HomeMy WebLinkAbout20241016PAC to Staff 181 2nd Supplemental(Redacted).pdf RECEIVED Wednesday, October 16,2024 IDAHO PUBLIC _ ROCKY MOUNTAIN UTILITIES COMMISSION POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP 1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 October 16, 2024 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Bldg. 8, Ste. 201-A Boise, ID 83714 monica.barrio ssanchez(apuc.Idaho.gov S ecretarygpuc.idaho.gov RE: ID PAC-E-24-04 IPUC Set 10 (175-204) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's 2nd Supplemental Response to IPUC 10t' Set Data Request 181. Provided via BOX is Confidential Response IPUC 181 2nd Supplemental. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 —Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to the non-disclosure agreement(NDA) executed in this proceeding. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at(801) 220-2313. Sincerely, /s/ Mark Alder Manager, Regulation Enclosures C.c.: Eric L. Olsen/IIPA elo(&echohawk.com(C) Lance Kaufman/IIPA lancekae.isg insi hg t.com(C) Matthew Nykiel/ICL matthew.nykiel&amail.com Brad Heusinkveld/ICL bheusinkveld(a�idahoconservation.org Thomas J. Budge/Bayer ti(&racineolson.com(C) Brian C. Collins/Bayer bcollins(&consultbai.com Greg Meyer/Bayer gmeyerkconsultbai.com Kevin Higgins/Bayer khig gins kenergystrat.com(C) Neal Townsend/Bayer ntownsendkenergystrat.com (C) Ronald L. Williams/PIIC rwilliams(&hawleytroxell.com Brandon Helgeson/PIIC bhelgeson(&hawleytroxell.com Bradley Mullins/PIIC brmullinskmwanalytics.com Val Steiner/PIIC val.steiner(a-)itafos.com Kyle Williams/PIIC williamsknasbyui.edu PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power October 16, 2024 IPUC Data Request 181 —2nd Supplemental IPUC Data Request 181 Please respond to the following regarding Tab "Emerg Purch+Trapp Sales" of Excel File "ID GRC 2025 2023 Normalized Load.xlsm". (a) Please define "Emergency Purchases". (b) Please explain how the MWh amounts of Emergency Purchases from Line 171 to Line 218 are determined. (c) Please explain how the costs of Emergency Purchases from Line 61 to Line 108 are determined. (d) Please explain the cost impact of Emergency Purchases on Net Power Costs. (e) If the cost impact is zero, please explain why it is zero. Also, if the cost impact is zero, please confirm that the net expenses on Line 112 are not included in the proposed Net Power Cost. (f) Please explain what Column "Discount/Premium" represents. (g) Please explain how "Discount/Premium" is used in the calculation of the costs of Emergency Purchases. 1" Supplemental request received on September 2, 2024 from Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) staff: Please explain why Emergency Purchases are valued at 125% of market prices, instead of 100% of market prices. Also, please explain why they are not valued at their dispatch costs. CONFIDENTIAL REQUEST - 2nd Supplemental request received on October 9 2024 from IPUC staff: Please reconcile Idaho's load of megawatt- hours (MWh) on tab "1 Hourl Load 2023" of"2023 Normalized Load.xlsx with Idaho's load of on tab "Load"of"ID_GRC_2025_2023 Normalized Load.xlsm". 2nd Supplemental Response to IPUC Data Request 181 Further to the Company's prior responses to IPUC Data Request 181 and to the supplemental request received from Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) staff on October 9, 2024, the Company provides the following additional information: PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power October 16, 2024 IPUC Data Request 181 —2nd Supplemental The Company has determined that it is to be expected that total time period summations of the load provided in the confidential work papers supporting the direct testimony of Company witness, Ramon J. Mitchell, specifically confidential file "2023 Normalized Load" and confidential file "ID_GRC_2025 2023 Normalized Load.xlsm"would not match due to the nature of aligning days of the week in 2023 with days of the week in 2025. Example, January 5 in 2023 is a Thursday whereas January 5 in 2025 is a Sunday. Thursdays are days with both heavy load hours (HLH) and light load hours (LLH), whereas Sundays are days with only LLH. Therefore, the days in 2023 have to be shifted to match the days in 2025 to ensure that the days of the week are aligned appropriately. Example, under one methodology, January 8, 2023 (a Sunday) could be mapped to January 5, 2025 (a Sunday). When shifting days, the megawatt-hour (MWh) totals will not match after the shifting since in this example methodology, 2023 days have to be shifted by three days backwards. This would leave December 29, 2025 through December 31, 2025 needing to be covered by January 1, 2023 through January 3, 2023. However, December 29, 2025 is a Monday, and January 1, 2023 is a Sunday. Therefore, a day would have to be repeated in 2023 and a day would have to be discarded in 2023 to match 2025. January 4, 2023 can match to both January 1, 2025 and December 31, 2025 while January 1, 2023 would be discarded using this methodology. Aurora, has a native methodology, "DOW", to account for this realignment of days. The DOW logic (copied from the Aurora help file) is provided below: "Day of Week- To automatically align a particular year of data to the days of week in another year, add IDOW to the end of the time series hourly reference that includes a year and Aurora will do extra work to match up the days of week in the simulation year with the original year, e.g. hr WindShapelERCOTWestl20l8lDOW. It does this using the following method: • For a given simulation date, Aurora finds the current day of week for it, and for the corresponding date in the reference year. • If the day of week is the same for both, then that reference date is used. • Otherwise, Aurora adds some number of days (less than seven) to the reference date to get to a date that has the same day of week as the simulation date. If that date is still in the reference year, it is used. • Otherwise, in the case where the simulation date is at the end of December and the found reference date is in January of the next year, Aurora subtracts 364 days from the reference date and uses that day. PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power October 16, 2024 IPUC Data Request 181 —2nd Supplemental For example, suppose that the reference year is 2018 and the current simulation date is 7/5/2022, a Tuesday. The date chosen from the reference year would be 7/10/2018, a corresponding Tuesday. If using the same years, and the simulation date was 12/30/2022, a Friday, then the date chosen from the reference year would be 1/5/2018, the nearest corresponding Friday". Recordholder: Isaiah Zacharia/Eshwar Vyakarna Raj shekar Rao Sponsor: Ramon Mitchell