HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240918Responses to Joe.pdfSent By: Email September 17, 2024 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 ~✓~ STONE RIDGE ---~--- CDS StoneRidge Utilities, LLC P.O. Box 298 Blanchard, ID 83804 Ph (208) 43 7-3148 Extn. 4 RE: CDS StoneRidge Utilities SWS-W-24-01 General Rate Case Response Mr. Dµval, please find attached our written response to Joe Terry's two questions he emailed us in Aug st 2024. Plea if you have additional requests. Sine Chan ir_..,,......,.~L Man ging Member RECEIVED Wednesday, September 18, 2024 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Memorandum To: IPUC Monica From: CDS StoneRidge Utilities, LLC SWS-W RE : General Rate Case 24-01--Two Questions received from Joe Terry with no associated PRR # 1. Provide copies of replacement pump/drive invoices and cancelled check(s) as proof of payment. Narrative: At the end of August, the pump vendor requested payment in full on the new pump motor and Drive. The Water Company did not have available funds to pay for the #3 Well pump motor and Drive board replacement this summer. The Water Company approached Esprit for assistance since IPUC did not provide any direction on how to proceed with funding the capital expenditure. In discussions with Esprit regarding this capital expenditure, Esprit was unwilling to invest more capital in The Company in exchange for additional equity. Esprit offered a Lease Purchase option which The Water Company accepted. A copy of the Lease Purchase Agreement is attached as Exhibit 1. The lease payments should be part of the rate calculation process. See Exhibit 2 for Monthly lease payments made by The Company to Esprit Enterprises, LLC. In addition to the equity stake Esprit holds in The Company, the accounts payables balance owed by The Company to Esprit was approximately $179,322.00 as of August 31, 2024. The Company makes payments on the payable balance when excess funds are available. We are going to need to transfer any A/P balance at year-end into long- term debt in The Company. We want to ensure that the annual long-term interest paid will be included in the rate calculation process as well. 2. Provide copies of billing statements from Piskel Yahne Kovarik Law Firm for our legal support on the rate case. a. Please find attached Exhibit 3 August billing statement for Piskel Yahne Kovarik JD's. b. Please find attached Exhibit 4 September billing statement for Piskel Yahne Kovarik JD's. LEASE PURCHASE AGREEMENT This Lease Purchase Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into on this August 1, 2024 by and between: Lessor: Esprit Enterprises, LLC Address: 364 StoneRidge Road, Blanchard, Idaho 83804 Contact Information: 800-952-2948, becca@stoneridgeidaho.com Lessee: CDS StoneRidge Utilities, LLC OBA StoneRidge Water Company Address: 12 Holiday Loop, Blanchard, Idaho 83804 Contact Information: 208-208-437-3148 utilities@stoneridgeidaho.com Asset Description: The lessor agrees to lease to the lessee, and the lessee agrees to lease from the lessor, the following described asset (the "Asset"): 1.) SME USA l00HP Submersible Well Pump & Motor Motor Code-207522-06-5 Serial #-00522401003 2.) Yaskawa IQl000 139A 460V Drive 3 .) UCC-1 Filing 1. Term of Lease The term of this lease shall commence on August 1, 2024, and shall continue for a period of Sixty Months, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 2. Lease Payments The lessee agrees to pay the lessor a monthly lease payment of $1,200.00 due on the 1st day of each month, beginning on August 1, 2024. 3. Option to Purchase The lessee shall have the option to purchase the Asset on or before the end of the lease term, subject to the following terms: • Purchase Price: The purchase price of the Asset shall be One Dollar ($1.00) (the "Purchase Price"). • Option Period: The option to purchase may be exercised at no more than 30 days prior to the lease expiration of July 31, 2030. • Credit for Lease Payments: No portion of the lease payments shall be applied to reducing the purchase price option on this lease. 4. Exercise of Option To exercise the option to purchase, the lessee must provide written notice to the lessor of their intention to exercise the option (the "Option Notice"). The Option Notice must be delivered on or before the end of the lease term . The Purchase Price, less any credits, shatl be paid in full within 30 days after delivering the Option Notice. 5. Maintenance and Insurance • Maintenance: The lessee agrees to maintain the Asset in good working order and condition during the lease term. Any required maintenance or repairs shall be the responsibility of the lessee. • Insurance: The lessee shall, at their own expense, maintain insurance on the Asset against loss or damage in an amount not less than $55,000.00 and name the lessor as an additional insured. 6. Default If the lessee fails to make any payment due under this Agreement or otherwise breaches any term of this Agreement, the lessor may, at their option, terminate this Agreement by providing written notice to the lessee. Upon termination, the lessee shall immediately return the Asset to the lessor. 7. End of Term Options At the end of the lease term, provided the lessee is not in default, the lessee shall have the following options: 1. Purchase the Asset: Exercise the option to purchase as described above. 2. Return the Asset: Return the Asset to the lessor in good condition, normal wear and tear excepted. 3. Renew the Lease: Enter into a new lease agreement with the lessor on mutually agreeable terms. 8. Governing Law This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho, without regard to its conflict of laws principles. 9. Entire Agreement This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior discussions, agreements, or understandings of any kind. 10. Amendments Any amendments to this Agreement must be made in writing and signed by both parties. 11. Signatures -r Chan Karup ah Member CDS StoneRidge Utilities, LLC 31 Page STATE OF IDAHO COUNTY OF BONNER NOTARY PUBLIC -(; -.J ,, l C:'6<- My Commission Expires: l \-o¼~ 202<;- STATE OF IDAHO COUNlY OF BONNER My Commission Expires: l t-ol('-2DLS- MEMO .,, I l eRidge Utfll 12 H oldi deyl-00 nch ard ,. Washington Trusl 2W11m tv'Af'{}J , ro-·' s ' -• dvt~~ \ti v:5 a hCf u-oo •? 2 qu• ,: • 2 s .oooa '11: ioo □ qo ,-□a a.n- ·--------· $ 1729 1 1C'L4, u 0 OLLA RS f.l ~ J C c:. P,r PISKEL 7I YAHNE K'. lawy= ~QY&E!!S 1q August)6, 2024 612 W. Main Ave., Ste. 207 Spokane, WA 99201 P 509.321.5930 / F 509.321.5935 Jason T. Piskel jpiskel@pyklawyers.com JeffMerkeley CDS StoneRidge Utilities, LLC Via Email: jeff@merkeley.com & utilities@stoneridgeidaho.com Re: August Invoice Dear Jeff: Enclosed for services rendered is Invoice #348465 in the amount of $3,952.50. Your current trust account balance is $3,087.50. Please review the enclosed invoice and if it meets with your approval, we will apply the sum of $3,087.50 from your trust account in three business days. This will leave $865.00 owing for this invoice and $0 .00 remaining in your trust account. JTP:co Enclosure Very truly yours, \Vith Lawyers lmitted in • 1asbington, Idaho, MonWla, Califo1nia, Oregon, Arizona and Nevada www.pyklawy .com \:::)l l-id~, I'\ 3 -~ Piskel Yahne Kovarik PLLC 612 W. Main Ave., Ste. 207 Spokane, WA 99201 us www.pyklawyers.com 0: (509) 321-5930 Bill To: CDS StoneRidge Utilities, LLC P.O. Box298 Blanchard, ID 83804 INVOICE Inv.No. 348465 Issue Date (_a,1a,20~ ) Re: IPUC Rate Case SWS-W-24-01 -4601 Email jeff@merkeley.com WE HAVE MOVED. Please update your reco r ds wi th our n ew address listed above. All payments , if mailed, should be mailed to the new address. As a courtesy to our clients, Piskel Yahne Kovarik, PLLC offers online payments through Lawpay. If you wish to pay your invoice this way, please review the CREDIT CARD & eCHECK PAYMENT TERMS at the end of this invoice as there are fees associated with online payments . Fees Fees Billed by Rate -Subtotal No Charge PA $0.00 2.30 $0.00 7/17/2024 Research re: confidentiality of records for rate case. Time JTP $425 .00 0.60 $255.00 7/22/2024 review of email from Rick H. (0.2); draft response email to Rick H. (0.2): email to client (0.2). Time JTP $425.00 0.50 $212 .50 7/31/2024 call with M. Duval. Time JTP $425.00 0.30 $127.50 7/31/2024 call with Jeff M. re: share file and documents. Time JTP $425.00 0.20 $85 .00 7/31/2024 Respond to Garrison re: corns with Staff re: notice of parties. Time JTP $425 .00 2.00 $850.00 7/31/2024 communicate with client re: discovery (0.4); email to notice parties (0.3); review client documents in response to PRR (1.3}. 1-348465 Page 1 of: Time 8/1/2024 Work on discovery responses to PRR and review Intervenor's requests (2.5); call with client re: share file (0.3). Time 8/5/2024 Review email from R. Haruthunian (0.3); call with J. Merkeley re: discovery requests and application (0.3); email to R. Haruthunian (0.2). Time 8/6/2024 email to parties re: ex parte contact with J.M>. No Charge 8/14/2024 4601 -JTP -Rsch on Agency Action in Idaho Time 8/15/2024 conf. call with client re: Duval email re: scheudle. Time 8/15/2024 call with M. Duvall. Time 8/1512024 draft response to Scheduling process email. Time 8/15/2024 Review Duval email (0.2); call with J. Merkeley (0.3). A LL INVOICES ARE PUE UPON Rt:CEIPT . JTP JTP JTP PA JTP JTP JTP JTP $425 .00 2.80 $425.00 0.80 $425.00 0.30 $0 .00 2.00 $425.00 0.50 $425.00 0.30 $425.00 0.50 $425.00 0.50 Fees Total 13.60 Total (USD) Paid Balance Total Outstand ing Thank you for your business. Please indicate the Invoice Number and Matter Number with your payment. Tax ID: 46-0747076 $1,190.00 $340.00 $127.50 $0 .00 $212 .50 $127 .50 $212.50 $212.50 $3,952.50 $3 ,952 .50 $0 .00 $3,952 .50 $3 ,952 .50 CREDIT CARD & eCHECK PAYMENT TERMS: There will be a 3% processing fee for the use of any credit card and a 1 % fee up to and never exceeding $10.00 for eCheck (eCheck payments are limited to $10,000 per transaction). By using either of these forms of payment, you agree to pay the charges referenced, and these charges will be billed to you during the next billing cycle. To use this service, go to w ww pyk !awye rs c om and click on the MAKE A PAYMENT LINK and follow the directions there. 1-348465 Page2of3 Piskel Yahne Kovarik PLLC INVOICE 612 W. Main Ave., Ste . 207 Spokane, WA 99201 us www .pyklawyers .com 0 : (509) 321-5930 Bill To: CDS StoneRidge Utilities , LLC P.O. Box298 Blanchard , ID 83804 Inv.No. 348684 Issue Date 9/16/2024 Re: IPUC Rate Case SWS -W-24-01 -4601 Email jeff@merkeley.com WE HAVE MOVED. Please update your records wi t h our new address listed above. All payments, if mailed, should be mailed to the new address. As a courtesy to our clients, Piskel Yahne Kovarik, PLLC offers online payments through Lawpay . If you wish to pay your invoice this way, please review the CREDIT CARD & eCHECK PAYMENT TERMS at the end of th is invoice as there are fees associated with online payments. Fees Fees Billed by Rate -Subtotal Time JTP $425.00 0.40 $170 .00 8/16/2024 Final email to parties re : procedure. Time JTP $425.00 0.40 $170 .00 8/20/2024 call with M. Duvall . Time JTP $425.00 0.40 $170 .00 8/22/2024 call from J. Merkeley. Time JTP $425 .00 0 .90 $382 .50 8/23/2024 review email from R. Garrison (0.2); review discovery requests from R. Garrison (0.5); email to R. Garrision (0.2). Time JTP $425.00 0.40 $170.00 8/26/2024 review email and pleading from M. Duvall re : modified procedure request to Commission (0.3); email to client re : same (0.1). Time JTP $425 .00 0 .40 $1 70.00 8/27/2024 Email to M. Duvall re : settlement conf. (0.2); email to client (0.2). . . Fees Time JTP 8/29/2024 confer with client re: garrision answers (0 .3); review and respond to email from Garrison re: discovery {0 .3). Time JTP 9/10/2024 calls with Jeff Merkeley re : Garrison requests. Time JTP 9/11/2024 call with Jeff. Time JTP 9/12/2024 Review and analyze Garrison email to Duval. Time JTP 9/13/2024 review Garrison correspondence (1.0); confer with client re: motions and responses to Staff RFP{0.3); call with M. Duval (0 .1 ). ALL INVOI CE S ARE DUE UPON R ECE I PT. $425 .00 0 .60 $425.00 0.40 $425.00 0 .30 $425.00 0 .50 $425.00 1.40 Fees Total 6.10 Total (USO) Paid Balance Total Outstanding Thank you for your business. Please indicate the Invoice Number and Matter Number with your payment. Tax ID : 46-0747076 Subtotal $255 .00 $170 .00 $127.50 $212 .50 $595 .00 $2,592 .50 $2,592 .50 $0 .00 $2,592 .50 $2,592 .50 CREDIT CARD & eCHECK PAYMENT TERMS : There will be a 3% processing fee for the use of any credit card and a 1% fee up to and never exceeding $10.00 for eCheck (eCheck payments are limited to $10,000 per transaction). By using either of these forms of payment, you agree to pay the charges referenced, and these charges will be billed to you during the next billing cycle . To use this service, go to www.py k la wyers.co m and click on the MAKE A PAYMENT LINK and follow the directions there . ..