HomeMy WebLinkAbout20241008PAC to Bayer 89-93.pdf RECEIVED
Tuesday, October 08, 2024
1407 W North Temple, Suite 330
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116
October 8, 2024
Thomas J. Budge
Brian C. Collins bcollins(&consultbai.com
Greg Meyer gmeyerkconsultbai.com
Kevin Higgins khiggins(c�r�,energystrat.com(C)
Neal Townsend ntownsendkenergystrat.com(C)
RE: ID PAC-E-24-04
Bayer Set 8 (89-93)
Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to Bayer's 8"' Set Data Requests 89-
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801)220-2313.
Mark Alder
Manager, Regulation
C.c.: Eric L. Olsen/IIPA elokechohawk.com(C)
Lance Kaufman/IIPA lance(&ae isg insi h�(C)
Matthew Nykiel/ICL matthew.nykiel(&gmail.com
Brad Heusinkveld/ICL bheusinkveld(&idahoconservation.org
Ronald L. Williams/PIIC rwilliamskhawleytroxell.com
Brandon Helgeson/PIIC bhel eg sonLhawleytroxell.com
Bradley Mullins/PIIC brmullins(&mwanalytics.com
Val Steiner/PIIC val.steiner(&itafos.com
Kyle Williams/PIIC williamsk(&byui.edu
Monica Barrios-Sanchez/IPUC monica.barriossanchez(a),puc.idaho.gov
PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power
October 8, 2024
Bayer Data Request 89
Bayer Data Request 89
Wildfire Litigation Expenses. In its response to Bayer Data Request No. 85,
RMP provided the calendar year 2023 wildfire litigation expenses on both a Total
Company and Idaho allocated basis and indicated these amounts are included in
FERC Account 925 (Injuries & Damages). Further, RMP stated that it"has not
applied any pro-forma adjustment to these balances in the Test Year."According
to witness Shelley E. McCoy's Exhibit No. 48, the adjusted Idaho FERC Account
925 amount is $2,357,590. Does RMP's response to Bayer Data Request No. 85
mean that the Idaho allocated wildfire litigation expense amount contained in
Confidential Attachment Bayer 85 is included in the adjusted FERC Account 925
amount of$2,357,590 shown in Ms. McCoy's Exhibit 48? If no, please explain
what wildfire litigation expense amount is included in Ms. McCoy's Exhibit 48
adjusted FERC Account 925 amount and reconcile this amount to the Idaho
allocated amount provided in Confidential Attachment Bayer 85.
Response to Bayer Data Request 89
Yes. Rocky Mountain Power(RMP)response to Bayer Data Request 85 does
mean that the Idaho allocated wildfire legal expense amount provided in
Confidential Attachment Bayer 85 is included in the adjusted FERC Account 925
amount of$2,357,590 shown in RMP witness McCoy's Exhibit No. 48.
Recordholder: Laura Miller
Sponsor: Shelley McCoy
PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power
October 8, 2024
Bayer Data Request 90
Bayer Data Request 90
Wildfire Litigation Expenses. In its Confidential response to PIIC Data Request
Nos. 22 &23, RMP provided its legal and expert witness expenses recorded in the
2023 base year. This response appears to indicate that wildfire litigation legal and
expert witness expenses are recorded in FERC accounts 923 or 925. Please
confirm that the wildfire legal and expert witness expenses in the 2023 base year
are only recorded in these two FERC accounts. If not confirmed, please provide
the 2023 base year wildfire legal and expert witness expenses by FERC account
and allocation factor recorded in the 2023 base year.
Response to Bayer Data Request 90
It is confirmed that the wildfire legal and expert witness fees provided in the
Company's responses to PIIC Data Request 22 and PIIC Data Request 23 are
recorded only in FERC Account 923 and FERC Account 925.
Recordholder: Tarisa Chiotti
Sponsor: Shelley McCoy
PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power
October 8, 2024
Bayer Data Request 91
Bayer Data Request 91
Wildfire Litigation Expense. Please refer to RMP witness Shelley E. McCoy's
Exhibit 48, Adjustment 4.6 (Insurance Expense). On page 4.6.1 (page 78 of 303)
for this adjustment, RMP provides the adjustments to move from RMP's net
accrued expense to a three-year average cash basis for FERC account 925
(Injuries & Damages Expense). For each line shown on page 4.6.1, please provide
the amount of wildfire litigation and expert witness expenses, if any, included in
the amounts in each column shown on this page.
Response to Bayer Data Request 91
The amounts included on page 4.6.1 of McCoy's Exhibit 48,Adjustment 4.6
(Insurance Expense) do not include legal and expert witness fees.
Recordholder: Laura Miller
Sponsor: Shelley McCoy
PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power
October 8, 2024
Bayer Data Request 92
Bayer Data Request 92
Wildfire Litigation Expense. Please refer to RMP witness Shelley E. McCoy's
Exhibit 48, Adjustment 4.4 (Outside Services Expense). On page 4.4.1 (page 72
of 303) for this adjustment, RMP provides the adjustments to move from RMP's
December 2023 actual outside services expenses to a three-year average basis for
FERC account 923 (Outside Services Expense). For the Idaho (ID) and System
Overhead (SO)lines shown on page 4.4.1, please provide the amount of wildfire
litigation and expert witness expenses, if any, included in the amounts shown on
this page.
Response to Bayer Data Request 92
Please refer to the table below for the wildfire legal and expert witness fees that
are included in the system overhead (SO) lines shown on page 4.4.1 of McCoy's
Exhibit No. 48. There are not any wildfire legal and expert witness fees that are
included in the Idaho lines shown on page 4.4.1.
Factor 2021 2022 2023
SO 14,240 (6,256,391) 7,173,071
Recordholder: Laura Miller
Sponsor: Shelley McCoy
PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power
October 8, 2024
Bayer Data Request 93
Bayer Data Request 93
Gateway South. Please refer to Mr. Link's direct testimony, page 29, in which he
refers to PacifiCorp's obligation to provide 500 MW of firm point-to-point
transmission service to a third-parry customer.
(a) On what date did this customer file its request for interconnection service
from the Company?
(b) On what date did this customer file its transmission service request with the
(c) Was the Gateway South transmission project included in the Company's long
term transmission plan prior to the interconnection request from this
(d) Was the Gateway South transmission project included in the Company's long
term transmission plan prior to the transmission service request from this
(e) On the date this customer filed its transmission service request, was Gateway
South identified on the Company's OASIS as a planned project?
Response to Bayer Data Request 93
(a) May 7, 2021.
(b) March 15, 2019.
(c) Yes.
(d) Yes.
(e) Yes.
Recordholder: Kris Bremer/Veronica Whitesmith
Sponsor: Rick Vail