HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240923PAC to Bayer 87-88.pdf RECEIVED
Monday, September 23, 2024
1407 W North Temple, Suite 330
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116
September 23, 2024
Thomas J. Budge
Brian C. Collins bcollins(&consultbai.com
Greg Meyer gmeyerkconsultbai.com
Kevin Higgins khiggins(c�r�,energystrat.com(C)
Neal Townsend ntownsendkenergystrat.com(C)
RE: ID PAC-E-24-04
Bayer Set 7 (87-88)
Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to Bayer's 7t' Set Data Requests 87-
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at(801)220-2313.
Mark Alder
Manager, Regulation
C.c.: Eric L. Olsen/IIPA elokechohawk.com(C)
Lance Kaufman/IIPA lance(&ae isg insi h�(C)
Matthew Nykiel/ICL matthew.nykiel(&gmail.com
Brad Heusinkveld/ICL bheusinkveld(&idahoconservation.org
Ronald L. Williams/PIIC rwilliamskhawleytroxell.com
Brandon Helgeson/PIIC bhel eg sonLhawleytroxell.com
Bradley Mullins/PIIC brmullins(&mwanalytics.com
Val Steiner/PIIC val.steiner(&itafos.com
Kyle Williams/PIIC williamsk(&byui.edu
Monica Barrios-Sanchez/IPUC monica.barriossanchez(a),puc.idaho.gov
PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power
September 23, 2024
Bayer Data Request 87
Bayer Data Request 87
Transmission Revenue. In Response to IPUC DR No. 145, RMP provided the
workpaper supporting the adjustments for the transmission revenue items -Firm
Wheeling Revenue, Pre-Merger Firm Wheeling Revenue—UPD, Ancil Revenue
Sch 2-Reactive (Trans), Ancillary Revenue Sch 1 -Scheduling, and Transmission
Point-to-Point Revenue.
(a) Please confirm that the $3,094.94/MW-Mo. shown in the workpaper for the
pro forma line adjustment of Firm Wheeling Revenue, Pre-Merger Firm
Wheeling Revenue—UPD, and Transmission Point-to-Point Revenue
adjustments is the FERC-approved"projected"transmission rate for the Jun—
2022 to May 2023 time period. If not confirmed, please explain and provide
the source of this rate.
(b) Please confirm that the $3,091.54/MW-Mo. shown in the workpaper for the
pro forma line adjustment of Firm Wheeling Revenue, Pre-Merger Firm
Wheeling Revenue—UPD, and Transmission Point-to-Point Revenue
adjustments is the FERC-approved"projected" transmission rate for the Jun—
2023 to May 2024 time period. If not confirmed, please explain and provide
the source of this rate.
(c) Please explain the source of the $3,494.49/MW-Mo. transmission rate used
for the pro forma line adjustment for the Jun—2024 to Dec. 2024 time period.
Please provide any workpapers supporting the derivation of this rate in Excel
format with formulas intact. If this is not a FERC-approved transmission rate,
please also explain how and why it differs from the FERC-approved
"projected"transmission rate for this time period.
(d) Please explain why RMP did not use the current FERC-approved"projected"
transmission rate of$ $4,460.80/MW-Mo for the pro forma line adjustment
for the Jun—2024 to Dec. 2024 time period
Response to Bayer Data Request 87
(a) The $3,094.94/MW-Mo is the billed projected rate covering service from July
2022 to June 2023.
(b) The $3,091.54/MW-Mo is the billed projected rate covering service from July
2023 to June 2024.
(c) The $3,494.49/MW-Mo is the estimated projected rate developed in the
planning process based on information gathered as part of the business
planning efforts during 2023, which utilizes transmission formula inputs such
as additional transmission investments, assumptions on transmission usage
PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power
September 23, 2024
Bayer Data Request 87
and other factors that impact the formula rate.
(d) The projected wheeling revenues provided in this general rate case (GRC)
were prepared prior to finalizing the updated formula rate which was
published in late May 2024. In addition, the projected rate is projected to be
higher than anticipated 2024 true-up rate and as a result the estimated rate
utilized is more likely more reflective of the actual revenues recognized in
Recordholder: Ernie Knudsen
Sponsor: Ernie Knudsen
PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power
September 23, 2024
Bayer Data Request 88
Bayer Data Request 88
Transmission Revenue. In Response to IPUC DR No. 145, RMP provided the
workpaper supporting the adjustments for the transmission revenue items -Firm
Wheeling Revenue, Pre-Merger Firm Wheeling Revenue—UPD, Ancil Revenue
Sch 2-Reactive (Trans), Ancillary Revenue Sch 1 -Scheduling, and Transmission
Point-to-Point Revenue. For the following time periods, what impact, if any, does
the FERC-approved "true-up" transmission rate have on the Transmission
Revenues reflected in RMP's direct filing? If there is no impact, please explain
why not.
(a) The "True-Up"rate of$4,032.560/MW-Mo. for the Jan.-2023 to Dec.-2023
time period.
(b) The "True-Up"rate for the Jan.-2024 to Dec. 2024 time period. Note: the
2024 calendar year true-up rate is not yet posted on the OATI website.
Response to Bayer Data Request 88
(a) The true-up for 2023 would have an impact for identifying revenues for 2023;
however, for purposes of forecasting the change between 2023 and 2024 there
is no impact as the Type 3 adjustments reflect the price differential between
the rates in effect in 2023 compared to the projected rates for 2024. True-up
rates only impact historical and are not factored into future projections.
(b) PacifiCorp's transmission formula rate was established as a result of a
settlement that was accepted by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(FERC) in Docket No. ER11-3643. The formula rate template (template) is
provided in Attachment H-1 of the Open Access Transmission Tariff(GATT);
the protocols are set forth in Attachment H-2 of the GATT. PacifiCorp's
formula transmission rates are calculated annually and implemented in
accordance with the Protocols (included in the OATT as Attachment H-2).
Pursuant to the Protocols, this annual update includes the following items
published by May 15 of the current year: (1) the projected Annual
Transmission Revenue Requirement(ATRR) and transmission rates for the
next Rate Year(the Projection) and Schedule I rate for the next Rate Year;
and (2) the true-up for the Projection for the preceding calendar year(the
Hence, PacifiCorp's true-up rate for January 2024 through December 2024
will not be published until the 2025 Annual Update, which will be filed by
May 15, 2025. PacifiCorp cannot speculate as to what the 2024 true-up rate
will be. Once filed, the 2024 true-up calculation/rate will be published on the
PAC-E-24-04/Rocky Mountain Power
September 23, 2024
Bayer Data Request 88
Open Access Same-Time Information System (OASIS)
[Documents > PacifiCorp OASIS Tariff/Company Information> OATT
Pricing >2025 Transmission Formula Annual Update]
Recordholder: Ernie Knudsen
Sponsor: Ernie Knudsen