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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240909IPC to Staff . 96(d) _ Attachment 1_ Water Quality Certification.pdf ��IQAHO POWER. An IOACORP Company Evaluation of Upstream Andrew Knight Phosphorus Reductions Biologist Brian Hoelscher Riverside Operational Water-Quality Senior Biologist Improvement Project Reasonable Assurance Hells Canyon Complex, FERC Project No. 1971 February 2018 2018 Idaho Power Idaho Power Company Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance TABLE OF CONTENTS Tableof Contents............................................................................................................................. i Listof Tables ................................................................................................................................... i Listof Figures................................................................................................................................. ii 1. Introduction................................................................................................................................1 2. Evaluation of Upstream Phosphorus Reductions.......................................................................2 2.1. Grand View Sediment Reduction Program.......................................................................2 2.1.1. Drain and Tributary Phosphorus Loading................................................................2 2.1.2. Surface Irrigation Soil Loss Model Development, Verification, and Use for Evaluating Phosphorus Reductions....................................................................3 Total Suspended Solids...................................................................................3 Total Phosphorus.............................................................................................4 2.2. Aquatic Vegetation and Debris Removal..........................................................................5 3. Downstream Transport of Phosphorus.......................................................................................5 4. Translating Phosphorus to Oxygen............................................................................................8 5. Additional Benefits of Upstream Phosphorus Reductions.........................................................8 6. Conclusions................................................................................................................................9 7. Literature Cited..........................................................................................................................9 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 2013 drain and tributary load summary. Summary limited to drains and tributaries located on the south-side of the Snake River identified for inclusion in the Grand View Sediment Reduction Program. Loads were calculated using data collected from April 17, 2013, to October 17, 2013, and represent daily and seasonal loads for a typical 183- daygrowing season.....................................................................................................................12 Table 2 Summary of sediment annual load estimates derived from measured data and produced by the SISL model from full implementation of the Grand View Sediment Reduction Program.......................................................................................................................................13 FERC Project No. 1971 Page i Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance Idaho Power Company Table 3 Number of truckloads of aquatic vegetation and debris removed at the Swan Falls project annually between April 15 and October 15 and the resulting TP removed from theSnake River...........................................................................................................................13 Table 4 Snake River TP samples collected, mean, standard deviation, and median concentration from 2003 to 2006 at Swan Falls Reservoir inflow (Inflow), Swan Falls Reservoir outflow (Outflow), Celebration Park. .........................................................................................14 Table 5 TP, DO, and organic matter(OM) stoichiometric ratios. ...........................................................14 Table 6 IPC DO load allocation per SR—HC TMDL, with conversion to TP equivalent using stoichiometric ratios proposed by IPC. TP load reduction with OM and DO equivalents resulting from the Grand View Sediment Reduction Program and Swan Falls project. ............15 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Grand View Sediment Reduction Program area map.................................................................16 Figure 2 TP and TSS regression analysis for south-side drains and tributaries. Analysis indicates there are 1.56 lbs of phosphorus per ton of TSS.........................................................................17 Figure 3 Sampling location map. From left to right, sampling locations are at Celebration Park (river mile [RM] 447.6), Swan Falls Reservoir outflow (RM 457.6), and Swan Falls Reservoir inflow(RM 472.0)......................................................................................................18 Figure 4 Snake River TP concentrations at Swan Falls Reservoir inflow (river mile [RM] 472.0), Swan Falls Reservoir outflow(RM 457.6), and Celebration Park(RM 447.6). ........................19 Figure 5 Monthly 2005 total, orthophosphorus, and particulate phosphorus loads. Note: Estimated phosphorus loads from drains and tributaries are not included in plots (Naymik and Hoovestol 2008)....................................................................................................20 Figure 6 Monthly 2006 total, orthophosphorus, and particulate phosphorus loads. Note: Estimated annual TP loads from drains and tributaries are not included in these plots (Naymik and Hoovestol 2008)....................................................................................................21 Page ii FERC Project No. 1971 Idaho Power Company Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance Figure 7 2005 and 2006 streamflow below C.J. Strike Reservoir.............................................................22 Figure 8 1912 through 2017 Snake River near Murphy, Idaho, period of record(POR) average annual flow exceedance curve. Streamflow percent exceedance for 2003 through 2006 averageannual flows...................................................................................................................23 FERC Project No. 1971 Page iii Idaho Power Company Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance 1 . INTRODUCTION The Snake River—Hells Canyon total maximum daily load(SR—HC TMDL) assigned Idaho Power Company(IPC) a dissolved oxygen (DO) load allocation of 1,125 tons per year to the transition zone and metalimnion of Brownlee Reservoir(IDEQ and ODEQ 2004). The Brownlee Reservoir annual DO load allocation, as stated in the SR—HC TMDL is as follows: The dissolved oxygen allocation requires the addition of 1,125 tons of oxygen (1.02 x 106 kg) into the metalimnion and transition zone of Brownlee Reservoir (approximately 17.3 tons/day(15,727 kg/day)). The SR—HC TMDL specifically allows IPC to use total phosphorus (TP) and organic matter reductions to satisfy the DO load allocation. As stated in the SR—HC TMDL, the use of equivalent reductions for meeting the DO load allocation is described as follows: This load allocation does not require direct oxygenation of the metalimnetic and transition zone waters. It can be accomplished through equivalent reductions in total phosphorus or organic matter upstream, or other appropriate mechanism that can be shown to result in the required improvement of dissolved oxygen in the metalimnion and transition zones to the extent required. The Riverside Operational Water-Quality Improvement Project(ROWQIP), as described in Section 7.2.1. of the Hells Canyon Complex (HCC) Clean Water Act of 1972 (CWA) § 401 certification application(IPC 2017), hereafter referred to as the HCC § 401 application, is the mechanism proposed to meet IPC's 1,125 tons per year DO load allocation assigned to the transition zone and metalimnion of Brownlee Reservoir. Early implementation of the ROWQIP began in 2010, and the project has since demonstrated the ability to meet IPC's DO load allocation annually through a proposed phosphorus-reduction equivalency of 15,000 pounds (lbs). IPC is proposing the Grand View Sediment Reduction Program and removal of aquatic vegetation and debris at the Swan Falls hydroelectric project(Swan Falls project) as reasonable assurance for the ROWQIP. Sediment caused by the erosion of Idaho's croplands is the greatest nonpoint source pollutant to Idaho's surface waters (Mahler et al. 2003). Erosion of sediments ftom cropland and deposition of these sediments in the Snake River is a root cause of degradation. Sediment deposition in Snake River substrate prevents oxygen exchange between the water column and the interstitial substrate environment, provides a medium for macrophyte establishment, and reduces hyporheic exchange (Groves and Chandler 2005). Channel aggradation is exacerbated by sediment. Cropland erosion also results in phosphorus loading to the Snake River. Furrow-irrigated agriculture is known to cause considerable amounts of cropland erosion. The Grand View Sediment Reduction Program is an IPC incentive program offered to growers near Grand View, Idaho, to convert from furrow to pressurized irrigation. The benefit is improved upland soil retention and, therefore, less sediment erosion to the Snake River. IPC removes aquatic vegetation and debris from the Snake River at the Swan Falls project. Material is disposed of in a location where it cannot return to the river. Removal of this material FERC Project No. 1971 Page 1 Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance Idaho Power Company results in downstream decreases in floating or submerged organic matter, excess nutrients, and oxygen-demanding material. The Grand View Sediment Reduction Program is not proposed in the HCC § 401 application (IPC 2017) as a measure to address a SR-HC TMDL load allocation nor is removal of aquatic vegetation and debris at the Swan Falls project a compliance measure for certification. Further, these activities were initiated after EPA approval of the SR HC TMDL, therefore, associated phosphorus reductions represents improvements toward SR-HC TMDL targets. This allows IPC to use their benefits toward reasonable assurance of measures proposed in the HCC § 401 application. Specifically, phosphorus and organic matter reductions resulting from the Grand View Sediment Reduction Program and aquatic vegetation and debris removal will be used to provide reasonable assurance for meeting IPC's SR-HC TMDL DO load allocation. 2. EVALUATION OF UPSTREAM PHOSPHORUS REDUCTIONS 2.1 . Grand View Sediment Reduction Program The Grand View Sediment Reduction Program targets furrow-irrigated lands located within the Grand View Irrigation District (Figure 1). Research projects were initiated in 2015 and have been completed on 14 projects totaling over 1,700 acres. Full implementation is expected to occur within 10 years of HCC license issuance. 2.1.1. Drain and Tributary Phosphorus Loading In 2013, IPC conducted a study to quantify pollutant loads contributed by drains and tributaries to the Snake River in southwest Idaho near Grand View (Knight 2014). The study documented and sampled 27 drains and tributaries between the C.J. Strike Reservoir outflow and near the inflow to Swan Falls Reservoir. The Grand View Sediment Reduction Program has specifically identified furrow-irrigated lands located on the south side of the Snake River for program inclusion. For this evaluation, drain and tributary data obtained from the 2013 study were limited to the program area. The study was conducted between March 27 and October 30, 2013. For purposes of this analysis, data were limited to those collected between April 17 and October 17, 2013. This period is analogous to the April 15 to October 15, 183-day typical growing season as described in the ROWQIP. Pollutant load estimates indicated drains and tributaries targeted for inclusion in the Grand View Sediment Reduction Program cumulatively contributed average TP and total suspended solids (TSS) loads of 95 and 70,946 lbs per day, respectively(Table 1). When extrapolated over a 183- day typical growing season, the resulting TP and TSS loads contributed 17,374 and 12,983,101 lbs per year, respectively. Page 2 FERC Project No. 1971 Idaho Power Company Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance 2.1.2. Surface Irrigation Soil Loss Model Development, Verification, and Use for Evaluating Phosphorus Reductions The Surface Irrigation Soil Loss (SISL)model, a version of the Universal Soil Loss Equation, was developed by the Idaho National Resources Conservation Service (MRCS) to estimate irrigation-induced soil loss (i.e., sediment) from furrow-irrigated fields. The model was developed using data from southern Idaho and is used by Idaho NRCS to assess benefits of conservation practices (MRCS 2003). Bjorneberg et al. (2007) evaluated the performance of the SISL model and reported the model predicted the relative effects of conservation practices reasonably well; however, the absolute differences between measured and predicted soil loss were sometimes large and biased toward underprediction of measured soil loss. This suggests that any error in modeled loads would likely result in conservative load reduction estimates. With reasonable performance demonstrated in southern Idaho, IPC, in consultation with The Freshwater Trust, selected the SISL model to evaluate sediment reductions to the Snake River resulting from the Grand View Sediment Reduction Program. Modeling included only furrow- irrigated acres, as observed from satellite imagery, for potential conversion to pressurized irrigation. All furrow-irrigated fields were mapped and delineated with publicly available data on soils, slope, crop data, and irrigation practices. Crop data from 2005 to 2014 (excluding 2006) were used to populate the SISL model. IPC believes the 9 years of crop data represents typical rotations and, therefore, represents average annual sediment loss. The SISL model does not represent a growing season duration, however, represents a defined number of crop category-specific flood irrigation events that occur in a growing season. Further, it was unknown whether specific fields were siphon or gated-pipe irrigated; therefore,both irrigation methods were modeled, and the average of the 2 was considered to represent the average annual sediment loss. Cumulative drain and tributary load estimates derived from measured data collected during the 2103 study were compared to program-wide SISL model sediment loss estimates to assess the feasibility of using model predictions to evaluate sediment reduction as implementation occurs. SISL is a soil-loss model. Data indicate TSS measured in south-side drains and tributaries is dominated by the inorganic (i.e., sediment) component. As such, TSS and sediment are considered analogous for purposes of this analysis. Total Suspended Solids Measured TSS data and SISL model sediment loss resulted in annual sediment loads of 12,983,101 and 21,474,000 lbs per year,respectively, for all south-side drains and tributaries combined(Table 2). The between-estimate discrepancy is expected, and much of the difference can likely be explained when the following factors are considered. • Not all drains and tributaries were sampled. Sampling was limited due to 1)the timing of sample events, 2) inaccessibility, and 3)private ownership. This resulted in a conservative estimate of TSS loads delivered to the river. • Measured-data load estimates were developed using samples collected at the point of inflow to the river; whereas the SISL model estimates sediment loss at the edge of the FERC Project No. 1971 Page 3 Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance Idaho Power Company field. Therefore, sediment stored between the edge of the field and the river was not captured in measured data. • Measured data represent finer-particle suspended sediment only. Therefore, larger- particle unsuspended sediment is not represented in measured data. Considering the factors above, it was determined the sediment loss estimate produced by the SISL model is a reasonable approximation of the sediment load delivered to the Snake River by drains and tributaries. The coarse validation of the modeled sediment load estimate supports the use of the SISL model for estimating load reductions resulting from the Grand View Sediment Reduction Program. Many factors (e.g., wetted radius, application rate, uniformity of application, sprinkler pressure, localized differences in field slope, application of erosion controls, such as polyacrylamide) contribute to determining if, or how much,runoff might occur under sprinkler irrigation (Klocke et al. 1996; Aase et al. 1998). Many of these are accounted for in the SISL model and sediment loss should be reduced to almost zero and be negligible when pressurized irrigation systems are used properly. Nevertheless, IPC applied an additional margin of safety to the model results. SISL model sediment loss estimates were reduced to 90%to address any concerns regarding the effectiveness of pressurized irrigation in reducing sediment loss (i.e., pressurized irrigation will reduce sediment loss by 90%). The resulting annual sediment load reduction estimate produced by the SISL model and adjusted to 90% is 19,326,600 lbs per year(Table 2). The goal of the Grand View Sediment Reduction Program is 80% conversion of furrow-irrigated acres to pressurized irrigation. This further reduces the annual sediment load reduction estimate produced by the SISL model to 15,461,280 lbs per year. Total Phosphorus Following an evaluation of SISL model sediment loss, results were converted to a TP load. Regression results for all south-side drains and tributaries combined indicated there are 1.56 lbs of TP associated with each ton of TSS (Figure 2). This calculated TP:TSS ratio (1.56 lbs:1 ton) falls within reported literature values that generally range from 0.8 lbs:I ton to 2.8 lbs:1 ton (NRCS 2015; Mullins 2009; Mahler et al. 1996). SISL model sediment loss was then converted to TP using the ratio described above. Measured data for all south-side drains and tributaries combined and SISL model predictions resulted in annual TP load estimates of 17,374 and 16,750 lbs per year, respectively. TP load estimates were very similar compared to the TSS estimates. Two factors that likely contribute to the relative difference between TSS and TP load estimates produced with measured data and the SISL model include the following: • The regression analysis indicates the TP:TSS ratio is considerably higher than 1.56 lbs TP:1 ton TSS, and that a few data points with considerably lower ratios skewed the regression equation to a lower ratio than what was observed in most of drains and tributaries (Figure 2). Page 4 FERC Project No. 1971 Idaho Power Company Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance • The TP:TSS ratio was likely higher in suspended sediments represented in the measured data relative to unsuspended sediment. The suspended fraction of the sediment load is generally represented by finer clays and silts with increased TP absorptive capacity relative to larger particles not represented in the measured data. The close agreement between measured data and modeled TP load estimates supports using the SISL model to evaluate TP load reductions resulting from the Grand View Sediment Reduction Program. Further, TP load estimates produced by the SISL model are less than those produced using measured data, which did not include data from all drains and tributaries in the modeled area, suggesting the SISL model may yield conservative estimates of load reductions resulting from the Grand View Sediment Reduction Program. The Grand View Sediment Reduction Program assumes a 90% efficiency and targets 80% of the furrow-irrigated lands for conversion to sprinklers. The potential Grand View Sediment Reduction Program annual TP load reduction is 12,060 lbs per year. 2.2. Aquatic Vegetation and Debris Removal IPC has been removing aquatic vegetation and debris that accumulates on the trash rake over the intake turbines at the Swan Falls project since October 2011. IPC proposed continued operation as part of the project final license application. Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEA) acknowledged the proposed action in the CWA § 401 certification for the project but did not make it a condition of the certification necessary to ensure compliance with Idaho water quality standards. Since IPC proposed continued operation as part of the license application, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission included the action in the license issued September 28, 2012. Article 404 requires IPC remove aquatic vegetation and debris that accumulates on the trash rake and dispose of the material in a location where it cannot return to the Snake River. IPC has removed 56-417 truckloads of material from the Snake River annually between April 15 and October 15 and disposed of the material in a location where it cannot return to the river (Table 3). IPC weighed 8 truckloads from June through September 2014 to estimate a wet weight of material removed from the river. The average truckload of material weighed 14,019 lbs. This material was then converted to TP using a value of 489.2 milligrams TP per kilogram of wet weight. This value is based on 2002-2003 laboratory results of TP concentrations measured in wet material collected upstream at IPC's Upper Salmon Falls `B"hydroelectric project. IPC estimates that annually 1,547 lbs TP is removed from the Snake River through aquatic vegetation and debris removal at the Swan Falls project. 3. DOWNSTREAM TRANSPORT OF PHOSPHORUS Snake River phosphorus data were reviewed to evaluate trends in TP transport through the river. The data were collected between 2003 and 2006 and describe conditions in the Snake River at Swan Falls Reservoir inflow, Swan Falls Reservoir outflow, and at Celebration Park(Figure 3). This river reach and locations were used to evaluate TP transport due to the following: • minimal sources of phosphorus to the reach; FERC Project No. 1971 Page 5 Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance Idaho Power Company • best available data applicable to the evaluation; and • represents TP transport in both Swan Falls Reservoir(14.5 miles) and a free-flowing section downstream (10 miles). Concentration data were analyzed to evaluate between-location differences. Mean TP concentrations from 2003 to 2006 varied between locations within a year(Table 4), however, median concentrations were not statistically different (P>0.050)when using a Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance on ranks. This test was used due to the non-normal distribution of data. The lack of statistical difference in median TP concentrations between upstream and downstream locations indicates TP is not being appreciably retained within a year either in Swan Falls Reservoir or in a riverine reach of the Snake River. The between location variability may be attributable to the following: • the timing and duration of sample collection, which may have been biased toward conditions of export; • sample collection at Swan Falls Reservoir inflow occurring in an unmixed location relative to upstream contributions; • in-reservoir load contributions from 2 minor tributary sources (Castle Creek and Sinker Creek); and • processes related to TP uptake and release by macrophytes and algae. USGS (2016) identifies 3 approaches to estimate reach-scale nutrient attenuation. Mass—balance is the preferred method when there are minimal surface and groundwater contributions within the evaluated reach. The mass—balance method of estimating nutrient attenuation does not consider adsorption,uptake, and remineralization processes. However,phosphorus is a conservative constituent that remains in the system regardless of phase. As such, results obtained using the mass—balance method can be used to describe TP transport within the evaluated reach. The intent of this evaluation is to generally describe TP attenuation, and how it is transported downstream to Brownlee Reservoir. Given that Snake River hydraulics are similar between the evaluated reach and Brownlee Reservoir, it is reasonable to suggest transport dynamics are similar as well. While load data indicate minimal, if any, long-term storage of TP occurs, some level of short-term storage and subsequent export is likely dictated by streamflow conditions. Naymik and Hoovestol (2008) reported that when Swan Falls Reservoir inflow and outflow loads were evaluated on an annual basis, TP was slightly retained in 2003 and 2004 (4% and 2%, respectively) with low streamflow. A small amount of export occurred in 2005 (6%)under conditions of slightly higher flows. Export was highest in 2006 (27%) and was associated with the highest annual flows among evaluated years. The export observed in 2006 may have been related to unaccounted for in-reservoir tributary loading resulting from rain and snowmelt events. Seasonal trends are discernible in plots of the data(Figure 4). These findings are generally consistent with those reported in the literature. Wetzel (2001) reported that in a stream dominated by particulate phosphorus, no annual net retention of phosphorus occurred, but transport dynamics included short periods of storage with export occurring during pulses in Page 6 FERC Project No. 1971 Idaho Power Company Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance streamflow. Similar findings representing differing stream types have been reported by others (Nyenje et al. 2014; Ensign et al. 2006). Naymik and Hoovestol (2008) evaluated monthly loads at both the Swan Falls Reservoir inflow and outflow locations using FLUX, a water-quality analysis software developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. FLUX Method 2 was used to generate interpolated daily phosphorus concentrations, and the average daily streamflow was applied to generate daily loads. Daily loads were summed to generate monthly phosphorus loads for 2005 (Figure 5) and 2006 (Figure 6). Seasonal pulses of export are evident in both years,with most of the export occurring between April and May. This period of export is associated with marked increases in streamflow(Figure 7). An additional description of seasonal phosphorus storage and export trends within Swan Falls Reservoir is provided by Naymik and Hoovestol (2008) as reported in the Swan Falls project license application (IPC 2008). Naymik and Hoovestol (2008) determined that pulses in streamflow were the primary mechanism by which phosphorus was transported from Swan Falls Reservoir. These findings, along with an independent analysis of data and a literature review, suggest the primary factor affecting Snake River TP transport dynamics is streamflow,where particulate phosphorus is deposited during low-flow conditions and exported during streamflow pulses. Myers et al. (1998) reported similar phosphorus transport dynamics in a free-flowing section of the Snake River between Swan Falls Dam and Brownlee Reservoir in 1995. They concluded that increased flows preceded by low-flow conditions resulted in mobilization and transport of sediments and associated phosphorus. Based on the period of record,Naymik and Hoovestol (2008)reported that flows measured below Swan Falls Reservoir(USGS gage#13172500) during their 2003- 2006 study were generally biased toward low flows, representing conditions when storage would be more likely to occur. Swan Falls Reservoir inflow and outflow loads reported by Naymik and Hoovestol (2008)were compared to 1912 through 2017 Snake River flows near Murphy, Idaho, to determine the occurrence frequency of flows that facilitate downstream transport of TP (Figure 8). In 2003 and 2004, when minimal storage occurred, average annual flows were in the 991h percentile of historically low flows, indicating that flows equal or greater to these occur 99% of the time. The small amount of downstream export that was observed in 2005 was associated with an average annual flow that is exceeded 93% of the time. This indicates that flows of required magnitude to facilitate downstream transport of TP are likely to occur in approximately 14 out 15 years. These findings support the concept that TP is functionally transported through the evaluated reach at about a 1:1 ratio on an annual basis even during low water years, when storage might otherwise be expected. Based on this analysis, and in the absence of water storage reservoirs between Swan Falls Reservoir and Brownlee Reservoir, it is reasonable to suggest similar transport dynamics exist within the extent of river between C. J. Strike Reservoir and the inflow to Brownlee Reservoir. Therefore, reductions in TP loading to the Snake River resulting from the Grand View Sediment Reduction Program and Swan Falls project aquatic vegetation and debris removal translate to reduced TP loading to, and reduced oxygen demand within, Brownlee Reservoir. FERC Project No. 1971 Page 7 Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance Idaho Power Company The growth, transport, and subsequent deposition and decay of organic material in Brownlee Reservoir are not limited to temporal periods identified in the SR-HC TMDL. If phosphorus reductions equivalent to 1,125 tons of DO occur within the May to September SR-HC TMDL critical period, the oxygen benefits would likely not be fully realized due to the deposition of organic material in the transition zone that occurs during periods outside the critical period. Therefore, it is logical that upstream nutrient reductions occurring outside this period would contribute to improved DO conditions within Brownlee Reservoir for the May to September critical period. 4. TRANSLATING PHOSPHORUS TO OXYGEN Phosphorus, oxygen, and organic matter can be related by inorganic stoichiometry, which varies in response to environmental conditions (Sterner and Elser 2002). IPC has proposed the use of stoichiometric ratios based on those reported in the literature and with consideration for what might typically apply within the Snake River and Brownlee Reservoir environments (Table 5). The proposed stoichiometry, as used to establish a TP-DO equivalency for the ROWQIP by Harrison et al. (2014), indicates a phosphorus reduction of approximately 15,000 lbs annually is needed for IPC to satisfy the assigned DO load allocation of 1,125 tons (Table 6). Additional support for the stoichiometric logic used to derive the TP-DO equivalent is provided in Exhibit 7.2-2 of the HCC §401 application(Harrison et al. 2014). As described in Section, the SISL model phosphorus load reduction estimate resulting from full implementation of the Grand View Sediment Reduction Program is 12,060 lbs per year. The phosphorus reduction from Swan Falls project aquatic vegetation and debris removal (Section 2.2.) is 1,547 lbs per year. Stoichiometric relationships indicate this cumulative level of TP reduction translates to an DO demand reduction of 1,021 tons per year within the transition zone and metalimnion of Brownlee Reservoir(Table 6). 5. ADDITIONAL BENEFITS OF UPSTREAM PHOSPHORUS REDUCTIONS IPC believes reducing TP loading to the Snake River addresses a core issue underlying DO demand and generally degraded water-quality conditions within the Snake River and Brownlee Reservoir rather than using direct aeration, or a similar reservoir-specific measure, to meet IPC's SR-HC TMDL DO load allocation within Brownlee Reservoir. Upstream TP reductions will not only contribute to improving in-reservoir DO conditions but will also provide in-river benefits that contribute to supporting beneficial uses. Improvements in water quality conditions are likely to include, but are not limited to, the following: • increased hyporheic exchange; • reduction of habitat that contributes to mercury methylation; • reduction of near-substrate anoxia; Page 8 FERC Project No. 1971 Idaho Power Company Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance • dampening of diel DO swings; and • reduced algal and aquatic plant growth. 6. CONCLUSIONS • TP reductions resulting from the Grand View Sediment Reduction Program and the Swan Falls project aquatic vegetation and debris removal would result in 13,607 lbs TP reductions annually from April 15 through October 15. • IPC has demonstrated minimal annual storage of TP within the Snake River indicating about a 1:1 ratio of TP transport in most years. IPC concludes that upstream phosphorus loads are functionally transported through the Snake River into Brownlee Reservoir. • IPC concludes that upstream phosphorus reductions achieved through implementation of the Grand View Sediment Reduction Program and the Swan Falls project aquatic vegetation and debris removal translates to reduced loading to, and reduced oxygen demand within Brownlee Reservoir. • These reductions would be equivalent to 1,021 tons of DO within the transition zone and metalimnion of Brownlee Reservoir. Therefore, the Grand View Sediment Reduction Program and Swan Falls project aquatic vegetation and debris removal provide reasonable assurance that IPC's DO load allocation within the transition zone and metalimnion of Brownlee Reservoir will be met. • Grand View Sediment Reduction Program research projects were initiated in 2015 and have been completed on 14 projects totaling over 1,700 acres. Full implementation is expected to occur within 10 years of HCC license issuance. IPC will continue to remove aquatic vegetation and debris at the Swan Falls project at least through 2042. 7. LITERATURE CITED Aase, J., D. Bjorneberg, and R. Sojka. 1998. Sprinkler irrigation runoff and erosion control with polyacrylamide—laboratory tests. Soil Science Society of American Journal 62(6). Madison, WI. Bjorneberg, D. L., C. J. Prestwich, and R. G. Evans. 2007. Evaluating the Surface Irrigation Soil Loss (SISL) model. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 23(4):485-491. Cole, T. M. and S. A. Wells. 2002 CE-QUAL-W2: A Two-Dimensional, Laterally Averaged, Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Model. Version 3.1. User Manual. Draft Instruction Report EL-02-1. U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. FERC Project No. 1971 Page 9 Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance Idaho Power Company Ensign, S. H., S. K. McMillan, S. P. Thompson, M. F. Piehler. 2006.Nitrogen and phosphorus attenuation within the stream network of a coastal, agricultural watershed. Journal of Environmental Quality 35:1237-1247. Groves, P. and J. Chandler. 2005. Habitat Quality of Historic Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon Spawning Locations and Implications for Incubation Survival. Part 2: Intra-Gravel Water Quality. River Research and Applications 21:469-483. Harrison, J., S. King, and S. Mooney. 2014. Technical memorandum—IPC equivalent seasonal phosphorus load reduction. In: Technical Appendices for New License Application: Hells Canyon Hydroelectric Complex. Technical Report E.7.2-2. [IDEQ and ODEQ] Idaho Department of Environmental Quality and Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. 2004. Snake River—Hells Canyon total maximum daily load (TMDL). Boise, ID, and Pendleton, OR: IDEQ Boise Regional Office and ODEQ Pendleton Office. 710 p., plus appendices. [IPC] Idaho Power Company. 2008. Swan Falls Project FERC No. 503 license application. Boise, ID: Idaho Power Company. 706 p. with exhibits. [IPC] Idaho Power Company. 2017. CWA Section 401 water-quality certification application. Hells Canyon Complex FERC No. 1971. Boise, ID: Idaho Power Company. Klocke,N. L., W. L. Kranz, C. D. Yonts, and K. Wertz. 1996. G96-1305 water runoff from sprinkler irrigation: A case study. Historical Materials from University of Nebraska— Lincoln Extension. Paper 1208. Knight, A. 2014. Evaluation of drain and tributary pollutant sources to the C.J. Strike—Swan Falls Reach, Snake River, Idaho. 2013 Study Summary. Boise, ID: Idaho Power Company. 62 p. Mahler, R., F. Bailery, S. Norris, and K. Loeffelman. 1996. BMP's for erosion control: Brochure WQ-27. University of Idaho Cooperative Extension.—karenl/wq/wgbr/wgbr27.html. Accessed on: December 18, 2017. Mahler, R., F. Bailery, S. Norris and K. Loeffelman. 2003. BMPs for Erosion Control: Brochure WQ-27. hqp:// Accessed on: October 23, 2012. Mullins, G. 2009. Phosphorus, agriculture and the environment. Virginia Cooperative Extension, 1-11. Myers, R., Parkinson, S., and Harrison, J. 1998. Tributary Nutrient Loadings to the Snake River, Swan Falls to Farewell Bend, March through October 1995. Idaho Power Company. Boise, ID. Technical Report AQ-98-HCC-01. 27 p. Page 10 FERC Project No. 1971 Idaho Power Company Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance Naymik, J., and C. Hoovestol. 2008. Descriptive water quality of the Swan Falls Project. Technical Report Appendix E.2.2-A. In: Swan Falls Project FERC No. 503 License Application. Boise, ID: Idaho Power Company. 64 p. with appendices. [NRCS] National Resources Conservation Service. 2003. Predicting irrigation induced soil loss on surface-irrigation cropland using Surface Irrigation Soil Loss model (SISL). Idaho NRCS Agronomy Technical Note No. 32 (Rev. 3). [NRCS] National Resources Conservation Service. 2015. The REAL cost of soil erosion. NRCS Newsroom. SEPR D386010. Accessed on: December 18, 2017. Nyenje, P.M., M. G. Meijer, J. W. Foppen, R. Kulabako, and S. Uhlenbrook. 2014. Phosphorus transport and retention in a channel draining an urban, tropical catchment with informal settlements. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18:1009-1025. Copernicus Publications. Sterner, R. and Elser, J. 2002. Ecological Stoichiometry. Princeton University Press. Princeton, NJ. [USGS] United States Geologic Survey. 2016. Nutrient attenuation in rivers and streams, Puget Sound Basin, Washington. Scientific Investigations Report 2015-5074. Version 1.1. USGS Science Publishing Network, Tacoma Publishing Service Center. 80 p. Wetzel, R.G. 2001. Limnology—lake and reservoir ecosystems. Third ed. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. 1006 p. FERC Project No. 1971 Page 11 Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance Idaho Power Company Table 1 2013 drain and tributary load summary. Summary limited to drains and tributaries located on the south- side of the Snake River identified for inclusion in the Grand View Sediment Reduction Program. Loads were calculated using data collected from April 17, 2013, to October 17, 2013, and represent daily and seasonal loads for a typical 183-day growing season. Average Daily Loads (kg/day) Drain RM* River Position Orthophosphorus TP TSS 476.3 Left Bank 1.17 2.25 657 476.8 Left Bank 0.11 0.29 156 477 Left Bank 0.20 7.67 11,633 477.5 Left Bank 0.13 1.78 1,239 477.55 Left Bank 0.09 2.29 1,519 477.7 Left Bank 0.01 0.14 563 478 Left Bank 0.10 , 1.61 1,043 478.1 Left Bank 0.49 2.38 1,312 478.9 Left Bank 1.5= 6.14 4,272 479.1 Left Bank 1.02 1.37 179 479.7 Left Bank 0.01 0.36 387 479.9 Left Bank 0.08 1.20 1,017 480.1 Left Bank 0.29 ■ 0.64 166 483.1 Left Bank 0.46 2.04 1,212 485.3 Left Bank 2.33 I 3.22 738 486.5 Left Bank 0.32 0.35 33 490.4 Left Bank 4.00 9.33 6,054 Cumulative Average Daily Load (kg/day) 12 43 32,181 Cumulative Average Daily Load (Ibs/day) 27 95 70,946 Total Seasonal Load (Ibs/day*183 days) 4,988 17,374 12,983,101 Site location described in Snake River miles at point of inflow to river Page 12 FERC Project No. 1971 Idaho Power Company Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance Table 2 Summary of sediment annual load estimates derived from measured data and produced by the SISL model from full implementation of the Grand View Sediment Reduction Program. Load Estimate(Ibs/year) Measured Data SISL Sediment 12,983,101 21,474,000 Load Reduction Efficiency(total*90%) 19,326,600* Load Reduction at Program Buildout(90%adjusted load*80%) 15,461,280** Reflects conservative assumption of 90%efficiency from pressurized irrigation. **Reflects program load reduction potential at full implementation based on 80%conversion of furrow-irrigated acres in the program area. Table 3 Number of truckloads of aquatic vegetation and debris removed at the Swan Falls project annually between April 15 and October 15 and the resulting TP removed from the Snake River. Number of Truckloads TP(Ibs) 2012 56 384 2013 227 1,557 2014 417 2,860 2015 308 2,112 2016 209 1,433 2017 136 933 Average 1,547 FERC Project No. 1971 Page 13 Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance Idaho Power Company Table 4 Snake River TP samples collected, mean, standard deviation, and median concentration from 2003 to 2006 at Swan Falls Reservoir inflow (Inflow), Swan Falls Reservoir outflow(Outflow), Celebration Park. Count Mean Standard Deviation Median 2003 Inflow 17 0.081 0.063 0.067 Outflow 17 0.080 0.017 0.076 Celebration Park 17 0.074 0.015 0.071 2004 Inflow 23 0.078 0.021 0.076 Outflow 23 0.083 0.020 0.078 Celebration Park 23 0.088 0.020 0.081 2005 Inflow 25 0.072 0.015 0.070 Outflow 25 0.079 0.025 0.074 Celebration Park 25 0.080 0.032 0.068 2006 Inflow 20 0.077 0.022 0.070 Outflow 20 0.093 0.038 0.076 Celebration Park 20 0.089 0.026 0.082 Table 5 TP, DO, and organic matter(OM)stoichiometric ratios. Stoichiometry or Load W2 Brwn'02 Brwn'95 SR'95 Proposed TP/OM 0.005 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 DO/OM 1.4 1.7 1.4 1.4 1.5 TP/DO 0.36% 0.59% 0.71% 1.43% 0.67% *Notes: Ratios obtained from Harrison et al.,2014 W2:Stoichiometry are modeled default values per Cole and Wells 2002. Brwn'95:Stoichiometry are optimized model values used in the 1995 Brownlee model application. SR'95:Stoichiometry are optimized model values used in the 1995 Snake River model application. Brwn'02: Based on data collected in upper end of reservoir. Proposed: Recommended for conversion of DO allocation to TP reduction. Page 14 FERC Project No. 1971 Idaho Power Company Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance Table 6 IPC DO load allocation per SR—HC TMDL, with conversion to TP equivalent using stoichiometric ratios proposed by IPC. TP load reduction with OM and DO equivalents resulting from the Grand View Sediment Reduction Program and Swan Falls project. TMDL Annual Load DO Load Allocation per SR-HC TMDL (tons/yr) 1,125 OM Load Allocation Equivalent(tons/yr) 750 TP Load Allocation Equivalent(tons/yr) 7.5 TP Load Allocation Equivalent(Ibs/yr) 15,000 Grand View Sediment Reduction Program Annual Load TP Reduction via SISL(Ibs/yr) 12,060 TP Reduction via SISL(tons/yr) 6.03 OM Reduction Equivalent(tons/yr) 603 DO Demand Reduction Equivalent(tons/yr) 905 Swan Falls project aquatic vegetation and debris removal Annual Load TP Reduction (Ibs/yr) 1,547 TP Reduction (tons/yr) 0.77 OM Reduction Equivalent(tons/yr) 77 DO Demand Reduction Equivalent(tons/yr) 116 Example TP to DO equivalent calculation method: • TP Ibs to tons: 12,060 Ibs TP/(2,000 Ibs/1 ton)=6.03 tons TP/yr • TP tons to OM tons:6.03 tons TP/0.01 TP:OM ratio=603 tons OM/yr • OM tons to DO tons:603 tons OM/1.5 DO:OM ratio=905 tons DO/yr FERC Project No. 1971 Page 15 Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance Idaho Power Company Y� F'�^r r i '' �K Y j .,2p�Y11� ti . � \ I� j•�+�r 1J y '# ',.. '-.M• ' , -o ',;ram`� i '�" P 't' �y. "77. ''ay{. \ �y�a����l �t �. F J�.r� �. •t-.�py��» - fc1 7 r r >,}�l �' l� �''�h4k^':', ~3\ t�<�✓,�.� �fi 1°` � ��a +�d"�Yikj.��?'. -,� .s�' `r..1F ,tT� �p��'/ .. � n Fri f .�: ••,. �`r F .r fir, l - Grana view ' _+ as / 1 t. Vicinty Map Payette Ontnnu 1 camw<u Idaho `-�. •''a.. :S r' 1.;. F r. U. Oregon aLegend Sediment Reduction Program > �"•' Canals —c� 0 05 l Miles Figure 1 Grand View Sediment Reduction Program area map Page 16 FERC Project No. 1971 Idaho Power Company Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance 120 • 100 80 V) 60 y=1.5614x RZ=0.5625 40 zo �r ..i • 0 0 10 20 30 40 5o 60 TSS(tons/day) Figure 2 TP and TSS regression analysis for south-side drains and tributaries. Analysis indicates there are 1.56 Ibs of phosphorus per ton of TSS. FERC Project No. 1971 Page 17 Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance Idaho Power Company RM 447.6 • Celebration Park RM 457.6 Swan Falls Outflow 1 ' f f 1 z SINKER CREEK U BUTTE J \ \ Sinker Greek t I l WILD HORN. BUTTE I HENDERSON FLAI;: F(ISIIL BUTIE dM l U \ rosz,r Cl cek uRM 472.0 -Swan Falls Inflow f—tums L.egwid IDAHO POWER COMPANY.BOISE,IDAHO I r,rrrril Ilan >'irri • Water quality Sample Site Water Body u„ O Snake River \ -River!Stream Birds of Prey County Boundary National Guard SSY take ity Training Range " �;IDAHO PONIER Figure 3 Sampling location map. From left to right, sampling locations are at Celebration Park (river mile [RM] 447.6), Swan Falls Reservoir outflow (RM 457.6), and Swan Falls Reservoir inflow (RM 472.0). Page 18 FERC Project No. 1971 Idaho Power Company Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance 0.35 • RM 447.6 0.3 • RM 457.6 RM 472 0.25 J hC.0 E • • 0.2 7 L 0 _r_ • Q H 0 -r- 0.15 0 vi 0.1 • � • P _ •: • 0.05 G • •�� • • 0 1�"170 0� 6/�� ��3 1/Z�/���4 �j7/�00� �j7,/���S 9/S/���5 ���6 1O �06 0�� Figure 4 Snake River TP concentrations at Swan Falls Reservoir inflow (river mile [RM]472.0), Swan Falls Reservoir outflow(RM 457.6), and Celebration Park (RM 447.6). FERC Project No. 1971 Page 19 Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance Idaho Power Company 1.0e+5 1.0e+5 Inflow Inflow _ 0 Outflow O Outflow M 8.0e+4 8.0e+4 � v o a N 6.0e+4 J 6.0e+4 0 0 0_ 0 4.0e+4 4.0e+4 0 73 U d C5 M 0_ 0 2.0e+4 2.0e+4 0.0 0.0 '31 P���yQ O ' °p' ep �ac�eo�`a�PQ��°���c s'Q�00eQ O°��°�peo 1.0e+5 Inflow 0 Outflow 8.Oe+4 -a 6.0e+4 M 0 J d 0 4.0e+4 O 2.0e+4 0.0 ,e°��c PQ��a���� �J\QJo'geQ O°��°,p�° Figure 5 Monthly 2005 total, orthophosphorus, and particulate phosphorus loads. Note: Estimated phosphorus loads from drains and tributaries are not included in plots (Naymik and Hoovestol 2008). Page 20 FERC Project No. 1971 Idaho Power Company Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance Inflow Inflow 2.0e+5 0 Outflow 2.0e+5 O Outflow � v 0 1.5e+5 a 1.5e+5 J O N J 7 O 0 o1.0e+5 1.0e+5 O � U d f6 � 0 5.0e+4 a 5.0e+4 H 0.0 0.0 x°���c PQ�`Sa��°c ���P°��yQ O �°�peo �ac�eo�`a�PQ������c s'Q�00eQ O°��°�peo Inflow 2.0e+5 O Outflow 1.5e+5 c� 0 J 1.0e+5 0 O 5.0e+4 0.0 in f Figure 6 Monthly 2006 total, orthophosphorus, and particulate phosphorus loads. Note: Estimated annual TP loads from drains and tributaries are not included in these plots (Naymik and Hoovestol 2008). FERC Project No. 1971 Page 21 Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance Idaho Power Company 40000 35000 30000 25000 U 0 20000 !_ m N `^ 15000 10000 5000 0 ZZ/9 '09 /�0�5 /��05 00E 9j3"'0 1 ��OS'' , 0�6 Zp006 Z �O> 4 �O> Figure 7 2005 and 2006 streamflow below C.J. Strike Reservoir. Page 22 FERC Project No. 1971 Idaho Power Company Phosphorus Reduction Reasonable Assurance 25,000 20,000 POR w ■ 2003 15,000 2004 V ~ 1 ♦ 2005 E 1 10,000 ~� • 2006 Q 5,000 c R � m � 0 0% 10% 20% 300,0 40% SO% 60010 70% 80% 90% 100% Percent Exceedance Figure 8 1912 through 2017 Snake River near Murphy, Idaho, period of record (POR) average annual flow exceedance curve. Streamflow percent exceedance for 2003 through 2006 average annual flows. FERC Project No. 1971 Page 23