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20241017PAC to Staff 97-2 Attachment - EIM Final Status Update Wildfire Coverage for Utilities in 2024.pdf
McGriff ENERGY � 7 Status Update : Wildfire Coverage for Utilities in 2024 4 low MkI i Overview Mutuals areSub limits are What are the Wildfires are Wildfires are sub limitingcreating Wildfire becoming more becoming more wildfire coveragecoverage gaps inalternatives to prevalent destructive to manageexcess liabilityface this exposuretowers in 2024problem? McGriff U . S .A. Wildfire Statistics Annual Number of Wildfires Nationally State Significant Fires 80,000 Source:Sit/109 California 83 Averages Washington 43 C 60,000 Texas 32 Co o Ln LO 00 00 co Co Idaho 27 L Lo Ln 40,000 LO Oklahoma 25 Colorado 22 20,000 New Mexico 17 Arizona 15 a No �,� �� �� do �,� J� �� Nebraska 15 o yo �o ,�o �o �0 0 ,�o• Florida 9 • From 2018 — 2022, 27 states experienced significant wildfires that resulted in death or serious injury of at least one person or caused property damage. • The number of U.S wildfires in 2022 was higher than the 5- and 10- year averages. https://www.earthdata.nasa.gov/topics/human-dimensions/natural-hazards/wildfires https://www.iii.org/fact-statistic/facts-staxtistics-wildfires �^ McGriff 3 ENERGY AEGIS 2024 Wildfire Outlook • AEGIS is revising their excess liability rating model to include a wildfire charge for ALL states, for ALL members. 2023 Approximate AEGIS Wildfire Load (Electric Utilities) • AEGIS will no longer disclose the specific wildfire load and it will instead be built $50,000 - $100,000 (states/jurisdictions into the overall rating going forward. east of the Mississippi in drought conditions) • The previously communicated 2024 trend increase of 8% - 10% has been • $350,000 lower wildfire risk adjusted to a baseline of +12.5% on average. • $500,000 moderate wildfire risk • However, the embedded wildfire charge could "increase significantly" based on • $750,000 higher moderate wildfire risk individual exposure and loss experience. • $1,000,000 high wildfire risk • Up to $1,750,000 extreme wildfire risk • The increase is the result of loss activity, specifically wildfires, and their concern for deficiency in wildfire premium across the book. t.: s- • 4 - 7 _ EIM 2024 Wildfire Outlook EIM Wildfire Capacity • EIM is reducing their wildfire limit to a maximum $25M for 14 Max Limit Western States and $50M for all $50,000,000 other States (including gas utilities and those with renewable exposure) 'd $25,000,000 • California remains excluded • Lower limits could be deployed based on specific account exposure and loss experience • Premiums will increase '~ significantly to try and fund losses • Potential exists for EIM exclude wildfire cover in 2025 • EIM will reassess 2025 capacity deployment based on 2024 '~ experience (including wildfire specific premium income and wildfire loss activity) r M�Gr&' 5 ENERGY Sample Impact of 2024 EIM Wildfire Sublimit Changes Example Excess Casualty Tower , Wildfire Coverage (Pre-Drop) , Wildfire Coverage (Post-Drop) I I $200M I $200M I $160M Commercial Market$10MM I Commercial Market$10MM Commercial 1 I Commercial Market$15MM I IF $15MM Wildfire GAP I Commercial Markets' 2023 (Excludes Wildfire) 1 Commercial 1 Commercial Market I attachment point Commercial Market$40MM markets was$110M Commercial Market$40MM dropped down to fill WF gap I $25MM Wildfire GAP I I I EIM$100MM EIM$75MM I � I I (WF sublimit$75MM) 1 EIM$75MM I I � I I AEGIS$35MM i AEGIS$35MM i AEGIS$35MM I I I I I I I I I I $200M I $200M I $160M CommercialI Commercial I Commercial 2024 Commercial Market$15MM I $15MM Wildfire GAP i Wildfire coverage gaps in (Excludes Wildfire) I I Commercial excess liability program ICommercial Market$40MMCommercial Market I I I .0 I I $75M xs$60M I $50MM Wildfire GAP PROBLEM WF gap to be f$75MM Wildfire GAP , filled vs.$25M xs , Commercial Markets are EIM$100MM i $110M in 2023 i struggling to drop to a (WF sublimit$25MM) I I EIM$25MM $60M WF attachment point EIM$25MM AEGIS$35MM AEGIS$35MM 1 AEGIS$35MM I I I I I I �^ McGriff 6 ENERGY Considerations to Fill the Wildfire Gap Buy more limit from AEGIS- up to $50M Buy stand alone wildfire coverage - Could be a costly option based on limited credit from EIM to - High rate per million based on limited commercial market attach higher - Markets participating in stand-alone wildfire cover want to - The extra $15M of capacity from AEGIS likely to have a higher maximize returns for the deployment of capacity price per million compared to EIM; however, the additional wildfire capacity is nowhere else to be obtained at this - Potential Pricing: $50,000 - $200,000 per million attachment point in a traditional risk transfer arrangement - Current markets include: QBE, Berkshire Hathaway, Ascot, - Potential pricing for extra $15M: 25% - 60% of underlying Aesir, Vantage, MAP, ArchRe, Arcadian UK, Allianz, etc. AEGIS $35M premium Pay additional premium for the high excess to drop down lower Alternative options in placement for wildfire only - Evaluate swing premiums and pre-established loss load options - Potential Pricing: TBD based on actual wildfire exposure and (payment of additional premium only if a loss occurs) to avoid appetite of market to drop down (several will have $100M a rate on line approach min. attachment point). Market applying a rate on line for their layer if high hazard exposure - Captive Utilization: Co-participation, fronting reinsurance, etc. - If Cedar Hamilton sits immediately excess of EIM with large - McGriff is working with independent wholesale partners and limit deployed, it may require altering of tower as Cedar key domestic partners to create potential wildfire specific Hamilton is typically scaling their wildfire limit to match EIM's facility deployed limit r0ft- y McGriff ENERGY Wildfire Modeling and Analytics Understand your Wildfire Risk Mitigate your Wildfire Risk Risk Management Resources (Prescient, Stout, Jensen Hughes, (Technosylva, Jensen Hughes) CoreLogic, Reax Engineering) • What tools are available to you to manage a 0 Jensen Hughes Do you have a wildfire assessment report of potential loss? (https://www.mensenhughes.com your service territory? • Forecasting wildfire risks days in advance 0 Stout (https://www.stout.com/en • Ranking of wildfire exposure by exposure • Monitor wildfire risk in real-time utilizing 0 CoreLogic (https://www.coreIogic.com tier and location current weather conditions during red flag i _ • Considers historical wind, drought, warnings • • elevation, vegetation, 3rd party property • On demand prediction of spread and impact values, etc. of an actual wildfire and proactive planning Transmission0 Prescient stems • Establishes a framework for understanding for "what if" scenarios (htt• • _ • the likelihood of a wildfire occurringand the ' " Engineering Prioritizing asset hardening plans and _ _ consequence of that wildfire vegetation management based on model (htt• • • Potential Pricing: $40k - $150k (depending predictions for impact on scope/time of report) • Wildfire evacuation planning and analysis • Timing: 2 — 6 months (depending on depth of report) `^ McGriff 8 ENERGY Law f J�� _mow ,..i. r� !RAW 7 1 46 i\7� V t , C V17' M Griff Never settle for less. 2000 International Park Drive, Suite 600 Birmingham, AL 35243 Information within this document is confidential &proprietary. ©2023 McGriff Insurance Services, LLC.All rights reserved. (205) 252-9871 1 McGriff.com McGriff Insurance Services, LLC is a subsidiary ofTruist Insurance Holdings, LLC.