HomeMy WebLinkAbout20241001Final_Order_No_36341.pdf Office of the Secretary Service Date October 1,2024 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 2023-2024 IDAHO UNIVERSAL SERVICE ) CASE NO. GNR-T-24-05 FUND ANNUAL REPORT AND ) RECOMMENDATIONS ) ORDER NO. 36341 The Idaho Universal Service Fund ("IUSF") rules were adopted under the general legal authority of the Telecommunications Act of 1988,Chapter 6,Title 62,Idaho Code,and the specific authority of Idaho Code§§ 62-610 et seq. The Idaho Public Utilities Commission("Commission") established a universal service fund to maintain the universal availability of local exchange service at reasonable rates and to promote the availability of Message Telecommunications Service ("MTS") at reasonably comparable rates throughout the state of Idaho. Idaho Code § 62-610(1). The IUSF is funded through a statewide end-user surcharge on local exchange services and intrastate MTS and Wide Area Telephone Service ("WATS") type services. The IUSF administrator ("Administrator") submits an Annual Report to the Commission detailing the program activities of the previous year and recommending surcharge rates to meet the next year's funding requirements.Idaho Code § 62-610 and IDAPA The Commission issues an Order in response to the Administrator's report establishing statewide end-user surcharges to be in effect for the next twelve months beginning October 1. IDAPA As explained below, the Commission sets that the monthly IUSF surcharge rates shall decrease to $0.24 per residential line, $0.41 per business line,and$0.005 per MTS/WATS minute, effective for 12 months beginning October 1, 2024. BACKGROUND The Commission annually distributes IUSF funds to qualifying high-cost local exchange telephone companies to supplement their annual revenue requirements. The IUSF Administrator submits an annual report to the Commission. Idaho Code § 62-610 and IDAPA In the report,the Administrator reviews the fund ending balance and recommends several optional changes to the surcharge rates to maintain adequate funding levels. Commission Staff("Staff') then analyzes the Administrator's report and submits its recommendations to the Commission. After reviewing the report and Staff s recommendations, the Commission issues an order prescribing IUSF surcharge rates for the next 12 months. IDAPA As set forth in the Commission's most recent order setting IUSF surcharge rates, current monthly IUSF rates ORDER NO. 36341 1 are$0.25 per residential line, $0.44 per business line, and$0.007 per intrastate long-distance billed minute. Order No. 33851. POSITIONS OF THE PARTIES On July 15, 2024, the Administrator filed their initial report raising concerns that the fund would go insolvent before June 30, 2025, unless adjustments were made. The Administrator's report also outlined several options to fund the IUSF going forward.' In its September 3, 2024, Decision Memorandum, Staff reiterated the Administrator's concern that the IUSF fund would become insolvent by June 30, 2025, if no action was taken. To avoid insolvency, Staff recommended that the Commission adopt Option 3 as initially proposed by the Administrator ("Original Option 3") Staff included several tables demonstrating various historical variations in the IUSF over time. Three of these tables are described herein and included as attachments to this Order: 1. Exhibit B: This table shows that the disbursement to the qualifying companies has remained unchanged since 2016. 2. Exhibit C: This table shows that the total number of reported lines contributing to the IUSF has fallen from 548,344 in 2010 to 104,914 in 2024; relatedly, notable decreases in the MTS/WATS minutes billed also occurred during this period. 3. Exhibit D: This table showed that the charges for residential lines, business lines, and MTS/WATS per minute have respectively gone from $0.10, $0.17, and $0.003 in 2010 to $0.25, $0.44, and $0.007 in 2024. Original Option 3 would have lowered the disbursement while also lowering the rate per business line and the rate charged for intrastate MTS/WTS billed minutes. This option was one of the Administrator's two originally preferred options.2 Amended Annual Report at 6. Original Option 3 was also the option recommended by Staff. The Idaho Telecom Alliance ("ITA") submitted comments on August 30, 2024. Original Option 3 was not recommended by ITA who instead suggested that the Commission increase the rates charged to customers—which ITA noted had not been done since 2017. In justifying its ' All options discussed herein are found in Exhibit A below. In coordination with Staff, the Administrator's initial report was amended on August 20,2024. 2 Under the Original Option 3 the rate charged per business line and rate charged per MTS/WATS would have slightly decreased.The rate charged per residential line would have slightly increased. See Exhibit A. ORDER NO. 36341 2 recommendation, ITA noted that other states have changed the funding mechanism for their analogous programs which has led to more stable funding. ITA stated that it supported legislative changes in this regard but had not been able to independently motivate legislative action. ITA also noted that the companies that receive the IUSF disbursement also provide broadband and wireless services—not simply traditional landlines—and serve some of the most rural regions of the State. ITA initially recommended"that the Commission adopt rate increases to the statewide average of $29.17 per residential line and $46.90 per business line." ITA Comments at 5. ITA also recommended that the Commission raise the surcharge rate in coordination with the Administrator and requested the Commission's assistance in promoting changes to the IUSF's underlying statutes to ensure that the fund remains viable. SEPTEMBER 3, 2024,DECISION MEETING At the Commission's September 3, 2024, Decision Meeting, Staff presented a Decision Memorandum recommending that the Commission adopt the Administrator's Option 3. At the same meeting the ITA, represented by Kenneth McClure and Cynthia Mellillo, presented the ITA's position on the IUSF funding. The ITA countered Staff s recommendation and requested "that the Commission adopt rate increases to the statewide weighted average of $29.17 per residential line and $46.90 per business line" and increase the surcharge rates in an amount that would be acceptable to both the Commission and the Administrator. ITA's August 30,2024,Comments at 5. The ITA also requested that the Commission bring stakeholders together to promote a change to the IUSF's funding mechanism. A motion was made for Staff and the ITA to supplement the record and bring the matter before the Commission again before the October 1, 2024, effective date. The motion was passed unanimously. SEPTEMBER 17, 2024,DECISION MEETING Prior to the September 17, 2024, Decision Meeting, Staff, the ITA, and Administrator discussed alternative options. As a result of these discussions, the Administrator amended certain aspects of her report and submitted an Addendum on September 4,2024. The Addendum adjusted, Option 3 ("Adjusted Option 3") and Option 5 ("Adjusted Option 5") of the options originally proposed by the Administrator. ITA submitted additional comments on September 9,2024,noting that it had discussed the matter with Staff and recommended that the Commission adopt the Adjusted Option 5. ITA also reiterated its request for Commission assistance in promoting changes ORDER NO. 36341 3 to the IUSF statutes to ensure the fund's viability. After reviewing the additional comments from ITA, Staff also recommended the Adjusted Option 5 in its September 17, 2024, Decision Memorandum. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION As we have noted before, local access lines and intrastate long-distance billed minutes continue to decline. This complicates the task of predicting the necessary IUSF fund balance for the next fiscal year and determining appropriate rates so qualifying telephone companies can maintain IUSF eligibility. To receive IUSF funding, a telephone company providing local exchange and access services to long-distance providers must qualify to receive a distribution. See Idaho Code §§ 62-605, -610, and IDAPA To qualify for IUSF distribution, a telephone company's average rates for one-party,residential and business services,and per minute for long-distance access services must meet or exceed the weighted statewide averages—or threshold rate—as calculated by the IUSF Administrator. See IDAPA and Commission may revise a qualifying telephone company's rates so the company can maintain IUSF eligibility,based on the company's average rate or annual revenue as compared to the threshold rate or rates associated annual revenue. See IDAPA The actual statewide average rate is obscured by large,deregulated telephone companies— those with the greatest market share and therefore the greatest impact on the threshold rate—that have increased their stand-alone residential rates to encourage purchases of bundled services that include local residential service. See Order Nos. 32883 at 3, and 32637 at 3. The IUSF Annual Report and the threshold rate calculations do not reflect this shift to bundled services because companies are only required to report stand-alone residential rates. Also, in 2011 and 2014, the Federal Communications Commission capped inter-carrier compensation rates and caused statewide average switched access rates to decrease, further affecting IUSF eligibility. See In the Matter of Connect America Fund, 26 F.C.C.R. 17663 (2011); In the Matter of Connect America Fund, etc., 29 F.C.C.R. 8769 (2014); and see Order Nos. 32637 at 4; and 32883 at 3-4. The reality is that the total number of lines funding the NSF has drastically decreased in recent years—as illustrated in Exhibit C. The Commission cannot continue to maintain the same disbursement provided in 2016 with less than a third of the total number of customer lines contributing to the fund. After carefully considering the Administrator's 2024 Annual Report and subsequent filings, Staff s recommendations, and ITA's filings, we find the IUSF rates per line ORDER NO. 36341 4 should be decreased to $0.24 per residential line and $0.41 per business line. The charge for intrastate MTS/WTS billed minutes should also be reduced to $0.005. Available IUSF disbursements should be decreased from $1,698,610 to $904,977 based on the underlying metrics of the Original Option 3. The option ordered by the Commission is similar to the Original Option 3 recommended by Staff and initially preferred by the Administrator. Staff s September 3, 2024, Decision Memoranudm at 16; Administrator's Amended Annual Report at 6. However, after carefully reviewing the rates charged to Idaho customers over time as found in Exhibit D, the Commission finds that the Residential Rate Per Line should also be decreased (from the $0.26 as proposed in the Original Option 3) to $0.24. Exhibit C shows that the $0.24 per residential line charge is still double what residential customers were paying as recently as 2017. Based on the year after year decrease in number of lines contributing to IUSF and the increasing rates over the recent past the Commission cannot ignore its statutory responsibility to ensure rates(including charges that fund the NSF) are fair,just, and reasonable. The Commission has carefully considered ITA's and Staffs recent recommendation to accept Adjusted Option 5. We appreciate the parties' willingness to work together to find solutions,but this recommendation does not address the root cause of the issue—fewer lines contributing and ever-increasing customer rates. This is not sustainable. The Commission does not believe the best path forward includes forcing a smaller customer population to shoulder an even larger financial burden, something the parties also recognize; taking residential and business rates per line (that were $0.12 and $0.20 respectively in 2017) to $0.51 and $0.82 is not fair,just and reasonable. When compared to the IUSF's rates and disbursement in 2017, Adjusted Option 5's less than 20% decrease to the disbursement does not justify more than quadrupling the rates per line charged to fewer Idaho customers over the same period (the substantial increases to the MTS/WATS billed minute contribution should also be noted). See Exhibits B and D. Considering the record in this case the Commission finds that the funding option discussed above represents a reasonable and necessary change that will fulfill the purposes of Idaho's Telecommunications Act of 1988 and Idaho Code § 62-610 while also encouraging the parties to seek changes in how IUSF is funded to make it more sustainable.The Commission encourages ITA to continue to work with Staff to find solutions in this regard. Finally,the Commission accepts the Administrator's proposed budget for fiscal year 2024- 2025. We further note it is important for the Commission to strictly monitor the IUSF balance to ORDER NO. 36341 5 avoid unforeseen cash flow impacts due to diminishing line counts and minutes.The Administrator should continue to provide Staff with quarterly cash flow analysis to assist us in monitoring IUSF balances. See Order No. 33851 at 7. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the monthly IUSF surcharge rates shall be $0.24 per residential line, $0.41 per business line, and $0.005 per MTS/WATS minute, effective for 12 months beginning October 1,2024.The IUSF disbursement shall also be reduced to approximately $904,977. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Administrator's proposed fiscal year 2023-2024 budget is accepted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Administrator shall continue to provide Staff quarterly cash flow reports—as outlined above and in Order No. 33851. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Order regarding any matter decided in this Order. Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. See Idaho Code §§ 61-626. DONE by order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this I st day of October 2024. ERIC ANDERSON, PRESIDENT JO R. HHAAMMOND JR., COMMISSIONER G EDWARD LODGE, COMAISSIONER ATTEST: Mo arri -S c Commission Secreta z!� IALegal\TELECOI&GNRT2405_Final_md.docx ORDER NO. 36341 6 EXHIBIT A: Options Discussed Above *All Option 1: Option 2: Original Administrator Modified Option 4: Orin Administrator Option 6: Estimates Status Quo Adjust Option 3: Adiusted Orikinal Adjust Option S: Adiusted Adjust Found in this Surcharge Adjust Option 3: Option 3: Inventories Adjust Option S: Inventories Table are Rates and Surcharge Adjust Original and Inventories, Adjust and Approximate Maintain Rates and Surcharge Option 3 Surcharge Surcharge Inventories, Surcharge Funding Adjust Rates and with Modest Rates, Rates,and Surcharge Rates and Funding to Funding to Reduction in Maintain Funding to Rates,and Maintain Meet Meet 100% Residential Funding Meet Funding to Funding Statewide of Statewide Rate Levels Statewide Meet 100% Levels Averages Averages (Commission Averages of Statewide Decision) Averages Rate Per Line Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Line: $0.25 Line: $0.57 Line: $0.26 Line: $0.44 Line: $0.24 Line: $0.65 Line: $0.30 Line: $0.51 Line: $0.57 Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Line: $0.44 Line: $0.91 Line: $0.41 Line: $0.71 Line: $0.41 Line: $1.05 Line: $0.47 Line: $0.82 Line: $0.91 MTS/WATS $0.007 $0.01 $0.005 $0.008 $0.005 $0.01 $0.005 $0.008 $0.01 billed minute Contribution Total $1,698,610 $1,698,610 $904,977 $1,384,680 $904,977 $1,698,610 904,977 $1,384,680 $1,698,610 Company Disbursement Fund as of Insolvent $408,819 $264,201 $343,313 $250,417 $435,305 $278,277 $369,943 $318,291 June 30,2025 Case No. GNR-T-24-05 Order No. 36341 Page 1 of 4 EXHIBIT B: Table 3 in Staffs September 3, 2024,Decision Memorandum Fiscal Year-End Projected Year- Year Surcharge Revenue Disbursement Cash Balance End Cash Balance a b c d e 2016 $ 1,644,938 $ 1,698,610 $ 500,768 $ 479,993 2017 $ 1,291,532 $ 1,698,610 $ 80,784 $ 504,036 2018 $ 1,889,493 $ 1,698,610 $ 249,758 $ 502,320 2019 $ 2,227,054 $ 1,698,610 $ 767,449 $ 1,038,211 2020 $ 1,917,737 $ 1,698,610 $ 972,125 $ 744,509 2021 $ 2,000,824 $ 1,698,610 $ 1,254,623 $ 994,058 2022 $ 1,650,870 $ 1,698,610 $ 1,187,050 $ 719,490 2023 $ 1,420,072 $ 1,698,610 $ 889,068 $ 40,000 2024 $ 1,174,946 $ 1,698,610 $ 345,966 $ 343,344 Case No. GNR-T-24-05 Order No. 36341 Page 2 of 4 EXHIBIT C: Table 4 in Staff's September 3, 2024, Decision Memorandum Reported average Reported average MTS/WATS monthly inventory: monthly inventory: Reported Total Billed Years Residential Lines Business Lines Total Lines minutes a b c d e 2010 328,592 219,752 548,344 284,863,207 2011 292,282 221,764 514,046 253,602,445 2012 253,461 219,108 472,569 257,750,454 2013 229,336 230,860 460,196 197,465,217 2014 202,341 236,547 438,888 172,567,590 2015 182,038 225,512 407,550 167,029,919 2016 169,987 193,095 363,082 197,135,147 2017 152,290 122,009 274,299 125,154,200 2018 122,347 114,359 236,706 110,719,570 2019 106.787 114,073 220,860 117,572,337 2020 94,556 87,586 182,142 107,374,568 2021 97,154 101,719 198,873 90,893,786 2022 72,811 78,030 150,841 89,781,375 2023 65,516 68,257 133,773 46,111,289 2024 57,436 47,478 104,914 87,944,136 Case No. GNR-T-24-05 Order No. 36341 Page 3 of 4 EXHIBIT D: Table 5 in Staffs September 3, 2024, Decision Memorandum Rates: Total MTS/WATS per Rates per residential Rates per business Surcharge Years minute lines lines Revenue 2010 $ 0.003 $0.10 $0.17 $1,734 098 2011 $ 0.003 $0.12 $0.19 $1,715,397 2012 $ 0.003 $0.12 $0.19 $1,654,166 2013 $ 0.004 $0.15 $0.23 $1,683,231 2014 $ 0.006 $0.16 $0.25 $1,946,672 2015 $ 0.006 $0.16 $0.25 $2,046,064 2016 $ 0.005 $0.12 $0.20 $1,644,938 2017 $ 0.005 $0.12 $0.20 $ I,291,532 2018 $ 0.009 $0.25 $0.44 $1,889,493 2019 $ 0.009 $0.25 $0.44 $2,227,054 2020 $ 0.007 $0.25 $0.44 $1,917,737 2021 $ 0.007 $0.25 $0.44 $2,000,824 2022 $ 0.007 $0.25 $0.44 $1,650,870 2023 $ 0.007 $0.25 $0.44 $1,420,072 2024 $ 0.007 $0.25 $0.44 $1,174,946 Case No. GNR-T-24-05 Order No. 36341 Page 4 of 4