HomeMy WebLinkAbout20241009Customer Hearing Transcript Vol I.pdf In The Matter Of:
Re: Stoneridge Utilities, LLC's Application
Transcript of Hearing
October 91 2024
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Coeur d Alene ID 83814
Original File Hearl00924.txt
Min-U-Script® with Word Index
SWS-W-24-01 1
2 ---000---
8 )
ORDER NO . 36323
9 )
October 9, 2024 , at 5 : 00 p .m.
25 Notary Public
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SWS-W-24-01 2
1 A P P E A R A N C E S
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SWS-W-24-01 3
1 I N D E X
Scott Baumann 10
4 Connie Petz 12
Patricia Patterson 18
5 Jim Dow 24
John Dupree 32
6 David Unruh 40
Asia Williams, Bonner County Commissioner 42
7 Kristine Logue 48
Asia Williams, Bonner County Commissioner 54
8 Cindy Thomas 58
Cynthia StCyr 61
9 Michael Kizer 67
Kristine Logue 70
10 Scott Baumann 74
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Transcript of Hearing - October 9, 2024 4
2 COMMISSION was held on this 9th day of October, 2024, at
3 the Blanchard Community Center at 685 Rusho Lane,
4 Blanchard, Idaho, before M & M Court Reporting, LLC, by
5 Amelia Macy, Court Reporter and Notary Public within and
6 for the State of Idaho, to be used in an action pending
7 before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission of the
8 State of Idaho, said cause being Case No . SWS-W-24-01 .
9 AND THEREUPON, the following testimony was
10 adduced, to wit :
12 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Thank you all for
13 being here tonight . Really appreciate it . Love to see
14 folks out at these public hearings, or these customer
15 hearings that we hold around the state .
16 This is the time and place for a customer
17 hearing in case number SWS-W-24-01, also referred to as
18 In the Matter of : CDS Stoneridge Utilities, LLC ' s
19 application for authority to increase its rates and
20 charges for water service in the state of Idaho .
21 The purpose of this hearing is to take
22 testimony from members of the public in reference to CDS
23 Stoneridge Utility, LLC ' s request that was filed with
24 the Commission on February 28th, 2024 .
25 My name is John Hammond, Jr . I 'm Chair of
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1 tonight ' s proceedings, and a commissioner . To my right
2 is Commissioner Eric Anderson, who is also present for
3 the Commission . Commissioner Edward Lodge was unable to
4 attend tonight due to an injury -- unfortunate injury he
5 suffered. He ' s a rancher . He was out his horse
6 herding, so -- but he ' s doing okay. But the three of us
7 constitute the Commission, and we ' ll -- we will be the
8 ones making the ultimate decision on the application in
9 this matter .
10 To this point, Commission Staff has held
11 workshops, I think which some of you have attended. My
12 understanding is they were very well-attended. But
13 today we are here to take testimony, and a transcript
14 will be added to the underlying record in this case .
15 The Commissioners will review the facts and evidence in
16 this record, which would include the testimony offered
17 tonight and the comments that have been filed by
18 customers, written comments, those are also part of the
19 record, and we use that record to make the final
20 decision in this case .
21 As an initial matter, let ' s document for
22 purposes of the record the parties that are present here
23 and their counsel . We can begin with the Commission
24 Staff ' s representation through its Deputy Attorney
25 General, Michael Duval .
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1 MR. DUVAL : Thank you, Commissioner .
2 Michael Duval here representing Commission
3 Staff .
5 Utilities, LLC, is there anyone from CDS Stoneridge?
6 Okay . Is there a representative from the
7 Stoneridge Recreational Club Condominium Owners
8 Association, Incorporated?
9 Would you please identify yourself?
10 CINDY THOMAS : Yeah . I 'm Cindy Thomas,
11 general manager .
13 Stoneridge Property Owners Association, Inc . is another
14 intervenor in this case . Is anybody here from that
15 organization?
16 And then Randolph Lee Garrison is also an
17 intervenor .
19 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : He ' s not here yet, but
20 we will be . Okay .
21 I would also -- to the extent there are any
22 elected officials from the area, we would like them to
23 introduce themselves . I don ' t know if there are any
24 senators, representatives, mayors, council members from
25 the area, please feel free to introduce yourself .
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1 Let me convey the most important information
2 first . The bathrooms, as you probably all know better
3 than I, are out there to the left . In case of emergency
4 my script says "Please do not use the elevator" so it ' s
5 probably a bad idea to use the elevator, if there is one
6 in here, so just out that door .
7 Let me explain the procedures and parameters
8 of today' s hearing . When we call your name to testify,
9 please come up to the microphone right here up in front .
10 And prior to testifying you will be sworn in as you
11 would at any other official court proceeding . We are a
12 quasi-judicial body, so we take testimony under oath.
13 Mr . Duval here to my right will swear you in and he will
14 ask you to identify yourself for the record, which will
15 include your name, where you live, and whether you are a
16 customer of the company. I assume everybody here is,
17 but we ' d like to establish that baseline that you ' re an
18 interested party in the case . Once that has occurred,
19 and depending on how many people wish to testify, you
20 can go ahead and give your statement or your testimony
21 to us .
22 We will be holding a second customer hearing
23 tomorrow at 10 : 00 a .m. at this location as well . So
24 just so you know, if for some reason you don ' t feel like
25 testifying tonight, but maybe tomorrow, there ' s a second
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1 chance . Also, many of you have submitted written
2 comments into the record and if you wish to submit
3 written comments rather than testimony tonight,
4 certainly you are free to do that as well and we accept
5 those into the record.
6 When you have completed your testimony, the
7 attorneys for the parties have the opportunity to
8 question you or cross-examine; so Mr . Duval, who looks
9 very intimidating over there, as you can see . Please
10 don ' t let this dissuade you from testifying. Generally
11 there are very few, if at all, any questions from the
12 attorneys, and he ' s the only one . The other parties are
13 not here right now. Mostly, we just want to hear from
14 you on the record.
15 So we do use a court reporter for these
16 proceedings . Today we have Amelia Macy over here with M
17 & M Court Reporting --
18 Is it M&M?
20 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Okay. I just wanted
21 to make sure .
22 And she will be helping to create the
23 official record for this hearing tonight . We like to
24 ask you to please refrain from clapping or cheering
25 during the testimony. We want the testimony to come
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1 through clearly and, to that end, take your time when
2 you ' re speaking to allow her to accurately take down
3 your testimony .
4 This is your hearing -- I stress that -- and
5 it is an opportunity for your voices to be heard and for
6 us to listen . If you find that you would like to submit
7 something additional, again, or if you feel like you
8 don ' t want to testify again, we would accept written
9 comments tonight if you wish to do that .
10 Unless my colleagues find -- or colleague
11 find that I have missed covering something of importance
12 in this introduction, that leads to our calling of the
13 first witness . And I believe on my list I have Bob
14 and/or Cathy Rapalli, so both or one .
15 CATHY RAPALLI : I think we ' re gonna defer
16 until tomorrow .
18 CATHY RAPALLI : Thank you .
20 And then next on the list is Cheryl and Scott
21 Baumann .
22 SCOTT BAUMANN : Well, I guess that would be
23 me .
24 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : You can both testify.
25 CHERYL BAUMANN : That ' s okay. He speaks for
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1 me .
3 MR. DUVAL : Please raise your right hand to
4 the square .
5 (Complied. )
6 MR. DUVAL : And would you please state your
7 first and last name and spell your last name for us,
8 please .
9 SCOTT BAUMANN : Scott Baumann, B-a-u-m-a-n-n .
10 MR. DUVAL : And where do you live, Scott?
11 SCOTT BAUMANN: 113th Forest Ridge Road.
12 MR. DUVAL : Okay. And are you a customer of
13 the company?
15 MR. DUVAL : Okay . And do you swear to tell
16 the truth?
18 MR. DUVAL : Thank you .
19 SCOTT BAUMANN: Well, more of a statement or
20 -- umm, so we live up, umm, on Forest Ridge Road and
21 we ' re at the end of the water system. And I don ' t
22 know -- I 've tried to find out a few times if they' re
23 responsible, they must be, for the water pressure in the
24 fire hydrant, okay, that ' s in front of our house . And
25 we have had it tested two times in the five years we
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1 have been there and it failed miserably both times .
2 They said they wouldn ' t even hook up to it if there was
3 a fire . So we want to get some kind of information or,
4 umm, some way to rectify this situation so we have a
5 fire hydrant that actually is usable . Umm, it ' s part of
6 their water system. They put it in there . It should
7 function . So, umm, that ' s the only thing I really
8 wanted --
9 And I read some of the information, umm, and
10 it said there was really no complaint about water
11 pressure . Ours is not great down there . Umm, I think
12 we ' re -- it ' s probably within tolerance, but it really
13 fluctuates . You can tell the more houses they put on,
14 kind of the lower it gets .
15 But anyway, our main concern is the fire
16 hydrant . So that ' s pretty much all we wanted to say.
17 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Mr . Baumann, quick
18 question . Does your -- you must have had the fire
19 department there when you tested the hydrants; correct?
20 SCOTT BAUMANN: Yeah . They have been there
21 two times when they tested it .
22 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: And do they have the
23 capacity to carry water in their tankers or do they rely
24 on hydrants?
25 SCOTT BAUMANN: It ' s a volunteer fire
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1 department . I suppose out of Spirit Lake they could get
2 a tanker . I 'm not really positive about that .
3 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Because I have always
4 felt that the worst thing you could do is have a hydrant
5 that doesn ' t work . I mean, you ' re gonna pull up to that
6 and you ' re gonna be in a rush . Hydrants need to have
7 the capacity to work always, and so that does concern
8 me . We ' ll -- I ' ll take note of that .
9 SCOTT BAUMANN : Okay. Yeah, that -- it ' s out
10 there . It ' s pretty, but it won ' t do any good. Thank
11 you .
13 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : I should have asked;
14 do you have any questions, Mr . Duval?
15 MR. DUVAL : No questions, Your Honor -- or
16 Commissioner .
18 MR. DUVAL : Would you raise your right hand?
19 CONNIE PETZ : Yes .
20 MR. DUVAL : Would you please state your first
21 and last name and spell your last for the record?
22 CONNIE PETZ : Yes . Connie Petz , P-e-t-z .
23 MR. DUVAL : And what city do you live in?
24 CONNIE PETZ : Blanchard.
25 MR. DUVAL : And are you a customer of the
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1 company?
3 MR. DUVAL : Thank you . Do you swear to tell
4 the truth today?
5 CONNIE PETZ : Yes, sir .
6 MR. DUVAL : Thank you .
7 CONNIE PETZ : Hi . Thank you for coming to
8 Blanchard. Umm, aside from the concerns for the
9 potential increase in water, we just built a home and
10 last month there was something that went down that
11 Stoneridge Utilities had, and when they got it back up
12 and running I was in my backyard and I came in and my
13 entire garage was flooded for high pressure . And I
14 called Theresa over at Stoneridge Utilities and she sent
15 a service worker over and at that time we had 95 pounds
16 of pressure . Normally it should be 60 . And by the time
17 we got, you know, we took care of what we could, shut
18 off the water, and then when we measured it again, it
19 was up to 115 pounds . And we were told that was our
20 responsibility and they said it ' s really high pressure
21 because people have irrigation . Well, we don ' t have
22 irrigation, and it could have been really a disaster .
23 It blew up pipes in our crawl space, separated them, so
24 we had flooding in our crawl space . Well, not flooding,
25 but a lot of leakage . And I just thought that should be
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1 on the record. It seems to me the utility company would
2 put some type of a pressure gauge when they hook it up .
3 It shouldn ' t be a disaster after the fact .
4 And the other thing I was told -- I mean, I
5 don ' t know if it ' s accurate, but I 'm concerned about it
6 -- that if there ' s a fire they turn the power off and
7 then the water doesn ' t pump, and that doesn ' t make sense
8 to me . But I thought it should be on the record, and I
9 think it should be looked into . Because last year, I
10 mean, we were not too far from the Elk Fire, and that
11 could have affected our community if the wind would have
12 shifted. That ' s really all I have to say.
13 MR. DUVAL : No questions from Commission
14 Staff .
15 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Mr . President, go
16 ahead.
17 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Quick question . You
18 had damages to your property from the flooding from the
19 high pressure?
20 CONNIE PETZ : Well, not anything we couldn ' t
21 manage after the fact but, yes, it blew out -- our hot
22 water tank blew out and so we had to get a special gauge
23 thing put on to reduce that pressure, and then we had
24 under -- in our crawl space, which is still not
25 completed. I mean, all our pipes are fixed but we
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1 haven ' t put any insulation yet or the under pipes .
2 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: And on your statement
3 about the fires, again, oftentimes if there ' s a dwelling
4 on fire the power shut-off there automatically before
5 they can fight the fire . Are you talking about
6 power-offs from the utilities when the fire comes
7 through? Is that --
8 CONNIE PETZ : Well, our neighbor Kevin -- we
9 bought our own house and he moved away now -- he told us
10 that it really doesn ' t matter; we wouldn ' t have water to
11 be able to fight our own fire because it would be shut
12 off . So it made us think, Well, shoot, do we need to
13 buy barrels of water to have that in the summer for when
14 there ' s fire seasons?
16 issues, and we are actually at the state level we are
17 talking about public safety power shut-offs, PSPS ' s, you
18 will hear a lot more about that . Some of the utilities,
19 because of the enormous insurance claims, are trying to
20 figure out what to do . You can ' t bankrupt the utilities
21 by having the power line causing a fire, but you raise a
22 great question that we ' re dealing with down there and we
23 don ' t have the resolution yet . And you ' re right; if the
24 power ' s out, we don ' t have water . It ' s not lost on us,
25 though . We are having these conversations, just for you
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1 to feel more secure about that .
2 CONNIE PETZ : Thank you . I appreciate that .
3 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: You ' re welcome .
4 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : And I apologize; I 'm
5 not sure who the electric service provider is here . Is
6 it --
7 CONNIE PETZ : Inland Power .
8 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : It ' s Inland. Okay.
9 CONNIE PETZ : I mean, that ' s who we have . I
10 don ' t know if other people have someone else .
11 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : It ' s not Avista?
12 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: No, it ' s a good
13 co-op . We regulates IOUs . Co-ops are good. I come
14 from a co-op .
15 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Commissioner Anderson
16 is a native son to Priest Lake area .
17 CONNIE PETZ : Great . Okay.
18 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: The microphone is not
19 on .
20 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Oh . The microphone is
21 not working?
22 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Sorry about that .
23 We heard you, and we thank you for the
24 questions that you had, too .
25 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Right now I don ' t have
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1 anybody else that has requested to testify. We would
2 love for you to do so . My understanding, you know,
3 anything that you say here is on the record. I -- we
4 want that information for the record. It helps us make
5 a decision . We ' d like to hear from the customers .
6 Obviously the company has filed its paperwork. As you
7 may know, the Staff of the Commission has submitted
8 written comments . I don ' t know if you 've had an
9 opportunity -- they' re quite lengthy. And I believe
10 some of the parties have submitted joint comments
11 together . But we ' re here because we want to hear from
12 you . I know a lot of you have probably submitted
13 written comments, but please feel free to come up and
14 testify. That ' s what we ' re here for .
15 MR. DUVAL : Commissioner, if I could add one
16 thing. I know there was a very well-attended public
17 workshop in this case, and any comments made during
18 public workshop are not on the record. These comments
19 as well as the written comments will comprise the
20 record.
21 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: That ' s a great
22 clarification . Thank you, Mr . Duval .
23 All right . I got one, woo-hoo .
24 PATRICIA PATTERSON: I 'm not prepared, so . . .
25 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: That ' s fine .
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1 MR. DUVAL : Would you please raise your right
2 hand to square?
3 (Complied. )
4 MR. DUVAL : And would you please state your
5 first and last name and spell your last?
6 PATRICIA PATTERSON: It ' s Patricia Patterson,
7 P-a-t-t-e-r-s-o-n . Live at 285 Steward Drive in the
8 utility area .
9 MR. DUVAL : Okay. And do you swear to tell
10 the truth at today ' s hearing?
12 MR. DUVAL : Thank you .
13 PATRICIA PATTERSON: So basically, probably
14 more comments on the utilities . We have lived here
15 probably close to twenty years --
16 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Can -- can I get --
17 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Can you raise the
18 mic?
19 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Just so the audience
20 can hear? I think that ' s the -- sorry, my fault . Pull
21 that up . You gotta get close to the mic .
22 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: We ' ll make it real
23 dangerous so it falls on you .
24 PATRICIA PATTERSON: So we have lived here
25 for twenty years and there ' s been a very increased --
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1 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Can you speak a little
2 closer to the mic? I 'm sorry.
4 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Is the microphone on?
5 COMMISSION STAFF : It ' s on, guys . Yeah, you
6 have to get closer to it, though . I 'm sorry.
7 PATRICIA PATTERSON: We have lived here
8 twenty years and there ' s been a lot of changes with
9 increased housing . There used to be only about three or
10 four . I do not have any problem with pressure because
11 I 'm just right underneath the hill on Steward Drive
12 there in the forest . There ' s been changes in the
13 quality of the water, like taste and that, as it changed
14 hands . We have noticed that . Umm, a lot more -- there
15 was brakes due to utility-type things that we have . I
16 haven ' t noticed that they have been doing regular, you
17 know, wash-outs and stuff like that . Usually, even if
18 you ' re working you come home, there ' s a lot of water
19 sputter . So I don ' t know for sure whether they have .
20 That used to be a common occurrence that you would get
21 the pipes blew out and, et cetera, by the water or
22 whoever .
23 We have experienced more with the fire that
24 came down . Umm, we are at risk for fires . There ' s been
25 several large fires around us and, like I said, no
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1 electricity whether we have an electrical generator or,
2 you know, generator backup for our water . If not, it ' s
3 putting us all at risk. Umm, if we don ' t have that and
4 if the fire hydrants is isn ' t working, we ' re going to
5 have an increase in insurance rates due to not having
6 the water, and this is a public utility water .
7 We also -- like this year, they had a
8 breakdown that we were supposed to really watch the --
9 you know, not water, don ' t do anything like that,
10 because we could run the tank out . So that ' s just water
11 for people and bringing it in . It ' s not just to boil
12 water; it was the potential that we would run out of
13 water . We have an [unintelligible] business on the
14 property, Stoneridge Resort, besides the golf course and
15 stuff . If we do run out of water, you ' re impacting a
16 lot of people for guests that is economic to people that
17 live here and work, and also just inconvenience, you
18 know, if you have small children and water .
19 So all this water is -- this is at -- it ' s a
20 concern . When I grew -- I grew up in Idaho . Like,
21 whenever there was a fire, you immediately -- the fire
22 deal went on, you turned all the water off because we
23 had limited water systems . I grew up in Plummer, Idaho,
24 so it was a classic -- you were very concerned about
25 fires . Kendrick, Washington was the -- or Idaho was the
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1 same way. When there was a fire -- just a house fire --
2 everybody needed to shut down just because of this . So
3 we ' re getting a lot more people have moved in -- since
4 the twenty years, that it is putting us at risk for
5 health and safety . So, thank you .
6 Any questions?
7 MR. DUVAL : No questions from Commission
8 Staff .
9 Commissioner .
10 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Mr . President .
12 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : I am curious ; I was
13 looking through Staff ' s comments just to see, on the
14 electric side, I 'm not totally sure if there is a -- I
15 would assume there are backup gen sets for the wells,
16 but that ' s something I 'm gonna look into --
17 PATRICIA PATTERSON: That was something in
18 the comment about the meetings before that I thought
19 there wasn ' t or it wasn ' t efficient enough or it wasn ' t
20 up and running . From the understanding I had is that we
21 have -- it ' s three wells; one is down, another one has,
22 you know, a pretty good pump, the other is kind of iffy
23 and there wasn ' t any backup . That ' s what I got from our
24 meetings that we had here before . I don ' t know whether
25 that ' s totally correct or not .
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1 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : And it ' s something I 'm
2 gonna look into . I just -- I know from past experience
3 that it can be an issue if you don ' t have gen sets that
4 could run in the event of outages . But you know, we ' re
5 hearing great information about wildfire problems or
6 concerns --
7 PATRICIA PATTERSON: Well, we had a major
8 fire up here .
9 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Yeah. And this is a
10 rate case, so do you have any thoughts on the company ' s
11 proposal, Staff ' s comments about the --
12 PATRICIA PATTERSON: The original proposal
13 seemed pretty outrageous and the budget seemed very
14 dodgy. Since it hasn ' t had a raise for so long, it
15 makes sense that we would have one . But are we gonna
16 have a large rate increase and no better service? Are
17 we gonna still be in danger and not getting --
18 Like they had the well on the golf course .
19 Is it gonna be able to hook in if we need water? You
20 know, what ' s more important; grass or people ' s lives?
21 And -- or business? Even other businesses that are
22 affected by this, they may have water to make a green
23 lawn, but we may have ground and lose value and stuff
24 like that . So it ' s issues to look at .
25 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: I have one question .
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Transcript of Hearing - October 9, 2024 23
2 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: I -- and Commissioner
3 Hammond said it correctly; this is about rates, but I 'm
4 gonna go back to fire for just a moment . I do apologize
5 for that . My question is, Inland Power, you have a
6 local, commissioned board member that must be living in
7 close to this area and everything ' s by district, it
8 would be really good for the community to get your power
9 company up here and explain what the power safety and
10 shut-off clauses they have, I would encourage you .
11 Because this is off of what we ' re doing today, but if
12 you do have -- I 'm hearing "fire" a lot and you did have
13 a fire . I would find out what the utility has available
14 for power shut-off, and they should be informing you if
15 there is a threat like that, how they do the shut-off --
16 PATRICIA PATTERSON: They do send out
17 warnings . We haven ' t had any shutdowns due to fires,
18 but they are saying, We have this policy in place and we
19 may -- you know, We may do this if there is a fire
20 danger . But we don ' t know how that ' s gonna affect us .
21 Do we have something that will have a backup for water
22 or for our fire? Wild land fires are different than
23 houses . We know that . They can do drops and et cetera,
24 but it ' s still -- if something gets started and we have
25 no water to them that fire department will not even hook
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1 into, you know, and we ' re on kind of a lower water usage
2 where you ' re not having a very dispenseful space, how is
3 that gonna affect us, too? So it ' s hand in hand.
4 But a rate reasonable for something and to
5 get a value from the rate, and it just doesn ' t seem like
6 that ' s what we ' re seeing that we will get . So hopefully
7 it won ' t be outrageous . Thank you .
8 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Any further questions?
9 MR. DUVAL : Still no questions . Thank you.
10 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Thank you very much.
11 We really appreciate it .
12 Okay. Who ' s next?
13 Excellent . Thank you, sir .
14 MR. DUVAL : Would you please raise your right
15 hand, please? And would you state your first and last
16 name and spell your last name for the record?
17 JIM DOW: It ' s Jim Dow, D-o-w.
18 MR. DUVAL : And where do you live, Jim?
19 JIM DOW: I live here in Stoneridge .
20 MR. DUVAL : Are you a customer of the
21 company?
22 JIM DOW: I am.
23 MR. DUVAL : And do you swear to tell the
24 truth today?
25 JIM DOW: I do .
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2 JIM DOW: You bet .
3 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Yeah, it ' s getting
4 close that mic --
5 JIM DOW: How ' s that?
7 JIM DOW: In the way of comments, I followed
8 both of these cases, the hook-up fee and the rate
9 increases for the last several months, a year, whatever .
10 I would like to compliment you guys on the decision you
11 did make on the hook-up fees . Much more reasonable than
12 what was requested. Again, the water company seems to
13 -- they' re entitled to increases and in this case I
14 believe they' re entitled to an increase, too . Their MO
15 seems to be to shoot for the moon knowing that they ' re
16 not gonna get that . Fortunately, you folks do your due
17 diligence as in this case, and you make reasonable
18 decisions, and I compliment you on that .
19 In the case of the rate increases that are
20 before us now, again, an almost-300 percent increase in
21 rates is outrageous . Again, I believe they' re entitled
22 to an increase in rates . Our water rates are very cheap
23 up here . We pay roughly $24 a month for our basic fee .
24 My water -- and I have a certain amount of landscape, I
25 water quite a bit, my extra water fee is, like, $8 or
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1 $10 a month during the summer months, so I can ' t explain
2 at all .
3 I don ' t understand the water company' s
4 accounting, and if you guys could take the time to kind
5 of explain some of us that to us . Your Staff
6 recommendations obviously were -- they did a lot of due
7 diligence . They obviously got into the water company' s
8 books, found a number of discrepancies and, as a
9 customer of theirs, it ' s what we have been looking for
10 for a long time, because there ' s obviously some things
11 going wrong.
12 The one thing that I -- that I caught reading
13 through that was the recommendation of the Staff to have
14 the water company turn back ownership of the water
15 company to Stoneridge, as opposed to one of the chance
16 subsidiary companies . If you could explain the impact
17 of that to the community and some of the other stuff, I
18 would appreciate it .
19 As far as the rate increase, I think the
20 Staff was right on . The due diligence that they did to
21 come up with a 27 percent increase as opposed to
22 270-something is right on, and I would personally go
23 along with the Staff ' s recommendations .
24 MR. DUVAL : Commissioner, I have one
25 question .
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2 MR. DUVAL : When you say "transfer ownership
3 of the company" from stone -- to Stoneridge as their
4 related entity, do you mean the water rights?
5 JIM DOW: Well, the Staff ' s recommendation
6 was very clear that the ownership had been changed
7 originally from Stoneridge to either Espirit or the
8 other company, that J. D -- whatever it is -- and their
9 recommendation -- I 'm not sure why, other than
10 accounting -- was that that to be turned back to
11 Stoneridge .
12 MR. DUVAL : Okay. My understanding was water
13 rights , but it ' s your hearing so I 'm --
14 No further questions .
17 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Yeah, the Commission
18 generally speaks through its orders, so if that is an
19 issue that comes up, we certainly can address that in
20 our order . I can only, you know, in terms of what
21 Staff ' s comments are, Staff is separate from us as a
22 party in the case .
23 JIM DOW: Sure .
24 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: You know, my basic
25 understanding of what they' re recommending is a concern
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1 that if something happened to the company that had held
2 the water rights, they were sued or something, that it
3 may impact Stoneridge, who is leasing certain things
4 from a separate entity but -- separate-but-related
5 entity -- and obviously, statutorily, we have a mandate
6 to make sure that they' re safe and reliable service . So
7 if something were to happen, I think Staff ' s point was
8 that if something happened to Espirit that would lock up
9 those water rights or something. I can ' t -- from our
10 perspective we haven ' t reviewed that, but I think that ' s
11 kind of what Staff was getting at .
12 JIM DOW: Okay.
13 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: But, no, I really
14 appreciate those comments . They' re helpful to us .
15 JIM DOW: Do you normally go along with the
16 Staff recommendations?
17 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: That ' s a fair
18 question, but no .
19 JIM DOW: So not always?
20 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: We are independent and
21 so, of Staff and the parties, so we take the entire
22 record, including what Staff has put in the record, to
23 make a decision . I do thank you for your comments about
24 Staff . I think Staff is very thorough . We may not
25 always agree with them, but they are very thorough in
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1 their work and investigating what a company is asking
2 for . So I appreciate your comments .
3 JIM DOW: So the recommendations that they
4 have made to you to review, along with everything else,
5 what authority -- I guess, you make a decision, you send
6 it to Stoneridge Utilities, you have the authority,
7 obviously, to back up those recommendations, that if --
8 there was a number of them that Staff made, is what I 'm
9 saying . If you go along with those, then it ' s up to you
10 folks to enforce those recommendations?
11 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: And that ' s a fair
12 question . Our goal in any case is to reach a final
13 decision, a final order deciding all the issues that are
14 presented to us . In this case it ' s the rate case and
15 what the company ' s rate should be . The standard is they
16 have to be fair, just, and reasonable under --
17 JIM DOW: Right .
18 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: -- the Idaho code, and
19 we have to ensure that the company' s providing safe and
20 accurate service to customers . So when we issue an
21 order, it is enforceable by law. And if a company -- a
22 company or anybody that ' s a party to the case can ask
23 for reconsideration of our decisions if they don ' t like
24 them. But once reconsideration is done, all appeals of
25 our decision go directly to the Idaho Supreme Court, and
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1 they can be the final arbiter if it goes that far . But
2 for us, once we issue an order we expect that order is
3 followed. And let ' s just say a company doesn ' t obey the
4 mandates in the order, there are consequences for doing
5 that .
6 JIM DOW: My understanding of the reading is
7 things being mandatory. I guess my question really is :
8 Are you going to address all of the other issues that
9 the Staff came up with and make a decision on those
10 things, other than the rating things?
11 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Yeah, I can ' t say that
12 at this point . We ' ll eventually have a record fully
13 submitted and then we ' ll make a decision on those
14 issues . I can ' t say right now, so that ' s something the
15 three of us will decide .
16 So, Mr . President --
17 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: You ' re absolutely
18 right, Jim. Our Staff is extremely deliberate . They go
19 to work and they do their job . I mean, we have maybe 50
20 staff members and four deputy attorney generals that
21 work for us . We are -- we do not engage them in these
22 cases . We have no conversations . There ' s a wall that ' s
23 built . And there ' s a reason for that; it ' s because the
24 three of us have to deliberate privately on these things
25 at the very end. Whatever issues Staff does come up
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1 with will be in front of us and, trust me; we have so
2 much confidence in our Staff and their abilities . It ' s
3 not like we throw out Staff ' s recommendations . It has
4 to be something out of the ordinary and unusual,
5 usually, for us to override . We can ' t give you any idea
6 because we don ' t -- we ' re -- we haven ' t even seen the
7 full record as its developed. We get to see that soon,
8 but we give a lot of credence to what Staff does .
9 That ' s why we hire them. The three of us hire every
10 staff member there, and we have confidence in their work
11 or they wouldn ' t be there working. So I think that you
12 should feel assured that we do take their comments and
13 advice under good consideration . Can ' t guarantee we ' ll
14 do everything they say, because there ' s other
15 extenuating circumstances we look at . But we have a
16 good Staff and you guys have probably seen the work that
17 they have done already. All right .
18 JIM DOW: Absolutely. Great .
19 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: It ' s impressive so .
20 JIM DOW: Great . Thank you .
21 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: I 'm sorry I didn ' t get
22 your question clearly, but --
24 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Yeah, appreciate it .
25 Yes, sir .
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1 MR. DUVAL : Would you please raise your right
2 hand and would you please state your first and last
3 name, spelling your last name?
4 JOHN DUPREE : I 'm John Dupree, D-u-p-r-e-e .
5 MR. DUVAL : And what city do you live in?
6 JOHN DUPREE : I live in Stoneridge, Blanchard
7 post office .
8 MR. DUVAL : Okay. And do you swear to tell
9 the truth today at this hearing?
10 JOHN DUPREE : Absolutely.
11 MR. DUVAL : Thank you .
12 JOHN DUPREE : First off, I want to thank you
13 for being here . I want to thank your Staff for having
14 met with us before . We are humbled that you would go so
15 far out of your way to come to this little
16 unincorporated area . We ' re grateful . Thank you .
17 Umm, when we got the notice or --
18 Oh, by the way, you mentioned that it would
19 be nice to have someone official here . I called Heather
20 Scott . Left a message for her . I think you know who
21 she is . And then I called Asia Williams, our county
22 commissioner, and she ' s going to come down and join us .
23 So you can have your official person here .
24 All right . When we got the notice about the
25 absolutely outrageous rate increases, it blew us away.
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1 We couldn ' t believe what we were seeing. Now, it ' s
2 obvious with inflation being the way that it is prices
3 are gonna go up . Things that are reasonable are
4 reasonable . This is totally unreasonable . Now, when it
5 happened, buzz started going around, people started
6 talking about it, and we organized a forum of the
7 residents of Happy Valley and Stoneridge to address the
8 issue and share their thoughts .
9 I look around the room and, honestly, I am
10 embarrassed by the number of people we have here
11 tonight . You folks came all this way, and this is the
12 handful . Well, our forum, we had all these seats full,
13 plus, plus remotely, and people voiced their opinions .
14 Now, I 'm one of these concerned citizens who doesn ' t
15 want any authoritative responsibility, but I go to
16 commissioner meetings and senate committee meetings and
17 when the governor is here and that kind of stuff,
18 because I want to observe as a concerned citizen and
19 taxpayer .
20 And I have to tell you, listening to people
21 talking about what ' s going on here and in Bay View and
22 in Athol with current ownership of the golf course, the
23 grill, the pro shop, the water system, the sewer system,
24 lots of properties, platted properties and unplatted
25 properties, who doesn ' t pay any of the spelled-out dues,
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1 that everybody who has ever had anything to do with
2 Stoneridge pays -- everybody from day one, except for
3 that individual that owns that stuff . And when that
4 individual took over, he managed to bar people from
5 playing golf on his golf course that he didn ' t like
6 their comments, opinions . People here are scared. And
7 it ' s sad, because it ' s a wonderful community and the
8 timeshare folks are wonderful to work with and the
9 homeowners here, the property owners are wonderful to
10 work with . It would be great to have cooperation .
11 Now, when these water prices went up, it ' s
12 just par for the course of this operating system.
13 Folks, increase is reasonable as long as it ' s a
14 reasonable increase . Capitalism means we have to make a
15 profit . Good. I 'm a supporter of that . But, come on .
16 You don ' t let things fall apart because you don ' t fix
17 them and then turn around and try to bill people for
18 things that could have, should have been taken care of
19 by the owner of those systems . Oh, let ' s put in a pump
20 to provide water for my golf course, but let ' s let the
21 community systems deteriorate and not be serviced.
22 You know, when I moved here five years ago,
23 all the golf course in the whole area was nice and
24 green . Now the golf course is green but the areas
25 around it, well, they' re turning brown and, well, we
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1 know what that is .
2 Do you have any questions, comments, or smart
3 remarks for me?
4 MR. DUVAL : Nope .
6 Gentlemen?
8 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you, John, and
9 I appreciate you saying humbled you are . But in all
10 reality, the humility is ours . I mean, this is our job
11 and it ' s not just our job . You know, I do come from up
12 here and I -- one thing that I always -- it mattered to
13 me when voicing came and talked about the problems that
14 we were having. You have protections under the state
15 Constitution, and we are part of that protection . So
16 truly, we ' re the ones humbled to be here to hear your
17 statements . So we ' re trying to -- our goal is to try to
18 find solutions that alleviate the problems that you have
19 been suffering and at the best that we possibly can, and
20 we mean to protect the water company, too, because --
21 JOHN DUPREE : Yes .
22 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: -- everybody has to
23 win . But the reality is we are honored to be here .
24 And I know -- we do know that this -- these
25 rooms were filled with -- we have heard how many people
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1 have been out . So were aware of that . And we also are
2 aware, just on the list alone, that many people --
3 almost everybody in this room has written comments
4 already. We can ' t really answer too many questions that
5 you may have in this meeting because the record is not
6 fully conformed and we wait until the deliberations on
7 that, but we ' re here for you . Don ' t think that you need
8 to apologize for the attendance . We ' re here to listen
9 and to learn what we have to learn .
10 JOHN DUPREE : And it ' s greatly appreciated.
11 You know, I was never really paying much attention to
12 politics until I got up here and we had some issues and
13 I started going to all the stuff to observe, and I have
14 gained respect for public servants, and there are public
15 servants that have the constituency in mind. Now, we
16 have had a couple of other ones that aren ' t -- they are
17 nice, authoritarian type of people and, boy, what a
18 difference in meetings . But I can tell just looking at
19 your faces and your attitudes that you folks care, and
20 that means a lot to us, and I want to say thank you .
21 I ' ll be here tomorrow and hopefully we ' ll have more
22 people here, and Randy will be here . I 'm pretty sure
23 they will be . But, God bless you all .
24 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : I might have couple
25 questions if you --
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1 JOHN DUPREE : Uh oh . Yes .
3 dues . Is that homeowners dues or are you talking about
4 water charges for water service?
5 JOHN DUPREE : Stoneridge Water Associations,
6 we are the property owners in Stoneridge . Many of us
7 are homeowners, some of us own lots, and everybody that
8 owns lots Stoneridge is a part of SPOA. And it ' s an
9 obligation to people who live in Stoneridge to be
10 contributing to the community of Stoneridge residents,
11 and everybody has, except for one individual who happens
12 to own the water . And next time around, it ' s gonna be
13 sewer, and who knows what that that ' s gonna rise to be .
14 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Well, in my -- what we
15 have jurisdiction over is those water charges, so I 'm
16 trying to make sure I understand.
17 JOHN DUPREE : I know.
18 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : You know, there was
19 another comment I think you made about water prices have
20 gone up and I -- currently the company has tariffs, they
21 are only allowed to charge what is included in their
22 commission-approved tariff . And I guess I would be
23 interested if you had experience that they were charging
24 something different .
25 JOHN DUPREE : Okay. I have to apologize,
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1 because when I see something coming up the road, it ' s
2 reality ready to hit, and I 'm living as a futurist in
3 that realm on a regular basis . Thus far it has not
4 jumped up, and that ' s in your purview as to what it ' s
5 going to be . But I bring up what I bring up to share
6 patterns that need to be considered when you consider
7 what rates you determine . And we ' d appreciate mercy.
8 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: The reason I ask, we
9 take that very seriously. Something called a "file
10 break doctrine . " The utility is only allowed to charge
11 what the Commission has approved and so, to the extent
12 there are charges that are not consistent with that
13 tariff, we certainly want to know. With any utility,
14 so --
15 JOHN DUPREE : And a nice investigation would
16 be greatly appreciated, because there ' s a lot of
17 businesses that share stuff back and forth that -- well,
18 it would be nice if it were investigated.
19 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: And then the last
20 question : I have you mention things falling apart and
21 that -- I think you said that they' re asking customers
22 to pay for . But I just want to know what specifically
23 is falling apart, if you could give me an example .
24 JOHN DUPREE : Well, I hate to admit it, but
25 I 'm the absent-minded professor . I was born senile and
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1 now that I 'm old it ' s only compounded, and the little
2 details about numbers and things like that I have a
3 problem with . There ' s a gentleman name Steven
4 Reisig [phonetic] , who I think you have had a lot of
5 conversations with, and he has been a great researcher,
6 but unfortunately he can ' t be us . And so I have to rely
7 on that and comments from other people . And in fact, a
8 lot of what I 'm sharing with you here now are comments
9 from the forum.
10 And I don ' t know, would you say? What? 75
11 or 100 people were there? Is that an accurate --
12 Okay. Yeah, so I guess I get to be a
13 mouthpiece for a whole lot of folks .
14 Any more questions? Comments? Smart
15 remarks?
16 MR. DUVAL : Yes, I have just one . This
17 individual you mentioned who you say identified
18 problems, it ' s my understanding -- has he filed written
19 comments on the record via comment?
20 JOHN DUPREE : I believe so . Oh, yeah . And I
21 was pleased with our community that so many people wrote
22 you, and I hear from the grapevine that it ' s kind of
23 much larger than normal . Yes? Not bad for an
24 unincorporated area .
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1 JOHN DUPREE : Anything else?
2 "Merci beaucoup . " Thank you for coming .
4 ASIA WILLIAMS : He woke me up to come down
5 here . Sorry.
6 MR. DUVAL : Would you please state your first
7 and last name and spell your last name for the record?
8 DAVID UNRUH : It ' s David Unruh, U-n-r-u-h .
9 MR. DUVAL : And where do you live?
10 DAVID UNRUH : 106 Hanaford Road in Blanchard.
11 MR. DUVAL : And do you promise to tell the
12 truth at today ' s hearing?
13 DAVID UNRUH : I do .
14 MR. DUVAL : Thank you .
15 DAVID UNRUH : I ' ll be very brief . Like many
16 people, we have only been here about four years, but
17 when I saw the rate increase -- proposed rate increase
18 it was very shocking . I know there are a lot of people
19 in the community that -- that are on fixed incomes,
20 Social Security and that, and we all -- I think pretty
21 much everybody understands the fact that there has to be
22 increases when you have inflation . There ' s no doubt
23 about that . But again, 253 percent, or somebody said
24 270 percent -- I thought it was 253 -- but it seems
25 absolutely ridiculous to me . I could understand, you
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1 know, an increase because of, like I said, the
2 inflation, but on the other hand that kind of an
3 increase is just unbearable for a lot of people . And so
4 I 'm totally against it, and I just wanted that on the
5 record. I wanted to be very brief with that .
6 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Would you remind me
7 your first name?
8 DAVID UNRUH : David.
9 MR. DUVAL : No comments from the Commission
10 Staff or questions .
13 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Thank you, sir .
14 I 'm going to take one moment -- I believe we
15 have an elected official here, and I just want to give
16 that individual an opportunity if she wants to identify
17 herself and if --
18 If you -- don ' t feel like you ' re pressured.
19 ASIA WILLIAMS : Not at all . He called me and
20 said, "Can you come down here?"
21 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: We just want to make
22 sure we recognize that you ' re an elected official in
23 this area . Would you like to make a statement?
24 ASIA WILLIAMS : I will make a statement . I
25 have been to some of their meetings .
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1 MR. DUVAL : Okay. Would you please state
2 your first and last name, spelling your last name for
3 the record?
4 ASIA WILLIAMS : Asia Williams,
5 W-i-1-1-i-a-m-s .
6 MR. DUVAL : And where do you live?
7 ASIA WILLIAMS : Blanchard, Idaho .
8 MR. DUVAL : And do you swear to tell the
9 truth at today ' s hearing?
11 MR. DUVAL : Thank you .
12 ASIA WILLIAMS : So I have been to some of the
13 meetings as well one of the county commissioners . I
14 have nothing to do with the Stoneridge water, but I have
15 sat in because it ' s a community issue and concern . One
16 of the things I was asking if they remembered to
17 articulate to this board is one of the concerns they
18 have addressed is : Is the water bill being paid from
19 the golf course for their portion? Because if we ' re
20 going to calculate the need for a rate increase and
21 someone that is sucking a good amount of the water out
22 of the system isn ' t paying their portion of the bill,
23 how can we clearly see that community members need to
24 have rate increase if they' re not collecting a
25 significant rate from themselves?
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1 And one of the things that people have for in
2 discussion throughout this year is : Should there be an
3 audit? Because one of their concerns is, as we ' re
4 coming to a request to increase the rate, the people
5 that are in charge of telling you whether or not the
6 bills are paid are the people that are saying that
7 something is missing, and that ' s where there ' s concern
8 of receiving a request for rate increase but feeling
9 like the golf course isn ' t paying their share . I don ' t
10 know that answer, but that ' s one of the things that have
11 come up throughout a lot of these meetings is to ensure
12 everybody ' s paying before we justify a need for increase
13 because, arguably, from the community' s standpoint, if
14 everyone is not paying their bill how can we justify
15 increasing their rates? And so, I don ' t think that was
16 communicated.
17 Right?
18 Okay . So that was one that wasn ' t answered.
19 But also, there ' s a lack of a percentage of
20 increase . And so, in some eyes it looks like a very
21 small rate increase but, by percentage, it ' s a large
22 percentage in a community that is -- basically a lot of
23 people are retired, and that ' s a significant increase on
24 a fixed income . So when people come to North Idaho they
25 are retiring on fixed incomes, but they ' re also coming
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1 from places that have water systems like King County,
2 Pierce County, where you have [unintelligible] rate
3 increases that make it an unlivable . And that ' s part of
4 what has engendered a lot of these people to come
5 forward and talk about the water issue, is because from
6 property tax in this area, the water, all of the basic
7 needs to be able to maintain life here, it ' s going up
8 significantly. Blanchard is the biggest growing area in
9 the entire county, and so when you look at that and the
10 rate increase in terms of property tax and how that --
11 and then with your assessment of your value, and then
12 you get hit with something that has no cap on how hard
13 of an increase it is, it panics the group of people that
14 are in here, Without feeling like hard, factual numbers
15 have been brought forward to justify the increase in
16 rate . And so, what I have heard is a desire for that
17 external audit to say what ' s reasonable .
18 John Dupree mentioned something about a
19 repair, and at one of their meetings there was a
20 discussion about different wells and whether or not they
21 were up-kept the way that they should have, and there
22 was a question about whether or not they had the right
23 staff members available to work on it, and then there ' s
24 been an upgrade that ' s needed and what would that cost
25 and whether or not you would charge new people coming
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1 into the system or old people . I think that ' s what he ' s
2 talking about when he ' s saying there ' s a mention of
3 whether or not repairs were met . That is something in
4 Chan ' s report that he needed another person . That was
5 part of the justification for an increase .
6 So that ' s just kind of my summary of the
7 complaints I have received, but noting that there is a
8 consistent request of looking at : Is everybody paying
9 their fair share and, if not, how do we say that they
10 should have to already have a rate increase if we can ' t
11 say for sure the golf course is paying their percentage
12 before we say what a reasonable percentage would be?
13 MR. DUVAL : Just one question . I should have
14 asked preliminarily; are you a customer of the company?
16 MR. DUVAL : Okay. Thank you .
19 Williams, I want just to applaud you for being here, and
20 I mean that, because you have constituency and you are
21 familiar with the subject and you have proven that just
22 with your statements . But it does matter to us because,
23 when elected officials come and do give us their
24 thoughts we recognize it more than just individual
25 thoughts, and as Mr . Dupree said, there ' s patterns that
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1 have been going on . I think you kind of highlighted
2 that, too, for us to pay attention to . We are grateful
3 you ' re here .
4 ASIA WILLIAMS : I appreciate you guys coming .
5 This is a big issue for this area and the change will
6 impact it, whichever direction, whether that be on the
7 developer side or not . But being available to allow
8 people to ask their questions is critical, and I think
9 for our area, the southwest Bonner County, that ' s what
10 we ' re wanting in terms of representation is people to
11 come forward.
12 And I would say, I am hopeful that you guys
13 give a very clear direction if there is a rate increase
14 that is very clearly explained, because they will then
15 call me about whatever we ' re gonna be doing . And so,
16 having an understanding of how that rate change happens
17 and what you would use to extract if it does move
18 forward at this time would be beneficial, because we are
19 a growing and involved, informed, and movement community
20 in our section of Bonner County, and I think it ' s
21 evidenced in how many people have come and the fact that
22 you guys have come so many times in this direction . And
23 it isn ' t going to slow, because we are encouraging that
24 in the district . I live in this district . I live up on
25 the mountain here, and that ' s what we ' re encouraging and
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1 that ' s what you ' re seeing. And that ' s -- when they say,
2 I -- "Write those people . Ask those people to come . "
3 Which I did invite you guys to a commissioner chat but
4 you said not until this was over, so I 'm still expecting
5 a commissioner chat with you guys, too .
6 Were you gonna ask me something?
7 MR. DUVAL : No, thank you .
8 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Just one -- darn it .
9 ASIA WILLIAMS : We were hiking in the
10 mountain when you all called me .
11 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : I want to echo
12 President Anderson ' s thoughts . I really appreciate you
13 taking the time to be here . Commissioner Anderson, as
14 you may know, is a former member of Idaho legislature
15 and I think it ' s people that have been elected as they
16 have, and we really value your participation here and
17 you ' re representing your constituents . So thank you
18 very much for being here tonight .
19 ASIA WILLIAMS : No worries .
21 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : We have Kristine N .
22 Logue . Did I get that right?
23 KRISTINE LOGUE : You sure did.
24 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : I got it wrong?
25 KRISTINE LOGUE : No, you got it right . I was
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1 actually just writing myself some notes, so hopefully I
2 put this all together .
3 MR. DUVAL : All right . Would you please
4 state your first name and spell your last name for the
5 record?
6 KRISTINE LOGUE : My first name is Kristine,
7 last name Logue, L-o-g-u-e .
8 MR. DUVAL : And where do you live?
9 KRISTINE LOGUE : I live here in Blanchard,
10 Idaho, 218 Vista .
11 MR. DUVAL : And are you a customer of the
12 company?
13 KRISTINE LOGUE : Yes, I am.
14 MR. DUVAL : Do you swear to tell the truth at
15 today ' s hearing?
17 MR. DUVAL : Thank you .
18 KRISTINE LOGUE : Thank you .
19 Good evening. I thought I was late and I was
20 late, so I just ran out the door . Excuse my attire
21 here; I literally was out walking .
22 I want to be thank you guys for coming here
23 and listening, and this is a huge issue . I am a
24 customer and I have had numerous experiences with the
25 water and I 'm just gonna speak from my heart about this .
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1 One of my biggest concerns is that the water
2 has -- to me the water quality hasn ' t been where it
3 should be . It tastes extremely chlorinated on some
4 occasions, it ' s -- umm, I have a lot of iron . I don ' t
5 know if that ' s normal for this area . I have heard it
6 from private wells but I have never heard of it when
7 you ' re on a system of some sort . And my dog ' s orange
8 dish down by the [unintelligible] -- I was gonna bring
9 it and I totally just jumped in the car and I just went
10 without bringing it . I was gonna bring a sample .
11 I have had -- let ' s see here . During fire
12 season I have extreme concern for my safety when my
13 water pressure is extremely low. Now, I have come to
14 understand that there were issues on that . There was a
15 well problem or something to that degree that they had
16 to repair, and then further, you know, talking with
17 other people, that apparently one of the wells was
18 collapsed. And so, they were depending on one well to
19 do the water, you know, to give us our water supply, and
20 that that one had gone down and that ' s why we had lost
21 water . And we had been -- you know, we didn ' t have
22 water . Umm, huge concern for us, especially living in a
23 rural area and fire happens in a split second. We had a
24 fire up here in 2020 . And I don ' t water my lawn to have
25 a green golf course lawn or anything beautiful like
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1 that . I water my plants individually and I water my
2 dogs or my chickens, I water my garden . I don ' t have a
3 big garden, but everything is done by hand and I have --
4 I water around my house so I don ' t burn down .
5 I do have to -- I would like to also testify
6 that I work here at the local gas station and a few
7 years back somebody handed me an envelope that just had
8 my name written on it . And I opened it up and it was a
9 statement, an actual court affidavit, that said the
10 water -- the person ' s name was Steve and I don ' t
11 remember what the last name was -- but they had -- in
12 the affidavit they had worked for Stoneridge and they
13 were told to -- they were training this Steve to -- to
14 mark the water, the parts per million or whatever he was
15 supposed to mark, and the number was supposed to be 60,
16 and on that particular day his testimony was saying that
17 he had tested the water and it was 90 and he went to
18 write that number in there and they actually adjusted.
19 They go, "Oh, no, no, no . Can ' t do that . It has to be
20 60 . No matter if it ' s up or down, it has to be 60 . " I
21 don ' t know what that is . I 'm not a water person, but it
22 had a concern for me . Again, a person who has -- has --
23 We have lived here since 2010 and the
24 chlorine did not taste like it did. The chlorine
25 definitely did not taste like it does now. I don ' t even
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1 drink the water from the faucet . I have a filter system
2 that I use for it . Umm, that ' s bad. That part is bad,
3 the fire part is bad.
4 The increase of the increase was kind of a
5 shock. Like, Wow, and you want more money for that? I
6 understand systems that need repairs, but let ' s talk --
7 sit down and talk about what repairs, what have we got
8 going on here before we just fork out a 261 percent
9 increase . I am in the Happy Valley Ranchos section of
10 it . I 'm not in Stoneridge . I 'm behind it . And again,
11 my -- some of my concerns are that we ' re outside of the
12 golf course and we don ' t have small pieces, small lots .
13 We have five acres -- generally speaking, there ' s five
14 acres . Umm, and most people out this way, if they have
15 that acreage they have livestock, they have gardens .
16 You know what I mean? We ' re -- not saying specifically
17 me, but there are those who use it a lot more than I do .
18 I don ' t know what that rate increase looks like for
19 them, but for me that 261 percent is gonna look like
20 $300 . I wouldn ' t be able to afford to water anything .
21 "Let it die" is what would happen . So that ' s a concern .
22 That was -- you know, out here the lots are a little bit
23 bigger . I don ' t know if they play that into their
24 equation on it .
25 And then also, another concern that I have is
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1 we have -- because I 'm on the Happy Valley Ranchos
2 section, we pay an additional surcharge and, from my
3 understanding, that was supposed to be up in twenty
4 years . It was supposed to be a twenty-year thing . Umm,
5 I 'm just wondering when that ' s gonna go away. I don ' t
6 know anything about it and nobody seems to know anything
7 about it . The only person that I have ever run into
8 that I wanted to sit down and actually talk more closely
9 to would be Ken Corning [phonetic] because he says, Yeah,
10 that should be going up this year, that should be
11 dropping off this year . And I just want to know how,
12 when that -- how does -- who follows that and how can we
13 make sure that surcharge -- because it ' s everybody who ' s
14 outside Stoneridge pays that surcharge, and that was for
15 the services, I guess, to render so that we could attach
16 to Stoneridge water . Are you familiar with that?
17 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Yes, a little .
18 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Little bit . But it ' s
19 a good question I need to have an answer to .
20 KRISTINE LOGUE : Anything else? That ' s all I
21 wanted to say. I just wanted to make sure .
22 MR. DUVAL : No questions from Commissioner
23 Staff .
24 Commissioner .
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2 Kristine, remember that we ' re the publicity for this
3 commission but you also have the DEQ, so whoever handed
4 you that note about 90 parts per million or whatever it
5 was, whatever they were examining, remember that the DEQ
6 does formalize the testing. And I know the DEQ well
7 now. They' re not gonna allow anybody tell them what
8 numbers to put in . It have may have happened in the
9 past but that ' s not happening anymore . There ' s more
10 eyes than just ours on the water quality. And if you do
11 have bad iron and bad smell, those are things that we --
12 or bad taste, excuse me -- that we are mindful of and we
13 try to remedy and correct those things also . So I 'm
14 taking notes . These are questions we will pursue . So,
15 good testimony. Thank you .
16 KRISTINE LOGUE : Wonderful .
17 And then does that also -- do you guys also
18 deal with the safety issue on the availability of making
19 sure we have water in the event of an emergency or is
20 that somebody else?
21 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Well, it ' s -- it all
22 has to do with the amount . I mean, I am a little overly
23 cautious on all things fire because I was a firefighter
24 myself, so it matters to me . But we need to look at the
25 record and determine how much water quantity there is
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1 and whether these -- I 'm very curious about the hydrants
2 and the hydrants that aren ' t capable of doing their work
3 shouldn ' t even be there because it ' s confusing to the
4 firefighters . I 'm tempted to call your fire department
5 but they ' re all volunteers . I was a volunteer, too . It
6 matters to us, but I need to look at the record.
7 ASIA WILLIAMS : Just one correction --
8 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : One -- we ' ll let you
9 come back up and then -- yeah --
11 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : -- so we can make sure
12 the record is --
13 Sorry, Commissioner .
14 KRISTINE LOGUE : Our fire chief, her name is
15 Debbie Carpenter and I bet she would love to have -- I
16 can give you her known number if you want . I don ' t
17 speak for her or anything.
18 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: That would be good.
19 Thanks .
20 KRISTINE LOGUE : Thank you, guys . It really
21 makes me feel more safe to know that you care about my
22 quality of water and safety of fire . Thank you .
23 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Well, one thing I can
24 say for certain under Mr . Anderson -- you know, this is
25 under his leadership -- we make sure that we get out to
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1 the communities, we go to where the utility is . Our
2 office is in Boise, but our job is to come out here
3 wherever it is . So thank you for being here .
4 And I 'm sorry Commissioner Williams . Come
5 right back up . I 'm just trying to keep the record --
6 (Overlapping speakers .
7 ASIA WILLIAMS : I just wanted to correct that
8 statement .
9 MR. DUVAL : Would you please raise your right
10 hand and state your first name and spell your last name
11 for the record?
12 ASIA WILLIAMS : Asia Williams,
13 W-i-1-1-i-a-m-s .
14 MR. DUVAL : And do you live in the area?
15 ASIA WILLIAMS : Blanchard, Idaho .
16 MR. DUVAL : And are you a customer of the
17 company?
19 MR. DUVAL : And do you swear to tell the
20 truth in today ' s hearing?
22 MR. DUVAL : Thank you .
23 ASIA WILLIAMS : We ' re just not volunteer
24 firefighters . So she ' s talking -- we ' re part of Spirit
25 Lake down here, we ' re unincorporated, and I don ' t think
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1 that has anything -- there ' s anything that ' s out there,
2 which is distracting because I don ' t think they do
3 anything with it . So if you guys can look at that, that
4 is worth doing because we pull water in if we have fires
5 we ' re doing tanker trucks in this area . So that ' s in
6 the purview. And I have never heard --
7 Where ' d she go? She never told me iron in
8 the water . We could have DEQ come out and test water
9 quality if that was an issue, so I will help her deal
10 with that because DEQ is easy to work with . So Eric
11 will come out and do that if that ' s an issue .
12 And I would like to know if other people are
13 telling you guys if there ' s an iron quality issue .
14 Because we have iron in water . So I 'm a well person .
15 We have iron and we have to treat the water to get the
16 iron out of it . And so -- but Stoneridge shouldn ' t have
17 that issue because they' re supposed to be treating the
18 water, and it is very rich.
19 So are you guys saying iron in water?
20 Okay. You couldn ' t have said that the day we
21 walked in?
22 Okay. I ' ll do the DEQ thing . But we ' re just
23 not volunteer firefighters .
25 Commissioner . And of course this is about rates, but I
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1 care about the fire so I 'm gonna follow up with that .
2 ASIA WILLIAMS : No worries . And Chief
3 Carpenter is available always .
5 combination of volunteer and paid --
6 ASIA WILLIAMS : No . We are not volunteer .
7 We are -- this particular area is unincorporated and we
8 are pulled into Spirit Lake fire and they actually do
9 not allow volunteers, unfortunately. So yes, we have
10 that building across the way but there are no fire
11 people there . We have a building there .
12 I will add one of the concerns from a lot of
13 people here is they have an outside a Stoneridge person
14 has always been -- are we using Stoneridge for a
15 developer to develop their interest in growth and
16 development in the area? Which has always been why a
17 lot of [unintelligible] have raised the desire of
18 developing water and a sewer system, that ' s different .
19 And that ' s part of why you see people that are not on
20 the Stoneridge system having an interest in what ' s
21 happening here, because that has a very fine amount of
22 developing capabilities, but growing beyond that would
23 mean pulling people into that system and you have -- I 'm
24 not in an area where you would risk because I 'm on the
25 mountain, but if you expand your water system and sewer
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1 system when the cities come in and say, You guys go onto
2 this system, and people have put in wells and they don ' t
3 want to do that . So that ' s it . Did I hit the last
4 point?
5 MR. DUVAL : No questions .
6 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Okay. I don ' t have
7 anybody else signed up to testify, but I see a hand --
8 two hands raised. So let ' s please start with you and
9 then we ' ll --
10 MR. DUVAL : Please raise your right hand and
11 would you please state your first and last name and
12 spell your last name for the record?
13 CINDY THOMAS : Cindy Thomas, T-h-o-m-a-s .
14 MR. DUVAL : And do you live in the area,
15 Cindy?
16 CINDY THOMAS : I do not .
17 MR. DUVAL : And are you a customer of
18 Stoneridge?
19 CINDY THOMAS : Yes . I manage Stoneridge
20 Resort, so in that aspect I 'm a customer .
21 MR. DUVAL : Thank you . And do you promise to
22 tell the truth at today' s hearing?
23 CINDY THOMAS : I do .
24 MR. DUVAL : Thank you .
25 CINDY THOMAS : I have nothing to add to what
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1 we have already formally put before you . Our position
2 as an intervenor is a formal position set forth by our
3 attorney. My only addition is I have been at Stoneridge
4 for 42 years . This is my second intervention with a
5 rate case before the IPUC, and when I understood this
6 was a rate case before the IPUC I was actually comforted
7 because I have seen the IPUC do a good job for the
8 consumers both times . So we have read what the Staff
9 has to say, and that ' s all I ' ll say to my position . But
10 I do very much rely on the IPUC and I think we ' re lucky
11 to have that protection for water .
13 MR. DUVAL : No questions .
16 Thank you very much .
18 JOHN DUPREE : What percentage would your
19 water rate go up? Because you have a bigger -- that ' s
20 an important thing .
21 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: I think she ' s still
22 under oath for these purposes today.
23 CINDY THOMAS : Okay. So John asked me what
24 percentage our water rate would go up . When I was
25 before the Commission Staff I had wrongly calculated
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1 that our rate would go up more than 261 percent but our
2 rate goes up the same . We do have more water, but -- so
3 we ' re in the same boat as everyone else for the record.
4 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Just so I 'm clear,
5 that you ' re a member of one of the intervenors?
6 CINDY THOMAS : Yes, Stoneridge Resort, one of
7 the intervenors .
9 MR. DUVAL : I actually do after question now
10 on that .
12 MR. DUVAL : So you ' re a -- your organization
13 is represented but you are not the attorney for --
14 CINDY THOMAS : Correct . I am not the
15 attorney for our -- yes .
16 MR. DUVAL : Okay. Thank you .
17 CINDY THOMAS : He ' s listening in on his call .
18 I mean, he ' s online with us .
19 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Can you identify the
20 attorney just for --
21 CINDY THOMAS : Yes . Grady -- I can ' t say his
22 last properly -- Esplande [phonetic] .
23 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND : Thank you very much .
24 I appreciate it .
25 Yes, I saw a hand. You can ' t get off the
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1 hook now; it ' s too late .
2 MR. DUVAL : Please raise you right hand, and
3 would you state your first and last name, spelling your
4 last name for the record?
5 CYNTHIA STCYR: Sure . It ' s Cynthia StCyr
6 S-t-C-y-r .
7 MR. DUVAL : And where do you live, Cynthia?
8 CYNTHIA STCYR: 55 Parkland Court .
9 MR. DUVAL : And are you a customer of the
10 company?
12 MR. DUVAL : And do you swear to tell the
13 truth at today ' s hearing?
15 MR. DUVAL : Thank you .
16 CYNTHIA STCYR: Hello . I just wanted to say
17 thank you for coming. I read through all of your
18 comments that you posted and they were even more
19 illuminating for me as a customer, in seeing just the
20 interesting comments you guys said. So I was very
21 encouraged to read that, first of all .
22 Umm, but I will say the water rate increase
23 was dramatic, incredibly dramatic . And when we first
24 got the notification I was like, Whoa, What is this? I
25 grew up in Phoenix, Arizona . Lived there my whole life .
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1 Dealt with water company, City of Phoenix Water, it ' s
2 disgusting. But I will say, I personally -- the water
3 prices in Phoenix were better than the water prices that
4 were being proposed here, and that was shocking . I did
5 a lot of research on the water increase rates and the
6 percentages that were across the board and there ' s never
7 -- that I could find -- a water increase in the nation
8 as what was proposed by Chan . So to do that to a
9 community with tight resources on fixed incomes and a
10 fixed budget, one, it ' s just not fair, and it ' s not
11 appropriate as a company ethically, in my opinion, to
12 do .
13 And I think everybody does need to have an
14 increase . I get that . I understand that . You know,
15 with the economy what it is, everybody needs the
16 inflation cost . There does need to be an increase, but
17 not that much . That was just overly burdensome to every
18 single customer .
19 And my thing is -- and I know that a couple
20 people have spoken about it before -- the quality of the
21 water doesn ' t even justify any rate increase . It does
22 justify looking into a forensic audit of everything that
23 has been done over the several past years . I have not
24 lived in Blanchard very long, but I will say, had I
25 known all of this was going on, I would not have moved
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1 from Post Falls to Blanchard. I wouldn ' t have done
2 that . And that ' s horrible to say, but this is -- this
3 is very concerning for our community. My water smells
4 like fish . I have got the red iron . It smells overly
5 chlorinated. I had to put in a water purification
6 system just to drink the water, and I used to drink
7 water in Phoenix but that was better water than this .
8 And that ' s a problem. So that ' s kind of what I wanted
9 to say. But yeah . So, any questions?
10 MR. DUVAL : Just one . When you said -- I
11 just wanted to clarify for the record when you said the
12 comments that you submitted, you were talking to the
13 commissioners, do you mean the comments that were
14 submitted by Commission Staff?
15 CYNTHIA STCYR: The comments that just came
16 out from IPUC . I read the 29-page comments .
17 MR. DUVAL : Okay. Sounds like Commission
18 Staff ' s comments .
19 CYNTHIA STCYR: Yes . Thank you .
20 MR. DUVAL : Thank you .
21 Mr . President .
23 Thank you very much .
24 CYNTHIA STCYR: Thank you .
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1 following up on Mr . Duval ' s statements, staff --
2 Commission Staff is made up of engineers and accountants
3 and economists, policy folks, consumerists and staff,
4 and that team is a party in every case, just like in any
5 litigation of a plaintiff and a defendant . Little
6 different here, but staff is independent of
7 commissioner --
9 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: No, that ' s okay .
10 That ' s why we ' re here, so we can have the opportunity to
11 kind of lay things out . And so, Staff submitted their
12 comments, as did some of the other parties and
13 customers -- many, many customers have submitted
14 comments . But Staff does -- I will say, and
15 Commissioner Anderson has already said, they do a good
16 job in these types of cases of looking under every rock,
17 and they are oftentimes relied on by other parties in
18 the case . And as Eric said, we hire those folks because
19 they have expertise in this area . So we didn ' t -- I
20 would love to claim credits for those comments but we
21 didn ' t write them. But we will review them, along with
22 your testimony and everything else submitted in the
23 record. So thank you .
24 CYNTHIA STCYR: Thank you .
25 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you, ma ' am.
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2 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Is it too late to do
3 any more written comments after this meeting tonight?
4 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Could you come on up?
5 And -- yeah, we don ' t -- I think it ' s just a question .
6 MR. DUVAL : Okay.
7 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Just because of the
8 comments that came up about auditing and because the
9 owner of the water system owns -- I can ' t remember how
10 many hundreds of lots in Stoneridge . Will the auditing
11 prove to make sure when he ' s building properties that he
12 is paying the water hook-up and not incorporating it
13 into the residents ' water bills?
14 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: When you speak about
15 an audit -- I can only speak from the standpoint that
16 Staff investigated. Any rate case typically is you ' re
17 looking at the entire operation of the company, and that
18 is every expense, every revenue, every affiliate that
19 might be related to water companies . So Staff,
20 generally speaking -- and I won ' t speak for this case,
21 but I just -- generally is going to be that party that ' s
22 gonna dig under and turn over every rock with regard to
23 every cost, every revenue, every affiliate, every
24 operation . And so, you know, I don ' t want to speak as
25 to the quality of what they have done in this case, but
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1 generally that ' s what they do .
2 In terms of comments, if you ' re asking about
3 "Can we submit additional written comments, " the comment
4 deadline -- the written comment deadline is technically
5 expired or expires . What we had planned on doing, if
6 you wanted to submit comments today and tomorrow we
7 would certainly accept them at these hearings, up until
8 the close of tomorrow' s hearing. Whether or not we have
9 an additional time period for customers to comment is
10 something we amongst the three commissioners can discuss
11 and, you know, based upon what we ' re hearing today we
12 can make an informed choice on that .
13 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: But when you say I can
14 submit a comment, would it be verbally now or I can put
15 it in writing and bring it tomorrow?
16 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Yeah, you can bring it
17 tomorrow.
18 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Tomorrow ' s fine .
20 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Okay. Thank you .
22 Yes, sir .
23 MR. DUVAL : Please raise your right arm, and
24 would you please state your first and last name and
25 spell your last for the record?
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1 MICHAEL KIZER: It ' s Michael Kizer,
2 K-i-z-e-r .
3 MR. DUVAL : And do you live in the area?
4 MICHAEL KIZER: Yep, at 77 Parkland Court,
5 Blanchard.
6 MR. DUVAL : And are you a customer of the
7 company.
9 MR. DUVAL : And do you swear to tell the
10 truth at today' s hearing?
11 MICHAEL KIZER: Yes, I do .
12 MR. DUVAL : Thank you .
13 MICHAEL KIZER: So, thank you guys for coming
14 and hearing us out, taking a part of conserving our
15 great water resources up here .
16 One of the things that I find interesting is
17 that a person buys a water system who would do his due
18 diligence and thinks he ' s gonna make a profit on the
19 backs of us . And the water system that he bought was in
20 drastic need of repair, it has not been maintained, it
21 has two wells -- there ' s actually three wells . One ' s
22 collapsed, and then we have two good wells . Well, we
23 lost one of the pumps off of -- one of the two good
24 pumps there year, and he doesn ' t even know he doesn ' t
25 need to ask permission to get another pump . He went to
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Transcript of Hearing - October 9, 2024 68
1 the IPUC and said, Hey, Can I buy another pump? Well,
2 the person doesn ' t even know how to run a utility
3 company. It doesn ' t work like that .
4 And coming from the utility side, I worked
5 for Snohomish County PUD, and I was on the electric side
6 so we had water and sewer . And I also worked for
7 Seattle City Light public utilities, had both of them.
8 I have never seen such shotty maintenance done on a
9 system to where, in our cul-de-sac they would come out
10 and test the hydrants out there . I barely -- I 'm at 42
11 pounds and I 'm at the one of the lower parts of the hill
12 right next to some other people that don ' t even meet the
13 minimum requirements . They should have booster pumps on
14 there .
15 The other thing is our water quality is
16 horrible . We live next to The StCyrs and on days when
17 there ' s a high chlorination -- I was watering brand new
18 peas and it burned all of our bushes . And I actually
19 cheated. Sent the water over to one of my friends at
20 Snohomish County PUD . He ran some tests for me and what
21 he found is the dissolved contents in there were very
22 high, some of the chlorine was off the chart . I can ' t
23 say -- I should have just went and bought one and had it
24 done .
25 But what we need is to have Chan have a
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Transcript of Hearing - October 9, 2024 69
1 preventive maintenance . We need -- I think it ' s two
2 generators back-up, because we lose power out here . And
3 so, during the fire season our whole community is at
4 risk.
5 The other thing that ' s been happening, too,
6 which was during the IPUC hearings is that Chan has let
7 people hook up to our hydrants, take water off of us,
8 and not charge those customers . So we ' re paying for
9 other people to make water roads or whatever they' re
10 doing.
11 But I 'm really grateful that you guys are
12 here, and I think you guys also should look at the
13 proper maintenance of our system and having the capital,
14 you know, to keep it up . All he wants to do is just a
15 big rate and return on his money, and that ' s what this
16 isn ' t all about .
18 MR. DUVAL : No comments, Commissioner . No
19 questions .
21 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you very much,
22 Michael . I have taken some notes here . Water quality
23 does matter and, you know, sometimes things get away
24 from owners, but the DEQ -- we have dealt DEQ . We
25 worked closely with the DEQ many times in many cases,
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Transcript of Hearing - October 9, 2024 70
1 and we ' re going to look at all of the different issues
2 in the filings and all your comments . Did you put a --
3 did you do a written --
4 MICHAEL KIZER: Yes, I did.
5 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Were these items also
6 in your written comments?
8 One thing I would like to say, though, is
9 when I was at Snohomish we cleaned our tanks regularly.
10 They don ' t do that here . That ' s one of the things . We
11 got dissolved solids and algae and fungi, and you can go
12 in there and clean the tanks out regularly, and they
13 don ' t clean the tanks out here .
16 anybody else that would like to --
17 KRISTINE LOGUE : -- make another comment on
18 it?
19 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Certainly . Come on
20 up --
21 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: She ' s still under
22 oath .
23 KRISTINE LOGUE : I 'm still under oath .
24 I didn ' t -- it didn ' t come to my mind until
25 after Michael was saying something, but I do remember,
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1 umm, a couple of summers ago about the water trucks
2 coming and filling up . And I actually -- and the only
3 reason it sticks so clearly in my head is ' cause I have
4 noticed that this water truck was hooked up to the
5 hydrant up here by the coffee shop, which is one of
6 Chan ' s hydrants . And I took a picture of it and I sent
7 it over to their manager, Becka, and said, "Do you see
8 these guys? These creeps are steeling water . " Right?
9 Like, that ' s what I was thinking . And so, she looked
10 into it . She ' s like, "Oh, no . I guess they have
11 permission to get water because they ' re watering roads . "
12 So they were taking their big tankers and
13 they were taking it -- there was a road down this way
14 that they built . I can ' t even think of the name of it,
15 but that ' s what they were using to water the roads when
16 it was dusty.
17 A concern that would be in my mind is, if
18 these people are just hooking up to it, does that have a
19 possibility of contaminating our water? That they just
20 hooking up -- you know, just whomever is hooking up, do
21 they have a qualifications to be getting into those? I
22 remember as a kid, fire hydrants, you don ' t ever touch
23 those . You know? I don ' t know.
24 Those were just my comments .
25 MR. DUVAL : Just one question . I realize you
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Transcript of Hearing - October 9, 2024 72
1 have already been sworn in . Could you just state your
2 name for this last section of your comments?
3 KRISTINE LOGUE : Absolutely. My name is
4 Kristine Logue, L-o-g-u-e .
5 MR. DUVAL : All right . Thank you .
6 KRISTINE LOGUE : Okay. And then --
7 Hold on a second.
8 Oh . And then our -- ' cause our Road and
9 Bridge pulls from the creek, so it was -- but I actually
10 have the ability to -- asking these people, because they
11 come into my store -- it ' s the only one around -- they
12 actually have told me, "Oh, yeah. No, we got permission
13 to water our private road. " And it was a developer down
14 here, and I forget the name of this thing -- I just -- I
15 can ' t even -- it ' s just right down here off the straight
16 stretch off the right-hand side . It ' s a newer road.
17 It ' s not even on the -- whatever it is .
18 But I just wanted to say that . It was a
19 private entity, a private developer with their water
20 trucks watering their roads . So I don ' t know if it
21 could cause contamination or, like he said, does that
22 play into our water rates .
24 KRISTINE LOGUE : Thank you .
25 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Okay. Anybody else
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Transcript of Hearing - October 9, 2024 73
1 that has not testified would you like to testify? We ' re
2 here .
3 President Anderson mentioned that the -- I
4 would like to pass this along to Mr . Dupree and give
5 Representative Scott our regards, and if she is able to
6 attend tomorrow that would be lovely.
7 JOHN DUPREE : I ' ll give her another buzz .
8 She ' s out of town a lot .
9 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: We understand she ' s
10 busy, but we always --
11 ASIA WILLIAMS : Is that who you ' re looking
12 for? You ' re looking for one of our elected reps to
13 attend tomorrow?
14 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: They certainly don ' t
15 have to, but we always welcome their presence, of
16 course .
18 Representative Scott has been very faithful in attending
19 public meetings, and if we ' re in her area -- and I know
20 she doesn ' t live too far from here -- we certainly want
21 to give everybody that ' s elected officials all the
22 opportunity to speak on behalf of their constituency.
23 ASIA WILLIAMS : So I will ask all of our --
24 I 'm the Vice Chair of our District, so I ' ll ask all
25 three to see if they can come tomorrow at -- 10 : 00 a .m. ,
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Transcript of Hearing - October 9, 2024 74
1 is it?
2 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Absolutely. If they
3 have anything to share with us, that would be great .
4 Even to be recognized in the public . It ' s always nice
5 to be recognized when you ' re in that position .
6 ASIA WILLIAMS : Tomorrow at 10 : 00 a .m. ?
7 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: So is there anyone
8 else here in the audience tonight that would like to
9 testify? Didn ' t get the opportunity?
10 SCOTT BAUMANN: Yeah, well . . .
11 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: We got a repeat .
12 SCOTT BAUMANN: My wife ' s bugging me to ask
13 some questions again .
14 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: You ' re a brave man .
15 MR. DUVAL : Could you just -- you have
16 already been sworn in . Could you just state your name
17 again for the record?
18 SCOTT BAUMANN: Scott Baumann .
19 JOHN DUPREE : On the mic .
21 One of the things that -- do you guys address
22 the integrity of the whole system? It ' s 64 years old,
23 so all the piping is underground running everywhere .
24 It ' s pretty old. I think there ' s a lot of leakage going
25 in the ground that is probably not accounted for, and my
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Transcript of Hearing - October 9, 2024 75
1 understanding is he has no way of knowing how much is
2 going into the ground versus how much is going through
3 to the meters .
4 So the other thing I 'm a little confused at
5 is we -- where we ' re at up there on Forest Ridge Road,
6 there ' s a holding tank up on Forest Way that ' s up on the
7 hill right when you get -- and we ' re gravity-fed from
8 there . So when the power goes out, we have water . We
9 always have had it . The only problem would be, if
10 there ' s not generators to pump the water up to the
11 holding tank, then eventually you would run out of
12 water . But when the power ' s out we have water . So I 'm
13 a little confused on some of the statements about that .
14 And you ' re not gonna get your -- so you ' re relying on
15 head pressure . You ' re not gonna get any more pressure,
16 depending upon how full that reservoir is . Right?
17 So -- and then, again, it was just the fire
18 hydrants and I know you ' re on that, it sounds like .
19 So that ' s all I had.
21 Scott . Are you -- is everybody on septic tanks here or
22 is there sewer company or --
23 SCOTT BAUMANN: Most -- if you ' re down around
24 the lake within -- I can ' t remember how many feet, they
25 have -- they have to go -- they have a tank, but then
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Transcript of Hearing - October 9, 2024 76
1 there -- it ' s pumped out of that . They have to get it
2 pumped out . And then there ' s a leech field. He owns a
3 leech field up above us and he has, like, a couple
4 hundred acres up there he has a leech field in . So,
5 anybody that ' s not in direct within -- I don ' t remember
6 how many feet of the lake -- has a septic tank, their
7 own, personal leech-fielding septic tank.
9 oftentimes if you ' re on a sewer district you may have
10 water from gravity feed, but the septic system need to
11 have power to it . But --
12 SCOTT BAUMANN: Right . Yeah, they need power
13 to get that out .
14 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Certainly. Thank you
15 very much .
16 SCOTT BAUMANN: All right .
17 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND: Okay. Is there anyone
18 else that would like to testify this evening? For a
19 third time . And as you know, we will be back here
20 tomorrow for a 10 : 00 a .m. hearing. Encourage all of you
21 to come back if you would like, and bring your friends .
22 That ' s what we ' re here for . We -- knowing the
23 participation we have had, written comments, and the
24 attendance and the workshops, we felt it very important
25 to hold more than one hearing in this area to ensure
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Transcript of Hearing - October 9, 2024 77
1 that people have an opportunity to testify and add their
2 comments to the record.
3 So if no one else wishes to testify tonight,
4 I would move to adjourn this hearing . And with that, we
5 will go off the record, and I would like to thank you
6 all for being here .
7 AUDIENCE MEMBERS : Thank you .
8 (Hearing adjourned at 6 : 45 p .m. )
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SWS-W-24-01 78
2 I, AMELIA A. MACY, the undersigned Certified
3 Shorthand Reporter and Notary Public authorized to
4 administer oaths and affirmations in and for the State
5 of Washington, do hereby certify that the sworn
6 testimony and/or proceedings, a transcript of which is
7 attached, was given before me at the time and place
8 stated therein;
9 that any and/or all witness (es) were duly
10 sworn to testify to the truth;
11 that the sworn testimony and/or proceedings
12 were by me stenographically recorded and transcribed
13 under my supervision, to the best of my ability;
14 that the foregoing transcript contains a
15 full, true, and accurate record of all the sworn
16 testimony and/or proceedings given and occurring at the
17 time and place stated in the transcript;
18 that I am in no way related to any party to
19 the matter, nor to any counsel, nor do I have any
20 financial interest in the event of the cause .
21 WITNESS MY HAND"AND SEAL this 28th day of
22 October 2024 .
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Re: Stoneridge Utilities,LLC's Application SWS-W-24-01 Transcript of Hearing
October 9,2024
17:15;57:12;58:25; 26:23;28:15;29:4,9; 6:22,25;16:16;18:8; attorneys(2)
$ 77:1 64:21;73:4 23:7;32:16;34:23; 8:7,12
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26:1 addition(1) 35:12;57:3,14,16; 56:5;57:7,16,24; audit(4)
$24(1) 59:3 73:10,15;74:4;75:9 58:14;64:19;67:3; 43:3;44:17;62:22;
25:23 additional(4) Amelia(2) 73:19;76:25 65:15
$300(1) 9:7;52:2;66:3,9 4:5;8:16 areas(1) auditing(2)
51:20 address(4) amongst(1) 34:24 65:8,10
$8(1) 27:19;30:8;33:7; 66:10 arguably(1) authoritarian(1)
25:25 74:21 amount(4) 43:13 36:17
addressed(1) 25:24;42:21;53:22; Arizona(1) authoritative(1)
42:18 57:21 61:25 33:15
adduced(1) and/or(1) arm(1) authority(3)
[unintelligible] (4) 4:10 9:14 66:23 4:19;29:5,6
20:13;44:2;49:8; adjourn(1) Anderson(53) around(10) automatically(1)
57:17 77:4 5:2;11:17,22;12:3, 4:15;19:25;33:5,9; 15:4
adjourned(1) 12;14:17;15:2,15; 34:17,25;37:12;50:4; availability(1)
A 77:8 16:3,12,15,22;18:17, 72:11;75:23 53:18
adjusted(1) 22;19:4;21:11;22:25; articulate(1) available(4)
abilities(1) 50:18 23:2;27:16;30:17; 42:17 23:13;44:23;46:7;
31:2 admit(1) 31:19,23;35:8,22; Asia(27) 57:3
ability(1) 38:24 39:25;41:6,12;45:18; 32:21;40:4;41:19, Avista(1)
72:10 advice(1) 47:13,20;52:18;53:1, 24;42:4,4,7,10,12; 16:11
able(5) 31:13 21;54:18,24;56:24; 45:15;46:4;47:9,19; aware(2)
affect(2) 57:4;59:15;63:22; 54:7,10;55:7,12,12, 36:1,2
51:20;73:5 23:20;24:3 64:15,25;66:18; 15,18,21,23;57:2,6; away(4)
above(1) affected(2) 69:21;70:5,14,21; 73:11,23;74:6 15:9;32:25;52:5;
76:3 14:11;22:22 72:23;73:3,17;74:2; aside(1) 69:23
absent-minded(1) affidavit(2) 75:20;76:8,14 13:8
38:25 50:9,12 Anderson's(1) aspect(1) B
absolutely(8) affiliate(2) 47:12 58:20
30:17;31:18;32:10, 65:18,23 answered(1) assessment(1) back(11)
25;40:25;66:19;72:3; afford(1) 43:18 44:11 13:11;23:4;26:14;
74:2 51:20 anymore(1) Association(2) 27:10;29:7;38:17;
accept(3) again(13) 53:9 6:8,13 50:7;54:9;55:5;76:19,
8:4;9:8;66:7 9:7,8;13:18;15:3; apart(3) Associations(1) 21
accountants(1) 25:12,20,21;40:23; 34:16;38:20,23 37:5 backs(1)
64:2 50:22;51:10;74:13, apologize(4) assume(2) 67:19
17.75:17 16:4.23:4.36:8; 7:16;21:15 backup 4
accounted(1) p( )
74:25 against(1) 37:25 assured(1) 20:2;21:15,23;
accounting(2) 41:4 apparently(1) 31:12 23:21
26:4;27:10 ago(2) 49:17 Athol(1) back-up(1)
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14:5;29:20;39:11 agree(1) 29:24 attach(1) backyard(1)
accurately(1) 28:25 applaud(1) 52:15 13:12
9:2 ahead(2) 45:19 attend(3) bad(8)
acreage(1) 7:20;14:16 application(2) 5:4;73:6,13 7:5;39:23;51:2,2,3;
51:15 algae(1) 4:19;5:8 attendance(2) 53:11,11,12
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51:13,14;76:4 alleviate(1) 4:13;16:2;24:11; attended(1) 15:20
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57:10;62:6 allow(4) 31:24;35:9;38:7;46:4; attending(1) 34:4
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4:6 allowed(2) appreciated(2) attention(2) 68:10
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50:9 almost(1) appropriate(1) attire(1) 15:13
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11:5;15:16;48:1; almost-300(1) approved(1) attitudes(1) 66:11
50:18;52:8;57:8;59:6; 25:20 38:11 36:19 baseline(1)
60:9;67:21;68:18; alone(1) arbiter(1) Attorney(6) 7:17
71:2;72:9,12 36:2 30:1 5:24;30:20;59:3; basic(3)
add(4) along(6) area(25) 60:13,15,20 25:23;27:24;44:6
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Re: Stoneridge Utilities,LLC's Application SWS-W-24-01 Transcript of Hearing
October 9,2024
basically(2) 19:21;32:25 burned(1) 54:21;57:1 25:22
18:13;43:22 board(3) 68:18 Carpenter(2) cheated(1)
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38:3 boat(1) 68:18 carry(1) cheering(1)
bathrooms(1) 60:3 business(2) 11:23 8:24
7:2 Bob(1) 20:13;22:21 Case(24) Cheryl(2)
Baumann(21) 9:13 businesses(2) 4:8,17;5:14,20; 9:20,25
9:21,22,25;10:9,9, body(1) 22:21;38:17 6:14;7:3,18;17:17; chickens(1)
11,14,17,19;11:17,20, 7:12 busy(1) 22:10;25:13,17,19; 50:2
25;12:9;74:10,12,18, boil(1) 73:10 27:22;29:12,14,14,22; chief(2)
18,20;75:23;76:12,16 20:11 buy(2) 59:5,6;64:4,18;65:16, 54:14;57:2
B-a-u-m-a-n-n(1) Boise(1) 15:13;68:1 20,25 children(1)
10:9 55:2 buys(1) cases(4) 20:18
Bay(1) Bonner(2) 67:17 25:8;30:22;64:16; chlorinated(2)
33:21 46:9,20 buzz(2) 69:25 49:3;63:5
beaucoup(1) books(1) 33:5;73:7 Cathy(3) chlorination(1)
40:2 26:8 9:14,15,18 68:17
beautiful(1) booster(1) C caught(1) chlorine(3)
49:25 68:13 26:12 50:24,24;68:22
Becka(1) born(1) calculate(1) cause(4) choice(1)
71:7 38:25 42:20 4:8;71:3;72:8,21 66:12
begin(1) both(6) calculated(1) causing(1) Cindy(14)
5:23 9:14,24;11:1;25:8; 59:25 15:21 6:10,10;58:13,13,
behalf(1) 59:8;68:7 call(4) cautious(1) 15,16,19,23,25;59:23;
73:22 bought(3) 7:8;46:15;54:4; 53:23 60:6,14,17,21
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51:10 boy(1) called(6) 4:18,22;6:4,5 31:15
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46:18 brakes(1) 38:9;41:19;47:10 4:3 58:1
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20:14 brand(1) 9:12 25:24;28:3;54:24 33:18
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35:19 brave(1) 13:12;19:24;30:9; 8:4;27:19;38:13; 33:14
bet(2) 74:14 33:11;35:13;63:15; 66:7;70:19;73:14,20; city(4)
25:2;54:15 break(1) 65:8 76:14 12:23;32:5;62:1;
better(4) 38:10 can(40) cetera(2) 68:7
7:2;22:16;62:3; breakdown(1) 5:23;7:20;8:9;9:24; 19:21;23:23 claim(1)
63:7 20:8 11:13;15:5;18:16,16, Chair(2) 64:20
beyond(1) Bridge(1) 17,20;19:1;22:3; 4:25;73:24 claims(1)
57:22 72:9 23:23;27:19,20; Chan(3) 15:19
big(4) brief(2) 29:22;30:1;32:23; 62:8;68:25;69:6 clapping(1)
46:5;50:3;69:15; 40:15;41:5 35:19;36:18;41:20; chance(2) 8:24
71:12 bring(7) 42:23;43:14;52:12; 8:1;26:15 clarification(1)
bigger(2) 38:5,5;49:8,10; 54:11,16,23;56:3; change(2) 17:22
51:23;59:19 66:15,16;76:21 60:19;64:10;65:15; 46:5,16 clarify(1)
biggest(2) bringing(2) 66:3,10,12,13,14,16; changed(2) 63:11
44:8;49:1 20:11;49:10 68:1;70:11;73:25 19:13;27:6 classic(1)
bill(4) brought(1) cap(1) changes(2) 20:24
34:17;42:18,22; 44:15 44:12 19:8,12 clauses(1)
43:14 brown(1) capabilities(1) Chan's(2) 23:10
bills(2) 34:25 57:22 45:4;71:6 clean(2)
43:6;65:13 budget(2) capable(1) charge(5) 70:12,13
bit(3) 22:13;62:10 54:2 37:21;38:10;43:5; cleaned(1)
25:25;51:22;52:18 bugging(1) capacity(2) 44:25;69:8 70:9
Blanchard(13) 74:12 11:23;12:7 charges(4) clear(3)
4:3,4;12:24;13:8; building(3) capital(1) 4:20;37:4,15;38:12 27:6;46:13;60:4
32:6;40:10;42:7;44:8; 57:10,11;65:11 69:13 charging(1) clearly(5)
48:9;55:15;62:24; built(3) Capitalism(1) 37:23 9:1;31:22;42:23;
63:1;67:5 13:9;30:23;71:14 34:14 chart(1) 46:14;71:3
bless(1) burdensome(1) car(1) 68:22 close(5)
36:23 62:17 49:9 chat(2) 18:15,21;23:7;25:4;
blew(5) burn(1) care(5) 47:3,5 66:8
13:23;14:21,22; 50:4 13:17;34:18;36:19; cheap(1) closely(2)
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Re: Stoneridge Utilities,LLC's Application SWS-W-24-01 Transcript of Hearing
October 9,2024
52:8;69:25 15,16,17,24;28:13,17, 25:10,18 contributing(1) currently(1)
closer(2) 20;29:11,18;30:11, compounded(1) 37:10 37:20
19:2,6 17;31:19,21,23,24; 39:1 conversations(3) customer(18)
Club(1) 32:22;33:16;35:7,8, comprise(1) 15:25;30:22;39:5 4:14,16;7:16,22;
6:7 22;36:24;37:2,14,18; 17:19 convey(1) 10:12;12:25;24:20;
code(1) 38:8,19;39:25;40:3; concern(12) 7:1 26:9;45:14;48:11,24;
29:18 41:6,11,12,13,21; 11:15;12:7;20:20; co-op(2) 55:16;58:17,20;61:9,
coffee(1) 45:17,18,18;47:3,5,8, 27:25;42:15;43:7; 16:13,14 19;62:18;67:6
71:5 11,13,20,21,24;52:17, 49:12,22;50:22; cooperation(1) customers(8)
collapsed(2) 18,22,24,25;53:1,21; 51:21,25;71:17 34:10 5:18;17:5;29:20;
49:18;67:22 54:8,11,13,18,23; concerned(4) Co-ops(1) 38:21;64:13,13;66:9;
colleague(1) 55:4;56:24,25;57:4; 14:5;20:24;33:14, 16:13 69:8
9:10 58:6;59:12,14,15,17, 18 Corning[phoneticl (1) Cynthia(12)
colleagues(1) 21;60:4,8,11,19,23; concerning(1) 52:9 61:5,5,7,8,11,14,16;
9:10 63:22,25;64:7,9,15, 63:3 correction(1) 63:15,19,24;64:8,24
collecting(1) 25;65:1,4,14;66:16, concerns(7) 54:7
42:24 18,19,21;69:17,18,20, 13:8;22:6;42:17; correctly(1) D
combination(1) 21;70:5,14,15,19,21; 43:3;49:1;51:11; 23:3
57:5 72:23,25;73:9,14,17; 57:12 cost(3) damages(1)
comforted(1) 74:2,7,11,14;75:20; Condominium(1) 44:24;62:16;65:23 14:18
59:6 76:8,14,17 6:7 council(1) danger(2)
coming(12) Commissioners(4) confidence(2) 6:24 22:17;23:20
13:7;38:1;40:2; 5:15;42:13;63:13; 31:2,10 counsel(1) dangerous(1)
43:4,25;44:25;46:4; 66:10 conformed(1) 5:23 18:23
48:22;61:17;67:13; committee(1) 36:6 county(9) darn(1)
68:4;71:2 33:16 confused(2) 32:21;42:13;44:1,2, 47:8
comment(8) common(1) 75:4,13 9;46:9,20;68:5,20 David(7)
21:18;37:19;39:19; 19:20 confusing(1) couple(5) 40:8,8,10,13,15;
66:3,4,9,14;70:17 communicated(1) 54:3 36:16,24;62:19; 41:8,8
comments(50) 43:16 Connie(14) 71:1;76:3 day(4)
5:17,18;8:2,3;9:9; communities(1) 12:17,19,22,22,24; course(15) 4:2;34:2;50:16;
17:8,10,13,17,18,19; 55:1 13:2,5,7;14:20;15:8; 20:14;22:18;33:22; 56:20
18:14;21:13;22:11; Community(16) 16:2,7,9,17 34:5,12,20,23,24; days(1)
25:7;27:21;28:14,23; 4:3;14:11;23:8; consequences(1) 42:19;43:9;45:11; 68:16
29:2;31:12;34:6;35:2; 26:17;34:7,21;37:10; 30:4 49:25;51:12;56:25; deadline(2)
36:3;39:7,8,14,19; 39:21;40:19;42:15, conserving(1) 73:16 66:4,4
41:9;61:18,20;63:12, 23;43:22;46:19;62:9; 67:14 Court(9) deal(3)
13,15,16,18;64:12,14, 63:3;69:3 consider(1) 4:4,5;7:11;8:15,17; 20:22;53:18;56:9
20;65:3,8;66:2,3,6; community's(1) 38:6 29:25;50:9;61:8;67:4 dealing(1)
69:18;70:2,6;71:24; 43:13 consideration(1) covering(1) 15:22
72:2;76:23;77:2 companies(2) 31:13 9:11 Dealt(2)
COMMISSION(21) 26:16;65:19 considered(1) crawl(3) 62:1;69:24
4:2,7,24;5:3,7,10, company(29) 38:6 13:23,24;14:24 Debbie(1)
23;6:2,18;14:13;17:7; 7:16;10:13;13:1; consistent(2) create(1) 54:15
19:5;21:7;27:17; 14:1;17:6;23:9;24:21; 38:12;45:8 8:22 decide(1)
38:11;41:9;53:3; 25:12;26:14,15;27:3, constituency(3) credence(1) 30:15
59:25;63:14,17;64:2 8;28:1;29:1,21,22; 36:15;45:20;73:22 31:8 deciding(1)
commission-approved(1) 30:3;35:20;37:20; constituents(1) credits(1) 29:13
37:22 45:14;48:12;55:17; 47:17 64:20 decision(10)
commissioned(1) 61:10;62:1,11;65:17; constitute(1) creek(1) 5:8,20;17:5;25:10;
23:6 67:7;68:3;75:22 5:7 72:9 28:23;29:5,13,25;
COMMISSIONER(166) company's(5) Constitution(1) creeps(1) 30:9,13
4:12;5:1,2,3;6:1,4, 22:10;26:3,7;29:15, 35:15 71:8 decisions(2)
12,19;8:20;9:17,19, 19 consumerists(1) critical(1) 25:18;29:23
24;10:2;11:17,22; complaint(1) 64:3 46:8 defendant(1)
12:3,12,13,16,17; 11:10 consumers(1) cross-examine(1) 64:5
14:15,17;15:2,15; complaints(1) 59:8 8:8 defer(1)
16:3,4,8,11,12,15,15, 45:7 contaminating(1) cul-de-sac(1) 9:15
20,22,25;17:15,21,25; completed(2) 71:19 68:9 definitely(1)
18:16,17,19,22;19:1, 8:6;14:25 contamination(1) curious(2) 50:25
4;21:9,10,11,12;22:1, Complied(2) 72:21 21:12;54:1 degree(1)
9,25;23:1,2,2;24:8,10; 10:5;18:3 contents(1) current(1) 49:15
25:1,3,6;26:24;27:1, compliment(2) 68:21 33:22 deliberate(2)
Min-U-Script® M&M Court Reporting LLC (81)closer-deliberate
mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700
Re: Stoneridge Utilities,LLC's Application SWS-W-24-01 Transcript of Hearing
October 9,2024
30:18,24 24:2 25;38:15,24;39:20; 7:4,5 11:2;19:17;22:21;
deliberations(1) dissolved(2) 40:1;44:18;45:25; Elk(1) 23:25;31:6;50:25;
36:6 68:21;70:11 59:18;73:4,7;74:19 14:10 54:3;61:18;62:21;
department(4) dissuade(1) D-u-p-r-e-e(1) else(14) 67:24;68:2,12;71:14;
11:19;12:1;23:25; 8:10 32:4 16:10;17:1;29:4; 72:15,17;74:4
54:4 distracting(1) during(6) 40:1;52:20;53:20; evening(2)
depending(3) 56:2 8:25;17:17;26:1; 58:7;60:3;64:22; 48:19;76:18
7:19;49:18;75:16 district(5) 49:11;69:3,6 70:16;72:25;74:8; event(2)
Deputy(2) 23:7;46:24,24; dusty(1) 76:18;77:3 22:4;53:19
5:24;30:20 73:24;76:9 71:16 embarrassed(1) eventually(2)
DEQ(9) doctrine(1) Duval(96) 33:10 30:12;75:11
53:3,5,6;56:8,10, 38:10 5:25;6:1,2;7:13; emergency(2) everybody(15)
22;69:24,24,25 document(1) 8:8;10:3,6,10,12,15, 7:3;53:19 7:16;21:2;34:1,2;
desire(2) 5:21 18;12:14,15,18,20,23, encourage(2) 35:22;36:3;37:7,11;
44:16;57:17 dodgy(1) 25;13:3,6;14:13; 23:10;76:20 40:21;45:8;52:13;
details(1) 22:14 17:15,22;18:1,4,9,12; encouraged(1) 62:13,15;73:21;75:21
39:2 dogs(1) 21:7;24:9,14,18,20, 61:21 everybody's(1)
deteriorate(1) 50:2 23;26:24;27:1,2,12; encouraging(2) 43:12
34:21 dog's(1) 32:1,5,8,11;35:4; 46:23,25 everyone(2)
determine(2) 49:7 39:16;40:6,9,11,14; end(3) 43:14;60:3
38:7;53:25 done(8) 41:9;42:1,6,8,11; 9:1;10:21;30:25 everything's(1)
develop(1) 29:24;31:17;50:3; 45:13,16;47:7;48:3,8, enforce(1) 23:7
57:15 62:23;63:1;65:25; 11,14,17;52:22;55:9, 29:10 everywhere(1)
developed(1) 68:8,24 14,16,19,22;58:5,10, enforceable(1) 74:23
31:7 door(2) 14,17,21,24;59:12,13; 29:21 evidence(1)
developer(4) 7:6;48:20 60:9,11,12,16;61:2,7, engage(1) 5:15
46:7;57:15;72:13, doubt(1) 9,12,15;63:10,17,20; 30:21 evidenced(1)
19 40:22 65:6;66:23;67:3,6,9, engendered(1) 46:21
developing(2) Dow(18) 12;69:17,18;71:25; 44:4 examining(1)
57:18,22 24:17,17,19,22,25; 72:5;74:15 engineers(1) 53:5
development(1) 25:2,5,7;27:5,23; Duval's(1) 64:2 example(1)
57:16 28:12,15,19;29:3,17; 64:1 enormous(1) 38:23
die(1) 30:6;31:18,20 dwelling(1) 15:19 Excellent(1)
51:21 D-o-w(1) 15:3 enough(1) 24:13
difference(1) 24:17 21:19 except(2)
36:18 down(21) E ensure(3) 34:2;37:11
different(6) 9:2;11:11;13:10; 29:19;43:11;76:25 Excuse(2)
23:22;37:24;44:20; 15:22;19:24;21:2,21; easy(1) entire(4) 48:20;53:12
57:18;64:6;70:1 32:22;40:4;41:20; 56:10 13:13;28:2-1;44:9; expand(1)
dig(1) 49:8,20;50:4,20;51:7; echo(1) 65:17 57:25
65:22 52:8;55:25;71:13; 47:11 entitled(3) expect(1)
diligence(4) 72:13,15;75:23 economic(1) 25:13,14,21 30:2
25:17;26:7,20; dramatic(2) 20:16 entity(4) expecting(1)
67:18 61:23,23 economists(1) 27:4;28:4,5;72:19 47:4
direct(1) drastic(1) 64:3 envelope(1) expense(1)
76:5 67:20 economy(1) 50:7 65:18
direction(3) drink(3) 62:15 equation(1) experience(2)
46:6,13,22 51:1;63:6,6 Edward(1) 51:24 22:2;37:23
directly(1) Drive(2) 5:3 Eric(3) experienced(1)
29:25 18:7;19:11 efficient(1) 5:2;56:10;64:18 19:23
disaster(2) dropping(1) 21:19 especially(1) experiences(1)
13:22;14:3 52:11 either(1) 49:22 48:24
discrepancies(1) drops(1) 27:7 Espirit(2) expertise(1)
26:8 23:23 elected(7) 27:7;28:8 64:19
discuss(1) due(8) 6:22;41:15,22; Esplande[phonetic] (1) expired(1)
66:10 5:4;19:15;20:5; 45:23;47:15;73:12,21 60:22 66:5
discussion(2) 23:17;25:16;26:6,20; electric(3) establish(1) expires(1)
43:2;44:20 67:17 16:5;21:14;68:5 7:17 66:5
disgusting(1) dues(3) electrical(1) et(2) explain(5)
62:2 33:25;37:3,3 20:1 19:21;23:23 7:7;23:9;26:1,5,16
dish(1) DUPREE(22) electricity(1) ethically(1) explained(1)
49:8 32:4,4,6,10,12;35:5, 20:1 62:11 46:14
dispenseful(1) 21;36:10;37:1,5,17, elevator(2) even(16) extent(2)
Min-U-Script® M&M Court Reporting LLC (82)deliberations-extent
mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700
Re: Stoneridge Utilities,LLC's Application SWS-W-24-01 Transcript of Hearing
October 9,2024
6:21;38:11 feet(2) 34:16 fungi(1) 21:22;23:8;27:16;
extenuating(1) 75:24;76:6 fixed(6) 70:11 31:13,16;34:15;
31:15 felt(2) 14:25;40:19;43:24, further(3) 42:21;48:19;52:19;
external(1) 12:4;76:24 25;62:9,10 24:8;27:14;49:16 53:15;54:18;59:7;
44:17 few(3) flooded(1) futurist(1) 63:22;64:15;67:22,23
extra(1) 8:11;10:22;50:6 13:13 38:2 gotta(1)
25:25 field(3) flooding(3) 18:21
extract(1) 76:2,3,4 13:24,24;14:18 G governor(1)
46:17 fight(2) fluctuates(1) 33:17
extreme(1) 15:5,11 11:13 gained(1) Grady(1)
49:12 figure(1) folks(10) 36:14 60:21
extremely(3) 15:20 4:14;25:16;29:10; garage(1) grapevine(1)
30:18;49:3,13 file(1) 33:11;34:8,13;36:19; 13:13 39:22
eyes(2) 38:9 39:13;64:3,18 garden(2) grass(1)
43:20;53:10 filed(4) follow(1) 50:2,3 22:20
4:23;5:17;17:6; 57:1 gardens(1) grateful(3)
F 39:18 followed(2) 51:15 32:16;46:2;69:11
filings(1) 25:7;30:3 Garrison(1) gravity(1)
faces(1) 70:2 following(2) 6:16 76:10
36:19 filled(1) 4:9;64:1 gas(1) gravity-fed(1)
fact(5) 35:25 follows(1) 50:6 75:7
14:3,21;39:7;40:21; filling(1) 52:12 gauge(2) great(11)
46:21 71:2 forensic(1) 14:2,22 11:11;15:22;16:17;
facts(1) filter(1) 62:22 gen(2) 17:21;22:5;31:18,20;
5:15 51:1 Forest(5) 21:15;22:3 34:10;39:5;67:15;
factual(1) final(4) 10:11,20;19:12; General(2) 74:3
44:14 5:19;29:12,13;30:1 75:5,6 5:25;6:11 greatly(2)
failed(1) find(8) forget(1) Generally(6) 36:10;38:16
11:1 9:6,10,11;10:22; 72:14 8:10;27:18;51:13; green(4)
fair(5) 23:13;35:18;62:7; fork(1) 65:20,21;66:1 22:22;34:24,24;
28:17;29:11,16; 67:16 51:8 generals(1) 49:25
45:9;62:10 fine(3) formal(1) 30:20 grew(4)
faithful(1) 17:25;57:21;66:18 59:2 generator(2) 20:20,20,23;61:25
73:18 fire(41) formalize(1) 20:1,2 grill(1)
fall(1) 10:24;11:3,5,15,18, 53:6 generators(2) 33:23
34:16 25;14:6,10;15:4,5,6, formally(1) 69:2;75:10 ground(3)
falling(2) 11,14,21;19:23;20:4, 59:1 gentleman(1) 22:23;74:25;75:2
38:20,23 21,21;21:1,1;22:8; former(1) 39:3 group(1)
falls(2) 23:4,12,13,19,22,25; 47:14 Gentlemen(1) 44:13
18:23;63:1 49:11,23,24;51:3; forth(2) 35:6 growing(3)
familiar(2) 53:23;54:4,14,22; 38:17;59:2 gets(2) 44:8;46:19;57:22
45:21;52:16 57:1,8,10;69:3;71:22; Fortunately(1) 11:14;23:24 growth(1)
far(6) 75:17 25:16 goal(2) 57:15
14:10;26:19;30:1; firefighter(1) forum(3) 29:12;35:17 guarantee(1)
32:15;38:3;73:20 53:23 33:6,12;39:9 God(1) 31:13
faucet(1) firefighters(3) forward(4) 36:23 guess(7)
51:1 54:4;55:24;56:23 44:5,15;46:11,18 goes(3) 9:22;29:5;30:7;
fault(1) fires(7) found(2) 30:1;60:2;75:8 37:22;39:12;52:15;
18:20 153;19:24,25; 26:8;68:21 golf(13) 71:10
February(1) 20:25;23:17,22;56:4 four(3) 20:14;22:18;33:22; guests(1)
4:24 first(19) 19:10;30:20;40:16 34:5,5,20,23,24; 20:16
fee(3) 7:2;9:13;10:7; free(3) 42:19;43:9;45:11; guys(22)
25:8,23,25 12:20;18:5;24:15; 6:25;8:4;17:13 49:25;51:12 19:5;25:10;26:4;
feed(1) 32:2,12;40:6;41:7; friends(2) gonna(28) 31:16;46:4,12,22;
76:10 42:2;48:4,6;55:10; 68:19;76:21 9:15;12:5,6;21:16; 47:3,5;48:22;53:17;
feel(8) 58:11;61:3,21,23; front(3) 22:2,15,17,19;23:4, 54:20;56:3,13,19;
6:25;7:24;9:7;16:1; 66:24 7:9;10:24;31:1 20;24:3;25:16;33:3; 58:1;61:20;67:13;
17:13;31:12;41:18; fish(1) full(3) 37:12,13;46:15;47:6; 69:11,12;71:8;74:21
54:21 63:4 31:7;33:12;75:16 48:25;49:8,10;51:19;
feeling(2) five(4) fully(2) 52:5;53:7;57:1;65:22; H
43:8;44:14 10:25;34:22;51:13, 30:12;36:6 67:18;75:14,15
fees(1) 13 function(1) good(19) HAMMOND(97)
25:11 fix(1) 11:7 12:10;16:12,13; 4:12,25;6:4,12,19;
Min-U-Script® M&M Court Reporting LLC (83)extenuating-HAMMOND
mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700
Re: Stoneridge Utilities,LLC's Application SWS-W-24-01 Transcript of Hearing
October 9,2024
8:20;9:17,19,24;10:2; 66:8,11;67:10,14; 71:18,20,20 20:15 5:21
12:13,17;14:15;16:4, 76:20,25;77:4,8 hook-up(3) importance(1) injury(2)
8,11,15,20,25;17:21, hearings(4) 25:8,11;65:12 9:11 5:4,4
25;18:16,19;19:1; 4:14,15;66:7;69:6 hopeful(1) important(4) Inland(3)
21:10,12;22:1,9;23:1, heart(1) 46:12 7:1;22:20;59:20; 16:7,8;23:5
3;24:8,10;25:1,3,6; 48:25 hopefully(3) 76:24 insulation(1)
27:1,15,17,24;28:13, Heather(1) 24:6;36:21;48:1 impressive(1) 15:1
17,20;29:11,18; 32:19 horrible(2) 31:19 insurance(2)
30:11;31:21,24;35:7; held(3) 63:2;68:16 Inc(1) 15:19;20:5
36:24;37:2,14,18; 4:2;5:10;28:1 horse(1) 6:13 integrity(1)
38:8,19;40:3;41:11, Hello(1) 5:5 include(2) 74:22
13,21;45:17;47:8,11, 61:16 hot(1) 5:16;7:15 interest(2)
21,24;52:17,25;54:8, help(1) 14:21 included(1) 57:15,20
11,23;58:6;59:12,14, 56:9 house(4) 37:21 interested(2)
17,21;60:4,8,11,19, helpful(1) 10:24;15:9;21:1; including(1) 7:18;37:23
23;63:25;64:9;65:1,4, 28:14 50:4 28:22 interesting(2)
14;66:16,19,21;69:17, helping(1) houses(2) income(1) 61:20;67:16
20;70:15,19;72:25; 8:22 11:13;23:23 43:24 intervenor(3)
73:9,14;74:7,11,14; helps(1) housing(1) incomes(3) 6:14,17;59:2
76:17 17:4 19:9 40:19;43:25;62:9 intervenors(2)
Hanaford(1) herding(1) How's(1) inconvenience(1) 60:5,7
40:10 5:6 25:5 20:17 intervention(1)
hand(14) herself(1) huge(2) Incorporated(1) 59:4
10:3;12:18;18:2; 41:17 48:23;49:22 6:8 intimidating(1)
24:3,3,15;32:2;41:2; Hey(1) humbled(3) incorporating(1) 8:9
50:3;55:10;58:7,10; 68:1 32:14;35:9,16 65:12 into(19)
60:25;61:2 Hi(1) humility(1) increase(39) 8:2,5;14:9;21:16;
handed(2) 13:7 35:10 4:19;13:9;20:5; 22:2;24:1;26:7;45:1;
50:7;53:3 high(5) hundred(1) 22:16;25:14,20,22; 51:23;52:7;57:8,23;
handful(1) 13:13,20;14:19; 76:4 26:19,21;34:13,14; 62:22;65:13;71:10,
33:12 68:17,22 hundreds(1) 40:17,17;41:1,3; 21;72:11,22;75:2
hands(2) highlighted(1) 65:10 42:20,24;43:4,8,12, introduce(2)
19:14;58:8 46:1 hydrant(5) 20,21,23;44:10,13,15; 6:23,25
happen(2) hiking(1) 10:24;11:5,16;12:4; 45:5,10;46:13;51:4,4, introduction(1)
28:7;51:21 47:9 71:5 9,18;61:22;62:5,7,14, 9:12
happened(4) hill(3) hydrants(11) 16,21 investigated(2)
28:1,8;33:5;53:8 19:11;68:11;75:7 11:19,24;12:6;20:4; increased(2) 38:18;65:16
happening(3) hire(3) 54:1,2;68:10;69:7; 18:25;19:9 investigating(1)
53:9;57:21;69:5 31:9,9;64:18 71:6,22;75:18 increases(6) 29:1
happens(3) Historically(1) 25:9,13,19;32:25; investigation(1)
37:11;46:16;49:23 73:17 I 40:22;44:3 38:15
Happy(3) hit(3) increasing(1) invite(1)
33:7;51:9;52:1 38:2;44:12;58:3 IDAHO(16) 43:15 47:3
hard(2) hold(3) 4:1,4,6,7,8,20; incredibly(1) involved(1)
44:12,14 4:15;72:7;76:25 20:20,23,25;29:18,25; 61:23 46:19
hate(1) holding(3) 42:7;43:24;47:14; independent(2) IOUs(1)
38:24 7:22;75:6,11 48:10;55:15 28:20;64:6 16:13
head(2) home(2) idea(2) individual(6) IPUC(7)
71:3;75:15 13:9;19:18 7:5;31:5 34:3,4;37:11;39:17; 59:5,6,7,10;63:16;
health(1) homeowners(3) identified(1) 41:16;45:24 68:1;69:6
21:5 34:9;37:3,7 39:17 individually(1) iron(9)
hear(7) honestly(1) identify(4) 50:1 49:4;53:11;56:7,13,
8:13;15:18;17:5,11; 33:9 6:9;7:14;41:16; inflation(4) 14,15,16,19;63:4
18:20;35:16;39:22 Honor(1) 60:19 33:2;40:22;41:2; irrigation(2)
heard(7) 12:15 iffy(1) 62:16 13:21,22
9:5;16:23;35:25; honored(1) 21:22 information(5) issue(14)
44:16;49:5,6;56:6 35:23 illuminating(1) 7:1;11:3,9;17:4; 22:3;27:19;29:20;
HEARING(26) hook(6) 61:19 22:5 30:2;33:8;42:15;44:5;
4:1,17,21;7:8,22; 11:2;14:2;22:19; immediately(1) informed(2) 46:5;48:23;53:18;
8:23;9:4;18:10;22:5; 23:25;61:1;69:7 20:21 46:19;66:12 56:9,11,13,17
23:12;27:13;32:9; hooked(1) impact(3) informing(1) issues(9)
40:12;42:9;48:15; 71:4 26:16;28:3;46:6 23:14 15:16;22:24;29:13;
55:20;58:22;61:13; hooking(3) impacting(1) initial(1) 30:8,14,25;36:12;
Min-U-Script® M&M Court Reporting LLC (84)Hanaford-issues
mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700
Re: Stoneridge Utilities,LLC's Application SWS-W-24-01 Transcript of Hearing
October 9,2024
49:14;70:1 25:15;75:1;76:22 legislature(1) 48:7;72:4 makes(2)
items(1) known(2) 47:14 long(4) 22:15;54:21
70:5 54:16;62:25 lengthy(1) 22:14;26:10;34:13; making(2)
knows(1) 17:9 62:24 5:8;53:18
d 37:13 level(1) look(12) man(1)
Kristine(20) 15:16 21:16;22:2,24; 74:14
JD(1) 47:21,23,25;48:6,6, life(2) 31:15;33:9;44:9; manage(2)
27:8 9,13,16,18;52:20; 44:7;61:25 51:19;53:24;54:6; 14:21;58:19
Jim(20) 53:2,16;54:14,20; Light(1) 56:3;69:12;70:1 managed(1)
24:17,17,18,19,22, 70:17,23;72:3,4,6,24 68:7 looked(2) 34:4
25;25:2,5,7;27:5,23; limited(1) 14:9;71:9 manager(2)
28:12,15,19;29:3,17; L 20:23 looking(9) 6:11;71:7
30:6,18;31:18,20 line(1) 21:13;26:9;36:18; mandate(1)
job(6) lack(1) 15:21 45:8;62:22;64:16; 28:5
30:19;35:10,11; 43:19 list(3) 65:17;73:11,12 mandates(1)
55:2;59:7;64:16 Lake(6) 9:13,20;36:2 looks(3) 30:4
John(23) 12:1;16:16;55:25; listen(2) 8:8;43:20;51:18 mandatory(1)
4:25;32:4,4,6,10, 57:8;75:24;76:6 9:6;36:8 lose(2) 30:7
12;35:5,8,21;36:10; land(1) listening(3) 22:23;69:2 many(17)
37:1,5,17,25;38:15, 23:22 33:20;48:23;60:17 lost(3) 7:19;8:1;35:25;
24;39:20;40:1;44:18; landscape(1) literally(1) 15:24;49:20;67:23 36:2,4;37:6;39:21;
59:18,23;73:7;74:19 25:24 48:21 lot(28) 40:15;46:21,22;
join(1) Lane(1) litigation(1) 13:25;15:18;17:12; 64:13,13;65:10;
32:22 4:3 64:5 19:8,14,18;20:16; 69:25,25;75:24;76:6
joint(1) large(4) little(10) 21:3;23:12;26:6;31:8; mark(2)
17:10 19:25;22:16;39:25; 19:1;32:15;39:1; 36:20;38:16;39:4,8, 50:14,15
Jr(1) 43:21 51:22;52:17,18; 13;40:18;41:3;43:11, Matter(7)
4:25 larger(1) 53:22;64:5;75:4,13 22;44:4;49:4;51:17; 4:18;5:9,21;15:10;
jumped(2) 39:23 live(23) 57:12,17;62:5;73:8; 45:22;50:20;69:23
38:4;49:9 last(31) 7:15;10:10,20; 74:24 mattered(1)
jurisdiction(1) 10:7,7;12:21,21; 12:23;18:7;20:17; lots(6) 35:12
37:15 13:10;14:9;18:5,5; 24:18,19;32:5,6;37:9; 33:24;37:7,8;51:12, matters(2)
justification(1) 24:15,16;25:9;32:2,3; 40:9;42:6;46:24,24; 22;65:10 53:24;54:6
45:5 38:19;40:7,7;42:2,2; 48:8,9;55:14;58:14; Love(4) may(11)
justify(5) 48:4,7;50:11;55:10; 61:7;67:3;68:16; 4:13;17:2;54:15; 17:7;22:22,23;
43:12,14;44:15; 58:3,11,12;60:22; 73:20 64:20 23:19,19;28:3,24;
62:21,22 61:3,4;66:24,25;72:2 lived(6) lovely(1) 36:5;47:14;53:8;76:9
late(4) 18:14,24;19:7; 73:6 maybe(2)
K 48:19,20;61:1;65:2 50:23;61:25;62:24 low(1) 7:25;30:19
law(1) lives(1) 49:13 mayors(1)
keep(2) 29:21 22:20 lower(3) 6:24
55:5;69:14 lawn(3) livestock(1) 11:14;24:1;68:11 mean(15)
Ken(1) 22:23;49:24,25 51:15 lucky(1) 12:5;14:4,10,25;
52:9 lay(1) living(3) 59:10 16:9;27:4;30:19;
Kendrick(1) 64:11 23:6;38:2;49:22 35:10,20;45:20;
20:25 leadership(1) LLC(2) M 51:16;53:22;57:23;
Kevin(1) 54:25 4:4;6:5 60:18;63:13
15:8 leads(1) LLC's(2) M&M(1) means(2)
kid(1) 9:12 4:18,23 8:18 34:14;36:20
71:22 leakage(2) local(2) ma'am(1) measured(1)
kind(14) 13:25;74:24 23:6;50:6 64:25 13:18
11:3,14;21:22;24:1; learn(2) location(1) Macy(2) meet(1)
26:4;28:11;33:17; 36:9,9 7:23 4:5;8:16 68:12
39:22;41:2;45:6;46:1; leasing(1) lock(1) main(1) meeting(2)
51:4;63:8;64:11 28:3 28:8 11:15 36:5;65:3
King(1) Lee(1) Lodge(1) maintain(1) meetings(10)
44:1 6:16 5:3 44:7 21:18,24;33:16,16;
KIZER(8) leech(3) Logue(19) maintained(1) 36:18;41:25;42:13;
67:1,1,4,8,11,13; 76:2,3,4 47:22,23,25;48:6,7, 67:20 43:11;44:19;73:19
70:4,7 leech-fielding(1) 9,13,16,18;52:20; maintenance(3) member(4)
K-i-z-e-r(1) 76:7 53:16;54:14,20; 68:8;69:1,13 23:6;31:10;47:14;
67:2 left(2) 70:17,23;72:3,4,6,24 major(1) 60:5
knowing(3) 7:3;32:20 L-o-g-u-e(2) 22:7 members(6)
Min-U-Script® M&M Court Reporting LLC (85)items-members
mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700
Re: Stoneridge Utilities,LLC's Application SWS-W-24-01 Transcript of Hearing
October 9,2024
4:22;6:24;30:20; Mostly(1) nobody(1) 5:16 30:2,2,4
42:23;44:23;77:7 8:13 52:6 office(2) orders(1)
mention(2) mountain(3) Nope(1) 32:7;55:2 27:18
38:20;45:2 46:25;47:10;57:25 35:4 official(6) ordinary(1)
mentioned(5) mouthpiece(1) normal(2) 7:11;8:23;32:19,23; 31:4
32:18;37:2;39:17; 39:13 39:23;49:5 41:15,22 organization(2)
44:18;73:3 move(2) Normally(2) officials(3) 6:15;60:12
Merci(1) 46:17;77:4 13:16;28:15 6:22;45:23;73:21 organized(1)
40:2 moved(4) North(1) oftentimes(3) 33:6
mercy(1) 15:9;21:3;34:22; 43:24 15:3;64:17;76:9 original(1)
38:7 62:25 Notary(1) old(4) 22:12
message(1) movement(1) 4:5 39:1;45:1;74:22,24 originally(1)
32:20 46:19 note(2) Once(3) 27:7
met(2) much(18) 12:8;53:4 7:18;29:24;30:2 Ours(3)
32:14;45:3 11:16;24:10;25:11; notes(3) one(55) 11:11;35:10;53:10
meters(1) 31:2;36:11;39:23; 48:1;53:14;69:22 7:5;8:12;9:14; out(48)
75:3 40:21;47:18;53:25; notice(2) 17:15,23;21:21,21; 4:14;5:5;7:3,6;
mic(5) 59:10,16;60:23; 32:17,24 22:15,25;26:12,15,24; 10:22;12:1,9;14:21,
18:18,21;19:2;25:4; 62:17;63:23;69:21; noticed(3) 33:14;34:2;35:12; 22;15:20,24;19:21;
74:19 75:1,2;76:15 19:14,16;71:4 37:11;39:16;41:14; 20:10,12,15;23:13,16;
Michael(12) must(3) notification(1) 42:13,15,17;43:1,3, 31:3,4;32:15;36:1;
5:25;6:2;67:1,1,4,8, 10:23;11:18;23:6 61:24 10,18;44:19;45:13; 42:21;48:20,21;51:8,
11,13;69:22;70:4,7,25 myself(2) noting(1) 47:8;49:1,17,18,20; 14,22;54:25;55:2;
microphone(4) 48:1;53:24 45:7 54:7,8,23;57:12;60:5, 56:1,8,11,16;63:16;
7:9;16:18,20;19:4 number(7) 6;62:10;63:10;67:16, 64:11;67:14;68:9,10;
might(2) N 4:17;26:8;29:8; 23,23;68:11,19,23; 69:2;70:12,13;73:8;
36:24;65:19 33:10;50:15,18;54:16 70:8,10;71:5,25; 75:8,11,12;76:1,2,13
million(2) name(37) numbers(3) 72:11;73:12;74:21; outages(1)
50:14;53:4 4:25;7:8,15;10:7,7; 39:2;44:14;53:8 76:25;77:3 22:4
mind(3) 12:21;18:5;24:16,16; numerous(1) ones(3) outrageous(4)
36:15;70:24;71:17 32:3,3;39:3;40:7,7; 48:24 5:8;35:16;36:16 22:13;24:7;25:21;
mindful(1) 41:7;42:2,2;48A,4,6, One's(1) 32:25
53:12 7;50:8,10,11;54:14; O 67:21 outside(3)
minimum(1) 55:10,10;58:11,12; online(1) 51:11;52:14;57:13
68:13 61:3,4;66:24;71:14; oath(4) 60:18 over(11)
miserably(1) 72:2,3,14;74:16 7:12;59:22;70:22, only(14) 8:9,16;13:14,15;
11:1 nation(1) 23 8:12;11:7;19:9; 34:4;37:15;47:4;
missed(1) 62:7 obey(1) 27:20;37:21;38:10; 62:23;65:22;68:19;
9:11 native(1) 30:3 39:1;40:16;52:7;59:3; 71:7
missing(1) 16:16 obligation(1) 65:15;71:2;72:11; Overlapping(1)
43:7 need(20) 37:9 75:9 55:6
MO(1) 12:6;15:12;22:19; observe(2) onto(1) overly(3)
25:14 36:7;38:6;42:20,23; 33:18;36:13 58:1 53:22;62:17;63:4
moment(2) 43:12;51:6;52:19; obvious(1) opened(1) override(1)
23:4;41:14 53:24;54:6;62:13,16; 33:2 50:8 31:5
money(2) 67:20,25;68:25;69:1; Obviously(6) operating(1) own(5)
51:5;69:15 76:10,12 17:6;26:6,7,10; 34:12 15:9,11;37:7,12;
month(3) needed(3) 28:5;29:7 operation(2) 76:7
13:10;25:23;26:1 21:2;44:24;45:4 occasions(1) 65:17,24 owner(2)
months(2) needs(2) 49:4 opinion(1) 34:19;65:9
25:9;26:1 44:7;62:15 occurred(1) 62:11 Owners(5)
moon(1) neighbor(1) 7:18 opinions(2) 6:7,13;34:9;37:6;
25:15 15:8 occurrence(1) 33:13;34:6 69:24
more(24) new(2) 19:20 opportunity(8) ownership(4)
10:19;11:13;15:18; 44:25;68:17 October(1) 8:7;9:5;17:9;41:16; 26:14;27:2,6;33:22
16:1;18:14;19:14,23; newer(1) 4:2 64:10;73:22;74:9; owns(4)
21:3;22:20;25:11; 72:16 off(14) 77:1 34:3;37:8;65:9;
36:21;39:14;45:24; next(5) 13:18;14:6;15:12; opposed(2) 76:2
51:5,17;52:8;53:9; 9:20;24:12;37:12; 20:22;23:11;32:12; 26:15,21
54:21;60:1,2;61:18; 68:12,16 52:11;60:25;67:23; orange(1) P
65:3;75:15;76:25 nice(6) 68:22;69:7;72:15,16; 49:7
most(3) 32:19;34:23;36:17; 77:5 order(6) paid(3)
7:1;51:14;75:23 38:15,18;74:4 offered(1) 27:20;29:13,21; 42:18;43:6;57:5
Min-U-Script® M&M Court Reporting LLC (86)mention-paid
mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700
Re: Stoneridge Utilities,LLC's Application SWS-W-24-01 Transcript of Hearing
October 9,2024
panics(1) 45:1;46:8,10,21;47:2, platted(1) 29:14 22:11,12
44:13 2,15;49:17;51:14; 33:24 President(14) proposed(3)
paperwork(1) 56:12;57:11,13,19,23; play(2) 14:15;21:10;23:1; 40:17;62:4,8
17:6 58:2;62:20;68:12; 51:23;72:22 27:15;30:16;35:7; protect(1)
par(1) 69:7,9;71:18;72:10; playing(1) 41:11;45:17;47:12; 35:20
34:12 77:1 34:5 52:25;59:14;63:21; protection(2)
parameters(1) people's(1) please(27) 69:20;73:3 35:15;59:11
7:7 22:20 6:9,25;7:4,9;8:9,24; pressure(12) protections(1)
Parkland(2) per(2) 10:3,6,8;12:20;17:13; 10:23;11:11;13:13, 35:14
61:8;67:4 50:14;53:4 18:1,4;24:14,15;32:1, 16,20;14:2,19,23; prove(1)
part(11) percent(7) 2;40:6;42:1;48:3; 19:10;49:13;75:15,15 65:11
5:18;11:5;35:15; 25:20;26:21;40:23, 55:9;58:8,10,11;61:2; pressured(1) proven(1)
37:8;44:3;45:5;51:2, 24;51:8,19;60:1 66:23,24 41:18 45:21
3;55:24;57:19;67:14 percentage(7) pleased(1) pretty(7) provide(1)
participation(2) 43:19,21,22;45:11, 39:21 11:16;12:10;21:22; 34:20
47:16;76:23 12;59:18,24 Plummer(1) 22:13;36:22;40:20; provider(1)
particular(2) percentages(1) 20:23 74:24 16:5
50:16;57:7 62:6 plus(2) preventive(1) providing(1)
parties(7) period(1) 33:13,13 69:1 29:19
5:22;8:7,12;17:10; 66:9 pm(1) prices(5) PSPS's(1)
28:21;64:12,17 permission(3) 77:8 33:2;34:11;37:19; 15:17
parts(3) 67:25;71:11;72:12 point(4) 62:3,3 PUBLIC(14)
50:14;53:4;68:11 person(9) 5:10;28:7;30:12; Priest(1) 4:1,5,7,14,22;
party(5) 32:23;45:4;50:21, 58:4 16:16 15:17;17:16,18;20:6;
7:18;27:22;29:22; 22;52:7;56:14;57:13; policy(2) prior(1) 36:14,14;68:7;73:19;
64:4;65:21 67:17;68:2 23:18;64:3 7:10 74:4
pass(1) personal(1) politics(1) private(4) publicity(1)
73:4 76:7 36:12 49:6;72:13,19,19 53:2
past(3) personally(2) portion(2) privately(1) PUD(2)
22:2;53:9;62:23 26:22;62:2 42:19,22 30:24 68:5,20
PATRICIA(12) person's(1) position(4) pro(1) pull(3)
17:24;18:6,6,11,13, 50:10 59:1,2,9;74:5 33:23 12:5;18:20;56:4
24;19:3,7;21:17;22:7, perspective(1) positive(1) probably(8) pulled(1)
12;23:16 28:10 12:2 7:2,5;11:12;17:12; 57:8
patterns(2) Petz(14) possibility(1) 18:13,15;31:16;74:25 pulling(1)
38:6;45:25 12:17,19,22,22,24; 71:19 problem(5) 57:23
PATTERSON(12) 13:2,5,7;14:20;15:8; possibly(1) 19:10;39:3;49:15; pulls(1)
17:24;18:6,6,11,13, 16:2,7,9,17 35:19 63:8;75:9 72:9
24;19:3,7;21:17;22:7, P-e-t-z(1) post(2) problems(4) pump(6)
12;23:16 12:22 32:7;63:1 22:5;35:13,18; 14:7;21:22;34:19;
P-a-t-t-e-r-s-o-n(1) Phoenix(4) posted(1) 39:18 67:25;68:1;75:10
18:7 61:25;62:1,3;63:7 61:18 procedures(1) pumped(2)
pay(5) picture(1) potential(2) 7:7 76:1,2
25:23;33:25;38:22; 71:6 13:9;20:12 proceeding(1) pumps(3)
46:2;52:2 pieces(1) pounds(3) 7:11 67:23,24;68:13
paying(9) 51:12 13:15,19;68:11 proceedings(2) purification(1)
36:11;42:22;43:9, Pierce(1) power(13) 5:1;8:16 63:5
12,14;45:8,11;65:12; 44:2 14:6;15:4,17,21; professor(1) purpose(1)
69:8 pipes(4) 16:7;23:5,8,9,14; 38:25 4:21
pays(2) 13:23;14:25;15:1; 69:2;75:8;76:11,12 profit(2) purposes(2)
34:2;52:14 19:21 power-offs(1) 34:15;67:18 5:22;59:22
peas(1) piping(1) 15:6 promise(2) pursue(1)
68:18 74:23 power's(2) 40:11;58:21 53:14
pending(1) place(2) 15:24;75:12 proper(1) purview(2)
4:6 4:16;23:18 preliminarily(1) 69:13 38:4;56:6
people(55) places(1) 45:14 properly(1) put(14)
7:19;13:21;16:10; 44:1 prepared(1) 60:22 11:6,13;14:2,23;
20:11,16,16;21:3; plaintiff(1) 17:24 properties(4) 15:1;28:22;34:19;
33:5,10,13,20;34:4,6, 64:5 presence(1) 33:24,24,25;65:11 48:2;53:8;58:2;59:1;
17;35:25;36:2,17,22; planned(1) 73:15 Property(7) 63:5;66:14;70:2
37:9;39:7,11,21; 66:5 present(2) 6:13;14:18;20:14; putting(2)
40:16,18;41:3;43:1,4, plants(1) 5:2,22 34:9;37:6;44:6,10 20:3;21:4
6,23,24;44:4,13,25; 50:1 presented(1) proposal(2)
Min-U-Script® M&M Court Reporting LLC (87)panics-putting
mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700
Re: Stoneridge Utilities,LLC's Application SWS-W-24-01 Transcript of Hearing
October 9,2024
63:16 reference(1) 60:13 right-hand(1)
Q reading(2) 4:22 representing(2) 72:16
26:12;30:6 referred(1) 6:2;47:17 rights(4)
qualifications(1) ready(1) 4:17 reps(1) 27:4,13;28:2,9
71:21 38:2 refrain(1) 73:12 rise(1)
quality(10) real(1) 8:24 request(4) 37:13
19:13;49:2;53:10; 18:22 regard(1) 4:23;43:4,8;45:8 risk(5)
54:22;56:9,13;62:20; reality(3) 65:22 requested(2) 19:24;20:3;21:4;
65:25;68:15;69:22 35:10,23;38:2 regards(1) 17:1;25:12 57:24;69:4
quantity(1) realize(1) 73:5 requirements(1) Road(9)
53:25 71:25 regular(2) 68:13 10:11,20;38:1;
quasi-judicial(1) Really(20) 19:16;38:3 research(1) 40:10;71:13;72:8,13,
7:12 4:13;11:7,10,12; regularly(2) 62:5 16;75:5
quick(3) 12:2;13:20,22;14:12; 70:9,12 researcher(1) roads(4)
11:17;14:17;75:20 15:10;20:8;23:8; regulates(1) 39:5 69:9;71:11,15;
quickly(1) 24:11;28:13;30:7; 16:13 reservoir(1) 72:20
53:1 36:4,11;47:12,16; Reisig[phonetic] (1) 75:16 rock(2)
quite(2) 54:20;69:11 39:4 residents(2) 64:16;65:22
17:9;25:25 realm(1) related(2) 33:7;37:10 room(2)
38:3 27:4;65:19 residents'(1) 33:9;36:3
R reason(4) reliable(1) 65:13 rooms(1)
7:24;30:23;38:8; 28:6 resolution(1) 35:25
raise(12) 71:3 relied(1) 15:23 roughly(1)
10:3;12:18;15:21; reasonable(10) 64:17 Resort(3) 25:23
18:1,17;22:14;24:14; 24:4;25:11,17; rely(3) 20:14;58:20;60:6 run(7)
32:1;55:9;58:10;61:2; 29:16;33:3,4;34:13, 11:23;39:6;59:10 resources(2) 20:10,12,15;22:4;
66:23 14;44:17;45:12 relying(1) 62:9;67:15 52:7;68:2;75:11
raised(2) received(1) 75:14 respect(1) running(3)
57:17;58:8 45:7 remarks(2) 36:14 13:12;21:20;74:23
ran(2) receiving(1) 35:3;39:15 responsibility(2) rural(1)
48:20;68:20 43:8 remedy(1) 13:20;33:15 49:23
rancher(1) recognize(2) 53:13 responsible(1) rush(1)
5:5 41:22;45:24 remember(8) 10:23 12:6
Ranchos(2) recognized(2) 50:11;53:2,5;65:9; retired(1) Rusho(1)
51:9;52:1 74:4,5 70:25;71:22;75:24; 43:23 4:3
Randolph(1) recommendation(3) 76:5 retiring(1)
6:16 26:13;27:5,9 remembered(1) 43:25 S
Randy(1) recommendations(7) 42:16 return(1)
36:22 26:6,23;28:16;29:3, remind(1) 69:15 sad(1)
Rapalli(3) 7,10;31:3 41:6 revenue(2) 34:7
9:14,15,18 recommending(1) remotely(1) 65:18,23 safe(3)
rate(35) 27:25 33:13 review(3) 28:6;29:19;54:21
22:10,16;24:4,5; reconsideration(2) render(1) 5:15;29:4;64:21 safety(6)
25:8,19;26:19;29:14, 29:23,24 52:15 reviewed(1) 15:17;21:5;23:9;
15;32:25;40:17,17; record(42) repair(3) 28:10 49:12;53:18;54:22
42:20,24,25;43:4,8, 5:14,16,19,19,22; 44:19;49:16;67:20 rich(1) same(3)
21;44:2,10,16;45:10; 7:14;8:2,5,14,23; repairs(3) 56:18 21:1;60:2,3
46:13,16;51:18;59:5, 12:21;14:1,8;17:3,4, 45:3;51:6,7 Ridge(3) sample(1)
6,19,24;60:1,2;61:22; 18,20;24:16;28:22, repeat(1) 10:11,20;75:5 49:10
62:21;65:16;69:15 22;30:12;31:7;36:5; 74:11 ridiculous(1) sat(1)
rates(11) 39:19;40:7;41:5;42:3; report(1) 40:25 42:15
4:19;20:5;23:3; 48:5;53:25;54:6,12; 45:4 right(38) saw(2)
25:21,22,22;38:7; 55:5,11;58:12;60:3; Reporter(3) 5:1;7:9,13;8:13; 40:17;60:25
43:15;56:25;62:5; 61:4;63:11;64:23; 4:5;8:15,19 10:3;12:18;15:23; saying(9)
72:22 66:25;74:17;77:2,5 Reporting(2) 16:25;17:23;18:1; 23:18;29:9;35:9;
rather(1) Recreational(1) 4:4;8:17 19:11;24:14;26:20, 43:6;45:2;50:16;
8:3 6:7 representation(2) 22;29:17;30:14,18; 51:16;56:19;70:25
rating(1) rectify(1) 5:24;46:10 31:17;32:1,24;43:17; scared(1)
30:10 11:4 representative(3) 44:22;47:22,25;48:3; 34:6
reach(1) red(1) 6:6;73:5,18 55:5,9;58:10;61:2; Scott(24)
29:12 63:4 representatives(1) 66:23;68:12;71:8; 9:20,22;10:9,9,10,
read(5) reduce(1) 6:24 72:5,15;75:7,16; 11,14,17,19;11:20,25;
11:9;59:8;61:17,21; 14:23 represented(1) 76:12,16 12:9;32:20;73:5,18;
Min-U-Script® M&M Court Reporting LLC (88)qualifications-Scott
mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700
Re: Stoneridge Utilities,LLC's Application SWS-W-24-01 Transcript of Hearing
October 9,2024
74:10,12,18,18,20; 52:15 Social(1) square(2) 70:21,23
75:21,23;76:12,16 set(1) 40:20 10:4;18:2 stone(1)
script(1) 59:2 solids(1) Staff(41) 27:3
7:4 sets(2) 70:11 5:10;6:3,18;14:14; Stoneridge(38)
season(2) 21:15;22:3 solutions(1) 17:7;19:5;21:8;26:5, 4:18,23;6:4,5,7,13;
49:12;69:3 several(3) 35:18 13,20;27:21;28:11,16, 13:11,14;20:14;
seasons(1) 19:25;25:9;62:23 somebody(3) 21,22,24,24;29:8; 24:19;26:15;27:3,7,
15:14 sewer(7) 40:23;50:7;53:20 30:9,18,20,25;31:2,8, 11;28:3;29:6;32:6;
seats(1) 33:23;37:13;57:18, someone(3) 10,16;32:13;41:10; 33:7;34:2;37:5,6,8,9,
33:12 25;68:6;75:22;76:9 16:10;32:19;42:21 44:23;52:23;59:8,25; 10;42:14;50:12;
Seattle(1) share(6) sometimes(1) 63:14;64:1,2,3,6,11, 51:10;52:14,16;
68:7 33:8;38:5,17;43:9; 69:23 14;65:16,19 56:16;57:13,14,20;
second(5) 45:9;74:3 son(1) Staff's(9) 58:18,19;59:3;60:6;
7:22,25;49:23;59:4; sharing(1) 16:16 5:24;21:13;22:11; 65:10
72:7 39:8 soon(1) 26:23;27:5,21;28:7; store(1)
section(4) shifted(1) 31:7 31:3;63:18 72:11
46:20;51:9;52:2; 14:12 Sorry(9) standard(1) straight(1)
72:2 shock(1) 16:22;18:20;19:2,6; 29:15 72:15
secure(1) 51:5 31:21;40:5;54:13; standpoint(2) stress(1)
16:1 shocking(2) 55:4;64:8 43:13;65:15 9:4
Security(1) 40:18;62:4 sort(1) start(1) stretch(1)
40:20 shoot(2) 49:7 58:8 72:16
seeing(4) 15:12;25:15 Sounds(2) started(4) stuff(8)
24:6;33:1;47:1; shop(2) 63:17;75:18 23:24;33:5,5;36:13 19:17;20:15;22:23;
61:19 33:23;71:5 southwest(1) State(20) 26:17;33:17;34:3;
seem(1) shotty(1) 46:9 4:6,8,15,20;10:6; 36:13;38:17
24:5 68:8 space(4) 12:20;15:16;18:4; subject(1)
seemed(2) shut(3) 13:23,24;14:24; 24:15;32:2;35:14; 45:21
22:13,13 13:17;15:11;21:2 24:2 40:6;42:1;48:4;55:10; submit(5)
seems(5) shutdowns(1) speak(8) 58:11;61:3;66:24; 8:2;9:6;66:3,6,14
14:1;25:12,15; 23:17 19:1;48:25;54:17; 72:1;74:16 submitted(10)
40:24;52:6 shut-off(4) 65:14,15,20,24;73:22 statement(7) 8:1;17:7,10,12;
senate(1) 15:4;23:10,14,15 SPEAKER(5) 7:20;10:19;15:2; 30:13;63:12,14;
33:16 shut-offs(1) 16:18;65:2,7;66:13, 41:23,24;50:9;55:8 64:11,13,22
senators(1) 15:17 20 statements(4) subsidiary(1)
6:24 side(5) speakers_(1) 35:17;45:22;64:1; 26:16
send(2) 21:14;46:7;68:4,5; 55:6 75:13 sucking(1)
23:16;29:5 72:16 speaking(3) station(1) 42:21
senile(1) signed(1) 9:2;51:13;65:20 50:6 sued(1)
38:25 58:7 speaks(2) statutorily(1) 28:2
sense(2) significant(2) 9:25;27:18 28:5 suffered(1)
14:7;22:15 42:25;43:23 special(1) StCyr(11) 5:5
sent(3) significantly(1) 14:22 61:5,5,8,11,14,16; suffering(1)
13:14;68:19;71:6 44:8 specifically(2) 63:15,19,24;64:8,24 35:19
separate(2) single(1) 38:22;51:16 S-t-C-y-r(1) summary(1)
27:21;28:4 62:18 spell(9) 61:6 45:6
separate-but-related(1) sit(2) 10:7;12:21;18:5; StCyrs(1) summer(2)
28:4 51:7;52:8 24:16;40:7;48:4; 68:16 15:13;26:1
separated(1) situation(1) 55:10;58:12;66:25 steeling(1) summers(1)
13:23 11:4 spelled-out(1) 71:8 71:1
septic(4) slow(1) 33:25 STENOGRAPHIC(1) supply(1)
75:21;76:6,7,10 46:23 spelling(3) 8:19 49:19
seriously(1) small(4) 32:3;42:2;61:3 Steve(2) supporter(1)
38:9 20:18;43:21;51:12, Spirit(3) 50:10,13 34:15
servants(2) 12 12:1;55:24;57:8 Steven(1) suppose(1)
36:14,15 smart(2) split(1) 39:3 12:1
service(7) 35:2;39:14 49:23 Steward(2) supposed(6)
4:20;13:15;16:5; smell(1) SPOA(2) 18:7;19:11 20:8;50:15,15;52:3,
22:16;28:6;29:20; 53:11 37:2,8 sticks(1) 4;56:17
37:4 smells(2) spoken(1) 71:3 Supreme(1)
serviced(1) 63:3,4 62:20 still(8) 29:25
34:21 Snohomish(3) sputter(1) 14:24;22:17;23:24; surcharge(3)
services(1) 68:5,20;70:9 19:19 24:9;47:4;59:21; 52:2,13,14
Min-U-Script® M&M Court Reporting LLC (89)script-surcharge
mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700
Re: Stoneridge Utilities,LLC's Application SWS-W-24-01 Transcript of Hearing
October 9,2024
sure(19) telling(2) throughout(2) trucks(3) underneath(1)
8:21;16:5;19:19; 43:5;56:13 43:2,11 56:5;71:1;72:20 19:11
21:14;27:9,23;28:6; tempted(1) throw(1) truly(1) understands(1)
36:22;37:16;41:22; 54:4 31:3 35:16 40:21
45:11;47:23;52:13, terms(4) Thus(1) trust(1) understood(1)
21;53:19;54:11,25; 27:20;44:10;46:10; 38:3 31:1 59:5
61:5;65:11 66:2 tight(1) truth(12) unfortunate(1)
swear(11) test(2) 62:9 10:16;13:4;18:10; 5:4
7:13;10:15;13:3; 56:8;68:10 times(7) 24:24;32:9;40:12; unfortunately(2)
18:9;24:23;32:8;42:8; tested(4) 10:22,25;11:1,21; 42:9;48:14;55:20; 39:6;57:9
48:14;55:19;61:12; 10:25;11:19,21; 46:22;59:8;69:25 58:22;61:13;67:10 UNIDENTIFIED(5)
67:9 50:17 timeshare(1) try(3) 16:18;65:2,7;66:13,
sworn(3) testified(1) 34:8 34:17;35:17;53:13 20
7:10;72:1;74:16 73:1 today(9) trying(4) unincorporated(4)
SWS-W-24-01 (2) testify(13) 5:13;8:16;13:4; 15:19;35:17;37:16; 32:16;39:24;55:25;
4:8,17 7:8,19;9:8,24;17:1, 23:11;24:24;32:9; 55:5 57:7
system(23) 14;50:5;58:7;73:1; 59:22;66:6,11 turn(4) Unless(1)
10:21;11:6;33:23, 74:9;76:18;77:1,3 today's(9) 14:6;26:14;34:17; 9:10
23;34:12;42:22;45:1; testifying(3) 7:8;18:10;40:12; 65:22 unlivable(1)
49:7;51:1;57:18,20, 7:10,25;8:10 42:9;48:15;55:20; turned(2) 44:3
23,25;58:1,2;63:6; testimony(14) 58:22;61:13;67:10 20:22;27:10 unplatted(1)
65:9;67:17,19;68:9; 4:9,22;5:13,16; together(2) turning(1) 33:24
69:13;74:22;76:10 7:12,20;8:3,6,25,25; 17:11;48:2 34:25 unreasonable(1)
systems(5) 9:3;50:16;53:15; told(6) twenty(5) 33:4
20:23;34:19,21; 64:22 13:19;14:4;15:9; 18:15,25;19:8;21:4; Unruh(6)
44:1;51:6 testing(1) 50:13;56:7;72:12 52:3 40:8,8,10,13,15;
53:6 tolerance(1) twenty-year(1) 41:8
T tests(1) 11:12 52:4 U-n-r-u-h(1)
68:20 tomorrow(12) two(7) 40:8
talk(4) Thanks(1) 7:23,25;9:16;36:21; 10:25;11:21;58:8; unusual(1)
44:5;51:6,7;52:8 54:19 66:6,15,17;73:6,13, 67:21,22,23;69:1 31:4
talked(1) theirs(1) 25;74:6;76:20 type(2) up(72)
35:13 26:9 tomorrow's(2) 14:2;36:17 7:9,9;10:20;11:2;
talking(9) Theresa(1) 66:8,18 types(1) 12:5;13:11,19,23;
15:5,17;33:6,21; 13:14 tonight(12) 64:16 14:2;17:13;18:21;
37:3;45:2;49:16; THEREUPON(1) 4:13;5:4,17;7:25; typically(1) 20:20,23;21:20;22:8;
55:24;63:12 4:9 8:3,23;9:9;33:11; 65:16 23:9;25:23;26:21;
tank(7) thinking(1) 47:18;65:3;74:8;77:3 27:19;28:8;29:7,9;
14:22;20:10;75:6, 71:9 tonight's(1) U 30:9,25;33:3;34:11;
11,25;76:6,7 third(1) 5:1 35:11;36:12;37:20;
tanker(2) 76:19 took(3) Uh(1) 38:1,4,5,5;40:4;
12:2;56:5 Thomas(13) 13:17;34:4;71:6 37:1 43:11;44:7;46:24;
tankers(2) 6:10,10;58:13,13, totally(5) ultimate(1) 49:24;50:8,20;52:3,
11:23;71:12 16,19,23,25;59:23; 21:14,25;33:4;41:4; 5:8 10;54:9;55:5;57:1;
tanks(4) 60:6,14,17,21 49:9 umm(19) 58:7;59:19,24;60:1,2;
70:9,12,13;75:21 T-h-o-m-a-s(1) touch(1) 10:20,20;11:4,5,7,9, 61:25;64:1,2;65:4,8;
tariff(2) 58:13 71:22 11;13:8;19:14,24; 66:7;67:15;69:7,14;
37:22;38:13 thorough(2) town(1) 20:3;32:17;49:4,22; 70:20;71:2,4,5,18,20,
tariffs(1) 28:24,25 73:8 51:2,14;52:4;61:22; 20;75:5,6,6,10;76:3,4
37:20 though(3) training(1) 71:1 upgrade(1)
taste(4) 15:25;19:6;70:8 50:13 unable(1) 44:24
19:13;50:24,25; thought(5) transcript(1) 5:3 up-kept(l)
53:12 13:25;14:8;21:18; 5:13 unbearable(1) 44:21
tastes(1) 40:24;48:19 transfer(1) 41:3 upon(2)
49:3 thoughts(5) 27:2 under(13) 66:11;75:16
tax(2) 22:10;33:8;45:24, treat(1) 7:12;14:24;15:1; usable(1)
44:6,10 25;47:12 56:15 29:16;31:13;35:14; 11:5
taxpayer(1) threat(1) treating(1) 54:24,25;59:22; usage(1)
33:19 23:15 56:17 64:16;65:22;70:21,23 24:1
team(1) three(9) tried(1) underground(1) use(7)
64:4 5:6;19:9;21:21; 10:22 74:23 5:19;7:4,5;8:15;
technically(1) 30:15,24;31:9;66:10; truck(1) underlying(1) 46:17;51:2,17
66:4 67:21;73:25 71:4 5:14 used(4)
Min-U-Script® M&M Court Reporting LLC (90)sure-used
mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700
Re: Stoneridge Utilities,LLC's Application SWS-W-24-01 Transcript of Hearing
October 9,2024
4:6;19:9,20;63:6 wash-outs(1) Who's(2) 56:4 40:24
using(2) 19:17 24:12;52:13 Wow(1) 270-something(1)
57:14;71:15 watch(1) wife's(1) 51:5 26:22
Usually(2) 20:8 74:12 Write(3) 285(1)
19:17;31:5 water(139) Wild(1) 47:2;50:18;64:21 18:7
UTILITIES(12) 4:20;10:21,23;11:6, 23:22 writing(2) 28th(1)
4:1,7,18;6:5;13:11, 10,23;13:9,18;14:7, wildfire(1) 48:1;66:15 4:24
14;15:6,18,20;18:14; 22;15:10,13,24;19:13, 22:5 written(16) 29-page(1)
29:6;68:7 18,21;20:2,6,6,9,10, Williams(29) 5:18;8:1,3;9:8;17:8, 63:16
Utility(10) 12,13,15,18,19,22,23; 32:21;40:4;41:19, 13,19;36:3;39:18;
4:23;14:1;18:8; 22:19,22;23:21,25; 24;42:4,4,7,10,12; 50:8;65:3;66:3,4; 4
20:6;23:13;38:10,13; 24:1;25:12,22,24,25, 45:15,19;46:4;47:9, 70:3,6;76:23
55:1;68:2,4 25;26:3,7,14,14;27:4, 19;54:7,10;55:4,7,12, wrong(2) 42(2)
utility-type(1) 12;28:2,9;33:23; 12,15,18,21,23;57:2, 26:11;47:24 59:4;68:10
19:15 34:11,20;35:20;37:4, 6;73:11,23;74:6 wrongly(1)
4,5,12,15,19;42:14, W-i-1-1-i-a-m-s(2) 59:25 5
V 18,21;44:1,5,6;48:25; 42:5;55:13 wrote(1)
49:1,2,13,19,19,21,22, win(1) 39:21 50(1)
Valley(3) 24;50:1,1,2,4,10,14, 35:23 30:19
33:7;51:9;52:1 17,21;51:1,20;52:16; wind(1) Y 55(1)
value(4) 53:10,19,25;54:22; 14:11 61:8
22:23;24:5;44:11; 56:4,8,8,14,15,18,19; wish(3) year(7)
47:16 57:18,25;59:11,19,24; 7:19;8:2;9:9 14:9;20:7;25:9; 6
verbally(1) 60:2;61:22;62:1,1,2,3, wishes(1) 43:2;52:10,11;67:24
66:14 5,7,21;63:3,5,6,7,7; 77:3 years(12) 6:45(1)
versus(1) 65:9,12,13,19;67:15, wit(1) 10:25;18:15,25; 77:8
75:2 17,19;68:6,15,19; 4:10 19:8;21:4;34:22; 60(4)
via(1) 69:7,9,22;71:1,4,8,11, within(4) 40:16;50:7;52:4;59:4; 13:16;50:15,20,20
39:19 15,19;72:13,19,22; 4:5;11:12;75:24; 62:23;74:22 64(1)
Vice(1) 75:8,10,12,12;76:10 76:5 Yep(1) 74:22
73:24 watering(3) Without(2) 67:4 685(1)
View(1) 68:17;71:11;72:20 44:14;49:10 4:3
33:21 way(13) witness(1) 1
Vista(1) 11:4;21:1;25:7; 9:13 7
48:10 32:15,18;33:2,11; woke(1) 10:00(4)
voiced(1) 44:21;51:14;57:10; 40:4 7:23;73:25;74:6; 75(1)
33:13 71:13;75:1,6 wonderful(4) 76:20 39:10
voices(1) welcome(2) 34:7,8,9;53:16 100(1) 77(1)
9:5 16:3;73:15 wondering(1) 39:11 67:4
voicing(1) well-attended(2) 52:5 106(1)
35:13 5:12;17:16 woo-hoo(1) 40:10 9
volunteer(6) wells(9) 17:23 113th(1)
11:25;54:5;55:23; 21:15,21;44:20; work(15) 10:11 90(2)
56:23;57:5,6 49:6,17;58:2;67:21, 12:5,7;20:17;29:1; 115(1) 50:17;53:4
volunteers(2) 21,22 30:19,21;31:10,16; 13:19 95(1)
54:5;57:9 what's(4) 34:8,10;44:23;50:6; 13:15
22:20;33:21;44:17; 54:2;56:10;68:3 2 9th(1)
W 57:20 worked(4) 4:2
whenever(1) 50:12;68:4,6;69:25 2010(1)
wait(1) 20:21 worker(1) 50:23
36:6 Where'd(1) 13:15 2020(1)
walked(1) 56:7 working(4) 49:24
56:21 wherever(1) 16:21;19:18;20:4; 2024(2)
walking(1) 55:3 31:11 4:2,24
48:21 whichever(1) workshop(2) 218(1)
wall(1) 46:6 17:17,18 48:10
30:22 Whoa(1) workshops(2) 253(2)
wants(2) 61:24 5:11;76:24 40:23,24
41:16;69:14 whole(5) worries(2) 261 (3)
warnings(1) 34:23;39:13;61:25; 47:19;57:2 51:8,19;60:1
23:17 69:3;74:22 worst(1) 27(1)
Washington(1) whomever(1) 12:4 26:21
20:25 71:20 worth(1) 270(1)
Min-U-Script® M&M Court Reporting LLC (91)using-9th
mmcourt.com 1-800-879-1700