HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240930Application.pdf wmIQAW POWER. MEGAN GOICOECHEA ALLEN Corporate Counsel RECEIVED mgoicoecheaallen(cDidahopower.com Monday, September 30, 2024 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION September 30, 2024 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 West Chinden Blvd., Building 8 Suite 201-A Boise, Idaho 83714 Re: Case No. IPC-E-24-37 Idaho Power Company's Application for Modifications to the Company's Irrigation Demand Response Program, Schedule 23 and Commercial & Industrial Demand Response Program, Schedule 82 Dear Commission Secretary: Attached for electronic filing is Idaho Power Company's Application in the above- entitled matter. If you have any questions about the attached documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Megan Goicoechea Allen MAG:sg Enclosures MEGAN GOICOECHEA ALLEN (ISB No. 7623) LISA D. NORDSTROM (ISB No. 5733) Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-2664 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 mgoicoecheaallenCaD.idahopower.com Inordstrom(aMdahoppower.com Attorneys for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER ) COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR ) CASE NO. IPC-E-24-37 MODIFICATIONS TO THE COMPANY'S ) IRRIGATION DEMAND RESPONSE ) APPLICATION PROGRAM, SCHEDULE 23 AND ) COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL DEMAND ) RESPONSE PROGRAM, SCHEDULE 82 ) Idaho Power("Idaho Power" or"Company") respectfully applies to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") pursuant to Idaho Code §§ 61-503 and -507 and Commission Rule of Procedure' 52, for authority to implement modifications to Schedule 23, Irrigation Peak Rewards Program, ("Schedule 23") and Schedule 82, Flex Peak Program, ("Schedule 82"). The Irrigation Peak Rewards Program ("Peak Rewards") is the Company's irrigation demand response ("DR") program and the Flex Peak Program ("Flex Peak") is the Company's commercial & industrial ("C&I") DR program, which are both relied upon to reduce summer electricity demand during times of system need. As more fully set forth below, in this application, and in response to participant feedback, Hereinafter cited as RP APPLICATION - 1 Idaho Power proposes several minor changes to both the Peak Rewards and Flex Peak programs. In support of this Application, Idaho Power represents as follows: I. BACKGROUND 1. Purpose of DR. To minimize or delay the need for new supply-side resources, the Company's DR programs are designed to be available to meet potential system capacity deficits during high-risk time periods that typically occur during low hydro generation and high load events on Idaho Power's system. Because the deficits are expected to be relatively large in magnitude but short in duration, it can be cost-effective to utilize DR programs rather than acquiring a supply-side resource that would only be necessary for a small number of hours. 2. DR Programs Offered. Idaho Power's DR portfolio has three optional programs with one available to each of the three major customer segments including the Peak Rewards Program and Flex Peak Programs as more fully described below and the residential Air Conditioner ("A/C") Cool Credit Program (Schedule 81). 3. Recent DR Program Modifications. Idaho Power regularly reviews each DR program's cost-effectiveness, performance, and participant satisfaction, and its ongoing efforts to improve these programs have resulted in a number of modifications in recent years, summarized as follows: • Case No. IPC-E-21-322 — the Company proposed to modify all three of its DR programs to better meet system capacity needs through program parameter updates and to supersede the 2013 Settlement Agreement that had several 2 In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Application for Approval to Modify its Demand Response Programs, Case No. IPC-E-21-32, Order No. 35336 (Mar. 4, 2022). APPLICATION - 2 program restrictions which the Company was operating the DR programs under.3 The Commission approved the modifications in Order No. 35336, and the 2022 DR season was the first season that the DR programs operated with the updated parameters. • Case No. IPC-E-22-244 — Idaho Power requested to add a voluntary Automatic Dispatch Option to the Flex Peak Program, similar to that of the A/C Cool Credit and Irrigation Peak Rewards programs. The Commission approved the Company's proposal in Order No. 35677 on February 3, 2023, which was implemented ahead of the 2023 DR season. • Case No. IPC-E-23-245 — The Company proposed to revise the Company's Flex Peak Program to (1) modify certain payment structures; (2) add a waiver provision covering participating customers whose Load Control Device fails; (3) revise the definition of the "Day of" Load Adjustment ("DOA"); (4) establish an advance notification option for certain customers; and (5) add definitions for certain terms along with other minor updates related to the other proposed changes. The Commission approved modifications to the Company's Flex Peak Program in Order No. 36133 on April 12, 2024, which were implemented ahead of the 2024 DR season. 4. In the instant case, the Company, building off its prior efforts to continually 3 In the Matter of the Continuation of Idaho Power Company's A/C Cool Credit, Irrigation Peak Rewards, and Flex Peak Demand Response Programs for 2014 and Beyond, Case No. IPC-E-13-14, Order No. 32923 (Nov. 12, 2013). 4 In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Application for Modifications to Add an Automatic Dispatch Option to the Company's Commercial& Industrial Demand Response Program, Schedule 82, Case No. IPC-E-22-24, Application (Sep. 15, 2022). 5 In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Application for Modifications to the Company's Commercial& Industrial Demand Response Program, Schedule 82, Case No. IPC-E-23-24, Application (Oct. 2, 2023). APPLICATION - 3 refine its DR offerings, is proposing additional minor changes to both the Peak Rewards and Flex Peak programs that it believes will enhance these programs and increase participant satisfaction. 5. 2024 Peak Rewards Season Performance. The Peak Rewards Program is offered to Schedule 24, Agricultural Irrigation Service, customers in the Company's service area. It is Idaho Power's largest DR program in terms of capacity. Customers can participate with either a manual or automatic dispatch option to turn off irrigation pumps when the Company calls events. At the start of the 2024 DR season, 2,521 participating service points were enrolled in Peak Rewards with approximately 260 megawatts ("MW") of capacity. Peak Reward's results are evaluated and reported annually in Supplement 2 of the Demand-Side Management ("DSM")Annual Report. The evaluation report contains load reduction performance by event, realization rates, participant counts, etc. During the 2024 season, the Company called six Peak Rewards DR events6 with an estimated actual maximum load reduction of 188 MW. The full 2024 season results will be published in March of 2025 when the Company files its 2024 DSM Annual Report. 6. 2024 Flex Peak Season Performance. The Flex Peak Program began in 2009 and was originally managed by a third-party contractor until Idaho Power took over full administration of it in 2015.' Eligible C&I customers that can offer load reduction of at least 20 kilowatts ("W') can either manually reduce their nominated load when the Company calls events or rely upon Load Control Devices to automatically reduce their nominated load. At the start of the 2024 DR season, 308 participating service points were 6 Each participant only experienced four events. In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Application for Approval for New Tariff Schedule 82, a Commercial and Industrial Demand Response Program (Flex Peak Program), Case No. IPC-E-15-03. APPLICATION - 4 enrolled in Flex Peak with approximately 38 MW of nominated capacity. Flex Peak's results are evaluated and reported annually in Supplement 2 of the DSM Annual Report. The evaluation report contains load reduction performance by event, realization rates, participant counts, etc. During the 2024 season, the Company called four Flex Peak DR events with an estimated actual maximum load reduction of 34 MW. The full 2024 Program season results will be published in March of 2025 when the Company files its 2024 DSM Annual Report. 7. As noted above, the Company is constantly evaluating opportunities and identifying ways to improve demand response programs and actively works to improve its offerings. To this end, the Company is proposing the programmatic changes summarized below: Proposed Modifications Variable payment on the fourth event: The Company seeks to revise the threshold for the variable incentive payment for the s Flex Peak and Irrigation Peak Rewards programs from beginning on the fifth event(after four events)to beginning on the fourth m° event(after three events)to align with the three minimum event requirement and reduce customer confusion. Early interruption option: The Company proposes to add an Early Interruption option under which events last no later than 9 pm with reduced incentives. T Group C dispatch clarifying language: The Company proposes to add clarifying language to Schedule 23 specifying an allowance f0 for participants utilizing the manual dispatch option to have time between when service locations are dispatched for hydraulic- connected open channel system. Y a Emergency dispatch clarifying language: The Company proposes to add clarifying language around emergency dispatch to the Uniform Irrigation Peak Rewards Service Application/Agreement to mirror the language in Schedule 23 in order to increase participant awareness. Incentive for automation of systems: The Company proposes to add reimbursement for participants who choose to automate their system with Load Control Devices. Adjusted baseline cap calculation: The Company proposes to update how it calculates the adjusted baseline cap on event days. Y W N a "Day-of" Load Adjustment review process: The Company proposes to add language to allow DOA modifications for instances x 2 where a participant initiates a partial or complete shutdown of their facility site during the DOA hour. LL Nomination Flexibility: The Company is proposing to add flexibility to the nomination process to provide flexibility to customers to base their nominations on more up to date operations. APPLICATION - 5 8. Proposed Changes to Schedules 23 and 82. As more fully explained below, the Company's proposed modifications are intended to enhance participant satisfaction, facilitate increased and/or retain participation, reduce participant confusion, and add clarity to enhance transparency around program offerings. Included as Attachments 1 and 2 to this Application are clean and legislative versions of proposed Schedules 23 and 84, respectively, that are intended to implement the changes being proposed by the Company, which it believes will help ensure the continued success of cost-effective programs that are relied upon to meet system needs. II. PROPOSED PROGRAMMATIC CHANGES Programmatic Changes— Both Peak Rewards & Flex Peak (Schedules 23 & 82) 9. Variable payment on the fourth event: The Company proposes to change when variable payments begin from the fifth event to the fourth event. The Company is required to have a minimum of three events a season,$ and currently begins variable payments on the fifth event. This practice was implemented in 2022 as a result of the Company's request to change when variable incentive payments began for the Flex Peak and Irrigation Peak Rewards programs from on the fourth event to the fifth event to align with an extension of the season and an increase in fixed incentives,' while maintaining the requirement to have a minimum of three events per season. 10. Unfortunately, in practice this change caused participant confusion as there was now a mismatch in required events and when variable payments began, and the Company realized that having variable payments begin after three events, at the s Schedule 82, page 82-5, LOAD CONTROL EVENTS. s Case No. IPC-E-21-32, Application at 13 (Oct. 1, 2021). APPLICATION - 6 beginning of the fourth event, was easier to explain and made sense to participants. To reduce participant confusion, the Company is proposing to change back to variable payments beginning on the fourth event. This change will draw a clear separation between the first three required events with no variable payments and the remaining events with a variable payment. Programmatic Changes — Peak Rewards (Schedule 23) 11. Early Interruption option: The Company proposes to add an Early Interruption option to its current menu of options for the Peak Rewards Program, which today includes the "Standard" and "Extended" Interruption options. Currently, for a participant enrolled under the Standard Interruption option, events can occur between 3 pm and 10 pm. Under the Extended Interruption option, however, participants earn an increased variable incentive in exchange for agreeing to events potentially lasting until 11 pm. 12. Under the proposed Early Interruption option, participants would have reduced incentives but would have events last no later than 9 pm. The Company developed this proposal based on participants' dissatisfaction with the change implemented for the 2022 program season shifting DR hours from 1 pm and 9 pm to 3 pm and 10 pm as reflected in the Peak Rewards program attrition following Case No.IPC- E-21-32.10 13. In response to this unintended consequence, Idaho Power evaluated whether it could provide an option for customers to participate — at a reduced incentive — in the program under an Early Interruption option. To determine the appropriate incentive, 10 Many of these customers may not be able to manage their systems turning back on at later hours when it is dark out. APPLICATION - 7 Idaho Power first conducted an analysis to assess the DR portfolio benefit to the system associated with a dispatch group that could not be dispatched past 9 pm. The results showed that shortening the event window by one hour and increasing the DR portfolio nameplate provided a marginal DR portfolio percent decrease of 46.9 percent as compared to a DR portfolio with the Standard Interruption hours. Based on this, the Company is proposing to base the incentive for the Early Interruption option on 50 percent of the Standard Interruption option incentive. 14. Group C dispatch clarifying language: The Company proposes to add language to Schedule 23 specifying an allowance for participants utilizing the manual dispatch option to have time between when service locations are dispatched for hydraulic- connected open channel systems. Some of the largest participants in Peak Rewards have hydraulic-connected open channel systems and cannot always turn off all locations simultaneously. Allowing these participants to shut off pumps up to two hours apart provides the operational time needed to participate and helps prevent system problems due to participation. 15. Emergency dispatch clarifying language: The Company proposes to add clarifying language around emergency dispatch to the Uniform Irrigation Peak Rewards Service Application/Agreement ("Service Agreement") contained in pages 7 through 9 of Schedule 23. The proposed language mirrors the language contained on page 6 of Schedule 23 and the Company is proposing the addition to the Service Agreement simply to increase participant awareness. Programmatic Changes — Flex Peak (Schedule 82) 16. Incentive for automation of systems: The Company proposes to add a APPLICATION - 8 reimbursement of up to $1,500 for participants who choose to automate their system with Load Control Devices. The ideal candidates for the automated option are customers with one or more large buildings and high cooling loads. Generally, to participate in the automated dispatch option, customers may need to install or modify software or equipment to interface with the load control unit. Currently, participants are responsible for covering any of these costs they incur. Total costs vary based on size and complexity of the system; participants report a typical cost of around $3,000, which can be a barrier for some participants. Presently, there is one participant and eight Idaho Power sites that use an automated system, all of which have demonstrated reliable reductions during events. 17. The Company is now proposing authorization to reimburse for total equipment and installation costs or $1,500, per site, whichever is less. The Company believes that by offering a limited reimbursement for certain costs associated with necessary modifications, participants who may be ideal candidates for the automated dispatch option may be more likely to enroll under this option (versus the manual reduction), which will provide a reliable method for reductions during events. 18. Adjusted baseline cap calculation: The Company proposes to update how it calculates the adjusted baseline cap on event days. The adjusted baseline is used to estimate what would have happened in absence of a DR event. This is then used to calculate overall event performance and payments to participants. The Company is proposing to change the parameters for calculating the adjusted baseline cap to 110 percent of the highest hour usage in the prior 10 days. 19. Currently a participant's adjusted baseline is capped at the highest hour APPLICATION - 9 usage in the three highest usage days of the prior 10 days. The cap is beneficial and necessary to prevent rare cases where the adjustment would move the baseline above a feasible level. However, through analysis and experience the Company has found that the current cap regularly results in slightly underestimated participant baselines. With the current method, there are regular instances where a participant would have feasibly used more than the highest usage in the three highest days in the prior 10 days, because days where the Company is likely to call an event may be hotter days than the prior 10 days. 20. The Company chose 110 percent based on research and analysis. First, the Company reviewed similar programs run by other utilities and found it was not common to apply caps based on a participant's actual usage. The Company also reviewed one years' worth of hourly usage data of current participants and found that in any 10-day period in the Summer, the typical participant would have come within 10 percent of their maximum season usage, meaning a 110 percent cap will generally align with the sites maximum possible demand. Further, the change to highest hour usage in the prior 10 days instead of the highest hour usage in the three highest usage days in the prior 10 days, will base the cap on the highest hour usage which can sometimes occur on a day that is not one of the three highest usage days. 21. "Day-of' Load Adjustment review process: The Company proposes to add language to allow DOA modifications for instances where a participant initiates a partial or complete shutdown of their facility site during the DOA hour. Currently there is a provision allowing the Company to modify a participant's DOA when there is a Company planned or unplanned outage that occurs during the DOA hour. This provision is intended to prevent participants who successfully curtailed their nominated demand during the APPLICATION - 10 event from being penalized for shutdowns during the DOA hour. However, the provision as written does not allow for participant-initiated partial or complete shutdowns during the DOA hour. 22. In the spirit of meeting the intent of the provision, the Company proposes to initiate a review process for participants whose event DOA is greater than 50 percent downward on any given event day. In 2024 approximately four percent of participants in each event saw a downward baseline adjustment exceeding this threshold. As part of the Company's proposed process, it will review the usage of those participants that meet the 50 percent criteria to determine if adjusting the DOA is appropriate. The review will include identifying whether the load profile during the DOA hour was characteristic of the load profile from the last 30 days; identifying whether the participant load prior to the event was characteristic of the load profile from the last 30 days; and identifying if the participant showed evidence of curtailment during the event relative to the unadjusted baseline. Additionally, the Company may inquire directly with the participant to better understand their usage conditions on the day of the event. If the Company finds that this adjustment in usage was uncharacteristic of a typical load pattern at the site, it may adjust the DOA to more accurately reflect their actual reduction. 23. Nomination flexibility: The Company is proposing to add flexibility to the nomination process. In the Flex Peak program, participants nominate how many kWhs they can reduce their load by, and their incentive payments are based on how well they meet their nomination. Currently, nominations are allowed up to the third event of the season and nomination changes made by Thursday go into effect the next week. Under Idaho Power's proposal, nomination changes would be allowed at any time during the APPLICATION - 11 season and changes given prior to 2 pm would go into effect the next day. 24. The Company is proposing this update based on changes it made to the compensation structure of the program, which were implemented in the 2024 program season paying participants incentives based on their average nomination reduction percentage over the season, as opposed to their nominated amount every week (even in weeks where events were not called)." Because the Company changed the way participants are incented, having the option to update nominations more frequently does not provide an opportunity to artificially increase overall compensation using nomination changes. The Company's proposed change will enhance the accuracy of nominations and provide flexibility to customers to base their nominations on more up to date operations. III. COST EFFECTIVENESS & STAKEHOLDER INPUT 25. Cost-Effectiveness. The changes proposed in this Application are minor and most do not change the costs of the Peak Rewards or Flex Peak programs. For example, the Company deliberately set the Early Interruption option incentives at a level that will not impact cost effectiveness of the Peak Rewards program. For those programmatic modifications that do impact program costs, namely the change in variable payment timing for both programs and adding an incentive for system automatization for Flex Peak participants, there will be a minimal effect on cost effectiveness but no impact on the Company's ability to keep the Peak Rewards and Flex Peak programs cost effective. 26. For the Peak Rewards program, changing when variable payments begin " Case No. IPC-E-23-24, Application at 6-7 (Oct. 2, 2023). APPLICATION - 12 from the fifth event to the fourth event would add an annual cost of up to $271,879.12 Based on 2023 program costs, this would raise the program cost per kW from $44.79 to $45.87, an increase of $1.08 or 2.4 percent, though still well below the 2023 cost effectiveness reference threshold of $84.57 per kW. With this change, the average participant would see an incentive increase of approximately $108 assuming full event performance and at least four events called during a season. 27. For the Flex Peak program, changing when variable payments begin from the fifth event to the fourth event would add an annual cost of up to $30,400.13 Based on 2023 modeled costs, this would raise the program cost per kW from $51.12 to $51.87, an increase of $0.75 or 1.5 percent, though again well below the 2023 cost effectiveness reference threshold of $84.57 per kW. The average participant would see an incentive increase of approximately $100 assuming full event performance and at least four events called during a season. 28. With respect to the Company's proposal to add reimbursement for automation of systems for Flex Peak participants, this change could increase the program cost per kW by $0.08 in a given year, under the assumptions that 10 participants are paid the full $1,500 that year. The program would still be cost effective under the 2023 cost- effectiveness threshold. Moreover, these would not be ongoing costs and would vary annually based on the level of participation; in most years, in fact, the Company expects the actual cost per kW increase would be lower than $0.08. 29. Stakeholder Engagement. The Company presented several of the proposed changes to Peak Rewards and Flex Peak at the August 14, 2024, Energy 12 Assuming four or more events are called and not discounting for opt out penalties. 13 Assuming a fourth event is called at full length and all nominated usage is reduced. APPLICATION - 13 Efficiency Advisory Group ("EEAG") meeting. EEAG members were generally supportive of the proposed changes for both programs. 30. The Company met with the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association ("I IPA") on September 19, 2024, to explain its proposed changes to the Peak Rewards program. IIPA expressed their full support for the proposed changes. IV. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 31. Idaho Power believes that a technical hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure, i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201, et seq. If, however, the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required, the Company stands ready to prepare and present its testimony in such hearing. V. COMMUNICATIONS AND SERVICE OF PLEADINGS 32. Communications and service of pleadings with reference to this Application should be sent to the following: Megan Goicoechea Allen Connie Aschenbrenner Lisa Nordstrom Mary Alice Taylor Idaho Power Company Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Boise, Idaho 83707 mgiocoecheaallen(a�idahopower.com caschenbrenner(a�idahopower.com Inordstrom(c-)idahopower.com mtaylor(a)idahopower.com dockets idahopower.com VI. REQUEST FOR RELIEF 33. Idaho Power seeks to implement the updates described above for the 2025 DR season that begins on June 15, 2025. A Commission order received by January 31, APPLICATION - 14 2025, along with a revised Schedule 23 and Schedule 82 effective coincident with a Commission order, would best position the Company to implement and market the proposed changes ahead of the 2025 DR season. 34. For the reasons set forth above, Idaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission approve the proposed updates to the Peak Rewards and Flex Peak Programs and the associated modifications to Schedule 23 and Schedule 82. Respectfully submitted this 30t" day of September 2024. n I f9CC� l MEGAN GOICOECHEA ALLEN Attorney for Idaho Power Company APPLICATION - 15 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-24-37 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT NO. 1 PROPOSED TARIFFS (CLEAN) Idaho Power Company Original Sheet No. 23-1 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Eighth Revised Sheet No. 23-1 SCHEDULE 23 IRRIGATION PEAK REWARDS PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) PURPOSE The Irrigation Peak Rewards Program (the Program) is an optional, supplemental service that permits participating agricultural irrigation Customers taking service under Schedule 24 to allow the Company to turn off specific irrigation pumps with the use of one or more Load Control Devices. In exchange for allowing the Company to turn off specified irrigation pumps, participating Customers will receive a financial incentive for load reductions during the calendar months of June, July, August, and September for each metered service point (Metered Service Point) enrolled in the Program. AVAILABILITY Service under this schedule is available on an optional basis to Customers with a Metered Service Point or Points receiving service under Schedule 24 where the Metered Service Point serves a water pumping or water delivery system used to irrigate agricultural crops or pasturage. The Company shall have the right to select and reject Program participants at its sole discretion based on criteria the Company considers necessary to ensure the effective operation of the Program. Selection criteria may include, but will not be limited to, Billing Demand, location, pump horsepower, pumping system configuration, or electric system configuration. Past participation does not ensure selection into the Program in future years. Participation may be limited based upon the availability of Program equipment and funding. Each eligible Customer who chooses to take service under this optional schedule is required to enter into a Uniform Irrigation Peak Rewards Service Application/Agreement (Agreement) with the Company prior to being served under this schedule. The Agreement will grant the Company or its representative permission, on reasonable notice, to enter the Customer's property to maintain one or more Load Control Devices on the electrical panel servicing the irrigation equipment associated with the Metered Service Points that are enrolled in this Program and to allow the Company or its representative reasonable access to the Load Control Device(s). By entering into the Agreement, each Customer also agrees to not increase for the sole purpose of participating in the Program the capacity, horsepower(HP) or size of the irrigation system served by the Company. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Service under this optional, supplementary Program permits the Company to turn off specified irrigation pumps for a limited number of hours during the period of June 15 through September 15 (Program Season). The Company will utilize dispatchable Load Control Devices to turn off specific irrigation pumps during Load Control Events. In limited applications, a select group of eligible Customers will be permitted to manually interrupt electric service to participating irrigation pumps during Load Control Events (See Manual Dispatch Option). In exchange for allowing the Company to interrupt service to specified irrigation pumps, participating Customers will receive a financial incentive for usage that occurs during the calendar months of June, July, August, and September for each Metered Service Point enrolled in the Program. DEFINITIONS Notification of Program Acceptance. An interested Customer must sign and return to the Company an Agreement specifying the Metered Service Point(s) to be included in the Program. If a Customer is selected for participation in the Program, a notification of acceptance into the Program will IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36042 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective — January 1, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Original Sheet No. 23-2 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Eighth Revised Sheet No. 23-2 SCHEDULE 23 IRRIGATION PEAK REWARDS PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) DEFINITIONS (Continued) be mailed to participants, which will include a listing of the Metered Service Point(s) that have been enrolled. Load Control Device. Load Control Device refers to any technology, device, or system utilized under the Program to enable the Company to initiate the Load Control Event. Load Control Event. Refers to an event under the Program where the Company requests or calls for interruption of specific irrigation pumps either manually or with the use of one or more Load Control Devices. Program Season. The Program Season is the period June 15 through September 15 of each year. Program kW. The Program kW is the demand amount, as measured at the Customer's meter in kilowatts (kW) associated with the applicable billing period, that is multiplied by the applicable incentive amount to determine the Demand Credit under the Automatic Dispatch Interruption Option. Under the Manual Dispatch Interruption Option, the Program kW will be based upon the maximum measured interval kW during the 24-hour period preceding 8:00 A.M. MDT the day of the announcement of a Load Control Event, minus the average interval kW during an event. Nominated Demand. Nominated Demand is the amount of demand that participants under the Manual Dispatch Option must declare as planned to be available during Load Control Events. Program kWh. The Program kWh is the energy amount, as measured at the Customer's meter in kilowatt-hours (kWh) associated with the applicable billing period, that is multiplied by the applicable incentive amount to determine the Energy Credit under each Interruption Option. Variable Program kWh. The Variable Program kWh is the demand amount for the associated billing period, as measured at the Customer's meter in kilowatts (kW) multiplied by the hours of interruption for the Metered Service Point for each Load Control Event. The Variable Program kWh is multiplied by the applicable variable incentive payment to determine the Variable Energy Credit under each Interruption Option. Variable Program kWh = Program kW x hours of interruption for each Load Control Event Bill Credit. The Bill Credit is the sum of the Demand Credit and the Energy Credit applied to the Customer's monthly bills for usage that occurs during the calendar months of June, July, August, and September of each calendar year. This amount may be prorated for the number of days during the months of June, July, August, and September that fall in the Customer's billing cycle to correspond with the Program Season. The Bill Credit amount may be applied directly to participating Customers' bills or provided in the form of a check. Demand Credit. The Demand Credit is a demand-based financial incentive provided in the form of a credit on the monthly bill for the Metered Service Point enrolled in the Program. The monthly Demand Credit is calculated by multiplying the Program kW by the demand-related incentive amount for the Interruption Option selected by the Customer. The Demand Credit will be included on the Customer's monthly bills for usage that occurs during the calendar months of June, July, August, and September of each year. This amount may be prorated for the number of days during the months of June, July, August, and September that fall in the Customer's billing cycle to correspond with the Program Season. Demand Credit = Program kW x demand-related incentive amount IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36042 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective — January 1, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 23-3 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 23-3 SCHEDULE 23 IRRIGATION PEAK REWARDS PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) DEFINITIONS (Continued) Energy Credit. The Energy Credit is an energy-based financial incentive provided in the form of a credit on the monthly bill for the Metered Service Point enrolled in the Program. The monthly Energy Credit is calculated by multiplying the Program kWh by the energy-related incentive amount for the Interruption Option selected by the Customer. Customers identified to have an out-of-demand season billing cycle will receive only an out-of-demand season energy credit for the applicable billing period. The Energy Credit will be included on the Customer's monthly bills for usage that occurs during the calendar months of June, July, August, and September of each year. This amount may be prorated for the number of days during the months of June, July, August, and September that fall in the Customer's billing cycle to correspond with the Program Season. Energy Credit = Program kWh x energy-related incentive amount Variable Energy Credit. The Variable Energy Credit is an energy-based financial incentive provided for the Metered Service Point enrolled in the Program. The Variable Energy Credit is calculated by multiplying Variable Program kWh by the energy-related incentive amount for the Interruption Option selected by the Customer. The Variable Energy Credit is paid in the form of a check no later than 70 days after the Program Season. The Variable Energy Credit does not apply to the first three Load Control Events. Variable Energy Credit = Variable Program kWh x variable energy-related incentive amount INTERRUPTION OPTIONS Under the Interruption Options, the Company will dispatch remotely service interruptions to specified irrigation pumps any Monday through Saturday during the Program Season between the hours of 3:00 P.M. and 10:00 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time (MDT), excluding holidays (Standard Interruption). Customers may elect to participate until 11:00 P.M. MDT (Extended Interruption) and will receive a larger Variable Energy Credit or no later than 9:00 P.M. MDT (Early Interruption) at reduced incentive amounts. Service interruptions may last up to 4 hours per day and will not exceed 16 hours per calendar week and 60 hours per Program Season. During each Program Season the Company will conduct a minimum of three Load Control Events. Customers participating in the Automatic Dispatch Option may not receive advance notification of a Load Control Event, but will be notified after the Load Control Event begins. Customers participating in the Manual Dispatch Option will receive advance notification at least 4 hours prior to a Load Control Event. The Company will provide notice of a Load Control Event via the following communication technologies: telephone, e-mail and/or text message. If prior notice of a pending Load Control Event has been sent, the Company may choose to revoke the Load Control Event and will provide notice to Customers up to 30 minutes prior to the Load Control Event. Customers who elect to participate in the Program may be eligible for one of the following Interruption Options: Automatic Dispatch Option. A dispatchable Load Control Device will be connected to the electrical panel(s) serving the irrigation pumps associated with the Metered Service Points enrolled in the Program. The Load Control Device utilized under the Automatic Dispatch Option IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective — 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 23-4 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 23-4 SCHEDULE 23 IRRIGATION PEAK REWARDS PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) INTERRUPTION OPTIONS (Continued) will provide the Company the ability to send a signal that will interrupt operation or not allow the associated irrigation pumps to operate during dispatched Load Control Events. This option requires that all pumps at the Metered Service Point be controlled. Under the Automatic Dispatch Option, the Program kW will be based upon the monthly Billing Demand, as measured in kW, for the associated Billing Period. The Program kWh under this option will be based upon the monthly energy usage, as measured in kWh, for the associated Billing Period. Each time a customer chooses to opt-out of one of the Load Control Events a fee of $6.25 per billing kW for Standard and Extended Interruption options and $3.25 per billing kW for Early Interruption option will be assessed based upon the current Billing Period's kW. The opt- out fee will not exceed the total Bill Credit for the Program Season. Any opt-out fee will be applied at the end of the Program Season or after the applicable billing cycle closes. Opt-out fees may be waived for circumstances involving planned or unplanned outages of 3 hours or more occurring within 24 hours of a Load Control Event or a multiday outage within 72 hours of an event. At its discretion, the Company may assess an opt-out fee should it be determined the participant overrode the command to the dispatch device thereby allowing the pump to run during the load control event. Manual Dispatch Option. Customers are eligible to manually control Metered Service Points of at least 1,000 cumulative HP, or Metered Service Points that have been determined by the Company to be limited by load control device communication technology or installation configuration. Under the Manual Dispatch Option, eligible Customers have the flexibility to choose which irrigation pumps at a Metered Service Point will be interrupted during each dispatched Load Control Event. Customers electing this option must notify the Company of their Nominated Demand during the enrollment period prior to June 1 of each year. At the discretion of the Company, customers with multiple service locations on hydraulically-connected open channel systems may be allowed to interrupt a portion of their service locations up to two hours apart during demand response events. Customers participating in the Manual Dispatch Option are required to provide no less than their Nominated Demand during each Load Control Event. Each time a customer chooses to provide less than their Nominated Demand during one of the Load Control Events, an opt-out fee of$6.25 per billing kW for Standard and Extended Interruption options and $3.25 per billing kW for Early Interruption option will be assessed on the Nominated Demand not made available for interruption. The opt-out fee will not exceed the total Bill Credit for the Program Season. Any opt-out fee will be applied at the end of the Program Season or after the applicable billing cycle closes. Opt-out fees may be waived for circumstances involving planned or unplanned outages of 3 hours or more occurring within 24 hours of a Load Control Event or a multiday outage within 72 hours of an event. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective — 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 23-5 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 23-5 SCHEDULE 23 IRRIGATION PEAK REWARDS PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) INTERRUPTION OPTIONS (Continued) Under the Manual Dispatch Option, the Program kW will be based upon the maximum measured interval demand during the 24-hour period preceding 8:00 A.M. MDT the day of the announcement of a Load Control Event, minus the average demand during an event, as measured in kW over applicable load profile metering intervals. This applies to each Load Control Event initiated during a Billing Period. If there are no Load Control Events during a Billing Period then the Program kW will be the Nominated Demand. The Program kWh under this option will be based upon a calculated value, as measured in kWh. The Program kWh will be calculated separately for each Billing Period by multiplying the monthly Program kW by the ratio of the monthly energy usage to the Billing Demand for the associated Billing Period. INCENTIVE STRUCTURE Incentive payments under the Interruption Options will be determined based on a fixed payment and a variable payment. The fixed portion of the incentive payment will be paid through a Bill Credit and the variable portion will be paid by check no more than 70 days after the end of the Program Season. The first three Load Control Events will not be subject to the Variable Energy Credit. The variable payment will be based on the number of hours a participant's pump is interrupted during the Program Season and their associated Program kW after the first three Load Control Events. Fixed Incentive Payment Variable Incentive Payment Interruption Energy Credit ($ Options Energy Credit per Program kWh) Variable Energy Credit Demand Credit ram for Out-of-Demand ($ per Program ($ per Program ($ per Variable Program kWh) Season Billing kWh C cles Standard $5.25 $0.008 $0.021 $0.18 Extended $5.25 $0.008 $0.021 L $0.25 Early $2.75 $0.004 $0.01 $0.09 INSTALLATION FEES An Installation Fee of$500 will be required for any new participating Metered Service Point with measured horsepower of 30 or less. The Installation Fee is non-refundable except when a Customer elects early termination and prior to the installation of a load control device at their pump location. TERM OF AGREEMENT AND TERMINATION The term of the Agreement, as it applies to each Metered Service Point accepted for participation, shall commence on the date the Agreement is signed by both the Customer and the Company and shall automatically renew on March 15 of each calendar year unless notice of termination is given by either party to the other prior to the annual renewal date or unless otherwise terminated as follows: 1. A Customer may terminate the participation of a Metered Service Point and avoid the Termination Fee by notifying the Company or its representative before the Program Season. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective — 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Original Sheet No. 23-6 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Eighth Revised Sheet No. 23-6 SCHEDULE 23 IRRIGATION PEAK REWARDS PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) TERM OF AGREEMENT AND TERMINATION (Continued) 2. A Customer who terminates the participation of a Metered Service Point anytime between June 15 and September 15 of each calendar year shall pay the Company a Termination Fee. This fee will be included on the Customer's monthly bill following termination of participation. The Customer's Bill Credit shall be prorated for the number of days in that month the Customer satisfactorily participated in the Program. Upon terminating participation of a Metered Service Point under the provisions of item 2, the Customer may not re-enroll the Metered Service Point into the Program until the following calendar year and the applicable Termination Fee has been paid in full. Termination Fees: Automatic Dispatch Option: $500.00 per Metered Service Point terminated under item 2 3. If there is evidence of alteration, tampering, or otherwise interfering with the Company's ability to initiate a Load Control Event at a Metered Service Point, the Agreement as it applies to that Metered Service Point will be automatically terminated. In addition, the Customer will be subject to each of the following: a. The Customer will be required to reimburse the Company for the cost of replacement or repair of the Load Control Device(s), including labor and other related costs. b. An applicable Termination Fee, as provided under item 2, will be applied to the Customer's monthly bill following the termination of participation. C. The Company will reverse any and all Demand Credits and/or Energy Credits applied to the Customer's monthly bill(s) for the Metered Service Point as a result of the Customer's participation in the Program during the current year. Note: A service disconnection for any reason does not terminate the Agreement. SPECIAL CONDITIONS The provisions of this schedule do not apply for any time period that the Company utilizes a Load Control Device installed under this Program to interrupt the Customer's load for a system emergency in accordance with NERC standards, Idaho Power's Rule J, or any other time that a Customer's service is interrupted by events outside the control of the Company. The provisions of this schedule will not affect the calculation or rate of the regular Service, Energy or Demand Charges associated with a Customer's standard service schedule. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36042 Timothy E Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective — January 1, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Original Sheet No. 23-7 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Eighth Revised Sheet No. 23-7 SCHEDULE 23 IRRIGATION PEAK REWARDS PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) Uniform Irrigation Peak Rewards Service Application/Agreement THIS AGREEMENT Made this day of between hereinafter called Customer, whose billing address is , and IDAHO POWER COMPANY, a corporation with its principal office located at 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho, hereinafter called Company. This Agreement shall automatically renew on March 15 of each calendar year unless notice of termination is given by either party to the other prior to the annual renewal date. This Agreement is for the Metered Service Point(s) identified on the attached worksheet (Worksheet): The Customer designates the following person as the Customer's authorized contact: Authorized Contact: Phone: Cell Phone: Email: NOW, THEREFORE, The Parties agree as follows: 1. The Uniform Irrigation Peak Rewards Service Application/Agreement must be signed by the Customer and the Customer must be the person who is responsible for paying bills for retail electric service provided by the Company at the Metered Service Point(s) identified on the Worksheet. 2. The Customer understands that the information concerning the Metered Service Point(s) on the Worksheet is based on the best information currently available to the Company. The Bill Credit amounts are estimates based on the previous year's billing history for the Metered Service Point(s) specified on the Worksheet. Customers without sufficient billing history will be provided an estimated Bill Credit based on the stated cumulative horsepower at the Metered Service Point. The Bill Credit estimates are provided for illustration purposes. The Customer agrees to specify which Metered Service Point(s) listed on the Worksheet the Customer wishes to enroll in the Program and the Interruption Option selected for each specified Metered Service Point. For Metered Service Points enrolled in the Manual Dispatch Option the Customer must notify the Company of Nominated Demand amounts by June 1 of each year. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36042 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective — January 1, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Original Sheet No. 23-8 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Seventh Revised Sheet No. 23-8 SCHEDULE 23 IRRIGATION PEAK REWARDS PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) Uniform Irrigation Peak Rewards Service Application/Agreement (Continued) 3. From time to time during the term of this Agreement and with prior reasonable notice from the Company, the Customer shall permit the Company or its representative to enter the Customer's property on which the enrolled Metered Service Point(s) are located to permit the Company or its representative to install, service, maintain and/or remove Load Control Device(s) on the electrical panel that services the Customer's irrigation pumps. The Load Control Device(s) may remain in place on the Customer's property upon termination of the Agreement unless the Customer specifically requests removal. 4. The Customer understands and acknowledges that by participating in the Program, the Company shall, at its sole discretion, have the ability to interrupt the specified irrigation pumps at the Metered Service Point(s) enrolled in the Program according to the provisions of the Interruption Option selected. The Company retains the sole right to determine the criteria under which a Load Control Event is scheduled for each Metered Service Point. The Customer also understands and acknowledges that if a Metered Service Point provides electricity to more than one irrigation pump, each pump will be scheduled for service interruption simultaneously, excluding Metered Service Points participating in the Program under the Manual Dispatch Option. 5. For the Customer's satisfactory participation in the Program, the Company agrees to pay the Customer the Demand Credit and/or Energy Credit corresponding to the Interruption Option selected by the Customer. The Bill Credit included on the Worksheet is based upon the billing history for the Metered Service Point(s) specified on the Worksheet, for the months of June, July, August, and September of the prior year. The Bill Credit will be paid in the form of a credit on the Customer's monthly bill or provided in the form of a check. The Demand Credit may be prorated for the months of June, July, August, and September depending on the Customer's billing cycle. Metered Service Points participating under the Manual Dispatch Option, will receive a Bill Credit from the Company within 30 days of billing due to the extensive data analysis required to process interval metering data. Any applicable Variable Energy Credits will be paid by check no more than 70 days after the end of the Program Season. 6. If the Customer terminates this Agreement anytime between June 15 and September 15 of the current calendar year while the Metered Service Point(s) are still connected for service the Customer may not re-enroll that Metered Service Point into the Program until the following calendar year and the applicable Termination Fee has been paid in full. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36042 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective — January 1, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Original Sheet No. 23-9 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Sixth Revised Sheet No. 23-9 SCHEDULE 23 IRRIGATION PEAK REWARDS PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) Uniform Irrigation Peak Rewards Service Application/Agreement (Continued) 7. If there is evidence of alteration, tampering, or otherwise interfering with the Company's ability to initiate a Load Control Event at a Metered Service Point(s), the Agreement as it applies to that Metered Service Point will be automatically terminated. The Customer will also be required to reimburse the Company for all costs of replacement or repair of the Load Control Device(s), including labor and other related costs, pay the Company the applicable Termination Fee which sum will be included on the Customer's monthly bill and the Company will reverse any Demand Credits applied to the Customer's monthly bill(s) for the Metered Service Point as a result of the Customer's participation in the Program during the current year. 8. The Company's Schedule 23, any revisions to that schedule and/or any successor schedule are to be considered part of this Agreement. 9. This Agreement and the rates, terms and conditions of service set forth or incorporated herein and the respective rights and obligations of the Parties hereunder shall be subject to valid laws and to the regulatory authority and orders, rules and regulations of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and such other administrative bodies having jurisdiction. 10. Nothing herein shall be construed as limiting the Idaho Public Utilities Commission from changing any terms, rates, charges, classification of service or any rules, regulations or conditions relating to service under this Agreement, or construed as affecting the right of the Company or the Customer to unilaterally make application to the Commission for any such change. 11. In any action at law or equity under this Agreement and upon which judgment is rendered, the prevailing Party, as part of such judgment, shall be entitled to recover all costs, including reasonable attorneys fees, incurred on account of such action. 12. The Company retains the sole right to select and reject the participants to receive service under Schedule 23. The Company retains the sole right for its employees and its representatives to install or not install Load Control Devices on the Customer's electrical panel at the time of installation depending on, but not limited to, safety, reliability, or other issues that may not be in the best interest of the Company, its employees or its representatives. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36042 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective — January 1, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 23-10 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 23-10 SCHEDULE 23 IRRIGATION PEAK REWARDS PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) Uniform Irrigation Peak Rewards Service Application/Agreement (Continued) 13. Under no circumstances shall the Company or any subsidiary, affiliates or parent Company be held liable to the Customer or any other party for damages or for any loss, whether direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, punitive or exemplary resulting from the Program or from the Customer's participation in the Program. The Customer assumes all liability and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Company and its subsidiaries, affiliates and parent company for personal injury, including death, and for property damage caused by the Customer's decision to participate in the Program and to reduce loads. 14. The Company makes no warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to the Load Control Device(s) and any and all implied warranties are disclaimed. 15. The provisions of this schedule do not apply for any time period that the Company utilizes a Load Control Device installed under this Program to interrupt the Customer's load for a system emergency in accordance with NERC standards, Idaho Power's Rule J, or any other time that a Customer's service is interrupted by events outside the control of the Company. The provisions of this schedule will not affect the calculation or rate of the regular Service, Energy or Demand Charges associated with a Customer's standard service schedule. (Appropriate Signatures) IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective — 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 82-1 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 82-1 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) PURPOSE The Flex Peak Program (the Program) is a voluntary program that motivates Participants to reduce their load during Company initiated Load Control Events or to allow the Company to send a signal to automatically initiate a Load Control Event with the use of one or more Load Control Devices. A participating Customer will be eligible to receive a financial incentive in exchange for being available to reduce their load during the calendar months of June, July, August, and September. AVAILABILITY The Program is available to Commercial and Industrial Customers receiving service under Schedules 9, 19, or a Special Contract Schedule. The Company shall have the right to accept Participants at its sole discretion based on criteria the Company considers necessary to ensure the effective operation of the Program. Selection criteria may include, but will not be limited to, total Program capacity, a Facility Site location, amount of capacity provided at a Facility Site, availability of Program equipment, facility system configuration, or electric system configuration. To participate in the Program, a Customer must sign and return the Program Application/Agreement and worksheet provided by the Company specifying the Facility Site(s), the preferred Interruption Option, and the initial Nominated kW for each Facility Site to be enrolled in the Program. To enroll in the Program, Customers must be capable of providing a minimum load reduction of 20 kW per Facility Site or an aggregate reduction of 35 kW if participating under the Aggregated Option. If the Aggregated Option is requested, this should be specified on the Program Application/Agreement. If a Facility Site is accepted for participation in the Program, a Notification of Program Acceptance will be mailed to the Participant within 10 business days of the Company receiving the Program Application/Agreement. Notification of Program Acceptance will include a listing of the Facility Sites that have been enrolled. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Company will initiate Load Control Events for a maximum of 60 hours during June, July, August, and September. During Load Control Events, Participants will be expected to reduce load at their Facility Site(s), and load reduction may be initiated manually or automatically depending on the Interruption Option designated for the Facility Site(s). Participants will be eligible to receive a financial incentive in exchange for their reduction in load. DEFINITIONS Actual kW Reduction. The kilowatt (kW) reduction during a Load Control Event, which is the difference between a Participant's hourly average kW measured at the Facility Site's meter and the corresponding hour of the Adjusted Baseline kW. In instances where a Facility Site's actual hourly usage exceeds the Adjusted Baseline kW, the hourly reduction will be treated as 0 kW. Actual kW Reduction cannot exceed 120% of Nominated kW per Load Control Event. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36133 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective —April 15, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. 82-2 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 82-2 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) DEFINITIONS (Continued) Adjusted Baseline kW. The Original Baseline kW plus or minus the "Day of Load Adjustment amount. Aggregated Option. Multiple Facility Sites belonging to a single Participant that are grouped together per the customer's request with a single Nominated kW for participation in the Program. Under this option, the Company will sum the individual performance data from each enrolled Facility Site before calculating any incentive amounts. Average Actual kW Reduction. The average Actual kW Reduction for all Load Control Events in a Program Season. Average Season Performance Percentage. The average of the Event Performance Percentages during the Program Season. Business Days. Any day Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. For the purposes of this Program, Independence Day and Labor Day are the only holidays during the Program Season. If Independence Day falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday will be designated the holiday. If Independence Day falls on Sunday, the following Monday will be designated the holiday. "Day of Load Adiustment. The difference between the Original Baseline kW and the actual metered kW during the hour prior to the Participant receiving notification of an event. Scalar values will be calculated by dividing the Original Baseline kW of each Load Control Event hour by the Original Baseline kW of the hour preceding the event notification time. The scalars are multiplied by the actual event day kW for the hour preceding the event notification time to create the Adjusted Baseline kW from which load reduction is measured. The Adjusted Baseline kW for each hour cannot exceed 110% the maximum recorded kW from any hour during the 10-day baseline period or the hours during the event day prior to event notification. The Company may adjust the Participant's "Day of Load Adjustment only if a planned or unplanned outage occurs or a customer-initiated complete or partial shut-down occurs outside of normal business operations during the hour prior to the Participant receiving notification of a Load Control Event. If an outage extends to the hours of the Load Control Event, the Company may remove that event from the Participant's Average Season Performance Percentage. Event Availability Time. Between 3:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) each Business Day. Event Average Nomination. The average Nominated kW for a Participant across all days where Load Control Events are called. Event Performance Percentage. The Actual kW Reduction divided by the Nominated kW for a Load Control Event. Facility Site(s). All or any part of a Participant's facility or equipment that is metered from a single service location that a Participant has enrolled in the Program. For those Participants who have enrolled under the Aggregated Option, Facility Site will refer to the combination of individual Facility Sites selected for inclusion under the Aggregated Option. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective — 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 82-3 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 82-3 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) DEFINITIONS (Continued) Fixed Capacity Payment. The Average Actual kW Reduction multiplied by the Fixed Capacity Payment Rate determined by the Average Season Performance Percentage (as described in the Incentive Structure section) and then multiplied by the number of weeks in a Program Season. Average Actual kW Reduction x Fixed Capacity Payment Rate x Number of Weeks in a Program Season = Fixed Capacity Payment. Highest Energy Usage Days. The three(3)days out of the immediate past 10 non-event Business Days that have the highest sum total kW as measured across the Event Availability Time. Hours of Event. The timeframe when the Load Control Event is called and Nominated kW is expected to be reduced. The Hours of Event will not be less than two hours and will not exceed four hours. Load Control Device. Refers to any technology, device, or system utilized under the Program to enable the Company to initiate the Load Control Event. Load Control Event. Refers to an event under the Program where the Company requests or calls for interruption of specific loads either manually or with the use of one or more Load Control Devices. Nominated kW. The amount of load expressed in kW that a Facility Site commits to reduce for a Load Control Event. Notification of Program Acceptance. Written confirmation from the Company to the Participant based on the Program Application Agreement submitted by the Customer. The Notification of Program Acceptance will confirm each Facility Site enrolled in the Program, the initial Nominated kW amount for each Facility Site, and the Interruption Option for each Facility Site. Original Baseline kW. The arithmetic mean (average) kW of the Highest Energy Usage Days during the Event Availability Time, calculated for each Facility Site for each hour. The following table provides an example of the calculation of the Original Baseline kW between hours of 3:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. using the three (3) Highest Energy Usage Days of 5, 7, and 9. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36133 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective —April 15, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. 82-4 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 82-4 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) DEFINITIONS (Continued) Day 3-4 PM 4-5 PM 5-6 PM 6-7 PM 7-8 PM 8-9 PM 9-10 PM Sum Total (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) 1 3000 3100 3000 3200 3000 3200 3150 21650 2 3200 3100 3200 3200 3100 3300 3300 22400 3 3100 3200 3100 3100 3200 3100 3200 22000 4 3250 3400 3300 3400 3300 3400 3200 23250 5 3300 3400 3300 3400 3400 3500 3400 23700 6 3100 3000 3200 3100 3100 3200 3300 22000 7 3400 3300 3400 3300 3400 3300 3200 23300 8 3300 3200 3300 3300 3300 3200 3100 22700 9 3400 3500 3350 3400 3500 3400 3350 23900 10 3250 3300 3300 3200 3200 3200 3300 22750 Original Baseline 3367 3400 3350 3367 3433 3400 3317 (kW) Participant. Any Customer who has a Facility Site that has been accepted into the Program. Performance Waiver. The ability for the Company to remove a Participant's performance during a Load Control Event as to not affect the calculation of a Participant's Fixed Capacity Payment. Program Application/Agreement. Written form submitted by a Customer who requests to enroll a Facility Site in the Program that is signed by the Customer or a duly authorized representative certifying agreement with the Program's terms and conditions. Program Season. June 151" through September 15t" of each year. Program Week. Monday through Friday. Variable Program kWh. The kWh savings amount calculated by multiplying the Actual kW Reduction by each of the Hours of Event for the Facility Site during each Load Control Event beyond the first three Load Control Events. Variable Energy Payment. An energy-based financial incentive provided to the Participant. The payment is calculated by multiplying the Variable Program kWh by the Variable Energy Payment Rate (as described in the Incentive Structure section). The Variable Energy Payment does not apply to the first three Load Control Events. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective — 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. 82-5 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 82-5 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) LOAD CONTROL EVENTS The Company will dispatch Load Control Events on Business Days during the Program Season between the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. MDT. Load Control Events will last between two to four hours per day and will not exceed 16 hours per calendar week and 60 hours per Program Season. During each Program Season the Company will conduct a minimum of three Load Control Events. Participating Customers will receive notification on or about four hours prior to the Load Control Event. The Company will provide notice of a Load Control Event via the following communication technologies: telephone, text message, and e-mail to the designated contact(s) submitted by the Participant in the Program Application/Agreement. If prior notice of a pending Load Control Event has been sent, the Company may choose to revoke the Load Control Event initiation and will provide notice to Participants no less than 30 minutes prior to the Load Control Event. INTERRUPTION OPTIONS At the Participant's election, and subject to Company discretion, participation in the Program may occur via one of the following Interruption Options: Manual Dispatch Option. Customers are eligible to manually control their Facility Site(s). Under the Manual Dispatch Option customers have the flexibility to choose which loads will be interrupted during each dispatched Load Control Event. Automatic Dispatch Option. A dispatchable Load Control Device, provided and installed by the Company or its representative, will be connected to the electrical panel(s) serving the loads associated with the Facility Site(s) enrolled in the Program. The Load Control Device utilized under the Automatic Dispatch Option will provide the Company the ability to send a signal intended to interrupt operation of a particular load or service during dispatched Load Control Events. In lieu of the Company or its representative installing the Load Control Device at the Company's expense, the Participant may elect to hire a licensed electrician, at the Participant's expense,to install the Load Control Device in accordance with the National Electrical Code ("NEC") and any Idaho Power or manufacturer specifications or requirements. REIMBURSEMENT INCENTIVE UNDER AUTOMATIC DISPATCH OPTION Participants who opt for the Automatic Dispatch option will be eligible for reimbursement of cost associated with interfacing with a Load Control Device. The reimbursement amount will be equal to the actual invoiced cost of such modifications or $1,500, per site, whichever is less. REQUIREMENTS OF PARTICIPATING FACILITIES Participants will have the flexibility to choose what equipment will be used to reduce the Nominated kW during each Load Control Event. Participants must notify the Company of their Nominated kW via the Program Application/Agreement. Once the Program Season begins, participants retain the option to modify their Nominated kW. The Participant must submit the nomination change request form online (located at www.idahopower.com/flexpeak) via email. Nomination changes shall be submitted no later than 2:00 P.M. MDT, from Monday through Friday, to take effect the subsequent business day. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective — 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. 82-6 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 82-6 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) INCENTIVE STRUCTURE Incentive payments will be determined based on a Fixed Capacity Payment and a Variable Energy Payment. Both the Fixed Capacity and Variable Energy Payments will be paid by check or bill credit no more than 45 days after the Program Season concludes on September 15t" The Fixed Capacity Payment Rate will be determined by the Average Season Performance Percentage during the Program Season. For example, if a Participant's Average Season Performance Percentage is 65 percent, then their Fixed Capacity Payment Rate is $2.44 per kW. Average Season Performance Percentage Fixed Capacity Payment Rate per kW* (*to be prorated for partial weeks) 75% - 120% $3.25 50% - 74.99% $2.44 25% - 49.99% $1.63 Greater than 0% - 24.99% $0.81 Variable Energy Payment Rate* ("does not apply to first three Load Control Events) $0.20 per kWh At its discretion, the Company may apply a Performance Waiver should it be determined that, at no fault of the Participant, the Load Control Device utilized for the Automatic Dispatch Option did not work during a Load Control Event. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Upon acceptance into the Program, Participants agree to the provisions of this Schedule and to the following terms and conditions: 1. Once accepted into the Program, Participants will automatically be re-enrolled each year thereafter unless notice of termination is given by the other party. 2. Both the Company and the Participant may terminate participation in the Program at any time by notifying the other party in writing. 3. Upon terminating participation of a Facility Site, the Participant's incentive payment shall be prorated for the number of Business Days of participation in the Program. If Program participation is terminated, the Participant may not re-enroll the Facility Site(s) into the Program until the following calendar year. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective — 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 82-7 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 82-7 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. The Company retains the sole right to determine the criteria under which a Load Control Event is called and the decision of whether to call for, initiate, or cancel a Load Control Event shall be at the Company's sole discretion. 5. The Company shall have the right to accept Participants at its sole discretion based on criteria the Company considers necessary to ensure the effective operation of the Program. Selection criteria may include, but will not be limited to, total Program capacity, a Facility Site location, amount of capacity provided at a Facility Site, availability of Program equipment, facility system configuration, or electric system configuration. 6. Participants that choose to participate in the Program under the Automatic Dispatch Option grant the Company or its representative permission, on reasonable notice, to enter the Customer's enrolled Facility Site(s) to install, service, maintain, and/or remove Load Control Device(s) on the electrical panel that services the anticipated load reduction. The Company retains the sole right for its employees and its representatives to install or not install Load Control Devices on the Customer's electrical panel at the time of installation depending on, but not limited to, safety, reliability, or other issues that may not be in the best interest of the Company, its employees, or its representatives. 7. If there is evidence of the Participant altering, tampering, or otherwise interfering with the Company's ability to initiate a Load Control Event, the Customer's participation in the Program will be terminated, and the Customer will be required to reimburse the Company for all costs for replacement or repair of the Load Control Device(s) or other Program equipment, including labor and other related costs, and the Company will reverse any and all incentive payments made during the previous twelve months as a result of the Customer's participation in the Program. SPECIAL CONDITIONS The Company is not responsible for any direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, punitive, or exemplary damage to the Participant or third parties as a result of the Program or the Customer's voluntary participation in the Program. The Company makes no warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to the Load Control Device(s) and any and all implied warranties are disclaimed. Advance Notification Pilot Program: Available from 2024 -2029. The Company reserves the right to use flexibility on the timing of event notification for eligible customers nominating 3 MW or more. The provisions of this Program do not apply for any time period that the Company requests a load reduction during a system emergency in accordance with NERC standards, Idaho Power's Rule J, or any other time that a Customer's service is interrupted by events outside the control of the Company. The provisions of this Program will not affect the calculation or rate of the regular Service, Energy, or Demand Charges associated with a Participant's standard service schedule. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36133 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective —April 15, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-24-37 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT NO. 2 PROPOSED TARIFFS (LEGISLATIVE) Idaho Power Company Original Sheet No. 23-1 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Eighth Revised Sheet No. 23-1 SCHEDULE 23 IRRIGATION PEAK REWARDS PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) PURPOSE The Irrigation Peak Rewards Program (the Program) is an optional, supplemental service that permits participating agricultural irrigation Customers taking service under Schedule 24 to allow the Company to turn off specific irrigation pumps with the use of one or more Load Control Devices. In exchange for allowing the Company to turn off specified irrigation pumps, participating Customers will receive a financial incentive for load reductions during the calendar months of June, July, August, and September for each metered service point (Metered Service Point) enrolled in the Program. AVAILABILITY Service under this schedule is available on an optional basis to Customers with a Metered Service Point or Points receiving service under Schedule 24 where the Metered Service Point serves a water pumping or water delivery system used to irrigate agricultural crops or pasturage. The Company shall have the right to select and reject Program participants at its sole discretion based on criteria the Company considers necessary to ensure the effective operation of the Program. Selection criteria may include, but will not be limited to, Billing Demand, location, pump horsepower, pumping system configuration, or electric system configuration. Past participation does not ensure selection into the Program in future years. Participation may be limited based upon the availability of Program equipment and funding. Each eligible Customer who chooses to take service under this optional schedule is required to enter into a Uniform Irrigation Peak Rewards Service Application/Agreement (Agreement) with the Company prior to being served under this schedule. The Agreement will grant the Company or its representative permission, on reasonable notice, to enter the Customer's property to maintain one or more Load Control Devices on the electrical panel servicing the irrigation equipment associated with the Metered Service Points that are enrolled in this Program and to allow the Company or its representative reasonable access to the Load Control Device(s). By entering into the Agreement, each Customer also agrees to not increase for the sole purpose of participating in the Program the capacity, horsepower(HP) or size of the irrigation system served by the Company. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Service under this optional, supplementary Program permits the Company to turn off specified irrigation pumps for a limited number of hours during the period of June 15 through September 15 (Program Season). The Company will utilize dispatchable Load Control Devices to turn off specific irrigation pumps during Load Control Events. In limited applications, a select group of eligible Customers will be permitted to manually interrupt electric service to participating irrigation pumps during Load Control Events (See Manual Dispatch Option). In exchange for allowing the Company to interrupt service to specified irrigation pumps, participating Customers will receive a financial incentive for usage that occurs during the calendar months of June, July, August, and September for each Metered Service Point enrolled in the Program. DEFINITIONS Notification of Program Acceptance. An interested Customer must sign and return to the Company an Agreement specifying the Metered Service Point(s) to be included in the Program. If a Customer is selected for participation in the Program, a notification of acceptance into the Program will IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36042 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective — January 1, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Original Sheet No. 23-2 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Eighth Revised Sheet No. 23-2 SCHEDULE 23 IRRIGATION PEAK REWARDS PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) DEFINITIONS (Continued) be mailed to participants, which will include a listing of the Metered Service Point(s) that have been enrolled. Load Control Device. Load Control Device refers to any technology, device, or system utilized under the Program to enable the Company to initiate the Load Control Event. Load Control Event. Refers to an event under the Program where the Company requests or calls for interruption of specific irrigation pumps either manually or with the use of one or more Load Control Devices. Program Season. The Program Season is the period June 15 through September 15 of each year. Program kW. The Program kW is the demand amount, as measured at the Customer's meter in kilowatts (kW) associated with the applicable billing period, that is multiplied by the applicable incentive amount to determine the Demand Credit under the Automatic Dispatch Interruption Option. Under the Manual Dispatch Interruption Option, the Program kW will be based upon the maximum measured interval kW during the 24-hour period preceding 8:00 A.M. MDT the day of the announcement of a Load Control Event, minus the average interval kW during an event. Nominated Demand. Nominated Demand is the amount of demand that participants under the Manual Dispatch Option must declare as planned to be available during Load Control Events. Program kWh. The Program kWh is the energy amount, as measured at the Customer's meter in kilowatt-hours (kWh) associated with the applicable billing period, that is multiplied by the applicable incentive amount to determine the Energy Credit under each Interruption Option. Variable Program kWh. The Variable Program kWh is the demand amount for the associated billing period, as measured at the Customer's meter in kilowatts (kW) multiplied by the hours of interruption for the Metered Service Point for each Load Control Event. The Variable Program kWh is multiplied by the applicable variable incentive payment to determine the Variable Energy Credit under each Interruption Option. Variable Program kWh = Program kW x hours of interruption for each Load Control Event Bill Credit. The Bill Credit is the sum of the Demand Credit and the Energy Credit applied to the Customer's monthly bills for usage that occurs during the calendar months of June, July, August, and September of each calendar year. This amount may be prorated for the number of days during the months of June, July, August, and September that fall in the Customer's billing cycle to correspond with the Program Season. The Bill Credit amount may be applied directly to participating Customers' bills or provided in the form of a check. Demand Credit. The Demand Credit is a demand-based financial incentive provided in the form of a credit on the monthly bill for the Metered Service Point enrolled in the Program. The monthly Demand Credit is calculated by multiplying the Program kW by the demand-related incentive amount for the Interruption Option selected by the Customer. The Demand Credit will be included on the Customer's monthly bills for usage that occurs during the calendar months of June, July, August, and September of each year. This amount may be prorated for the number of days during the months of June, July, August, and September that fall in the Customer's billing cycle to correspond with the Program Season. Demand Credit = Program kW x demand-related incentive amount IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36042 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective — January 1, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company 9rigiRal First Revised Sheet No. 23-3 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Eighth Reyos `[Original Sheet No. 23-3 SCHEDULE 23 IRRIGATION PEAK REWARDS PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) DEFINITIONS (Continued) Energy Credit. The Energy Credit is an energy-based financial incentive provided in the form of a credit on the monthly bill for the Metered Service Point enrolled in the Program. The monthly Energy Credit is calculated by multiplying the Program kWh by the energy-related incentive amount for the Interruption Option selected by the Customer. Customers identified to have an out-of-demand season billing cycle will receive only an out-of-demand season energy credit for the applicable billing period. The Energy Credit will be included on the Customer's monthly bills for usage that occurs during the calendar months of June, July, August, and September of each year. This amount may be prorated for the number of days during the months of June, July, August, and September that fall in the Customer's billing cycle to correspond with the Program Season. Energy Credit = Program kWh x energy-related incentive amount Variable Energy Credit. The Variable Energy Credit is an energy-based financial incentive provided for the Metered Service Point enrolled in the Program. The Variable Energy Credit is calculated by multiplying Variable Program kWh by the energy-related incentive amount for the Interruption Option selected by the Customer. The Variable Energy Credit is paid in the form of a check no later than 70 days after the Program Season. The Variable Energy Credit does not apply to the first feur-three Load Control Events. Variable Energy Credit = Variable Program kWh x variable energy-related incentive amount INTERRUPTION OPTIONS Under the Interruption Options, the Company will dispatch remotely service interruptions to specified irrigation pumps any Monday through Saturday during the Program Season between the hours of 3:00 P.M. and 10:00 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time (MDT), excluding holidays (Standard Interruption). Customers may elect to participate until 11:00 P.M. MDT (Extended Interruption) and will receive a larger Variable Energy Credit or no later than 9:00 P.M. MDT (Early Interruption) at reduced incentive amounts. Service interruptions may last up to 4 hours per day and will not exceed 16 hours per calendar week and 60 hours per Program Season. During each Program Season the Company will conduct a minimum of three Load Control Events. Customers participating in the Automatic Dispatch Option may not receive advance notification of a Load Control Event, but will be notified after the Load Control Event begins. Customers participating in the Manual Dispatch Option will receive advance notification at least 4 hours prior to a Load Control Event. The Company will provide notice of a Load Control Event via the following communication technologies: telephone, e-mail and/or text message. If prior notice of a pending Load Control Event has been sent, the Company may choose to revoke the Load Control Event and will provide notice to Customers up to 30 minutes prior to the Load Control Event. Customers who elect to participate in the Program may be eligible for one of the following Interruption Options: Automatic Dispatch Option. A dispatchable Load Control Device will be connected to the electrical panel(s) serving the irrigation pumps associated with the Metered Service Points enrolled in the Program. The Load Control Device utilized under the Automatic Dispatch Option IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36042 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective- aR ar„ 1, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company OriginalFirst Revised Sheet No. 23-4 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101Ejq4th-Original Re Sheet No. 23-4 SCHEDULE 23 IRRIGATION PEAK REWARDS PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) INTERRUPTION OPTIONS (Continued) will provide the Company the ability to send a signal that will interrupt operation or not allow the associated irrigation pumps to operate during dispatched Load Control Events. This option requires that all pumps at the Metered Service Point be controlled. Under the Automatic Dispatch Option, the Program kW will be based upon the monthly Billing Demand, as measured in kW, for the associated Billing Period. The Program kWh under this option will be based upon the monthly energy usage, as measured in kWh, for the associated Billing Period. Each time a customer chooses to opt-out of one of the Load Control Events a fee of $6.25 per billing kW for Standard and Extended Interruption options and $3.25 per billing kW for Early Interruption option will be assessed based upon the current Billing Period's kW. The opt- out fee will not exceed the total Bill Credit for the Program Season. Any opt-out fee will be applied at the end of the Program Season or after the applicable billing cycle closes. Opt-out fees may be waived for circumstances involving planned or unplanned outages of 3 hours or more occurring within 24 hours of a Load Control Event or a multiday outage within 72 hours of an event. At its discretion, the Company may assess an opt-out fee should it be determined the participant overrode the command to the dispatch device thereby allowing the pump to run during the load control event. Manual Dispatch Option. Customers are eligible to manually control Metered Service Points of at least 1,000 cumulative HP, or Metered Service Points that have been determined by the Company to be limited by load control device communication technology or installation configuration. Under the Manual Dispatch Option, eligible Customers have the flexibility to choose which irrigation pumps at a Metered Service Point will be interrupted during each dispatched Load Control Event. Customers electing this option must notify the Company of their Nominated Demand during the enrollment period prior to June 1 of each year. At the discretion of the Company, customers with multiple service locations on hydraulically-connected open channel systems may be allowed to interrupt a portion of their service locations up to two hours apart during demand response events. Customers participating in the Manual Dispatch Option are required to provide no less than their Nominated Demand during each Load Control Event. Each time a customer chooses to provide less than their Nominated Demand during one of the Load Control Events, an opt-out fee of$6.25 per billing kW for Standard and Extended Interruption options and $3.25 per billing kW for Early Interruption option will be assessed on the Nominated Demand not made available for interruption. The opt-out fee will not exceed the total Bill Credit for the Program Season. Any opt-out fee will be applied at the end of the Program Season or after the applicable billing cycle closes. Opt-out fees may be waived for circumstances involving planned or unplanned outages of 3 hours or more occurring within 24 hours of a Load Control Event or a multiday outage within 72 hours of an event. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36042 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective— aR ar„ 1, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company GFigiRaLFirst Revised Sheet No. 23-5 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Eighth Reyos `[Original Sheet No. 23-5 SCHEDULE 23 IRRIGATION PEAK REWARDS PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) INTERRUPTION OPTIONS (Continued) Under the Manual Dispatch Option, the Program kW will be based upon the maximum measured interval demand during the 24-hour period preceding 8:00 A.M. MDT the day of the announcement of a Load Control Event, minus the average demand during an event, as measured in kW over applicable load profile metering intervals. This applies to each Load Control Event initiated during a Billing Period. If there are no Load Control Events during a Billing Period then the Program kW will be the Nominated Demand. The Program kWh under this option will be based upon a calculated value, as measured in kWh. The Program kWh will be calculated separately for each Billing Period by multiplying the monthly Program kW by the ratio of the monthly energy usage to the Billing Demand for the associated Billing Period. INCENTIVE STRUCTURE Incentive payments under the Interruption Options will be determined based on a fixed payment and a variable payment. The fixed portion of the incentive payment will be paid through a Bill Credit and the variable portion will be paid by check no more than 70 days after the end of the Program Season. The first feu-p-three Load Control Events will not be subject to the Variable Energy Credit. The variable payment will be based on the number of hours a participant's pump is interrupted during the Program Season and their associated Program kW after the first feu#hree Load Control Events. Fixed Incentive Payment Variable Incentive Payment Interruption Energy Credit Standard Extended Options ($ per Interr � Demand Credit Energy Credit Program Variable Variable ($ per Program ($ per Program kWh) for Out- Energy Credit Gnor^„ �`FedJA mt kWh) of-Demand ($ per Season Variable Variabte Bill in C cles Program kWh) Drnnnarn Standard $5.25 $0.008 $0.021 $0.18 $85 Extended L5.25 $Q.008 $0.021 JQ.25 Early 1275 0.004 0.01 0.09 INSTALLATION FEES An Installation Fee of$500 will be required for any new participating Metered Service Point with measured horsepower of 30 or less. The Installation Fee is non-refundable except when a Customer elects early termination and prior to the installation of a load control device at their pump location. TERM OF AGREEMENT AND TERMINATION The term of the Agreement, as it applies to each Metered Service Point accepted for participation, shall commence on the date the Agreement is signed by both the Customer and the Company and shall automatically renew on March 15 of each calendar year unless notice of termination is given by either party to the other prior to the annual renewal date or unless otherwise terminated as follows: IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36042 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective jaRuary 1, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company 9rigiRal First Revised Sheet No. 23-5 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Eighth Revosed0riginal Sheet No. 23-5 automatically renew on March 15 of each calendar year unless notice of termination is given by either party to the other prior to the annual renewal date or unless otherwise terminated as follows: 1. A Customer may terminate the participation of a Metered Service Point and avoid the Termination Fee by notifying the Company or its representative before the Program Season. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36042 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective— aR ar„ 1, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Original Sheet No. 23-6 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Eighth Revised Sheet No. 23-6 SCHEDULE 23 IRRIGATION PEAK REWARDS PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) TERM OF AGREEMENT AND TERMINATION (Continued) 2. A Customer who terminates the participation of a Metered Service Point anytime between June 15 and September 15 of each calendar year shall pay the Company a Termination Fee. This fee will be included on the Customer's monthly bill following termination of participation. The Customer's Bill Credit shall be prorated for the number of days in that month the Customer satisfactorily participated in the Program. Upon terminating participation of a Metered Service Point under the provisions of item 2, the Customer may not re-enroll the Metered Service Point into the Program until the following calendar year and the applicable Termination Fee has been paid in full. Termination Fees: Automatic Dispatch Option: $500.00 per Metered Service Point terminated under item 2 3. If there is evidence of alteration, tampering, or otherwise interfering with the Company's ability to initiate a Load Control Event at a Metered Service Point, the Agreement as it applies to that Metered Service Point will be automatically terminated. In addition, the Customer will be subject to each of the following: a. The Customer will be required to reimburse the Company for the cost of replacement or repair of the Load Control Device(s), including labor and other related costs. b. An applicable Termination Fee, as provided under item 2, will be applied to the Customer's monthly bill following the termination of participation. C. The Company will reverse any and all Demand Credits and/or Energy Credits applied to the Customer's monthly bill(s) for the Metered Service Point as a result of the Customer's participation in the Program during the current year. Note: A service disconnection for any reason does not terminate the Agreement. SPECIAL CONDITIONS The provisions of this schedule do not apply for any time period that the Company utilizes a Load Control Device installed under this Program to interrupt the Customer's load for a system emergency in accordance with NERC standards, Idaho Power's Rule J, or any other time that a Customer's service is interrupted by events outside the control of the Company. The provisions of this schedule will not affect the calculation or rate of the regular Service, Energy or Demand Charges associated with a Customer's standard service schedule. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36042 Timothy E Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective — January 1, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Original Sheet No. 23-7 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Eighth Revised Sheet No. 23-7 SCHEDULE 23 IRRIGATION PEAK REWARDS PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) Uniform Irrigation Peak Rewards Service Application/Agreement THIS AGREEMENT Made this day of between hereinafter called Customer, whose billing address is , and IDAHO POWER COMPANY, a corporation with its principal office located at 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho, hereinafter called Company. This Agreement shall automatically renew on March 15 of each calendar year unless notice of termination is given by either party to the other prior to the annual renewal date. This Agreement is for the Metered Service Point(s) identified on the attached worksheet (Worksheet): The Customer designates the following person as the Customer's authorized contact: Authorized Contact: Phone: Cell Phone: Email: NOW, THEREFORE, The Parties agree as follows: 1. The Uniform Irrigation Peak Rewards Service Application/Agreement must be signed by the Customer and the Customer must be the person who is responsible for paying bills for retail electric service provided by the Company at the Metered Service Point(s) identified on the Worksheet. 2. The Customer understands that the information concerning the Metered Service Point(s) on the Worksheet is based on the best information currently available to the Company. The Bill Credit amounts are estimates based on the previous year's billing history for the Metered Service Point(s) specified on the Worksheet. Customers without sufficient billing history will be provided an estimated Bill Credit based on the stated cumulative horsepower at the Metered Service Point. The Bill Credit estimates are provided for illustration purposes. The Customer agrees to specify which Metered Service Point(s) listed on the Worksheet the Customer wishes to enroll in the Program and the Interruption Option selected for each specified Metered Service Point. For Metered Service Points enrolled in the Manual Dispatch Option the Customer must notify the Company of Nominated Demand amounts by June 1 of each year. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36042 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective — January 1, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Original Sheet No. 23-8 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Seventh Revised Sheet No. 23-8 SCHEDULE 23 IRRIGATION PEAK REWARDS PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) Uniform Irrigation Peak Rewards Service Application/Agreement (Continued) 3. From time to time during the term of this Agreement and with prior reasonable notice from the Company, the Customer shall permit the Company or its representative to enter the Customer's property on which the enrolled Metered Service Point(s) are located to permit the Company or its representative to install, service, maintain and/or remove Load Control Device(s) on the electrical panel that services the Customer's irrigation pumps. The Load Control Device(s) may remain in place on the Customer's property upon termination of the Agreement unless the Customer specifically requests removal. 4. The Customer understands and acknowledges that by participating in the Program, the Company shall, at its sole discretion, have the ability to interrupt the specified irrigation pumps at the Metered Service Point(s) enrolled in the Program according to the provisions of the Interruption Option selected. The Company retains the sole right to determine the criteria under which a Load Control Event is scheduled for each Metered Service Point. The Customer also understands and acknowledges that if a Metered Service Point provides electricity to more than one irrigation pump, each pump will be scheduled for service interruption simultaneously, excluding Metered Service Points participating in the Program under the Manual Dispatch Option. 5. For the Customer's satisfactory participation in the Program, the Company agrees to pay the Customer the Demand Credit and/or Energy Credit corresponding to the Interruption Option selected by the Customer. The Bill Credit included on the Worksheet is based upon the billing history for the Metered Service Point(s) specified on the Worksheet, for the months of June, July, August, and September of the prior year. The Bill Credit will be paid in the form of a credit on the Customer's monthly bill or provided in the form of a check. The Demand Credit may be prorated for the months of June, July, August, and September depending on the Customer's billing cycle. Metered Service Points participating under the Manual Dispatch Option, will receive a Bill Credit from the Company within 30 days of billing due to the extensive data analysis required to process interval metering data. Any applicable Variable Energy Credits will be paid by check no more than 70 days after the end of the Program Season. 6. If the Customer terminates this Agreement anytime between June 15 and September 15 of the current calendar year while the Metered Service Point(s) are still connected for service the Customer may not re-enroll that Metered Service Point into the Program until the following calendar year and the applicable Termination Fee has been paid in full. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36042 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective — January 1, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Original Sheet No. 23-9 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Sixth Revised Sheet No. 23-9 SCHEDULE 23 IRRIGATION PEAK REWARDS PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) Uniform Irrigation Peak Rewards Service Application/Agreement (Continued) 7. If there is evidence of alteration, tampering, or otherwise interfering with the Company's ability to initiate a Load Control Event at a Metered Service Point(s), the Agreement as it applies to that Metered Service Point will be automatically terminated. The Customer will also be required to reimburse the Company for all costs of replacement or repair of the Load Control Device(s), including labor and other related costs, pay the Company the applicable Termination Fee which sum will be included on the Customer's monthly bill and the Company will reverse any Demand Credits applied to the Customer's monthly bill(s) for the Metered Service Point as a result of the Customer's participation in the Program during the current year. 8. The Company's Schedule 23, any revisions to that schedule and/or any successor schedule are to be considered part of this Agreement. 9. This Agreement and the rates, terms and conditions of service set forth or incorporated herein and the respective rights and obligations of the Parties hereunder shall be subject to valid laws and to the regulatory authority and orders, rules and regulations of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and such other administrative bodies having jurisdiction. 10. Nothing herein shall be construed as limiting the Idaho Public Utilities Commission from changing any terms, rates, charges, classification of service or any rules, regulations or conditions relating to service under this Agreement, or construed as affecting the right of the Company or the Customer to unilaterally make application to the Commission for any such change. 11. In any action at law or equity under this Agreement and upon which judgment is rendered, the prevailing Party, as part of such judgment, shall be entitled to recover all costs, including reasonable attorneys fees, incurred on account of such action. 12. The Company retains the sole right to select and reject the participants to receive service under Schedule 23. The Company retains the sole right for its employees and its representatives to install or not install Load Control Devices on the Customer's electrical panel at the time of installation depending on, but not limited to, safety, reliability, or other issues that may not be in the best interest of the Company, its employees or its representatives. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36042 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective — January 1, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Original First Revised Sheet No. 23-10 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101SOxth ReyosecOriginal Sheet No. 23-10 SCHEDULE 23 IRRIGATION PEAK REWARDS PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) (Continued) Uniform Irrigation Peak Rewards Service Application/Agreement (Continued) 13. Under no circumstances shall the Company or any subsidiary, affiliates or parent Company be held liable to the Customer or any other party for damages or for any loss, whether direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, punitive or exemplary resulting from the Program or from the Customer's participation in the Program. The Customer assumes all liability and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Company and its subsidiaries, affiliates and parent company for personal injury, including death, and for property damage caused by the Customer's decision to participate in the Program and to reduce loads. 14. The Company makes no warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to the Load Control Device(s) and any and all implied warranties are disclaimed. 15. The provisions of this schedule do not apply for any time period that the Company utilizes a Load Control Device installed under this Program to interrupt the Customer's load for a system emergency in accordance with NERC standards, Idaho Power's Rule J, or any other time that a Customer's service is interrupted by events outside the control of the Company. The provisions of this schedule will not affect the calculation or rate of the regular Service, Energy or Demand Charges associated with a Customer's standard service schedule. (Appropriate Signatures) IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36042 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective— aR ar„ 1, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 82-1 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 82-1 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) PURPOSE The Flex Peak Program (the Program) is a voluntary program that motivates Participants to reduce their load during Company initiated Load Control Events or to allow the Company to send a signal to automatically initiate a Load Control Event with the use of one or more Load Control Devices. A participating Customer will be eligible to receive a financial incentive in exchange for being available to reduce their load during the calendar months of June, July, August, and September. AVAILABILITY The Program is available to Commercial and Industrial Customers receiving service under Schedules 9, 19, or a Special Contract Schedule. The Company shall have the right to accept Participants at its sole discretion based on criteria the Company considers necessary to ensure the effective operation of the Program. Selection criteria may include, but will not be limited to, total Program capacity, a Facility Site location, amount of capacity provided at a Facility Site, availability of Program equipment, facility system configuration, or electric system configuration. To participate in the Program, a Customer must sign and return the Program Application/Agreement and worksheet provided by the Company specifying the Facility Site(s), the preferred Interruption Option, and the initial Nominated kW for each Facility Site to be enrolled in the Program. To enroll in the Program, Customers must be capable of providing a minimum load reduction of 20 kW per Facility Site or an aggregate reduction of 35 kW if participating under the Aggregated Option. If the Aggregated Option is requested, this should be specified on the Program Application/Agreement. If a Facility Site is accepted for participation in the Program, a Notification of Program Acceptance will be mailed to the Participant within 10 business days of the Company receiving the Program Application/Agreement. Notification of Program Acceptance will include a listing of the Facility Sites that have been enrolled. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Company will initiate Load Control Events for a maximum of 60 hours during June, July, August, and September. During Load Control Events, Participants will be expected to reduce load at their Facility Site(s), and load reduction may be initiated manually or automatically depending on the Interruption Option designated for the Facility Site(s). Participants will be eligible to receive a financial incentive in exchange for their reduction in load. DEFINITIONS Actual kW Reduction. The kilowatt (kW) reduction during a Load Control Event, which is the difference between a Participant's hourly average kW measured at the Facility Site's meter and the corresponding hour of the Adjusted Baseline kW. In instances where a Facility Site's actual hourly usage exceeds the Adjusted Baseline kW, the hourly reduction will be treated as 0 kW. Actual kW Reduction cannot exceed 120% of Nominated kW per Load Control Event. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36133 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective —April 15, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Forst Second Revised Sheet No. 82-2 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 94q+Ra1-First Revised Sheet No. 82-2 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) DEFINITIONS (Continued) Adjusted Baseline kW. The Original Baseline kW plus or minus the "Day of Load Adjustment amount. Aggregated Option. Multiple Facility Sites belonging to a single Participant that are grouped together per the customer's request with a single Nominated kW for participation in the Program. Under this option, the Company will sum the individual performance data from each enrolled Facility Site before calculating any incentive amounts. Average Actual kW Reduction. The average Actual kW Reduction for all Load Control Events in a Program Season. Average Season Performance Percentage. The average of the Event Performance Percentages during the Program Season. Business Days. Any day Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. For the purposes of this Program, Independence Day and Labor Day are the only holidays during the Program Season. If Independence Day falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday will be designated the holiday. If Independence Day falls on Sunday, the following Monday will be designated the holiday. "Day of Load Adiustment. The difference between the Original Baseline kW and the actual metered kW during the hour prior to the Participant receiving notification of an event. Scalar values will be calculated by dividing the Original Baseline kW of each Load Control Event hour by the Original Baseline kW of the hour preceding the event notification time. The scalars are multiplied by the actual event day kW for the hour preceding the event notification time to create the Adjusted Baseline kW from which load reduction is measured. The Adjusted Baseline kW for each hour cannot exceed 110% the maximum recorded kW from any hour from the Highest ERergy Usage Daysduring the 10-day baseline period or the hours during the event day prior to event notification. The Company may adjust the Participant's "Day of" Load Adjustment only if a planned or unplanned outage occurs-or a customer- initiated complete or partial shut-down occurs outside of normal business operations during the hour prior to the Participant receiving notification of a Load Control Event. If an outage extends to the hours of the Load Control Event, the Company may remove that event from the Participant's Average Season Performance Percentage. Event Availability Time. Between 3:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) each Business Day. Event Average Nomination. The average Nominated kW for a Participant d uriRg weeks--across all days where Load Control Events are called. Event Performance Percentage. The Actual kW Reduction divided by the Nominated kW for a Load Control Event. Facility Site(s). All or any part of a Participant's facility or equipment that is metered from a single service location that a Participant has enrolled in the Program. For those Participants who have enrolled IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36133 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective—April 15, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Forst Second Revised Sheet No. 82-2 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 94g+►.al-First Revised Sheet No. 82-2 under the Aggregated Option, Facility Site will refer to the combination of individual Facility Sites selected for inclusion under the Aggregated Option. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36133 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective—April 15, 20241221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 82-3 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 82-3 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) DEFINITIONS (Continued) Fixed Capacity Payment. The Average Actual kW Reduction multiplied by the Fixed Capacity Payment Rate determined by the Average Season Performance Percentage (as described in the Incentive Structure section) and then multiplied by the number of weeks in a Program Season. Average Actual kW Reduction x Fixed Capacity Payment Rate x Number of Weeks in a Program Season = Fixed Capacity Payment. Highest Energy Usage Days. The three(3)days out of the immediate past 10 non-event Business Days that have the highest sum total kW as measured across the Event Availability Time. Hours of Event. The timeframe when the Load Control Event is called and Nominated kW is expected to be reduced. The Hours of Event will not be less than two hours and will not exceed four hours. Load Control Device. Refers to any technology, device, or system utilized under the Program to enable the Company to initiate the Load Control Event. Load Control Event. Refers to an event under the Program where the Company requests or calls for interruption of specific loads either manually or with the use of one or more Load Control Devices. Nominated kW. The amount of load expressed in kW that a Facility Site commits to reduce for a Load Control Event. Notification of Program Acceptance. Written confirmation from the Company to the Participant based on the Program Application Agreement submitted by the Customer. The Notification of Program Acceptance will confirm each Facility Site enrolled in the Program, the initial Nominated kW amount for each Facility Site, and the Interruption Option for each Facility Site. Original Baseline kW. The arithmetic mean (average) kW of the Highest Energy Usage Days during the Event Availability Time, calculated for each Facility Site for each hour. The following table provides an example of the calculation of the Original Baseline kW between hours of 3:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. using the three (3) Highest Energy Usage Days of 5, 7, and 9. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36133 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective —April 15, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Forst Second Revised Sheet No. 82-4 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 94al-First Revised Sheet No. 82-4 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) DEFINITIONS (Continued) Day 3-4 PM 4-5 PM 5-6 PM 6-7 PM 7-8 PM 8-9 PM 9-10 PM Sum Total (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) 1 3000 3100 3000 3200 3000 3200 3150 21650 2 3200 3100 3200 3200 3100 3300 3300 22400 3 3100 3200 3100 3100 3200 3100 3200 22000 4 3250 3400 3300 3400 3300 3400 3200 23250 5 3300 3400 3300 3400 3400 3500 3400 23700 6 3100 3000 3200 3100 3100 3200 3300 22000 7 3400 3300 3400 3300 3400 3300 3200 23300 8 3300 3200 3300 3300 3300 3200 3100 22700 9 3400 3500 3350 3400 3500 3400 3350 23900 10 3250 3300 3300 3200 3200 3200 3300 22750 Original Baseline 3367 3400 3350 3367 3433 3400 3317 (kW) Participant. Any Customer who has a Facility Site that has been accepted into the Program. Performance Waiver. The ability for the Company to remove a Participant's performance during a Load Control Event as to not affect the calculation of a Participant's Fixed Capacity Payment. Program Application/Agreement. Written form submitted by a Customer who requests to enroll a Facility Site in the Program that is signed by the Customer or a duly authorized representative certifying agreement with the Program's terms and conditions. Program Season. June 151" through September 15t" of each year. Program Week. Monday through Friday. Variable Program kWh. The kWh savings amount calculated by multiplying the Actual kW Reduction by each of the Hours of Event for the Facility Site during each Load Control Event beyond the first feur--three Load Control Events. Variable Energy Payment. An energy-based financial incentive provided to the Participant. The payment is calculated by multiplying the Variable Program kWh by the Variable Energy Payment Rate (as described in the Incentive Structure section). The Variable Energy Payment does not apply to the first four-three Load Control Events. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 3 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective April 15, 20241221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Forst Second Revised Sheet No. 82-5 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Q4q+na4-First Revised Sheet No. 82-5 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) LOAD CONTROL EVENTS The Company will dispatch Load Control Events on Business Days during the Program Season between the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. MDT. Load Control Events will last between two to four hours per day and will not exceed 16 hours per calendar week and 60 hours per Program Season. During each Program Season the Company will conduct a minimum of three Load Control Events. Participating Customers will receive notification on or about four hours prior to the Load Control Event. The Company will provide notice of a Load Control Event via the following communication technologies: telephone, text message, and e-mail to the designated contact(s) submitted by the Participant in the Program Application/Agreement. If prior notice of a pending Load Control Event has been sent, the Company may choose to revoke the Load Control Event initiation and will provide notice to Participants no less than 30 minutes prior to the Load Control Event. INTERRUPTION OPTIONS At the Participant's election, and subject to Company discretion, participation in the Program may occur via one of the following Interruption Options: Manual Dispatch Option. Customers are eligible to manually control their Facility Site(s). Under the Manual Dispatch Option customers have the flexibility to choose which loads will be interrupted during each dispatched Load Control Event. Automatic Dispatch Option. A dispatchable Load Control Device, provided and installed by the Company or its representative, will be connected to the electrical panel(s) serving the loads associated with the Facility Site(s) enrolled in the Program. The Load Control Device utilized under the Automatic Dispatch Option will provide the Company the ability to send a signal intended to interrupt operation of a particular load or service during dispatched Load Control Events. In lieu of the Company or its representative installing the Load Control Device at the Company's expense, the Participant may elect to hire a licensed electrician, at the Participant's expense,to install the Load Control Device in accordance with the National Electrical Code ("NEC") and any Idaho Power or manufacturer specifications or requirements. REIMBURSEMENT INCENTIVE UNDER AUTOMATIC DISPATCH OPTION Participants who opt for the Automatic Dispatch option will be eligible for reimbursement of cost associated with interfacing with a Load Control Device. The reimbursement amount will be equal to the actual invoiced cost of such modifications or $1,500, per site, whichever is less. REQUIREMENTS OF PARTICIPATING FACILITIES Participants will have the flexibility to choose what equipment will be used to reduce the Nominated kW during each Load Control Event. Participants must notify the Company of their Nominated kW via the Program Application/Agreement. Once the Program Season begins, participants retain the option to modify their Nominated kW. tThe Participant must submit the nomination change request form online (located at www.idahopower.com/flexpeak) via email_ by Thursday at 10:00 a rn MDT „f +ho PFOGeediRg week to notify of any changes in Nominated kW. The Nominated kW may be raised or lowered eaGh week without reStFiGtien aRy time befeFe the third miRimurn Lead Gentrel Event 06 Galled. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 3 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective April 15, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Forst Second Revised Sheet No. 82-5 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 94g+eal-First Revised Sheet No. 82-5 After the thord Lead GeRtrel Event iS Galled, the Neminated kW may still be raised er lewered, butA4iay net eXGeed the highest Neminated kW prier te the thiFd Lead Gentrel Event beiRg Galled. Nomination changes shall be submitted no later than 2:00 P.M. MDT, from Monday through Friday, to take effect the subsequent business day. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 3 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective —April 15, 20241221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company Forst Second Revised Sheet No. 82-6 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 94+Ral-First Sheet No. 82-6 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) INCENTIVE STRUCTURE Incentive payments will be determined based on a Fixed Capacity Payment and a Variable Energy Payment. Both the Fixed Capacity and Variable Energy Payments will be paid by check or bill credit no more than 45 days after the Program Season concludes on September 15t" The Fixed Capacity Payment Rate will be determined by the Average Season Performance Percentage during the Program Season. For example, if a Participant's Average Season Performance Percentage is 65 percent, then their Fixed Capacity Payment Rate is $2.44 per kW. Average Season Performance Percentage Fixed Capacity Payment Rate per kW* (*to be prorated for partial weeks) 75% - 120% $3.25 50% - 74.99% $2.44 25% - 49.99% $1.63 Greater than 0% - 24.99% $0.81 Variable Energy Payment Rate* ("does not apply to first feerthree Load Control Events) $0.20 per kWh At its discretion, the Company may apply a Performance Waiver should it be determined that, at no fault of the Participant, the Load Control Device utilized for the Automatic Dispatch Option did not work during a Load Control Event. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Upon acceptance into the Program, Participants agree to the provisions of this Schedule and to the following terms and conditions: 1. Once accepted into the Program, Participants will automatically be re-enrolled each year thereafter unless notice of termination is given by the other party. 2. Both the Company and the Participant may terminate participation in the Program at any time by notifying the other party in writing. 3. Upon terminating participation of a Facility Site, the Participant's incentive payment shall be prorated for the number of Business Days of participation in the Program. If Program participation is terminated, the Participant may not re-enroll the Facility Site(s) into the Program until the following calendar year. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36133 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective—April 15, 20241221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 82-7 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 30, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. 82-7 SCHEDULE 82 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM (OPTIONAL) TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. The Company retains the sole right to determine the criteria under which a Load Control Event is called and the decision of whether to call for, initiate, or cancel a Load Control Event shall be at the Company's sole discretion. 5. The Company shall have the right to accept Participants at its sole discretion based on criteria the Company considers necessary to ensure the effective operation of the Program. Selection criteria may include, but will not be limited to, total Program capacity, a Facility Site location, amount of capacity provided at a Facility Site, availability of Program equipment, facility system configuration, or electric system configuration. 6. Participants that choose to participate in the Program under the Automatic Dispatch Option grant the Company or its representative permission, on reasonable notice, to enter the Customer's enrolled Facility Site(s) to install, service, maintain, and/or remove Load Control Device(s) on the electrical panel that services the anticipated load reduction. The Company retains the sole right for its employees and its representatives to install or not install Load Control Devices on the Customer's electrical panel at the time of installation depending on, but not limited to, safety, reliability, or other issues that may not be in the best interest of the Company, its employees, or its representatives. 7. If there is evidence of the Participant altering, tampering, or otherwise interfering with the Company's ability to initiate a Load Control Event, the Customer's participation in the Program will be terminated, and the Customer will be required to reimburse the Company for all costs for replacement or repair of the Load Control Device(s) or other Program equipment, including labor and other related costs, and the Company will reverse any and all incentive payments made during the previous twelve months as a result of the Customer's participation in the Program. SPECIAL CONDITIONS The Company is not responsible for any direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, punitive, or exemplary damage to the Participant or third parties as a result of the Program or the Customer's voluntary participation in the Program. The Company makes no warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to the Load Control Device(s) and any and all implied warranties are disclaimed. Advance Notification Pilot Program: Available from 2024 -2029. The Company reserves the right to use flexibility on the timing of event notification for eligible customers nominating 3 MW or more. The provisions of this Program do not apply for any time period that the Company requests a load reduction during a system emergency in accordance with NERC standards, Idaho Power's Rule J, or any other time that a Customer's service is interrupted by events outside the control of the Company. The provisions of this Program will not affect the calculation or rate of the regular Service, Energy, or Demand Charges associated with a Participant's standard service schedule. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 36133 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective —April 15, 2024 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho