HomeMy WebLinkAbout20241015Annual Compliance Filing.pdf h..z1DAH0 ip�" POWER® An IDACORP Company RECEIVED MEGAN GOICOECHEA ALLEN Tuesday, October 15, 2024 Corporate Counsel IDAHO PUBLIC mgoicoecheaallen(�i_)idahopower.com UTILITIES COMMISSION October 15, 2024 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 West Chinden Blvd., Building 8 Suite 201-A Boise, Idaho 83714 Re: Case No. I PC-E-24-40 Idaho Power Company's Annual Compliance Filing to Update the Load and Gas Forecast in the Incremental Cost Integrated Resource Plan Avoided Cost Model Dear Commission Secretary: Attached for electronic filing is Idaho Power Company's Annual Compliance Filing in the above-entitled matter. If you have any questions about the attached documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Attachment No. 1 to the Annual Compliance Filing is confidential. Please handle the confidential information in accordance with the Protective Agreement to be executed in this matter. Very truly yours, ���� �uLXIU�►L Megan Goicoechea-Allen MGA:cd Enclosures MEGAN GOICOECHEA ALLEN (ISB No. 7623) DONOVAN E. WALKER (ISB No. 5921) Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5317 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 mgoicoecheaallen(a-),idahopower.com dwalker(a-)_idahopower.com Attorneys for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANNUAL ) COMPLIANCE FILING TO UPDATE THE ) CASE NO. IPC-E-24-40 LOAD AND GAS FORECASTS IN THE ) INCREMENTAL COST INTEGRATED ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESOURCE PLAN AVOIDED COST ) ANNUAL COMPLIANCE FILING MODEL. ) Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company") hereby respectfully submits to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") this filing in compliance with Order Nos. 32697 and 32802 to update the load forecast, natural gas forecast, and long- term contract changes used in the Incremental Cost Integrated Resource Plan ("ICIRP") avoided cost methodology. Additionally, in compliance with Order No. 34913, this filing confirms the Peak Hours and Premium Peak Hours used to calculate capacity payments for energy storage qualifying facilities ("QF"). IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANNUAL COMPLIANCE FILING - 1 I. INTRODUCTION In its final Order No. 32697, the Commission determined that the inputs to the ICIRP avoided cost methodology, utilized for all proposed Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA") QF projects that exceed the published rate eligibility cap, will be updated every two years upon acknowledgement of the utility's Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP") filing, with the exception of the load forecast and the natural gas forecast, which should be updated annually. Discussing the timetable for updates to the ICIRP Methodology the Commission explained: We find that, in order to maintain the most accurate and up- to-date reflection of a utility's true avoided cost, utilities must update fuel price forecasts and load forecasts annually — between IRP filings . . . In addition, it is appropriate to consider long-term contract commitments because of the potential effect that such commitments have on a utility's load and resource balance . . . We further find it appropriate to consider PURPA contracts that have terminated or expired in each utility's load and resource balance. We find it reasonable that all other variables and assumptions utilized within the IRP Methodology remain fixed between IRP filings (every two years). Order No. 32697, p. 22. Though the Commission originally set June 1 as the annual filing date, it agreed on reconsideration that updates to gas and load forecasts used in the ICIRP methodologies should occur on October 15 of each year. Order No. 32802, p. 3. In considering implementation of PURPA with respect to energy storage QFs, the Commission determined that the avoided cost of capacity should be paid only on production during the hours identified as the Company's Peak Hours and Premium Peak Hours. Order No. 34794, p. 14. The Commission also agreed that the updates to Peak and Premium Peak Hours should be included in the annual October 15 update to the other ICIRP method inputs. Order No. 34913, p. 6. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANNUAL COMPLIANCE FILING - 2 The load forecast, natural gas forecast, contract information, and Peak Hours and Premium Peak Hours designations for battery storage capacity payments that are set forth below are presented in compliance with the pertinent Commission Orders and will be incorporated into Idaho Power's ICIRP avoided cost methodology. Consistent with the Commission's directives, this methodology will be used by Idaho Power as the starting point for the negotiation of its contractual avoided cost rates as of January 1, 2025. II. LOAD FORECAST Consistent with prior updates, Idaho Power is updating its load forecast to the most recent available 50th percentile forecast. Idaho Power's most recent load forecast from September 2024 shows an increase in customer loads over the 20-year period, as compared with the September 2023 load forecast used in the Company's previous annual update approved in December 2023.' The increase is due to the Company's re-estimation of all major retail customer class usage and growth as well as updates related to electric service agreements and special contracts to include the most recent assessment of load and energy requirements by those customers. The updated load forecast and a comparison to the September 2023 load forecast is included in Confidential Attachment 1. This information is being marked and treated as confidential because it is confidential and proprietary Company information that has not yet been shared publicly. III. NATURAL GAS PRICE FORECAST Consistent with the methodology used in the Company's previous annual update and approved by the Commission in Order No. 36037, the Company intends to use the 'See In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Filing to Update the Load and Gas Forecasts in the Incremental Cost Integrated Resource Plan Avoided Cost Model, Case No. IPC-E-23-25, Order No. 36037 (Dec. 26, 2023). IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANNUAL COMPLIANCE FILING - 3 most recent S&P Platts long-term natural gas forecast, including Henry Hub and Sumas Basis Annuals (the "Platts long-term forecast"), which was published in September 2024, to update the natural gas price forecast in ICIRP avoided cost calculations. This is also a continuation of the methodology employed by the Company for IRP planning case natural gas prices forecast in its 2023 IRP,2 which was acknowledged by the Commission in Order No. 36233. The Company continues to believe the Platts long-term forecast is the most appropriate forecast to use in the inputs to Idaho Power's ICIRP avoided cost model as more fully explained by the Company in the 2022 load and gas forecast filing, Case No. IPC-E-22-26. Because the Platts long-term forecast is subscription-based and proprietary, this information has been included in Confidential Attachment No. 1, which contains a table and a graph setting forth information from the Platts long-term forecast published September 2024 compared with the Company's September 2023 natural gas forecast, which was included in last year's load and gas forecast filing, Case No. IPC-E-23-25. The most recent Platts long-term forecast reflects an approximate average two percent increase in natural gas prices compared to the Company's last update. IV. CONTRACT TERMINATIONS, EXPIRATIONS, AND ADDITIONS Idaho Power currently has six non-PURPA, long-term power purchase agreements with projects that are online: Elkhorn Valley Wind (101 megawatts ("MW")), Raft River Geothermal (13 MW), Neal Hot Springs Geothermal (22 MW), Jackpot Solar (120 MW), Black Mesa Energy Solar (40 MW), and Franklin Solar (100 MW). Franklin Solar came online in June 2024. 2 In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's 2023 Integrated Resource Plan, Case No. IPC-E-23-23, Application (filed Sep. 29, 2023). IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANNUAL COMPLIANCE FILING -4 Idaho Power currently has 129 contracts with online PURPA QFs with a total nameplate capacity of 1,128.58 MW.3 Included in this update are two replacement Energy Sales Agreements ("ESA") for existing Idaho QF projects totaling 17.8 MW. Table 1 below provides a list of new and terminated contracts since the last update in October 2023. New ESAs and terminated or expired contracts, as well as new complete ESA applications, are all included in the ICIRP model on a continuous basis. New and Commission-approved non-PURPA power purchase agreements or resource acquisitions are also included in the model on a continuous basis. Table 1: Contract Updates Projects Active and Online' Resource Tvpe Project Name State Contract Date Project Size(MW) IPUC Case Number Hydro Rock Creek II ID 6/15/2024 1.9 IPC-E-24-09 15.9(10 a MW CoGen Simplot Pocatello ID 9/17/2024 energy or less) not yet submitted TOTAL 17.8 Note 1:This section lists new contracts with existing facilities(i.e.,PURPA replacement contracts)that have been entered into since last year's update.The title of this section may be changed from"Projects Active and Online"to something more specific in future updates. Projects Not On-Linen Resource Contract Type Project Name State Type Contract Date Project Size(MW) IPUC Case Number Solar PVS2 ID Non-PURPA 12/8/2023 125 IPC-E-24-01 TOTAL 125 Note 2:This section lists new PURPA contracts with projects that are not yet online that have been entered into since last year's update,as well as new non-PURPA contracts that have been executed and Commission-approved since last year's update. Terminated/Expired Agreements3 Contract Resource Contract Termination Type Project Name State Type Date Project Size WWI IPUC Case Number Solar Prairie City OR PURPA 1/29/2024 29.3 N/A Solar Moores Hollow OR PURPA 1/29/2024 42 N/A Hydro Tiber Dam MT PURPA 6/1/2024 7.5 IPC-E-03-01 TOTAL 78.8 Note 3:This section lists PURPA and non-PURPA contracts that have expired orterminated since last year's update. s Since last year's update, one operating QF's contract expired and was not renewed (Tiber Dam,shown in Table 1),and one QF with a signed contract achieved commercial operation (Coleman Hydro, .8 MW,shown as a new signed contract in the contract update in Case No. IPC-E-20-35). IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANNUAL COMPLIANCE FILING - 5 V. PEAK AND PREMIUM PEAK HOURS Idaho Power has refreshed its analysis of Peak Hours and Premium Peak Hours for 2024, using the same methodology as directed by the Commission in Order No. 34913 and the same data sources as used in prior analyses of these hours. Specifically, Idaho Power has identified the forecasted peak hours in 2025 using the updated average hourly load forecast, and additionally, it has also refreshed its analysis of load from 2024, net of solar generation, and Western Energy Imbalance Market ("WEIM") prices from 2024. This updated information is included in Confidential Attachment 1. This information is being treated as confidential because it contains the latest load forecast information, which is non-public, confidential, and proprietary as described above for the load forecast update. The updated data illustrates that the Peak and Premium Peak Hours remain the same as identified in last year's update. More specifically, an analysis of the most recent data including the updated underlying load forecast, current year actual load net of solar, and current WEIM pricing, highlights generally the same hours as last year's analysis and no change was made as a result. The Peak Hours for 2025 for July are 1:00 pm through the 9:00 pm hour (to 10:00 pm). For August, the Peak Hours are 3:00 pm through the 7:00 pm hour (to 8:00 pm). The Premium Peak Hours for July are 5:00 pm through the 9:00 pm hour (to 10:00 pm. The Premium Peak Hours for August are 5:00 pm through the 7:00 pm hour (to 8:00 pm). As in last year's update, Idaho Power also evaluated Loss of Load Probability ("LOLP") data from the 2023 IRP's Preferred Portfolio. The Company's internally developed Reliability & Capacity Assessment Tool ("RCAT") calculates the probability of IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANNUAL COMPLIANCE FILING - 6 demand exceeding generation for every hour in the IRP planning horizon (20 years).4 The RCAT short-term analysis used in the 2023 IRP shows that the hours with the highest LOLP values are concentrated over the summer in the late afternoon/evening hours.5 Idaho Power uses the LOLP results in this context to validate the reasonableness of the Peak Hours and Premium Peak Hours that are identified by looking at forecasted load, current year load net of solar, and current year WEIM pricing. The fact that the highest LOLP values occur in the summer late afternoon/evening hours supports the Peak Hours and Premium Peak Hours that have been identified here. As a result, Idaho Power's Peak and Premium Peak Hour definitions for battery storage capacity payments remain as follows: Peak Hours: Hours that occur in July starting at 1:00 PM and ending at 9:59:59 PM, and hours that occur in August starting at 3:00 PM and ending at 7:59:59. Peak Hours are subject to change annually. Premium Peak Hours: Hours that occur in July, starting at 5:00 PM and ending at 9:59:59 PM, and hours in that occur in August, starting at 5:00 PM and ending at 7:59:59 PM. Premium Peak Hours are subject to change annually. Finally, in a number of other proceedings, Idaho Power has applied the LOLP methodology to identify the capacity-based timing of risk for application to pricing, performance, program parameters, etc.6 As mentioned in last year's update, Idaho Power previously discussed with Staff the possibility of shifting from the methodology described above for determining Peak and Premium Peak Hours to the capacity based LOLP 4 An in-depth discussion of the LOLP calculation method, process, and results can be found in the Loss of Load Expectation section of the 2023 IRP's Appendix C—Technical Report filed in Case No. IPC-E-23- 23. 5 Id. 6 See, e.g., Case Nos. IPC-E-21-32, IPC-E-22-22, IPC-E-23-11, and IPC-E-23-14. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANNUAL COMPLIANCE FILING - 7 methodology, and the Company continues to evaluate whether such a change would be appropriate. If the Company determines that shifting the methodology for identifying Peak and Premium Peak Hours is advisable, it will seek Commission approval via a stand- alone application. VI. CONCLUSION Idaho Power hereby respectfully submits this updated load forecast, natural gas forecast, contract information, and Peak and Premium Peak Hours in compliance with the Commission's directives in Order Nos. 32697, 32802, and 34913 and requests that the Commission accept and approve the same. Respectfully submitted this 15th day of October 2024. a MEGAN GOICOECHEA ALLEN Attorney for Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANNUAL COMPLIANCE FILING - 8 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-24-40 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL ATTACHMENT 1 Load Forecast, Natural Gas Price Forecast, and Updated Analysis Regarding Peak and Premium Peak Hours ATTACHMENT 1 IS CONFIDENTIAL AND WILL BE PROVIDED TO THOSE PARTIES THAT EXECUTE THE PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT IN THIS MATTER