HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240917Decision Memo.pdf DECISION MEMORANDUM TO: COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSIONER HAMMOND COMMISSIONER LODGE COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL FROM: JOHAN E. KALALA-KASANDA DAYN HARDIE,DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE: SEPTEMBER 17, 2024 RE: 2023-2024 IDAHO UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND ANNUAL REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS; CASE NO. GNR-T-24-05. On July 15, 2024, the Administrator of the Idaho Universal Service Fund Report(IUSF), Alyson Anderson(Administrator), filed the Annual Report' of the IUSF for the fiscal year July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. On August 20, 2024, after several discussions with Staff, the Administrator filed an Amended Annual Report correcting the errors identified by Staff. On August 30, 2024, the Idaho Telecom Alliance (ITA) through its Attorneys Ms. Cynthia A. Melillo of Cynthia A. Melillo PLLC, filed comments of the ITA in response to the Administrator's 2024 Annual Report. On September 3, 2024, Staff filed a decision mem02 recommending the Commission approve the Administrator's budget for 2025 and adopt the administrator-recommended Option 3: Adjust Inventories, Adjust Surcharge Rates & Adjust Funding To Meet Statewide Averages, using 125% of all statewide averages. The Commission declined to make a decision based on the lack of consensus between Staff s recommendation and the ITA's position. The Commission directed interested parties to supplement the record for a future decision. On September 4, 2024, following the Commission's September 3, 2024, Decision Meeting, wherein the Commission directed interested parties to supplement the record the ' On August 14,2024,for confidentiality purposes only,the Administrator filed a redacted copy of her Annual Report. 2 See Case No.GNR-T-24-05 DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 - SEPTEMBER 17, 2024 Administrator filed an Addendum to her Amended Annual Report(Addendum). The Addendum was the result of conversations between the Administrator, Staff, and the ITA. Staff conducted a thorough audit of all the information contained in each report(including the Amendment and Addendum) that the Administrator filed with the Commission. The September 4, 2024, the Addendum modified Option 5 to include adjustments for the calculation of the funding levels to meet 100% statewide average to more accurately calculate future fund balances. As a result these calculations, the inventories have been adjusted according to the most recent five-year trend. The 2024-2025 estimated IUSF-authorized disbursements, including the adjustments to company funding per rule 106, IDAPA,using 100% of all statewide averages, will be $1,384,680, a decrease from the current disbursement level of $1,698,610. Consistent with Option 5 in the Administrator's initial set of recommendations, surcharge rates would be increased to $0.51 per residential line, $0.82 per business line, and $0.008 per intrastate MTS/WATS billed minute. The fund will generate surcharge revenues of $1,437,958,. Taken together with the yearend from 2023-2024, the fund is anticipated to have $1,783,924 available. The fund is estimated to have a yearend balance of approximately $369,943 on June 30, 2025, an increase of$23,978 from 2023-2024, as shown in Table 1, if the Commission approves modified Option 5. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2 - SEPTEMBER 17, 2024 Table 1 OPTION 5-ADJUST INVENTORIES FOR 5 YEAR AVERAGE,ADJUST SURCHARGE RATES&FUNDING TO MEET 100%STATEWIDE THRESHOLDS FUND RATE $ CHANGE BANK BALANCE 7/1/24 $ 345,966 ANNUALINVENTORY RESIDENTIAL LINES 50,990 0.51 $312,059 BUSINESS LINES 40,514 0.82 398,658 TOLL MINUTES 90,905,158 0.008 727,241 TOTAL IUSF SURCHARGE REVENUE 1,437,958 ESTIMATED INTEREST INCOME 0 ESTIMATED TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 7/1/24-6/30/25 1,783,924 ESTIMATED IUSF DISBURSEMENTS 1,384,680 ESTIMATED ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 29,300 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENSES 1,413,980 PROJECTED INCOME/DRAWDOWN 23,978 PROJECTED BALANCE 6/30/25 $369,943 Staff has concluded that although this agreement does not address all the issues affecting the ISUF, it nevertheless moderately alleviates the level of distress that the fund is undergoing at the moment. Staff acknowledges that this agreement is merely a temporary measure that will grant a temporary lifeline to the fund while fundamental issues, such as funding sources, legislative actions, and eligibility of the recipients of the disbursement, are addressed. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 3 - SEPTEMBER 17, 2024 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the following: 1. The Commission approve the Addendum to the Amended Report filed by the Administrator; 2. The Commission approve the Administrators budget;3 3. The Commission adopts Option 5 -Adjust Surcharge Rates &Adjust Funding To Meet 100% Statewide Averages; and 4. The Administrator continues to provide quarterly cash flow analysis to the Staff.4 COMMISSION DECISION 1. Does the Commission approve the Addendum to the Amended Report filed by the Administrator? 2. Does the Commission wish to approve the Administrators budget? 3. Does the Commission wish to adopt Option 5 -Adjust Surcharge Rates &Adjust Funding To Meet 100% Statewide Averages? 4. Does the Commission wish to accept the Staff s final recommendation for quarterly cash flow reports to monitor revenue impacts from unforeseen changes in line counts or access minutes? 5. Anything else? Johan E. Kalala-Kasanda Commission Staff I:\Uti1ity\UDMEM0S\GNR-T-24-05 Decision Memo.docx 3 See September 3,2024 DECISION MEMO in Case No.GNR-T-24-05 4 See September 3,2024 DECISION MEMO in Case No.GNR-T-24-05 DECISION MEMORANDUM - 4 - SEPTEMBER 17, 2024