HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240909IPC to Staff 95(e) - Attachment 4 - MLPR200001 Unit 1 Commissioning MLPR1 - Startup_PSS Tuning and VAR-501 Data Collection Guide_R0_.pdf 0IDAHo KmeR. Milner Power Plant U1 Power System Stabilizer (PSS) Commissioning Guide Power Supply Electrical Engineering Initial Controller Settings and PSS Operational Commissioning Procedures with VAR-501 Data Collection Requirements. February © 2024 Idaho Power Idaho Power Company PSS Commissioning Guide Review/Revision History This document has been approved and revised according to the revision history recorded below. Review Date Revisions 03/21/2023 Document Origination. Table of Contents Tableof Contents..............................................................................................................................i 1 Preparations................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 PSS Logic Flow Chart Review............................................................................................... 1 1.2 Settings Group Review........................................................................................................ 2 2 Initial PSS DECS-400 Settings ....................................................................................................... 2 2.2 PSS....................................................................................................................................... 2 2.2.1 Configure.................................................................................................................... 2 2.2.2 Control (Primary) ....................................................................................................... 3 2.2.3 Control (Secondary)................................................................................................... 4 2.2.4 Parameters (Primary)................................................................................................. 5 2.2.5 Parameters (Secondary) ............................................................................................ 7 2.2.6 Output Limiter (Primary)............................................................................................ 7 2.2.7 Output Limiter (Secondary) ....................................................................................... 8 3 Commissioning........................................................................................................................... 10 3.1 Final Data Acquisition Summary....................................................................................... 10 3.1 Local Mode Oscillation...................................................................................................... 11 3.2 Develop Phase Compensated —Time Constants .............................................................. 12 3.3.3 Enable PSS and Control Group Verification............................................................. 17 3.3.3 Initial Step Responses and PSS Stability Gain Determination ................................. 18 Internal Use Only Page i Idaho Power Company PSS Commissioning Guide 3.4 PSS Step Response Measurements................................................................................... 20 3.5 PSS OEL Response Measurement..................................................................................... 23 3.6 PSS UEL Response Measurement..................................................................................... 26 3.7 PSS Final -5% Stability Step Response............................................................................... 28 3.7.1 DECS400 Settings File............................................................................................... 28 3.8 Steady State Data Collections........................................................................................... 29 3.9 VAR-501 Evidence Submission.......................................................................................... 30 3.9.1 PSS Output Limits..................................................................................................... 30 3.9.2 PSS Washout Time Constants.................................................................................. 31 Review/Revision History.............................................................................................................i Internal Use Only Page ii Idaho Power PSS Commissioning Guide 1 Preparations 1.1 PSS Logic Flow Chart Review Review the Basler PSS logic for soft switch settings. Mechanical Frequen q ;eTq.,ncy Lc•;,-Pass t cc Power Ramp + CC 00EV S p- 61P 4'J ashout Fitter—Wash out Fitter—� eye Fitter L Low-pass Track Fitter L —' e ed 2 SSW o Finer Pover Input Scalar Po%w Poeer SSW 1 PE Washout Vash out Enabi. Integrator electrical Filter Fiper2 power naa. 1 ca... p.—d SSW 2 SSW 4 SSW 5 Scrod �� E-n. Torsional c"�` —ors�cnai o.;..d _ Filter ti--t Fitter2 ri.al$md os.m i r.y�mry SSW 3 Phase Phase SSW 6 o.s.n. SSW 7 VPSS Compensation Compensation �•s Stage 1 Stage 2 Phase Phase Comperrs�ion Compensation— Stage 3 Sege 4 V V .w. + a Temtinal SSW 8 Voltage asb1e VT Low-Pass Ramp Limiter • Fitter cnyd. a vox u. PSS SSWSSW9 err10E.u. Output Gain Stage —� Scale Facto � N Evtle• un M hi Odle• VgiW. _ Logic Limiter Logc Limiter Washout Filter VJ asho ut F fitter roaao-n n lvo. i Internal Use Only Page 1 Idaho Power PSS Commissioning Guide 1.2 Settings Group Review JQ �< O �0J� O J� l7 ,� Q- �� IT <� Q co v7 4- .� N Y�Q� r g PSS ON I_>I OEL Primary Group I I UEL Primary Group 0 9.8MW 49.OMW (0.20) (1.0) 1. ❑ Review the plant POG for any rough or forbidden areas. Note: If the primary PSS and Secondary PSS do not switch correctly during commissioning, or the primary does not seem to activate and seem stuck in secondary you must set the Setting Group Logic to 1.0. This should then deactivate the secondary PSS and activate the primary. This was discovered when commissioning Hells Canyon Unit 1. 2 Initial PSS DECS-400 Settings 2.2 PSS 2.2.1 Configure Setting Comments This unit has a Kaplan turbine and there is Settings Group Logic Disable no rough region to use Secondary values. Primary only. Will be verified during commissioning. Tf mo. =o secondary. when Setting Group Logic is enabled. Hysteresis 0.01 Default 0.01 when Setting Group Logic is enabled. Internal Use Only Page 2 Idaho Power P55 Commissioning Guide Rate of Change Disable ThrE Time Delay Block Low Pass Filter Tirr - Wash Out Filter Time Constant 2.2.2 Control(Primary) 1. ❑ Disable the PSS Enable switch within the DECS Excitation Cabinet. (Will be enabled later) 2. ❑ Verify a standing alarm is present on the plant GUI. 3. ❑ Verify dispatch and Transmission desk receive the PSS Disabled Alarm. This is a compliance verification of VAR-501 the transmission desk receives the alarm. Setting Comments PSS Control Disable This will be enabled later. Primary Supervisory Function PSS active is typically set to 2090, but some units have exceptions. Power-On Threshold 0.20 ** Report/Coordinate this value to the TP per VAR-501 ** Power Hysteresis 0.05 Standard. Primary Software Switch (SSW) SSW 0—Speed Low Pass Filter Disable SSW 1— Power Washout Filter#2 Disable SSW 2— PSS Signal Der. Speed Standard, "Acceleration" Internal Use Only Page 3 Idaho Power PSS Commissioning Guide SSW 3— PSS Signal Der. Freq/Speed Standard SSW 4—Torsional Filter 1 Disable This is used for long shafts, steam SSW 5 —Torsional Filter 2 Disable This is used for long shafts, steam SSW 6—3rd Lead/Lag Stage Include SSW 7—4t" Lead/Lag Stage Include SSW 8—Term. Voltage Limiter Enable Enable per VAR-501 SSW 9— Logic Limiter Enable Enable per VAR-501 SSW 10— PSS Output Disable This will be enabled later. 2.2.3 Control (Secondary) Setting Comments Primary Supervisory Function Power-On Threshold 0.20 Use same as Primary. Power Hysteresis 0.05 Use same as Primary Primary Software Switch (SSW) SSW 0—Speed Low Pass Filter Disable SSW 1— Power Washout Filter#2 Disable SSW 2— PSS Signal Der. Speed Standard, "Acceleration" SSW 3— PSS Signal Der. Standard Freq/Speed SSW 4—Torsional Filter 1 Disable This is used for long shafts, steam SSW 5 —Torsional Filter 2 Disable This is used for long shafts, steam SSW 6—3rd Lead/Lag Stage Include SSW 7—4t" Lead/Lag Stage Include SSW 8—Tem. Voltage Limiter Enable VAR-501 Required Internal Use Only Page 4 Idaho Power PSS Commissioning Guide SSW 9— Logic Limiter Enable VAR-501 Required SSW 10— PSS Output Off This will be enabled later. 2.2.4 Parameters (Primary) Setting Comments Low-Pass/Ramp Tracking -11—Time Consi Low pass filter of speed signal. Enabled by switch SSW 0. Low pass filtering of the integrator T12—Time Const. 10.0 of the power signal. In this case 1/10=0.1Hz, thus below 0.1Hz is filtered out. Standard. Low pass filter. Provides, attenuation of torsional T13 —Time Const. components appearing in the speed input path. Ramp tracking filter. This is the PT Tr—Time Constant 0.50 time constant. A value of 0.50 is standard. N — Num Exp. 1 Part of the power washout filter 1. M — Den Exp. 5 Part of the power washout filter 1 and 2. High-Pass Filtering/Integration TW1—Time Const. 10.0 Frequency washout filter 1. Standard is 10, 0.1Hz filter. TW2—Time Const. 10.0 Frequency washout filter 2. Standard is 10, 0.1Hz filter. High pass filter. Power Washout TW3 —Time Const. 10.0 Filter 1. Internal Use Only Page 5 Idaho Power P55 Commissioning Guide High pass filter. Power Washout Filter 2. TW4—Time Const. 10.0 Enabled by SSW 1, Standard is disabled. H — Inertia 2.64 Per manufacture literature. Torsional Filters Zeta Num 0.05 Enabled by SSW 4, Standard is disabled. Zeta Den 0.25 Enabled by SSW 4, Standard is disabled. Wn 1 42.5 Enabled by SSW 4, Standard is disabled. Enabled by SSW 5, Standard is Zeta Num 2 0.05 disabled. Enabled by SSW 5, Standard is Zeta Den 2 O.z� disabled. 42.tJ� Enabled by SSW 5, Standard is disabled. Rotor Freq. Calculation Per manufactures literature. This Quadrature Xq 0.57 can also be adjusted later if needed. Power Input Kpe 1.0 Standard is 1.0. Power signal. These values will be determined from Frequency sweep Phase Comp.—Time Constants compensation values, then estimated for initial values followed by testing. T1- 1st Phase Lead 1.000 T2— 15t Phase Lag 1.000 T3—2nd Phase Lead 1.000 T4—2nd Phase Lag 1.000 T5—3rd Phase Lead 1.000 Enabled by SSW 6. Standard is to include. T6—3rd Phase Lag 1.000 Enabled by SSW 6. Standard is to include. Internal Use Only Page 6 Idaho Power PSS Commissioning Guide T7—41h Phase Lead 1.000 Enabled by SSW 7. Standard is to include. T8—41h Phase Lag 1.000 Enabled by SSW 7. Standard is to include. 2.2.5 Parameters (Secondary) These should be set to the same as the primary for this unit. 2.2.6 Output Limiter(Primary) Setting Comments PSS Output Limiting Upper Limit 0.100 Must be <+5%per VAR-501. Lower Limit -0.100 Must be>-5%per VAR-501. Stabilizer Gain This value is determined later. Ks 1.00 Typically, 113 to 112 of ultimate gain value (max Ks). See VAR-501. Terminal Voltage Limiter Low pass filter. Time Constant 0.20 Enabled by SSW 8. Standard is enabled. Limit setpoint. Setpoint 1.100 Enabled by SSW 8. Standard is enabled. Logic Limiter Washout Filter Normal Time 10.0 Per VAR-501 must be less than 30. Enabled by SSW 9. Limit Time 0.30 Enabled by SSW 9. Logic Output Limiter Internal Use Only Page 7 Idaho Power PSS Commissioning Guide Upper Limit 0.020 Lower Limit -0.020 Time Delay 0.50 2.2.7 Output Limiter(Secondary) Setting Comments PSS Output Limiting Upper Limit 0.100 Must be <+5%per VAR-501. Lower Limit -0.100 Must be>-5%per VAR-501. Stabilizer Gain Use same as Primary, determine Ks 1.0 final later. Terminal Voltage Limiter Low pass filter. Time Constant 0.20 Enabled by SSW 8. Standard is enabled. Limit setpoint. Setpoint 1.100 Enabled by SSW 8. Standard is enabled. Logic Limiter Washout Filter Per VAR-501 must be less than 30. Normal Time 10.0 Enabled by SSW 9. Limit Time 0.30 Enabled by SSW 9. Logic Output Limiter Internal Use Only Page 8 Idaho Power P55 Commissioning Guide Upper Limit 0.020 Lower Limit -0.020 Time Delay 0.50 Internal Use Only Page 9 Idaho Power PSS Commissioning Guide 3 Commissioning This document is to provide guidance tuning the PSS, OEL, UEL and collecting VAR-501 compliance evidence. Portions of this testing evidence can be used for MOD-026 evidence/data collection. 3.1 Final Data Acquisition Summary Table 1.Summary of Data Acquisition Step Time Step Pre-Trigger Sample Section Test/Record Method' Magnitude' Delay' Duration' Points3 Interva13 PSS Steady State compensation Manual Trigger none O.Os O.Os 0 24.996ms Ultimate Gain-Steady State Manual Trigger none O.Os O.Os 0 24.996ms Online PSS Voltage Response Time Response 2% 0.5s 9.Os 0 24.996ms (Light Load) Online PSS Voltage Response Time Response -2% 0.5s 9.Os 0 24.996ms (Light Load) Online PSS Voltage Response Time Response 2% 0.5s 9.Os 0 24.996ms (Heavy Load) Online PSS Voltage Response Time Response -2% 0.5s 9.Os 0 24.996ms (Heavy Load) PSS OEL Limits-Control Time Response 2-5% 0.5s 30.Os 0 49.996ms Response PSS UEL Limits-Control Time Response 2-5% 0.5s 30.Os 0 49.996ms Response Online PSS Voltage Response Time Response 2-5% 0.5s 30.Os 0 24.996ms (Stability)' Online Steady State Record Manual Trigger none O.Os O.Os 0 49.996ms (Multiple Loadings) Note 1. Selected within the DECS-400 Analysis Time Response Menu. 2. Input switch 3 is the generator breaker closure input. 3. Selected within the DECS-400 Log Setup Menu. 4. Response method or DECS logic operator in Analysis menu 5. The initial MVar may need to be increased to avoid any OEL and UEL Internal Use Only Page 10 Idaho Power PSS Commissioning Guide 3.1 Local Mode Oscillation 1. Examine the power signal from the AVR step response above the rough zone in the online step response. 2. The period of oscillation in the power signal will be the local mode oscillation for the unit (Measure peak-to-peak oscillations): 1 F = — T Example: F = (1/ 648ms) = 1.462Hz If the the local mode oscillation is unknown a step response is required to determine e the natural frequency. This frequency is required as to be avoided during the Frequency Sweep In the next step. If the natural frequency Is close to values 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.67, 0.77, 1.0, 1.25, 1.67, 2.0, 2.5, 3.33, 5.0, 10.0 the Frequency Sweep test will need to be two parts; above and below the local mode to avoid exciting the natural resonance of the machine. 3. The frequency sweep discussed in the next section may need to be broke into two parts if the local mode oscillation is very close to a sweep value. RTM Frequency Response Mode Test Signal Location Frequency Response Automatic Options Auto AVR Summing Magnitude(dB) Max Freq.(Hz) 1D.0 Transfer Function Phase(Degrees) Min Freq.(Hz 1.0 Exit 1.25 Input � Test Frequency Magnitude 2.0 r Responnsse��y Output Bode Plot 2.5 3.33 5.0 j]- al;sr tFleal-Tmc F:lcnitcri 0.0 Internal Use Only Page 11 Idaho Power PSS Commissioning Guide 3.2 Develop Phase Compensated —Time Constants The unit is to be loaded above any rough zones at unity at the minimum possible loading for stability. In some cases, units are loaded above 60%or up to 80%but that is not required. The greater the loading the greater the risk of instability during the frequency sweep. 1. ❑ Disable the PSS of adjacent units. (if on the some bus) 2. ❑X if g r Rd �Srgains+�� TT��S ga d +., —he lead—.,.d ��--crs[�� `2 E" c cv ri s��cc,a cvuc�vcrcrca in 3. ❑ For an initial review the Min to Max frequencies can use the full range for use to determine the compensated values. a. The VAR-501 evidence should use a Min to Max range of 0.1-1.25Hz. 4. Using DECS400 Software a. ❑ Select the Analysis Tab R BESTCOMS-DECS400-[System Configuration] — ❑ X - 7 Tnn17 Window, Hell,, _ 8 X W Configure Settings Gain I limiters I Protection PSS 00�. a An,[;, Data Log Miler Logic Product Identification I Rated Data I Options I Auxiliary Input I Meter Drivers I System Data I Transient Boost "9, PC Version u Unit Information Basler Electric Model Digital Exbtaon Control System Style App Code • DSP Code BESTCBoot Code Serial# r Unit Style Number DECS-000 Ic J More Info... Internal Use Only Page 12 Idaho Power PSS Commissioning Guide b. ❑ Select Frequency Response ig - — X )� AAnalysis(Real-Time Monitor) ❑ X _ 9 x m a '� �Graphltl(inlphtl Frequency Response Time Response Step Response m pf0p Start Clear Time in Graph 6.33aD� Scroll Graph�Maximize Graph Help Exit Product GFaph1 2 Parameter�� I�ueuuruiJ 1 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... Y-:.xis Max 2010 Y-Axis Min -2.000 0 Filter(Hz) 0.0 '.............:.............:............ Y Value 1 ............................ _2 0 100 200 300 400 500 Points(16.667ms between points) GFaph2 2 Parame er Vfd:Feld Vokage 1 ............. .............:.............:.......................... Y-Axis Max 2.000 0 Y-Aids Min _2.000 Filter(Hz) 0.0 a .............:.............:.......................................:. YValue _2 0 100 200 300 400 Soo Points(16.667ms between points) ORTM Parameter 1 c. ❑ Frequency Response • Check Plot Frequency Response • Test Signal Location: AVR Summing • Input: Test Signal {V} • Output: Gen. Avg. Voltage {V} • Max Freq (Hz): 5 or 10 • Min Freq (HZ): 0.1 • Magnitude: 1.0 RTM Frequency Response Mode Lest Signal Location Frequency Response Automatic Options Magnitude id6) F Max Freq.(Hz) 10.0 • FAA, AVR Summing Transfer Function Phase(Degrees) F Min Freq.(Hz) 0.1 bat Inputs Test Frequency r p Test Signal{V) . I - Magnitude 1.ON V � Plot Frequency Bode Plot Response Output I Gen.Avg.Voltage M Internal Use Only Page 13 Idaho Power P55 Commissioning Guide eAn initial test of 0.1-5.OHz at O.SV can be ran to affirm stability prior to the frequency response test for evidence. AWhen performing the frequency sweeps be cautious and monitor the MW value in the analysis screen. If the MW value starts to excessively oscillate and increasing to instability you must switch to FCR in an attempt to stabilize the oscillations. d. ❑ At the completion of the test a plot should be displayed similar to below. May need to prerss the "Bode Plot" button if it does not appear automatically. Analysis(Bode Plot) 0.0 E -0 2 d .._............................. -04 ......... ........................... ............. 0900 T -0-6 .................................................... ............ 0.300 T. o -0 8 ...................................................... .. ........ 0.095 T -1-0 .........................................................-12 0.017 T 10-1 100 101 0.095 T Test Frequency(Hz) 0.017 T 0 0% T 0 a 0.017 T b -100 :.......... Open o -150 ...................................:......................... ........ a -200 ..................................: ........................... .... Plot Phw m a -250 Apply Pha -300 Pi 10 t 100 1 Test Frequency(Hz) Print Open Save Close e. Using the MathCAD support sheet "IPCo PSS Compensation Calculation" develop the initial phase compensation values and enter them into them into the Phase Comp—Time Constants. Select "Plot Phase Compensation" to plot, then adjust the values as needed to VAR-501 complience. ■ Must be less than 900 at 1.OHz and, ■ Less than 30' at O.2Hz. Internal Use Only Page 14 Idaho Power P55 Commissioning Guide Analysis(Bode Plot) 1.2 0 0.8 .................................................................... 0.130 T1-1st Phase Leads) 0.6 ....................................................................... 0.013 T2-1st Phase Lags) v 0.4 ....................................................................... 0.130 T3-2nd Phase Leads) 0.2 ....................................................................... 0.013 T4-2nd Phase Lag(s) 0.0 100 101 1.000 T5-3rd Phase Lead(s) Test Frequency(Hz) 1.000 T6-3rd Phase Lag(s) 1.000 T7-4th Phase Lead(s) 1.2 o .0 1.000 T8-4th Phase Lag(a) 1 ..................................... v0.8 ......................................................................... Open Save 0 0.6 ......................................................................... 4 0.4 ......................................................................... Plot Phase Compensation m a 0.2 ......................................................................... Apply Phase Compensation 0.0 Parameters 10P 101 Test Frequency(Hz) Print I Open save Close The red line should be as tight as possible to the blue line between 0.5 and 1.25Hz per VAR-501. As the frequency increases it will be tougher to align the curves, expescially at 10Hz as it is normall curved back torwards 0°. Analysis(Bode Plot) 40 30 ...... 0.130 T 20 .................................:.................. . ............. 0.013 T. 10 ....................................... ....................... 0.130 T Q � o 10 0.013 T 10-1 100 101 1.000 T Test Frequency(Hz) 1.000 T 1.000 T 0 1.000 T d -50 ....................... ........................... d -100 .............................. ... ..... Open Cm -150 ............................................................... ..... PlotPha a -200 ..................................:.................................... Apply Pha -250 Pe 101 100 101 Test Frequency(Hz) Print Open _ Sa:e ('lose I Capture an image or Print a plot of this window, as this is the evidence to show compliance. Also use the Save button to create *.gif files for the Bode magnitude and phase plots, and a *.csv file for the raw uncompensated frequency response data. Internal Use Only Idaho Power PSS Commissioning Guide Check all options for the Save button pop-up, and use informative file names for future record keeping. This will create two *.gif files for the Bode magnitude and phase plots, and one *.csv file for the raw blue-line uncompensated frequency response data. Note the raw frequency response data for the red-line PSS compensation is not saved, but it can always be re-ploted at a later time. Bode Plot Save Options P Save Image of Magnitude Graph r7o Save Image of Phase Graph r%0 Save Graph Data to File OK ❑ Apply the same values from the primary to the secondary phase compensated time constants. (This is a precautionary step) Time constants: Initial MathCAD Values for Initial Final Values Values Step Test T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 Internal Use Only Page 16 Idaho Power PSS Commissioning Guide 3.3.3 Enable PSS and Control Group Verification. Enable the PSS control and verify the AVR control group operates as intended. Online loaded AVR to PSS Transfer via physical switch within the AVR cabinet. 1. ❑ If the unit is at the existing loading from frequency sweep testing. Enable the soft switches of the PSS. Configure Control I Parameters I Output Limiter Primary Secondary " PSS Model Info... r Enable 0_20 Power-0n Threshold 0.05 Power Hysteresis Disable SSW 0-Speed Low Pass Filter Include SSW 6-3rd LeadiLag Stage Disable . SSW 1-Power Washout Filter 92 Include SSW 7-4th Lea&Lag Stage Der Speed . SS1,4-PSS Signal Enable SSW 8 Term.Voltage Limiter Der.Freq.'Speed SSW 3-PSS Signal Enable SSW 9-Logic Limiter Disable SSW 4-Torsional Filter 1 Join SSW 10 PSS Output Disable SSW 5-Torsional Filter 2 2. ❑ At the excitation cabinet set the PSS switch to Enable. Use communication from the AVR cabinet to the workstation. Before and Aafter the switch is enabled watch the MW value from the DECS4O0 Analyses menu. If MW oscillations become unstable, either disable from the manual switch or the soft switch. If excessive oscillations continue switch to FCR Mode. 3. ❑ Verify the PSS is active and using primary gains in the System Status menu within the metering screen. 4. ❑ Verify the AVR gains are using Secondary gain group settings in the System Status menu within the metering screen. Internal Use Only Page 17 Idaho Power PSS Commissioning Guide 3.3.31nitial Step Responses and PSS Stability Gain Determination Perform an initial 2% step response to confirm stability with minimal PSS influence. This is not recorded but observed before continuing onto determining the Stability Gain of the PSS. (Refer to step response section for data logging settings) 1. Setup Data logger for step responses and ultimate stability gain records. a. Go to Data Log-> Log Setup Menu .. View seovace Of Evwft I rv— Data Logging Enabled View!Download Data Log Pre-Trigger Points Pre-Trigger Duration isec) Download Trand Log Post-Trigger Points Post-Trigger Duration isec; 44 996 Sample Interval{ms; Total Duration{sec; b. Go to Data Log-> Log Selection Menu MIN"T.M!11111111111111 Generator Average Voltage(pu`, Generator Real Power(pu) or Pa ra meter 5 Field Voltage(pu) Generator Reactive Power ipu) Field Cu-ent ;pu} PSS Final Output {pu) 2. Go to PSS-> Output Limiter Menu a. Originally the Ks gain is set to 1.0. This provides minimal PSS influence. b. Slowly increase the PSS Stabilizer Gain Ks until a frequency oscillation is observed in the power output, or review to see noise appearing on the field voltage. Internal Use Only Page 18 Idaho Power PSS Commissioning Guide m Crxfgure Settngs Gan Lirie• I Rotecton I PSS n9 r Analysis Data Log Metz Logic Configure Control Parameters Output Limiter I Primary Secondary 0.100 Upper Limit 10.0 Normal Time -0.100 Lower Limit 0.30 Limit Time IF-, 0.020 Upper Limit -0.020 Lower Limit 0.20 r•Time Constant 0.50 Time Delay 1.1-Do Setpoint ePerform observational 2% voltage step responses intermittently as the gain is increased to verify the MW and War signal for stability. This is typically done in 3-5 value increments until the value is in the typical final range of 10- 15. c. Continue to raise the Ks gain until the ultimate gain is achieved. This will typically be around a Ks of 20 to 30. eObserve the MW oscillations and field voltage. As the stability gain is increased the MW oscillation may begin to appear. A noise will also start to become present on the field voltage and increase as the stability gain is raised, leading to rapid oscillations. (Reference past commissioning reports and VAR-501 evidence for observed ultimate gain waveforms) 3. Ultimate Gain evidence record. a. ❑ Manually trigger a steady state data log event at the Ultimate Gain, Ks-ultimate b. ❑ Return the Ks gain to the final value (typically 1/3 to 1/2 of Ultimate Gain). c. ❑ Manually trigger a steady state data log event with the final set Ks value. eIf different Primary and Secondary groups are used in the PSS, both need to be determined. This will need to be reviewed prior to tuning as rough or forbidden zones may be present. Internal Use Only Page 19 Idaho Power PSS Commissioning Guide 3.4 PSS Step Response Measurements A 2% step response is collected to compare to the AVR 2% step response to ensure the stabilizer is performing. This will also be the data provided/used in the for modeling and MOD- 026 evidence. Compare the PSS step responses with the AVR step responses to ensure the MW value is dampened and the field voltage displays the 1. Setup Data logger for step response. a. Go to Data Log-> Log Setup Menu Reference the table in the section above the Data •• Setup View Sequence Of Events PO Data Logging Enabled View!Download Data Log Pre-Trigger Pants Pre-Trigger Duration(sec) Download Trod Log Post-Trigger Points Post-Tngger Duration fsec) 24 555 Sample Interval ims, Total Duration;sec; b. Go to Data Log-> Log Selection Menu IN Generator Average Voltage (pu) Generator Real Power fpu) Field Voltage fpu) lGenerator Reactive Power fpu) Field Current (pu) Time Response$w) Internal Use Only Page 20 Idaho Power PSS Commissioning Guide 2. Prepare the Analysis menu for a step response. a. Select the Analysis button, this should bring up the menu. • Set Graph 1 to display Vave • Set Graph 2 to display KW • Adjust the graph according to observe the step response, provide enough room for the step values. Watch the KW for any instability. 10 BESTCOMS-DECS400-[Data Log] 1 )� File View Communications Tools Window Help = x Cwtill Settings Gainer, P-otectlon PSS a link re link Sl 7-1 J �p Malysis Data Log Meter Logic A Log Setup I Mode Triggers Log Selection I Level Triggers I Logic Triggers I Trending I 6 J@ Analysis(Real-Time�� itor,l ❑ u Graphl Graph2 Frequency Response Time Response Step Response r- lear Time in Graph 8.33s Scroll Graph Maximize Graph Help Exit Graph 1 Parameter 1.04 ............:. . . .........,.:...,..,..,.. Vavg Avg N Vol 1 02 Y-Axis M 1.050 Y-Axis Mm 0.950 100 .............:..........................:............ Filter(Hz) Y Value 0 0-96 ................. ............ 0 100 200 300 400 500 Points(16.667ms between points) 8 Graph 2 1.0 Parameter 0.9 KWReal Power 0.8 ...................................................... ............ Y•Axis Max 1.000 0.7 ...........................:.............:.............:............ 0.6 .............:.............:.............:.............:............. Y-Axis Min 0,200 0.5 Filter(Hz) 0-0 0 4 ..................... Y Value F—0 0 3 0-2 0 100 200 300 400 500 Points(16.667ms between points) Internal Use Only Page 21 Idaho Power PSS Commissioning Guide b. Perform the step response. Refer to the table above for the step magnitude, duration, and Time Delay. Test Signal Time Delay Signal Input Stabilizer Test Signal So:eep Sigral Frequency Settirgs 0.5 r/ AVR Summing Step Sweep Type Start Frequency r PSS Comp Frequency Magnitude Offset tilt( ) r PSS Electric Power (��) Start r PSS Derived Speed 2 0 0.000 SI Frequency Step Stop Frequercy r Manual Summing Frequency(Hz) Duration(sxx) 1000 10.G- k r VARIPF 0.000 9.0 Analysis(Real-Time Monitor) 0 X (� 0 u IGraphlIlGraph2l Frequency Re.:_;._r Time Response Step Response Start Clear Time in Graph 8.33a Scroll Graph Maximize Graph Help Exit Granh 1 c. Exit the Test Signal Menu and Save the Step Response Internal Use Only Page 22 Idaho Power PSS Commissioning Guide 3.5 PSS OEL Response Measurement This portion is to verify the OEL control gains and the PSS gains. The OEL values will be lowered and a step response into the OEL should record each level at the respective times for engagement. OEL test reference in Basler manual pg. 146 --------------------------------------------- z ---- w Ir Mgr Ix ---------- T arwr Lee J � AIedIIe O.D-344U; ouffm ever Lw—L N11e 't71�[ OONT1NlOUl" CLURAent C O-20 AW 0_10eec 0-12 wac Le.e O.0-15 AW TIME IN SECONDS Figure 3-10. summing Point,On-Line Overexcitation Limiting Figure 1. Basler IL DECS-400. 1. Load the machine above any rough areas at unity. 2. Go to the metering screen. a. Note the machine values prior to start Ifield Weld Vgen MW War 3. Go to Limiters -> Configuration. a. ❑ Check OEL Enable or verify enabled. b. ❑ Verify in the metering menu the Primary OEL is active. Internal Use Only Page 23 Idaho Power PSS Commissioning Guide 4. ❑ Record Original On-Line Values High Level High Time Medium Level Medium Time Low Level 5. Go to Limiters -> Summing Point OEL a. ❑ Lower the levels to slightly above the current value. Verify using the capability curve the boundaries of the capability curve are not exceeded. Test Values High Level High Time Medium Level Medium Time Low Level 6. Go to -> Settings->AVR/FCR/FVR a. ❑ It may be preferred to adjust the setpoint into the OEL to ensure stability as an initial check prior to a 5% step response into the OEL limiter. 7. Go to -> Data Log-> Log Selection a. ❑ Adjust the log selection. Internal Use Only Page 24 Idaho Power PSS Commissioning Guide Generator Average Voltage(pu) OEL Controller Output{pu) Feld Vokage(pu) Control Output Field Current(pu) PSS Final Output(pu) 8. Go to the Analysis menu. a. ❑ Perform a 5% step response into the OEL, so it is above the medium level tes setting. Adjust the loading according. b. ❑ Save the response. 9. If the response is unsatisfactory the OEL gains may need adjusted and rested in AVR mode, then tried again with the PSS active. 10. ❑ Return OEL Limiter Values to their Initial settings values. Example Response of the field current. Should be able to see the initial response, and the timed control reactions 5 seconds apart. (example includes too much preposition samples) Ifd 345 335 325 315 305 295 2S5 u 275 265 255 245 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time(s) Internal Use Only Page 25 Idaho Power PSS Commissioning Guide 3.6 PSS UEL Response Measurement 1. The unit should initially be operating at unity. 2. Go to Limiters -> Configuration a. ❑ Uncheck UEL Enable b. ❑ Record Existing Values Real Power (kW) Reactive Power (WAR) 3. Go to Limiters -> UEL a. ❑ Change reactive power limit value to about-3-5% Wars on the machine. Test Values Real Power (kW) Reactive Power (WAR) 4. Go to -> Settings->AVR/FCR/FVR a. ❑ Increase the voltage setpoint until about +10% of Wars on the machine. Internal Use Only Page 26 Idaho Power PSS Commissioning Guide 5. Go to Limiters -> Configuration a. ❑ Check UEL Enable 6. Go to Data Log-> Log Selection Field '.'ohage ,u" W I UEL Controller Output{pu} • Field Current pu • Contra l Output Generator Reactive Pon,er ypu' FSS Final ,pu_ 7. Go to the Analysis menu. a. ❑ Perform a -5% step response into the UEL. b. ❑ Save the response. 8. If the response is unsatisfactory the UEL gains may need adjusted and rested in AVR mode, then tried again with the PSS active. 9. ❑ Return UEL Limiter Values to their Initial settings values. Example Response Kvar Soo 500 N -1500 3 0 N -2500 0 5 15 20 25 30 y -3500 4500 5500 Time(s) Internal Use Only Page 27 Idaho Power PSS Commissioning Guide 3.7 PSS Final -5% Stability Step Response A final stability step response is performed once all settings are in place and to ensure stability. The capability curve will need to be reviewed prior to the response. • No limit should be crossed, and the response should be stable. 1. ❑ Adjust the MW loading above any rough zone and below peak loading to avoid the OEL and UEL, maintain within the capability of the machine. 2. ❑ Adjust the unit into positive MVar loading. 3. ❑ Perform a -5% step response as noted in the PSS Step Response Measurement Section. 4. ❑ Save the measurement. 3.7.1 DECS400 Settings File • ❑ Save the final DECS400 controller settings to the server and SharePoint. Internal Use Only Page 28 Idaho Power PSS Commissioning Guide 3.8 Steady State Data Collections This is an online steady state record to collect normal operation for future comparisons of the AVR and PSS output signals. Preferably at rated loading. This could be collected during MOD- 025 testing to collect the measurements. The log selection parameters for the data collection should be as such: ..... ................... IN BESTCOMS-DECS400-[Data Log] ❑ X n File View Communications Tools window Help _ a' x Ca�gue Settings Gain Limas Protection PSS r» m F Lp Analysis 1 Data Log I Miler I Logic Log Setup I Mode Triggers Log Selection I Lee[Triggers I Logic Triggers I Trending Generator Average Vokage(pu) Generator Real Power(pu) Fiead Vokage(pu) Contr l Output Field Current(pu) PSS Final Output(pu) 8 If possible, collect the following loading points: • ❑ Low Loading at Unity. • ❑ Under-excited at low loading. • ❑ Over-excited at low loading. • ❑ Under-excited at heavy loading • ❑ Overexcited at heavy loading. • ❑ Heavy Loading at Unity. Internal Use Only Page 29 Idaho Power P55 Commissioning Guide 3.9 VAR-501, PRC-019 Evidence Submission The data recorded must meet compliance standards for VAR-501 in accordance with Requirement 3. In the event the collected data does not meet the standard leadership and the VAR-501 custodian will be notified, future re-tuning of the PSS may be required. Server location for evidence collected during testing; \\Fresno\PowerProduction\NERC_Compliance_Standards\VAR-Voltage and Reactive\VAR- 501-WECC-3.1 Evidence\R3 Provide the VAR-501 custodian the follow items for evidence retention. 1. ❑ Final DECs Controller Settings File. 2. ❑ PSS Output Limits 3. ❑ PSS Washout Time Constants 4. ❑ Compensated Time Constants (Bode Plots with Blue and Red Lines) Provide the PRC-019 custodian the follow items for evidence retention. 1. ❑ Final DECs Controller Settings File. 3.9.1 PSS Output Limits A copy of the DECS Settings file will provide this data to the VAR-501 Compliance Custodian. The PSS Output limits shall provide at least±5% of the nominal terminal voltage. 9 BESlCOMS-DEC5400-[PSS(Power System Stabilizer)] — ❑ X ]@ File View Communications Tools Window Help _ d+ x _dr Configure Settings Gain linters Protection PSS *-*j Malysis Data Log Meter Logic Configure I Control I Parameters Output Limiter Primary Secondary • DA00 Upper Limit 10.0 Normal Time p.ppp Lower Limit F p.30 Limit Time • 0.00 Ks F 0.020 Lipper Limt 520 Lower Lind pp r,Time Constant o.50 Time Delay 71.ppp Setpoiat B Internal Use Only Page 30 Idaho Power P55 Commissioning Guide 3.9.2 PSS Washout Time Constants A copy of the DECS Settings file will provide this data to the VAR-501 Compliance Custodian. PSS washout time constant shall be no greater than 30 seconds. SSW 9 must be enabled for this setting to be implemented. 3 BESTCOMS-DECS400-[PSS(Power System Stabilizer)) — ❑ X ig File View Communications Tools Window Help _ d' x m Configure Settings Gan Loiters Protection PSS to j& An*= Data log I Meta Logic Configure I Control I Parameters Output Limiter Primary Secondary • O.ODD Upper Limit tO,D Normal Time O.ODD Lower Limit 0.3D Limit Time 0.00 Ks 0.020 Upper Limit - - -0.020 Lower Limit 1.00 r Time Constant 0.0 Time Delay 1.gp0 Setpoird 8 Internal Use Only Page 31 Idaho Power P55 Commissioning Guide Internal Use Only Page 32