HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240912IPC to Staff 116 - Attachment Exhibit C Special Conditions ECP022.pdf EXHIBIT C - SPECIAL CONDITIONS 0—" 1DAM POMR. 2024 Wilson Butte Substation Structural and Control An IDACORP Company Table of Contents SC-1 IPC'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE.....................................................................................1 SC-2 GENERAL SUMMARY OF SCOPE OF WORK.............................................................................1 SC-3 MILESTONES...........................................................................................................................3 SC-4 OUTAGE/SWITCHING SCHEDULING........................................................................................3 SC-5 CLEARANCES...........................................................................................................................3 SC-6 WORKING HOURS AND RESTRICTIONS...................................................................................3 SC-7 CAMPS AND CONVENIENCES..................................................................................................4 SC-8 UTILITIES.................................................................................................................................4 SC-9 ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE ............................................................................................4 SC-10 PERMITTING ...........................................................................................................................4 SC-11 MATERIALS TESTING...............................................................................................................5 SC-12 OTHER PROJECT REQUIREMENTS...........................................................................................5 SC-13 IPC FURNISHED MATERIALS....................................................................................................6 SC-14 CONTRACTOR FURNISHED MATERIALS..................................................................................7 SC-15 REMOVALS/SALVAGE MATERIALS..........................................................................................7 SC-16 INVOICES.................................................................................................................................7 Special Conditions ECP 022(02/2023) Table of Contents EXHIBIT C - SPECIAL CONDITIONS IDAHO ORNPOLIVER- 2024 Wilson Butte Substation Structural and Control An IoACORP company SC-1 IPC'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE A. The IPAR for the Project shall be Young Lim through Project completion unless IPC provides written notice to Contractor designating another IPAR. SC-2 GENERAL SUMMARY OF SCOPE OF WORK A. Contractor's general scope of Work includes,but is not limited to,the following: Structural Work: 1. Remove transmission line switches 051T and 052T from the wood structure in station 2. Remove 4-pole wood structure,insulators,arrestors,and wire. 3. Remove existing transformer T051's any associated conduit and cable, remove fused disconnect 051F and ground switch 051M. a. Coordinate with IPC Station Mobile Apparatus crew for transformer removal. 4. Remove low side air break 051L and CTs from steel distribution structure(CTs contain PCBs and will require special considerations for disposal). 5. Remove local service transformers and fuses(011F and T011). 6. Remove SCADA RTU antenna,DART SCADA RTU,and wooden poles supporting these items. 7. Install new steel station standard dead end structure on new drilled pier cast-in-place foundations. a. Install new 051F fused disconnect on dead-end structure. b. Install new LED light(s)on dead-end structure. 8. Install new 14MVA T051 transformer on new precast foundation and related conduits and cables. a. Coordinate with IPC Station Mobile Apparatus crew for transformer placement. 9. One new 15-35kV bus support structure on new drilled pier cast-in-place concrete foundation. Contractor may opt to use precast foundation Catalog ID 60028 in lieu of drilled pier. 10. One new low side disconnect 051L (35kV S&C Alduti-Rupter) on support structure on new drilled pier cast-in-place foundation. Contractor may opt to use precast foundation Catalog ID 60028 in lieu of drilled pier. (1) LTC PT and(3)bus PTs will be placed on this same structure. 11. Where the new 2" bus lands on the existing 'ZE' structure, an L-shaped bracket made of 6" channel is provided to support the outer (2) bus phases. The vertical leg of this bracket will be bolted to (2) existing angles using holes from previous insulator channel bases. The horizontal leg of this bracket will be supported off an existing angle on the top of the structure using a new threaded rod with leveling nuts on the existing angle and new channel bracket to achieve proper bus height. It is recommended to field-drill all holes in the new bracket after establishing the top of bracket elevation based on bus height. 12. Install new fused disconnect 01117, 25kVA single phase local service transformer T011, and 200A local service disconnect with 150A fuses in same bay of existing'ZE'structure. 13. Install new AC load center,manual transfer switch,and backup local service disconnect on a new structure adjacent to the AMI transformer and SNC/IPU/COMM boxes. Structure will be Special Conditions ECP 022(02/2023) Page 1 of 8 EXHIBIT C - SPECIAL CONDITIONS IDAHO ORNPOLIVER- 2024 Wilson Butte Substation Structural and Control An IDACORP company supported on new drilled pier cast-in-place foundations. Contractor may opt to use precast foundation Catalog ID 60388 in lieu of drilled piers. 14. Install new light pole on new precast foundation. 15. Install(3)sections of surface trench to facilitate cable install and maintenance. 16. Upgrade T012 AMI transformer to 225kVA on existing precast foundation. Reuse existing CRU and OMU. Replace 012F 25K fuse links with 40K fuse links. 17. Move gate away from road to improve safety. Install new 30'gate with snow gate and concrete apron. New 30'gate will have 20'+10'panels with the 10'panel on the east to avoid swinging under bus. 18. Move fence on west side of yard toward the east(further away from property line)and install new 7/16" copper weld ground wire 3' outside fence. Utilize standard fence detail that has curb in-line with fence. Curb height is taller than standard to minimize surface drainage into yard from neighboring areas. 19. Install new concrete curb outside of existing fence on south, east, and north side of yard to minimize surface drainage into yard from neighboring areas. 20. New drainage ditch will be installed by ERP group around station perimeter outside of fence. Finish grade needs to be raised in the vicinity of the gate. Control/Communication Work: 1. Replace T051 transformer; replace 051T, 052T, 051F, 051L. Correct phasing through transformer with rebuild 2. Replace 011F,T011,and local service.New DS1,DS2,MTC and AC load center yard boxes. 3. Replace DART RTU w/GE iBOX.Convert SCADA controls to soft controls. 4. Remove differential cabinet with 011A,012A,and 013A alpha meters. S. Replace T012 AMI transformer. 6. Install new protection gateway and RTAC and connect feeder relays. 7. Replace SCADA and install FTP B. IPC or its agents will complete the following Work on this Project: 1. IPC will install the new switches on the 46kV transmission structures outside the station. 2. IPC will install a new transmission pole with a buck arm outside station to make transition into the station. Fix phasing coming into the station to 3-2-1 from west to east. Transmission will supply conductor to the dead end including attachment hardware (clamp, clevis, insulator)with enough extra wire to reach 051F. 3. IPC line crew to remove and install new distribution structures outside the station 4. IPC to remove old transformer and offload new transformer S. Drainage work outside the fence 6. Test and commissioning C. Contractor's scope of Work is more fully set forth in Exhibit B and other Contract Documents. Special Conditions ECP 022(02/2023) Page 2 of 8 EXHIBIT C - SPECIAL CONDITIONS IDAHO ORNPOLIVER- 2024 Wilson Butte Substation Structural and Control An IoACORP company SC-3 MILESTONES 1. None SC-4 OUTAGE/SWITCHING SCHEDULING A. Substation Outages/Switching-IPC has reserved the pending outage window(s) listed below to complete all applicable Work; Notwithstanding the foregoing, Contractor shall submit to Greg Habel at (208) 736- 3237 details of all Contractor switching requests:i)for all transmission Work,a minimum of 35 days prior to the desired switching date; and ii) for all distribution Work, a minimum of 15 days prior to desired switching date,to obtain the confirmed outage/switching window(s) for the Work. Failure by Contractor to notify in accordance with these time periods may result in the unavailability of an outage and will be considered a delay of the Work caused by Contractor. 1. Open line switches and isolate station: 01/02/2024-04/30/2024 2. Offload feeders: 01/02/2024-04/30/2024 B. Contractor shall notify IPC a minimum of 24-hours in advance of any cancellation of Work to be performed during any planned outage scheduled pursuant to this Section SC-4. C. Contractor shall use IPC's radio communication system to communicate with IPC's dispatchers, when applicable. SC-5 CLEARANCES A. Contractor shall obtain a clearance in accordance with OSHA's requirements for working clearances and best utility work practices prior to commencing any applicable Work. B. Contractor shall obtain all clearances as follows: 1. For distribution clearances(69kV and below),Contractor shall contact IPC Regional Dispatch at 208-388-5175. 2. For transmission clearances(138kV and above),Contractor shall contact IPC System Dispatch at 208-388-2861. C. Contractor shall contact the applicable IPC Dispatch listed above to release Contractor's clearance upon completion of applicable clearance Work. D. Contractor's representative to whom the applicable clearance was issued shall be on site while all Work under the clearance is being performed. SC-6 WORKING HOURS AND RESTRICTIONS A. Construction activities may occur Monday-Friday from sunrise to sunset. Work on Saturdays,Sundays, and IPC-observed holidays requires pre-approval from the IPAR. B. Where night Work is approved, sufficient light shall be provided by the Contractor to safeguard the workers and the public,and to allow adequate facilities for properly placing and inspecting the Work. C. Work being performed during the months of May-October may require additional wildfire prevention requirements.If such requirements are applicable to the Work,in IPC's sole discretion,IPC will provide to Contractor the most current version of IPC's Wildlife Mitigation Plan and Supplemental Fire Mitigation Terms prior to commencement of the Work.In all such cases,Contractor agrees to comply with all terms and conditions set forth in these documents during performance of the Work under the Agreement. Special Conditions ECP 022(02/2023) Page 3 of 8 EXHIBIT C - SPECIAL CONDITIONS IDAHO ORNPOLIVER- 2024 Wilson Butte Substation Structural and Control An IDACORP company SC-7 CAMPS AND CONVENIENCES A. Unless otherwise approved in advance by IPC,neither the Contractor nor subcontractors or vendors will be allowed to camp on-site.All housing shall be provided by the Contractor off-site. SC-8 UTILITIES A. IPC will arrange for the following services at the Work site: 1. None Utilities required for the Project that are not listed above shall be Contractor's responsibility. SC-9 ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE A. Contractor shall comply with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations requiring environmental and cultural protections necessary for completion of the Work. B. IPC may include (as part of Exhibit B to the Agreement) an Environmental and Cultural Protections Requirement Summary ("Summary"). If included,the Summary will contain a high-level overview of the environmental and cultural protections required for the Work. The Summary is not exhaustive and in no way, relieves the Contractor of its obligations to fully review and comply with all environmental requirements and necessary permits(further discussed in SC-10 below). C. In addition to the above requirements,during performance of the Work Contractor shall: 1. Ensure compliance with Best Management Practices (BMP) as required by the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Permit(SWPPP). Contractor is responsible for procuring,installing and maintaining BMP's; 2. Maintain appropriate dust and air pollution abatement. Contractor is responsible for all costs associated with the necessary abatement activities.Contractor's failure to control dust and/or air pollution may result in temporary suspension of the Work,for which additional time will not be granted. The Party responsible for unloading materials shall be responsible for any abatement needed at the storage yard(s) during the material delivery timeframe (if applicable).Following the delivery of all material Contractor is responsible for dust abatement at the material storage yard,if necessary. 3. Ensure mud and dirt are kept off of the roadways; 4. Properly maintain equipment to ensure construction noise is within federal, state,and local laws,ordinances and regulations. SC-10 PERMITTING A. Pursuant to Section 25 of the General Conditions, IPC has secured or will secure the permit(s), environmental and non-environmental,listed in Exhibit G to the Project Construction Agreement("Exhibit G Permits").The Exhibit G Permits are or will become part of this Agreement and Contractor shall comply with all requirements found therein. B. Permits required for the Project that are not listed in Exhibit G,including but not limited to traffic control permits,shall be Contractor's sole responsibility to secure. C. With respect to traffic control necessary for completion of the Work, Contractor is responsible for: i) securing all traffic control permits, ii) implementing all necessary traffic control; iii) maintaining traffic control plans,and iv)ensuring implementation of all traffic control safety. Special Conditions ECP 022(02/2023) Page 4 of 8 EXHIBIT C - SPECIAL CONDITIONS IDAHO ORNPOLIVER- 2024 Wilson Butte Substation Structural and Control An IDACORP company SC-11 MATERIALS TESTING A. The Contractor shall be responsible for engaging and scheduling the services of a testing agency to perform material tests.The Contractor shall require the testing agency or laboratory to send one copy of the test reports to IPAR. SC-12 OTHER PROJECT REQUIREMENTS A. Contractor's Authorized Representative shall have a working cellular and/or a mobile satellite phone or other real-time communication method(s)for contacting IPC or emergency services at all times during the Project. B. Excess excavated materials, and all other types of construction debris may not be spoiled on-site. Contractor must dispose all such material and debris off-site. Contractor is responsible for locating a suitable site. C. Vehicles and Equipment used in the Work: Contractor and Subcontractor vehicles and equipment used in the performance of the Work on IPC premises shall be in good running order without leaks and drips of fluids.All such Contractor and Subcontractor vehicles and equipment shall be maintained in accordance with the law and/or manufacturer and service records available upon request by IPC personnel. IPC reserves the right to inspect and reject Contractor and Subcontractor vehicles or equipment from entering IPC property or the Work site if found leaking or non-conforming with applicable requirements. Contractor,at its own expense,shall remove and replace any rejected vehicles or equipment with properly running vehicles or equipment to continue performing the Work.In the event Contractor or Subcontractor vehicles or equipment leak fluids at any IPC location,Contractor is responsible for all costs associated with cleanup and restoration of the affected area. Contractor shall immediately stop the leak and secure a method to remove the defective equipment from the IPC property or Work site. All Contractor and Subcontractor motor vehicle operators shall have a current and valid CDL, medical card, and endorsements,as required by law.Contractor shall promptly notify IPC of any spills. D. Schedule of Values required(if required,attached as Exhibit F to Agreement) E. Meetings 1. Pre-Construction. IPC may schedule and hold a pre-construction meeting approximately one month prior to commencement of Work. The Contractor's Authorized Representative, assigned project foreman, and approved subcontractors must attend the pre-construction meeting. In addition, the Contractor's representative to whom any applicable Project clearances are issued shall attend the pre-construction meeting. 2. Per Milestone. Contractor shall schedule and hold a meeting with the IPAR when Contractor believes it has completed each Milestone.At this meeting,Contractor shall submit a Certificate of Substantial Completion certifying completion of each Milestone achieved. 3. Substantial Completion. Contractor shall request a meeting with the IPAR when Contractor deems Substantial Completion has occurred in accordance with Section GC-20.1 of the General Conditions. At the meeting, Contractor shall certify/sign the Certificate of Substantial Completion certifying that Contractor has achieved Substantial Completion of the Work. Attendance at the meeting to discuss Substantial Completion is mandatory for the Contractor's Authorized representative and the Project foreman. 4. Final Completion. Contractor shall request a meeting with the IPAR when Contractor deems Final Completion has occurred in accordance with Section GC-21.2 of the General Conditions. At this meeting,Contractor shall certify/sign the Notice of Final Completion.Attendance at the meeting to discuss Final Completion is mandatory for the Contractor's Authorized Representative and the Project foreman. F. Final as-built drawings shall be provided to the IPAR: Special Conditions ECP 022(02/2023) Page 5 of 8 EXHIBIT C - SPECIAL CONDITIONS IDAHO ORNPOLIVER- 2024 Wilson Butte Substation Structural and Control An IDACORP company The final as-built drawings and all relevant Record Documents,shall be submitted to IPC at the Final Completion meeting. SC-13 IPC FURNISHED MATERIALS A. IPC will supply the materials as provided in the Material Request/Bill of Materials list sections of the Design Package,Drawings,and/or Technical Specifications,as applicable. Contractor will receive all material(except the power transformer)at IPC Boise Operations Center located at 10790 Franklin Road, Boise, ID. Contractor shall call(208) 388-2073 and select"Option 1",a minimum of five days in advance,to coordinate receipt of any material. B. The power transformer will be delivered to the substation. C. The following schedule defines and delineates the dates by which IPC-furnished materials that aren't anticipated to be available by the Commencement Date are estimated to be available: ITEM EST.DELIVERY DATE 1. Power transformer 04/19/2024 Dates given are not necessarily those dates guaranteed by material vendors,but shall be used by the Contractor for scheduling installation.Material deliveries may be in advance of the dates given, and the Contractor shall be prepared to unload and store material upon seven Days advance notice. D. Contractor shall be responsible for unloading all IPC-furnished materials,unless otherwise identified. E. Contractor shall inspect IPC-furnished materials upon arrival jointly with IPC. If any materials are in damaged condition or if shortages are indicated by a comparison of the shipping invoices,or if Contractor finds that the materials are not suitable for their intended use, IPC shall be promptly notified thereof in writing. F. All material not used must be returned in the same condition and manner as it was issued to the appropriate IPC Stores facility within five business days of completion of the Work. Returns must be scheduled with IPC's Stores department at least two business days prior to delivery. G. Contractor must follow all federal, state,and local rules, regulations, and ordinances associated with the use of explosive and implosive materials including,but not limited, all rules,regulations,and ordinances requiring Contractor to: 1. Provide a list of Contractor employee possessors approved by the Bureau of Alcohol,Tobacco, Firearms,and Explosives(ATF)to handle explosive/implosive materials and a copy of the Contractors explosive license. 2. Use explosive/implosive materials for their intended use. 3. Adhere to the Table of Distances found in the ATF regulations. 4. Ensure project magazines are manufactured in accordance with ATF requirements for the type and quantity of explosive/implosive being stored. 5. Maintain an accurate inventory at all times and conduct weekly inspections of the project magazine while in use. 6. Notify the ATF and local authorities of the type,quantity,location,and type of storage unit being used.Other notification requirements may apply and shall be adhered to by the Contractor. 7. Secure the project magazine,using ATF approved security devices including the appropriate number of tumblers within security locks,to prevent unauthorized access or entry to explosive/implosive materials/magazines. 8. Immediately report any unresolved discrepancies to the IPAR.Include the exact type and quantity of explosive/implosive material creating the discrepancy. Special Conditions ECP 022(02/2023) Page 6 of 8 EXHIBIT C - SPECIAL CONDITIONS IDAHO ORNPOLIVER- 2024 Wilson Butte Substation Structural and Control An IoACORP Company 9. When returning explosive/implosive materials to IPC,ensure all materials are in their undamaged manufacturers'packaging.If the manufacturers'packaging is damaged and cannot be returned in the same manner it was distributed,contact the IPAR for further assistance. 10. Ensure Contractor personnel transporting explosives and implosives are qualified and possess the proper credentials in accordance with all applicable Department of Transportation(DOT) requirements,including,but not limited to the DOT hazmat transportation regulations and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration requirements. 11. If explosive/implosive materials are picked up at an IPC location,coordinate the pickup 2 weeks prior to the intended pick up date.When returning,notify IPC at(208) 388-2073 within 4 business days of the need to return the materials. SC-14 CONTRACTOR FURNISHED MATERIALS A. In accordance with GC-5.8 Contractor shall, at its expense, furnish all material and other miscellaneous items that may be required to accomplish the Work unless otherwise specifically stated in the Contract Documents. For the avoidance of doubt, Contractor shall supply concrete, reinforcing steel for concrete, sand,gravel,bedding material as required for construction of the Project. B. Also in accordance with GC-5.8,Contractor shall supply its own radio equipment for use with IPC's trunked radio system during Contractor's performance of the Work. Contractor's radio equipment must be Tait Communications portable (handheld) or mobile (fleet) radio, capable of operation in the 217-220 MHz band,digital mobile radio("DMR")Tier 3 trunking licensed,Over-the-Air-Programming("OTAP")licensed, and equipped with a numeric keypad and display and Contractor shall provide such radio equipment to IPC for programming prior to commencing the Work. Contractor shall use and maintain the radio equipment in compliance with all applicable laws and is solely responsible for ensuring such equipment is fully operational at all times during performance of the Work,and is operated in a safe and prudent manner by adequately trained employees of Contractor. Contractor understands and acknowledges its radio equipment may need to be updated from time to time to meet the requirements necessary for IPC's trunked radio system. Contractor is authorized to use IPC's radio frequencies provided by IPC prior to Contractor commencing Work. Contractor may use these frequencies during Contractor's performance of the Work for IPC with the understanding that IPC may terminate the shared use at any time for any reason. Shared use shall follow all IPC operational procedures and comply with applicable Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") regulations. Contractor understands and acknowledges the FCC requires routine radio equipment checks,and Contractor agrees to cooperate with such requirement, and shall notify IPC when these checks are completed. SC-15 REMOVALS/SALVAGE MATERIALS A. Salvage items: Contractor shall deliver all removals to IPC Investment Recovery, located at 11900 West Franklin Road,Boise,ID. SC-16 INVOICES A. Progress Payment(s)and Final Invoice shall be sent to: Idaho Power Company Email:YLim@idahopower.com Attn:Young Lim (208) 388-5991 YLim@idahopower.com PO Box 70 Boise,ID 83707 B. An Application for Progress Payment shall include an itemized and detailed invoice and be in conformance with the Schedule of Values,Progress Payment Schedule,and Schedule of Unit Prices,as applicable. C. Contractor shall self-impose a five percent(5%)retainage on each Application for Progress Payment. Special Conditions ECP 022(02/2023) Page 7 of 8 EXHIBIT C - SPECIAL CONDITIONS 0-" 1DAM POMR. 2024 Wilson Butte Substation Structural and Control An IDACORP Company D. For progress payments,Contractor shall provide to IPC,with the invoice,an executed Conditional Waiver &Release Upon Progress Payment form of Annex A in the amount of Contractor's Application for Progress Payment. E. For final payment, Contractor shall provide to IPC, with the invoice, an executed Release and Waiver of Liens Upon Final Payment form of Annex A. END OF SPECIAL CONDITIONS Special Conditions ECP 022(02/2023) Page 8 of 8