HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240909IPC to Staff 93(d) - Attachment 1 - AFPR140005 Project Plan.pdf Power Supply Projects Idaho Power Company Internal Use Only 4 PROJECT PLAN (HOW WILL WE EXECUTE THE PROJECT?) 4.1 Project Scope (CLIRIS Scope) Describe updates and clarifications to Scope from Business Case. List any concurrent projects that are not in the scope of this project as out of scope. Install a new Plant Control System that will have a PLC per unit, a Balance of Plant (BOP) PLC, and GUI/ HMIs for operation. The unit PLC will control unit operation, the governor, the governor oil system,TMS, intake gate, and auxiliary equipment. The BOP will control the local service, station air compressors, spillgates, station sump pumps, unwatering pumps, fire water pump strainer, monitoring the line relaying, DO Aeration system, and the diesel generator. The mechanical governor will be converted to a digital governor with all associated oil filters, valves and pumps. Install new protective relays and add a true dual lockout 86E relay. Move control functionality to the PLC. An SEL-RTAC will replace the RTU for communications to EMS. The unit depression system will be removed. 4.2 Items considered out of scope for the project: Replacing the AVRs, Replacing the unit circuit breakers, replacing the local service switchgear (only planning to replace the MCCs at this time). 4.3 Project Benefits - New protective relaying reduce the required relay testing from every 3 years to every 6 years and the relays will be more reliable, secure, and has recording capabilities to help troubleshoot events. - New digital governors will improve performance and unit response and has more modes of operation to improve unit efficiency. -The control system combines multiple systems, reducing the amount of equipment to maintain. -The control system provides better insight to the plant condition and operations, improving maintenance, troubleshooting, engineering, and operations. 4.4 Project Conditions 4.4.1 Deliverables Update Describe updates and clarifications from Business Case. Add rows as necessary. Table 1113:Project Deliverables Update ID Owner(Name) Deliverable Receiver Deliverables (Name) Page 24 Project Plan Idaho Power Company Internal Use Only Power Supply Project Framework Document 1 PM/Control IPC Project Scope Engineer team IPC Project 2 Hardwired Control design Designer Team 3 Generation IPC Project Software PLC programming and HMI design Technician team PPEE/ Power Plant 4 Generation Generation Protective Relay Settings and testing Technicians SYSPRO/ Power Plant 5 Stations relay GSU and Line Protective Relay settings and testing techs 6 Panel materials Designer E-Shop 7 Plant materials Designer Power Plant 8 Controls EMS EMS CCR and EMS Checkout Engineer 9 Controls Bureau of Outlet Gate drawings and control approval Engineer Reclamation 10 NERC Compliance Review PPEE Planning 11 ETAP/Arc Flash Analysis PPEE Power Plant 4.4.2 Schedule Milestones Update Describe updates and clarifications from Project Date. Add rows as necessary. Table 1244:Project Schedule Milestones Update ID Project Schedule Milestones Owner (Name) Milestone Date 1 Hardwired Control design complete Designer 2/25/2021 2 Software PLC and HMI Design complete Generation 11/17/2021 Techs 3 Cabinet/ panel assembly complete E-Shop 8/31/2022 4 Cabinet/ panels/ materials delivered Designer 9/9/2022 5 Equipment installed CSS 6/1/2023 6 Equipment wired Wiring crew 6/15/2023 (Contracted wiring) 7 Governor hydraulics disassembled/ installed Generation 6/15/2023 Technicians 8 Equipment checkout CSS 6/19/2023 Project Plan Page 25 Power Supply Projects Idaho Power Company Internal Use Only 9 Equipment commissioned IPC Project 6/22/2023 Tea m 10 NERC testing/ modeling complete PPEE 6/25/2023 t12 Unit returned to service Operations 6/30/2023 Project documentation complete PM 10/2/2023 4.5 Project Budget 4.5.1 Detailed Costs Estimates Update Provide cost estimates for the chosen option. Include Total Project Cost; breakout annually by DCE. List Capital and O&M costs separately. Add rows as necessary. Total Project Cost: $ 3,717,979.88 Table 1345:Detail Cost Update Labor Materials Purchased Services Other Account Calendar (DCE 100) (DCE 200) (DCE 300) (DCE 500) Year Capital 2020 106,535.22 2,052.07 O&M 2020 Capital 2021 395,142.40 150,244.60 O&M 2021 Capital 2022 542,924.46 1,950,000.00 16,578.95 O&M 2022 Capital 2023 407,062.02 100,000.00 30,000.00 13,421.05 Capital 2023 4.5.2 Extended Net Cost Estimates Provide an estimate of project costs after project completion. These costs are in addition to what is spent to execute the project. Consider annual costs required for ongoing operations, maintenance and support. These are operational costs that are not included in the proposed project budget. The project should address future maintenance and consider the following: • Future maintenance plan • Drawings for future support Page 26 Project Plan Idaho Power Company Internal Use Only Power Supply Project Framework Document • Training • Periodic Maintenance (PM)set up in Asset Suite • Category ID (CATID)set up for consumables and spare parts Table 144-6:Extended Net Cost Estimate Update Account DCE Frequency Net Cost ($) O&M Labor (100) 6 years (2,500) O&M Materials (200) 10 years 7,500 0&M Purchased Services (300) Annually O&M Other (500) Annually 10,000 4.6 Risks and Mitigation 4.6.1 Update Assumptions List and describe the assumptions made in preparation for this project. List assumptions used for estimating cost, resource requirements, scheduling, and technical requirements. Cost Assumptions - Based on previous project purchases for materials Resource requirements - We've looked at upcoming schedules and allocated resources to work on this project - We will plan to contract the control wiring to outside sources Scheduling - Project will happen concurrently with unit 1 turbine and generator refurbishment. - We've set the design schedule to be done with a buffer between design completion and construction start. 4.6.2 Update Risk Matrix Risk Matrix to be updated for Project Board review. 4.7 Resource Management Plan 4.7.1 Stakeholders Stakeholders are individuals and groups that may be directly involved in the project, support tasks of the project, or provide resources that will work on the project. These stakeholders should be involved in Project Plan Page 27 Power Supply Projects Idaho Power Company Internal Use Only determining scope of the project and their time accounted for in the project schedule for accurate resource analysis. Add rows as necessary. Page 28 Project Plan Idaho Power Company Internal Use Only Power Supply Project Framework Document Table 153-7:Stakeholders Update Stakeholder Title, Role, or Group Remarks Representative Name Ryan Merrick Power Plant Regional Manager Stan Bell Power Plant Area Leader Rich Bearg Power Production Design and Controls Tim Brown Power Production Electrical Engineering Brian Davis Technician Leader David Butler Maintenance Leader Chris Edwards Civil Engineering Leader/ Dam Safety Jeff Jester Safety Professional Mike Deering Environmental Compliance Shane Baker SHPO Mike Burkholder Mechanical Engineer Leader Brady Calvert Mechanical Engineering Support Turbine and generator refurbishment PM. David King SCADA Technician Jason Clack SCADA Engineer Blake Peck System Protection Nancy Cyr Stations Communication Michele Lynn Operation Procurement Management Possibly hiring a wiring crew to do the installation John Knott Material Procurement Jaeson Rodgers Software Procurement Purchasing of the Wonderware softwa re Project Plan Page 29 Power Supply Projects Idaho Power Company Internal Use Only 4.7.2 Project Team Members List com1111«c- .`,JUrces «JuL are critiLu, to the success of the project. Source resource requirements from your cost-loaded MS Project schedule. Add rows as necessary Table 1648:Project Team Role Core Team Named Resource Items below are suggestions. Update table as Core Team member! appropriate for the project. are necessary for project success Ian Anderson Project Manager Yes Rich Bearg SME Yes Kevin Neeley Designer Yes Shayne Bryant Control Systems Specialist Yes Brian Davis Technician Lead Yes TBD Lead Technician Yes David Butler Maintenance Leader Yes Stan Bell Power Plant Area Leader Yes Generation Specialists Generation Specialist Yes Jason Clack SCADA Engineer Yes Tyler Smith Systems Protection Engineer Yes Robert Trammel Power Prod uctionElectricaI Engineer (relays) Yes John Heiselmann Power Production Electrical Engineer Yes (governor/Model testing) Cory Bolander Power Production/Electrical Engineer (arc flash Yes analysis) Page 30 Project Plan Idaho Power Company Internal Use Only Power Supply Project Framework Document 4.7.3 Project Communication Plan Define the communication requiremefIL21,— <f)e project and how information will be distributed. Project Team Communications: Methods: Communication methods to include meetings, phone calls and email. Site visits will be as needed for all project team members and stake holders. Detail plan for I eam Meetings, t-IVlail Communications, Phone Communications, Site Visits, Action item lists, Shared documentation, Updates to Stakeholders Frequency: Bi-weekly for design team through design. Monthly through preconstruction. Weekly or as needed during construction. Indicate communication frequency, Monthly, Bi-Weekly, Weekly, Daily Leadership Communication Requirements: Budget and Schedule Updates: Updates and communication to management monthly. Budget updates and new baselines reviewed monthly. These items will continue to be communicated to PM leadership. Change Orders: Submit to Project Review Board for approval. Change orders shall be executed if scope, schedule, or cost changes are approved. 4.8 Contracted Services Management Provide a description of how the project team will acquire services from outside of the organization. List contracting needs and requirements. Describe the contracting processes that will be followed for the project (Sole Source,formal RFP, etc). List the anticipated contract need dates. Contracting Requirements: NERC Modeling Reports Contract Need Date: June 2023 Services Lead Time: TBD Table 1749:Contracted Services Update Description of Service Hours Total Cost Service Provider (if applicable) ($) NERC Modeling Reports 30,000 Wiring Crew (9 months @ $100,000/ month, based on Burke at LSPR) ^4,000 900,000 Project Plan Page 31 Power Supply Projects Idaho Power Company Internal Use Only 4.9 Material Procurement Management Provide a description of how the project team will acquire materials from outside of the organization. List procurement needs and requirements. Describe the procurement processes that will be followed for the aroject. List anticipated procurement need dates. Procurement Requirements: Generator breakers, PLC/Network Equipment, Motor Starters, Protective Relays Procurement Need Date: June 2022 Material Lead Time: Less than 6 months Table 18W:Contracted Material Update Material Provider Description of Material Total Cost ($) Generator Breakers TBD PLC Equipment 50,000 W o n d e rwa re 65,000 Motor Starters 74,000 Protective Relays 115,000 4.10 Design Management Describe design review processes that will need to be considered as part of the budgeted project. List the leader of each effort for applicable sections. PPEC Project Scope: Yes OX No O Electrical Design Process: Yes xO No O Environmental Clearances (eGRC): Yes Ox No O TDEC Design Process: Yes OX No O Enterprise Technology Advisory Group (ETAG): Yes xO No O Energy Management System (EMS) Customer Change Request(CCR) : Yes OX No O Other?: Insert text Page 32 Project Plan Idaho Power Company Internal Use Only Power Supply Project Framework Document 4.11 Safety Management Describe safety management plan for the project. Describe how risks will be mitigated and how safety will be managed for the project. Indicate responsible party for Safety Management Plan Is the Safety group aware of this project and prepared to support it? Yes ❑ No ❑X Safety Plan: TBD 4.12 Environmental Compliance Management Describe environmental compliance management plant for the project. Describe how risks will be mitigated and how hazardous waste will be managed for the project. Indicate responsible party for Environmental Compliance Management Plan Is the Environmental Compliance group aware of this project and prepared to support it? Yes ❑ No Environmental Compliance Management Plan: TBD 4.13 Regulatory Requirements Management Provide a description of the regulatory obligations and how they will be managed. List known regulatory r1crymni-ac nr nvrmitting realiirPments. Include known need dates and identified support personnel. Permitting Requirements: TBD Environmental Clearances: TBD FERC Compliance: TBD Hazardous Material: TBD Air Permit: NA Other: NA 4.14 Environmental Affairs Management Describe environmental affairs management plant for the project. Describe how risks will be mitigated and how environmental issues will be managed for the project. Indicate responsible party for Environmental Affairs Management Plan Is the Environmental Affairs group aware of this project and prepared to support it? Yes ❑ No ❑X Environmental Compliance Management Plan: TBD Project Plan Page 33 Power Supply Projects Idaho Power Company Internal Use Only 4.15 Security Management Describe the security management plant. Describe physical and cyber security risks to the project. Describe how access will be provided for service providers. Describe how risks will be mitigated and how security will be managed for the project. Is the Security group aware of this project and prepared to support it? Yes ❑ No ❑X Security Requirements: TBD 4.16 StopH Submit to Board for Phase Review 4.16.1Steps for submittal Update document status in SharePoint Library to "submit" for current phase Project Review Board will indicate when the project will be reviewed. The Project Manager must attend the Project Review Board meeting Projects must be submitted at least one week prior to Project Review Board meeting to be on the agenda 4.16.2The next page will be completed by the Project Review Board Page 34 Project Plan Idaho Power Company Internal Use Only Power Supply Project Framework Document 4.17 Date Project Plan Approved: Plan Approved for Budget 5/25/2021 with completion of 4.10-4.15 planned for later in 2021. The portion of the document submitted for phase review will not be updated after phase approval. Any updates will be reflected in subsequent sections. 4.18 Actions upon phase approval: 4.18.1 Create new MS Project Baseline 4.18.2Verify CLRIS status been updated. 4.18.3Update project status on project review list 4.19 Project Plan Reviewed By: Upon review, reviewers enter name and remarks electronically below. Remarks are: Approve, Reject, Approve w/ comments, Approve after comments resolved. 4.19.1 Reviewed By: Mike Burkholder Remarks: Need to see responses regarding materials and services resolved. 4.19.2Reviewed By: Tim Brown Remarks: Approve w/Comments with additions on Project Team 4.19.3Reviewed By: Garrett Bishop Remarks: Approve 4.19.4Reviewed By: Itsy Tanaka Remarks: Approve 4.19.5Reviewed By: Russell Stamps Remarks: Approve 4.19.6Reviewed By: Insert text Remarks: Insert text Project Plan Page 35