HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240926Final_Order_No_36332.pdf Office of the Secretary Service Date September 26,2024 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF CDS STONERIDGE ) CASE NO. SWS-W-23-02 UTILITIES, LLC'S TARIFF ADVICE ) REQUESTING AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ) ORDER NO. 36332 ITS NEW CONNECTION FEES ) On November 27, 2023, CDS Stoneridge Utilities, LLC ("Company") applied for authorization to increase its hook-up fees for new customers who are connecting to the Company's system. On December 26, 2023, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") issued a Notice of Application establishing public comment and Company reply deadlines. Order No. 36034. Commission Staff ("Staff") and members of the public filed comments to which the Company replied. The Company also submitted a revised proposed tariff with its reply. The Commission ordered the Company to work with Staff to revise the Company's Tariff No. 3, Sheet 3, to update non-recurring charges and other associated language. Order No. 36186. At the Commission's August 27, 2024, Decision Meeting, Staff presented a Decision Memorandum which noted that, despite certain procedural errors in the processing of the case,the Company and Staff had worked on the Company's proposed tariff, which was then ready for Commission approval.1 Staff recommended that the Commission issue an order specifying that the Company had adequately complied with Order No. 36186. COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS The Commission has jurisdiction over the Company and the issues in this case under Title 61 of the Idaho Code. Idaho Code § 61-501. Specifically, the Commission regulates "public utilities," including "water corporations" that serve the public or some portion thereof for compensation. See Idaho Code §§ 61-125, -129. The Commission, upon finding that the rates charged by a public utility are ". . . are insufficient . . . shall determine the just, reasonable or sufficient rates . . . to be thereafter observed and in force and shall fix the same by order . . . ." Idaho Code § 61-502. 1 The Company mistakenly sent Commission Staff its proposed tariff in a production request. Therefore,what would normally be labeled Compliance Filing and be submitted by the Company,was included in Staff s August 27,2024, Decision Memorandum as Appendix A ("Appendix A") to expedite the processing of the case. To illustrate the Company's compliance in working with Staff,Staff included the Company's red-lined documents as well as the final version of Tarriff No. 3, Sheet 3.The final version of the proposed tariff is found on page two of Appendix A. ORDER NO. 36332 1 The Commission has reviewed Staffs August 27, 2024, Decision Memorandum and Appendix A. The Commission finds that the proposed tariff found in Appendix A adequately complies with the requirements set forth in Commission Order No. 36186. The Company is directed to submit Compliance Filings to the Commission Secretary and follow all other Commission procedures. While the Commission prefers to determine matters on the merits, the Commission is not inclined to continue to accept Company filings submitted outside of the Commission's regular procedure. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Company's revised Tariff No. 3, Sheet 3 as contained on page two of Appendix A, is approved. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Order about any matter decided in this Order. Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration.Idaho Code § 61-626. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this 26th day of September 2024. ERIC DER ON, PRESIDENT 4 gt.-" J R. HAm MOND JR., COMMISSIONER G �� EDWARD LODGE, CO T ISSIONER ATTEST: a a s- e Commission Secreta I ALegal\WATER\S W S-W-23-02_mriff\orders\S W S W2302_Comp_md.docx ORDER NO. 36332 2