HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240909IPC to Staff 93(e) - Attachment 3 - AFPR140005 Baseline Construction Summary Report.pdf Response to no. 93 (e)(v) AFPR140005 section of project summary monthly reports 2021 August - AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Continuing to work through the wiring diagrams. Still planning to have the design finished by January of 2022. Should be able to have the first round of point to points in December 2021. September - AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Continuing to work through the wiring diagrams. Still planning to have the design finished by January of 2022. Should be able to have the first round of point to points in December 2021. Beginning to order long lead materials. October-AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Continuing to work through the wiring diagrams. Still planning to have the design finished by January of 2022. Should be able to have the first round of the internal point to points in December 2021. Relays were ordered this month as well as the bulk of the PLC equipment. Hoping to receive most of the ordered material for both orders prior to years end. November-AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Continuing to work through the wiring diagrams. Still planning to have the design finished by January of 2022. Should be able to have the first round of the internal point to points in December 2021. December-AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Continuing to work through the wiring diagrams. Still planning to have the design finished by January of 2022. First round of the internal point to points in December 2021. 2022 January—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Continuing to work through the wiring diagrams. Still planning to have the design finished by January of 2022. First round of the internal point to points in December 2021. February-AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Continuing to work through the wiring diagrams. Still planning to have the design finished by January of 2022. First round of the internal point to points in December 2021. March—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR1400O5) Ian Anderson CC642 Continuing to work through the wiring diagrams. Diagrams used for panel/cabinet construction/wiring are the main focus of those efforts. Shooting to have Unit one design complete by the end of the month (March)with Units two and three to follow shortly after. Project timeline for the October outage looks good. April—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR1400O5) Ian Anderson CC642 Planning on a point to point sometime in May. Cabinets/panels have arrived. Motor starters should be on order by next week. May—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Point to point likely towards the end of May. Might continue through early June. Motor starters have been put on order. Looking to get the new load centers quoted and ordered before the end of June. Should be able to have a complete package for contracted wiring crew bids by middle of June. June—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Point to point scheduled for the end of June. Working on rounding up remaining materials. Should be able to get the major items ordered before June. No expectations for delay of remaining material orders. Still on time for September/October start date. July—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Currently working through the CHQ point to point. Should be wrapped up with edits before the end of July. Planning to have the field point to point in August. Construction window has been shortened. Still planning to complete the installation during this single outage. Currently on schedule. August—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 CHQ point to point is complete. Final edits are being made in preparation for the field point to point. Unit PLC cabinets are underway at the E-shop. Once those are complete the BOP PLC cabinet will be the next and final PLC cabinet to be pre-wired. Control room panels will be the final remaining E-shop task. Expect to have those completed by the end of September. Major construction has been pushed to next year(2023-2024). September-AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Field point to point is scheduled for the last week of September. Unit/BOP PLC cabinets should be finished and ready to ship next week(9/20). Control room panels will be the final item for E-shop. Work on those is expected to run through October maybe into November depending on other project's priority. Support for Unit#3 rewind is in place. October—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Field point to point continues. Planning to be finished with all the edits by the end of October. Should have a construction issue package ready prior to the start of November. PLC cabinets will be wrapped up and on site by end of October. Control room panel assembly will begin in earnest towards the end of 2022 going into 2023. Parts for assembly were shifted to projects with a greater need. There should not be any issues with completing them well before the outage in the Fall of 2023. November—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 First construction issue drawing package will be sent out next week. Placement of PLC cabinets is complete. Support for generator refurbishment project is ongoing. December—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 First construction drawing package has been issued to field personnel. Support for the rewind and preparation for next year's outage are under way. Progressing as expected. 2023 January—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 First construction drawing package has been issued to field personnel. Support for the rewind and preparation for next year's outage are under way. Progressing as expected. February-AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 First construction drawing package has been issued to field personnel. Support for the rewind and preparation for next year's outage are under way. Progress is continuing to be made on the final drawing package for Units 1 and 2. Some modifications to design were necessary as more information was gleaned from the work being completed on Unit 3. Planning to issue the final drawing package prior to the end of February. March—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Complete construction drawing package has been issued to field personnel. Support for the rewind and preparation for next year's outage continue. April—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Support for the rewind and preparation for next year's outage continue. E-shop is currently assembling the control room panels. Contract for external wiring crew is out for bid. Currently scheduled to be open for 3 weeks. May—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Support for the rewind is finished up with the Unit having come back online this week(5/5/2023). Preparation for this Fall's outage continue. E-shop is currently assembling the control room panels. Contract for external wiring crew is out for bid. Currently scheduled to close next week. June—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Preparation for Fall outage continues. E-shop is currently assembling the control room panels,4 remaining as of 6/8/2023. External wiring crew bid has been accepted. Final paperwork underway. July—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Preparation for Fall outage nearly complete. Cable and majority of materials are on site ready for installation or waiting to be moved from the Hagerman shop. Contracts are in place for services to be performed by RME&D. E-shop will complete the final control room panels this month. August—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Outage for Unit 1 was pushed out to the 21st of August with the expectation that the outage duration would remain the same. Installation has started where possible. Motor starters being mounted, new panels, conduit, cable routing for new systems. E-Shop has completed all control room panels. Panels are currently being shipped to the plant/warehouse. September—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Outage for Unit 1 is progressing well. Prep for total plant outage is moving along. Many of the motor starters and supporting conduit/cable have been routed and await final hookup. Hoping for Unit 2 or 3 to go down in early October if flow levels allow. No delays currently expected. October—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Several low priority systems have been moved over to the new PLC and are operating via the new control system. Unit 1 work is going well. No major delays expected. It sounds like the second unit outage may start the third week of October if flows continue to decrease. Overall schedule for modernization project appears to be on track so far. November—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 All units have been taken offline for the season. Request to take the gen buss offline for local service work has been submitted. Control room panels are currently being removed. Unit 2 and 3 power distribution systems are now being replaced. RTAC expected to go online in place of current RTU within weeks. Coring for conduit at coupling pit to manhole is complete. Once conduit is installed,fiber to spillway/intake will be pulled. Schedule is moving along as planned. Even with the delayed outage, everything looks to be on track. December—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 New control room panels are in place with the exception of PNLs 1/12/13.These are still at the E-shop for testing and will be shipped out to the plant by the end of the month. Old cable that will not be reused is being removed from the plant and new cable is being pulled. Operators have been assisting where possible and the schedule is tracking well.The AFTS project for line protection is set to kick off early next year and be complete by the end of February. 2024 January—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 All control room panels are placed. Panel to panel and plant to panel wiring to the panels is underway. Focus is on Unit 2 systems as that is the first unit that will go back online. Some new cable will need to be pulled to the switchyard that was not anticipated. Planning to have U2 online by end of March. February-AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Unit 2 and BOP assembly is largely complete. Some checkout has begun. Planning to bring the GSU/Generator bus back online next week (by the 22nd). Still on schedule to bring Unit 2 back into service by end of March if everything goes well over the next couple of weeks. March—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Unit 2 and BOP assembly is largely complete. Some checkout has begun. Planning to bring the GSU/Generator bus back online next week (by the 22nd). Still on schedule to bring Unit 2 back into service by end of March if everything goes well over the next couple of weeks. April—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Unit 2 is back online and in-service. Unit 3 is going to be watered up for testing this week(4/16). Looking like it could be back in-service by the end of April if everything goes well. May—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Unit 2 is back online and in-service. Unit 3 is online and in-service. Unit 1 is put on hold to do the turbine replacement with the new runner and will be delayed till next Spring for final commissioning. We will collect and clean up the unit 2, unit 3, and BOP drawings for record issue June—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Unit 2 is back online and in-service. Unit 3 is online and in-service. Unit 1 is put on hold to do the turbine replacement with the new runner and will be delayed till next Spring for final commissioning. We will collect and clean up the unit 2, unit 3, and BOP drawings for record issue. July—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Ian Anderson CC642 Unit 2 is back online and in-service. Unit 3 is online and in-service. Unit 1 is put on hold to do the turbine replacement with the new runner and will be delayed till next Spring for final commissioning. Drawings have been collected and need reviewed for unit 2, unit 3, and BOP drawings for record issue. August—AFPR Plant Modernization: (AFPR140005) Rich Bearg CC642 Unit 2 is back online and in-service. Unit 3 is online and in-service. Unit 1 is put on hold to do the turbine replacement with the new runner and will be delayed till next Spring for final commissioning. Drawings have been collected and are being reviewed for unit 2, unit 3, and BOP drawings for record issue and a transmittal will be created soon.