HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240912SWS to Staff 84-101.pdfSENT By: Email September 12, 2024 Monica Barrios-Sanchez Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 ~✓~ STONE RIDGE ----~---- CDS StoneRidge Utilities, LLC P.O. Box 298 Blanchard, ID 83 804 Ph (208) 437-3148 Extn. 4 RE: CDS StoneRidge Utilities, LLC Production Request #9 Response Mr. Ch e find attached our written response to Production Request #8 . ow if you ·have additional requests . RECEIVED Thursday, September 12, 2024 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case# SWS-W-24-01-stoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request REQUEST NO 84: Referencing the comment from Mr. Collier on the case posted on July 31, 2024, please provide the following: a. All invoices from Woodhawk Controls, LLC from 2022 to present: b. All cancelled checks Woodhawk Controls, LLC from 2022 to present c. A list of services provided by Woodhawk Controls, LLC. Answer: a. Woodhawk invoices are attached as Exhibit A b . There are no payments that have been made to Woodhawk Controls. c . There was no contract nor scope of work agreement with Woodhawk Controls, except to fix the radio system. The list of work they claimed to have performed is listed on their invoices in Exhibit A. Company Response 9/12/2024 Case# SWS-W-24-01-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request Exhibit A Woodhawk Control Invoices 2022-2024 Company Response 9/12/2024 0 W.J0dhawk Controls, llC 1 /,I/ ,'1951 N Building Center Dr, t-1103 ~ Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 BIii To: Stone Ridge 364 Stoneridge Rd. Blanchard, ID 83804 Customer PO Terms Due on receipt I Qu antity I Description • Shipper Woodhawk 1 Service Call_02-21-23_Labor, See Attached Service Report 1 Service Call_03-21-23_Labor, See Attached Service Report 1 Service Call_03-30-23_Labor, See Attached Service Report Ship To: 1 Service Call_03-30-23_Material, See Attached Service Report Invoice# WC-23095-01 Invoice Date: 4/7/2023 Rep GB Due Date: Unit Price 2,355.00 2,200.00 330 .00 600.00 SUBTOTAL SALES TAX (6.0%) TOTAL PAYMENTS/CREDITS BALANCE DUE 4/7/2023 Ship Date 4/7/2023 Amount 2,355.00 2,200.00 330.00 600.00T USO 5,485.00 USO 36.00 USO 5,521.00 USO 0.00 USD 5,521.00 \/J(HlOr /u.',:t< Ct1tJii Company Name: Contact: Address: Date Issued: Des cr i pt ion of Issue: TiUe Field Se, vice Repo1-t FC/Jl'v1 Field Service Report ~tone Ridge Utilities Steve Durban Cheif operator 364 stone ridge rd blanchard ldaho 83804 2-21-lJ Radio Scada communication Issues. trouble shoot and repair as needed . Woodhawk Controls Approval FC l~ev Date 08/11/27. - Contract#: ~~ Phone: WC Job Code: Field Tech: Gage 8. Paul B. l Page 1 of 3 Job Completion Notes: trouble shoot system dynamics and create a plan of action to proceed with the next steps to fix the issues. The system programming is incomplete and system integration is incomplete. The motor coach lift station is not communicating reliably and not passing the information needed in the scada system for reliable alarming. We attempted to make a programming change for proper messaging without any improvement . Our next step is to replace antenna cables/ fittings, and raise the omni antenna at the reservoir site . The system auto dialer at the main office is now programmed and makes phone calls when input channels are activated. need to order two antenna cables 80' and 30' DL06 serial cable for programming and have antenna adapters on hand to raise omni antenna at the upper reservoir site. jMTU) Manager's Signature: ____________________ _ Date Completed: ____ _ Pictures Taken: Oves 0No ------------------------- Vvoodfwwk Controls Page 2 of 3 -------- ITEM QTY PRICE TAXABLE I TOTAL -------- 1 Gage B. 8.5 $135.00 □ $1,147 .50 ----- 2 Paul B. 8.5 $135.00 $1,147.50 --------------·- 3 Mileage 30 .0 $2.00 □ $60.00 ---. ----·----- 4 □ -----,_ -------··--- 5 □ ·-- 6 □ --------------- 7 □ -------- 8 □ ----- 9 □ ----- 10 □ ..__ ------------------- 11 □ 12 □ -. --- 13 □ 14 □ -·-------i,--.-----.------ 15 □ 16 □ 17 □ 18 □ • -- 19 □ --·- 20 □ Mileage per mile Subtotal $2 ,355.00 Tax Rate 6% Total Tax --e--- Total ,·z} >1. "o I Woodhawk Controls Page 3 of 3 •' I ': r•, . i ------~----~---- FC/JM Ln ~1 , •• Field Service Report ~ Company Name: Stone Rid ge Utilti~ Contact: Stev e Du r b i n Cheif Operator Address: 364 stoneridge rd. Blanchard Id. 83804 Date Issued: J-2../-Z.,3 -\::: ~ . Description of Issue: trouble shoot and repair communication errors within scada system Woodhawk Controls Approval Rev Dote . F,- '-· 08/11/22 Contract#: Billim~ to email on card Phone: WC Job Code: Field Tech: Gage B. Pua! B. --------- Pog" 1 of 3 Job Completion Notes: ·--------Did onsite discovery with Programmer Paul, Corrected antenna aiming point at the Motor Coach lift station . Was able to establish communications. Currently there are bugs in the programing which requires Paul to dig deeper to find out what is causing the system to be in alarm when its not supposed to be . Once we have a potential solution we will go back out to site and deploy the program update and test. },;[lf(1C~ Manager's Signature: __ 0,,,_//-_~_t./-,-;,-----=./_ (b, __ __._,~"'"--::r'---·'<"------ ./,.,,, --_.,,, 0No ~---- Date Completed: ____ _ Pictures Taken: Oves ----- Woodhawk Controls Page 2 of 3 . --------·-- ITEM I QTY PRICE TAXABLE TOTAL -----·· l 1 Gage B. ---· - 2 Paul B. 6.0 $135.00 0 $810.00 ------------1 6,0 $135.00 0 $810.00 -· -------- 3 Mileage 30.0 $2 .00 □ $60.00 4 Paul B. off-site program reverse engineering 4 ~ _13,s.~/J_0 □----1-------=S_,__t/O;c....;_. 0----1~ 5 □ -+--------------------__ , -1--------l 6 □ - 7 □ --------------·- 8 □ 9 □ ---·---------------~ 10 □ -,-----------·-------• 11 □ -+------------------------1-----------11---------l 12 □ 13 □ 14 □ - 15 □ ______________________ 1 ______ -1--------1 16 □ ---------------------,_ ---- 17 □ ---i----------------_. ___ ----1-----------1-------1 18 □ 19 □ -20 □ Mileage .___. _________________ _ Subtotal Tax Rate 6% Total Tax ,..-6- Total ---- Woodhawk Controls Page 3 of 3 ~--------- I ilie: Field <.;ervice Report - Author FC/Ji.' Approval FC -.. ------------ I. "' D Rev Dote 08ill/22 Oo, u,.ncnt No F021 ---------·- Field Service Report -Company Name: ~t Q_ner idge Utllties Contract#: ·-. .. ·--·- Contact: Steve Durban Phone: ·-1---· Address: Motor Coach Lift Station WC Job Code: --- Date Issued: 03/30/23 Field Tech: Gage Billingsley Description of Issue: change out the antenna cable, poly phaser, and test Woodhowk Cont-rots Page 1 of 3 .--~-------- 1 Gage Billingsley 2 Mileage 3 60' antenna cable 4 Polyphaser 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ITEM I----+---------- 15 16 17 18 19 20 Mileage - - ---- . . -- - ---· - -· - - - -. --- ------ ---- -. . - QTY PRICE TAXABLE I TOTAL - 2.0 $135.00 □ $270.00 -- 30 .0 $2.00 □ $60.00 1.0 $400.00 □ $400.00 ----- 1.0 $200.00 □ $200.00 □ □ □ □ □ □ ___ ,_ - □ □ □ □ □ □ --- □ □ □ □ per mile . Subtotal $930.00 Tax Rate 6% Total Tax ~'~-1 Total I -~ 7-~ u .• ---------------------------------- Wo odh a wk Controfs Pa ge 3 of 3 () Woodhawk Controls, l LL 4951 N Building Centn Dr 1H03 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 BIii To: Stone Ridge 364 Stoneridge Rd. Blanchard, ID 83804 Customer PO Terms Due on receipt Quantity I Description Shipper Woodhawk 1 Service Call_04-17-23_Labor, See Attached Service Report Shlplo: Rep GB Invoice# Invoice Date: Due Date: Unit Price 1,694.17 SUBTOTAL SALES TAX (6.0%) TOTAL PAYMENTS/CREDITS BAlANCEDUE WC-23095-02 4/21/2023 4/21/2023 Ship Date 4/17/2023 Amount 1,694.17 USO 1,694.17 USD0.00 USO 1,694.17 USO 0.00 USO 1,694.17 ·-~ - Title Field Servile Report G -\N!JUOllf1V.•h Author FC/JM Approval: re l.wo111 ,1, Revision Rev Dute 08/11/22 , I [) --~ /JowmentNo F021 Field Service Report Company Name: Stone Ridge Utilities Contract#: -- Contact: Steve Durbin Phone: Address: Blanchard, Id WC Job Code: Date Issued: 04/17/23 Field Tech: Paul Brandt & Dan Description of Issue: Communication loss between Motor Coach lift station and MTU. Woodhawk Controls Page 1 of 3 Case# SWS-W-24-O1-stoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request REQUEST NO 85: If any of the Woodhawk Control, LLC Invoices have not been paid, or were paid late, provide an explanation Answer: Woodhawk Controls worked with our former Operator in 2022- 2023. They were tasked with determining why our control systems were experiencing regular failures that required onsite attention 24/7 etc. We did not engage or contract for their services except to fix the Skada control system. Rather after several site visits, Woodhawk Controls was unable to determine the cause of the issues we were experiencing and only provided us with invoices that were more than $8,000.00 even though they had been unable to fix the problem. In addition, they provided us with a proposal to continue to work to fix the problems in the system for an estimated additional $8,000, We declined the proposal for an additional study to determine how to fix the systems. To provide good stewardship of our water customers' resources we engaged a different contractor who was able to quickly find the problem causing the issues and completed the repair work for under $2,500.00. The fix provided by the new contractor was to replace a co-axial cable to an antenna which had been damaged by rodent activity. Subsequently, Woodhawk Control's initiated "collection activities" on that account and eventually threatened legal action. We responded in kind and it would appear that Mr. Collier has determined that he is not likely to prevail taking the case to court and instead has pivoted to speaking against StoneRidge Water online and with IPUC etc. Woodhawk filed a complaint with the IPUC to request IPUC to force us to pay their excessive bill and pass on the cost to rate payers, rather than pursuing relief through the legal system. Company Response 9/12/2024 Case# SWS-W-24-01-stoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request REQUEST NO 86: In response to Production Request NO. 31, the Company provided Excel spreadsheets of billing register data for all months from January 2023 through June 2024, Account 05-00540-00, Fairway Meadows, appears to be charged a monthly minimum amount of $82.44 every month. Please provide the connection size for this account and why the account has a monthly minimum charge of $82.44. Answer: This account is a unique matter and one of a kind in our system. The meter serves both a residential and irrigation application in the Fairway Meadows project. A few years ago, the HOA approached the Company about this account and after review and discussion it become apparent that this meter was also connected to a golf course sprinkler as well. it was agreed upon by both The Company and the Customer that a reasonable monthly charge for the account would be $82.44-the HOA provided the mathematical justification for the current charge and The Company accepted it. It is The Company's expectation that outside of 1" meters installed for residential only use (where a ¾ meter might also have been installed when the meter costs were similar) and charged at¾" Minimum Monthly Rate, then 1" meters installed at the customer's request-typically because of a need for a greater flow rate than a ¾" meter and/or for irrigation purposes will be charged at a higher 1" meter cost posted within the current tariff. Company Response 9/12/2024 Case # SWS-W-24-O1-stoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request REQUEST NO 87: In response to Production Request NO. 66 regarding the Golf Course's own well, the Company stated that "the minimum monthly billing recommenced in April of 2024 when it became apparent that the Golf Course's new well pump had issues." Further, the Company stated that during this time that the new Golf Well was offline April-June 2024 the Gold Course needed water to fill the storage reservoir and supply irrigation water." April 2024 and May 2024 monthly billing register data provided by the Company do not show any information for account 08-02980-00, Golf Irrigation Pond 6" According to June 2024 billing register data, water use for this account was 6,053,200 gallons. Please answer the following: a. Please explain why the Golf Irrigation Pond 6" customer did not appear on the April 2024 and May 2024 monthly billing registers. b. Did the Company provide any water to the Golf Irrigation Pond 6" in April 2024 and May 2024? If so, how much water did the company provide to this customer. Answer: a. Account #298 was inactive status for December 2023-May 2024 and we moved it to active in June 2024 when we had to stop using the new Golf Well due to pump problems. b. If any water was provided to the Golf Irrigation Pond in April/May 2024 we would not be able to determine the quantity as the meter was not read in December 2023 through May 2024. Prior to the late June meter reading of #298 the last meter read was Nov. 2023 so we can only determine the quantity used between Nov. 2023 and June 2024 which was 6,053,200 gallons. Company Response 9/12/2024 Case# SWS-W-24-O1-stoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request REQUEST NO 88: Has the Company discussed the Golf Course the capacity details of the Golf Course's well? If so, please provide the following: a. The Idaho Department of Water Resources Well ID Number; b . The make, model, type and rating of each pump used in the well; c. The pump curve of the pump(s) used in the well; d . The depth of the well; e . The measured well yield, with explanation of how the well yield was determined; and f . Please provide the minimum and maximum amount of water the Company needs to supply to the Golf Course on a daily basis Answer: a. IDWR Well ID # 469679 b. N/A c. N/A d. 180 feet e. Currently unknown f. Our current expectation is that the Golf Course will need a 1 1/2" meter for the remainder of 2024. We have recently installed a 1 1/2" meter on The Company supply line to the Golf Irrigation Pond and we will be supplying water from our primary distribution system through this meter going forward. Beginning in September of 2024 the Golf Irrigation account will be billed for the 1 ½" meter and no longer will be billed through the 6" meter previously used. Company Response 9/12/2024 Case# SWS-W-24-01-stoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request REQUEST NO 89: Please explain the Company's procedure and requirements for determining when to interrupt service to the Golf Irrigation Pond 6" meter. What are the requirements for returning service to the customer? What is the protocol for notifying the customer of the interruption? ,:)t- Answer: This November )Ywill be 6 years since we assumed ownership of The Company from the prior owner. In that time period, we have had one incident which triggered implementation of "Service Interruption" of a customer-when our Number #3 Well Pump failed this last July. To our knowledge there are no written procedures, requirements, nor protocols regarding service interruptions for any customers and specifically the Golf Irrigation Pond 6" meter account. Notification of this recent event was through email and social media to all customers. During the #3 Well Pump Failure Event our response was to ask all customers to reduce their usage to decrea se the load placed on the # 1 Well pump as it was doing all the work on its own. The Golf Irrigation Pond 6" meter was shut-off during higher load periods and ran at a reduced volume level when it was on. Company Response 9/12/2024 Case # SWS-W-24-01-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request REQUEST NO 90: Does the Company provide customers with a notice regarding backflow assembly testing? If so, please provide a examples of the notice or a reason it is not a business practice to provide information. Answer: Yes, the company does provide customers with a notice regarding backflow assembly testing. An example is attached as Exhibit A. Company Response 9/12/2024 Case# SWS-W-24-01-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request Exhibit A Backflow Assembly Testing Company Response 9/12/2024 April O 1, 2023 To: StoneRidge Water Customers ~✓ STONE RIDGE ---~---- StoneRidge Utilities P.O. Box 298 Blanchard, ID 83804 (208) 43 7-3148 Extn. 4 Re: Irrigation Backflow and Cross Connection Policy and Requirements In May of 2008, ID Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) conducted a Sanitary Survey of the StoneRidge public water supply system. While DEQ found us to be in compliance with the Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems, they did note that the system needed to address irrigation backflow devices. DEQ's requirement was for StoneRidge Water Company to contact water customers that had automatic irrigation as a part of their water connection to StoneRidge water lines -meaning anyone watering their yard or garden with anything more than just a garden hose hooked to a faucet -all faucets need to have vacuum breaker devices installed. Any permanently installed irrigation system needs an approved backflow device. We are required to institute and provide documentation attesting that customers have had their irrigation lines' backflow devices tested by a certified inspector. If your irrigation connections currently don't have backflow devices it will be your responsibility to have that addressed and corrected before this year's irrigation season starts. The consumer will be responsible for purchasing, installing, testing and maintaining any backflow prevention device/assembly required to comply with StoneRidge's General Policy regarding the control ofbackflow and cross connections (enclosed). Thereafter, inspections are a yearly requirement by DEQ. StoneRidge Water Company is required to keep records of inspections of individual cross connection control devices on file in the utility office . It's imperative that you have your irrigation connections inspected prior to turning the systems on for the spring/summer irrigation season. We're providing a list of landscaping companies that are certified and provide inspections. Please be advised, in addition to a copy of the inspection report we will need a copy of the inspection company's certification to keep on file should DEQ request to see our water customers' records. We're also including an Irrigation Lines' Backflow Device Test/Inspection Certification form - consumers with in-ground irrigation will need to complete the top portion and the device inspector/tester will need to complete the bottom portion. There is a portion of the form that will need to be completed by consumers WITHOUT in-ground irrigation. After completion the form should then be returned to StoneRidge Water Company, P.O. Box 298, Blanchard, or put In the utilities drop box at 12 Holiday Loop, Blanchard, ID 83804. NO LATER THAN JUNE I, 2023. Again, it's imperative that the installation and/or inspection of your automatic irrigation systems be completed prior to the activation of the irrigation system. Enclosed you wi.11 find a copy ofStoneRidge Water Company's Policy governing the control ofbackflow and cross connections with regards to irrigation systems. Failure to comply will result in an immediate water disconnection. StoneRidge Water Company { LEASE I◄:111RN F )RM ~/ STONE IDGE ----~---- Stone Ridge Utilities P.O. Box 298 Blanchard, ID 83804 (208) 437-3148 cxtn. 4 PLEASE ETllRN F(>RI\.'! Bac~flow Testing Reminder If you haven't already scheduled to hav your in -ground irrigation back flow tested please do so before turning the irri gation on for umm er ll s . D ·Q nd , toneRidge Utiliti e • requires all home W11 r that have in-gr und irri 1ation to have a backtlow te t completed pri ,. t turning on any irriga- tion and t provid e document lion by a c 11ifi ccl inspect r . ff you ·urre nll do not have in- ground irrigalion pl et1 ·i, di sregard lhi • n ti cc. We tha 1k y u for your co p rati n n thi r qui1 ·e m nl. I L .Q 1 !)' • have in-ground irrigation lines attached to SR water lines. D Customer Signature: __________ _ Customer Name: --------------------- Customer Address: -------------------- Cu11tomer Phone No.: ------------------- Irrigation Line&' Back.flow Device Te!tllnspection Certification Certified Technician's Name: -----=-:---=-:,--,----D11tc of Test __ _ (P~ease Print) Company Name: ________________________ _ T e:g d: Double Check Valve Pressure Vacuum Breaker Reduced Pressur Backtlow Assembly High Hazard Air Gap _____________ Serial Number _____________ Technician Signature Pfti.•;1•w ~omplctc, llign ;md return this form to StmwHid~c \\ afr1• CmnJHHl~' No later than .Ima· L 20B P.O. Hox 21m, Bhwdrnt'd, If) HJ80~ or di·op ho\ !1H;ati·d at 12 llolida~' l.oop1 Bhrndrn,d, ! 0 . 4/3/2023 •Backflow Policy Included and available at the StoneRidge Utilltics Office _\\es 7/~y ~ ~ ~- O (~~c'.) i ~ ,:::"'~"' (1 g......_" '&~' ~o ~A www co.monroe,m1 ,us Providing safe drinking water is the highest priority for a public water system. Regulated by Idaho Department of Environmental Quality and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, your public water system follows strict standards to ensure that the public drinking water supply remains safe. As a customer, you also have a responsibility to help keep the public water supply safe. There are several things you can do in your home to help maintain clean drinking water for your family and your community. • Educate yourself on the dangers of cross connections and how to prevent backflow. ~ Properly dispose of household hazardous wastes, such as paint, cleaners, oil, batteries, electronics, laundry products, and yard products. • Do not flush pharmaceuticals down the toilet. • Teach your children where their drinking water comes from and how to protect it. Want to find out more? It is i mpossible to co v e r all of the information pertaining to cross connecti o ns and backflow in a pamphlet. We hope t he preceding information will i nspire you to further educate yourself on preventing contam i nation in your home . For more information, including prevention and trainings on backflow p revention, contact : Idaho Department of En vi.r@ll mental Quality 1410 N Hi lto n Boise , ID 83706 (208) 373-0502 www.deq.idaho.gov Public Health Offices http://www.healthan Idaho Rural Water ASso 6065 W Corporal Ln Boise, ID 83704 (208 ) 343-7001 www.idahoruralwater.com • www.penlight.org/ waterServices. aspx • water. epa.govlinfrastructurel drinkingwaterlpwsl crossconnectioncontrol • www.abpa.org WA iun<111wQwllt) Created by I RWA 2013 . I Backfljow Prevernt iion Maintaining the integrity of your public drinking water system What is backtlow? Backflow occurs when wa t e r is drawn back into your main water supply from another source. The water entering the d r in king water system may be contaminated, and wil l remain in water lines until it is drained from another fixture in your home or your neighbors'. A serious health hazard could result when this contaminated water is used for drinking, cooking or bathing. Locations in your plumbing system where backflow can potentially occur are called cross connections . Some examples of cross connections include: "' A hose connection to a chemical solution aspirator for herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers . ., Lawn irrigation systems . • Water softeners. ., Hose connections to a laundry tub . "' Swimming pools. Historically, cross connections have been one of the most serious public health threats, and many times are present in residential water systems. How does backflaw OCG-.r? Backflow is caused by either badtslphonage or badtpresswe. Backslpt\oA,_.HK!Qta.:-~n-e--va.~m-is indu~d :on a piping. systmn-,_jµst llke ,drimdA& from a glass .with a-st~w. Any ,hose c~tn ·act as a "straw," allQwtng.~~:~qUfds .to be drawn througl'tit. Backpressure QCCUts d-. to .a drop in pressure from the wate,-s.y.stem,,,:..,~t• ated t;y_-the cartoon betew .. ltJs ~ntto.notethat:,a = drop in pr.essure-.-is;~d your c-ootrol and can occur at any time You are drinking the same water as your neighbor -we are all connected! Help keep your family and your community safe. What should you do? Cross connections are often deemed unlawful by city codes. Generally city ordinances require backflow preventers to be installed where cross connections may occur . These devices must be tested annually to ensure they are functioning properly. There are two types of backflow preventers : backflow prevention devices and backflow prevention assemblies . Both are designed and installed to prevent the flow of water backwards through a pipe . Besides commercial uses , they are commonly needed for home irrigation systems . In places where i nstallation and testing of mechanical backflow preventers is not possible , an air gap separation is usually required . Contact your City Hall for more information on local requirements and how to comply " IDAHO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Public Utilities Commission IDAPA 31.21.01 Utility Customer Relations Rules C. The customer or applicant failed to abide by the terms of a payment arrangement. (3-31-22) d. The utility has determined that information provided by the customer or applicant is materially false or materially misrepresents the customer's or applicant's hue status. (3-31-22) e. The customer or applicant denied or willfully prevented the utility's access to the meter. (3-31-22) f. The utility detennines that the customer is willfully wasting or interfering with service to the customer or other customers through improper equipment or otherwise. (3-31-22) g. The applicant or customer is a minor not competent to contract as descnbed in Sections 29-101 and 32-101.Idaho Code. (3-31-22) 02. No Obligation to Connect Service. Nothing in this rule requires the utility to connect service for a customer or applicant who owes money on an existing account or from a previous account if the unpaid bill is for service provided within the past four (4) years. (3-31-22) 303. GROUNDS FOR DENIAL OR TERMINATION OF SERVICE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE (RULE 303). A utility may deny or terminate service without prior notice to the customer or applicant and without the customer's or applicant's permission for one (1) or more of the following reasons: (3-31-22) 01. Dangerous Conditions. A condition immediately dangero\18 or hazardous to life. physical safety, or property exists, or if necessary to prevent a violation offederal, state or local safety or health codes. (3-31-22) 02. Order to Terminate Service. The utility is ordered to terminate service by any comt, the Commission, or any other duly authorized public authority. (3-31-22) 03. fflegal Use of Service. The service is obtained, diverted or used without the authorization or knowledge of the utility. {3-31-22) 04. Unable to Contact Customer. The utJ.1ity has tried diligently to meet the notice requirements of Rule 304, but has been unsuccessful in its attempts to contact the customer affected. (3-31-22) 304. REQUIREMENTS FOR NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS BEFORE TERMINATION OF SERVICE (RULE304). 01. Initial Notice. If the utility intends to terminate service to a customer under Rule 302, the utility will send to the customer written notice of te.tmination mailed at least seven (7) calendar days before the proposed date of _termination. Written notice may be provided by-electronic mail (i.e. e-mail) if the custom.er is billed electrorucally and separately consents in writing to receiving electronic notification. This written notice will contain the information required by Rnle 305. (3-31-22) . 02. . Final Notice. The u~ may mail a final written notice to the customer at least three (3) calendar days, excludmg weekends and holidays, before the proposed date of termination. Regardless of whether the utility e~e~ts to mail a written notice, at least twenty-four (24) ho~.before the proposed date of tcmrlnation, the utility must diligently att~mpt to contact the customer affected, either in person or by telephone, to advise the customer of the prop~sed action and steps to t.ake to ~void or delay tennination. This finlll notice will cODtain· the same information reqwred by Rule 305. (3-31-22) 03. . ~ditional Notice. If service is not terminated within twenty-one (21) calendar days after the proposed temunatt~n. da~e ~ specified in. a written notice the utility will again provide notice under Subsections 304.01 and 304.02 if 1t still mtends to terminate service. (3-31-22) . 04. Failure to Pay. No additional notice of termination is required if. upon receipt of a termination notice. the customer: . (3-31-22) Section 303 Pagell IDAHO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Public UtllltlN Commission IDAPA 31.21.01 Utility Customer Relations Rules a. b. c. Makes a payment arrangement and subsequently fails to keep that ammgement; Tenders payment with a dishonored check; or Makes an electronic payment drawn on an account with insufficient funds. (3-31-22) (3-31-22) (3-31-22) 305. CONTENTS OF NOTICE OF INTENT TO TERMINATE SERVICE (RULE 305). 01. will state: a. termination; b. Contents of Notice. The written or oral notice of intent to terminate service required by Rule 304 (3-31-22) The reason(s), citing these rules, why service will be terminated and the proposed date of (3-31-22) Actions the customer may take to avoid termination of service; (3-31-22) c. That a certificate notifying the utility of a serious illness or medical emergency in the household may delay termination as presc □-bed by Rule 308 ; (3-31-22) d, That an informal or formal complaint concerning termination may be filed with the utility or the Commission, and that service will not be tenninated on the ground relating to the dispute between the customer and the utility before resolution of the complaint (the Commission's address and telephone number will be given to the customer); and (3-31-22) e. That the utility is willing to make payment snangements (this statement will be in bold print on written notices). (3-31-22) f. That for puxposes of termination, partial payments will be applied toward utility service charges first, unless the customer requests otherwise, and that charges fo r non-utility services cann.ot be used as a basis for termination. (3-31-22) 02. Addltlooal Requirements for Gas and Electric Utilities. During the months of November, December, January and February, oral and written notices provided by gas and electric utilities to residential custom,ers will include or be accompanied by an explanation of restrictions on termination of service and the availability of the Wmter Payment Plan described in Rule 306. (3-31-22) 306. TERMINATION OF RESIDENTIAL GAS AND ELECTRIC SERVICE -WINTER PAYMENT PLAN {RULE 306). 01. Restrictions on Termination of Service to Households with Children, Elderly, or Infirm. Except as provided i}l Rule 303, no gas or electric utility may terminate service or threaten to terminate service during the months of December through February to any residential customer who declares that he or she is unable to pay in full for utility service at the primary household and whose primary household includes children, eldei:ly..o~ persons. (3-31-22) 02. Definitions for This Rule. For purposes of this rule: (3-31-22) a_ "Children" means persons eighteen (18) years of age or younger, but customers who arc emancipated minors are not children under this rule. (3-31-22) b. .. Elderly" means persons sixty two ( 62) years of age or older. (3-31-22) c. "Infirm" means persons whose physical health or safety would be seriously impaired by termination of utility service. (3-31-22) 03. Opportunity to Participate in W"mter Payment Plan. Any residential cw;tomer who dcclwxa that Section 305 Pqell CDS StoneRldge UtllitJes Procedures for Disconnection Notification: The following process not only meets the minimum requirements of the 1 PUC directive but Includes additional steps to ensure the customer is treated appropriately. These guidelines are based on IDAPA 31.21.01 Rule 304 & Rule 305. 1. The Last week of the Month prepare Past Due Notice (Courtesy Contact) letter for every customer with amounts 90-days past due or with balance greater than $299.00 to be hand delivered by Operator. 2. First available Wednesday prepare the "Initial Notice11 (7 Day Notice) letter for every customer with amounts 90-days past due or with balances greater than $299.00 and mail USPS Certified. Check calendar and confirm it will occur during an allowed "Disconnect Time.,. 3. If needed, on the next available Wednesday prepare the "Final Notice" (7 Day Notice) and mail USPS Certified. Check calendar and confirm it will occur during an allowed "Disconnect Time". 4 . If customer does not respond, attempt to contact them directly by phone, email or house visit at least 24 hours before the planned "Disconnection Date". ()ustcH ner f~Hu re to rneet pay ment plans or pay ment~ th at do not t,.;i ea r do not re quire going through th e noti ·1ca tion pro c .#s s again. \\srs1 \Utilities\Delinquent Accounts\Detinque.nt Utility Accounts Notice of Disconne cti on Procedures.doc>< lr>!'l nqu•'!J '!~<4__ft~!!'t !~I . l'~p~r,Hllly_~ C\!:!10f'll4l llltm■ ~mblf! _ s.-0_Jt·22 1------,--------- 1,.,, l----· - lnl~al Dl1f<t(011lluy llotl!A l'lJ!!,\I W tle9N,otlt>tj!,_o_ro.!?P 0t~•~"l~.,!!!I C"!!!!!_a,!'lellw~ ~ln< \'lad ~•Jd lt d,v ~l><v•.'.U..., J•t•. I _ IF1n1I Wrlll tn Not/ui C..1111~ l4l 1t5eltt, I S.n J•~ '!J,-j_in~ 41ct,,,~~O<\ '1111 i,,,,. J.o•,.~ !')~Jal !,,~~-~1•ufon!"!'•l!!'~~o""""~i!i.l!tif!"~L- j~••t111)t~i.~"'l -- 1!10111111 D~ .1 Courtoi,NoU~ t~µi~I ll'l_lll!'l~~ailc,, l.7.1?."l'.ID.r.'!t.ur ""'! '""''l"""""l ~U.fto<I ~!!' "°!'! 3r:~:l:::,;~~::~~I~:~~:::;;:,~ -•-.. -. l~nt Jn~ W!til!'Jd ~l~ti_n_n_H;t ~!tl.~m;, 4~i~.•1 ~!1~1 4 H,y.l !)l!•tJ.".0<\IM1~~~',!1'9'!M•~ ~~!IOU!!l-j'~~. ·----- !~ 1911.lltntll Conua T C- 1 • • -- _ t -~ B~m-~~ ~IOflJ_~~• .. unles!I ~ 001 ~~ lha10 trnos-t.lond<lylhnlu{ih Th~ ~. N<lt M l'~~nNV:,!f 'V !!,_o~tiordftv ~ ~Gf icWlo. 3. N.ot lhff Ony bet-~ kget holldc,y ,_i,,,., by a,.,. <1'- 4, Nut U11y limll l!WJ Ulllly 11flleil:J <111> -• HA!1<tfltlllo!!../fw,J!j,~n_AI; 11!1!; ---- ----------- llnun R 11 Pagel of 6 ,--1 ✓~ STONE RIDGE ----~---- StoneRidge tility GENERAL POLICY WATER FOR THE CONTROL OF BACKFLOW AND CROSS CONNECTIONS 1. Purpose of Policy • To protect the safe drinking water supply of STONERIDGE UTILITY L.L.C. from the possibility of contamination or pollution by requiring compliance with state and local plumbing codes. health regulations, osha and other applicable industry standards for water system(s) or private water system(s). Compliance with these minimum safety codes will be considered reasonable vigilance for prevention of contaminants or pollutants which could backflow into the public water systems: and, • To promote reasonable elimination or control of cross connections in the plumbing fixtures and industrial piping system(s) of the consumer, as required by state and local plumbi_ng codes, health regulation-, osha and other applicable industty tandards to as ure waler system afety: and • To provide for the administration of a continuing program of backflow prevention which will systematically and effectively prevent the contamination or pollution of all drinking water systems. 2. Responsibility • STONERIDGE UTILITY L.L.C. shall be responsible for the protection of the drinking water distribution system from foreseeable conditions leading to the possible contamination or pollution of the drinking water system due to the backflow ·of contaminants or pollutants into the drinking water supply. • Drinking water system surveys/inspections of the consumer's water distribution system(s) shall be conducted or caused to be conducted by individuals deemed qualified by and representing STONERIDGE UTILITY L.L.C. Survey records shall indicate compliance with the aforementioned health and safety standards. All such records will be maintained by STONERIDGE UTILITY L.L.C. \\srs l \Utilities\A Docwnent Directory\0 Application water & Sewer\Utility Packet Document Templates\SRU Water Back.flow Prevention 3 _28_23.doc Rev. 3/28/23 Form W #1100 Page 2 of 6 • STONERIDGE UTILITY L.L.C. shall notify in writing, all consumers of the need for the periodic system survey to ensure compliance with existing applicable minimum health and safety standards. • Selection of an approved backflow prevention assembly for containment control required at the service entrance shall be determined from the results of the system survey. 3. Consumer's Responsibility • To comply with this policy as a term and condition of supply and consumer's acceptance of service is admittance of his/her awareness. • It shall be the responsibility of the consumer to purchase, install, test and maintain any backflow prevention device/assembly required to comply with this policy. 4. Plumbing Official Responsibility • The plumbing official s responsibility to enforce the applicable sections of the plumbing code begins at the point of ser • ice (downstream or consumer side of the meter) and continues throughout the de eloped length of the consumer's water svstem. • The plumbing official will review all plans to ensure that unprotected cross connections are not an integral part of the consumer's water system. If a cross connection cannot be eliminated, it must be protected by the installation of an air gap or an approved backflow prevention device/assembly in accordance with the State Plumbing Code. • Water vacating the drinking water supply must do so via approved air gap or approved mechanical backflow prevention assembly, properly installed and in accordance with the State Plumbing Code. 5. Certified Backflow Assembly Technicians, Surveyors or Repair Persons Responsibilities: • A Certified Technician shall petform all tests of the mechanical devices/assemblies and be responsible for the competence and accuracy of all tests and reports. They shall be equipped with, and be competent to use, all necessary tools, gauges, and other equipment necessary to properly test, and maintain backflow assemblies. • Whether mployed by the consumer or a utility to survey, test, or maintain backflow prevention assemblies the Certified Backflow Technicians, Surveyors or Repair Persons will have the following responsibilities. • Ensuring acceptable testing equipment and procedures are used for testing, repairing or overhauling backflow prevention assemblies. \ \srs 1 \Utilities\A Document Directory\0 Application water & Sewer\Utility Packet Document Templates\SRU Water Backtlow Prevention 3_28_23,doc Rev. 3/28/23 Fom1 W #1100 Page 3 of 6 • Ensuring such testing and/or repair is reported to the consumer and water purveyor. • The report shall include the list of materials or replacement parts used. • Ensuring replacement parts are equal in quality to parts originally supplied by the manufacturer of the assembly being repaired. • Ensuring that there is no change in the design, material or operational characteristics of the assembly during testing, repair or maintenance. • Ensuring their license is current , the testing equipment being used is acceptable to the state, and is in proper operating condition. • The Certified Technician conducting the test must tag each double check valve, pressure vacuum breaker , reduced pressure backt1ow assembly and high hazard air gap, showing the serial number, date tested and by whom. • In the case of a consumer requiring a commercially available technician, any certified technician is authorized to make the test and report the results of that test to the consumer and water purveyor. DEFINITIONS 6. Water Purveyor: STONERIDGE UTILITY L.L.C., is invested with the authority and responsibility for the implementation of an effective cross connection control program and for the enforcement of the provisions of this policy . 7. Approved Backflow Assembly: Accepted by the Department of Health, Bureau of Drinking Water/Sanitation. as meeting an applicable specification or as suitable for the proposed use. 8. Auxiliary Water Supply: Any water supply on or available to the premises other than the purveyor's public water supply will be considered as an auxiliary water supply. These auxiliary waters may include water from another purveyor's public potable water supply or any natural source(s) such as a well, spring, river, stream, harbor, etc, or "used waters" or "industrial fluids". These waters may be contaminated or polluted or they may be objectionable and constitute an unacceptable water source over which the water purveyor does not have authority for sanitary control. 9. Backflow: The reversal of the normal flow of water caused by either backpressure or back- siphonage. \\srs 1 \Utilities\A Document Directory\0 Application water & Sewer\Utility Packet Document Templates\SRU Water Backflow Prevention 3_28_23.doc Rev. 3/28/23 Form W #1100 Page 4 of 6 10. Back-Pressure: The flow of water or other liquids, mixtures, or substances into the distribution pipes of a feeding distribution pipes of a potable water system from any source(s) other than the intended source. 11. Back-Siphonage: The flow of water or other liquids, mixtures, or substances into the distribution pipes of a potable water supply system from any source(s) other than the intended source, caused by the reduction of pressure in the potable water supply system. 12. Backflow Prevention assembly: An assembly or means designed to prevent backflow. Specifications for backflow prevention assemblies are contained within the Uniform Plumbing Code Chapter 6 and IDAPA 58 .01.08. 13. Contamination: Means a degradation of the quality of the potable water supply by sewage, industrial, Industiial fluids or waste liquids, compounds or other materials. 14. Cross Connection: Any physical connection or arrangement of piping or fixtures, which may allow non- potable water or industrial fluids, or other material of questionable quality to come in contact with potable water inside a distribution system. This would include any temporary connections, such as swing connections, removable sections, four way plug valves, spools, dummy sections of pipe, swivel or change-over devices or sliding multiport tubes or other plumbing arrangements. 15. Cross Connection-Controlled: A connection between a potable water system and a non~potable water system with an approved backflow prevention assembly properly installed and maintained so that it will continuously afford the protection commensurate with the degree of hazard. 16. Cross Connection-Containment: The installation of an appmved backflow assembly at the water service connection to any customer's premises where it is physically and economically infeasible to find and permanently eliminate or control all actual or potential cross connections within the customer's water system; or, it shall mean the installation of an approved backflow prevention assembly on the service line leading to and supplying a portion of a customer's water system where there are actual or potential cross connections which cannot be effectively eliminated or controlled at the point of the cross connection (isolation). \\srs 1 \Utilities\A Document Directory\0 Application water & Sewer\Utility Packet Document Templates\SRU Water Backflow Prevention 3 _ _28 _23.doc Rev. 3/28/23 Form W #1100 Page 5 of 6 REQUIREMENTS Utility Responsibility Policy: 1. No water service connection to any premises shall be installed or maintained by the Public Water Purveyor unless the water supply is protected as required by State laws, regulations, codes, and this policy, Service of water to a consumer found to be in violation of this policy shall be discontinued by the water purveyor after due process of written notification of violation and an appropriate time suspense for voluntary compliance, if (1) A backflow prevention assembly required by this policy for control of backflow and cross connections is not installed, tested, and maintained, or (2) If it is found that a backflow prevention assembly has been removed or by-passed, or (3) If an unprotected cross connection exists on the premises, or ( 4) If the periodic system survey has not been conducted. (Ser ice will not be restored until such condition or defects are conect.) 2. The customer's system(s) shall be open for inspection at all reasonable times to authorized representatives of the water purveyor to determine whether cross connections or other structural or sanitary hazards, including violation of this policy exist and to audit the results of the required survey. 3. Whenever the public water purveyor deems a service connection's water usage contributes a sufficient hazard to the water supply, an approved backt1ow prevention assembly shall be installed on the service line of the identified consumer's water system, at or near the property line, or immediately inside the building being served; but , in all cases, before the first branch line leading off the service line. 4. The type of protective assembly required shall depend upon the degree of hazard which exists at the point of cr-oss connection (whether direct or indirect), applicable to local and state requirements or resulting from the required survey . 5. All presently installed back.flow prevention assemblies which do not meet the requirements of this section but were approved assemblies for the purposes described at the time of installation and that have been maintained, may be excluded from these rules so long as the water purveyor is assured that they will satisfactorily protect the public water system. Whenever the existing assembly is moved from the present location or, requires more than minimum maintenance or, when the water purveyor finds that the operation or maintenance of this assembly constitutes a hazard to health, the unit shall be replaced by an approved backtlow prevention assembly meeting the local and state requirements. \\srsl\Utilities\A Document Directory\0 Application water & Sewer\Utility Packet Document Templates\SRU Water Backflow Prevention 3_28_23.doc Rev. 3/28/23 Form W #1100 .Page 6 of 6 6. It shall be the responsibility of the consumer at any premises where backflow prevention assemblies are installed to have certified survey/inspections, and operational tests made at least once per year at the consumer's expense. In those instances where the Public Water Purveyor deems the hazard to be great, he may require certified surveys/inspections and test at a more frequent interval. It shall be the duty of the Public Water Purveyor to see that these tests are made according to the standards set forth by the State and local regulations. 7. No backflow prevention assembly shall be installed so as to create a safety hazard. Example: Installed over an electrical panel, steam pipes, boilers, pits, or above ceiling level. 8. If violations of this policy exist or if there has not been any corrective action taken by the consumer within 10 days of the written notification of deficiencies noted within the survey , then the Public Water Purveyors shall deny or immediately discontinue service to the premises by providing a physical break in the service line until the customer has corrected the condition(s) in conformance with the State and local statutes relating to plumbing, safe drinking water supplies and the regulations adopted pursuant thereto. \\srsl \Utilities\A Document Directory\0 Application water & Sewer\Utility Packet Document Templates\SRU Water Backflow Prevention 3_28_23.doc Rev. 3/28/23 Form W #1100 StoneRidge Utilities 1 LLC Residential Cross-Connection Questionnaire Please read the enclosed brochure, look over the plumbing in your home and answer the questions below. Thank you for helping meet this State of Idaho regulation. Please return to StoneRidge Utilities As soon as possible, 1. Is there any other source of water, such as a private well, at this address? If yes, is it protected by a testable backflow preventer? 2. Do you have a swimming pool or hot tub? If you fill it with a hose, does a hose bib vacuum breaker protect it? (See brochure) If you fill it by a direct water line, is it protected by a reduced pressure backflow preventer? (See brochure) 3. Do you have a lawn sprinkler system? If yes, it is protected by an approved backflow preventer? (*"'see below) 4. Do you have a hot water or steam boiler (not a water heater)? If yes, is it protected by a reduced pressure backflow preventer? (All boilers are required to have a RP) Are chemicals used in the water? If yes, please list the chemicals: 5. Do you have a photo lab, medical , biological, auto paint/repair, veterinarian or farm equipment, or any other chemical or medical labs or facilities at this address? If yes, is it protected by a testable backflow preventer? 6. Do you have a hose aspirator for spraying chemicals? (All hose connections should have a hose bib vacuum breaker) If yes, is it protected by a hose bib vacuum breaker? Yes No Don't Know J ;-1 '....' ~ _J iJ J C Li ;J 0 J ·, u ;J ·--1 I c_J :::J r-1 '--C ;, __J [J J J ··1 .. _J J :J CJ .J J -; ..., --, _, Please list any and all backflow prevention devices or assemblies currently in use on your property, Include Manufacturer, Model Number, Type, Size, and Serial Number. If you aren't sure just include as much information as you can. **Lawn sprinkler systems that have a connection to the drinking water service lines must have a backjlow assembly installed which has to be tested every year. Check Idaho Public Drinking Water Rules or the Plumbing Code and its amendments as adopted by the State of Idaho for regulations . StoneRidge Utilities has an active Cross Connection Control Progran1 in place which directs us to survey all of our water customers annually, keep records of all tests on testable backflow preventers, and issue a reminder notice when testing is due. The customer shall provide access for inspection and testing by water system personnel at all reasonable times to determine whether cross connections, sanitary hazards or other violations of the Cross Connection Control Program exist. Thank you. This survey will help prevent accidental contamination of our drinking water system. Signature (Sign) Date Daytime phone number Name: ------------------- Address: ------------------ City: ___________ _ State: --------Zip: ______ _ Please mail or deliver this survey to StoneRidge Utilities LLC PO Box 298 Blanchard, Idaho 83804 Email: tit i I it ivo.:·11 •,l• i\ 1l:i-i, l _:!1_-id,il10.,:1 n11 Drop Box at 12 Holiday Loop Blanchard, ID Further information can be obtained by contacting Adrianna Hummer with the Idaho Rural Water Association at 208-392-3576 or by contacting the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality. Case# SWS-W-24-01-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request REQUEST NO 91: Does the Company keep annual backflow testing records? If so, please provide records for the last three years. If not, please explain what is the company's plan to ensure backflow compliance? Answer: We keep the testing records. The testing records for the last two years are attached to the submission in four ( 4) PDF files. Company Response 9/12/2024 Case# SWS-W-24-O1-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request REQUEST NO 92: Please explain what is the company's current meter reading schedule (e.g., 15th day of the month, third Saturday, etc.)? IDAPA 31.21.01, Utility Customer Relations Rules ("UCRR") 202.01. Answer: Meters are read on the 4th week of the month. Company Response 9/12/2024 Case# SWS-W-24-01-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request REQUEST NO 93: Please explain what is the Company's current billing schedule (e.g., bills sent three days after meters read)? Answer: Ebills (to customers who have requested ebiling) are sent by the 5th of the month. Post cards bills are mailed by USPS the pt workday of the month. Company Response 9/12/2024 Case # SWS-W-24-01-stoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request REQUEST NO 94: Please describe the Company's billing practice. Id a. When is the payment due? b. When is a payment past due? c. Please explain the Company's procedures for collecting past-due bills? Answer: a. Payments are due the 17th of the month. b. Payments are past due 60 days after the billing date. c. We establish contact with customers and discuss their situation. Typically, a customer pays the bill current. In some situations, we offer the customer a payment plan option. Company Response 9/12/2024 Customer: Acct.#: Address: Date DELINQUENT WATER BILL >-'AST DUE NOTIC Courtesy Notice ~~~ STONE RIDGE ---~---- StoneRidge Utilities P.O.Box298 Blanchard. ID 83804 (208-) 437-3148, ExL 4 While reviewing our records we folllld your account to be past due in the amount of$ __ _ Payments on utility invoices are due by the 1-,ati of the month and are considered delinquent 30-7 days after the bilJing date. Accollllts that are more than 90 -d ays del inquent or have a balance greater than $299.00 will be subject to -~:~-.:~ ~.·,_; l :_/ .. : :·~_.:~, Please remit the past due amount or contact the Utility Office to arrange for payment options. Thank you, StoneRidge Utilities Case# SWS-W-24-O1-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request REQUEST NO 95: Please provide copies of the following Company documents (UCRR 305.01 and 311.05): Id a. Initial Notice to Terminate? b. Final Notice of Intent to Terminate Service; and c. Notice of Procedure for Reconnecting Service left at the premises following disconnection of services (e.g., door tag or notice). Answer: a. See Exhibit B Notice to Terminate b. See Exhibit C Final Notice of Intent to Terminate Service. c. We currently do have a notice of Procedure for re-connecting service. Company Response 9/12/2024 Case # SWS-W-24-01-stoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request Exhibit B Notice to Terminate Company Response 9/12/2024 Date: Customer: Acct.# Service Address: DELINQUENT WATER BILL INITIAL NOTICE ,,1/ STONE RIDGE ---~---- StoneRidge Utilities P.O. Box298 Blanchard, ID 83804 (208) 437-3148 ext. 4 You are hereby notified that you are delinquent in the payment of charges for water service provided by StoneRidge Utilities. Our records indicate that the balance of your account now stands at: I In accordance with IDAP A 31.21.01, Rule 304 & 305 (attached), if this balance is not paid or if payment arrangements are not made by the _ of ____ -7 your WATER SERVICE WILL BE DISCONNECTED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS AFTER THAT DATE. To avoid terminatio~ please make payment in full or contact us at (208) 437-3148 ext 4 to make arrangements for payment Termination may be delayed by: 1.) Providing a physician's certificate to the existence of a medical emergency. 2.) An informal or formal complaint concerning termination may be filed with the utility or the Commission. Service will not be terminated on the ground relating to the dispute between the customer and the utility before resolution of the complaint Idaho Public Utilities Commissio~ P.O. Box 83720, Boise, ID. 83720 -1-800-432-0369. Termination of service in no way relieves you of your obligation to pay for all services provided prior to termination. • There will be a ($18.50/30 days or less and $65/31 days or more) additional charge for restoration of service. StoneRidge Utilities will assist you in making arrangements that do not require immediate payment in full if you contact us at (208) 437-3148 ext. 4 Sincerely, Teresa Zamora. Utility Administrator Case# SWS-W-24-01-stoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request Exhibit c Final Notice of Intent to Terminate Service Company Response 9/12/2024 Date: Customer: Acct.#: Service Address~ FINAL NOTICE DELINQUENT WATER BILL ~/ $TONE RIDGE ---~---- StoneRidge Utilities P.O. Box298 . _ Blanchard, ID 83804 (208) 437-3148 You are hereby notified that you are delinquent in the payment of charges for water service provided by StoneRidge Utilities. Our records indicate that the balance of your account now stands at L.. In accordance with IDAPA 31.21.01, Rule 304 &30S (attached), if this balance is not paid or if payment· arrangements are not made by the __ of _ __,, your WATER SERVICE WILL BE DISCONNECTED WITHIN 24 HOURS . To avoid termination, please make payment in full or contact us at (208) 437-3148 Ext. 4 to make arran gements for paym ent. Termination may be delayed by: 1.) Providing a physician's certificate to the existence of a medical emergency. 2.) An informal or formal complaint concerning termination may be filed with the utility or the Commission. Service will not be terminated on the ground relating to the dispute between the customer and the utility before resolution of the complaint Idaho Public Utilities Commission, P.O. Box 83720, Boise, ID. 83720-1-800-432-0369. Tennination of service in no way relieves you of your obligation to pay for all services prior to termination. There will be a ($18.50/30 days or less and $65/31 days or more} additional charge for restoration of service. StoneRidge Utilities will assist you in making arrangements that do not require immediate payment in full if you contact us at (208) 437-3148. Sincerelyt Teresa Zamora, Utility Administrator Case # SWS-W-24-01-stoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request REQUEST NO 96: Please provide samples of current monthly billing statements sent to customers who have: a. No past due balance; and b. A past due balance. Answer: a. See Exhibit D No Past Due balance statement. b. See Exhibit E A past Due balance statement. Company Response 9/12/2024 Case# SWS-W-24-01-stoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request Exhibit D No Past Due balance statement Company Response 9/12/2024 STONERIDGE UTILITIES. LLC PO BOX 298 BLANCHARD, ID 83804 208-437-3148 06/30/24 prv:1303 cur:1306 usg:3000 WTR 2.37 HV SURCHRGE #461.1.3 SVC 14 .03 WATER -3/4" BASE 461.1.1 WTR 24 .00 PREV CURR NET LATE ~ 41 .19 40.40 BILLED ON UEON L EON SVC ADDR: 17'96--81..A.NAl-ntFID ELK RO . 07/01/24 07/17/24 I 07/18/24 Your account is 30 days Past Due . Please remit payment STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC PO BOX298 BLANCHARD, ID 83804 208-437-3148 prv:424 cur:428 usg:4000 WTR 3.16 WATER -3/4" BASE 461.1.1 WTR 24.00 PREV CURR 27 .16 08/01/24 NET 27.16 08/17/24 ,___~_:r_E_,L.._-.,.J .6,..,__ ___ _,___,.l6l18.L24 SVC AODR: 176C COLUMBIA Please make payments by mail, online or Drop box. RETURN THIS STUB WITH PAY~~~ I PREVIOUS 8At.ANCE 1$ NOT PAID BY DATE OU F,. SERV IC!.: MAY BE DISCONN ECTED. R l:COl':N ECT F!:ES MAY BE RECUIRED f'OR RESTORATION CF Sl:RV ICE. OFFIC HOURS OAM,2?M M-TH BY POI TM T N!.Y 208,.<:37-3 1•8 ACCOUNT DUE DATE AMOUNT 20-01660-00 07/17/24 81.59 Pay Or.line • stoneridgeutilitle s govlportaLcom Pay By Phone -(208) 481-8426 RETURN THIS STUB WITH PAYMENT IF PR EVIOUS BALANCE IS NOT PAID BY DATE oue. SERVICE MAY BE DISCONN ECTED. RECONNECT FE.ES MAY OE REQIJIR EO FOR RESTORATION OF SERVICE . OFFI CE HOURS 9AM-?.PM M-lH BY /l<'POINTMl"NT ON Y 208-,137 -3 148. ACCOUNT 06-03070-00 DUE DATE 08/17/24 AMOUNT 27.16 Pay Online -stoneridgeutilities.gov1p0rta l.com Pay By Phone • (208) <:81 -8426 Case# SWS-W-24-01-stoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request Exhibit E A past Due balance statement Company Response 9/12/2024 STONERIDGE UTILITIES. LLC PO BOX 298 BLANCHARD, ID 83804 208-437-3148 I ACCOUNT SERVICE -FROM l TO I 20-01660, 00 06(Q1 ll1-06130124 OESCRIPl IQ/II OJ-CHABGLS [ prv:1303 cur:1306 usg:3000 WTR HV SURCHRGE #461.1.3 SVC 1 WA7_1:·· BASE ,.1.1.1 WTR C ~R .......... _~---r-DON I I N EON I LATE . EON SVC ADOR' 1 · i) ELK RO. 2.37 14.03 1 24.00 07/01/24 1 07/17/24 07/18/24 Your accour.t is 30 days Past Due . Please remit payment STONERIOGE UTILITIES, LLC PO BOX 298 BLANCHARD , ID 83804 208-437-3148 ACCOUNT FROM 1-TO I SERVICE 06.-,030Z0 -OO 07/01/24 07/31/24 llESCRll~DON OF_C1,18RGES prv:424 cur :428 usg :4000 WTR 3.16 WATER -3/4 " BASE 461 .1 1 WTR 24.00 PREV CURR NET LATE 2716 2716 BILLED ON DUE ON LATE ON SVC AODR : 176C COLUMBIA 08/01/24 08/17/24 08/18/24 Please make payments by mail , online or Drop box. RETURN THIS STUB WITH PAYM&l r I~ l'fiEVIOU::. 9.ALA/IICE: ,s N01 PA•O nv OAH. DliF. Sl-f~Vl(;t, '-'IW nE OISCONNf:CTED 1~1:r.,111:NIX f F'l FS MJ\'( At: RCC!JIRED roR flES!ORAl:ON (;f ~EPVl<:E Or!'ICF HOl1R:, '-11M-2i'M M•TH llV /\1'r>QINlMLNI (JN~Y ~31,31.19 ACCOUNT 1 • 20-01660-00 DUE DATE I 07/17/24 AMOUNT 81 59 Pay Or.line -'ilone1•d<Jm,tll1llos govt1l01till ,;gr!' Pay By Phone -(208) 481-8426 RETURN THIS STUB WITH PAYMEN IF l'Rl:VIOIJS 8AlAN(:t: IS NOT f'AID DV 011,F. 01 IE, SERVICE ~y iciF OIS(:ONNlC TEO RF.CONNECT FCES MAY 8[ Rl:OU!RCO l ·OR l~!cSTOQATION or Sl:8VICE OrFICF , ,ouns <lllM-2fJM M-TH BY Af>l'O INJMfNT. ()NlY ?.OR-,13l 311.8 I ACCOUNT 06-03070-00 DUE DATE 0_8/17/24 ' AMOUNT 27 .16 Pay Online -stonerid9e11lil!lie,; govtriorta l .com Pay By Phone • (7.08) -:a1-1M?.O Case# SWS-W-24-01-StoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request REQUEST NO 97: Does the Company intend to revise its billing statement? If so, please provide a samples of proposed monthly statements for customers who have: a. No past due balance; and b. A past due balance. Answer: No, the company does not intend to revise its billing statements. Company Response 9/12/2024 Case # SWS-W-24-01-stoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request REQUEST NO 98: Please explain if bills will be estimated for months in which the Company is unable to read meters. If estimated, please explain how these estimated charges will be reconciled and displayed in subsequent bills based on actual usage. Please provide formulas and sample calculations. If not, please provide an example of the first spring statement after the meters are read. UCRR 203. Answer: We do not estimate any bills, we only use actual meter usage to create bills. We do not read any customer meters Nov-March. So, all statements during that period do not show any commodity usage/charges. We may change this process to reading year-round once we switch over to remote cellular read meters for afl residential customers. We intend to switch over all larger commercial accounts to cellular read meters at the earl i est opportunity. The first spring statement is no different than any other statement. It shows the minimum monthly charge for the meter and the gallons used and the related commodity charges for that usage-since the meters were not read for 4 months, the usage will typically be higher than the average monthly usage during the same time of the year. Company Response 9/12/2024 Case# SWS-W-24-O1-stoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request REQUEST NO 99: Does the Company offer customers a pre-printed form for the medical emergency certificate? If so, please provide a copy of the form. UCRR 308 Answer: No, we do not have a pre-printed form. But we provide customer with a copy of 303 rules/right when they are delinquent. Company Response 9/12/2024 Case# SWS-W-24-01-stoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request REQUEST NO 100: Please provide a copy of the Summary of Rules provided to customers. Please explanation how and when it is sent. UCRR 700.01.a Answer: It is sent annually in early spring. See Exhibit F Form SRU W#400. Company Response 9/12/2024 Case# SWS-W-24-01-stoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request Exhibit F Su mmary of Rules Company Response 9/12/2024 Page 1 of3 StoneRidge Water Company P.O. Box 298, Blanchard, ID 83804 Phone: (208) 437-3148 extn. 4 Summary of Rules To Our Water Customers: This is a summary of the rules for service for all Stoneridge Water Company customers as determined by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC), These rules cover the rights and responsibilities of the Customer and the Utility. Please review the new approved rate schedule under "Notification and Billing." If you have any questions concerning this information, please contact us or you can directly contact the IPUC, P.O. Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0074, 1-800-432-0369, TERMINATfO WlTH PRlOR NOTICE With proper customer notice Stoneridge Water Company may deny or terminate water service for one of the following reasons: 1. Non-payment of a past due bill or payment of a past due bill with an NSF check. 2. Failure to honor the terms of a payment arrangement. 3. Obtaining service by false identity. 4. Refusing to allow access to the water meter shut-off valve. 5. Willfully wasting service through improper equipment or otherwise. 6. Failure to apply for service. TERMlNATl N W1THOUT PRIOR NOTICE Stoneridge Water Company may deny or tenninate water service without notice for one of the following reasons: 1. A situation exists that is immediately dangerous to life, physical safety or property. 2. To prevent a violation of federal, state or local safety or health codes. 3. Service is obtained, diverted or used without the authorization of Stoneridge Water Company. 4. Stoneridge Water Company has diligently attempted to notify you of tennination and has been unable to contact you. 5. If ordered by any court, The Commission or any other duly authorized public authority. G \\srs I \Utilities\A Document DirectOr)'\0 Application water & Sewer\Utility Packet Document Templates\SRU Water Summary Rules 5_17_2022.doc Rev. 3/30/23 Form SRU W #400 Page 2 of3 1. Meters will be read on the 4th week of each month (weather providing). Bills will be sent out by the 5th with payment due by the 17 th of each month. The basic monthly fee is detennined by meter size and is as follows: a.) 0.75" -$24.00 per month; 1.00" -$24.00 per month; 1.50" -$96.00 per month; 2.00" -$170.67 per month; 2.50" -$266.67 per month; 3 .00" - $384.00 per month; 4.00" -$682.67 per month; and 6.00" -$1,536.00 per month. The commodity charge is $0.79/1,000 gallons, with the exception of the Golf Course whose charge is $0. 71/1,000 gallons. This reflects a 10% discount because of its interruptible, off-peak usage capabilities. b.) In addition, Happy Valley Ranchos Water Customers and other customers connected to that part of the water system shall pay a surcharge of $14.03 per month for loan costs. 2. A billing will be considered past due (60) days after the billing date. A written Initial Notice must be mailed at least (7) seven days before the proposed tennination date. A \Vritten Final Notice will be mailed on the expiration date of the Initial Notice. There will be a Grace Period of (7) seven days after the Final Notice has been mailed. 3. At least (24) twenty-four hours before the service is tenninated a notice will be left at the property advising you of the steps needed to have services restored. 4. When the (24) twenty-four-hour period has ended another attempt will be made to contact you in person or by telephone before service is terminated. 5. Only a (24) twenty-four-hour notice is required if you do not make an initial payment according to the payment arrangement or the initial payment is not honored by the bank. • PAYMENT ARRA GEMENTS AND PEClAL CIRCUMST A CES If you cannot pay your billing in full or you receive a notice of termination, please call our office at (208) 437-3148 extn 4. Payment arrangements can be made to avoid termination of service. If you cannot pay your bill and a member of your household is seriously ill or there is a medical emergency, Stoneridge Water Company will postpone tennination of service for (30) thirty days. A written certification is required from a licensed physician or public health official stating the name of the person who is ill, and the name, title and signature of the person certifying the serious illness or medical emergency. COMPLAINT PROCEDURES If at any time you have a complaint concerning the termination of service, policies and practices or any other matter regarding our service please contact Stoneridge Water Company, by telephone or in writing. Your complaint will be investigated promptly and thoroughly. You will be notified verbally or in writing the results of the investigation and we will make every effort to resolve the complaint. If you are dissatisfied with the proposed resolution of your complaint, you may ask the !PUC to review the matter. Your request may be done verbally or in writing. \\srs 1\Utilities\A Document Directory\0 Application water & Sewer\Utility Packet Document Templates\SRU Water Summary Rules 5 _l 7 _2022.doc Rev. 3/30/23 Form SRU W #400 l'ag~ J ut'J Your servke \\ ill not he disconncctl'd v.:hik the complaint is bt!ing in\'estigatcd h:, the util itj or the IPllC. RE .. Ui! 'TON OF T ERMl _. TIO . OF_S ERVKE Scrvke wi 11 not be discon ncctcd on l· riday attcr 12 :00 noon or on a Saturda}. S unduy. l .c~rnl Holidays recognized by the state of Idaho. nr ;il'ter 12:00 1111011 on any day lmmcdhuely before nn,:, l~g"l holidtl)', S.,;l'vi-.:..: ,viii onh h~ t~nnimltt:d h~l'-H.:t:11 th1: hour-; uf 8:00am and 4:00pm. The employee sent to the prcmisei.'tu terminat,.; scr\ici.! will idcntify himscl fihcr-.d 1· IP you and state the purpose of the visit. Thi:-; person is authPrized to m:cept payment in lull. HOOK -·p The i;;ompuny reserves the right to deny hook-ups during th,· \\"inter months due tu adverse wer1ther conditions. New hook-ups will be schedukd as sonn as \Veather conditiuns permit. HOO~-l."P CHARGES A , 1D M01 Tl ti. Y FI\FS '.'~ on e-time houk-~1p chargt: ~ir' ~ wi.11 be paid in advm~c~ for all_). new ser\:icc ho ok -up, 1 he extra co sts ot any Olll-0Hh1:~ rdinn ry cm:um s tances rcqurnng ad .lu1onal c4u1pme n1 ~>r special constt·uction techniques involved in the installation of a ne\l,: service connection will bi: agreed to in advance and put into writing h> the customer and the company. Only one rcsiden.::e p~r hook-up is nllowcd, Any irrigation usage will now he mdercd. The monthly rate is as appi:ars on Page One under "Notification and Biliing''. Pay mcnt is Jue by tbt l Jill of the month. bills will be considered delinquent by the 30'h of the month. i\rrnngemcnts ctrn he made to pu~ in advance monthly. quarterly, semi-annually or annual!). REC ) NEC TrO N FEE ff water s~rvke ls terminated, the ha lance in foll. plus a reconnt!ct foe of $18 50 ( during office hours) or $33.50 (after hours) is due if rcconne~t1on is done within JO-days. After 30-duys the re-connect fee is as folhw,s; 0.75 1.00 I.SO 2.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 6.00 RECONNECT FEE AFTER 30-DA YS: 565.00 $65.00 $260.00 $462.00 $722.00 $1,040.00 $1,849.00 S4, t 60.00 NQ ONE EXCEPT AN AtJTHORIZED AGENT Of THf. 'OMPA~Y :HALL TAMPF.R WITH COMPA'.'l\'1S LOCK l ~G VALVE AND MF.TFR 's1·sl l'tilitic~'.\ l>ocL1mc11t Dire;.:tor~·Cl Application \\liter& -..~,\cr l "tilir:, l'nch,t:t l)uLll!l1Cllt Tcmplnti:s\SRt • Watel' Sumniur~ RLil~·, 5 17 2022.dix l'nrm SIU'\\" t~400 Case# SWS-W-24-01-stoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request REQUEST NO 101: Please provide a copy of the Summary of Rules provided to customers. Please explanation how and when it is sent. UCRR 700.01.a Answer: It is sent annually in early spring. See Exhibit F Form SRU W#400. Company Response 9/12/2024 Case# SWS-W-24-01-stoneRidge Water Company General Rate Case 9th Production Request Exhibit G Summary of Rules Company Response 9/12/2024 Paget of 3 To Our Water Customers: StoneRidge Water Company P.O. Box 298, Blanchard, ID 83804 Phone: (208) 437-3148 extn. 4 Summary of Rules This is a summary of the rules for service for all Stoneridge Water Company customers as determined by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC). These rules cover the rights and responsibilities of the Customer and the Utility. Please review the new approved rate schedule under "Notification and Billing." If you have any questions concerning this information, please contact us or you can directly contact the IPUC, P.O. Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0074, 1-800-432-0369, TERM INA TIO WITH PRIOR NOTICE With proper customer notice Stoneridge Water Company may deny or terminate water service for one of the following reasons: 1. Non-payment of a past due bill or payment of a past due bill with an NSF check. 2. Failure to honor the terms of a payment arrangement. 3. Obtaining service by false identity. 4. Refusing to allow access to the water meter shut-off valve. 5. Willfully wasting service through improper equipment or otherwise. 6. Failure to apply for service. TERMINATION WlTH OUT PRI OR OTICE Stoneridge Water Company may deny or terminate water service without notice for one of the following reasons: 1. A situation exists that is immediately dangerous to life, physical safety or property. 2. To prevent a violation of federal, state or local safety or health codes. 3. Service is obtained, diverted or used without the authorization of Stoneridge Water Company. 4. Stoneridge Water Company has diligently attempted to notify you of tetmination and has been unable to contact you. 5. If ordered by any comi, The Commission or any other duly authorized public authority. A TION AND BILLIN G \\srsl\Utilities\A Document Directory\O Application water & Sewer\Utility Packet Document Templates\SRU Water Summary Rules 5_17 _2022.doc Rev. 3/30/23 Fonn SRU W #400 Page 2 of3 1. Meters ~ill be read on the 4th week of each month (weather providing). Bills will be sent out by the 5th with payment due by the 17 th of each month. The basic monthly fee is determined by meter size and is as follows: a.) 0.75" -$24.00 per month; 1.00" -$24.00 per month; 1.50" -$96.00 per month; 2.00" -$170.67 per month; 2.50" -$266.67 per month; 3.00" - $384.00 per month; 4.00" -$682.67 per month; and 6.00" -$1,536.00 per month. The commodity charge is $0.79/1,000 gallons, with the exception of the Golf Course whose charge is $0.71/1,000 gallons. This reflects a 10% discount because of its interruptible, off.-peak usage capabilities. b.) In addition, Happy Valley Ranchos Water Customers and other customers connected to that part of the water system shall pay a surcharge of $14.03 per month for loan costs. 2. A billing will be considered past due (60) days after the billing date. A written Initial Notice must be mailed at least (7) seven days before the proposed termination date. A ,vritten Final Notice will be mailed on the expiration date of the Initial Notice. There will be a Grace Period of (7) seven days after the Final Notice has been mailed. 3. At least (24) twenty-four hours before the service is terminated a notice will be left at the property advising you of the steps needed to have services restored. 4. When the (24) twenty-four-hour period has ended another attempt will be made to contact you in person or by telephone before service is terminated. 5. Only a (24) twenty-four-hour notice is required if you do not make an initial payment according to the payment arrangement or the initial payment is not honored by the bank. • PAYMENT RRANGEMENTS ND SPECIAL CIRCUMSTA CES [f you cannot pay your billing in full or you receive a notice of termination, please call our office at (208) 43 7-3148 extn 4. Payment arrangements can be made to avoid termination of service. If you cannot pay your bill and a member of your household is seriously ill or there is a medical emergency, Stoneridge Water Company will postpone termination of service for (30) thirty days. A written certification is required from a licensed physician or public health official stating the name of the person who is ill, and the name, title and signature of the person certifying the serious illness or medical emergency. COMPLAINT PROCEDURES If at any time you have a complaint concerning the termination of service, policies and practices or any other matter regarding our service please contact Stoneridge Water Company, by telephone or in wTiting. Your complaint will be investigated promptly and thoroughly. You will be notified verbally or in writing the results of the investigation and we will make every effort to resolve the complaint. If you are dissatisfied with the proposed resolution of your complaint, you may ask the IPUC to review the matter. Your request may be done verbally or in writing. \\srs 1\Utilities\A Document Directory\O Application water & Sewer\Utility Packet Document Templates\SRU Water Summary Rules 5_17 _ _2022.doc Rev. 3/30123 Form SRlJ W #400 Page J ut'J Your servke \.\ill nt,t he discotmcch:d whil~ the cnmplaint is bt:ing investigati:d h:, the utiiitj rit· the IPlJC ,R ES TRI CTlON OFT RMI . TI Q,._,Qf_SERV CI;. Sen.kc will not be disconnected on Friday after\ 2:00 noon or on a Saturda:,. Suntl.,ty, L~gal Holidays recognized by the state ot' Idaho. m after 12 00 1111011 on any day immt;)d\utely before nn;· l~gal holiduy, ~~t·vi.;--: ,Yill onl) he ti:nninati:d h1:L,~r.:c11 tht: hours; ul' 8:00um ,md 4:00pm. The employee sent to the premises tu ti;rminate ser\icc will identify himsclf!h~rsdftn ~ou and state the purpose of the visit. This person is authodzetl to m:cept payment in t\tll. HOOK -·p The company reserves thc right to deny hook•urs during th~· winter munths due tti adverse \\emher conditions. New hook-ups \\tll be seheduk<l as snon a:, weather conditi~ins permit. H(,)O~-l'P CHARG ES , ND IONTHLY FEFS A one-time hook-up charge of $~ will be paid in adnmce for any 11t:\\ sicrvici: hook-up. ____ _ The extra costs of any out-of .. t11e-ordinary cin;urnstances requiring additional e4uipment ur sped al construction techniques involved in the installation of n ne\v service i.:onne1:tion will be agreed to in advance and put into 1,,witing h) the customer and the company. Only one residence per hook-up is allowed. Any irrigation usag~ \, ill now ht· rnt~tered. The 111onthly .rate is as appears on Page One under '"Notification and B(lling". Puyment is due by the l 7':1 of the month. bills will be considered delinquent by the 30 th of the month. Ammgements cun be made to pa~ in advance monthly. quarterly, semi-annually or annually. RECO ff water service is terminated. the balan<.:e in foll. plus a reconnect foe of$ l 8 50 ( during office hours) or $33.50 (after hours) is dut lt' n:connection is done within 30-days. After 30-days the re-connect fee is as follo\.\s: METER SIZE: 0.75 1.00 I.SO 2.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 6.00 RECONSECT FEE AFTER 30-DA YS: $65,00 $65.00 $260.00 $462.00 $722.00 St.040.00 $1,849.00 ~4, 160.00 NO ONF. EXCEPT AN AliTHORIZED Ala:NT OF THF. COMPANY SH LL 'JA:\•IPER \.VITH COMPA~Y'S LOCKl~G "AL\'E A'.'iO METF'.R. sr~! l. tilitic:.•.\ l>ocunh:1H DirectoryO Applicaiion \\titer & ",,m..:r l 'tilit:, Pnvk\!t Dnl..'.ument Ternplntes\'-iRt • Water Summat'} RLilc•;:,. 17 202.~.d,1..: