HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240909IPC to Staff 106-112.pdf -UIQAW POWER, MEGAN GOICOECHEA ALLEN Corporate Council RECEIVED Monday, September mgoicoecheaallen(a� IDAHO PUBLIC 20UBLIidahopower.com p C C UTILITIES COMMISSION September 9, 2024 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8, Suite 201-A (83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. IPC-E-24-07 Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Increase Rates for Electric Service to Recover Costs Associated with Incremental Capital Investments and Certain Ongoing Operations and Maintenance Expenses Dear Commission Secretary: Attached for electronic filing, please find Idaho Power Company's Response to the Thirteenth Production Request of the Commission Staff to Idaho Power Company. Due to the collectively voluminous confidential and non-confidential information provided in response to data requests in this case, the Company is posting the attachments to these requests to the secure FTP site to allow parties to view the requested information remotely unless otherwise noted in the response. Because certain attachments contain confidential information, the FTP site is divided between confidential and non-confidential information. The login information for the non-confidential portion of the FTP site has been provided to all parties that have intervened to date. The login information for the confidential portion of the FTP site will be provided to the parties that execute the Protective Agreement in this matter. Given the significant time and resources required to individually label each confidential document contained in the confidential attachments, Idaho Power has instead marked the entirety of the contents contained within Production Response Nos. 107 Confidential Attachment 1, 107 Confidential Attachment 2, 107 Confidential Attachment 3, 107 Confidential Attachment 4, 107 Confidential Attachment 5, and 107 Confidential Attachment 7, confidential by designating the Attachment folder and individual file name as "CONFIDENTIAL". When downloading the zip folder, please save the zip file to your desktop to avoid any errors with the lengthy file names. Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission September 9, 2024 Page 2 If you have any questions about the attached filing, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, i W" & Megan Goicoechea Allen MGA:sg Enclosures CERTIFICATE OF ATTORNEY ASSERTION THAT INFORMATION CONTAINED IN AN IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FILING IS PROTECTED FROM PUBLIC INSPECTION Case No. IPC-E-24-07 Idaho Power Company's Application for Authority to Increase Rates for Electric Service to Recover Costs Associated with Incremental Capital Investments and Certain Ongoing Operations and Maintenance Expenses The undersigned attorney, in accordance with Commission Rules of Procedure 67, believes that some of the attachments to Request Nos. 106,107, 108, 109, 110, 111 and 112 to Idaho Power Company's Response to the Thirteenth Production Request of the Commission Staff dated September 9, 2024, contains information that Idaho Power Company and/or a third party claim are trade secrets, business records of a private enterprise required by law to be submitted to or inspected by a public agency, and/or public records exempt from disclosure by state or federal law (material nonpublic information under U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation FD) as described in Idaho Code § 74-101, et seq., and/or§48-801, et seq. As such, it is protected from public disclosure and exempt from public inspection, examination, or copying. DATED this 9th day of September 2024. Megan Goicoechea Allen Attorney for Idaho Power Company LISA D. NORDSTROM (ISB No. 5733) DONOVAN E. WALKER (ISB No. 5921) MEGAN GOICOECHEA ALLEN (ISB No. 7623) Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 Inordstrom(aMdahopower.com dwalker idahopower.com mgoicoecheaallenCabidahopower.com Attorneys for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO ) CASE NO. IPC-E-24-07 INCREASE RATES FOR ELECTRIC ) SERVICE TO RECOVER COSTS ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ASSOCIATED WITH INCREMENTAL ) RESPONSE TO THE THIRTEENTH CAPITAL INVESTMENTS AND ) PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE CERTAIN ONGOING OPERATIONS ) COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES. ) POWER COMES NOW, Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company"), and in response to the Thirteenth Production Request of the Commission Staff ("Commission" or "Staff") to Idaho Power Company dated August 26, 2024, herewith submits the following information: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRTEENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER - 1 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 106: Please provide a narrative explanation of the need, scope of work, and other solutions considered for Budget ID "UNTY220002 - UNTY Install Satellite to Reduce Ongoing Expenses - Preliminary Scope". Please also provide copies of the invoices for any charges incurred for this project. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 106: The following provides the need and scope of work for Budget ID UNTY220002, the installation of satellite at the Unity substation. Project Need: The need for this project was to improve the reliability of Unity substation's communication service and, in turn, reduce monthly costs. The communication service from Oregon utilities and Centuryl-ink was expensive and did not perform reliably. Further, the service provider notified Idaho Power that service would soon be discontinued. Scope of Work: Substations require stable communication to support metering, remote telemetry, and control operations. The scope of work included adding a satellite dish and associated structural mount, conduits, satellite modem, and ancillary equipment to enable connection to an existing communications multiplexer at Unity substation. Alternative Solutions: The alternative solution considered was to install a radio backhaul system. This radio backhaul option was eliminated because it would require a new intermediate communications site, which includes the added cost of leasing an existing site or building a new site. A new site alone, without Unity changes, would be more costly than the satellite option and is supported by a more general programmatic satellite implementation program, which is not appropriate at this time. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRTEENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER - 2 Invoices: Design and construction costs were associated with internal labor so there are no invoices for this work. Additional miscellaneous services such as equipment rental and soil sampling were performed, and the invoices are included in Response to Request for Production No. 106 — Confidential attachments 1-9. The response to this Request is sponsored by Mitch Colburn, Vice President of Planning, Engineering and Construction, Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRTEENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER - 3 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 107: Please provide a narrative explanation of the need, scope of work, and competitive bids submitted for Budget ID "BOBN200005 — Station Perimeter Security Fence". Please also provide copies of the invoices for any charges incurred for this project. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 107: The following provides the need and scope of work for Budget ID BOBN200005, the installation of the station perimeter security fence. Project Need: The need for this project was to meet identified enhanced security prototype objectives and NERC CIP compliance regulations as more fully described below. Enhanced Security Prototype Objectives: Idaho Power conducted Threat and Vulnerability Assessments ("TVA") of the Boise Bench substation in 2018 as part of its enhanced security and Critical Infrastructure Protection ("CIP") compliance program requirements. The goal was to identify critical assets at each location, measure the risks associated with security threats against those assets, and develop security prototype enhancement recommendations to appropriately mitigate risk. The TVAs were conducted through an internal risk-based model that was created to reflect the Company's risk tolerance for physical security events. Threats to assets were measured in several categories: • Consequence — What would the impact be to Idaho Power (Safety, Compliance, Reputation, Property, Capability and Financially). • Vulnerability— How vulnerable or susceptible are site assets to exploitation, hazard or threat? IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRTEENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER - 4 • Likelihood — How probable is the threat to occur? • Threat — How capable and motivated are the threat actors involved? • Security — How capable are the current security controls? These measurements helped Idaho Power to derive risk scores for individual threats against site assets. Intolerable risk was identified and enhanced security prototype recommendations were developed to mitigate the identified risk to an acceptable level. Collectively, the goal of the security prototype was to recommend enhanced security controls that enable better: detection, deterrence, delay, communication, assessment, monitoring, and response to identified threats. NERC CIP Compliance Requirements: The Boise Bench substation is currently a North American Electric Reliability Corporation ("NERC") CIP medium impact location. The NERC CIP are a set of requirements designed to secure the assets required for operating North America's bulk electric system. The Boise Bench substation is subject to NERC CIP014 and CIP006. CIP014 requires Idaho Power to identify and protect transmission stations and transmission substations, and their associated primary control centers, that if rendered inoperable or damaged as a result of a physical attack could result in instability, uncontrolled separation, or cascading within an interconnection. CIP0141 requires Idaho Power to implement the following at the Boise Bench substation: • Conduct an evaluation of the potential threats and vulnerabilities of a physical attack to each of their respective transmission station(s), transmission substation(s), and primary control center(s). The evaluation should consider: https://www.nerc.com/pa/Stand/Reliability%20Standards/CIP-014-1.pdf IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRTEENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER - 5 o Unique characteristics of the identified and verified transmission station(s), transmission substation(s), and primary control center(s). o Prior history of attack on similar facilities taking into account the frequency, geographic proximity, and severity of past physical security related events. o Intelligence or threat warnings received from sources such as law enforcement, the Electric Reliability Organization ("ERO"), the Electricity Sector Information Sharing and Analysis Center ("ES-ISAC"), U.S. federal and/or Canadian governmental agencies, or their successors. • Develop and implement a documented physical security plan(s) that covers their respective transmission station(s), transmission substation(s), and primary control center(s). The physical security plan(s) shall include the following attributes: o Resiliency or security measures designed collectively to deter, detect, delay, assess, communicate, and respond to potential physical threats and vulnerabilities identified during the evaluation. o Provisions to evaluate evolving physical threats, and their corresponding security measures, to the transmission station(s), transmission substation(s), or primary control center(s). CIP0062 requires Idaho Power to manage physical access to Bulk Electric System Cyber Systems ("BES Cyber Systems") by specifying a physical security plan in support of protecting BES Cyber Systems against compromise that could lead to mis-operation or instability in the bulk electric system. This requires Idaho Power to collectively: 2 https://www.nerc.com/pa/Stand/Reliabilitv%20Standards/CIP-006-6.pdf IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRTEENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER - 6 • Define operational or procedural controls to restrict physical access medium impact BES Cyber Systems. • Utilize two or more different physical access controls to collectively allow unescorted physical access into physical security perimeters to only those individuals who have authorized unescorted physical access. • Monitor for unauthorized access through a physical access point into a physical security perimeter. • Issue an alarm or alert in response to detected unauthorized access through a physical access point into a physical security perimeter. • Monitor each physical access control system for unauthorized physical access to a physical access control system. • Issue an alarm or alert in response to detected unauthorized physical access to a physical access control system. • Log entry of each individual with authorized unescorted physical access into each physical security perimeter, with information to identify the individual and date and time of entry. • Retain physical access logs of entry of individuals with authorized unescorted physical access into each physical security perimeter for at least ninety calendar days. • Restrict physical access to cabling and other nonprogrammable communication components used for connection between applicable cyber assets within the same electronic security perimeter in those instances when such cabling and components are located outside of a physical security perimeter. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRTEENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER - 7 • Require continuous escorted access of visitors within each physical security perimeter. • Require manual or automated logging of visitor entry into and exit from the physical security perimeter that includes date and time of the initial entry and last exit, the visitor's name, and the name of an individual point of contact responsible for the visitor. The controls selected and implemented through this project ensure compliance with all CIP014 and CIP006 requirements. Scope of Work: To meet the identified enhanced security prototype objectives, as well as the NERC CIP compliance regulations, several security controls were identified and implemented through the scope of this project: • Security Fencing and Gates— Previous to the project, the chain link fence surrounding the locations offered negligible risk reduction against threats identified in the TVA. The chain link fences were not anti-cut (threats can use common snipping tools and defeat the fence in under a minute), anti-climb, provided no dig protection, offered full opacity of sight lines to critical assets and were shorter than Idaho Power's physical security standard fence height requirements. The fence's enhanced security requirements were designed to better meet the collective security requirements. The height of the fence, the anti-cut, anti-climb, and anti- dig properties, along with 0 percent opacity enable a superior deterrence and delay time. These attributes, in conjunction with other security controls implemented, enabled an improved security posture and helped Idaho Power's security team address risks identified by the TVA. Security objectives satisfied —deter and delay. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRTEENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER - 8 • Security Camera and Analytics — enhanced security cameras brought better picture, integrated infrared lighting, on-board Artificial Intelligence ("Al") analytics features such as human and vehicle object detection. Visual gaps were filled by adding additional cameras along the fence line to provide better detection capabilities along site perimeters. Security objectives satisfied — detect, deter, assess, and respond. • Vehicle Crash Gates - the Boise Bench substation security fence line contains one M30/P2 crash rated gate arm. The crash gate was installed at the west entry to the facility and is rated to stop impact from a 15,000-pound vehicle moving at 30 miles per hour. Security objectives satisfied — deter and delay. • Annunciators and Horns — Boise Bench substation has networked annunciators, strobes and horns deployed on site. These devices enable operators at a remote monitoring center to respond to unauthorized access attempts through the sounding of horns, audio playback, or live voice broadcasting. Security objectives satisfied — deter, detect, assess, respond, and communicate. Along with the physical security benefits, which enable Idaho Power to satisfy NERC CIP requirements, the Company also gained operational benefits, such as the ability to automate entry and exit into the facility and provide remote viewing of onsite assets to operations employees located elsewhere. This project also provided enhanced safety due to more secure fencing to keep members of the public out of the substation, which reduces the probability of an electrical contact by a member of the public. Competitive Bids: The Request for Proposal ("RFP") and bid submittals are included in Response to Request for Production No. 107 — Confidential Attachments 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRTEENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER - 9 through 6 and invoices are included in Response to Request for Production No. 107 — Confidential Attachment 7. The response to this Request is sponsored by Mitch Colburn, Vice President of Planning, Engineering and Construction, Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRTEENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER - 10 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 108: Please provide a narrative explanation of the need, other solutions considered, and competitive bids submitted for Budget ID "B01000304 — Multifunction devices, plotters, printers". Please explain what was done with the existing devices and provide copies of any invoices for charges incurred for this project. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 108: The following provides the need for this project, which involved the maintenance and/or upgrading of the current printer fleet with multifunction devices, plotters, and printers. Project Need: The primary need was due to the age of the equipment. The average life of the printers targeted for replacement over the last year is seven years old or greater. Some of these printers are also in outlying areas that are difficult to get to if the current printer experiences a failure. Based on the experience of other like size/volume Fisher's customers in Boise, the Company can estimate replacement years, usage, discontinued models, and budget accordingly. In addition, the service provider indicated there are no known evolutionary technology changes forecasted over the next 5 years that would change the Company's printer fleet optimization model. Alternative Solutions: Another consideration implemented was a "run to failure" model in the Boise downtown area where there are a couple of pool printers in stock that provided Idaho Power with the ability to replace printers when they fail instead of life- cycling printers that are still operational. This has reduced the number of replacements needed. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRTEENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER - 11 Competitive Bids: In 2021 the Company launched a competitive RFP, and a new purchase and services agreement was signed in 2022 that resulted in lower device prices. The devices that are replaced have their hard drives removed and are sent to Investment Recovery for proper disposal. Please see the Response to Request for Production No. 108 — Confidential Attachments 1 through 11 for invoices for charges incurred during this time period. The response to this Request is sponsored by Mitch Colburn, Vice President of Planning, Engineering and Construction, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRTEENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER - 12 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 109: Please provide an Excel workbook which identifies all software licenses addressed under Budget ID "PLZ1150014 — 2024 Microsoft Licensing True-Up". For each software, please provide the quantity of existing and newly purchased licenses, individual purchase price, quantity assigned, and explanation for any unassigned licenses and how this aligns with business needs since January 1, 2024. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 109: Budget ID PLZ1150014 is the capital purchase component of the Microsoft Windows Server Data Center licenses and Microsoft SQL Enterprise licenses to accommodate for expansion of the Company's computing and database processing requirements. These products are sold in "2-core" packs with a minimum purchase of 8 pack blocks for Windows Server Data Center and SQL Enterprise minimum of 1 pack (2-core). "Core" refers to the number of physical cores on the host server running the software. Please see the Response to Request for Production No. 109 — Confidential Attachment 1 for a table of licenses addressed under Budget ID PLZ1150014. Invoices reflect additional cloud-only services added to the Idaho Power M365 subscriptions and are charged to operations and maintenance expense ("O&M"). Invoice 1318041217 (provided as the Response to Request for Production No. 109 — Confidential Attachment 2) reflects Windows Server Data Center license-only with no Software Assurance. Software Assurance ("SA") is a variable benefit to licenses that can be added to enable things such as mobility frequency across Virtualization Hosts and "free" (non- licensed) failover systems. The Company does not need this service on all licenses and this service is charged to O&M. For the 8 licenses for Windows Server Data Center in IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRTEENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER - 13 Invoice 9882882146 (provided as the Response to Request for Production No. 109 — Confidential Attachment 3) and the 2 licenses of SQL Enterprise on Invoice 9882881202 (provided as the Response to Request for Production No. 109 — Confidential Attachment 4), Software Assurance is included in the cost and capital and O&M components are separated by Idaho Power. SA is paid annually as an O&M expense as part of the 5-year Enterprise Agreement for all existing licenses, so the SA is provided, per product, as a line item on the Consumer Pricing Sheet ("CPS") and thus the Company is able to calculate the SA for these new licenses purchased. Licenses purchased during the annual True-Up within the five-year agreement must pay the remaining years of SA. Because this was year one of the 2023-2028 agreement, the SA for four years was charged to O&M for each license. All licenses purchased at True-Up are immediately in operation in the Idaho Power environment by the time of purchase. No purchased licenses are not in production, as the mechanism of True-Up is to license systems already in production. Purchased and in- production quantities are: • Windows Server Data Center: Cost is $733.02 per 2 cores. Total license purchase in 2024 totals $43,891 plus tax. Each physical server requires either 16 or 20 cores.120 cores (60 2-core packs) were purchased in 2024, bringing our grand total to 1,218 cores (609 2-core packs). • SQL Enterprise: License cost is $19,361.96 per 2-core pack. Two 2-core packs were purchased in 2024 (total of 4 cores) for $38,117 plus tax. Remaining invoice cost is four years of SA on these two licenses. Total licenses owned and in production are 67 (total of 134 cores). IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRTEENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER - 14 The response to this Request is sponsored by Mitch Colburn, Vice President of Planning, Engineering and Construction, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRTEENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER - 15 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 110: Please provide a narrative explanation of the need, scope of work, and other solutions considered for Budget ID "CHQB180060 — IEE License Expansion 2024". Please provide the invoices for this project. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 110: Idaho Power was required to expand the number of licenses for the meter data management system, Itron Enterprise Edition ("IEE"), due to customer growth. Each endpoint in IEE requires one license. As of March 2024, the Company was licensed for 640,000 endpoints plus a 5 percent buffer and had 635,000 active endpoints in the IEE system. Idaho Power experiences an average endpoint increase of 1,200 a month and the Company was expecting to reach 640,000 endpoints by July 2024. Licenses are available in blocks of 20,000. Idaho Power purchased 20,000 more endpoint licenses in May 2024. This capital license purchase expanded the number of licensed IEE endpoints by 20,000 to meet current needs. Idaho Power changed its license purchase strategy from purchasing large numbers of endpoints to more frequent smaller numbers that more closely track actual growth. This approach minimizes ongoing costs that add no value by paying for licenses when needed versus purchasing larger quantities of licenses, some of which would not soon be leveraged. Please see the Response to Request for Production No. 110 — Confidential Attachment for the invoice for this project. The response to this Request is sponsored by Mitch Colburn, Vice President of Planning, Engineering and Construction, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRTEENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER - 16 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 111: As a follow-up to Production Request No. 53 for Budget ID "CHQB190012 Bathroom/Core Upgrade Each Floor At CHQ", please provide the following: a. Narrative explanation of the storm water damage; b. Bids submitted; c. All related invoices; and d. Insurance coverage amount received by the Company and how it was applied to the total project costs. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 111: a. Due to heavy rains in the downtown Boise area, the city streets flooded causing the check valve at the CHQ building's stormwater discharge to fail. This caused the CHQ drainpipe to back up and the pressure caused the drain to detach at the lowest 90-degree elbow, above the basement restrooms/locker rooms. This occurred in the evening, when employees were not around. Thousands of gallons of water from both the CHQ roof and the surrounding flooded streets poured into the area prior to security being alerted by the fire alarm system. The flooding spread throughout the basement, covering the entire floor with 1 — 2 inches of water. The water also got into all the floor mounted heating units in the basement, shorting them out. Multiple areas needed new sheetrock, baseboard, and electrical repairs due to the damage. b. The bids received are included as Response to Request for Production No. 111 - Confidential Attachments 1 through 3. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRTEENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER - 17 c. All related invoices are included as Response to Request for Production No. 111 — Confidential Attachment 4. d. Idaho Power did not received insurance proceeds as the damage was below the per occurrence retention level provided by the policy. The response to this Request is sponsored by Mitch Colburn, Vice President of Planning, Engineering and Construction, Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRTEENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER - 18 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 112: In reference to the Company's response to Staff Production Request No. 36, please provide normalized actual monthly sales, revenues, and billing determinants from August 2023 through July 2024. Please treat this as an ongoing request, supplementing it for subsequent months when actual amounts for each month are known. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 112: Please see Confidential Attachment 1 for normalized sales, revenue, billing determinants, and associated workpapers for January—July 2024. Please note that this is an approximation, and it is subject to change when the final weather models are developed. Please see Confidential Attachment 2 for normalized sales, revenue, billing determinants, and associated workpapers for August — December 2023. - Green tabs contain the finalized requested data - Red tabs contain the hard-coded 2024 actuals data. - Blue tabs organize data from the red tabs. The response to this Request is sponsored by Jessi Brady, Senior Regulatory Analyst, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRTEENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER - 19 DATED at Boise, Idaho, this 9t" day of September 2024. MEGAN GOICOECHEA ALLEN Attorney for Idaho Power Company LISA D. NORDSTROM Attorney for Idaho Power Company DONOVAN E. WALKER Attorney for Idaho Power Company MEGAN GOICOECHEA ALLEN Attorney for Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRTEENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER - 20 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 9t" day of September 2024, 1 served a true and correct copy of Idaho Power Company's Response to the Thirteenth Production Request of the Commission Staff to Idaho Power upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Hand Delivered Chris Burdin U.S. Mail Deputy Attorney General Overnight Mail Idaho Public Utilities Commission FAX 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg No. 8 FTP Site Suite 201-A (83714) X Email Chris.Burdin(c�puc.idaho.gov PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Industrial Customers of Idaho Power Hand Delivered Peter J. Richardson U.S. Mail Richardson Adams, PLLC Overnight Mail 515 N. 27' Street FAX Boise, Idaho 83702 FTP Site X Email peterC@richardsonadams.com Dr. Don Reading Hand Delivered 280 Silverwood Way U.S. Mail Eagle, Idaho 83616 Overnight Mail FAX FTP Site X Email dreading(@mindspring.com Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Hand Delivered Inc. U.S. Mail Eric L. Olsen Overnight Mail ECHO HAWK & OLSEN, PLLC FAX 505 Pershing Avenue, Suite 100 FTP Site P.O. Box 6119 X Email elo _echohawk.com Pocatello, Idaho 83205 Lance Kaufman, Ph.D. Hand Delivered 2623 NW Bluebell Place U.S. Mail Corvallis, OR 97330 Overnight Mail FAX FTP Site X Email lance aegisinsight.com IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRTEENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER - 21 Idaho Conservation League Hand Delivered Brad Heusinkveld U.S. Mail 710 N. 6t" Street Overnight Mail Boise, Idaho 83702 FAX FTP Site X Email bheusinkveld c(D,.idahoconservation.org Micron Technology, Inc. Hand Delivered Austin Rueschhoff U.S. Mail Thorvald A. Nelson Overnight Mail Austin W. Jensen FAX Kristine A.K. Roach FTP Site Holland & Hart LLP X Email 555 17t" Street, Suite 3200 darueschhoff(a)hol land hart.com Denver, CO 80202 tnelson(a)hol land hart.com awjensen _hol land hart.corn karoachC@hollandhart.com aclee hollandhart.com mamcmillen(o)hol land hart.com Jim Swier Hand Delivered Micron Technology, Inc. U.S. Mail 8000 South Federal Way Overnight Mail Boise, ID 83707 FAX FTP Site X Email Iswier(o)micron.com City of Boise Hand Delivered Ed Jewell U.S. Mail Deputy City Attorney Overnight Mail Boise City Attorney's Office FAX 150 N. Capitol Blvd. FTP Site P.O. Box 500 X Email Boise, Idaho 83701 BoiseCityAttorneV(a-)_cityofboise.org e newel I6a)cityofboise.org IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRTEENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER - 22 Steven Hubble Hand Delivered Boise City Dept. of Public Works U.S. Mail 150 N. Capitol Blvd. Overnight Mail P.O. Box 500 FAX Boise, Idaho 83701-0500 FTP Site X Email sh u bbleCcDcityofboise.org Federal Executive Agencies Hand Delivered Peter Meier U.S. Mail Emily W. Medlyn Overnight Mail U.S. Department of Energy FAX 1000 Independence Ave., S.W. FTP Site Washington, DC 20585 X Email Pete r.meier(o-)hg.doe.gov emily.medlyn(a-),hg.doe.gov Stacy Gust, Regulatory Administrative Assistant IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRTEENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER - 23