HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240920Application Attachment Exhibit 2 - 2024 Idaho FCA Extension.pdf �� i'ISTA° Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanisms - Idaho April 10, 2024 Agenda 1 . Overview of FCA Mechanisms 2 . FCA Mechanics 3 . How Has FCA Performed 4 . FCA Next Steps 5 . Questions 'I'Irasra® Overview of the Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanisms The purpose of the electric and natural gas FCA Mechanisms is to break the link between the Company's Commission-authorized revenues from energy sales, such that the Company's revenues will be recognized based on the number of customers served under the applicable service schedules. The FCA Mechanisms allow the Company to: 1 ) defer the difference between actual FCA-related revenue approved for recovery in the Company's last general rate case; and 2) file a tariff to surcharge or rebate, by rate group, the total deferred amount accumulated in the deferred revenue accounts for the prior July through June time-period. (the deferral period is 12 months ended June 30) 'edlIvIrasra• What are the benefits of the FCA Fixed cost adjustment mechanisms are intended to encourage conservation and allow customers more control over their bills. Further, the proposed FCA will remove any financial disincentive of the Company to encourage energy conservation. (Order No. 33437 in AVU-E/G-15-05/01 ) FCA's also remove any throughput incentive utilities may have to increase revenues and earnings As consumers broadly engage in energy efficiency, all ratepayers may benefit as the high costs of new power plants, transmission lines and pipelines may be reduced or avoided. Decoupling may also reduce volatility in energy bills due to weather and other factors, and it reduces risk for utilities too. It preserves customers' incentive for efficiency while removing utilities disincentives.* * www.ase.org/resources/utility-rate-decoupling-0 4 'edu Vasma What are the mechanics of the FCA Mechanisms? The electric FCA mechanism applies to Schedules 1 , 11 , 127 211 227 31 and 32. Electric Customers are segregated into 2 groups. • Group 1 - Schedule 1 • Group 2 - Schedules 11 , 127 21 , 227 317 32. The natural gas FCA mechanism applies to Schedules 101 , 111 and 112. Natural Gas Customers are segregated into 2 groups. • Group 1 - Schedule 101 • Group 2 - Schedules 111 and 112. ° v�sra What are the mechanics of the FCA Mechanisms? For purposes of simplicity, the mechanics of the electric FCA Mechanism are shown (the mechanics for the natural gas FCA are similar). Monthly Allowed Delivery Revenue Per Customer is calculated as follows: • Step 1 — Determine the Total Rate Revenue - The Total Rate Revenue is equal to the final base rate revenue approved in the Company's last general rate case. • Step 2 — Determine Variable Power Supply Revenue - The Normalized kWhs by rate schedule from the last approved general rate case are multiplied by the approved Load Change Adjustment Rate (LCAR) to determine the total Variable Power Supply Revenue. s �'�;�r�sra• What are the mechanics of the FCA Mechanisms? Monthly Allowed Delivery Revenue Per Customer is calculated as follows (con't): Step 3 — Determine Delivery and Power Plant Revenue for test period existing customers, the mechanism subtracts the Variable Power Supply Revenue from the Total Rate Revenue. For new electric customers, the mechanism also subtracts the Fixed Production and Transmission Revenue from the Total Rate Revenue. Natural Gas FCA mechanism removes Fixed Production and Underground Storage for new customers. Step 4 — Remove Basic Charge Revenue — Because the FCA mechanism only tracks revenue that varies with customer energy usage, the revenue from Fixed Charges is removed. 'ed,71-vasra• What are the mechanics of the FCA Mechanisms? Monthly Allowed Delivery Revenue Per Customer is calculated as follows (con't): • Step 5 — Determine FCA Revenue — FCA Revenue is equal to the Delivery and Power Plant Revenue (Step 3) minus the Basic Charge Revenue (Step 4). • Step 6 — Determine the FCA Revenue per Customer — Divide the FCA Revenue (by Rate Group) by the approved Rate Year number of Customers (by Rate Group) to determine the annual Allowed FCA Revenue per Customer (by Rate Group) • Step 7 — Determine the Monthly FCA Revenue per Customer - The annual FCA Revenue per customer is shaped based on the monthly kWh usage from the rate year. $ 'ed,71hrasra• What are the mechanics of the FCA Mechanisms? Monthly FCA Deferral is calculated as follows: • Step 1 — Determine the actual number of customers each month. • Step 2 — Multiply the actual number of customers by the applicable monthly Allowed FCA Revenue per Customer. The result of this calculation is the total Allowed FCA Revenue for the applicable month. • Step 3 — Determine the actual revenue collected in the applicable month. • Step 4 — Calculate the amount of fixed charge revenue included in total actual monthly revenue. • Step 5 — For existing customers, multiply actual kWh sales by the approved Load Change Adjustment Rate. For new customers, multiply actual kWh sales by both the approved Load Change Adjustment Rate and the approved Fixed Production and Transmission Revenue rate. 'ed,71-Irmsra What are the mechanics of the FCA Mechanisms? Monthly FCA Deferral is calculated as follows (con't): • Step 6 For existing customers, subtract the basic charge revenue and the variable power supply revenue from the total actual monthly revenue. The result is the Actual FCA Revenue. For new customers, subtract the basic charge revenue and the fixed and variable production and transmission revenue from the actual monthly revenue (for electric). The result is the Actual FCA Revenue. • Step 7 The difference between the Actual FCA Revenue (Step 6) and the Allowed FCA Revenue (Step 2) is calculated, and the resulting balance is deferred by the Company. Interest on the deferred balance will accrue at the Customer Deposit Rate. 'ed,71-Vasra• What are the mechanics of the FCA Mechanisms? Annual Rate Adjustment Filings • Avista files for recovery or refund by August 1 following the deferral period ending June 30 in which deferral balances were calculated. • Electric FCA rates become effective on October 1 and Natural Gas rates become effective on November 1 following the deferral period ending June 30 in which deferral balances were calculated. • 3% Annual Rate Increase Limitation: The amount of the incremental proposed rate adjustment under this Schedule cannot reflect more than a 3% rate increase. There is no limit to the level of the FCA rebate. 11 �i�/ISTA' Have the Mechanisms Been Independently Reviewed ? Yes, in a way, twice! H . Gil Peach and Associates, in 2023, conducted a thorough review of the mechanics and calculations of Avista's Decoupling Mechanisms in Washington. The Mechanisms in Washington and Idaho are almost identical. "The decoupling mechanisms have worked as expected to stabilize revenue without impacting utility operations and energy efficiency programs. We also found no evidence of adverse impacts to any customer groups. Since the program continues to work as planned, we recommend the electric and natural gas mechanisms be continued." "We find no conclusive evidence of current adverse impact of decoupling on cost control, operational efficiency, price signals or service quality." 12 �uVISTA® Changes Implemented after Review #1 1 . Annual True-up for New Customers — Avista now applies a new customer true- up in the last month of the deferral period to capture annual allowed Revenue per Customer on annual average customers. 2. Timing of Deferral Period — Avista changed the deferral period to be 12 months ended June 30 instead of December 31 of each year. This is to reduce the time between the end of the deferral and the new rate taking effect. 3. Timing of Quarterly Reports — The quarterly reporting requirement was extended from 45 to 60 days to avoid having to file confidential reports prior to an earning release. 13 'ed,71h/ISTA' How have the FICA Mechanisms performed ? Electric Results for 2020 through 2023 FCA Tariff Filing 2020 2021 2022 2023 Res Non-Res Res Non-Res Res Non-Res Res Non-Res Deferred Revenue $ 337,502 $ 109,351 $(2,260,697) $2,011,841 $(5,039,128) $(246,046) $(7,180,059) $(555,724) Add Prior Year Residual Balance $ (9,294) $ 7,242 $ (35,117) $ 18,516 $ 28,019 $(108,817) $ 351,473 $ 38,943 Add Interest through 9/30 $ 8,208 $ 2,851 $ (16,130) $ 15,170 $ (35,731) $ (2,313) $ (99,787) $ (8,013) Add Revenue Related Expense Adj. $ (2,511) $ (2,761) $ (11,463) $ 3,802 $ (27,841) $ 1,621 $ (27,189) $ 1,115 Total Requested Recovery $ 333,905 $ 116,684 $(2,323,407) $2,049,329 $(5,074,681) $(355,554) $(6,955,562) $(523,679) Customer Surcharge/Rebate Revenue $ 333,905 $ 116,684 $(2,323,407) $2,049,329 $(5,074,681) $(355,554) $(6,955,562) $(523,679) Carryover Deferred Revenue $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Surcharge/(Rebate) Rate $ 0.00028 $ 0.00011 $ (0.00189) $ 0.00197 $ (0.00405) $(0.00034) $ (0.00540) $(0.00048) A Positive rate represents a surcharge to customers and a negative rate represents a rebate to customers 14 "or.uVISTA® How have the FCA Mechanisms performed ? Natural Gas Results for 2020 through 2023 FCA Tariff Filing 2020 2021 2022 2023 Res Non-Res Res Non-Res Res Non-Res Res Non-Res Deferred Revenue $ (517,162) $ (175,310) $ (324,456) $ (130,431) $ (743,688) $ 99,328 $ (820,233) $(181,388) Add Prior Year Residual Balance $ 22,393 $ 2,617 $ (6,663) $ (918) $ 34,722 $ 2,930 $ (24,538) $ 9,991 Add Interestthrough 10/31 $ (12,200) $ (4,347) $ (2,211) $ (964) $ (4,895) $ 741 $ (11,224) $ (2,589) Add Revenue Related Expense Adj. $ (2,830) $ (1,092) $ (1,536) $ (604) $ (3,419) $ 385 $ (3,552) $ (577) Total Requested Recovery $ (509,799) $ (178,131) $ (334,866) $ (132,916) $ (717,280) $ 103,384 $ (859,547) $(174,563) Customer Surcharge/Rebate Revenue $ (509,799) $ (178,131) $ (334,866) $ (132,916) $ (717,280) $ 103,384 $ (859,547) $(174,563) Carryover Deferred Revenue $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Surcharge/(Rebate) Rate $ (0.00783) $ (0.00687) $ (0.00493) $ (0.00490) $ (0.01020) $ 0.00381 $ (0.01219) $(0.00632) A Positive rate represents a surcharge to customers and a negative rate represents a rebate to customers 15 �uVISTA What are the next steps for the FCA in Idaho? • The FCA mechanism will expire on March 31 , 2025. • In 2024 Avista will apply to extend the FCA Mechanism through August 31 , 2027. • Avista is not contemplating any changes to the FCA mechanism. 16 'ed,71h/ISTA' • 17 �uVISTA®