 0.00 310.0000 0.00 9.50 2,945.00 DIANE SISK 0.00 125.0000 0.00 9.40 1,175.00 JEFFREY ABROMOWITZ 0.00 155.0000 0.00 2.10 325.50 JEFFREY CROPP 0.00 310.0000 0.00 16.00 4,960.00 JERICA STACEY 0.00 180.0000 0.00 0.40 72.00 JOSHUA FONTES 0.00 115.0000 0.00 2.50 287.50 JOSHUA HOYNG 0.00 115.0000 0.00 3.80 437.00 KRISTIE RUPPER 0.00 205.0000 0.00 6.70 1,373.50 MAX BLASDEL 0.00 125.0000 0.00 35.50 4,437.50 NATHAN HINKLE 0.00 190.0000 0.00 32.70 6,213.00 RACHEL FERNANDEZ 0.00 165.0000 0.00 2.40 396.00 SOPHIA SPENCER 3.50 155.0000 542.50 8.60 1,333.00 TYLER HAMMER 2.20 250.0000 550.00 31.90 7,975.00 Direct Labor 7.80 $1,362.00 191.60 $35,985.50 Invoice Total $1,362.00 $35,985.50 Page 14 of 14 Emooyee: KIRLIN,BRAN DONM.(002282) Revision: 1 Expense Report Num ber: ER00005834 Correction No: 0 Authorization Number: THE CADM US G FU LP, INC. Expense Report Status: Approved Expense Report Type: Long Distance Travel ER Expense Report Date: M ar 14,2022 Description: Avista Site visits From: Feb 21,2022 Expense Class: Default Expense Report Sum m gy To: Feb 25,2022 Purpose: Site visit in Eastern WA and Northern ID for Avista M W Deltek Know more, First Day of Trip: Y Printed: M a-22,2022 8:38 PM Da rnorr._, Last Day of Trip: Y Transporta Lodging M eals Car O her Line No Expense Date Incurred Amount Incurred Amount Incurred Amount Incurred Amount Incurred Amount Total 1 Feb 21,2022 1 15.45 8 24.83 4.93 225.21 2 Feb 22,2022 1 15.45 7 62.44 7.91 255.80 3 Feb 23,2022 1 15.45 1 59.19 43.16 317.80 4 Feb 24,2022 1 15.45 7 25.21 7.92 218.58 5 Feb 25,2022 3 58.00 4 37.76 5.01 440.77 Total 358.00 4 61.80 2 09.43 4 28.93 1,458.16 [-]Com pany-Paid: 0.00 [-]Advance: 0.00 [-]Personal: 27.50 [-]Non-Reimbursable: 0.00 Signature: KIRLIN, BRANDO NM.(002282)(M a 16,2022) [-]Payment Received: 0.00 Due Employee: 1,430.66 Approval: HINKLE, NATHAN R.(001629)Prim ary Supervisor M ar 16,2022 Approval: KO SfO FO lLO S ALEXANDRIA E.(001672)Prim ay Adm histrator Expense M a-22,2022 RECEIVED By Alexandria Kostopoulos at 8:43 pm, Mar 22, 2022 Page: 1 of 3 Employee: KIRLIN,BRAN DO NM.(002282) Revision: 1 Expense Report Num ber: ER00005834 Correction No: 0 Authorization Number: THE CADM US G FU LP INC. Expense Report Status: Approved Expense Report Type: Long Distance Travel ER ' Expense Report Date: M ar 14,2022 Description: Avista Site visits From: Feb 21,2022 Expense Class: Default Voucher Distribution To: Feb 25,2022 Purpose: Site visit in Eastern WA and Northern ID for Avista M&V D e Ite k Know more, First Day of Trip: Y Printed: M a-22,2022 8:38 PM OO more Last Day of Trip: Y Exp ID Expense Description Type Project Account 019 Amount(USD) 1 L O DGING/Feb 25,2022 U nder Ceiling 1 6111.0000.0001.0002.000 5047-200 .2.21.009 253.99 2 1 L O DGING/Feb 25,2022 U nder Ceiling 1 6111.0000.0002.0002.000 5047-200 .2.21.009 207.81 2 2 C ARRENTAL/Feb 25,2022 U nder Ceiling 1 6111.0000.0001.0002.000 5047-200 .2.21.009 171.41 2 2 C ARRENTAL/Feb 25,2022 U nder Ceiling 1 6111.0000.0002.0002.000 5047-200 .2.21.009 140.24 2 A 3 G S/Feb 23,2022 U nder Ceiling 1 6111.0000.0001.0002.000 5047-200 .2.21.009 19.12 2 A 3 G S/Feb 23,2022 U nder Ceiling 1 6111.0000.0002.0002.000 5047-200 .2.21.009 15.64 2 A 4 G S/Feb 23,2022 U nder Ceiling 1 6111.0000.0001.0002.000 5047-200 .2.21.009 16.77 2 A 4 G S/Feb 23,2022 U nder Ceiling 1 6111.0000.0002.0002.000 5047-200 .2.21.009 13.72 2 A 5 G S/Feb 25,2022 U nder Ceiling 1 6111.0000.0001.0002.000 5047-200 .2.21.009 20.89 2 A 5 G S/Feb 25,2022 U nder Ceiling 1 6111.0000.0002.0002.000 5047-200 .2.21.009 17.10 2 6 P DM EALACTU U nder Ceiling 1 6111.0000.0001.0002.000 5047-200 .2.21.009 100.06 2 6 P DM EALACTU U nder Ceiling 1 6111.0000.0002.0002.000 5047-200 .2.21.009 81.87 2 7 A IRFARE/Feb 25,2022/PDX/ Under Ceiling 1 6111.0000.0001.0002.000 5047-200 .2.21.009 196.90 GEG/ECONDMY 2 7 A IRFARE/Feb 25,2022/PDX/ Under Ceiling 1 6111.0000.0002.0002.000 5047-200 .2.21.009 161.10 GEG/ECONDMY 2 1 8 M LEAG E/Feb 21,2022 U nder Ceiling 1 6111.0000.0001.0002.000 5047-200 .2.21.009 3.86 2 1 8 M LEAG E/Feb 21,2022 U nder Ceiling 1 6111.0000.0002.0002.000 5047-200 .2.21.009 3.16 2 1 9 M LEAG E/Feb 25,2022 U nder Ceiling 1 6111.0000.0001.0002.000 5047-200 .2.21.009 3.86 2 1 9 M LEAG E/Feb 25,2022 U nder Ceiling 1 6111.0000.0002.0002.000 5047-200 .2.21.009 3.16 2 Page: 2 of 3 Em floyee: KIRLIN,BRANDO NM.(002282) Revision: 1 Expense Report Num ber: ER00005834 Correction No: 0 Authorization Number: THE CADM US G FU LP, INC. Expense Report Status: Approved Expense Report Type: Long Distance Travel ER Expense Report Date: M a 14,2022 Description: Avista Site visits From: Feb 21,2022 Expense Class: Default Expense Report Detail To: Feb 25,2022 Purpose: Site visit in Eastern WA and Northern ID for Avista M&V D e I t e k Know more First Day of Trip: Y Printed: M a-22,2022 7:46 PM Do more._ Last Day of Trip: Y Expense ID: 8 Payment Method: E M PLPD First Day of Trip: No Category: CAR Currency: USD Last Day of Trip: No Type: M LEAG E Expense Date: Feb 21,2022 Rate Per M ies: 0.585 Description: M LEAG E/Feb 21,2022 Amount: 7.02 Number of M ies: 12.0 Tax Rate 1 Amount: 0.00 Starting M ies: 0.0 Tax Rate 2 Amount: 0.00 Ending M ies: 0.0 Provider: Start Date: Feb 21,2022 Unallow able Explanation: End Date: Feb 21,2022 Comments: Hometo PDX 120 NE Sacram alto St, Portland O R97212 Charge Type T ype A (location% Project A r ccount O g Expense Reference Amount(USD) Direct Long Distance Travel U nder Ceiling 5 5 6111.0000.0001.0002.00 5047-200 1 .2.21.009 3.86 02 Direct Long Distance Travel U nder Ceiling 4 5 6111.0000.0002.0002.00 5047-200 1 .2.21.009 3.16 02 Expense ID: 9 Payment Method: E M PLPD First Day of Trip: No Category: CAR Currency: USD Last Day of Trip: No Type: M LEAG E Expense Date: Feb 25,2022 Rate Per M ies: 0.585 Description: M LEAG E/Feb 25,2022 Amount: 7.02 Number of M ies: 12.0 Tax Rate 1 Amount: 0.00 Starting M ies: 0.0 Tax Rate 2 Amount: 0.00 Ending M ies: 0.0 Provider: Start Date: Feb 25,2022 Unallow able Explanation: End Date: Feb 25,2022 Corn me ts: From PDX Airport to Home Charge Type T ype A (location% Project A r ccount O g Expense Reference Amount(USD) Direct Long Distance Travel U nder Ceiling 5 5 6111.0000.0001.0002.00 5047-200 1 .2.21.009 3.86 02 Page: 5 of 6 Em floyee: KIRLIN,BRANDO NM.(002282) Revision: 1 Expense Report Num ber: ER00005834 Correction No: 0 Authorization Number: THE CADM u5 G IU LP INC. Expense Report Status: Approved Expense Report Type: Long Distance Travel ER ' Expense Report Date: M a 14,2022 Description: Avista Site visits From: Feb 21,2022 Expense Class: Default Expense Report Detail To: Feb 25,2022 Purpose: Site visit in Eastern WA and Northern ID for Avista M&V D e Itek Know more First Day of Trip: Y Printed: M a-22,2022 7:46 PM Do rnore Last Day of Trip: Y Charge Type T ype A Ilocation% Project A r ccount O g Expense Reference Amount(USD) Direct Long Distance Travel U nder Ceiling 4 5 6111.0000.0002.0002.00 5047-200 1 .2.21.009 3.16 02 Page: 6 of 6 From: Alaska Airlines To: Brandon Kirlin Subject: [EXT]Receipt sent from alaskaair.com Date: Friday,February 11,2022 9:44:02 AM CAUTION: This email Orrgi I IdU=UU1 I I tside the company. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To report suspicious email, click: Report Message > Phishing, on the ribbon above. Your receipt is below. F- Vil Traveler Information Traveler Seats ** Services Traveler Documentation Requested Name: Brandon Kirlin MP#: Alaska Airlines 295461062 14B, 13A Enter required documentation E-0272128271590 Ticket: ** Seat assignments are subject to change. Flight confirmation code: UFSDQC Flights Flights Flight Departs Arrives Flight 1 of 2 Alaska 2012 Main(M) Portland, OR (PDX) Spokane (GEG) Nonstop Mon, Feb 21 Mon, Feb 21 Details 8:50 am 10:00 am Alaska 2012 Distance: 277 mi Duration: lh ours 10minutes Operated by Horizon Air as AlaskaHorizon Check in with Alaska Airlines Flight 2 of 2 Alaska 2236 Main(V) Spokane (GEG) Portland, OR(PDX) Nonstop Fri, Feb 25 Fri, Feb 25 Details 6:55 pm 8:15 pm Alaska 2236 Distance: 277 mi Duration: lh ours 20minutes Operated by Horizon Air as AlaskaHorizon Check in with Alaska Airlines PRICE SUMMARY Flight Total for 1 passenger Airfare for Brandon Kirlin: New Purchase $358.00 Previous Purchase -$358.00 Fees: $0.00 Amount charged: $0.00 New ticket total per passenger $358.00 Fare $305.86 Base fare $305.86 Taxes and fees $52.14 United States Flight Segment Tax Domestic $9.00 US psgr. facility charge $9.00 US Sept. 11 security fee $11.20 US transportation tax $22.94 Each ticket will be a separate charge on your credit card statement. For additional assistance with your reservation, call us at 1-800-252-7522 for assistance. RULES & RESTRICTIONS Flight • This ticket is nonrefundable. • If you are unable to travel, you must notify us before the flight departs. If you do not, we will cancel your trip and your fare will not be available for future use. • Promotional discounts: Discounts are not applicable to already purchased reservations. • View all fare rules Change and cancellation • For tickets purchased 24 hours or more prior to your scheduled departure time, you may also cancel and refund it to the original form of payment within 24 hours of the original purchase. �z�' National® Rental Agreement#769575827 Invoice#70052858162 Renter Information Trip Information Renter Name Pickup Return BRANDON KIRLIN Monday, February 21, 11:26 AM Friday, February 25,2022 5:22 PM 2022 SPOKANE INTL ARPT(GEG) Renter Address SPOKANE INTL ARPT(GEG) 9000 W AIRPORT DR BOX 303 BEAVERTON,OR 97007 9000 W AIRPORT DR BOX 303 SPOKANE,WA 99224-9437 USA SPOKANE,WA 99224-9437 USA USA Contract CADMUS GROUP-BUSINESS USE Renter Charges Rental Credits 1 credit has been awarded for this Rental Rate Time&Distance 5 Day at$45.00 /Day $225.00 rental Coverages Cdw-allocated Inclusive Included Vehicle Information Taxes and Fees Sales Tax(9.00%) $22.74 Wa State Rental Tax 5.9 Pct(5.90%) $14.91 4DR FRONT-WHEEL DRIVE Vlf Recovery($0.49/Day) $2.45 License#:8PGL247 Sports Facility Tax 1.00 Pct(1.00%) $2.53 State/Province:CA Concession Recovery Fee 11.11 Pct(11.11%) $25.27 Unit#:8CDSKJ Customer Facility Charge 3.75/day($3.75/ Vehicle M LZ037169 Day) $18.75 Vehicle Class Driven Total $311.65 Intermediate SUV (Subject to audit) Vehicle Class Charged Amount charged on February 25,2022 to VISA(7817) ($311.65) Economy 4 door/Automatic/Air Amount Due $0.00 Odometer Mileage/Kilometers Starting:50,328 Ending:51,040 Total:712 Fuel Starting: Full Ending: Full Thank you for renting with National Car Rental We appreciate your business! This email was automatically generated from an unattended mailbox,so please do not reply to this e-mail. C ink% OXFORDSU ITES 15015 E Indiana Ave Spokane Valley,Washington 99216 Phone: 1-509-847-1000 Email:reservations-sul@oxfordsuites.com Guest Folio Brandon Kirlin Arrival Date: 21 Feb 2022 Departure Date: 25 Feb 2022 Room Type: 2QN 120 ne sacramento st Portland,OR 9-1212 Folio: 129556-0 Room: 504 UN�ed slakes GroUplCorporatio�. Expedia Member Hotel collect CC Number: ""**...-7817 Date Folio Reference 21 Feb 2022 1 Room Charge Amount Tax Total 21 Feb 2022 1 Online TA Fee $94.50 $15.34 $109.84 21 Feb 2022 1 Payment:Visa $5.00 $0.61 $5.61 21 Feb 2022 1 Payment:Visa $-1.00 $0.00 $-1.00 22 Feb 2022 1 Room charge $460.80 $0.00 $-460.80 22 Feb 2022 1 Online TA Fee $94.50 $15.34 $109.84 23 Feb 2022 1 Room Charge $5.00 $0.61 $5.61 $94.50 $15.34 $109.84 23 Feb 2022 1 Online TA Fee 24 Feb 2022 1 Room Charge $5.00 $0.61 $5.61 $94.50 $15.34 $109.84 24 Feb 2022 1 Online TA Fee $5.00 $0.61 $5.61 Balance $0.00 Local City Tax-OCC 2.20 % $398.00 $8.76 Tourism Lodging Fee 4.00 $ $378.00 $16.00 Special City Hotel T 3.30 % $398.00 $13.16 State Tax-OCC 6.50 % $398.00 $25.88 Signature Thank you for choosing Oxford Suites Spokane Valley.We hope you enjoyed your visit.We encourage you to share your experience with others at tripadvisor.com, if you feel so inclined. Please visit oxfordcollection.com to discover other Oxford locations in Oregon, Washington, California and Idaho. 25 Feb 2022 08:18 1 �Koku . _ . 2 1 / 2 O 't) ' E� . ry e r i r" Ifft1de : E ( 1.� 1-10 L) Its- Cost cmi r Ilis- �,r r .� p : , : 4. . 78017 r e r, . �. 45 Numb 1.. �) 69 J�ic' jll) L11 I L id 2 0 �110 4 * 14 r . 11 1 v I .:) _. r e (ki FEE E TO AC CORDING I ; VOC:HE P T AG RI.I� ( ME F .C.1 IAN , , �K From: Pho Le 1 via Square To: Brandon Kirlin Subject: [EXT]Receipt from Pho Le 1 Date: Tuesday,February 22,2022 2:00:56 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside the company. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To report suspicious email, click: Report M > Phishin ve. Square automatically sends receipts to the email address you used at any Square seller. Learn more Pho Le 1 Let • Le 1 know • • experience El 8 124011 P1. Special Combination Large x 1 $13.95 G8. Hot Green Tea x 1 $5.00 Purchase Subtotal $18.95 Idaho Tax (6%) $1.14 Tip $4.02 Total $24.11 Savings $0.00 e Crafted Tap 3 Sherman 62 Av D ' Al ene , ID 63814 Coeur 206 , 292 . 4613 Server we Kim F� le C5 Ser Tab Cheek 039• �/�2/2- 1 5 ; 41 PM Order ed . Input Type C f i 1 p Read ) C C EMV D 17 xxxXXxXx7 e VISA SA CREDIT 6 ; 36 PM Time �S Sale I r a n3at: t 1 C)t1 can Type Approved i AtithO r i Ze1t05116D Approval Cade h p t App d�Np fi�yN v e payment ID tio�� ID 1 App 1 i ca 000000031010 AO • t i ors label App 1 1* cation VISA CREDIT Terminal Card Reader MAGTEKEDVNAMO _ Amount $32 . 33 0 + Tip -L- 07 Total = S&5,� -- - �----X RANpON I R L z N ----- MASAK Merchant Copy 6RANDa`-- __.. N MA SA KI Cus tp m e r Copy POW rE'd by Yo$ t 02/25/2022 STARBUCKS STORE 03354 LEWISTON ID 57.63 Transaction date: 02123/2022 Card type: Visa Transaction type: Purchases Merchant description: EXPRESS PAYMENT SERVICE MERCHANTS--FAST FOOD Merchant information: LEWISTON, ID Reference number: 0719 Merchant Name: 3 STARBUCKS Edit Transaction Category: 2' Restaurants &Dining: Restaurants/Dining Edit Online Purchase: N Dispute this transaction Cj)02/24/2022 CHEVRON 0093490 COLFAX WA �,y $34.76 Transaction date: 02/24/2022 b� Card type: Visa Transaction type: Purchases Merchant description: AUTOMATED FUEL DISPENSERS Merchant information: COLFAX,WA Reference number: 1353 Merchant Name: 2 CHEVRON Edit Transaction Category: 7 Transportation: Gasoline/Fuel Edit Online Purchase: N Dispute this transaction 0 02/24/2022 CHEVRON 0093490 COLFAX WA 530.49 Transaction date: 02/23/2022 Card type: Visa Transaction type: Purchases Merchant description: AUTOMATED FUEL DISPENSERS Merchant information: COLFAX , WA Reference number: 5585 Merchant Name: ? CHEVRON Edit Transaction Category: ? Transportation: Gasoline/Fuel Edit Online Purchase: N Dispute this transaction Vag dPW it ip '• of .0soo . - 40 awl tY dab « i « t' ': " , I x ��I W I w.sr' Fr f � i• s 'ram '� it + i�rrr AL r � - r- Posh 00•-•► r ' -.�-dew /11 � 4. I&Wb r dF f w - w , . ftV `' • ' -.M ry � . • .ems Sri Yvm dftT.�,� ' �i/i'. +�•�� r' i r " �,♦ram :;,Y ,. � moo • Y clk PLAZA MEXICU FAM MEXICAN REST SPOKANE WA CLERK ID : 16 CREDIT CARD SALE VISA ****#* #*+*+ * 7817 ENTRY LEGENDMODE : L'HIP READCONTACT DATE : 02252022 TIME ; 04 : 47 : 04 IN1'OICE : 66 REFERENCE' : 205604801277 AUTH CODE : 01365D AMOUNT USD$ 21 , 21 l � TOTAL USD$ 21 , 21 APPROVED - THANK YOU I AGREE TO PAY THE ABOVE TOTAL AMOUNT ACCORDING TO CARD ISSUER AGREEMENT ( MERE' NT AGREEMENT IF CRED T VOUCHER ) e. Cardholder Signature � APPLICATION LABEL : VISA CREDIT AID : AOOOOO00031010 ATC : 005B AC : 8F743836806D315E TVR : 8080008000 IAD : 06- 0112030A000 TSI : 6800 CVM : SIGN AMOUNT : $ 2 1 . 21 TIP TOTAL : ** MERCHANT COPY * * From: Evans Brothers Coffee via Square To: Brandon Kirlin Subject: [EXT] Receipt from Evans Brothers Coffee Date: Friday,February 25,2022 9:17:52 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside the company. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To report suspicious email, click: Report M > Phishin ve. Square automatically sends receipts to the email address you used at any Square seller. Learn more BrothersEvans • BrothersLet Evans •ffee know howyour experience was 19082 Drip X 1 $3.50 16oz Pastries X 1 $4.00 Slice o bread Purchase Subtotal $7.50 Spokane (9%) $0.68 Tip $1.64 Total $9.82 L-102/28/2022 TST* Umi Sushi Kitchen Spokane WA "' 527.94 Transaction date: 02/25/2022 Card type: Visa Transaction type: Purchases Merchant description: EATING PLACES, RESTAURANTS Merchant information: Spokane , '::A Reference number: 0975 Merchant Name: ? TST* Umi Sushi Kitchen Edit Transaction Category: ? Restaurants &Dining: Restaurants/Dining Edit Online Purchase: N Dispute this transaction March 2022 Meter Cost Report Project Name IlProject Manager 113111ingCode JEquipment Quantity Rate Each Total Avista Impact ID Electric HINKLE,NATHAN R 6111.0000.0002.0002.0002 IStreem Call Hours 2 $36.00 $72.00 72.00 Total Confirmed: Invoice: 2030102023 ADM Associates, Inc. 3239 Ramos Circle ENERGYRESMGH Sacramento, CA 95827 AND EVALUATION Avista 11/15/2023 Kim Boynton Project:2030-Portfolio Evaluation 1411 E.Mission Ave. Invoice Number:2030102023 Spokane,WA,99220-3727 Amount Due:$54,851.68 Contract No. D-35193 Org Code T52 Professional Services from 10/01/2023 to 10/31/2023 Phase 3 2022 Impact Evaluation Task 1 Residential Washington Electric Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Analyst Edsel Arce 15.00 $90.00 $1,350.00 Hannah Lopez 11.50 $90.00 $1,035.00 Senaid Kuduzovic 24.00 $90.00 $2,160.00 Analyst II Sedge Lucas 9.50 $110.00 $1,045.00 Senior Analyst Heather Polonsky 1.00 $150.00 $150.00 Totals 61.00 $5,740.00 Total Labor $5,740.00 Reimbursable Expenses 10/27/2023 Tango Purchase#4083 $350.00 11/08/2023 Cadeo Subcontractor Invoice $3,326.64 #2964 Total Reimbursables $3,676.64 Total This Task $9,416.64 Page 1 of 5 Invoice: 2030102023 Task 2 Residential Washington Gas Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Analyst Edsel Arce 15.00 $90.00 $1,350.00 Hannah Lopez 10.00 $90.00 $900.00 Senaid Kuduzovic 27.50 $90.00 $2,475.00 Analyst II Sedge Lucas 10.00 $110.00 $1,100.00 Senior Analyst Heather Polonsky 2.00 $150.00 $300.00 Totals 64.50 $6,125.00 Total Labor $6,125.00 Reimbursable Expenses 11/08/2023 Cadeo Subcontractor Invoice $2,739.56 #2964 Total Reimbursables $2,739.56 Total This Task $8,864.56 Task 3 Residential Idaho Electric Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Analyst Edsel Arce 15.00 $90.00 $1,350.00 Hannah Lopez 13.00 $90.00 $1,170.00 Senaid Kuduzovic 24.00 $90.00 $2,160.00 Analyst II Sedge Lucas 9.50 $110.00 $1,045.00 Senior Analyst Zeph Davis 34.50 $150.00 $5,175.00 Totals 96.00 $10,900.00 Total Labor $10,900.00 Reimbursable Expenses 11/08/2023 Cadeo Subcontractor Invoice $1,858.99 #2964 Total Reimbursables $1,858.99 Total This Task $12,758.99 Page 2 of 5 Invoice: 2030102023 Task 4 Residential Idaho Gas Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Analyst Edsel Arce 15.00 $90.00 $1,350.00 Hannah Lopez 5.00 $90.00 $450.00 Senaid Kuduzovic 23.00 $90.00 $2,070.00 Analyst II Sedge Lucas 9.50 $110.00 $1,045.00 Senior Analyst Heather Polonsky 4.50 $150.00 $675.00 Totals 57.00 $5,590.00 Total Labor $5,590.00 Reimbursable Expenses 11/08/2023 Cadeo Subcontractor Invoice $1,858.99 #2964 Total Reimbursables $1,858.99 Total This Task $7,448.99 Task 5 Nonresidential Washington Electric Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Analyst Hannah Lopez 7.00 $90.00 $630.00 Jason Elder 6.50 $90.00 $585.00 Senaid Kuduzovic 4.50 $90.00 $405.00 Senior Analyst Melissa Kosla 10.00 $150.00 $1,500.00 Zeph Davis 19.00 $150.00 $2,850.00 Totals 47.00 $5,970.00 Total Labor $5,970.00 Reimbursable Expenses 10/27/2023 Tango Purchase#4083 $500.00 Total Reimbursables $500.00 Total This Task $6,470.00 Page 3 of 5 Invoice: 2030102023 Task 6 Nonresidential Washington Gas Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Analyst Hannah Lopez 6.50 $90.00 $585.00 Senaid Kuduzovic 3.50 $90.00 $315.00 Senior Analyst Heather Polonsky 2.00 $150.00 $300.00 Melissa Kosla 9.00 $150.00 $1,350.00 Totals 21.00 $2,550.00 Total Labor $2,550.00 Total This Task $2,550.00 Task 7 Nonresidential Idaho Electric Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Analyst Hannah Lopez 8.50 $90.00 $765.00 Jason Elder 5.00 $90.00 $450.00 Senaid Kuduzovic 2.00 $90.00 $180.00 Senior Analyst Heather Polonsky 1.50 $150.00 $225.00 Melissa Kosla 9.00 $150.00 $1,350.00 Totals 26.00 $2,970.00 Total Labor $2,970.00 Total This Task $2,970.00 Task 8 Nonresidential Idaho Gas Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Analyst Hannah Lopez 9.00 $90.00 $810.00 Senior Analyst Melissa Kosla 8.00 $150.00 $1,200.00 Totals 17.00 $2,010.00 Total Labor $2,010.00 Total This Task $2,010.00 Task 9 CVR Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Analyst Dan Asisa 26.25 $90.00 $2,362.50 Totals 26.25 $2,362.50 Total Labor $2,362.50 Page 4 of 5 Invoice: 2030102023 Total This Task $2,362.50 Total This Phase $54,851.68 Total This Invoice $54,851.68 Page 5 of 5 2022/2023 Avista Portfolio Impact and Process Evaluation Status Update: October 2023 (Submitted November 2023) 1 Accomplishments for Past Month During October of 2023, ADM accomplished the following: Held a bi-weekly check-in meeting Completed distributor interviews Completed Low Income program CAP Agency interviews o Completed MFDI building manager interviews o Initiated desk review workpaper development o Finalized nonparticipant survey instrument for deployment 11 Selected nonparticipant survey samples for residential and nonresidential process evaluation Developed M&V site plans for nonresidential site visits o Developed preliminary CVR impact evaluation estimates and communicated results with Avista team 2 Variances in Schedule and Budget No variance in schedule or budget. 3 Issues or Concerns None. Status Update 1 Invoice number ARINV-1003120 Date 5/17/2022 C)AEG Customer PO Project ID 320304000 APPLIED ENERGY GROUP Payment terms PP AVISTA Professional Services Thru 1/31/2022 Project manager Andrew Hudson Project name Avista 2022 CPA Project ID 320304000 Current hours Hours To-Date Rate Current Amount Amount To-Date Labor Kelly Marrin 1.00 1.00 247.00 247.00 247.00 Dmitriy Burdzhalov 1.50 4.50 185.00 277.50 832.50 Fuong Nguyen 4.00 16.00 175.00 700.00 2,800.00 Thomas Williams 8.00 24.00 175.00 1,400.00 4,200.00 Ken Walter 28.50 456.00 175.00 4,987.50 79,800.00 Max McBride 56.00 896.00 160.00 8,960.00 143,360.00 Eli Morris 6.00 54.00 247.00 1,482.00 13,338.00 Nathan Perkins 0.50 1.00 149.00 74.50 149.00 Grace Wroblewski 104.25 2,397.75 149.00 15,533.25 357,264.75 Robert Strange 3.00 6.00 175.00 525.00 1,050.00 Sunil Maheshwari 10.25 102.50 201.00 2,060.25 20,602.50 Stephanie Chen 107.25 2,145.00 149.00 15,980.25 319,605.00 Subtotal Labor 330.25 6,103.75 52,227.25 943,248.75 Invoice subtotal $52,227.25 Total $52,227.25 Contact information: Marcia Shepherd Approved By: Andrew Hudson mshepherd@ameresco.com Please mail payment to: Wire information 111 Speen Street ABA#021000089 4th Floor Account#34171035 Framingham,MA 01701 Citibank,NA 18 East Main Street Smithtown,NY 11787 Page 1of1 • • . ' o rwEbu• o • D • o • • • 1/12/2022 AMUS-030595 Dmitriy Burdzhalov 001529 Avista - Internal Checkin 0.25 185.00 46.25 1/18/2022 AMUS-030594 Dmitriy Burdzhalov 001529 Avista - Measure Characterization Discussion 0.75 185.00 138.75 1/21/2022 AMUS-030594 Dmitriy Burdzhalov 001529 Avista - Internal Checkin 0.50 185.00 92.50 1/14/2022 AMUS-030594 Eli Morris 200091 0.50 247.00 123.50 1/12/2022 AMUS-030594 Eli Morris 200091 1.00 247.00 247.00 1/13/2022 AMUS-030594 Eli Morris 200091 1.00 247.00 247.00 1/21/2022 AMUS-030594 Eli Morris 200091 1.00 247.00 247.00 1/6/2022 AMUS-030595 Eli Morris 200091 0.50 247.00 123.50 1/6/2022 AMUS-030594 Eli Morris 200091 0.50 247.00 123.50 1/31/2022 AMUS-030596 Eli Morris 200091 0.50 247.00 123.50 1/25/2022 AMUS-030595 Eli Morris 200091 0.50 247.00 123.50 1/27/2022 AMUS-030595 Eli Morris 200091 0.50 247.00 123.50 1/19/2022 AMUS-030594 Fuong Nguyen 001537 1.00 175.00 175.00 1/12/2022 AMUS-030594 Fuong Nguyen 001537 1.00 175.00 175.00 1/5/2022 AMUS-030594 Fuong Nguyen 001537 1.00 175.00 175.00 1/26/2022 AMUS-030594 Fuong Nguyen 001537 1.00 175.00 175.00 1/12/2022 AMUS-030594 Grace Wroblewski 200305 Geocoding RBSA and final gas batch, PS check-in with 7.50 149.00 1,117.50 Max, AEO 2021 PS Setup, internal Avista check-in, Residential segmentation by household type 1/7/2022 AMUS-030594 Grace Wroblewski 200305 Ind EQ Gen Import and QC of baseline, QC of Ind 6.50 149.00 968.50 baseline (special markets) 1/11/2022 AMUS-030594 Grace Wroblewski 200305 Updating Ind EQ gen and rerunning baselines for both 2.50 149.00 372.50 states, Geocoding process check-in and RBSA processing update, RBSA data pulling check-in with Rob, setting up the intensity file 1/6/2022 AMUS-030594 Grace Wroblewski 200305 Downloading and reviewing new billing data, 4.50 149.00 670.50 Commercial EQ gen charx and saturations 1/10/2022 AMUS-030594 Grace Wroblewski 200305 NG Geocdoing and res control total confirmation, setting 3.50 149.00 521.50 up industrial EQ gen, Residential segmentation check-in, working on res segmentation by HH type 1/4/2022 AMUS-030594Grace Wroblewski 200305 Commercial EQgen and baseline build and setup 3.25 149.00 484.25 1/5/2022 AMUS-030594 Grace Wroblewski 200305 Commercial ID baseline,forecast update, Com EQ 8.00 149.00 1,192.00 generator QC, internal check-in, Commercial EQ gen Charx QC, updating com/ind market profiles 1/21/2022 AMUS-030594 Grace Wroblewski 200305 Commercial AEO purchase shares, internal team check- 7.75 149.00 1,154.75 in, reviewing residential purchase shares with Stephanie, setting up control totals client deliverable, Residential segmentation probability script 1/14/2022 AMUS-030594 Grace Wroblewski 200305 Residential RBSA segmentation/control totals and 5.50 149.00 819.50 intensity setup, QC of combining script and cleaning up data elements 1/24/2022 AMUS-030594 Grace Wroblewski 200305 Avista Res segmentation probability script, Ind charx 2.50 149.00 372.50 plan, Res segmentation probability script check-in with Rob, segmentation probability script exploratory application 1/19/2022 AMUS-030594 Grace Wroblewski 200305 Avista Res segmentation, check-in with Rob on script QC, 7.00 149.00 1,043.00 check-in with Ken on residential control totals, setting up residential purchase shares, setting up industrial measure charx plan, rerunning RBSA script for segmentation 1/20/2022 AMUS-030594 Grace Wroblewski 200305 Avista Res segmentation and control totals update, C&I 8.00 149.00 1,192.00 control totals summary, setting up AEO purchase shares 1/13/2022 AMUS-030594 Grace Wroblewski 200305 Residential RBSA segmentation/control totals and 3.75 149.00 558.75 intensity setup 1/18/2022 AMUS-030594 Grace Wroblewski 200305 Residential segmentation code QC and update, setting 8.00 149.00 1,192.00 up residential control totals summary, internal check-in on NEQgens 1/26/2022 AMUS-030594 Grace Wroblewski 200305 Avista industrial measure charx plan, Avista gas control 8.75 149.00 1,303.75 totals, electric all sector CTs and historical comparison, updating com baseline runs, internal check-in, adding gas to the historical comparison and updating gas C&I CTs to firm only, electric com 1/27/2022 AMUS-030596 Grace Wroblewski 200305 Review electric peak CTs with Tommy 0.50 149.00 74.50 1/27/2022 AMUS-030594 Grace Wroblewski 200305 Avista C&I baseline updates 3.25 149.00 484.25 1/28/2022 AMUS-030594 Grace Wroblewski 200305 Avista Res segmentation mapping and probabilities 2.75 149.00 409.75 update 1/28/2022 AMUS-030596 Grace Wroblewski 200305 Setting up peak control totals with DR segmentation, 1.50 149.00 223.50 conversation with Sunil and Tommy on gas peak definition and data request 1/25/2022 AMUS-030594 Grace Wroblewski 200305 Avista Res segmentation probability script, Ind measure 2.75 149.00 409.75 charx plan 1/31/2022 AMUS-030596 Grace Wroblewski 200305 Peak control totals setup and QC, Peak factors QC 2.00 149.00 298.00 1/31/2022 AMUS-030596 Grace Wroblewski 200305 Electric Com NEQ development 2.00 149.00 298.00 1/31/2022 AMUS-030594 Grace Wroblewski 200305 Avista DR- Peak control totals setup and QC, Peak factors 2.50 149.00 372.50 QC 1/31/2022 AMUS-030597 Kelly Marrin 001521 Data request 1.00 247.00 247.00 1/14/2022 AMUS-030594 Ken Walter 001540 MP/Totals QC 2.00 175.00 350.00 1/18/2022 AMUS-030594 Ken Walter 001540 Control totals/MP/Data input review 3.00 175.00 525.00 1/12/2022 AMUS-030594 Ken Walter 001540 MP/Totals QC 3.00 175.00 525.00 1/19/2022 AMUS-030594 Ken Walter 001540 Control totals/MP/Data input review 2.00 175.00 350.00 1/20/2022 AMUS-030594 Ken Walter 001540 Control totals/MP/Data input review 1.00 175.00 175.00 Page 2 of 3 • • . ' o rwEbu• o • D • o • • • 1/21/2022 AMUS-030594 Ken Walter 001540 Control totals/MP/Data input review 2.00 175.00 350.00 1/24/2022 AMUS-030594 Ken Walter 001540 Control total/res segment review 2.00 175.00 350.00 1/6/2022 AMUS-030594 Ken Walter 001540 Market profile qc 1.00 175.00 175.00 1/7/2022 AMUS-030594 Ken Walter 001540 admin/market profil qc/cbecs 1.00 175.00 175.00 1/10/2022 AMUS-030594 Ken Walter 001540 MP/Totals QC 1.00 175.00 175.00 1/4/2022 AMUS-030594 Ken Walter 001540 2018 CBECS& Market Profile qc 2.00 175.00 350.00 1/11/2022 AMUS-030594 Ken Walter 001540 MP/Totals QC 2.00 175.00 350.00 1/31/2022 AMUS-030592 Ken Walter 001540 Review MP, planning, simulation inputs 2.00 175.00 350.00 1/26/2022 AMUS-030594 Ken Walter 001540 Internal check in/review of final res segments 1.00 175.00 175.00 1/27/2022 AMUS-030594 Ken Walter 001540 Check in mtg, review materials and control totals 3.00 175.00 525.00 1/28/2022 AMUS-030594 Ken Walter 001540 Map talk, Commercial segmentation review 0.50 175.00 87.50 1/28/2022 AMUS-030594 Max McBride 100779 Model Building 5.00 160.00 800.00 1/27/2022 AMUS-030594 Max McBride 100779 Model Building 1.50 160.00 240.00 1/26/2022 AMUS-030594 Max McBride 100779 Model Building 1.50 160.00 240.00 1/31/2022 AMUS-030594 Max McBride 100779 2.00 160.00 320.00 1/7/2022 AMUS-030594 Max McBride 100779 Model Building 4.50 160.00 720.00 1/12/2022 AMUS-030594 Max McBride 100779 3.00 160.00 480.00 1/10/2022 AMUS-030594 Max McBride 100779 7.00 160.00 1,120.00 1/6/2022 AMUS-030594 Max McBride 100779 Model Building 6.50 160.00 1,040.00 1/5/2022 AMUS-030594 Max McBride 100779 Model Building 3.00 160.00 480.00 1/4/2022 AMUS-030594 Max McBride 100779 Model Building 3.00 160.00 480.00 1/14/2022 AMUS-030594 Max McBride 100779 4.50 160.00 720.00 1/21/2022 AMUS-030594 Max McBride 100779 4.00 160.00 640.00 1/20/2022 AMUS-030594 Max McBride 100779 1.00 160.00 160.00 1/19/2022 AMUS-030594 Max McBride 100779 2.00 160.00 320.00 1/13/2022 AMUS-030594 Max McBride 100779 6.50 160.00 1,040.00 1/18/2022 AMUS-030594 Max McBride 100779 1.00 160.00 160.00 1/26/2022 AMUS-030594 Nathan Perkins 200218 Measure Characterization Discussion and QC 0.25 149.00 37.25 1/12/2022 AMUS-030594 Nathan Perkins 200218 Project Check-in and Discussion 0.25 149.00 37.25 1/16/2022 AMUS-030592 Robert Strange 200391 1.00 175.00 175.00 1/13/2022 AMUS-030592 Robert Strange 200391 2.00 175.00 350.00 1/26/2022 AMUS-030594 Stephanie Chen 200554 internal check-in 0.50 149.00 74.50 1/26/2022 AMUS-030594 Stephanie Chen 200554 Res NEQ charx 6.00 149.00 894.00 1/27/2022 AMUS-030594 Stephanie Chen 200554 Res NEQ charx 7.00 149.00 1,043.00 1/31/2022 AMUS-030594 Stephanie Chen 200554 Res NEQ Charx, customer LI Prob mapping, MP 7.00 149.00 1,043.00 saturation update 1/12/2022 AMUS-030594 Stephanie Chen 200554 internal check-in 0.50 149.00 74.50 1/12/2022 AMUS-030594 Stephanie Chen 200554 Res EQ set up 5.50 149.00 819.50 1/11/2022 AMUS-030594 Stephanie Chen 200554 Res Electric EQ 5.75 149.00 856.75 1/7/2022 AMUS-030594 Stephanie Chen 200554 Res EQ setup 7.25 149.00 1,080.25 1/4/2022 AMUS-030594Stephanie Chen 200554 IND EQ& Baseline 6.75 149.00 1,005.75 1/5/2022 AMUS-030594 Stephanie Chen 200554 internal check-in 0.50 149.00 74.50 1/5/2022 AMUS-030594 Stephanie Chen 200554 Res MP (RECS data &others) 7.50 149.00 1,117.50 1/10/2022 AMUS-030594 Stephanie Chen 200554 segmentation meeting 0.50 149.00 74.50 1/10/2022 AMUS-030594 Stephanie Chen 200554 Avista Res EQ 7.00 149.00 1,043.00 1/6/2022 AMUS-030594 Stephanie Chen 200554 geocoding& Res MP 7.00 149.00 1,043.00 1/20/2022 AMUS-030594 Stephanie Chen 200554 Res PS set up 5.25 149.00 782.25 1/24/2022 AMUS-030594 Stephanie Chen 200554 wrap up Res EQ and baseline 5.50 149.00 819.50 1/14/2022 AMUS-030594 Stephanie Chen 200554 segmentation & res EQ 7.00 149.00 1,043.00 1/21/2022 AMUS-030594 Stephanie Chen 200554 internal check-in, Res MP refining w/ Ken, Res PS setup 7.75 149.00 1,154.75 1/13/2022 AMUS-030594 Stephanie Chen 200554 Segmentation & Res EQ 7.00 149.00 1,043.00 1/18/2022 AMUS-030594 Stephanie Chen 200554 Res EQ setup& NEQ meeting 6.00 149.00 894.00 1/13/2022 AMUS-030594 Sunil Maheshwari 200532 1.00 201.00 201.00 1/20/2022 AMUS-030594 Sunil Maheshwari 200532 0.50 201.00 100.50 1/5/2022 AMUS-030594 Sunil Maheshwari 200532 1.00 201.00 201.00 1/4/2022 AMUS-030594 Sunil Maheshwari 200532 1.00 201.00 201.00 1/11/2022 AMUS-030594 Sunil Maheshwari 200532 0.50 201.00 100.50 1/12/2022 AMUS-030594 Sunil Maheshwari 200532 1.00 201.00 201.00 1/31/2022 AMUS-030594 Sunil Maheshwari 200532 2.00 201.00 402.00 1/28/2022 AMUS-030595 Sunil Maheshwari 200532 1.00 201.00 201.00 1/27/2022 AMUS-030594 Sunil Maheshwari 200532 1.75 201.00 351.75 1/26/2022 AMUS-030594 Sunil Maheshwari 200532 0.50 201.00 100.50 1/31/2022 AMUS-030594Thomas Williams 001538 Gas and Electric Demand Forecasts 2.00 175.00 350.00 1/25/2022 AMUS-030594Thomas Williams 001538 Electric and Gas Demand Data 4.00 175.00 700.00 1/14/2022 AMUS-030594Thomas Williams 001538 DR Program List Updates 2.00 175.00 350.00 Page 3 of 3 Invoice number ARINV-1003200 C)AEG Date 5/31/2022 Customer PO T52/D-35206 Project ID 320304000 APPLIED ENERGY GROUP Paymentterms Prepaid-Checks,other. AVISTA Project manager Andrew Hudson Project name Avista 2022 CPA Project ID 320304000 Current hours Hours To-Date Rate Current Amount Amount To-Date Labor Kelly Marrin 4.50 4.50 247.00 1,111.50 1,111.50 Dmitriy Burdzhalov 2.75 4.25 185.00 508.75 786.25 Fuong Nguyen 3.00 7.00 175.00 525.00 1,225.00 Thomas Williams 6.00 6.00 175.00 1,050.00 1,050.00 Ken Walter 51.50 78.00 175.00 9,012.50 13,650.00 Max McBride 52.00 108.00 160.00 8,320.00 17,280.00 Eli Morris 1.50 5.50 247.00 370.50 1,358.50 Nathan Perkins 21.00 21.50 149.00 3,129.00 3,203.50 Grace Wroblewski 46.00 150.25 149.00 6,854.00 22,387.25 Sunil Maheshwari 0.50 1.50 201.00 100.50 301.50 Stephanie Chen 93.25 200.50 149.00 13,894.25 29,874.50 Subtotal Labor 282.00 587.00 44,876.00 92,228.00 Invoice subtotal $44,876.00 Total $44,876.00 Contract value $255,792.00 Remaining Contract Value $92,960.65 Contact information: Marcia Shepherd Approved By: Andrew Hudson mshepherd@ameresco.com Please mail payment to: Wire information 111 Speen Street ABA#021000089 4th Floor Account#34171035 Framingham,MA 01701 Citibank,NA 18 East Main Street Smithtown,NY 11787 Page 1 of 5 AVISTA Invoice attachment ARINV-1003200 Project ID 320304000 Invoice attachment Project name Avista 2022 CPA Activity Electric EE CPA Description Date Current hours Rate Current Amount Dmitriy Burdzhalov Measure Research-DOE HVAC Standards 2/9/2022 1.25 185.00 231.25 Avista Meeting and Measure Discussion Dmitriy Burdzhalov Avista Meeting and Measure Discussion 2/16/2022 0.25 185.00 46.25 Dmitriy Burdzhalov 2/23/2022 0.25 185.00 46.25 Fuong Nguyen 2/9/2022 1.00 175.00 175.00 Fuong Nguyen 2/16/2022 2.00 175.00 350.00 Ken Walter Building sim profiles,Com segment QC 2/1/2022 4.50 175.00 787.50 Ken Walter Map graphic QA,building sims,Int check in mtg 2/2/2022 3.00 175.00 525.00 Ken Walter QA res characterization 2/3/2022 0.50 175.00 87.50 Ken Walter Building sim/qc 2/4/2022 2.50 175.00 437.50 Ken Walter Building Sim,Commercial profile QC,Res profile 2/7/2022 5.00 175.00 875.00 update QA Ken Walter Building sims and model qc 2/8/2022 4.00 175.00 700.00 Ken Walter Building sims/model qc 2/9/2022 3.50 175.00 612.50 Ken Walter Market Profile QC and client mtg 2/10/2022 6.00 175.00 1,050.00 Ken Walter Model qc/guidance 2/11/2022 3.00 175.00 525.00 Ken Walter Team mtg,admin, Industrial/Pumping ctrls 2/16/2022 2.00 175.00 350.00 Ken Walter Market profile QC&deliverables 2/17/2022 3.00 175.00 525.00 Ken Walter Project adm in,Ryan's Qs,Measure Sat/App and 2/18/2022 3.00 175.00 525.00 lighting Ken Walter Baseline qc 2/22/2022 0.50 175.00 87.50 Ken Walter Internal mtg/project admin/baseline qc and advise 2/23/2022 4.00 175.00 700.00 Ken Walter Q&A 2/24/2022 5.00 175.00 875.00 Baseline qc/client check in Max McBride 2/1/2022 6.00 160.00 960.00 Max McBride 2/2/2022 4.00 160.00 640.00 Max McBride 2/3/2022 6.00 160.00 960.00 Max McBride 2/4/2022 2.00 160.00 320.00 Max McBride 2/8/2022 3.00 160.00 480.00 Max McBride 2/9/2022 5.00 160.00 800.00 Max McBride 2/10/2022 4.00 160.00 640.00 Page 2 of 5 Max McBride 2/11/2022 2.00 160.00 320.00 Max McBride Model Building 2/14/2022 4.00 160.00 640.00 Max McBride Model Building 2/15/2022 8.00 160.00 1,280.00 Max McBride Model Building 2/18/2022 2.00 160.00 320.00 Max McBride 2/22/2022 1.00 160.00 160.00 Max McBride 2/23/2022 1.00 160.00 160.00 Max McBride 2/24/2022 1.00 160.00 160.00 Max McBride 2/25/2022 1.00 160.00 160.00 Max McBride 2/28/2022 2.00 160.00 320.00 Eli Morris 2/16/2022 0.50 247.00 123.50 Eli Morris 2/22/2022 0.50 247.00 123.50 Eli Morris 2/24/2022 0.50 247.00 123.50 Nathan Perkins Characterization Review,QC and Discussion 2/16/2022 1.00 149.00 149.00 Nathan Perkins Characterization Review,QC and Discussion 2/17/2022 1.25 149.00 186.25 Nathan Perkins Characterization Review,QC and Discussion 2/18/2022 8.00 149.00 1,192.00 Nathan Perkins Commercial Measure QC and CharX 2/22/2022 5.00 149.00 745.00 Nathan Perkins Commercial Measure QC and CharX 2/23/2022 1.50 149.00 223.50 Nathan Perkins Commercial Measure QC and CharX 2/24/2022 4.25 149.00 633.25 Grace Wroblewski Electric Com NEQ development, Review LI maps with 2/1/2022 4.50 149.00 670.50 Stephanie,peak CT updates in EQ gens(C&I), identifying pumping in C&I,updating EV charging in peak usage CTs,C&I adjustment-moving Com pumping into Ind segment(MPs) Grace Wroblewski C&I adjustment-moving Com pumping into Ind 2/2/2022 7.50 149.00 1,117.50 segment(MPs),updating BLS and other employee data sources to 2019, internal check-in,check-in with Sunil, EQ gen/MP check-in,Com MP summary/updates Grace Wroblewski Updating college segment in market profiles,Electric 2/3/2022 2.25 149.00 335.25 Com NEQ development Grace Wroblewski Electric Com NEQ development 2/4/2022 4.50 149.00 670.50 Grace Wroblewski Com NEQ QC/updates for Nate,Setup commercial 2/20/2022 8.50 149.00 1,266.50 potential file Grace Wroblewski Com baseline adjustments and reruns,responding to 2/24/2022 1.00 149.00 149.00 DR questions Stephanie Chen Res NEQ Charx 2/1/2022 8.00 149.00 1,192.00 Stephanie Chen Res NEQ Charx 2/3/2022 5.50 149.00 819.50 Stephanie Chen Res NEQ Charx 2/4/2022 7.50 149.00 1,117.50 Stephanie Chen Res NEQ SatApp bringing&bring in Res MP Best Runs 2/7/2022 6.00 149.00 894.00 Stephanie Chen NEQ Charx meeting;fix NEQ calculators based on 2/8/2022 5.50 149.00 819.50 meeting notes Page 3 of 5 Stephanie Chen NEQ charx update,fixing other tabs,update MP 2/9/2022 7.50 149.00 1,117.50 lighting based on Ken's comments Stephanie Chen update utilization&NEQ 2/10/2022 8.00 149.00 1,192.00 Stephanie Chen EQ utilization,Market Size update,Res MP Deliverable 2/11/2022 5.25 149.00 782.25 Stephanie Chen Res NEQ&Potential 2/14/2022 7.00 149.00 1,043.00 Stephanie Chen Res NEQ&Potential 2/15/2022 6.50 149.00 968.50 Stephanie Chen Res NEQ&Potential 2/16/2022 8.00 149.00 1,192.00 Stephanie Chen Res NEQ&Potential 2/17/2022 5.50 149.00 819.50 Stephanie Chen Res Potential&Measure Charx meeting 2/18/2022 1.75 149.00 260.75 Stephanie Chen internal check-in&baseline exhibits 2/23/2022 3.25 149.00 484.25 Stephanie Chen Ind Baseline Exhibits 2/25/2022 1.00 149.00 149.00 Subtotal Electric EE CPA 243.25 38,391.25 Activity Natural Gas EE CPA Description Date Current hours Rate Current Amount Kelly Marrin DR Analysis 2/9/2022 1.00 247.00 247.00 Kelly Marrin Assumptions and call 2/24/2022 1.00 247.00 247.00 Dmitriy Burdzhalov Avista Measure Discussion and Check-in 2/2/2022 1.00 185.00 185.00 Thomas Williams 2/17/2022 2.00 175.00 350.00 Thomas Williams 2/24/2022 4.00 175.00 700.00 Ken Walter RBSA Gas query 2/28/2022 2.00 175.00 350.00 Sunil Maheshwari 2/16/2022 0.50 201.00 100.50 Stephanie Chen Gas MPs 2/25/2022 3.50 149.00 521.50 Stephanie Chen res gas mp 2/28/2022 3.50 149.00 521.50 Subtotal Natural Gas EE CPA 18.50 3,222.50 Activity Electric Demand Response Description Date Current hours Rate Current Amount Kelly Marrin DR call/Emails 2/4/2022 1.00 247.00 247.00 Kelly Marrin Develop Assumptions 2/15/2022 1.50 247.00 370.50 Grace Wroblewski Peak CT discussion with Tommy,Peak factors QC and 2/1/2022 2.00 149.00 298.00 check-in with Ken,updating DR peak Grace Wroblewski DR internal check-in,begin updating input generator 2/14/2022 2.50 149.00 372.50 Grace Wroblewski DR input generator updates 2/16/2022 1.50 149.00 223.50 Grace Wroblewski input generator updates and forecast setup,check-in 2/17/2022 4.00 149.00 596.00 with Tommy, DR saturations update Grace Wroblewski DR input changes check-in with Tommy,setup and run 2/18/2022 2.00 149.00 298.00 of baseline Grace Wroblewski DR baseline setup,internal check-in on input generator212212022 2.75 149.00 409.75 Page 4 of 5 Grace Wroblewski DR input conversation with Tommy,updating input 2/23/2022 1.00 149.00 149.00 generator(CTA water heaters) Grace Wroblewski DR EQ generator review,input generator clean-up and 2/24/2022 2.00 149.00 298.00 review cost assumptions with Tommy,client meeting (for DR discussion support) Subtotal Electric Demand Response 20.25 3,262.25 Total 282.00 44,876.00 Page 5 of 5 s b wr Page 1 of 5 ENERGY-WATER,EFFICIENCY February 16,2023 Avista Corporation 1411 East Mission Avenue P.O.Box 3727,MSC-33 Spokane,WA 99220-3727 Greta.Zink(@avistacoro.com accountspayable(@avistacorp.com INVOICE STATEMENT NO.AV104-12-23-01 Contract No: D-35116 Amendment No.12 Multi-Family Direct Installation Program Dept.Organization Code: T52 Period: January 1-31,2023 Pay to: SBW Consulting,Inc. ATTN:Lance Torgesen 2820 Northup Way,Suite 230 Bellevue,WA 98004-1419 INSTALLATIONS INVOICE-CUMULATIVE Number of Current Cost Accumulated Cost Costs by Installation Type Unit Price Installations Amount Amount MF Pilot Installation Total $1,621,068.00 MF Program(Pre Covid-19 Pandemic) Installation Total 4,258,579.00 MF Dropoff Pilot* Installation Total 38,669.00 Direct-install Adjustment*** 330.00 MF Program t Kitchen Aerator(1.5 GPM) $8.00 177 $1,416.00 8,704.00 Faucet Aerator(1.0 GPM) 8.00 1,098 8,784.00 37,176.00 VendingMiser 225.00 225.00 Screw-in LED lamp(A-line 40W) 17.00 306.00 Screw-in LED lamp(A-line 60W) 17.00 6,065 103,105.00 362,814.00 Screw-in LED lamp(Globe G25) 17.00 2,125 36,125.00 75,140.00 Screw-in LED lamp(A-line 100W) 31.00 Screw-in LED lamp(Chandelier 3.8) 21.00 10 210.00 8,484.00 Screw-in LED lamp(Chandelier 4.8) 21.00 7 147.00 5,859.00 Screw-in LED lamp(BR30) 22.00 34 748.00 10,230.00 Screw-in LED lamp(1120) 22.00 Screw-in LED lamp(BR40) 28.00 Screw-in LED lamp(PAR30) 28.00 140.00 Screw-in LED lamp(PAR38) 32.00 1 32.00 352.00 Subtotal-MF Program $509,430.00 INSTALLATION TOTAL 9,517 $150,567.00 $6,428,076.00 Costs by Fuel Type MF Pilot Gas $54,849.00 Electric 1,566,219.00 MF Program Gas 70 $560.00 106,180.00 Electric 9,447 150,007.00 4,649,353.00 MF Dropoff Pilot* Gas 471.00 Electric 38,198.00 INSTALLATION TOTAL 9,517 $150,567.00 $6,415,270.00 TOTAL TO DATE $150,567.00 $6,428,076.00 INSTALLATIONS TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $150,567.00 *For this effort,unit prices are material costs quoted in the master contract.Number of installations actually refers to the number of measures delivered.***Accounts for price difference between 65 A-line 60W LED lamps and 1 BR30 LED lamp that were actually direct-installed,rather than dropped off.t Accumulated cost amount totals include$12,476 installed under the Trunk &Treat Pilot. SBW CONSULTING, INC. 2820 NORTHUP WAY, SUITE 230 BELLEVUE,WASHINGTON 98004 425 827 0330 SBWCONSULTING.COM Page 2 of 5 s wr ENERGY,WATER,EFFICIENCY INSTALLATIONS INVOICE-WA Number of Current Cost Accumulated Cost Costs by Installation Type Unit Price Installations Amount Amount MF Pilot Installation Total $1,271,335.00 MF Program(Pre Covid-19 Pandemic) Installation Total 3,098,466.00 MF Dropoff Pilot* Installation Total 26,198.00 MF Program t Kitchen Aerator(1.5 GPM) $8.00 176 $1,408.00 8,032.00 Faucet Aerator(1.0 GPM) 8.00 449 3,592.00 30,928.00 VendingMiser 225.00 225.00 Screw-in LED lamp(A-line 40W) 17.00 306.00 Screw-in LED lamp(A-line 60W) 17.00 3,847 65,399.00 312,392.00 Screw-in LED lamp(Globe G25) 17.00 824 14,008.00 52,598.00 Screw-in LED lamp(A-line 100W) 31.00 Screw-in LED lamp(Chandelier 3.8) 21.00 10 210.00 5,817.00 Screw-in LED lamp(Chandelier 4.8) 21.00 7 147.00 5,859.00 Screw-in LED lamp(131130) 22.00 34 748.00 10,230.00 Screw-in LED lamp(1120) 22.00 Screw-in LED lamp(131140) 28.00 Screw-in LED lamp(PAR30) 28.00 140.00 Screw-in LED lamp(PAR38) 32.00 1 32.00 352.00 Subtotal-MF Program $426,879.00 INSTALLATION TOTAL 5,348 $85,544.00 $4,822,878.00 Costs by Fuel Type MF Pilot Gas $42,541.00 Electric 1,228,794.00 MF Program Gas 70 $560.00 55,580.00 Electric 5,278 84,984.00 3,457,289.00 MF Dropoff Pilot* Gas 471.00 Electric 25,727.00 INSTALLATION TOTAL 5,348 $85,544.00 $4,810,402.00 TOTAL TO DATE $85,544.00 $4,822,878.00 WA INSTALLATIONS TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $85,544.00 *For this effort,unit prices are material costs quoted in the master contract.Number of installations actually refers to the number of measures delivered. t Accumulated cost amount totals include$12,476 installed under the Trunk&Treat Pilot. SBW CONSULTING, INC. 2820 NORTHUP WAY, SUITE 230 BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 425 827 0330 SBWCONSULTING.COM Page 3 of 5 s b wr ENERGY,WATER-EFFICIENCY INSTALLATIONS INVOICE-ID Number of Current Cost Accumulated Cost Costs by Installation Type Unit Price Installations Amount Amount MF Pilot Installation Total $349,733.00 MF Program(Pre Covid-19 Pandemic) Installation Total 1,160,113.00 MF Dropoff Pilot* Installation Total 12,471.00 MF Program Kitchen Aerator(1.5 GPM) $8.00 1 $8.00 672.00 Faucet Aerator(1.0 GPM) 8.00 649 5,192.00 6,248.00 VendingMiser 225.00 Screw-in LED lamp(A-line 40W) 17.00 Screw-in LED lamp(A-line 60W) 17.00 2,218 37,706.00 50,422.00 Screw-in LED lamp(Globe G25) 17.00 1,301 22,117.00 22,542.00 Screw-in LED lamp(A-line 100W) 31.00 Screw-in LED lamp(Chandelier 3.8) 21.00 2,667.00 Screw-in LED lamp(Chandelier 4.8) 21.00 Screw-in LED lamp(131130) 22.00 Screw-in LED lamp(1120) 22.00 Screw-in LED lamp(131140) 28.00 Screw-in LED lamp(PAR30) 28.00 Screw-in LED lamp(PAR38) 32.00 Subtotal-MF Program $75,631.00 INSTALLATION TOTAL 4,169 $65,023.00 $1,604,868.00 Costs by Fuel Type MF Pilot Gas $12,308.00 Electric 337,425.00 MF Program Gas 50,600.00 Electric 4,169 $65,023.00 1,192,064.00 MF Dropoff Pilot* Gas Electric 12,471.00 INSTALLATION TOTAL 4,169 $65,023.00 $1,604,868.00 TOTAL TO DATE $65,023.00 $1,604,868.00 ID INSTALLATIONS TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $65,023.00 *For this effort,unit prices are material costs quoted in the master contract.Number of installations actually refers to the number of measures delivered. SBW CONSULTING, INC. 2820 NORTHUP WAY, SUITE 230 BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 425 827 0330 SBWCONSULTING.COM s b wr Page 4 of 5 ENERGY,WATER,EFFICIENCY TIME&MATERIALS INVOICE Current Cost Accumulated Cost Description Hours Rate($/Hr.) Amount Amount MF Pilot Task 1-Planning and Management $47,497.00 Task 2-Installations and Audits 20,183.58 Task 3-Lighting Installation 126,531.56 Task 4-Analysis and Reporting 56,224.15 TOTAL-MF Pilot Time&Materials $250,436.29 MF Dropoff Pilot SBW Labor Bing Tso,Principal $288.00 $2,240.00 Robert Blue,Sr.Project Manager 147.00 22,880.00 Santiago Rodriguez-Anderson,Engineer II 136.00 1,240.00 Maxine Luna,Project Support 86.00 830.00 Albert Llaguno,Project Support 85.00 830.00 Subtotal-SBW Labor $28,020.00 Subcontractor Labor/Expenses Bryant Building and Energy $35.00 $1,155.00 Main Sequence LLC 35.00 892.50 Omni Consulting 35.00 630.00 Subtotal-Subcontractor Labor $2,677.50 TOTAL-MF Dropoff Pilot $30,697.50 MF Trunk&Treat Pilot SBW Labor Bing Tso,Principal $288.00 $1,152.00 Robert Blue,Sr.Project Manager 147.00 11,760.00 Santiago Rodriguez-Anderson,Engineer II 136.00 2,176.00 Maxine Luna,Project Support 86.00 688.00 Albert Llaguno,Project Support 85.00 340.00 Subtotal-SBW Labor $16,116.00 TOTAL-MF Trunk&Treat Pilot $16,116.00 Supplemental Lighting SBW Labor Bing Tso,Principal $306.00 $12,750.00 Mark Longmeier,Sr.Engineer 200.00 42,657.25 John Roberts,Engineer IV 163.00 159,543.60 Gina Hicks,Engineer IV 170.00 200.00 Robert Blue,Sr.Project Manager 151.00 4,011.25 Santiago Rodriguez-Anderson,Engineer II 11.5 144.00 $1,656.00 46,852.00 Erin Wenger,Engineer 1 132.00 1,150.00 Nick Sitts,Engineer 1 6.0 126.00 756.00 756.00 Naga Balamurugan,Engineer 1 105.00 24,780.00 Maxine Luna,Project Support 91.00 243.00 SBW Labor Adjustment" Erin Wenger,Engineer 1 113.00 169.50 Maxine Luna,Project Support 78.00 253.50 Subtotal-SBW Labor $2,412.00 $293,366.10 Continued on next page SBW CONSULTING, INC. 2820 NORTHUP WAY, SUITE 230 BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 425 827 0330 SBWCONSULTING.COM S b wr Page 5 of 5 ENERGY�WATER-EFFICIENCY TIME&MATERIALS INVOICE CONT'D Current Cost Accumulated Cost Description Hours Rate($/Hr.) Amount Amount Supplemental Lighting Subcontractor Labor/Expenses WA(site breakdown on pgs.6-8) $1,461,081.29 ID(site breakdown on pg.8) 402,514.20 Subtotal-Subcontractor Labor $1,863,595.49 TOTAL-Supplemental Lighting $2,412.00 $2,156,961.59 DI-Additional Recruitment Subcontractor Labor/Expenses Omni Consulting $35.00 $875.00 Subtotal-Subcontractor Labor $875.00 TOTAL-DI Additional Recruitment $875.00 TIME&MATERIALS TOTAL $2,412.00 $2,455,086.38 PROJECT TO DATE TOTAL $152,979.00 $8,883,162.38 **Adjustment for November 2018 invoice under Amendment 6 Task 3,SBW labor costs for Erin Wenger and Maxine Luna were not included in the subtotal"Current Cost$Amount"column,but were included in the subtotal"Accumulated Cost$Amount"column. r Bing T o,Principal SBW confirms that sales or use tax has been paid on all items installed for this Avista project. Sales tax on all in-state purchases was paid at time of purchase. Use tax on all out-of-state purchases was paid monthly to the WA Department of Revenue. Please direct any questions regarding the above invoice to Lance Torgesen at(425)827-0330. SBW CONSULTING, INC. 2820 NORTHUP WAY, SUITE 230 BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 425 827 0330 SBWCONSULTING.COM s wr Page 1 of 8 ENERGY-WATER-EFFICIENCY May 19,2022 Avista Corporation 1411 East Mission Avenue P.O.Box 3727,MSC-33 Spokane,WA 99220-3727 Greta.Zink@avistacorp.com accountspavable@avistacorp.com INVOICE STATEMENT NO.AV104-12-22-01 Contract No: D-35116 Amendment No.12 Multi-Family Direct Installation Program Dept.Organization Code: T52 Period: April 1-30,2022 Pay to: SBW Consulting,Inc. ATTN:Lance Torgesen 2820 Northup Way,Suite 230 Bellevue,WA 98004-1419 INSTALLATIONS INVOICE-CUMULATIVE Number of Current Cost Accumulated Cost Costs by Installation Type Unit Price Installations Amount Amount MF Pilot Installation Total $1,621,068.00 MF Program(Pre Covid-19 Pandemic) Installation Total 4,258,579.00 MF Dropoff Pilot* Installation Total 38,669.00 Direct-install Adjustment*** $5.00 330.00 MF Program t Screw-in LED lamp(A-line 40W) 17.00 Screw-in LED lamp(A-line 60W) 17.00 92 $1,564.00 12,053.00 Screw-in LED lamp(Globe G25) 17.00 697.00 Screw-in LED lamp(A-line 100W) 31.00 Screw-in LED lamp(Chandelier 3.8) 21.00 588.00 Screw-in LED lamp(Chandelier 4.8) 21.00 42.00 Screw-in LED lamp(BR30) 22.00 8 176.00 836.00 Screw-in LED lamp(1120) 22.00 Screw-in LED lamp(BR40) 28.00 Screw-in LED lamp(PAR30) 28.00 Screw-in LED lamp(PAR38) 32.00 Subtotal-MF Program $14,216.00 INSTALLATION TOTAL 100 $1,740.00 $5,932,862.00 Costs by Fuel Type MF Pilot Gas $54,849.00 Electric 1,566,219.00 MF Program Gas 98,332.00 Electric 100 1,740.00 4,161,987.00 MF Dropoff Pilot* Gas 471.00 Electric 38,198.00 INSTALLATION TOTAL 100 $1,740.00 $5,920,056.00 TOTAL TO DATE $1,740.00 $5,932,862.00 INSTALLATIONS TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $1,740.00 *For this effort,unit prices are material costs quoted in the master contract.Number of installations actually refers to the number of measures delivered.***Accounts for price difference between 65 A-line 60W LED lamps and 1 BR30 LED lamp that were actually direct- installed,rather than dropped off.t Accumulated cost amount totals include$12,476 installed under the Trunk&Treat Pilot. SBW CONSULTING, INC. 2820 NORTHUP WAY, SUITE 230 BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 425 827 0330 SBWCONSULTING.COM Page 2 of 8 s wr ENERGY,WATER,EFFICIENCY INSTALLATIONS INVOICE-WA Number of Current Cost Accumulated Cost Costs by Installation Type Unit Price Installations Amount Amount MF Pilot Installation Total $1,271,335.00 MF Program(Pre Covid-19 Pandemic) Installation Total 3,098,466.00 MF Dropoff Pilot* Installation Total 26,198.00 MF Program t Screw-in LED lamp(A-line 40W) 17.00 Screw-in LED lamp(A-line 60W) 17.00 92 $1,564.00 12,053.00 Screw-in LED lamp(Globe G25) 17.00 697.00 Screw-in LED lamp(A-line 100W) 31.00 Screw-in LED lamp(Chandelier 3.8) 21.00 588.00 Screw-in LED lamp(Chandelier 4.8) 21.00 42.00 Screw-in LED lamp(131130) 22.00 8 176.00 836.00 Screw-in LED lamp(1120) 22.00 Screw-in LED lamp(131140) 28.00 Screw-in LED lamp(PAR30) 28.00 Screw-in LED lamp(PAR38) 32.00 Subtotal-MF Program $14,216.00 INSTALLATION TOTAL 100 $1,740.00 $4,410,215.00 Costs by Fuel Type MF Pilot Gas $42,541.00 Electric 1,228,794.00 MF Program Gas 47,732.00 Electric 100 1,740.00 3,052,474.00 MF Dropoff Pilot* Gas 471.00 Electric 25,727.00 INSTALLATION TOTAL 100 $1,740.00 $4,397,739.00 TOTAL TO DATE $1,740.00 $4,410,215.00 WA INSTALLATIONS TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $1,740.00 *For this effort,unit prices are material costs quoted in the master contract.Number of installations actually refers to the number of measures delivered. t Accumulated cost amount totals include$12,476 installed under the Trunk&Treat Pilot. SBW CONSULTING, INC. 2820 NORTHUP WAY, SUITE 230 BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 425 827 0330 SBWCONSULTING.COM Page 3 of 8 s b wr ENERGY,WATER-EFFICIENCY INSTALLATIONS INVOICE-ID Number of Current Cost Accumulated Cost Costs by Installation Type Unit Price Installations Amount Amount MF Pilot Installation Total $349,733.00 MF Program(Pre Covid-19 Pandemic) Installation Total 1,160,113.00 MF Dropoff Pilot* Installation Total 12,471.00 MF Program Screw-in LED lamp(A-line 40W) 17.00 Screw-in LED lamp(A-line 60W) 17.00 Screw-in LED lamp(Globe G25) 17.00 Screw-in LED lamp(A-line 100W) 31.00 Screw-in LED lamp(Chandelier 3.8) 21.00 Screw-in LED lamp(Chandelier 4.8) 21.00 Screw-in LED lamp(131130) 22.00 Screw-in LED lamp(1120) 22.00 Screw-in LED lamp(131140) 28.00 Screw-in LED lamp(PAR30) 28.00 Screw-in LED lamp(PAR38) 32.00 Subtotal-MF Program INSTALLATION TOTAL $1,522,317.00 Costs by Fuel Type MF Pilot Gas $12,308.00 Electric 337,425.00 MF Program Gas 50,600.00 Electric 1,109,513.00 MF Dropoff Pilot* Gas Electric 12,471.00 INSTALLATION TOTAL $1,522,317.00 TOTAL TO DATE $1,522,317.00 ID INSTALLATIONS TOTAL AMOUNT DUE *For this effort,unit prices are material costs quoted in the master contract.Number of installations actually refers to the number of measures delivered. SBW CONSULTING, INC. 2820 NORTHUP WAY, SUITE 230 BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 425 827 0330 SBWCONSULTING.COM s b wr Page 4 of 8 ENERGY,WATER,EFFICIENCY TIME&MATERIALS INVOICE Current Cost Accumulated Cost Description Hours Rate($/Hr.) Amount Amount MF Pilot Task 1-Planning and Management $47,497.00 Task 2-Installations and Audits 20,183.58 Task 3-Lighting Installation 126,531.56 Task 4-Analysis and Reporting 56,224.15 TOTAL-MF Pilot Time&Materials $250,436.29 MF Dropoff Pilot SBW Labor Bing Tso,Principal $288.00 $2,240.00 Robert Blue,Sr.Project Manager 147.00 22,880.00 Santiago Rodriguez-Anderson,Engineer II 136.00 1,240.00 Maxine Luna,Project Support 86.00 830.00 Albert Llaguno,Project Support 85.00 830.00 Subtotal-SBW Labor $28,020.00 Subcontractor Labor/Expenses Bryant Building and Energy $35.00 $1,155.00 Main Sequence LLC 35.00 892.50 Omni Consulting 35.00 630.00 Subtotal-Subcontractor Labor $2,677.50 TOTAL-MF Dropoff Pilot $30,697.50 MF Trunk&Treat Pilot SBW Labor Bing Tso,Principal $288.00 $1,152.00 Robert Blue,Sr.Project Manager 147.00 11,760.00 Santiago Rodriguez-Anderson,Engineer II 136.00 2,176.00 Maxine Luna,Project Support 86.00 688.00 Albert Llaguno,Project Support 85.00 340.00 Subtotal-SBW Labor $16,116.00 TOTAL-MF Trunk&Treat Pilot $16,116.00 Supplemental Lighting# SBW Labor Bing Tso,Principal 9.5 $297.00 $2,821.50 $12,156.00 Mark Longmeier,Sr.Engineer 200.00 40,457.25 John Roberts,Engineer IV 163.00 159,543.60 Gina Hicks,Engineer IV 165.00 200.00 Robert Blue,Sr.Project Manager 151.00 4,011.25 Santiago Rodriguez-Anderson,Engineer II 19.5 140.00 2,730.00 37,496.00 Erin Wenger,Engineer 1 128.00 1,150.00 Naga Balamurugan,Engineer 1 105.00 24,780.00 Maxine Luna,Project Support 88.00 243.00 SBW Labor Adjustment" Erin Wenger,Engineer 1 113.00 169.50 Maxine Luna,Project Support 78.00 253.50 Subtotal-SBW Labor $5,551.50 $280,460.10 #Supplemental Lighting SBW Labor hours this invoice include hours from January 2022 through April 2022 Continued on next page SBW CONSULTING, INC. 2820 NORTHUP WAY, SUITE 230 BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 425 827 0330 SBWCONSULTING.COM S b wr Page 5 of 8 ENERGY�WATER-EFFICIENCY TIME&MATERIALS INVOICE CONT'D Current Cost Accumulated Cost Description Hours Rate($/Hr.) Amount Amount Supplemental Lighting Subcontractor Labor/Expenses WA(site breakdown on pgs.6-8) $19,136.27 $1,461,081.29 ID(site breakdown on pg.8) 386,912.72 Subtotal-Subcontractor Labor $19,136.27 $1,847,994.01 TOTAL-Supplemental Lighting $24,687.77 $2,128,454.11 TIME&MATERIALS TOTAL $24,687.77 $2,425,703.90 PROJECT TO DATE TOTAL $26,427.77 $8,358,565.90 **Adjustment for November 2018 invoice under Amendment 6 Task 3,SBW labor costs for Erin Wenger and Maxine Luna were not included in the subtotal"Current Cost$Amount"column,but were included in the subtotal"Accumulated Cost$Amount"column. Bing T o,Principal SBW confirms that sales or use tax has been paid on all items installed for this Avista project. Sales tax on all in-state purchases was paid at time of purchase. Use tax on all out-of-state purchases was paid monthly to the WA Department of Revenue. Please direct any questions regarding the above invoice to Lance Torgesen at(425)827-0330. SBW CONSULTING, INC. 2820 NORTHUP WAY, SUITE 230 BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 425 827 0330 SBWCONSULTING.COM Page 6 of 8 INVOICE STATEMENT NO.AV104-12-22-01 (Cont'd Pg.6) Current Cost Accumulated Cost Description Amount* Amount Subcontractor Labor/Expenses Breakdown Boone Electric(MF Pilot) Site#4-Lincoln Heights Garden(2362 E.27th Ave.,Spokane,WA) $28,706.62 Site#5-Lincoln Terrace Garden(2632 E 27th Ave.,Spokane,WA) 14,723.25 Site#6-River Falls Tower A(1224 W.Riverside Ave.,Spokane,WA) 7,618.24 Site#8-Cedar Green Apt(3117 E.Marietta,Spokane,WA) 4,607.20 Site #9-Country Vista Apts(21200 E.Country Vista Dr,Liberty Lake,WA) 14,480.13 Site#11-Pine Bluff(2612 N.Pines Road,Spokane,WA) 16,451.38 Site#12-Pheasant Ridge(601 S.Woodruff,Spokane,WA) 4,859.30 Site#13-Canyon Greens(1001 S.Wescliff Place,Spokane,WA) 7,822.29 TOTAL BOONE ELECTRIC FOR MAY-JUNE 2018 $99,268.41 MF Program Supplemental Lighting Site Breakdown-WA BE Site#1-Adams Court Apartments(2921 E.36th Ave.,Spokane,WA) $1,036.04 BE Site#2-Sherwood Apartments(301 W.Main Ave.,Spokane,WA) 5,596.99 BE Site#4-Stonecrest Apartments(803 S.Cowley St.,Spokane,WA) 9,956.34 BE Site#5-Fahys Gardens(1411 W.Dean Ave.,Spokane,WA) 3,206.88 BE Site#6-Fahys West(1523 W.Dean Ave.,Spokane,WA) 790.24 BE Site#12-Court View Apartments(1217 N.Madison,Spokane,WA) 2,169.86 BE Site#16-Spring Creek Community(3201 S.Spring Creek Ln.,Spokane,WA) 1,074.41 BE Site#18-Hill N Dale Apartments(8719 N.Hill N Dale St.,Spokane,WA) 686.73 BE Site#20-Arthur Court Apartments(716 S.Arthur,Spokane,WA) 6,080.20 BE Site#21-Oak Apartments(155 S.Oak Street,Spokane,WA) 6,051.73 BE Site#22-Elm Apartments(1905 W.2nd Ave.,Spokane,WA) 542.21 BE Site#24-Woodlake Village Apartments(23310 E.Inlet,Liberty Lake,WA) 2,236.70 BE Site#25-Indian Canyon Apartments(1302 S.Westcliff PI.,Spokane,WA) 6,486.33 BE Site#28-Pasadena Ridge Apartments(4710 N.Pasadena Ridge Ln.,Spokane Valley,WA) 2,266.24 BE Site#31-Copper Landing Apartments(10913 W.6th Ave.,Airway Heights,WA) 18,727.20 BE Site#32-Dearborn Apartments(4405 E.5th Ave.,Spokane,WA) 5,099.02 BE Site#34-Fairwood Square Apartments(815 W.Bellwood Dr.,Spokane,WA) 1,201.02 BE Site#40-Father Bach Haven(108 S.State St.,Spokane,WA) 20,847.65 BE Site#60-Forest Creek Apartments(13110 N.Addison St.,Spokane,WA) 29,024.78 BE Site#61-Alpine Square(2918 E.South Riverton Ave.,Spokane,WA) 1,360.14 BE Site#66-College Terrace Apartments(4150 W.Fort George Wright Dr.,Spokane,WA) 1,436.78 BE Site#75-819 E.Sharp(819 E.Sharp Ave.,Spokane,WA) 898.26 BE Site#78-Regency Park(20&30 E.Graves Rd.,Spokane,WA) 1,789.59 BE Site#79-2611 N.(2611 N.Market St.,Spokane,WA) 1,060.80 BE Site#83-Northwood Apartments(720 W.Cora Ave.&727 W.Glass Ave.,Spokane,WA) 2,923.33 BE Site#90-Vintage at Spokane(43 E.Weile Ave.,Spokane,WA) 52,015.11 BE Site#99-Russett Hill Apartments(1304 W.7th Ave.,Spokane,WA) 3,078.80 BE Site#104-Lyons Crest(6616 N.Addison St.,Spokane,WA) 897.56 BE Site#110-Countryside Apartments(405 W.Bellwood Dr.,Spokane,WA) 811.07 BE Site#113-The Reserve at Shelley Lake(215 S.Conklin Rd.,Spokane Valley,WA) 48,212.75 BE Site#114-Clare View North(3202 E.44th Ave.,Spokane,WA) 20,544.48 BE Site#116-Rosewood Club Apartments(401 E.Magnesium Rd.,Spokane,WA) 11,428.67 BE Site#127-Riverton Terrace Apartments(1904 E.South Riverton Ave.,Spokane,WA) 2,305.32 BE Site#137-Parkside Apartments(3102 E.27th Ave.,Spokane,WA) 1,564.31 BE Site#138-11 Plex(1611 W.8th Ave.,Spokane,WA) 571.29 BE Site#140-Catherine Johnson Court(6321 E.4th Ave.,Spokane Valley,WA) 1,570.34 BE Site#145-Clare House(4827 S.Palouse Hwy.,Spokane,WA) 23,861.32 BE Site#146-El Estero Apartments(2130 E.North Crescent,Spokane,WA) 43,286.70 BE Site#147-55th Ave.(3323 E.55th Ave.,Spokane,WA) 18,903.61 ES Site#148-Perrine Court(11921 E.Mansfield Ave.,Spokane Valley,WA) 2,728.20 ES Site#149-Eagle Pointe(2718 N.Bowdish Rd.,Spokane Valley,WA) 1,299.36 ES Site#152-The Wilton(156 1/2 S.Browne St.,Spokane,WA) 4,292.34 ES Site#156-Eagle Rock Apartments(12423 E.Mansfield Ave.,Spokane Valley,WA) 7,568.17 ES Site#158-Sandhill Apartments(10024 N.Colfax Rd.,Spokane,WA) 2,009.10 ES Site#159-Crosspointe Apartments(535 E.Hawthorne Rd.,Spokane,WA) 3,879.23 BE Site#163-Big Trout Lodge(22809 E.Country Vista Dr.,Liberty Lake,WA) 7,070.79 BE Site#164-Woodstone Communities(6109-6211 N.Lidgerwood St.&6120 N.Colton St.,Spokane,WA) 3,495.96 BE Site#175-Beau Rivage 132 LLC(4707 E.Upriver Dr.,Spokane,WA) 22,331.17 BE Site#188-Residence at Whispering Hills(635 SW Golden Hills Dr.,Pullman,WA) 12,410.35 ES Site#190-Colfax Apartments(10015 N.Colfax Rd.,Spokane,WA) 819.76 ES Site#191-Beau Rivage 115 LLC(4909 E.Upriver Dr.,Spokane,WA) 24,520.39 ES Site#192-Mayfair Apartments(8618 N.Mayfair St.,Spokane,WA) 6,924.36 Continued on next page SBW CONSULTING, INC. 2820 NORTHUP WAY, SUITE 230 BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 425 827 0330 SBWCONSULTING.COM Page 7 of 8 Current Cost Accumulated Cost Site Breakdown-WA Cont'd Amount* Amount BE Site#199-Affinity at South Hill(3304 E.44th Ave.,Spokane,WA) 31,654.49 BE Site#200-Parkside at Mirabeau(2820 N.Cherry St.,Spokane,WA) 41,683.54 BE Site#201-Collegewood Place(711,717&714 E.Sharp Ave.,Spokane,WA) 1,147.61 BE Site#202-Center Court(7007+7207 N.Nevada St.,824+924 E.Cozza Dr.,823+923 E.Sitka Ave., 8,317.45 Spokane,WA) BE Site#203-Ashton Apartments(3630 E.51st Ave.,Spokane,WA) 12,877.81 BE Site#204-Affinity at Mill Road(12710 N.Mill Rd.,Spokane,WA) 47,193.65 BE Site#205-Altura Apartments(930 N.Washington St.,Spokane,WA) 1,480.53 BE Site#207-Pineview Apartments(1405 E.30th Ave.,Spokane,WA) 7,085.91 BE Site#215-2002 E.Mission Ave.(2002 E.Mission Ave.,Spokane,WA) 11,372.95 BE Site#216-Copper River(2865 W.Elliot Dr.,Spokane,WA) 20,268.54 ES Site#223-Jake at Indian Trail(8808 N.Indian Trail Rd.,Spokane,WA) 17,311.16 ES Site#227-Brookside Apartments(2409 E.Upriver Dr.,Spokane,WA) 2,624.33 ES Site#228-Canyon Bluffs(2610 W.Westwood Lane,Spokane,WA) 45,215.81 BE Site#232-The Gables(1302-1312 W.Broadway&805+811 N.Adams St.,Spokane,WA) 1,994.40 BE Site#233-Riverpark Apartments(1842 E.South Riverton Ave.,Spokane,WA) 1,998.78 BE Site#236-Coeur D'Alene Plaza Apartments(228 N.Howard St.,Spokane,WA) 5,403.04 BE Site#237-Glendimer Three(1740 Wayne St.NW,Pullman,WA) 3,081.66 BE Site#239-Glendimer Two(120 Ann St.NW,Pullman,WA) 3,761.11 BE Site#241-Glendimer Four(1445 Turner St.NW,Pullman,WA) 3,081.66 BE Site#245-Houston House Apartments(617 E.Houston Ave.,Spokane,WA) 2,238.02 BE Site#246-Forest Park(8821 N.Hill N'Dale St.,Spokane,WA) 4,409.40 BE Site#249-Willow Place(1125 NE Valley Rd.,Pullman,WA) 3,641.64 CE Site#255-Boulder Creek Apartments(1915 NE Terre View Dr.,Pullman,WA) 30,744.67 BE Site#258-Glendimer One(125 Larry St.NW,Pullman,WA) 3,761.11 ES Site#262-The San Souci Apartments(3318+3320 S.Grand Blvd.,Spokane,WA) 2,003.16 ES Site#271-Hart Terrace(3308 E.11th Ave.,Spokane,WA) 7,723.25 ES Site#275-Graymayre Crossing(636 E.Magnesium Rd.,Spokane,WA) 54,516.59 ES Site#276-Copper Hill Apartments(3210 E.44th Ave.,Spokane,WA) 28,306.04 ES Site#281-Deer Creek Apartments(1610 S.Deer Heights Rd.,Spokane,WA) 35,995.65 BE Site#286-Highland Apartments(2127 W.Buckeye Ave.,Spokane,WA) 3,910.76 BE Site#289-River Rock Apartments(12820 E.Mansfield,Spokane Valley,WA) 6,583.69 BE Site#291-Granite Pointe II Apartments(12925 E.Mansfield,Spokane Valley,WA) 9,085.44 BE Site#292-Granite Pointe III Apartments(12930 E.Mansfield,Spokane Valley,WA) 4,050.94 BE Site#293-Valley Ridge(2215 N.Houk,Spokane Valley,WA) $3,184.03 3,184.03 BE Site#294-Millwood Apartments(8907-9025 E.Liberty Ave.,Millwood,WA) 5,478.77 BE Site#295-The Lusitano Apartments(5420 W.Barnes Rd.,Spokane,WA) 12,114.43 BE Site#296-Royal Park Retirement Center(302 E.Wedgewood,Spokane,WA) 17,171.80 BE Site#297-Lilac Plaza Retirement Community(7007 N.Wiscomb St.,Spokane,WA) 53,990.22 BE Site#298-Country Vista Apartments(2120 E.Country Vista Dr.,Liberty Lake,WA) 7,968.06 BE Site#299-Talon Hills(24950 E.Hawkstone Loop,Liberty Lake,WA) 13,885.42 BE Site#300-Broadwing Apartments(24900 E.Spotted Owl Ln.,Liberty Lake,WA) 9,616.75 BE Site#301-First Liberty Apartments(25000 E.Hawkstone Loop,Liberty Lake,WA) 9,254.70 BE Site#302-The Ridge at Midway(16320 N.Hatch Road,Colbert,WA) 19,862.49 BE Site#304-Lincoln Heights Manor(3115 E.29th,Spokane,WA) 10,722.65 BE Site#305-Southwood Park(6016 S.Regal,Spokane,WA) 5,600.23 BE Site#307-Moran Vista Senior Living(3319 E.57th Ave.,Spokane,WA) 24,596.03 BE Site#312-Chalet Apartments(6311 E.6th&509-519 S.Eastern Rd.,Spokane Valley,WA) 3,458.01 BE Site#315-Pine Rock Apartments(3211 E.55th Ave.,Spokane,WA) 13,475.58 BE Site#316-Summit Ridge Apartments(3307 E.55th Ave.,Spokane,WA) 21,591.65 BE Site#318-Lilac Terrace Retirement Community(7015 N.Wiscomb St.,Spokane,WA) 33,099.97 ES Site#319-Knightsbridge Apartments(910 E.Holyoke Ave.,Spokane,WA) 14,963.07 ES Site#320-Lyons Court(857 E.Lyons,Spokane,WA) 11,885.60 ES Site#321-Quadrangle Apartments(901 E.Holyoke Ave.,Spokane,WA) 4,221.40 ES Site#322-Quadrangle 2 Apartments(6610 N.Cincinnati St.,Spokane,WA) 4,973.66 ES Site#323-Morning Glory Circle Apartments(925 E.Sharpsburg Ave.,Spokane,WA) 15,130.19 ES Site#325-Bentley Apartments(1715 S.Hayford Rd.,Airway Heights,WA) 34,119.91 ES Site#337-Palouse Trail Apartments(5000 S.Palouse Hwy.,Spokane,WA) 23,499.90 ES Site#339-Greentree Apartments(1919-1921 W.Pacific,Spokane,WA) 2,996.92 ES Site#342-Ruby Wynd Apartments(6014 N.Ruby St.,Spokane,WA) 2,071.77 ES Site#345-North Point Village(1110 E.Westview Ct.,Spokane,WA) 10,975.38 ES Site#348-The Academy Apartments(1216 N.Superior St.,Spokane,WA) 10,346.45 BE Site#351-Lincoln Village(210 E.Lincoln Rd.,Spokane,WA) 10,609.24 BE Site#352-Cedar Hollow Apartments(5808 S.Regal St.,Spokane,WA) 4,672.63 BE Site#355-Cedar Willow Apartments(2820 E.53rd Ave.,Spokane,WA) 2,879.02 BE Site#360-Alexan Court Apartments(6120 N.Lidgerwood St.,Spokane,WA) 2,545.91 2,545.91 BE Site#361-Colton Place Apartments(6109 N.Colton St.,Spokane,WA) 1,068.45 1,068.45 ES Site#365-Briarwood Apartments(1802,1808&1814 W.Sharp Ave.,Spokane,WA) 3,059.66 BE Site#370-Adirondack Lodge(2711 E.Adirondack Ln.,Spokane,WA) 1,022.14 Continued on next page SBW CONSULTING, INC. 2820 NORTHUP WAY, SUITE 230 BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 425 827 0330 SBWCONSULTING.COM Page 8 of 8 Current Cost Accumulated Cost Site Breakdown-WA Cont'd Amount* Amount BE Site#374-Airway Point Seniors(13520 W.6th Ave.,Airway Heights,WA) 7,672.28 BE Site#375-Airway Point(13513 6th Ave.,Airway Heights,WA) 11,089.18 BE Site#376-Arrowleaf Village(380 S.Aspen St.,Airway Heights,WA) 5,669.74 ES Site#384-Selkirk Lodge Apartments(9295 N.Coursier Ln.,Spokane,WA) 4,013.51 BE Site#385-Village Apartments(9717 E.6th Ave.,Spokane Valley,WA) 21,939.63 BE Site#386-Woodruff Heights(9815 E.6th Ave.,Spokane Valley,WA) 8,367.95 BE Site#387-Hidden Pines(9817 E.6th Ave.,Spokane Valley,WA) 31,723.40 BE Site#394-Cherry Ridge(2415 N.Cherry St.,Spokane Valley,WA) 840.56 BE Site#395-Cherry Bluff(2405 N.Cherry St.,Spokane Valley,WA) 2,444.26 BE Site#420-Bitterroot Lodge(21580 E.Bitterroot Lane,Liberty Lake,WA) 5,270.00 BE Site#423-Tschirley Crossings Senior Apartments(111 S.Tschirley Ln.,Spokane Valley,WA) 12,337.88 12,337.88 SUBTOTAL-WA $19,136.27 $1,462,955.25 Current Cost Accumulated Cost Site Breakdown-ID Amount* Amount BE Site#37-Fairwood Apartments(1905 W.Appleway Ave.,Coeur D'Alene,ID) $809.56 BE Site#45-Falls Creek Apartments(2831 N.Julia St.,Coeur D'Alene,ID) 17,673.59 BE Site#48-Treetop Apartments(4598 W.Fairway Dr.,Coeur D'Alene,ID) 2,693.06 BE Site#49-Trails End Apartments(1851 N.Legends Parkway,Coeur D'Alene,ID) 1,581.88 BE Site#50-Lake Wood Ranch(3755 N.4th St.,Coeur D'Alene,ID) 9,235.04 BE Site#58-Northwood Apartments(1810 Keystone Ct.,Post Falls,ID) 604.87 BE Site#62-The Falls Park(304 W.4th Ave.,Post Falls,ID) 9,492.12 BE Site#80-North Creek Apartments(3642 W.Chuckar Loop,Post Falls,ID) 15,668.22 BE Site#84-Parkside Apartments(1814 N.Spokane St.,Post Falls,ID) 10,066.15 BE Site#85-Park Ridge Apartments(3321 E.Park Ridge Loop,Post Falls,ID) 3,350.99 BE Site#96-Silver Creek Apartments(3720 W.Tayjan Lane,Post Falls,ID) 7,784.03 BE Site#97-Silver Creek Apartments(3720 W.Tayjan Lane,Post Falls,ID) 15,764.39 BE Site#103-Post Falls Chateau Apartments(3539&3517 E.2nd Ave.,Post Falls,ID) 3,765.30 BE Site#120-Treehouse Apartments(14462 N.Treehouse Ct.,Rathdrum,ID) 4,411.33 BE Site#121-Timber Cove Apartments(8131 W.Montana St.,Rathdrum,ID) 10,632.12 BE Site#122-Lakeview Village(10102 N.Government Way,Hayden,ID) 2,266.76 BE Site#123-Sarah Street Apartments(9359 N.Government Way,Hayden,ID) 3,743.84 BE Site#124-The Matthews Apartments(8551 N.Government Way,Hayden,ID) 1,699.40 ES Site#150-Vali Vue(1358 E.16th Ave.,Post Falls,ID) 1,275.83 ES Site#154-Lake Country Apartments(1521 N.9th St.,Coeur D'Alene,ID) 788.71 BE Site#162-The Residence at Mill River(4295 W.Saw Blade Ln.,Coeur D'Alene,ID) 13,564.06 CE Site#166-301 W.Lauder Ave.(301,303,305,321,327&333 W.Lauder Ave.,Moscow,ID) 508.81 CE Site#168-Oakridge(505 Indian Hills Dr.,Moscow,ID) 11,121.35 CE Site#173-1204 S.Main St.(1204+1218 S.Main St.&215 E.Henley St.,Moscow,ID) 1,811.25 ES Site#193-Affinity at Coeur D'Alene(3594 N.Cedarblom St.,Coeur D'Alene,ID) 19,325.73 BE Site#213-Silver Leaf Apartments(601-901 Matthew Loop,Smelterville,ID) 3,999.12 CE Site#221-Hillside Village Apartments(1126 N.Polk Extension,Moscow,ID) 9,672.68 FE Site#284-Chateau Apartments(610 8th St.,Lewiston,ID) 456.75 CE Site#369-Woodland Crossing(839 Kootenai Cutoff Rd.,Ponderay,ID) 9,176.48 BE Site#372-Silverlake 1&2(692&698 Wilbur Ave.,Coeur D'Alene,ID) 17,024.39 CE Site#377-Creekside Seniors(1227 Creekside Lane,Moscow,ID) 7,051.80 CE Site#378-Creekside Apartments(1630 S.Main St.,Moscow,ID) 22,561.73 BE Site#379-Ironwood Apartments(951 W.Emma St.,Coeur D'Alene,ID) 6,929.09 ES Site#382-Riverstone Place(2433 W.John Loop.,Coeur D'Alene,ID) 35,685.11 BE Site#388-Seltice Seniors(2005 W.Killington Dr.,Coeur D'Alene,ID) 7,353.27 BE Site#389-Riverstone Silver(2050 W.Whistler Loop,Coeur D'Alene,ID) 15,898.90 BE Site#392-Hayden Country Ridge(61 E.Country Ridge Ct.,Coeur D'Alene,ID) 7,312.88 BE Site#396-Riverstone West(2238,2256&2264 W.John Loop,Coeur D'Alene,ID) 8,341.71 ES Site#398-Mill River Seniors(3505 Sunapee Loop,Coeur D'Alene,ID) 4,992.31 ES Site#399-Riverstone West 3(2308 W.John Loop+2302 W.Suzanne Rd.,Coeur D'Alene,ID) 9,501.62 ES Site#401-Kathleen Corners(3350 Kathy Loop,Coeur D'Alene,ID) 12,388.83 CE Site#404-Mt.Baldy Apartments(835 Kootenai Cutoff Rd.,Ponderay,ID) 10,655.09 CE Site#411-Heartland Crossing 1(7745 N.Heartland Dr.,Coeur D'Alene,ID) 10,123.35 CE Site#421-North Star Retirement(2340 W.Seltice Way,Coeur D'Alene,ID) 15,595.06 ES Site#422-Ridgewood Gardens(3834 E.3rd Ave.,Post Falls,ID) 3,037.85 CE Site#426-Heartland Crosssing 2(7712 N.Heartland Dr.,Coeur D'Alene,ID) 22,768.49 SUBTOTAL-ID $410,164.90 SITE BREAKDOWN TOTAL APRIL 2022 $19,136.27 $1,873,120.15 TOTAL TO DATE $19,136.27 $1,972,388.56 SITE BREAKDOWN TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $19,136.27 *Includes 5%markup per contract SBW CONSULTING, INC. 2820 NORTHUP WAY, SUITE 230 BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 425 827 0330 SBWCONSULTING.COM edc- INVOICE 239747 Avista INVOICE#: 6600343 1411 E Mission Ave INVOICE DATE: 05/16/22 Spokane,WA 99252 JOB: 660026- APPLICATION#: 3 PAY TERMS: NET 30 RE:Ong Code T52,Contract D-35204 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Pilot Year One Final Billing 151,439.20 CURRENT BILLING 151,439.20 SALES TAX 0.00 LESS RETENTION 0.00 INVOICE TOTAL $151,439.20 REMIT TO: Spokane EDO LLC Spokane EDO LLC 5005 3rd Ave S FEDERAL ID 83-3609264 1.5%INTEREST AFTER 30 DAYS Seattle,WA98134 DIRECT INQUIRIES TO ACCOUNTSRECEIVABLE@EDOENERGY.COM (Z�al co TM INVOICE 239747 Avista INVOICE#: 6600578 1411 E Mission Ave INVOICE DATE: 01/27/23 Spokane,WA 99252 JOB: 660026- APPLICATION#: 4 PAY TERMS: NET 30 RE: Org Code T52, Contract D-35204 Yr 2 Base Services and Q1 Ops Year 2 Base Services Annual Fee:$150,000 Year 2 Building Operations:$50,000 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 660026-Avista AEM 200,000.00 CURRENT BILLING 200,000.00 SALES TAX 0.00 LESS RETENTION 0.00 INVOICE TOTAL $2009000.00 REMIT TO: Spokane EDO, LLC Spokane EDO LLC FEDERAL ID 83-3609264 5005 3rd Ave S CONTRACTOR LICENSES www.mckinstry.comAicenses 1.5%INTEREST AFTER 30 DAYS Seattle, WA 98134 DIRECT INQUIRIES TOACCOUNTSRECEIVABLE@EDOENERGY.COM OR206.832.8799 WEST° AVAAP Interface and Create Invoices from APX Report Date 21-Jun-2022 Vendor Name Hydzik, Nicole Leigh Invoice Num IE16842501 Invoice Date 12-MAY-22 Invoice Amount 984.40 Invoice Description NEEA travel Invoice Lines: Amount Line Dist Description Project Task Expenditure Type Expenditure Organization Expenditure Num Num Item Date 984.40 1 1 Airfare 09803400 242673 205 Airfare T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 12-MAY-22 End of Report Hydzik, Nicole Subject: FW: [External] Fwd:Your confirmation receipt: WIVOCP for your flight to Seattle on 6/20/22. From: Nicole H <nicole.hydzik@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, May 12, 2022 1:51 PM To: Hydzik, Nicole<Nicole.Hydzik@avistacorp.com> Subject: [External] Fwd: Your confirmation receipt:WIVOCP for your flight to Seattle on 6/20/22. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Alaska Airlines <service@ifly.alaskaair.com> Date: Thursday, May 12, 2022 Subject: Your confirmation receipt: WIVOCP for your flight to Seattle on 6/20/22. To: nicole.hydzik@,!�mail.com N i c rO 10% � Y 10% 9r e s��. We can't wait to see you on board. Before you fly, view full reservation details or make changes to your flight online. 1 D Confirmation code: WIVOCP Alaska Flight 2134 Bombardier Q400 Turboprop Traveler(s) Nicole Hydzik Seat: 9B, Class: Y (Coach) Flight Operated by Horizon Air as AlaskaHorizon. Check in with Alaska Airlines. Mon, Jun 20 06:00 AM GEG Spokane z .......... * .......... Mon, Jun 20 07:12 AM SEA Seattle Alaska Flight 456 Boeing 737-9 MAX (ETOPS) Traveler(s) Nicole Hydzik Seat: 25C, Class: M (Coach) Mon, Jun 20 11 :52 AM SEA Seattle 3 .......... * .......... Mon, Jun 20 02:40 PM BZN Bozeman Alaska Flight 457 Boeing 737-9 MAX (ETOPS) Traveler(s) Nicole Hydzik Seat: 21 C, Class: Q (Coach) Wed, Jun 22 03:35 PM BZN Bozeman 4 .......... * .......... Wed, Jun 22 04:30 PM SEA Seattle Alaska Flight 414 Boeing 737-700 (Winglets) Traveler(s) Nicole Hydzik Seat: 18D, Class: L (Coach) Wed, Jun 22 05:35 PM SEA Seattle 5 .......... * .......... Wed, Jun 22 06:40 PM GEG Spokane Summary of airfare charges Nicole Hydzik Mileage Plan # *****4471 Ticket 0272137908525 Base fare and surcharges $871 .81 Taxes and other fees $112.59 Per-person total $984.40 Total charges for air travel $984.40 USE CAU7M - EXTERNAL SENDER Do not click on links or open attachments that are not familiar. For questions or concerns, please e-mail phishing@avistacorp.com 6 WEST° AVAAP Interface and Create Invoices from APX Report Date 28-Dec-2023 Vendor Name Hydzik, Nicole Leigh Invoice Num IE22873501 Invoice Date 05-DEC-23 Invoice Amount 544.46 Invoice Description NEEA Q4 board meeting Invoice Lines: Amount Line Dist Description Project Task Expenditure Type Expenditure Organization Expenditure Num Num Item Date 2.59 1 1 Meals 09803401 242673 215 Employee Business T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 03-DEC-23 Meals 6.37 2 1 Meals 09803400 242673 215 Employee Business T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 04-DEC-23 Meals 34.50 3 1 Cab Fare 09803400 242673 235 Employee Misc T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 03-DEC-23 Expenses 34.47 4 1 Cab Fare 09803400 242673 235 Employee Misc T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 05-DEC-23 Expenses 72.36 5 1 Airfare 09803400 242673 205 Airfare T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 03-DEC-23 250.38 6 1 Airfare 09803400 242673 205 Airfare T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 05-DEC-23 32.40 7 1 Parking 09803400 242673 235 Employee Misc T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 05-DEC-23 Expenses 24.52 8 1 Parking 09803400 242673 235 Employee Misc T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 11-SEP-23 Expenses 11.77 9 1 Parking 09803400 242673 235 Employee Misc T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 12-SEP-23 Expenses 23.36 10 1 Meals 09803400 242673 215 Employee Business T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 03-DEC-23 Meals 0.70 11 1 Meals 09803400 242673 215 Employee Business T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 04-DEC-23 Meals 3.83 12 1 Cab Fare 09803401 242673 235 Employee Misc T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 03-DEC-23 Expenses 3.83 13 1 Cab Fare 09803401 242673 235 Employee Misc T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 05-DEC-23 Expenses 8.04 14 1 Airfare 09803401 242673 205 Airfare T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 03-DEC-23 27.82 15 1 Airfare 09803401 242673 205 Airfare T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 05-DEC-23 3.60 16 1 Parking 09803401 242673 235 Employee Misc T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 05-DEC-23 Expenses 1.17 17 1 Parking 09803401 242673 235 Employee Misc T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 12-SEP-23 Expenses 2.75 18 1 Parking 09803401 242673 235 Employee Misc T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 11-SEP-23 Expenses WEST° AVAAP Interface and Create Invoices from APX Report Date 28-Dec-2023 End of Report Wolfe, Tim From: Hydzik, Nicole Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2023 1:16 PM To: Wolfe,Tim Cc: Doan,Van Subject: RE: IE22873501 Hydzik, Nicole Attachments: [External] Fwd_Your confirmation receipt_ FOIBFW for your flight on 12_3_23. NLH NEEA Q4.pdf, Expense splits.xlsx Hi Tim, Attached is the full itinerary for my flight. I expensed a total of 80.40 for the flight. The ticket was 169.00 (I didn't expense the 10.99 upgrade), however I had a credit of 88.60 due to a flight that had been cancelled (for a previous board meeting), so that was applied to the total costs. I attached the full itinerary to the expense report. In Energy Efficiency we have to split our expenses 90/10 (electric and gas), so each expense has two line items for the amount of the split. I attached the same receipt to each line item. This is how I have historically submitted my expenses, please let me know if there is something different I should be doing. Thanks, Nicole From:Wolfe,Tim <Tim.Wolfe@avistacorp.com> Sent:Tuesday, December 19, 2023 1:37 PM To: Hydzik, Nicole<Nicole.Hydzik@avistacorp.com> Cc: Doan, Van <Van.Doan@avistacorp.com>;Wolfe,Tim <Tim.Wolfe@avistacorp.com> Subject: IE22873501 Hydzik, Nicole Hi Nicole, The math on your expense report does not match any of your receipts. You've shorted yourself quite a bit of money. It looks like you've got the decimal point in the wrong places on most of your expensed amounts and some I'm not able to figure out how you came up with the amount listed. Please withdraw your report and enter the correct expense amounts for reimbursement. Also, you're missing the full itineraries on your$8.04 and 72.36 airfare expenses plus it looks like they are the same receipt for$80.04. Did you duplicate the expense? They are for the same day, different amounts but same receipt. Thank you, Tim S.Wolfe Accounting Specialist III INf TESTA& PO Box 3727 MSC.30 Spokane,WA 99220 P 509.495.8597 F 509.495.8575 tirnmolfe(a)avistacorp.com http://www.avistautilities.com 1 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended solely for the addressee(s)and may contain confidential and/or privileged information and may be legally protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient of this message or an agent of the intended recipient,or if this message has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by reply email and then delete this message and any attachments. 2 From: Nicole H. To: Hvdzik,Nicole Subject: [External] Fwd:Your confirmation receipt: FOIBFW for your flight on 12/3/23. Date: Thursday,December 28, 2023 12:49:24 PM ----------Forwarded message ---------- From: Alaska Airlines <serviceUifly.alaskaair.com> Date: Thursday, November 2, 2023 Subject: Your confirmation receipt: FOIBFW for your flight on 12/3/23. To: nicole.hydzik(c�r�gmail.com Alaska® - oneworld 0 Nicole, you ' re all seta We can't wait to see you on board. Before you fly, view full reservation details or make changes to your flight online. Confirmation code: FOIBFW Alaska Flight 3366 Embraer ERJ 175 Traveler(s) Nicole Hydzik Seat: 6C Class: S (Coach) Flight Operated by SkyWest Airlines as AlaskaSkyWest. Sun, Dec 03 Sun, Dec 03 02:45 PM 04:08 PM GEG o PDX Spokane Portland, OR Premium Class seat has been selected for this flight. Summary of airfare charges Nicole Hydzik Mileage Plan # *****4471 Ticket 0272351679898 Base fare and surcharges $143.35 Taxes and other fees $25.65 Per-person total $169.00 Total charges for air travel $169.00 View all taxes, fees and charges. Summary of additional item charges Seat upgrade purchases Nicole Hydzik, $10.22 Tax $0.77 Per-person total $10.99 Total charges for additional items $10.99 Nonrefundable fare of$91.39 to be charged to the American Express card with number ***********1011 held by Nicole Hydzik on Nov 2, 2023. Nonrefundable fare of$88.60 from My wallet account was applied toward the total. Trip insurance by Allianz Global Assistance Purchase travel insurance benefits and travel assistance services for your trip from Allianz Global Assistance. Learn more. IN a Before you fly Baggage Carry-on baggage: On Alaska Airlines flights, each traveler is limited to one carry-on bag plus one personal item. See our carry-on bac gage page for the latest policies and size information. Checked baggage: Alaska Airlines rules and fees apply for this itinerary. More than one fee may apply to a bag. For example, the checked bag fee + oversize fee. See the checked baggage page for details and exceptions. Alaska Airlines baggage service guarantee: Get your bag in 20 minutes or less, guaranteed. Fees listed below are for one-way travel. Standard Carry-on Checked Checked Checked Checked Overweight Oversize Oversize bag#1 bag#2 bag#3 bag#4+ bag* bag** bag*** Free $30 $40 $150 $150/bag $100/bag $150/bag $150/bag Club 49TM member Carry-on Checked Checked Checked Checked Overweight Oversize Oversize bag#1 bag#2 bag#3 bag#4+ bag* bag** bag*** Free Freel Freel $150 $150/bag $100/bag $150/bag $150/bag MVP& MVP Gold level Mileage Plan TM Carry-on Checked Checked Checked Checked Overweight Oversize Oversize bag#1 bag#2 bag#3 bag#4+ bag* bag** bag*** Free Free2 Free2 $150 $150/bag $100/bag $150/bag $150/bag MVP Gold 75K& MVP Gold 100K level Mileage Plan TM Carry-on Checked Checked Checked Checked Overweight Oversize Oversize bag#1 bag#2 bag#3 bag#4+ bag* bag** bag*** Free Free2 Free2 Free2 $150/bag6 $100/bag $150/bag $150/bag oneworld@ Ruby&Saphire members Companions are subject to Alaska's standard baaaaae fees. Carry-on Checked bag#1 C USE CAUTION - EXTERNAL SENDER Do not click on links or open attachments that are not familiar. For questions or concerns, please e-mail phishing@avistacorp.com Market Hyatt Regency Por-tland Closed by Janina CHK 16009 UST 12-03-2023 1 8, 11 s 55 1 Hums & veggies $ ,Qo Y Pesto Penne Pasta 14,00 Chicken Salad FOOD 22,00 Sub-total : :22.00 #Tip Total ; ;3.96 Payment: 25.96 DS - Visa 0040*000 PURCHASE * * ** APPROVED. Tota 1 Card .TYRe: VISA CarO Entry: CHIP Acct #. * *003126 Approval Code 054500 * EMV PURCHASE * * APP Loa el : VISA CREDIT Mode: Issuer AID: AQOOO000031010 TVR 0000000000 IAD: 05021203502002 TSI: EOQQ ARC QQ AC 2056F7AFIAW-384 AVM: 5EQOQ0 J61n world of H,yatt today and start earnin0, pOnts far stays, dining: and mare ; Visit norldofny t ,CN oot point earning ell01ble #Not :po 1 nt redeMpt on e l i 01 b l o *�*T,HANK YOU Foy .JoNNG us 12-03-2023 18 JZ00 i Market Hyatt Regency Portland Closed by; Kai CHK 16114 CIST 1 r 12-04-2023 13;25s39 1 LARGE LATTE 6.00 FOW 6.00 Sub-tpt 1 ; 6.00 *Tip Total', 1 ,OB Payment: 7.08 DS - Visa * ******* ** PURCHASE * ********* APPROVED: Total : $7.00 Card Type; VISA Card Entry: CHIP .Acet #; * *3126 Approval Code;; 082210 * * EMV PURCHASE 0**0* 4*0 App: �Label ; VISA CREDIT Mode: Issuer AID ; AO00000OOS1n10 TVR' ' ,0000008000 IAQ 06021203602002 T 1; E800 ,ARC: 00 AC: ECE14005AEEE4BFF CVM': 5EQ0QO Join ,World of Hyatt ioday and start ea hin9 paints for stays, dining and more V i s i t r'1 dQf,byatt o aam, Nat pol,ot. earning eligible, #flat point redemption eligible *THANK ,YQU FOR JQ.11N3NQ US*** -- ,m- CHECK CLOSED--- -r-- 12-04-20.23, 11,25 42 From: Nicole H. To: Hvdzik,Nicole Subject: [External] Fwd:Your Sunday afternoon trip with Uber Date: Sunday,December 3, 2023 4:50:37 PM ----------Forwarded message ---------- From: Uber Receipts <norepIv uber.com> Date: Sunday, December 3, 2023 Subject: Your Sunday afternoon trip with Uber To: nicole.hydzik(c�r�gmail.com I1 Total$38.34 u December 3, 2023 Thanks for tipping , Nicole Here's your updated Sunday afternoon ride receipt. FBI Total $38 . 34 ❑ You earned $1.71 Uber Cash with Uber One Trip fare $24.37 Subtotal $24.37 Booking Fee ® $4.08 City of Portland Surcharge $0.50 Airport Surcharge $3.00 Tips $6.39 Payments Visa ....0672 $31.95 Fil 12/3/23 4:40 PM FaVisa ....0672 $6.39 —1 12/3/23 4:40 PM A temporary hold of$31.95 was placed on your payment method••••0672.This is not a charge and will be removed. It should disappear from your bank statement shortly. Learn More Unique Identifier: d5d005f3 Switch Payment Method Download PDF You rode with Ian 4.97®Rating i_i Has passed a multi-step safety screen When you ride with Uber, your trips are insured in case of a covered accident. Learn more •- -- 11.47 miles 117 min 4.22 PM 7105 NE Airport Way, Portland, OR 97218, US 4.39 PM 375 NE Holladay St, Portland, OR 97232, US e o00 FIA 0 Forgot . . Privacy Terms Uber Technologies USE CAUTION - EXTERNAL SENDER Do not click on links or open attachments that are not familiar. For questions or concerns, please e-mail phishing@avistacorp.com From: Nicole H. To: Hvdzik,Nicole Subject: [External] Fwd:Your Tuesday afternoon trip with Uber Date: Tuesday, December 5,2023 1:57:39 PM ----------Forwarded message ---------- From: Uber Receipts <norepIv uber.com> Date: Tuesday, December 51 2023 Subject: Your Tuesday afternoon trip with Uber To: nicole.hydzik(c�r�gmail.com I1 Total$38.31 u December 5, 2023 Thanks for tipping , Nicole Here's your updated Tuesday afternoon ride receipt. FBI Total $38 . 31 ❑ You earned $1.71 Uber Cash with Uber One Trip fare $24.54 Subtotal $24.54 Booking Fee ® $3.89 City of Portland Surcharge $0.50 Airport Surcharge $3.00 Tips $6.38 Payments Fil Uber Cash $1.71 12/5/23 1:28 PM FaVisa ....0672 $36.60 —1 12/5/23 1:40 PM Unique Identifier: 1abf36c7 Switch Payment Method Download PDF You rode with Eliot 5.00 n Rating _i Has passed a multi-step safety screen When you ride with Uber, your trips are insured in case of a covered accident. Learn more •- -- 11.27 miles 117 min 1.11 PM 375 NE Holladay St, Portland, OR 97232, US 1.28 PM Main Terminal, Portland International Airport (PDX), Portland, OR 97218, US e o00 FIA 0 Forgot . . Privacy Terms Uber Technologies USE CAUTION - EXTERNAL SENDER Do not click on links or open attachments that are not familiar. For questions or concerns, please e-mail phishing@avistacorp.com Payment summary Price Guarantee Flight total for 1 passenger:$169.00 The American Express ending with**"****1011 has been charged a total of USD$80.40. Wallet funds have been applied totaling USD$88.60. Total per passenger $169.00 Fare $143.35 Base fare $143.35 Taxes and fees $25.65 United States Flight Segment Tax Domestic $4.80 US psgr.facility charge $4.50 US Sept.11 security fee $5.60 US transportation tax $10.75 From: Nicole H. To: Hvdzik,Nicole Subject: [External] Fwd:Your confirmation receipt: FOIBFW for your flight on 12/3/23. Date: Thursday,December 28, 2023 12:49:24 PM ----------Forwarded message ---------- From: Alaska Airlines <serviceUifly.alaskaair.com> Date: Thursday, November 2, 2023 Subject: Your confirmation receipt: FOIBFW for your flight on 12/3/23. To: nicole.hydzik(c�r�gmail.com Alaska® - oneworld 0 Nicole, you ' re all seta We can't wait to see you on board. Before you fly, view full reservation details or make changes to your flight online. Confirmation code: FOIBFW Alaska Flight 3366 Embraer ERJ 175 Traveler(s) Nicole Hydzik Seat: 6C Class: S (Coach) Flight Operated by SkyWest Airlines as AlaskaSkyWest. Sun, Dec 03 Sun, Dec 03 02:45 PM 04:08 PM GEG o PDX Spokane Portland, OR Premium Class seat has been selected for this flight. Summary of airfare charges Nicole Hydzik Mileage Plan # *****4471 Ticket 0272351679898 Base fare and surcharges $143.35 Taxes and other fees $25.65 Per-person total $169.00 Total charges for air travel $169.00 View all taxes, fees and charges. Summary of additional item charges Seat upgrade purchases Nicole Hydzik, $10.22 Tax $0.77 Per-person total $10.99 Total charges for additional items $10.99 Nonrefundable fare of$91.39 to be charged to the American Express card with number ***********1011 held by Nicole Hydzik on Nov 2, 2023. Nonrefundable fare of$88.60 from My wallet account was applied toward the total. Trip insurance by Allianz Global Assistance Purchase travel insurance benefits and travel assistance services for your trip from Allianz Global Assistance. Learn more. IN a Before you fly Baggage Carry-on baggage: On Alaska Airlines flights, each traveler is limited to one carry-on bag plus one personal item. See our carry-on bac gage page for the latest policies and size information. Checked baggage: Alaska Airlines rules and fees apply for this itinerary. More than one fee may apply to a bag. For example, the checked bag fee + oversize fee. See the checked baggage page for details and exceptions. Alaska Airlines baggage service guarantee: Get your bag in 20 minutes or less, guaranteed. Fees listed below are for one-way travel. Standard Carry-on Checked Checked Checked Checked Overweight Oversize Oversize bag#1 bag#2 bag#3 bag#4+ bag* bag** bag*** Free $30 $40 $150 $150/bag $100/bag $150/bag $150/bag Club 49TM member Carry-on Checked Checked Checked Checked Overweight Oversize Oversize bag#1 bag#2 bag#3 bag#4+ bag* bag** bag*** Free Freel Freel $150 $150/bag $100/bag $150/bag $150/bag MVP& MVP Gold level Mileage Plan TM Carry-on Checked Checked Checked Checked Overweight Oversize Oversize bag#1 bag#2 bag#3 bag#4+ bag* bag** bag*** Free Free2 Free2 $150 $150/bag $100/bag $150/bag $150/bag MVP Gold 75K& MVP Gold 100K level Mileage Plan TM Carry-on Checked Checked Checked Checked Overweight Oversize Oversize bag#1 bag#2 bag#3 bag#4+ bag* bag** bag*** Free Free2 Free2 Free2 $150/bag6 $100/bag $150/bag $150/bag oneworld@ Ruby&Saphire members Companions are subject to Alaska's standard baaaaae fees. Carry-on Checked bag#1 C USE CAUTION - EXTERNAL SENDER Do not click on links or open attachments that are not familiar. For questions or concerns, please e-mail phishing@avistacorp.com A. DELTAm� Date of Purchase: Nov 27, 2023 Portland, OR o-� Spokane, WA Passenger Information Confirmation Number:GRGYZQ NICOLE L HYDZIK Ticket Number:0062191153384 SkyM i les#: 6524630545 FLIGHT Date and Flight Status Class Seat/Cabin PDX ► SEA Tue 05Dec2023 00 4065 OPEN L SEA ► GEG Tue 05Dec2023 00 3832 OPEN L NEW TICKET DETAILED CHARGES Air Transportation Charges Base Fare: $236.28 USD Taxes, Fees and Charges United States-September 11 th Security Fee(Passenger Civil Aviation $5.60 USD Security Service Fee)(AY) United States-Transportation Tax(US) $17.72 USD United States- Passenger Facility Charge(XF) $9.00 USD United States- Flight Segment Tax(ZP) $9.60 USD Total Per Passenger: $278.20 USD Applied eCredit(0062185023712) $153.20 USD Paid with American Express ending 1011 $125.00 USD SEATS Item name Seat/Cabin Charge Main cabin preferred seat $4.99 USD Total $4.99 USD Paid with American Express ending 1011 Total $283.19 USD GRAND TOTAL $283.19 USD KEY OF TERMS F-Food available for purchase #-Arrival date different than departure date L- Lunch **-Check-in required LV- Departs ***-Multiple meals M-Movie *S$-Multiple seats R-Refreshments,complimentary AR-Arrives S-Snack B-Breakfast T-Cold meal C- Bagels/Beverages V-Snacks for sale D-Dinner Check your flight information online at delta.com or call the Delta Flightline at 800.325.1999. Baggage and check-in requirements vary by airport and airline,so please check with the operating carrier on your ticket. Please review Delta's check-in requirements and baggage guidelines for details. You must be checked in and at the gate at least 15 minutes before your scheduled departure time for travel inside the United States. You must be checked in and at the gate at least 45 minutes before your scheduled departure time for international travel. For tips on flying safely with laptops,cell phones,and other battery-powered devices, please visit http://SafeTravel.dot.gov Do you have comments about service?Please email us to share them. NON-REFUNDABLE/CHANGE FEE When using certain vouchers to purchase tickets, remaining credits may not be refunded.Additional charges and/or credits may apply and are displayed in the sections below. This ticket is non-refundable unless issued as a fully refundable fare.Any change to your itinerary may require payment of a change fee and increased fare. If you do not show up for any flight in your itinerary without notifying Delta or canceling/changing your flight prior to departure, Delta may cancel the reservation for all remaining flights in the itinerary,and the ticket will have no remaining value. All Preferred, Delta Comfort+TM, First Class, Delta Premium Select,and Delta One seat purchases are non-refundable. TERMS&CONDITIONS Air transportation on Delta and the Delta Connection@ carriers is subject to Delta's conditions of carriage.They include terms governing for example: Limits on our liability for personal injury or death of passengers, and for loss, damage of delay of goods and baggage. Claim restrictions including time periods within which you must file a claim or bring action against us. Our right to change terms of the contract. Check-in requirements and other rules established when we may refuse carriage. Our rights and limits of our liability for delay of failure to perform service, including schedule change, substitution of alternative air carriers or aircraft, and rerouting. Our policy on overbooking flights, and your rights if we deny you boarding due to an oversold flight. These terms are incorporated by reference into our contract with you.You may view these conditions of carriage on delta.com, or by requesting a copy from Delta. You have received this email because you elected to receive your Electronic Ticket receipt sent to you via email. If you would like to take advantage of other Delta email programs featuring special fare, promotions, information and flight updates, please visit delta.com/emailprograms or flight notifications. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION This email message and its contents are copyrighted and are proprietary products of Delta Air Lines, Inc. Delta Blvd. P.O. Box 20706 Atlanta,GA 30320-6001.Any unauthorized use, reproduction,or transfer of this message or its contents, in any medium, is strictly prohibited. ©2020 Delta Air Lines, Inc.All rights reserved. Search for a top'oc. . . q Popular Topics: Help Center Delta Discover Map eCredits ABOUT DELTA CUSTOMER SERVICE SITE SUPPORT POLICIES About Us Help Center Login Help Customer Commitment Careers Message Us Site Map Tarmac Delay Plan News Hub Comment/Complaint Browser Compatibility Legal Investor Relations Accessibility Sustainability Business Travel Booking Information Contract of Carriage Travel Agents Cookies,Privacy&Security Mobile App Human Trafficking Statement(PDF) ©2023 Delta Air Lines,Inc. I Travel maybe on other airlines. Terms and conditions apply to all offers and SkyMiles benefits.See specific offer for details,and visit SkyMiles Membership Guide&Program Rules O O A. DE LTA m� Date of Purchase: Nov 02, 2023 Portland, OR � Spokane, WA Passenger Information Confirmation Number:GRGYZQ NICOLE L HYDZIK Ticket Number:0062185023712 SkyM i les#: 6524630545 FLIGHT Date and Flight Status Class Seat/Cabin PDX ► SEA Tue 05Dec2023 00 3682 OPEN V SEA ► GEG Tue 05Dec2023 00 4123 OPEN V DETAILED CHARGES Air Transportation Charges Base Fare: $120.00 USD Taxes, Fees and Charges United States-September 11 th Security Fee(Passenger Civil Aviation $5.60 USD Security Service Fee)(AY) United States-Transportation Tax(US) $9.00 USD United States- Passenger Facility Charge(XF) $9.00 USD United States- Flight Segment Tax(ZP) $9.60 USD Total: $153.20 USD Paid with American Express ending 1011 SEATS Item name Seat/Cabin Charge Main cabin preferred seat $4.99 USD Main cabin preferred seat $4.99 USD Total $9.98 USD Paid with American Express ending 1011 Total $ 163.18 USD GRAND TOTAL $163.18 USD KEY OF TERMS F-Food available for purchase #-Arrival date different than departure date L- Lunch **-Check-in required LV- Departs ***-Multiple meals M-Movie *S$-Multiple seats R-Refreshments,complimentary AR-Arrives S-Snack B-Breakfast T-Cold meal C- Bagels/Beverages V-Snacks for sale D-Dinner Check your flight information online at delta.com or call the Delta Flightline at 800.325.1999. Baggage and check-in requirements vary by airport and airline,so please check with the operating carrier on your ticket. Please review Delta's check-in requirements and baggage guidelines for details. You must be checked in and at the gate at least 15 minutes before your scheduled departure time for travel inside the United States. You must be checked in and at the gate at least 45 minutes before your scheduled departure time for international travel. For tips on flying safely with laptops,cell phones,and other battery-powered devices, please visit http://SafeTravel.dot.gov Do you have comments about service?Please email us to share them. NON-REFUNDABLE/CHANGE FEE When using certain vouchers to purchase tickets, remaining credits may not be refunded.Additional charges and/or credits may apply and are displayed in the sections below. This ticket is non-refundable unless issued as a fully refundable fare.Any change to your itinerary may require payment of a change fee and increased fare. If you do not show up for any flight in your itinerary without notifying Delta or canceling/changing your flight prior to departure, Delta may cancel the reservation for all remaining flights in the itinerary,and the ticket will have no remaining value. All Preferred, Delta Comfort+TM, First Class, Delta Premium Select,and Delta One seat purchases are non-refundable. TERMS&CONDITIONS Air transportation on Delta and the Delta Connection@ carriers is subject to Delta's conditions of carriage.They include terms governing for example: Limits on our liability for personal injury or death of passengers, and for loss, damage of delay of goods and baggage. Claim restrictions including time periods within which you must file a claim or bring action against us. Our right to change terms of the contract. Check-in requirements and other rules established when we may refuse carriage. Our rights and limits of our liability for delay of failure to perform service, including schedule change, substitution of alternative air carriers or aircraft, and rerouting. Our policy on overbooking flights, and your rights if we deny you boarding due to an oversold flight. These terms are incorporated by reference into our contract with you.You may view these conditions of carriage on delta.com, or by requesting a copy from Delta. You have received this email because you elected to receive your Electronic Ticket receipt sent to you via email. If you would like to take advantage of other Delta email programs featuring special fare, promotions, information and flight updates, please visit delta.com/emailprograms or flight notifications. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION This email message and its contents are copyrighted and are proprietary products of Delta Air Lines, Inc. Delta Blvd. P.O. Box 20706 Atlanta,GA 30320-6001.Any unauthorized use, reproduction,or transfer of this message or its contents, in any medium, is strictly prohibited. ©2020 Delta Air Lines, Inc.All rights reserved. Search for a top'oc. . . 0 Popular Topics: Help Center Delta Discover Map eCredits ABOUT DELTA CUSTOMER SERVICE SITE SUPPORT POLICIES About Us Help Center Login Help Customer Commitment Careers Message Us Site Map Tarmac Delay Plan News Hub Comment/Complaint Browser Compatibility Legal Investor Relations Accessibility Sustainability Business Travel Booking Information Contract of Carriage Travel Agents Cookies,Privacy&Security Mobile App Human Trafficking Statement(PDF) ©2023 Delta Air Lines,Inc. I Travel maybe on other airlines. Terms and conditions apply to all offers and SkyMiles benefits.See specific offer for details,and visit SkyMiles Membership Guide&Program Rules O O spokane Intl Airport g000 W . Airport Dr . # 204 Spokane , 99224 Main Exit 12 /05 / 23 18 : 51 Receipt 36.896 Short - term parklang tkt GARGE - No . 032.496 12 /03 /2 3 13 : 40 12 /05 / 2 3 18 : 51 Period 2d5hl2v $ 36 . 00 Total $ 36 - 00 Ra ment Received AI I AOOOOO000 31010 A`P P LAEE L CHASE VISA CARD r% A1W * * * * ** *** * * * 3126 AUTHORIZATION 06249D TOTAL USD $ 36 : o0 APPROVED .0 . 00 b Total, $ 316;, r 1 r; r'1 1 J(J •i 1r.Jr �� •(1) lfJ�l�lp, :p,1,& r N7 f,/i �1 ��: iir��y/� a l/' �K. �l r.f T ✓ ,i" y.• 1 }� s a ) rII e � /f�/i��T•''f 1/i � /'s{� /��f✓I,'y!!"�/! / r/f,�� ��' //fl is r QlG �rs,��f � i � r I 1+Ir t !!/i r•l`'JrJ- /�fS�!J�� 1ll.Iry rj:/{Jf �eri�' /%�/"i! r�j, �f� �� r ��yL�i�/�f l!/. � / r! •1 •sr 'J _ r. 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ALI it a �► �. ,, �< is • �; ;. .' V • i - 1Y ' 1 1 .e f I , a Market Hyatt Regency Por-tland Closed by Janina CHK 16009 UST 12-03-2023 1 8, 11 s 55 1 Hums & veggies $ ,Qo Y Pesto Penne Pasta 14,00 Chicken Salad FOOD 22,00 Sub-total : :22.00 #Tip Total ; ;3.96 Payment: 25.96 DS - Visa 0040*000 PURCHASE * * ** APPROVED. Tota 1 Card .TYRe: VISA CarO Entry: CHIP Acct #. * *003126 Approval Code 054500 * EMV PURCHASE * * APP Loa el : VISA CREDIT Mode: Issuer AID: AQOOO000031010 TVR 0000000000 IAD: 05021203502002 TSI: EOQQ ARC QQ AC 2056F7AFIAW-384 AVM: 5EQOQ0 J61n world of H,yatt today and start earnin0, pOnts far stays, dining: and mare ; Visit norldofny t ,CN oot point earning ell01ble #Not :po 1 nt redeMpt on e l i 01 b l o *�*T,HANK YOU Foy .JoNNG us 12-03-2023 18 JZ00 i Market Hyatt Regency Portland Closed by; Kai CHK 16114 CIST 1 r 12-04-2023 13;25s39 1 LARGE LATTE 6.00 FOW 6.00 Sub-tpt 1 ; 6.00 *Tip Total', 1 ,OB Payment: 7.08 DS - Visa * ******* ** PURCHASE * ********* APPROVED: Total : $7.00 Card Type; VISA Card Entry: CHIP .Acet #; * *3126 Approval Code;; 082210 * * EMV PURCHASE 0**0* 4*0 App: �Label ; VISA CREDIT Mode: Issuer AID ; AO00000OOS1n10 TVR' ' ,0000008000 IAQ 06021203602002 T 1; E800 ,ARC: 00 AC: ECE14005AEEE4BFF CVM': 5EQ0QO Join ,World of Hyatt ioday and start ea hin9 paints for stays, dining and more V i s i t r'1 dQf,byatt o aam, Nat pol,ot. earning eligible, #flat point redemption eligible *THANK ,YQU FOR JQ.11N3NQ US*** -- ,m- CHECK CLOSED--- -r-- 12-04-20.23, 11,25 42 From: Nicole H. To: Hvdzik,Nicole Subject: [External] Fwd:Your Sunday afternoon trip with Uber Date: Sunday,December 3, 2023 4:50:37 PM ----------Forwarded message ---------- From: Uber Receipts <norepIv uber.com> Date: Sunday, December 3, 2023 Subject: Your Sunday afternoon trip with Uber To: nicole.hydzik(c�r�gmail.com I1 Total$38.34 u December 3, 2023 Thanks for tipping , Nicole Here's your updated Sunday afternoon ride receipt. FBI Total $38 . 34 ❑ You earned $1.71 Uber Cash with Uber One Trip fare $24.37 Subtotal $24.37 Booking Fee ® $4.08 City of Portland Surcharge $0.50 Airport Surcharge $3.00 Tips $6.39 Payments Visa ....0672 $31.95 Fil 12/3/23 4:40 PM FaVisa ....0672 $6.39 —1 12/3/23 4:40 PM A temporary hold of$31.95 was placed on your payment method••••0672.This is not a charge and will be removed. It should disappear from your bank statement shortly. Learn More Unique Identifier: d5d005f3 Switch Payment Method Download PDF You rode with Ian 4.97®Rating i_i Has passed a multi-step safety screen When you ride with Uber, your trips are insured in case of a covered accident. Learn more •- -- 11.47 miles 117 min 4.22 PM 7105 NE Airport Way, Portland, OR 97218, US 4.39 PM 375 NE Holladay St, Portland, OR 97232, US e o00 FIA 0 Forgot . . Privacy Terms Uber Technologies USE CAUTION - EXTERNAL SENDER Do not click on links or open attachments that are not familiar. For questions or concerns, please e-mail phishing@avistacorp.com From: Nicole H. To: Hvdzik,Nicole Subject: [External] Fwd:Your Tuesday afternoon trip with Uber Date: Tuesday, December 5,2023 1:57:39 PM ----------Forwarded message ---------- From: Uber Receipts <norepIv uber.com> Date: Tuesday, December 51 2023 Subject: Your Tuesday afternoon trip with Uber To: nicole.hydzik(c�r�gmail.com I1 Total$38.31 u December 5, 2023 Thanks for tipping , Nicole Here's your updated Tuesday afternoon ride receipt. FBI Total $38 . 31 ❑ You earned $1.71 Uber Cash with Uber One Trip fare $24.54 Subtotal $24.54 Booking Fee ® $3.89 City of Portland Surcharge $0.50 Airport Surcharge $3.00 Tips $6.38 Payments Fil Uber Cash $1.71 12/5/23 1:28 PM FaVisa ....0672 $36.60 —1 12/5/23 1:40 PM Unique Identifier: 1abf36c7 Switch Payment Method Download PDF You rode with Eliot 5.00 n Rating _i Has passed a multi-step safety screen When you ride with Uber, your trips are insured in case of a covered accident. Learn more •- -- 11.27 miles 117 min 1.11 PM 375 NE Holladay St, Portland, OR 97232, US 1.28 PM Main Terminal, Portland International Airport (PDX), Portland, OR 97218, US e o00 FIA 0 Forgot . . Privacy Terms Uber Technologies USE CAUTION - EXTERNAL SENDER Do not click on links or open attachments that are not familiar. For questions or concerns, please e-mail phishing@avistacorp.com Payment summary Price Guarantee Flight total for 1 passenger:$169.00 The American Express ending with**"****1011 has been charged a total of USD$80.40. Wallet funds have been applied totaling USD$88.60. Total per passenger $169.00 Fare $143.35 Base fare $143.35 Taxes and fees $25.65 United States Flight Segment Tax Domestic $4.80 US psgr.facility charge $4.50 US Sept.11 security fee $5.60 US transportation tax $10.75 A. DELTAm� Date of Purchase: Nov 27, 2023 Portland, OR o-� Spokane, WA Passenger Information Confirmation Number:GRGYZQ NICOLE L HYDZIK Ticket Number:0062191153384 SkyM i les#: 6524630545 FLIGHT Date and Flight Status Class Seat/Cabin PDX ► SEA Tue 05Dec2023 00 4065 OPEN L SEA ► GEG Tue 05Dec2023 00 3832 OPEN L NEW TICKET DETAILED CHARGES Air Transportation Charges Base Fare: $236.28 USD Taxes, Fees and Charges United States-September 11 th Security Fee(Passenger Civil Aviation $5.60 USD Security Service Fee)(AY) United States-Transportation Tax(US) $17.72 USD United States- Passenger Facility Charge(XF) $9.00 USD United States- Flight Segment Tax(ZP) $9.60 USD Total Per Passenger: $278.20 USD Applied eCredit(0062185023712) $153.20 USD Paid with American Express ending 1011 $125.00 USD SEATS Item name Seat/Cabin Charge Main cabin preferred seat $4.99 USD Total $4.99 USD Paid with American Express ending 1011 Total $283.19 USD GRAND TOTAL $283.19 USD KEY OF TERMS F-Food available for purchase #-Arrival date different than departure date L- Lunch **-Check-in required LV- Departs ***-Multiple meals M-Movie *S$-Multiple seats R-Refreshments,complimentary AR-Arrives S-Snack B-Breakfast T-Cold meal C- Bagels/Beverages V-Snacks for sale D-Dinner Check your flight information online at delta.com or call the Delta Flightline at 800.325.1999. Baggage and check-in requirements vary by airport and airline,so please check with the operating carrier on your ticket. Please review Delta's check-in requirements and baggage guidelines for details. You must be checked in and at the gate at least 15 minutes before your scheduled departure time for travel inside the United States. You must be checked in and at the gate at least 45 minutes before your scheduled departure time for international travel. For tips on flying safely with laptops,cell phones,and other battery-powered devices, please visit http://SafeTravel.dot.gov Do you have comments about service?Please email us to share them. NON-REFUNDABLE/CHANGE FEE When using certain vouchers to purchase tickets, remaining credits may not be refunded.Additional charges and/or credits may apply and are displayed in the sections below. This ticket is non-refundable unless issued as a fully refundable fare.Any change to your itinerary may require payment of a change fee and increased fare. If you do not show up for any flight in your itinerary without notifying Delta or canceling/changing your flight prior to departure, Delta may cancel the reservation for all remaining flights in the itinerary,and the ticket will have no remaining value. All Preferred, Delta Comfort+TM, First Class, Delta Premium Select,and Delta One seat purchases are non-refundable. TERMS&CONDITIONS Air transportation on Delta and the Delta Connection@ carriers is subject to Delta's conditions of carriage.They include terms governing for example: Limits on our liability for personal injury or death of passengers, and for loss, damage of delay of goods and baggage. Claim restrictions including time periods within which you must file a claim or bring action against us. Our right to change terms of the contract. Check-in requirements and other rules established when we may refuse carriage. Our rights and limits of our liability for delay of failure to perform service, including schedule change, substitution of alternative air carriers or aircraft, and rerouting. Our policy on overbooking flights, and your rights if we deny you boarding due to an oversold flight. These terms are incorporated by reference into our contract with you.You may view these conditions of carriage on delta.com, or by requesting a copy from Delta. You have received this email because you elected to receive your Electronic Ticket receipt sent to you via email. If you would like to take advantage of other Delta email programs featuring special fare, promotions, information and flight updates, please visit delta.com/emailprograms or flight notifications. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION This email message and its contents are copyrighted and are proprietary products of Delta Air Lines, Inc. Delta Blvd. P.O. Box 20706 Atlanta,GA 30320-6001.Any unauthorized use, reproduction,or transfer of this message or its contents, in any medium, is strictly prohibited. ©2020 Delta Air Lines, Inc.All rights reserved. Search for a top'oc. . . q Popular Topics: Help Center Delta Discover Map eCredits ABOUT DELTA CUSTOMER SERVICE SITE SUPPORT POLICIES About Us Help Center Login Help Customer Commitment Careers Message Us Site Map Tarmac Delay Plan News Hub Comment/Complaint Browser Compatibility Legal Investor Relations Accessibility Sustainability Business Travel Booking Information Contract of Carriage Travel Agents Cookies,Privacy&Security Mobile App Human Trafficking Statement(PDF) ©2023 Delta Air Lines,Inc. I Travel maybe on other airlines. Terms and conditions apply to all offers and SkyMiles benefits.See specific offer for details,and visit SkyMiles Membership Guide&Program Rules O O A. DE LTA m� Date of Purchase: Nov 02, 2023 Portland, OR � Spokane, WA Passenger Information Confirmation Number:GRGYZQ NICOLE L HYDZIK Ticket Number:0062185023712 SkyM i les#: 6524630545 FLIGHT Date and Flight Status Class Seat/Cabin PDX ► SEA Tue 05Dec2023 00 3682 OPEN V SEA ► GEG Tue 05Dec2023 00 4123 OPEN V DETAILED CHARGES Air Transportation Charges Base Fare: $120.00 USD Taxes, Fees and Charges United States-September 11 th Security Fee(Passenger Civil Aviation $5.60 USD Security Service Fee)(AY) United States-Transportation Tax(US) $9.00 USD United States- Passenger Facility Charge(XF) $9.00 USD United States- Flight Segment Tax(ZP) $9.60 USD Total: $153.20 USD Paid with American Express ending 1011 SEATS Item name Seat/Cabin Charge Main cabin preferred seat $4.99 USD Main cabin preferred seat $4.99 USD Total $9.98 USD Paid with American Express ending 1011 Total $ 163.18 USD GRAND TOTAL $163.18 USD KEY OF TERMS F-Food available for purchase #-Arrival date different than departure date L- Lunch **-Check-in required LV- Departs ***-Multiple meals M-Movie *S$-Multiple seats R-Refreshments,complimentary AR-Arrives S-Snack B-Breakfast T-Cold meal C- Bagels/Beverages V-Snacks for sale D-Dinner Check your flight information online at delta.com or call the Delta Flightline at 800.325.1999. Baggage and check-in requirements vary by airport and airline,so please check with the operating carrier on your ticket. Please review Delta's check-in requirements and baggage guidelines for details. You must be checked in and at the gate at least 15 minutes before your scheduled departure time for travel inside the United States. You must be checked in and at the gate at least 45 minutes before your scheduled departure time for international travel. For tips on flying safely with laptops,cell phones,and other battery-powered devices, please visit http://SafeTravel.dot.gov Do you have comments about service?Please email us to share them. NON-REFUNDABLE/CHANGE FEE When using certain vouchers to purchase tickets, remaining credits may not be refunded.Additional charges and/or credits may apply and are displayed in the sections below. This ticket is non-refundable unless issued as a fully refundable fare.Any change to your itinerary may require payment of a change fee and increased fare. If you do not show up for any flight in your itinerary without notifying Delta or canceling/changing your flight prior to departure, Delta may cancel the reservation for all remaining flights in the itinerary,and the ticket will have no remaining value. All Preferred, Delta Comfort+TM, First Class, Delta Premium Select,and Delta One seat purchases are non-refundable. TERMS&CONDITIONS Air transportation on Delta and the Delta Connection@ carriers is subject to Delta's conditions of carriage.They include terms governing for example: Limits on our liability for personal injury or death of passengers, and for loss, damage of delay of goods and baggage. Claim restrictions including time periods within which you must file a claim or bring action against us. Our right to change terms of the contract. Check-in requirements and other rules established when we may refuse carriage. Our rights and limits of our liability for delay of failure to perform service, including schedule change, substitution of alternative air carriers or aircraft, and rerouting. Our policy on overbooking flights, and your rights if we deny you boarding due to an oversold flight. These terms are incorporated by reference into our contract with you.You may view these conditions of carriage on delta.com, or by requesting a copy from Delta. You have received this email because you elected to receive your Electronic Ticket receipt sent to you via email. If you would like to take advantage of other Delta email programs featuring special fare, promotions, information and flight updates, please visit delta.com/emailprograms or flight notifications. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION This email message and its contents are copyrighted and are proprietary products of Delta Air Lines, Inc. Delta Blvd. P.O. Box 20706 Atlanta,GA 30320-6001.Any unauthorized use, reproduction,or transfer of this message or its contents, in any medium, is strictly prohibited. ©2020 Delta Air Lines, Inc.All rights reserved. Search for a top'oc. . . 0 Popular Topics: Help Center Delta Discover Map eCredits ABOUT DELTA CUSTOMER SERVICE SITE SUPPORT POLICIES About Us Help Center Login Help Customer Commitment Careers Message Us Site Map Tarmac Delay Plan News Hub Comment/Complaint Browser Compatibility Legal Investor Relations Accessibility Sustainability Business Travel Booking Information Contract of Carriage Travel Agents Cookies,Privacy&Security Mobile App Human Trafficking Statement(PDF) ©2023 Delta Air Lines,Inc. I Travel maybe on other airlines. Terms and conditions apply to all offers and SkyMiles benefits.See specific offer for details,and visit SkyMiles Membership Guide&Program Rules O O spokane Intl Airport g000 W . Airport Dr . # 204 Spokane , 99224 Main Exit 12 /05 / 23 18 : 51 Receipt 36.896 Short - term parklang tkt GARGE - No . 032.496 12 /03 /2 3 13 : 40 12 /05 / 2 3 18 : 51 Period 2d5hl2v $ 36 . 00 Total $ 36 - 00 Ra ment Received AI I AOOOOO000 31010 A`P P LAEE L CHASE VISA CARD r% A1W * * * * ** *** * * * 3126 AUTHORIZATION 06249D TOTAL USD $ 36 : o0 APPROVED .0 . 00 b Total, $ 316;, y! - ' r '• ,, i -1 /- S 1 'r•t /; + e 4� iv 1 i+ I P i a ', , r 17;! i•+ '� r - ,n,",' -{F '/; r.' ,/. {F / t..� ry' r, r et 9b r r i'. // �/ rr r Y•'. , '1. ! : yat . +nItw 4rt�ySy1f r + y' �r i !� .(,y' �E�(r;r�j1 /f/1�7y /// e r al .'' ` . ,i ,! r,p r1�1!it 4 ••1j r y�'tvl ..r r�/ ti.i y�'1'j•� Tir'�prf''"r'.rVi�ry�i'j' t� �•r� t./ ..A.,'(,.. h• rr% �f�. rfolfrw�rC/��'In//i/�* ,�/t i�'L(i�i"' t +<•'r' +r �t .J► i•t S"Yj «,AA 1� a Zi Y�•c`� i1 r u' � �. 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ALI it a �► �. ,, �< is • �; ;. .' V • i - 1Y ' 1 1 .e f I , a r 1 r; r'1 1 J(J •i 1r.Jr �� •(1) lfJ�l�lp, :p,1,& r N7 f,/i �1 ��: iir��y/� a l/' �K. �l r.f T ✓ ,i" y.• 1 }� s a ) rII e � /f�/i��T•''f 1/i � /'s{� /��f✓I,'y!!"�/! / r/f,�� ��' //fl is r QlG �rs,��f � i � r I 1+Ir t !!/i r•l`'JrJ- /�fS�!J�� 1ll.Iry rj:/{Jf �eri�' /%�/"i! r�j, �f� �� r ��yL�i�/�f l!/. � / r! •1 •sr 'J _ r. '11 r qF 'r 3 f'•�rJ.l{�'rI,'rr i�.�tli •i/� - .1'�j r""f i�� / /!!'/' ��/r�, �, , r(�',. 1,t �� •! ie r 1�r0; t,. /,',4ro; ;,• �.. r;?��>` '�/��//r f ��r �� � 1 r af,- lam* c •Ise, ..•-V/„�f �jr.✓ ✓ter �,�'a"i J` r r . i� ��,. r��j�,y r • ,1,,, Ol 11 . 1 / / 7" 'Ot ��I / / /!f'� �• • dW 1 - AL • / _ a � i O O • �: 00 l � Invoice T-O ENGINEERS November 03, 2021 Randy Gnaedinger Invoice No: 200527- 13 Avista Corporation Due Date: December 03, 2021 P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Project Manager: James Norvell Project: 200527 Avista Program Management Phase 7 Professional Services from September 27, 2021 to October 31, 2021 Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Clark, Julie .75 70.00 52.50 Jostad, Natasha 18.00 120.00 2,160.00 Norvell, James 9.00 225.00 2,025.00 Totals 27.75 4,237.50 Total Labor 4,237.50 Billing Limits Current Prior To-Date Total Billings 4,237.50 18,515.00 22,752.50 Limit 30,000.00 Remaining 7,247.50 Total this Invoice $4,237.50 Outstanding Invoices Number Date Balance 12 10/6/2021 1,552.50 Total 1,552.50 All account balances not paid in full within 30 days of the date of invoicing shall bear interest at the rate of twelve (12) percent(%)per annum compounded monthly from the due date until paid in full. Any payments received shall be credited first to accrued interest and then to principal. All costs or fees incurred to collect overdue account balances shall be added to the principal portion of the account balance. Project 200527 Avista Program Management Phase 7 Invoice 13 Billing Backup Wednesday, November 3, 2021 T-O Engineers, Inc. Invoice 13 Dated 11/3/2021 1:47:57 PM Project: 200527 Avista Program Management Phase 7 Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount 10361 Clark, Julie 10/5/2021 .75 70.00 52.50 10383 Jostad, Natasha 10/1/2021 .50 120.00 60.00 10383 Jostad, Natasha 10/8/2021 .50 120.00 60.00 10383 Jostad, Natasha 10/20/2021 6.00 120.00 720.00 10383 Jostad, Natasha 10/22/2021 1.00 120.00 120.00 10383 Jostad, Natasha 10/27/2021 4.00 120.00 480.00 10383 Jostad, Natasha 10/28/2021 2.00 120.00 240.00 10383 Jostad, Natasha 10/29/2021 4.00 120.00 480.00 10185 Norvell, James 9/29/2021 2.00 225.00 450.00 10185 Norvell, James 10/4/2021 1.00 225.00 225.00 10185 Norvell, James 10/7/2021 .50 225.00 112.50 10185 Norvell, James 10/11/2021 .50 225.00 112.50 10185 Norvell, James 10/13/2021 1.00 225.00 225.00 10185 Norvell, James 10/19/2021 2.00 225.00 450.00 10185 Norvell, James 10/21/2021 2.00 225.00 450.00 Totals 27.75 4,237.50 Total Labor 4,237.50 Total this Project $4,237.50 Total this Report $4,237.50 Page 2 1-- CEr Idaho State University INVOICE For information regarding this invoice contact: Kirsten Broughton (208)282-1179 Avista Corporation KirstenBrouahtona-isu.edu 1411 East Mission Avenue Spokane, WA 99220 Date Prepared: October 23, 2021 Project 03803300, Task: 242674, ORG: Award Number: T52 Invoice No.: RCS003-07 Reference invoice number on payment. PERIOD COVERED: 06/01/2021-08/31/2021 CURRENT CUMULATIVE (Over)/Under DESCRIPTION BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSES BUDGET Salary&Fringe $42,830.00 $11,615.40 $33,026.52 $9,803.48 Materials&Supplies $14,995.00 $5,338.85 $16,091.11 -$1,096.11 F&A $24,287.00 $7,120.74 $20,629.39 $3,657.61 Totals $82,112.00 $24,074.99 $69,747.02 $12,364.98 Cumulative Amount Received: $45,672.03 Billed-Not Received": $0.00 Current Invoice: $24,074.99 Total Due This Period $24,074.99 PLEASE NOTE The Total Now Due represents the current billing amount and any prior billings that have not yet been received as of the invoice date. If you have already sent payment for an invoice listed as billed-not received, please remit the CURRENT expense amount rather than the cumulative total.THANK YOU! Lisa Wood, Director Sponsored Programs Accounting P;le_ase make.remittances,payable to:l'daho7S_Yate lUniYe_rsf)r,an_d lremi�t to•:; 921 South}8th, ,Avenue;,;Stop.18219. Pocatelig, IqI 32'09L821;9l Grants&Contract Accounting 921 South 8th Ave.,Stop 8046 I Pocatello,ID 83209-8046 I(208)282-2592 isu.edu/research Data Description Total by ROWS Transaction Amount Index Only Account Name I Document Date Value RCS003 ENGR AER R-43127 Proposal:Automati Labor 620 Irregular Help 621 Irregular Help 6204 Student Non-Work Study Lama,Safal 6/11/2021 (570.00) 6/25/2021 (1,200.00) 7/9/2021 (1,200.00) 7/23/2021 (1,200.00) 8/6/2021 (1,200.00) 8/20/2021 (1,200.00) 9/3/2021 (600.00) Moore, Delaney 6/11/2021 (607.50) 6/25/2021 (555.00) 7/9/2021 (450.00) 7/23/2021 (555.00) 8/6/2021 (600.00) 8/20/2021 (600.00) 9/3/2021 (450.00) 630 Fringe Benefits (627.90) Total by COLUMNS (11,615.40) Total by ROWS AMOUNT FINAL—INDEX TRAN_DATE FINAL_ACCT MERCHANT TRAN_DETAIL TRAN_COMMENTS Value RCS003 ENGR AER R-43127 Proposal:Automati 7332 Computer/Tablets Equ<$300 per item AMZN Mktp US 2X6TS1DZ1 4298890 6 Raspberry Pi Micro computers (Mecham,Mikel P,06/11/21 10:12)6 Raspberry Pi Micro computers purchased on behalf of Paul Bodily in Computer Science.Ordered through Amazon for 6/7/2021 specific model rice ands eed of delivery. 591.94 6/15/2021 7113 Express Mail FEDEX 91775868 4291528 Paul Bodily-raspberry pi shipped to Delaney Moore 11.35 7371 Lab Supplies/Lab Equip LT$300/item AMZN Mktp US 294773PY2 4307663 Hofle-drum belt replacements for Maytag dryer used for 7/8/2021 research purposes 23.97 8/10/2021 7333 Computer,Printer Supply(not equip) Amazon.com 2D39M2NW1 4341864 Bodily-3 wireless keyboards and mouse for lab use. 74.97 4341822 Bodily-2 HP Monitors for lab use Amazon.com 2P26O9QY2 339.98 Subtotal 414.95 8/17/2021 7371 Lab Supplies/Lab Equip LT$300/item PAYPAL ADAFRUITIND 4349525Anish Sebastian-30IF sensors,30 humidity sensors,and 30 microphone amplifiers for research project 935.10 4349459 Anish Sebastian-30 open beam sensors for research project PAYPAL DIGIKEYCORP 185.49 Subtotal 1120.59 8'/.19f2021,737,1 Lab Suppljes2LabtEquip LT$300Aem AM2N Mjcrp US 2D4VS42KL 4387609 Sebastian-301Frtemp sensors for research projecP. •296.70 AWN Mkfp US 2D7NIOI'A2 4373066Sebastian-Nome Energy monitor;energy.monitors Subtotal 1224.67 8/30/2021 7371 Lab Supplies/Lab Equip LT$300/item GRAINGER 4387892 Schoen-DC speed motor for research project 311.55 4387895 Hofle-ball valve,elbow,drain,water hose,pipe reducer,and hose bibb for research project. 132.21 4387898 Schoen-2 motors for research project 395.08 Subtotal 838.84 MCMASTER-CARR 4387951 Hofle-50ft extension cord for research project 97.24 4387979 Schoen-mounted sttel ball bearing,rotary shafts,shaft couplings and V-betl pulleys for research project 655.78 Subtotal 753.02 Subtotal 8/31/2021L',7.37.1 Lab Supplies/Lab Equip LT$300/item -AMZN Mkfp US 251•AKOHOI 14388012 Sebastian-24 gyroscope sensors,dther'6 were sent separately. 359'.52 Subtotal 5338.87 Total by COLUMNS 5338.85 WEST° AVAAP Interface and Create Invoices from APX Report Date 14-Oct-2022 Vendor Name Lehto, Heidi Lenore Invoice Num IE18150502 Invoice Date 11-OCT-22 Invoice Amount 170.00 Invoice Description Outreach events Invoice Lines: Amount Line Dist Description Project Task Expenditure Type Expenditure Organization Expenditure Num Num Item Date 135.00 1 1 Mileage 09803400 242688 210 Employee Auto T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 06-OCT-22 Mileage 35.00 2 1 Mileage 09803400 242688 210 Employee Auto T52-WA-ID Energy Efficiency 11-OCT-22 Mileage End of Report Northwest Energy Efficiency MEC Invoice 11242 Council —— PJOP.IH WE;T 1200 12th Ave. South, Suite ENiERGY 110 EFFICIENCY COUNCIL Seattle, WA 98144 US BILL TO SHIP TO PO Box 3727 Avista Utilities Spokane, WA 99220 PO Box 3727 DATE MMMAW DUE DATE Spokane, WA 99220 01/09/2023 9XIA9@ 02/08/2023 Attn: Jon, Powell DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT Charges Clean Buildings Standard Training as per Org Code T52 and Contract No. R- 1 4,600.00 4,600.00 44236 Please remit payment to: SUBTOTAL 4,600.00 N E EC TAX 0.00 1200 12th Avenue South, Suite 110 TOTAL 4,600.00 Seattle, WA 98144 TOTAL DUE $4,600.00 09803400 242689 828 T52 $4,140.00 THANK YOU. 09803401 242689 828 T52 $ 460.00 Bryant Building and Energy 2016 E.55th Avenue Spokane,WA 99223 509-999-3167 bryantbuilding@outlook.com T52 INVOICE BILL TO SHIP TO INVOICE 1231 Lorri Kirstein Lorri Kirstein DATE 02/24/2023 Avista Utilities Avista Utilities TERMS Net 30 1411 E Mission 1411 E Mission DUE DATE 03/26/2023 Spokane,WA 99220 USA Spokane,WA 99220 USA ACTIVITY QTY RATE AMOUNT Small Business Estimate 1 1,650.00 1,650.00T Small business estimates -Elephant Car Wash Medical Lake -Owl Pharmacy Medical Lake -Owl Pharmacy Fairfield -Roam Roasters Medical Lake -Kooskia Cafe -Medical Lake True Value -Gravis Technologies -Pinehurst/Kingston Lyons Club -Silver Valley Church of the Nazarene -Clarkston Senior Center -Clayton Church ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBTOTAL 1,650.00 TAX 148.50 TOTAL 1,798.50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BALANCE DUE $11798.50 Page 1 of 1 Snugg Pro Receipt Invoice num ber FEEEEB9E-0033 Date paid M ay 05, 2023 Paid by Avista Utilities 1411 E M ssion Ave M SC-15 Spokane WA99202 leona.haley@avistacorp.com $ 1 ,020.00 paid on M ay 05, 2023 Description Q y U nit price A mount 1 x Audits Tier 3: $480/m cnth, 40 jobs included, 1 $ 480.00 $ 480.00 $12/job after that(at$480.00/m cnth) Snugg Pro pre-paid m cnthly jobs for the previous 40 $ 0 $ 0 billing period Snugg Pro additional m cnthly jobs for the previous 45 $ 12.00 $ 540.00 billing period Subtotal $ 1,020.00 Am cunt paid $ 1,020.00 ID-E: 03803300-242691 $36 ID-G: 03803101-242691 $108 WA-E: 02803400-242691 $252 WA-G: 02803401-242691 $624 I N T E R N A C H I s CERTIFIED ��II`\M/O I C E UANTUM V\Vu INSPECTIONS 5602 N Ormond Rd. DATE: 5/20/2023 Otis Orchards,WA 99027 INVOICE# 20230520 509-879-9277 Org Code T52 BILL TO: Contract No. D-35218 Avista Utilities DATE DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE AMOUNT 5/8/2023 Elisa Patterson Job#235145 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 5/8/2023 Landon Owens Job#236948 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 5/8/2023 Nancy Mauck Job#240527 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 5/8/2023 Greg Donaldson Job#240496 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 5/9/2023 Sarah Sprecher Job#240342 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 5/9/2023 Sherry Grogan Job#240506 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 5/11/2023 Cameo Antonelli Job#236991 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 5/11/2023 Richard Davenport Job#238059 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 5/12/2023 Kevin Miller Job#240523 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 5/12/2023 Robert&Lydia Hamilton Job#244117 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 5/12/2023 Douglas Hardman Job#236829 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 5/15/2023 Jordan Hansen Job#240896 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 5/15/2023 Laune Hewes Job#237210 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 5/15/2023 Becky Woodruff Job#240485 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 5/15/2023 Elizabeth Kwiatek Job#240604 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 5/16/2023 Patricia&Roy Scott Job#240476 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 5/16/2023 Maik Aagaard Job#236954 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 5/18/2023 William Knott Job#237244 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 5/18/2023 Eric Pierce Job#236861 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 5/19/2023 Dennis Bunkers Job#240503 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 5/19/2023 Brenda Day Job#236868 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 SUBTOTAL $ 8,400.00 Fee Schedule as of March 1,2023: OTHER $ - Standard Audit=$400 Misc.Work Hourly Rate=$120 TOTAL $ 8,400.00 Mileage beyond 30 miles at current IRS rate. Make checks payable to Quantum Inspections I N T E R N A C H I s CERTIFIED ��II`\M/O I C E UANTUM V\Vu INSPECTIONS 5602 N Ormond Rd. DATE: 7/1/2023 Otis Orchards,WA 99027 INVOICE# 20230701 509-879-9277 Org Code T52 BILL TO: Contract No. D-35218 Avista Utilities DATE DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE AMOUNT 6/20/2023 Scott Moore Job#242966 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 6/20/2023 Philip Avenger Job#243669 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 6/22/2023 Kenneth Gutowski Job#240755 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 6/22/2023 Johna Boulafentis Job#240904 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 6/23/2023 Carla Pentecost Job#240899 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 6/23/2023 Raechel Medina Job#237910 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 6/26/2023 Esteban Millan Job#243004 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 6/26/2023 Andrew Payette Job#243005 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 6/27/2023 Richard Lewis Job#243113 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 6/27/2023 Priscilla Salant Job#243650 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 6/29/2023 Kea-Yeon Yang Job#243109 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 6/30/2023 Tanda Berendzen Job#242953 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 6/30/2023 Marshall Mend Job#243678 1.00 $400.00 $ 400.00 SUBTOTAL $ 5,200.00 Fee Schedule as of March 1,2023: OTHER $ - Standard Audit=$400 Misc.Work Hourly Rate=$120 TOTAL $ 5,200.00 Mileage beyond 30 miles at current IRS rate. Make checks payable to Quantum Inspections I NTERNACH I'- CERTIFIED INVOICE UANT'UM � INSPECTIONS 5602 N Ormond Rd. DATE: 09/30/22 Otis Orchards,WA 99027 INVOICE# 20220930 509-879-9277 Org Code T52 BILL TO: Contract No. D-35218 Avista Utilities DATE DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE AMOUNT 9/19/2022 Jamie Neely Job#222067 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 9/22/2022 Johana Doyle Job#219898 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 9/22/2022 Clark Baldus Job#219900 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 9/23/2022 Margaret Oleary Job#220295 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 9/23/2022 Stephen Thede Job#220286 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 9/24/2022 Kiesha Ade Job#220161 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 9/24/2022 Micol Collins Job#219530 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 9/26/2022 Michael Carpenter Job#222059 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 9/26/2022 Charles Marshall Job#222069 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 9/27/2022 Phillip Brown Job#221101 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 9/27/2022 Thomas Latimer Job#221878 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 9/28/2022 Tracy Hesler Job#221284 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 9/28/2022 Bridget Holliday Job#221290 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 9/29/2022 Carrie Wentzel Job#222057 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 SUBTOTAL $ 4,620.00 Fee Schedule as of July 1,2022: OTHER $ - Standard Audit=$330 Misc.Work Hourly Rate=$120 TOTAL $ 4,620.00 Mileage beyond 30 miles at current IRS rate. Make checks payable to Quantum Inspections I NTERNACH I® CERTIFIED ONV®ICE UANT'UM �19p INSPECTIONS 5602 N Ormond Rd. DATE: 09/30/22 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 INVOICE# 20220930 509-879-9277 Org Code T52 BILL TO: Contract No. D-35218 Avista Utilities DATE DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE AMOUNT 9/30/2022 Mileage Reimbursement-Travel to Lewiston 413.00 $0.625 $ 258.13 9/22/2022 La Quinta Hotel Moscow ID- 1 night 1.00 $79.92 $ 79.92 9/24/2022 Hells Canyon Grand Hotel-2 nights 1.00 $272.62 $ 272.62 9/21/2022 Wendy's 1.00 $12.92 $ 12.92 9/22/2022 KFC 1.00 $7.94 $ 7.94 9/23/2022 Panda Express 1.00 $15.26 $ 15.26 SUBTOTAL $ 646.79 Fee Schedule as of July 1, 2022: OTHER $ - Standard Audit=$330 Misc. Work Hourly Rate=$120 TOTAL $ 646.79 Mileage beyond 30 miles at current IRS rate. Make checks payable to Quantum Inspections Account: 834588135 Hells Canyon Grand Hotel, Ascend Hotel Collection (ID093) Date: 10/2/22 Room: 107 LAVIST 621 21 st Street Lewiston, ID 83501 Arrival Date: 9/22/22 (208)799-1000 Departure Date: 9/24/22 n Check In Time: 9/22/22 3:18 PM Check Out Time: 9/24/22 9:16 AM Avista Utilites Rewards Program ID: pedersen, matthew You were checked out by: Cslyte 5602 NORTH ORMAND RD You were checked in by: smeisn 99027 Total Balance Due: 0.00 Post Date Description Comment Amount 9/22/22 Meriwether's RESTAURANT FOOD 24.70 9/22/22 Room Charge #107 pedersen, matthew 112.00 9/22/22 State Tax 6.72 9/22/22 Occupancy Tax 2.24 9/22/22 Hotel Services Fee 3.00 9/23/22 Room Charge #107 pedersen, matthew 112.00 9/23/22 State Tax 6.72 9/23/22 Occupancy Tax 2.24 9/23/22 Hotel Services Fee 3.00 9/24/22 Direct Bill (272.62) Folio Summary 9/22/22-9/24/22 Room Charge 224.00 State Tax 13.44 Occupancy Tax 4.48 Direct Bill (272.62) Hotel Services Fee 6.00 Meriwether's 24.70 Balance Due: 0.00 With this rate you are able to earn valuable Choice Privileges points! (272.62)will be billed to:Account 2597106 Avista Utilites, PO Box 3727, Liberty Park,WA 99220 x �i CHOICE privileges_ flEWARDS You could be earning free nights at Choice hotels and other great rewards. Join Choice Privileges today by stopping by the front desk, or logging on to www.choicehotels.com/choice-privileges. LA QUINTA BY WYNDHAM MOSCOW r PULLMAN 185 WARBONNET DR. MOSCOW, ID 83843 US Phone:2088825365 �A U I N' �TA Fax: 2088825374 BY W Y N D H A M Email: Ig0898gm@laquinta.com Hotel ID: 30420 Printed: 9/22/2022 7:45:34 AM Folio (Detailed) Name: PEDERONEN, MATTHEW Confirmation Number: 89293EED00474 Company, *AVISTA UTILITIES ACCOUNT/INVOICE#: 613-233756 Address: 5602 n Ormaned Otis Orchards,WA 99027 US Room: 307 Room Type: NK1, STANDARD KING Nights: 1 Guests: 1/0 Rate Plan: LBAV Daily Rate: $74.00+$5,92 Tax GTD: VI-VISA Arrival: 9/21/2022 (Wed) Departure: 9/22/2022(Thu) XXXX XXXX XXXX 9129 Room Rate: 9/21/2022(Wed)-9/21/2022 (Wed) $74.00 + $5.92 Tax per night. Date Code Description Amount Balance 9/21/2022 RM ROOM CHARGE $74.00 $74.00 9/21/2022 TAX 1 STATE SALES TAX $4.44 $78.44 9/21/2022 TAX 2 COUNTY TAX $1.48 $79.92 9/22/2022 VI VI (9129) ($79.92) $0.00 Summary Room Tax F&B Other CC Cash DB $74.00 $5.92 $0.00 $0.00 ($79.92) $0.00 $0.00 Wyndham Rewards members earn valuable points on qualifying stays at nearly 7,000 hotels around the world. Points can be redeemed for free nights,gift cards, merchandise and more. If you're not already a member,join at the front desk, visit us at www.wyndhamrewards.com or call 1-866-WYN-RWDS. Guest Signature: (1)Regardless of charge instructions,the undersigned acknowledges the above as personal indebtedness.(2)This property is privately owned and management reserves the right to refuse services to any one,and will not be responsible for injury or accidents to guests or loss of money,jewelry or any personal valuables of any kind.We or our affiliates may contact you about goods and services unless you call 888-946-4283 or write to Opt Out/ Privacy,Wyndham Hotel Group,LLC,22 Sylvan Way,Parsippany, NJ 07054 to opt out.View our website about privacy. Thank you we appreciate your business, Please share your experience with others:www.lq.com/898review KFC Restaurant #L113008 2339 Thain Grade Road (208)798-1519 PURCHASE ww Ticket #4441 2022-09-22 L113008 4 223 4441 11 :54 AM Panda Express #1449 LEWISTON, ID Cashier: Erin (208)743-0168 9/23/2022 5:41:32 PM -TO GO- Customer Information Order: 100413 Server: Rainbow M MATT I Plate 9.00 CHOW MEIN-1/2 Tenders Combo 7.49 CHOW MEIN-1/2 3 EC Tender ORANGE CKN + Dip cup STR BN CKN BRST 5.40 1 Large Side 2 Hny Mustrd FRIED RICE-1/2 Ind Fries FRIED RICE-1/2 Biscuit SubTotal 14.40 Md Pepsi TAX 0.86 Tax 0.45 Total- 15.26 CARRY OUT $7.94 Visa 15,26 ETender Credit $7.94 Acct:XXXXXXXX9129 AuthCode:35995G Change $0.00 *Card details below -------------------------------------------- CHARGE DETAIL:SALE EMV: Chip Read Name: PEDERSEN/MATTHEW APL: VISA CREDIT AID: AOOOO000031010 Card Type: Visa --------------------------------------------- Account: 00*00*09129 C Auth Code: 19178G Trans #: 4441 FREE ENTREE ITEM! Auth Ref: 6 X Tell us about your visit and * receive a free entree item oil Us, AUTH AMT: $7.94 X EMV AID: AOOOOO00031010 See back for details. EMV TVR: 8080008000 Survey Code: EMV TSI: 6800 2322-0041-149370149-0712-05 EMV Application Name: VISA CREDIT tqe are here for you . Next time , order ahead at KFC . com FRFF_ P.HTrKPN RAMMIN C-3 3> M M 3> Cf) :M CD U.) rri 3> C7 rD 0O CL ...i U7 3> r— Ir 0 CL ID ro 1< — >< 0 CD 7C3 0 CD C. 0 <_ -n cr) ><>< CD rD a) CD 3>< ---i W M :E LO rM CD 2: r4_ >< C 0 1 14- 3;: X >< M rD CD 0) 1W M X :5Z V) _n CD * -') _n CP _0 � _n 0 * X_ , ' r") M o; rn r4- 0 �-E 0 :F_' * 20 =) , rD Cf.) CO r+ C6 S 0 k- = — sw cn -.�E 0- Z) _)1E (r 03 AP. < CL CAP. M z 0 Go CD CCE), Q0 CD 3> rD a' is ND Lk) sw U) U) C_7l M CD _-j P1 C:)3 C� C:(D C.0 M-0 N) M N) (D -N G CD __4 N r) I V W C0 I NTERNACH I® CERTIFIED ONV®ICE UANT'UM �19p INSPECTIONS 5602 N Ormond Rd. DATE: 10/15/22 Otis Orchards, WA 99027 INVOICE# 20221015 509-879-9277 Org Code T52 BILL TO: Contract No. D-35218 Avista Utilities DATE DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE AMOUNT 10/3/2022 Carly Remington Job#222595 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 10/3/2022 Janet Krewson Job#222563 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 10/4/2022 Rana Mahmood Job#219901 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 10/4/2022 Shawna Hopkins Job#221292 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 10/5/2022 Vicky Markussen Job#222605 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 10/6/2022 Ger Moua Job#222610 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 10/10/2022 Ronald Rogalsky Job#221759 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 10/10/2022 Rosemary Balazs Job#222565 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 10/11/2022 Geri Hagler Job#221877 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 10/12/2022 Jacklyn Boardman Job#223701 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 10/14/2022 Shannon Wade Job#222612 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 10/14/2022 Stephanie Jamison Job#221876 1.00 $330.00 $ 330.00 SUBTOTAL $ 3,960.00 Fee Schedule as of July 1, 2022: OTHER $ - Standard Audit=$330 Misc. Work Hourly Rate=$120 TOTAL $ 3,960.00 Mileage beyond 30 miles at current IRS rate. Make checks payable to Quantum Inspections Ph: (509) 448.5282 Fx: (509) 448.5383 REMITTANCE STUB ADVENTURES IN ADVERTISING FITZGERALD ENTERPRISES INVOICE ADVENTURES IN 1301 WEST WHITE ROAD SPOKANE WA 99224 11/06/23 Invoice date Ph:509-495-4817 Fx:509-777-5075 s Customer# s H AVISTA Attn: LEONA HALEY Invoice# 46772 954561 o AVISTA L Attn: LEONA HALEY /T52 P 1411 E. MISSION Order# 48166 D 1411 E. MISSION MSC 15 Job# T MSC 15 o SPOKANE WA 99202 Job# o SPOKANE WA 99202 48166 Via UPS GROUND TRAC AVISTA FOB Factory Customer Unit Customer po# Salesperson Order date Invoice date Date shipped Invoice# Customer# 954561 0 4 AIA OFFICE 10/20/23 11/06/23 11/06/23 46772 4 4L Salesperson Ordered Shipped Qty BO Item# Description Price Per Amount 500 500 39PS810 IKE TOTE 1.700 EA 850.00 1 1 SET UP CHARGE 55.000 EA 55.00 1 1 EMAILED PROOF 0.000 EA 0.00 Terms Net 30 PLEASE PAY Total due 1148. 91 905.00 0.00 149.05 94.86 THIS AMOUNT 1148 . 91 Sub-total Insurance Sh /Hdl Sales tax """ Total E-MAILED CUSTOMER INVOICE