HomeMy WebLinkAbout20241010Customer Hearing Transcript Vol I.pdf In The Matter Of: Re: Stoneridge Utilities, LLC's Application Transcript of Hearing October 10, 2024 SWS-W-24-01 M&M Court Reporting LLC 1-800-879-1700 Coeur d Alene ID 83814 info@mmcourt.com Original File Hear 10 1 024.txt Min-U-Script® with Word Index SWS-W-24-01 1 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 2 ---000--- 3 4 IN THE MATTER OF CDS ) CASE NO . SWS-W-24-01 5 STONERIDGE UTILITIES, ) LLC' S APPLICATION FOR ) 6 AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ) ITS RATES AND CHARGES ) 7 FOR WATER SERVICE IN ) THE STATE OF IDAHO ) 8 ) ORDER NO . 36323 9 ) 10 11 12 CUSTOMER HEARING AT BLANCHARD COMMUNITY CENTER, 685 RUSHO LANE 13 BLANCHARD, IDAHO October 10, 2024 , at 10 : 03 a .m. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 REPORTED BY : Amelia Macy, RPR, CSR 25 Notary Public M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 SWS-W-24-01 2 1 A P P E A R A N C E S 2 COMMISSIONER JOHN HAMMOND, JR. 3 COMMISSIONER ERIC ANDERSON DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL MICHAEL DUVAL 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 SWS-W-24-01 3 1 I N D E X 2 TESTIMONY : PAGE 3 Heather Scott, District Representative 8 4 Catherine Rapalli 9 Kathi Malakowsky 13 5 Michael Kizer 24 Bill Postemus 28 6 7 ---000--- 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 4 SWS-W-24-01 1 THE HEARING BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES 2 COMMISSION was held on this 10th day of October, 2024 , 3 at the Blanchard Community Center at 685 Rusho Lane, 4 Blanchard, Idaho, before M & M Court Reporting, LLC, by 5 Amelia Macy, Court Reporter and Notary Public within and 6 for the State of Idaho, to be used in an action pending 7 before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission of the 8 State of Idaho, said cause being Case No . SWS-W-24-01 . 9 AND THEREUPON, the following testimony was 10 adduced, to wit : 11 12 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Good morning. This is 13 the time and place for a customer hearing in case number 14 SWS-W-24-01, also referred to as : In the Matter of CDS 15 Stoneridge Utilities, LLC ' s application for authority to 16 increase its rates and charges for water service in the 17 State of Idaho . The purpose of this hearing is to take 18 testimony from members of the public in reference to CDS 19 Stoneridge Utility, LLC ' s request that was filed with 20 the commission on February 28th, 2024 . 21 My name is John Hammond, Jr . I am the Chair 22 of today ' s proceedings . And to my left is Commissioner 23 Eric Anderson, President -- or to my right; I don ' t know 24 my right and left, apparently -- to my right is 25 President Commissioner Anderson . Commissioner Edward M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 5 SWS-W-24-01 1 Lodge is also a member of the Commission but was unable 2 to attend today. Had an unfortunate ranching/horsing 3 incident, and he ' s okay but couldn ' t fly. So the three 4 of us comprise the Commission and we will be making the 5 final decisions in this case . 6 To this point, Commission Staff has held 7 workshops here on location that I understand were very 8 well attended, and this hearing is to take testimony and 9 the transcript of this hearing will be added to the 10 underlying record in this case . The Commissioners will 11 review the facts and evidence in this record to make its 12 final decision . 13 As an initial matter, let ' s document for the 14 record the parties that are present and their counsel . 15 I ' ll start with the Commission Staff representation 16 through its deputy attorney general . 17 MR. DUVAL : Mike Duval representing the 18 Staff . 19 Thank you, Commissioner . 20 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : And for Stoneridge 21 Utilities, LLC, is there anyone here representing the 22 company this morning? 23 And then next let ' s go to intervenors . 24 Stoneridge Recreational Club Condominium Owners 25 Association, Inc . , is there anybody here from that M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 6 SWS-W-24-01 1 organization or their counsel? 2 The next is the Stoneridge Property Owners 3 Association, Inc . , and is there anybody here today 4 representing that organization or their counsel? 5 Okay . Randolph Lee Garrison? 6 Okay . And I would like to recognize if there 7 are any elected officials here from the area . I know we 8 have one . We ' re honored to have Representative Scott 9 here in attendance today, and we ' d like to thank her for 10 attending here . 11 And if you wish to testify we ' ll allow you to 12 go first and -- yeah . 13 So let me convey the most important 14 information . The bathrooms are out in the hallway. You 15 probably already know that better than me and, of 16 course, if there ' s some incident or whatever, the door, 17 the exit is of course right there . 18 Let me explain the procedures for today' s 19 hearing briefly. We will call your name to testify . 20 Please come up to this microphone here . Make sure 21 you ' re speaking close to the microphone . We have 22 learned that you need to be a little closer so it 23 catches your voice . We want that loud enough so that 24 the court transcript comes through clearly. 25 Prior to starting to testify you will be M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 7 SWS-W-24-01 1 sworn in . Some of you were here last night and saw 2 that . Mr . Duval will ask you to identify yourself for 3 the record, which you ' ll include your name, spelling 4 your last name, your address, and whether you are a 5 customer of Stoneridge Utilities, LLC . 6 We don ' t have a giant group today, so I don ' t 7 believe there ' s a need to limit or time limit people ' s 8 testimony. We have time for everyone to speak their 9 peace and we, of course, welcome that . That ' s why we ' re 10 here . 11 When you have completed your testimony, 12 attorneys for the parties have an opportunity to ask you 13 questions as well as the commissioners, maybe 14 clarifying, maybe asking more information . Please don ' t 15 let that discourage you from testifying. These hearings 16 are almost always very friendly and generally the 17 questions that you may get are limited and are only 18 meant to clarify the record or add to the record. 19 We do use a court reporter for the hearings . 20 Today we have Amelia Macy with M & M Court Reporting 21 over here to my right, and she is creating the official 22 transcript for our record. We ask people to refrain 23 from clapping or cheering, as that can interfere 24 sometimes with a clear record or clear transcript . When 25 you ' re speaking and testifying, take your time, speak M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 8 SWS-W-24-01 1 clearly. We want to make sure that we ' re getting your 2 testimony accurately in that transcript . 3 The comment period technically is closed -- 4 the written comment period. Many of you have submitted 5 written comments, but we are accepting written comments 6 if you submit them today. So if you want to submit 7 something initial in writing, please do so today. 8 Unless my colleagues find that I have missed 9 something, that leads to calling our first witness . And 10 what I would like to do is call Representative Heather 11 Scott, if she would like to testify. 12 MR. DUVAL : Representative Scott, would you 13 raise your hand to the square and would you state your 14 first and last name, spelling your last name, please? 15 HEATHER SCOTT : Heather Scott, S-c-o-t-t . 16 MR. DUVAL : And where do you live? 17 HEATHER SCOTT : Blanchard, Idaho . 18 MR. DUVAL : And are you a customer of the 19 company? 20 HEATHER SCOTT : No . 21 MR. DUVAL : And do you swear to tell the 22 truth in today' s hearing? 23 HEATHER SCOTT : Yes . 24 MR. DUVAL : Thank you . 25 HEATHER SCOTT : Thank you, Commissioners . M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 9 SWS-W-24-01 1 I just wanted to show up in support of the 2 community and what they ' re going through, and thank you 3 for taking this matter serious and in taking testimony 4 from the people . I really appreciate that, and it ' s 5 good government . So thank you . 6 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: You ' re welcome . 7 HEATHER SCOTT : That ' s all I have . 8 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you very much . 9 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Thank you, 10 Representative Scott, and thank you for being here 11 today. It ' s great to see folks the who represent the 12 customers here in attendance, so thank you . 13 Next on the list is Catherine Rapalli, if I 14 got it right . 15 MR. DUVAL : Would you please state your first 16 and last name and spell your last name? 17 CATHERINE RAPALLI : Catherine Rapalli, 18 R-a-p-a-1-1-i . 19 MR. DUVAL : And where do you live? 20 CATHERINE RAPALLI : 179 Forest Ridge Road in 21 Blanchard. 22 MR. DUVAL : And are you a customer of the 23 company? 24 CATHERINE RAPALLI : Yes . 25 MR. DUVAL : And do you swear to tell the M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 10 SWS-W-24-01 1 truth in today ' s hearing? 2 CATHERINE RAPALLI : Yes . 3 MR. DUVAL : Thank you . 4 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Feel free to get close 5 to that microphone . 6 CATHERINE RAPALLI : All right . Thank you 7 again for being here . 8 What I would like to say is that last spring 9 we obviously noticed that Chan ' s company was asking for 10 a water rate increase of 261 percent for a meter size of 11 three-quarter inch . He was asking for a 543 percent 12 increase for a meter size of one inch . We have at our 13 house a three-quarter inch, meaning that our basic rate 14 without overage charges would go from $24 to $87 . Yes, 15 we all know there ' s inflation, but it seems like this is 16 price gouging on Chan ' s part . 17 Mr . -- I 'm not sure how to say his last name, 18 so I 'm just gonna call him Chan . Okay? Chan owns the 19 water company CDS Stoneridge Utilities, LLC, doing 20 business as Stoneridge Water . He also owns the golf 21 course, the grill, and several lots within our 22 community. And my question is : The other entities that 23 Chan owns, are they paying their share or is there some 24 kind of -- I don ' t want to say backdoor, slight of hand, 25 but I just want to make sure that other entities that he M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 11 SWS-W-24-01 1 owns are actually paying their way and their monthly 2 water bill when it comes due, and nothing ' s sliding 3 under the carpet . You can ' t ask for a raise if not 4 everybody' s paying their way. 5 Secondly, we have lived here for four years . 6 Having come from the Hauser Lake water district where 7 our water was excellent, I find the water here kind of 8 off-putting, and it ' s gotten worse . It seems like 9 there ' s a chlorine in the water nowadays . We actually 10 filter our water because I can ' t drink it out of the 11 tap . I get the glass right here and I can smell the 12 fumes sometimes, so I just don ' t feel that ' s 13 appropriate . 14 And the final thing I want to say is I 15 understand the that the cost of business has gone up and 16 I understand that a rate increase is due . 27 percent 17 for a lot of us is probably gonna be okay, but I know 18 there ' s a lot of people in our area that live on a very 19 fixed income, and for them it might be something of a 20 hardship . So I 'm wondering if when the board approves 21 the rate increase that the Staff -- I know you don ' t 22 have to approve what the Staff recommends . They' re 23 recommending 27 percent . So if you go with that, is 24 there a mechanism in place where you could do, like, 14 25 percent and then at six months do the other 13 percent? M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 12 SWS-W-24-01 1 And I don ' t know if that ' s possible . It may help some 2 of the seniors that live in our community that are on 3 very tight budgets . 4 And I thank you for your time and that ' s all 5 I have to say. And I did write this out; can I give it 6 to you? No? Yes? 7 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Absolutely. That 8 would be with Adam, yes . 9 CATHERINE RAPALLI : Thank you . 10 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Thank you very much . 11 We really appreciate it . 12 Mr . Duval, do you have any questions? 13 Sorry. 14 MR. DUVAL : No Commissioner Hammond. 15 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Mr . President . 16 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: I just want to thank 17 for returning. I know we must have been intimidating 18 yesterday but we didn ' t mean to be that way, but thank 19 you for coming. 20 CATHERINE RAPALLI : No, it ' s me . I don ' t 21 like to speak in front of people . It ' s -- you know, but 22 when I feel there ' s an important issue I will step up 23 and mumble through something if I have to . 24 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Well, you have a hell 25 of a career in front of you . You did a very good job M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 13 SWS-W-24-01 1 speaking. 2 CATHERINE RAPALLI : Thank you . 3 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: And I appreciate the 4 mention of water quality. It ' s something we have heard 5 yesterday, too, so it ' s important we hear that and we 6 can check on those things certainly, and DEQ also would 7 be involved. And I can ' t tell you what we would do . We 8 haven ' t had a full record. We ' re waiting for the full 9 record to come in, and then we ' ll sit down and 10 deliberate and try to decide what ' s fair, just, and 11 reasonable for this situation . But I do, yeah, 12 acknowledge that Staff has done a lot of work digging 13 through this, as you have, as this community has . So 14 thank you . 15 And I will go to the next person, who is -- 16 let ' s see -- is it -- I 'm sorry. I 'm going to butcher 17 this . Is this Katie? Is it Kat -- Malakowsky? 18 KATHI MALAKOWSKY: Yes . 19 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: I 'm sorry. I 20 apologize . 21 KATHI MALAKOWSKY: That ' s all right . I 22 married it, you know. 23 MR. DUVAL : Would you please raise your hand 24 to the square and would you please state your first and 25 last name and spell your last name? M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 14 SWS-W-24-01 1 KATHI MALAKOWSKY: Kathi Malakowsky, 2 M-a-l-a-k-o-w-s-k-y. 3 MR. DUVAL : And where do you live? 4 KATHI MALAKOWSKY: 369 Lakeview Drive . 5 MR. DUVAL : And are you a customer of the 6 company? 7 KATHI MALAKOWSKY : Yes . 8 MR. DUVAL : And do you swear to tell the 9 truth at today ' s hearing? 10 KATHI MALAKOWSKY: Yes . 11 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you . 12 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Fire away. 13 KATHI MALAKOWSKY: Yeah . I lived in my house 14 for 43 years . I have seen a lot of changes up in Happy 15 Valley. The water -- I was once on the board before it 16 hooked to Stoneridge . Umm, when I received the notice 17 of the increase of 275 percent I was plain shocked, of 18 course . I believe that he just figured he could push 19 something through on us . I didn ' t understand, 20 basically. 21 The Staff has done a great job opening things 22 up . In fact, I learned new things by reading their 23 report . Chan is known to be very quirky. I know what 24 he ' s done in Bay View. I don ' t want to see that happen 25 in Blanchard. I really, you know, implore you -- or M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 15 SWS-W-24-01 1 however you say that -- to look into his management 2 style . His three businesses and he pay one another, and 3 it ' s supposed to be legal . I don ' t know. I guess it 4 is . 5 The only thing I disagree with the Staff ' s 6 finding is 27 percent is a little high . 20 percent 7 would be reasonable increase . There is a lot of us that 8 are on fixed incomes . I 'm looking at retiring, 9 hopefully, in four years, so I really don ' t want to be 10 paying . Electric has gone up, everything ' s gone up, and 11 water, you know, we shouldn ' t have to pay -- I mean, you 12 guys were established in the beginning so people 13 wouldn ' t buy up water companies and charge whatever they 14 wanted, and that ' s what I feel Chan is doing . 15 He says 900 , 000? He has done no upkeep that 16 I have seen . He fixes it when it ' s broke or otherwise 17 no attention . 18 I know that I feed off the upper tank. I 'm 19 the last one on the line, gravity-fed. It goes through, 20 it ' s in a holding tank on Forest Way and it ' s pumped up 21 to another holding tank and then pumped up to the 22 holding tank. Those two holding tanks aren ' t very 23 large, so when it ' s gravity-fed there should be a break. 24 I have 160 feet of line before where I 'm hooked up to, 25 to where my house is . M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 16 SWS-W-24-01 1 The quality, I mean, it ' s better than what we 2 had before until we got the filtration system. Then we 3 did get rid of the orange . Volunteers did a great job 4 of running that but couldn ' t keep it because we had no 5 way of a backup well . It ' s hit-and-miss -- when you get 6 past Stoneridge you go down a way and turn, you ' re 7 hit-and-miss on whether you can even dig a well and get 8 water, period. So we ' re relying on a man that feels 9 that because he has lots of money he can buy up 10 everything for our water, literally. 11 I know when Happy Valley joined with 12 Stoneridge it was a real positive thing. I had concerns 13 on how they were gonna hook in but, it was a positive 14 thing. I -- now, since they have sold -- 15 And I work for Keith Gardner at Stoneridge 16 for, you know, the pro shop back when they were a 17 receivership [phonetic] . Stoneridge historically has had 18 financial problems from receivership bankruptcy, sold, 19 sold, sold. And so now, in fact, I didn ' t --- I wasn ' t 20 aware that the water -- I thought it was remained with 21 Stoneridge golf course and so forth . I didn ' t know 22 there was a J. D . Resort in Bay View. Well, J. D . Resort 23 is a bar and it ' s currently closed. So, you know, I 24 have real concerns when it comes to this man ' s business 25 practices and thinking along that line . M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 17 SWS-W-24-01 1 Like I said, Staff did a wonderful job . They 2 were right on on a lot of issues and their research was 3 excellent, a lot more than what I could figure out . 4 That ' s for sure . I was so glad to read it . It took me 5 a while, but I just ask you to please stop this 6 gentleman, Chan, from trying to rob us, basically, 7 because we need water . 8 But they also need to -- when we had our 9 fire, I know there was -- I listened to the -- your 10 meeting last night and there ' s a lot of concerns about 11 the fire . Well, yes, because when I returned to my 12 house after evacuation, power was finally restored. I 13 had to call Stoneridge and say, "Why don ' t we have 14 water?" 15 "Well, power ' s out . " 16 Well, number one, you should have backup 17 generators . Number two, the power ' s on and the water 18 rely on . So yeah, they say they have equipment . They 19 don ' t . We ' re leasing it back from one of his other 20 parent companies . I mean, assets that we already paid 21 for as customers . And now he has the audacity to ask 22 for such an increase . Wow. Maybe that ' s why he ' s rich . 23 I don ' t know. 24 But that ' s all I have to say. 25 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Mr . Duval . M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 18 SWS-W-24-01 1 MR. DUVAL : Just one question from Commission 2 Staff . You mention that your water quality is better 3 than before . Could you -- before when, specifically? 4 KATHI MALAKOWSKY: Umm, before ' 04 . We had 5 an extensive filtration system on our system, but since 6 we couldn ' t get a backup well, and the state of Idaho 7 was requiring it, to pump enough for the subdivision -- 8 because there ' s 121 lots in Happy Valley. So -- and not 9 all of them will ever be hooked up to water because 10 people own two to three lots . So, you know, the 11 quality, it was good at first when we first hooked up in 12 ' 04 , and it ' s gradually in the last, I would say, two or 13 three years it ' s gotten very chlorinated. I never had 14 color because I was the last on the line, so it worked 15 itself out by the time it got to my house, to be honest 16 with you . Other people that lived in other areas, they 17 had a real problem. But just in the last year or two I 18 have noticed the water being harder, leaving more 19 stains, chlorinated to the point of -- wow -- and to 20 where I even purchased a filter to put on my faucet . 21 And I have never done that . I didn ' t do that when it 22 was orange . You know? I used a lot of vinegar, but 23 that ' s just the way it was . 24 But yeah, I would say it ' s gotten better -- 25 it was better in 2004 when we first hooked up to M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 19 SWS-W-24-01 1 Stoneridge . But with them being right there on the 2 aquas, for there ' s no reason for it to be so 3 chlorinated. If they put in 900, 000 and replaced the 4 lines -- the old lines in Happy Valley and were feeding 5 off of a 40-, 50-year-old tank, I don ' t know if that ' s 6 even been cleaned. So you know, that ' s -- that ' s -- it 7 is what it is . 8 Did I answer your question? 9 MR. DUVAL : No further questions from Staff . 10 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Mr . President . 11 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you, Kathi . 12 Quick question about the chlorine . You were actually 13 drawing -- not everybody is drawing off the tanks that 14 are coming down but you are drawing off of a couple 15 tanks that are on the hill; right? 16 KATHI MALAKOWSKY : Well, the way I understand 17 it is that the whole subdivision -- I 'm on the north 18 side, so the south side -- we ' re all feeding off that -- 19 that 30, 000 gallon on Forest Way. That was Keith 20 Gardner ' s other subdivision, which is separate from us . 21 And then it ' s pumped up to a smaller up on Mountain 22 View, then on top on Skyline there ' s another holding 23 tank. And then -- and I 'm gravity-fed. Everybody up on 24 the upper level is gravity-fed up to a certain point on 25 Mountain View. I think the cutoff is -- there ' s all new M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 20 SWS-W-24-01 1 people up there . The one folks that have all the dogs, 2 that ' s where the cutoff was . ' Cause it used to feed -- 3 it would feed into the houses -- everybody' s house until 4 it got to the north side, then it went up to the tank. 5 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Well, the reason I 6 ask is whenever -- the testimony that we heard 7 yesterday, when you over-chlorinate and you start to 8 kill vegetation in your yard when you ' re using it for 9 irrigation, that ' s a serious problem, and it ' s not lost 10 on me . Those are DEQ issues . The DEQ works closely 11 with us, and those are some questions that I 'm very 12 concerned about . So you simply cannot -- if you over 13 chlorinate, you ' re gonna cause some other damages . So 14 it ' s not lost on us . Thank you for bringing that up. 15 Appreciate it . 16 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: I do have a couple 17 questions and -- just something I was interested in last 18 night and interested again today, and I want to make 19 sure of : The rates that you are currently paying for 20 water service, are those consistent or exactly what the 21 tariff provides, or is he -- is the company charging you 22 something that ' s outside of what ' s in their 23 commissioner-approved tariff? 24 KATHI MALAKOWSKY: Well, all I know is that 25 -- I can ' t know how possibly I can do this, but since I M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 21 SWS-W-24-01 1 started reading the meter, my bill has been exactly the 2 same . I use exactly the same amount, 3, 000 gallons . It 3 doesn ' t matter if I water less, it doesn ' t matter if I 4 do less laundry, more laundry. I just thought, Wow, Why 5 is my bill the same every month? I -- 6 And also, umm, Happy Valley does pay that 7 loan, and that ' s supposed to be done October 22nd of 8 this year . And I guess we ' ll either all be on the phone 9 if it doesn ' t come off or -- I just hope to goodness, 10 because I 'm sure Chan will leave it on there as long as 11 he can . 12 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : That ' s something that 13 I actually -- before this position I was up here as an 14 attorney working on that issue . So I 'm glad people have 15 brought it up . It ' s something we ' re gonna look at for 16 sure . 17 The other question I have : You mentioned 18 repairs, and I want to -- can you give me -- is there a 19 specific instance where you can think of? And that ' s 20 okay. I 'm just -- 21 KATHI MALAKOWSKY : Yeah . In July they sent 22 us out notices saying "contact IPUC" because the pump 23 broke, something to that effect . Useless water, that ' s 24 what the letter said. Don ' t use any water, basically. 25 Then all of a sudden it was fine . M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 22 SWS-W-24-01 1 But the only thing is is, as you will read in 2 the Staff ' s findings, they couldn ' t even get an invoice 3 on that . When there ' s a break in the line -- we used to 4 have two flush-out valves up above me . They' re gone 5 now. So I don ' t know why, because whenever there was a 6 break in the old days they' d flush it through my garden 7 hose, you know, run the water through before the 8 flush-out valves because, you know, they could afford 9 the water . It was cheap . And my first husband who 10 passed away, he was -- he worked for a utility district 11 in the Tahoe, so Flita [phonetic] , the 12 brunette [phonetic] , they jumped right on him for Happy 13 Valley. Free maintenance, you know. 14 But like I said, the -- we have had a couple 15 breaks issues when some folks hooked up and the water 16 was off, but not for very long. I will give him that . 17 But the same people aren ' t handling it anymore . I mean, 18 it was either Keith -- for many years, and he knew his 19 stuff -- then it sold, then we had two contacts, and I 20 don ' t even think they ' re there anymore . Now they' re 21 leasing or contracting a company -- another company to 22 oversee the water . So I really don ' t know who ' s 23 handling it at this point . 24 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Well, and that ' s -- 25 that leads to another question . Do you have good M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 23 SWS-W-24-01 1 contact information for the company when these 2 situations -- it sounds like you don ' t . 3 KATHI MALAKOWSKY : Well, we have a phone 4 number when they ' re there, if you don ' t get their 5 answering machine . Their office hours are very short . 6 You will get their secretary. Yeah, that ' s about it . I 7 know I have stopped in there -- because I had an issue 8 with a leak in my line and, you know, I kind of ignored 9 it for a little while because it wasn ' t that bad. Then 10 it got bad, so I had to replace my whole water line . So 11 I had contacted them, but they had the same people there 12 at that time . This happened before Chan . So . . . 13 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : The other thing that 14 you mentioned, I just want to -- you said there were 15 volunteers working on the water system. Is that 16 recently since Chan? 17 KATHI MALAKOWSKY : No, no, no . 18 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Okay. I just wanted 19 to -- 20 KATHI MALAKOWSKY : That was before . This was 21 in the 80s and before they -- we hooked up before ' 04 . 22 Because it was mainly volunteers . Some of them, you 23 know, got a little bit of money later on, depending on 24 what the board said. 25 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Well, thank you very M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 24 SWS-W-24-01 1 much . I really appreciate it . 2 KATHI MALAKOWSKY : Okay. Thank you . 3 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : And is it Michael 4 "Kizer" or Michael -- 5 MICHAEL KIZER: "Kizer . " 6 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Sorry. I should have 7 known . 8 MR. DUVAL : Would you please state your first 9 and last name and spell your last for the record? 10 MICHAEL KIZER: It ' s Michael Kizer, 11 K-i-z-e-r . I live at 77 Parkland Court in Blanchard, 12 and I am a customer of the water service . 13 MR. DUVAL : And are you a customer of the 14 company? 15 MICHAEL KIZER: Yes . 16 MR. DUVAL : Do you swear to tell the truth in 17 today ' s hearing? 18 MICHAEL KIZER: Yes . 19 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Please step into that 20 mic . If you can adjust it -- it may be adjustable . 21 MICHAEL KIZER: So since last night I went 22 home and tested my water with my Pro One water tester, 23 and coming out of the faucet it was 980 . When I went to 24 my Berkey water filter, it came out at 98 . So that ' s 25 total dissolves, solids . I have a simple strip tester M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 25 SWS-W-24-01 1 for chlorine and it ' s high again . And the one thing 2 that bothers me about chlorine is its a carcinogenic, 3 and so I 'm really concerned, even when I bring my grand 4 kids here, about having them drinking our water because 5 over-chlorinated can do that . 6 So the other thing, just from hearing the 7 last person respond, whenever you have a leak in a 8 system you have to be careful about, you know, if you 9 don ' t have a backflow preventer somewhere, that you can 10 -- ' cause she ' s at the top of the system, it ' ll siphon 11 all the way to the bottom. So since this is a 12 gravity-fed system, she has the lowest amount of water 13 pressure up there compared to the other ones, and we can 14 back-feed all the way down . 15 Since I have been here, even when we had some 16 breaks, I have never got a notice that they' re gonna 17 have to chlorinate the system or flush the system 18 because there was a water problem. And that concerns 19 me, and the practice that they have on mitigating leaks . 20 So they should, you know, flush the system, chlorinate 21 it, give you a notice "Hey, boil it or whatever you ' re 22 gonna do" and seems like they don ' t have the proper 23 procedures on contacting us when this goes on . 24 The other thing that I wanted to let you know 25 is, as a relay tech, and I 'm going back east . I got M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 26 SWS-W-24-01 1 called to -- I do the fire settings and all for the 2 utility companies . I 'm one of the relay techs . And I 'm 3 retired, but I got called back to work to help out back 4 there . When you go into the summer and we ' re on fire 5 settings, we ' re on the shortest amount of time to trip 6 the lines out . Well, what that does now is our water 7 reservoir over here has no pumps to fill our tanks up, 8 and since it ' s a gravity-fed system, the way that you 9 figure out your pressure is it ' s 4 . 3 pounds per foot of 10 head pressure . So if you have a 100-gallon tank, 11 roughly just half . So the problem is, as this water 12 pressure goes down, so does -- or the water level goes 13 down, so does the water pressure to fire mitigate . 14 The other thing that ' s going on is we ' re at 15 the top of the hill over there in the forest . We have 16 barely enough to meet the DEQ or the water -- I have 42 17 pounds . At the bottom of the hill they ' re 100 PSI . So 18 we ' re either not enough or blowing the guys out below 19 it . So I would like to see you guys request that Chan 20 has a mitigation problem to fix his other third valve . 21 So, like what happened in July when the other booster 22 pump went down, we don ' t have to turn off our water . 23 And adequately fund it for a proper maintenance program, 24 and then go in and see what needs to be fixed. 25 So, I have an irrigation system I need to M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 27 SWS-W-24-01 1 hook up . I have a backflow preventer . And no one has 2 ever came up to see if it even was hooked up . They sent 3 me a letter out to say "Hey" -- but I don ' t never see 4 any of the water people around there . So, you know, I 'm 5 really concerned on the maintenance of this system. 6 The other thing is, if I 'm gonna give Chan a 7 rate increase, I think it should be based on your 8 performance . Give me good water, give me good service, 9 I know you didn ' t do your -- didn ' t do his due diligence 10 when he bought an aging water system. I want him to be 11 financially secure in our water system, and I hope that 12 you guys would look into our best interests . And maybe 13 if he can ' t do this, look for another person -- because 14 I know you can take these away from him -- and see if we 15 can get a better person to do this . 16 I would also like to point out that he has no 17 water-certified person that works for him. He has to 18 hire it out . That really concerns me . So -- 19 And I thank you guys again, but I just wanted 20 to let you know about what I found on the water testing 21 this morning . And it ' s not a water test, you know, that 22 can be held up in court, but I just thought I would just 23 let you know what I found. 24 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Mr . Duval . 25 MR. DUVAL : No questions from Commission M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 28 SWS-W-24-01 1 Staff . 2 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Mr . President . 3 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you . Would you 4 remind me again, were you testing for hardness on that? 5 MICHAEL KIZER: No, it ' s dissolved solids . 6 So it ' s 980, and then right in the -- near when I ran it 7 through my Berkey it went down to 98 . 8 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you very much . 9 MICHAEL KIZER: We totally use our water 10 filter . Umm, we don ' t drink out of the faucet, even for 11 our animals . 12 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Does it eliminate the 13 chlorine also in that filter? 14 MICHAEL KIZER: No . After the test -- 15 they' re like test strips, I mean, they just tell you the 16 ratings that they ' re in . 17 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Well, you ' re correct 18 to be concerned about the chlorine content . It ' s 19 something we need to pay attention to . 20 MICHAEL KIZER: And also the fire liability, 21 too, because we do live in a pretty wooded area and, 22 besides chopping the trees down and making it look like 23 a desert, I don ' t have any other way to mitigate . 24 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you . 25 MICHAEL KIZER: Uh-huh. M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 29 SWS-W-24-01 1 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : And I have Bill 2 Postemus, maybe, or Posemus . I apologize . 3 BILL POSTEMUS : That was close . 4 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: You ' re being nice . 5 BILL POSTEMUS : Bill Postemus, 6 P-o-s-t-e-m-u-s, 343 Steward Drive, Blanchard. Yes, I 'm 7 a customer . 8 MR. DUVAL : Do you swear to tell the truth in 9 today ' s hearing? 10 BILL POSTEMUS : Yes . 11 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Feel free to step into 12 that mic there so -- 13 BILL POSTEMUS : I just got two things that 14 I 'm concerned. Number one, is the 251 percent rate 15 increase . Social Security increase this year was 2 . 5 16 and my other retirement was 3 percent . So that ' s a 17 pretty hefty increase . The majority of the people where 18 I live, they' re all retirees . So, you know, with 19 inflation as it is, it ' s sure not what they say it is 20 it ' s in the 20s, rate increase like that wipes out your 21 seniors . 22 Second thing I have is the chlorine . And I 23 had no idea . I have been here nine years . I drink the 24 water, and I 'm shocked now to find out we have a problem 25 with chlorine because I have been drinking it for nine M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 30 SWS-W-24-01 1 years, and I 'm -- I 'm finding out that it ' s not healthy 2 for you, and that ' s -- you know, I 'm completely shocked 3 with that . That ' s the only two things that I have . 4 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Mr . Duval . 5 MR. DUVAL : Nothing from Staff, Commissioner . 6 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Mr . President . 7 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: I like your hat . 8 BILL POSTEMUS : Excuse me? 9 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: I like your hat . 10 BILL POSTEMUS : Thanks . 11 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: I also like your 12 shirt . And again, just be mindful that the chlorine 13 probably -- it takes a long time for it to become -- the 14 levels of carcinogen to actually make an impact your 15 body, but it does need to be measured differently than 16 it has . But we ' re hearing this time and time again, 17 smell, bad taste, there ' s no reason we should have any 18 of that going on here . It ' s not what we regulate; the 19 DEQ does, and it ' s in our notes to make sure we regulate 20 that for you . 21 BILL POSTEMUS : Well, I 'm 73 and I 'm getting 22 tremors now, so I don ' t want it to affect that . 23 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: I don ' t either . 24 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Thank you very much . 25 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you for being M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Transcript of Hearing - October 10, 2024 31 SWS-W-24-01 1 here . I appreciate it . 2 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : I believe at this time 3 we have come to the end of the people that have signed 4 up to testify. If you would -- I see some faces out 5 there that haven ' t testified. If you want to, please, 6 we ' re here for you . This is your hearing, so if you 7 would like to make a statement and testify please do so . 8 And if not, as I said, if you have something in writing 9 you want to submit, please do that as well . 10 Going once . Anybody? 11 Since we don ' t have anybody left that appears 12 to want to testify today, we are going to close the 13 hearing . I want to thank you everybody for being here 14 this morning, and I want to thank Representative Scott 15 for taking the time to come here and attend. We really, 16 really appreciate it . And thank you, everyone . 17 And our hearing is adjourned. 18 (Hearing adjourned at 10 : 45 a .m. ) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 SWS-W-24-01 32 1 REPORTER' S CERTIFICATE 2 I, AMELIA A. MACY, the undersigned Certified 3 Shorthand Reporter and Notary Public authorized to 4 administer oaths and affirmations in and for the State 5 of Washington, do hereby certify that the sworn 6 testimony and/or proceedings, a transcript of which is 7 attached, was given before me at the time and place 8 stated therein; 9 that any and/or all witness (es) were duly 10 sworn to testify to the truth; 11 that the sworn testimony and/or proceedings 12 were by me stenographically recorded and transcribed 13 under my supervision, to the best of my ability; 14 that the foregoing transcript contains a 15 full, true, and accurate record of all the sworn 16 testimony and/or proceedings given and occurring at the 17 time and place stated in the transcript; 18 that I am in no way related to any party to 19 the matter, nor to any counsel, nor do I have any 20 financial interest in the event of the cause . 21 WITNESS MY HAND"AND SEAL this 29th day of 22 October 2024 . 23 24 25 AMELIA A. MACY, CSR, RPR M&M Court Reporting LLC mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Re: Stoneridge Utilities,LLC's Application SWS-W-24-01 Transcript of Hearing October 10,2024 21:2;25:12;26:5 booster(1) catches(1) $ Anderson(19) B 26:21 6:23 4:23,25;9:6,8; bothers(1) Catherine(10) $24(1) 12:16,24;14:11; back(5) 25:2 9:13,17,17,20,24; 10:14 19:11;20:5;28:3,8,12, 16:16;17:19;25:25; bottom(2) 10:2,6;12:9,20;13:2 $87(1) 17,24;30:7,9,11,23,25 26:3,3 25:11;26:17 cause(4) 10:14 animals(1) backdoor(1) bought(1) 4:8;20:2,13;25:10 28:11 10:24 27:10 CDS(3) A anymore(2) back-feed(1) break(3) 4:14,18;10:19 22:17,20 25:14 15:23;22:3,6 Center(1) above(1) apologize(2) backflow(2) breaks(2) 4:3 22:4 13:20;29:2 25:9;27:1 22:15;25:16 certain(1) Absolutely(1) apparently(1) backup(3) briefly(1) 19:24 12:7 4:24 16:5;17:16;18:6 6:19 certainly(1) accepting(1) appears(1) bad(3) bring(1) 13:6 8:5 31:11 23:9,10;30:17 25:3 Chair(1) accurately(1) application(1) bankruptcy(1) bringing(1) 4:21 8:2 4:15 16:18 20:14 Chan(11) acknowledge(1) appreciate(7) bar(1) broke(2) 10:18,18,23;14:23; 13:12 9:4;12:11;13:3; 16:23 15:16;21:23 15:14;17:6;21:10; action(1) 20:15;24:1;31:1,16 barely(1) brought(1) 23:12,16;26:19;27:6 4:6 appropriate(1) 26:16 21:15 changes(1) actually(5) 11:13 based(1) brunette[phonetic] (1) 14:14 11:1,9;19:12;21:13; approve(1) 27:7 22:12 Chan's(2) 30:14 11:22 basic(1) budgets(1) 10:9,16 Adam(1) approves(1) 10:13 12:3 charge(1) 12:8 11:20 basically(3) business(3) 15:13 add(1) aquas(1) 14:20;17:6;21:24 10:20;11:15;16:24 charges(2) 7:18 19:2 bathrooms(1) businesses(1) 4:16;10:14 added(1) area(3) 6:14 15:2 charging(1) 5:9 6:7;11:18;28:21 Bay(2) butcher(1) 20:21 address(1) areas(1) 14:24;16:22 13:16 cheap(1) 7:4 18:16 become(1) buy(2) 22:9 adduced(1) around(1) 30:13 15:13;16:9 check(1) 4:10 27:4 beginning(1) 13:6 adequately(1) assets(1) 15:12 C cheering(1) 26:23 17:20 below(1) 7:23 adjourned(2) Association(2) 26:18 call(4) chlorinate(3) 31:17,18 5:25;6:3 Berkey(2) 6:19;8:10;10:18; 20:13;25:11,20 adjust(1) attend(2) 24:24;28:7 17:13 chlorinated(3) 24:20 5:2;31:15 besides(1) called(2) 18:13,19;19:3 adjustable(1) attendance(2) 28:22 26:1,3 chlorine(9) 24:20 6:9;9:12 best(1) calling(1) 11:9;19:12;25:1,2; affect(1) attended(1) 27:12 8:9 28:13,18;29:22,25; 30:22 5:8 better(6) came(2) 30:12 afford(1) attending(1) 6:15.16:1.18:2 24 24:24;27:2 chopping(1) 22:8 6:10 25;27:15 can(17) 28:22 again(7) attention(2) bill(12) 7:23;11:11;12:5; clapping(1) 10:7;20:18;25:1; 15:17;28:19 11:2;21:1,5;29:1,3, 13:6;16:7,9;20:25; 7:23 27:19;28:4;30:12,16 attorney(2) 5,5,10,13;30:8,10,21 21:11,18,19;24:20; clarify(1) aging(1) 5:16;21:14 bit(1) 25:5,9,13;27:14,15,22 7:18 27:10 attorneys(1) 23:23 carcinogen(1) clarifying(1) allow(1) 7:12 Blanchard(7) 30:14 7:14 6:11 audacity(1) 4:3,4;8:17;9:21; carcinogenic(1) cleaned(1) almost(1) 17:21 14:25;24:11;29:6 25:2 19:6 7:16 authority(1) blowing(1) career(1) clear(2) along(1) 4:15 26:18 12:25 7:24,24 16:25 aware(1) board(3) careful(1) clearly(2) always(1) 16:20 11:20;14:15;23:24 25:8 6:24;8:1 7:16 away(3) body(1) carpet(1) close(4) Amelia(2) 14:12;22:10;27:14 30:15 11:3 6:21;10:4;29:3; 4:5;7:20 boil(1) Case(4) 31:12 amount(3) 25:21 4:8,13;5:5,10 closed(2) Min-U-Script® M&M Court Reporting LLC (33)$24-closed mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Re: Stoneridge Utilities,LLC's Application SWS-W-24-01 Transcript of Hearing October 10,2024 8:3;16:23 21:22;23:1 30:15 eliminate(1) 15:14;29:11 closely(1) contacted(1) dig(1) 28:12 feels(1) 20:10 23:11 16:7 end(1) 16:8 closer(1) contacting(1) digging(1) 31:3 feet(1) 6:22 25:23 13:12 enough(4) 15:24 Club(1) contacts(1) diligence(1) 6:23;18:7;26:16,18 figure(2) 5:24 22:19 27:9 entities(2) 17:3;26:9 colleagues(1) content(1) disagree(1) 10:22,25 figured(1) 8:8 28:18 15:5 equipment(1) 14:18 color(1) contracting(1) discourage(1) 17:18 filed(1) 18:14 22:21 7:15 Eric(1) 4:19 coming(3) convey(1) dissolved(1) 4:23 fill(1) 12:19;19:14;24:23 6:13 28:5 established(1) 26:7 comment(2) cost(1) dissolves(1) 15:12 filter(5) 8:3,4 11:15 24:25 evacuation(1) 11:10;18:20;24:24; comments(2) counsel(3) district(2) 17:12 28:10,13 8:5,5 5:14;6:1,4 11:6;22:10 even(9) filtration(2) COMMISSION(9) couple(3) document(1) 16:7;18:20;19:6; 16:2;18:5 4:2,7,20;5:1,4,6,15; 19:14;20:16;22:14 5:13 22:2,20;25:3,15;27:2; final(3) 18:1;27:25 course(6) dogs(1) 28:10 5:5,12;11:14 COMMISSIONER(53) 6:16,17;7:9;10:21; 20:1 everybody(3) finally(1) 4:12,22,25,25;5:19, 14:18;16:21 done(6) 19:13,23;31:13 17:12 20;9:6,8,9;10:4;12:7, Court(7) 13:12;14:21,24; everybody's(2) financial(1) 10,14,15,16,24;13:3, 4:4,5;6:24;7:19,20; 15:15;18:21;21:7 11:4;20:3 16:18 19;14:11,12;17:25; 24:11;27:22 door(1) everyone(2) financially(1) 19:10,11;20:5,16; creating(1) 6:16 7:8;31:16 27:11 21:12;22:24;23:13, 7:21 down(9) everything's(1) find(3) 18,25;24:3,6,19; currently(2) 13:9;16:6;19:14; 15:10 8:8;11:7;29:24 27:24;28:2,3,8,12,17, 16:23;20:19 25:14;26:12,13,22; evidence(1) finding(2) 24;29:1,4,11;30:4,5,6, customer(8) 28:7,22 5:11 15:6;30:1 7,9,11,23,24,25;31:2 4:13;7:5;8:18;9:22; drawing(3) exactly(3) findings(1) commissioner-approved(1) 14:5;24:12,13;29:7 19:13,13,14 20:20;21:1,2 22:2 20:23 customers(2) drink(3) excellent(2) fine(1) Commissioners(3) 9:12;17:21 11:10;28:10;29:23 11:7;17:3 21:25 5:10;7:13;8:25 cutoff(2) drinking(2) Excuse(1) Fire(7) Community(5) 19:25;20:2 25:4;29:25 30:8 14:12;17:9,11;26:1, 4:3;9:2;10:22;12:2; Drive(2) exit(1) 4,13;28:20 13:13 D 14:4;29:6 6:17 first(10) companies(3) due(3) explain(1) 6:12;8:9,14;9:15; 15:13;17:20;26:2 damages(1) 11:2,16;27:9 6:18 13:24;18:11,11,25; company(11) 20:13 DUVAL(30) extensive(1) 22:9;24:8 5:22;8:19;9:23; day(1) 5:17,17;7:2;8:12, 18:5 fix(1) 10:9,19;14:6;20:21; 4:2 16,18,21,24;9:15,19, 26:20 22:21,21;23:1;24:14 days(1) 22,25;10:3;12:12,14; F fixed(3) compared(1) 22:6 13:23;14:3,5,8;17:25; 11:19;15:8;26:24 25:13 decide(1) 18:1;19:9;24:8,13,16; faces(1) fixes(1) completed(1) 13:10 27:24,25;29:8;30:4,5 31:4 15:16 7:11 decision(1) fact(2) Flita[phonetic] (1) completely(1) 5:12 E 14:22;16:19 22:11 30:2 decisions(1) facts(1) flush(3) comprise(1) 5:5 east(1) 5:11 22:6;25:17,20 5:4 deliberate(1) 25:25 fair(1) flush-out(2) concerned(5) 13:10 Edward(1) 13:10 22:4,8 20:12;25:3;27:5; depending(1) 4:25 faucet(3) fly(1) 28:18;29:14 23:23 effect(1) 18:20;24:23;28:10 5:3 concerns(5) deputy(1) 21:23 February(1) folks(3) 16:12,24;17:10; 5:16 either(4) 4:20 9:11;20:1;22:15 25:18;27:18 DEQ(5) 21:8;22:18;26:18; feed(3) following(1) Condominium(1) 13:6;20:10,10; 30:23 15:18;20:2,3 4:9 5:24 26:16;30:19 elected(1) feeding(2) foot(1) consistent(1) desert(1) 6:7 19:4,18 26:9 20:20 28:23 Electric(1) Feel(5) Forest(4) contact(2) differently(1) 15:10 10:4;11:12;12:22; 9:20;15:20;19:19; Min-U-Script® M&M Court Reporting LLC (34)closely-Forest mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Re: Stoneridge Utilities,LLC's Application SWS-W-24-01 Transcript of Hearing October 10,2024 26:15 21:9 30:1 husband(1) 21:22 forth(1) gouging(1) hear(1) 22:9 irrigation(2) 16:21 10:16 13:5 20:9;26:25 found(2) government(1) heard(2) I issue(3) 27:20,23 9:5 13:4;20:6 12:22;21:14;23:7 four(2) gradually(1) HEARING(17) IDAHO(8) issues(3) 11:5;15:9 18:12 4:1,13,17;5:8,9; 4:1,4,6,7,8,17;8:17; 17:2;20:10;22:15 free(3) grand(1) 6:19;8:22;10:1;14:9; 18:6 10:4;22:13;29:11 25:3 24:17;25:6;29:9; idea(1) J friendly(1) gravity-fed(6) 30:16;31:6,13,17,18 29:23 7:16 15:19,23;19:23,24; hearings(2) identify(1) JD(2) front(2) 25:12;26:8 7:15,19 7:2 16:22,22 12:21,25 great(3) Heather(8) ignored(1) job(4) full(2) 9:11;14:21;16:3 8:10,15,15,17,20, 23:8 12:25;14:21;16:3; 13:8,8 grill(1) 23,25;9:7 impact(1) 17:1 fumes(1) 10:21 hefty(1) 30:14 John(1) 11:12 group(1) 29:17 implore(1) 4:21 fund(1) 7:6 held(3) 14:25 joined(1) 26:23 guess(2) 4:2;5:6;27:22 important(3) 16:11 further(1) 15:3;21:8 hell(1) 6:13;12:22;13:5 Jr(1) 19:9 guys(5) 12:24 Inc(2) 4:21 15:12;26:18,19; help(2) 5:25;6:3 July(2) G 27:12,19 12:1;26:3 inch(3) 21:21;26:21 Hey(2) 10:11,12,13 jumped(1) gallon(1) H 25:21;27:3 incident(2) 22:12 19:19 high(2) 5:3;6:16 gallons(1) half(1) 15:6;25:1 include(1) K 21:2 26:11 hill(3) 7:3 garden(1) hallway(1) 19:15;26:15,17 income(1) Kat(1) 22:6 6:14 hire(1) 11:19 13:17 Gardner(1) HAMMOND(32) 27:18 incomes(1) KATHI(17) 16:15 4:12,21;5:20;9:9; historically(1) 15:8 13:18,21;14:1,1,4,7, Gardner's(1) 10:4;12:7,10,14,15; 16:17 increase(13) 10,13;18:4;19:11,16; 19:20 13:3,19;14:12;17:25; hit-and-miss(2) 4:16;10:10,12; 20:24;21:21;23:3,17, Garrison(1) 19:10;20:16;21:12; 16:5,7 11:16,21;14:17;15:7; 20;24:2 6:5 22:24;23:13,18,25; holding(5) 17:22;27:7;29:15,15, Katie(1) general(1) 24:3,6,19;27:24;28:2; 15:20,21,22,22; 17,20 13:17 5:16 29:1,4,11;30:4,6,24; 19:22 inflation(2) keep(1) generally(1) 31:2 home(1) 10:15;29:19 16:4 7:16 hand(3) 24:22 information(3) Keith(3) generators(1) 8:13;10:24;13:23 honest(1) 6:14;7:14;23:1 16:15;19:19;22:18 17:17 handling(2) 18:15 initial(2) kids(1) gentleman(1) 22:17,23 honored(1) 5:13;8:7 25:4 17:6 happen(1) 6:8 instance(1) kill(1) giant(1) 14:24 hook(2) 21:19 20:8 7:6 happened(2) 16:13;27:1 interested(2) kind(3) glad(2) 23:12;26:21 hooked(8) 20:17,18 10:24;11:7;23:8 17:4;21:14 Happy(6) 14:16;15:24;18:9, interests(1) Kizer(13) glass(1) 14:14;16:11;18:8; 11,25;22:15;23:21; 27:12 24:4,5,5,10,10,15, 11:11 19:4;21:6;22:12 27:2 interfere(1) 18,21;28:5,9,14,20,25 goes(4) harder(1) hope(2) 7:23 K-i-z-e-r(1) 15:19;25:23;26:12, 18:18 21:9;27:11 intervenors(1) 24:11 12 hardness(1) hopefully(1) 5:23 knew(1) golf(2) 28:4 15:9 intimidating(1) 22:18 10:20;16:21 hardship(1) hose(1) 12:17 known(2) gonna(8) 11:20 22:7 into(6) 14:23;24:7 10:18;11:17;16:13; hat(2) hours(1) 15:1;20:3;24:19; 20:13;21:15;25:16, 30:7,9 23:5 26:4;27:12;29:11 L 22;27:6 Hauser(1) house(6) invoice(1) Good(7) 11:6 10:13;14:13;15:25; 22:2 Lake(1) 4:12;9:5;12:25; head(1) 17:12;18:15;20:3 involved(1) 11:6 18:11;22:25;27:8,8 26:10 houses(1) 13:7 Lakeview(1) goodness(1) healthy(1) 20:3 IPUC(1) 14:4 Min-U-Script® M&M Court Reporting LLC (35)forth-Lakeview mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Re: Stoneridge Utilities,LLC's Application SWS-W-24-01 Transcript of Hearing October 10,2024 Lane(1) 12:2;14:3;24:11; married(1) 11:25 4:3 28:21;29:18 13:22 more(4) O large(1) lived(3) Matter(5) 7:14;17:3;18:18; 15:23 11:5;14:13;18:16 4:14;5:13;9:3;21:3, 21:4 obviously(1) last(20) LLC(4) 3 morning(4) 10:9 7:1,4;8:14,14;9:16, 4:4;5:21;7:5;10:19 may(3) 4:12;5:22;27:21; October(2) 16;10:8,17;13:25,25; LLC's(2) 7:17;12:1;24:20 31:14 4:2;21:7 15:19;17:10;18:12, 4:15,19 maybe(5) most(1) off(8) 14,17;20:17;24:9,9, loan(1) 7:13,14;17:22; 6:13 15:18;19:5,13,14, 21;25:7 21:7 27:12;29:2 Mountain(2) 18;21:9;22:16;26:22 later(1) location(1) mean(6) 19:21,25 office(1) 23:23 5:7 12:18;15:11;16:1; much(5) 23:5 laundry(2) Lodge(1) 17:20;22:17;28:15 9:8;12:10;24:1; official(1) 21:4,4 5:1 meaning(1) 28:8;30:24 7:21 leads(2) long(3) 10:13 mumble(1) officials(1) 8:9;22:25 21:10;22:16;30:13 meant(1) 12:23 6:7 leak(2) look(5) 7:18 must(1) off-putting(1) 23:8;25:7 15:1;21:15;27:12, measured(1) 12:17 11:8 leaks(1) 13;28:22 30:15 old(2) 25:19 looking(1) mechanism(1) N 19:4;22:6 learned(2) 15:8 11:24 once(2) 6:22;14:22 lost(2) meet(1) name(12) 14:15;31:10 leasing(2) 20:9,14 26:16 4:21;6:19;7:3,4; one(13) 17:19;22:21 lot(9) meeting(1) 8:14,14;9:16,16; 6:8;10:12;15:2,19; leave(1) 11:17,18;13:12; 17:10 10:17;13:25,25;24:9 17:16,19;18:1;20:1; 21:10 14:14;15:7;17:2,3,10; member(1) near(1) 24:22;25:1;26:2;27:1; leaving(1) 18:22 5:1 28:6 29:14 18:18 lots(4) members(1) need(7) ones(1) Lee(1) 10:21;16:9;18:8,10 4:18 6:22;7:7;17:7,8; 25:13 6:5 loud(1) mention(2) 26:25;28:19;30:15 only(4) left(3) 6:23 13:4;18:2 needs(1) 7:17;15:5;22:1; 4:22,24;31:11 lowest(1) mentioned(2) 26:24 30:3 legal(1) 25:12 21:17;23:14 new(2) opening(1) 15:3 meter(3) 14:22;19:25 14:21 less(2) M 10:10,12;21:1 next(4) opportunity(1) 21:3,4 mic(2) 5:23;6:2;9:13; 7:12 letter(2) machine(1) 24:20;29:12 13:15 orange(2) 21:24;27:3 23:5 Michael(13) nice(1) 16:3;18:22 level(2) Macy(2) 24:3,4,5,10,10,15, 29:4 organization(2) 19:24;26:12 4:5;7:20 18,21;28:5,9,14,20,25 night(4) 6:1,4 levels(1) mainly(1) microphone(3) 7:1;17:10;20:18; otherwise(1) 30:14 23:22 6:20,21;10:5 24:21 15:16 liability(1) maintenance(3) might(1) nine(2) out(21) 28:20 22:13;26:23;27:5 11:19 29:23,25 6:14;11:10;12:5; limit(2) majority(1) Mike(1) north(2) 17:3,15;18:15;21:22; 7:7,7 29:17 5:17 19:17;20:4 24:23,24;26:3,6,9,18; limited(1) making(2) mindful(1) Notary(1) 27:3,16,18;28:10; 7:17 5:4;28:22 30:12 4:5 29:20,24;30:1;31:4 line(7) Malakowsky(17) missed(1) notes(1) outside(1) 15:19,24;16:25; 13:17,18,21;14:1,1, 8:8 30:19 20:22 18:14;22:3;23:8,10 4,7,10,13;18:4;19:16; mitigate(2) nothing's(1) over(4) lines(3) 20:24;21:21;23:3,17, 26:13;28:23 11:2 7:21;20:12;26:7,15 19:4,4;26:6 20;24:2 mitigating(1) notice(3) overage(1) list(1) M-a-1-a-k-o-w-s-k-y(1) 25:19 14:16;25:16,21 10:14 9:13 14:2 mitigation(1) noticed(2) over-chlorinate(1) listened(1) man(1) 26:20 10:9;18:18 20:7 17:9 16:8 money(2) notices(1) over-chlorinated(1) literally(1) management(1) 16:9;23:23 21:22 25:5 16:10 15:1 month(1) nowadays(1) oversee(1) little(4) man's(1) 21:5 11:9 22:22 6:22;15:6;23:9,23 16:24 monthly(1) number(5) own 1 live(8) Many(2) 11:1 4:13;17:16,17;23:4; ( ) 18:10 8:16;9:19;11:18; 8:4;22:18 months(1) 29:14 Owners(2) Min-U-Script® M&M Court Reporting LLC (36)Lane-Owners mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Re: Stoneridge Utilities,LLC's Application SWS-W-24-01 Transcript of Hearing October 10,2024 5:24;6:2 Posemus(1) 26:17 received(1) 17:2 owns(4) 29:2 PUBLIC(4) 14:16 reservoir(1) 10:18,20,23;11:1 position(1) 4:1,5,7,18 receivership(1) 26:7 21:13 pump(3) 16:18 Resort(2) P positive(2) 18:7;21:22;26:22 receivership[phonetic](1) 16:22,22 16:12,13 pumped(3) 16:17 respond(1) paid(1) possible(1) 15:20,21;19:21 recently(1) 25:7 17:20 12:1 pumps(1) 23:16 restored(1) parent(1) possibly(1) 26:7 recognize(1) 17:12 17:20 20:25 purchased(1) 6:6 retired(1) Parkland(1) Postemus(9) 18:20 recommending(1) 26:3 24:11 29:2,3,5,5,10,13; purpose(1) 11:23 retirees(1) part(1) 30:8,10,21 4:17 recommends(1) 29:18 10:16 P-o-s-t-a-m-u-s(1) push(1) 11:22 retirement(1) parties(2) 29:6 14:18 record(11) 29:16 5:14;7:12 pounds(2) put(2) 5:10,11,14;7:3,18, retiring(1) passed(1) 26:9,17 18:20;19:3 18,22,24;13:8,9;24:9 15:8 22:10 power(1) Recreational(1) returned(1) past(1) 17:12 Q 5:24 17:11 16:6 power's(2) reference(1) returning(1) pay(4) 17:15,17 quality(4) 4:18 12:17 15:2,11;21:6;28:19 practice(1) 13:4;16:1;18:2,11 referred(1) review(1) paying(5) 25:19 Quick(1) 4:14 5:11 10:23;11:1,4;15:10; practices(1) 19:12 refrain(1) rich(1) 20:19 16:25 quirky(1) 7:22 17:22 peace(1) present(1) 14:23 regulate(2) rid(1) 7:9 5:14 30:18,19 16:3 pending(1) President(6) R relay(2) Ridge(1) 4:6 4:23,25;12:15; 25:25;26:2 9:20 people(14) 19:10;28:2;30:6 raise(3) rely(1) right(14) 7:22;9:4;11:18; pressure(5) 8:13;11:3;13:23 17:18 4:23,24,24;6:17; 12:21;15:12;18:10, 25:13;26:9,10,12, ran(1) relying(1) 7:21;9:14;10:6;11:11; 16;20:1;21:14;22:17; 13 28:6 16:8 13:21;17:2;19:1,15; 23:11;27:4;29:17; pretty(2) ranching/horsing(1) remained(1) 22:12;28:6 31:3 28:21;29:17 5:2 16:20 Road(1) people's(1) preventer(2) Randolph(1) remind(1) 9:20 7:7 25:9;27:1 6:5 28:4 rob(1) per(1) price(1) Rapalli(10) repairs(1) 17:6 26:9 10:16 9:13,17,17,20,24; 21:18 roughly(1) percent(11) Prior(1) 10:2,6;12:9,20;13:2 replace(1) 26:11 10:10,11;11:16,23, 6:25 R-a-p-a-1-1-i(1) 23:10 run(1) 25,25;14:17;15:6,6; pro(2) 9:18 replaced(1) 22:7 29:14,16 16:16;24:22 rate(7) 19:3 running(1) performance(1) probably(3) 10:10,13;11:16,21; report(1) 16:4 27:8 6:15;11:17;30:13 27:7;29:14,20 14:23 Rusho(1) period(3) problem(6) rates(2) Reporter(2) 4:3 8:3,4;16:8 18:17;20:9;25:18; 4:16;20:19 4:5;7:19 person(5) 26:11,20;29:24 ratings(1) Reporting(2) S 13:15;25:7;27:13, problems(1) 28:16 4:4;7:20 15,17 16:18 read(2) represent(1) same(5) phone(2) procedures(2) 17:4;22:1 9:11 21:2,2,5;22:17; 21:8;23:3 6:18;25:23 reading(2) representation(1) 23:11 place(2) proceedings(1) 14:22;21:1 5:15 saw(1) 4:13;11:24 4:22 real(3) Representative(5) 7:1 plain(1) program(1) 16:12,24;18:17 6:8;8:10,12;9:10; saying(1) 14:17 26:23 really(11) 31:14 21:22 Please(13) proper(2) 9:4;12:11;14:25; representing(3) Scott(12) 6:20;7:14;8:7,14; 25:22;26:23 15:9;22:22;24:1;25:3; 5:17,21;6:4 6:8;8:11,12,15,15, 9:15;13:23,24;17:5; Property(1) 27:5,18;31:15,16 request(2) 17,20,23,25;9:7,10; 24:8,19;31:5,7,9 6:2 reason(3) 4:19;26:19 31:14 point(5) provides(1) 19:2;20:5;30:17 requiring(1) S-c-o-t-t(1) 5:6;18:19;19:24; 20:21 reasonable(2) 18:7 8:15 22:23;27:16 PSI(1) 13:11;15:7 research(1) Second(1) Min-U-Script® M&M Court Reporting LLC (37)owns-Second mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Re: Stoneridge Utilities,LLC's Application SWS-W-24-01 Transcript of Hearing October 10,2024 29:22 11:2 29:6 30:17 trip(1) Secondly(1) slight(1) Stoneridge(16) tech(1) 26:5 11:5 10:24 4:15,19;5:20,24; 25:25 truth(5) secretary(1) smaller(1) 6:2;7:5;10:19,20; technically(1) 8:22;10:1;14:9; 23:6 19:21 14:16;16:6,12,15,17, 8:3 24:16;29:8 secure(1) smell(2) 21;17:13;19:1 techs(1) try(1) 27:11 11:11;30:17 stop(1) 26:2 13:10 Security(1) Social(1) 17:5 test(3) trying(1) 29:15 29:15 stopped(1) 27:21;28:14,15 17:6 seems(3) sold(5) 23:7 tested(1) turn(2) 10:15;11:8;25:22 16:14,18,19,19; strip(1) 24:22 16:6;26:22 seniors(2) 22:19 24:25 tester(2) two(9) 12:2;29:21 solids(2) strips(1) 24:22,25 15:22;17:17;18:10, sent(2) 24:25;28:5 28:15 testified(1) 12,17;22:4,19;29:13; 21:21;27:2 sometimes(2) stuff(1) 31:5 30:3 separate(1) 7:24;11:12 22:19 testify(7) 19:20 somewhere(1) style(1) 6:11,19,25;8:11; U serious(2) 25:9 15:2 31:4,7,12 9:3;20:9 Sorry(4) subdivision(3) testifying(2) Umm(4) service(4) 12:13;13:16,19; 18:7;19:17,20 7:15,25 14:16;18:4;21:6; 4:16;20:20;24:12; 24:6 submit(3) testimony(8) 28:10 27:8 sounds(1) 8:6,6;31:9 4:9,18;5:8;7:8,11; unable(1) settings(2) 23:2 submitted(1) 8:2;9:3;20:6 5:1 26:1,5 south(1) 8:4 testing(2) under(1) several(1) 19:18 sudden(1) 27:20;28:4 11:3 10:21 speak(3) 21:25 Thanks(1) underlying(1) share(1) 7:8,25;12:21 summer(1) 30:10 5:10 10:23 speaking(3) 26:4 THEREUPON(1) unfortunate(1) shirt(1) 6:21;7:25;13:1 support(1) 4:9 5:2 30:12 specific(1) 9:1 thinking(1) Unless(1) shocked(3) 21:19 supposed(2) 16:25 8:8 14:17;29:24;30:2 specifically(1) 15:3;21:7 third(1) up(35) shop(1) 18:3 sure(10) 26:20 6:20;9:1;11:15; 16:16 spell(3) 6:20;8:1;10:17,25; thought(3) 12:22;14:14,22; short(1) 9:16;13:25;24:9 17:4;20:19;21:10,16; 16:20;21:4;27:22 15:10,10,13,20,21,24; 23:5 spelling(2) 29:19;30:19 three(4) 16:9;18:9,11,25; shortest(1) 7:3;8:14 swear(5) 5:3;15:2;18:10,13 19:21,21,23,24;20:1, 26:5 spring(1) 8:21;9:25;14:8; three-quarter(2) 4,14;21:13,15;22:4, show(1) 10:8 24:16;29:8 10:11,13 15;23:21;25:13;26:7; 9:1 square(2) sworn(1) tight(1) 27:1,2,2,22;31:4 side(3) 8:13;13:24 7:1 12:3 upkeep(1) 19:18,18;20:4 Staff(12) SWS-W-24-01(2) today(10) 15:15 signed(1) 5:6,15,18;11:21,22; 4:8,14 5:2;6:3,9;7:6,20; upper(2) 31:3 13:12;14:21;17:1; system(15) 8:6,7;9:11;20:18; 15:18;19:24 simple(1) 18:2;19:9;28:1;30:5 16:2;18:5,5;23:15; 31:12 use(4) 24:25 Staffs(2) 25:8,10,12,17,17,20; today's(7) 7:19;21:2,24;28:9 simply(1) 15:5;22:2 26:8,25;27:5,10,11 4:22;6:18;8:22; used(4) 20:12 stains(1) 10:1;14:9;24:17;29:9 4:6;18:22;20:2; siphon(1) 18:19 T took(1) 22:3 25:10 start(2) 17:4 Useless(1) sit(1) 5:15;20:7 Tahoe(1) top(3) 21:23 13:9 started(1) 22:11 19:22;25:10;26:15 using(1) situation(1) 21:1 tank(8) total(1) 20:8 13:11 starting(1) 15:18,20,21,22; 24:25 UTILITIES(6) situations(1) 6:25 19:5,23;20:4;26:10 totally(1) 4:1,7,15;5:21;7:5; 23:2 State(8) tanks(4) 28:9 10:19 six(1) 4:6,8,17;8:13;9:15; 15:22;19:13,15; transcript(5) Utility(3) 11:25 13:24;18:6;24:8 26:7 5:9;6:24;7:22,24; 4:19;22:10;26:2 size(2) statement(1) tap(1) 8:2 10:10,12 31:7 11:11 trees(1) V Skyline(1) step(3) tariff(2) 28:22 19:22 12:22;24:19;29:11 20:21,23 tremors(1) Valley(6) sliding(1) Steward(1) taste(1) 30:22 14:15;16:11;18:8; Min-U-Script® M&M Court Reporting LLC (38)Secondly-Valley mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700 Re: Stoneridge Utilities,LLC's Application SWS-W-24-01 Transcript of Hearing October 10,2024 19:4;21:6;22:13 17:1 9:20 valve(1) wondering(1) 7 26:20 11:20 2 valves(2) wooded(1) 73(1) 22:4,8 28:21 2.5(1) 30:21 vegetation(1) work(3) 29:15 77(1) 20:8 13:12;16:15;26:3 20(1) 24:11 View(4) worked(2) 15:6 14:24;16:22;19:22, 18:14;22:10 2004(1) 8 25 working(2) 18:25 vinegar(1) 21:14;23:15 2024(2) 80s(1) 18:22 works(2) 4:2,20 23:21 voice(1) 20:10;27:17 20s(1) 6:23 workshops(1) 29:20 9 Volunteers(3) 5:7 22nd(1) 16:3;23:15,22 worse(1) 21:7 900,000(2) 11:8 251 (1) 15:15;19:3 W Wow(3) 29:14 98(2) 17:22;18:19;21:4 261 (1) 24:24;28:7 waiting(1) write(1) 10:10 980(2) 13:8 12:5 27(3) 24:23;28:6 water(54) writing(2) 11:16,23;15:6 4:16;10:10,19,20; 8:7;31:8 275(1) 11:2,6,7,7,9,10;13:4; written(3) 14:17 14:15;15:11,13;16:8, 8:4,5,5 28th(1) 10,20;17:7,14,17; 4:20 18:2,9,18;20:20;21:3, Y 23,24;22:7,9,15,22; 3 23:10,15;24:12,22,22, yard(1) 24;25:4,12,18;26:6, 20:8 3(1) 11,12,13,16,22;27:4, year(3) 29:16 8,10,11,20,21;28:9; 18:17;21:8;29:15 3,000(1) 29:24 years(7) 21:2 water-certified(1) 11:5;14:14;15:9; 30,000(1) 27:17 18:13;22:18;29:23; 19:19 way(13) 30:1 343(1) 11:1,4;12:18;15:20; yesterday(3) 29:6 16:5,6;18:23;19:16, 12:18;13:5;20:7 369(1) 19;25:11,14;26:8; 14:4 28:23 0 welcome(2) 4 7:9;9:6 04(3) what's(2) 18:4,12;23:21 4.3(1) 13:10;20:22 26:9 whenever(3) 1 40-(1) 20:6;22:5;25:7 19:5 whole(2) 10:45(1) 42(1) 19:17;23:10 31:18 26:16 who's(1) 100(1) 43(1) 22:22 26:17 14:14 wipes(1) 100-gallon(1) 29:20 26:10 5 wish(1) 10th(1) 6:11 4:2 50-year-old(1) wit(1) 121 (1) 19:5 4:10 18:8 543(1) within(2) 13(1) 10:11 4:5;10:21 11:25 without(1) 14(1) 6 10:14 11:24 witness(1) 160(1) 685(1) 8:9 15:24 4:3 wonderful(1) 179(1) Min-U-Script® M&M Court Reporting LLC (39)valve-980 mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700