HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240916AVU to Staff 9 - Attachment C.pdf Memorandum V April 15, 2024 neea TO: Nicole Hydzik, Director of Energy Efficiency,Avista Utilities; Kim Boynton, Manager of Planning and Analytics,Avista Utilities CC: Susan Hermenet,Vice President, NEEA Research, Evaluation and Analytics; Becca Yates, Executive Director, NEEA FROM: Stephanie Rider, Director, NEEA Data, Planning, and Analytics SUBJECT: Cost Effectiveness Assessment Scenarios for Cycle 7 Funding ................................................0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Background This memo addresses Avista Utilities' request for an estimated Utility Cost Test(UCT) on NEEA's portfolio of expected energy savings for Cycle 7 (2025-2029) specific to its Idaho territory to support the contracting process for Cycle 7 funding. To fulfill this request, NEEA performed a UCT assessment of the NEEA portfolio with varying assumptions about the amount of energy savings reported from new building code activities and advancements. Model assumptions and results are detailed below. The Approach As discussed with Avista staff,the approach utilizes the Regional Technical Forum's ProCost model'and associated assumptions to provide benefit cost ratios based on the Cycle 7 investment and expected energy savings. This approach uses regional energy and capacity values as a proxy for Avista specific marginal costs to provide a directional assessment for Avista Utilities decision making supporting Cycle 7 funding. Table 1 lists the model assumptions NEEA employed for this UCT analysis. Table 1:Model Assumptions Assumption Value Notes Discount Rate 3.75 Societal real discount rate used in the 2021 Power Plan. Program and 10 Years Reflects energy savings benefits accrued during the 5-year cycle Measure Life as well as continued market effects for an additional 5 years. Peak Benefits Winter ProCost Regional winter peak values. 'ProCost I Regional Technical Forum (nwcouncil.org) z Time period over which the costs and benefits are counted from a utility investment perspective. The same value was used for physical measure life. This is a conservative assumption as many of the efficiency measures in NEEA's C7 portfolio have physical measure lives significantly longer than 10 years and will continue to deliver benefits to Avista customers beyond what is counted in this analysis. Carbon Included in ProCost includes the value of avoided CO2 emissions in its electric Benefits Electric market cost estimates. Scenario Other Benefits None NEEA does not include additional credit for conservation. Savings 2025-2029 NEEA forecasted Net Market Effects savings within Avista's Idaho Savings service territory based on historical trends and program Forecasts expectations.The ranges are based on variations of savings from new construction building energy code. Utility Costs Based on Avista Idaho's 2.18%share of the Cycle 7 total alliance electric Funder Share budget of$211,800,000 and 3.82%of the natural gas budget of of NEEA Cycle 7 $35,316,000. total budget Transforming technology performance and market structure typically takes 10-20 years to remove barriers that allow for sustained conditions favorable for the energy efficient product. NEEA believes that this approach and set of assumptions is a conservative approximation of NEEA's market transformation efforts in a utility cost test approach. The Results NEEA ran six scenarios for Avista Utilities' Idaho funding using these model inputs to reflect varying outputs in the Cycle 7 forecast for the electric and natural gas portfolios separately. The table below summarizes those results. Table 2:ProCost forecast of Utility Cost Test for Avista Utilities Idaho Cycle 7 Fuel Forecast with Code Benefit Cost Ratio benefit level at: Electric 100% 4.1 50% 2.6 25% 1.9 Natural Gas 100% 5.9 50% 3.1 25% 1.7 Summary and detailed ProCost files generated for each of the above scenarios in support of this request can be found at this location: https://neea.sharepoint.com/sites/AUISA/Shared%20Documents Separately, NEEA IT staff will send you the required documentation to provide access to this site. Please contact Stephanie Rider(srider@neea.org) if you have any questions or additional needs.